Thursday, August 20, 2020

Stocking the swamp.

 TWEET MEI was talking to a friend of mine today who happens to be black and works in law enforcement, and she told me in no uncertain terms that she was going to vote for Donald trump. Of course I wanted to know why. "A black person supporting Donald trump? Isn't that like a Turkey supporting Thanksgiving?" I was serious. I just couldn't understand that line of thinking. She then proceeded to tell me how the democrats want to defund police departments, how Donald trump is a friend of law enforcement, and how Joe Biden will cuddle criminals. I tried to explain and reason with her, but I could tell it was too late. The trump propaganda machine had already done it's job. 

Of course this young lady worked in law enforcement, and trump's us against them campaign has her thinking that as a law enforcement official she has to ride with team trump or lose her way of making a living. 

The irony of all this, of course, is that Donald trump is the most lawless president in the history of the United States. Just look at the people he surrounded himself with during his rise to power. Most of them are either in jail, served time in jail, or pled to crimes they committed. 

Today, yet another one of trump's cohorts was charged with a crime. 

"Washington — Former White House adviser Stephen Bannon has pleaded not guilty to charges of wire fraud and money laundering Thursday, after federal prosecutors in New York announced that Bannon and three others were indicted for allegedly defrauding donors to a $25 million fundraising campaign to build a wall along the southern border. 

Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Audrey Strauss said Bannon, Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea were arrested Thursday morning. Bannon was taken into custody by agents from the U.S. Postal Service off the coast of Connecticut on a 152-foot yacht registered to exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, law enforcement sources said. The indictment was unsealed Thursday morning. 

Bannon was released on $5 million bond Thursday afternoon, and must forfeit his passport. He can only travel to D.C., Maryland, Connecticut for work, and the Eastern and Southern district of New York."

It doesn't get anymore swampy than this, folks. Defrauding donors who wanted to build a wall because their political leader told them that it was the thing to do. 

Today Mr. trump denied knowing of the scheme, but I am sure we will soon learn that he is lying. It fits his modus operandi. We will see how far he throws Mr. Bannon under the bus. Or, if as he did with Roger Stone, he promises him  pardon if he is convicted.

"I haven’t been dealing with him at all. I know nothing about the project other than I didn’t like what I read about it,” Trump said. “I thought that was a project that was being done for showboating reasons. I don’t know that he was in charge. I didn’t know any of the other people either, but it’s sad. It’s very sad.”

After that, a reporter confronted Trump with a list of his former allies and campaign officials who have been convicted for criminal conduct over the course of his presidency. Specifically, the president was asked “what’s it say about your judgment” that he has a “culture of lawlessness” surrounding himself.

Trump dodged the question at first to speak about “the great lawlessness in the Obama administration,” but then he went back to stress that he was not involved in Bannon’s crowdfunding campaign. He went on to claim “we built a very powerful wall,” continued to disown Bannon’s campaign, and said the wall should be made by the government rather than a privately financed endeavor."

That didn't take long. 



  1. Your friend can't be too bright.

  2. Anyhoo, anybody know when trump's health care plan is coming? It's been over 4 years, he said it was coming in two weeks over two weeks ago. Maybe he's lying?

  3. Of course he's lying. Kris the fuck Kobach got him to "give his blessing" to the project when it began. There's always a tweet.

    "Bannon was taken into custody by agents from the U.S. Postal Service off the coast of Connecticut on a 152-foot yacht registered to exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, law enforcement sources said."

    People use the word karma incorrectly to describe stuff like this.
    Karma means destiny. This is good old fashioned poetic justice.
    Smart crooks have long known better than to fuck with investigators from the USPS, who have the most investigatory leeway of any law enforcement. Bannon is not a smart anything, let alone crook.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous11:55 PM

    "'I haven’t been dealing with him at all. I know nothing about the project other than I didn’t like what I read about it,' Trump said. 'I thought that was a project that was being done for showboating reasons.'"

    As opposed to Trump's official wall which is ... not showboating at all. When is Mexico gonna pay for it again?


  5. The Republicans: previously represented by an elephant, now a poop emoji12:29 AM

    Uh-oh, the Democrats better watch out. Look who are the superstar guest speakers at the RNC!

    What a masterful move. How ever can Biden possibly win now?

  6. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Steve Bannon was just a coffee boy!

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:03 AM

    Dinthebeast said...

    People use the word karma incorrectly to describe stuff like this.
    Karma means destiny. This is good old fashioned poetic justice.

    Doug, I have found some similar but broader definitions of Karma than what you have described here.

    1. As you sow, so shall you reap. To receive happiness, peace, love, and friendship, one must BE happy, peaceful, loving, and a true friend.

    2. Whatever one puts out into the Universe will come back to them.

    3. The sum and the consequences of a person's actions during successive phases of existence....

  8. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Karma is Hillary losing to Trump in 2016, and Biden losing to him in 2020.

  9. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I saw the clip.

    Donald Trump NEVER called the neo nazis "very fine people".

    That didn’t happen.

    Biden is a liar, and he can go fuck himself for treating the public as if they are too stupid to know better.

  10. I have some friends who were high-level judo competitors, and they used to correct me when I used the word karma to mean poetic justice, and that's sort of stuck with me, as they are impressive folks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends ban on protesters on her block: "I have a right to make sure that my home is secure"


  12. I saw the clip.
    Donald Trump NEVER called the neo nazis "very fine people".
    That didn’t happen.

    Here's the clip. It happened. The pull quote is "You also had people... that were very fine people...on both sides."
    Yeah, he said a bunch of other truculent bullshit along with it, but the fucking English language is the fucking English language and the despicable fuck said the despicable thing and no amount of you wanting to deny it will make it not so.
    And are you ashamed that your fire god says shit like that? Why are you denying that he said it? I thought you would be defending that sort of statement, depending upon which exact anonymous troll you are.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  13. Doug from Nowhere2:41 AM

    "Yeah, he said a bunch of other truculent bullshit"

    But I'm still going to pretend he said what I need for him to have said because I'm a twisted useless fuck whose own impotence requires me to justify my insane hatred by embracing lies.

  14. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Cool stories Doug.

  15. I disagree with Doug @ 10:02 PM. Bannon and all wingnuts were destined to be fucking crooks and criminal enterprises.

    Al Gore never said he invented the internet and wingnuts swear he did.

  16. "Bannon is not a smart anything"

    Which makes him a perfect Republican.

  17. Given the struggle with perceiving the meaning of the phrase "defund the police" I'm wondering whether we're not seeing another instance of cultural jujitsu wherein the very thing (notion or phrase or whatever) chosen to represent resistance to a hegemonic dynamic ends up (inadvertantly) creating support for it.

    Our culture is well and truly skilled at such maneuvers.

    Racism (and other isms of oppression) haven't lasted as long as they have just because of "bad people". I suspect many of us are deluded by our culture in ways we don't recognize.

  18. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Biden gave a somewhat coherent speech so he's good to go for live debates. Good news!

  19. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Joe Biden has been in the US government for 48 years and just now wants to "Build Back Better".
    Why the delay?
    What does that say about Obama? Evidently Obama was not "building" anything "better".

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:36 AM

    Dinthebeast said....

    Here's the clip. It happened. The pull quote is "You also had people... that were very fine people...on both sides."
    Yeah, he said a bunch of other truculent bullshit along with it, but the fucking English language is the fucking English language and the despicable fuck said the despicable thing and no amount of you wanting to deny it will make it not so.

    1:47 AM
    Something is seriously wrong with people who deny truth when proof is provided. Trump practices this all the time and must be fact-checked constantly via video shots of him saying outrageous things that he denies having said. It is not surprising that his paid trolls follow his example.

  21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Joe Biden has been in the US government for 48 years and just now wants to "Build Back Better".

    Yeah, you know, more equality for everyone. It's been a long hard struggle since the War of the Rebellion which began April 12,1861. Apparently you were not aware of that, but then maybe having some sense of history is too difficult for anonymous trolls?

    BTW, One single individual alone cannot "build it back better," but one single individual can sure as hell wreck things as Donald Trump has proven.

  22. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Thanks for the deflection granny, we can always depend on you to be obtuse.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the deflection granny, we can always depend on you to be obtuse.

    10:59 AM
    What deflection would that be Gutless one?

  24. My brother-in-law, who has African heritage, voted for Trump in the last election. I've tried to explain to him that Republicans are not friends of the working class. But, apparently, the politics of hate appeals to him. He thinks immigrants are a major problem and the border wall is a great idea.

  25. Ed's Black Brother-in-Law1:41 PM

    "He thinks immigrants are a major problem and the border wall is a great idea."

    Unsustainable levels of mass immigration coupled with anti-assimilationist policies and the inculcation of hostility toward the legacy population is a problem. The common culture is being dismantled and the middle class is being destroyed by the lowering of wages as the labor supply explodes.

    We can see the results as our country is being torn apart by increasingly extreme and hateful political movements.

    It is time for a moratorium on all immigration to give all the people here now the opportunity to form a common culture, whatever that might look like. The country most certainly will not survive the Democrat plan to import 100 million new people this decade.

    That's why I'm voting for Trump again in 2020.

  26. "... Democrat plan to import 100 million new people"

    That's pure nonsense and another Republican lie. Just like you're lying about being my brother-in-law.

    Anyone with common sense knows Republicans are grifters who entice imbeciles to vote for them. If you're a single issue voter, they have your number.

    Attempts at immigration reform have been blocked by Republicans to maintain this wedge issue to keep racists stirred-up. Trump took full advantage of that, coming down the escalator in 2015 and calling Mexicans rapists. Ironic since Trump is the real rapist - underage girls and all.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:44 PM

    Ed said...

    "... Democrat plan to import 100 million new people"

    That's pure nonsense and another Republican lie. Just like you're lying about being my brother-in-law.
    Thanks Ed. You speak the truth well and simple enough for a Trumpie to understand it.

  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    "calling Mexicans rapists"

    Another lie, just like the "very fine people" lie.

    It's obvious you entire reaction to Trump is irrational when you have to make up things he said to justify hating him.

  29. Fergus thinks dead registered voters are answering polls.
    This man should not be entrusted with any position of authority greater than "Would you like fries with that?"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. John Hayward3:55 PM

    It's especially laughable to see someone like "Put Y'All Back in CHAINZZZ" Joe Biden pushed as some kind of unifying figure, at the head of a deeply totalitarian party with an entirely compulsive agenda. They couldn't stop telling us how "dark" and evil we all are.

    But nobody else is, or should be, presented as some great unifier either. We have some great and significant divisions to work out. We have to learn how to live with some disagreements that may be irreconcilable. We deserve better than to be patronized as squabbling children.

    Our public servants are supposed to be just that: SERVANTS. They don't settle our arguments and force some phony manufactured "consensus" on us. They don't get to decide whose inalienable rights should be alienated. Free people don't need a national Mommy or Daddy.

    And you can't get around how bitterly divisive the Democrat agenda is, how even NOW they refuse to denounce political violence for the "right" causes. They're not looking for "unity," they're hoping for a conquest. There's nothing in life they don't want to politicize.

    Trump is more honest about what a politician is, and the overall public reaction to him is healthier. And for all of his bluster, all his rhetoric, he's a fundamentally HUMBLE chief executive. The most unlikely messenger of humility imaginable, sure, but these are unlikely times.

    Trump respects the boundaries of his office more than most of his predecessors, and he damn well lacks the hubris of his predecessor. Trump lashes out at his adversaries - far more than he really should - but he always speaks of the American people with reverence.

    The clarifying moment of 2016 was Hillary's ugly "Basket of Deplorables" crack, and it's the clarifying moment of 2020 too. Her party absolutely still sees America that way. They just spent several days proving it at their condescending, arrogant convention.

    You won't find a speck of real humility in that whole DNC, aside from the odd transparently phony rhetorical jab at loving America, using stale rhetoric that was probably first banged onto mimeograph paper with a manual typewriter 50 years ago.

    The entire Dem platform is about what a broken country America is, how it can only be fixed through their wise stewardship, how we can't be trusted to make ANY of the important decisions for ourselves, how we're all guilty and need punishment, how only they can bring "justice."

    An awful lot of what the elite sneeringly deride as populism or nationalism is really humility - above all the fundamental humility of understanding that an American president's solemn duty is to the American people, ALL of them.

    All I hear is Democrats telling us that foreign nationals are better than we are, that they should have our jobs and enjoy taxpayer-funded benefits, that we should obey some "world community" instead of pursuing our own interests, that our history and culture are garbage.

    Not a one of them would be capable of saying the sort of thing that comes to Trump easily about the value of America, her people, her history, economy, and culture. Trump could annihilate Biden in a debate just by daring him to say those things.

    Unlikely agent of humility indeed! It's hard to think of many people who have a higher opinion of themselves than Donald Trump. But he keeps saying he has an even higher opinion of America, and he sounds like he means it. More importantly, he ACTS like he means it.

  31. Democratic National Clown Convention3:59 PM

    Hunter Biden vouching for Joe Biden's honesty is like Bill Clinton vouching for Jeffrey Epstein's morals.

  32. So how long before Conway, Parscale and Stepien are indicted? They're the only Fergus campaign managers so far who haven't been, so it's probably just a matter of time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons4:22 PM

    John Hayward said..Trump is more honest about what a politician is..."

    That's as far as I got. Donnie Favors wants a monument? I say we give him one and we can call it the Stinx.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "calling Mexicans rapists"

    Another lie, just like the "very fine people" lie.

    3:49 PM.
    You must live on another planet, Anon. Trump said both of those things and many more. We all heard him say them on live TV. Are we supposed to believe your denials when we saw and heard what we saw and heard? Why don't you just give it up, Anon? Go to a blog where the people are mostly low-information voters. You are wasting your time here.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:33 PM

    John Hayward said...

    It's especially laughable to see someone like "Put Y'All Back in CHAINZZZ" Joe Biden pushed as some kind of unifying figure, at the head of a deeply totalitarian party with an entirely compulsive agenda. They couldn't stop telling us how "dark" and evil we all are.
    Hey, John, did you write this opinion piece yourself? I didn't see one single reference to a source where you might have gotten some evidence to support your claims. You must think we who frequent this blog are low-information voters. I assure you that does not describe us.

    We do have a few low-information trolls who post nonsense nearly every day, and it's fun to refute their arguments. But you post is just plain propaganda straight from the camp of the orange demon. LOL!

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:37 PM

    Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons said...

    John Hayward said..Trump is more honest about what a politician is..."

    That's as far as I got. Donnie Favors wants a monument? I say we give him one and we can call it the Stinx.

    4:22 PM
    Great post! I am ROTF LMAO!

  37. Stocking the morgues with bodies by drumpf.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Nearly 1700 moar countable bodies for drumpf's personal edification. Wonder if he masturbates when gazing at how many people have died because of his incompetence?

  38. Yo Doug, do you know personally a lady called Deborah Volunteer in Oakland? I received a hand written postcard with a note asking me to be sure to fill out absentee ballot as soon as I get it and vote for Theresa Greenfield for iowa Senate. Even had my name spelled right and the address was correct.

  39. John Hayward4:55 PM

    "You must think we who frequent this blog are low-information voters"

    Actually, you are better described a misinformation voters.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:09 PM

    John Hayward said...

    "You must think we who frequent this blog are low-information voters"

    Actually, you are better described a misinformation voters.

    4:55 PM
    Really? At least we post sources for our claims. That's more than I can say for you. You seem to think that we should just take your word for it.


    Bannon and triple amputee grifter are really shitty people who deserve decades in prison for stealing monies from unsuspecting stooges and using it for personal pleasures.

    The 3 amp POS is a particularly nasty POS and uses drumpf tactics to accuse people in his way of all kinds of unproven crimes to intimidate them.

    Then you find the drumpf criminal enterprise is balls deep in this shit and just lie about it like they always do.

  42. drumpf has a knack for keeping the bodies dying every day.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Pushing 2000 today and it ain't over 'til its over. Maybe drumpf is handing out Oleandrin on Penns Avenue.

  43. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Coronavirus is a democrat disease.

  44. Hate Hoax Update:

    Sabrina Princess Belcher campaigned to be the "first black female mayor" for Sumter, S.C. She thought it would be a good campaign tactic to stage a fake kidnapping of herself and stream it live on Facebook:

  45. Incompetent answer from incompetent stoopid fucking Bubba Smollet.

  46. According to WAPO, drumpf re-appointment committee has spent moar than a billion bucks so far, a record.

  47. drumpf campaign had til today to hand over its evidence of widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, to a drumpf appointed judge, and failed, just like he fails at everything else.


  49. Last body count call today...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Remember, this is all a hoax.

  50. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Remember, this is all a hoax."

    No, it's just the flu.

  51. God really hates trump. First the coronavirus ruined the economy and now she's sending not one but two hurricanes during the RNC. He is scheduled to speak outside so either it will storm or he will be drowned out by protesters. Good luck Donnie.

  52. A plague, a depression, civil unrest, wildfires, hurricanes; what next, locusts? Oh right, we already have murder hornets.

    If God's angry, then of what national sins must we repent? Racism? The Bomb? Empire? Oligarchy? Corporate personhood? All of the above and more?


  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 PM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    drumpf campaign had til today to hand over its evidence of widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, to a drumpf appointed judge, and failed, just like he fails at everything else.

    8:18 PM
    Yeah, Mike, it's hard to understand why all the Trumpies stick with him. He fails at everything he attempts.

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 PM

    Yes all of the above and more, PilotX.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:55 PM

    OOPS! I meant to say Paradoctor. Sorry, my bad. LOL!

  57. Murder Joggers11:40 PM

    Paradoctor said...
    "A plague, a depression, civil unrest, wildfires, hurricanes; what next, locusts? Oh right, we already have murder hornets."

    Don't forget negroes....

  58. "Yo Doug, do you know personally a lady called Deborah Volunteer in Oakland? I received a hand written postcard with a note asking me to be sure to fill out absentee ballot as soon as I get it and vote for Theresa Greenfield for iowa Senate. Even had my name spelled right and the address was correct."

    Nope, don't know her, but the "postcards to voters" project is a really good way to get involved in politics when your other resources are limited.
    At least until the postal service is fully trashed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Anonymous12:07 AM

    "I received a hand written postcard with a note asking me to be sure to fill out absentee ballot as soon as I get it and vote for Theresa Greenfield for iowa Senate."

    mike follows orders from random postcards sent by people he doesn't know.

    "Greetings from Sunny California! Go fuck yourself!"

  60. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons12:22 AM

    Just looked at the Dictators' Playbook episode about the reign of Mussolini. The parallels between Il Duce and Il Douche are scary.

  61. You're a fag12:44 AM

    "The parallels between Il Duce and Il Douche are scary."

    Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared. Except you.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:49 AM

    Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons said...

    Just looked at the Dictators' Playbook episode about the reign of Mussolini. The parallels between Il Duce and Il Douche are scary.

    12:22 AM
    Yes, it is scary. From the beginning, Trump has followed the standard dictator playbook. Attack the press; create scapegoats; belittle science, education, compassion and caring about other people. Incite hate, punish everyone who doesn't do exactly what you want them to do, and lie constantly.

    We must all vote Trump out in November if we want to save our country and our democracy.

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:53 AM

    Murder Joggers said...

    Don't forget negroes....

    11:40 PM-

    Don't forget white supremacists, Nazis, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, and all the other haters in our once great country.,

  64. Anonymous12:56 AM

    "our once great country"

    When was America great?

  65. No clear data as to how many Americans are buying this, "Law and Order President," but it does seem to be working on the majority of police officer's associations. This can be a force at the polls with the, "Cops Voting Guide," pamphlets.

    The law and order angle also provides convenient cover for the racist dog whistles. Black Lives Matter protestors are painted in the same brush as dangerous anarchists. The worst anti-police violence is always ascribed to Soros-funded and well-organized Antifa by such news outlets as the UK's Daily Mail and local newspapers across the U.S. without a shred of evidence to connect Antifa.

    It's a strong motivator in our society. Trump is playing it well. As violent youth seem to purposefully play right into his hands.

  66. Anonymous1:28 AM

    "The worst anti-police violence is always ascribed to Soros-funded and well-organized Antifa by such news outlets as the UK's Daily Mail and local newspapers across the U.S. without a shred of evidence to connect Antifa."

    Except of course thousands of videos of self-identified Antifa and BLM activists looting, burning, and assaulting all over the fucking country. Which mainstream media propaganda outfits studiously ignore.

    The majority of people don't want to put a party that's sending violent terrorists out to intimidate voters back in power. Anyone who equates calls to defend civilization to "racist dog whistles" is a feckless cunt.

  67. These fuckers can't follow a law to save their own skin and they call US anarchists?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  68. Anonymous2:25 AM

    From the beginning I've always believed that democrats should be allowed to kick people in the face. They should also be allowed to escape any criminal prosecution for said kicking in the face. It's a reparative type of justice. The great part of this type of justice is that it goes on and on and on. I mean after all, the person being kicked is just a Nazi. Look it up on twitter.

  69. I was trying to tie the topic back to Field's recent post about how Trump is betting the farm that Americans are still deeply racist. The crazed couple that brandished firearms at passing protestors have been given a speaking role in the RNC convention for heaven's sake.

    Recent protests that have taken place since June had an epicenter in Minneapolis following the violent death of George Floyd. Fact-finding organizations have pored over arrest records and statements of individuals arrested for committing acts of violence. There has been scant evidence of Antifa playing any role at all in the unrest. Yet Trump has been tweeting daily assigning violence to Antifa, I say again without any evidence. It is very important to right-wing hate groups and the alt-right activists to have Antifa classified as a terrorist organization. They will pump out disinformation to that end.

    So it's a shadowy world with some bad players. Much violence has been perpetrated by local agitators with no affiliation to a philosophy such as Antifa or Black Lives Matter. What's more these alt-right groups may impersonate Antifa with fake Twitter accounts. It's difficult to know exactly what is true.

    But as for me, I'm going to take anything that Trump says with a big rock of salt. I don't trust that guy to give me change for a five.

    Ironically Black Lives Matter and Antifa are some of the most beautiful people living in the U.S. today. But the right-wing crazies love to pore over hours of raw footage until they can find some black people saying something stupid or maybe making themselves a nuisance and these sick fucks post the videos and send them to each other with their amplifying words of hate. I see it every day. And I'm guessing I don't even see the worst of it from the hardcore 4chan and the most dangerous right-wing groups and hate websites.

    I don't want any part of it. We do need to hold police departments more responsible for the actions of their officers. This is no time to double down and deny the legitimate right of the protestors to speak out.

  70. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons4:50 AM

    a fag said...

    Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared. Except you.

    12:44 AM

    You get zero points for originality.* Watch this:

    Somebody told me to bring a quart of beer and a fish sandwich to the green trailer next to the drain field if I wanted to have a good time. That was about twenty four years ago...Hello son.

    BTW, I've had better.

    *This marks the last time I will dignify a silly remark on this blog. Tell me if I'm wrong. Your great grandfather came to America around 1910. He married your great grandmother and got a job in the mine. You were the class clown in high school. You grew up a member of the 4-H club and got an Associate degree from city college. The divorce wiped you out. You are a sad pathetic creature with fingers for toes. Therein go, bruh!

  71. Except of course thousands of videos of self-identified Antifa and BLM activists looting, burning, and assaulting all over the fucking country. Which mainstream media propaganda outfits studiously ignore.

    Total fab. Pants On Fire bullshit. Prove it!

  72. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Birds of a feather my friend birds of a feather.

  73. "Yet Trump has been tweeting daily assigning violence to Antifa, I say again without any evidence."

    Is anything he says true? Kamala isn't able to be VP, the virus will go away........

  74. "When was America great?"


  75. Anonymous12:00 PM


    Ah, yes, the great Obama years. The slowest economic recovery in history. Bailing out Wall Street at the expense of Main Street. Ferguson and Baltimore riots. Weaponization of the IRS against political opponents. Two new wars and a bunch of coups that resulted in millions of dead brown people. ISIS. Using intelligence agencies to spy on and sabotage the opposition presidential campaign. Getting $100 million in payoffs from media companies as you skip out of the White House.

    That sure was great.

    What has Trump done since 2016 that has adversely affected the lives of black people? Was it increasing their employment numbers and wages to record levels? Or releasing tens of thousands from prison?

  76. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "So it's a shadowy world with some bad players. Much violence has been perpetrated by local agitators with no affiliation to a philosophy such as Antifa or Black Lives Matter. What's more these alt-right groups may impersonate Antifa with fake Twitter accounts. It's difficult to know exactly what is true....

    ....Ironically Black Lives Matter and Antifa are some of the most beautiful people living in the U.S. today."

    Sounds like it's a real struggle for you to muster up enough delusion to be able to deny that large portions of our major cities were just burned down by terrorist groups associated with the Democratic Party, and that this criminal destruction by BLM and Antifa has been aided and abetted by Democrat city and state governments.

    Not only is this wide-scale, open violence denied to have happened, but it is simultaneously blamed on "shadowy players" associated with marginal groups on the right.

    Progressives are known for their projection, but this is quite a stretch. Nobody but the True Believers is buying it.

  77. You're still a fag12:26 PM

    "Your great grandfather came to America around 1910. He married your great grandmother and got a job in the mine. You were the class clown in high school. You grew up a member of the 4-H club and got an Associate degree from city college. The divorce wiped you out. You are a sad pathetic creature with fingers for toes."

    I think you are confusing me with "mike from iowa".

  78. Greatness is over-rated. Only a few can be great, and then only briefly; almost anyone can be good enough, for their whole lives. Therefore the good is a better bet than the best.

    It's good enough to be good enough. Make America Good Enough! #MAGE

  79. "What has Trump done since 2016 that has adversely affected the lives of black people? Was it increasing their employment numbers and wages to record levels? Or releasing tens of thousands from prison?"

    Well, let's see trump reversed environmental regulations that will increase air pollution and toxic waste in poor communities that will cause thousands of deaths according to a study conducted by the EPA, he did not follow the viral outbreak playbook left by the Obama administration that would have save thousands of lives, the viral outbreak which he failed to prevent now cost millions of jobs and created the worst GDP quarter in over a century. Black employment and wages had larger increases during the Obama administration and that carried over into the trump administration but guess what? As if following everything trump does the economy and job gains crashed and we now see record deficits. Oh that's right, we only care about deficits when Dems are in office right?


  81. "The risks to public health and the environment from climate change are substantial and far-reaching. Scientists warn that carbon pollution and resulting climate change are expected to lead to more intense hurricanes and storms, heavier and more frequent flooding, increased drought, and more severe wildfires - events that can cause deaths, injuries, and billions of dollars of damage to property and the nation’s infrastructure."

    trump thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax which endagers all of us.


    trump did nothing about coronavirus because it was effecting blue states with high concentrations of POC. He should go to jail, like all of his campaign advisors, for murder.


    trump and his murderers.

  84. MAYBE if trump loses he will pay for his criminality.

  85. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons1:44 PM

    a fag said

    I think you are confusing me with "mike from iowa".

    12:26 PM

    No, It's you, but that would mean that that was your father.

  86. "No, It's you, but that would mean that that was your father."


  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:51 PM

    Anonymous daid....

    large portions of our major cities were just burned down by terrorist groups associated with the Democratic Party, and that this criminal destruction by BLM and Antifa has been aided and abetted by Democrat city and state governments.
    You are one fucking crazy guy/gal if you believe this horse shit. Exactly which "major cities were just burned down"? Source for you wild claims? You are just peddling right-wing propaganda fro Trump and Putin.

    Give some proof of you wild claims. Show us a burned down city.

  88. Study says whitey is responsible for moar terrorist attacks in the US than the left and al quada and religious groups all together.

    Fuck you wasicu wastey terrorist liars.

  89. "Show us a burned down city."

    What? You don't watch Fox? Ha!


  91. Just can't trust a guy who steals from his own charity.


  93. Spare a thought for the grift Bannon didn't get busted for: Funneling (if I have my numbers right) $20 M to the media company run by the owner of the yacht they caught him on as part of the Trumpenizing of the VOA (US Agency for Global Media) by Bannonite Michael Pack.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  95. Moar drumpf body count milestones passed. Will it ever end?

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Fuck pathological lying criminal enterprise drumpf, right in his orange keester. And all the losers that voted for him.

  96. MAGA hat indicates: “tiny brain inside”7:02 PM

    From Mike Birbiglia on Twitter:

    “We’re gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna to pay for it. Well, actually Steve Bannon is gonna pay for it. Well, actually you’re gonna pay Steve Bannon and he’s going to keep the money. Also, there won’t be a wall.”

    38%: I like this guy.

  97. The wall built by private groups is a mile south of where drumpf's wall is supposed to be and therefore a waste of time and pesos.

  98. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:43 PM

    Mike from Iowa said...

    Moar drumpf body count milestones passed. Will it ever end?
    Not as long as Trump is president. He wants people to die. That is very obvious by now. Vote Biden/Harris folks.

  99. It has begun:

    Garance Franke-Ruta
    · 2h
    Washington Postal Workers Defy USPS Orders And Reinstall Mail Sorting Machines via @forbes

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Anonymous11:30 PM

    PilotAA said..
    "Well, let's see trump reversed environmental regulations that will increase air pollution and toxic waste in poor communities that will cause thousands of deaths according to a study conducted by the EPA, he did not follow the viral outbreak playbook left by the Obama administration that would have save thousands of lives"

    So, make-believe things then.

  101. "So, make-believe things then."

    Only to fact averse people.



  104. trump lies so much so what's one more? I know this is a lie because I saw it happen and they did say it.

  105. The Rude Pundit:
    "Everyone is talking about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's speeches at the Democratic National Convention this past week as being a return of empathy or decency, but I'd go one further with another overarching theme: "Remember sanity?" It was truly like watching a funhouse mirror version of our reality, except it took the warped world around us and made it look natural again. It was honestly like you could exhale and not just wonder what insane shit might follow after the last round of insane shit."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. They all knew who and what drumpf was before they all supported him. Hear them tell it in their own words...

  107. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "It was truly like watching a funhouse mirror version of our reality"

    Imagine watching this year's Hollywood scripted DNC and thinking it had any relation to reality.

  108. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs and pardons1:42 PM

    "He went on to claim “we built a very powerful wall...”

    Speaking of built, I hear they've thawed out Ms trumpenstein and have already attached the head. They are still looking for a few more parts, but they're hoping she'll be up and running by Tuesday morning. Plenty of time to the rewrite the DNC nomination speech delivered by the best FLOTUS of all time, Mrs Michelle Obama and upload it to its cpu.


  110. Melanoma showed of her new tennis court, grass and right where the Rose garden used to was. Responders were not so kind to her taste in ratfuckery or whatever she called it.

  111. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:59 PM

    Yeah Mike,
    Melanoma sure did a job on our Rose Garden. But if Joe is elected, Jill will fix it and bring back the roses we all loved. Then it will be beautiful again.

  112. Granny from iowa9:02 PM

    Orange man's wife bad!

  113. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Florida China virus deaths: 10,274, New York China virus deaths: 32,464.

    Florida has a larger population and an older population.

    Guess which governor is writing a Mission Accomplished book?

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Florida China virus deaths: 10,274, New York China virus deaths: 32,464.

    Florida has a larger population and an older population.

    Guess which governor is writing a Mission Accomplished book?

    9:04 PM
    We will never know because there is no china virus. There is COVID19, currently believed to have first appeared in China.

    Now if you are talking about COVID 19. you must look at population density and square miles in a state when comparing infection rates according to the experts in that field. Although New Your state has about twenty thousand more deaths than Florida, it's population density is higher (421 per sq. versus 353 in Florida). In addition, New York state contains 21,002 fewer square miles than Florida. (NY 47,126 sq. miles versus 65,755 in Florida).

    Therefore deciding who should write the "Mission Accomplished book is not as simple as it seems. Adding to the difficulties in deciding is the fact that the virus was unknown when New Yorkers became infected, so there were few facts available relating to how to deal with it. Florida has benefited from what we learned about the virus from New York and other states with earlier cases.

    I don't think critical thinking is one of your skills.

  115. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "There is COVID19, currently believed to have first appeared in China."

    So, a China virus.

    I don't think you know what "critical thinking" means.

  116. Virologists have long ago abandoned naming viruses after where they first appeared, because that practice had a long history of inaccuracy. ("Spanish Flu", for instance, because the Spanish press was free to talk about it, not being under censorship.) Also, naming the geographic origin of a pandemic does not help with treatment.

    The present pandemic virus is officially named SARS CoV-19; meaning 'severe acute respiratory syndrome, corona virus, 2019'. It started in China, perhaps via a bat or a pangolin; but it's in America now. 25% of all world cases, 4% of the world population; shall we call it "America virus"? This public-health failure was caused by the Trump administration's depraved indifference.

  117. By the way, because of Trump, we _do_ have a wall now; and it completely surrounds the USA; and it's made of virus and pariah status; but its purpose is not to keep Mexicans out, but Americans in.

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "There is COVID19, currently believed to have first appeared in China."

    So, a China virus.

    11:35 PM
    There is no absolute proof that COVID19 is a China virus. No one knows for sure where it originated. Just like the origination of the flu that swept the world in 1918 is not know with any certainty. It was called the Spanish Flu, but it did not originate in Spain.

    So I'm the one who can't think critically? Maybe if you explored the topic of pandemics before you write about it, you would sound more intelligent.

  119. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Don't worry granny, Doug has it on authority that the pandemic will disappear with a democrat win this election.

  120. Anonymous10:34 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  121. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:13 PM

    Froom the front page of today's Political Wire

    GOP CONVENTION Had Fewer First Night Viewers Than Democrats

    August 25, 2020 at 12:36 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 268 Comments

    “The first night of the Republican National Convention was down a touch in total viewership on the first night of the Democratic National Convention,” Variety reports.

    “Across the three broadcast networks, the RNC night 1 drew around 4.9 million total viewers, a 14% drop from last Monday’s DNC first night which drew 5.7 million.”

    “The fuller ratings picture for the RNC night 1 will become clearer later in the day when the cable news numbers will also be factored in.”
    Seems the trolls are all over the web claiming the Democrats had fewer viewers than the Republicans. Just lying as usual.
