Thursday, August 13, 2020

It's Kamala.

Image result for Kamala
After all the waiting and suspense, Uncle Joe gave us Kamala as his Robin. (I see you Bison Nation) As a first generation Jamaican, I couldn't be more thrilled that a yawdie, once again, is in the national spotlight. For the record, the lady who was by all accounts the runner-up, also has Jamaican roots(Shout out to Susan Rice.) 

Anywhoo, Mr. trump and his crew are going crazy in their efforts to tarnish Harris, and they have been doing a terrible job of finding a cohesive message to attack her with. They have called her everything from a left wing radical to being too tough on crime when she was a prosecutor. Mr. trump, in just a couple of days, has called her nasty, horrible, mean spirited, disrespectful, and just about every other name in the book. All of that pales in comparison to what he did today: Revived his racist birther attack.

In his press conference this evening, Mr. trump told the American people that Harris might not be eligible to be the Vice President of these Divided States of America because she is an anchor baby or some such foolishness. For the record, Harris was born in Oakland, California. The problem for trump and his supporters is that she was not born with the right skin color. And so, as we did with former president Obama, we have to live through this racist birther foolishness. This is the female version.

“I heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements, and by the way the lawyer who wrote the piece is highly qualified, very talented,” Trump said in his coronavirus press conference. He was referring to a Newsweek column in which conservative law professor John Eastman claimed that Harris may not be considered a natural-born citizen — a requirement for those at the top of the ballot — because of what he calls the original understanding of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment. As Axios notes, “Eastman’s view on birthright citizenship and presidential eligibility is not accepted by constitutional law scholars.”

Of course most of us would   have been shocked if Mr. trump did what every other decent human being would have done, and told the reporter that the whole idea of Harris not being eligible to be VP was both silly and unworthy of discussion. That's what the now deceased John McCain did when he checked an old racist who tried to bring him down to her level. 

“No ma’am,” he says. “[Obama’s] a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.”

Imagine if Donald trump had said this today: "That's a silly question. Of course Kamala Harris is eligible. Let's focus on the issues and other things of substance and not get sidetracked with these silly theories that just distract from more meaningful things. 

It would never happen, of course. Not with this guy. It's just not in him. Unlike John McCain, there is not a decent bone in his body.  


  1. Overall an endearing post, Mr. Field. Yet it's this conclusion that speaks to character, empathy and decency: "Imagine if Donald trump had said this today: "That's a silly question. Of course Kamala Harris is eligible. Let's focus on the issues and other things of substance and not get sidetracked with these silly theories that just distract from more meaningful things.

    It would never happen, of course. Not with this guy. It's just not in him. Unlike John McCain, there is not a decent bone in his body."

    1. ...Hence the reason President Trump was not invited to attend the late senator's funeral.

      "Cindy McCain: Why Trump Wasn't Invited to Husband's Funeral | Time..."

    2. Only authentic leadership in the form of the hope and promise of a Biden/Harris Administration can heal and unite the soul of our nation.

  2. You know the goddamn Republicans believe McCain lost precisely because he refused to embrace their full goose bozo conspiracy theories, propaganda, world view.

    Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed, so if the certifiably insane candidate they run loses, there will be no self reflection over their actual role in society or whether their ideas are a good fit for contemporary governance.

    No, they'll just go out and find someone even crazier to run next time and try to win every way they can think of besides fairly. They do it every damn time until now they have fucking QAnon morons winning primaries in districts gerrymandered so blood red that the primary is the real general election.

    You know who won't be turned against Harris because of how "nasty" she was to Brett Kavanaugh?
    All of the millions of women who are still royally pissed that the squirming toad made it onto the supreme court, that's who.

    And having lived in Oakland for thirty five years, I can state with total confidence that it is indeed part of the United States of America.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymoid troll shitstorm in 5... 4... 3...


  5. Ski-Phi!😃

  6. I saw someone on Twitter suggesting that the blue check be removed from Herman Cain's account at the very least.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Sure everybody goes after Kamala's record as a prosecutor even though her stated goal in going to law school was to initiate change from within. Kind of like if she just handed down a series of lenient sentences to marijuana dealers that would somehow be the change.

    These armchair quarterbacks don't really understand the way that things were in the 1980s. I remember those days and the prosecutions that took place in the late 1970s as well. The Old Guard anti-marijuana and god forbid cocaine and heroin politicians were very strong on keeping penalties for drug use very stiff. If you got caught dealing drugs you were taken out of circulation. Nelson Rockefeller made sure that this remained true for decades in New York. If you got caught with cocaine, speed or heroin, a small quantity could get you two years. Things were tamped down to the point that there was no general outcry for lenient sentences for non -violent offenders.

    Fer Crissakes, before Jerry Brown, a pipeful of marijuana in California netted you jail time. I had a buddy who went to prison in Texas for one joint. It must have been 1978 or so. Another guy ten years earlier was caught with a jar full of marijuana seeds at Windansea and was forced to go to Viet Nam to avoid prison.

    There was no outcry about unjust sentencing for black and brown cokeheads. White kids with a gram of coke got sent up for two years as late as 1977.

    It was the times. I'm sure that Harris was a force for good.

    Glad that you are excited Field. I share your joy. Get up. Stand up. Stand up for your rights.

  8. This just oozes hypocrisy...

  9. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 AM

    I love Kamala. I voted for her for Attorney General and For Senator. I am thrilled that Joe picked her as his running mate. She has courage, something that is lacking in too many politicians today.

  10. Anonymous11:53 AM

    She is EVIL.

  11. Anonymous11:54 AM

    North Carolina black man accused of shooting white 5-year-old boy in the head: report
    Media has mainly ignored this crime. Some people said the media was complicit in the crime.

    WILSON, N.C. - A North Carolina man has been charged with walking up to a 5-year-old boy playing outside and shooting him in the head, according to a report.

    Darius Sessoms, 25, was taken into custody Monday charged with first degree murder in the death of the boy, Cannon Hinnant, in Wilson, N.C, WRAL-TVreported.

    Sessoms and the boy's father were next-door neighbors. Cannon was at his father's house on his bike Sunday afternoon when he was shot in front of his two sisters, 7 and 8, WRAL-TV reported.

    Doris Labrant told the station in an exclusive interview that she was looking out her window when
    Read more »

  12. "Media has mainly ignored this crime."

    "WRAL-TV reported"


  13. "Doris Labrant told the station in an exclusive interview"

    Kinda hard to have an exclusive interview if the media is ignoring you.

  14. I really don't recall the outrage over this 5 year old boy being beat to death.

  15. FJ: My friend Jack did 23 months in Soledad North for selling a bag of leafers to an undercover narc who had followed him from San Francisco to Chico. He had been one of the first high school kids in SF to be caught with cocaine, and the judge, after reviewing his school records gave him the choice of juvenile jail or college anywhere besides San Francisco.
    This pissed the narcs off so badly that two years later one was sent to Chico State, where he was an art history major, and engineered a transaction that he could be busted with.
    Jack has never been a dope dealer.
    In '76 when he took the psych exam upon entering prison, they put his IQ at 190 and in the margins of the test wrote "a brilliant but misguided young man".

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:58 PM

    Anonymous 11:54 AM
    How many times are you going to post this story?

  17. Another thousand plus hoax deaths today...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Sure hope drumpf makes it go away soon.

  18. drumpf is trying to pass his Harris birther bullshit as a rumor he heard. He heard it alright, it just wasn't a rumor. It was a malicious racist attack on a fine upstanding woman of color who just happens to be a million times smarter than drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

  19. Anonymous6:38 PM



    Alito sees no racism unless it is against wasicus. Fair and impartial he ain't.

  21. Anonymous6:42 PM

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Only about 1% morbidity rate. 20-40% asymptomatic. Its way overrated. Why the push for a vaccine for something that kills less people than the common flu and Pneumonia????

    You cannot develop a vaccine in a few months it takes on average 10-12 years. Evil lurks......

  22. Anonymous6:44 PM

    THE TERRORIST / CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION BLACK LIVES MATTER #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTER smash Ronald McDonald House with terrified sick kids inside - And American Companies are still pandering to this ASSHOLE CRIMINALS - WTF IS GOING ON??????

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Only about 1% morbidity rate. 20-40% asymptomatic. Its way overrated. Why the push for a vaccine for something that kills less people than the common flu and Pneumonia????

    You cannot develop a vaccine in a few months it takes on average 10-12 years. Evil lurks......

    6:42 PM

    I can't determine what math you are using. According to the data you have posted, and the above website, the morbidity rate is 3.13 percent. The morbidity rate for the common flue is one-tenth of one percent. So the COVID morbidity rate is more than 30 times greater than the flue.

    Where did you get your data?

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    THE TERRORIST / CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION BLACK LIVES MATTER #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTER smash Ronald McDonald House with terrified sick kids inside - And American Companies are still pandering to this ASSHOLE CRIMINALS - WTF IS GOING ON??????

    6:44 PM
    You gotta city and a source?

    1. "You gotta city and a source?"

      I saw this on Fox "news". They say it happened in Chicago.

  25. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:05 PM

    Of all the radical right’s multiple permutations in the era of Donald Trump—Proud Boys, QAnon conspiracy theorists, “Patriot” militiamen, and “Boogaloo Bois” among them—the most worrisome by far is the spread of white-power “accelerationism”: a belief system predicated on the idea that modern human civilization (and especially its multicultural features) is a blight, and that the only solution is to encourage its destruction through acts of terroristic violence. Its followers explicitly embrace violence as the only viable means for change, because they see politics as a waste of time.

    Read the entire article here:

  26. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Ye gods, Granny Mudshark can't even use a search engine.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Ye gods, Granny Mudshark can't even use a search engine.

    10:09 PM
    Only idiots post in all caps screaming about some crime and do not leave a source. That includes you, Honey.

  28. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:57 PM

    PilotX said...

    "You gotta city and a source?"

    I saw this on Fox "news". They say it happened in Chicago.

    11:41 PM
    Thanks, Pilot. That particular anon. is real ass h-le.

  29. "Thanks, Pilot. That particular anon. is real ass h-le."

    Aren't they all? Then again it could just be one person, we'll never know. To cowardly to even post a name.😂

  30. "Media has mainly ignored this crime."

    Probably because it's an open and shut case? They caught the guy and he was charged. What more do you want?

  31. When the impeachment managers were making the case for removing Fergus from office, one of their repeated questions was, given how Fergus has already subverted the US government for his own political gain, what might he do if he gets away with doing so?

    Well, I don't think any of them at the time would have answered "dismantle the Postal Service to steal the election" but true to their premise, that is what the damn fool is busy doing right the fuck now.

    671 mail sorting machines, mostly in swing states, have been removed from their facilities, and in some cases, broken up and stuffed into dumpsters. These are million dollar plus machines, so this is definitely not a "cost cutting measure" or any such horse shit.

    Then, it was reported first in Oregon, then in Montana, that flatbed trucks were driving through neighborhoods and unbolting drop boxes from sidewalks and loading them up and hauling them off.

    After an outcry in Montana, first Jon Tester, then his Republican colleagues (Daines and Gianforte) called up the "Postmaster General"/RNC finance chair and asked him what the fuck?

    Upon being called out for it, the USPS has announced that they won't be removing anymore drop boxes until at least after the election. They did not, though, say they would be putting any of the ones already stolen back.

    The entire ruse is bullshit. The USPS handles three billion pieces of mail each holiday season, the only reason they wouldn't be able to handle an election is sabotage, and that's what this is, plain and simple.

    But as it's not likely to stop before the election, if you receive your ballots by mail, return them immediately, like the same day, or better yet, look up your county online and find out if they have drop boxes for ballots, or if mail ballots can be returned at early voting sites.

    Fergus' big plan is for the election night returns to favor him and to contest and try not to count any mail in ballots that might get counted after the in person votes, so get yours in before election day to make damn sure they get counted. His plan won't work if he loses outright on election night. Then it will be on to cheating plan B, and we need to prepare for that, also.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. To paraphrase something Winston Churchill said:

    He'll do his worst; let us do our best.

  33. 1400 moar bodies drumpf is responsible for just from yesterday....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    He's a killer.

  34. Anonymous10:56 AM

    California – -( Today the California Rifle & Pistol Association received the much-anticipated ruling in the long-fought Second Amendment case Duncan v. Becerra. This is the same case that led to “Freedom Week” where thousands of Californians were able to lawfully purchase standard capacity magazines much like the rest of the country.

  35. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Only idiots post in all caps screaming about some crime and do not leave a source. That includes you, Honey.

    I posted the 11:54 PM comment.  I did not post the 6:44 PM comment, which was not all-caps.  It took me a minute to find it because you mis-characterized it.

    It may surprise you, but there are a bunch of different anon posters here.  If you had half a brain you could distinguish them by style.

  36. Anonymous11:00 AM

    What they Don't Want You to See

  37. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Isn't this post about Kamala?

  38. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Wanna know how crazy you are?  You're alienating your core supporters.

    November is going to be a 49-state Trump blowout.

  39. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Only idiots post in all caps screaming about some crime and do not leave a source. That includes you, Honey.

    I posted the 11:54 PM comment. I did not post the 6:44 PM comment, which was not all-caps. It took me a minute to find it because you mis-characterized it.

    It may surprise you, but there are a bunch of different anon posters here. If you had half a brain you could distinguish them by style.

    10:57 AM
    If you want to be distinguishable, pick a screen name, - Is that so god damned hard? And don't expect an eighty-three hear old woman with bad eyesight to distinguish between the styles of all the cowardly trolls who post here under the name of anonymous. Grow a pair and pick a name to use if you don't want to be mistaken for some other troll.
    Have a nice day.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:35 AM

    Anonymous said...

    November is going to be a 49-state Trump blowout.

    11:25 AM
    Good luck with that.
    So you think that either California or New York is going for Trump? Not likely, so you'd better make your prediction as a 48-state Trump blowout.
    LOL! Dream on, kid.

  41. "LOL! Dream on, kid."

    Republicans are all fortune tellers. F'n Nostrodamuses. Old people hate trump because he let them die from corona and is now slowing the mail and they get their drugs by mail. No one likes incompetence and trump is the embodiment. This election should be a blowout alright.

  42. "If you had half a brain you could distinguish them by style."

    Ok, a bunch of posters who do not want to distinguish themselves so it's up to YOU to know the difference. Um, the basic lack of decorum is legion with these guys. Maybe we call them anon #1,2,3,4 ect. Yeah, brilliant plan.

  43. If this "smash" job is the best rioters can do, they need to quit....

    A Ronald McDonald House in Chicago was damaged amid looting in the city late Sunday night and early Monday morning. ... No families missed any appointments or treatments due to the violence, according to CBS Chicago. No damage was caused to the inside of the house, and none of the families or staff were injured.

    Some "smash" job, eh?

  44. drumpf body count will reach 2 new milestones today. wingnuts should be so prowd of drumpfy.


    Even drumpf appointed judges aren't buying his massive mail in fraud schtick.

  46. "No damage was caused to the inside of the house, and none of the families or staff were injured."

    We have to get our panties in a bunch about something. Fox will rile up the rubes and scare these 'tough" guys over and over until Nov. 3 Hang on, it's gonna be a rough ride.

  47. Anonymous1:51 PM

    "We have to get our panties in a bunch about something."

    You mean like that stupid kid Tamir Rice who got smoked because he was waving around a real-looking gun?

    Aren't kids with cancer and their families just a little more worthy of sympathy than Tamir Rice?

  48. Slow-moving coup. Not only is this guy sabotaging the election he is going to make millions when the USPS can't handle the massive amounts of mail come Christmas and guess what company has to handle the outsourced mail? Yup, you guessed it, the company he has 30 million dollars of stock in.

  49. "You mean like that stupid kid Tamir Rice who got smoked because he was waving around a real-looking gun?"

    Yep, the KID who was shot immediately for waving a TOY gun while white men get to take over federal lands and point actual rifles at law enforcement without a scratch. Or even kill 8 people in church and get a trip to Burger King because he's hungry.

  50. These guys are trying hard. A bit too hard.

  51. White Privilege is Real3:03 PM

    Yep, the KID who was shot immediately for waving a TOY gun while white men get to take over federal lands and point actual rifles at law enforcement without a scratch. Or even kill 8 people in church and get a trip to Burger King because he's hungry.
    That's some straight-up white privilege there.

  52. Anonymous4:07 PM


  53. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Progressives(Marxists) are just as delusional in 2020 as they were in 2016 and Trump was elected. They just cant see that they are in a small minority that makes A lOT of noise and they live in the bat shit bubble.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Progressives(Marxists) are just as delusional in 2020 as they were in 2016 and Trump was elected. They just cant see that they are in a small minority that makes A lOT of noise and they live in the bat shit bubble.

    4:10 PM
    You got it backwards, kid. The Trumpite fascists are the ones who think they are a majority when they are not. FYI, Trump lost the popular vote in the 2016 election by nearly three million votes. And that was before we knew what a rat he was. He is president only because of the antiquated Electoral College system. But in November, Trump will lose both the popular vote and the Electoral Vote.

    Trump is the most hated man in the country and in the world. Have a nice day.

  55. drumpf body count is pushing drumpf to be the killingest killer of US citizens ever.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  56. Wasdicu anon thinks cancer victims deserve moar sympathy than Tamir Rice as long as they aren't red, black or brown.

  57. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Chicago violence: 16 shot, 2 fatally in weekend shootings

  58. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    drumpf body count is pushing drumpf to be the killingest killer of US citizens ever.

    FAKE NEWS... total bullshit.

  59. Anonymous5:01 PM

    "Trump lost the popular vote in the 2016 election by nearly three million votes"

    He didn't, illegal aliens, married women(twice), dead people dont count. Both sides know the real numbers and the Dems came out with the 3 million narrative because of severe butt hurt.....

    Notice that Hillary did not contest the election results and was told within 20-30 minutes by BHO himself to not contest the results in fear of voter fraud would be found and documented.

    She conceded right away.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:51 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "He didn't, illegal aliens, married women(twice), dead people dont count."

    If there was a shred of evidence to back you lying claim, you would have posted it. Please, just go to some other blog where truth doesn't matter and post you bull shit.

  61. Here is your voter fraud as laid out by conservative Heritage Foundation....

    In fact, an analysis by the conservative Heritage Foundation of more than 3 billion votes cast in US elections dating back to World War II found just 10 instances of in-person voter fraud. (That's not a typo. They found 10. That's 0.000000003 percent.) A presidential commission created by President Trump and headed by Kris Kobach, the former Kansas secretary of state who has pressed for strict voter-ID laws, spent a year digging for recent examples of in-person voter fraud and came up dry, nothing but a few secondhand rumors.

  62. FAKE NEWS... total bullshit.

    Fake news. Total bullshit. I speak only truth as truth is spoken among real men, not pussiofioed drumpf magat voters.

  63. Rahm Emanuel can go fuck himself with all that "let's invite the Republicans into the party" bullshit.
    He apparently doesn't remember what happened to the Republican party after they invited the goddamn Dixiecrats into their party.
    I, though, do remember, they fucking took the party over and elected Fergus, and all manner of certifiably insane bigots and imbeciles.
    We should not willingly cede any decision making authority to them whatsoever. They will sabotage us with it if we do.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Trump is the most hated man in the country and in the world. Have a nice day.

    4:37 PM

    Liberal delusion and propaganda......

  65. Anonymous7:14 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  66. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Terrence Williams "You go to Africa, I'll stay here with my white friends"

  67. Anonymous7:43 PM



    Because dropping a youtube video here and screaming in all caps will guarantee every Black American woman will see watch this. LOL!

  69. Anonymous7:59 PM


  70. Anonymous8:12 PM

    @ PilotX understand THE truth hurts.

  71. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Black women please watch youtube video before casting a vote (is that to your liking @PilotX?!)

  72. Another 1000 plus dead bodies for drumpf body count.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    But Obama had 2 ebola deaths and should have resigned.

    drumpf life without parole.

  73. Anonymous11:25 PM

    "Yep, the KID who was shot immediately for waving a TOY gun"

    It was not a TOY.  It was not made of plastic and did not have an orange tip.  It was a REPLICA.  It LOOKED REAL.

    Just what the FUCK was his mother thinking, letting him have a real-looking gun?

    And answer the question about kids with cancer instead of trying to deflect.

    "while white men get to take over federal lands and point actual rifles at law enforcement without a scratch."

    Tell it to LaVoy Finicum, bastard.  He was murdered in an ambush by the Feds, like Randy Weaver's wife and son.  Lon Horiuchi is still running around free.

  74. FFS. We're all anonymous. Let me suggest some monikers.

    Dickhead Q-Anon Guy

    The Trumpinator

    8chan Poster Boy

    Trump's Dick My Mouth

    I hate Obama but I'm not a racist

    Trump is God and Savior

    Trump for President for Life

    Kamalagate and Obamagate

    I Wanna Be Inside Mike Pence

    Get creative bros! We can't wait.

  75. Tell it to LaVoy Finicum, bastard.

    I totally agree Finiscum was a bastard, just like you, bastard.

    Finiscum wasn't ambushed. He chose to flee, but unlike unarmed blacks, did not get shot multiple times in the back.

  76. "(is that to your liking @PilotX?!)"

    Yes ma'am. Much better, comes across as lil less insane but now all Black women may not watch it now. Double edged sword huh?🤔

  77. "Tell it to LaVoy Finicum, bastard. He was murdered in an ambush by the Feds, like Randy Weaver's wife and son."

    As someone here once said, play stupid games.......

    1. Also, didn't Finicum have weapons in his car? Didn't the Weavers have guns in the house and on their person? I mean not a realistic looking toy in a park.

  78. "It was not a TOY. It was not made of plastic and did not have an orange tip. It was a REPLICA. It LOOKED REAL."

    Dude, we all had toy guns that looked real growing up. We just have dumb, steroid addled cops on drug rushes that don't take the time to access the situation and shoot first. Nice job kid killer.

  79. Anonymous11:45 AM

    As long as black men are murdering little White boys PilotAA is good with it. PilotAA is the poster boy for why negroes must return to the motherland (or mother ship).

  80. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump is the most hated man in the country and in the world. Have a nice day.

    4:37 PM

    Liberal delusion and propaganda......

    7:13 PM
    Here are references supporting the truth of my statements. PEW Research, the world's top unbiased research group, provided several of them. Please, please, don't say that PEW's work results in fake news. If you do, then you are fake news personified.

  81. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Blogger Flying Junior said...

    " FFS. We're all anonymous. Let me suggest some monikers.

    Dickhead Q-Anon Guy........"

    BRAVO, Junior! Great suggestions! I especially like this one. "I hate Obama but I'm not a racist."

  82. "As long as black men are murdering little White boys PilotAA is good with it."

    As long as stupid anonymous posters keep making strawman arguments that make no sense these trolls are good with it.

  83. The big news from Fake Noize yesterday about a former FBI lawyer pleading guilty to a single charge which had nothing to do with wiretap apps and would not be otherwise prosecuted unless wingnuts are desperate as usual.

  84. Rice was killed in November 2014 after a concerned onlooker reported seeing someone with a gun at a local recreation center. However, information given to the 911 operator that the suspect may have been a juvenile and the gun may have been fake was never passed on to dispatch.

    Had whitey known the suspect was a black juvenile and the gun might be fake, the7y probably would have nailed him before they stopped the car. Just my opinion.

  85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "We have to get our panties in a bunch about something."

    You mean like that stupid kid Tamir Rice who got smoked because he was waving around a real-looking gun?

    Aren't kids with cancer and their families just a little more worthy of sympathy than Tamir Rice?

    1:51 PM
    In answer to your question, I say no. Both were children, both are dead and both are deserving of our sympathy. Tamir was a victim of our justice system and the other boy a victim of cancer. Neither boy willfully sought his own death. Both are tragedies.

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "As long as black men are murdering little White boys PilotAA is good with it. PilotAA is the poster boy for why negroes must return to the motherland (or mother ship)."

    11:45 AM
    Hey Anon., Are you the troll that keeps trying to put words in other people's mouths including mine? PilotX did not express the opinion you are attributing to him. Why don't you post adult arguments instead of childish ones?

  87. Anonymous5:02 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  88. "Are you the troll that keeps trying to put words in other people's mouths including mine?"

    We'll never know because they aren't bright enough or brave enough to come up with a screen name.

  89. Sundays are usually slow days for body counting, yet drumpf managed to raise his body count to over 173k, and he didn't have to do nothing which is how he got into the body count business to begin with....dindu nuffin drumpfuck the most massive, massest mass killer America ever saw.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  90. Anyfuckingmoose @ 4:55 PM said blah blah blah I want all them people to die just because my feelers are hurt Chicago spent money on preventative care. Wah!

  91. That's a first, a woman, a black woman. Don't think thats ever been done before.

  92. Anonymous7:47 PM

    “The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems.”

  93. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Man freed in jail’s mass COVID release is charged with robbing 10-year-old boy at Union Station
    August 15, 2020 CWBChicago West Loop

  94. Anonymous7:55 PM

    4 Dead, at Least 39 Wounded in Chicago Shootings So Far This Weekend

  95. Anonymous8:27 PM

    BLM supporters and their Antifa clowns thought they could intimidate bikers at the Sturgis Rally

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    “The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems.”

    7:47 PM
    Naugh, you got it all wrong, Anon. I think the problems are white bigotry, red-lining, voter suppression, discrimination in the job and housing markets and and in the criminal and civil justice systems. I'm sure the are others who post here that can add more items to my list.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    McCormick Place hospital’s cost to taxpayers? $1.7 million per patient. How the deal happened.
    Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s aides defend her push for little-used coronavirus hospital built by Walsh Construction as important ‘insurance policy’ at a time of ‘immense emergency.’

    By Tim Novak and Robert Herguth Aug 14, 2020, 5:30am CDT

    4:55 PM
    So? that's about what Trump spends in a couple of months, flying around to his golf courses and fund raising excursions. At least the hospital is doing something constructive. That's something Trump never does.

  98. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Naugh, you got it all wrong, Anon. I think the problems are white bigotry, red-lining, voter suppression, discrimination in the job and housing markets and and in the criminal and civil justice systems. I'm sure the are others who post here that can add more items to my list.

    9:25 PM

    You do know that's a famous quote by Malcom X

  99. Anonymous10:36 PM

    So? that's about what Trump spends in a couple of months, flying around to his golf courses and fund raising excursions. At least the hospital is doing something constructive. That's something Trump never does.

    9:31 PM

    Please provide proof.

  100. "BLM supporters and their Antifa clowns thought they could intimidate bikers at the Sturgis Rally"

    🙄 It really happened because it's on youtube.

    1. Didn't look like they were trying to intimidate anyone, they just marched peacefully probably like they intended.

  101. One of those bikers, a woman in her fifties, got too close to a bison while trying to take its picture, and the bison hooked her belt loop in its horns and tore her jeans off.
    She was medevaced to a nearby hospital even though she didn't sustain serious injury, one could suppose out of humiliation.
    Wouldn't it be weird if there was no increase in covid connected to the Sturgis rally and doctors discovered that smoking meth prevents the transmission of the virus?
    Sure, that's crazy, but not any crazier than official federal policy on the subject.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. "Wouldn't it be weird if there was no increase in covid connected to the Sturgis rally and doctors discovered that smoking meth prevents the transmission of the virus?"

    Then Kentucky and Ohio are safe.

  103. Thoughts that BLM tried to intimidate Hells Angels in Sturgis is a wingnut fever dream so they can bust out the bravado and feel good about themselves, just like bullies.

  104. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Chicago violence: 51 negroes shot, 5 fatally, in weekend shootings:

  105. Anonymous9:55 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  106. drumpf kills moar people in one day than Chicago does in a year. Fuck you.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:49 AM

    Anonymous said......
    You do know that's a famous quote by Malcom X

    10:35 PM
    Yes, I know that. So what's your point? I didn't think it was true in Malcom's time, and I don't think it's true now. I believe that institutionalized racism is the major problem.

  108. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    drumpf kills moar people in one day than Chicago does in a year. Fuck you.

    10:02 AM

    Who has President Trump killed and how????

  109. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    So? that's about what Trump spends in a couple of months, flying around to his golf courses and fund raising excursions. At least the hospital is doing something constructive. That's something Trump never does.

    9:31 PM

    Please provide proof.

    10:36 PM
    Here's your proof:
    New Report Shows Taxpayers Foot the Bill for President Trump’s $1 Million Weekend Golf Trip to His Resort in Scotland
    Mar 23, 2020 Press Release
    Washington, D.C. (Mar. 23, 2020)—Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Senator Tom Carper, and Senator Elizabeth Warren issued the following statement after a new report put the total amount of taxpayer funds spent as a result of President Donald Trump’s weekend stopover at his Trump Turnberry golf resort in Scotland in 2018 at more than $1 million:

    Cost to Taxpayer: About $140,000,000**
    Fun Stats

    Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:
    Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (30 so far):*
    Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:
    Cost of flights to Bedminster (27 so far):*
    Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:
    Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:
    Projected visits in eight years:
    Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency:

    *Cost estimates for Trump's travel to Mar a Lago and Bedminster are from The Washington Post. At this point the number of flights to Bedminster is one more than common counts of his "visits" because of an extra round trip on Air Force One to return to the White House for six hours during the weekend of July 4, 2017. See for up-to-the-minute details about golf outings and for a list of Trump's flights to Florida and New Jersey.

  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:42 AM

    From Crooks and Liars, August 16....
    Happy 100th Anniversary To Baseball's Negro Leagues
    Major League Baseball, mayors, and celebs around the nation are celebrating the 100th anniversary of baseball's Negro League with videos, patches on uniforms, and the hashtag, #TipYourCap2020. Open Thread.
    By Aliza Worthington

    I suppose all the white supremacists are freaking our about this.

  111. "Thoughts that BLM tried to intimidate Hells Angels in Sturgis is a wingnut fever dream so they can bust out the bravado and feel good about themselves, just like bullies."

    Yeah, this is big in certain circles. One guy I flew with was gushing about how the locals intimidated Antifa when they came to Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. As I expressed doubt I got the now-standard "it's on youtube dude". Nov. 3 can't come fast enough.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:28 PM

    Yeah, this is big in certain circles. One guy I flew with was gushing about how the locals intimidated Antifa when they came to Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. As I expressed doubt I got the now-standard "it's on youtube dude". Nov. 3 can't come fast enough.

    12:43 PM
    The people of Coeur D' Alene repeatedly faced down the Nazis when they had their compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Read the story of how the Aryan Nation received their demise in court.

    But it looks like a similar element has settled in the area and are expressing themselves as the tea party members.

  113. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:50 PM

    For what it's worth, here's the address to Decision Desk HQ.

    They are giving Joe about an 85 percent chance of winning in November.

  114. I know that Sonny went on record as supporting Fergus during the 2016 campaign, but none of the Hells Angels I know want to see him elected again, and most would like a shot at kicking his ass.
    I goes without saying that the East Bay Dragons, whose founder died last month, wish he would just go the fuck away.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  115. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    For what it's worth, here's the address to Decision Desk HQ.

    They are giving Joe about an 85 percent chance of winning in November.

    1:50 PM

    You were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong in 2020 again.

  116. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Kanye announced that he wants to create a Christian version of Tik Tok. He wants to call it Jesus Tok.

    I swear, I thought original flavor Kanye was a ridiculous buffoon, but the new, improved, Republican version of Kanye is taking it to the next level of dumbassery.

  117. "Who has President Trump killed and how????"

    Mike, don't you dare even give this ignorance a reply.

  118. Anonymous9:30 PM

    > Dude, we all had toy guns that looked real growing up.

    How many decades ago was that?

    How long was it BEFORE black "children" started shooting random people to death?  Because THAT HAPPENS NOW.

    > didn't Finicum have weapons in his car?

    Finicum was in a convoy traveling under flag of truce to a parley.  The convoy was halted by a roadblock.  Finicum drew his weapon when he came under fire from snipers.  Then a sniper murdered him.

    > Didn't the Weavers have guns in the house and on their person?

    They had every right to do so.  They weren't threatening anyone.

    And you know what?  I don't care if you call me a racist.

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:33 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    You were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong in 2020 again.

    5:11 PM

    Nope, not me. I was worried about Clinton's chances from the time she announced she was running. And by the way, get a new mantra, something not so stupid as "You were wrong in 2016 and you are wrong in 2020 again."
    Think creatively for once in your life and come up with something original!

  120. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I think the problems are white bigotry, red-lining, voter suppression, discrimination in the job and housing markets and and in the criminal and civil justice systems.

    Let's run down this list.

    1.  "Bigotry" is "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own."  This fully describes you, but it is COMPLETELY wrong to describe the opinions and reactions of people who've had bad experiences with blacks.

    2.  "Red-lining" is just the sensible reaction to the behavior of blacks.  Newark, Gary, St. Louis, KCMO, even Compton.  Compton, CA was once home to both Presidents Bush; it became hell when blacks moved in, and improved when "hispanics" pushed blacks OUT.

    3.  There is NO discrimination in the job and housing markets, except against Whites.  "Disparate impact" requires that any test for employment which does not approve at least 80% as many blacks as Whites is illegal.  The decision applies even when the test predicts job performance with high accuracy.

    4.  There is NO anti-black discrimination in the criminal and civil justice systems.  Blacks are convicted and imprisoned far less than Whites compared to their rate of arresst, so fuck you.  With rusty hacksaw blades.

  121. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Whatever you think about Doug, she sure spins a fabulous yarn. You go girl.

  122. anyfuckingmoose and his rusty hacksaw blades @ 10:41 PM....

    Take points 1-4 and show yer proof, fucker. I want documentation from a reliable source/sources, not right wing bloviators.

  123. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 AM

    To Anonymous at 10:41

    Point #1
    "the opinions and reactions of people who've had bad experiences with blacks." So you are calling me a bigot for speaking truth? And just how do you feel when you have bad experiences with whites? I'm sure you have had some in your life. Are you going to claim that white people are bad and to be avoided?

    Point #2.
    Here's what happened to Compton:
    For much of its early history, Compton was actually a quiet, mostly-white suburb that, briefly, was even home to the Bush family. In fact, white gangs terrorized blacks and Latinos throughout the county in the '40s and '50s, with The Spook Hunters the most famous of them. However, white flight began to take place in the 1950s after a 1948 Supreme Court case struck down racist housing practices, and the Watts Rebellion in 1965, centered only a few miles away from Compton, cemented the region's demographics for years to come.

    Point #3.
    Yes, there is discrimination in most aspects of life.
    Report highlights:
    More than half a million housing discrimination complaints have been processed since 1996, when NFHA first began collecting complaint data.
    Since 1991, more than 70,000 units of multi-family housing have been made accessible to persons with disabilities through litigation brought primarily by DOJ and private, nonprofit fair housing organizations.
    Since 1988, dozens of cases alleging redlining and discrimination by mortgage lenders have resulted in close to $1 billion in compensation to victims of mortgage lending discrimination and for investment in communities.
    There were 28,843 complaints of housing discrimination in 2017.
    The three most common types of complaints in 2017 were based on disability (57 percent), race (19 percent), and family status (9 percent).
    The biggest obstacle to fair housing rights is the federal government’s failure to enforce the law vigorously.

    This is fyI on employment discrimination which you claim doesn't exist:

    Point #4.
    Such broad statistics mask the racial disparity that pervades the U.S. criminal justice system, and for African Americans in particular. African Americans are more likely than white Americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; and once convicted, and they are more likely to experience lengthy prison sentences. African-American adults are 5.9 times as likely to be incarcerated than whites and Hispanics are 3.1 times as likely.4) As of 2001, one of every three black boys born in that year could expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as could one of every six Latinos—compared to one of every seventeen white boys.5) Racial and ethnic disparities among women are less substantial than among men but remain prevalent.

  124. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "the opinions and reactions of people who've had bad experiences with blacks."

    So you are calling me a bigot for speaking truth?

    You deny the truth, day and night.  You deny all the FATAL experiences of Whites who've been forced to interact with blacks.  Brittney Watts, Antonio Angel Santiago, Autumn Pasquale... the list goes on and on.  You have NO business talking about truth.

    And just how do you feel when you have bad experiences with whites?

    At least Whites are MY people, and I have a right to criticize them for their conduct.  Blacks are NOT my people, and they have NO business interacting with me without my explicit consent (which I deny).  I did not bring them to America, I did not do anything to them, and they have no business doing anything to or demanding anything from me.  Yet they do both.  I have a legitimate cause of action.  F--- them, and f--- you.  With rusty hacksaw blades.

    Here's what happened to Compton: For much of its early history, Compton was actually a quiet, mostly-white suburb that, briefly, was even home to the Bush family. In fact, white gangs terrorized blacks and Latinos throughout the county in the '40s and '50s, with The Spook Hunters the most famous of them.

    You avoid the truth.  Compton was quiet and peaceful BECAUSE blacks and latinos were kept out.  Compton only became the hellhole of NWA BECAUSE blacks were forced in by the 1948 decision of Shelley vs. Kraemer.  Blacks turned Compton into a hellhole when they pushed Whites out.  Latinos reclaimed Compton by pushing blacks out.  Blacks MAKE hellholes.

    Report highlights:
    More than half a million housing discrimination complaints have been processed since 1996, when NFHA first began collecting complaint data.

    How many of those complaints are 100% bogus, based on actual conduct?  I'm betting 99+% of them.  I've dealt with blacks for over 50 years.  I can attest to their egregious conduct.  Blacks have NO business demanding access to White spaces.

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