Monday, October 26, 2020

Dissecting Peggy.

Peggy Noonan, for those of you who don't know, is a famous conservative writer and thinker, whose claim to fame is that she was Ronald Reagan's speech writer back in the day. Ms. Noonan is still relevant today, because she continues to write for the Wall Street Journal and other major publications, and folks on the right continue to hang on to every word. 

So let's go over what she wrote recently about the state of the 2020 presidential election. 

"It’s late in the game, most peoples’ minds are set, and more than 40 million have already voted. But he did himself some good. He wasn’t a belligerent nut. He held himself together, controlled himself, presented opening remarks that made sense. He won, not a dazzling win but a win that kept him in the game. He succeeded in doing what Joe Biden didn’t have to do: If you wanted or needed an excuse, an out, to vote for Mr. Trump, if you wanted an argument that justified your decision in a conversation in the office, he probably gave you what you need.

It was a good debate. The candidates argued big things. Both had some good moves. Mr. Trump was smart to dwell, early on, on opening up economically. He hung a “Closed” sign around Mr. Biden’s neck. Mr. Biden deftly turned accusations of familial venality into reminders of the president’s refusal, after five years of demands, to show his tax returns.

Mr. Biden too often lapses into government-speak—“the public option.” He was in government 47 years, and sounds it. Mr. Trump’s power, recovered Thursday night, is to speak like normal people, so you can understand him without having to translate what he’s saying in your head. He appears to have lied a great deal. That will be adjudicated in the coming days. "

Ms. Noonan writes that Donald trump "held himself together". What debate was she watching? About thirty minutes (after his meds started to wear off) trump reverted to his old self. He couldn't keep still and he once again kept interrupting the moderator and his opponent. 

As for hanging a "Closed sign" around Biden's neck, most Americans do want to close shop if it means getting our country back to normal. Most Americans will listen to the doctors and health care officials and not the political yes- men and hacks working for this administration, who want the country to remain open for purely political reasons. 

"All that said, where are we? This close to Election Day and everyone with bated breath. Everyone sees the polls, the clear Biden lead nationwide and the smaller lead in most of battleground states. We know what those polls suggest. But there is little air of defeat among Trump supporters and no triumphalism among Democrats.

Trump supporters believe he will win because of his special magic, Trump foes fear he will win because of his dark magic. Pollsters and pundits stare at the data and wonder how to quantify his unfathomable magic. It’s remarkable that all in their different ways put such stock in the president’s powers, his ability to pull a black swan out of a hat. I believe he is not magic and faces a big loss, and from the way he’s acted the week leading up to the debate—flailing about, stirring themeless chaos—so does he."

No Peggy, "Trump foes" fear that Russia will be allowed to pull a repeat of what they did in 2016. They fear that Russia will do everything to keep their guy in the White House, and that the American people will fall for it once again. 

"But there are a few points that contradict the picture. One is the number 56. That is the percentage of registered voters who, asked by Gallup if they are better off than they were four years ago, say yes. (Gallup has asked this regularly in election years since 1984.) Fifty-six percent—in a pandemic, after protests, riots and recession!

It’s only a poll, but after Gallup, a New York Times/Siena poll asked the same question, and 49% said they were better off.

What’s interesting, though, is that when Siena asked respondents if the country was better off than it was four years ago, only 39% said yes."

Poor Peggy is trying so hard to find a trump silver lining.

"The second data point has to do with Mr. Trump’s rallies—big, boisterous and frequent. He’s been in Michigan and North Carolina and has rallies planned this weekend in Ohio, Wisconsin and New Hampshire. “Gastonia Municipal Airport was packed shoulder to shoulder Wednesday night as tens of thousands of people showed up,” read a local North Carolina news report. Mr. Biden doesn’t seem to draw much of anybody, and doesn’t try. He doesn’t have rallies, and barely even appearances at this point. You can, seeing the polls, hypothesize that what you’re seeing at the Trump rallies is a political movement in its death throes. But I don’t know, they look lively to me. You might say, “The Democrats aren’t having rallies because they are more careful about the virus.” Fair enough, but in a lifetime watching politics, sometimes up close, I have never seen crowds keep away from someone they love. They’ll come whether you want them or not; they’ll find out you’re coming and stand at the side of the road to cheer as the motorcade goes by."

Or, it could just be that this is not so much about Biden as it is about trump. The people voting for Biden might not be enthusiastic about voting for him, but they are sure as hell passionate about voting against Mr. trump. And there in lies the rub. There is passion on both sides for the same man for different reasons. Peggy seems to be forgetting about that.

 "If Mr. Biden is an extremely lucky man he will win the presidency and his party will hold the House and lose the Senate. If the Democrats win all three they’ll be a runaway train fueled by pent-up progressive demand. If the Democrats lose the Senate, Mr. Biden will have a handy excuse for his natural moderation: “You guys may want court packing, reparations and taxes on bovine flatulence but I’ve got to get it past Mitch McConnell.” If the Democrats lose the Senate the Biden presidency will be more moderate, and more popular in a country whose nerves are shot.

A Republican Senate will let Biden be Biden."

Why does Peggy assume that "more moderate" will be "more popular"? I am pretty sure the center- left leaning democrats who are voting for Joe Biden are not sending him to Washington to be a moderate. Just look at what Mitch McConnell and republicans in Washington have done over the past four years. Look at what they did with the supreme court nominations and their theft of a seat on the Court from Barack Obama.  I suspect that because of these things even so called moderate democrats are pissed off and want revenge.  

Finally, Peggy, being an older white woman, allowed her racism flag to fly in the closing paragraph of her essay. 

"For her part, vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris is, when on the trail, giddy. She’s dancing with drum lines and beginning rallies with “Wassup, Florida!” She’s throwing her head back and laughing a loud laugh, especially when nobody said anything funny. She’s the younger candidate going for the younger vote, and she’s going for a Happy Warrior vibe, but she’s coming across as insubstantial, frivolous. When she started to dance in the rain onstage, in Jacksonville, Fla., to Mary J. Blige’s “Work That,” it was embarrassing.

If the dancing Kamala Harris was doing was embarrassing, what would Peggy call that spasmic display of untold dimensions that Donald trump unleashed on his supporters at a rally the other day? If Kamala Harris is coming off as "frivolous" what the heck would she call what Donald trump is doing?

Peggy Noonan is doing what a lot of other white pundits, journalists, and other white people in general have been doing when it comes to Donald trump. They overlook and allow all the things that he does because he happens to be white. The things he does and gets away with would not be tolerated if they were being perpetrated by a person of color, or even a woman for that matter. You heard Barack Obama kind of joke about it the other day. , but we all know that he was serious. And, sadly, he was right. 

Peggy Noonan's take on the upcoming election, at first glance seemed reasoned and impartial. She tried to be objective, but her inner racism was showing, and it manifested itself in her closing paragraph.  

When Donald trump gyrates on stage, simulates a sex act with the American flag, and says all manner of obnoxious things, I suppose that is just normal behavior for those who are allowed to behave in such a manner. When a woman of color shows black joy in its purest form, we get columns from old white women criticizing her. 

Peggy Noonan will be voting for Donald trump, and if you were to see Peggy Noonan on the street and ask her why, she wouldn't be able to tell you. 



  1. Give her bottle od scotch and she'd tell you her life story, so the rumours go. She appears to be a lush and stoked to the gills on teevee.

    I noticed every wingnut pundit made it clear they thought drumpf won the debate and some said it wasn't even close. The whole of drumpf's magats are delusional deplorables with no idea what or where reality lies.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:00 PM

    I have never heard Peggy Noonan say anything intelligent or even thoughtful. Her superior, talking down to everyone manner grates on my nerves like chalk sometimes screeches on a blackboard. Why anyone would pay any attention to Peggy and her inane ramblings is beyond understanding.

    Furthermore, her analysis of the recent debate is ludacris. Trump spoke in his usual word salad, making wild claims, telling lies, and generally looking like the buffoon that he is. Only his base responds to his nonsense.

    As for Camala looking insubstantial, She couldn't look insubstantial if she tried. She's about as insubstantial as a freight train. LOL!

    Peggy embarrassed herself with this article...

  3. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    VP wannabe, madam KH . Shut down Ms Whoopi ( The View Co-host). When Ms whoopie asked her about that fly on the vice president's head. Madame KH is letting Ms Whoopie know from the gate, we are not on parity. I'm entertaining you now but once I get seated, it's a wrap! Like Oprah Winfrey and the Obamas (See ya suckers!).

    My Caucasian husband and my Indian / Jamaican family are NOT vlack-- we just use the black community (including the HBCU you created)to achieve personal goals... bye Felicia!

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Why does Uncle Joe shows more respect to Ms KH than Miss Anita Hill?

    Ms A Hill achieveda level of success in law where very few black woman even considered. Ms Anita Hill got heart and courage.

    Senator KH made it by default ( under the guise of being a "minority" like other "people of color" living in America who has taken advantage of the blood, sweat and tears of American Slaves who help build this country for free) and after she locked up quite a few black man as a prosecutor.

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Will the REAL FN's stand up and the fake fn's go somewhere and SAT down!

  6. Anonymous6:01 PM

    “But there is little air of defeat among Trump supporters and no triumphalism among Democrats.”

    There will be no joy, only relief, if Trump loses. Because the country will still be in the terrible shape that Trump left it, and the damage will take a long time to fix with the grown-ups in charge. We will still be in a giant hole, but at least the removal of Trump will stop him from digging it deeper.

    “Pollsters and pundits stare at the data and wonder how to quantify his unfathomable magic.”

    No they’re not. Trump’s “magic” isn’t any great mystery. The explanation is that a lot of Americans are dumb, a lot of Americans are racist, and the Republican Party cheats. That’s how we got here.

    Their bosses won’t let them print that, though.

  7. KH has accomplished more playing by the rules, than any member of drumpf's family has even when they cheat. But, then they be wasicus with wasicu privilege, something not bestowed on minorities.

  8. You'll notice also, KH does not have to lie constantly about her accomplishments.

  9. dubass dubya hired Hunter Biden to sit on Amtrak's board in 2006, not because he was an engineer, but solely because he rode Amtrak trains to work everyday.

  10. Why Amy Bar ratt is too fucking dangerous to give a lifetime judicial seat to.

    My apologies to PilotX if he has posted this before.

  11. Another deceptively edited video by drumpf's team of losers.

  12. vanka is not just someone who lacks the résumé for such a position; she has an extremely checkered career in business that’s involved extensive excursions into legal gray areas:

    Donald Trump’s tax returns, as leaked to the New York Times, suggest that he may be illegally disguising gifts to Ivanka as consulting payments to avoid estate taxes, something Donald’s father did but that we didn’t learn about until the statute of limitations had expired.
    Ivanka was involved at a very high level in a Panamanian real estate development scheme where her key partner was a money launderer for various organized crime figures (oops).
    She was also the most senior official from the Trump Organization involved in a real estate development project in Azerbaijan that appears to have been a money-laundering scheme for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (double oops).
    Last but by no means least, back in 2012, Ivanka was nearly indicted by the Manhattan district attorney for fraud, but the inquiry was quashed by the DA himself after a timely $25,000 campaign contribution from the Trump family attorney Marc Kasowitz.

    Thank gawd she's not Hunter Biden or wingnuts would be sad at her.

  13. If you’ve seen what trump has been doing all of his life but especially the last 5 years and all it took was for him to control himself for an hour then you may want to look long and hard at yourself in the mirror and wonder where in the math problem you made the mistake. You put in a positive sign instead of a negative.

  14. Anonymous8:48 PM

    “My apologies to PilotX if he has posted this before.”

    This was a dishonest analysis.

    This court ruling didn’t say that cops aren’t legally obliged to do anything if a black suspect is having a health episode. That would be insane, but it’s not what they decided.

    What they actually ruled was not as bad, but still bad. The judges decided that the cops could not have been expected to know that handcuffs have an impact on a person’s breathing, and thus were not obliged to let a suspect out of handcuffs when the suspect fell ill. I don’t think that’s entirely realistic, given police do receive first aid training and should have known better.

    As a further note, the plaintiff’s case was not helped by the fact that the cops did, in fact, call an ambulance for the suspect, but he then refused medical treatment. This bolstered the cops’ belief that the suspect was probably faking his health condition and there was no reason to uncuff him.

    I think Amy Coney Barrett’s addition to the Supreme Court will probably be bad for civil rights in general, but that can’t justify misrepresenting her record the way this article does.

  15. Wesley R9:43 PM

    The Republicans lost the last presidential election by over 3 million votes, but they control everything that goes on in this country. They will lose by a larger margin this year. Time to change the rules just like they do. The majority of the country needs to set policy, and the new rules needs reflect that.

  16. Anonymous9:51 PM

    You want to know why you libturds are going to lose this election in a near-record landslide?

    It's because you're pulling shit like this all over the place, and normies are fucking sick and tired of it.  Fucking sick and tired of YOU.

    You are your own worst enemies.

  17. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!9:53 PM

    ACB confirmed to SCOTUS, 53-46.

  18. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I see a pattern:

  19. Anonymous10:46 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  20. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Field is upset a RINO squish is voting for Trump.

    Go figure.

  21. Chicago Roy10:58 PM

    Joe Biden is a man of character, as evidenced by his crack smoking, child abusing (alleged) son who was given multiple high-6-, low-7-figure jobs in industries for which he lacked any meaningful training, but which are typically the province of political nepotism cases.

  22. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Black Democrat Businessman in PA CONVERTS to Trump: "I Did My Research, Trump's Not Racist!"

  23. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Christmas Eve, 2020: Supreme Court rules 5-4 that fraudulent election results must be thrown out, and declares Donald Trump winner of the 2020 Presidential Election.

  24. Chicago Roy11:02 PM

    If Biden wins the press, left, progressives, centrists, and the neocons will never be able to complain about the character, intellect and honesty of a president again, or pretend the executive office is anything other than an impotent front.

  25. Negrodamus11:06 PM

    2021: The US builds a Colossus of Rhodes style megastatue of Trump banging a porn star, which bestrides the Potomac.

  26. Chicago Roy said...

    If Biden wins the press, left, progressives, centrists, and the neocons will never be able to complain about the character, intellect and honesty of a president again, or pretend the executive office is anything other than an impotent front.

    11:02 PM
    On what facts do you base your opinions?

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! said...

    ACB confirmed to SCOTUS, 53-46.

    9:53 PM
    Several web sited are reporting the vote was 48 to 52.

  28. Anonymous11:23 PM

    "Several web sited are reporting the vote was 48 to 52."

    It was. Susan Collins voted with the Democrats against confirming her.

    Collins is facing a tough re-election fight and didn't want to look like a hypocritical shit for claiming there was some vital moral principle that didn't allow confirmation of a justice in an election year, back when Obama was president, and then going on to do just that now that Trump is president.

    The rest of the Republicans don't care about looking like hypocritical shits. They're proudly evil.

  29. “If Biden wins the press, left, progressives, centrists, and the neocons will never be able to complain about the character, intellect and honesty of a president again, or pretend the executive office is anything other than an impotent front.“

    You mean the same position conservatives are in? Nah man, Biden is at least qualified having served in the senate as head of the judiciary and foreign affairs committees and 8 years as VP. Sounds a lot more qualified than host of the Celebrity Apprentice.

  30. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Biden has always been a crooked moron.

    Now he is a senile crooked moron who has been exposed as a moral cretin who lets his granddaughter be abused because it might cut the flow of money off from his meth head bagman.

  31. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Philly is burning tonight.

    Dems must be freaking out about losing Pennsylvania.

  32. Anonymous2:17 AM

    What the hell is even going on here? It's incredible how the journos are just desperately trying to shove this dead weight across the finish line.

  33. "Dems must be freaking out about losing Pennsylvania."

    It's Nov. 3rd? Wow, time flies.

  34. "Black Democrat Businessman in PA CONVERTS to Trump: "I Did My Research, Trump's Not Racist!"

    LOL. Michael the Black man pretends to be an undecided or Dem to fool gullible whites. Good for this guy, there are stupid people of all races and trump has the lock on the stupid vote.

  35. LOL. This guy is kind of confused. First he says he started supporting trump when he came down the escalator but then it's when he attended the 2016 Dem convention. LOL. If this is the best example of Black trump voters you might be in trouble. trump IS racist.


  37. drumpf's personalized body count struck 2 new milestones yesterday and I forgot to inform you inbred magats...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Walk with pride and bak in drumpf's shittiness.

  38. Havernmouth shows his true partisan colors and lies while doing it.

  39. Anonymous9:27 AM

    CNN anchor Chris Cuomo was caught galivanting around New York without a protective mask in the latest setback for the “Cuomo Prime Time” namesake when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the New York Post.

    “Spies spotted the CNN anchor hanging at a downtown private members club, hobnobbing without a mask and acting like he was the mayor of the joint,” Post reporter Carlos Greer wrote.

    Cuomo, the younger brother of Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, regularly condemns President Trump and members of his administration for their handling of the ongoing pandemic and not wearing masks.

    But he doesn’t appear to always practice what he preaches, as "Tucker Carlson Tonight" recently reported that he was scolded by his apartment building’s management for not wearing a mask. According to the Post, CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” namesake still hasn’t gotten the message.

    “He was not social distancing and was walking around indoors, shaking hands and greeting people without a mask. He was just hanging with Brooke Shields’ husband. It’s a double standard when his brother is attacking the restaurant industry and implementing all these senseless rules,” a source told the Post.

  40. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    drumpf's personalized body count struck 2 new milestones yesterday and I forgot to inform you inbred magats...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Walk with pride and bak in drumpf's shittiness.

    8:33 AM

    All Bullshit propaganda numbers from the left. reduce those numbers by 88.7% and you get a more realistic idea of what we are dealing with.

  41. What a Cunt Tree. Partisan hack appoints partisan hack to dismantle postal system, get rid of mail sorting machines, slow down delivery of ballots and then the political hack has his appointed political hack ideologues in lifetime judicial seats rule ballots not returned by/to dysfunctional on purpose, postal service will not be counted. They will make exceptions for military ballots that are in favor of the partisan hack.

  42. All Bullshit propaganda numbers from the left. reduce those numbers by 88.7% and you get a more realistic idea of what we are dealing with.

    Makes you a phucking liar. Prove your numbers, sport, or stfu!


    Former female Missouri Senator bitch slaps Miss Peggy the lush.

  44. It's magic - the closer we get to Nov. third, the more trolls appear here. Moscow and the Trumpies must be targeting this blog. Gee, who would have known Field's site would be so important?!!

    I comment on other sites, but I haven't see the same propaganda machine in operation any where else.


    Judge won’t allow Barr to be trump’s personal attorney. I mean his broke ass can’t afford a personal attorney and imagine Giuliani defending you in court.😆😆

  46. “All Bullshit propaganda numbers from the left. reduce those numbers by 88.7% and you get a more realistic idea of what we are dealing with.“

    That is a very specific number.😆😆 Praytell how you know this.

  47. “It's magic - the closer we get to Nov. third, the more trolls appear here.”

    Or it’s just one overactive troll.

  48. Anonymous10:56 AM

    All Bullshit propaganda numbers from the left. reduce those numbers by 88.7% and you get a more realistic idea of what we are dealing with.

    9:28 AM

    I agree that Covid is a bullshit control scheme by the Democrats and their Chinese masters, but the number is more like 99.7%, its a "thing" but not a big thing.

    Do we shut the country down for the common flu or pneumonia ???

  49. Chelsea Clinton steps out of college and her parents get her a job paying $900,000 per year. Now her mom goes around the country speaking out against "White Privilege".

  50. I agree that Covid is a bullshit control scheme by the Democrats and their Chinese masters, but the number is more like 99.7%, its a "thing" but not a big thing.

    Just like the Biden bombshells, not a single particle of truth about any of the promised criminal activities. Why do you losers insist on never providing any credible evidence with your phucking lies? You are just as phucking big liars as drumpf and he is the worst ever.

  51. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Biden is busted.

  52. Julius12:05 PM

    Every president and candidate for president has flaws. We have to choose based on performance, not on style. And Donald Trump’s performance has been good.

  53. Bar Ratt's ascension to the court makes this the most illegitimate court ever. All decisions will be exposed for reversal and/or dismissal.

    Go libs. Take back the senate and the White House and put fucking wingnuts in their place, which most likely means lock them up.

  54. Anonymous12:44 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  55. Trump 10 to life, no pardon, no parole.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:43 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Christmas Eve, 2020: Supreme Court rules 5-4 that fraudulent election results must be thrown out, and declares Donald Trump winner of the 2020 Presidential Election.

    11:01 PM
    Christmas Day 2020: Second Civil War begins.

  57. Julius said...

    Every president and candidate for president has flaws. We have to choose based on performance, not on style. And Donald Trump’s performance has been good.

    12:05 PM
    Please describe how Trump's performance has been good. BTW, style frequently reveals whether a man or a woman respects others. That's kinda important. Obviously, Donal Trump respects no one.

  58. Dame Piggy's insides are likely pickled, so dissecting her carcass probably wouldn't bother her in the least.

    Someone oughta give it a shot. I am not a doctor, but, then, neither are most of the ex-spurts drumpf surrounds his stable genius self with.


    Making shit up, again. Par for drumpf wingnut course.

  60. drumpf has ended covid. All heil drumpf!

  61. Dick Nibbler, PhD4:05 PM

    New data from the Census Bureau shows that during the first two years of President Trump’s administration, a time of rapid job growth and historically low unemployment, immigration went down. How is that possible?

  62. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Christmas Day 2020: Second Civil War begins.

    2:43 PM

    The Soy Boy army will loose big time commie......

  63. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Why would you put coloured tape in the shape of directional arrows in stores and businesses on the floor??? I didn't know that bacteria and viruses knew which way to go???

    are you a sheep????


    Explain in what context this isn't admission of criminal deals with China involving Joe Biden.

  65. Anonymous said...

    The Soy Boy army will loose big time commie......

    4:16 PM
    If you knew how to punctuate properly it would contribute to other people's understanding of what you are trying to say. If you were calling me a commie, then you should have placed a coma right after the word 'time'.

    So what's a Soy Boy army, idiot? (please note correct punctuation.)

  66. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Hunter Biden:

    I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling but my old partner Eric, who literally has done me harm for I don’t know how long, is the one taking the calls because my father will not stop sending the calls to Eric. I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho – the fucking spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing. The richest man in the world is missing who was my partner. He was missing since I last saw him in his $58 million apartment inside a $4 billion deal to build the fucking largest fucking LNG port in the world. And I am receiving calls from the Southern District of New York from the U.S. Attorney himself. My best friend in business Devon has named me as a witness without telling me in a criminal case and my father without telling me.

  67. WTF? said...

    Audio recordings are extremely easy to fake. Yawn.

  68. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Biden team escorts press away from him as he goes incoherent.

  69. Here's yer answer wtf.... Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

    Go phuck yerself and yer conspiracy theories.


    Moar fake news for wingnuts to whine about, eh?

  71. Natalie5:53 PM

    Granny believes Gropin' Joe came by his fabulous wealth on his government salary.

    Go figure.

  72. Natalie said...
    Granny believes Gropin' Joe came by his fabulous wealth on his government salary.

    Liar. Gambler knows how Biden came by his paltry wealth and he did it legally, unlike drumpf criminal enterprise.

    One last thing, you losers need to learn how to spell losers, one o, losers.

  73. DOJ lawyers in more hot water after it was determined they altered more than one note from Peter Strzok and now they claimed Strzok and McCabe's lawyers agreed with authenticity of other notes the lawyers said they did not authenticate.

  74. dRUMPF BOMBSHELL from NYT...

    moar criminal acts from criminal fake potus. His ass is grass.

  75. Peggers is way too far gone down the neck of her bottle to make any sense, and has been for so long that it's a worn out beltway inside joke.

    Tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors owns the rights to mocking Peggy Noonan, so if that's your bag, go there and partake.

    I find her kinda sad and pathetic, myself, and take no particular mirth in her present condition. Seen it too many times already, in people made of sterner, higher quality stuff than Peggy the fuck Noonan.

    Fergus done fucked up, and Fergus for once knows he has, so the narcissistic fit he's about to throw will be measured on the Richter scale, if he has anything to say about it.

    The way things are looking, he may or may not have any say about it, as he is getting his ass kicked well and truly.

    But again, the lame duck is gonna be a wild ride.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Cool story, Doug.

  77. Doug: what's with the anonymoid saying 'Cool story, Doug'? Do you have a fan? Or is this mockery soooo hip that only the truuuuly hip can even tell that it's mockery? Is this edgyness so edgy that it isn't even edgy?

    This on top of the inherent, um, 'shyness' of anonymity.

    Maybe I do the anonymous one an injustice. Maybe you do have a fan, one who's very very shy. But why only for you? Yes, you're cool; but so is Gambler2, and PilotX, and Mike From Iowa. And of course our gracious host, Field Negro.

    So what gives? Someone should clarify this.

  78. Everything the media has pretended to care about in the past four years - Russians, disinformation, polarization, COVID, everything - it's all been about stopping Trump.

    No other reason.

    The question is not "is this issue important/real?"

    It's "how does this help/hurt Trump?"

  79. From USA Today

    Report warns five states are at high risk for activity by armed groups around election

    "Sam Jones, an ACLED spokesman, said his organization and MilitiaWatch have tracked more than 80 armed groups since the start of the summer, most of them right-wing groups, and identified the risks related to each, such as their propensity for violence.

    "Still, these risks do not mean that violence is inevitable," Jones said. "Voters should not be intimidated. Rather, we hope people are able to use the data to evaluate their own threat environment and organize locally to stay safe, reduce polarization in their communities and, ultimately, mitigate the risk of violence."

    In Pennsylvania, the report says that groups to watch include Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, American Contingency, Civilian Defense Force, Light Foot Militia and Mountain Top Watch, an unaffiliated group specific to Pennsylvania......"

  80. Natalie said...

    Granny believes Gropin' Joe came by his fabulous wealth on his government salary.

    Go figure.

    5:53 PM
    Natalie claims Joe has "fabulous wealth." but offers no proof for her claim. And Natalie expects Granny to believe her? HA HA HA HA HA etc.

  81. "In Pennsylvania, the report says that groups to watch include Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, American Contingency, Civilian Defense Force, Light Foot Militia and Mountain Top Watch, an unaffiliated group specific to Pennsylvania......"

    Don't forget the World Pumpkin Confederation and the Oompah Loompahs.

  82. Joe Biden's business partner provides details of his dealings with the Chinese government:

  83. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Biden voters rioting again tonight in Philly.


  85. “Do you have a fan?”

    Known as a stalker.😆

  86. Allum Bokhari: Thank you for having a name.

    The media does not pretend when it cares about covid-19; for the media is staffed by mature adults, who unlike, say, basement-dwelling snarky teens, are no longer inwardly immortal, and therefore are personally concerned about a deadly uncontrolled pandemic. They also are professionally obliged to cover a once-in-a-century story. Trump is involved in the covid coverage because he has badly mishandled the pandemic, and he has made his covid incompetence, malice, and nihilism part of his brand. He has made it clear that he intends to let the virus kill as many Americans as possible; therefore he is part of the story, and not a good part.

    Trump has also made the other stories you cite part of his brand. They are all real, and important, and destructive; and Trump has sided with destruction. He calls it 'conservative' partly because he is a pathological liar, and also because 'conservatism' is a Big Lie, even unto its very name. So if you are conservative in the non-Orwellian sense, then standing athwart of Trump saying 'stop' is part of your mission.

    Most mature adults are somewhat conservative in the non-Orwellian sense; for they are no longer inwardly immortal; unlike snarky teens, idiots, ideologues, cultists, and sociopaths such as Trump.

    Your last question has its terms reversed. It's not about America asking itself how to hurt Trump; it's about Trump asking himself how to hurt America.

  87. PilotX:
    "Known as a stalker."
    A real lame-o stalker.

  88. Anonymous said....

    I agree that Covid is a bullshit control scheme by the Democrats and their Chinese masters, but the number is more like 99.7%, its a "thing" but not a big thing.

    Do we shut the country down for the common flu or pneumonia ???

    10:56 AM
    Your data is faulty. The mortality rate for COVID19 in the United States is about three percent. That's about three deaths in every 100 cases of the disease. See below for comparison to the common flue.


    "comparisons, the table shows the case fatality rates for other disease outbreaks. The CFR of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were high: 10% and 34%, respectively.22

    The US seasonal flu has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1% to 0.2% – lower than the current CFR for COVID-19.23......"

  89. Gambler2:
    To paraphrase Churchill:
    They will do their worst. Let us do our best.

  90. Anonymous said...

    Biden voters rioting again tonight in Philly.

    10:03 PM
    Wow! Have they made any plans to kidnap and kill the governor, like the Wolverines in Michigan?

  91. Have our standards fallen so low that a president merely has to not call names and interrupt and talk over his opponent to have that debate labeled as 'good'? It wasn't a good debate. He talked bullshit the whole time. He presented nothing new. He stuck with the same old tired themes. 'Corona virus: we're winning' 'Economy: best ever' Health care: 'Obamacare bad, we have a better idea, just you wait and see.'

    He has brought this country to its knees in every way imaginable: We are divided, our economy in shambles, people are dying to a disease he will continue to ignore, we have kids who will probably never be reunited with their parents, the top 1% get richer, the rest of us simply don't matter.
    His open corruption doesn't even warrant outrage anymore...we have seen it repeatedly over the last nearly 4 years.

    I do not believe that this country can survive another 4 years under this man.

  92. Debby at 11:22

    I agree with all you said and I think we are joined by about 80 or 90 million other American voters. I just hope the Repubs. don't find a way to steal it.

  93. Captain Carl12:09 AM

    I do not believe people with the intellectual challenges of Debby should be allowed to vote.

  94. Anonymous12:12 AM

    "The mortality rate for COVID19 in the United States is about three percent."

    Because they are throwing all deaths into COVID. Flu deaths this year are 5% of normal.

  95. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were planning to launder $500 MILLION from Kremlin asset.

    US Sanctions prevented the LEGAL transfer... so they worked a way around the sanctions.

    $35 mill. was “tester” amount.

    Biden partner: “There’s so much more.”

  96. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Field out looting Walmart and Foot Locker tonight. For justice.

  97. A voicemail is aired showing that Rob Walker, the spouse of Jill Biden’s former top personal White House aide, told Tony Bobulinski “you’re just going to bury all of us, man" when he learned he would go on record with the facts.

  98. Clown Country12:31 AM

    The same political party that impeached President Donald Trump over a phone call about Joe Biden’s foreign corruption is now telling you to blatantly ignore Joe Biden’s foreign corruption.

  99. Anonymous12:32 AM

    The Democrats must think they lost the election if they let their feral rioters out again.

  100. Captain Carl said...

    I do not believe people with the intellectual challenges of Debby should be allowed to vote.

    12:09 AM
    And just what "intellectual challenges" would that be, Captain?

  101. Captain Carl said...

    I do not believe people with the intellectual challenges of Debby should be allowed to vote.

    12:09 AM
    You got a reliable source for your opinion or are you like Trump - you just make it up as you go along?

  102. Anonymous said...

    "The mortality rate for COVID19 in the United States is about three percent."

    Because they are throwing all deaths into COVID. Flu deaths this year are 5% of normal.

    12:12 AM
    Where did you get your data?

  103. The Big Guy said...

    Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were planning to launder $500 MILLION from Kremlin asset.

    US Sanctions prevented the LEGAL transfer... so they worked a way around the sanctions.

    $35 mill. was “tester” amount.

    Biden partner: “There’s so much more.”

    12:17 AM
    Gee, I didn't see Hunter Biden's name on my ballot, so I voted for Joe Biden instead. LOL!

  104. Paradoctor: Nah, they admitted they were trying to discourage me from posting, but I can't really give a rat's ass what they think or say about me.
    It's like my dad told me about not getting baited into a fight: consider the source.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  105. "The same political party that impeached President Donald Trump over a phone call about Joe Biden’s foreign corruption is now telling you to blatantly ignore Joe Biden’s foreign corruption."

    Well, you have to have more than Rudy Giuliani's and Sean Hannity's breathless frothing to prove someone guilty. Wake us up when charges are broughten. Yeah yeah we know, any day now.........

  106. "Where did you get your data?"

    Conservatives don't need sources or data, they just make things up. "Alternate facts".

  107. Anonymous1:18 AM

    "Gee, I didn't see Hunter Biden's name on my ballot, so I voted for Joe Biden instead. LOL!"

    Gee, you don't understand why anyone would give Hunter millions of dollars or who "The Big Guy" is.

  108. Yay America!1:19 AM

    Gambler2 said...
    "Report warns five states are at high risk for activity by armed groups around election"

    This report was produced by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) and MilitiaWatch.

    The ACLED receives financial support from the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations.

    Our tax dollars are used to gaslight and demoralize us.

  109. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Daisy Gardner
    Why did Trump’s guy at Deutsche Bank (Justice Kennedy’s son) forgive $287 million of Trump’s debts? Did someone buy a SCOTUS seat for $287 million (plus Kavanaugh’s mortgage & golf club fees)?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Confused story, Doug

  111. Palau1:31 AM

    The most vetted presidential candidate in history is running against the least vetted candidate in history. Trump has had the equivalent of a four-year political colonoscopy while Biden has avoided having even an eye exam by the media.

  112. Jimmy Chicken Wings1:35 AM

    PilotAA said...
    "Well, you have to have more than Rudy Giuliani's and Sean Hannity's breathless frothing to prove someone guilty. Wake us up when charges are broughten."

    "Broughten?" Did you go to college?

    Oh, and by the way, charges will be brought this coming Monday.

  113. United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Mortality rate is holding at 4% for drumpf's body count he is personally responsible for.

    Chanel Rion, if that is actually her and not someone else posting as her, is head nutcase at OAN, which is at least as honest and reliable as drumpf with all his lies.


    Uncle Thomas has got to go!

  115. From Merriam Webster....


    Definition of broughten
    substandard past tense of BRING

    "Broughten?" Did you go to college? Apparently you didn't go to college, JCW.

  116. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Negroes going krazee in Philadelphia rioting and looting....

  117. Anonymous9:42 AM

    PilotX is substndard.

  118. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "Mortality rate is holding at 4% for drumpf's body count he is personally responsible for."

    Total bullshit, its more like .4%, that's four tenths of a percent. Stop lying to push your Marxist/Communist agenda.

  119. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Black People Rush into Philadelphia Store Amid Reports of Looting:

  120. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Second night of clashes(looting/rioting) in Philadelphia after police kill violent Black man:

  121. Jimmy Chicken Wings said...

    Oh, and by the way, charges will be brought this coming Monday.

    1:35 AM
    Jimmy, pardon me if I don't hold my breath. I'm still waiting for the report from the two guys Trump sent to Hawaii thirteen years ago.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:56 AM

    Miike from Iowa said....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Mortality rate is holding at 4% for drumpf's body count he is personally responsible for.
    Mike, are you sure the four percent is right? When I divide 232,101 by 9,039,170. I get 2,57 percent. Even so, it's a hell of a lot of dead people, most of whom died because of Trump's incompetence.


  123. Anonymous said....

    total bullshit, its more like .4%, that's four tenths of a percent. Stop lying to push your Marxist/Communist agenda.

    9:43 AM
    Obviously you don't understand decimals. To get the mortality rate, you divide the number of deaths by the number of cases and move the decimal point two spaces to the right.

  124. In 2019’s new federal National Criminal Victimization Survey, an individual black is almost 27 times as likely to do criminal violence to a white as vice versa. This may answer 2020’s often-asked question of why blacks get hassled by the cops so much.

  125. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Even Fox News is now pointing out that Giuliani’s Hunter Biden stories sound kinda, sorta, a little bit like bullshit. He was not too happy with his latest interview on Fox, in he did not receive the softball treatment he expected.

    As Trump is looking more and more like a loser next week, Republican officials and media figures are starting to distance themselves from him and his lackeys. In another month, they’ll all pretend they never supported him.

    Rudy has beclowned himself, peddling lies for his orange-tinted master. His reputation is trashed, and for what? What will be his ultimate reward? Was the money really that good?

    Welcome to “under the bus,” Rudy.

  126. Anonymous1:53 PM

    If Biden wins, he will be forced out of office because of his China dealings.

  127. drumpf's updated body count...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:
    Cases which had an outcome:
    5,893,535 (96%)
    Recovered / Discharged

    232,498 (4%

    Let's see an anyfuckingmooseies legit numbers.

  128. Magats are scrambling like mad to find anything they can to tie Bidens to corruption and, like always, they have failed miserably. Magats are losers and drumpfuckian magats are the loserest magats of all.

  129. From Crooks and Liars today...

    Jacob Wohl And Jack Burkman Hit With MORE Felony Charges - This Time In Cleveland

    These two guys are big-time, white, domestic terrorists.

  130. Magats are whining mainstream media wouldn't jump on their false conspiracy against Biden's bandwagon. Too bad, so sad.


  131. Anonymous said...

    If Biden wins, he will be forced out of office because of his China dealings.

    1:53 PM
    Not with a Democratic Senate, he won't. But you dream on anyway.

  132. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "If Biden wins, he will be forced out of office because of his China dealings."

    If Biden wins, we will never hear about "China dealings" again.

    Since that lie didn't work, wingnuts will move on to some new slander.

  133. Anonymous4:24 PM

    If we never hear about Joe Biden's China dealings again, maybe it will start to sink into your thick head that we live in a kleptocracy propped up by a corrupt intelligence apparatus and a media that serves only power.

  134. Who is lying, Joe Biden or this ex-Naval officer?:

  135. Anonymous Bought and sold was that an attempted funny on your part? Because it wasn't funny and it appears to have been totally opposite of what you said was there.

  136. Anonymous6:26 PM

    James O'Keefe must be a genius at selective editing to get these democrats to show how corrupt they are:

  137. O' Keefe edited the whole tweet away. Best work he has ever done.

  138. Anonymous said...

    James O'Keefe must be a genius
    James O'Keefe is a lying, cheating, dishonorable bastard that should be sent to prison. In addition, he's pretty dumb. He got caught trying to bug a Senator's office phone.

  139. trump left hundreds of his supporters stranded in Omaha. The good news is only 30 required medical assistance but they were old folks, kids and a person in a wheelchair. Survival of the fittest, amiright? MAGA baby! And it somehow has to be Obama's fault.

  140. Anonymous7:51 PM

    “And it somehow has to be Obama's fault.”

    Obama taunted Trump by saying Trump was jealous of all the attention the coronavirus was getting. So Trump was probably too busy being mad about that to take care of his rally attendees.

    Damn that devious Obama.

  141. There is still an investigation going on dealing with FBI leaks in 2016 to Screwdy Rudy. IG Horowitz has said the investigation is ongoing. It involved loud mouth Rudy claiming he had inside FBI sources feeding him information that would blow HRC out of the election.

    Former SOH "Hottub" Tom Delay said much the same thing about sources in the New York FBI office. These are the ones with the known bias and hatred of Clinton.

  142. Anonymous8:26 PM

    'Moneybagg Yo- Said Som' encapsulates a Democrat Kodak moment!

    Democratic campaign ad, simply PRICELESS!

    Enslaved American ancestors are rolling over in their graves at the horror of it all.

  143. So Kavernmouth turns out to be as fucking dumb as we figured.

    Nothing like an inbred wasicu ideologue with shit fer brains given a lifetime spot at the federal trough because he is a moron.

  144. “So Kavernmouth turns out to be as fucking dumb as we figured.“

    The problem is the other 4 justices that went along with him. Robert’s court will probably forever be stained as political hacks and even he can’t do anything about it.

  145. LeonT9:11 PM

    Impeach and remove every judge that trump has approved. Every one.

  146. Leon Low-T9:12 PM

    I think I have a yeast infection.

  147. Corn Pop9:15 PM

    PilotAA said...
    “Robert’s court will probably forever be stained as political hacks and even he can’t do anything about it."

    Trump has broughten us to this point.

  148. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The Wizard of OZ ClOwNeD the ENTIRE family and they are to arrogant /thirsty to catch a clue! *SMH*

  149. “Trump has broughten us to this point.“

    Yes he has.😆

  150. In case you need a reference, broughten is a word.😂.


  152. Verified BOOM!

  153. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Oh boy. Just look at this farcical effort to cheat Trump back into office. I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but this lame Hunter/Joe Biden smear, IT JUST KEEPS GETTING DUMBER!

    Here’s Tucker Carlson, with a completely straight face, telling his audience how he had these damning documents that would have proven Joe Biden’s nefarious criminal behavior beyond a shadow of a doubt — but then liberal gremlins stole them. So if he has no proof now, guys, it’s totally not because he made it up or anything. No, no, of course not; it’s because the Bidens sent ninjas to foil his efforts.

    If you are a wingnut who believes even a tiny smidgen of this preposterous fantasy ... what the fuck is wrong with you? Hard drives abandoned with blind computer repairmen? Keith Ablow is Hunter Biden’s buddy? Vanishing documents stolen by Democrat secret agents? These are not even mediocre lies — they’re terrible, half-assed, pathetic, lazy lies that don’t pass the laugh test.

    If this is you, lay off the crack pipe. And then immediately go back to school for some remedial education. Starting from kindergarten.

  154. When Fergus is through with you he will leave you out in the cold.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  155. Fergus is a cunt.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  156. Anonymous3:44 AM

    “Fergus is a cunt.”

    He certainly is.

  157. Jesse said...
    Verified BOOM!

    Dear Loser, debunked bullshit, over and over. Do try to keep up and wipe yer nose.


    Stoopid fucking wingnuts get their fantasy debunked (again) and then explained in elaborate detail why they are stoopid fucking wingnuts.


    The dog ate muh homewerk, teach. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  160. Anonymous9:06 AM


  161. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Obama, Bidens, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer and other turn coats democrats sold out America to China long ago.

    The democrats only need black vote and support for so long. Once in power and the full NWO plan implemented Black Americans will no longer be relevant or needed........


    Long list of the grifting drumpf criminal brats and likely crimes committed.

  163. Anonymous9:26 AM

    How has Tony Bobulinski's story been debunked?

  164. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Again, Nice Hero
    So we saw the video of the knife wielding almost-assassin in Philadelphia the other day. He chased officers around a vehicle before being justifiably shot. The usual riots then ensued over a multiple convicted felon, with the ignorant masses claiming Officers should have used non-lethal methods when being confronted by lethal force - which is contrary to all training and all existing state law in all 50 states.

    Here's the "hero" of the "community:"

    27...with nine children. We're sure he supported all of them adequately;
    in 2013 pled guilty to assault and resisting arrest after hitting a police officer;
    Four years later he pled guilty to robbery, assault, and possessing an instrument of crime after kicking down the door of a woman and putting a gun to her head;
    another dozen arrests in intervening years;
    another musical "artist" who rapped about shooting police officers and other people.
    This was the third time in a single day that PPD had responded to calls about him.

    Following extensive looting, thirty injured cops and ninety or so arrests, eleven other people were shot, mostly after they looted stores and someone else robbed them - which we find darkly ironic.

    So looting, shooting, burning and destruction might be an appropriate legacy for someone who contributed nothing to society and almost as much to Philadelphia.

  165. Snopes is for dopes:


  166. Maybe some of you Joe Biden fans can explain something to me.

    Joe wants to ban fracking and transition America off fossil fuels, because if we don't we'll all die from global warming.

    But Joe and his family are involved in lucrative deals developing fossil fuel production with foreign companies, including ventures associated with the Chinese government.

    He wants to re-engage the United States with climate deals that will punish American industry but that exclude China.

    This seems to be contradictory to the stated goals of saving the planet and keeping good paying American jobs. What am I missing?

  167. Anonymous said...

    Obama, Bidens, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer and other turn coats democrats sold out America to China long ago.

    The democrats only need black vote and support for so long. Once in power and the full NWO plan implemented Black Americans will no longer be relevant or needed........

    9:10 AM
    Russian bot trying to reduce the Black vote.

  168. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Russian bot cares more about black people than Granny does.

    Strange world.

  169. How has Tony Bobulinski's story been debunked?

    Hasn't been authenticated, you mean.

  170. Phillie shooting was unnecessary as the family called 911 for an ambulance and the pigs showed up and they are not trained to handle these cases like officials are.

    The original video did not show a knife being wielded towards pigs and both pigs fired 7 rounds, most after the suspect, who suffered from bi-polar disease, had already dropped to the pavement.

  171. Anonymous12:26 PM

    “This seems to be contradictory to the stated goals of saving the planet and keeping good paying American jobs. What am I missing?”

    Any real proof of Biden’s so-called “China dealings.”


    in ways scientists don't understand, yet. We guessed this about stoopid fucking wingnuts since Putin installed drumpf in the kremlin annex.

  173. Tis a glorious thing to see drumpf with impeached attached to his name forever.

  174. Juan said...

    Maybe some of you Joe Biden fans can explain something to me.

    Joe wants to ban fracking and transition America off fossil fuels, because if we don't we'll all die from global warming.
    Your first statement is untrue. Joe said, he would ban fracking on public lands. That is not the same as banning fracking.

    Try to get the facts straight, please.

  175. “Joe wants to ban fracking and transition America off fossil fuels“

    Um, yeah. Eventually we’ll transition off fossil fuels. Where’s the shocking reveal?

  176. Anonymous1:38 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    How has Tony Bobulinski's story been debunked?

    Hasn't been authenticated, you mean.

    You said it was debunked.

    These are pretty serious allegations. Why isn't the media concerned with authenticating them?


  177. “The democrats only need black vote and support for so long. Once in power and the full NWO plan implemented Black Americans will no longer be relevant or needed........”

    Oh no! The New World Order!😂😂😂 Are we back in 2000 now? Black helicopters and reeducation camps?😆 Gotta love the throwbacks, must be a young troll that didn’t go through this 20 years ago.

  178. “Why isn't the media concerned with authenticating them?“

    Because no one wants to chase Fox stories that aren’t real. Tucker and Hannity are on the case so don’t despair, it’ll be authenticated soon.😆


    Fracking indirectly causes earthquakes. Gotta love that.🙄

  180. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Any real proof of Biden’s so-called “China dealings.”

    Yes, emails and texts on Hunter's laptop that have been verified as authentic by a Senate committee and that have not been denied as being authentic by the Biden campaign.

    There is also the completely independent corroboration of ex-Biden business partners Devon Conney and Tony Bobulinski. Bobulinski has provided email evidence that backs his claims. He is a former Naval officer with a high government security clearance who is extremely credible.

  181. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "Fracking indirectly causes earthquakes"

    That are of such low intensity they can't be felt and can only be detected by seismographs.

    Fracking has also allowed the US to become energy independent, stopped the huge wealth transfer to foreign energy producers, allowed for the transition to cleaner burning natural gas, and provided hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs.

  182. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "Eventually we’ll transition off fossil fuels."

    Why is Joe Biden trying to transition America off fossil fuels at the same time he is personally profiting by selling access to foreign fossil fuel producers?


    😆😆😆😆 The super secret documents that prove the Hunter Biden “scandal” were stolen. Nobody made any copies or forwarded them by email huh? 😂😂😂

  184. “That are of such low intensity they can't be felt and can only be detected by seismographs.“

    Well, technically fracking causes small earthquakes but the wastewater produced by the process causes larger quakes that can cause damage and injuries. Great system we have. First these fools want to bring back coal and now they want to cause earthquakes. Incredible.

  185. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Maybe you could get a job flying solar-powered airliners. Maybe not.

  186. Fracking also poisons groundwater. Fracking chemicals may or may not be cancer causing. No one knows because frackers sued to make their chem cocktails trade secrets.

    Biden is not against all fracking. Just new fracking.

    Frackers with big bank accounts threaten towns with bankruptcy if they pass laws to prevent frackers from fracking in schoolyards and churchyards if they so desire.

  187. Anonymous3:21 PM

    mike is a fracking idiot who has no idea what he is talking about.


    anyfuckingmoose is an inbred fucking wasicu wastey wingnut with shit fer brains. Everybody knows he knows less than nothing.

  189. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Biden and Harris both said they would ban fracking during the primaries.

    Now instead of saying they will kill it on "day one", they saying they are only going to strangle it slowly.

    They are lying because it is bad policy that would be disastrous for the US economy.

  190. This seems to be contradictory to the stated goals of saving the planet and keeping good paying American jobs. What am I missing?”

    drumpf's Phase 1 of China trade deal makes it a lucrative option for American corporations to build in China, taking jobs away from Americans.

    There is no Phase 2.

  191. Tony Babbalouie story is not credible because mainstream media won't run with it and especially not less than a week from then election. That short time dump before the election is a wingnut trick they perfected in 2016, getting tons of false info released and dropping HRCs poll num bers just enough to get drumpf installed as czarina to Putin.

    As I have said in the past, if as story only shows up on right wing sites, it is likely fake.

  192. Bidens going down, this time for sure...

    Courtesy of The Daily Beast:

    A spokesman for UPS told The Daily Beast on Thursday that they had located a mysterious packaged that Fox News host Tucker Carlson suggested had been deliberately misplaced or intercepted because it contained “damning” materials on the Biden family. “After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return,” the spokesman said. “UPS will always focus first on our customers, and will never stop working to solve issues and make things right.”

    But wait, I thought the package had been opened and the documents removed?

    I hate to say this out loud, but it seems as if somebody is not being truthful.

    I wonder who that could be?

  193. Moar dirt on drumpf....

    I believe Turkey threatened to keep US nukes if drumpf didn't get bank case cleared.

  194. Anonymous4:39 PM


  195. Anonymous4:39 PM


  196. drumpf's personalized body count....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  197. Winston Smith5:41 PM

    mike from Oceania said...
    "Tony Babbalouie story is not credible because mainstream media won't run with it"

    You are the reason democracy was a bad idea.

  198. Anonymous5:44 PM

    EXCLUSIVE: A Justice Dept official confirms that in 2019, the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into "Hunter Biden and his associates," focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today.

  199. Anonymous5:50 PM


  200. Anonymous5:52 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    drumpf's personalized body count....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    5:39 PM

    Total Bullshit!!! reduce those numbers by 99.7%


