Thursday, October 29, 2020

? Of The Day

Do you believe that the United States Supreme Court will ultimately decide the result of the upcoming presidential election? 

And, if they do, which state's ballots will it all come down to?  


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    God, I hope not.

    If this isn’t settled on Election Day, or shortly thereafter, and ends up with either Republican legislators or the Supreme Court fucking with the results to keep Trump in the job he already shouldn’t have, society is going to break down. I don’t care to speculate what kind of ugliness will transpire after that.

  2. James O'Keefe9:56 PM

    The Supreme Court will rule Donald Trump the winner due to overwhelming evidence of democrat election fraud. Clarence Thomas, a real Field Negro, will write the decision.

    Book it.

  3. Ace Freeley9:58 PM

    Joe Biden's campaign schedule indicates that Biden knows the polls are garbage.

    Supposedly Biden's up comfortably in Minnesota.

    Then why did he just schedule one of his very few out-of-the-basement trips to campaign there?

  4. Ace Freeley10:02 PM

    Andrew Cuomo gave immunity to nursing homes for lawsuits due to transmitting covid from one patient to another after, get this, nursing homes made big donations to his political campaign.

    He was later forced to repeal part of that special immunity deal due to public fury, but he tried to deliver favors for campaign cash.

    Andrew Cuomo's order to pack the nursing homes -- which had no isolation wards and which barely had any capability of containing an infectious outbreak at all -- with infected and infectious patients just happened to keep those patients out of hospitals.

    They murdered tens of thousands of elderly people in nursing homes to spare the hospitals the bother of treating them.

    And oh, lookie here -- hospitals also donated hugely to Andrew Cuomo:

    "But now we discover that Cuomo got campaign funds from the hospital organizations that lobbied for his lethal policy for the elderly and which then bought TV ads whitewashing his culpability.

    An exclusive audit of campaign donations to Cuomo by shows disturbing links with industry bodies which demanded the disastrous order forcing nursing homes to admit COVID-infected patients hospitals didn't want.

    Overall, the audit shows a "systematic pay-to-play culture in Albany," says Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of, a nonprofit which has compiled a comprehensive database of US public sector expenditures."

  5. Ace Freeley10:06 PM

    Unexpectedly, National Gross Domestic Product Grows At All Time Record, Doubling Previous Record Set in 1950

    A usual rate of growth for a good quarter (annualized) of growth is 3%.

    The US economy grew by 33.1% in the third quarter.

    "The gain came after a 31.4% plunge in the second quarter and was better than the 32% estimate from economists surveyed by Dow Jones. The previous post-World War II record was the 16.7% burst in the first quarter of 1950."

  6. Ace Freeley said...
    Joe Biden's campaign schedule indicates that Biden knows the polls are garbage.


    Polling is done primarily by calling people at home.

    Less than 40% of Americans still have land lines.

    The answer rate is a about 6%.

    Therefore the polls are relying on answers given by the 2.4% of Americans who still have a land line and who will give information to a random caller.

    On top of that, the polling companies, like everyone else, are reducing costs by outsourcing the data collection to cheap Indian call centers. A good percentage of respondents are not going to understand some thick Pajeet accent or are going to decide not to say how they are really going to vote.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

  7. Anonymous10:24 PM

    There are basically 4 theoretical outcomes here.

    Trump wins big:

    Sorry, not gonna happen. Trump has zero shot of winning big. The majority of Americans hate him.

    Trump wins barely:

    Possible, though pretty damn unlikely. But there is a long-shot chance that he loses the popular vote again, but somehow squeaks by in the ever-undemocratic Electoral College, as in 2016.

    Biden wins big:

    Possible and likely

    Biden wins barely:

    Possible and likely, and this is the real danger scenario. Because if Biden wins, but not by a big margin, that margin might well come through mail-in ballots not yet counted on Election Day. Trump will then lie and declare them all fraudulent, and that's where the door opens for all kinds of illegal Republican shenanigans.

    I really, really hope the latter does not happen.

  8. I see that the trolls have all adopted names now, for which I suppose I should be grateful; but alas it means that I should retire the term 'anonymoid'. Now it's honest (though shy) folk who don't give a name; but please do.

    The trolls are still trolls, though, and still slander and lie, for reasons that still escape me. They aren't convincing us, or even themselves. I guess they diss to be dissed back. It's a form of self-abuse.

    As for Field Negro's question: I sure hope not. I'm reasonably sure that the margin for Biden will be wide, thanks to early voting (which I recommend for all voters from now on). Of course the criminal-in-chief will cling to power; I figure that the case he'll make is to eliminate all early votes.

    If I were advising Trump, and he were listening, then I'd say, "Turn yourself in. SDNY will protect you, in a secure location, from your predatory creditors, like 'Polonium' Putin and his criminal cronies. Take Ivanka with you; she's in danger too."

    If Biden wins, then expect a spasm of cultist violence. They will do their worst; let us do our best. Then will come the long labor of de-neo-Nazification. It's a dirty job but necessary.

    If, God forbid, Trump cheats his way in again, then expect a long slow burn, plus millions of covid deaths due to the orange monster's malign neglect. American shark-jumping; Putin's dream.

    In either case, expect a Great Grief. We have lost so much, and so many, and will continue to lose much and many, until the vaccine. Some, like the cultists and our pet trolls, will hide their grief behind fear and rage. That is not healthy. Saner to unburden your heart and clear your eyes.

  9. Trump is relying on election-day chaos, but also on election-day Red votes. These two plans conflict. As usual he is his own worst enemy.

    Disputing later mail-in votes won't help him; that'll have lots of rural and military voters. (Though by now they too might be turning against him.) His best bet would be to overturn early voting; but I don't think Comey has the guts for that, and Roberts knows better.

  10. I meant "Coney Barrett", not "Comey". If she has any sense then she'll recuse herself, like a good handmaid. If.

  11. Maaaaaaaaan, these Federalist folks have been planning a conservative takeover of this country for decades. How could they possibly pass on this opportunity? They will declare trump the winner on Nov. 3rd because anything else would cause "chaos". 2000 was just a warmup.

  12. "Clarence Thomas, a real Field Negro"


  13. "I'm reasonably sure that the margin for Biden will be wide"

    Hope you're right cause I remember 2004. How could America be so stupid? We haven't gotten any smarter since then.

  14. Avoiding chaos is not an option. It's chaos either way, and indeed we have endured chaos for four eternal years. The choice is: a short burst of violent cultist chaos, followed by the restoration of democratic order; or a long slow burn of popular chaos, under the continued misrule of King Chaos.

    And isn't it way past time to retire the misnomer 'conservative'? That name's a Big Lie. The Reds are all about destruction. It's the Blues who wish to conserve.

  15. PilotX: Clarence Thomas is a _House_ Negro.

  16. I think Joe will win big, so the Supremes will not be involved. But is it turns our another way and it's close enough for the Republicans with the help of the Supreme Court to steal it, then I think all hell will break loose.

  17. The Persisitence11:25 PM

    Anonymoid Paradoctor said...
    "If Biden wins, then expect a spasm of cultist violence. They will do their worst; let us do our best. Then will come the long labor of de-neo-Nazification. It's a dirty job but necessary."

    Just listen to this paragon of American values who wants to put political opponents in camps the minute the Bolsheviks seize power.

    Guess what commie? It's not going to happen. Steel yourself for Trump's victory over the corrupt kleptocrat whose campaign is going down faster than Hunter going down on his niece.

    America will stand.

  18. Anonymous11:31 PM

    So buffoonish was Biden that none other than Osama bin Laden had instructed his assassins to only take out Obama because 'Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis,' The New Yorker reported in 2014.

  19. Anonymous11:50 PM

    BREAKING: Presidential candidate Joe Biden under criminal investigation by the FBI:

  20. "BREAKING: Presidential candidate Joe Biden under criminal investigation by the FBI"


  21. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Imagine being a Bernie supporter LMAO

    There was an active FBI investigation of the Biden family, and primary voters never got to hear about it.

  22. Charisse12:04 AM

    Abortion is the greatest evil this country has known, and it's not just the primary effect of the murder of innocent babies, but also the secondary effect of the madness it imputes upon those guilty of it as they continue to deny their sin.

    The entire left wing power structure is built upon this evil sacrament. It is what has allowed the left to lure women to their satanic cause and stoke their self righteous fury and fear of rebuke into political action.

    Without the love of abortion, there is no national electoral success for the left.

    I honestly don't know how anyone can watch videos of pro choice women raging against those who rebuke their sin and not see that Christianity is true.

    There isn't a more clear cut case of righteousness vs sin. The women who respond to Biblical condemnation of their murderous hearts are clearly in the throes of possession. They are soaked in sin and have so let it corrupt their hearts that they appear to be demonic.

    Everyone sins. We are all in need of a Savior. But not all sin is the same. And ongoing, unrepentant sin is a denial of The Lord's inherent goodness and His sovereignty over all of creation. There are not only eternal repercussions for this willing rebellion, but earthly ones as well.

    Watch and listen. It couldn't be more clear. These women are tormented by their guilt. They KNOW that they have committed a horrific act of evil. This knowledge of right and wrong is deeply imbedded into all of us by God. But their stubborn pride and self righteousness will not allow them to humble themselves and repent.

    And so they are driven to madness

  23. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Cool stories Paradoctor.

  24. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Paradoctor is the antithesis of cool.

    But you knew that.

  25. Anonymous12:26 AM

    "BREAKING: Presidential candidate Joe Biden under criminal investigation by the FBI"

    BREAKING: is not a real news source.

  26. The anonymoid trolls are back!

    Hey Doug, thanks for lending me your lame-o stalker.

    If I am the antithesis of cool, then I am hot. Excellent!

    Dear Persistence: thank you for having a name. Now you, like me, are not an anonymoid; but FYI, false fleers fall flat. As for 'commie', it is to laugh, Comrade. Give my regards to your handler. As for rule of law, I'm for it, unlike Trump and the poll intimidators. I agree that America will stand.

  27. "Anonymous Ace Freeley said...

    Unexpectedly, National Gross Domestic Product Grows At All Time Record, Doubling Previous Record Set in 1950"

    ...And clawed back nearly 2/3 of what we lost last quarter, but not quite. Also, the "recovery" (which is a bullshit term as the crisis is still expanding exponentially and nowhere near done to "recover" from) has slowed to a crawl, not resembling the ridiculous "super vee" Fergus yawped about and instead resembling a backwards square root sign.

    Fergus knows he's toast in the election, and has been pitifully complaining about it at his covid spreading events, so he may try to pull some lame unconstitutional bullshit with Billbarr Buggins and some Republican led state legislatures, but it'll be somewhat more difficult due to all of the attention already on that eventuality.
    If the supremes wind up with it, he'll likely win.
    If he does cheat his way in again, the reaction will be swift and massive, for all the good it will do then.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Charisse:
    Single-issue moralism is the Devil's best temptation.

    The left has plenty to run on. Public option, police reform, civil rights, worker's rights, green new deal; that's for starters. Also, doing more than diddly-squat about a deadly pandemic.

    As for denying sin, Trump said that he has nothing to repent of because he has never done anything wrong. His obvious madness sends all who side with him into a shame trap.

    Self-righteousness? Mote and beam.

  29. ERB:

  30. "Abortion is the greatest evil this country has known"

    I may have to disagree with that point. There were a few genocides that can qualify as pretty damned evil. An elective medical procedure doesn't come close but we're glad you stopped by to share your opinion.

  31. LOL! Even Tucker Carlson has dropped the whole damning evidence thing on Hunter Biden. Turns out the whole thing was BS. Man, I hate it when that happens. Ad our pet trolls wondered why no real media outlets covered this "story".

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Anonymous Charisse said.. Ever masturbated with a crucifix?
    Phuck your religious imaginations and the horse they rode in on.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:51 AM

    Charisse said...

    "Abortion is the greatest evil this country has known...."

    I honestly don't know how anyone can watch videos of pro choice women raging against those who rebuke their sin and not see that Christianity is true.
    Charisse, I refer you to the First Amendment to the US Constitution which guarantees separation of church and state. I respect you religious belief that abortion is a sin. No one is forcing you to get an abortion. Therefore you have no right based on you religious beliefs to legislate that I cannot have an abortion if I choose to.
    Why don't you mind you own business and leave the rest of us alone?

  36. Anonymous said...

    "BREAKING: Presidential candidate Joe Biden under criminal investigation by the FBI"


  37. mike from iowa said...
    "Anonymous Charisse said.. Ever masturbated with a crucifix?"

    What the fuck is wrong with this cracker?

  38. Dear “Persisitence”: forgive me for failing to misspell “persistence”.

  39. Tuckee fucker says it is time to stop piling on Hunter Biden, even though he got his allegedly stolen stuff back.

  40. What the fuck is wrong with this cracker?

    The fuck is wrong with yer imaginary religious freedumb which would not be a thing if it weren't for bat shit crazy evangelicals filing all kinds of lawsuits before compliant right wing ideologue courts.

    Court packing by McCTurtlefuckface has brought this moment where believers in imaginary gods try to shove their phony kristianity down everyone's throat.

    Get it through your numbskull, numbskull, there is no establishment of religion in a Democratic America.

  41. I hope the state election boards are prepared for a repeat of the 2000 fiasco. Pennsylvania seems to be the Trump campaign preferred target, but anywhere it is close with a Republican legislature and enough electoral votes to effect the outcome is likely to see a flurry of lawsuits to stop the vote count.

  42. But it is the libs that are violent, wah, wah, wah!

    Clear terrorist threat. What will drumpf mal-administration do about it? Encourage them to commit violence and reload their weapons, most likely.

  43. The illegitimate scotus has already determined that they are not the arbitrators of election squabbles, but this is likely to last only until the day after the election

  44. just fucking lol at leftists who really thought opening borders and importing massive amounts of cheap labor and interethnic conflict would defeat capital and finance somehow instead of making it more powerful and all-consuming than its ever been before. you idiots. you fucking morons

  45. Moar right wing voter suppression chicanery in Minnesota...

    Scotus told federal courts not to get involved in election decisions so they did it anyway and tossed out a Minnesota plan to count votes up to a week after election, This was made in July. Last night the 8th short circuit gang of thieves said Minnesota can't do that and voters who have yet to send in votes won't get theirs counted.

  46. Of the 11 circuit judges on the 8th short circuit, 10 were appointed by stoopid fucking wingnuts. Obama somehow managed to get 1 appointee confirmed. Scumbag scotus justice of this bunch is Gosuck.

  47. tp said...derp....

    Why is it when capitalism fails, due to lack of regulations (just like under drumpf and dumbass dubya and Raygun/dumbass dubya senior) capitalists demand Socialist bailout programs so they get back to swilling at the treasury trough with more monies than they lost?

  48. "Court packing by McCTurtlefuckface has brought this moment where believers in imaginary gods try to shove their phony kristianity down everyone's throat."


  49. GDP for the quarter does not mean the economy has recovered. Look for more hard times ahead as drumpf and wingnuts continue to underplay the seriousness of loss of 200k citizens with double that amount expected this winter.

  50. Lookee here, drumpfuck junior is just as fucking stoopid as the trlls who call 234k deaths a scam.

    Don Jr. Shrugs Off COVID-19 Deaths: ‘The Number Is Almost Nothing’

  51. LeonT1:23 PM

    It's time now for you and me to become more politically mature and realize what the ballot is for; what we're supposed to get when we cast a ballot; and that if we don't cast a ballot, it's going to end up in a situation where we're going to have to cast a bullet. It's either a ballot or a bullet.

  52. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Let's hope not because 2020 has had enough of terrible scares and frights already. We need a decisive win for Biden/Harris with no questions for SCOTUS to even be asked for an opinion.

  53. Leon Low-T2:12 PM

    Remember, if you want to make sure you get your vote in for Biden/Harris, get that ballot in the mail by December 31st.

  54. Looks like Eric Prince and other Americans are involved with Chinese intel/military to help suppress Uighurs in China.

    from Rolling Stone...

    Prince looked further afield and found a new vein of overseas wealth to tap in China. In 2012, Prince traveled to China to offer investors there an opportunity to bankroll African mining and energy projects. Chinese investors didn’t bite, but he came away with another deal: an offer to serve as chairman of Frontier Services Group, a Hong Kong-based company that’s backed in part by CITIC Group, a Chinese state conglomerate. The role, experts told The Washington Post, “puts [Prince] in the unsettling position of advancing the strategic agenda of the United States’ largest rival.”

    The initial focus of the company was providing security and logistics in Africa, but Gregg Smith, the former chief executive of Frontier Services Group, tells Rolling Stone that he resigned after learning at a March 2016 board meeting that Frontier Services Group had become, in effect, an arm of the Chinese state run by Americans. The new focus of FSG was to be providing security for China’s Belt-and-Road initiative, a colossal project that aims to increase China’s global influence by building infrastructure projects across the developing world.

    “Going forward, we were told, Frontier Services Group is Erik Prince, it’s CITIC, and it’ll be providing security for Belt-and-Road,” Smith says. In addition, Smith tells Rolling Stone he was disturbed when, he says, the CIA told him that a key company official was affiliated with Chinese intelligence.

    As well as furthering China’s aims abroad, a Frontier Services Group press release suggests that it may be helping the Chinese Communist Party’s domestic repression. In 2018, Frontier Services Group announced it was building “training facilities” and related “security equipment” in Xinjiang province, home to 11 million Uighurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority that has been brutally repressed by the Chinese state. Nearly 1 million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim minority groups are held in extrajudicial detention in camps in Xinjiang, according to a group of experts cited by the United Nations. The U.S. government has sanctioned companies implicated in human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Prince has said that his own company’s press release was wrong; FSG was not building a training facility in Xinjiang, rather it was providing “construction services.” Prince also has said that the work being done by FSG is meant to protect Chinese enterprises in Africa and Asia, not to support China’s domestic police or military.

    Frontier Services Group did not return messages left seeking comment.

  55. Anonymous2:14 PM

    "just fucking lol at leftists who really thought opening borders and importing massive amounts of cheap labor and interethnic conflict would defeat capital and finance somehow instead of making it more powerful and all-consuming than its ever been before. you idiots. you fucking morons"

    Nobody has "opened borders." Our borders are massive and, therefore, uncloseable.

    And the stream of illegal immigrants since the '90s came to fill low-skill labor jobs that Americans could not fill anyway. There has been no major "surplus labor" problem over the last few decades, so this is not what has suppressed wages.

    What has mainly made capital "more powerful and all-consuming than its ever been before" is wingnuts expressly voting to make capital "more powerful and all-consuming than its ever been before." That's what happens when you defund education, cut labor and finance regulations, don't break up monopolies, refuse to raise the legal minimum wage, and crush labor unions: The rich get richer and everyone else gets screwed.

  56. Bazan2:17 PM

    Trump is gonna win

    Polls are bullshit, horse and buggy technology pushed by shills

    Biden essentially does not exist

  57. Anonymous2:20 PM

    As Greg Palast predicted, Donald Trump has ALREADY stolen the 2020 election. Past tense.

    Trump and his minions have stolen the election through massive Voter Suppression tactics that make the 2016 stolen election seem like kids' play in comparison.

    As Palast further states, the real issue is un-stealing this stolen election by exposing this theft and voter suppression in particular.

    One reason why these Right Wingers are sending pollwatchers/militia--some of whom are armed--to voting stations is to intimidate and depress voter turnout in certain areas, which will likely vote against Trump and his regime.

    These so-called Right Wing "pollwatchers" are nothing more than disguised Voter Suppression Gangs.

    How Trump Stole 2020

  58. Phillie pigs pull a 20 year old black woman and her 16 year old nephew from SUV and beat them, then take a 2 year old child out of the vehicle and claim it was running loose on the streets and the nicer pigs were only protecting the child because pigs aren't bad pigs.

    Fucking lying drumpf lover pigs.

  59. "Phillie pigs pull a 20 year old black woman and her 16 year old nephew from SUV and beat them"

    I'm sure they had a good reason. It's a public service to beat some sense into some people. Maybe now she'll be a better parent and the 16-year old will start doing his homework.

  60. There are riots in Philly over the killing of Walter Wallace, yet the most prominent black blogger in the City of Brotherly Love hasn't mentioned it. There have been 411 bodies littering the streets of Philadelphia this year, the most since the entire year of 1996, and on track to take 2nd place all time with 496 -- there were 505 homicides in 1990 -- and our esteemed host just never seems to mention it, even though the vast majority of the victims are black.

    Do black lives matter in Philadelphia, or do they only matter if they are taken by a white police officer?

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Conservatism hasn't been tried and found wanting. Conservatism has been tried and found guilty.

  63. Ben the wasicu privileged stoopid fucking wingnut mAkes a complete ass of himself letting his fingers do the walking and his unupholstered brain do the talking.


  64. Leon Low-T said...

    Remember, if you want to make sure you get your vote in for Biden/Harris, get that ballot in the mail by December 31st.

    2:12 PM
    You wasted your time with this one. By now everyone who is going to vote knows Nov. 3 is D-Day. LOL

  65. Ben said...

    "Phillie pigs pull a 20 year old black woman and her 16 year old nephew from SUV and beat them"

    I'm sure they had a good reason. It's a public service to beat some sense into some people. Maybe now she'll be a better parent and the 16-year old will start doing his homework.

    2:39 PM
    You are totally wrong. It is not good for anyone to "beat some sense" into another person. Contrary to what you believe, violence is not the solution to every problem.

  66. Kenosha Killer Kyle Shittenhouse ordered extradited to Wisconsin to face murder charges. Maybe justice will be served or maybe a mob will drag his magat ass out of jail and lynch him.

    Happy days are here again....


    Link for above post.

  68. Anonymous5:56 PM

    “Maybe justice will be served or maybe a mob will drag his magat ass out of jail and lynch him.”

    Or maybe he’ll beat the rap by claiming self-defense. It could go either way, honestly.

  69. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Just in case you somehow forgot why dirtbag Trump needs to be fired from his job next week, at a recent rally, he suggested doctors were inflating COVID numbers because “our doctors get more money if someone dies from COVID.” (They do not.)

    What a dick.

  70. 9.3 million cases and 235k+ dead bodies for drumpf's body count.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  71. Moar happy days, Keith Olbermann is on the internet tearing drumpf magats a new asshole.

  72. 'Moar happy days, Keith Olbermann is on the internet tearing drumpf magats a new asshole."

    Man, I haven't seen Keith for a while!

  73. "One reason why these Right Wingers are sending pollwatchers/militia--some of whom are armed--to voting stations is to intimidate and depress voter turnout in certain areas, which will likely vote against Trump and his regime."

    It may not be a good idea to send militia-types into ethnic areas to attempt to intimidate voters. Most POC live in urban areas and city folk and city cops don't take too well to yAhoos running around with visible guns trying to intimidate. That won't end well. And if we're talking smaller liberal-leaning college type towns there are enough Karens who will feel uncomfortable to have the local constables keep Duck Dynasty at bay.

  74. Out of curiosity, did Tucker Carlson ever find those damning documents about Hunter Biden or are they still "lost"?


  75. Friends, Russians, and fellow basement-trolls, lend me your ears! I write not to praise the election, but to bury it. In these last few days, we find ourselves in a state of suspension. Here follows an essay defining our present condition, which I call "Bichronism":

    When two futures beckon

    Usually life is easy to predict. In the morning, you know the evening. You schedule routines, events, and even some small surprises, days and months and years in advance. When the unexpected happens, you regain control and get back on track. Time’s flow wiggles a bit, but it stays within the channel that you dug so long ago.
    But sometimes a branch-point looms. You approach a split between two different futures. It’s a choice that you must make, or it’s a decision by others, or it’s a gamble that you will win or lose. You don’t know which way the coin will fall, only that it will fall; and then you will inhabit one timeline, and not the other, from then on.
    Afterwards certainty will return, but until then you don’t know who you will be. Afterwards you will be one again; but until then you are the parent of two future yous. Already you plan, twice; you regret, twice; you are grateful, twice; and for opposite reasons.
    It is agony and ecstasy to be two but one. Temporarily stuck in a gap between the worlds, you witness the light between the worlds. You float, you fly. Soon you’ll be re-born, and soon you will pre-die.
    The agony and ecstasy will end. The coin will fall, the decision will be made, you will float past the branch-point, down one stream and not the other. You will know who you are and what is to come. Even the memory of this strange exaltation will ring false.
    But until then, you are not only you.

  76. Liar or Fool?10:26 PM

    PilotAA said...
    "Out of curiosity, did Tucker Carlson ever find those damning documents about Hunter Biden or are they still "lost"?"

    Is PilotAA playing dumb or is he really that much of a zombie?

    Hard to tell.

  77. "Is PilotAA playing dumb or is he really that much of a zombie?"

    Do you have an answer or just a rude remark?

  78. The troll will have a rude answer to that question too.

  79. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "Out of curiosity, did Tucker Carlson ever find those damning documents about Hunter Biden or are they still ’lost’?"

    Obviously, Biden’s ninjas got to them. Also, Tucker has been kidnapped and replaced with an “agent” who will faithfully promote the liberal narrative.

    Damn you, Bond supervillain Joe Biden in your hollowed-out volcano lair!

  80. Anonymous11:33 PM

  81. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Joe Biden holds the secret to stop COVID the rest of the world doesn’t. He will only reveal it if you agree to let Bill Kristol and Co. bomb Syria.

  82. "A UPS spokesperson could not be immediately reached by The Post for confirmation that the package had been located."

    LOL. Just won't give up will they? No really, these are damning documents I swear!

  83. “our doctors get more money if someone dies from COVID.” (They do not.)

    This is the behavior of a man who is so removed from the concept of working that he doesn't understand how it works.

    When patients die, our for-fucking-profit healthcare system stops making money off of them.

    When patients stay alive in a hospital, particularly in an ICU, the charges can exceed $10,000 per day.

    So Fergus' bogus claim that doctors are falsifying death certificates to receive $10K is just silly. The hospital charges more than that daily for patients on ventilators.

    But according to Fergus, nobody is getting it (in realty more than 90,000 people got it today in the US) and those who do get it "get better" and "are immune" (yesterday over 1,000 Americans who got it didn't get better, and data is conflicting about how long immunity is conferred to those who are infected).

    The slander of the healthcare professionals risking their lives every goddamn day to try and keep an increasing patient load on this side of the sod is obscene but unsurprising.

    Let's just remember to note whether or not the covid news tapers off after the election like he has been saying it will over and over.

    And when it doesn't, that will be the final damning evidence of the most outrageously botched presidential response to anything in the history of the country.

    And in the light of that evidence, no Republican of any office in the country should be allowed to slither away and act like they aren't accessories to the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens.

    No rebranding or distancing themselves from the criminal presidency they aided and abetted.

    Burn the fucking lifeboats and make those despicable fuckers own this for a long, long time (at least long enough for us to fix most of the stuff they did that remains fixable).

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Moving story, Doug.

  85. and data is conflicting about how long immunity is conferred to those who are infected)

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts want to count dead bodies as cured/immune.

  86. Tuckee Fucker has his flash drive back, but now doesn't want to hurt Hunter Biden any more. Can you say right wing hoax all along, because I can.

  87. Best James Bond actor, imho, Sean Connery, has left Her Majesty's Secret Service for the last time at 90.

  88. The Plan™,11:49 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Burn the fucking lifeboats and make those despicable fuckers own this for a long, long time (at least long enough for us to fix most of the stuff they did that remains fixable)."

    We need to distribute poisonous food, opiates, and porn to flyover whites, and then forcibly integrate them with unskilled migratory labor populations while simultaneously outsourcing or shutting down local industry.

    If you don't support this you are racist.

  89. Deplorable12:12 PM

    Doug's compulsive need to post his revenge fantasies about punishing those on the bottom of the political hierarchy who don't enthusiastically embrace their economic and societal dispossession illustrates why I support Trump: because he drives the mediocre aspiring tyrants in society to expose their murderous contempt for ordinary whites.


  90. Deplorable said....
    "...illustrates why I support Trump: because he drives the mediocre aspiring tyrants in society to expose their murderous contempt for ordinary whites."
    Don't kid yourself. That's not why you support Trump. You support the orange monster because you think there's something in it for you. You and all the other Trump cult followers care most about what you perceive as your own self interst.

  91. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Granny steps right up to volunteer to be a mediocre aspiring tyrant.

  92. And anonymous at 1:25 PM steps right up to prove he's an idiot! LOL!

  93. drumpfuck created far fewer jobs in his term than Obama did and then he trashed the economy and lost moar jobs than anybody in US history and brags about getting some of them back.

    He claims he brought down black unemployment although in Obama's time as Potus the numbers shrunk far more than under drumpf's lies.

    The stock market was in record high territory when drumpf got installed by Putin, unemployment numbers had dropped precipitously by then, the economy was slowly and steadily rebounding and drumpf has done nothing but lie about it from day one.

    drumpf claimed he could easily have 4,5,6% growth in GDP
    and has yet to beat any of Obama's highest quarter marks.

    Obama and Dems started the economy on the longest run of growth ever and then drumpf fucked it up with his refusal to take covid seriously.

    And when all is said and done, everyone associated with drumpf will be indicted and convicted of a myriad of criminal acts, including sedition and treason.


    This is fake news. How do I know? Because fake noize claimed Biden killed off Seal Team 6 and OBL was still alive.

  95. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Why the democrats/socialist's wanted mail in ballots:

    Millions of Mail-in Ballots at Risk in Battleground States With Looming Deadlines

  96. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Don't kid yourself. That's not why you support Trump. You support the orange monster because you think there's something in it for you. You and all the other Trump cult followers care most about what you perceive as your own self interst.

    12:35 PM

    Classic Communist play book move. Accuse your opponent of what you really believe in.

  97. Texas lying Senator and former lying Texass soopreme court liar claimed he graduated from Oxford Law school which is aS fake now as it was then.

    Ain't a wingnut ever told the truth about themselves or their opponents.

    John cornyn was numero 2.0 wingnut in sinate behind McCTurtlefuckface last year.

  98. wsj article hides behind paywall, but you only need remember which criminal drumpf appointed his biggest donorn
    head of USPS with specific orders to slow down 1st class mail delivery to ensure mail in ballots were received late.

    drumpf is behind the late mail and his wingnuts on the scotus want to make sure those votes do not get counted.

  99. progtard3:03 PM

    Right, it's not the government employee's incompetence that loses the mail, it's orders from the top.

  100. Anonymous3:16 PM

    “Right, it's not the government employee's incompetence that loses the mail, it's orders from the top.”

    It is the orders from the top. Postal workers didn’t all simultaneously suddenly get worse at doing their jobs, for no reason. The organization of the postal service is what changed, under the orders of a Trump-appointed postmaster.

    Whether those orders were deliberately meant to delay postal votes, or whether the delays are simply the result of the postmaster being a great big dummy, like most Trump appointees, is anyone’s guess. I give it 50/50 odds on each option.

  101. Perhaps he meant Oxford, Mississippi.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. progtard3:24 PM

    "It is the orders from the top."

    Right, because postal employees would never tell anyone that they were being told to slow-roll mail in ballot deliveries.

  103. Anonymous3:33 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  104. Anonymous3:38 PM

    In a few short days we will witness once again liberal/progressive types loose their minds and not accept a peaceful transfer of "power" when Trump wins again.

    Liberal/progressive types will use violence once again when they cant get their communist way.

    Americans do not want Socialist/Communism here.

  105. From WAPO....

    July 14, 2020 at 11:47 a.m. CDT
    The new head of the U.S. Postal Service established major operational changes Monday that could slow down mail delivery, warning employees the agency would not survive unless it made “difficult” changes to cut costs. But critics say such a philosophical sea change would sacrifice operational efficiency and cede its competitive edge to UPS, FedEx and other private-sector rivals.

    Postmaster General Louis DeJoy told employees to leave mail behind at distribution centers if it delayed letter carriers from their routes, according to internal USPS documents obtained by The Washington Post and verified by the American Postal Workers Union and three people with knowledge of their contents, but who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid retribution.

    “If the plants run late, they will keep the mail for the next day,” according to a document titled, “New PMG’s [Postmaster General’s] expectations and plan.” Traditionally, postal workers are trained not to leave letters behind and to make multiple delivery trips to ensure timely distribution of letters and parcels.

  106. America is not going to elect a President who is promising to raise their taxes, defund their police, lock them down in their homes permanently, take away their private healthcare, destroy their industries, end their energy independence, and start giving their jobs to China again.

    They are not going to reward a party that used the FBI and CIA to spy on the opposition, created the Russia hoax, and put the country through a fake impeachment.

    And they are not going to elect a guy who used his son to launder payoffs from Chinese communists and Russian oligarchs.

    Trump will win 42 states; Republicans will retain the Senate, and add two seats; and Republicans will take the House. This will be the largest electoral landslide since 1984 when Ronald Reagan won 49 states and kicked off the longest streak of economic growth in the 20th century.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Don't kid yourself. That's not why you support Trump. You support the orange monster because you think there's something in it for you. You and all the other Trump cult followers care most about what you perceive as your own self interest.

    12:35 PM

    Classic Communist play book move. Accuse your opponent of what you really believe in.

    2:48 PM
    LOL! Is that the best you can do, call me a communist? Why don't you go comment on There's a bunch of juvenile trolls posting third grade stuff over there. You'll fit right in.

  108. Anonymous3:56 PM

    “Right, because postal employees would never tell anyone that they were being told to slow-roll mail in ballot deliveries.”

    They wouldn’t be told to individually “slow roll” their duties. Instead, the whole system will be reorganized in ways that make it less efficient.

    If I’m the boss, and I order you to go through more steps in your job “for accuracy,” that is going to slow you down. If I order the mail to go through less efficient routing, that will make it take longer to be delivered. If I order that there shall henceforth be no more overtime, “for budget reasons,” there will be fewer people working and everything will grind to a halt.

    If you want to fuck up postal service, of course you’re not going to just yell “EVERYONE WORK SLOWER!” Trump flunkies are dumb, but they’re not that dumb.

  109. You ain't black, Jack!"4:51 PM

    Wah! Our moron voters don't know how to use the mail! Wah!

  110. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Field Negro discussion:

  111. Zolbar Sakusun5:19 PM

    >no Republican of any office in the country should be allowed to slither away and act like they aren't accessories to the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens.

    No rebranding or distancing themselves from the criminal presidency they aided and abetted.

    Burn the fucking lifeboats and make those despicable fuckers own this for a long, long time<

    Libtards openly fantasizing about a genocide of Trump supporters. Never forget just how evil Trump’s enemies are.

  112. Howz this for really strange bedfellows?

  113. NBC explains why they haven't covered the fake news on Hunter Biden....

    2020 ELECTION
    Here's what happened when NBC News tried to report on the alleged Hunter Biden emails
    Analysis: Trump complains the media isn't reporting on Hunter Biden's emails. But NBC News met obstacles, including Rudy Giuliani, when it tried.
    Image: World Food Program USA Board Chairman Hunter Biden attends the World Food Program USA's Annual McGovern-Dole Leadership Award Ceremony.
    Hunter Biden attends the World Food Program USA's Annual McGovern-Dole Leadership Award Ceremony on April 12, 2016.Paul Morigi / Getty file
    Oct. 30, 2020, 4:44 PM CDT
    By Ken Dilanian and Tom Winter
    The complaints from President Donald Trump and his allies have been growing louder as the election approaches: Why isn’t the mainstream media covering the Hunter Biden laptop story?

    Trump and his allies say there is evidence of corruption in emails and documents allegedly found on a laptop belonging to Democrat Joe Biden’s son. They say those and other documents show that Hunter Biden used his father’s influence to enrich himself through business deals in Ukraine and China, and that his father not only facilitated that, but may have benefited financially.

    But the Wall Street Journal and Fox News — among the only news organizations that have been given access to key documents — found that the emails and other records don’t make that case. Leaving aside the many questions about their provenance, the materials offered no evidence that Joe Biden played any role in his son’s dealings in China, let alone profited from them, both news organizations conclude

    The lack of major new revelations is perhaps the biggest reason the story has not gotten traction, but not the only one. Among others: Most mainstream news organizations, including NBC News, have not been granted access to the documents. NBC News asked by email, text, phone call and certified mail, and was ultimately denied

  114. Kenosha Killer Kyle Shittenhouse is as big a liar as drumpf.

  115. Anonymous6:10 PM

    “Kenosha Killer Kyle Shittenhouse is as big a liar as drumpf.”

    Nobody is as big a liar as drumpf. He is the winner and still champion.

  116. Anonymous6:14 PM

    It sucks having an evil president.

    Only three more days until he gets to hear: “You’re fired.”

  117. From the Daily beast....

    In the latest twist to Republicans’ sprawling efforts to tie Joe Biden to the Chinese Communist Party, an American senior executive of a Trump-supporting Hong Kong tabloid has resigned after admitting to paying a blogger as much as $10,000 to commission a fake “intelligence” report about Hunter and Joe Biden’s supposed financial ties to China.

    The story of the ginned-up 64-page dossier highlights the global reach of Trump’s nationalist movement—and a strange connection between what remains of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement and the impending U.S. election that some of the movement’s supporters believe could decide the city’s fate.

    The rest of the story is for members only.

  118. Bidens rally in Texas was cancelled after pro drumpf scumacysts rammed his campaign bus with trucks and harassed them on their way to the rally.

    But it is the Dems who cause violence.

  119. Anonymous7:21 PM

    "Here's what happened when NBC News tried to report on the alleged Hunter Biden emails"

    They made up a fake story to excuse their burying of the Biden scandal.

  120. Anonymous7:23 PM

    "rammed his campaign bus with trucks"

    Bullshit. They drove along side of the bus waving Trump flags until he got his sorry ass out of Texas.

  121. Anonymous7:24 PM

    The choice on 11/3 really is America First or America Cancelled.

  122. They made up a fake story to excuse their burying of the Biden scandal.

    Except there was no scandal. Ask Fake noize and/or WSJ, stoopid.

  123. “They made up a fake story to excuse their burying of the Biden scandal.“

    Biden “scandal”. 😂😂😂😂😂

  124. Biden campaign staffer's vehicle was pushed over driving lane by black pick up driven by drumpf thugs and animals, causing violence like they alwAys do. The bus was nearly run off the road by armed maniacs and scumbags of the wasicu wastey persuasion. All on tape, not the doctored wingnut brand.

  125. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "The bus was nearly run off the road by armed maniacs and scumbags of the wasicu wastey persuasion"

    LOL sure it was!

    WTF is wrong with you?

  126. They are working pretty hard to push this Hunter Biden story. Good thing Hunter isn't running for office.


  128. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Black fragility.

  129. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Trump 50% (+1)
    Biden 49%

  130. winner from iowa12:21 AM

    Trump leads the final Selzer poll of Iowa by 7 points, 48 to 41.

    That's the same margin as their final poll four years ago, which wound up foreshadowing Trump's Midwestern sweep

  131. Brannon12:26 AM

    No matter what happens next week, Trump is the beginning of 21st Century Amerika. Even after Trump, media will never be the same. Elections will never be the same. The presidency will never be the same. He mindfucked half the country, enraged the elites, made mainstream media collapse into a giant lying tabloid, revealed the faggots and traitors in our mist, and pissed off the most powerful people on earth, the intelligence agencies. He broke open the nation's decades-old wounds and revealed the gangrene inside: The growing schism between the blue shithole cities and the red expanses. The insanity of the Bolsheviks in broad daylight. The perversions and deep corruption of people we're supposed to admire. The lies of the institutions we were taught to trust.

    He did this by not being a kiddie-fucker, by not sucking dick for money, by not being corrupt, and by obliquely appealing to a beleaguered white population, even while mostly ignoring said white population during his presidency. By simply existing as a moderate, independently wealthy, mostly honest businessman turned politician not completely controlled by globalist-Marxists, half the world tore itself apart trying to destroy him. But instead of destroying him they just revealed their own evil.

    Trump changed things. Forever. There's no going back. Win or lose next week.

  132. Joe Biden really is a scumbag

    He knew his son was a drug addict, but he sent him around the world to wine and dine billionaires and make business deals for the Biden Crime Family anyway - cause Joe Biden was greedy.

    He put his wallet ahead of the welfare of his own son.

    If you're raised in a family that is basically decent and loving, then it's really hard to accept how awful people like Biden are.

    We don't just project our bad qualities onto others; we project our good ones, too.

    Normal people can't imagine living the way people like the Clintons or Bidens do, so they tend to dismiss the worst of their behavior as conspiracy theory.

    I believe it's the opposite. I believe that we haven't even scratched the surface of the evil of the ruling class.

  133. Vote for Joe if you agree it's a right for people to have badakathcare.

  134. Anonymous1:46 AM

    What a shame there are so many assholes commenting here.

    Sorry Field, you deserve better. Good luck in 2021!

    1. Anon@1:46, hopefully the Russian troll-farm will shut down after the election.

  135. Anonymous2:00 AM

    “No matter what happens next week, Trump is the beginning of 21st Century Amerika. Even after Trump, media will never be the same.”

    Yeah, I hope they won’t be the same. I hope they actually did learn something after Trump played them so badly in 2016.

    From now on, when a wingnut blatantly lies, maybe reporters will have the guts to call them a liar to their face, instead of feebly wringing their hands and asking “Does this make us look too biased?”

    The media are supposed to be biased in favor of the facts and against liars.

  136. Black fragility. 😆😆😆

  137. Wisconsin:

    Biden: 51.9 (+8.2)
    trump: 43.7

  138. So trump is a mass murder. He is the outbreak monkey president. 30,000 infections and 700 deaths.

  139. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Black fragility.

    You believe that all your problems stem from people thinking bad thoughts at you.

    From tens, hundreds, and thousands of miles away.

    Meanwhile, White people are supposedly immune.

    THAT is black fragility.

  140. Anonymous5:36 AM

    fivethirtyeight was 100% correct in 2016...oh wait. I mean it was way off in 2016.

  141. drumpf body count tallied another 1000 bods, yesterday and reached 2 new milestones in doing so....

    Got it!

    Last updated: November 01, 2020, 13:09 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  142. He knew his son was a drug addict, but he sent him around the world to wine and dine billionaires and make business deals for the Biden Crime Family anyway - cause Joe Biden was greedy.

    First lie, you have no proof any of this is true and second, Hunter is an emancipated adult who can go where he pleases when he pleases.

    Your alleged evidence does not exist because it is never been verified or authenticated except by lying fucking nut jobs like OD.

    PS, looks like drumpfuck junior has a cocaine problem of his own. Better check that out. We all know the old man is stoked to the gills, too.

    Jrs ancient GF is a sexual predator just like her wannabe FIL.

  143. Remember all the times drumpf lied and said Biden would raise middle class taxes? Wingnuts took care to see thatb they raise on everyone starting this year and getting higher each year.

    On Saturday, writing for The New York Times, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz warned that many people’s taxes are about to go up.

    But it’s not because Joe Biden’s campaign plan raises taxes, as President Donald Trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed. It’s because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — the controversial tax cut bill passed by Republicans on a party-line vote in 2017 — has a provision that will start slowly raising taxes next year. And ultimately, Stiglitz warned, many low and middle income people will actually pay more than they did before the bill passed in the first place.

  144. Anonymous9:41 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  145. Anonymous said...

    fivethirtyeight was 100% correct in 2016...oh wait. I mean it was way off in 2016.

    5:36 AM
    No, it wasn't off much, and Hillary did win the popular vote as the poll predicted. She just didn't win it by enough to offset the Electoral College. How cone you don't know this? You must get your information from liars.

    Try to keep up.

  146. My God, I hope so, Field. I look forward to the intelligent discussions available on this blog. BTW, the Political Wire readers have lots of interesting comments about the political climate all around the country. Not many trolls there.

  147. Anonymous11:41 AM

    "I look forward to the intelligent discussions available on this blog"

    Instead you mostly get sophistry underpinned by ignorance.

    Without the 'trolls' the discussions here would be an echo chamber of ethno-narcissism and hate-filled progressive disinformation.

    Field's blog is one of the last places on the internet that allows mostly unmoderated anonymous comments. The last outpost of the Wild West. Once the trolls go, it will be just another boring one-sided circle jerk.

  148. “Instead you mostly get sophistry underpinned by ignorance.“

    Nah, you get informed discussion. I mean if you prefer childish insults by pimply faced teenaged knowitalls........

  149. “oh wait. I mean it was way off in 2016.“

    Sure, and if the polls are off by the same amount Biden still wins. They would have to be off by massive amounts. Good luck.

  150. “You believe that all your problems stem from people thinking bad thoughts at you.“

    And you project your beliefs on others. If you really want to talk about fragility white males are the most fragile creatures ever created. Listen to trump, he has the most powerful position on the planet but like Limbaugh and all other white male conservatives it’s all about how badly they’re treated and how hard things are for them EVEN after rigging the game in their favor. Now THAT’s fragility.😆

  151. Anonymous12:11 PM

    If you really want to talk about fragility white males are the most fragile creatures ever created.

    Name a non-White who's ever been fired for being "racist" to Whites.  (Jews are another matter entirely.)

    Whites are expected to endure macro-aggressions daily.  You're allowed to get people cancelled over "micro-aggressions".  If you can't brush those off, you're mighty fragile all right.

  152. “Whites are expected to endure macro-aggressions daily. You're allowed to get people cancelled over "micro-aggressions". If you can't brush those off, you're mighty fragile all right.“

    Bitch please, you bitches used to kill people for trying to vote. Hang people from trees for having the gall to look you in the eyes. Most fragile creatures to ever walk the earth.

  153. “Name a non-White who's ever been fired for being "racist" to Whites.“

    Black folk were killed for being Black and you wanna cry over racists losing jobs for being racist. If that ain’t the most fragile shit I’ve ever heard.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Boo hoo hoo, I can’t say nigger without losing my job boo hoo hoo! We are SOOOOOO oppressed as a people! Geez, how do you carry on under such oppressive circumstances? 😂😂😂

  154. Black folk endured slavery, genocide, james crow, murders and second class citizenship but this asshat thinks being fired for being racist is being oppressed! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  155. "Anon@1:46, hopefully the Russian troll-farm will shut down after the election."

    Man, we'll all be too busy shooting at each other to pay attention.

  156. Anonymous at 11:41 said....

    "Without the 'trolls' the discussions here would be an echo chamber of ethno-narcissism and hate-filled progressive disinformation."

    Maybe to you. It seems to me your mind is closed, and you feel compelled to denigrate those of us who don't agree with you. I suggest you try posting on "The Hill". They have lots of people commenting there that agree with you.

  157. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Hang people from trees for having the gall to look you in the eyes.

    Given the hateful intensity of so many such "looks", and the violence which regularly follows if it is not immediately put down, this was a GOOD thing.

    Bitch please, you bitches used to kill people for trying to vote.

    Given what happens when Africans are allowed to vote, this was a good thing too.  You turn peaceful, prosperous cities into burned-out hellscapes.  Compare Detroit in 1950 to Detroit in 2020.

    Most fragile creatures to ever walk the earth.

    Says a self-appointed rep of the race who thinks nothing of it when a White person gets killed for daring to walk through a black area.

    Black folk were killed for being Black

    If "being black" means "indulging in TNB", it was deserved.

    You want to live in a first-world society, you either behave as it requires or you destroy it and deserve to be expelled.

  158. Anonymous12:04 AM

    wanna cry over racists losing jobs for being racist.

    "Racist" has been redefined as "criticizing blacks for even the most destructive behavior."  Hell, it's been deemed "racist" to criticize blacks for parking in handicapped spaces (I note that pictures of Jimmie Tiger are very hard to find) or blocking crosswalks, even when the critic didn't know the offender was black.

    If that ain’t the most fragile shit I’ve ever heard.

    A functional society requires the vast majority to follow the rules.  ALL the rules.  If you demand a racial exception from the rules, everyone else has the right to demand a racial separation of you from them.

  159. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Black folk endured slavery, genocide, james crow, murders and second class citizenship

    So did the Irish.  They got over it, which started by behaving themselves.

    You've had Affirmative Action preferences your entire working life.  Why do YOU make excuses for misbehavior?

  160. "So did the Irish."

    Not the same. Irish owned Blah slaves, remember that?

    "You've had Affirmative Action preferences your entire working life. Why do YOU make excuses for misbehavior?"

    I make excuses for misbehavior? Really? I don't recall that. You've had white male affirmative action for centuries and YOU make excuses for misbehavior.

    Do me a favor pal, choose a screen name so I'll know with whom i'm communicating. Thanks.

  161. "Says a self-appointed rep of the race who thinks nothing of it when a White person gets killed for daring to walk through a black area."

    Gimme an example of this.

    "Given what happens when Africans are allowed to vote, this was a good thing too. You turn peaceful, prosperous cities into burned-out hellscapes. Compare Detroit in 1950 to Detroit in 2020."

    I like Detroit. When was the last time you've been there? I like the casinos in the Greek town area, lots of fun. I'll choose Detroit over the shithole rural areas in Missouri and W. Virginia. How shit, have you seen those? Maybe whites shouldn't be allowed to vote considering how they turned nice natural areas into hellholes.

  162. Also, I have the right to vote and there's nothing you can do about it. With such regressive and violent attitudes you seem to have I'm a much better citizen than you'll ever be.

  163. Also, another example of white male fragility is the excessively high suicide rate. What's up with that? Offing yourselves because times are "tough". Seems kind of fragile to me.

  164. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Gimme an example of this.

    An example?  Here's three.  French guy murdered in Detroit for walking while White.

    Teens shot up for just being in Detroit.

    Torture and killing of two Westland teens in Detroit.

    Now stop the denial, asshole.  You're just lying, and you know it.

    I like Detroit. When was the last time you've been there?

    2009, for the jazz festival.  I saw Dave Brubeck play one of his last concerts.

    Now explain why so many blocks in Detroit are missing half or more of the houses that were there in 1970.  Then explain why this doesn't happen except where blacks have taken over.

    I'll choose Detroit over the shithole rural areas in Missouri and W. Virginia.

    I've driven through Missouri and WV.  One thing they are not is dangerous, outside of the black areas.

    WV homicide rate for 2018:  3.71/100k
    Missouri homicide rate for 2018:  9.9/100k

    Where you blacks (I won't call you "people") are:
    st. Louis homicide rate:  60.9
    KCMO homicide rate:  27.9

    The USA would be paradise without YOU.

  165. "Now explain why so many blocks in Detroit are missing half or more of the houses that were there in 1970. Then explain why this doesn't happen except where blacks have taken over."

    You mean like the dilapidated and falling down homes in rural Kentucky, Missouri and W. Virginia. Shitholes! Most areas decline when industry moves away. Um, simple history. You obviously don't know history and are here to just argue and not have a real discussion so see ya. No time to waste on a closed-minded bigot who can't even take the time to come up with a sreen name. BTW, America is a MUCH better place with people like me and fewer people like YOU!

  166. Anonymous3:13 AM

    You mean like the dilapidated and falling down homes in rural Kentucky, Missouri and W. Virginia.

    Because people moved away to find jobs.

    Shitholes! Most areas decline when industry moves away.

    It depends if industry moved away from economic pressures, or racial pressures.

    Um, simple history.

    A history you refuse to understand, because it implicates you.

    BTW, America is a MUCH better place with people like me and fewer people like YOU!

    MY people CREATED America, including the industry you "work" in.  You destroy it.
