Sunday, November 01, 2020

Season of hate.

If you think that Mr. trump and his supporter's political season of hate and division couldn't get any worse, think again.

Yesterday, in what had to have brought flashbacks of the fifties and sixties, peaceful protestors on their way to vote were pepper-sprayed and arrested by police in North Carolina. Some of them were children. Also, yesterday, a caravan of marauding trump cultists attacked a Joe Biden campaign bus on a highway in Texas, causing them to cancel a planned campaign event and having to call 911. 

And here in the suburbs of Philadelphia (this I know first-hand from close friends) trump supporters have been vandalizing the homes of those who dare to put a Joe Biden yard- sign in their yards. They are terrified and scared. Some of them have children. This is the new normal in America's neighborhoods thanks to 45. 

If you have been watching Mr. trump's hate and whine campaign tour this fall, none of this surprises you. This is all the result of an indoctrination of conspiratorial nonsense and a kind of rabid us against them cult full of insecure uninformed people. It is all that Mr. trump has left, since his policies have been a disaster for America, and the families of 230,000 dead Americans have been forced to live with the results of his incompetence. 

I honestly don't know what will  happen on Tuesday. I suspect that Biden might be leading at the end of the night, but by such a narrow margin that Mr. trump will be crying foul and we will be in for a long three months, which won't end until his Supreme Court declares him the winner. 

Whatever happens, look for trump to be,....well trump.

The following article is from

"With poll numbers staying put and the odds of a Joe Biden win in Tuesday's election looking good — possibly by a decisive margin — there's mounting dread about how Donald Trump will behave after a defeat. After all, Trump is a sociopathic narcissist with the emotional control of a — well, I won't insult toddlers with the comparison — and he lives in mortal terror of being viewed as a loser. He's already made clear that he will refuses to concede, no matter what, and he's grasping desperately for any way to get legal ballots thrown out so he can steal the election. 

No wonder people are afraid Trump will go completely apes**t if his efforts to steal this fail and he actually loses. As Salon's Matthew Rozsa recently explained in a popular piece, psychologists worry that the narcissistic injury to Trump will result in him lashing out "in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to 'loser' status."

On Friday, Ron Suskind of the New York Times published an article based on interviews with "some two dozen officials and aides, several of whom are still serving in the Trump administration," who worried that "the president could use the power of the government" to lash out at enemies, try to steal the election or otherwise wreak havoc on the nation. 

'Trump could do real damage to the country, his successor or presidential traditions," Garrett Graff wrote Wednesday at Politico, adding that "there's reason to wonder if a Trump transition might actually be the start of the wildest chapter of an already controversial presidency."'

Of course we should be worried that Trump, a vindictive man whose only true pleasures come from sadism, will abuse his power to punish Americans if he loses.

But let's be honest: He's also going to do that if he wins.

Heads or tails, Trump will be angry at Americans for not worshipping him in the way he believes is his due, and the next two and a half months are going to be hell. Moreover, win or lose, Trump supporters will continue to believe they are victims of the "liberal elite" and the "deep state," and will keep on being resentful, angry and aggrieved, stocking up on guns and screeching on social media about how poorly they believe they're being treated. 

But at least if Biden wins the election, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. 

We know that Trump and his supporters will act this way because that's how they've acted for the past four years. After all, it was less than a day after Trump's inauguration that the grievance politics and play-acting began. Trump insisted — and pressured his supporters and press secretary into insisting — that his inauguration was way, way bigger than Barack Obama's, and that all the photos showing otherwise were somehow "fake news." He obsessed for months about how the election had been "rigged" against him — even though he won! — because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. 

Ever since then, the running theme of Trump's presidency is that he's a nonstop victim of shadowy liberal forces trying to take him down. Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, the media (especially female journalists), the "Democrat governors" and on and on: Trump's conflicts are always about a conspiracy against him. They are never, ever his own fault for corruption, criminality, incompetence or just flat-out being the worst. 

Trump even views the coronavirus, which is, you know, a virus with no real agency, as a plot to destroy him, as if all those people decided to get sick and die just to make him look bad. 

Meanwhile, if there was one word to describe Trump's supporters — who, let's remember, were on the winning side in 2016 — it would be "bitter." Turn on Fox News any random night, and it's a full blown whine-fest about how alleged "elites" are trying to control them and ruin their lives. The fact that their party controls most state governments, the White House, the Senate and the federal courts never factors in. The narrative is one of perpetual victimhood. " [More]

I have never seen a group of people play the victim card like these trump cultists. Of course it's to be expected, because, as the article above outlined, they are led by an insecure and unstable man who plays the victim game like Roger Federer plays tennis. 

Hang on field hands, the next few days are going to be wild. 



  1. Looks like wingnuts court stacking may pay immediate dividends in Texas where wingnuts demand 117k legally cast ballots be thrown out because of drive through voting which wingnuts claim is unconstitutional.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  3. drumpfuck 20 -life with no parole. No conjugal gropes with Ivanna Jr, either.


    drumpf's biggest bald faced lie, ever.

  5. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies9:51 AM

    Trump lied people died

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM


  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:20 AM

    It seems that responsible people in state and local governments, National Guards, as well as the FBI and Homeland Security are aware of the situation and are on alert. We will see how brave Trump's anarchists are when faced with armed troops instead of unarmed, frightened civilians.
    I hope all the idiotic people who elected Trump in 2016 are happy with what he has created.

  8. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:57 AM

    After reading more about the incident in Texas yesterday, I am wondering why ..."a caravan of marauding trump cultists attacked a Joe Biden campaign bus on a highway in Texas, causing them to cancel a planned campaign event and having to call 911" thought it was a good idea to do this. Didn't they know this would be bad for their candidate? Didn't they know this would make Biden supporters and undecideds more determined to vote if they hadn't already voted?

    I have concluded the answer is the rabid Trumpers are stupid. There is no other explanation.

  9. Anonymous11:28 AM

    “Didn't they know this would be bad for their candidate? Didn't they know this would make Biden supporters and undecideds more determined to vote if they hadn't already voted?”

    My theory is that these boneheads have begun to realize that their “god emperor” is probably about to lose and there’s nothing that can stop it. This is just the start of their ugly temper tantrum over the country rejecting Trump.

  10. If drumpf does lash out, don't expect magats in Congress to resist him. They are all bought in with this bat shit madness and should all be tried for treason and executed on the spot. Then tossed into a river and if they climb out, they are innocent.

  11. “I have never seen a group of people play the victim card like these trump cultists.”

    They use so much projection. Fragile snowflakes all of em.

  12. What has drumpf done for Black Americans? Not much,wasicu magats.

    Before you whine he got black unemployment rates to historic lows, those numbers shrunk a lot more under Obama and drumpf benefited from Obama and Dems legislation.

  13. A high school buddy of mine told me about armed militia types showing up at a BLM rally with assault rifles and they had BAYONETS attached. This is to intimidate their fellow Americans. And when have we seen this before? I actually haven’t seen it in my lifetime until now. Can we finally finally admit that electing a tv game show host was a bad idea?

  14. drumpf was mainlining on word about Texass magats trying to run Biden's bus off the interstate in Texass.

    drumpf has turned American's against each other in every possible way, just like an dicklickingtator.

  15. “What has drumpf done for Black Americans?”

    He’s done more than anyone except Lincoln.

  16. Anonymous12:17 PM


  17. Moar drumpf and screwdy rudy shenanigans from a guy that was there.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Not without authentication, which is sorely lacking as with all wingnut conspiracies. Better luck nex....wait....there won't be a next time, losers.

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Informative Content! Great! If anyone like American puppies then Check it out

  20. Anonymous12:46 PM


    Only three days until we never hear about Hunter Biden’s laptop again.

  21. Anonymous12:56 PM

    And now, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for a lovely Trump-dancing interlude.

  22. Lately we have all been experiencing a strange blessing: Liberation by Powerlessness. It does not matter what we say or do, the Cultists will rage and riot, the virus will spread, the Great Grief will come. But since what we say or do will not affect these misfortunes, we are free to do as we will, without fear or hope of punishment or reward from the forces of blind chaos. So though they can harm us, they have no power over us. Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose.

  23. Something for magat workers to look forward to....

    For those lucky enough to have a job, all them yooge taxcuts for the wealthy from 2017 are coming home to roost and yer taxes will start going up, eventually higher than you were taxed before.

    Thank drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts for choosing to make the cuts for the wealthy permanent. For the rest, not so much.

    The wingnut taxcuts for the wealthy could only be passed on a simple majority vote (no Dems voted for it) if the increase in deficits didn't surpass a predetermined thresh hold, which it would have if all cuts were made permanent. That is how magats stuck it to you other magats.

  24. Dear Mike from Iowa:
    Trump 20 to life, no pardon, no parole.
    But what the hell, let the old creepazoid get visits from the only girl he ever loved, if he shuts up. Besides, they both need to hide behind bars, for welshing on 'Polonium' Putin.

  25. Well Mike, the republic may stand afterall.

  26. "Only three days until we never hear about Hunter Biden’s laptop again."

    No, Hunter's laptop is now in the official pantheon of Republican lies, and as such, will never go away until they all do.
    See also: Vince Foster, Whitewater, pizzagate, Benghazi, her emails, fast and furious, IRS discrimination against wingnuts, Seth Rich, Q-Anon, etc.
    They never abandon their lies, no matter how absurd and thoroughly debunked, because their lies are all they have.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "No, Hunter's laptop is now in the official pantheon of Republican lies, and as such, will never go away until they all do.
    See also: Vince Foster, Whitewater, pizzagate, Benghazi, her emails, fast and furious, IRS discrimination against wingnuts, Seth Rich, Q-Anon, etc."

    Nah, you never really hear about any of that junk anymore (with the exception of the QAnon conspiracy, which has still got legs), unless you actually hang out with crazy wingnutters and listen to their weird obsessions and their oldy-moldy stories. And why would you ever want to do that?

    My point is that they've stopped actively promoting this nonsense outside the fever swamps of conservative internet forums, because it has outlived its usefulness. There's nothing to be gained from flogging all the anti-Hillary tales, since she's retired from politics, and likewise there will be nothing to be gained from the Hunter's laptop hysteria if it failed to stop Hunter's dad from vanquishing Trump.

  28. PilotX, the 5th circuit court of rubber stamping texas wingnuts will likely give Texas the relief from legal votes they demand, if it goes that far.

  29. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I have concluded the answer is the rabid Trumpers are stupid. There is no other explanation.
    10:57 AM

    Look in the mirror 2016........

  30. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Hollywood = Pedos and rapists

  31. The FBI is now looking into a Friday incident in Texas where supporters of President Donald Trump aggressively surrounded a Biden campaign bus on a Texas interstate, according to the Texas Tribune.

  32. Anonymous3:34 PM

    ANTIFA thugs (Brown Shirts for the democratic party) attack a daycare:

  33. Anonymous3:49 PM

    “The FBI is now looking into a Friday incident in Texas where supporters of President Donald Trump aggressively surrounded a Biden campaign bus on a Texas interstate, according to the Texas Tribune.”

    Yet another instance of redneck terrorist extremism.

    Y’all Qaeda strikes again.

  34. Anonymous3:52 PM

  35. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Say his name. 5 year old Cannon Hinnant was executed in cold blood while riding his bike. The accused killer is Darius Sessoms. He allegedly walked up to the boy and shot him dead in front of his sisters. Reverse the races and this is the only thing anyone talks about for a month

  36. Anonymous4:09 PM

    CHICAGO 2020 Final October Totals (YoY)
    Shot & Killed: 61 (+65%)
    Shot & Wounded: 297(+55%)
    Total Shot: 358 (+56%)
    Total Homicides: 68 (+70%)

  37. Anonymous4:10 PM

    CHICAGO Year 2020 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 610
    Shot & Wounded: 2959
    Total Shot: 3569
    Total Homicides: 671

    If BLM really mattered in the black community. Why do they kill each other so much month after month??????

  38. if the 5 year old wasn't breaking the law, he wouldn't get shot. If he only identified himself. If he was some other color. If HRC hadn't had emails. If Obama had been born in America.

    Did I miss any?

  39. Our esteemed host wrote:

    And her in the suburbs of Philadelphia (this I know first-hand from close friends) trump supporters have been vandalizing the homes of those who dare to put a Joe Biden yard- sign in their yards.

    Oddly enough, I haven't seen anything like that in The Philadelphia Inquirer, which is all on board the Biden train, running multiple stories every day telling us how Mr Biden is surging in the Keystone State, and that the suburban women who voted for Mr Trump in 2016 are definitely favoring Mr Biden this year.

  40. Manifest Density5:54 PM

    "Why do they kill each other so much month after month??????"

    It's so obvious. Yet after all of this time you are still unable to figure it out.

  41. Manifest Density said...

    "Why do they kill each other so much month after month??????"

    It's so obvious. Yet after all of this time you are still unable to figure it out.

    5:54 PM
    Why don't you Google the topic and get the answers to your questions?

  42. Halloween is the only day you can get a Pig Person to wear a mask, but at least at costume parties they can say that the sheets they're wearing are because they're ghosts...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous7:59 PM

    This blog is a virtual insane asylum.

  44. obama was a tool of wall street and silicon valley who unleashed hell on earth on north africa and the levant, and waves of refugees on europe. he enriched himself and the top 1% beyond all imagination while destruction of the working and middle classes accelerated. but he had a nice smile

  45. Moderate liberalism is like moderate Islam, except with robots that drop bombs.

  46. Anonymous10:12 PM

    If you watch this and don't vote for Joe Biden you ain't black!

  47. Anonymous10:37 PM

    There is a very, very strong chance Tuesday will be The Last enjoy it!

  48. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Weird Halloween stuff, but cool anyway Doug.

  49. Bubba Smollett10:47 PM

    “The FBI is now looking into a Friday incident in Texas where supporters of President Donald Trump aggressively surrounded a Biden campaign bus on a Texas interstate, according to the Texas Tribune.”

    Did they send the Bubba Wallace Noose Taskforce?

    The FBI lied about signing off on illegal FISA warrants and tried to cover up Hunter Biden’s corruption for a year, but sprang into action in seconds over a fender bender on a Texas roadway.

    Find me the traffic violation section of the US Code.

    Another political smear by Wray.

  50. Joe Biden is the candidate of rioters, looters, arsonists, gun-grabbers, flag-burners, Marxists, lobbyists, and special interests.

    Donald Trump is the candidate of farmers, factory workers, police officers, and hard-working, law-abiding patriots of every race, religion and creed!

  51. Is there any American Inner Party bigshot who actually understands how basic things really work? E.g., that if you tell blacks to be angry, they'll start shooting each other more?

  52. The NYT reports that murders in 20 cities were up an average of 53% this summer over 2019's summer.

    That's not good for urban property values.

    Does anybody have a clue what the media hoped to accomplish by declaring The Racial Reckoning, with all the mayhem that ensued?

  53. "If BLM really mattered in the black community. Why do they kill each other so much month after month??????"

    If white lives matter so much why do they kill themselves so much month after month????????

  54. If we are so concerned about gun violence and mortality maybe we should start taking away white mens' guns. They have the highest gun mortality rate. My state isn't even in the top ten so you may want to adjust your focus from Chicago to rural Missouri, Wyoming or Alaska. I mean that is if we are really concerned about gun violence.

  55. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Trump's base is working-class, Biden's base is Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and K-Street.

    Things are realigning.

  56. EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02

  57. Leon T12:43 AM

    "If you watch this and don't vote for Joe Biden you ain't black!"

    If you don't vote for Trump you ain't white.

  58. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Poll: Donald Trump set to win US presidency by electoral college landslide

  59. Anonymous12:59 AM

    ""a caravan of marauding trump cultists attacked a Joe Biden campaign bus on a highway in Texas"

    Last I checked, businesses weren’t boarding up their windows because they were afraid of Trump supporters.

  60. Anonymous1:10 AM

    “The FBI lied about signing off on illegal FISA warrants and tried to cover up Hunter Biden’s corruption for a year, but sprang into action in seconds over a fender bender on a Texas roadway.”

    Excellent. They’ve got their priorities in order, then: Investigate real crimes, not made-up wingnut bullshit.

    “Find me the traffic violation section of the US Code.”

    I think it’s fairly safe to assume they are not going to be charged with a traffic offense.

    Maybe Wray will get creative:

    “(a)  Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon--

    (1)  a former President or a member of the immediate family of a former President;

    (2)  a member of the immediate family of the President, the President-elect, the Vice President, or the Vice President-elect;

    (3)  a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate;  or

    (4)  a person protected by the Secret Service under section 3056(a)(6) ;

    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”

  61. You people are insane1:12 AM

    This blog is a virtual insane asylum.

    Been saying this for AGES.

  62. Anonymous1:17 AM

    “Donald Trump is the candidate of farmers, factory workers, police officers, and hard-working, law-abiding patriots of every race, religion and creed!”

    Donald Trump is the candidate of Nazis and greedy businessmen of every Caucasian ethnicity and denomination of evanglical Christianity!

  63. "Been saying this for AGES."

    And yet here you are. LOL

  64. "If you watch this and don't vote for Joe Biden you ain't black!"

    Damn straight! LOL

  65. Moar drumpfucker dirty tricks....

    Wingnuts can't win without cheating.

  66. Moar wingnut dirty tricks...

    Wingnuts can't win without cheating.


    Pants on Fire! drumpf's a liar.

    drumpf claims his Texass supporters were protecting Biden's bus.

  68. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Anonymous Manifest Density said...
    "Why do they kill each other so much month after month??????"

    It's so obvious. Yet after all of this time you are still unable to figure it out.

    5:54 PM

    Because 12% of the 13% are savages????

  69. drumpf junior inciting Texassans to harass Harris caravan..Call the Secret Service and shoot on sight.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:04 AM

    Anonymous Bubba Smollett said...

    “The FBI is now looking into a Friday incident in Texas where supporters of President Donald Trump aggressively surrounded a Biden campaign bus on a Texas interstate, according to the Texas Tribune.”

    Find me the traffic violation section of the US Code.

    10:47 PM
    You must be a foreigner if you don't know that traffic laws are a state thing, not federal. And I think it's illegal in all state to use your vehicle to ram a bus or any other vehicle. So there's that.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:13 AM

    Leon T said...

    "If you watch this and don't vote for Joe Biden you ain't black!"

    If you don't vote for Trump you ain't white.

    12:43 AM
    Leon, I guess I must not be white then,'cause I voted for Biden. Yup, voted a straight Democratic ticket as always. Anyone who isn't a multi millionaire is crazy to vote for Trump or an other Republican candidate. LOL!

  72. Last I checked, businesses weren’t boarding up their windows because they were afraid of Trump supporters.

    12:59 AM
    Oh, but they are afraid of Trump supporters. They figure that Trump's Brown Shirts will run wild when Trump loses. They are the ones who will be bring their guns to any demonstrations. They are the ones who planned to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan.

  73. You people are insane said...

    This blog is a virtual insane asylum.

    Been saying this for AGES.

    1:12 AM
    Who cares? If you don't like it, find another blog to read.

  74. From this morning...

    "Support for President Trump and Joe Biden in a group of battleground states has remained unchanged in recent days, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, finding little evidence of the kind of last-minute shift toward Mr. Trump that helped him win four years ago.
    The poll, conducted on Sunday in 12 states in which the election is most competitive, finds Mr. Biden leading, 51% to 46%, essentially unchanged from a survey late last week.

    First Read has important context: Trump won these same states by a combined 2 points in 2016, 49% to 47%."

  75. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Bad times create strong men.
    Strong men create good times.
    Good times create weak men.
    Weak men create bad times

  76. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Oh, but they are afraid of Trump supporters. They figure that Trump's Brown Shirts will run wild when Trump loses. They are the ones who will be bring their guns to any demonstrations. They are the ones who planned to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan.

    10:17 AM

    Wrong again commie, that's YOUR side ANTIFA and BLM doing the looting and rioting.

    Trump supporters are PATRIOTS not communist thugs.....

  77. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Make no mistake:

    There is no greater whining, triggered, delicate "I am a Victim" Snowflake than a White Conservative Snowflake.

    White Snowflakes are by far the most delicate, entitled, and coddled little bitches on this planet.

    All their flag-waving, gun-hugging, and chest-beating are merely pathetic attempts to overcompensate and cover up for their own deep-rooted insecurity issues.


    It is for sure too bad wingnuts believe it is BLM protesters to run around and murder pigs and others and cause all the violence, when Intel tells us it is white scumacysts doing the bad stuff.

  79. Manifest Density12:37 PM

    @ 9:32 AM

    That's not true.

  80. Wasicu drumpf caravan used a school parking lot, illegally, in Louisville and got blocked in by Biden's followers. The pigs showed up and Biden's lads wouldn't let the losers leave so they drove over the grass and sidewalks to escape, with permission from the pigs without being ticketed for trespassing or driving on school property. White privilege rears its ugly wingnu6 face some more.

  81. Anonymous said....

    Wrong again commie, that's YOUR side ANTIFA and BLM doing the looting and rioting.

    Trump supporters are PATRIOTS not communist thugs.....

    10:57 AM
    You're the one who's wrong, Nazi thug. Proud Boys were the ones doing the looting a rioting. None of you Trump supporters are patriots or you wouldn't support a con man who craps on the US Constitution.


  82. Bad times create strong men.
    Strong men create good times.(Obama)

    Good times create weak men.
    Weak men create bad times (trump)

  83. The GOP is using the playbook from the 50's.

  84. Dan Rather1:29 PM

    Nazi thug. Proud Boys were the ones doing the looting a rioting.

    Imagine believing this.


    Of course Uncle Clarence dissented. LOL

  86. "Imagine believing this."

    Imagine not knowing this.

  87. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The Deep State coup idea is just a crazy conspiracy theory:

  88. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Dozens of leaked internal documents and Zoom call video footage were made public Sunday describing plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election, including plans to "shut down the White House."

    "It's a coup. Don't let anyone tell you it's not," a woman states during one Zoom session.

  89. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Arrest these people now:

  90. Anonymous said...

    Dozens of leaked internal documents and Zoom call video footage were made public Sunday describing plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election, including plans to "shut down the White House."

    "It's a coup. Don't let anyone tell you it's not," a woman states during one Zoom session.

    1:44 PM
    Leaked internal documents? (that came from where?)

    Fake news. Any plans by the normal Americans regardint the election being are made in case Trump and his gangsters try to steal the election. If Trump wins fair and square, there will be no problems. But holy hell will break out if he tries to do something illegal.

  91. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Inquiring minds want to know why the top prosecutor got jiggy with the married Mayor Willie Brown (former mayor of San Francisco California/ Democratic party boss). Looking at who she wed clearly shows no loyalty to American descendants of slaves

  92. "Inquiring minds want to know why the top prosecutor got jiggy with the married Mayor Willie Brown (former mayor of San Francisco California/ Democratic party boss)."

    Because Alpha men have that undeniable swag. LOL

  93. "Leaked internal documents? (that came from where?)"

    Hunter Biden's laptop or Hillary's email. LOL


  95. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Dan Rather said...
    Nazi thug. Proud Boys were the ones doing the looting a rioting.

    Imagine believing this.

    1:29 PM

    Lol, everybody knows it was and always IS niggers and ANTIFA cuck faggots......

  96. Nazi thug. Proud Boys were the ones doing the looting a rioting.

    Imagine believing this.

    Didn't expect a stoopid fucker like you to recognize and believe truth when it is plainly obvious to all except magats.

  97. Anonymous3:18 PM

  98. Anonymous3:46 PM

    It’s a couple days late, but please enjoy this Halloween edition of Where’s Waldo?:

    Find Donald Trump’s head.

  99. Did somebody cut the MAGA heroin with Liquid Wrench again? Or is it just terrified desperation?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Anonymous4:46 PM

    “Or is it just terrified desperation?”

    This. There are going to be some unhappy MAGA campers tomorrow.

  101. A Bush appointed federal judge rejected an effort by Republicans to invalidate more than 100,000 ballots cast at drive-thru voting locations in Democratic-leaning Harris County, Texas.

    Harris county went pretty much 100% Democrat in 2018, so of course their votes shouldn't be counted according to the terrified Republican state party apparatus.

    Looks like they're gonna be counted anyway.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "more than 100,000 ballots cast at drive-thru voting locations "

    Illegal vote harvesting.

  103. Anonymous said...

    "more than 100,000 ballots cast at drive-thru voting locations "

    Illegal vote harvesting.

    5:45 PM
    No it's not illegal. The Texas state legislature passed a law that made drive-thru voting legal a few months ago. The Trump party is trying to rig the election by attacking legal voting procedures.

    Maybe you should do some research before you post about something †hat you are ignorant of.



    Supporters of President Donald Trump have found another way to suppress votes that are likely to favor Democrats: using caravans of motorists to make it harder to get to a polling place. On Sunday — two days before Election Day — one such caravan of pro-Trump motorists, according to the Independent, caused voters in Temecula, California to call the police.

    "The supporters paraded for 60 miles through Riverside County on Sunday afternoon before gathering at the city's (Ronald Reagan) Sports Park," The Independent's Stuti Mishra reports. "However, the crowd and their vehicles also ended up obstructing the access to the site, which included a voting center."

    Brooke Federico, spokesperson for Riverside County — which is east of Los Angeles — told the Los Angeles Times, "Law enforcement was contacted to ensure that access to the parking lot and voter assistance center was clear. The Sheriff's Department responded and cleared access to the parking lot and voter assistance center."

  105. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Trump will get 307 Electoral College votes.

  106. Anonymous8:29 PM

    It is true she DID lay on her back to reach the top rung...

    She used a black mayor the same way 44 used/ married a politically connected successful Black American woman.

    She used the married Mayor ,Willie Brown, (former mayor of San Fran California/ Democratic party boss) as a come up and it worked...however, the formaer AG will NEVER marry anyene who looks like the men she locked up.

  107. Anonymous8:43 PM

    That is the reason behind the slogan Joe's ho ho ho

  108. Don't let the Swamp win8:47 PM

    Donald Trump is and has always been a living indictment of the corrupt, arrogant people who run this country.

    Our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote against them.

  109. Yuri Dumbsonovovich8:50 PM

    Speaking of climbing the ladder. I pulled 6 weeks in the office pool. We're betting on how long before trump's low life wife leaves if he loses.

  110. Anonymous9:06 PM

    The negro has a soulless stare, and a weak mind.
    Imagine some Negresses wanted to name female sprogs Latrine
    Did the idea come from them or the bucks?

  111. Anonymous9:29 PM

    "That is the reason behind the slogan Joe's ho ho ho"

    No, I reckon that "Trumpkins are racist" is the reason behind that slogan.

  112. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "Speaking of climbing the ladder. I pulled 6 weeks in the office pool. We're betting on how long before trump's low life wife leaves if he loses."

    She won't leave because he loses. Melania doesn't care if Trump is president, and probably doesn't even like living in the White House.

    In a couple years, though, when Trump goes broke and the banks repossess all his property, THEN Melania will dump his flabby orange ass. She's all about the money.

  113. Anonymous said...

    It is true she DID lay on her back to reach the top rung...

    She used a black mayor the same way 44 used/ married a politically connected successful Black American woman.

    She used the married Mayor ,Willie Brown, (former mayor of San Fran California/ Democratic party boss) as a come up and it worked...however, the formaer AG will NEVER marry anyene who looks like the men she locked up.

    8:29 PM
    Nobody gives a shit so GIVE IT UP, Anon. I'm pretty share she has never done anything quite so disgusting as our Pussy Grabber in chief, Donald Trump.

  114. Don't let the Swamp win said...

    Our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote against them.

    8:47 PM
    LOL! Let me fix that for you...Donald Trump is an example of the most disgusting members of the ruling class. A vote for him is a vote to continue the status quo.

  115. Trump's tax returns, impeachment trial, payoffs, pardons and lies10:05 PM

    Why would you put a snake in charge of drainIng the swamp? Why enlist a slumlord to make an America Great again? Donnie Favors has turned this country into a ghetto.

  116. Emerson11:08 PM

    I cannot understand people who say that minorities should be represented everywhere and yet are upset when there are blacks represented in the conservative movement.


    Damn, no persons of color like trump. LOL

  118. "yet are upset when there are blacks represented in the conservative movement."

    Most Black people resent toms, coons and slave catchers.

  119. "Trump will get 307 Electoral College votes."

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Let's meet here in 24 hours.


    trump supporters are such classy people.

  121. Concerns about voter suppression and stealing ballots are so widespread that Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner warned on Monday, “If you are planning in Philadelphia to try to steal our votes, I got something for you: I got a jail cell, I have charging papers, and when you get to the end of the process, I have a Philadelphia jury that you can tell why you thought it was OK to steal their votes.”

    Good for you Philly.


  123. Black men about to get the blame for Trump's re-election.


  125. Speaking as someone who logged a million miles behind the wheel of a 20' bobtail down every little road between Santa Rosa Sacramento and Santa Cruz, I can say that playing games on the freeway is almost always a very bad idea.
    And with Bill Stepien running the campaign, you would think that they would at least frown upon obstructing traffic on bridges in New Jersey...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  127. "Most Black people resent toms, coons and slave catchers."

    I bet you wouldn't call these guys coons to their faces:

  128. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "'Most Black people resent toms, coons and slave catchers.'

    I bet you wouldn't call these guys coons to their faces:"

    Lol, what a bunch of buffoons. In a couple of years, that video is gonna be embarrassing blackmail material and the guys appearing in it will swear up and down that it isn't them, cuz they all voted for Biden.


  130. "I bet you wouldn't call these guys coons to their faces"

    One thing I have never done, held my tongue when I want to say something. Plus my posse is bigger than theirs but seems twitter took down that page so I'll never know. LOL

  131. "Lol, what a bunch of buffoons. In a couple of years, that video is gonna be embarrassing blackmail material and the guys appearing in it will swear up and down that it isn't them, cuz they all voted for Biden."

    I actually was able to pull up the video. LOL! I don't know what's funnier, the ill fitting stupid MAGA hats or the one dude with the retreating hairline! LOL These dudes have got more problems than their obvious cooning. I'm glad you found all four of the Black trump supporters.

  132. Black Lives MAGA??? What the hell?

    Anyway, back down here on Earth, take heart my brothers and sisters and even you better informed trolls. I have always enjoyed a finer class of educated trolls here on The Field Negro.

    Things are looking good just five hours away from election day. These are historic times my friends. We have been promising for months. It was all true. Our side is winning. Young people and other new voters are highly motivated. I guess it's possible that there is a tidal wave of people who never voted who are serious about keeping DJT in the White House... lolz I was just kidding. Of course people are motivated to vote that fucking fascist into the chamber pot of bad history.

    Texas and Hawaii have both exceeded 90% of their 2016 turnout in early voting. The battleground states of Florida, North Carolina and Georgia have already surpassed their 2016 turnouts in early voting. In the 20 states that report party affiliation of early voters, fully 45% have registered democratic, 30% republican and 24% no party affiliation. We can't count on every independent vote. But the ratio of democrats to republicans alone is 150%. According to the NYT, Black voters and Latinos prefer voting in person which is expected to somewhat balance a surge of Trump voters on election day. These dutiful MAGATs have waited until election day to cast their votes in a slavish devotion to their Fuhrer to help him in his efforts to either invalidate as many mail-in ballots as possible or at the least not count votes more than one or two days past election day.

    But we have already nearly matched 2016 turnout with early voting!!! Think about it. That fucking demon doesn't stand a chance. And all of his King's men and other criminals and operatives really can't do shit about it. There is no dirty trick book. No path towards obstruction. That fat fuck is going down. Down to goddam hell!

    Happy election day children of the light. Our long national nightmare will soon come to an end. But if you are nervous, check with me for the original reciped for 1947 Tijuana style margaritas. But not too much after 5:00 PST.


  133. "in his efforts to either invalidate as many mail-in ballots as possible or at the least not count votes more than one or two days past election day."

    Even though this is supposed to be the president that supports the military but their votes won't count if he gets his way. Welcome to bizarro world.

  134. How about that three-pointer by Obama while wearing a mask? Three-pointer except it looked to me like it could have been from out-of-bounds. 90 degrees. A perfect swish from side-court. Yowza! Makes me remember Meadowlark.

  135. That's a real thing, Pilot. They are all waiting to vote today so Trump can invalidate the entire election. Wow. Crazy. Can't be real.

  136. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Trump will win by a landslide

  137. dumpf's personalized body count meets new milestones some moar...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  138. Anonymous9:19 AM

    That fucking demon doesn't stand a chance.

    You mean "Senile Joe and Willy's Ho don't stand a chance".

    FIFY.  Now off to vote.

  139. Dan Rathernot9:55 AM

    Will America elect a buffoonish senile politician with 47 years of laughable performance in government who has personally sold out the country's interests for personal gain?

    Will Kamala Harris be the first retired sex worker to be elected Vice President?

    Stay tuned and see.

  140. Trivia Night9:57 AM

    Who has taken more balls to the chin over their career, Yogi Berra or Kamala Harris?


    Ok, this may not go well.

  142. The Fix10:02 AM

    Final electoral college tally:

    Trump: 331

    Biden: 207

    Book it.

  143. "Who has taken more balls to the chin over their career, Yogi Berra or Kamala Harris?"

    Neither, it's your mom.

  144. Anonymous10:12 AM

    PilotAA and his razor sharp wit!

    *mic drop*

    He rules the playground.

  145. Even if Biden were to win, the left is finished. They have no political talent and no positive agenda. If they win, it's only through a combination of frame-up jobs, ballot fraud, intimidating riots, and imploding the economy by generating mass hysteria about a fake pandemic. It's a deeply unhealthy movement.

    What are they going to do, have a pandemic every four years? Investigate every Republican for Russian connections? Burn down Minneapolis again? They used every trick in the book for Trump, and most of these are one-offs. The fact is, the working class has abandoned the Democrats and is not coming back.

    The era of the GOP as the party of tax cuts and war is over; it started with Trump in 2016 and it ended in 2018. For decades, the GOP thought they could ignore problems of governance and win office via tax cuts and beating the war drums. Those guys have left the party. The Neocons are back with the Democrats. They're done in the GOP.

    This is happening regardless of today's outcome, but if Trump wins, this process accelerates. Trump won't be shackled by Mueller or Vindmann. A massive house-cleaning is coming to decrepit institutions. The Democrats will tear themselves apart with recriminations. But this is just a symptom of deeper trends.

  146. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:25 AM

    Happy election day children of the light. Our long national nightmare will soon come to an end. But if you are nervous, check with me for the original reciped for 1947 Tijuana style margaritas. But not too much after 5:00 PST.


    3:40 AM
    Hey, I'm with you all the way, Flying Jr. Gotta pick up some tonic to go with my gin tonight. Stay safe!

  147. The only choice is to reelect Donald J. Trump:

  148. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:34 AM

    Dan Rathernot asked...

    Will Kamala Harris be the first retired sex worker to be elected Vice President?

    Stay tuned and see.

    9:55 AM
    We don't know yet, but we do know that Donald Trump is the first president who is a rapist and brags about it. He's currently being sued in civil court by one of his victims 'cause you know that silly rule in the Justice Department, a sitting president can't be indicted.

    Y'all have a nice day now.

  149. Tara Reade10:37 AM

    Whatever delusions help you cope, Granny.

  150. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:44 AM

    CB said...

    Even if Biden were to win, the left is finished. They have no political talent and no positive agenda. If they win, it's only through a combination of frame-up jobs, ballot fraud, intimidating riots, and imploding the economy by generating mass hysteria about a fake pandemic. It's a deeply unhealthy movement.
    What planet do you live on?

    Did your mother drop you on your head when you were young?

    Did you destroy you brain with coke when you were a teenager?

    Is someone paying your to post this ridiculous bull shit?

  151. "Is someone paying your to post this ridiculous bull shit?"

    No, they actually believe this stuff. A steady diet of conservative news outlets does not allow reality or differing viewpoints to filter in. It's actually scary. Thank Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh for this. It makes no matter that they use these scare tactics every four years and they never happen.I'm still waiting for Bill Clinton to capture me with a black helicopter and put me in a reeducation camp while Barack Obama installs Sharia Law and takes all my guns and bibles.

  152. "Will Kamala Harris be the first retired sex worker to be elected Vice President?"

    The only retired sex-worker we care about is Melania and making sure she and her syphillis having husband hit the bricks. At long last our national nightmare is over.

  153. PilotX, I love your optimism, but it ain’t over ‘til it’s over. I am highly confident that it will be a popular vote blue wave; but EC is less certain. He raped the republic before, but he did not seduce us, before, since, or now. He will certainly drag out the process while he packs his bags full of White House silverware.

  154. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Black NC Voter On Backing President Trump: “I Believe In Defending America”

  155. To all drumpf train magats with unupholstered brains....

    The FBI declined to elaborate on the investigation, but the Voter Protection Program noted that voter intimidation, including from vehicles, is a crime under federal and every state law. Examples include tailgating other vehicles, verbal threats of violence, blocking roads to the polls and following voters to, from or within polling places.

    drumpf train magats are lawless lawbreakers just like whosyerdaddy.

  156. Anonymous11:59 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!


    Nothing to see in another right wing, politically inspired, witch hunt.

  158. Trump 20 to life, no pardon, no parole.

  159. Much of the trollish talk around here can be repaired by replacing the words 'left' and 'Democratic' with 'right' and 'Republican'. Note for instance, CB 10:20 AM. The right is finished; the Republican party will tear itself up with recriminations.

  160. PilotX, thanks for yo-mama-ing a troll. When they go high, we go higher, but when they go low, we go lower.

    But why should Kamala Harris's love life matter to a troll? What _should_ worry them is how _mean_ she is. And how mean is Kamala Harris? This mean: for two minutes and three seconds Mike Pence had a fly on his head, about which Kamala Harris said nothing.

  161. Hope Jimmy Carter and his election watching machine will be watching drumfucker try to steal another election.

  162. Anonymous3:11 PM

    lol at Trump’s hapless efforts to connect with da youf vote.

    Donald Trump Accidentally Introduces Lil Pump As 'Little Pimp' At Rally

  163. Just spoke to a Georgia woman originally from Mexico who couldn’t vote because she’s still on her Green Card. But her sons, US citizens, both voted for Trump. It’s hilarious what kind of non-stereotypical voters you encounter when you look beyond the media/activism echo chambers

  164. "Neither, it's your mom."

    Maybe so, but if she'd just done it one more time there would be one less troll to mock...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. So I guess that if Biden wins it means we'll never get to see Fergus' tremendous health care plan...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  166. “So I guess that if Biden wins it means we'll never get to see Fergus' tremendous health care plan...“

    Or taxes.


  167. “Just spoke to a Georgia woman originally from Mexico who couldn’t vote because she’s still on her Green Card. But her sons, US citizens, both voted for Trump. It’s hilarious what kind of non-stereotypical voters you encounter when you look beyond the media/activism echo chambers“

    Sure, that really happened.😆

  168. “Black NC Voter On Backing President Trump: “I Believe In Defending America”

    And when trump loses she or he will NEVER be invited to the cookout. There have always been coons and toms, why should this year be any different? And the sad part is the party he’s voting for disenfranchises his fellow Blah people and in fact trump nominated the asshat who defended the steal the negro vote in NC for a federal judgeship that Tim Scott even had to oppose. Some people are too far gone to save.

  169. “I Believe In Defending America”

    Unless of course it’s a virus or Putin then we’re kinda screwed.

  170. White voter on why he’s voting for Biden

  171. Given Biden's sweep of all five voters in Dixville Notch, should he declare victory now, or wait for the rest of the votes to be counted?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  172. MT just admitted drumpf benefits from illegal voters cuz brownskins are here illegally and shouldn't vote.

  173. Gambler,

    Good luck with the gin and tonics. Reminds of my youth playing music and snorting coke by the pool at Frank Quintana's house. We always cut the edge with gin and tonics. Good times.

    I'm afraid I can't join you. Even though I have been planning this for months and I have a half-bottle of fine tequila, I just can't. I have to work tomorrow. I'm recording music for a church podcast. I have to be my best.

    I'm just tuning out for the most part. I will check the Biden path to victory from time to time. Good job in Philadelphia. Hope it holds. Last I heard there are several toss-ups. I'm so nervous. I'm just off the grid tonight watching the NetFlix David Frost picture. Can't take the stress.

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