Wednesday, November 18, 2020

? Of the Day.

 Do you think that the incoming president, Joe Biden, should encourage his administration to pursue criminal charges against Donald trump for his actions while he was in office? 


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Knowing Trump, he will probably try to issue a blanket pardon to himself for everything he’s done while in office. So SCOTUS would have to grapple with the question of whether such a pardon was legal before they could even move on to considering the merits of any federal charges against him.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I have also heard suggestions that Trump could step down before Biden takes office, making Pence the president, and then Pence could pardon him, as this would have a better chance of surviving judicial review.

    These sound like crazy, absurd scenarios, but with this president, “expect the unexpected.”

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    It’s too bad that it’s not a crime to be a president who lets his own citizens die because he is incapable of caring about the welfare of other human beings. Trump would be guilty of thousands upon thousands of counts of “homicide by shitty presidenting,” and sentenced to millennia behind bars.

    Fauci says Trump hasn’t even bothered to attend COVID meetings for months.

  4. Biden will never be President.

  5. Anonymous10:22 PM

    “Biden will never be President.”

    You are in for an unhappy surprise in January.

  6. What a surprise it will be indeed.

  7. I think Trump's many crimes will be investigated if we who voted for Biden push him to support it. Otherwise, maybe not. But I think the New Your State Attorney General and the District Attorney for Manhattan will go after Trump for bank fraud, insurance fraud
    and income-tax evasion.

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    How did I miss this? A 2012 video from the Onion predicted Trump’s presidency.

    After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016

  9. 410 said...

    Biden will never be President.

    10:15 PM
    Well, 410, I remember that back in 2008 some people such as you insisted that America would never have a black first lady. But we did and she was terrific.

    Get over it. Biden will become president at noon on January 20, 2021


    Conservative affirmative action. I thought Republicans were against AA. 33 years old, no court experience and rated unqualified by the ABA.
    It's like they're not even trying.

  11. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Wayne County vote NOT certfied:

    In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County's election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan's largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.

  12. Biden will never be President12:23 AM

    "It's like they're not even trying."

    It's like they're winning.

  13. Anonymous1:01 AM


  14. I kinda think that he should appoint a competent AG and let them decide what to do. Like have independence in the DOJ again.
    There's no way for it not to be politicized, but it really shouldn't be. If he did crimes, he should be tried for them like you or I would be.
    The number of howling, frothing morons one has in their cult should not determine their legal outcomes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Biden needn't bother. There's SDNY, and other criminal charges in other localities, and countless lawsuits, and these only his legal troubles. Worse are his troubles outside of the law. Trump owes hundreds of millions of dollars to people too shady for him to name. For his own safety, Trump should seek protective custody from his predatory creditors. SDNY will gladly provide a cell to hide inside, if he turns himself in.

  16. Trump's presidency is undead. After it is interred on January 20, the White House should be deodorized, disinfected, and exorcized.

  17. I would love to see Trump pay for even a fraction of his many crimes. I fantasize about permanent exile to Russia or some such sentence. But I'm tired of the Trump shit show. This would only have us all talking about him for the foreseeable future.

    I want to wake up and go all day without thinking about him once. I don't want him on the TV, the radio, the blogs, the newspapers or any other periodical. I want Trump only to be bad history. A dire warning that we should never forget, but that we can easily put out of mind.

    Right now I think that the military should kidnap him and just get him the fuck out of Washington, District of Columbia. Drop him off at the Kremlin with his old pal, Vlad. Let Vlad help him come down with a soft landing into some sweet Russian whores and American style fast food. Maybe a personalized theater for a virtual reality where he can speak as a King from a balcony to hundreds of thousands of virtual supporters who cheer and adore him, hanging on to every word and gesture. Great Red and Black flags draping half way from the windows to the plaza level. Beautiful women in furs throwing themselves at him with abandon.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. The website for the Trump Presidential Library has gone live:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Flying Junior: Trump will no longer be an asset to Putin, and potentially a liability; a dangerous place to be.

  21. Shoot! Then what the hell can we do with the poor guy? We can't just leave him all alone to his own devices. We gotta get him the hell outta here at least temporarily. Maybe the UAE or Dubai. Tel Aviv.

  22. Anonymous8:59 AM

  23. justthenews is John "Full O' Shit" Solomons blog. Ignore it and him.

  24. No. I do not think Biden should interfere in any way with the Justice Department or the Senate and House investigating crimes that have been committed by Trump and his appointees.

  25. Stoopid fucking wingnuts break 123 year old tradition of not confirming judges nominated by a defeated potus. Who knew they could do this?

    McCTurtlefuckface deserves to swing alongside drumpf's fat orange ass. drumpf could honestly claim to be well hung and I would agree with him for once.

  26. Anonymous9:54 AM

    In a stunning 71% of Wayne County’s precincts, the number of people who signed the poll books didn’t equal the number of votes counted.

  27. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "I would love to see Trump pay for even a fraction of his many crimes."

    Name one.

  28. Trump's tax returns, impeachment, payoffs, pardons and lies10:01 AM

    "Do you think that the incoming president, Joe Biden, should...pursue criminal charges against Donald trump for his actions while he was in office?"

    We have to make an example of those who fail to obey the ru!es, so that those who would tempt fate might pause to give a second thought . There are indications that certain prohibitions may have been violated during this administration and if so, yes we should hear how he justifies and defends himself against what appears to be criminally inappropriate behavior.

  29. Anonymous said...

    8:59 AM
    Tell that to New Zealand, South Korea, and China.

  30. Biden won't have Trump prosecuted. He just won't.
    He'll simply "pardon" Trump, the same way Ford pardoned Nixon.

  31. The function of an independent Justice Department is to conduct investigations and pursue prosecutions based on evidence and discovery. The actions of the Justice Department should not be mandated either for or against prosecutions by the Executive.

  32. Anonymous12:47 PM

    What would you have Trump prosecuted for?

  33. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Giuliani has apparently decided his only remaining play is to slander Philly.

    Chicagoans don’t know how to feel. “Wait ... wingnuts are trashing a whole city ... and it’s not us?”

  34. Anonymous 9:55:
    It's hard to name 'one' of Trump's crimes. There's a crime after every crime of his; between any two of his crimes, there's another crime; and every set of his crimes is bracketed by a crime right before, and a crime right after. Therefore his crimes form a continuous infinity.

  35. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "It's hard to name 'one' of Trump's crimes."

    Right, because you can't.

  36. "Giuliani has apparently decided his only remaining play is to slander Philly."

    You must have missed the 90 minute press conference that just concluded where the Giuliani, Powell, and Harris outline the large trove of evidence they have gathered of massive systemic election fraud.

    You really are in for a shock.

  37. drumpf/noem body count up nearly a thousand bodies already today....

    Last updated: November 19, 2020, 19:31 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  38. Screwdy Rudy's evidence of vote fraud should get him laughed out of any court in America and disbarred as well.

    Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani delivered a rambling monologue Thursday meant to reveal evidence for a 'massive' vote fraud where he quoted 'My Cousin Vinny' and claimed he had 'hundreds' of sworn affidavits as evidence that he would not share - because, he claimed, their lives would be at risk.

    Total fucking moron.

  39. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Simple answer No. There are far too many other things to do and be concerned about during the next four years. Trump is a looser and always has been and that is why he will be hounded by lawsuits and counter lawsuits the rest of his days. He will keep an army of attorneys busy as well.

  40. Anonymous3:13 PM

    “You must have missed the 90 minute press conference that just concluded where the Giuliani, Powell, and Harris outline the large trove of evidence they have gathered of massive systemic election fraud.

    You really are in for a shock.”

    I wish I could stand outside your double-wide on January 20th to hear the sweet sounds of curse words, liquor bottles shattering, and you shooting your TV.

  41. What would you have Trump prosecuted for?

    Emolument's clause violations.

    Obstruction of justice from Russia investigation and ordering aides not to surrender to legal subpoenas.

    abuse of power andm using the WH for political activities.

    bribing Ukraine to start a political witch hunt into Biden's son.

    For lying day in and day out to Americans and allies.

    For sucking Putin's dick while Putin was interfering with 2016 election.

    For playing golf every goddamn day in office and lying about it.

    For watching fake noise while hundreds of thousands of Americans died due to his negligence on pandemic.

    For not divesting himself from his own companies as he promised. He kept control of all of them at all times.

    He colluded with Russia before the 2016 election and was working on a deal with Moscow for large hotel until after the election and lied about it.

    For lying about turning over tax returns early and often.

    For being a serial sex abuser and lying about it.

    For soliciting campaign funds from overseas.

    For soliciting Putin's help in digging up dirt on HRC.

    For using his golf property in Scotland to trap US servicemen into staying at high priced hotel nd fueling jets away from air base at much higher cost so he can trap service members into staying at his property so her can collect hundreds of thousands of bucks.

    I'm sure there are plenty moar crimes attributable to the worst potus ever.

  42. The $130K payment to Stormy Daniels is a well documented example of campaign finance law violation that he's already noted in court filings as "individual one" for.

    It would be a good place for them to start.

    Biden doesn't need to play any role in that.

    The role he could play would be the declassification and unredaction of the Mueller report documents, which lay out a roadmap for prosecuting Fergus for obstruction of justice.

    Very much like the goddamn mess Bush left for the Obama administration that made prosecuting him for the torture program he and Cheney ran difficult and inconvenient, the multitudes of fires burning in the government and country at large make expending resources on the prosecution of Fergus and his felons seem like a distraction, or open them to that political accusation.

    It will be a mistake to let them slither away from their crimes this time, as letting previous Republican presidential crimes go unpunished is a major factor in how we got Fergus and his felons in the first place, and would leave the door wide open for even worse abuses by the Cotton or Hawley administrations.

    In short, there are downsides to pursuing them, but worse downsides to letting them go. It may be difficult, and result in less than optimal results for the resources expended, but if we want to still have a representative republic in ten years, we need to do it anyway.

    Kind of like how it seems like it sucks to have to take precautions against covid, what with the inconvenience and economic attenuation, but not doing it buys you a quarter million corpses and counting.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Wanna bet Tyson plant managers in Waterloo, iowa are stoopid fucking wingnuts?

  44. Anonymous 410 said...

    "Giuliani has apparently decided his only remaining play is to slander Philly."

    You must have missed the 90 minute press conference that just concluded where the Giuliani, Powell, and Harris outline the large trove of evidence they have gathered of massive systemic election fraud.

    You really are in for a shock.

    2:07 PM
    Since it seems you believe whatever Giuliani says, you are the one that's "really in for a shock."

  45. Dinthebeast said...

    It will be a mistake to let them slither away from their crimes this time, as letting previous Republican presidential crimes go unpunished is a major factor in how we got Fergus and his felons in the first place, and would leave the door wide open for even worse abuses by the Cotton or Hawley administrations.
    I agree. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush should have been prosecuted for their crimes. Trump saw that and said to himself, "I can get away with anything and everything."

  46. And while we're at it, if we win the Georgia runoffs and gain control over the senate, perhaps the ethics investigation filed about Lindsey Graham pressuring the Georgia SOS to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Black people might result in some consequences for Miss Lindsey.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Emily Murphy should figure out that she's Fergus' Kim Davis and the outcome of her tantrum won't be any more favorable to her or her cult leader than was Kim's to her, her delusion, or the adherents to said delusion.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    This is hilarious! Jordan Kleper at maga march.

  49. Anonymous said...

    What would you have Trump prosecuted for?

    12:47 PM
    The Intercept has a list of seven crimes mostly felines. There's tax fraud, bank fraud and insurance fraud for openers. Read it all at the website listed below.

  50. “What would you have Trump prosecuted for?”

    Trying to steal an election.

  51. I gotta go right now. But here's one. How a about using the office of POTUS for personal gain. Trump Hotel diplomacy anyone? Saudis on the golf sourse? SS paying for an entire floor at the Trump Tower.

    Wasted time. You guys will never see it. Love is blind.

  52. S E Cupp drops the hammer on stoopid fucking wingnut guvs for fiddle phucking around while their constituebnts get sick and drop like flies.

    Cupp is a pretty solid conservative writer.

  53. short answer: OH, HELL YES!

    discussion: necessary clean up, to reimburse the gov't for all (or some of) the pilfering, to discourage future office holders from further felonies, to regain some national self-respect, to be able to look our kids in the eye, to reclaim some international dignity

  54. Granny NPC6:23 PM

    Granny Gullible said...
    "I agree. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush should have been prosecuted for their crimes."

    Anyone I disagree with should be in jail!

  55. President-Elect Brannon6:38 PM

    a leading indicator of voter fraud is having more votes in a district than registered voters. the math is easy to calculate. the evidence is clear as day.

    this happened all over battleground states which trump "lost".

    anyone who claims that these impossible vote totals are a "conspiracy theory" is either insane or a corrupt communist

  56. Biden won a record-low 16.7% of US counties despite recording the record-high for most votes received in US history.


  57. President-Elect Cletus7:10 PM

    Having an election reversed because they committed fraud to elect an Alzheimer’s patient will be an even bigger setback for the democrats and their brand than just losing the election.

  58. The election reform, which will certainly be a big part of Trump's second term, will destroy the Democrats vote-fraud mechanism in the big cities. All those Dem governors in otherwise Red States (MI, WI, PA, etc) are gone.

    They should have let Trump win.


  59. this happened all over battleground states which trump "lost".

    Prove it, liar! That's right, you can't because your life is in danger. Maybe your britches are being audited. Maybe you are just a whining, sniveling sore loser.

  60. Anonymous Jay said...

    The election reform, which will certainly be a big part of Trump's second term, will destroy the Democrats vote-fraud mechanism in the big cities. All those Dem governors in otherwise Red States (MI, WI, PA, etc) are gone.

    They should have let Trump win.

    7:11 PM
    How much are they paying you to post this drival?

  61. Anonymous said....
    Gambler2 said...

    "I agree. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush should have been prosecuted for their crimes."

    Anyone I disagree with should be in jail!

    6:23 PM
    It's not a matter of disagreement; it's a matter of crimes. It's about Watergate. Iran Contra, and attacking the wrong country as well as torture, all of which as you know are a very serious crimes.

  62. drumpf/noem body count collected nearly 2k bodies again today...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  63. President-Elect Cletus said...

    Having an election reversed because they committed fraud to elect an Alzheimer’s patient will be an even bigger setback for the democrats and their brand than just losing the election.

    7:10 PM
    Good luck with that, Cletus. Their pitiful attempts at a coup are failing badly. Did you really think the American people would stand for overthrowing a legitimate, presidential election? LOL!

  64. From CBS News...

    "Biden's win in Georgia reaffirmed after recount"

  65. Trump Tax Write-Offs Are Ensnared in 2 New York Fraud Investigations

    Inquiries into the president and his businesses, one criminal and one civil, are now looking at tax deductions taken on consulting fees. Some of the payments appear to have gone to Ivanka Trump.

  66. Judges toss Republican lawsuits in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia

  67. "Did you really think the American people would stand for overthrowing a legitimate, presidential election?"

    Yes, they do believe this.

  68. The cuckoo coup crew.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  70. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "'Did you really think the American people would stand for overthrowing a legitimate, presidential election?'

    Yes, they do believe this."

    Trump fanatics are not "the American people," no matter how often they claim they are.

    There may be, say, 50 million assholes who have convinced themselves that Trump was robbed from victory by some sort of massive (yet, mysteriously, totally unprovable) conspiracy. That's a big, big problem for this country, but they are not remotely a majority.

  71. Trump's tax returns, disinfectant, payoffs, pardons, and Waterloo9:55 PM

    "Do you think that the incoming president, Joe Biden, should...pursue criminal charges against Donald trump for his actions while he was in office?"

    "This could be the first time the accused and his lawyer both pleaded insanity."

    The sad thing about it, It's probably true.

  72. Secretaries of state in Georgia and Michigan are receiving death threats or doing the jobs. And guess what, these threats aren't coming from ANTIFA or BLM.

  73. This is the level of delusion we're dealing with: The creeps and morons who got busted planning to kidnap and assassinate the governor of Michigan had a plan B. (If only their mamas had had a plan B...)
    In their plan B, 200 of them were going to overrun the capitol and stage televised executions for a week. And somehow we would just sort of let them.
    Plan C was to bar the entrances and burn the building down.
    I was struck by their blithe assumption that because they had guns, nobody would try to stop them from carrying out televised executions of state government officials.
    That is the kind of thinking, if one can call it that, behind Fergus and his felons trying to steal the goddamn presidency right in front of the tv cameras.
    It is the sort of behavior exhibited by men who never had their asses kicked when they desperately needed it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. "If only their mamas had had a plan B..."

    That ship has sailed now you have a 6-3 conservative majority on the high court and 33-year-old bible thumpers on the lower courts. I hear Canada is nice this time of year.

  75. Of course this idiot would try to use fraudulent write offs. Probably uses Jared as his accountant.

  76. Forgot to post the story, DOH!

  77. At least one of the losses in court Fergus has suffered lately has been from a judge he appointed, so his "become dictator by capturing the judiciary" plan has at least one hole in it...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. Trump Tax Write-Offs Ensnared in 2 New York Probes

    November 19, 2020 at 8:29 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 52 Comments

    “Two separate New York State fraud investigations into President Trump and his businesses, one criminal and one civil, have expanded to include tax write-offs on millions of dollars in consulting fees, some of which appear to have gone to Ivanka Trump,” the New York Times reports.

    “The inquiries — a criminal investigation by the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., and a civil one by the state attorney general, Letitia James — are being conducted independently. But both offices issued subpoenas to the Trump Organization in recent weeks for records related to the fees.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. Anonymous3:02 AM

    From Michael Shermer on Twitter:

    “Election conspiracy theories are self-refuting: Democrats are so devilishly clever that they coordinated multiple states & hundreds of counties to rig the election for Biden; but so stupid & inept that they forgot to rig taking the Senate & even lost seats in the House. QED.”

  81. Next time Scredy Rudy shows up in court he should be wearing a strait jacket and so should drumpfuck the dumbfuck for ever hiring Rudy.

  82. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "The creeps and morons who got busted planning to kidnap and assassinate the governor of Michigan had a plan B"

    Those guys were Trump-hating anarchists, a.k.a. Your Allies.

  83. Anonymous said...

    "The creeps and morons who got busted planning to kidnap and assassinate the governor of Michigan had a plan B"

    Those guys were Trump-hating anarchists, a.k.a. Your Allies.

    10:12 AM
    You are wrong, Anon, the Michigan Malitia groups and others like it across the country are definitely far right wing. They are not part of or associated with BLM or Antifa.

    So you are either uninformed or you are lying. There is no doubt that the malitias are right-wing terrorist groups.

    Please do some research by reading the articles on the websites I
    have posted below.

  84. Do Trump’s Lawyers Know What They’re Doing?

    November 20, 2020 at 10:32 am EST By Taegan Goddard 111 Comments

    "The affidavit that Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell insists proves that many precincts in Michigan have more votes than actual voters was actually based on data from Minnesota, John Hinderaker reports."

    Read the article: it's short and will make you smile. Seems the numbers he quoted are from Minnesota, (MN) not Michigan (MI). And are a result of same day registration, which is available in MN.

    All this brought to you by the gang that can't shoot straight. LOL!

  85. President-Elect Dharma12:36 PM

    The narrative is shifting from "there is no WIDESPREAD voter fraud" to "even if there were widespread voter fraud, there's no way you could ever prove it"

    At this point they have fallen a rhetorical trap that undermines the legitimacy of the system no matter how this is resolved

  86. I love the media narrative switch from "America was built by slaveholders and white supremacism and it permeates all our institutions" to "we have sacred institutions and founding principles".

  87. On top of all his other crimes, he's now trying to overthrow the government. That makes him not just a common criminal, but a traitor. He should be charged as such ... a traitor.

  88. Dominion execs on the run:

    Dominion Voting Systems Thursday night abruptly backed out of attending a fact-finding hearing that was set for Friday morning with the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee.

    At a press conference Friday morning, State Govt Committee Chair Seth Grove said the 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used Dominion's voting machines have been "hung out to dry and slapped in their faces."

    Pennsylvania lawmakers had scheduled the hearing with the voting machine manufacturer "to help identify and correct any irregularities in the election process," according to the House Republican Caucus.

    Dominion had initially agreed to attend the hearing, before it "abruptly canceled," Grove said.

    "I was impressed at what appeared to be the willingness that Dominion Voting Systems to address accusations and it would have put 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used their machines at ease--including myself, thinking that Dominion was willing to publicly back up their product which PA taxpayers invested millions to purchase" he noted during the presser. "Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up, and backed out of their commitment to the people of Pennsylvania to provide their input in a public format."

    Grove blasted the company for "retreating into the darkness," rather than appearing at the hearing with "honesty and integrity."

  89. “Dominion execs on the run”


  90. Fat lady is singing. trump is so awful he lost Georgia.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  91. “I love the media narrative switch from "America was built by slaveholders and white supremacism and it permeates all our institutions" to "we have sacred institutions and founding principles".

    Well, it WAS built by slaveholders but the problem is the same type of a-holes are trying to change the game in the 9th inning. You can’t change how elections are certified and the president is elected when you lose. C’mon man.

  92. drumpf/noem body count off to another cosmic start...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Should pass 260k bodies today with room to spare. Hope you wingnuts bought funeral home stock while it was cheap.

  93. PilotX's Boss2:02 PM

    You can’t change how elections are run and the president is elected so you can cheat. C’mon man

  94. “You can’t change how elections are run and the president is elected so you can cheat. C’mon man“

    Only sore losers like trump have to cheat. Next time back a winner.

  95. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Why are people who are so sure Trump has no case so scared about him getting his day in court?



  97. “Why are people who are so sure Trump has no case so scared about him getting his day in court?“

    Every case has been thrown out. He has no case. Why is he so afraid of states certifying their election results? Why is he trying to subvert the will of the people?


    He’s not doing well at all. He looks desperate.

  99. Georgia to certify Biden win today:

    So it's over. Over, over, over and out.


    I consider this to be a birthday gift from History to me; for as of today, I have orbited around the Sun, aboard planet Earth, three times three times seven times.

    And on this, my sixty-third birthday, I write you to state my wishes and blessings.

    So for my 63rd year, I wish for these gifts:

    For Joe Biden: the Presidency.

    For Ex-president Donald Trump: protective custody, by SDNY, from his predatory creditors.

    For us all: vaccination from covid-19.

    For me: another year, and another birthday.

    To you, dear fellow field-hands, I give these blessings:

    To mike from iowa and doug from sugar pine: you are stout fellows, brave and true. May you win your arguments and your fights. Honor!

    To PilotX: when I think of you, I visualize a man tall of stature, mighty of thew, square of jaw, steely of gaze, and resplendent in your uniform as you fly high above the clouds. And to think, they _pay_ you for your job! What greater blessing can I wish than for you to continue to be you? Safe fly far, and brave fly free!

    To Gambler2: how I admire you, so wise and patient. Alas, my heart breaks, for we may never meet in person, so I must adore from afar. Nonetheless, I love you, I love you, I love you!

    To our gracious host, Field Negro: thank you, thank you, for letting our pet trolls rave, and thus prove to me, a naive old white man, just how much shit your long-suffering people must endure. May the scoundrels you send to the penitentiary find true rehabilitation.

    Speaking of whom... in obedience to the advice from rabbi Jesus, I offer blessing even to our pet trolls.

    So to the vengeful ex-cons: may you find legal gainful employment, with which to pay for healthy pleasures and a roof over your head. May you stick with honest companions, and may you find a loving faith community to heal your wounded heart. May you fully re-integrate into society.

    To the Russian agents and their 'clients': may you escape from thralldom to the poisoner Putin, and may you live to tell the tale.

    To the forlorn warriors of the Lost Cause: may you abandon false pride, and find true pride and honor in the Worthy Cause of justice and harmony. So may you tear down the statues of confederate traitors, and in their place erect statues honoring Elvis Presley, Louie Armstrong, and Dolly Parton!

    To the bots: may your fairy godmother turn you into real boys.

    And to the incels: O you poor unfortunate lost souls, may you find your way; and may that way lead you out of 4kun, and away from midnight trolling, and out of the basement, and outside into the fresh breeze and the bright sunlight. And under that blue sky, may you meet a young woman as lonely as you. And after many meetings, when she stamps her foot, puts her hands on her wide hips, glares at you, and lovely in her righteous wrath, decrees "Either your bullshit or else me!", then may you find the brains and heart and guts and balls to choose Her!

    And to each and all:
    May you live long and prosper.

    I got a Zoom class to teach right now, so 'bye!

  100. President-Elect Peace Prize3:39 PM

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo will receive an international Emmy award, “in recognition of his leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world.”

    As you get older, you realize that institutional prizes aren’t to reward great work but to make bad work unassailable

  101. Well Paradoc, seems you share a birthday with the newly elected President!

    This one goes out to you!

  102. Biden's refusal to concede is just a ploy for DNC fundraising.

    Also why hasn't Kamala Harris resigned her senate seat yet?

  103. Paradoctor: I bow before your awesomeness. Happy birthday. I turn sixty in three weeks, should I manage to make it that far.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. Not to be a stick in the mud, Paradoctor, but my Father of blessed memory, passed at 63...forty years ago.

    Thanks for the kind words. I'll be 68 in February next, if all goes according to plan.

    PilotX has one more outstanding attribute... he has been to Spencer, iowa and lives to tell about it. :)

  105. Anonymous said...

    Why are people who are so sure Trump has no case so scared about him getting his day in court?

    2:40 PM
    Whose scared of Trump getting his day in court? The only scary thing is the bitch that won't release the transition funds to Biden.

  106. President-Elect Bosephus4:55 PM

    China Joe Biden is just some addled grifter until the electoral college votes. I wouldn't trust him with the keys to the groundskeeper's shed.

  107. This sinister "Great Reset" stuff suggests we really might be approaching the "end of history" this time - not with the worldwide acceptance of classical liberalism, but with its decisive rejection in favor of "soft" and "limited" authoritarianism.

    The new consensus spreading among Western political elites is that some issues must be taken off the table, placed beyond the reach of voters, "settled" - and thus enforced - by power that cannot be subordinated to democracy.

    In other words, the list of things "free people" don't get to vote against or refuse to accept grows longer. The size and power of centralized government swells to a scale undreamed-of by the founders of a constitutional republic. Very little of it can be voted out of office.

    This is all supposedly justified in the name of protecting what remains of democracy, and sanding the rough edges off of capitalism. The elites tell themselves they aren't really authoritarians - they're just helping "true" liberty flourish by limiting and nourishing it.

    This is now the great illusion of the 21st Century, brought into focus by the coronavirus pandemic, which will be employed to kill classical liberalism by supposedly "proving" that the most important challenges can only be tackled with authoritarian control.

    In every respect, it's the end of classical liberalism - the end of universal freedoms and inalienable rights, of absolute limits on political control. Constitutional limits on what you can vote FOR will be replaced by lists of what you aren't allowed to vote AGAINST.

    You may get to elect some of the deciders, but you won't be making the big decisions, and you will not be allowed to reject the "consensus." When capitalism is dominated by politics, risk is replaced by consensus, and reward by entitlement. It's "safer," and smaller.

  108. Paradoctor...3:05 PM Said...

    "To mike from iowa and doug from sugar pine: you are stout fellows, brave and true. May you win your arguments and your fights. Honor!

    To PilotX: when I think of you, I visualize a man tall of stature, mighty of thew, square of jaw, steely of gaze, and resplendent in your uniform as you fly high above the clouds. And to think, they _pay_ you for your job! What greater blessing can I wish than for you to continue to be you? Safe fly far, and brave fly free!"

    "To Gambler2: how I admire you, so wise and patient. Alas, my heart breaks, for we may never meet in person, so I must adore from afar. Nonetheless, I love you, I love you, I love you!"

    "To our gracious host, Field Negro: thank you, thank you, for letting our pet trolls rave, and thus prove to me, a naive old white man, just how much shit your long-suffering people must endure. May the scoundrels you send to the penitentiary find true rehabilitation."
    I can't thank you enough for this lovely post. Your remarks about Doug and Mike are spot on. Thank you for loving me; I love you back. Your comments strengthen my faith and hope. Your friendship means a great deal to me. Please don't ever stop posting here.

    And I love it that you praise Field for giving us this opportunity to meet on line. There might be a way to meet in person, but I haven't been able to figure one out yet. And I agree with your remarks about just how much shit that black people must endure. In my thirty-five years with my beloved, black husband, I had a front seat in his ongoing struggle to be treated with dignity and respect.

    I wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more. May you live to be at least a hundred.

  109. John said...

    This sinister "Great Reset" stuff suggests we really might be approaching the "end of history" this time - not with the worldwide acceptance of classical liberalism, but with its decisive rejection in favor of "soft" and "limited" authoritarianism.
    Whare did you get this stuff, John?

  110. President-Elect Bosephus said...

    China Joe Biden is just some addled grifter until the electoral college votes. I wouldn't trust him with the keys to the groundskeeper's shed.

    4:55 PM
    Hey troll, no one care whom you would or would not trust. Trust me on this because I know.

  111. BAP said...
    Also why hasn't Kamala Harris resigned her senate seat yet?

    3:55 PM
    She is still fulfilling her term as one of two senators from California. She is not required to resign before she becomes Vice President. There is no reason for her to resign yet.

    Don't you know anything about how the United States government works?

  112. Ace Freely said...

    Dominion execs on the run:

    Dominion Voting Systems Thursday night abruptly backed out of attending a fact-finding hearing that was set for Friday morning with the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee.

    12:58 PM
    Here is Dominion's response.....

    "As we await the opportunity to debunk the baseless conspiracy theories being offered about Dominion and its voting systems in a court of law based on yesterday's press conference claims that litigation is coming, we had to ask for a postponement of the discussion."

    “Notably, our company doesn't even support Philadelphia, or some of the other jurisdictions being targeted by attorneys in their remarks."

  113. drumpf/noem body count taes off like a cruise missile with similar results.... mass deaths.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    fuck all wsasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts!

  114. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Geraldo is still kissing Trump’s buttock-al region over on Fox. Unbelievably, he says we should name the COVID vaccine after Trump, because it would make the president so happy:

    "It would be a nice gesture to him and years from now it would become kind of a generic name. Have you got your trump yet, I got my trump, I'm fine. I wished we could honor him in that way."

    Is Geraldo high? You’ve got to be shitting me. We’re supposed to “honor” the bozo who has delivered one of the worst public health responses in the world, and who told people COVID was just the flu and mocked mask-wearing?

    Hell no. We should be naming THE VIRUS after him, since Trump has acted like the virus’ BFF and helped it feed on as many Americans as possible. As in:

    “Phew, I just got vaccinated. Now I won’t have to worry about dying of Trumpvirus.”

  115. Fuck face drumpf junior is latest to test positive for hoax.

    Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenzipperfuckerman bonds out of jail for 2 million bucks.

  116. Anonymous7:21 PM

    “Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenzipperfuckerman bonds out of jail for 2 million bucks.”

    Nazis probably raised his bail. He has become a folk hero to them.

  117. Geraldo left his brain and balls in Al Capone's secret vault. Remember when he was kicked out of Iraq for revealing sensitive locations on live teevee?

  118. President-Elect Self Defense7:43 PM

    Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero.

  119. President-Elect Tony8:01 PM

    BREAKING: Kirkland & Ellis withdraws from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State in Trump campaign case. Discovery found Kathy Boockvar has been lying and is guilty of serious misconduct, therefore they are now withdrawing. Kirkland & Ellis is the largest law firm in the country. $4.1 billion in revenue in 2019 Lying to Supreme Court isn’t a good idea...

  120. “China Joe Biden is just some addled grifter until the electoral college votes.”

    Must be bizarro world night. trump is asking his cultists for money which will go into his pockets and to pay down his debts but BIDEN is the grifter???? 😆😂😆😂😆😂😆😂😆😂 The guy who can’t show his taxes isn’t the grifter huh kid? 😂😂 Even the donald jr. doesn’t believe that.

  121. “Discovery found Kathy Boockvar has been lying and is guilty of serious misconduct, therefore they are now withdrawing.”

    Didn’t see that in the link you provided.

  122. It's Happening8:33 PM

    BREAKING: Circuit Courts have been Reassigned

    Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42. Look who is in charge of MI, WI, PA, and GA:

    MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
    WI - Amy Coney Barrett
    PA - Samuel A. Alito
    GA - Clarence Thomas

    These are the circuits that the SCOTUS has oversight on and which justice is “in charge” of being the lead in the cases the are brought from those circuits. So cases appealed from those circuits are decided by those judges. Emergency requests issued concerning cases in those states will go to the judges listed above.

  123. Same here, PilotX. No criminal activity mentioned, bASICALLY A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION.

  124. “There might be a way to meet in person, but I haven't been able to figure one out yet.“

    Can always choose a public place and time to meet up. I’ve actually had lunch with Field a little while back.

  125. President-Erect Trump8:35 PM

    Kamala Harris just asked her twitter followers to 'chip in now' for legal funds, and democrats are *losing it* in the comment section as reality begins to sink in.

    P.S. The Biden campaign took $700M from corporations and should be ashamed to be asking the public for more.

  126. Anonymous8:36 PM

    "I’ve actually had lunch with Field a little while back."

    Who paid?

  127. “Who paid?“

    Your mom.😆


  128. Anonymous President-Elect Tony said...

    "BREAKING: Kirkland & Ellis withdraws from representing Pennsylvania Secretary of State in Trump campaign case."

    Here's some facts from

    After a tumultuous week of litigation, which saw famed lawyer Rudy Giuliani making his first court appearance in decades, Kirkland & Ellis is seeking to withdraw from the legal challenge President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has filed in Pennsylvania federal court, with Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel partner Barry Berke looking to replace them.

    A Philadelphia lawyer for President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is seeking to have a federal judge impose sanctions after she received an allegedly harassing phone call from an associate with Kirkland & Ellis.



  131. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Well, that’s nice. Rittenhouse doesn’t name any Nazis as the mysterious benefactors who paid his bail (which doesn’t mean there aren’t any Nazis who coughed up cash), but he did name Ricky Schroeder (yes, the Silver Spoons actor) and the MyPillow dude.

  132. They have been for months. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Pedro Nicolaci da Costa
    · 13h
    "We're working on mass distribution of the virus," Treasury Secretary Mnuchin tells CNBC, presumably meaning the vaccine.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  133. Anonymous11:16 PM

    “‘We're working on mass distribution of the virus,’ Treasury Secretary Mnuchin tells CNBC, presumably meaning the vaccine.”

    Freudian slip. Mnuchin accidentally blurted out the truth.


    He used his unemployment check to buy a AR-15. Great parents he has, underage kid buys weapons of war. 👍🏾

  135. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Steve Hofstetter
    · 12h
    BREAKING: Trump's legal team referenced THE WRONG STATE in their suit. They confused Michigan and Minnesota, but the places they alleged cast more votes than residents are all in the part of Minnesota that voted red. Trump's lawyers just accidentally accused him of cheating.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  136. “Trump's lawyers just accidentally accused him of cheating.“.

    And people want more of this incompetence? Owning the libs is more important than maintaining a functioning nation. Isn’t America great?

  137. Doug: I guess that their accidental accusations of Trump cheating are correct. We know that Trump routinely projects. Social workers report that domestic abusers routinely try DARVO: Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender. Trump is DARVO-ing.

  138. Fortunately, both Biden and vaccine will get here soon. But in the meantime keep safe, because Trump and Covid-19 are still out there.

  139. PilotX:

    You are more mobile than Gambler2 and I, and we are in different cities, so physical meeting is impractical. Perhaps Gambler2 and I can meet by Zoom call.

    There's a problem; this is an insecure forum, visited and watched by trolls. How did you arrange the meeting with Field?

    Do you have a webcam?

  140. So perhaps the country needs to be vaccinated for DARVO as well as covid?
    Oh, wait, I was thinking of parvo...
    If he was a puppy you know he'd shit all over the carpet.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  141. "How did you arrange the meeting with Field?"

    Via e-mail. I've done that with other posters here too, just create a burner e-mail account that you delete after use. It can be done. I say we may have to make a plan to all meet up one day, we have time to plan because this virus ain't going anywhere for at least the next 6 mos.

  142. I'll ask my cyber-savvy daughter about it when she comes home next Sunday. I was thinking that a Zoom call is a kind of burner video-phone. When the call is done, the link goes inactive. Did you give out the email address on this forum? Did any trolls attempt to crash in? I suppose single-use neutralizes that.

  143. Ac-turd Ricky Schroder and the My Dildo Pillow guy helped bail out Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenzipperfuckerman of jail.

  144. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Orc enlists White girl to murder his coal-burneer ex-girlfriend.

    One dead, two charged with first-degree murder.  And nothing of value was lost.

  145. Merrick Garland is in line for Biden's AG. Hope he gets the job and hope he prosecutes drumpf crime family until they are all dead.

  146. PilotX said: "How did you arrange the meeting with Field?"

    Via e-mail. I've done that with other posters here too, just create a burner e-mail account that you delete after use. It can be done. I say we may have to make a plan to all meet up one day, we have time to plan because this virus ain't going anywhere for at least the next 6 mos.

    Paradoctor said......
    Do you have a webcam?
    Sounds like a great idea to me. Yes, I have a web cam and I could use Zoom. Two of my techno savvy grandsons live with me, and they can show me how to use it.

    As you said, Paradoctor, with the pandemic raging, we have plenty of time to arrange a meeting.

    Have a wonderful day, my friends.

  147. Mike from Iowa said....

    Merrick Garland is in line for Biden's AG. Hope he gets the job and hope he prosecutes drumpf crime family until they are all dead.
    I agree, that would really be wonderful.

  148. Trump won12:14 PM

    Check this linearity analysis of the percentage Georgia votes cast for each candidate by total number of votes per county:

    R2 of .9815 (!)

    This means if you take any random county in Georgia with no information except how many people voted there, you could plug this one number into a linear equation to make a near-perfect guess of each candidate's vote percentage.

    This result isn't just "suspicious," it's impossible.

  149. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.

  150. Anonymous1:03 PM

    “Merrick Garland is in line for Biden's AG. Hope he gets the job and hope he prosecutes drumpf crime family until they are all dead.”

    Maybe he could prosecute Mitch McConnell and his wife for corruption, which they are both guilty of.

    That really would be a hilarious act of legal revenge on McConnell, who unconstitutionally blocked Garland from the Supreme Court on the bogus grounds that there is some legal or political principle preventing a president from nominating a justice in an election year. (Proven conclusively to be a lie this year when McConnell turned around and, with no shame whatsoever, confirmed Trump’s SCOTUS pick.)

  151. Smoking gun mar likely steaming pile of horse shit. You losers lost. drumpf was impeached and lost, too. Man up and quit sniveling, you sniveling cowards.

  152. “Did you give out the email address on this forum? Did any trolls attempt to crash in? I suppose single-use neutralizes that.“

    For a few instances I did put the email address here and after my intended recipient got it I deleted it. So far no trolls have tried to intercept or communicate with me in that manner. They have no use with that communication tool. Worked pretty well.

  153. Merrick Garland is in line for Biden's AG.“

    At risk of being petty, I would love to see the NY AG get the nod. She already has insight into the trump crime family and it would drive the orange one mad.😆


  154. Anonymous said...more conspiracy theories from the gang that can't shoot straight...

    Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.

    12:16 PM

    Here's Dominion's response. Seems they they do not support "Philadelphia, or some of the other jurisdictions being targeted by Trump's attorneys in their remarks." Seems your wild conspiracy theory has some holes in it. LOL!

    Dominion's Statement
    "As we await the opportunity to debunk the baseless conspiracy theories being offered about Dominion and its voting systems in a court of law based on yesterday's press conference claims that litigation is coming, we had to ask for a postponement of the discussion."

    “Notably, our company doesn't even support Philadelphia, or some of the other jurisdictions being targeted by attorneys in their remarks."

  155. drumpf noem body count keeps rising like yeast dough in a warm place...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  156. PilotX said....

    For a few instances I did put the email address here and after my intended recipient got it I deleted it. So far no trolls have tried to intercept or communicate with me in that manner. They have no use with that communication tool. Worked pretty well.

    1:32 PM
    I can easily create a new email account for limited use and then delete it.

  157. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Kyle Rittenhouse is now apparently some kind of brand spokesmodel for a right-wing brand of coffee.

    Stay classy, wingnuts.

  158. Granny NPC4:21 PM

    Dominion says they didn't manipulate vote totals.

    I guess that settles it!

  159. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Why Is Challenging Suspicious Election Results "A Threat To Our Democracy"?

  160. Granny NPC said...

    Dominion says they didn't manipulate vote totals.

    I guess that settles it!

    4:21 PM
    Sure does, Honey. Thanks for agreeing with me. You usually don't.
    Anyway how could they if they don't have their machines in use there? Telepathy?

  161. Anonymous5:39 PM

    "Why Is Challenging Suspicious Election Results 'A Threat To Our Democracy'?"

    There are no suspicious results here, just ones you don't like.

  162. With any luck drumpf and Kenosha Killer Kyle get together for the holidays and get covid and become minor statistics in the overall scheme of things.

    We didn't know this could kill us. Why weren't we warned?

  163. “Why Is Challenging Suspicious Election Results "A Threat To Our Democracy"?“

    It’s a threat when you make up reasons to challenge it. I think you know this but are just trolling.


  165. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Did Biden concede yet?

  166. drumpf declared himself the winner in Georgia today, for some inexpli cable reason.

    Last body count for drumpf/noem for today with only around 1300 bodies to consume.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  167. Fed judge tosses drumpf's Pa lawsuit clearing the way for Biden win.
    ining, losers.

  168. In his order, Brann wrote that Trump’s campaign had used “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations” in its effort to throw out millions of votes.

    “In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state,” Brann wrote.

    Trump was beaten in Pennsylvania by President-elect Joe Biden, who currently holds a lead over the president of more than 81,000 votes. Counties are due to file their official results on Monday to Boockvar, who will then certify the statewide tallies.

  169. Anonymous said...

    Did Biden concede yet?

    7:34 PM
    Not yet, but soon. Why don't you hold your breath until he does?

  170. Next up: SCOTUS8:35 PM

    “In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, even illegal ones"

  171. Kyle Rittenhouse said...

    When I want to go shoot me some damn BLM/Antifa sunnabitches, I drink me some steaming hot Black Rifle Coffee. Nothing else gets me going in the morning. Clears my head and puts that old itch in my trigger finger. Watch out you commie sunnabitches! I'm coming for you today!

    "Liked" by the MyPillow guy.

  172. Anonymous9:29 PM

    The NAACP is now suing Trump for trying to invalidate the votes of Detroit residents because they didn’t vote for him.

    This election has been a bonanza for lawyers. (Particularly all the bargain-basement, grade-z lawyers employed by Trump.)

  173. This really cements the Trump non-legacy as the lyin'est, cheatin'est most pathetic and useless big, fucking crying baby president of all time.

    Meanwhile, taking time out between his lawyerin' sessions with Rudy G. and his important Twitter schedule, president tump decides to declare peace in the Middle East, but runs out of time before lunch. Vowing to try again tomorrow, he sinks his teeth in a double Big Mac with cheese while dipping his curly fries in ketchup.

  174. "Did Biden concede yet?"

    What, you missed it? Watch OAN I'm sure they'll have it on replay.

  175. "Why Is Challenging Suspicious Election Results "A Threat To Our Democracy"?"

    Because they are only suspicious because they favored a Democrat and were cast by brown people.

    So Fergus will be pardoning a turkey after all, but only if it's white.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  176. Biden will never be President10:28 PM

    Trump is going to be eating Big Macs in the Oval Office for the next four years.

  177. Anonymous Biden will never be President said...

    Trump is going to be eating Big Macs in the Oval Office for the next four years.

    10:28 PM
    Trump can get Big Macs in prison?

  178. My friend Rob was arrested in Kensington once and they took him to their version of jail, which was just this room with a bench and a toilet in it, and at dinner time they brought him McDonalds.
    So maybe?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  179. Let's all agree that Trump will continue to eat Big Macs. But where? Behind bars? At the Resolute Desk? In Moscow?

  180. Behind bars, I hope.
