Saturday, May 08, 2021

Caption Saturday.


Please give me a caption for this picture. 


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Trump and the pathetic tool who wishes he were Trump.

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Wish they were human

  3. Two demons from hell.

  4. The devil and his right hand man.

  5. Manwell Hung10:23 PM

    Man Agrees With Trump: My Wife is Ugly

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lol,.right! 😀

  6. "Thank you so much for this Donald. My numbers are slipping. So, anyhow, since you're not running, can I be the heir-apparent to the throne? The Crown Prince, so to speak? I'd be a good president, honest. I get you, man!"

    (Through clenched teeth,) "Can somebody get this clown outta here? He looks like the help."

  7. Notice that the location is Mar-a-lago. . .There is not any food or beverage in front of Trump. . .If Cruz did not bring a 'food taster' with him - to verify none of his is poisoned - his Ivy League law degree should be revoked. . .

  8. The White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat had a tea party, but Alice was unable to attend.

  9. "Weekend at Fat Donnie's".

  10. Tweedledum and Tweedledumber.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Two pieces of shit needing retro active and immediate abortions. This is the very toxic waste that cannot be recycled.

  12. Old joke, what’s the difference between a condom and that table........😆😂 the table can fit two dicks.

  13. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "I'll be back 2024!!"

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "Miss me yet????"

  15. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Negro Truck driver, 41, calls police to tell them he has shot dead his Air Force sergeant wife, 36... then cops storm their home using tear gas to find he has turned the gun on himself, leaving stunned family to look after their three orphaned kids:

  16. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Police: 3 hurt in Florida mall shooting as shoppers scatter due to negro gun fire
    Authorities say a negro shooting at a South Florida shopping mall sent anxious shoppers and workers running and left three people injured:

  17. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Colorado Springs mass shooting leaves 7 dead, including illegal alien suspect, at birthday party: police:

  18. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Black Female soldier, 26, stationed at Fort Bragg is charged with murder after 'shooting dead' black 22-year-old servicewoman:

  19. Anonymous9:02 AM

    3 Shot in NYC’s Times Square, Including a 4-Year-Old Girl by out of control negro criminal:

  20. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Caught On Video: Bronx Moped Robbery Negro Suspects:

  21. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Black affirmative action hire Miami-Dade Police lieutenant arrested on rape charges in Palm Beach County:

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Trump is GREAT!!!!

  23. Anonymous10:00 AM


  24. Anonymous10:57 AM

    What a coincidence

  25. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Randy Rainbow has a new one. This time, it's about the overflowing toilet formerly known as the Republican Party:

    Clang, Clang, Clang Went Josh Hawley!

  26. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I don't know how conservatives think we can have a meaningful discussion about the proper limits of free speech when they insist on blaming "cancel culture" every time they get caught doing seriously dumb shit, like (lol!) cheating in a horse race.

    This has nothing to do with speech, and kind of undermines your credibility, guys. Just saying.

    Bob Baffert Claims Kentucky Derby Winner Medina Spirit Is Victim of ‘Cancel Culture’

  27. Anonymous3:25 PM

    “I don't know how conservatives think we can have a meaningful discussion about the proper limits of free speech when they insist on blaming ‘cancel culture’ every time they get caught doing seriously dumb shit, like (lol!) cheating in a horse race.”

    See also: Matt Gaetz employing this tactic to respond to claims that he had sex with a teenager, and non-consensually shared nudes of the adult females he’s slept with.


  28. Lt Jenkins was at a drumpf property when alleged rape occurred. No surprise there.

  29. illegal alien suspect, Just how does a person become illegal?

  30. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  31. Anonymous5:28 PM


  32. Cruz and drumpf a 2 piece shit eating dog dinner.

  33. Anonymous said...

    Vaccine = Slavery

    3:58 PM
    Anonymous at 3:58 = Idiot

  34. Trae Crowder shares a few thoughts on confederate memorial day:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Anonymous at 3:58 = Idiot


  36. Gavin Reptile just announced that California has a $75.7 billion dollar budget surplus, so it would seem that all of those rich motherfuckers the right has been yawping about fleeing the state stayed long enough to pay their taxes.
    Apparently he wants to give me $600 of it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "Gavin Reptile just announced that California has a $75.7 billion dollar budget surplus, so it would seem that all of those rich motherfuckers the right has been yawping about fleeing the state stayed long enough to pay their taxes."

    Rich people love moaning about how they're going to flee to Florida or Dubai or wherever in order to avoid taxation. That's like their favorite leisure activity. More than golfing or yachting.

  38. The problem with fleeing to Florida or Dubai, though, is that then your in fucking Florida or fucking Dubai.
    Sort of like fleeing taxation and regulation by moving to Somalia.
    At some level they have to understand that they want a flourishing society to live in because of all of the well documented problems with living in a struggling or oppressed society. They don't like to admit it out loud, but if you listen to their criticism of minorities and they way they live it becomes very clear that they value the things that come from a flourishing society quite highly.
    Now if they can get it through their heads that poor people are a part of society they might start to get a clue, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Anonymous9:17 AM


  40. Anonymous9:19 AM

    African Americans have been wise to not take the so called "vaccine" that so far has killed over 4100 Americans.

  41. Anonymous9:59 AM

    “African Americans have been wise to not take the so called ‘vaccine’ that so far has killed over 4100 Americans.”

    Stop lying.

    4100 Americans have not been killed by the vaccine. The CDC has recorded roughly 4100 Americans having died shortly after taking the vaccine, but no causal link was established between the vaccine and the deaths.

    These two things are NOT the same. The vast majority of those who died will have died of old age or general ill health, and the fact they took the vaccine around the same time (along with millions of other people) is a coincidence.

  42. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Why do we need a "vaccine" when Covid-19 is nothing more than a flu bug that is 99.9% survivable.......

    Treatments and therapeutics are much more effective and cheaper like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin but these were denied (death panels) in many democrat controlled states.

  43. Anonymous10:24 AM

    When American doctors first starting treating Covid-19, they expected to be able to do as they always have done, which is to try safe medications they already knew including: ivermectin, budesonide, hydroxychloroquine, dexamethasone, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, azithromycin, among others. But during Covid-19, State Pharmacy Boards and State Governors have passed regulations that have restricted only hydroxychloroquine and only when being used for Covid-19! This dramatic departure from the way medicine has always been practiced is very alarming to people who are concerned about the doctor-patient relationship.

  44. Covid is like something never before seen and must be treated differently.

  45. Anonymous12:02 PM

    "Why do we need a 'vaccine' when Covid-19 is nothing more than a flu bug that is 99.9% survivable......."

    Because that's crap. COVID-19 has killed many times more people than flu in a typical year.

    "Treatments and therapeutics are much more effective and cheaper like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin but these were denied (death panels) in many democrat controlled states."

    No, neither of these was effective at all.

    The only meds we have with any level of effectiveness are things like dexamethasone and monoclonal antibodies, and they are still way less effective than getting vaccinated.

    Again, stop lying.

  46. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Again, stop lying.

    12:02 PM

    That is your tool of choice marxist freedom crusher. The truth will always be the truth......

  47. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[5] In 2018, it was the 129th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 5 million prescriptions.[6][7]

  48. Anonymous12:38 PM

    "In 2018, it was the 129th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 5 million prescriptions.[6][7]"

    But doesn't work for COVID, so why is that relevant?

  49. Anonymous2:00 PM

    We know the not-vaccine increases COVID fatalities in multiple countries, including Israel:

  50. Dear anonymoid anti-vaxxers:

    Thank you for volunteering for a covid exposure experiment. Years from now doctors will study you to learn the virus’s long-term pathologies.

    It is unethical to deliberately assign people to such an experiment, but when it happens by accident or folly, then it’s an opportunity for medicine to acquire valuable data not legally obtainable otherwise.

    Dear covid guinea pigs, your sacrifice of health and lifespan will serve to advance medical science. Rest assured that examining your cases will turn a profit for Big Pharma.

    But be warned: yours is not informed consent. Also, try not to breed variants which then infect non-volunteers.

  51. Anonymous3:57 PM

    But doesn't work for COVID, so why is that relevant?

    12:38 PM

    Yet it does. So does Ivermectin and several other low cost medicines. No need for a "vaccine" or wearing masks for that matter.

  52. Anonymous3:58 PM

  53. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Out of control negro violence continues nationwide:

    Video: Black Suspect Pulls Gun, Opens Fire After Brooklyn Fender-Bender.

  54. Anonymous5:27 PM

    OAN Poll Finds Over 60% Of People Want Tulsi Gabbard To Replace Gavin Newsom As Governor Of Calif.

  55. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Two-Thirds of Voters Say Border Problem Is a ‘Crisis,’ Most Blame Biden

  56. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Long lines and gas shortages in NC, SC, FL, VA due to cyber attack, creeping northward due to biden/harris incompetency.

  57. A Ninny-Mouse says:

    OAN Poll Finds Over 60% Of People Want Tulsi Gabbard To Replace Gavin Newsom As Governor Of Calif.[sic]

    I ask, "What kind of a nitwit would place any stock in a poll put out by a right-wing, Russkie fake news network?"

    What's more Tulsi isn't running. So fuck off.

  58. Anonymous7:03 PM

    “OAN Poll Finds Over 60% Of People Want Tulsi Gabbard To Replace Gavin Newsom As Governor Of Calif.”

    More proof of the GOP’s psychotic break with reality: conducting polls on whether people would vote for a non-candidate.

    Hey, why not ask if people would also vote for the disinterred zombie corpse of Ronnie Reagan? I mean, he was California governor before, so why the hell shouldn’t you take a vacation in wingnut fantasyland? It’s about as reasonable as dreaming of Governor Tulsi.

  59. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Dear vax-true-believers,

    Thank you for volunteering to be the animals in the animal trials of the experimental not-known-to-be-vaccines, which are being administered under EUAs (Emergency Use Authorizations).  Most people are at minimal risk from the COVID virus, and can safely develop natural immunity.  I myself have had the virus, which gave me tightness in my chest for a couple of days and then was gone (I take vitamins C and D, which are protective).  I now have natural immunity; I don't need or want to tamper with my immune system.

    But thank you for volunteering to be the guinea pigs.  We'll see just how dangerous this stuff is over the next few months and years.  Rather, those of you who fall ill and die later will see from the examples of the earlier casualties just how foolish you were.  Inject at haste, repent at leisure.

  60. Grandpa Munster meets the Dim Reaper10:18 PM

    The flowers aren't the only things phony in this picture.

  61. A bankruptcy judge in Texas has dismissed the NRA's attempt to file for bankruptcy protection in the face of legal action by NYAG Tish James.
    That kind of hazy smoke in the distance? That's Wayne LaPierre's lifeboat.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. "due to biden/harris incompetency."

    Or more so the trump administration gutting cyber-security because he was so thin skinned about the Russian hack. Why worry about Russian hacking right?


  64. America's Frontline Physicians - Conspiracy - right Bias - Fake News - Not CredibleAmerica's Frontline Physicians - Pseudoscience - right Bias - Fake News - Not Credible
    Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

    Into quackery which is what you expect from a magat promoted site.

  65. Anonymous said...

    OAN Poll Finds Over 60% Of People Want Tulsi Gabbard To Replace Gavin Newsom As Governor Of Calif.
    Hog Wash! Was a random sample uses in this poll? Show me the cross tabs and other features of the methodology.
    I doubt the average voter in California does not even know who Tulsi Gabbard is. LOL!

  66. Anonymous said...

    Long lines and gas shortages in NC, SC, FL, VA due to cyber attack, creeping northward due to biden/harris incompetency.

    5:32 PM
    Try to get your facts straight. It was Trump who gutted cyber security to protect his Russian master.

  67. Anonymous said....

    But thank you for volunteering to be the guinea pigs. We'll see just how dangerous this stuff is over the next few months and years. Rather, those of you who fall ill and die later will see from the examples of the earlier casualties just how foolish you were. Inject at haste, repent at leisure.

    9:59 PM
    Thanks for your concern, Anon. I'm 84, so I don't worry about 20 years down the line. I'm concerned about living a few more years now.

    A brilliant black scientist worked on the COVID vaccine for ten years and created the vaccine as soon as she got the gnome report in January 2020.

    No one is forcing you to get vaccinated,so take you bull shit to stormfront or some other insane, right-wing web site. I'm sure the idiots who frequent those sites will appreciate you opinions.

  68. Anonymous11:10 AM

    “A brilliant black scientist worked on the COVID vaccine for ten years and created the vaccine as soon as she got the gnome report in January 2020.”

    Well, that probably explains our racist troll’s anti-vax behavior.

    “Wait, there was a black person on the research team? I’m not taking that vaccine! In fact, I’m never taking any vaccine ever again!!!! Excuse me while I go inject some bleach.”

  69. Anonymous2:21 PM

    VIDEO: Negro Teens knock down 80-year-old Asian man, punch and slap and rob him — all amid high-pitched giggles as victim cries out for help:

  70. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Try to get your facts straight. It was Trump who gutted cyber security to protect his Russian master.

    10:44 AM


  71. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Try to get your facts straight. It was Trump who gutted cyber security to protect his Russian master.

    10:44 AM

    Its not Russia its CHINA, you know the country that biden/harris and others serve and have sold out to.......

  72. So what would the new party those 100 Republicans want to start call itself? Lifeboaty McLifeboatface? How about Smoke and Ash?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Masks and lock downs do not work, in fact they make things WORSE. Masks for a virus...LOL.

  74. Anonymous3:38 PM

    biden/harris administration is a train wreck. Rising food prices, rising lumber prices, 11 bucks for a 2 x 4???

    Gas shortages, 200k illegal aliens streaming across the border each month bringing crime and disease.

    China threating everyone and biden/harris cower to their Chinese business partners....

  75. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The 'defund the police' movement falls flat on its face in New York City:

  76. Anonymous said...

    Masks and lock downs do not work, in fact they make things WORSE. Masks for a virus...LOL.

    3:35 PM
    Which accreditated, American University awarded you a degree in infectious disease control?

  77. Anonymous said...

    "China threating everyone and biden/harris cower to their Chinese business partners...."

    3:38 PM
    Hey Anon, you might want to check the facts before you shoot your mouth off. See below. Read the article:

    "Biden also pressed Mr Xi on trade, the clampdown in Hong Kong and ongoing tensions with Taiwan."

  78. Anonymous said...

    Masks and lock downs do not work, in fact they make things WORSE. Masks for a virus...LOL.

    3:35 PM
    Hey, Dummy,the masks capture the liquid particles that the virus travels on. Don't you ever read anything on this topic?

  79. Anonymous5:54 PM

    “Masks and lock downs do not work, in fact they make things WORSE. Masks for a virus...LOL.”

    Tell that to New Zealand, where aggressive use of these things, you know, WORKED..

    I’m not sure which response you’ll decide to come back with. Is it “the media are all lying to us!” or “New Zealand doesn’t exist!”?

    You are clearly dumb enough for either, so there’s really no predicting.

  80. Anonymous7:41 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!!

  81. “Masks and lock downs do not work, in fact they make things WORSE. Masks for a virus...LOL.”

    Then why didn't we have a flu season this year, laser-brain?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Anonymous9:39 PM

    From Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter:

    “Cheney should just say she won the vote. The GOP is partial to that, after all.”



  85. “TRUMP 2024!!!“

    Nobody likes a loser.😆😂

  86. Did Tucker and Hannity get the covid vaccination? I'm just asking questions. LOL

  87. “TRUMP 2024!!!“

    Is this the year trump is going to show his tax returns? Or maybe when he reveals his health care plan?

  88. Anonymous2:37 AM


  89. Russia hacked the pipeline. Northern Mississippi guv Noem Nothing blamed Biden for shutting down KXL and causing rising gas prices and shortages in Southeast. She is a one woman bimbo eruption.

  90. Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2024!!!

    7:41 PM
    LOL! In 2024 Trump will be in prison for obstruction of justice. I doubt he can get elected from there.

  91. Anonymous11:13 AM

    "We are friends to Israel, whereas biden/harris are not....."

  92. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Team shit the bed (biden/harris), do NOTHING to help Israel while they are being attacked. Is the biden/harris administration Anti-Semitic????

  93. Anonymous11:16 AM

    LOL! In 2024 Trump will be in prison for obstruction of justice. I doubt he can get elected from there.

    10:27 AM


  94. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Then why didn't we have a flu season this year, laser-brain?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    8:59 PM

    because we did, "they" just say we didn't and diagnose people with Covid when it was Flu/Pneumonia

  95. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Disturbing Video of Attack on Asian Man by violent Negro in California Shows 80-Year-Old Screaming for Help:

  96. "I doubt he can get elected from there."

    Where the GOP is now I think he would be doing the nomination speech from the prison cafeteria and none of them would blink their eyes.

  97. "We are friends to Israel, whereas biden/harris are not....."

    Because the goofy religious rightwingers need Israel for Hey-zeus to come back. They aren't beholden to Jerry Falwell's ghost.

  98. because we did, "they" just say we didn't and diagnose people with Covid when it was Flu/Pneumonia

    Let's see your irrefutable proof of this, liar.

    For just a quarter more you can supersize the Cruz/drumpf 2 piece shit eating dog sandwich into a meal with various and sundry other magat shits.

  99. Matt Gaetz referred to Joel Greenerg as a "wingman" and it would seem that he's about to help Matt get fucked one more time...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. McGahn is finally going to testify.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  101. Anonymous 9:59PM:
    Every risk you could claim for the vaccine is worse for the virus by orders of magnitude. I got both Pfizer shots, the day after the second I felt tired, and have been fine since. So both of us have volunteered for a medical experiment: I for the vaccine, you for the virus. I got mRNA code for the spike protein. You got RNA code for all of the virus's proteins. Time will tell which of us will have long-term effects.

    The mRNA vaccine was developed by doctors. SARS-CoV-2 was developed by bats. I trust the doctors more than the bats.

  102. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Low Octane Joe has set the all-time record for fucking up our country in only a little over 100 days.

  103. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Team train wreck (biden/harris) really fucked up that pipeline crisis. Now there is no gas in North Carolina ...

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Didn't see this coming. LOL

  106. "Team train wreck (biden/harris) really fucked up that pipeline crisis. Now there is no gas in North Carolina ..."

    That's so sad. I guess I didn't notice as I plug in my Tesla and sail past gas station lines. LOL! Maybe if trump had taken cyber security more seriously the security infrastructure would have been in place to prevent this hack but alas........

  107. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Sarah Liang, a reporter in Hong Kong, was beaten with a metal bat in broad daylight outside her apartment building. The attack is suspected to have been orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party.

  108. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Maybe if trump had taken cyber security more seriously the security infrastructure would have been in place to prevent this hack but alas........

    7:03 PM

    Nothing to do with Trump. Its joe and the ho's watch now, its on them. They are too busy appeasing their Chinese masters......

  109. Anonymous7:13 PM

    "Team train wreck (biden/harris) really fucked up that pipeline crisis. Now there is no gas in North Carolina ..."

    Not sure how Biden was supposed to protect the Colonial Pipeline Company, a privately owned utility, from their own stupidity in failing to implement proper computer security measures. Anyway, the company has now paid the Russian hackers the ransom they demanded ($5 million, I heard), so their computers have turned back on and the gas is flowing once more.

    Everything should be fine again in few days ... except for the dummies who decided to hoard gasoline by filling up shopping bags with it. They will not be fine, because they probably burned their houses down. But what can you do? It's the South. Rednecks gonna redneck.

  110. Anonymous said...

    11:16 AM
    Anon, you may think this reply makes you look clever; but it does not. Instead it shows you have no argument to dispute what I posted. LOL!

  111. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Maybe if trump had taken cyber security more seriously the security infrastructure would have been in place to prevent this hack but alas........

    7:03 PM

    Nothing to do with Trump. Its joe and the ho's watch now, its on them. They are too busy appeasing their Chinese masters......

    7:11 PM
    LOL! Your argument that the hack of a privately owned gas line is somehow Biden's fault is ridiculous, and you know it.

    You really should take time to evaluate the talking points you receive every day from you fascist masters. This one makes you look like an idiot.

  112. According to,

    Researchers have found just 12 people are responsible for the bulk of the misleading claims and outright lies about COVID-19 vaccines that proliferate on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

    "The 'Disinformation Dozen' produce 65% of the shares of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms," said Imran Ahmed, chief executive officer of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which identified the accounts.


  113. "The claims from the "Disinformation Dozen" range from "denying that COVID exists, claiming that false cures are in fact the way to solve COVID and not vaccination, decrying vaccines and decrying doctors as being in some way venal or motivated by other factors when they recommend vaccines," Ahmed said.
