Thursday, May 13, 2021

It's the former guy's fault.

 So there seems to be war in the Middle East again. I guess Jared's brilliant negotiating didn't quite work out so well.

Sadly,  as is the case with everything the former guy's administration touched, the Abraham Accords is turning out to be a failure. 

Alex Ward's great article in Vox explains why: 

 " First-term Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN), who stocked his office with 13 former Trump administration staffers, thinks the eruption of violence between Israel and Hamas this week is partly President Joe Biden’s fault.

“Last fall we saw a watershed shift toward peace w/the Abraham Accords,” Haggerty tweeted on Wednesday. “The entire region was eager for more. Biden had 4 months to build on this ... Instead, Biden squandered those 4 months.”

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee member’s case is one that other Republicans and allies of former President Trump have been making in recent days.

They note Trump brokered normalization-of-relations deals between Israel and four Arab nations: the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. Those pacts, known as the Abraham Accords, served two main purposes.

The first was straightforward: They allowed Israel to engage openly and officially with countries that refused to recognize its existence for years. That historic development received bipartisan support in the US, and many today want Biden to build upon the foundation Trump left him.

The second was more nuanced. Many of those and other Arab nations, like Saudi Arabia, are key backers of Palestinians in their decades-long dispute with Israel. But by getting them to interact with Israel, the idea was that they might let their support for the Palestinians slip and side a little closer with the Israelis.

If that happened, the theory went, Palestinian leaders would have no choice but to negotiate a peace deal with Israel. Jared Kushner, the main architect of the accords during the Trump years, has remained confident this might happen. “We are witnessing the last vestiges of what has been known as the Arab-Israeli conflict,” he wrote in the Wall Street Journal two months ago.

It’s hard to overstate how bold this play was. Former Secretary of State John Kerry, now Biden’s top climate envoy, told a Washington, DC, audience in 2016 that there was no chance of striking normalization pacts before signing a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians. “There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world,” he said. “That is a hard reality.”

So are Hagerty and his fellow conservatives right? Are we witnessing violence that’s seen over 80 people in Gaza and seven others in Israel killed because Biden “squandered” the momentum of Trump’s Abraham Accords? Experts I spoke to are unanimous in their answer: absolutely not.

“That’s nonsense on multiple levels, to be honest,” said H.A. Hellyer, a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in DC. “I just don’t really buy that argument at all,” Guy Ziv, an assistant professor at American University, also in the capital, said of the growing conservative argument.

The reason, they and others say, is that the Abraham Accords weren’t struck to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They were designed, well, to help Israel normalize relations with Arab nations.

The plight of the Palestinians was an afterthought, if even that. Along with the US, “the Abraham Accords gave Israel the impression they could proceed without anything significant with the Palestinians,” Hellyer said.

And that was a problem, because instead of trying to strike some sort of deal with the Palestinians, the Israelis realized they could push for whatever they wanted with America’s full support. In effect, the Abraham Accords emboldened the Israelis while allowing them to disregard Palestinian demands or rights.

That, simply put, doesn’t resolve a conflict. It fuels it.

Hagerty and his ilk have a point. The Biden administration purposely aimed to stay out of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to focus on other priorities like the coronavirus pandemic, the rise of China, and bolstering America’s democracy. To this day, the president has yet to name an ambassador to Israel or a special envoy for the crisis, and now his team is scrambling to push regional players to deescalate tensions.

That on its own would lend credence to the squandered-opportunity narrative. Such a case would ring truer, though, if the Abraham Accords had had any positive effect on the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But they didn’t, which means Biden’s hands-off approach and failure so far to strike another normalization deal isn’t why Israel and Gaza are warring.

What does explain the troubling fight is more local to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

 Last week, Israeli police in Jerusalem blocked off the Damascus Gate, a popular gathering place for Arabs during Ramadan, sparking protests. An attempt by Jewish settlers to evict longtime Arab residents of Sheikh Jarrah, an Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem, inflamed tensions, leading to violent clashes with Israeli police. Arab youth attacked ultra-Orthodox Jews in the city, and Jewish extremists assailed Arab residents.

All of this culminated in a violent Israeli police raid on the al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem’s holiest site for Muslims, located on the Temple Mount (the holiest site in the world for Jews).

Then Hamas, the Islamist militant group that has ruled Gaza since 2007, fired rockets at Jerusalem. Ostensibly, this was a display of solidarity with the protesters on the ground. But it appears to have been a political calculation — Hamas attempting to capitalize on Palestinian anger over the violence in Jerusalem to expand its own influence, especially in the wake of recently canceled Palestinian elections that likely would have strengthened its political position.

Israel retaliated strongly, and now rockets from Gaza rip through civilians homes in Israel, and Israeli warplanes bomb Hamas and civilian targets in Gaza.

Little of that has anything to do with the Abraham Accords, at least not directly. In fact, the pacts deliberately sidelined the Palestinian issue in favor of other priorities.

“The Emiratis had their own impetus, the Bahrainis their own impetus. And then the Moroccans wanted their sovereignty over Western Sahara recognized in exchanged for very limited recognition of Israel. And the Sudanese were put in a terribly awful position due to the continuation of sanctions,” said Carnegie’s Hellyer. “But across the board, Palestinians were absent from the impetus.”

On the one hand, that’s understandable: Trump’s team certainly didn’t want to wait for progress on the peace process before helping Israel normalize relations with four former adversaries. But on the other hand, that decision was deeply problematic because it left the crisis to fester just as Biden was coming into office.

The eruption after Israeli police and Palestinian protesters clashed at the mosque is case in point. “You can’t just wish this issue away,” said American University’s Ziv. “The situation is getting out of control.”

It’s so out of control now that Kushner’s hope for closer Israeli-Arab ties to revive the peace process likely won’t come true anytime soon. Similarly, it’s hard to imagine any Palestinians would want to negotiate for peace imminently.

There’s still a role for Biden to play. After helping to calm tensions, Ziv said, the president should present his own vision for a peace plan and put pressure on the Israelis and Palestinians to start talking. “There’s no adult in the room, and that’s where the US could step in,” he told me.

What won’t work, though, is believing more side accords that don’t involve the Palestinians will somehow lead to peace between Israelis and Palestinians. It hasn’t worked yet, and it likely won’t work in the future, either.' [Source]

Pull up this article and read it to the next person who tells you how great the former guy's Middle East policy was. 


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "So there seems to be war in the Middle East again. I guess Jared's brilliant negotiating didn't quite work out so well."

    It worked fine, because it wasn't meant to produce peace, at least not in the near term. It was meant to help Jewish Israelis crush the Palestinians.

    I mean, I guess that would bring peace, eventually. After all the Arabs have been expelled from the Holy Land, and after the inevitable, massive Middle East-wide war that would result from that expulsion, which the United States would, of course, get sucked into.

    Sure, once there is an all-Jewish, Arab-free Greater Israel, there will be peace, because one side of the conflict will have been eliminated, its people forced to go live elsewhere. That is not what most people think of when they hear the phrase "peace process," but that's how the Trump administration saw things.

    1. Shocker. The former guy and his people didn't think things through.

  2. Wesley R9:57 PM

    Thanks for telling the full story. The American media only shows one side of the story, The Israeli side.

  3. Horse shit. Netanyahu did this to try and hold onto power and it worked. The opposition party tasked with forming a government after BiBi failed to do so for the umpteenth time has backed down, allowing for yet another election which BiBi is hoping to get his corruption trial behind him before the ballots are cast so his party won't be so weak. Every time he starts a war his fucking support goes up, and that's all this is about.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Israel's tragedy is that it has real enemies. Palestine's worse tragedy is that it has no real friends.

  5. Abraham Accords was done so drumpf could sell millions of dollars worth of military weapons to nations in the middle East and fuck what Israel thought about it.

    Remember, too, drumpf pulled virtually all funding for Palestinians to force them into a one sided agreement that favored Israel.

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    “Remember, too, drumpf pulled virtually all funding for Palestinians to force them into a one sided agreement that favored Israel.”

    Yeah, that was about the size of it. Same thing with Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, which he knew would only enrage the Palestinians. He was pursuing “peace, through Israel winning.”

    And besides lots of people seeing that outcome as morally wrong, it would only ever be achieved through the complete expulsion of Arabs from Israel proper, the West Bank, and Gaza. And that would then result in a much wider conflict throughout the Middle East region. So Trump’s position really meant “peace, after a lot more war.”

  7. The Abraham Accords were based upon the Saudis, the UAE, and others agreeing that making money is important to them, and the Palestinians are not. Critique the morality of that if you wish, but the logic is flawless. So Israel got the green light for ethnic cleansing. Everyone will object and no-one will care enough to act. (Except maybe Iran, and them for reasons of their own.)

    One flaw in such a peace plan: the day that all Arabs are expelled from Greater Israel may be the day that the Israeli civil war begins. First the Palestinians will be exiled; then the Israeli Arabs, then Jewish dissidents, then gender minorities, then the losing party. That's what my cloudy crystal ball predicts, but I've learned to doubt it.


    reward UAE for signing deal with Israel. Pushed through before new prez Biden could cancel it.

  9. Number 3 house magat, Elise Stoopidbitch, says magats are united and looking forward to working with Prez drumpf. Someone needs to remind her what year this is and who won the 2020 election. There are numerous memos she has failed to get.

  10. Looks like Matt Gaetz is toast.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Anonymous11:49 PM

    If you can hack a pipeline you can hack a voting machine.

  12. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "If you can hack a pipeline you can hack a voting machine."

    You can, theoretically, hack anything. However:

    1) To rig an election would not require hacking A voting machine, but rather LOTS of them.

    2) Trump was unable to provide any actual proof of hacking. He just kept telling everybody, hey, trust me, a serial liar, that it happened.

    So, you know, fuck off.

  13. "If you can hack a pipeline you can hack a voting machine."

    YOU can't hack jack shit, so why should anyone listen to your opinions on the subject?

    P.S. Voting machines aren't connected to the internet is why you are specifically wrong in this case.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Black Men Have Lower Cognitive Skills Than White Men, NFL Asserts In Brain Injury Lawsuits

  15. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Fully Vaccinated Bill Maher tests positive for COVID-19:

  16. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Full Vaccinated Bill Maher taping canceled after host’s positive virus test:

  17. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Bill Maher contracts COVID despite being vaccinated:

  18. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Is the vaccine really a vaccine??? or is it something else for something you wanna play vaccine roulette with your body/life??????

  19. Anonymous9:20 AM

    “There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.”

  20. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.”

    That is a truly stoopid, worthless statememnt without factual, indisputable evidence vaccines are the cause of death which you do not have.

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Vaccine = Dead Man Walking

  22. MT-G caught in major tax fraud.but, knowing magats, won't discipline her skanky ass.

  23. Israel bombed house that housed AP and other media in Gaza, likely accidentally on purpose. Can't have media reporting bad things about Israel and tarnish their image as peace loving pacifists.

  24. Anonymous said...

    If you can hack a pipeline you can hack a voting machine.

    11:49 PM
    Please explain how you can hack a voting machine that is not connected to the internet.

    1. Gambler, I will wait for the answer to that question with you....

  25. Anonymous said...

    Is the vaccine really a vaccine??? or is it something else for something you wanna play vaccine roulette with your body/life??????

    9:12 AM
    Your warning has come too late for me. I already got two shots of Pfiser, and I am so happy that I did. I know that if I get COVID, the vaccine will prevent me from dying. I will have a lighter case because of the vaccination. You on the other hand are the one playing Russian Roulette because there will be nothing in your system to protect you.

  26. Anonymous1:47 PM

    “Bill Maher contracts COVID despite being vaccinated”

    Maher has an asymptomatic case. He would not even have been aware he had it, had testing not picked it up.

    At age 65, the odds are that, without vaccination, he might have had a more serious case of COVID.

    If you’re trying to argue that vaccination isn’t useful, this news item doesn’t prove that.

  27. Didn't see this coming huh? I mean who wouldn't put their son-in-law who is a failed real estate mogul in charge of foreign policy? This is what happens when teh stupid are in charge.

  28. Blogger field negro said...

    Gambler, I will wait for the answer to that question with you....

    3:26 PM
    I expect that we will have a long wait, my dear Field.

  29. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Ida Bae Wells
    May 14
    Has Liz Cheney spoken out against the wave of anti-democratic voter laws being introduced and passed across America? Is she supporting the “For the People Act”? Until then maybe y’all can keep that hero trying to save our democracy narrative.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Wearing a mask is an overt sign of government oppression.

  31. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I know that if I get COVID, the vaccine will prevent me from dying. I will have a lighter case because of the vaccination. You on the other hand are the one playing Russian Roulette because there will be nothing in your system to protect you.

    1:15 PM

    Yet over 4000 have died within 1-2 days after getting the vaccine.

  32. Anon 10:53:
    The vaccine confers immunity, not immortality. There are other causes of death.

    There's a natural experiment going on. Most will get the vaccine; some will not. The first are volunteering for a long-term vaccine exposure study. The second are volunteering for a long-term virus exposure study. It would not be ethical to assign anyone to the second group, but when such variation arises by accident or folly, it provides future medical researchers valuable information not legally obtainable otherwise.

    I predict that the two groups, compared, will show much lower risk, short and long term, for the vaccine group.

  33. "Yet over 4000 have died within 1-2 days after getting the vaccine."

    Compared with the 600,000 or so who have died from the virus in the US?
    I got the vaccine last month and so far I'm not dead, so did I do the right thing?
    I haven't run the numbers, but 4,000 out of more than 156 million seems like a fairly normal fatality rate, especially considering that older and sicker people were targeted for priority in the vaccine rollout.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Oh the slow march to idiocy continues. Tucker Carlson’s deliberate attempts to sow doubt is working. His act is so transparent how does anyone believe this troll? The “I’m only asking questions” gig should be up. He has a highly watched show on a major cable network so if he has these questions can’t he get an expert to answer them or would he rather just keep the confused dog expression and remain uninformed? These people are downright despicable.😖

  35. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "Compared with the 600,000 or so who have died from the virus in the US?"

    That number is false its more like 60,000, its a flu bug nothing more not the plague like fear porn mongers' want you to believe.

  36. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "Most will get the vaccine; some will not"

    Most ARE NOT getting the "vaccine" and wisely so. The powers that be are using the carrot and stick method with free donuts from Krispy Kreme, free sports tickets, free rides from uber and lyft and the like.

    The quota number has not been reached and hopefully never will because its not a vaccine.

  37. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "At age 65, the odds are that, without vaccination, he might have had a more serious case of COVID."

    So which is it????? is the "vaccine" a treatment or a true vaccine that protects.

    Thigs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective treatments for early and mild (most) cases of Covid (its a flu bug).

  38. Magats are fucking retards. No other way to describe the stoopid sonsabitches.

  39. Anonymous1:38 PM

    “So which is it????? is the ‘vaccine’ a treatment or a true vaccine that protects.”

    “True” vaccines — for any disease, not just COVID —almost never provide 100% protection. That’s not how vaccines work. Some small percentage will still catch the disease after vaccination.

    The good news, for COVID, is that those who do catch it after being vaccinated are virtually guaranteed to have a mild case.

    Why is that important? Because, for the billionth time, COVID is dangerous. It isn’t the flu. 600K deaths is kind of a big deal.

  40. "That number is false its more like 60,000, its a flu bug nothing more not the plague like fear porn mongers' want you to believe."

    600,000 is the confirmed number. The actual number is likely closer to 900,000. God you're dumb.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Anonymous said...

    Wearing a mask is an overt sign of government oppression.

    10:50 PM
    Yeah, right! Government trying to save ¨s from severe illness and death is a terrible act of oppression. LMAO!
    Do you also have trouble finding your way home at night when it's dark?

  42. Anonymous said...

    "Compared with the 600,000 or so who have died from the virus in the US?"

    That number is false its more like 60,000, its a flu bug nothing more not the plague like fear porn mongers' want you to believe.

    12:59 PM
    Once again, where did you get your degree in infectious disease. Sears Catalogue maybe?

  43. Anonymous said...

    So which is it????? is the "vaccine" a treatment or a true vaccine that protects.

    1:05 PM
    It's both. How old are you? Have you earned to read yet?

  44. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Why do you need a "vaccine" for something that is 99.9% survivable??


    So the country is shut down and masks forced on you for NO Medical reason.

  45. New study says covid deaths are closer to 900k than 650k and liars claiming otherwise misinterpret scientific data because they be dumb fucking retard magats.

  46. To Anonymous at 4:28 PM
    Why do you ask such dumb questions when the answers are readily available? I'm sure you do know how to us google.

  47. Gambler, anymoose got his from 21975 Sears Fall and Winter Catalog, page 602. The one with the male model's junk showing under the edge of his boxer shorts. Even had a song written about. You know so many magats are attracted to other men.

  48. Neo-Nazi Dumps 3 Dead Bodies at Albuquerque Hospital Then Flees: FBI

    Chris Watts, Who Killed Family, Is an ‘Outcast’ in Prison

    White crime is pretty bad these days.

  49. Mike, that's a good one. I'm still laughing.

  50. Israel claimed they wanted a cease fire because they had done as much or more damage to Gaza as they planned, then they continued the bombing anyway.


  51. More shocking "white on white" homicides:

    Nebraska Dad Hunted After Kids, 3 and 5, Found Dead at His Home

  52. People who call it "cancel culture" misunderstand its nature. Try calling it accountability culture instead.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Nuttinjehu says Gaza building housing AP Media was a legitimate target for Israel to destroy. I thought targeting media and other civilians was a no-no, especially when it happens to be Israelis whose ox got gored.

  54. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Chicago shootings: 46 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend violence across city
    A 2-year-old girl is among the weekend shooting victims in Chicago

  55. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    People who call it "cancel culture" misunderstand its nature. Try calling it accountability culture instead.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    2:54 AM

    Total bullshit. Marxist ideology (communist)

  56. Anonymous10:50 AM

    John Kennedy: "Chicago Has Become Unfortunately The World's Largest Outdoor Shooting Range"

  57. Anonymous10:56 AM

    "Chicago Has Become Unfortunately The World's Largest Outdoor Shooting Range"

    And Africans made it that way.

  58. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Or should I say, African'ts... they can't conform their conduct to civilized norms, which they call "racist" and "white supremacist".

  59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 AM

    Anonymous said...

    John Kennedy: "Chicago Has Become Unfortunately The World's Largest Outdoor Shooting Range"

    10:50 AM
    Several U.S. cities have a higher level of gun fire than Chicago. Apparently because President Obama lived in Chicago at one time, the city has become the biggest troll magnate in the world. Racists will do everything in their power to disparage Chicago and the "black guy" who once lived there. It's idiotic.

  60. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Europeons are less than 15% of the world's population and responsible for over 50% of its violent crime.

  61. John kennedy thought he pulled a fast one on Stacey Abrams about Georgia's racist voting bill. When she started drowning him in facts he cut her off saying he couldn't hear her answer very well.

    She buried his racist ass in facts and he couldn't stand it.

  62. I fully suspect the white Chicago mobsters were far more inclined to waste ammo than anyone today. And there were less mobsters.

  63. “Apparently because President Obama lived in Chicago at one time, the city has become the biggest troll magnate in the world.“

    Nah, if you go back to the klan speeches of the past they’ve always mentioned Chicago. We have a large Black population so we’re always gonna be a racist talking point.🤷🏾‍♂️

  64. “John Kennedy: "Chicago Has Become Unfortunately The World's Largest Outdoor Shooting Range"

    Louisiana is a paradise I guess.😆😂 Maybe he should worry about his state before he goes after other.🤔


    Looks like his state is dead last in many categories and close to last in most. Glass houses anyone?

  66. “Or should I say, African'ts... they can't conform their conduct to civilized norms, which they call "racist" and "white supremacist".

    Or people like you are actually white supremacists. You may want to read a little history buddy.

  67. PilotX said...
    Maybe he should worry about his state before he goes after other.🤔

    True, Pilot, John Kennedy's cities are more lethal than Chicago. For example, the murder rate in Baton Rouge is 31.72 per one hundred thousand and in New Orleans it is 30.67. Both are much higher than Chicago at 18.26.

  68. Civilized norms like 101 magat, phony kristian, so called pro-life and family values party wasicu wasteys voting against benefits for pregnant workers? Those civilized norms?

  69. Magat scotus fucking over black victims of Jim Crow era racist juries again.

    Leaving mostly black inmates stuck with racist verdicts from long ago.

  70. Anonymous3:27 PM

    “True, Pilot, John Kennedy's cities are more lethal than Chicago. For example, the murder rate in Baton Rouge is 31.72 per one hundred thousand and in New Orleans it is 30.67. Both are much higher than Chicago at 18.26.”

    Yeah, irony is dead. Kennedy killed it with his feigned concern about Chicago’s crime, when New Orleans’ massive murder rate dwarfs Chicago’s in pretty much every single year.

    Kennedy would be in real trouble with his voters if they could understand this. Fortunately for him, they cannot, because the residents of his state can’t do math. Not only does Louisiana have some of the worst crime in the nation, but one of the worst educational systems in the nation, too!

    If he feels like discussing gumbo or jazz, maybe the rest of us would listen to his “expertise.” Otherwise, he should shut his trap and refrain from trolling us with racist talking points straight off Fox News.

  71. “but one of the worst educational systems in the nation, too!“

    Education, health, poverty, crime, environment, corruption, obesity, ect.

  72. Crucial update to post @ 2:46 PM.

    Kavernmouth took it upon hisself to change precedent w/o warnings or hearings and took away aggrieved inmates to sue for relief on earlier cases of split jury verdicts. Elena Kagan called him out!

  73. Wasicu New Jersey pig caught running meth lab out of his house. Wasicu North Carolina deputy caught on security camera pissing on lawn of funeral home owned by Black city councilman who has been protesting cops shooting Blacks.

    But, but them damn criminal negr......

  74. They just lie:

    Lawmaker Who Called Rioters ‘Tourists’ Barricaded Door

    May 17, 2021 at 10:13 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 118 Comments

    “A photo emerged of a GOP lawmaker who last week downplayed the Capitol siege and compared the rioters to tourists barricading the House doors with furniture on January 6,” Insider reports.

    “Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) said during a House oversight committee hearing on Wednesday that it was a ‘bald-faced lie’ to call the riot an insurrection.”

    “After Clyde’s comments, a photographer shared a photo he had taken of Clyde using furniture to barricade the House against rioters trying to force their way in.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Eric Clapton feared he'd never play again after ‘disastrous reaction’ to AstraZeneca jab

  76. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    I fully suspect the white Chicago mobsters were far more inclined to waste ammo than anyone today. And there were less mobsters.

    12:48 PM

    You would be totally incorrect ( as usual). You know nothing about how Cosa Nostra operates.

  77. anymoose is lying about me again. Make him/her/it stop.

  78. Trae Crowder has had quite enough of Mississippi's abortion ban, thank you very much:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. "Eric Clapton feared he'd never play again after ‘disastrous reaction’ to AstraZeneca jab"

    Um, ok.
