Monday, May 17, 2021

Movie Monday.


What's the name of this movie? 


  1. Perhaps they were en route to visit their boat at the bottom of Lake Travis.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Is ths from an actual movie? The Other Guys opens with a car crashing through the entrance to Trump Tower.

  3. Oops, Maybe I shouldn't have had that tenth beer.

  4. Coming to a theater near you, Teh Stupid!

  5. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Putting the car before the seahorse

  6. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Titanic II: No Iceberg Required

  7. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Baby Driver

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    BlackTeen, 18, in an ankle monitor 'snatches White four-year-old boy from his bed, stabs him to death and dumps his body on Dallas street in random attack: MSN silent.

  9. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The left is terrified of Trump!!

  10. Anonymous9:34 AM

    biden/harris destroy America in 100 days

  11. McCTurtlefuckfasce's Navy.


    Naked elderly Black woman surrounded by wasicu pigs with guns drawn. Could hAVE avoided this lawsuit because the Black suspect was next door wearing a police bracelet on his ankle.

    Pigs, like magats, aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they are as racist as magats.

  13. Former crook AG Barr had a secret grand jury empaneled to find the source behind Twitter tweets about Devin numbnuts in violation of the laws of America and magatslime.

    Legal experts are calling for dis-Barr ment for dis Barr.

  14. Anonymous11:46 AM

    A North Carolina appeals court judge tried to run over some BLM protesters with his car. Too bad he doesn't live in Oklahoma, where using a vehicle to flatten BLM is now a governmentally approved leisure activity.

  15. Wesley R3:24 PM

    Ocean's 45

  16. South Dakota's magat goobernor does her best East Clintwood impersonation of Charlton Heston being mean to Americans who prefer not to die by gun violence by ammosexuals.

    She is jockeying for position to run for potus in 2024. Her normal position is on her back because she always fucks up.

    All magats are total fuck ups. How do they manage to reproduce?

  17. DeSantis can't stop Fergus from being extradited if he gets indicted in New York, and Fergus has already left Florida for New Jersey where no-one would even try.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Katie Porter is really good at this:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. "biden/harris destroy America in 100 days"

    LOL! America is a failed state! Run for the hills!

  20. "The left is terrified of Trump!!"

    trump is terrified of NY AG Letitia James. LOL!

  21. "Too bad he doesn't live in Oklahoma, where using a vehicle to flatten BLM is now a governmentally approved leisure activity."

    It is also approved to flatten MAGATS. How much fun is that?

  22. Anonymous11:26 PM

    “It is also approved to flatten MAGATS. How much fun is that?”

    In theory.

    But MAGAts don’t protest by blocking highways. They “protest” by invading Congress and trying to overthrow democracy.

  23. Anonymous9:17 AM

    EPIC: Black Trump Supporter Confronts Biden Voters in Gas Lines

  24. Anonymous9:19 AM

    But MAGAts don’t protest by blocking highways. They “protest” by invading Congress and trying to overthrow democracy.

    11:26 PM

    That was BLM/ANTIFA operatives

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    But MAGAts don’t protest by blocking highways. They “protest” by invading Congress and trying to overthrow democracy.

    11:26 PM

    That was BLM/ANTIFA operatives

    9:19 AM
    Liar, liar, pants on fire!

    Anon, when you post something silly, you get a silly reply. Only Trump lovers are dumb enough to believe you instead of their own eyes. We and the whole world saw it.

  26. Anonymous11:38 AM

    “That was BLM/ANTIFA operatives”

    Obviously. Because lefties love Trump so much, they want to keep him president FOREVER.


  27. Thrice Told Fails. Magat in pickup believed the dock guy when he said it only comes up about halfway on his ducks.

  28. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Chicago May 1st-19th 2021 to Date

    Shot & Killed: 32
    Shot & Wounded: 191
    Total Shot: 223
    Total Homicides: 35

  29. Anonymous3:51 PM

    biden still has the southern border wide open with 200k illegal aliens crossing illegally in the USA, each month.

    Undermine economy

  30. Fake Noize is lying again.

    One fucking day, May 16, no deaths were reported. The next 2 days 71 more died from covid.

    Fucking lying liars can't stop their fucking lying.

  31. Defund the Police7:21 PM

    Chicago May 1st-19th 2021 to Date*

    Shot & Killed: 32
    Shot & Wounded: 191
    Total Shot: 223
    Total Homicides: 35
    Police clearance rate 18%

    *Source Anon @ 3:48 PM

  32. Maine Sinator Susan loves Kavernmouth Collins is under federal investigation for possible illegal campaign funds from a donor.

  33. Anonymous8:15 PM

    “Maine Sinator Susan loves Kavernmouth Collins is under federal investigation for possible illegal campaign funds from a donor.”

    I think it’s only the donor who’s under investigation, not Collins.

    The donations went to a super PAC, which, under the phony-baloney rules created by the Supreme Court under the rubric of free speech, can collect infinite donations, as long as the politician has no hand in running the super PAC. So it’s not Collins’ fund or her legal responsibility. Other Republicans run it for her benefit.

    The illegal part is just that the donor is a government contractor, and so, by law, he can’t donate to superPACs.

  34. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Gas shortages under the Joe Biden presidency?

  35. “Black Trump Supporter Confronts Biden Voters in Gas Lines“

    I knew there was a Black trump supporter somewhere out there. There he is.😆😂

  36. “Shot & Killed: 32
    Shot & Wounded: 191
    Total Shot: 223
    Total Homicides: 35
    Police clearance rate 18%“

    All lies because trump said he would solve the crime problem in Chicago in one weekend. Or did he lie again?🤔


  38. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “Black Trump Supporter Confronts Biden Voters in Gas Lines”

    Probably on the payroll of James O’Keefe or Jacob Wohl or some similar wingnut troll that likes to pull idiotic stunts like this.

  39. Tim Ryan has had quite enough of your denials and revisionist bullshit, thank you very much.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Hey, guys, remember when we found out that Trump ripped off his own followers by tricking them into making recurring donations to his campaigns when they only intended to donate once? That news only broke about a month ago.

    Your regular reminder that Trump is a crook.

  41. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Crazed Black Man Indicted for Beating 7-Year-Old Boy to Death with Hammer, Stabbing the Child’s Mother:

  42. School in Longmont, Colo did a blackface re-enactment of George Floyd murder.

    Can't wait for racist magats to defend this abomination.

  43. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    School in Longmont, Colo did a blackface re-enactment of George Floyd murder.

    Can't wait for racist magats to defend this abomination.

    10:26 AM

    Free speech marxist........

  44. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Your regular reminder that Trump is a crook.

    11:25 PM

    Pro -Tip: When a Marxist speaks just use the exact opposite of what they are stating and you will have the correct answer and truth.

    So in this instance they are saying don't look at joe biden and his son hunter with their Chinese and Ukraine deals and other shady illegal dealings.

  45. Anonymous2:36 PM

    No Humans Involved:  7-yr-old victim of stabbing murder by Rashad Akeem Thompson is Tre'Shaun Brown, which is why his Black Live Doesn't Matter.  If it's "in the family" it is a hon-event.

  46. You wouldn't know Marxism if it reached up your butt and slapped you in the face.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Mike Pence's brother voted against the commission to investigate the January 6th insurrection.
    Perhaps to someone who knows him well, "hang Mike Pence" didn't sound like such a bad idea?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. Anonymous4:57 PM

    “So in this instance they are saying don't look at joe biden and his son hunter with their Chinese and Ukraine deals and other shady illegal dealings.”

    Lots of people in the wingnut-o-sphere looked. Too bad they were unable to find any actual evidence, and were forced to resort to lying about it.


    Another brother killed by a sounder of pigs after high sdpeed chase. He apologized and troopers beat the shit out of him, tased him, handcuffed him on his stomach where he couldn't breathe, left him alone for about 9 minutes when he turned to his side, a pig put his foot on the black victim's back, pushed him to his stomach again and then proceeded to stand on him. Black lives don't matter to wasicu pigs in herds.

  50. Anonymous6:01 PM

    MARTIN COUNTY — A 20-year-old illegal beaner has been arrested in connection with what Martin County sheriff’s investigators called an armed home invasion, rape and battery of an 82-year-old woman.

    Marvin Ailon-Mendoza was taken into custody by members of a U.S. Marshal's task force late Tuesday on Southeast Johnson Avenue in Stuart after investigators got “a positive DNA hit” from evidence in the woman's home.

    The incident happened last week at the Hidden Harbour Estates condominium complex south of Stuart.

    The woman told detectives she awoke, after watching television on her couch, to a masked man with a knife restraining her and sexually battering her, according to arrest records. She said he was wearing a black bandanna and black hat.

    She told responding deputies her attacker covered her mouth, tied her hands up and raped her, according to the compaint affidavit. She said the assault lasted about 45 minutes.

  51. Anonymous6:43 PM

    “Another brother killed by a sounder of pigs after high sdpeed chase. He apologized and troopers beat the shit out of him, tased him, handcuffed him on his stomach where he couldn't breathe”

    The surprising part of this is not that the cops beat him to death (cops are virtually always furious after risking their lives in a high-speed chase, and sometimes react violently), but the audacity of the attempted cover-up. The cause of death that was initially announced was a lie about the dude having supposedly crashed into a tree. No mention of a severe beating by the cops. I think even the medical examiner cooperated with naming the assailant as a tree.

  52. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Black Suspect in ‘Cruel,’ ‘Extremely Brutal’ Murder of 93-Year-Old Woman in Her Apartment Accused of Torturing and Strangling the Victim
    MATT NAHAMMay 20th, 2021, 5:30 pm.

  53. Anonymous said....

    Pro -Tip: When a Marxist speaks just use the exact opposite of what they are stating and you will have the correct answer and truth.

    So in this instance they are saying don't look at joe biden and his son hunter with their Chinese and Ukraine deals and other shady illegal dealings.

    12:41 PM
    If Trump is not a crook, then why is he about to be indicted for several crimes. You think it's because the legal system in New York has nothing else to do? LOL!

    As for you claims against the president and his son, where are you sources? If you have any, then post them, or go comment somewhere else.

  54. "I think even the medical examiner cooperated with naming the assailant as a tree."

    The medical examiner raised questions about the "crashed his car into a tree and died instantly" story after discovering taser prongs in his back.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous10:16 PM

    “The medical examiner raised questions about the ‘crashed his car into a tree and died instantly’ story after discovering taser prongs in his back.”

    Not sure, but in the article I read, it was a doctor in the hospital where the man died who had questions about taser prongs, not the medical examiner.

    If the medical examiner tailored his report to say what the cops requested, that is deeply disturbing.

  56. Yeah, maybe it wasn't the medical examiner. All of the cops and cop-adjacent folks seemed to be singing from the same hymnal to cover that shit up.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. drumpf SOJ secretly acquired CMM correspondent emails and phone numbers but won't explain why.


    Liz Cheney magat opponent knocked up 14 year old girl when he was 18.

    Family values magats at their best.

  59. "Liz Cheney magat opponent knocked up 14 year old girl when he was 18."

    He announced as much recently, adding that he was a little older than she was making it a bit like Romeo and Juliet. Given that she killed herself when she was twenty, perhaps he should have found a different play to compare his statutory rape to.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous9:47 PM

    We love TRUMP!!

  61. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Yeah no I
    would need proof what I mean
    by that is I would need to see how
    they did it. I'm just not going to take you're word for it
    considering first of all if black people were able to do that all this
    time than why do they keep making spears an not other diverse, variety
    of weapons besides the spear and used a cows hide an turned it into a shield
    not to mention a lot or most of them are and or were naked dancing around a fire
    in grass skirts or the other way around a lot of them or most were naked. if they were
    able to make busts, statues which they clearly didn't they wouldn't be living in huts
    eating mud cookies, mosquito burgers an having famine also they would have been
    able to built houses that are one, two, three or more stories high and a mansion to go
    along with it. lets not forget if they are an or were able to do these things they will have
    been able to build sky scrapers like you see every where in the world same goes for bridges
    like the Manhattan bridge, Golden gate bridge but you don't. has anyone ever seen and all
    black carpenters crew building a house or a mansion let alone both an all black construction
    crew building sky scraper's, bridge's, infrastructure's, water pipe line system's, power plants
    yeah I don't think so because if they were able to do all those things that I mentioned
    they wouldn't be complaining, grunting, groaning, moaning, cherry picking, nit picking
    and blaming their actions, failures, issues on white people an pulling the race card
    or any other card that is known, unknown to man for that matter and committing
    black on black crimes, black on white crimes, black on yellow crimes,
    black on brown crimes nationally, internationally.

  62. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Hmmm I find this very
    suspicious not to mention ironic how come
    nobody is (?) what did these so called black
    immigrants achieved in what category did they achieved
    in is it advance math, engineering of various types, learning
    more than one language, culinary, science. again another irony
    here is how come these so called blacks immigrants are not achieving
    this back at home where they came from in their own continent but some
    how their magically doing it in the white mans continent, nation. this is
    clearly liberal bull crap malarkey.

  63. Anonymous7:30 PM

    No one really
    cares about black people
    anyway in this world considering
    they are nothing more than inferior garbage
    black devil trash that needs to be wiped off the face
    of this earth since they are the number one parasites
    that drain societies, communities, civilizations in general
    worldwide no matter where they are. some day they'll turn
    this whole planet into a giant ghetto, slummish, projecy place
    just like they did to Detroit, Haiti, Sub Saharan Africa, Rhodesia
    among other locations the only ones that care for these cretins
    are white guilt liberal bozos who think these simian failed race
    of losers are human when in fact their not an I will not be surprised
    that you are a black claiming nonsense as usual without providing
    any evidence, facts, stats to back up your bull since you don't know
    jack squat about Anne Boleyn let alone you dopes are nothing more
    than afrocentric civilization, culture, heritage stealing vultures that
    have no culture of you're own or barely any culture.
