Saturday, June 19, 2021

Caption Saturday.


I need a caption for this picture. 


  1. This is black privilege11:52 AM

    Blacks are 3.5x as likely to have motor-vehicle related emeergency room visits than Whites.

    But mentioning it is "racist".

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    What are your orders big daddy.....

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Chicago Hits Defcon 1 NEGRO CRIME ALERT - Chicago police search for tribe of armed inner city Negroes wanted in over 20 armed robberies of white victims mostly in the tourist downtown area of Chicago

  4. Catch up with me later, Joe, so I can thank you properly ;)

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Feral "EXTRA EVERYTHING" Negro Omar Wright, 38, bagel didn’t have cream cheese at Starbucks, so he pulled gun on a colored police chief Delma Noel-Pratt’s daughter, cops say - A lot of NEGRO DRAMA

  6. To Anonymous at 12:30 and 12:39

    Please go away. No one here is interested in your opinion on any subject. Thank you.

  7. From

    Meadows Predicted No One Would Care About Floyd Killing

    June 19, 2021 at 7:52 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 164 Comments

    Lots of progressives posting on this site. Check out the comments. Some great cartoons too.

  8. Barbara Lee, seen here speaking with president Biden, had family in Galveston in 1865, so this was an important, if symbolic event for her.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. “Blacks are 3.5x as likely to have motor-vehicle related emeergency room visits than Whites.“

    White males are more likely to be killed “accidentally” by a fire arm.

  10. Anonymous6:55 PM

    “Anonymous This is black privilege said...
    Blacks are 3.5x as likely to have motor-vehicle related emeergency room visits than Whites.”

    I’m guessing you have stupidly (and racist-ly) interpreted this to mean that blacks are much worse drivers than whites, and this is somehow being covered up, by liberals or a “Jewish media conspiracy,” or some equivalent garbage.

    More likely what it means is that blacks and whites have similar levels of car accidents, but whites are more likely to get treated for minor injuries by their family doctors, while blacks are more likely get minor injuries treated in the emergency room.

    Why do many black people do this? Because blacks are more likely to have crappy or no health insurance and therefore have to pay out of pocket for health care, and ER visits are “free” if you’re poor (i.e., the hospital passes the costs on to other patients). Why do many black people have crappy or no insurance? Because racism forced them into poverty.

    Hooray! Being forced into poverty by racism is such an awesome privilege!

  11. They're "free" until the hospital sends you the five figure bill. What they are is guaranteed to happen, whether you have insurance or not. And even that is dicey. I had a friend who went to the Alta-Bates ER with severe shoulder pain and got told to go home and sleep off the drugs. He died of advanced bone marrow cancer.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I’m guessing you have stupidly (and racist-ly) interpreted this to mean that blacks are much worse drivers than whites

    That's not an interpretation.  That's fact after investigation of the truth.  Blacks are more than TWICE as likely to speed as Whites.

    and this is somehow being covered up, by liberals or a “Jewish media conspiracy,” or some equivalent garbage.

    The who is less relevant than the what.  The "what" is true.

    More likely what it means is that blacks and whites have similar levels of car accidents, but whites are more likely to get treated for minor injuries by their family doctors, while blacks are more likely get minor injuries treated in the emergency room.

    Do you seriously believe that publicly-reported incidents are being covered up for Whites, but trumpted for blacks?

    Why do many black people do this? Because blacks are more likely to have crappy or no health insurance and therefore have to pay out of pocket for health care, and ER visits are “free” if you’re poor

    Fuck, man, on paper I'm poor.  I have a reportable income under $30,000 a year.  I CANNOT get public healthcare.

    Go to hell, you evil son of a bitch.  Or go to a shithole country full of people like YOU.  There's no difference.

  13. Anonymous9:46 AM

    A very confusing time in the ghetto today.......

  14. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Blogger Gambler2 said...
    To Anonymous at 12:30 and 12:39

    Please go away. No one here is interested in your opinion on any subject. Thank you.

    1:25 PM

    You fear truth and reality.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Blogger Gambler2 said...
    To Anonymous at 12:30 and 12:39

    Please go away. No one here is interested in your opinion on any subject. Thank you.

    1:25 PM

    You fear truth and reality.

    9:48 AM
    Don't be ridiculous. If any of you racists trolls ever told the truth, the sky would fall. You peddle lies and distorted interpretations of the world around you.

    Most of your talking points come straight from Trump who gets them from his buddy, Putin. There are right wing websites where you can post your lies and they will be appreciated. Your motive for coming here can only be to spread hatred and division. So don't expect to be taken seriously by those of us who post here regularly. We are not afraid of your lies since they carry no truth or reality.

    Have a nice day.

  16. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Memphis black man overpowered his parole officer before kidnapping and sexually assaulting her, police say:

  17. Anonymous11:30 AM

    CHICAGO June 1st-19th 2021
    Shot & Killed: 52
    Shot & Wounded: 273
    Total Shot: 325
    Total Homicides: 53

    82.8% black
    3.7% white/other

  18. "Fuck, man, on paper I'm poor. I have a reportable income under $30,000 a year. I CANNOT get public healthcare."

    If you make $51,040 or less as a single person, you are eligible for a subsidy under the ACA. The rules are more generous for families.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous3:07 PM

    “They're ‘free’ until the hospital sends you the five figure bill.”

    They’ll try to collect, but if you’re below a certain income, they’ll usually give up in the end and eat the cost. This is because Congress passed a law called EMTALA, which says that ERs can’t turn people away without treatment for inability to pay; they have to stabilize their conditions. This resulted in ERs overloaded with uninsured patients. The redistribution of ER costs of the indigent is also part of why hospitals charge $20 for a tablet of aspirin, etc.

    ERs really should not be used for minor, non-emergency ailments. The fix for this type of absurd outcome is federally provided universal health insurance.

    “I had a friend who went to the Alta-Bates ER with severe shoulder pain and got told to go home and sleep off the drugs. He died of advanced bone marrow cancer.”

    Long-term care of chronic conditions like cancer might not be covered under EMTALA, but the wrongful diagnosis sounds like his family had cause for a wrongful death lawsuit.

  20. Yeah, they might have, but they all live in Cuba, and when he died, his sister smuggled some of his ashes back into Cuba, even though the Castro brothers hated him.
    I didn't have any insurance when I had my stroke, because the business I worked for had just been bought by a Canadian business and their open enrollment hadn't come up yet. That was in the pre-ACA days, and really, lacking insurance was stressful, but didn't affect the care I got, which at the ACMC was first rate. Anywhere else and your mileage may vary.
    The final bill for my treatment was about a quarter mil.

    So somebody needs to tell moron Parson that the supremacy clause says that Missouri can't nullify federal gun laws.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Anonymous3:39 PM

    “So somebody needs to tell moron Parson that the supremacy clause says that Missouri can't nullify federal gun laws.”

    He surely doesn’t care.

    So much of GOP “governance” these days is really just political posturing. It’s become normal for them to pass laws that they know damn well will get vaporized the moment they are challenged in court. It’s all about how Republicans look to their idiot voters. It apparently doesn’t matter that they have no meaningful accomplishments, and spend all their time rhetorically “owning the libs” and engaging in various showy stunts.

    Example: Trump and his pointless, wasteful, racist-pleasing border wall.

  22. Anonymous4:05 PM

    There's a Chinese Defector in U.S. Custody, and the Fallout Could be Huge

  23. Anonymous4:07 PM

    So somebody needs to tell moron Parson that the supremacy clause says that Missouri can't nullify federal gun laws.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    3:26 PM

    But Marxist Governors and Mayors in Blue States do all the time with ICE and Immigration laws.......

  24. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Most of your talking points come straight from Trump who gets them from his buddy, Putin.

    Ah, the NPC is still stuck on "Muh Russia!" and hasn't received new programming.

    If any of you racists trolls ever told the truth, the sky would fall.

    Truths like Africans have verifiably lower IQ and impulse control, and have brains so different that they typically don't develop mirror self-recognition until age SIX?  THOSE truths?  They're anathema to you.

    1. There is no truth in your post as usual

  25. Anonymous5:02 PM

    “But Marxist Governors and Mayors in Blue States do all the time with ICE and Immigration laws.......”

    Enforcing federal immigration laws is a federal responsibility. Local police aren’t obligated to assist the feds with doing their jobs, so, while we can debate whether this is a good practice, failing to do so isn’t actually nullifying any federal laws.

    Missouri is trying to actually nullify federal laws, but it won’t work. If you’re a gun store owner and you listen to Missouri’s legislators and think you can ignore federal gun laws, you’re in for a rude awakening when ATF agents show up and arrest you anyway.

  26. Anonymous5:22 PM

    A better example of “nullification” (or something like it) would be state-level pot legalization laws.

    In this case, states have passed partial or complete legalization measures, but pot is still 100% illegal at the federal level. The federal government has largely chosen not to enforce its own laws in these states, but it retains the ability to do so if it wants.

    The reason this has gone under the radar and not become a big partisan issue is that it doesn’t only apply to left-leaning states. Several Republican-run states have medical marijuana laws. If a Republican president wanted to stomp on California /New York/Illinois for allowing recreational marijuana, under current laws and regulations, they’d have to enforce the law in the wingnut states and charge medical marijuana users.

    To the feds, there is no such thing as medical marijuana, because, again, pot is 100% illegal at the federal level.

  27. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Six shot with one fatality at the Juneteenth rally in Oakland, CA:

    EMS worker shot at Juneteenth rally in Raleigh, NC:

    Three shooting victims in Clover, SC:

    And this shows just how seriously blacks take medical crises:  you treat them as an opportunity to twerk:

    And you wonder why every right-thinking person views you as animals?  You act like animals!

  28. Narrative Collapse5:43 PM

    Evidence that the chinkypox came from the Wuhan lab is so overwhelming, not even Fauci can lie about it any more.

  29. "CHICAGO June 1st-19th 2021
    Shot & Killed: 52
    Shot & Wounded: 273
    Total Shot: 325
    Total Homicides: 53

    82.8% black
    3.7% white/other"

    And yet still white rural areas lead the nation in gun deaths. You might want to do something about that kid before you come harassing us good negroes. Just saying, your uncle-daddy is probably about to have an "accident" as we speak.

  30. White privilge is never having to say you're sorry8:58 PM

    High school math teacher arrested for raping and sodomizing students. But hey, it's ok because he wasn't a blah person.

  31. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Chicago systemic negro shootings: 54 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend violence across city:

  32. Anonymous11:12 AM

    More CHICAGO out of control negro violence:

  33. "And you wonder why every right-thinking person views you as animals? You act like animals!"

    Agreed, you hillbillies are out of control.

  34. Man runs over 10 teenagers and kills 3. Now THAT'S behavior we should all model right? I guess this is just admirable behavior right anon? Let me get my keys because this is how real Americans and not animals behave.

  35. The high IQ and real American crowd must be pleased with this guy. Ran a child pornography ring. Well at least he wasn't a negro so we can all sleep tight.

  36. Another high IQ real American charged with killing his entire family. He wasn't an out-of-control negro so it's ok. Just another day.

  37. Right wingers only have limited memory storage for trigger words, so they recycle them to save space, and so now everything is "Marxist" again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. “Right wingers only have limited memory storage for trigger words“

    Everything has to be a three word chant.


  40. Media Bias Fact Check.....Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks.

    Otherwords...fake noize.

  41. Anonymous6:57 PM

    “Right wingers only have limited memory storage for trigger words, so they recycle them to save space, and so now everything is ‘Marxist’ again.”

    Everyone left of you looks like a Marxist when you are so far to the right that you voted for Orange Hitler.

  42. The content of your character6:57 PM

    5 shot, 1 killed at Juneteenth party in Aurora:

    While EMTs were trying to treat the victims of the Merritt Lake mass shooting, out-of-control orcs started twerking and jumping on the ambulance:

    This NEVER happens at e.g. Oktoberfests, and you know why.

  43. As of June 21, 2021 HRC has still not sold any of America's uranium to Putin or anyone else for any amount of donation's to the William Jefferson Clinton foundation.

    Also, she has not Benghazied anyone and did not kill Vince Foster.

  44. “This NEVER happens at e.g. Oktoberfests, and you know why.“

    Because Oktoberfest celebrants like to kill their entire families at home instead of outside. Also probably too busy molesting kids.

  45. Actually this is the real reason, things go badly when non-melanated people try to twerk.

  46. The more educated one is the more likely they are to vote Democratic.

  47. Be sure to check out today’s, Monday, USA Today. The headline story is about the increase in tornadoes in the eastern part of the country. One of my buddies is one of the severe weather researchers interviewed. 😃

  48. The content of your character10:14 PM

    Oktoberfest celebrants like to kill their entire families at home instead of outside.

    Which happens so rarely it is a statistical non-entity.  Blacks are well over 50% of the murderers whose race is known, and probably a much higher fraction of the murderers whose race is not.

    Also probably too busy molesting kids.

    Sixty percent of black girls report being sexually abused before age 18.  It sure isn't White men doing that molesting.

    That's the classic Jewish tactic of accusing others of what you're doing yourself.  They taught you well.

  49. Actually that's the racist troll tactic of accusing others of what you're doing yourself. Damn, check those numbers of white raping and committing sex offensives.

    1. Tell it Pilot. Facts are not its friends.

  50. "Which happens so rarely it is a statistical non-entity"

    Bullshit, you're just too busy being obsessed with negroes to know. Do I need to post the gun death rates again? I guess so.

  51. The whiter the state the more likely you are to die by being shot.

  52. This guy murders his own 5 year old. It's ok though, he's a high IQ American.

  53. This weirdo beat his mother to death with a roller skate and then lived with her decomposing body. But fear not........

  54. This superior individual stabbed his mother 77 times because we all know 76 just isn't enough. Good thing this woman didn't have a negro son or.......wait.

  55. Pilot with the goods.

  56. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Doctoral student stabbed to death by negro in Loop was working on degree in criminal justice:

  57. Anonymous said...
    Truths like Africans have verifiably lower IQ and impulse control, and have brains so different that they typically don't develop mirror self-recognition until age SIX? THOSE truths? They're anathema to you.

    4:43 PM
    "Those truths"? You never post any truths.

    How about a source to support your startling claim, or did you just make it up? LOL!

  58. PilotX said...

    Bullshit, you're just too busy being obsessed with negroes to know. Do I need to post the gun death rates again? I guess so.

    12:53 AM
    It is a sad fact that racists, such as the anonymous person you are replying to here, believe only that which supports their biases. It will not matter what you say to people who have closed their minds and have developed tunnel vision. They are irrational. They don't need no stinkin' facts.

  59. Anonymous11:47 AM

    One negro dead and four negroes injured in shooting at Juneteenth celebration in Colorado:

  60. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Those truths"? You never post any truths.

    This shit is absolutely trivial to find, but you willfully blind WILL NOT SEE IT even when it's put right in front of you.

  61. The content of your character1:29 PM

    Well lookee here, sheboon gets caught in the act of arson BY HER OWN SECURITY CAMERAS.

    And you wonder WHY everyone else on earth think's you're stupid and worthless?

  62. I wonder if our resident racist Mr. Character was at Redneck Fest where the geniuses who can recognize their own faces in the mirror got so drunk they had to be hospitalized, severed fingers and got impaled. The exact behavior I would expect from the higher IQ real American crowd. I wonder if the rest of the world thinks these upstanding citizens are worth something.🤔

  63. Bet this brain warrior was able to identify himself in the mirror. Must be tough living with such a huge brain.


  65. Squids ahoy:
    "New York prosecutors are investigating whether a top Trump Organization executive, Matthew Calamari, received tax-free fringe benefits, as part of their probe into whether former President Donald Trump's company and its employees illegally avoided paying taxes on such perks, according to people familiar with the matter."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  66. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "New York prosecutors are investigating whether a top Trump Organization executive, Matthew Calamari, received tax-free fringe benefits, as part of their probe into whether former President Donald Trump's company and its employees illegally avoided paying taxes on such perks, according to people familiar with the matter."

    Matt Calamari, Jr.'s wife spilled the beans on what looks like some tax evasion her husband engaged in, to get back at him as the couple went through a nasty divorce.

    So, now, how the rest of this plays out is:

    Matt Calamari, Jr., rats out his dad to stay out of jail.
    Matt Calamari, Sr., rats out Trump to stay out of jail.
    Trump is fuuuuuuucked, because Matt Calamari, Sr., knows where all the bodies are buried at the Trump Organization.

    And this time, there's no easy escape route for Trump. He doesn't have any pardons to hand out to keep his underlings from ratting.

  67. "And this time, there's no easy escape route for Trump. He doesn't have any pardons to hand out to keep his underlings from ratting."

    Oh worry not, trump will be back in August. I mean don't you trust Q?

  68. Anonymous11:28 PM

    "Oh worry not, trump will be back in August. I mean don't you trust Q?"

    Well, apparently Trump doesn't trust Q. He must not believe he will be "reinstated," since he's signed up to travel to multiple cities with Bill O'Reilly on a Sexual Harassers' -- er, wait, I mean History Tour.

    I am sure it will be a totally and completely accurate accounting of the history of the Trump administration, in which he and Bill promote all his many great accomplishments that the lamestream media failed to give him credit for, such as the Space Force! And Making America Great! ... whatever the hell that means. Also, they will emphasize that huge numbers of people absolutely did NOT die of a novel respiratory disease the federal government did not bother trying to protect them from because the ex-president finds science boring.

  69. Anonymous11:46 PM

    So, the For the People Act failed to advance today.

    Fifty Democrat votes for it. Zero Republican votes.

    Manchin's "bipartisanship" zeppelin caught on fire and careened into the ground. Oh the humanity.

    Is it time to ditch the filibuster yet?

  70. “he's signed up to travel to multiple cities with Bill O'Reilly on a Sexual Harassers' -- er, wait, I mean History Tour.“


  71. “Manchin's "bipartisanship" zeppelin caught on fire and careened into the ground. Oh the humanity.“


  72. Trae Crowder gets the filibuster just right:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. Meanwhile, in Kentucky:

    "‘Redneck Rave’ Descends Into Throat Slashing, Impalements, and Mass Arrests"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Wasicu magat sheboon sets house on fire and calmly sits in chair reading a book as it burns. Quack Anon likely told her sacrificing her home would put drumpf back in the WH.



  77. Anonymous10:57 AM

    At least 50 shots fired by out of control negroes leaving 2 negroes dead, 2 negroes hurt at Decatur gas station, police say:

  78. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Is it time to ditch the filibuster yet?

    11:46 PM


  79. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Rhode Island Democratic Senator defends membership to all-white club, cites 'tradition':

  80. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Defends Membership ONLY In Elite Beach Club:

  81. Anonymous12:00 PM

    “Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Defends Membership ONLY In Elite Beach Club”

    This is the dumbest “racism” scandal ever. This isn’t a whites-only club; it’s a rich-people-only club. Given the way America works, most country clubs aren’t going to be very diverse, because, frankly, there aren’t that many rich people of color.

    Why aren’t there many wealthy non-white Americans? Well, there are multiple causes, but racism — both historical and ongoing — is obviously a major factor. That, however, is a societal problem. It’s not really the fault of some yacht club.

  82. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Ok Boss, Wees Negras will follows yous all da day long.

  83. "Is it time to ditch the filibuster yet?"

    At lest reform it.

  84. South Dakota magat congress asshole comments on George Floyd's daath and of course it is neither funny or nice.

  85. Anonymous said...

    “Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Defends Membership ONLY In Elite Beach Club”

    This is the dumbest “racism” scandal ever. This isn’t a whites-only club; it’s a rich-people-only club. Given the way America works, most country clubs aren’t going to be very diverse, because, frankly, there aren’t that many rich people of color.

    Why aren’t there many wealthy non-white Americans? Well, there are multiple causes, but racism — both historical and ongoing — is obviously a major factor. That, however, is a societal problem. It’s not really the fault of some yacht club.

    12:00 PM
    I don't know what world or reality you are living in, but it's not the same as the one we live in.

  86. GOP Official In Ohio Admits to Voting Twice

    June 23, 2021 at 11:32 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 134 Comments

    A Republican official in Ohio admitted to forging his dead father’s signature on an absentee ballot in the 2020 presidential election, NBC News reports.
    So far all the "voter fraud" that has been discovered involved Republicans cheating. Why am I not surprised? Republicans can't win unless they cheat.

  87. Anonymous5:47 PM

    In the "racial reckoning", black traffic deaths have soared:

    Yet, somehow, this obviously-fixable cause of black deaths is of minimal interest and the subject of no protests or other efforts to reverse.

    Black Lives Do Not Matter To Blacks.

  88. Anonymous said...

    Black Lives Do Not Matter To Blacks.

    5:47 PM
    How could you know this if you are not black? Or are you black?

    Apparently blue lives do not matter to many magas. Are you a maga?

  89. “How could you know this if you are not black? Or are you black?“

    I am and I can assure you they do matter to us. Maybe you should concern yourself with white male lives because they are committing suicide at astonishing rates.😬 Take care of yourself bro.



    Watch out for each other.

  92. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs defends the teaching of CRT in the military.

  93. They would have known it was a trick if they'd done a background check:

    "A gun violence prevention group has released videos in which they trick famous pro-gun figures into addressing a sea of empty chairs, representing children and teenagers who were shot and killed before they could graduate from high school."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  94. A truck with its boom raised knocked down a pedestrian bridge in DC.
    Think maybe we should fix some infrastructure?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Black lives don't matter to blacks2:09 AM

    How could you know this if you are not black?


    If "black lives matter", there would be.  They do NOT.


    You may need to broaden your news feed.

  97. Where are the protests over white male suicides? Soooooo, I thought all lives matter. Guess not.

  98. Screwdy Rudy's license to practice law suspended in New yawk for lying to gubmint officials.


    Michigan magats looked and investigated claims and found no evidence of voter fraud.

    Strike 274. Yer Owt!

  100. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "Screwdy Rudy's license to practice law suspended in New yawk for lying to gubmint officials."

    Huh. Weird. It's almost as if, having dedicated your career to the law, you shouldn't use your skills to attack the rule of law.

  101. Anonymous7:42 PM

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  102. Now he's 3 for 3 in New York. From Steve Benen:

    It was exactly 35 years ago today -- June 24, 1986 -- when a New York court disbarred Roy Cohn, a controversial lawyer who represented and mentored a young developer by the name of Donald Trump. Far more recently, Michael Cohen, another Trump lawyer, was also disbarred in New York.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. Good and necessary news, Fergus was gonna let these folks get slaughtered for helping us:

    U.S. Planning to Evacuate Afghan Interpreters

    June 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 77 Comments

    “The White House and Pentagon intend to evacuate thousands of Afghan interpreters and their families to a third country as they await U.S. visa processing,” Politico reports.

    “The issue of Afghan interpreters and translators has become a major sticking point in the rush to move thousands of American troops and tons of equipment out of the country by September. … The thousands of interpreters who worked side by side with U.S. troops for two decades have remained in limbo, however, leading to scrambling in Washington to find a way to protect them from the Taliban and others once U.S. forces are gone.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Michigan magats looked and investigated claims and found no evidence of voter fraud.

    Bullshit.  Six THOUSAND out of 16,000 votes were flipped in Antrim Co. Michigan.  They were flipped by the same Dominion ballot scanners used in most of the state and the rest of the swing states.

    The legal maximum error rate for such machines is 1 in 250,000.  There should have been an immediate state-wide audit of the vote, because it stank on ice and still does.

    Any GOPer who claims that there was no fraud is either being paid or is under threat for speaking the truth.

  105. Anonymous said...
    Bullshit. Six THOUSAND out of 16,000 votes were flipped in Antrim Co. Michigan. They were flipped by the same Dominion ballot scanners used in most of the state and the rest of the swing states.

    9:43 AM
    Nice try anon. Too bad you lied. You Magas are good at lying.
    According to the Daily Mail (A right wing rag).
    "After recount, unofficials results now show that President Trump won the historically red county by just 2,000 votes, 9&10 News reports."

    16,000 votes was the total of the vote in not the number flipped. And the error was corrected.

  106. Anonymous2:04 AM

    What part of " Six THOUSAND ... votes were flipped" didn't you understand?  Are you really going senile?

    The problem is that the SAME software was running in Democrat-run areas, and those errors were never admitted and never corrected.

  107. Anonymous said...

    What part of " Six THOUSAND ... votes were flipped" didn't you understand? Are you really going senile?

    2:04 AM
    Well I may be going senile, but I have enough brain cells left to know your posts are full of bull shit. Investigation after investigation has revealed that there was no widespread fraud that affected the out come of the election. Your spurious claims are simply lies concocted to cast doubt on the fact that Joe Biden was elected and is our president.

    My goodness, but you Trumpers are sore losers! Give it up; you are chasing a lost cause.

  108. “My goodness, but you Trumpers are sore losers! Give it up; you are chasing a lost cause.“

    They are pretty good at chasing lost causes.😆😂

  109. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "Joe" "its time to check your Depends" "We think you shit yourself again"........

  110. Anonymous3:41 PM

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