Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rudy has his ticket punched, and Matt gets schooled.


Rudy Giuliani had his law license suspended in the state of New York today. Let's add him to the list of sycophants, lap-dogs, and lackeys who worked for the former guy, and who either lost their physical freedom, or their freedom to earn a living because of their slavish devotion to him and what he stands for. 

I'm not sure how these individuals can live with themselves. Especially when the former guy continues to get away with all his illegal actions and misdeeds while they all continue to take the fall. People keep saying that  the former guy will get his, and it's just a matter of time before he has to face the music. My position is simple: Wake me when he is in handcuffs and doing a perp-walk. For the record, I don't think that anything will come of all these potential legal minefields facing him. He will continue to get away with all of it just like he has always done. Being the first modern day white supremacist president does have its privileges.

And speaking of the former guy, can you imagine what type of authoritarian state we would be living in if he had been reelected? We are now finding out that dude wanted the DOJ to go after a television show and comedians for making fun of him. (He denies it of course, but we all know that when he denies something it means that it really happened.) And, if that wasn't enough, he wanted the military to "shoot" George Floyd protestors this past summer. Let that sink in for a minute.

Finally, shout out to Mark Milley,  the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for putting a verbal beat down on potential sexual predator, Matt Gaetz. The politician from Florida was trying to grandstand and show off for the former guy when Milley let him have it.   

'"First of all, on the issue of critical race theory, et cetera. I'll obviously have to get much smarter on whatever the theory is, but I do think it's important actually for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be widely read.

"And in the United States Military Academy is a university and it is important that we train and we understand."

“I want to understand ‘white rage,’ and I’m white, and I want to understand it,” he said, per NPR. “So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out.”' 

Good for him. And you know he touched a nerve with the white supremacist crowd because Tucker Carlson (who is becoming more unhinged with each passing day) called him a pig on his show tonight.

When you 've lost Tucker, you just know that you're on the right side of history.   


  1. Let’s see what the GOP has become in 4 short years, an anti-democratic, strong man loving, anti-police, anti-military, treasonous, loud, ignorant anti-fact party. Thanks trump.

    Check this out.

  2. Now he's 3 for 3 in New York. From Steve Benen:

    It was exactly 35 years ago today -- June 24, 1986 -- when a New York court disbarred Roy Cohn, a controversial lawyer who represented and mentored a young developer by the name of Donald Trump. Far more recently, Michael Cohen, another Trump lawyer, was also disbarred in New York.

    Milley said that he had read Mao Zedong, Marx, and Lennin, and that having done so didn't make him a communist but instead a well read leader.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Apparently Tucker Carlson is doing something of a mini-series on President Obama. According to the faithful, he is really eating Obama's lunch...

    Meanwhile said the President, "Tucker who?"

    But yeah. The whole crowd is gone wild with this paranoia about Critical Race Theory as they like to call it, CRT. They are organizing by the thousands to keep this indoctrination propaganda out of their kindergartens, grammar schools and high schools. Meanwhile, in a desperate attempt to understand what they are being accused of, teachers are scrambling to find out more about critical race theory which is apparently a course of study in universities. No doubt conservatives are confusing it with the 1619 project which is not really in schools just yet either.

    These same people have been on about reverse racism for years. They see white people as victims of a calculated philosophy of hatred directed against them.

    It's very difficult to convince them not to worry so much. I used to plead with them on a regular basis. "Nobody ever accused me of being a racist. Just keep your head down. Don't publish racist comments on-line." I tell them it should be fairly easy to be accepted as decent Americans by everyone they meet. But still they struggle.

  4. Here is Milley's beatdown of S.P. Gaetz. The last 2 minutes is the good stuff.

    Only two and a half minutes long.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    If I can VOTE without ID because "one the of most basic and sacred rights guaranteed by the Constitution: the right to vote"
    Then I can BUY A GUN without ID because THAT is "one the of most basic and sacred rights guaranteed by the Constitution" TOO!
    If I can vote by MAIL I can buy and sell GUNS by MAIL.
    If the left wants to exploit "undocumented" workers, then I can be an "undocumented" hunter, fisher, driver, you name it.
    If POLL TAXES and LITERACY TESTS are Infringements on the right to vote then every "gun control" proposal is an Infringement on the RIGHTS codified in the 2nd Amendment.

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    The left is terrified of Rudy........

  7. Gun rights were constitutionally (and I use that term extremely loosely) voted on by an extreme right wing activist court all of around 13 short years ago in the Heller decision.

    Smothered Scalia essentially changed the law himself and then said there were still restrictioins on gun rights.

    Magats had him smothered weith My Pillow guy's pillows decked out in cam o so Scalia wouldn't see them coming while he slept. Fuck your salleged 2nd amendment rights, bitch.

  8. Bad news for unions from 6-3 activist magat court.

  9. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Nig-nog trying to rob a Papa John's outlet gets made good by concealed-carry license holder:

    Such a pity that this doesn't happen to ALL such nogs.

  10. “The left is terrified of Rudy........“

    😆😂😆😂 you mean the guy who held a press conference in front of a porn shop with black dye running down his face?😆😂😆😂😆😂

  11. Chauvin gets 22.5 years.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. I guess this image of Rudy is the stuff of nightmares.😆😂

  13. Young brilliant brotha accepted to Georgia Tech’s engineering program.


    This is good.

  15. Anonymous6:34 PM

    "The left is terrified of Rudy........"

    I think you're confusing "terrified of" with "disgusted by."

  16. I think you're confusing "terrified of" with "disgusted by." or laughing at.

  17. Wait, shouldn't the congressional Dems been frogmarched out of the Capitol by Marines by now? I mean anon told me to wait by how much longer? Can we safely say these Q anons are kinda goofy? LOL!

  18. Cue the right losing their goddamn minds again in 3..2..1:

    White Population in U.S. Declines for First Time

    June 25, 2021 at 12:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 207 Comments

    Axios: “The latest census is expected to show the first decline in history for the nation’s non-Hispanic white population… White population growth has slowed in recent decades, largely because of falling fertility rates as Americans wait longer to have kids and have fewer of them.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Tucker freaking out over Gen. Milley correctly calling the Capitol chimp out "white rage". Who are we to believe, a well-read military leader or a trust fund baby who is the definition of "coastal elite". LOL! Yeah, the chief of the joint chiefs is too woke. LOL! trump has usherd in the era of stupid.

  20. With time served, Chauvin gets out just in time for Thanksgiving Day 2043.

    I was pretty sure he would get ten years.

    I remember all of the conservative guys saying that if Chauvin wasn't convicted that there would be riots across the U.S.

    I wonder what it was that made them think that Floyd might not be convicted?

  21. Latest chimpout at Louden County school board meeting.

  22. Criminal action coming from Cy Vance's office to the Fergus Organization. Will it go the way of Fergus U, or The Fergus Foundation, and get shut down for illegal activity?
    Seems like a bad week for Fergus and his felons. Hopefully his idiot hordes won't go on rampage again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. 100 people charged with assaulting a Capitol police officer. Surreal.

  24. Good news=Progress?

    Johnson co iowa remains Johnson co, just a change in whose being honored. Was a slave holder/vice president and switched to a Black female academician of some repute.

  25. Magats in Ohio lege trying to make it illegal to video cops in public. 1st amendment says it is ok. Ohio magats want it to be obstruction of an officer in the performance of shooting blacks in the back or planting drugs or some such shit.

    BTW, most cops don't know which amendment of the constitution covers which protected activities which results in numerous unlawful arrests and subsequent dismissal of all charges and a plethora of civil rights violation lawsuits,

  26. Hey Mike,

    Excuse me, but I'm a little confused. Which Johnson are you referring to - Andrew who became president when Lincoln was murdered?

  27. Anonymous said...

    The left is terrified of Rudy........

    12:16 PM
    Not so you can notice it, Honey. Please have you attendants give you extra meds today since you are delusional.

  28. “The left is terrified of Rudy........

    12:16 PM
    Not so you can notice it, Honey. Please have you attendants give you extra meds today since you are delusional.“

    You gotta admit he is a scary looking dude.

  29. Here you go, Gambler....

    A county in Iowa was named after a slave-holding vice president. Now, it's named after the first Black woman to earn a PhD from the University of Iowa.

    The Board of Supervisors of Johnson County in Iowa, home to Iowa City and the state university, voted unanimously on Thursday to recognize Lulu Merle Johnson as the official eponym of the county, rather than Richard Mentor Johnson.

    Richard Mentor Johnson was veep under 9th potus Van Buren.

  30. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Nothing says black inadequacy than having to have things renamed after historical footnotes and outright nobodies.

  31. Nothing says outright nobody quite like an anonymous troll sniping at comments on a Black blog.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "You gotta admit he is a scary looking dude."

    Well, there was that whole Giuliani/Nosferatu joke going around. Kate McKinnon even referenced it on SNL.

    Mostly, he's just pathetic, though. Former federal prosecutor turned into Trump's dancing bear. He must have gotten paid a pile of cash if he was willing to abase himself like that. I hope it was worth it.

  33. From Axios....

    The latest census is expected to show the first decline in history for the nation's non-Hispanic white population, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Brookings Institution's William Frey.

    Why it matters: The U.S. is rapidly moving toward a majority-minority population — with the racial and ethnic diversity most apparent in younger cohorts. "This really is moving in a direction that’s going to favor the issues and the political agendas of these younger people," Frey told Axios.

    "Republicans are going to have to awaken to this."
    By the numbers: The official 2020 census population estimates that include race and ethnic breakdowns for the prior decade have yet to be released. Yet looking at the recently published annual numbers gives demographers reliable insight into what those figures will show.

    The number of non-Hispanic white people in the U.S. declined in each of the past four years — by more than 1 million altogether. That's enough to offset the small growth in that population during the first six years of the decade.
    White population growth has slowed in recent decades, largely because of falling fertility rates as Americans wait longer to have kids and have fewer of them.

    Like Miami condo, magats can feel their base crumbling due to inattention and piss poor foundational building.

  34. “Nothing says black inadequacy than having to have things renamed after historical footnotes and outright nobodies.“

    Which is still a helluva lot better than traitors and losers.🤷🏾‍♂️

  35. Kavernmouth and 4 other magat justices just stripped congress function to make laws and handed those duties to only federal judges.

    Thomas sided with Liberals saying magats went too far. Funny, just yesterday magat Alito was whining the conservative court wasn't near as conservative as he is.

  36. To PilotX

    Yes, Pilot, the Qanons are truly kinda goofy. I don't recommend waiting for anything they predict to happen.

  37. To Mike

    Thanks for the history lesson. I know the past presidents quite well, but the vice presidents not so much.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. From the "they don't think real good" file:

    Blue Girl (Vaccinated, Antifascist)
    How is it okay for @TuckerCarlson
    to call General Milley a stupid pig on national television but it was disrespectful of the military when @Kaepernick7
    took a knee?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Screwdy Rudy finally won one(two actually) Golden Raspberries....

    Giuliani's awkward appearance in "Borat Subsequent Moviefilm" left many wondering if he was in on the joke after he was caught on camera with his hand down his pants during a spoof interview -- he said he was tucking in his shirt. The former Trump lawyer won the Razzie for Worst Supporting Actor. Giuliani and his pants zipper were also recognized as the Worst Screen Combo.


  41. How about worst first impression or approach when meeting an attractive woman for the first time? Seriously, dewd! Chill!

  42. “Yes, Pilot, the Qanons are truly kinda goofy. I don't recommend waiting for anything they predict to happen.“

    So you don’t recommend holding my breath until it happens?😆😂

  43. Sydney beat Dalilah and broke the world record in the process, and both of them are going to the Olympics.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Developers of doomed Fla. tower were once accused of paying off officials: report

    Thank gawd they didn't hire Black female engineers to design this shit storm. Imagine the howls from magats if they did.

  45. Victory for trans students via SCOTUS.

  46. Fourth GOP Staffer Indicted on Election Fraud Charges

    June 28, 2021 at 10:56 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 28 Comments

    Kinda ironic that all folks arrested for election/voter fraud have been Republicans.

  47. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Times Square shooting: Video of (negro) alleged gunman after tourist shot

  48. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Ahhhh those Democratically Controlled Cities! Portland grapples with its anti-police message vs. rising violence; shootings up more than 100 percent

  49. “Ahhhh those Democratically Controlled Cities! Portland grapples with its anti-police message vs. rising violence; shootings up more than 100 percent“

    I think rat now they’re more concerned about the 113 degree rising heat but we all look forward to the Republican utopia that exists where exactly? Mississippi is under Republican control. Looking forward to being last in education, health, poverty, clean air. Sounds awesome!!!😃

  50. Here’s another real American genius. Shouldn’t we all act like this guy. But he’s not a negro so it’s ok.

  51. Anonymous3:55 PM

    78 people(negroes) shot in weekend gun(black) violence in Chicago, a third of them from four mass shootings
    Within hours Sunday night, two of the mass attacks killed two women and wounded at least 17 other people on the South Side.

    By Sun-Times Wire Updated Jun 28, 2021, 2:10pm CDT

  52. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Heat + Negro = Shootings

  53. Shootings=white men.

  54. The whiter the state the more likely to die by gun violence.

  55. The whole organization may end up in jail.😆😂 It’ll be like the final episode of Seinfeld.

  56. Buffalo has Blah female socialist mayor. If it wasn’t for all the snow I might think about living there.😃

  57. Anti-Semitic virulent white supremacist shoots and kills two then steals van. It’s ok because it didn’t happen in Chicago and the killer wasn’t a negro.


    White scumacyst guns down 2 Black men in NY.

  59. Big brained American ambushes police officers and gets good guy with a gun killed. At least it wasn’t Chicago amiright?

  60. Anonymous7:41 PM

    CHICAGO June 1st-28th 2021
    Shot & Killed: 75
    Shot & Wounded: 389
    Total Shot: 464
    Total Homicides: 77

  61. Red flag warning here for the next few days. Triple digit temps, dry fuels, and dry lightning forecasted. We sit in a gap between where two major fires burned in the past few years, so Cal Fire is very concerned about us.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Thank gawd they didn't hire Black female engineers to design this shit storm.

    It's bad enough when they hire beaners to design pedestrian bridges.

  63. Wonder if trump lawyers dissuaded prosecuters.🤔

  64. Fergus is SO PISSED that other grifters are getting rich off of his lies and that he's not getting a cut.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Well, look!  It turns out that the so-called "vaccine" does not mean anything goes back to normal.  Nor are the vaccines safe.

    "... the scientists involved in the study reached the conclusion that “for three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination”"

  66. The content of your character12:06 AM

    17-yr-old Tayevion Henderson dies in a shootout with his own mother:

    Tayevion?  Is that a Hmong given name?  Amish, maybe?

  67. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Black Dad Who Went Viral for Blasting CRT Responds to Liberal Haters

  68. Who knew rumble was an extreme right full of shit site? Me!

    from Media Bias/Fact Check....

    Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.
    Detailed Report
    Reasoning: Far Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, False Information, Lack of Transparency
    Country: Canada

    Any article/link attributed to rumble should be taken with a whole bag of salt.

  69. “Black Dad Who Went Viral for Blasting CRT Responds to Liberal Haters“

    So him being Blah means what? I guess I’ll just link a white person and that cancels it out?🤷🏾‍♂️

  70. Big brained real Americans "hunted" police officers. Notice no one mentions these clowns when talking about back the blue, wonder why that is?

  71. The content of your character4:04 PM

    Black day-care "worker", Dejoynay Ferguson, who murdered White 4-month-old Isabella Talton by suffocating the infant, pleaded guilty to murder and other charges and was sentenced to life in prison.

    Has there EVER been a case of a White day-care worker murdering a black infant?  Of COURSE there hasn't, because we'd still be hearing about it 60 years later a la Emmett Till.

  72. Dude, ONE story and now you act as if negroes are on a white baby killing spree.😆😂 Goofy ass. Here’s one you missed, white woman hangs baby and gets PROBATION. You should get out more.


    Here’s actually a more recent baby killing but it’s ok because it didn’t happen in Chicago and the person who killed the baby wasn’t a negro. Seems out buddy Content has very selective morals and is ok with infant murders as long as it’s white on white. Pretty sick if you ask me.

  74. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Kids unfortunately die in daycare with some frequency. Race is not a factor; temperament is. If your first reaction to a crying five-year-old is an overpowering urge to beat his head against a wall or strangle him, perhaps that job is not the right one for you.

  75. RFT can be annoying, but this is a hoot:

    Inside Mark McCloskey’s Very Sad St. Louis Rally

    June 29, 2021 at 11:35 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 121 Comments

    The Riverfront Times outdid itself with this lede:

    “Noted local criminal Mark McCloskey played host to a barbecue/political rally on Sunday afternoon, drawing tens of admirers to the sweltering parking lot of a closed outlet mall in St. Louis County to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the time he pulled a gun on a crowd of people who otherwise would never have noticed or cared he existed.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. The content of your character7:38 PM

    Seems out buddy Content has very selective morals and is ok with infant murders as long as it’s white on white.

    Not at all okay with it, but what can I do about it except punish after the fact?

    We used to have a way of preventing blacks from murdering White children.  It was called segregation and Jim Crow.  In times of sanity, Dejoynay Ferguson never would have gotten an interview at a day care for White children.  America is insane now.

    And I notice that you don't care about black-on-black murders, like Dajore Wilson.  You only care about deaths you can use as a weapon against civilization, like the burglar Trayvon Martin and the felon and druggie George Floyd (who died of a fentanyl overdose).

  77. There is no labor shortage, there is a labor market:

    Jun 28
    “In St Louis, a single person needs to earn $14 an hour to cover basic expenses at a minimum standard, according to MITs living-wage calculator. Add a child, and the needed wage rises just above $30. Two adults working w/ two children would each have to earn roughly $21 an hour.”

    The New York Times
    · Jun 28
    Missouri became one of the first states to end federal pandemic unemployment benefits. But there has been virtually no uptick in job applicants, officials say, as many looking for work hold out for better wages.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. “We used to have a way of preventing blacks from murdering White children.”

    So as long as you kill your own you’re ok. You’re pretty sick son. What else would I expect?🤷🏾‍♂️ Carry on.
