Monday, June 14, 2021

Ocean City police under scrutiny, and Mitch is at it again.

Tonight I need all of you field hands to help me out with something. 

Please watch this video ,and this, and tell me why you think that police officers would act out in this manner when they know that they are being filmed. And, not to mention, given all that has been going on with citizen interaction and the police over the past few months. 

Who knew that vaping was such a serious offense?  

Finally, I also need you all to tell me what it is that makes democrats so useless and afraid of their shadows in Washington. 

A day doesn't seem to go by without Mitch and his boys running all over them. Now Mitch has straight up told them that if he becomes majority leader in 2024 they (the dems) will not get a supreme court nominee if Biden tries to fill a vacancy.  

All those people who voted to get the former guy out of office must be now wondering if it was all worth it. 

Apparently it wasn't, because as I write this post, Matt Gaetz, the former guy, and Bill Barr , have not been charged with a crime.  



  1. The cops don't think about it when they issue conflicting instructions. "Take off your backpack" *goes to take off backpack* *they tase him*.
    My friend Dan was in a hotel room with a woman once when the cops pounded on the window and told them both to sit on the edge of the bed.
    Then they tried the door, which was locked. Then they told him to unlock the door, and he said "Oh no you don't. You just screamed at me to sit on the edge of the bed or you'll shoot. Now you want me to get up and walk toward the door so you have a reason to shoot me. Go to the desk and get them to open the damn door."
    They finally did get the clerk to open the door for them, but when they searched the room they didn't find Dan's dope...
    Mitch McConnell is Mitch McConnell. Everyone knows who and what he is. Most Republicans think what he does is just ducky. That is, they support the all out assault on democracy being waged by a minority of officeholders in this country right now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "A day doesn't seem to go by without Mitch and his boys running all over them. Now Mitch has straight up told them that if he becomes majority leader in 2024 they (the dems) will not get a supreme court nominee if Biden tries to fill a vacancy."

    Well, that's a given. Republicans have made clear that they don't give two shits about the Constitution, notwithstanding all their many years of loudly professing their deep and abiding love for the document. So the only viable solution is for Mitch to be prevented from becoming majority leader again.

    That task would be much easier if the Dems could abolish the filibuster and pass HR 1 to ban Republican election cheating. Maybe they need to build a giant amusement park in West Virginia with federal money, and call it Joe Manchin World. Would that motivate Manchin to be a team player?

  3. akbright12:05 AM

    I think some members of the police force think they are untouchable, just like some members of the Congress.

  4. Pigs know union arbitraitors have their backs and can usually keep them on the payroll, no matter how egregious their crimes. In a lot of these videos I doubt knowing they are being taped makes a difference to them.

    Don't ever open the door to talk to pigs. One will stick his foot in the doorway and if you attempt to close the door and touch his foot you are charged with assault on a pig and then the pigs can bust into your home without a warrant. Happens all the time.

  5. This is black privilege10:41 AM

    Black mass-shooter protected from having his description printed in the newspaper:

  6. Wesley R3:02 PM

    I could be mistaken but I didn't see any body cameras.

  7. Shorter Texas governor: "Holy fuck, I have an election! I know BUILD THE WALL!!"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Anonymous4:22 PM

    "I could be mistaken but I didn't see any body cameras."

    Ocean City police don't wear body cameras. It's possible that the police department are in the process of acquiring and issuing them, but bodycams are not currently in use.

  9. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "Shorter Texas governor: 'Holy fuck, I have an election! I know BUILD THE WALL!!'"

    Biden should just declare that the border is under federal jurisdiction and the feds are the only ones allowed to build there, and then send the military and immediately bulldoze whatever Texas has built.

    The state can build their wasteful, publicity stunt wall 30 miles back from the border, across Texans' personal real estate, if they so choose. Let's see how well that boosts Abbott's re-election chances.

  10. This isa the only blog on blog spot. you have ssurvived teh extinction

  11. Wyoming magat sinator Embarrasshole wants to make Biden a half term Potus because that slogan worked so well for McCTurtlefuckface and Obama.

  12. “Black mass-shooter protected from having his description printed in the newspaper”

    Wha whaaa whaaaa!How come white baby killers have their identities posted! It’s sooooooo hard to be white!

  13. This is black privilege is a typical moron magat who leaves out the relevant context in his comments.

    Austin American Statesman did not print the vague description because it would not have helped gather the right criminal and said this...

    "The Austin American-Statesman is not including the [police's] description as it is too vague at this time to be useful in identifying the shooter and such publication could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes,

    Total idiots like This is Black privilege thinks all Blacks look alike and they are all criminals.

  14. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Dems follow the rules while Republicans cheat. How do you win a game when your opponent is cheating? You could start cheating yourself but if you have integrity you don’t want to do that. Rock meet hard place.

  15. "This is black privilege is a typical moron magat who leaves out the relevant context in his comments."

    Why include context when you're a ideologue? That would require critical thinking skills.

  16. Anonymous7:11 PM

    “Black mass-shooter protected from having his description printed in the newspaper”

    The newspaper were trying to protect black people in general, not the shooter. According to them, the physical description provided to them by the police was so generic that it was extremely unlikely to result in the arrest of the shooter, but might have provoked racists into phoning in tips on (or, worse, trying to make a citizen’s arrest of) any random black guy they encountered.

    Was this a good call? No idea. Without knowing the exact details of the description provided by the police, we can’t determine that.

  17. Black lives don't matter to blacks9:24 PM

    The 2020 info from the Kansas City, MO police department is in.

    KCMO is 55% White and only 30% black.  However, NAACP (Negroes Are Always Causing Problems).  Of 170 murder suspects whose race is known, 123 (72%) are black and only 25 (15%) are White.  Latinos, who are among the other 15% of the population, had 12 suspects (7%).

    This means that any individual black person in KCMO is 9 times as likely to be a murder suspect than any individual White.  Latinos fall in the middle, only about 1.8 times as likely as an individual White and less than 1/5 as likely as a black.

    In an unguarded moment, the New York Times admitted that the mass shooting problem is a black problem:

  18. Looks to me like the whiter the state the bigger the gun violence problem is.🤷🏾‍♂️

    1. White lives don’t matter to whites.🤔

  19. “Without knowing the exact details of the description provided by the police, we can’t determine that.“

    Black male 4’11 to 6’10. 110 to 330lbs. 11-77 years old.

  20. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Oh, White suicides do very much matter to Whites.  But Whites are smart enough to use drugs, or ropes, or motor vehicles if guns aren't available.

    Fixing White suicides requires fixing the reasons for the despair, like companies refusing to hire them because they have to meet a quota of non-Whites and being faced with starvation.

  21. Anonymous10:51 PM

    “Black male 4’11 to 6’10. 110 to 330lbs. 11-77 years old.”

    Probably something like that.

    Or: “Black male wearing a Texas Longhorns hat.” So, basically, huge numbers of innocent dudes would end up getting hassled/investigated for no reason whatsoever.

  22. While he is busy making plans to build his retarded wall, Texas' power grid is failing again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    trump tries to use DOJ to overturn election results.

  24. “Fixing White suicides requires fixing the reasons for the despair, like companies refusing to hire them because they have to meet a quota of non-Whites and being faced with starvation.“

    Sooooo, you don’t get hired at McDonalds so instead of applying at Burger King you off yourself. Wow. Glad blah people weren’t so mentally weak when we weren’t being hired because we were blah.🤔 Sounds like a serious mental health flaw.

  25. Well, we knew any bill created by Majorie Taylor Greene and endorsed by Louie Gohmert was going to have A LOT of stupid.🙄


  27. From the thanks for all of the help file:

    21 House Republicans Refuse to Honor Capitol Police

    June 15, 2021 at 8:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 65 Comments

    “Five months after the January 6 insurrection, the House and Senate have come to an agreement that will award the Congressional Gold Medal to the officers who defended the Capitol,” CNN reports.

    “But 21 House Republicans refused to support the legislation, the latest reminder that members of Congress still cannot agree on the facts of the deadly Capitol Hill riot.”

    On the other hand, the senate passed a bill making Juneteenth a holiday...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Anonymous2:50 AM

    “But 21 House Republicans refused to support the legislation, the latest reminder that members of Congress still cannot agree on the facts of the deadly Capitol Hill riot.”

    They weren’t rioters. They were only tourists!

    Dangerous, violent tourists who wanted to overthrow the government ..,

  29. Federal Judge in South Dakota charged three Federal Marshalls with contempt of court because they refused to tell judge whether they had been covid vaxed and then left the court with defendants scheduled for arraignment. Their boss was summoned from DC and they all get to face a court in September.

    Past time a real judge laid down the law to drumpf loving scofflaws.

  30. When authoritarian abusers are confronted on their behavior they almost always escalate. Their world view is such that escalation is the appropriate response to having their entitlement challenged.
    Lundy Bancroft has a book and a website discussing "Why Does He DO That."

  31. Ocean City police are no different than any other department. Full of goofy entitled assclowns. None of them would do the job if there was no qualified immunity. That’s why the lone Blah rep from Florida opposes the justice reform act. Very telling.

  32. "Dangerous, violent tourists who wanted to overthrow the government ..,"

    A good description of the NAZIs in the forties.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. “Fixing White suicides requires fixing the reasons for the despair, like companies refusing to hire them because they have to meet a quota of non-Whites and being faced with starvation.“

    The problem is white males never faced challenges that prepare them for hard times. Blah people had it rough for so long we're a little tougher and don't just give up when things get a little rough. Like the study where trees were planted and sheltered from wind and bad weather but given sun and water. They were then placed outside and sure enough they fell over quickly because they didn;t grow roots deep enough to protect themselves because they didn't have to. Same thing now with Republicans in such a tizzy over banning CRT. We can't challenge their beliefs or make them uncomfortable. That doesn't bode well for the future, if you're never challenged you will never acquire the coping mechanisms needed to survive hard times.

  34. it is because niggers like you are always creating chaos, murders, rapes and other violent crimes.

  35. "it is because niggers like you are always creating chaos, murders, rapes and other violent crimes."

    Really? I kind of don't understand your comment Unknown. Is that why white males are committing suicide? Also, what chaos, murder, rape or other violent crime have I committed? I mean I have zero of the aforementioned activities accredited to myself but there are hundreds of thousands of white males who cannot say the same. Just a suggestion, know your audience. LOL!


  37. It is magat state wasicu guvs cutting people of unemployment insurance, trying to force them to take low paying jobs. They think they only hurt POCV when m any whites are being victimized as well.

  38. PilotX said...
    Pilot X,
    One thing our racists trolls will never mention about this table is that it lists arrests not convictions. And we all know that Blacks are arrested at a higher rate than whites.

  39. “One thing our racists trolls will never mention about this table“

    Or the fact the vast vast vast majority of any population are law abiding citizens. Racist trolls aren’t very bright.🤷🏾‍♂️

  40. True. If racists were bright, they wouldn't be racists.

  41. “True. If racists were bright, they wouldn't be racists.“


  42. Anonymous11:16 PM

    The US death toll from COVID officially hit 600,000.

    Someone should send Trump a bag of dog shit to thank him.

  43. It's been amusing and a little sad watching goddamn Republicans who are pretending to be outraged over CRT get asked to define it and fail to do so.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. "It's been amusing and a little sad watching goddamn Republicans who are pretending to be outraged over CRT get asked to define it and fail to do so."

    Republicans are good at fixing problems that don't exist.

  45. Part two of the Rude Pundit's explanation of who is freaking out and lying about CRT and why:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  46. But they can't keep the power on for air conditioning:

    Texas Governor Puts $250 Million Down for Border Wall

    June 16, 2021 at 9:46 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 86 Comments

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) announced some new details of his plan for Texas to build its own border wall, starting with the hiring process for a program manager and providing $250 million in state funds as a “down payment,” the Texas Tribune reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Anonymous3:33 AM

    “But they can't keep the power on for air conditioning”

    Maybe the wall is to keep the Texans in, not the Mexicans out?


    Abbott’s got some cajones complaining about brown-skinned invaders ruining his state. What’s there to ruin in Texas, the place where they can’t keep the lights on? Sounds like Abbott and his buddies ruined it pretty good already.

  48. "Maybe the wall is to keep the Texans in, not the Mexicans out?"

    You mean Cancun Ted might not be able to escape next time? Oh no!


    Obamacare still law of the land.

  50. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The problem is white males never faced challenges that prepare them for hard times.

    Strong men make good times.

    Good times make weak men.

    Weak men make bad times.

    Bad times make strong men.

    Strong White men are coming, and will deal with you.

    Blah people had it rough for so long we're a little tougher and don't just give up when things get a little rough.

    You make shitholes everywhere you go.  It's your nature.

  51. Anonymous11:40 AM

    we all know that Blacks are arrested at a higher rate than whites.

    We all know that the arrest rates per crime are far higher for Whites than blax.  Whites do not follow "snitches get stitches" when someone is murdered; blax do, which is why most of the un-closed murder cases have black victims in the 'hood.

    Blax, 12.4% of the US population, commit well over 50% of all murders for which the race of the murderer is known.  Add in the un-closed cases and that probably jumps to 2/3.

  52. It's been amusing and a little sad watching goddamn Republicans who are pretending to be outraged over CRT get asked to define it and fail to do so.

    That joke is a little old, Doug. Remember when any question asked of a magat candidate was labeled "a gotcha question?" Sarah Failin come to mind?

  53. Anonymous said...

    You make shitholes everywhere you go. It's your nature.

    11:38 AM
    Yes, Magas and other white supremacists do spoil everything they touch.

  54. Blax, 12.4% of the US population, commit well over 50% of all murders for which the race of the murderer is known. Add in the un-closed cases and that probably jumps to 2/3.

    11:40 AM
    Well men commit over 80 percent of the crime. So lets avoid them or lock them all up. This is the logical conclusion to your warped thinking.

  55. "Well men commit over 80 percent of the crime. So lets avoid them or lock them all up. This is the logical conclusion to your warped thinking."

    OK! Feminists were considering a curfew along the lies of that suggested by Golda Meir, but wholesale incarceration of men could work too.

  56. Anonymous4:07 PM

    “OK! Feminists were considering a curfew along the lies of that suggested by Golda Meir, but wholesale incarceration of men could work too.”

    I don’t think many feminists have offered this as a serious proposal. It was usually more of a trollish publicity stunt that was intended to draw attention to the issue of violence against women.

    This is similar to when feminist legislators respond to anti-abortion laws with prohibitions on Viagra for men, etc. Nobody actually expects or wants these laws to pass. They’re just a middle finger to sexist Republicans.

    Note: I think these types of stunts don’t achieve much, and end up making the left look nuts, in the end. But that’s what they are.

  57. Blogger the bewilderness said...

    "Well men commit over 80 percent of the crime. So lets avoid them or lock them all up. This is the logical conclusion to your warped thinking."

    OK! Feminists were considering a curfew along the lies of that suggested by Golda Meir, but wholesale incarceration of men could work too.

    3:25 PM


    You made my day. I can't stop laughing! Thanks.

  58. Anonymous said...

    I don’t think many feminists have offered this as a serious proposal. prohibitions on Viagra for men, etc. Nobody actually expects or wants these laws to pass. They’re just a middle finger to sexist Republicans.

    Note: I think these types of stunts don’t achieve much, and end up making the left look nuts, in the end. But that’s what they are.

    4:07 PM
    I hope you didn't take me seriously. My goal was to show how how preposterous his/her comments were.

  59. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "I hope you didn't take me seriously. My goal was to show how how preposterous his/her comments were."

    I didn't. I was responding the other comment, about Golda Meir, did possibly sound a little bit serious.

  60. Anonymous4:43 PM

    This is a couple months old news, but I just heard about it:

    Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle just sold their Hamptons house for $8 million — nearly double what they paid for it in 2019.

    I hope Letitia James is paying attention and has launched an investigation, because this smells powerfully like corruption to me. Most likely, some wealthy interests looking to leverage Don Senior's still-substantial influence within the Republican Party by offered a bribe to his son, and laundered it through a real estate transaction.

    On the other hand, if you really believe that a house appreciated in value by $4 million in 2 years, then as the country song says, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.

  61. The goddamn Republican challenge to the ACA was self-retarding anyway.
    It tried to claim that since the original SCOTUS ruling upheld its constitutionality as a tax, the zeroing out of the individual mandate penalty in the 2017 tax cut made the whole law an unconstitutional mandate that individual citizens purchase something.
    The problem with that argument is that the zeroing out of the penalty caused there to be no consequence to failing to obtain insurance and as such eliminated any such mandate.
    You killed the individual mandate, little morons, so you didn't convince the SCOTUS that the whole law was an unconstitutional mandate, BECAUSE YOUR RETARDED TAX CUT KILLED THE MANDATE PART.
    Even two of Fergus' appointees couldn't swallow such twaddle, although Alito and Gorsuch lapped it up enthusiastically.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. My congressman, Tom the fuck McClintock, was one of the fourteen white, male, Republican pricks who voted against making Juneteenth a holiday.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. Anonymous6:30 PM

    “The problem with that argument is that the zeroing out of the penalty caused there to be no consequence to failing to obtain insurance and as such eliminated any such mandate.”

    The main problem for Republicans is that they never even really objected to the mandate. They only pretended to, because they thought it was their best shot of shooting down Obamacare in court (and because they felt they could use it in their propaganda to diminish the popularity of Obamacare).

    They actually hated Obamacare because of its taxation of rich people to fund healthcare for others and its regulation of healthcare industries and insurers. By definition, Republicans ALWAYS hate taxation and regulation.

    But they knew damn well they couldn’t overturn Obamacare on that basis — SCOTUS isn’t realistically going to declare liberalism itself unconstitutional — so whining about the mandate was their desperate Hail Mary attempt to kill the law.


  64. "You make shitholes everywhere you go. It's your nature."

    Like rural Missouri, Kentucky and W. Virginia? Nah brah, that's your inbred cousins doing that. Nice try at projection though.

  65. Saint Louis ammosexual/magats have to give up guns they pointed at protesters.

    Fuck the NRA and magats.

  66. “Saint Louis ammosexual/magats have to give up guns they pointed at protesters.“

    Just the guns they used or all of em? I wonder how he can make campaign videos with no guns????

  67. Some d00dz just can't take a joke, eh?

  68. Anonymous10:10 PM

    “Saint Louis ammosexual/magats have to give up guns they pointed at protesters.”

    Only until the wingnut Missouri governor pardons these “patriots,” which he has already promised to do.

  69. 2012, 5 to 4, 2015, 6 to 3, 2021, 7 to 2... I saw on Twitter today someone in Missouri challenging Eric Schmitt to bring a lawsuit challenging the ACA that could lose 8 to 1 or even 9 to 0...

    Barbara Lee's bill to repeal the AUMF finally passed the house. It took her twenty years, but she is still working just as hard today to get the war making powers back into congress as she was all those years ago when she was the only legislator with the courage and brains to oppose it.

    Being able to vote for her every other year is one of the things I miss the most about living in Oakland.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  71. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Systemic Racism in Chicago?
    1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020. Almost every shooter and homicide were BLACK - 97.7%, but BLM and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police and systemic racism.”
    2. The Chicago mayor is black.
    3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
    4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black.
    5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
    6 The Illinois Attorney General is black.
    7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
    8. The Cook County Board President is black.
    9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
    10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
    11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
    12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
    13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
    14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
    15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
    16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
    17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
    18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
    19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus.
    Their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses.
    Their pension for life is 80% of last pay.

  72. You forgot to add what percentage of the CPD is Blah? Also AMERICA is systematically racist and last I checked Chicago is still in the good old US of A.

  73. Well, maybe it’s good that we have so many Blah officials and blah people in Illinois because that seems to make us safer. Wyoming, which is 93% white and has a white Republican governor, two white Republican senators, a white Republican Attorney General and a white Republican representative has twice the gun violence death rate as the great state of Illinois. Funny, you would think such a white state would be safer. Idaho and Alaska where the only brown is the fur of the bears have higher gun violence death rates than Illinois. Looks like anon better sweep his own porch before complaining about someone else’s one would think.🤷🏾‍♂️

  74. Meet the prosecutors that scare the hell out of trump.

  75. Alaska has numerous First Peoples, PilotX and bears can be brown, black, cinnamon, whitish, blonde, taffy and bluish-white.

    drumpf tried his hand at CRT and got laughed off the planet. So did this clown.


  77. "Alaska has numerous First Peoples, PilotX and bears can be brown, black, cinnamon, whitish, blonde, taffy and bluish-white."

    Alaska has 14 people in the entire state. LOL! There are more brown bears than people.

  78. To protect and blunt force trauma citizens.

    Shooting victim calls 911 for help. Cops run him over and kill him.

    Wonder what 911 operator said to cops? Check to see if victim is deceased? He is now.


    trump blames Jared for the fact blah people don't like him. Couldn't be the utter stupidity and racism. Nah, it was Jared.

  80. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Out of control nigger violence:

    Police say Alabama, Georgia shooting spree that wounded 5 was racially motivated

  81. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Well, maybe it’s good that we have so many Blah officials and blah people in Illinois because that seems to make us safer. Wyoming, which is 93% white and has a white Republican governor, two white Republican senators, a white Republican Attorney General and a white Republican representative has twice the gun violence death rate as the great state of Illinois. Funny, you would think such a white state would be safer. Idaho and Alaska where the only brown is the fur of the bears have higher gun violence death rates than Illinois. Looks like anon better sweep his own porch before complaining about someone else’s one would think.🤷🏾‍♂️

    11:09 AM

    Total bullshit and the CDC is nolonger credible and> WY doesnt not have a nigger violence problem or democrats set on destroying the

  82. “Total bullshit and the CDC is nolonger credible and> WY doesnt not have a nigger violence problem or democrats set on destroying the “

    So whom do you trust for your data? Also gun violence seems to be a white male problem. Are those the “niggers” to which you refer?

  83. Here’s another source since we don’t trust the CDC.😆

  84. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Well men commit over 80 percent of the crime. So lets avoid them or lock them all up.

    You cannot have a society without men.  If you tried, you'd be taken over by another society that wasn't brain-dead.

    This is the logical conclusion to your warped thinking.

    Despite the evidence of city after city which proves that you canNOT have a functional society with a significant number of blacks, you are still too stupid to understand.

    Yes, yes, we know:  "you had a good one."  But there are way too many bad ones, and they're ruining the USA.

  85. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Like rural Missouri, Kentucky and W. Virginia?

    I've driven rural Missouri and W. Virginia.  The houses didn't have bars on the windows and the news didn't have reports of shootings every day like KCMO and St. Louis.  Rural Missouri was actually pretty nice, I found a winery on a 2-lane that parallels the Interstate that had some tasty stuff.  New Mexico wasn't all that bad either, but I haven't been there for a decade.  Nice winery in Alamagordo.

    Now, show me where you can find the equivalent in Chiraq or Detoilet.

    Nah brah, that's your inbred cousins doing that.

    I'd be happy to have those vintners for neighbors.

    Nice try at projection though.

    Tell you what, let's split the country into integrated zones for you and no-blacks zones for "racists", and see where the crime goes and where the property values are.

  86. Amazons got along pretty well without men, for the most part.

  87. Anonymous6:02 PM

    There are still Greeks, but there aren't any amazons any more.

    If there ever were.  Like St. George and the dragon, they're certainly mostly if not entirely mythical.

  88. Anonymous6:04 PM

    “ I've driven rural Missouri and W. Virginia. The houses didn't have bars on the windows ...”

    No need. Nothing worth stealing there.

    “... and the news didn't have reports of shootings every day like KCMO and St. Louis.”

    I guess the news didn’t bother reporting on all the times Jethro and Cletus shot themselves in the foot. Or the head. Which was every day.

  89. “You cannot have a society without men. If you tried, you'd be taken over by another society that wasn't brain-dead.“

    Any votes for the dumbest post of all time? This should be a leading candidate.😆😂

  90. “Now, show me where you can find the equivalent in Chiraq or Detoilet.“

    Equivalent of what? We have plenty of wineries and all types of entertainment venues you want son. Chicago has world-class museums, great sporting venues, a beautiful lakefront, top notch universities, world renowned orchestras, ect. You got that in rural Missouri?

  91. I’ve also driven through rural Missouri and W. Virginia and the word that comes to mind is shit-hole. Wait, is that one word or two?
    I saw so many toothless, shirtless, drunkass hillbillies. There is NOTHING that I would trade for my Chicago condo. Maybe visit Chicago before making such ignorant comments.


  93. Top things to do in Chicago this weekend. Hey anon, what’s going on in your neck of the woods? Another sister kissing festival?


  95. State of Misery has new law preventing cops from enforcing federal gun statutes. They seem to forget federal law trumps inbred retard magat's imaginations. NRA is dead. So Misery will soon be.

  96. “State of Misery has new law preventing cops from enforcing federal gun statutes.“

    Well we know some of these magats are compensating. 😆😂

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:51 PM

    anonymous said...

    Despite the evidence of city after city which proves that you canNOT have a functional society with a significant number of blacks, you are still too stupid to understand.

    Yes, yes, we know: "you had a good one." But there are way too many bad ones, and they're ruining the USA.

    5:25 PM
    Of what evidence do you speak? You have not posted evidence to support your racist claims. Moreover, every thing you preach runs contrary to behavior of all the Blacks that I know. And calling me stupid does not advance your argument. LOL!

  98. You know, for the 35 years that lived in Oakland, the demographics were about one third Black, and Oakland is just functional enough that so many people want to live there that I can't afford to any more.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    These people are sick.

  100. "Despite the evidence of city after city which proves that you canNOT have a functional society with a significant number of blacks, you are still too stupid to understand."

    Which cities do you speak of? Last I checked the majority of people in this country live in urban areas and they provide the economic engine of the country.

  101. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Arizona black man charged with 1st-degree murder after shooting spree

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. You know, Mitch McConnell was kinda smart when he got the Kentucky state lege to pass a bill specifying that any senator from Kentucky appointed by the state government as a replacement for a Kentucky US senator who can no longer hold that office must be from the same party as the senator they replace.
    Because given that the Kentucky governor is a Democrat, without that bill a whole lot of the country's problems could have been solved with Mr. McConnell's untimely passing, and there are a whole lot of people who are pretty fed up with his bullshit right about now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Which cities do you speak of?

    New Orleans.  St. Louis.  KCMO.  Gary.  Newark.  Detroit.  Camden.  And too many others to list.

    YOU are a plague.

  105. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Looks like a shit-ton of the Jan. 6 "insurrectionists" were Feds.


    To all the racist trolls above who are always posting about black crimes, I give you the above link.
    There are lots more where that comes from, but that's not the issue.

  107. Anonymous said...

    Looks like a shit-ton of the Jan. 6 "insurrectionists" were Feds.

    8:10 AM
    I checked out the above web site and it's all very right-wing. I couldn't find anything there that revealed who founded the site or specifically involved in promoting the site. This is something that I regularly do when exploring a new link.

    From the tone of the articles and the mention of Tucker Carlson in a positive light, I am wondering if RT stands for right turn. LOL! It appears to me that it's all right-wing propaganda. They even have an article complaining about vaccination restrictions at a Bruce Springsteen concert. I guess these people aren't fans of "the boss?"

  108. “New Orleans. St. Louis. KCMO. Gary. Newark. Detroit. Camden. And too many others to list.“

    Try the Essence Fest in N.O. or Jazz Fest. Guaranteed good time. How many of those cities have you actually been?

  109. I forget the name of the area near Busch stadium but great jazz and blues well into the early morning. Great time.

  110. Hey Gambler RT is Russian Television.

  111. PilotX said...

    Hey Gambler RT is Russian Television.

    11:14 AM

    Must be. Thanks!

  112. California nut job Devin Numbnut's family dairy farm in iowa is suing Esquire Magazine over a story about the farm depending on foreign workers. Numbnuts claims it is not true, but family lawyer is trying everything to prevent the foreign workers from revealing their immigrant status to the court for some reason.

    Numbnuts has lost every defamation case in court so far.

  113. So a judge in Texas said that Fergus should pay El Paso the half mil he owes them before he comes for a little visit with the governor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  114. Anonymous4:15 PM

    “I checked out the above web site and it's all very right-wing.”

    RT is Vladimir Putin.

    RT is the rebranded Russia Today, which is a state-owned Russia propaganda outfit. No surprise that it takes Trump-trash political positions in its “news” coverage. Supporting Trump and his movement serves Putin’s interests, as it sows chaos in the U.S. He hates the U.S. for its habit of interfering with Russia’s international bad behavior, so if he can’t actually have Trump running the country into the ground, the next best thing is keeping the U.S. occupied with a stupid internal fight with Trump’s idiot supporters.
