Wednesday, June 09, 2021



I have a confession to make: I am somewhat of a fashion snob. I believe in the old adage that "clothes make the man", and that one's appearance is very important. Especially someone who is in a position of power and who is often in the public spotlight. 

Which brings me to the former guy. Here is a man who claims to be a billionaire, who wears Brioni suits, and yet, when he appears in public, we are left to speculate whether he was wearing his pants backwards for crying out loud. 

For the record, I personally don't believe that the former guy was having a Kris Kross moment, but damn it, why would he put himself in a position to have have social media and late night hosts speculating about his attire ? His loved ones and advisors must not care much for him to have him leave the house with those pants to give a major speech. 

Look, I know that there are more important things going on in the world than the ugly fitting pants of the former guy. But damn it, if conservatives can obsess for weeks over a tan suit Obama wore, it's fair game to play fashion police when it comes to this guy as well. 

MAGA, if you really love your boy, you might want to pitch in for a good tailor. 


  1. Ronald Reagan wore tan suits during his presidency. So did Dwight D. Eisenhower, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

  2. Wow, this guy was the leader of the free world and we have to wonder if he can put on his pants properly. This is how low we’ve sunk as a country.

  3. Also Jamaica vs. USA Sunday. Who you got?πŸ˜†

  4. The negative aura surrounding Mr. Trump is so disgustingly ugly that it doesn't matter what he wears.


  6. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Black Man Shoots At CTA Bus After Being Denied Ride For Not Wearing Mask:

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    President Trump is a Patriot!!

  8. Anonymous11:01 AM


  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Black Man calls Asian NYPD a "Ch*** multiple times at Washington Square Park Protest last night:

  10. TRUMP IS GREAT! at bankrupting businesses, grifting from his followers and lying his ass off about everything under the sun.

    Other than that....not so great.


    Asian American man shoots 6 year old Black kid for riding bike in guy's yard. Charged with attempted murder, released on 10k cash bond.

    Shot sounded like a .22.

  12. Brian Williams commentary of drumpf's pants hoax....

    "One thing we did move on too quickly is the Trump appearance at the North Carolina wingding in this past weekend," confessed Williams. "It was, after all, three nights ago. In part because of social media, which makes TV news types seem thoughtful and reflective — social media went wild over Trump's pants. Maybe with the help of photoshopping the first theory is they were on backward. It is not body shaming as much as it is a straight-up observation that those pants could accommodate a family of four. Here we are distracted again. It was the substance of Trump's remarks and the demeanor in that night's kickoff of the big lie grievance tour that led The New York Times to say that he appeared diminished. And then along came the Lincoln Project with their own takeaway from that very night."

    Love it. His pants could accomodate a family of four. Probably trafficking illegals for mucho pesos.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Teen Stabbed to Death by Black Drifter as She Skated to Mom’s House: Cops:

  14. Anonymous1:17 PM

    bidens border disaster continues. 200k illegal aliens pouring across Americas borders with disease and crime unchecked.

  15. Off Topic.but well worth reading

    Interesting article, proving that much of the violence attributed to BLM was perpetrated by right-wing extremists.

    Right-Wing Militia Plotted 2020 Cop Attacks To Pin On Left

  16. Anonymous said...

    bidens border disaster continues. 200k illegal aliens pouring across Americas borders with disease and crime unchecked.

    1:17 PM
    Better see someone about your delusions, kid.

  17. "bidens border disaster continues. 200k illegal aliens pouring across Americas borders with disease and crime unchecked."

    You mean the evil caravans are back???? Oh no!!!! MS-13 is gonna kill us all!!!!
    These trolls are a scary bunch. Must be exhausting being so paranoid. Could you imagine?

  18. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The left is terrified of Donald Trump!!

  19. 5th grader writes book. How many anonymous trolls here have done that?

    Black excellence!

  20. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Expressway shootings are becoming so common around Chicago that there are now more than 10 a month on average. One of those bullets narrowly missed a northwest suburban man. He spoke exclusively to CBS 2 Political Investigator Dana Kozlov about what saved his life.

  21. Anonymous1:55 PM

  22. donald trump is terrified of Letitia James!


    Wait, the head of the union that endorsed trump has bad things to say about the current president? Stop the presses!!!!!!! Breaking news!!!!!LOL!


    What a group, they supported a failed one term twice impeached soon to be convicted criminal. Brilliance all around.

  25. Word is that Fergus won't let a competent tailor measure him to be properly fitted in the expensive clothes he wears because he is terrified that people will find out what those measurements actually are, and what a blob-like life form he actually is.
    But yeah, his pants were the least important repugnance about his appearance there, and he probably finds all of the attention on them just ducky.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. Anonymous5:50 PM

    It’s not that Fergus doesn’t let anyone measure him to tailor his suits. It’s that he doesn’t trust anyone else’s taste. Being a narcissist, he always insists he knows better than others do about everything because, all joking aside, he really does believe he is a “very stable genius.” Unfortunately, Trump’s personal style is weird and idiosyncratic, and he surrounds himself with yes men who are afraid to tell him he actually looks dumb. It’s a real-life version of the Emperor’s New Clothes story.

    As examples of this, note his absurdly long jackets or the absurdly long waistcoat he wore with his tux or his absurdly long ties. Trump evidently thinks these things make him look powerful or cool, but, in fact, they make him look like a fat little kid whose mama dressed him in his big brother’s clothes.

    It’s ironic that wingnut media spent so much time mocking Obama’s cream suit or his “mom jeans,” even though he dressed in appropriately presidential attire most of the time, and yet they subsequently went on to help elect a circus freak with ill-fitting clothes, a permanent spray-tan, and a dead ferret where his hair should be.

  27. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Black traffic deaths up 23% YoY, despite fewer miles driven:

    All of this is due to the George Floyd effect, de-policing people who need to be policed for their own good.

    So-called "White supremacy" makes blacks safer.  You should embrace it.

  28. "So-called "White supremacy" makes blacks safer. You should embrace it."

    An education would make your life better. You should embrace it.

  29. "All of this is due to the George Floyd effect"

    You mean the toddler effect? We get it.


    Lil Marco is worried, he's starting the "SOCIALIST" B.S. already.

  31. Just like all the rest of the G.E.D. wannabe tough guy crowd I bet he's crying like a little girl right now. LOL!

  32. Great news for environmnt, Keystone XL pipeline owner cancels pipeline. This was the second pipeline taxed with hauling tarsands from Canada to Gulf refineries and then sell the dirty shit overseas. Had no effect on fuel market in America except the shit is next to impossible to clean up as it is more like tar than tar is. It has to be mixed with numerous chemicals and heated just to get it to flow. When it does spill the companies have trade agreements to keep list of chemicals secret. There is no tax for cleanup on this shit because congress decided it is not crude oil.

  33. Anonymous10:01 PM

    If you were hoping that once Trump was gone, the days of federal officials embarrassing our country would be over, I regret to inform you that this is not the case. Louie Gohmert got scared that Marjorie “Space Laser” Greene might steal his title as Dumbest Member of Congress, so he decided to ask a senior forestry department employee if we could fight climate change by moving the moon.

    Next time I travel out of the country, I’m going to have to tell people I’m Canadian.

  34. Never forget that the clown show aspect of Republicanism is a method to keep folks with the wherewithal to stop them from taking them seriously.
    Any professional in the news media who doesn't understand this is by definition incompetent.
    One can only assume that most of those professionals have a keen understanding of the phenomenon, and have to in order to keep their positions as news media professionals.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Another Florida Publix shooting. Three dead, including child and shooter.Better get more guns there, pronto.

  36. Let's talk about black fragility2:36 PM

    A teen prank [pranksters race not mentioned, perhaps for an obvious reason] MADE THE COVER OF MAJOR NEWS OUTLETS.

    Crime of the decade, or at least that’s how it would appear, judging by the media coverage. The year was 2010, the month was March. The 14th of March, to be exact. And Americans who had fooled themselves into thinking that their beloved country was not a racist hellhole of genocidal slavers and KKK madmen were about to receive a mighty wake-up call…amplified by a public address loudspeaker.

    On that March day in Washington Township, N.J., a teenager grabbed the PA microphone at a Walmart and announced, “Attention, Walmart customers: All black people leave the store now,” before running out the front door giggling like an idiot.

    It was the single worst racist atrocity in U.S. history. Manzanar? Bah! Those Japs don’t know what suffering is. In fact, survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre donated reparations money to the blacks who were in the Walmart that day, saying, “What happened to us was a walk in the park in comparison.”

    The Walmart PA incident was given front-page coverage in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and every other major paper in the U.S. It was a leadoff story on every network news show that night. Police spared no expense identifying and arresting the 16-year-old culprit, who was charged with “harassment and bias intimidation,” and Gloucester County Prosecutor Sean Dalton, who held daily press briefings about the matter, assured the media and all of America’s black citizens that justice would be swift and merciless.

    Oddly, the boy’s race was never revealed to the public because, according to Dalton, “it did not factor into the investigation” (take from that what you will).

    Sadly, not everyone in the media was on board with declaring the teen prank worse than slavery. Cole Johnson at Mic condemned Donnell Battie, a black man who was in the store at the time of the prank, for suing Walmart for $1 million because the PA announcement left him with “severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm, resulting in depression, anxiety, anger, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia, anti-social tendencies and loss of enjoyment in life activities.”

    Wow, that’s some mighty fragility there! (Batty Battie’s case was dismissed in 2013.)


  37. Let's talk about black fragility2:38 PM

    And The Christian Science Monitor went further, warning that the hideously disproportionate and outsize amount of media attention given to a stupid prank could lead to years of copycat hoaxes by attention-seekers looking to stir the racial cauldron.

    Perhaps people should’ve listened. But, as noble as The CS Monitor’s attempt to warn against impending disaster might have been, it was like telling retarded children to stop running with scissors.

    Some calamities in life cannot be prevented by good advice.

    In the eleven years since the New Jersey Chainstore Massacre, not a week has gone by without breathless coverage of some new race hoax. Sites like Mic have long given up trying to talk sense into black folks who claim to have suffered debilitating injuries by seeing a rope on the ground or a white sheet on a bed or the swastika they drew themselves on their own dorm-room door or the hate messages from nonexistent Klansmen they emailed to themselves.

    And whites are always expected to recite the same pre-written under-duress hostage statement every time one of those hoaxes occurs: “Whether this particular incident was genuine or not is irrelevant; the fact that it happened and that blacks were emotionally hurt by it proves how racist this nation is and how far we still have to go to become a truly equitable society.”

    Last week, two pranksters drove up to a St. Louis Popeyes and glued a note to the drive-through menu stating: “Effective 6-1-21 … This restaurant is under new management and will reserve the right to refuse service to white people. We apologize for any inconvenience. Signed, general manager, Mason.”

    The manager (who is not “Mason”) explained to local media that the note was a hoax by two random strangers unconnected to the store or anyone who works there. He removed the placard, much to the chagrin of white customers who were taking photos posing next to it for fun. The media reported the story with no outrage, there were no “lessons” that needed to be learned, and no whiteys sued or claimed debilitating injuries from having seen the note (indeed, it was laughed off by whites who were interviewed on the local news).

  38. Why would white people be upset? They hold all the power. The only powerful white man who gets upset about everything and has a hissy fit is ex-president, Donald Trump.

  39. Time for DiFi to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous said...

    Black traffic deaths up 23% YoY, despite fewer miles driven:

    All of this is due to the George Floyd effect, de-policing people who need to be policed for their own good.

    So-called "White supremacy" makes blacks safer. You should embrace it.

    7:37 PM
    You are a typical person who looks at data sets and draws conclusions that are not supported by the data. This report covers the raw numbers and percentages reported regarding the number of traffic fatalities.

    The conclusions you have drawn from it are purely speculation and have no foundation in the facts presented in the article.

  41. “The conclusions you have drawn from it are purely speculation and have no foundation in the facts presented in the article.”

    When has a lack of facts ever slowed down our pet racist trolls?

  42. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Haha. Ken Paxton might lose his law license for his offensively stupid and frivolous "Stop the Steal" lawsuit attempting to subvert the 2020 election and keep Trump in office.

    Finally, some consequences for the scummy lawyers who participated in that assault on democracy and the rule of law.

    Next up: Rudy Giuliani and Sidney "Release the Kraken" Powell.

  43. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Why would white people be upset?

    Because they deserve to be.

    They hold all the power.

    No they don't.  The "(((Hello, fellow white people)))" (who despise and want to exterminate actual Whites) do.

    If you blacks actually cared for your future, you'd repudiate (((their))) program.  But you wn't, because you're too resentful and will harm your only benefactors because you can't measure up to them.

  44. Anonymous11:07 PM

    As long as the skin is covered in the acceptable "MELANIN" everything else about them could be garbage..including their clothing.

    You, on the other hand, could be "dressed to the nines" and show up with triple PHD's and they will still gravitate to garbage as long as the "MELANIN" is the right shade.

    That's what 400 years of brainwashing and indoctrination does.

  45. Anonymous11:18 PM

    First of all with regard to "illegal aliens" everybody knows that the very same folks complaining about them are hiring them to work in their American companies. They are your restaurant workers, maids, vegetable pickers, landscapers, contractors, painters...and the list goes on.

    And all of those same high ranking gov officials complaining about "illegals" know good and goddamn well that if they really wanted to stop the problem they could do it overnight. But they all know that if they did our economy would tank....Who else can they exploit to get the job done? Slavery for blacks is over and white folks NEVER wanted to do the jobs that "illegals" do that's why they forced the slaves to do it.

    Also, my question is What job did any of these illegals TAKE FROM YOU? BLACKS, BROWNS, AND BEIGE PEOPLE ARE NOT sitting next to you at work, in your offices, in your churches or in your schools and if they move in next to put up a For Sale Sign the next day.

    As long as you can keep being duped into believing that they are the will keep y'all from being who the real problem is.

  46. "If you blacks actually cared for your future, you'd repudiate (((their))) program."

    LOL! An avowed racist is giving me advice. No thanks son, like you have my best interests at heart. The nerve of some

  47. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Hey If anyone with even a 4th grade knowledge of science really believed that a world wide pandemic started with some bats in a wet market.....I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Because you will believe anything.

    Haven't scientists been working with biohazard germs and viruses in labs for decades?
    Bringing them in and making them super stronger ... DUUUUUH.

    Now whether deliberate or an accident remains to be seen

    With that being said. Don't hold your breath waiting for anyone to ADMIT it..

    Deny, Deny, Deny.... and accept no responsibility or accountability.

  48. Garland to speak tomorrow about voting rights. He better get his shit together with a quickness. I know he inherited a hard job, but he seemed like a good candidate for it, given his track record of sticking doggedly to the rules in controversial situations like the McVeigh prosecution.
    That was important, but nowhere near as important as cleaning house at the DOJ right now, when we are finding more each day about how Fergus, Sessions, and Barr perverted it for their own interests.
    Without a functional DOJ, federal law is meaningless, like the political norms Fergus repeatedly shat all over with no hard consequences spelled out in black letter law.
    The Obama era "let's look forward" approach will not work this time, and Garland better figure that out before the statute of limitations runs out on the only shot we have at saving the republic.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Anonymous11:36 PM


    When Black men start recognizing that the "slave master" is not going to help save them from themselves, then and only then will they start policing their own communities and stop letting the "little boys" that they created run amok with violence, guns, drive by shootings, drug dealing , littering, loitering, pimping and hoeing.

    Waiting for a government mandate to show that Black Lives Matter may NEVER HAPPEN.
    But taking back Black communities from the juvenile delinquents is something that Black Men do have control over but you never see or hear all hell break loose from them whenever there is "Black on Black Crime."

    Like the saying goes... Ain't Nobody Gonna Respect Ya'll Till You Respect Yourselves..

    There should be an open call to Black Men To Take Back Their Communities From The Black Juvenile Male Thugs That They Gave Birth To.... Stop Leaving Your Job To Your Women!!!!!

  50. "There should be an open call to Black Men To Take Back Their Communities"

    There are numerous organizations and individuals doing this. But thanks for the advice.

  51. Anonymous12:51 AM

    “Haven't scientists been working with biohazard germs and viruses in labs for decades?
    Bringing them in and making them super stronger ... DUUUUUH.”

    I thought COVID wasn’t super strong. You wingnuts have been swearing up and down that lockdowns aren’t necessary, masks aren’t necessary, vaccines aren’t necessary because, hey, guys, it’s only the flu!

    See that kind of hurts your credibility when you try to turn around and sell everyone on your “OMG IT’S THE VIRAL APOCALYPSE AND CHINA CAUSED IT!!!” racist narrative. But what apocalypse? Why are we supposed to get made at the Chinese for infecting us with ... the flu? You said flu.

    You cannot run both made-up conspiracy theories simultaneously, when they are mutually exclusive. That’s how logic works.

    So, um, fuck off.

  52. The Rude Pundit talks about morons losing their shit over critical race theory:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Anonymous said....

    No they don't. The "(((Hello, fellow white people)))" (who despise and want to exterminate actual Whites) do.

    If you blacks actually cared for your future, you'd repudiate (((their))) program. But you wn't, because you're too resentful and will harm your only benefactors because you can't measure up to them.

    10:20 PM
    You post does not make much sense. Are you saying that white people who respect black people have all the power and are trying to exterminate all whites? As a white person, I find that astounding as it would be quite self-defeating. From your writing, is seems you mind is somewhat disturbed and your thinking is illogical.

  54. Barr's DOJ spied on Dems and their families. Should be hundreds of drumpf officials perp walked to the firing squad and shot without trials.

  55. Anonymous said...

    You, on the other hand, could be "dressed to the nines" and show up with triple PHD's and they will still gravitate to garbage as long as the "MELANIN" is the right shade.

    That's what 400 years of brainwashing and indoctrination does.

    11:07 PM
    What the hell? This makes no sense. My guess is that you have never had any relationships with Blacks. I worked under black supervisors for most of my 27 years at a large public university and found them to be more open minded, more supportive, and more practical than my white supervisors.

    Make of that what you will. I think you are blinded by hate and fear. BTW, in case you haven't noticed, I'm a white woman.

  56. Anonymous said...


    When Black men start recognizing that the "slave master" is not going to help save them from themselves, then and only then will they start policing their own communities and stop letting the "little boys" that they created run amok with violence, guns, drive by shootings, drug dealing , littering, loitering, pimping and hoeing.
    Both your analysis and your advice suck, Anon. Why not put your energy into making the country better by working to reduce white-on-white crime?

  57. Anonymous11:57 AM

    We don't need Ilhan Omar to 'clarify' her typically anti-Semitic, anti-American comments

  58. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  59. Anonymous12:00 PM

    "You are a typical person who looks at data sets and draws conclusions that are not supported by the data"

    Mirror Mirror.......

  60. Anonymous said...

    "You are a typical person who looks at data sets and draws conclusions that are not supported by the data"

    Mirror Mirror.......

    12:00 PM
    Yes, take a good look when you do.

  61. Anonymous3:18 PM

    “We don't need Ilhan Omar to 'clarify' her typically anti-Semitic, anti-American comments.”

    Indeed. There is no need for Ilhan Omar to clarify anything. No matter what she says, wingnuts and Islamophobes and reflexive defenders of Israel will twist her words, no matter what she says.

    Liars have a tendency to lie.

  62. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Republican Mark Robinson — NC's first black lieutenant governor — tells GOP members to 'stand up' and fight for freedom in fiery speech

    Republican Mark Robinson, lieutenant governor of North Carolina, delivered a fiery speech at the state's recent GOP convention and told his fellow party members that they all must battle against President Joe Biden and his administration turning America into a "socialist hellhole."

  63. Anonymous3:49 PM

    The MSM is the virus.

  64. “You post does not make much sense”

    And scene!πŸ˜†

  65. Republican Larry Hogan white governor of Maryland says trump is “toxic”.

  66. Anonymous said...

    Republican Mark Robinson, lieutenant governor of North Carolina, delivered a fiery speech at the state's recent GOP convention and told his fellow party members that they all must battle against President Joe Biden and his administration turning America into a "socialist hellhole."
    Well, those of us with half a brain know that not everyone in any group is smart. Even though you may disagree, there are the bright and the not so bright in any group of people.

    Now we know that Mr. Robinson of NC is not in the bright ones.

    3:47 PM

  67. “Now we know that Mr. Robinson of NC is not in the bright ones.“

    He DID say Republican so that’s assumed.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  68. Jason Isbell
    I have a really tough time believing a grown man accidentally masturbated in front of other people. It’s like dude, we’ve all been doing this for decades you gotta have a plan in place by now
    Jason Isbell
    First person to call him Jake Fapper live on CNN I’ll venmo you five hundred bucks

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. MAGA morons are on a rampage against democracy and all who make it work. They need to be dealt with in the most serious ways available by law. Their continuing efforts to overthrow the government may seem clownish, but as I read earlier on Twitter, even a clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Wingnut wackadoodle legislator Mike Nearman opened a locked door to let Trump trash thugs into the Oregon state house building so they could threaten lawmakers over COVID restrictions they didn’t like.

    His colleagues in that esteemed body didn’t appreciate that behavior, so they expelled Nearman from the legislature. This is on top of the criminal charges he is already facing.

    Sometimes, it just doesn’t pay to be a delusional, Trump-worshipping lunatic.

  71. Mile Nearman didn't know that Karma was going to get him so soon.

  72. I don't suppose that anyone bothered to point out to Ms. Tenpenny that keys aren't made of ferrous metals and as such are not attracted to magnets.
    If things are sticking to her, she's either really slimy or sucks so hard that nearby objects slam into her and barometers spontaneously explode in her presence.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. In other news from the who couldn't see this happening, a covid 19 outbreak on first Mediterranean cruise ship. Happy happy joy joy.

  74. Caribe=an cruise, not Mediterranean. My bad. Brings it closer to home.
    Cue up Grand Funk. I'm your captain/ closer to homer.

  75. drumpf's fat ass is still losing millions on overseas golf courses. Some successful businessman he turned out to be.

  76. Question for all ammosexual magats..... why haven't proverbial good guys with guns tamped down any of the millions of mass shootings this weekend? You told America they would do it. Did you lie to us again?

    Disgusting deplorables.

  77. Anonymous11:08 AM

    CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Shows Stunning Increase in Deaths Due to COVID Vaccine
    June 12, 2021 | Sundance | 363 Comments
    According to the VAERS reporting system (within the CDC) there were 5,997 currently reported fatalities in 2021 attributed to vaccinations during the first half of this year.

    Of that 5,997 number: 5,888 are directly attributed to COVID vaccinations.

  78. Elaine, Ark massacre of black men, women and children, Never herad of it until today.

  79. Important context missing from anymoose's comment......

    VAERS limitations
    Because VAERS allows anyone to report possible side effects from vaccines, it includes reports that might or might not be caused by vaccines. VAERS is not designed to identify cause and effect. VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. Some reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

    Also, VAERS is used only for monitoring adverse events. It does not provide medical advice.

  80. 267 mass US shootings as of Saturday. Nice going, NRA.

    ps anyone notice the number of AR-15 platform blowups on Youtube recently? Asking for a friend.

  81. PilotX and other flyers....Northwest iowa needs substantial rainfall. Next time up please gather up clouds and seed them with whatever rain making chemicals you must use once they align oiver Obrien County iowa. Thanks in advance.
    another ps we don't need 90 degree weather to grow spuds of corn.

  82. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Your the dumbass here faggot
    Nigerians don't really earn those degrees
    Liberal colleges are just handing them out
    willy nilly like crazy because of racial quota's
    diversity, inclusion, coddling, pandering, white
    guilt, black privilege, slipping through the cracks
    among other things since the way America is becoming
    and transforming into the new Sub Saharan Africa an
    democrats have black fever and your just angry because
    what I said is true douche an you can't really explain
    it away so all you did was just make up some non sense
    bull crap hoping that there are some blacks that are
    different out there from the rest of them when there
    isn't any moron!

    you've been playing and or watching too much movies, commercials
    games, tv movies, shows that display niggers in impossible careers
    retard an by the way I'm not white so who's ignorant now dumb ass hole
    face it what you said is garbage and you didn't have the answer to my
    (?). oh let me guess you are one of those idiots that actually believe
    that Tulsa, Oklahoma was managed by blacks when in actuality it
    was whites that were the ones responsible for maintaining the
    damn place

    not to mention the people that you love so much are known
    e mail scammers meaning they are notorious for scamming people
    out of their money by using e mail an if you delete this comment
    that just proves me right even more. because you are so easily pissed
    and defending a race of morons that are always trying to find ways
    to cheat, deceive, exploit, lie, vilify an manipulate, influence
    the white man let alone every time blacks don't get and or have
    things their way they pull the race card or if they misconstrued
    the scenario they pull the race card or if they do something that
    is not correct they pull the race card.

  83. "Your the dumbass here faggot"

    This one missed the first rule of insults. When insulting someone's intelligence, don't use incorrect grammar. LOL

    "democrats have black fever and your just angry because"

    Um, yeah. This is a trend.

    "shows that display niggers in impossible careers"

    Give me an example of a career that is impossible.

    "when there
    isn't any moron!"

    Just atrocious. LOL! Why are the ones who can't spell to save their lives and don't even know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE the loudest? Typical.

  84. "Northwest iowa needs substantial rainfall."

    We've got our own little drought going on here in Northern Illinois. NOAA says hotter and drier than normal summer so I think this is just what it is bro.

  85. Anymoose is proudly showing off his degree from drumpf university of business scamming and grifting. Or else he has drumpf U confused with an actual institute of higher learning. BTW,moose, higher learning doesn't mean advanced pot smoking, unless you are a retard.


  87. "Liberal colleges are just handing them out"

    Really? So what explains your lack of a degree since college are just handing them out? I would suggest a degree in English because your screed is an incoherent mess. You would not have been given a degree for that garbage. LOL! That would have earned you an F at any institution.

  88. We ended last year as one of 11 disaster/drought counties in the state. Keep your rain. We can survive without it. Just might mean no veggies from the garden this year.

  89. Bye bye Bibi. Israel's new prime minister and Joe Biden have one thing in common: they were elected by a diverse coalition that doesn't agree on anything except that the former guy has to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Bloviating Ignoramus9:55 PM

    Lindsay The Bitch Graham wears his pants with the zipper in the back too but for a different reason.


    Sorry Field.

  92. Bibi drumpf is claiming fraud in last election. He isn't going anywhere and like drumpf he will cast a shadow of ill repute all over Israel, which deserves it.

  93. Anonymous2:37 PM

    “Bye bye Bibi. Israel's new prime minister and Joe Biden have one thing in common: they were elected by a diverse coalition that doesn't agree on anything except that the former guy has to go.”

    This analogy stretches the truth past the breaking point.

    The Israeli coalition that toppled Bibi extends across the entire political spectrum, from left to right. It includes people far to the right of Bibi himself. The people at opposite ends of this coalition agree on literally nothing, except that Bibi can’t be prime minister.

    The American voter coalition that toppled Trump basically extends from left-left to center-left, and that’s about it. These people have important points of disagreement, but they agree on a lot, actually. By contrast with Israel, Biden got very little right-wing support. There are zero “Nazis against Trump,” and even the center-right “Never Trumper” types are mostly a mirage. Your typical center-right Republican voter may dislike Trump, but voted for him anyway, because they are greedy and selfish and like the tax cuts and deregulation and SCOTUS picks, etc, and were willing to hold their noses and ignore his racism, trade wars, lying, corruption, and extreme incompetence. At best, a few of these people withheld their votes from Trump, but didn’t give them to Biden either.

    I wish there had been this wider-ranging repudiation of Trump. If only.

    Trump should have not only lost, but lost in a landslide. But that didn’t happen. The GOP senators who backed him should have been swept out en masse, as a penalty for failing to stand up to Trump. That didn’t happen, either. Instead, now the Dems are stuck with a razor-thin, 50%-plus-Kamala majority, which leaves them begging Joe Manchin to act in the interests of the nation, rather than his own, so they can get anything at all done.

  94. “which leaves them begging Joe Manchin to act in the interests of the nation“

    Hell, I’d settle for the best interest of his state.

  95. McCTurtlefuckface is at it again, claims he would deny Biden a Scotus nominee if magats regain control of senate. He'd find a way to deny Biden even if not a single magat was in the senate. He is a clewless POS as ever was.

  96. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Not to mention "Dr. Bencarson say's according to him gets highest
    SAT scores in twenty years" uh I hate to break it to this OilFieldExecutive
    bozo but when it comes to niggers everybody or most people know that
    black people are horrible at taking test's and they do very poorly
    at it whether it is an I.Q test, SAT's or any other test for that
    matter they are known to be the very least intelligent when it comes
    to using their brain. that's why they are notoriously known for failing
    in academics their not exactly passing with flying colors

    democrats an niggers including Dr. Bencarson will always
    try to make up narratives that "black people can do it too just like
    white people yellow people, brown people they can be anything they
    want to be if they can just put their mind to it". to bad for them the negro
    brain is limited in that department. you should know by now how the liberal
    media works doesn't matter if its the news paper press, radio, internet
    shows on tv, movie theater, gaming they'll always put liberal propaganda
    displaying negros doing impossible scenarios and getting careers, positions
    that they are not qualified for like that dumb movie Hidden Figures.

  97. "that's why they are notoriously known for failing
    in academics their not exactly passing with flying colors"

    LOL! Pure comedy gold! This illiterate is judging others' intellectual capacities. LOL!

  98. “liberal propaganda
    displaying negros doing impossible scenarios and getting careers, positions
    that they are not qualified for like that dumb movie Hidden Figures“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ This clown is still butthurt about a movie that came out years ago.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ I’m sure NASA named a building after you. What do you do for a living, I mean besides English professor. πŸ˜‚

  99. Anonymous10:58 AM


  100. “TRUMP WON!!“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Yet his dumb ass is in Florida!πŸ˜†

  101. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Lol I'm sorry
    but do you hear yourselves
    these so called (" good black people ")
    are just using you foolish whites. their buttering
    you guys up an trying to be in good graces to white
    people they have done this so many times not to mention
    they've killed people like you who are foolish enough
    to believe in their lies. not to mention this blog is
    a joke this blog is supposed to warn fellow humans
    whether their white, yellow, brown about how bad
    evil black people are Detroit and parts of Atlanta
    Philadelphia, California, Louisiana, Baltimore
    Florida an including, Haiti, Rhodesia, Johannesburg
    proves that with all their looting and rioting from
    the past to modern times fighting & destroying malls,
    fast food restaurants, gas station's, festivals, carnivals
    etc. removing statues, busts, renaming schools an locations
    because the liberals are trying to please them. you are no
    different from liberals.

  102. Anonymous4:54 PM

    No they weren't
    70% or 80% of black families
    were not even close to being intact
    considering Haiti proves that same thing
    with Sub Saharan Africa which both nation
    and continent that are mostly fatherless
    even back in those days there was no difference
    or barely any difference. you make it look an sound
    like they were human which they are not!.

  103. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Their is a major flaw in what you just said
    you think these so called black mothers don't
    have time to take care of their kids that is complete
    BS and you know it there have been plenty of white, yellow
    brown mothers especially white mothers that make time or still
    manage to take care of their kids some how because their dad's
    have passed on or left for no reason what so ever or cheated
    on their wife an got divorced and their kids still turn out
    good, great well the ones that are anyway. but when it
    comes to blacks yeah that's how they really behave
    that's their natural behavior being feral.
