Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Some thoughts.

I just have a few thoughts before I let you get back to you regularly scheduled life.

Remember when riht-wingnuts were trying to tell us all that climate change wasn't a thing and it's all a hoax?

"Record-breaking temperatures have soared well past 100 degrees across the Pacific Northwest, where the area is trapped beneath a blistering "heat dome."

In a region where average temperatures are closer to the 70s this time of year, houses can be seen with blacked-out windows covered with blankets to help with the heat. The area's normally mild summers mean many households don't have air conditioning."

The historic heatwave is bringing with it fears about what could follow over the rest of this summer. "

It's not only the Northwest, the entire country is gripped in a serious heatwave. It's hot as hell (no pun intended) in damn near every state in America right now, and we're still in June. 

Isn't it funny how republicans are outraged about Gwen Berry, but were totally cool with the January 6th insurrectionists? 

"Sen. Tom Cotton is calling for Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry to be removed from the Olympic roster for turning her back on the U.S. flag during the national anthem over the weekend.

“I don’t think it’s too much, when athletes are competing to wear the Stars and Stripes, to compete under the Stars and Stripes in the Olympics, for them to simply honor that flag and our anthem on the medal stand,” the Arkansas Republican and former Army infantry officer told Fox News. “If Ms. Berry is so embarrassed by America, then there’s no reason she needs to compete for our country. She should be removed from the Olympic team.” 

These are the same folks who were down with MAGA rioters beating police officers with the American flag, and storming the capitol of the United States. The former guy's supporters are threatening to start a civil war and this clown is worried about an Olympic hammer thrower exercising her Constitutional right. 

Finally, there is a new imaginary threat to America, and it's called critical race theory. It's funny, because I'm pretty sure that ninety percent of the people crying a river about it have no idea what it is. It's just the latest tool in the right- wing arsenal to create a wedge between the American people and throw red meat to their base. And, as it turns out,  this isn't new. 

In the mid-1960s, in Orange County, California, a consortium of right-wing groups went to war against a textbook. Their ranks included concerned parents, right-wing members of educational societies, and members of the John Birch Society, a far-right extremist group that had risen in prominence by fearmongering about an internal Communist threat in the United States. The textbook in question — "Land of the Free: A History of the United States" — was the work of three progressive historians in response to a 1963 call from the Congress of Racial Equality’s Berkeley chapter to teach more inclusive history in elementary schools. It was a time when the Civil War was almost exclusively taught as a “states' rights” issue, a framing that elided or whitewashed the realities of slavery.

According to historian Elaine Lewinnek, who memorialized the controversy in a 2015 Pacific Historical Review article, "Land of the Free" sought to integrate the struggles and triumphs of minorities throughout U.S. history. Critically, it opened with an admission that the United States had not lived up to its purported ideals from the very beginning, excluding Black people, Native Americans and women from the franchise, and from representation in office for the vast majority of its existence.

Once the book became a mandatory part of the California state public school curriculum, the backlash from right-wing groups was swift and fierce. One John Birch society representative told The New York Times that the book would give white schoolchildren “a guilt complex.” Hundreds of parents aired their grievances to California’s educational authorities, Lewinnek found, protesting at school board meetings. They denounced the book for “stirring up past injustices,” “overrepresenting” Black contributions to American history, and being “unpatriotic” and “communist.” A shadowy extremist group funded a filmstrip attacking the textbook’s lead author, and called their work Education or Indoctrination?

Fifty-four years later, that exact title would be reflected in a headline for the right-wing website The Daily Signal: “Education or Indoctrination? ‘Anti-Racist’ Teaching Sweeps K-12 Schools Targeting ‘Whiteness,'” the site blared in December of 2020." [Link]

Whenever you tell the truth about American history you risk pissing off some folks who would like us to forget the ugly side of it. It's not un-American to tell the truth. It's un-American to run away from it and pretend that aspects of our history that we don't like didn't happen.  

That's all folks. 



  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yeah, I went to school in California in the sixties and seventies and I never saw that book.
    I did well in school, and I don't remember ever being taught about slavery or the civil war.
    Republicans are afraid of the truth being taught because it makes them look bad.
    It makes them look bad because they are bad.
    Perhaps if they sucked less, they would have fewer things to be afraid of, but that's not gonna happen.
    CRT is just one of the latest trigger words the goddamn Republicans use to keep their idiot hordes het up, terrified, voting and donating.
    They don't give a rat's ass about it any more than they do about abortion, and you can confirm that with their mistresses if you like.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Conservatives are such snowflakes. Can’t teach real history because it hurts their fee fees. I mean let’s grow up, we can criticize our country because believe it or not it isn’t perfect. Just a bunch of thin skinned goofballs.

  4. $$ to donuts wingnuts will never say die on climate change denial. Such mass hysteria surely qualifies as some phenomenal mental health pandemic. But with wingnuts there is no psychosis. They live their lives in relative calm unperturbed by the cognitive dissonance that defines them. Just to rub it on the rest of the country, there is a small belt between Los Angeles and the border along the coast that is experiencing the same overcast, moist and cool weather as San Francisco. The humidity is high, but temps are so low that it is downright chilly at night. Daytime highs range from 72-73 degrees. I wish that I had known today was the lowest temps of the week. I would have taken my family to Dripping Springs Nature Area near Temecula and Vail Lake. Thinking of going tomorrow. Highs in the low 80s. Plenty of sun.

    I honestly can't even understand how the "family" can deny the truth of the Capitol insurrection and the accompanying police beatings. Beating fucking cops with clubs? That's madness! Deviltry. The idiot club refuses to acknowledge any problem exists. Guys who have been studying wingnuts for decades are dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it initially. It makes no sense. But there it is. They refuse to watch videos put together by journalists and "lefties" as if somehow the videos are faked? WTF? Just as many believe the whole thing was Antifa. I tried making fun of them. But you just can't get through to them.

    As far as Critical Race Theory... All I can say is way to prove that it should be mandatory for grades seven and above. We are dealing with another pandemic. What do you do when so many people have lost their minds? Can we blame Trump for giving them the final poison draft that destroyed their minds utterly? It's as good a theory as any.

  5. Doug is right. They didn't even really cover the Civil War in public schools.

    I remember one or two textbooks in 1975-1977 that briefly touched upon slavery. They talked about how slaves were auctioned. They talked about runaway slaves, the Fugitive Slave Act and a little bit about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. They mentioned Douglass. And of course Abraham Lincoln and the profound sadness that haunted him as he fought to preserve the union. These were brand new editions. They included drawings and reproductions of posters depicting slaves and auctions. But the first time most people saw anything that really taught the story was Alex Haley's Roots. Even Roots didn't go very far in depicting abject suffering and cruelty. For decades we were told to read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Seriously.

    I think I learned more about slavery studying the music of the slaves in college, 1978-1984.

  6. This is the textbook from the class taught by Cecil Lytle in 1982. It was first published in 1977.

    Sinful Tunes and Spirituals.

    I was there for the great black awakening of the UCSD Music Department. That year we brought in pianist and scholar, Cecil Lytle to be our department head. Because it was his first year, I had the joy of taking two classes from the great man himself as an undergrad. Soon he brought in some black faculty. I enjoyed a great class about jazz taught by trombonist Jimmy Cheatham. After he led a fun concert by some faculty guys that could still show off some chops and his wife on Fender Rhodes and vocals in the Muir Quad, UCSD was never the same. They even played A Night in Tunisia. You should have seen those old professors playing their asses off. lolz. Jeannie Cheatham sang a raunchy blues that had everybody on the edge of their seats. We even got a visit from Ed Bland to tell us about the music business. At this time the only university in the country that had a jazz curriculum was North Texas University.

  7. On a different note, South Dakota's drumpf imitating guv hired out 50 National Guard troops to Texas for an undisclosed contribution from Tennessee billionaire Willis johnson, because he and she think Biden is an idiot.

    Guns for hire. Not a good idea, but Noem is a freaking moron magat with shit fer brains and she whines just as drumpf did/does.

  8. Nothing has changed.... https://www.rawstory.com/watch-florida-man-arrested-after-threatening-innocent-black-family-at-gunpoint-i-will-you-n/

  9. Wonder if Inhoff will show up on the senate floor with a snowball.


  10. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Critics of the defund the police movement in Oakland, California, are highlighting a recent attempted robbery as the perfect example of what inevitably happens when a local government decides to slash its police budget.
    What happened?
    On Monday, a local Bay Area news crew, KNTV-TV, was interviewing Oakland's violence prevention director on the steps of City Hall when a pair of armed robbers approached the group with guns and attempted to steal the camera equipment.

    According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a scuffle ensued during the attempted robbery before a security officer brandished a firearm and drove the would-be burglars away.

    Only days earlier, Oakland's City Council voted to reallocate $18 million of police funding to community violence prevention programs. The bulk of that money will now go to the Department of Violence Prevention, a group that reportedly aims to counter violence in the city by sending out "civilian violence interrupters and life coaches."

    A spokesperson for KNTV-TV later confirmed the incident to the Chronicle.

    "Our colleagues were conducting an interview at Oakland City Hall when they were approached by two armed individuals," said Liza Catalan, a spokeswoman for the station. "Thankfully our colleagues are safe and unharmed."

    The suspects fled without any equipment and no injuries were reported, but given the irony of the situation, news of the incident quickly spread online.

    What are people saying?
    After the Oakland Police Officers' Association shared the story on Facebook, several followers derided the city's defund the police campaign by posting snarky remarks in the comments section. Such comments included:

    "Irony defined......"
    Liberal stupidity at its finest."
    "This kind of liberal stupidity has failed miserably every place implemented. They should be adding 18 million to the police budget."
    "Would have been a great opportunity for Mr. Cespedes to jump in and demonstrate how to handle a situation like this rather than relying on an armed security guard."
    "Officers eligible for retirement nows the time. Current officers go work for an agency where the government supports its police!"

  11. There was a 350 billion package of funds available for cities to use to hire more police, buy equipment, etc. and not a single magat in the house or senate voted in favor of it.

  12. "Critical race theory" has something in common with the "theory of evolution." Both are bolstered by some many facts, facts, facts as to remind us that "theory" doesn't necessarily mean "unproven," merely an overarching reality that aligns with overwhelming proof. And as to white kids developing guilt complexes? To worry about that is not to understand kids. They are reading about the world YOU made, not one that THEY had anything to do with. It takes two uptight parents to make the kid IDENTIFY with CAUSING the horrors of the past, and even then the kid'll only likely feel angry about being blamed! Just teach facts, and go light on the really gory parts until high school.

  13. “The suspects fled without any equipment and no injuries were reported, but given the irony of the situation, news of the incident quickly spread online.“

    And no cops around, a security guard saved the day. Sooooooo why fund folks that disn’t even help? 😆😂 While there is a small chance this went down as reported I smell a slight whiff of BS.

  14. Something interesting on PBS this morning...


    The judge, James Patrick Hanlon, was appointed by Donald Trump. I think this goes to show that judges' decisions are frequently unpredictable by party affiliation.

  15. Anonymous at 12:54 PM

    This incident proves nothing. In order to discover if a new method of policing is at all effective is necessary to track the incidents over time and to compare the results to a previous time period. Even this method has serious limitations because correlation does not prove causation. You are indulging in a common false logic called hasty generalization.

  16. Rummy bit the big one. This might be a good day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. Break out the jello pudding pops I guess?🤷🏾‍♂️


  18. Chester White pigs in South Carolina beat the shit out of two Black bros and apparently lied about it. Gas station camera footage shows the pigs account was full of inaccuracies.


  19. https://www.theroot.com/what-if-white-people-are-wrong-1847173259

  20. CRT? PC? BLM? Why is the far-wrong far-right afraid of cathode ray tubes, personal computers, and the Bureau of Land Management?

  21. I think this goes to show that judges' decisions are frequently unpredictable by party affiliation.

    I'd like to find some decisions from the 5th circuit court of appeals (New Orleans) which is the most conservative of the courts and includes a number of drumpf appointees who apparently have had no judicial experiences and their decisions are written so poorly they hornswoggle a bowl of pretzels with twists and turns.

  22. True, Mike. But I didn't say all. I try not to use an absolutes when referring to human behavior. After all, my degrees are in psychology. LOL!

  23. “CRT? PC? BLM? Why is the far-wrong far-right afraid of cathode ray tubes, personal computers, and the Bureau of Land Management?“


  24. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "Critical race theory" has something in common with the "theory of evolution."

    They are precise opposites.  Evolution by natural selection assumes a change in the distribution of inherent traits.  Critical "theory" assumes that there's NO SUCH THING as inherent traits, only miasmas like "structural", "cultural" and "implicit" racism.

    In Critical Race "theory", you are not allowed to consider inherent traits such as IQ, impulse control and propensity to violence and other crime.  You are not allowed to consider differences in conscientiousness and empathy.

    Both are bolstered by some many facts, facts, facts as to remind us that "theory" doesn't necessarily mean "unproven," merely an overarching reality that aligns with overwhelming proof.

    There's overwhelming proof that CRT is simply Maoist class war with class replaced by race.  A survivor of Mao's Cultural Revolution was kind enough to point this out at a Loudoun county school board meeting.

    And as to white kids developing guilt complexes? To worry about that is not to understand kids. They are reading about the world YOU made, not one that THEY had anything to do with.

    Ah, but they do when so much is attributed to "Whiteness".  Actually, when anything is.

    It takes two uptight parents to make the kid IDENTIFY with CAUSING the horrors of the past

    Like the horrors of Reconstruction?  The Knoxville Horror?  The Wichita Massacre?  Louis Till's (Emmet's father) rapes and murders of Italian women after the surrender of Italy?  The same pattern of rapes and murders which led to the Cave of the Negroes in post-war Japan?

    YOU no doubt identify the responses which ended these things or brought perps to justice as "racism".

    and even then the kid'll only likely feel angry about being blamed! Just teach facts

    Facts like "White supremacy" has nothing to do with Africans killing each other every day in Chimpcongo.  It's the nature of you beasts.

  25. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/06/30/trump-organization-and-its-cfo-indicted-by-manhattan-grand-jury-report-says.html

    Get ready for the talking points.😆😂 trump criminal organization indicted. Who saw THAT coming.

  26. Bipartisan committee to investigate capitol chimpout.


  27. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "Get ready for the talking points.😆😂 trump criminal organization indicted. Who saw THAT coming."

    Trump For Prison 2022

  28. From one of my faves, Paul Butler a Chicago guy.


  29. “Trump For Prison 2022“


  30. anonymous said...

    Facts like "White supremacy" has nothing to do with Africans killing each other every day in Chimpcongo. It's the nature of you beasts.

    11:11 PM
    Where do you anonymous troll get all this bull shit? Pleas don't tell me you are smart enough to make it up.

  31. Person, woman, man, camera, TV.

    Guess I’m a stable genius too.😆😂

  32. “Where do you anonymous troll get all this bull shit? Pleas don't tell me you are smart enough to make it up.“

    Yeah, it would be interesting to know this troll’s academic background. My bet is maybe high school grad. Maybe.😆😂

  33. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Pleas [sic] don't tell me you are smart enough to make it up.

    Your plea is denied.  I wrote it off the top of my head, which is obviously way more than your senile leftism-indoctrinated brain can encompass.

  34. No fair remembering stuff:

    Blue Girl (Vaccinated, Antifascist)BGinKC
    The right's all up-in-arms & screaming about "Critical Race Theory" - even though it's only taught in a few law schools & sometimes mentioned in a few upper division sociology couses.

    Maybe the left should start screaming about the Federalist Society influence in law schools.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. “Your plea is denied. I wrote it off the top of my head, which is obviously way more than your senile leftism-indoctrinated brain can encompass.“

    😆😂 Yet not smart enough to create a screen name. Hey, what’s your level of education and what do you do for a living?

  36. “Maybe the left should start screaming about the Federalist Society influence in law schools.“

    Or maybe we should start screaming about Republicans insisting on “conservative” judges instead of “fair” judges.

  37. “even though it's only taught in a few law schools & sometimes mentioned in a few upper division sociology courses.“

    So you’re saying it’s highly unlikely anon knows anything about it?

  38. Fourth worst president ever. I was thinking the worst but hey.🤷🏾‍♂️


  39. Anonymous3:01 AM

    "I wrote it off the top of my head"

    Who wants to be the first to nominate this piece of brilliance for the Pulitzer?

  40. Anonymous8:17 AM

    With regard to critical race theory:

    The owners of the pen A.K.A. "white owned and operated book publishing companies" always get to write their own history. And when you write your own history you get to paint yourself as an angel and every other culture as "SAVAGES."

    History books have always been filled with lies, distortions and omissions. They have always been falsely written to make it appear that Europeans are the only ones with a "civilization" and that civilization began in Europe and that every other culture (especially Black Africans) are savages and ignorant. This is the narrative that the "dominant culture" would like everyone (especially their own kind) to believe. Because it allows them to raise their children to show black and browns folks no HUMANITY and to think of blacks and browns as "less than animals."
    Remember, the brain is a very easy tool to manipulate.

    Science, math, medicine and art all began in Black Africa and Asia. Hell, the Egyptians invented geometry, and fractions (NOT EUCLID). And Egyptians and other Africans invented surgery, brain surgery, embalming and anesthesia....

    While Europeans were still living in caves (because they didn't know how to build their own homes) and eating raw food because they didn't make the connection that you could cook using fire. The fact is that ASIA and AFRICA have always had a rich civilization and a rich culture.

    When Europeans began to travel the world on their boats, (and couldn't even use a compass correctly) it didn't take long for them to realize that THEY are the true minority and THEY had no culture of their own. And so began the "all out mission to lie, and distort and re-write history." Marco Polo wrote of how civilized and advanced the Asians are, and the jealousy of other explorers caused them to destroy the full lips and noses of the Egyptian Sphinxes because they were jealous that Africans possessed so much knowledge.

    What most people don't know is that Europeans have always stolen from Asia and Africa to "create a culture" where they didn't have their own. Hell, look at any map. Europe really didn't even have their own continent. They created one. Their "continent" is really a part of Asia. Hence the name "EurAsia."

    Llies, distortions, omissions and the re-writing of history to suit a racist agenda has been allowed to continue for centuries.

    It was only after years of protest that "some" history books began to devote a paragraph or two to Black history (and only to say that slaves came her without a skill, or a culture and without any intelligence and that they would be nothing and no one without the white master). More lies that they would like everyone to believe.

    You even have white teachers telling elementary, and middle school students in history classes that the slaves were "happy because they sang and danced."

    In short, not many who are guilty of atrocities against others are willing to point an accusatory finger at themselves.

    The cell phone and the electronic media make it harder and harder to keep the racist agenda perpetuated. In order for the "dominant culture " to remain in power they can't afford to have too many whites sympathizing with the Black struggle in America. If too many of them begin to believe that "BLACK LIVES MATTER" just as much as white lives have always mattered, then they believe they will lose the power to dominate and oppress.

    When most people that don't play fairly in the first place are losing a fight they will do anything to win... "Don't teach the little white kids about slavery in America. We can't have our young ones knowing about that. It might end racism in America and we can't afford to lose our power. It took us 400 years to build this empire and we aint' about to give it up without a FIGHT."

  41. Anonymous8:32 AM

    RE: Isn't it funny how republicans are outraged about Gwen Berry, but were totally cool with the January 6th insurrectionists?

    This young lady exercised her rights as an American citizen in a "peaceful" way and did not hurt anyone.

    The inusrrectionists had "MURDER" "SEEK AND DESTROY" on their agenda. They murdered a police officer, caused one to commit suicide and put other police officers in the hospital

    The republicans say that they are for the police and law and order but give the insurrectionists a PASS when they murdered the police and destroyed the capitol.


    I guarantee you that when the white history book publishers write the story they will make the riot look like a peaceful protest and slavery in America will look like a "relief effort to help those poor black folks escape from Africa."

  42. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "Sen. Tom COTTON is calling for Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry to be removed from the Olympic roster for turning her back on the U.S. flag during the national anthem over the weekend.

    Maybe that senator needs to be removed from his office and shipped down south to a former slave plantation to " pick some COTTON."

  43. Anonymous8:46 AM

    "Sen. Tom Cotton is calling for Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry to be removed from the Olympic roster for turning her back on the U.S. flag during the national anthem over the weekend.


    Isn't it interesting how
    the 'OPPRESSOR" always wants to "DICTATE"
    the "WHERE" the "HOW" and the "WHEN"
    THE "OPPRESSED" should voice their opposition to being "OPPRESSED."

    ...That's the audacity of "White Male Privilege."

  44. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Yet not smart enough to create a screen name.

    Oh, got TONS of them.  But I only use them when and as appropriate; otherwise, I force you to respond to my CONTENT.

    Some of my screen names obviously leave you flabbergasted, as you almost never dare to reply to what's posted under them.

  45. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The owners of the pen A.K.A. "white owned and operated book publishing companies" always get to write their own history.

    You mean JEWISH owned and operated.  Ever wonder why The Narrative never explains why the Jews have been kicked out of 110 countries so far, Yemen being the most recent?

    And when you write your own history you get to paint yourself as an angel and every other culture as "SAVAGES."

    Show me a book which lists their crimes.  There's a laundry list of their promotions of degeneracy and conflict, Fooled'd blog here being a sterling example.  But no such book can be published.

  46. Gambler, all those lifetime judicial appointments went not to adherents of the constitution, but, to adherents of drumpfism. Every niow and then one wakes up and remembers their oath to protect, not annihilate, the constitution. That explains some of their decisions to deny drumpf's outright lies about winning the election.

  47. You people are insane10:04 AM

    Science, math, medicine and art all began in Black Africa and Asia.

    Science and math, where writing had not been invented?  HAH!

    And no, the ancient Egyptians were not Babuntus.  They were Europeans, particularly the upper classes (the ones which did the science and math and medicine and astronomy and everything else).  The Ptolemy's were Greek, for fuck's sake.

  48. Anonymous10:18 AM



  49. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "vaccine" = dead man walking

  50. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Its getting hot this weekend......you know what that means ........

  51. You people are insane12:06 PM


    What makes you think that MODERN Egyptians have much in common with ANCIENT Egyptians?

    They don't.


    "Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times."


    "This suggests that the invading peoples from Nubia and Rome didn’t significantly intermix with the ancient Egyptians during the centuries before the year 0 AD—but that sometime since, a mass influx of African genes entered the Egyptian population."

    It should be no surprise that Egypt's civilization was well past its peak by 1000 BCE, and it's a shithole today.  Blacks ruin everything.

  52. Scotus is rewriting the voting rights act to allow discrimination against minorities because they want to protect fragile wasicu egos who are slowly being kicked out of majority status.


    6-3 party line vote to allow Arizona to discriminate against minority voiters.

  53. “I force you to respond to my CONTENT.“

    😆😂 Content huh.

    “Oh, got TONS of them.“

    Yup, you don’t remain consistent because you know when you’re obviously outed for the incorrect info you switch to another name. We know the game you youngins play, don’t act like you’re some super genius. BTW, what is your level of education and what do you do for a living?

  54. Let the games begin.


  55. Pelosi names 7 Dems and Liz Cheney to January 5th elect Committee. Let the magats howl about partisanship. Their only offers to contribute to committge were the same ones that have tried to disrupt every hearing Dems have held, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, etc.

  56. “Their only offers to contribute to committge were the same ones that have tried to disrupt every hearing Dems have held, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, etc.“

    Republicans are not a serious party. The evidence is quite clear.

  57. Anonymous2:16 PM

    It is most obvious that a large segment of the population believes that when it comes to the US Constitution and Racism....that the Constitution takes "SECOND PLACE."

    Let me break it down for you.

    When it comes to how the "non-whites" are handled and treated over in America (including all those hispanics who worship the great white father, aspire to be white and are hoping to be accepted into whitedom) They all need to remember the following:

    "KEEPING RACISM ALIVE 'TRUMPS' THE CONSTITUTION." ...literally and figuratively.

    ...Remember folks...The Constitution was never written with "people of color in mind."
    Duuuh. Any rights that people of color get in America had to be fought for. And the minute their backs are turned anything that people of color achieved gets taken away with the "sweep of a pen."

    When will ya'll ever learn?

  58. I'm an atheist, but this is funny:

    Tom Scocca @tomscocca
    You go to Hell with the soul you have, not the soul you might want or wish to have at a later time

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Weaselberg and the Fergus Organization are in a heap of trouble.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "Scotus is rewriting the voting rights act to allow discrimination against minorities because they want to protect fragile wasicu egos who are slowly being kicked out of majority status."

    SCOTUS apparently thinks it's fine to deliberately create an obstacle course to make it harder for brown people to vote. As long as you don't come out and explicitly tell them, "No, colored folks, this whole voting business is not for you," that's good enough to satisfy the Voting Rights Act.

    In other news, Joe Manchin is still unbothered.

  61. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Does anyone really think that the previous POTUS will be charged or indicted with anything?
    The answer is "Hell NO."

    He has been playing the "Catch Me If You Can!" game.
    So far, he''s been winning.

    I'm betting that the same thing happens again. Someone else will be the fall guy but not the ex POTUS.

    He has nothing to worry about.

  62. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "He has been playing the 'Catch Me If You Can!' game.
    So far, he''s been winning."

    Prior to his presidency, he got away with it because, like the classic bully he is, he picked on people weaker than him.

    During his presidency, he got away with it because he had cash and prizes and pardons to hand out to keep his henchmen loyal.

    But neither of those things are true anymore, so, yes, I do think he's in trouble. Trump is arrogant and stupid enough to thing his misdeeds won't catch up with him. I wouldn't count on it, though. Even the Republicans will abandon him, once they've found their new, replacement Trump. That party isn't short or racists and thugs and they'll easily find someone equally scummy to be their standard-bearer for 2024.

  63. Great lament for Rummy, Doug. Thanks.

    Scotus has allowed states to keep tossing more roadblocks in front of women seeking to exercise their constitutional right to self determine their reproductive health. Then they claim no matter what states do, there is no undue burden great enough a woman can't overcome on her own.

  64. Anonymous7:06 PM

    We know the game you youngins play, don’t act like you’re some super genius.

    It wasn't long ago that an airline pilot my age would have been mandatorially retired already.

    BTW, what is your level of education

    BSc, which I completed in 7 semesters.  I didn't go on to grad school because I had senioritis and wanted to go out and do things.

    what do you do for a living?

    I watch my retirement accounts get bigger as the stock market keeps going to ridiculous heights.  Working on a book.

  65. "Working on a book."


    You are an educated man of a certain age, why the games? Pick a screen name and stand by your words.

  66. Why would Republicans vote against the 1/6 commission? Don't they want to prove ANTIFA, the FBI and BLM were really responsible? One would think so.

  67. Anonymous9:19 PM

    You are an educated man of a certain age, why the games?

    They aren't games.  They're necessary countermeasures to your behavior.

  68. "They're necessary countermeasures to your behavior."

    Really? How so?

  69. Republicans surpressing free thought. Shocking huh?


  70. Fifteen felony counts brought against Weaselberg and Fergus Org. with mention of an unindicted coconspirator in a fifteen year scheme to avoid taxes that kinda resembles the NYT reporting about Ivanka last year.
    Grand jury still seated, meeting three times a week until the end of the year, so likely more to come.
    Fergus still thinks he's untouchable, but he may find out different.
    Perhaps his anxiety was a factor in his revelation that he has made his decision about 2024?
    Or more likely he's just freaking out about his waning media status and needed a hit of the attention he's addicted to.

    The NYT video chronicling the details of the 1/6 attack is an excellent piece of journalism.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. to our trolls who persist in telling us how terrible Blacks are...

    "Wyoming Man Accused of Using Blowtorch in Killing of 2-Year-Old Boy"


    The suspect appears to be a white man.

  72. "Wyoming Man Accused of Using Blowtorch in Killing of 2-Year-Old Boy"

    Doesn't matter, I'm a savage but that guy is a-ok. Weird bunch aren't they? And this guy is a Boomer.

  73. Anonymous12:16 AM

    "to our trolls who persist in telling us how terrible Blacks are...

    "Wyoming Man Accused of Using Blowtorch in Killing of 2-Year-Old Boy""

    Only doing what a black woman did to White boy Jonathan Foster 8 years ago:


    Given that there are 5x as many Whites in the USA as blacks, what does the fact that a black woman got THAT particular first tell us about black propensity to horrific acts?

  74. Only doing what Rummy&W did to a half million innocent Iraqis and a few thousand of our own soldiers. Plenty of burnt up babies in that 100% white guy joint.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. Ammon Bundy finally got convicted of something. Don't know whether he's still running for governor of Idaho or not, but that's where they finally convicted him of misdemeanor stupidity.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. "what does the fact that a black woman got THAT particular first tell us about black propensity to horrific acts?"

    Fuck out of here. White have been lynching, tearing off body parts and burning people alive in this country for centuries. All the horrific shot your type has been doing and you wanna pawn that off on us? No wonder you don't use a screen name, it's way too easy to refute your nonsense.


  77. Anon Boomer is ok with baby rape too I guess. He'll try to find some weird way of blaming negroes somehow. My suggestion is Old Weird Boomer for his screen name.


  78. Parents beat 5 year old son to death. This is ok too right OWB? It's negroes fault right? I guess that personal responsibility you claim only whites have must have passed you by. Kind sick you justify burning a two year old to death. On second thought, don't create a name because no one here wants anything to do with your sick ass.


  79. Has trump gone to Florida to throw paper towels yet?

  80. Anonymous @11:11 p.m.:

    "...It's the nature of you beasts."

    Oh, I've been mistaken for a Black person! Me, all pale and straight-haired. Maybe it's just inconceivable that a white reader should be able to see huge mountains of evidence behind all the defense mechanisms. Or admit that our own shit stinks. Or that a white reader follows one of THEIR bloggers. A traitor! that's what I must be.

    It's called following the truth wherever it leads. As to your objections to my comments, they're not worth untangling. What a mess.

  81. My hair is generally straight, but on either side of my face the hair grows down to about eye level then has a natural, graceful outward/upward curl that looks like musk ox horns without the boss.

    Still have a full head of hair even though I am pushing 70. Some sibs were follically(sp) challenged.

  82. Anonymous11:29 AM

    32 shot, 4 fatally, Thursday in Chicago.....Black on Black violence continues unabated

  83. "Oh, I've been mistaken for a Black person!"

    He used the term beast, I'm pretty sure he doesn't use that term to refer to Blah people.

  84. Anonymous11:49 AM

    CRT is total bullshit and Marxist propaganda!!

  85. Anonymous11:51 AM

    CHICAGO Week in Progress (6/27 – 7/3 2021)
    Shot & Killed: 10
    Shot & Wounded: 100
    Total Shot: 110
    Total Homicides: 11

    82.6% Black

    13.0% Hispanic
    4.3% White/Other

  86. "CRT is total bullshit and Marxist propaganda!!"

    CRT is taught in law school and in post graduate classes so you would have zero experience with it grampa. Usually unemployed Boomers working on "writing a book" have no opinions on academic endeavors. LOL!

  87. https://www.timeout.com/chicago/things-to-do/best-things-to-do-this-weekend-in-chicago

    Chicago will be full of things to do this weekend. What is there to do out there in the woods in your trailer park? I mean other than diddle your sister and "accidently" shoot yourself?

  88. East Bay is pig-latin for beast, which is what my email address means: "D in the beast."
    Our cat, on the other hand, is black, and his name is Littlebeast, for much the same reason. We got him in Richmond.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. What do cathode ray tubes have to do with Marxism? You're getting so lazy with the trigger words you don't understand that you don't even bother spelling them any more.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. "You're getting so lazy with the trigger words you don't understand that you don't even bother spelling them any more."

    They've been programmed really well. They don't understand socialism or communism but if Marjorie Taylor Greene tells them that's what it is then goshdarnit that's what it is.

  91. Ohio wasicu police chief resigns after being aught placing a KKK sign and white robe and hood on Black officer's desk.


    Bet he'll claim there ain't a racist bone in his body.

  92. Nevada co pisses people off by renaming street in front of high school Pres. drumpf way.

    It automatically becomes the worst road ever in Nevada.

  93. Anonymous6:11 PM

    "CRT is taught in law school and in post graduate classes"

    It shouldn't be, its still Marxist propaganda and hence: NOT LEGITIMATE.

  94. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Bidens border crisis still out of control. Illegal aliens infected with Covid-19, small pox, pneumonia, whooping cough and other contagious diseases STREAM across the border.

    No safety or security under the current Marxist administration .

  95. White Chicago pig went to a domestic violence call and saw a Black man with a gun drawn confronting a Black woman. Pig drew his gun and then proceeded to turn tail, with gun in hand, and abandon woman to the armed Black guy. later SWAT team went in and arrested subject without anyone being hurt. Not sure but I believe the cop was hired as an attorney for drumpf. He seemed qualified for that job.

  96. No safety or security under the current Marxist administration. Total magat bullshit.

    drumpf refused to deal with asylum seekers according to treaty signed by our gubmint. There is no such thing as an illegal alien. And drumpf's refusal to take pandemic seriously for months cost hundreds of thousands of American citizens their lives and health. Forcing all these asylum seekers into crowded habitats allows for diseases to spread like drumpf's lies.

  97. “It shouldn't be, its still Marxist propaganda and hence: NOT LEGITIMATE.“

    How would you know? You never went to law school not grad school. Pure speculation.

  98. https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2021/07/sheffield-lake-police-chief-resigns-after-putting-ku-klux-klan-sign-on-black-officers-desk.html

    They've got him on video!

  99. Anonymous said...
    No safety or security under the current Marxist administration .

    6:14 PM

    And the sky is falling! LOL!

  100. Doug in the East Bay...

    Well blow me down.

    I always thought it was a great handle. Din the Beast! Don't kill it. Just din it with your sword. So it turns tail and whimpers away to nurse it's wounds. lolz

  101. So the ocean caught fire in the gulf of Mexico, but they say they put it out, so there's that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. You people are insane7:24 AM

    There is no such thing as an illegal alien.

    Non-citizens are aliens.

    Some aliens are legally present; some are tourists, some are students, some are on temporary work visas, some are permanent residents.

    A non-citizen who enters illegally or overstays a visa is an illegal alien.  This is a category written into law.

  103. Republicans are insane and afraid of everything.


  104. “And the sky is falling! LOL!“

    There’s always something to be afraid of in the small conservative mind.😆

  105. You people are insane is full of shit, like usual. Illegal is used to describe the actions, not the person.

    Anyone who crosses the border into America has not committed a criminal act until determined by trial.

    The biggest criminals having to do with immigration was drumpf's administration illegally forcing legal asylum seekers out of the country before their hearings, against US asylum laws.

    Illegal alien is certainly not a federal term.


    People cannot be illegal, tool!

  106. You people are insane11:05 AM

    Illegal is used to describe the actions, not the person.

    Illegal is a description of status.

    "There are resident aliens officially permitted to live in the country and illegal aliens who have sneaked into the country or stayed beyond the time allowed on a visa."


    Unlawful entry into the US is a crime.

    "(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

    Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

    (b) Improper time or place; civil penalties
    Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
    (1) at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or
    (2) twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.

    Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed."


    Illegal alien is certainly not a federal term.

    8 U.S.C. § 1252c - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 8. Aliens and Nationality § 1252c. Authorizing State and local law enforcement officials to arrest and detain certain illegal aliens


    There it is, in black and white straight from the horse's mouth... and you'll probably still be denying it after this.  That's what insanity does, it cuts the bonds between thought and truth.

  107. Anonymous11:16 AM

    4 MURDERED - 28 SHOT & WOUNDED in the past 24 hours in BLACK CRIME PLAGUED CHICAGO - McEnany slams Chicago Clown Mayor Lori Lightfoot: Where is Children’s Lives Matter?

  108. Anonymous11:19 AM

    You never went to law school not grad school. Pure speculation.

    7:10 PM

    Don't give up that link card and EBT to become a profiler......giggle!!

  109. So you found the derogatory term used once. BFD. Doesn't explain how a person can be illegal. Like I said, illegal describes the actions, not the person. And Biden is/has changed to a more accurate and acceptable term for these immigrants.

    So you are still batting zero.

  110. “Don't give up that link card and EBT to become a profiler......giggle!!“

    May wanna look in the mirror on that one bro. And what grown man giggles? I think we need to be scared of this one.😆

  111. “That's what insanity does, it cuts the bonds between thought and truth.“

    It absolutely does just like when GOP politicians call the January 6 chimpout a normal day.🤷🏾‍♂️

  112. Facts, Democratic voters tend to be more educated.


  113. Fixed it for you1:39 PM

    Democrat voters tend to be more indoctrinated.

  114. “Democrat voters tend to be more indoctrinated“

    But not dumb enough to attack the Capitol and go to jail for a moron like a moron.🤷🏾‍♂️

  115. Anonymous2:58 PM

    That's because when BLM and Antifa attack the capitol or the inaugeration or anything else, the corrupt judges drop charges.

  116. “That's because when BLM and Antifa attack the capitol or the inaugeration or anything else, the corrupt judges drop charges.“

    😆😂 Yeah sure, it was BLM. There were sooooooooo many sistas and brothas storming the Capitol. Quick question, can you point me to an article in which a BLM or Antifa activist was arrested for storming the capitol? Thanks. I mean you unindictrinated genius Republicans should be able to prove what you say.

  117. All but two charges are against proud boys or oath keepers. Oh yeah, that’s right the corrupt judges are covering for Antifa and BLM.😆😂


  118. https://www.npr.org/2021/03/02/972564176/antifa-didnt-storm-the-capitol-just-ask-the-rioters

  119. So Massachusetts cops roll up on some heavily armed meatheads off for militia training in another state who apparently ran out of gas on the way. The meatheads were not compliant at first and tried to escape into the woods, unsuccessfully.
    Now this kind of thing happens on a regular basis all over the country, and we've become so used to it that nothing ever happens to the meatheads, see also Bundy, Cliven, Ammon et al.
    But as these Rhode Island meatheads in distress in Massachusetts were Black, the cops freaked right out and brought in the armored vehicles and paramilitary reinforcements.
    Shouldn't we have some sort of standardized meathead response criteria or something? I mean there are currently lots and lots of heavily armed meatheads, so the cops have had lots and lots of practice at dealing with them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Fake Noize provides magats with daily talking points, but Dems are the indoctrinated ones. Fucking moron.

  121. New York judge says a bunch of offensive racist shit to a defendant, so a four judge panel just removed ten years from his sentence, struck the "repeat offender" designation from his record, and are currently digging through hella more of the judges' rulings to see what other skeevy shit he pulled that they might have to address.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. Somebody get me an auger. I'll inaugerate that lil sumbitch.

  123. Anonymous3:43 PM

    “That's because when BLM and Antifa attack the capitol or the inaugeration or anything else, the corrupt judges drop charges.”

    “They’re All In On It,” part 57,953.

    The nice people in the white coats might want to check the dosage of your meds. Your delusions are getting out of hand again.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. "Fake Noize provides magats with daily talking points, but Dems are the indoctrinated ones. Fucking moron."

    Projection is strong among these weirdos. 60 year old men giggling. But why else would they be here trolling, it's not like they're writing books or something. LOL!

  126. Activist magat SPOTUS is looking to remake libel rules for journalists so magats can lie even more in media and get away with it.

    Spotus rewrote another section of VRA to make it harder for minorities to protect their voting rights.

    SPOTUS added more dark money to campaigns to strengthen Citizen's United assault on the constitution.

    Dems need to seriously think about adding more liberal justices to court to stop the damage magat fuckers are piling on America's democracy.

  127. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/07/brnovich-supreme-court-unprecedented-cruel-radical.html

    Pretty much guts the VRA.

  128. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Yeah sure, it was BLM.

    Not on 1/6.  They invaded the Oklahoma capitol building while the legislature was in session, disrupting it.  No arrests; they were handled with kid gloves.


    On May 29 2020, large BLM-associated mobs ran through Washington DC.  There were some 300 arrests.  I've seen no word of any prosecutions, and there are DEFINITELY not any programs to find anyone associated with the riots, charge them with crimes carrying decades of prison time and throw them in solitary confinement far from home and family.  But that's what's being done with people who merely ATTENDED the Jan. 6 2021 rally.

    Your delusions are getting out of hand again.

    Proudly announced by your trusted "news" sources.


  129. Government dropped charges after not having strong evidence to convict any wrongdoers. That was in 2917. You should read the links if you want to prove something.

  130. BLM "associated" mobs. Not BLM? BLM adjecent? So many questions. Was anyone hurt during the Oklanhoma "riot"? And the bills refer to someone "fleeing" a riot when in actuality it is trying to give cover to people who want to run over protesters. No one is that stupid, well I mean other than the Republicans who are trying to pull a fast one. Doxxing police? You mean using cell phones to document what they're doing? Try again Oklahoma GOP. So was it BLM and Antifa or not? Geez, Field were gonna have to talk about the quality of your trolls again. This is getting out of hand.

  131. https://kfor.com/news/oklahoma-legislature/protesters-interrupt-oklahoma-house-proceedings-over-a-number-of-this-sessions-bills/

    Whoa, a couple dozen protesters who didn't use bear spray, beat police officers or even take a shit on the floor of the legislature. Do I smell a false equivalency?

  132. https://chicagodefender.com/ida-b-wells-honored-with-a-monument-in-bronzeville/

  133. Anonymous10:33 PM

    More evidence of Trump trying to cheat his way to victory in the 2020 election, this time in Arizona:

    Records show pressure by Trump, allies on Arizona officials

  134. “Fake Noize provides magats with daily talking points, but Dems are the indoctrinated ones.“

    They live in an alternate reality where trump won, the Dems are drinking baby blood and will be frog marched out of the capitol by Marines, children are being taught law school curriculum and a dude who cheats on his wives and taxes is whom god chose to save America.😆😂 I mean the dumb and insane need heroes and a political party I guess.🤷🏾‍♂️

  135. "More evidence of Trump trying to cheat his way to victory in the 2020 election, this time in Arizona"

    Yeah, we don't need any more evidence at this point. LOL!

  136. Wow, I will say conservatives are patient. This recount "audit" thing is dragging on forever. I wonder if that'll finish before the Dems are dragged out of the capitol by Marines. Maybe trump will be reinstated before they finish. LOL!

  137. Anonymous9:06 AM

    They free themselves from England and then go on to keep Black Africans enslaved for over 250 years. What hypocrisy!

    Yeah....Happy Fourth of July.

  138. Anonymous9:16 AM

    It's interesting how as long as "your leaders" keep making you THINK that blacks, browns, and beige people are your problem, then you will NEVER see that your real problem is
    the big corporations that make you pay all their taxes, while paying you peanuts, give you no health care, no full time employment, not 401K matches. All while they get government bailouts and continue to make BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFIT all while refusing to give you a decent living wage.

    While they keep raking in the billions in profit, cater to their investors and keep hiring the "illegal aliens" minorities to work the jobs that white follks never wanted to do.

    But they keep people believing that blacks, browns, and beige people are to blame.

    Smoke screens are wonderful things aren't they.

  139. drumpf's rally at Sarasota Florida produced one true utterance by the biggest liar ever.....

    On Saturday, during a campaign speech in Florida, Trump inadvertently explained exactly how he was able to dupe so many of his supporters into believe his nonsense.

    "There's a word: disinformation. If you say it enough and keep saying it — just keep saying it — and they'll start to believe you," Trump explained.

    drumpf basically accused his followers of being dumb magat fuckers, like he is, and he was right for once.

  140. The "Rise of the Moors" militia got caught open-carrying in Massachusetts. These are armed Black men.

    It is 100% predictable - and I am 100% predicting - that they will get no support from the left because the are armed, and they will get no support from the right because they are Black.

    Their "sovereign citizens" folly also isolates them, by definition.

  141. Anonymous1:33 PM

    “It is 100% predictable - and I am 100% predicting - that they will get no support from the left because the are armed, and they will get no support from the right because they are Black.”

    They shouldn’t get support. They’re nutjobs. Supporting them would be a bad kind of equality.

    A good kind of equality would be no one supporting the white militia lunatics, either.

  142. Welp, we've made it 245 years. Perhaps if we can put down the goddamn Republican ongoing insurrection, we can make it five or ten more.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  143. Paradoctor,

    Where have you been? I have missed your posts the are generally spot on.

    Happy Fourth of July to you, Field, and all who comment here with truth.

  144. Anonymous3:36 PM

    They free themselves from England and then go on to keep Black Africans enslaved for over 250 years. What hypocrisy!

    From 1776 to 1865 was a mere 89 years.  We're much further from Appomattox than Appomattox was from the Declaration.

    But facts are irrelevant to leftards like you; what matters is FEELZ!

  145. “But facts are irrelevant to leftards like you; what matters is FEELZ!“

    Like the fact righties think trump will be reinstated? Yes sir, it’s definitely the left that ignores facts.😆😂 I mean we may even storm the capitol because of “facts”.🙄

    1. And let’s admit shit still sucked after 1865 so that’s not really a benchmark now is it?

  146. Also, slavery didn't start here in 1776.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  147. Check out this article on Alternet. It's well worth a read...

    Republicans don't want an investigation of Jan. 6


  148. Anonymous8:39 PM

    You Dims don't want an investigation of Portland or Seattle or Minneapolils or Kenosha.

    1/6 was in no small part a response to that.

  149. Shit still sucked after 1964 for POC and magats and wasicu scumacysts would be tickled pink if cops had vicious dogs and water cannons to turn loose on Black protesters, again.

  150. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The white owned history book publishers choose to document the first slave ship arrival as
    1619. YOU DO THE MATH.

    They free themselves from England and then go on to enslave Black Africans for 250 years.

    What hypocrisy.

  151. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The white owned history book publishers choose to document the first slave ship arrival as 1619.

    It wasn't a slave ship, at least not once it hit Virginia.  The Africans who debarked there in 1619 were treated as indentured servants, working for a period of time to repay the cost of their passage.

    It wasn't until 1655 that Anthony Johnson (himself an African who had worked off his indenture) was declared to be the owner of John Casor for life, which established chattel slavery in the first English colony in the Americas; that means slavery was a multi-cultural import.  From 1655 to 1865 was only 210 years.


    I did the math already; from 1776 to 1865 was only 89 years.  We're now 156 years past 1865.

    They free themselves from England and then go on to enslave Black Africans for 250 years.

    You really are innumerate, aren't you?

  152. Anonymous11:41 AM


  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. So slavery was cool because by your reckoning it only lasted 210 years?
    You could go fuck yourself, that is definitely an option.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  155. Anonymous8:35 AM

    So slavery was cool because by your reckoning it only lasted 210 years?

    Never said that, and that does not excuse exaggerating it.

    You could go fuck yourself, that is definitely an option.

    Why don't you practice what you preach?
