Sunday, July 04, 2021

The truth will not replace them.

Some MAGA brown shirts from Texas loaded up in some Penske trucks and tried to put their Independence Day stamp on Philly. As is to be expected (This is, after all, Philly.), it didn't go too well for them. Still, you have to think that after Charlottesville, Virginia, we would not see anymore of these neo-Nazi khaki wearing types parading through American streets. ("Jews will not replace us") At least not in this fashion. They have MAGA rallies which accomplish the same goals these days.  

It's kind of scary how normal this has become since the former guy declared that there are "good people" among their ranks. The entire republican party seems to have become a haven for white supremacist and nut-job conspiracy theorists. 

We haven't heard the last from these types and their sympathizers. January 6th might have been a dress rehearsal for much more ominous things to come. The former guy has not yet accepted defeat, and the "big lie" is just getting bigger and more mainstream.  

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~Joseph Goebbels~ 

As the lie becomes bigger, expect to see more of the of types of things that we saw on display in Philadelphia on Saturday.

And honestly, I'm not sure why the marchers in Philadelphia felt the need to cover their faces. I mean if you think about it they are no different than the crowd that gathered for a rally in Sarasota, Florida on Saturday.   


  1. They cover their faces because they are cowards. Just like here where they parade around as anonymous too thin skinned to take a little ribbing but can spew vile shit about others. They need to man up and own their shit. You’re a racist? Come out loud and proud and stop beating bushes.🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    “Still, you have to think that after Charlottesville, Virginia, we would not see anymore of these neo-Nazi khaki wearing types parading through American streets. (‘Jews will not replace us’) At least not in this fashion. They have MAGA rallies which accomplish the same goals these days.”

    They don’t accomplish the same goals, though.

    Trump’s rallies (or Klan rallies, for that matter) only preach to the converted. They pump up the morale of their movement, but they don’t bring any new members into it. Nobody attends those rallies who isn’t already a card-carrying far-right scumbag.

    Marching through neighborhoods where they are not wanted serves the purpose of threatening the “bad guys” (the people they hate — minorities, urban liberals, mostly). And being willing to confront the “bad guys” can make them heroes to others who share the same hateful views, but previously haven’t taken any active role in far-right politics. At the very least, it attracts media attention. Even better if they can start some fights. These marches are an attempted recruiting tactic.

  3. The Republican party has been a shitpile of bigots and imbeciles ever since we sent the dixiecrats packing with our civil rights laws.
    They pass all of the latest lies among themselves and giggle and guffaw over the latest moronic insults that they are certain "own the libs", but then are shocked when they are rejected from polite society.
    As long as there is a right wing media industrial complex feeding them their daily lie, they will remain addicted to those lies, as the other alternative involves them admitting on some level how wrong they have been about politics and humanity for their entire adult lives.
    That is what makes them a dangerous toy for someone like Fergus to play ego games with.
    It never occurred to Fergus to ask himself why no other Republican asshole ever thought it was a good idea to give them reasons to act out.
    But god damn it, they are fucking adults, and as such are fucking responsible for their actions.
    I know that doesn't address the addiction to the lies, but the addiction to drugs almost never excuses bad behavior in the eyes of the law, so why should addiction to moronic bullshit?
    As someone who was in the crosshairs of the goddamn "war on drugs" for 25 years a while back, I have little sympathy for their whining about the oppressive government, and if they don't like how things are going, there are limitless options of positive things one can do to change them, or at least improve one's personal standing in the scheme of things.
    Interstate travel for the purpose of pissing people off doesn't seem all that productive of an activity to me, but then again I'm not laboring under the effects of a lie addiction.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    The Republican party has been a shitpile of bigots and imbeciles ever since we sent the dixiecrats packing with our civil rights laws.

    And what have those "civil rights" laws done?  Have they gotten the African-in-America to behave and perform on par with the White man?  It is to laugh.  We have new screams, not for "equality" but for "equity", sameness of results even when the performance is radically substandard.  This is as good as admitting that the African is inferior, but you dare not acknowledge that.

    They pass all of the latest lies among themselves and giggle and guffaw over the latest moronic insults that they are certain "own the libs", but then are shocked when they are rejected from polite society.

    Because liars define what "polite society" is.  If reality ever creeps in, it's busted for trespassing.

    As long as there is a right wing media industrial complex feeding them their daily lie, they will remain addicted to those lies, as the other alternative involves them admitting on some level how wrong they have been about politics and humanity for their entire adult lives.

    Ho lee fuk, you have the entire academia-media-government complex pushing a narrative that can't stand ten seconds of real sunlight.  Exactly WHY did the entire neighborhood around 4600 Labadie in St. Louis get LITERALLY deconstructed in the wake of Shelley vs. Kraemer?  Why is the historic building itself among a field of now-empty lots?  Why are 51% of murder suspects whose race is known (many are never identified under "snitches get stitches") black people, when blacks are only 12.4% of the US population?

    You can't answer these questions because they break your brain.  The only thing you can do is call them "racist".

  5. No I just call them a great example of exactly what I described in my comment; more goddamn lies served up by someone so invested in their lie addiction that all they can do to respond to fifty years of public indoctrination is try to lamely insult Black people and lie about history.
    "And what have those "civil rights" laws done?"
    Well, they gave Black people the right to vote for a while, and the goddamn Republican party is so fucking terrified of that now that they are shredding voting rights everywhere they have the power to do so.
    "Because liars define what "polite society" is."
    No, polite societ5y defines what polite society is, you just call it a lie because it rejects you.
    "Ho lee fuk, you have the entire academia-media-government complex pushing a narrative that can't stand ten seconds of real sunlight."
    Academia-media-government complex? Really? Do they perhaps have any small fraction of the reach that hate radio and the goddamn Murdoch empire have? No they don't, but some of what you so lamely refer to have credibility, something that for all of the billions of dollars the right wing media has, they can't purchase, so they have to try to discredit it any way they can.
    And among the goddamn lie addicts in their audience, they can easily discredit it or anything else, but their reach is limited by the critical thinking ability of the non lie addicted audience, which is why the Republican base is shrinking slowly year over year.
    There, I answered your stupid, asinine questions without breaking anything or using the word "racist" even once.
    How about you go fuck yourself.
    Tonight we went to a gathering for a pot-luck kinda thing a few houses up the road, and hung out with a bunch of our neighbors while some of us played music to entertain the rest of us. We all get along even with our differences, for the most part. As I was leaving, I noticed our host had some Trump paraphernalia in his kitchen, which didn't surprise me that much as he sometimes wears an NRA hat, and while that's disappointing, it's only to be expected out here in conservative land by the Christian Camp.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. Doug,

    Fantastic post. You sure called him/her (anonymous is uni-sexual) out! Bravo.


    A blow by blow account of the Jan. 6th riot. This is where only 4 years of trump landed us. It's a wonder how he was only ranked as the 4th worst president ever. Take a look and see how insane that day was.

  8. "And what have those "civil rights" laws done? Have they gotten the African-in-America to behave and perform on par with the White man?"

    Why would I want to behave and perform at your level? I have outperformed and been more beneficial to society than you have and most of your counterparts as have the vast majority of Blah people I know. I would be lowering myself to behave in a manner such as the people who violently stormed the capitol (yeah I know 1st Amendment Rights something or other excuse for bad behavior).

    "You can't answer these questions because they break your brain. The only thing you can do is call them "racist"."

    Silly question. Why did the capitol building come under assault with people dressed as bison who actually defecated in the nation's law-making institution? Thing is your type spews vile racist BS and then gets offended when you get called out. Be a man and own your shit. Typical Republican.

  9. "A blow by blow account of the Jan. 6th riot. This is where only 4 years of trump landed us. It's a wonder how he was only ranked as the 4th worst president ever. Take a look and see how insane that day was."

    A great piece of journalism, backed up to the bus stop with sourcing and official documentation.

    I was listening to John Amato on a podcast then other day, and he was talking about the run up to the 2020 election, and that reminded me of the shit they pulled, like purposefully not counting the mail-in ballots before election night so it would look like Fergus was winning (after he went out of his way to get his idiot hordes to avoid mail-in voting) and out and out calling for revolt if he lost, and all of the rest.
    When you remember what they actually did, 1/6 looks like the plan they were working the whole time, and everyone just went "Oh, that's just Fergus acting crazy" and it was that but it was also planning an insurrection because he knew he was gonna get his ass kicked in the election and wasn't smart enough to think an insurrection was a bad thing if it was done for him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Academia-media-government complex? Really? Do they perhaps have any small fraction of the reach that hate radio and the goddamn Murdoch empire have? No they don't

    You're telling me that a small media network (which is nevertheless popular because it does not push the lies that the public is sick and tired of being force-fed) has more reach than the ideology which reaches into our legislatures, our courts and almost every teaching institution down to elementary schools, and has since the 1960's?

    I remember a play put on in my school.  The set was decorated with wrapped hard candies, and all the black kids were seated front and center.  At the end of the play, the actors threw the candies to the black kids only; nobody else got any.  This was more than half a century ago; the blatant favoritism toward blacks has only gotten more intense since then.

    some of what you so lamely refer to have credibility, something that for all of the billions of dollars the right wing media has, they can't purchase, so they have to try to discredit it any way they can.

    Leftism and the "racism" theory of black underperformance have discredited themselves.  "Brown vs. Board of Education" was based on the theory that black children were the same as White children but were held back by poor schooling.  Yet when black children were "integrated" and received the exact same tutelage from the exact same teachers in the exact same classrooms as Whites, they CONTINUED to underperform; worse, any critical mass of them turned orderly classrooms into chaos where tutelage became nigh-impossible.

    Three generations since "affirmative action" was imposed to give blacks a "leg up", blacks continue to underperform.  Some blacks have gone from first job to retirement under affirmative action, yet we still have ghettos full of black unemployables.

    Fifty years since Griggs, the "need" for "disparate impact" preferences has not gone away.

    The jury is in.  It took far less evidence to get rid of the phlogiston theory of combustion.  Yet the only explanation allowed in our legislatures, in our courts and in our lamestream media and academia is that black underperformance can ONLY be due to white "racism".

    "Equality" is a lie.  The African underperforms because that is the nature of Africans.

  11. Anonymous9:34 AM

    They're just a modern day resurgence of a "sleeping dog" called the Ku Klux Klan.

    As history has shown, when the Klan made their first historical appearance the many elected officials, judges, lawyers, teachers, ministers and so called "upstanding citizens" of the community were in the KLAN. They put on their white cone shaped "dunce caps" and rode around with their faces covered because they wanted to kill, maim and destroy behind the masks of anonymity.

    So really...nothing has changed. They are merely mimicking the behavior of their ancestors.

    Fast forward to today...

    Because their parents and forefathers have told them that Blacks, browns, and beige people were only created to "piss off white people" and that Blacks browns and beige people are the reason why all white folks aren't billionaires, they have grown up hearing a lie which has brainwashed them. Remember, there was a time when they told their kids that Black people had tails. (Anything to keep from falling in love with black people).

    Hey, if Jim Jones was able to brainwash thousands of people to drink poisoned Kool-Aid in the name of religion it ain't hard to brainwash and create a "smokescreen" or a diversion from the real "TRUTH."

  12. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Interesting how they call themselves "Christians" but then chant "Jews will not replace us.."

    Do they realize that Jesus was a Jew?

    And uhhh about that swastika that they like to use...

    Do they realize that the swastika is an ancient "Asian" symbol from thousands of years ago used to denote divinity and spirituality in Indian and other Asian religions.

  13. "Equality" is a lie. The African underperforms because that is the nature of Africans.

    7:12 AM

    Only in magat fever dreams is this anywhere close to reality.

  14. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Only in magat fever dreams is this anywhere close to reality.

    Then explain why the last 67 years of "civil rights" and "programs" have failed to yield anything like the results they were supposed to.

    Oh, and don't use the modern equivalents of witchcraft, such as "implicit", "inherent", "structural" or other "racism".

  15. Anonymous11:41 AM

    IT'S A NEW RECORD! Congratulations to the Chicago Feral Negroes! Chicago shootings: 82 shot & wounded, 14 fatally, across Chicago in BLACK VIOLENCE weekend shootings

  16. Anonymous11:44 AM

    CHICAGO Last Week’s Totals (6/27 – 7/3 2021)
    Shot & Killed: 22
    Shot & Wounded: 129
    Total Shot: 151
    Total Homicides: 25

    82.6% Black

  17. Anonymous11:45 AM

    “Interesting how they call themselves ‘Christians’but then chant ‘Jews will not replace us..’

    Do they realize that Jesus was a Jew?”

    Nazis have got their own version of Christianity. I would not be surprised if, in their version, Jesus was not a Jew but the son of Odin or a Caucasian space alien or something.

    “And uhhh about that swastika that they like to use...

    Do they realize that the swastika is an ancient ‘Asian’ symbol from thousands of years ago used to denote divinity and spirituality in Indian and other Asian religions.”

    Um, yeah. The Nazis were not exactly deep thinkers. They hastily cobbled together their mythology from borrowed symbols from other cultures, as well as the shoddiest evolutionary pseudoscience of the day. The key factor in their temporary success was not having great ideas — they were profoundly stupid — but tapping into the great well of resentment that existed in Germany, after the humiliation of defeat in WWI and subsequent economic collapse. They were an anger-driven movement.

  18. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Chicago shootings: 79 shot, 13 fatally, across city in weekend shootings
    Several children among victims

  19. Anonymous11:47 AM

    At least 82 Shot, 14 Fatally, In Independence Day Weekend Shootings In Chicago

  20. Anonymous11:48 AM

    6-year-old black girl shot early Monday in same Chicago neighborhood as 5-year-old black girl about 8 hours earlier:

  21. Anonymous11:49 AM

    BLOODY HOLIDAY July 4 descends into negro violence with at least 100 negroes shot and 22 killed as deadly shootings erupt in Chicago and Dallas
    Mollie Mansfield
    Jul 5 2021, 9:38 ETUpdated: Jul 5 2021, 11:38 ET

  22. Anonymous11:51 AM

    ‘Nobody Deserves This:' Sister Mourns Service Member Killed in Chicago Negro Violence Shooting
    Chrys Carvajal, 19, was one of at least nine people killed in Chicago violence over the Fourth of July weekend:

  23. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Nearly 80 Shots Fired In West Philadelphia negro Shooting That Injured 2 Teens, Killed 2 Men, Police Say:

  24. Anonymous11:54 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Philadelphia black violence: 12 people shot, 1 stabbed during gruesome 2-hour period, police say
    Police have reported 35% more negro murders so far this year compared to the same time in 2020:

  26. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Why do black people kill and maim each other so much???

  27. To all the Anonymous boneheads posting here:

    Yeah, I went ad hominem on yer asses. (I dare you to look it up.)

    Why are y'all even posting here? Seriously. You can't win any arguments here. The rest of us know you're all likely trolls, whose only purpose in life is to stir up shit to try and make themselves feel better about their oh-so-disappointing lives. Wouldn't y'all be happier in one of the several online echo chambers others of your ilk have set up?

    You will not replace US.

  28. *responds to comment outlining their lie addiction with more lies they are addicted to*

    Didn't I suggest a couple of comments ago that you go fuck yourself?
    It's still not too late.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. It is too late for multi anonymous to pull their collective heads out of their ass. The diarrhea spewing from their mouths is an admission of losers losing.

  30. Then explain why the last 67 years of "civil rights" and "programs" have failed to yield anything like the results they were supposed to

    RACIST WASICUS is the answer you seek, racist wasicu. Simple enough even you and drumpf can, but likely won't, understand.

  31. Anonymous7:44 PM

    RACIST WASICUS is the answer you seek, racist wasicu.

    I said "don't use the modern equivalents of witchcraft, such as "implicit", "inherent", "structural" or other "racism"."

    Show me WHY, despite all the benefits and advantages heaped on Africans-in-America since the 1964 CRA (which gave them "affirmative action"), they're still underperforming.

    Attributing it to people thinking "racist" thoughts is the very definition of crying "WITCH! WITCH!".

  32. Anonymous7:55 PM

    More proof that the problem in the USA isn't "racism", it's Africans:

    Homicide Rate of a Selection of Sub-Saharan Nations Compared to White and Black America

    Whites in America have a homicide rate of 2.5/100k/yr.  Blacks in the USA have a homicide rate of 19.4, nearly indistinguishable from Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea.  Then again, with the massive surge in black-on-black murders due to the "racial reckoning" and de-policing the violent, the black rate is probably closer to the Democratic Republic of Congo now.

  33. Anonymous said...

    Why do black people kill and maim each other so much???

    11:57 AM
    The answer is so simple, anonymous, that even you can understand it: For the same reason that white people kill and main each other so much. Duh & LOL!

  34. To echo others no doubt, they cover their faces not because they think they have anything to be ashamed of but because they fear losing their jobs, pure and simple, Those n- and Jew- loving libs are out there, some sadly in influential positions. Besides, hiding their faces makes them feel dangerous! It’s fun.

  35. Why do white males kill and maim themselves so much.

  36. 😆😂 And the khaki wearing punks got chased out of town. Boy,who knew they were a bunch of cowards?🤷🏾‍♂️

  37. As the resident pilot of the group I approve this message.😆😂

  38. "Show me WHY, despite all the benefits and advantages heaped on Africans-in-America since the 1964 CRA (which gave them "affirmative action"), they're still underperforming."

    It didn't "heap advantages" on them you fucking pine cone, it attenuated SOME of the disadvantages that had been heaped upon them since, oh 1619 or so.
    And by whose standards do they "underperform"? Yours, no doubt, by displaying a notable absence of sickly looking pinkness.
    You can still go fuck yourself, it's almost never too late...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  39. Show me WHY, despite all the benefits and advantages heaped on Africans-in-America since the 1964 CRA (which gave them "affirmative action"), they're still underperforming."

    I would recommend taking a Blah history course at a reputable university(trump and Prager U. do not count😆😂) I’m sure a professor of Blah history can answer and point you to resources to answer your questions.

  40. Anonymous8:52 AM

    It didn't "heap advantages" on them you fucking pine cone

    "Pine cone.".  That's a new one.

    it attenuated SOME of the disadvantages that had been heaped upon them since, oh 1619 or so.

    Yet 57 years of handing them jobs they were at most marginally qualified for hasn't fixed the problem, whatever the problem is.  50 years of lowering standards for them (since Griggs in 1971) hasn't fixed it either.

    And by whose standards do they "underperform"?

    Staggering crime rate.
    The so-called "wealth gap".  (Though if you spend every last cent you have on weaves, nails and rims instead of real estate, this is exactly what one should expect.)
    Academic measures.

    If you had half a brain, you'd know this forwards and backwards.

    I would recommend taking a Blah history course at a reputable university

    I'm not interested in paying some s--thead to tell me how my "racism" has caused some NAPA to act out in class for years on end instead of sitting down, shutting up and learning to read.

  41. I said "don't use the modern equivalents of witchcraft, such as "implicit", "inherent", "structural" or other "racism".

    I don't take orders from racist wasicu scumacysts!


    An interview with one of the creators of CRT.

  43. "I'm not interested in paying some s--thead to tell me how my "racism" has caused some NAPA to act out in class for years on end instead of sitting down, shutting up and learning to read."

    Stay stupid my friend.

  44. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The U.S. system of oppression and suppression against all "non-whites" has remained in effect since the founding of the USA and anyone with eyes, ears, and any percentage of brain matter between their ears can clearly see and comprehend this.

    Although many gains for Black Americans have been achieved (through both non-violent and violent protests) everyone knows that overt, covert, and institutionalized racism still exists in America.

    While European savagery was successful in annihilating and wiping the Native Americans off of the face of their land, the founders soon discovered that dealing with the "Negro Problem" proved a bit more difficult (ironically the "Negro Problem" was one that the founders created because they were too lazy too till their own land and wipe their own asses so they went to Africa and stole human labor).

    Recognizing that education, marriage and strong families build wealth, generational wealth and power is very interesting how the tactical and deliberate racism has kept a system in place that deliberately prevents this from happening among Black Americans.

    From a welfare system that entices and gives women more money if they go without a working husband in the home (which forces a Black man to ask: Do I stay with my family and struggle on a job that deliberately pays me a lower wage than that of a white man , or do I move out so that my wife and kids can eat?) Well everyone know what the answer to that question is. Not to mention, school systems that still have to be and have been successfully sued because they prevented and are still preventing well deserving and capable Black kids from AP classes. From those that continue to perpetuate the lie that affirmative action forced corporations to hire unqualified Blacks. When everyone knows that if you have a black and a white with the same education, grades and qualifications...98% of the time, they would hire the white. That's why Affirmative Action will always be necessary.

    Maintaining power is a 24/7 job and systems have been put in place to prevent relinquishing 400 years of domination.

  45. Anonymous12:34 PM

    In corporate America white males are given salary advances on their jobs when they announce that their "wives" are expecting another baby.

    Black males (if they're even hired in the first place) are hired for much less than their white counterparts, and often denied a decent raise even when their work "merits" a raise.

    All part of a system designed to keep the wage gap between the races "VERY WIDE."

    Look around any corporate office. There has always been such such a resistance to hire anyone black (especially Black males) and probably because as history shows when Blacks are "allowed in the game" they usually "outperform"... and in more ways than one.

  46. Cops find a way to get round being filmed.

  47. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The Chicago Black Violence 4th of July 2021 Holiday Weekend Totals Are In! AT LEAST 106 SHOT! 16 MURDERED! As the BLACK TRIBAL WARS rage on!

  48. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Over 100 black people shot in violent holiday weekend in Chicago; CPD says justice system needs to do more, negro control needs implemented:

  49. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Why do blacks slaughter each other every day across the nation and then blame the police and white people???


    Our trolls on display. LOL!

  51. And they wonder why the military needed a stand down to address radicalism?


  53. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Endless negro violence series:
    A mass shooting during a Fourth of July block party in Ohio left one person dead and 11 others, many of who are underage, injured, authorities said Monday.

    Toledo Police Chief George Kral said officers were dispatched following a call around 12:24 a.m. Monday saying a male was shooting into the air and 300 people were fighting in the street near Lawrence Avenue near Wall Street.

    Subsequent calls to 911 reported more shots being fired. When authorities responded to the scene, they found multiple people injured, Kral said.

    A 17-year-old male was airlifted to a hospital and later died. Nine others – ranging in age from 11 to 19 – were in stable condition. Two others, a man, 51 and a 19-year-old, were in critical condition, the chief said.

    Once at the scene, the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department "jumped into action" to save as many lives as they could, Kral said.

    He said many who attended the party were not cooperating with investigators. It was unclear what started the fight but there was a loud argument over who ate the last chicken wing, and no suspects have been arrested.

    More than 80 rounds were fired from multiple firearms, Kral said. No officers fired their weapons.

    "We should be angry," Kral said. "We need to come together as a community. We've seen violence like this in this country all year long, and now it's hit home. Someone there knows who was shooting these guns."

  54. Anonymous3:35 PM

    If you "control" the negro, your violent crime rate drops by 75+%, imagine the one simple thing reduces violent crime by 3/4s!!!

  55. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Treating blacks as responsible adults leads to more blacks killing each other.  Abstract:

    "The role of state-level background check requirements for private firearm sales in reducing gun violence remains controversial in both the empirical literature and gun control policy debate. On August 28, 2007 the Missouri General Assembly repealed an 86 year-old “permit-to-purchase" (PTP) law requiring that handgun purchasers possess a permit, and subsequently undergo a background check, for all sales. The vast racial disparities in firearm homicide within Missouri raises important questions concerning the disproportionate impact of the repeal on Black communities throughout the state. Using generalized synthetic control estimation, this study finds that the PTP repeal led to an additional 1,234 handgun background checks by federally licensed dealers and an average seven percentage point county-level increase in the fraction of suicides committed with a firearm. State-level effects suggest that overall Black firearm homicide increases on average by an additional five deaths per 100,000 (17 percent increase) while the same rates for Black victims ages 15-24 rise by 29 deaths per 100,000 (33 percent increase). County-level estimates also show considerable increases in firearm homicide in Black communities within the more urban regions of the state. However, this study finds no evidence of an increase in firearm homicide among White Missourians."

    "Civil rights" are a disaster when granted to people with no self-control and a propensity for criminality.

  56. Anonymous said...

    If you "control" the negro, your violent crime rate drops by 75+%, imagine the one simple thing reduces violent crime by 3/4s!!!

    3:35 PM
    Please tell us where you got the data that proves your claim. Inquiring minds want to know.

  57. Another wasicu racist trying to convince himself he is not a racist. And failing miserably.

    Anymoose has posted a dozen separate and cumulative stories about a bad weekend in Chicago. He gets a nickel for everyone he publishes.

  58. Nikole Hannah-Jones has rejected a belated offer of tenure at UNC Chapel Hill in order to take a position at Howard University instead.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. “Nikole Hannah-Jones has rejected a belated offer of tenure at UNC Chapel Hill in order to take a position at Howard University instead.“


  60. You MIGHT be a racist if your own family calls you out. This is what you get with the modern GOP.🤷🏾‍♂️

  61. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students — But Please Take your Vaccines!

  62. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why do blacks slaughter each other every day across the nation and then blame the police and white people???

    1:49 PM

    Its a cultural thing, tribal in nature.

  63. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The U.S. system of oppression and suppression against all "non-whites" has remained in effect since the founding of the USA and anyone with eyes, ears, and any percentage of brain matter between their ears can clearly see and comprehend this.

    ORLY?  White Americans had a median annual household income of $76,057 in 2019; Asians made a whopping $98,174.  Over the past 2 decades Asians had roughly the same household wealth as Whites.  Indians are obviously non-White but their average household income was around $100,000!

    Some "oppression".  And they don't even enjoy Affirmative Action.

    everyone knows that overt, covert, and institutionalized racism still exists in America.

    Yes.  It's overt and institutional racism against Whites, particularly White Christian heterosexual men.  Everyone else gets "diversity" points in hiring.

    Not to mention, school systems that still have to be and have been successfully sued because they prevented and are still preventing well deserving and capable Black kids from AP classes.

    It's funny, I searched for this and found NOTHING.  But I DID find:

    Seattle Public Schools eliminating AP classes for "equity" reasons.
    Black and latino students failing to take AP classes that were offered.
    This piece about minority parents who don't "work the system".

    Now, where were these alleged lawsuits filed?

    From those that continue to perpetuate the lie that affirmative action forced corporations to hire unqualified Blacks.

    When corporations have had to lower hiring standards to do just that, calling it a lie is a lie.

  64. Anonymous7:52 PM

    And they wonder why the military needed a stand down to address radicalism?

    A very good friend of mine was RAPED by a black NCO when she enlisted in the US Army.  She's now receiving a pension enhancement for PTSD.

    The military needs a stand down to address black male sexual entitlement.

  65. So now it seems that if you want to be a Republican candidate for public office, you can't get support of the party unless to pledge to use whatever power you attain to overturn elections that the party doesn't like.
    In other words, Republicans hate democracy and are waging a campaign to snuff it out.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  66. “The military needs a stand down to address black male sexual entitlement.“

    This blog needs a stand down to address stupid trolls.

    1. No need, Pilot. They self-own with their ignorant rants.

  67. A very good friend of mine was RAPED by a black NCO when she enlisted in the US Army. She's now receiving a pension enhancement for PTSD.

    Bet he/she is throwing rocks at your wasicu ass.

  68. Anonymous10:33 AM

    UPDATED 104 people shot, 22 dead, as Chiraq leadership fails
    Chiraq’s most violent weekend of 2021: 104 shot, 22 of them killed. 13 kids among the wounded. Also there were 3 stabbings, 1 person tossed off an el platform, one person tossed out a window and 1 floater in the river.

    By 5 p.m. Monday, Chicago had recorded 2,000 shootings this year, a Sun-Times’ database shows.

  69. The Rude Pundit discusses how CRT and other such trigger words are all the GOP has to run on, and why wanting to understand the truth of your racial history doesn't equal self-hate, but instead sanity:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. “Chicago had recorded 2,000 shootings this year, a Sun-Times’ database shows.“

    After only four years of trump this is what we get, suicides through the roof, the country at each others’ throats, violence and the nation’s capitol taken over by a bunch of yA-hoos. Let’s not try this again.

  71. Teacher's union to defend teachers caught up in the fight to teach real history. Welcome to the culture wars. LOL!

  72. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, unless you get caught. A drumpf golf buddy, an overage lothario dentist was arrested for groping one of his patients. He even grabbed her by the pussy.

    He claimed he did not know he did it until afterward. drumpf can't pardon him. Maybe they can exchange notes and pointers.

  73. Anymoose so obsessed with pointing out Chicago gun violence stats on a daily basis is in dire need of mental health help. His obsession is clearly unhealthy. He needs intervention immediately.

  74. exas judge assigns 60% blame for Sutherland, Texass church massacre on US Air Force for not relaying shooters discharge and info about his domestic violence to Texass authorities for background check.

  75. Screwdy Rudy can no longer practice law in Washington D.C.

  76. LOL!!!!!!! This was probably one of our trolls. LOL!!!!!

  77. “Screwdy Rudy can no longer practice law in Washington D.C.“

    Can he practice amywhere? 😆😂 Probably Florida and Vegas.

  78. Wasicu wastey looks big enough to be several of the trolls that post here, PilotX. Thanks for that link.

  79. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "Can he practice amywhere? 😆😂 Probably Florida and Vegas."

    Soon enough, he'll be able to offer free legal advice to his fellow federal inmates.

  80. “Soon enough, he'll be able to offer free legal advice to his fellow federal inmates.“

    Wonder jf he and trump will be cellmates.😆

  81. Marjorie Taylor Greenbitch just compared Ashli Babbit to George Floyd and demands justice for the white witch insurrectionist who had her mind expanded by a cop bullet.
    Where does the magat party find these scumbag dregs of corpse slime?

  82. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "Marjorie Taylor Greenbitch just compared Ashli Babbit to George Floyd and demands justice for the white witch insurrectionist who had her mind expanded by a cop bullet.
    Where does the magat party find these scumbag dregs of corpse slime?"

    Some major retailers had to apologize for selling T-shirts celebrating Ashli Babbitt. What's next, "Free Derek Chauvin" merch at your local Target?

    They say the customer is always right, but this might just be taking things too far? Maybe businesses shouldn't be catering to the tastes of the wingnuttiest asshole customers?

    Sears and KMart pull T-shirts calling Ashli Babbitt an American hero

  83. She broke through a window in a stormed government building that had multiple cops aiming their guns at and she expected what? Cupcakes and salutations?

    Some excitement in this normally pleasantly boring area: a black bear crossed the road this morning and a 5.9 earthquake in western Nevada rattled the hillside for a hella long time this afternoon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. South Dakota's moron femme fatale guv pimped out 75 more Guardsmen to Tennessee billionaire and wouldn't give out any info for security reasons. Then, the dumb bitch has her photo op with the entire bunch and publishes the faces of every guardsman and woman. Nothing run of the mill terrorists could use to identify them, mind you, just their photos.

    No one ever said magats had a fucking brain, ever!

  85. Anonymous12:17 PM

    “South Dakota's moron femme fatale guv pimped out 75 more Guardsmen to Tennessee billionaire and wouldn't give out any info for security reasons.”

    Showing the faces of Guardsmen is the least of the problems with Kristi Noem sending them to the border as a publicity stunt.

    To begin with, border control is under federal jurisdiction. It is not the business of state governments, local governments, or racist militia jackoffs with lawn chairs to try to take over the duties of Customs and Border Protection. If you don’t like the way Biden is doing his job, too goddamn bad. You lost. Get over it.

    To add insult to injury, she is allowing some rich donor to pay the Guardsmen’s salaries to execute this publicity stunt, making it look like the National Guard are the playthings of any rich slob who wants to rent them our to serve his whims.

    As president, Biden’s authority over National Guard units supercedes that of any state governor. He should federalize the Guard and assign them a new mission: Go home, stand outside Noem’s house, and flip her off. Democrats are way too nice to tantrum-throwing Republicans. They should administer immediate spankings to curtail this bad behavior.

  86. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is a main driver of human trafficking in South Dakota. Rallygoers aren’t importing sex slaves from Mexico; they’re dragging them across the reservation borders right here in South Dakota.

    Wanna bet Noem Nothing won't shut down Sturgis or ban motorcycles to stop the human trafficking in her state.

  87. Anonymous3:34 PM

    “Wanna bet Noem Nothing won't shut down Sturgis or ban motorcycles to stop the human trafficking in her state.”

    I wouldn’t expect her to. Failing to shut down Sturgis during the COVID emergency last summer WAS dumb (but her state has okay vaccination rates now, so it should be safer to go ahead with this summer’s festivities). The epidemic presented special circumstances, involving thousands of lives at risk of being lost. But it’s not reasonable to shut down every public event just to stop routine crimes.

    Honestly, if South Dakota is unable to prevent enslaved child prostitutes from being pimped out to bikers, that is a policing problem.

  88. As of July 8th, 45.8% fully vaccinated in Northern Mississippi. Not good at all! Remember there are only around 900k residents.

  89. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "As of July 8th, 45.8% fully vaccinated in Northern Mississippi. Not good at all! Remember there are only around 900k residents."

    Actually, overall, there are 37% of Mississippians partially vaccinated, and 33% fully vaccinated. (The numbers are 47%/42% for adult Mississippians.)

    And no, those numbers are not good at all. There are almost certainly going to be pretty big COVID surges, and hospitals filling up with sick people, in a number of red states this winter.

    How ironic if the states that foolishly listened to Trump about COVID being a "Democrat hoax" are forced to do more lockdowns over Christmas, while the rest of the country gets to enjoy a normal holiday.

  90. Magats in Arizona have requested another ballot recount. Maybe someday they will get it right. They can claim all the failed recounts were fraudulent so they get to overturn the election and reinstate drumpf.

  91. Ex drumpf campaign aid plead guilty to fantasizing about killing babies. He seemed so nice.

  92. DHS and the State Department need to get off of their asses and clear the Afghan interpreters who helped us so they can get the fuck out of Afghanistan while that's still possible and before they are killed by the Taliban which is taking over the country.
    It's almost like starting a war there was a bad idea from jump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. Anonymous11:48 PM

    “Magats in Arizona have requested another ballot recount. Maybe someday they will get it right.”

    To quote Randy Rainbow, “Joe Biden has won this election so many times he is now the 67th POTUS.”

  94. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Ugh, these federal Trump appointees are the absolute worst. It looks like the following clown is going to force Biden to have him physically thrown out of the building, rather than leave of his own accord, like a functional grown-up, after he's been fired.

    Social Security Chief Says His Firing Is 'Friday Night Massacre,' He Won't Leave Position


    Charlottesville votes to remove confederate statues.

  96. As you sow so shall ye reap

    More magat dumbfuckery on the heap.

    Remember all those Obama years magats kept defunding IRS because they claimed Biden used it to attack magat non-profits? One office in Phillie did, sorta. This is the results of magat undermining vital offices over lies.....

  97. Malicious prosecution of a Black, liberal voter in Texas? You be the judge.

    Remember, Texass AG is under securities fraud indictment. He is being investigated for helping close friend/campaign contributor beat a rap and has Bar Assn investigating whether spreading false election info and lies should cost him his law license.

  98. Northern mississippi AG, Jason Ravnsborg, killed a pedestrian late at night with his personal vehicle while using his phone and driving at high speed onto the road shoulder. His original claim was he did not know what he hit, even though the guy's head went through the windshield and his eyeglasses were later found on the seat.

    He then told 911 he thought he hit a deer in the middle of the roadway.

    After lengthy investigation by North Dakota pigs and an autopsy performed in Minnesota, he was charged with three misdemeanors and not homicide or manslaughter.

    Now he claims the victim may have been suicidal an d threw himself in front of the car. He still is AG in an embarrassingly red state. Guv can't fire him and magat lege won't impeach him. He is the epitome of magat attorneys and should be hired by drumpf for his complete lack of knowledge, but he does have an R behind his name.

    BTW, Ravnsborg is a lt colonel in SD Guard and is up for promotion to full bird colonel depending on his trial outcome. To go along with his lawyer oin the suicide rap, he must want to be a colonel awesomely bad. One last thing, a number of years ago he ran for political office and made campaign commercial while dressed in uniform standing by an A-10 Warthog which violated military and campaign rules. Nothing, of course, happened to his ass.

  99. Anonymous1:01 PM

    34 BLACK ON WHITE HOMICIDES. June 2021—Another Month In the Death of White America. Which Biden Is Bringing to A Suburb Near You!

  100. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  101. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Marjorie Taylor Greene compares shooting of Ashli Babbitt to George Floyd's murder and says she is treated like a Nazi on social media
    Marjorie Taylor Greene compared the police-killings of Ashli Babbitt and George Floyd and claimed conservatives are treated like Nazis on social media
    'If this country can demand justice for someone like George Floyd, then we can certainly demand justice for Ashli Babbitt,' she said during a Newsmax interview
    Also added: 'For the past four to five years we have heard the media slander us as Nazis, fascists, deplorables, Neanderthals and all kinds of nasty names'
    Greene has repeatedly likening Biden's COVID policies to Nazi Germany
    'People have a choice, they don't need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations,' Greene tweeted on Tuesday
    It comes as Biden announced new 'COVID-19 surge response teams', where neighbors go door knocking to urge their unvaccinated neighbors to get the jab
    Just three weeks prior, Greene had to apologize for comparing mask mandates to Nazi's forcing Jews to wear gold stars during the Holocaust

  102. Pro-covid politics work on the rule that a high price for cult membership improves the loyalty of the cult's marks. It's less painful to double down on error than to admit it. To the covid cult, 3% mortality is an acceptable loss rate, if the 97% who survive get to call their survival a triumph of the will over the facts.

    A 10% long-covid rate might dampen enthusiasm in the pro-virus faction. They're a death cult, not a disability cult. Death ends all of life's problems; disability adds to those problems. However, long covid will take some time to reveal its miseries; by then the death cult will find other ways to self-harm.

    Do not rely on covid to reduce pro-covid numbers enough to affect electoral politics, except maybe in close elections.

  103. I have a theory about anti-vax. Parasitologists have learned that some parasites can manipulate their host's behavior in their favor. Perhaps anti-vax is an example of this. For instance, Anonymoid 1:02. If so, then ironically the anonymoid is in thrall to the virus, in the name of freedom.

  104. Anonymous11:18 PM

    There's your theory, but here's the facts straight from FedGov:

    "Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log?

    "DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward."

    Then there's this:  more than 400,000 adverse reactions to the emergency-authorized-but-not-fully-approved-or-even-tested vaccines.

    Go ahead, get "jabbed".  Your employer won't record any adverse effects even if you DIE.

  105. Adverse of the virus: >650,000 deaths, and counting, plus an as-yet unknown number of long-covid cases, perhaps ~3 times as many. Long covid affects heart, lungs, and brain.

    Percent of covid deaths that are unvaccinated: ~98%.

  106. That should be adverse 'effects' of the virus. Also these are American numbers. Global numbers are 4 million deaths; between 6 and 7 times American death rate, though America is only one-twentieth of global population.

  107. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
    Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
    Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
    Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV [unaired North America]
    an future black washings in the years to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.

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