Thursday, July 15, 2021

Are all of these tell-all books too late?


Now that all these books are coming out and revealing just what a psychotic, delusional, and unstable maniac the former guy was, let's not go making these people---- who are years later now writing books for profit, instead of alerting us of the dangers in real time----- to be heroes. 

Thankfully the guardrails of democracy stayed intact long enough before it all came crashing down. (Although it almost did on January 6th.) But when you read some of the excerpts from these books, you can't help but wonder: What the hell was everybody thinking?  

In one of the books it is revealed that the former guy allegedly told his chief of staff at the time that "Hitler did a lot of good things".  Huh?!

But there is so much more. Like, for instance, the birth of the "big lie."

"Everything came to a head on December 1, when Trump summoned Barr to the Oval Office. According to the book, one of the attendees said a red-faced Trump had "the eyes and mannerism of a madman," ranted and shouted at Barr, and even started banging on the desk.
    Trump went beyond the election and started hammering Barr for not prosecuting President Joe Biden's son or former FBI Director James Comey -- two of Trump's most vilified political targets.
    The book bolsters recent reports about emails sent to top Justice Department officials by Trump (through his assistant) and Trump's chief of staff, cajoling them to hunt for voter fraud. Trump responded to the excerpt by attacking Barr and doubling down on his false claims of voter fraud"

    "A new book from controversial journalist Michael Wolff includes details of what unfolded inside the White House while the Capitol was overrun. The book, "Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency," will be published July 27. Excerpts were published in New York magazine.
    Trump's senior advisers all knew Vice President Mike Pence would never go along with Trump's unconstitutional scheme to nullify the results from states that Biden won when Congress met to formally count the electoral votes. They knew Trump was experiencing "derangement," but were too scared to tell him that his dreams of overturning the election were hopeless, Wolff reported. "

    And still more.

    "A new book from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender describes how Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act and use the military to quash social justice protests last summer, some of which descended into riots in large cities. The forthcoming book, "Frankly, We Did Win This Election," is slated to be released on July 13. Axios reported some key excerpts Monday.
    Bender reports that there was an unprecedented shouting match in the White House Situation Room between Trump and Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump exaggerated the level of violence, said he wanted to deploy the military into American cities and put Milley "in charge." But he was quickly rebuked by Milley, in an expletive-laced argument.
    "God damn it! There's a room full of lawyers here. Will someone inform him of my legal responsibilities?" Milley said to the other officials in the Situation Room, according to the book.
      Barr then told Trump that Milley was correct -- he couldn't do what Trump wanted him to do.
      In response to the excerpt, Trump told Axios that the argument "never happened." Bender said the incident was corroborated by "multiple senior administration officials" that he interviewed"

      Milley actually compared the former guy's behavior to a certain dictator from Germany. Imagine the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff comparing a sitting president's actions to that of Adolph Hitler. 

      There will be more books, including upcoming works from Kellyanne Conway and Jared Kushner.  
      If Kellyanne decides to finally come clean and tell the truth, and Jared doesn't mind sleeping on the sofa for awhile, these books should be interesting as well.  

      More insight into the craziness that surrounded the former administration may be good for us going forward.  

      Hopefully we will never make such a mistake ever again.      


      1. More uber-pigs slopping at the wingnut welfare trough. And of course we're supposed to laud them as allies after their attempts to cash in.
        Yeah, some of the releases are from actual journalists, but for the rest of them? Burn the damn lifeboats.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      2. Wesley R10:30 PM

        It doesn't matter what the books say, Trumptards have been conditioned to only believe what their fake prophet tells them.

      3. Bernice King to the GOP, “keep my father’s name out cho mouth”.😆😂

      4. Anonymous12:24 AM

        “Bernice King to the GOP, ‘keep my father’s name out cho mouth.’”

        The GOP: No.

      5. “The GOP: No.“

        Of course.😆

      6. “Hopefully we will never make such a mistake ever again.”

        Oh it’s gonna get worse. Teh stupid is getting stronger so get ready for president Marjorie Greene and VP GED so she can spout off about Faucci Ouchie. 😖 This country has pretty much had it.

        1. I mean unless covid takes out a bunch of “rural” folks.

      7. The steal, revealed8:47 AM

        "A group seeking to ensure that elections are run fairly said this week that an in-depth analysis of mail-in ballot images it obtained through a court order shows that the hand-count audit in Fulton County, Georgia, last year “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”

        "The analysis turned up at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots, containing 4,255 votes, that were added redundantly to the audit results, Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA), charged. Nearly 3,400 were for Democrat Joe Biden.

        "The team examining the ballots also found seven audit tally sheets (pdf) they believe were falsified to contain fabricated vote totals. In one example, the group said, a batch containing 59 ballot images for Biden and 42 for former President Donald Trump was reported as 100 for Biden and 0 for Trump.

        "The analysis revealed that 923 (60 percent) of the 1,539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes that were incorrectly reported in the county’s official 2020 election result compared to the audit totals, according to VoterGA.

        “We believe that there is massive audit errors,” Garland Favorito, founder of the group, told a press conference in Georgia on July 13.

        "The group received the images as part of a court case after it petitioned in late 2020 to get clearance to inspect all mail-in ballots cast in the county in the 2020 election, alleging that fraud took place. The petition cited witnesses to the alleged fraud, including Favorito and other poll watchers and workers.

        "Henry County Judge Brian Amero, who is overseeing the case, ordered in March that scanned ballot images be made available to the petitioners. Amero late last month let part of the election lawsuit proceed."

      8. No, the books will have only marginal impact. Those who have swallowed the big lie will never wake up from their Trump-induced coma. For to do so would mean that they must come to grips with the fact that they were gullible enough to believe a massive untruth.

      9. Anonymous The steal, revealed said...

        "A group seeking to ensure that elections are run fairly said this week that an in-depth analysis of mail-in ballot images it obtained through a court order shows that the hand-count audit in Fulton County, Georgia, last year “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”
        8:47 AM
        Who are the members of Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA)? What credentials do they posses for auditing votes? What is their party affiliation? Are they nut bags like Margery Taylor Greene and the crazies who have been pretending to audit ballots in Arizona? Inquiring minds want to know.

      10. At least Hitler committed suicide, didn't hang around for another try.

        I thought of "Seven Days in May," and how reality usually tops fiction. In this case the fascist was the President, and the top general was the Constitutionalist, a much more interesting flip. But as Twain said, the difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to be believable.

      11. From the Daily Beast this morning:Son Charged With Dismembered Dad’s Homicide as Mom Remains Missing

        Callina all trolls, the guy charged is white. So tell us: Why do white people kill their parents? If you cared, you would do something to stop it.

      12. Anonymous11:41 AM

        These tell-all books are 5 years late, and 600,000 American lives dead!! If Milley and the other generals were in fear of us losing our democracy because of a deranged despot, WHY didn't they at least go public when they knew Simple Orange was lying about Covid? There are many people responsible for the staggering amount of lives lost due to an unhinged, evil, stupid impostor! His wife and children are also responsible. McConnell, Jordan, Gaetz, MTG, Giuliani, McCarthy, Cruz, Rubio, and too many others to name are responsible. 74 million people voted for a man who was very obviously uneducated, who lacked even a smidgen of patriotism, who was evil and deranged, and was ALLOWED to take this country to the brink of total disaster. The main stream media was also responsible for not reporting what they knew at the time Simple Orange was committing his heinous crimes against humanity. Karma is real. I can only pray that I'm alive to see all involved reap what they have sown. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and I CAN NOT WAIT!!

      13. Anonymous12:38 PM

        Who are the members of Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA)?

        It's always "who? whom?" to you.

        What credentials do they posses for auditing votes?

        The ability to observe which boxes are checked on a ballot and count them correctly is credentials enough.

        What is their party affiliation?

        The fraud doesn't matter to you, does it?

        Inquiring minds want to know.

        You don't want to know anything.  You only want to confirm your prejudices about who the good and bad guys are, and admitting the TRUTH about the fraud would force you to own up that you are on the side of the bad guys.

      14. An anonymoid wondered why people demand to know identities, credentials, and affiliations. Hint: 'credential' comes from the word 'credo', meaning belief. Credentials are for answering the question: "Why should I believe you?"


      16. “admitting the TRUTH about the fraud“

        What fraud?

      17. Anonymous3:21 PM

        An anonymoid wondered why people demand to know identities, credentials, and affiliations.

        And of course, you place more importance on those things than the truth of what those people say.  If they're not on YOUR side, they're automatically wrong... in your eyes.

        You are people of the lie.

      18. “If they're not on YOUR side, they're automatically wrong... in your eyes.“

        Not really. There have already been recounts and there have already been vote certifications. Seems like a certain group won’t stop counting until they get the result they want. That’s not how we do elections in the U S of A now is it?

      19. In Oklahoma, where Fergus won every county, they're asking for one of these "audits" ("Audit" meaning let us play with the ballots and election machinery until the machinery is unusable and the morons stop giving us all of their cash), so they can't really be worried about the election outcome any more.
        It's a grift, and an attempt to delegitimize the very idea that we can use elections to decide who gets to run the government, mostly because they keep losing elections.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine



      22. Anonymous said...

        Who are the members of Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA)?

        It's always "who? whom?" to you.
        I'm not sure what you are trying to say here, And BTW my grammar in this sentence is correct.

        What credentials do they posses for auditing votes?

        The ability to observe which boxes are checked on a ballot and count them correctly is credentials enough.
        Your silly answer does not suffice to answer my question. Therefore, I assume they have no credentials.

        What is their party affiliation?

        The fraud doesn't matter to you, does it?
        This response is a total non sequitur. If people are going to do an audit, it is imperative that they know correct procedures to follow. There are laws governing the handling of ballots.

        Inquiring minds want to know.

        You don't want to know anything. You only want to confirm your prejudices about who the good and bad guys are, and admitting the TRUTH about the fraud would force you to own up that you are on the side of the bad guys.

        12:38 PM
        Sorry, chum, but I'm afraid that you are the one trying to confirm your prejudices. The ballots were counted three times in Georgia, one of which was a hand count. And no fraud was found except for two Republicans who voted twice in the names of their dead relatives. But this is not enough for you because you have incorporated Trump's lies into your very soul. You have my sympathy.

      23. The steal misinterpreted the steal.

        Garland Favorito, VoterGa, is a magat conspiracy theorist with zero credibility, like drumpf. His lies about recounted ballots has been debunked.

      24. Anonymous5:21 PM

        Not really. There have already been recounts and there have already been vote certifications.

        Certifications of results that are highly questionable, to say the least:

        "The team examining the ballots also found seven audit tally sheets (pdf) they believe were falsified to contain fabricated vote totals. In one example, the group said, a batch containing 59 ballot images for Biden and 42 for former President Donald Trump was reported as 100 for Biden and 0 for Trump."

        "The group received the images as part of a court case after it petitioned in late 2020 to get clearance to inspect all mail-in ballots cast in the county in the 2020 election, alleging that fraud took place. The petition cited witnesses to the alleged fraud, including Favorito and other poll watchers and workers."

        Seems like a certain group won’t stop counting until they get the result they want.

        Oh, you mean like you Demonrats did in Minnesota in 2008 when repeated recounts kept pushing Al Franken closer and closer to Norm Coleman until he was finally declared winner?  An "election" in which ballots were found in unlikely places, such as the trunk of the car of Minneapolis' director of elections?

        Your party, and especially the Chicago branch thereof, has been notorious for cheating for well over a century.

      25. The real (not made up bs) truth of the 2008 Franken election victory over Norm Coleman.

        Franken won and magat dominated election boards said so.

      26. To The steal, revealed...

        From The Hill today...
        Arizona audit muddles on with no clear end in sight
        BY TAL AXELROD - 07/16/21 02:07 PM EDT

        It seems not just anybody without any expertise can properly audit votes, even though you believe they can.

      27. “It seems not just anybody without any expertise can properly audit votes, even though you believe they can.“

        I don’t think the audit was the end game, they are going to drag this out as long as they can. Space Ninjas or whatever will keep getting money while the lie will live on. These people are no different than end times preachers who choose a specific date as the end of the world and when that date comes and goes just change the day. The preacher isn’t the problem though…….🤷🏾‍♂️

      28. “Your party, and especially the Chicago branch thereof, has been notorious for cheating for well over a century.“

        Don’t have a party, I’m an independent. But we’re focusing on the Georgia 2020 presidential election ammiright? Well seems the results were confirmed and certified by the Georgia SoS as have all other Georgia presidential elections in yours and my lifetimes and the only variable was an orange tinted individual who refused to admit defeat. I mean we can make up any story we want but we reach the same conclusion. There is no mechanism to reinstall the mad red hatter is there?
        Question, do you REALLY believe trump won and will regain the WH? Choose a screen name, so when you are proven wrong (again) we know whom the credit goes. I mean if you are so certain in your beliefs man up and stand by your words. Should be easy enough to do.


      30. Slate says the auditors want more records and want to do a door to door canvass and they still won't be done dragging this shit out. Magats lose again and still refuse to acknowledge they are losers.


      32. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

        The Reverend Dr. Auntie Michelle Drew MPH, APRN-BC
        · Jul 14
        Replying to @iamn0tthe1 @JSG_54 and @brrendaaac
        75% of opioid overdoses in the U.S. occur in white people. But if I said that there was a therefore biological correlation between being white & becoming addicted to heroin & fentanyl, you’d appropriately be asking to speak to my manager because that would be dumb #MedicalRacism

        This is a hill I’m willing to die on. 70% of overdoses in the U.S. & 90% worldwide are in white folks. 70% of those male. So if you wouldn’t say being a white male is a risk factor for addiction stop saying being Black is a predictor of HTN, heart, kidney dz. it’s racism not race

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      33. And again:

        · Jul 15
        Breaking: CBC Chair @RepBeatty arrested for protesting on the Hill for #VotingRights along with 9 others Black women.

        Saeed Jones
        Jul 15
        Oh, NOW y’all are arresting people for protesting on Capitol Hill? Mmmk. Got it. Good to know.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      34. So all you good little Pig People, don't forget to pay 500 bucks for a budget model Chinese phone full of freely available software and an "uncensorable" app store where I'm all but certain you can find ways to give them even more of your money.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      35. Anonymous11:50 PM

        "So all you good little Pig People, don't forget to pay 500 bucks for a budget model Chinese phone full of freely available software and an 'uncensorable' app store where I'm all but certain you can find ways to give them even more of your money."

        I assume you're talking about the so-called "Freedom Phone," a cell phone for people who hate Silicon Valley because it contains too many Democrats? Here's Gizmodo's take on it:

        MAGA-Branded 'Freedom Phone' Is a Black Box That Should Be Avoided at All Costs

        Sounds like yet another scheme for separating angry, gullible wingnuts from their money. The phone is actually manufactured by some off-brand company I've never heard of, called Umidigi, and all the performance specs are being kept from the customers, probably because they're terrible.

        So, basically, this is a case of "forcing yourself to use a piece-of-crap phone to own the libs." Hilarious.


        Even Fox News puts up disclaimers about trump's election lies WHILE HE'S SPEAKING. LOL!

      37. It's a grift. A 500% mark up on a budget model phone loaded with freely available software, and whether it collects data or reports home on location and stuff is a question most likely none of the actual MAGA customers will ever ask.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      38. And then there's this:

        If you buy a $120 phone for $500 because Candace Owens told you, you would have done something really stupid with the money no matter what.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

      40. From today:

        "AZ Audit A Bust, So Now They Want To Canvass Door-To-Door
        Unable to come up with anything to justify overturning the 2020 election results, Arizona Republicans want to enable the frauditors to intimidate voters into providing the data they desperately seek."

        HEY, The steal revealed, what you got to say about this?

      41. More from Crooks and Liars:

        "Gallup: Only 45% Of Republicans Believe In Science
        Anti-reality has captured Republicans"

        I'm surprised there are that many Republicans believing in science. Based on their recent behavior, I thought it would be much lower. I am not surprised that most Repubs. are backing loser Trump after he lost the senate, the presidency, and failed to win back the house.

        We are now involved in a second pandemic due to stupid anti-science Republicans refusing to get vaccinated. So blame them if you live where masks are once again mandated.

      42. Seth Meyers joked, "They're trying to take over the government! Quick, someone get me a typewriter." That's funny. I don't care if it took an entire year to be made public. The point is that the joint chiefs were in communication with Nancy Pelosi. That's why she had the confidence to scoff at Trump.

        Yes. He wanted to take over the reigns of power. Mao-Tse-Tung. Fidel Castro. Benito Mussolini. The way we stole Hawaii from the Hawaiian monarchy. It's commonly referred to as a coup d'etat. It's happened hundreds of times throughout history. And the way that the old, conservative Vietnam veteran fossil Trumpies told the story, you would guess that 99% of the military and police departments across the nation were with Trump. And damn well were going to support him in his bid to overthrow the United States government!

        But, of course, only a handful of cranks in the lower ranks were ever onboard with Trump's mad plot. He called his army and got 1,000 misfits. From militia guys to mental cases. That was his core military base. I am very happy that only one of those misguided souls was killed.

        "You can't do that without the military and the C.I.A. They may try, but they won't fucking succeed!" This restored my faith in the system that we call the government of the United States of America. It's not a perfect union. But right now, we are healing, just a little bit.

      43. “This restored my faith in the system that we call the government of the United States of America.“

        I’m not as optimistic, maybe because I’m a Blah man in America😆😂 Coups don’t usually succeed the first time but as the foundations keep coming under attack they grow weaker and weaker. It would take a slightly smarter version of trump who doesn’t say the quiet parts out loud. Maybe a Howley or Thune may fare better.

      44. I understand. I guess I share your cynicism to some extent. It's just that I was hoping that the Pentagon had this. I just had faith so to speak. I was very happy to know that I was right. We were covered just in case the unthinkable. I guess a lot of Trumpies overestimated his support among law enforcement and the military. They thought it was absolute.

      45. Perhaps Matt Gaetz and MTG can hold their events at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping...

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      46. "Perhaps Matt Gaetz and MTG can hold their events at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping..."


      47. LOL! CPAC 7 point plan to reinstall trump in days not years. They want to take over congress and flip the CBC to Republicans. You gotta hear this shit!

      48. Anonymous10:13 AM

        A Little Comic Relief....or should I say A Little Comic REALITY

      49. Anonymous10:13 AM

        Chris Rock Says It Best!

      50. All Marlboro Barbie (Thune) is good for is standing in the background while McCTurtlefuckface gets his pic taken.

        Northern Mississippi guv Noem Nothing hates America. She said so in iowa yesterday. Remember the flak Michele Obama got when she said she wasn't prowd of America until Barack got elected?

      51. Anonymous10:21 AM

        Cris Rock: Black People ~vs~ Niggers

      52. Anonymous10:44 AM

        Right On!

      53. Anonymous11:01 AM

        Just Sayin....

      54. Anonymous11:07 AM

        "When we talk about race relations in America or racial progress, it's all nonsense. There are no race relations. White people were crazy. Now they're not as crazy. To say that black people have made progress would be to say they deserve what happened to them before…

        So, to say Obama is progress is saying that he's the first black person that is qualified to be president. That's not black progress. That's white progress. There's been black people qualified to be president for hundreds of years. If you saw Tina Turner and Ike having a lovely breakfast over there, would you say their relationship's improved? Some people would. But a smart person would go, "Oh, he stopped punching her in the face." It's not up to her. Ike and Tina Turner’s relationship has nothing to do with Tina Turner. Nothing. It just doesn't. The question is, you know, my kids are smart, educated, beautiful, polite children. There have been smart, educated, beautiful, polite black children for hundreds of years. The advantage that my children have is that my children are encountering the nicest white people that America has ever produced. Let's hope America keeps producing nicer white people." ~ Chris Rock

      55. Anonymous1:21 PM

        "Humpty Trumpty sat on a Wall."
        "Humpty Trumpty had a great Fall."

        "All the king's horses and all the king's Men
        Are trying like hell to put Humpty Trumpty back in office Again!"

      56. Nioem's dumbfuckery6 has led her to suspend all federal trucking regs in Shithole Dakota because she claims there is an emergency shortage of fuel for autos and jets West River. No one will admit to any shortages.

        You don't need a cdl, insurance, experience, no age restrictions, no time driving restraints, and who knows what else she thinks the fed will let her get away with.

      57. No IRS reforms in infrastructure budget. Magats, who will all vote against this bill, got Dems to drop the big taxes on the wealthy and magats are likely laughing their asses off.

        If reform gets done, Dems have to go it alone and that means slapping the shit out of Manchin or kick his ass out of the Dem party.

      58. Anonymous2:28 AM

        “If reform gets done, Dems have to go it alone and that means slapping the shit out of Manchin or kick his ass out of the Dem party.”

        Kicking Manchin out of the party won’t help. The Dems need to win more m-f-ing House seats.

        Of course, the awful Catch-22 is that if Manchin prevents them from passing voting rights legislation, that will only assist the GOP’s vote suppression efforts and make it harder to win more seats. Everything about this sucks.

      59. Anonymous5:39 AM

        Kicking Manchin out of the party won’t help. The Dems need to win more m-f-ing House seats.

        Seats for non-Americans, like Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters and AOC.

        Of course, the awful Catch-22 is that if Manchin prevents them from passing voting rights legislation,

        You mean voter FRAUD legislation, because you want it to be easier.

        that will only assist the GOP’s vote suppression efforts and make it harder to win more seats.

        It should be nigh-IMPOSSIBLE to win seats through voting fraud, and fraud should be suppressed throughout the system.  That means that voting should require PROOF, meaning EFFORT.  Same-day registration?  No effort, no proof, should be BANNED.

        Everything about this sucks.

        Everything about YOU sucks.  Expatriate to Liberia already.  It's a shithole, but it's what YOU deserve.

      60. Anonymous8:28 AM

        I can't imagine Kellyanne telling the truth about anything.

        JOKE OF THE DAY~
        Question: "How can you tell if Kellyanne is lying?"

        Answer: " Her mouth is moving and words are coming out of it."

      61. Anonymous9:13 AM

        So while the wealthy who are making "billions" in profits continue to pay NO TAXES
        The weight of having to pay taxes falls on the middle class.

        ...The propaganda that you have been fed that all of "you folks" are going to become billionaires (and if you don't it is because some black and brown person took something away from you) and the belief that one day when you become a billionaire you won't want to pay taxes either has duped you into allowing the billionaires to tax you and eliminate many of your write offs.

      62. The goddamn Republicans in Texas just held a fundraiser for Manchin.
        We need three more senate seats to Manchin and Sinema- proof the senate.
        And DC statehood.
        And four more seats on the supreme court to even it out with the circuit courts again.
        But mostly we need the goddamn Republicans to grow thumbs and climb down out of the stupid tree and admit reality is real, but that is the least likely to actually happen.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine


      64. “But mostly we need the goddamn Republicans to grow thumbs and climb down out of the stupid tree and admit reality is real”

        Carl Sagan told us back in 96 that the US is toast. We celebrate ignorance, just take a look at CPAC.🤷🏾‍♂️

      65. “The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance“ Sagan

      66. Magat tool guv of Northern Mississippi just gave all the reasons for teaching CRT and doubt she even knows she did it.

        Is there a fucking magat wingnut with brains anywhere in the world?

      67. Texas Senators voted to remove Civil Rights education from schools. No education about Blacks and no voting by Blacks in Texas and elsewhere. What could possibly go wrong with retarded magat thinking?

      68. The slop in the wingnut welfare trough just got a wee bit thinner:

        William Regnery Is Dead

        July 19, 2021 at 12:08 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 90 Comments

        “William H. Regnery II, a reclusive heir to a Midwestern textile fortune who bankrolled some of the leading organizations and figures behind the rise of the alt-right and championed efforts to win adherents to a modernized notion of white supremacy, died on July 2,” the New York Times reports.

        “Mr. Regnery rarely granted interviews or spoke in public, and he sought to work behind the scenes, through funding and organizing. He came to his far-right views late in life, at least publicly, saying he had grown disenchanted with the ‘ebullient optimism’ of the Republican Party in the early 1990s.”

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      69. First felony sentence for capitol chimp out.

      70. Chaos in Massachusetts GOP as vice chair resigns after being accused of sending ‘creepy’ comments to underage girls

        Another magat pedo outed. Magats might all be pedos.

      71. Something the GOP would never do.

      72. Not sure what I think about the folks who made this, but god damn is it hilarious:

        -Doug in Sugar Pine


      74. Let's make it illegal for magats to get any vaccine and suppress dumb fucking voters by attrition. They are doing it to themselves anyway.

      75. Well Mike, looks like even Fox figuered out that they may lose their audience if only dumb ass Republicans keep dying from covid.

      76. Note to Dr. Fauci:
        The only person stupid enough that they need to be told that Rand Paul doesn't know what he's talking about is Rand Paul.
        Very much like his daddy, that boy just isn't very bright.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      77. Anonymous5:17 PM

        The chair of Trump's inaugural fund just got arrested for acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign power (the United Arab Emirates).

        Are there any Trump underlings left who aren't on the way to jail?

        When do we get to see the big guy do the perp walk?

      78. Anonymous7:46 PM

        looks like even Fox figuered out that they may lose their audience if only dumb ass Republicans keep dying from covid.

        They're smart enough to recognize that death rates among the "vaccinated" are soaring:

        The Texas Dimocraps, all "fully vaccinated", now have SIX symptomatic cases of COVID.  In other words, they're NOT immune and are spreading the virus amongst themselves:

        Also, skeptics recognize that anything that requires re-vaccination every month is a fraud:

      79. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

        Michael Slavitch
        Imagine being so ashamed of your own history they you make it illegal to teach it to your children.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      80. To anonymous at 7:46 PM;

        How much are the anti-vaxxers paying you to post their garbage? Or do you really believe this crap yourself?

      81. Anonymous11:58 AM

        How much are the anti-vaxxers paying you to post their garbage?

        HA!  The last time I got a paycheck was when I had an emcee gig.

        Or do you really believe this crap yourself?

        Let me fill you in on some facts, then ask you a question.  The pre-COVID pandemic guidelines are ALMOST EXACTLY OPPOSITE to what our governments have actually done.  They call for vulnerable populations to be carefully quarantined while people at low or no risk get infected and thus immunized as rapidly as possible.  The guidelines say NO lockdowns and NO masks.

        So, given that we would have achieved herd immunity by 3Q2020 without vaccines by just letting the virus burn itself out, why are so many governments doing precisely the WRONG things... and can they POSSIBLY have our best interests at heart since they are?  The only thing you can really know is that the government is lying.

        I've personally had the virus, and I'm immune now.  I barely had symptoms; a good regimen of vitamins C and D plus quinine is all you need, and they're risk-free.

      82. To anon at 11:58 AM. Good luck.

      83. Anonymous1:25 PM

        "Good luck" isn't an answer to the question.
