Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Movie Tuesday.



I need a name for this movie. 

And what's up with Marjorie Taylor Greene's feet?  

Bad Field Negro being petty again.  :(  


  1. https://giphy.com/gifs/movie-chuck-the-goonies-CiOHO5544doY

    That’s how inbred peoples’ feet look. 😂

  2. While Gaetz gets repeatedly called a pedo, Greene has a shit eating grin and a thumbs up. Clearly she wasn't paying attention. Or was she?

  3. The suit in the background looks like a love child between Trey Gowdy and Pee Wee Herman.

  4. Anonymous8:02 PM

    'He was nonchalantly shooting at anybody and anything': Moment cops take down felon, 35, who shot dead neighbor in front of his young son before wounding firefighters and paramedics


    The mugshot says it all.

  5. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Troll 3

    (Because there are three trolls: MTG and Gaetz, and American flag guy, who's trolling them.)

  6. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Marjorie Taylor Greene has feet like goat hooves!

    Congresswoman Tiny Toes gives big ups to ex-President Tiny Hands.

  7. Working title: "The new faces of fascism, or today's Republican party."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Well, Dumb and Dumber was already taken so I got nothing.

  9. Anonymous1:52 AM

    "We've been let out of the trailer for good behavior. But we only have 2 more hours left so let's hurry up and head to the captiol."

  10. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I don't know if Marjorie Taylor Greene has weird feet, but she'd definitely got a tiny brain. A reporter asked her if she'd been vaccinated for COVID. She responded by claiming that simply asking her this question was a violation of HIPAA rules and therefore a federal crime.

    This is idiotic. HIPAA prevents medical professionals from divulging your health information to others without your permission. It does not prevent you from divulging it yourself, or other people from asking you to divulge it.

    In this case, if you refuse to answer if you've been vaccinated, that means you've not been vaccinated. And that is a violation of "not being an asshole" rules.

  11. So, ken Starr turns out to be the patron saint of magat pedophiles and does most everything to protect them from being punished for their crimes against children.


  12. Two Stooges and a normal person. The one in the middle may or may not be normal, considering what he is wearing. Maybe the title should be, The Three Stooges circa the 21st Century

  13. The Horrible, Very Terrible, Nasty Sub-Humans

  14. Pelosi: Banks and Jordan? Uh, no.
    McCarthy: Waah! You're so mean! I'm pulling all my nominees so your select committee won't be bipartisan!
    Pelosi: So Liz Cheney doesn't count as a Republican any more?
    McCarthy: Not to "real" Republicans she doesn't.
    Pelosi: Regret blowing up the independent commission that you got all of your demands approved for yet?
    McCarthy: We are doing our own investigation without any of you meanie Democrats to mess it up with facts and remembering stuff.
    Pelosi: And without subpoena power, but you clowns don't care about that.
    McCarthy: We did on Benghazi...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. A doctor in Alabama on treating covid patients lately:

    Dr. Brytney Cobia said Monday that all but one of her COVID patients in Alabama did not receive the vaccine. The vaccinated patient, she said, just needed a little oxygen and is expected to fully recover. Some of the others are dying. "I'm admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections," wrote Cobia, a hospitalist at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, in an emotional Facebook post Sunday. "One of the last things they do before they're intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I'm sorry, but it's too late."

    Cobia added, "A few days later when I call time of death, I hug their family members and I tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same.

    "They cry. And they tell me they didn't know. They thought it was a hoax. They thought it was political. They thought because they had a certain blood type or a certain skin color they wouldn't get as sick. They thought it was 'just the flu'. But they were wrong. And they wish they could go back. But they can't. So they thank me and they go get the vaccine. And I go back to my office, write their death note, and say a small prayer that this loss will save more lives."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Doug posted...

    "One of the last things they do before they're intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I'm sorry, but it's too late."
    It's so sad to see so many people dying needlessly. Will it never end?

  17. https://www.aol.com/news/alabama-city-leader-wont-quit-140839697-203043267.html

  18. The memo is out, both Hannity and Shapiro admitted they got vaccinated and recommend it for their audience. How long til Tucked and MTG read it?

  19. Anonymous9:13 PM

    From none other than Buzzfeed comes PROOF that the "Whitmer kidnapping plot" was all cooked up by... fedgov agents!


    “If you’re not down with the thought of kidnapping,” someone else replied, “don’t sit here.”
    The men planned for all kinds of obstacles, but there was one they didn’t anticipate: The FBI had been listening in all along.

    For six months, the Iraq War vet had been wearing a wire, gathering hundreds of hours of recordings. He wasn’t the only one. A biker who had traveled from Wisconsin to join the group was another informant. The man who’d advised them on where to put the explosives — and offered to get them as much as the task would require — was an undercover FBI agent. So was a man in one of the other cars who said little and went by the name Mark.

    Just over three weeks later, federal and state agents swooped in and arrested more than a dozen men accused of participating in what a federal prosecutor called a “deeply disturbing” criminal conspiracy hatched over months in secret meetings, on encrypted chats, and in paramilitary-style training exercises. Seven of the men who had driven to Birch Lake that night would end up in jail.

    The case made international headlines, with the Justice Department touting it as an example of law enforcement agencies “working together to make sure violent extremists never succeed with their plans.” Prosecutors alleged that kidnapping the governor was just the first step in what some on the right call “the Big Boog,” a long-awaited civil war that would overthrow the government and return the United States to some supposed Revolutionary War–era ideal.
    The defendants, for their part, see it very differently. They say they were set up.

  20. Local Zeroes (because it reminded me of this poster):


  21. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Today, France started their vaccine passporting program. From here on out, if you live there, you won’t be able to do shit if you haven’t been vaccinated.

    No concerts, no sporting events, no bars, no restaurants. Can’t even go to the library or get on a train.

    I sure wish we were taking COVID seriously. Instead, we indulge and coddle our stupid people, tell them we respect their right to get their medical advice from some lying opportunist with zero medical training on YouTube, then pop some ivermectin and infect their grandma. We politely endure their yelling and screaming about how being forced to wear a mask in a store is EXACTLY LIKE being sent to Auschwitz.

    We are a nation of toddlers.

  22. Weekend at Burnouts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weekend_at_Bernie%27s#/media/File:Weekend_at_Bernies.jpg

  23. Mike, trying to get tix for the Sox Yankees Field of Dreams game in August for my dad's 80th. You have to have an Iowa zip code to get in the raffle. Wanna jump in and if you win I can buy em and if you want join us for the game? Being from Chicago you know I have to try to put in the fix. LOL!

  24. Anonymous7:57 AM

    The losing money tour, apparently....

  25. PilotX, I signed up and now we wait and see what gives for your tix.

    If they come through, ask Field to send you my email address so I get get a mailing address for you. I am on the other side of the state from FOD.

  26. Anonymous said...

    "From none other than Buzzfeed comes PROOF that the "Whitmer kidnapping plot" was all cooked up by... fedgov agents!

    9:13 PM
    I went to the Buzzfeed website above and am at a loss as to how you came to the conclusion that the "Whitmer kidnapping plot" was all cooked up by... fedgov agents!" The article does not PROVE this in any way.

    I do not see how the actions of "fedgov agents" acted any differently than than they usually do when tracking suspected terrorists.

    May I remind you that state militias are forbidden by the Constitution; but law enforcement has been very reluctant to crack down on them in recent years, mostly as a result of the Waco debacle.

  27. “PilotX, I signed up and now we wait and see what gives for your tix.“

    Thanks! Beer is on me at the game. You’re not a Yankee fan are you.😆

  28. Thanks. PilotX, but I am neither a fan of baseball or beer. Guess you'll have to take someone you love, if we get tickets.

    drumpf has new culprits to blame for losing the election. He says it's because dead people voted in droves and he has stacks of obits to prove it, plus, Indians were paid to vote several times each from different places.

  29. PilotX, just received this notice....

    Thank-you for filling the information/registration request. You will be notified AS SOON as info becomes available on how to get tickets for this ONCE in a LIFETIME Experience. This site is an initiative of www.14sb.com . For 21 years www.14sb.com have been a supplier of Major Sport Event Hotel packages for SUPER BOWL, Olympics, UEFA Champions League Final, FIFA World Cup, NCAA Final Four and other Major Sport Events.

    Starting to sound like a scam.

  30. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "May I remind you that state militias are forbidden by the Constitution; but law enforcement has been very reluctant to crack down on them in recent years, mostly as a result of the Waco debacle."

    They're not "state militias" -- any more than "Islamic State" is a state (a nation-state) or the "Irish Republican Army" was an army. These are all just grandiose names that terrorist groups have given themselves.

  31. Anonymous1:41 PM

    THE NEGRO MASS SHOOTING HAT TRICK!!!!!! 3 BLACK VIOLENCE MASS SHOOTING IN 24 HOURS IN CHICAGO - 8 People On Negrolious Party Bus Shot & Wounded In Shooting In Lincoln Park - In total, 18 people were shot during these mass shootings including two mass shootings in Chicago's North Lawndale

  32. Anonymous1:45 PM

    8 shot in Old Town drive-by, marking Chicago's 3rd mass shooting in 6-hour span, CPD says


  33. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Thursday, July 22, 2021
    Deadly shooting at Pat's King of Steaks in South Philadelphia - As NEGRO TRIBAL WARFARE escalates in the Brotherly City


  34. Anonymous2:45 PM

    200k illegal aliens stream across the border since February, over 1 million now, un-vaccinated and causing super spreader event all due to joe biden.

  35. Anymoose, besides all the lies you spew, your ass is every bit as illegal (likely more so) as the people coming to America seeking asylum, except they are allowed, by treaty to enter where ever they want to seek asylum. While scumacysts like you foment revolution and overthrow as traitors are wont to do.

    How come you ain't ragging Joe for all the drugs being intercepted at the border, like other magats?

  36. Anonymous replied...

    They're not "state militias" -- any more than "Islamic State" is a state (a nation-state) or the "Irish Republican Army" was an army. These are all just grandiose names that terrorist groups have given themselves.

    1:38 PM
    Sorry, I should have said private militias, which are illegal. The National Guard is an official state militia.
    The Army National Guard began on Dec. 13, 1636.

  37. Mississippi asks the Scotus to abolish Roe v Wade. Without which, former veep J Danforth Quayle couldn't cross the Potomac River.

  38. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “200k illegal aliens stream across the border since February, over 1 million now, un-vaccinated and causing super spreader event all due to joe biden.”

    Any illegal border crossers that are caught are put into quarantine, so they won’t be “spreading” much of anything.

    The ones they don’t catch … well, they didn’t catch them. But they wouldn’t have caught them under Trump, either. All that clown did was make racist speeches and piss away taxpayer money on worthless walls that migrants laughed at as they climbed over them.

  39. “Starting to sound like a scam.“

    Aw man I hope not.😖

  40. Fergus' "Save America" PAC is busy saving America by paying his travel and legal expenses, paying for his staff, and paying "other expenses" that he may incur doing whatever the fuck he's doing these days.
    Basically, the 75 million dollars his idiot hordes have chipped in on this naked grift is how he's living now that his businesses are in the shitter and under indictment.
    I remember my very first reaction when I heard that he had announced that he was running for president: "Holy shit, now a bunch of Pig People are gonna send their green, American dollars to Donald the fuck Trump."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Anonymous12:20 AM

    “I remember my very first reaction when I heard that he had announced that he was running for president”

    Probably no one was more surprised than Donald Trump that he actually became president. I’m sure he only make some quick cash off of running for president and that would last only one election campaign season, but it turns out this grift really has legs! He’s now stretched out his opportunity to hustle the rubes from months to years, and shows no sign of stopping, unless federal or state prosecutors manage to put him in the clink.

  42. Anonymous10:45 AM


    Catholic priest demands Biden be punished for defying the sexual restrictions of the Church (by failing to oppose abortion). Same priest then gets booted out of the priesthood for defying the sexual restrictions of the Church (by being gay).

    Catholic priest who wants to prevent Biden from receiving communion resigns in sex scandal

  43. A sign of hope? Cleveland Indians change name to Guardians. Magats vow revenge and change name to Even Worse Magats.

  44. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Wanted feral Negro Oklahoma City carjacking fugitive LEE KING who allegedly shot 3 people across Oklahoma captured in Texas by U.S. Marshals and Texas Rangers - Here's a tip for all you colored folks on the run, DON'T GO TO TEXAS - They get their criminals!

  45. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Blogger Gambler2 said...
    Anonymous replied...

    They're not "state militias" -- any more than "Islamic State" is a state (a nation-state) or the "Irish Republican Army" was an army. These are all just grandiose names that terrorist groups have given themselves.

    1:38 PM
    Sorry, I should have said private militias, which are illegal. The National Guard is an official state militia.
    The Army National Guard began on Dec. 13, 1636.

    4:01 PM

    Wrong again marxist commie: The Second Amendment covers your/state right to a militia. The 1903 national Guard act covers regulated and un-regulated State Militias.

    The NG did not replace the militia. They are not illegal, communism and marxism is.....

  46. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  47. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Joe Biden = White privilege

  48. Anonymous11:16 AM

    THE NEGRO - They make up LESS than 14% of America but THEY ARE 85% of the BAD NEWS HEADLINES

  49. Anonymous11:18 AM

    A picture of PATRIOTS!!

  50. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Communists, Marxists, Fascists, ISIS are the ones who remove statues and historical monuments.

    They erase the past so they can control the future.......

  51. Anonymous11:22 AM


  52. Anonymous sais....

    Wrong again marxist commie: The Second Amendment covers your/state right to a militia. The 1903 national Guard act covers regulated and un-regulated State Militias.

    The NG did not replace the militia. They are not illegal, communism and marxism is.....

    11:10 AM
    The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a qualified rejection of the insurrection theory. According to the Court in Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494, 71 S. Ct. 857, 95 L. Ed. 1137 (1951), "[W]hatever theoretical merit there may be to the argument that there is a 'right' to rebellion against dictatorial governments is without force where the existing structure of the government provides for peaceful and orderly change." Scholars have interpreted this to mean that as long as the government provides for free elections and trials by jury, private citizens have no right to take up arms against the government.

    Read more: Second Amendment - Private Militias - Government, Law, Freemen, and Federal - JRank Articles https://law.jrank.org/pages/10067/Second-Amendment-PRIVATE-MILITIAS.html#ixzz71SKRQFDl

    Your calling me a marxist commie indicates that you can't discuss a topic without name calling. I could call you a dangerous, ignorant fascist, but that would not contribute much to the discussion. Have a nice day, and by the way, why are you hiding under the title Anonymous?

  53. Yeah Mike, you might need to start watching baseball.😃


  54. “why are you hiding under the title Anonymous?“

    You know why, they would have to actually stand by their words and be accountable when they’re proven wrong.

  55. Anonymous12:10 PM

    “Wrong again marxist commie: The Second Amendment covers your/state right to a militia.”

    LOL, no.

    The only right created by the 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms. The bit about militias was put in there to qualify and explain WHY the Founders were granting a right to bear arms. (The reason being that an average citizen might need to grab his rifle from above the mantel in order to run off and fight as part of a militia if a war broke out. A reason, by the way, that is obsolete, since all legal military units have government-issued guns now, and don’t need privately owned ones for this purpose.) The 2nd Amendment doesn’t create any rights to be in a militia or define what they are.

    Wacky redneck “legal scholars” make me laugh. The above legal theory is right up there with the one saying Congress didn’t fill out the right paperwork to admit Ohio as a state, therefore Ohio couldn’t ratify the 16th Amendment, therefore nobody has to pay income tax. I really want to be present, so I can point and laugh at the Cliven Bundy-types arguing this nonsense while the IRS agents seize their homes.

  56. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/07/surprise-brett-kavanaugh-wasnt-actually-vetted-before-being-given-a-lifetime-scotus-appointment

    No fucking surprise here.

  57. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/07/vaccinated-america-breaking-point-anti-vaxxers/619539/?fbclid=IwAR2nWUGB81yeMrPnPi0iv-meS_3RiePufjZgPerYi6_OT7jHuYlLmgBYHn4

  58. Anonymous4:20 PM

    "Vaccinated" people make up 3/4 of all new COVID cases in Singapore.


    I sure hope all you lie-bural morons got the shot, 'cause you NEED to die.

  59. From Steve Benen:

    It's about time: "Forty-two years after the bust of Confederate General and early Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest was installed in the Tennessee Capitol, the statue of the former slave trader was removed from the building Friday, loaded onto a truck and driven away."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. As usual, anymoose steps in shit and then proceeds to shove both shitty feet in his mouth. No one ever said vaccinations would prevent you from getting the virus. They said in almost all cases where fully vaccinated people get the virus, the symptoms are extremely mild to virtually non-existent. The serious cases are people either unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated.

    Learn to read more than headlines, dude or dudette. Or quit wasting our time.

  61. You notice how many magats are finally realizing all the truths they had access to and denied were actually gospel, especially about the pandemic and vaccination efficacy. Too bad so many paid for the lies with their lives and health.

    Fake Noize might be held liable for all the misinformation, alright, outright lies, they have pedaled about Covid-19 and vaccines?

  62. Anonymous7:18 PM

    One more case of you nuckin' figgers eating your own:


    You all scream about "Nazis" and "wasicu wasteys", but they had nothing to do with the murder of Fatima Johnson.  Why should they?  The only thing they care about is that they don't have to deal with you.  It's you nuckin' figgers killing each other, the more so because black prosecutors won't do their jobs:


  63. Anonymous8:04 PM

    “No one ever said vaccinations would prevent you from getting the virus.”

    Not “prevent,” but the vaccines certainly provide a lot of protection. They do radically reduce the chances of catching the virus.

    If you’re talking about the original strain of the virus and the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine, there was found to be a 95% reduction in odds of infection. That means that if an unvaccinated person was in a given situation where they had a 20% chance of becoming infected, a vaccinated person would only have a 1% chance.

    If you look at those numbers and still can’t see why vaccines matter, you must have failed math class.

  64. Of the three murder charges dropped last week, at least two of them have been refiled.

    National Justice is likely a white scumacyst conspiracist operation and has not yet been graded by Media Bias Fact check.

  65. Wild parrots in Australia are teaching other parrots how to open trash bins. Now if only they could teach American magats to be useful citizens what a wonderful world this could be.

  66. Call the move "I Am Not A Nut".

  67. Anonymous said...

    "Vaccinated" people make up 3/4 of all new COVID cases in Singapore.

    4:20 PM
    So what brand of vaccine did they get? How many of them have died?

  68. Biden has authorized $100M for the expediting of the evacuation of Afghan translators and their families ahead of their imminent slaughter by the Taliban.

    Tom Barrack has put up $250M (aka "one Romney") in bail to avoid remaining in custody until his trial and being flown on "con air" to New York to face his charges of acting as an unauthorized agent of the UAE.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. https://www.theroot.com/tennessee-finally-removes-bust-of-kkk-leader-nathan-bed-1847351020

  70. Yesterday Anonymous said...

    "Vaccine = Slavery"

    11:11 AM

    Anti vaccine = Stupidity, which may lead to difficulty breathing and death.

  71. Anonymous1:47 PM

    “ So what brand of vaccine did they get?”

    Indonesia has mostly gotten the Chinese vaccine Sinovac, and recent evidence suggests that particular vaccine is garbage. Or at least, it doesn’t work well against the Delta variant.

    Meanwhile, all the vaccines used in the the US have tested well against all variants to date. The parts of the US where COVID is seeing really big resurgences are all places with really low vaccination rates. AKA “Trump country.”

  72. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Correction: Meant to say Singapore, not Indonesia, has mostly gotten Sinovac vaccine.

    Although, I believe Indonesia has gotten mostly Sinovac as well, for whatever that’s worth. A bunch of the countries that have used this vaccine (see also Chile, Brazil) have also had crappy results.

    The fact that one vaccine, which the US doesn’t use, is ineffective, is something you can expect antivaxxers to exploit in their lie-filled propaganda.

  73. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Who’s More Racist? Not Whites, Americans Say


  74. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Anti vaccine = Stupidity, which may lead to difficulty breathing and death.

    1:07 PM

    Hasn't happened in two years. Total bullshit. There is nothing wrong with the air.

    The MSN is the virus........

  75. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The African American community has been wise largely rejecting the "vaccine" with the past history of medical abuse in America.

    Why would the black community trust white progressive/marxists?????

  76. Anonymous2:08 PM

    When is Kuntmala going to replace sippy cup boy????

  77. Anonymous3:50 PM

    “Who’s More Racist? Not Whites, Americans Say”

    Who’s More Racist? Not Whites, Whites Say

  78. Anonymous3:56 PM

    “When is Kuntmala going to replace sippy cup boy????”

    When wil KAmala become president? Probably a few months after Republican candidate Ron DeSantis loses to her in the 2024 election.

  79. Rasmussen's is slanted towards magat POVs.

  80. Anonymous6:02 PM

    5 blacks dead, at least 22 negroes wounded in shootings since Friday evening in Chicago's endless negro violence:


  81. Anonymous6:05 PM

    How you should approach the whole Covid-19 thing:


  82. “Who’s More Racist? Not Whites, Americans Say“

    Says a 1954 poll.😆😂

  83. Anonymous7:32 PM

    “How you should approach the whole Covid-19 thing”

    … if you wanna end up on a respirator.

  84. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Feral Negro Welfare Breeder Maricia Bell, 25, busted for anti-Asian assault spree in Queens: cops
    A woman was arrested Thursday for an alleged hate-driven, anti-Asian assault spree that left four people injured over the course of several months in Queens, police said.

    Maricia Bell, 25, is accused of attacking three women — ages 75, 63 and 34 — and a 23-year-old man in four separate incidents in the borough beginning May 23, according to police.

    Maricia Bell was arrested for an alleged anti-Asian assault charge, leaving four injured in Queens over the course of months.

    Maricia Bell was arrested on charges for an alleged anti-Asian assault spree, leaving four injured in Queens over the course of months.

    In the first attack, Bell allegedly yelled, “Why are you talking to me?” before punching the man in a Flushing parking lot on Kissena Boulevard, cops said.

    Bell allegedly committed a similar assault against the 34-year-old woman inside a Pomonok bodega at about 6:40 p.m. June 16, according to police.

    At about 8 p.m. July 11, Bell is accused of slugging the 63-year-old woman in the face as the victim was walking near 72nd Avenue and Parsons Boulevard, according to police.

    In the latest incident, Bell allegedly whacked the 75-year-old woman with a hammer at 71st Avenue and Parsons Boulevard at about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, authorities said.

    Bell was hit with several hate crime charges, including assault, harassment and robbery, police said.

    She has five prior arrests, sources said, including one on March 29 in which she was charged with assault as a hate crime.


  85. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    “How you should approach the whole Covid-19 thing”

    … if you wanna end up on a respirator.

    7:32 PM

    Total bullshit. Its Group Think, Mass Hypnosis. The virus is a flu bug not Anthrax or Plague.

  86. Anonymous7:41 PM


  87. And yet another genius real American.😆😂


  88. TRUMP WON!! an all expense paid trip to the pokie.😆😂

  89. Things looking up for Dems.


  90. Anonymous said...

    Anti vaccine = Stupidity, which may lead to difficulty breathing and death.

    1:07 PM

    Hasn't happened in two years. Total bullshit. There is nothing wrong with the air.

    The MSN is the virus........

    2:05 PM
    The top part of this comment was from my original post. The second part, which you wrote shows that you have lost touch with reality. I wish you luck. You're going to need it.

  91. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Chicago endless negro shootings: 70 blacks shot, 12 fatally, in weekend black violence across city:


  92. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Well lets see who had the most to gain from a Global Pandemic & the destruction of about every economy in the world ( except China )?


    Where dd the Virus come from ?

    A-China ( all facts point there )

    Why would China want to do this ?

    A-To destroy the economy in the USA , to Gert rid of its #1 enemy of their economy ,POTUS Trump who was getting more manufacturing back into the USA & away from China .

    Who Else wanted to destroy Trump to get rid of him as POTUS ?

    A- Why of course its the Commiecrats , they have been trying to destroy him in many way since he first announced running for POTUS . The mysterious jump for their nomination of China Joe was right in line with what China wanted , not only that but he & his crime family are well intrenched with the CCP & through the COVID 19 Fear propaganda , were able to pump millions of fake ballets & alter the Vote counting machines to Usurp the election.

    YES , there was coordination between the Democratic Party & China to release the Virus to destroy our Election & take over this Country .

  93. Anonymous1:09 PM


  94. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Covid-19 Delta = WOLF....WOLF....WOLF

  95. >mike from iowa said...
    >>Wild parrots in Australia are teaching other parrots how to open trash bins. Now if only they could teach American magats to be useful citizens what a wonderful world this could be.<<

    Aussie parrots got nothin' on our Key deer on Big Pine Key in Florida. They've been snackin' on trash can contents they knock over themselves for nearly 20 years now. I lived there from '91-'03 and saw it happen twice. One of the first things I was told by my new neighbors after I moved there was to secure my trash can lids, so the deer must've been doing this trick earlier than '91. Smart li'l ruminants.

  96. Anonymous said.... YES , there was coordination between the Democratic Party & China to release the Virus to destroy our Election & take over this Country .

    1:07 PM

    Anonymous said...


    1:09 PM
    Anonymous said...

    Covid-19 Delta = WOLF....WOLF....WOLF

    1:10 PM
    All mad ramblings from three, two, or just one
    cowardly commenter. Why don't you come out and fight like an adult - use a screen name. There is no need to fear us normal people. LOL!

  97. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "Well lets see who had the most to gain from a Global Pandemic & the destruction of about every economy in the world ( except China )?"

    If China "destroys" all the other economies in the world, who do they sell their products to?

    And if their goal was to screw over the United States, why would they not release the virus in an American city, rather than Wuhan, giving our country months to protect itself?

    Of course, I suppose China could rely on the fact that the US president at the time was an utter moron who would sit around for months with his thumb up his butt and do nothing whatsoever to protect the country, while ignoring the warnings from numerous medical experts. So there is that.

  98. Mystere, how moronic are magats in your neighborhood? :)

  99. Mystere: Up here we got raccoons that know how to open the lid to the composter to get at anything we try to put in there, and the occasional black bear who just doesn't give a fuck about out feeble efforts at securing trash lids.
    The solution is to just take the trash bags down the hill to the locked dumpster as soon as they are full.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  100. Montana's bitchy Lt Guv's top adviser can't stop talking about killing cops. She wants to be guv cop killer, I guess.


  101. Pic looks like a ton of whale shit flotsam washed ashore.

  102. As a former long time motorcyclist, I say hang the bastard:

    GOP Candidate Insists He Did Not Cause Accident

    July 26, 2021 at 7:56 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 160 Comments

    Charlie Gerow, a Republican who announced his candidacy for Pennsylvania governor last month, said that he is cooperating with a police investigation into an accident in which a motorcyclist was killed, and that shut down the Pennsylvania Turnpike for seven hours, WPXI reports.

    Gerow apparently drove for several miles with the motorcycle stuck to the front of his car.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  103. 2 minute video of drumpf denying he touched a woman's lady bits or something. Cute as all get out.


  104. https://www.theroot.com/former-white-house-doctor-thinks-biden-s-going-to-resig-1847361963

    Is everyone associated with trump delusional? I’m sure at some point this guy had to have his stuff together. Or maybe he’s a craven opportunist?

  105. https://warontherocks.com/2021/07/executive-order-9981-desegregation-of-the-armed-forces/?fbclid=IwAR2kGLcxNNTXT038VDW-jenIzbYc05wSIaC9TJpRSUc5Ikv-tq1Xz14TT80

  106. Person Woman Man Camera TV10:07 PM

    "Is everyone associated with trump delusional? I’m sure at some point this guy had to have his stuff together. Or maybe he’s a craven opportunist?"

    That dude's willingness to tell lies in order to indulge wingnut fantasies, both during and after Trump's presidency, suggests he is cashing in somehow.

    It is amazing to me how anyone could watch Trump spewing incomprehensible gibberish during every single press conference or interview he ever gave and forgetting the words while attempting to sing the national anthem, and then turn around and say, "Yes, obviously, that Joe Biden is the president with the dementia problem."

    But that's the level of self-delusion that wingnuts are working with.

  107. Paul Krugman has written about the, uh, behavior of the Fergus supporters in the framework of the cult.
    Cult members historically have shown a tendency to abase and humiliate themselves in order to make their devotion to the cult or its leader stand out from the base level of crazy behavior exhibited by the other cult members.
    This way of thinking about them actually allows them a sort of back door humanity: deliberately taking on painful or damaging consequences to your over the top adoration of the cult leader at least shows that you know they are painful or damaging, and you would have to understand that in order to use them in that fashion.
    In other words, you're not too stupid to even know how you're buggering yourself, which is often the question asked about the Fergus crowd.
    How many of them this applies to is anyone's guess.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. Anonymous11:43 PM

    "In other words, you're not too stupid to even know how you're buggering yourself, which is often the question asked about the Fergus crowd.
    How many of them this applies to is anyone's guess."

    Not that many, among the voters, I'm thinking.

    Republican politicians are a different story. A lot of them ARE faking it, pretending to believe whatever Dear Leader says, in return for cash and prizes. They definitely know better. They know the election wasn't rigged against Trump. They know the Jan. 6th rioters weren't tourists. They know global warming is real. They know. They're just assholes who care about money and status more than anything else, so they pretend not to know.

    However, my guess is that Republican voters really are mostly bona fide morons who genuinely accept whatever crazy crap they've been told, by whichever wingnut media outlets they listen to, even though it makes no sense and directly contradicts what those media outlets told them just days earlier.

    If this were not true, the US would be in a lot better shape against COVID. Why? Because you can always just say you didn't get vaccinated, for "Trump-worshipper cool points," and then go and quietly get a shot! Nobody would know you lied, so you can pass this loyalty test without making a real sacrifice. And yet, the statistics show that lots of people really didn't get vaccinated, especially in Trump-voting states. That's not a performance of being a dumbass, meant to show your Trump loyalty. That's being an actual dumbass.

  109. “But that's the level of self-delusion that wingnuts are working with.“

    After watching Bobert’s CPAC performance I’ve decided that these people are too far gone to even consider this country will survive intact.

  110. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Now MTG is ranting about how she wants to kick Chinese people out of the country. (But only the ones who are “loyal to the CCP,” guys. And of course MTG knows who all those disloyal Chinese-Americans are.)

    Classy. I guess she decided her circus act with Matt Gaetz wasn’t attracting quite enough attention, so she needed to turn the racism up to eleven.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene said she would deport Chinese people who are 'loyal' to the Chinese Communist Party

  111. And more evidence the GOP is ignorant beyond imagination.


  112. From Princess Sparkle Pony's Twitter feed:

    The four Gs of the very stupid apocalypse.

    Grace Panetta
    · 10h
    Inbox: “Reps. Gaetz, Gohmert, Gosar, and Greene to Hold Press Conference at DOJ Demanding Answers on Treatment of January 6th Prisoners”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  113. Interesting.


  114. Inbox: “Reps. Gaetz, Gohmert, Gosar, and Greene to Hold Press Conference at DOJ Demanding Answers on Treatment of January 6th Prisoners”

    I say just use Jake Brigance's closing argument in A Time to Kill but switch the races and all of this will go away.

  115. Anonymous12:39 PM

    “Reps. Gaetz, Gohmert, Gosar, and Greene to Hold Press Conference at DOJ Demanding Answers on Treatment of January 6th Prisoners”

    “Why are you being so mean to the tourists? All they wanted was to take some selfies in the Capitol building?”


  116. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Negro Gunman kills 1, injures 3 before he is stoned to death in Fort Worth, police say:


  117. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  118. Anonymous11:40 AM


  119. Anonymous said...

    Vaccine = Slavery

    12:48 PM
    Anti Vaccine = Death

    Anonymous said...


    11:40 AM
    Trump has "won" a prison term. Looks like the Feds are going after him with the RICO law.

  120. Anonymous11:52 AM

