Saturday, July 10, 2021

The right's war on science and facts.


Remember when the right wingers were trying to tell us that climate change is a hoax? 

"It's become a common concern in recent years — extreme heat waves plaguing the western United States. Now, for the third time since the beginning of June, a life-threatening heat wave is underway. While this event is not expected to be quite as unprecedented as the Pacific Northwest heat wave last week, all-time records will be challenged in major cities like Las Vegas, Fresno and Redding, California.

This latest heat wave comes on the heels of the hottest June on record for the United States. A new study published Wednesday shows the Pacific Northwest heat wave from June 27 to June 29 was made at least 150 times more likely by human-caused climate change and, even in today's heated climate, is a rare 1-in-1,000-year event. The study, by a collaboration of 27 climate scientists, warned that if we keep warming the climate, extreme heat waves like that will happen once every 5 to 10 years by mid-century.

Although the Pacific Northwest will be hot in the coming days, the core of this latest heat dome is centered further south, over the Desert Southwest and Southern California. "

Never let them forget their ridiculous assault on science and facts to score cheap political points and fire up their base. We could have done more, but we didn't. It is now looking more and more like the world will look like one of those apocalyptic end of day movies in the not too distant future. 

They are doing it again with COVID-19. They are refusing to get vaccinated even with all the science out there telling them that if they don't get vaccinated they could die.

 The folks in the red states are refusing to get  the COVOD-19 shots because they want to stick it to the libs, and own Joe Biden. (Ask Herman Cain how that worked out for him. Oh can't because he is dead.)

The irony is, of course, that their dear leader himself scurried to get vaccinated after almost going to down to the meet his pals like Rush Limbaugh on a  permanent vacation where it's always very hot. 

I am not sure where the hatred of facts and science comes from with the right. Now they are refusing to teach the real history of America in schools because it is too offensive to their sensibilities. God forbid that we teach the children what actually happened in this country before they try to totally rewrite the nation's history and pretend that it never happened. 

They are now using the critical race theory bogeyman to continue their culture war (cause that's all they have) and punish truth- tellers who dare to want to teach our children the truth. Some states are now passing laws  that make teaching critical race theory illegal. This, in spite of the fact that most of those legislatures who voted to ban it don't' even know what critical race theory is.  

Finally, speaking of laws and laws being applied unequally. 

"A Pennsylvania man has been sentenced to five years of probation after pleading guilty to casting a vote in the name of his deceased mother in an effort to reelect then-President Donald Trump, according to court records and Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer's office.

Bruce Bartman, 70, received the sentence Friday after entering a guilty plea to two counts of perjury and one count of unlawful voting. Bartman will also lose his right to vote for four years, pursuant to Pennsylvania statute, the district attorney's office said in a news release.
Voter records show that Bartman used Pennsylvania's online voter-registration portal to register both his late mother, Elizabeth Bartman, and his deceased mother-in-law, Elizabeth Weihman, who died in 2019 -- illegally registering both as Republican voters, the district attorney's office said.
    Bartman then requested, filled out and sent in the absentee ballot for his deceased mother for the 2020 general election. Bartman's attorney, Samuel Stretton, told CNN that his client regrets the decision.
      Stretton said Bartman had explained to the court that because of the coronavirus pandemic, he had been isolated at home and was misled by "propaganda and statements" that were made about voter fraud. 

      "This was his way of misguided political dissent," Stretton said. "He accepts the responsibility."
      Trump repeatedly sought to sow doubt about the integrity of the general election and even falsely claimed victory over Joe Biden despite there being no evidence of widespread voter fraud in any US state. " [Source] 

      Five years probation.  

      Now check out this story.

      "The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals said Wednesday that it will consider an appeal from Crystal Mason, a Texas woman sentenced to five years behind bars for casting a provisional ballot in the 2016 election.

      “She’s absolutely buoyed,” attorney Alison Grinter told NBC News on Wednesday. “Her family is just over the moon today that she literally lives to fight another day.”

      She said the appeal is Mason's last chance at staying out of prison; she is currently out on an appeal bond.

      Mason was on supervised release from prison in 2016 when she went to the polls. She wasn't on the voter rolls, and instead cast a provisional ballot with the help of a poll worker. Local officials determined she was ineligible due to her 2011 tax fraud conviction, and her ballot was not counted. Prosecutors later charged her with knowingly voting illegally." [Source]

      Five years in prison. 

      You get one guess to tell me the difference between the two perpetrators.  


      1. Don't forget Hervis Rogers, who gained some media attention for waiting seven hours in line to vote in the primary between jobs, and was just arrested for voting while on parole, held on $100K bond that he obviously can't afford, and faces decades in prison if convicted.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      2. Anonymous3:21 PM

        “You get one guess to tell me the difference between the two perpetrators.”

        Race is probably a factor, but the states where these violations occurred is also a major factor.

        Texas is part of the wave of wingnut hysteria over the idea that voter fraud is widespread and perverting the outcomes of our elections — a lie, not invented but certainly heavily promoted by Trump, which is being used to justify voter suppression laws that actually pervert the outcomes of elections. In that context, prosecutors in these states are incentivized to showcase their “tough on voter fraud” credentials and throw the book at anyone who breaks voting laws, including even those who’ve clearly done so by mistake.

        Pennsylvania is not part of the wave of voter fraud hysteria, so, obviously, they’re not handing out draconian punishments left and right for the same offenses.

      3. Speaking of anti-vaxxers, had George Washington listened to them, we'd be speaking the King's English today.

      4. Anonymous6:21 PM

        “Don't forget Hervis Rogers, who gained some media attention for waiting seven hours in line to vote in the primary between jobs, and was just arrested for voting while on parole, held on $100K bond that he obviously can't afford, and faces decades in prison if convicted.”

        That case is even ickier than it first appears.

        At the time he voted, Rogers was only three months from his parole being over and having his voting rights restored.

        And the way he ran afoul of the the law is that some Republican woman read a news story about his tenacious efforts to try to cast a ballot and thought, “Hmmm, a black dude. Probably got a record.” So she then checked the public criminal records database, found out he was still on parole, and reported him. She is very proud of her efforts.

      5. “I am not sure where the hatred of facts and science comes from with the right.”

        America has ALWAYS been a big dumb country, especially in the rural areas. We still have a lot of people who want creationism taught in schools and many super Christy folks who homeschool their kids to keep them from being indoctrinated. This anti-intellectual strain is nothing new. They embrace the Sarah Palins, Marjorie Greenes, Lauren Boberts and Candace Owens of the land. Screw your pointy headed liberal ideas we know better. Colleges are just commie training grounds. The days of the intellectual right and common sense Republicans is ovah. It was only a matter of time before stupid people wanted to actually run shit instead of admitting they were stupid and let smart people do things. Wish us all luck.😬

      6. Anonymous12:07 PM

        Niggers shoot over nigglets heads in Chicago nigger violence episode:

      7. Anonymous12:16 PM

      8. Alabama magat scum Brooks was at C-PAC yesterday inciting violence just as he did at 1-6 insurrection.

      9. Media Bias Fact Check says about News Punch....

        Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right-wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to the routine publishing of fake news.

        Zero credibility, like all the other right wing magat lie factories.

        Don't bother trying to decipher the bullshit link.

      10. Anonymous12:34 PM

        CHICAGO July 1st-11th 2021

        Shot& Killed: 43
        Shot & Wounded: 191
        Total Shot: 234
        Total Homicides: 47

        82.6% Black

      11. Magats are swiftly defunding one branch of LEOS, those in the IRS that check tax returns on millionaires. Revenues are way down because the number of agents is way down.

      12. Anonymous3:59 PM

        The left is terrified of debate.......

      13. The left is terrified of debate.......

        3:59 PM

        Prove it!

      14. The left refuses to engage in stoopid, useless babble with magat quackanons who know nothing but love the sound of their own whiny voice boxes.

      15. "The left is terrified of debate......."

        LOL! Says the guy too afraid to create a screen name. I tell ya.

      16. I don't believe for five seconds the fucking traitor "regrets the decision."

        I hope his parole is denied the entire five years. Motherfucking traitor. An enemy of the United States is an enemy of mine. Hope you die in prison, buddy. What a waste of money hiring an attorney to defend this prick. Easy money. I can just imagine the lawyer letting the guy down easy. "I don't think we ever really had much a case. I did everything I could. You win some. You lose some.

        All bets are off with me after Electoral College Day 2021. Anybody who even remotely supports that fucking criminal can leave the United States anytime they want to as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't disgrace my own dear, still living mother, and her good name for anything in the world.

        I think it was probably a good shot for the guy. With Delaware being Biden's home state, Trump had an uphill battle to take the state. Maybe our patriotically challenged anti-hero didn't really have any idea that even Hillary Clinton got like, at least one hundred thousand more votes than the monster in 2016. I mean, think about it. How could he know?

      17. Facing decades? As in twenty years of more? For heaven's sake. Sounds like it was mostly an honest mistake. I don't really know. But gee whiz... He was only trying to vote one time.

        Forgive me for scanning. But is there really a chance that our MAGAt poster child for white victimhood might not even at the least get sentenced to five years or maybe three years with three years probation. Something for God's sake.

      18. I'll debate you.

        Anything from American history to climate science. Name the day and time. Tonight's alright. You can get it, anytime... Tonight's alright, troll.


      20. Anonymous11:40 PM

        "Facing decades? As in twenty years of more? For heaven's sake. Sounds like it was mostly an honest mistake. I don't really know. But gee whiz... He was only trying to vote one time."

        "Decades" is the theoretical maximum sentence. He won't get that.

        But he could still get a pretty harsh sentence -- definitely not probation, despite the fact he apparently was unaware he wasn't allowed to vote. Because he's a black dude. And it's Texas. And the prosecutor will want to prove to all the little Trumpsters that he is cracking down hard on voter fraud.

      21. Anonymous11:55 PM

        Speaking of which, fourteen years ago, the Texas legislature drafted a law requiring Texas' prisons to notify inmates of the restrictions on their voting rights before releasing them. But then-Governor Rick Perry vetoed it.

        So, apparently, the plan is to make it illegal for paroled prisoners to vote, but keep it a secret, and then, when they unintentionally violate the law by voting, leap out of the bushes and yell "Aha! Voter fraud!" and send them back to jail.

        This is what passes for logic in Texas. No wonder they can't manage to keep the lights on down there.

      22. Hey Troll! I'm back. I found you an avatar. Maybe you can call yourself, "Duck Holliday." I found you a cool avatar. Just leave your email address on my buddy's eightchan chatroom tonight at 2:00 a.m. E.S.T. I'll take it down as soon as I get it.

        Tell you what. I'll make you a little blog. Call it Liberal Kryptonite or something really cool. Here's your avatar. Daffy Duck as a gunslinger. Use it with my blessing.$/Vintage-90s-Daffy-Duck-Gunslinger-Draw-Denim-Jean-_1.jpg

        hang on - lemme see if it's taken

        You're in luck, buddy! The last owner took it down. This address is available right now. How's that? Who loves ya, kid?

      23. Bad news my friend. 8chan only resurfaced briefly in November of 2019.

        My buddy says they went full underground even when the god-emperor was still president. The guy who created it had made calls to take it down in August of 2019, but the brave American who owned it wouldn't cave to the Deep State.

        They did the right thing. The FBI is all over Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. DOJ. DHS. CIA. BATF. The U.S. Capitol Police. You name it. We can't go to the gun store without being followed.

        Sucks, huh? Goddam Obama Shadow Government Secret Police pedophilia guys. They're all working for lyin' Joe now.

        8 chan was associated with the El Paso mass shooting via a manifesto published, and personally, I chatted with my buddies about the Poway synagogue shooting. But I'm sorry to say I missed the manifesto of the shooter. It was a good website. Once Storm Front was shut down by the F.B.I. there was no good place to go to make fun of Jews.

        See you, bro.

      24. Thank you very much 11:40 p.m.

      25. The content of your character8:40 AM

        "DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) — A Davenport woman was sentenced to 10 years in prison Friday in a fatal shooting at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant that was sparked by an argument over a card game.

        "Treshonda M. Pollion, 25, pleaded guilty in April to voluntary manslaughter in the Oct. 25 death of 29-year-old Eloise Chairs.

        "Pollion was originally charged with first-degree murder

        The unspeakable truth is that it's overwhelmingly black people who do things like this.

        You are not like us, and have no place among us.

      26. Typical negro behavior9:19 AM

        White people don't do things like this.  You are not like us.

      27. Anonymous10:20 AM

        Monday, July 12, 2021
        Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart still in hiding - Chicago Rapper Londre Sylvester, 31, who's known by his stage name KTS Dre, suffered as many as 64 bullet wounds across the street from Cook County Jail just after being released, police say - two women were also shot but survived

      28. Anonymous10:23 AM

        Why do black people kill and maim each other at genocidal rates????

      29. Anonymous10:28 AM

        11 negroes Killed, 36 negroes Wounded In Weekend Shootings So Far In Chicago

      30. Anonymous11:04 AM

        If black lives really mattered in the black community; then why do blacks slaughter each other nationwide each and every day????

      31. May have discovered anymoose's identity.....Certainly sounds like him/her/it.

        Pro-Trump Republicans often engage in subliminal racism or "dog whistle" attacks — that is, code words that they will insist aren't racist. But when Florida resident Rip McIntosh, an adviser to far-right Trumpista Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA, sent out a fundraising newsletter on April 29, there was nothing subtle or subliminal about the racism in the newsletter.

        In the newsletter, Talking Points Memo's Nick R. Martin reports, someone going by the pen name E.P. Unum wrote that Blacks have "become socially incompatible with other races" and that "American Black culture has evolved into an unfixable and crime-ridden mess." Martin described Unum's rant as being "so racist it might make a ku klux klansman blush."

        According to Martin, the newsletter that McIntosh e-mailed, "also said White people aren't racist but 'just exhausted' with Black people. It portrayed post-Civil War America as a 150-year-long 'experiment' to see whether Black people could be 'taken from the jungles of Africa,' enslaved, and then integrated into a majority-White society. It said that experiment had failed."

        McIntosh is on Turning Point USA's advisory council. Although McIntosh is 85, Turning Point is a youth outreach organization; its mission is to convert Millennials and members of Generation Z into far-right Republicans.

        Excerpted from Raw Story article.

      32. Anonymous11:32 AM

        Chiraq weekend gun violence: 11 killed and 35 wounded by gunfire, 2 stabbed, 1 electrocuted, 1 tossed from a window, 1 floater in the river with a cement block tied to her foot
        The shootings included an attack outside Cook County Jail that killed a man and wounded two women.

      33. Anonymous11:37 AM

        How the Marxist democrats do it:

        “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~Joseph Goebbels~

      34. Anonymous11:48 AM

        If You Have Been Vaxed You Are Now Owned And Have No More Access To HUMAN RIGHTS Supreme Court 2013

        In a Supreme Court case decision in 2013 - Pathology vs Myriad Genetics, Inc - the United States Supreme Court ruled that you cannot patent human DNA as it is 'a product of nature'. However, at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court wrote that if you were to change a human's genome by mRNA vaccines (being used currently) then the (altered) genome CAN be patented.

        This means that everyone who has had the 'vaccine' is now technically 'patented'. Anything that is patented is 'owned' and comes under the definition of 'trans human'.

        All people who are legally identified as being 'trans human' do not have access to Human Rights or any Rights granted by the State. That is because they are not classified as anything 100% organic or human.

        Therefore, technically, anyone having this 'vaccine' can no longer have any access to Human Rights. There have been a few legal papers discussing this recently, so there should be clarification on this soon. As of now, the high court ruling stands.

        Full Supreme Court Ruling

      35. Anonymous12:02 PM

        The left is terrified of Donald J. Trump.

      36. Georgia magat Cawthorn (another shit fer brains wasicu wastey) claims Biden's door to door vaccination campaign will allow them to take your guns and bibles.

        The fucking lies never end from magats.

      37. Anonymous1:29 PM

        "In a Supreme Court case decision in 2013 - Pathology vs Myriad Genetics, Inc - the United States Supreme Court ruled that you cannot patent human DNA as it is 'a product of nature'. However, at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court wrote that if you were to change a human's genome by mRNA vaccines (being used currently) then the (altered) genome CAN be patented."

        That is not what the ruling says. It says that if genetic engineers create an altered genetic sequence in the lab, they can patent that. So a pharma company can patent a vaccine containing an mRNA sequence they created.

        But mRNA vaccines do not change your DNA. This is not how they work.

        And even if, in some bizarro parallel universe, it were how they worked (again, it isn't), that would not mean that the pharma company would own YOU, only the design of the original mRNA sequence. So that would legally restrict you from ... I dunno, selling your own blood as a vaccine for fear of violating the pharma company's patent?

        This is the very height of nonsense. How are you not ashamed to believe such ridiculous tripe? Congratulations on proving the premise of Field's blog post that wingnuts are science-hating and dumb as hell.

      38. Northern Mississippi's guv Femme Hitler Noem whines and cries about socialism, like all magats, then we find out her state is the second highest recipient of socialist aid to offset the pandemic and economic slump.

        South Dakota raked in 20.1% of their budget from socialism, behind only Wyoming's 22%.

        Not a single red state can balance their budgets without socialist federal monies. Must really suck to be a magat and fall for all the fake noize tripe you are spoon fed eveyday.

      39. Anonymous2:05 PM

        "Not a single red state can balance their budgets without socialist federal monies. Must really suck to be a magat and fall for all the fake noize tripe you are spoon fed eveyday."

        Also works on an individual level. Wingnuts are lying hypocrites. "Big Government for me but not for thee."

        From Kyla in the Burgh on Twitter:

        "Pretty weird that my small business didn't receive a single penny, but Lauren Boebert received a $233,305 PPP loan, while screaming on a CPAC stage 'We don't want government benefits, and we don't want government welfare.'

        Give it back then, you fucking fraud."

      40. Anonymous3:07 PM

        "Vaccine" = Slavery

      41. Anonymous3:11 PM

        When the Biden Administration Knocks On Your Door…

      42. From "Show Me Progress":

        Steve Edwards @SDECoxHealth
        119 Covid inpatients at CoxHealth this morning. (We had only 14 patients in the middle of May).

        Projections for the week of July 19 range from 153-178. This is likely well beyond our capability.

        Delta is so highly transmissible, if not vaccinated, you are at tremendous risk.
        7:27 AM · Jul 11, 2021

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      43. Anonymous3:35 PM

        Michael Avenatti: Celebrity lawyer sentenced to 30 months in prison for extortion

        The marxist left treated this guy like Jesus. Can the looney left do anything right???

      44. Anonymous3:36 PM

        Delta is so highly transmissible, if not vaccinated, you are at tremendous risk.
        7:27 AM · Jul 11, 2021


      45. Anonymous3:38 PM

        This is the very height of nonsense. How are you not ashamed to believe such ridiculous tripe? Congratulations on proving the premise of Field's blog post that wingnuts are science-hating and dumb as hell.

        1:29 PM

        The marxist left playbook:

        “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~Joseph Goebbels~

      46. Anonymous3:41 PM

        Michael Avenatti | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

        The marxist left is so batshit!!!!!

      47. Anonymous4:03 PM

        "Steve Edwards @SDECoxHealth
        119 Covid inpatients at CoxHealth this morning. (We had only 14 patients in the middle of May).

        Projections for the week of July 19 range from 153-178. This is likely well beyond our capability."

        Delta variant is already taking off in Missouri. That state is ground zero for this fall/winter's "redneck COVID wave," affecting mostly dummies who refused to get vaccinated. There are going to be a lot of totally unnecessary deaths in the Trump-voting states.


      48. “Michael Avenatti | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)”

        Why is Avenatti trending and why do these guys think he’s some kind of leader?🤷🏾‍♂️

      49. Anonymous4:14 PM

        "The marxist left treated this guy like Jesus. Can the looney left do anything right???"

        No it didn't.

        Lefties did think it was pretty hilarious that Trump was getting sued by a porn star he boned. And, ironically, the stories she told to the press may ultimately end up taking down Trump. The airing of them caused Trump's fixer, Michael Cohen, to get busted for making hush money payments to try to shut her up. This caused Cohen to spill the beans on all the tax evasion going on inside the Trump Organization. And now that Trump Org CFO has been indicted for financial crimes related to that tax evasion, how long before he rats out Trump to save his own skin?

        But none of the above means lefties actually admired Stormy Daniels' lawyer, who is a real bottom-feeder.

      50. Anonymous4:16 PM

        "Why is Avenatti trending and why do these guys think he’s some kind of leader?"

        He's trending because he pleaded guilty to a litany of crimes, ranging from ripping off his own clients to extorting Nike with the threat of frivolous lawsuits. It's pretty amazing he thought he'd get away with any of it.

        And nobody ever thought he was any kind of leader. This is just another wingnut lie.

      51. Anonymous5:15 PM

        "And nobody ever thought he was any kind of leader. This is just another wingnut lie."

        Also, the lie seems to be promoting the idea that because Stormy Daniels' lawyer was a sleaze, that must mean her stories weren't true.

        Sorry, nope, doesn't work like that. Trump boned her, and then tried to bribe her to keep it quiet.

      52. “He's trending because he pleaded guilty to a litany of crimes, ranging from ripping off his own clients to extorting Nike with the threat of frivolous lawsuits.“

        That was months ago. Why is he trending now? I see lots of people mentioning him but I figured most normal people haven’t thought of him for months.🤷🏾‍♂️

      53. Anonymous6:03 PM

        "That was months ago. Why is he trending now? I see lots of people mentioning him but I figured most normal people haven’t thought of him for months."

        No, at least some of the guilty pleas and/or sentencing were in the last few days.

        And the wingnuts who want to resurrect this story aren't "normal people," in any case.

      54. Anonymous Anonymous said...

        Michael Avenatti: Celebrity lawyer sentenced to 30 months in prison for extortion

        The marxist left treated this guy like Jesus. Can the looney left do anything right???

        3:35 PM
        Well at least we didn't elect him president. You elected a man too incompetent to organize a simple rally, too rude and disgusting to be in civil society, and too incompetent to govern. So keep you stupid comments to yourself.

      55. Anonymous saie...

        This is the very height of nonsense. How are you not ashamed to believe such ridiculous tripe? Congratulations on proving the premise of Field's blog post that wingnuts are science-hating and dumb as hell.

        1:29 PM
        Hey, Anon, doesn't trying to educate all of these dumb wing nuts make you tired? I know it makes me tired. There is nothing too far fetched for them to refuse to believe it.

      56. “There is nothing too far fetched for them to refuse to believe it.“

        Unless the information comes from a doctor or scientist.😆


      57. And the wingnuts who want to resurrect this story aren't "normal people," in any case.


      58. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

        City of Springfield
        · 1h
        98 patients in critical care, 58 are on ventilators. This is an all-time high. This rate of severe illness is worse than anything we’ve seen.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      59. Avenatti was mostly a broadcast media thing:

        Peter Huestis
        Jul 8
        Reminder that not all of us "on the left" were enamored with Michael Avenatti:

        Peter Huestis
        · Jul 1, 2018
        If this doesn't demonstrate that Avenatti is just a total fameball who will inevitably crash and burn, I don't know what will.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      60. At least they took out the part where a judge can overrule an election based on an unsubstantiated claim.

      61. Pro-trump lawyers may get sanctioned in Michigan. Throw the book at these bums!

      62. Paul Krugman on the lies Republicans tell about cities:

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      63. San Francisco County and South Dakota have roughly the same population; SF has had 559 total Covid deaths, SD 2039.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      64. Ash-ugly Babbit was shot in the shoulder, not her head. Next time these bat shit crazy crazies riot they need to be hosed down with depleted uranium in their kneecaps.

      65. Anonymous2:48 PM

        What A Sad Mess! When Will Black Folks Ever Learn?
        The Master Is Winning.

      66. Anonymous3:02 PM

        Brainwashing by the Master. Getting You Hating Yourself While They Copy All Of Your Looks And Your Talents.

      67. Anonymous3:58 PM


        Aside from those that are following an "Imperial Leader"...

        We know that there is a segment of the US population that can not get the vaccine for health reasons.
        There is also a segment of the population that will not get vaccinated due to religious reasons.

        Also, there is a segment that will not get vaccinated because they NO LONGER TRUST THE SAFETY OF ANYTHING THAT ANY DRUG COMPANY PUTS OUT ANYMORE BECAUSE THEY PUT "PROFITS BEFORE PEOPLE." Not to mention the fact that
        NONE of the vaccines has been FDA Approved



        Everyone knows that most kids will not get "as sick" as adults if they contract the virus.

        However, many of the carriers of the virus will potentially be the kids under 12 because they can't be vaccinated. But, in spite of this, the so called "experts" think that the kids should go without masks in a closed classroom. Even though they know that without masks the kids can become "super spreaders."

        Anyone with even "half a brain" can surmise that putting kids together inside of a closed classroom without a mask on is "EXTREMELY RISKY."

        Is allowing kids to go massless in school because nobody wants to risk making their voters angry or be known as the "bad guys."

        Would they rather aid and abet the spread of a deadly virus than to quiet the



        Seeing a grown person arguing over having to wear a &^%$!!!! mask to save lives is worse than seeing a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum because you told them not to play in traffic. ...AND THE KIDS HAVE TO WATCH THESE GROWN FOLKS BEHAVING LIKE 2 YEAR OLDS.

        Question: Would anyone like a surgeon to operate on them with out a mask on?

        If so, then maybe you should go find an island and start your own "cult" oops country.
        I'm sure you'll have quite a large following.

      68. Anonymous4:39 PM

        If black lives really mattered in the black community; then why do blacks slaughter each other nationwide each and every day????


        ...I'm hearing crickets.

      69. “I'm hearing crickets.“

        You might need to get that checked out.😆

      70. Anonymous7:17 PM

        What's another slice from a cut loaf, as my pops use to say.... 47 people shot, 10 fatally, in Chicago Black Tribal Wars Weekend violence

        Forty-seven people were shot the past weekend, 10 of them fatally — fewer than half the number of people shot during the long Fourth of July holiday, according to Chicago police and records maintained by the Tribune.

      71. Anonymous7:28 PM

        CHICAGO: July 1st-13th 2021
        Shot & Killed: 48
        Shot & Wounded: 207
        Total Shot: 255
        Total Homicides: 52

      72. Anonymous7:50 PM

        What the Marxist democrats want:

      73. Pro-covid politics work on the rule that a high price for cult membership improves the loyalty of the cult's marks. It's less painful to double down on error than to admit it. To the covid cult, 3% mortality is an acceptable loss rate, if the 97% who survive get to call their survival a triumph of the will over the facts.

        A 10% long-covid rate might dampen enthusiasm in the pro-virus faction. They're a death cult, not a disability cult. Death solves all of life's problems; disability adds to those problems. However, long covid will take some time to reveal its miseries; by then the death cult will find other ways to self-harm.

        Do not rely on covid to reduce pro-covid numbers enough to affect electoral politics, except maybe in close elections.

      74. Measles? What measles?

        Brett Kelman
        · 6h
        SCOOP: Tennessee Department of Health halts all vaccine outreach to kids – not just for COVID-19, but all diseases – amid pressure from GOP. Staff ordered to remove the agency logo from any documents providing vaccine info to the public, per internal dox.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      75. Michael Penn is having none of it:

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      76. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

        Zac Petkanas
        There were 161 exceptions to the filibuster between 1969 and 2014.

        An exception was used to put Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett on the bench.

        An exception was used to pass the 2017 GOP tax cuts & the American Rescue Plan.

        An exception can be made to protect the right to vote.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      77. Anonymous said...

        What the Marxist democrats want:

        7:50 PM
        What the Nazi Republicans want: All Democrats dead.

      78. Anonymous11:22 PM

        What the Nazi Republicans want: All Democrats dead.

        That's you projecting what you want for anyone who isn't fully on board with your agenda.

      79. "What the Marxist democrats want"

        I'm sure to trust a youtube video posted by an anonymous troll. LOL!

      80. "That's you projecting what you want for anyone who isn't fully on board with your agenda."

        Nah, Republicans are trying to kill off their own. They are cheering the fact that they are fighting against vaccinations. Reality has a strange way of making itself known.

      81. "What the Nazi Republicans want: All Democrats dead."

        Nah, they need the Democrats to run things so they can complain about it. Republicans gave up on governing years ago, and when they get into power, things slowly fall apart until they lose again.

        -Doug in Sugar Piine

      82. "Nah, they need the Democrats to run things so they can complain about it."

        I don't think that's the case anymore. It used to be stupid people admitted they were stupid and let smart people run things but now they want it all. They're perfectly happy electing trump, Bobert, Gohmert and Greene. We're in scorched earth territory now. Thing is there are a lot of stupid people out there and they're tired of being made fun of and want to "own the libs" by any means necessary. Wish us all luck.

      83. Extreme Southern South Dakota (Mississippi) has 7 kids in ICY with Delta version of covid. Two are on life support. Bet their parents are glad they didn't get vaccinated.

      84. Anonymous11:41 AM

        Nah, Republicans are trying to kill off their own. They are cheering the fact that they are fighting against vaccinations

        The Department of Defense admits that there's a much higher rate of heart inflammations among the "vaccinated" than controls.

        Myocarditis and pericarditis often lead to heart failure.  That's a death sentence.

      85. Anonymous11:52 AM

        Republicans gave up on governing years ago, and when they get into power, things slowly fall apart until they lose again.

        Detroit.  Gary.  Newark.  The places things are falling apart are all run by Demonrats.  So are all the places with riots:  Minneapolis.  Portland.  Seattle.  Chicago.  All Demonrats.

      86. "Detroit. Gary. Newark. The places things are falling apart are all run by Demonrats. So are all the places with riots: Minneapolis. Portland. Seattle. Chicago. All Demonrats."

        You mean places that attract millions of tourists every year. The ones with professional sports teams, museums, world-class educational institutions and great food and music. Maybe they should be more like Mississippi, Arkansas and Missouri which rank last in education and health. Now those fools are against vaccinations as new covid rates spike. Not a good selling point.

      87. Anonymous1:45 PM

        “The Department of Defense admits that there's a much higher rate of heart inflammations among the ‘vaccinated’ than controls.”

        Much higher = still a low rate. If you double a tiny number, what you get is still a tiny number.

        “Myocarditis and pericarditis often lead to heart failure. That's a death sentence.”

        It’s not a death sentence. Most of these infections resolve themselves. Few lead to death.

        All medications have side effects. The truly serious side effects of all three vaccines used in the US have had very low incidence.

        Meanwhile, 600,000 dead and counting from COVID.

      88. "Meanwhile, 600,000 dead and counting from COVID."

        Hopefully we don't see another spike but I think this is being purposely done to try to sink Biden's presidency. Cynical but I wouldn't put it past some folk.

      89. Magat to00ol at Dakot free Press compared Guv Noem's attempt to get fireworks for t Rushmore to Rosa Parks bus struggles.

        He also thinks covid is a joke, 5G is out to get him and drumpf was a good potus.

      90. Fake noise pretending they have empathy for Blacks in a transparent bullshit session led by Fake Noize Business ch..

        Dem-backed MLB All-Star Game move cost majority-Black Atlanta tens of millions of dollars

        Fake Noize calling covid a hoax cost possibly hundreds of thousands of Black lives. Where was the empathy then?

      91. From a little bit up the page:

        Paul Krugman on the lies Republicans tell about cities:

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      92. They found some voter fraud in Arizona! Oh wait...

        John FitzGerald
        A grand jury has indicted a Scottsdale Republican woman for allegedly casting her dead mother’s early ballot in the November election in a rare prosecution for voter fraud in Arizona.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      93. Anonymous3:55 PM

        “Hopefully we don't see another spike but I think this is being purposely done to try to sink Biden's presidency. Cynical but I wouldn't put it past some folk.”

        There will be another COVID spike, due to people returning to normal, non-distanced behavior; the contagiousness of the virus increasing in the fall/winter as humidity decreases and we are all forced inside; and the new, more infectious Delta variant spreading throughout the country. And, most of all, due to the dummies who listened to Trump about COVID and refused to get vaccinated.

        The question is how big the spike will be. It almost certainly won’t be as big as the last surge, and will probably be regional, rather than nationwide. But a lot of people could still die — for no good reason at all, since we now have a way to prevent this.

        Trump owns responsibility for all of those deaths, as he owns responsibility for the majority of the deaths to date.

      94. This brain wizard thought he could buy the position of secretary of the Army:

        A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration. Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      95. Anonymous5:06 PM

        “This brain wizard thought he could buy the position of secretary of the Army”

        Huh. I wonder where he got the idea that one could buy a senior position in the Trump administration. It’s just a complete and total mystery.

      96. "There will be another COVID spike, due to people returning to normal, non-distanced behavior"

        Made worse by the focused and purposeful demonization of vaccines and misinformation pushed by Republicans. These asshats have prohibited the sending of second shot notifications AND even regular vaccination notifications. This is targeted and purposeful. If people die in elevated numbers they should be tried for premeditated murder.


      98. Anonymous6:46 PM

        February's official death toll from Republican mismanagement of Texas' power grid has risen to 210.

        As ever, I can only marvel at wingnuts' propensity for voting for people who keep trying kill them.

      99. Anonymous6:52 PM

        In other wacky wingnut news, a teenager in Utah got charged with a hate crime for destroying a "back the blue" sign in front of a cop.

        Because this act showed clear bigotry against ... blue people, one of our nation's most oppressed minorities.

      100. 99t% of covid deaths now are unvaccinated magats and red states are trying their hardest to get more of their base to die because they are fucking morons.

        Misery guv says he doesn't want the fed to go door to door to talk morons into getting vaccinated. Magats are too damn stoopid to share oxygen with the normal people. And Fake Noize is on air everyday lieing about how dangerous the pandemic is.

      101. Anonymous8:13 PM

        “Misery guv says he doesn't want the fed to go door to door to talk morons into getting vaccinated.”

        Too damn bad. Not his call. That’s the great thing about Joe Biden not reporting to the governor of Missouri. At least the federal government is trying to help you survive, even if the state government isn’t.

      102. Headline on Yahoo News:
        Laura Jane Grace on playing first concert to take place at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, that 'most hallowed of political and mulching grounds'

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      103. Anonymous8:47 PM

        You mean places that attract millions of tourists every year. The ones with professional sports teams, museums, world-class educational institutions and great food and music.

        Tourism WAY down in Ill-annoy, noticed YEARS ago:

        Chicago tourist venues closed early in 2020:

        Minneapolis being avoided by tourists:

        Seattle was falling down as a tourist destination long before COVID:

        Last year, the closure of many tourist attractions made Seattle even less of a destination:

        So yeah, just keep telling yourself everything's fine.  You'll find yourself in a "food desert" without a drug store within 30 minutes soon enough.

      104. This is black privilege10:46 PM

        Black privilege means being a registered sex offender and still allowed to run loose and rape more women:

        Pervert cop who abused his authority to get some sex thrills is the color of shit:

        Dreadlocked NFL player arrested for trying to force entry into the home of his in-laws:

        And yet another one with DV issues manages to get charges dropped:

        How does Chris Brown's girlfriend know he cheated on her?

        He comes home with another woman's lipstick on his knuckles.

      105. With any amount of luck, lies like you are telling will keep assholes like you out of the places you hate but have never actually been to.
        We used to do it in Oakland with our "scary" reputation: it kept most of the idiots and assholes away for a couple of decades, but soon enough the money had the loudest voice and now you have to be rich to afford to live there.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      106. White racists are freaked out about CRT because white students haven't been the majority in US public schools since 2014.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      107. We knew, but now we know:

        Some of those lads have paid us a visit.

      108. DeSantis:

        “How the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on?”

        I think Brett Kavanaugh would say to "boof" it, but I'll just cut to the chase and tell him to stick it in his butt.

        -Doug in Sugar Pine

      109. Anonymous5:01 PM

        The Guardian claims to have the “smoking gun”: documents from the Kremlin meeting where Russia planned out how to fuck over the United States by helping Trump to become president.

        The documents describe Trump as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex,” and suggest the Kremlin has blackmail material they can use to control Trump as president.

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