Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Jan 6th Hearings were needed, but nothing will change, and the real culprit will not be be held accountable.

Today, after listening to some of the testimony from some of those Capitol police officers during the Jan 6th Commission hearings, I realized that America, as we know it, no longer exists. It was both chilling and heartbreaking. Those poor men were at the mercy of a mob of terrorists who were being led on by the former president of the United States. 

Folks are still trying to figure out how it could have happened. I could save them all the trouble. I know how. Just look at the makeup of the crowd, who their leader was, and how much power he had at the time.

Anyway, today is a good day to revisit the following article from The Atlantic: 

"At the beginning of last week, former President Donald Trump referred to the 2020 election as the “greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country.” By the end of the week, he had issued a statement saying, “As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!”

What else is new? These are the ravings of a 74-year-old sociopath, isolated and banned from social media, living in Mar-a-Lago, where he is crashing wedding parties and delivering rambling monologues.

Or at least, that would be the right way to look at things, if not for the fact that the GOP remains fully in Trump’s thrall, with its leadership more committed than ever to spreading his foundational lies and conspiracy theories. Under Trump’s sway, the Republican Party is becoming more fanatical, venturing even further into a world of illusion.

Trump’s grip on the Republican Party was on display once again last week, when Representative Liz Cheney was ousted from her leadership post as conference chair. Her fireable offense? Refusing to remain silent in the face of Trump’s ongoing efforts to undermine our constitutional system. She wants to “relitigate the past,” it’s said, despite the fact that it is Trump, not Cheney, who is obsessing over the 2020 election.

No former president, and certainly no president defeated after only one term, has so dominated his party after he left office. So Trump’s words matter. They mattered in the lead-up to, and on the day of, the deadly attack on the Capitol on January 6. They still matter. And if the Republican Party doesn’t counteract these lies rather than indulge them, political violence will become more acceptable and more prevalent on the American right.

THIS ASSESSMENT ISN’T based on mere speculation; we know that many of the people who participated in the violent assault on the Capitol believed that they were acting patriotically, foot soldiers in the 21-century version of the American Revolution, doing what they understood their leader was asking of them. As a Washington Post story put it, “The accounts of people who said they were inspired by the president to take part in the melee inside the Capitol vividly show the impact of Trump’s months-long attack on the integrity of the 2020 election and his exhortations to supporters to ‘fight’ the results.” The Post story points out that a video clip of rioters mobbing the Capitol steps caught one man screaming at a police officer: “We were invited here! We were invited by the president of the United States!”

"Jill Sanborn, the head of counterterrorism at the FBI, recently told Congress that “the FBI assesses there is an elevated threat of violence from domestic violent extremists, and some of these actors have been emboldened in the aftermath of the breach of the U.S. Capitol. We expect [that] racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists, and other domestic violent extremists citing partisan political grievances will very likely pose the greatest domestic terrorism threats in 2021 and likely into 2022.”

Cheney told CNN that several Republican members of Congress had voted against impeaching Trump out of fear. “If you look at the vote to impeach, for example, there were members who told me that they were afraid for their own security—afraid, in some instances, for their lives,” she said. “And that tells you something about where we are as a country, that members of Congress aren’t able to cast votes, or feel that they can’t, because of their own security.”

Georgia Republicans who in the aftermath of the 2020 election would not go along with Trump’s false claims about election fraud in that state faced death threats, intimidation, and harassment, according to Gabriel Sterling, a Republican official in the Georgia secretary of state’s office. The home of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, also a Republican, was targeted too. This week I talked with a Republican election official in Arizona, Stephen Richer, who has spoken out against what he refers to as Trump’s “unhinged” claims about election fraud in Maricopa County. (Richer says Trump’s claims are “as readily falsifiable as 2+2=5.”) He told me he has received death threats and has been forced to take measures to protect his and his family’s safety. And these examples are hardly unusual.

While the threat of domestic terrorism is growing, a recent survey by the American Enterprise Institute found that 39 percent of Republicans agreed that “if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions.” That result was “a really dramatic finding,” according to Daniel Cox, director of AEI’s Survey Center on American Life. “I think any time you have a significant number of the public saying use of force can be justified in our political system, that’s pretty scary.” [Source]

What's really scary is that they are getting away with it. And with all due respect to Nancy Pelosi, these latest hearings will not make a difference. The former guy will not be held accountable for his actions, and those who participated in his attempted coup will not be punished appropriately for their role in the insurrection.  

*Image from CNN.com


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    It appears Biden is going to announce vaccination mandates for all federal employees. I wish there would be universal mandates. Carrots haven't worked to convince people to get their shots. It's time for sticks.

    Biden will announce vaccination requirement across federal government on Thursday

  2. Anonymous11:49 PM

    The main thing I want to know from these Jan 6 hearings is why the cops at the Capitol weren't reinforced with additional manpower. There was ample reason to expect this mob of scumbags to show up, so why weren't there military units waiting to greet them? Who refused to give the orders to send armed troops to defend the Capitol, and why?

    We already know who caused the insurrection. We need to know why it wasn't stopped.

  3. "Who refused to give the orders to send armed troops to defend the Capitol, and why?"

    Mike Flynn's brother was one of them.

    This all boils down to the basic political stratagem Fergus used for his rise: Tell the bigots and imbeciles that their bigotry was patriotic and their imbecility was noble, and that they should be proud of both.
    The Republican party had long attracted those bigots and imbeciles with doses of racism in the primary, and then doled out maintenance doses of racism to keep them in the fold once they were elected and fell back to serving their wealthy paymasters.
    Fergus saw all that and decided to give them a straight geeze of the uncut product, and they responded with the same fanatical devotion any hopeless addict displays toward their main source.
    And that kind of devotion doesn't respond to reason or diminish with negative information about its object.
    And now there are millions of those assholes out there waiting for the next opportunity to display their devotion in the most impactful and over the top fashion they can muster.
    That opportunity may be next month when the fantasists at his propaganda shop are telling the bigots and imbeciles that he will be "reinstated" as president.
    Should that be the case, they need to be put down with an overwhelming show of force, or you can bet your bottom dollar that they will be back again for more at the next fabricated excuse.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Your fraudsident exclaims "my butt's been wiped" on camera.  Actually, on multiple cameras.


    Embarrassed yet?

  5. Anonymous11:39 AM

    On Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden's Anti-Israel Statements


  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Caught on camera: Nigger Woman brutally attacks Cleveland store owners over $11 purchase:


  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki crumpled under questioning Tuesday over new mask guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resorting to justifying the new guidance as a "determination" from "public health officials" without pointing to data or evidence.What is the background?

  8. A second Civil War is inevitable!! There's no other way to restore our democracy. Simple Orange's ignorant followers will have to be stopped by force. Sad for all patriotic citizens.

  9. Anonymous12:58 PM

    A second Civil War is inevitable!! There's no other way to restore our democracy.

    Why not just separate?  You don't want to live with them, they don't want to live with you.  Go different ways.  What's so hard about that?

    Of course, we all know why it's hard:  you can't bear the burden of your dark pets by yourselves, you have to have tax slaves or it all falls down.  You can't give up your tax slaves any more than the Union could give up its import tariffs borne by the South.

    Simple Orange's ignorant followers will have to be stopped by force.

    It's going to fall down anyway, it's just a matter of time.  What cannot continue, won't.

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-0J49_9lwc

    Good take by John Oliver.

  11. Just wait Field, the GOP will hold their own Jan. 6th investigation led by Gym Jordan. Now THAT should get to the bottom of this.

  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    “Of course, we all know why it's hard: you can't bear the burden of your dark pets by yourselves, you have to have tax slaves or it all falls down. You can't give up your tax slaves any more than the Union could give up its import tariffs borne by the South.”

    You’ve got some fantastical ideas about how economics works. Most of the country’s GDP is generated in the blue states. The red states are economic dead weight — they are net “welfare takers” of federal tax money.

    California could secede and easily, all by itself, become a very prosperous nation. One of the wealthiest in the world, in fact.

    If Alabama seceded, it would instantly turn into another Bangladesh or Somalia. Same goes for Kentucky and West Virginia.

  13. To Field, I don't think "the America we knew" ever really existed. These radical Trump followers were always with us, but they were more quiet. Former president Trump and the Republican's "Southern Strategy" have emboldened the radicals to come out of the woodwork. We must use every legal means at our disposal to overcome them.

  14. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Legal means?  You outright stole an election already.

  15. So the candidate Fergus endorsed in the Texas congressional election got her ass kicked yesterday.
    Maybe Fergus' endorsement isn't as big a deal as he wants it to be.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Anonymous1:16 AM

    It looks like New York state government workers are also facing a vaccine mandate now.

    No more excuses. Time for the holdouts to get their shots.

  17. Anonymous1:18 AM

    And the private sector's now joining in with vaccine mandates, too.

    At Facebook and Google, no jab, no job.

  18. “You outright stole an election already.“


  19. https://www.theroot.com/texas-republicans-lie-on-martin-luther-king-jr-s-name-i-1847381041

  20. Anonymous12:30 PM

    CHICAGO July 1st-28th 2021
    Shot & Killed: 95
    Shot & Wounded: 474
    Total Shot: 569
    Total Homicides: 100

    83.3% Black

    12.7% Hispanic

    4.0% White/other

  21. Anonymous said...

    Legal means? You outright stole an election already.

    2:45 PM
    I didn't steal the election. In fact the Orange idiot you worship tried to steal the 2020 presidential election more than a hundred times. In over 60 court cases, Trump's phony fraud charges were thrown out of court for having no basis and not evidence to support them by many of the same judges he appointed.

    You really should comment on the websites of other crazy people like you. You bull shit isn't appreciated here.

    Have a nice day.

  22. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And the private sector's now joining in with vaccine mandates, too.

    At Facebook and Google, no jab, no job.

    1:18 AM


  23. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It looks like New York state government workers are also facing a vaccine mandate now.

    No more excuses. Time for the holdouts to get their shots.

    1:16 AM

    For what?? Its not a vaccine for a medical need, its a control mechanism.

    Covid-19 is a minor flu bug and kills as many as regular flu and pneumonia (60-80k). The "vaccine" has other sinister puposes.

  24. Anonymous1:39 PM

    African-Americans all across America wisely refuse to take the "vaccine"...........

  25. There is one big crack in Trump's hold on the party so far. In spite of his threats to "primary" any Republican who supports the infrastructure bill, 17 Republicans got on board anyway. They defied the Boss! Yesterday's boss is tomorrow's paper tiger.

    The idea that he is so against infrastructure legislation--dedicated to repair, creating jobs--that he'll try to boot out any of its supporters from Congress didn't get much attention, but I'm sure the Army of the Intimidated took note that his threats didn't work.

    Maybe the beginning of the Great Unwinding.

  26. Anonymous2:28 PM



    I think I’m going to like this “new order,” in which hundreds of thousands of people don’t die of an easily preventable infectious disease, and our economy doesn’t get wrecked in the process of everyone trying to avoid that disease.

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM

    “For what?? Its not a vaccine for a medical need, its a control mechanism.”

    Mind control serum is not real. That’s some sci fi stuff you only find in comic books.

    Leave it to Iron Man and Captain America to fight the mind control serum.

  28. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Mind control serum is not real. That’s some sci fi stuff you only find in comic books.

    Leave it to Iron Man and Captain America to fight the mind control serum.

    2:46 PM

    Nobody mentioned mind control 83 IQ.

  29. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "...the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” - Malcolm X

  30. anonymous said....
    "Covid-19 is a minor flu bug and kills as many as regular flu and pneumonia (60-80k). The "vaccine" has other sinister puposes."

    1:38 PM
    Tell that to the people who died from Covid. Oh, that's right; they can't hear you they're dead. And tell that to the cop friend that's in the hospital very ill with Covid. He's thirty-five years old. Hope he makes it.

  31. Anonymous6:53 PM

    “Tell that to the people who died from Covid.”

    Tell that to the 600,000+ people who died from COVID.

    Flu does not kill 600,000 in a year-and-a-half.

  32. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "Tell that to the 600,000+ people who died from COVID.

    Flu does not kill 600,000 in a year-and-a-half."

    To be clear, I was only talking about the deaths in the US.

    Globally, it's 4.2 MILLION dead from COVID.

  33. So the delta variant can infect some vaccinated people with a heavy enough viral load to make them contagious.
    That is what is behind the new masking guidelines.
    Basically, we waited around with our thumbs up our butts while a variant evolved that our vaccines aren't as effective against.
    You still probably won't die or be hospitalized behind it if you have been vaccinated, but you can asymptomatically spread the virus to others, some of whom may not be vaccinated and may be hospitalized and or die from it.
    And while hospitals fill up with the unvaccinated again, healthcare workers are again stressed past the breaking point again, and some folks with non-covid issues like heart attacks, strokes, or broken bones won't get the care they would have received had the damn hospitals not been overrun with wheezing covidiots.
    Kevin the fuck McCarthy accused the Democrats of wanting a perpetual pandemic state, but it's the goddamn Republicans who are so stupid and recalcitrant that they won't even save their own lives and are perpetuating the mitigation strategies necessary to stem the spread among the unvaccinated.
    The good news is that there is legal precedent for federal vaccination mandates, and if it takes dart guns loaded with the one shot J&J vaccine to get our damn lives back, then that's what should be done.
    Fuck these overgrown petulant children.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "You still probably won't die or be hospitalized behind it if you have been vaccinated, but you can asymptomatically spread the virus to others, some of whom may not be vaccinated and may be hospitalized and or die from it."

    More seriously, it is impossible to enforce mask mandates without including the vaccinated.

    See, the thing is, the CDC never recommended mask mandates be dropped for the unvaccinated in public indoor spaces. They only ever said that vaccinated people could stop wearing masks. Predictably, the result of this is that everyone stops wearing masks, because if you are in charge of a store, office, or government building, there is no way to know who is vaccinated and who isn't. You can't do it on the "honor system," expecting the unvaccinated to mask up, because at this point, the unvaccinated have no honor -- they're assholes.

    Anyway, the point is that even if it were the case that vaccinated people couldn't spread COVID at all (and they do have a hugely reduced chance of doing so, but not zero risk), it seems like dropping the indoor mask mandate would have been a mistake until the populace had reached something closer to herd immunity. Everyone should have kept wearing them, just to force the unvaccinated to wear them, because they are the major part of the problem.

    As it is, I feel like it will be damn hard to get many people to put their masks back on now. A lot of folks think the crisis is over, and unfortunately, that's not entirely true.

  35. Anonymous12:02 AM

    "Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” - Malcolm X

    Your problems will never be solved by anyone, period.

    Your problems are due to YOU, and you cannot escape YOU.

  36. "Your problems are due to YOU, and you cannot escape YOU"

    Right back atcha buddy. LOL

  37. Anonymoud said...

    "Your problems will never be solved by anyone, period.

    Your problems are due to YOU, and you cannot escape YOU."

    12:02 AM

    Hey Anon,
    Why don't you pick up a book or two that tells the story of the concentrated program by people like you that has suppressed the rights of Black people since the Civil War ended in 1865?

    Why not educate yourself instead of whiting insulting comments on a Back blog?

  38. Anonymous11:52 AM





    11:52 AM
    That's a sure bet Anon.

  40. The OLC just said that Richie Neal can have Fergus' tax returns as soon as Monday.
    Fergus isn't having a very good week.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. From Crooks and Liars:

    Kavitha A. Davidson
    Simone Biles won nationals w/broken toes in both feet, worlds w/a kidney stone, and has carried the burden of being a face of sexual assault survivors as a national institution failed to support them

    Half of y'all yelling about "toughness" can't handle wearing a mask in Wegman's

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Anonymous5:39 PM

    It has become obvious that in order for "scientists" to actually find out if vaccinated people can catch covid when going without a mask...they have to first tell vaccinated people to "go without a mask."

    Now that vaccinated people have gone without a mask, they have obtained the data that they need...which is as follows:

    ~The vaccines don't keep everyone from catching the virus.
    It only lessens the severity of the symptoms when you get the virus.

    Also, people are still not dealing with the fact that, since kids can't get the vaccine...they will continue to be "SUPER SPREADERS" so in September when when you have thousands of kids "BREATHING ON EACH OTHER IN CROWDED CLASSROOMS" they will catch the virus and bring it home to their houses and parents...

    So to all of those adults and parents refusing to get vaccinated for purely "political reasons"
    you are contributing to the SUPER SPREADING and possibly to your own DEMISE.


    Isn't it interesting how you have the whining deplorables talking about someone taking way their civil rights. They don't want to wear a mask, they don't want to get a shot but they don't want to catch covid. DUUUH. WTF! Where is the logic in this bullshit way of thinking>

  43. Anonymous5:49 PM



  44. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/us/politics/trump-justice-department-election.html

    "WASHINGTON — President Donald J. Trump pressed top Justice Department officials late last year to declare that the election was corrupt even though they had found no instances of widespread fraud, so he and his allies in Congress could use the assertion to try to overturn the results, according to new documents provided to lawmakers."

    How elegant! He aims to corrupt the election - by claiming that it is corrupt! Accusing others of the crime is the M.O. of the crime itself! This is weaponized projection.

    It's a god-like power, to create a crime by uttering its name. God-like, but based upon lies and destruction instead of truth and creation. So shall we call it anti-god-like?

    Weaponized projection is not a glitch. Nor is it a feature. Weaponized projection is the operating system.

    Ambrose Beirce said of the projectile is that its capital defect is that it requires personal attendance at the point of propulsion. Likewise, with weaponized projection, each accusation is actually a confession.

  45. Trump called the insurrection a love-fest. If that's what he calls a love-fest, then that explains his marriages.

    His associates have compared the riot to a normal tourist visit. Normal tourists from where? Qo'nos? Hell? Mordor?

  46. Anonymous said....


    5:49 PM
    I'm not a black folk, I'm a white folk, Anonymous, and I got the vaccine as soon as I was eligible. So did all my black friends and relatives. We aren't brainwashed, we just believe in science. LOL!

  47. Paradoctor said....

    How elegant! He aims to corrupt the election - by claiming that it is corrupt! Accusing others of the crime is the M.O. of the crime itself! This is weaponized projection.
    No surprise here. He did this during the 2016 election stating , "If I don't win the election is rigged." He was telegraphing is intentions then.

  48. Paradoctor, I think they were normal tourists from hell. LOL!

  49. They do tend to fuck up everything they touch, don't they?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. Anonymous12:23 AM

    This is from last year. Watch this and tell me if you’ve ever seen a video age this well


  51. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Tell that to the 600,000+ people who died from COVID.

    Flu does not kill 600,000 in a year-and-a-half."

    To be clear, I was only talking about the deaths in the US.

    Globally, it's 4.2 MILLION dead from COVID.

    11:10 PM

    All bullshit. The MSM IS the virus.......

  52. Anonymous12:38 AM

    The people who called Trump a Nazi are now implementing a door-to-door eugenics program less than 6 months after taking office. Let that sink in.

  53. Anonymous2:19 AM

    “The people who called Trump a Nazi are now implementing a door-to-door eugenics program less than 6 months after taking office. Let that sink in.”

    Eugenics, lol.

    Since a large percentage of the unvaccinated are cretinous Trump followers, Biden sitting back and letting them stay unvaccinated so they get killed by COVID would surely improve the gene pool. That would be be the real eugenics program.

  54. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Simone Biles ... has carried the burden of being a face of sexual assault survivors

    Betcha it wasn't wipeepo who assaulted her.

    Your problems are due to YOU, and you cannot escape YOU.

  55. Simone Biles is one of dozens of female gymnasts assaulted by wipeepo Larry Nassar, her former coach, who is in prison likely waiting to be killed by inmates who personally don't care for wipeepo child molesters.

    Do some research before making a magat ass out of yer worthless hide!

  56. anymoose @ 12:23 A M, that is a 1:16 of my life I can't get back. What a load of bullshit from a loudmouth with an opinion.


    Sayeth the brain dead magat zombie on his way from Alternate Reality (Fake Noize).

  58. Anonymous said...

    "Tell that to the 600,000+ people who died from COVID."

    All bullshit. The MSM IS the virus.......

    12:26 AM

    Don't you realize that your denial of science and truth make you look like a fool?

  59. So Lauren Boebertbitch is a bastard child. Her alleged dad was a professional rassler and apparently the person who drew his blood for paternity test may have switched his sample to fool the system.

    Not being wanted could make anyone be a magat firebreathing, mofo of a quackjob.

    No offense to any other people whose parent(s) may have not wanted them.

  60. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Don't you realize that your denial of science and truth make you look like a fool?

    10:45 AM

    mirror mirror on the wall.........

  61. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Since a large percentage of the unvaccinated are cretinous Trump followers, Biden sitting back and letting them stay unvaccinated so they get killed by COVID would surely improve the gene pool. That would be be the real eugenics program.

    2:19 AM

    Isn't gunna happen. Hasn't happened. Wont happen. The MSM is the virus. Largest propaganda campaign in World history.......

  62. Texass, an embarrassingly red magat shithole has passed New York's covid death count, after trailing by 29k deaths.

    drumpfuck the asshole dumbfuck called testifying capitol police "pussies," hoping later on he could grab them since Ivanka appears to have cut him off.

  63. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Simone Biles is one of dozens of female gymnasts assaulted by wipeepo Larry Nassar

    Larry Nassar is Arabic (Lebanese), not White.  Being a hallowed "minority" is how he got away with his shenanigans for so long; nobody wanted to be "racist" and report him.

    Do some research before making a magat ass out of yer worthless hide!

    The farce is strong with you.

  64. Larry Nassar is Arabic (Lebanese), not White. Being a hallowed "minority" is how he got away with his shenanigans for so long; nobody wanted to be "racist" and report him.

    Go look up lebanese in the census, it ain't there. They are considered wipeepo, so my comment stands as written.

    Do some research before making a magat ass out of yer worthless hide!

    The farce is strong with you\

    Now go fuck yer worthless hide!

  65. This is very telling.....From yer Wonkette today…..Today, New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik echoed that great wisdom, tweeting, “Today’s Anniversary of Medicare & Medicaid reminds us to reflect on the critical role these programs have played to protect the healthcare of millions of families. To safeguard our future, we must reject Socialist healthcare schemes.”

    Speaking out of both sides of her mouth or just run of the mill stoopid magat?

  66. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "Larry Nassar is Arabic (Lebanese), not White. Being a hallowed "minority" is how he got away with his shenanigans for so long; nobody wanted to be ‘racist’ and report him.”

    Yeah, right, Americans love Arabs so much that they would knowingly let them rape young girls with impunity. I guess that’s why 74 million Americans voted for President Muslim Ban last year.

  67. magat from North Carolina, Cawthorn, got caught with a 9mm Glock and a loaded clip while trying to board plane. Needless to say, had he been a black feller he might not have had his gun confiscated while he was alive.

    It was in his carry on bag and his spokesman claimed the bag doubled as his firing range bag. I highly doubt that or dogs at the airport would surely key in on the smell of gunpowder.

    Being a magat you can trust they won't tell the truth.

  68. Gambler2:
    I've settled on Mordor as where the normal tourists were from, because "orc" is a shorter and funnier word than "demon". So they were normal Orc tourists in a love-fest.

    Orc-style love, of course, for they were normal Orcs.

    As for Trump's corrupt accusation of corruption, it is three things in one: accusation, commission, and confession. His weaponized projection accused others of a crime; it committed the crime; and it confessed to the crime. How compact! How efficient! What a time-saver!

  69. Para Doctor

    Yes, I like orc. It is a shorter and funnier, but how may Magas will know what it means?

  70. "mirror mirror on the wall........."

    11:30 AM
    Do you really think this is a clever or intelligent response? Seems more like something a fourth grader would say. LOL!

  71. drumpf and former cabinet members have been meeting at Badmonster golf club to apparently ready themselves for drumpf's return to the throne in DC.

    Arizona's joke of a partisan audit is finally over except for someone with crayons to print the results and make drumpf happy. Only problem is, drumpf already knows he lost and will not be happy.

  72. Anonymous8:20 PM

    The left craves power.......

  73. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Funny, I don't know a single person who has had Covid-19 and yet the MSN claims the Delta Covid is spreading like wildfire. Could it be that they are just crying Wolf????

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. So Fergus is trying to sell his helicopter. I don't know what he's asking for it, but I know a guy with an '01 Toyota Tacoma with a rack on it who might be interested in a trade...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. https://i.redd.it/rxb22e528le71.jpg

    (h/t: Jimmy T over at Comrade Misfit's place)

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. I keep thinking that Al Capone was finally convicted only for tax evasion. Thus it may be with Trump, since he's been so brazen he'll be hauled in and jailed for SOMETHING, though not for his worst crimes by any means. Too many dogged prosecutors are after him not to have one of them wind up successful. Field's legal knowledge is superior to mine, I'm sure, but I can only hope he's betting on Trump because cynicism is less painful to live with than crushing disappointment.

  78. Calling all anti-vaccers and other trolls,

    From the front page of Politio.com...

    "Tennessee state Rep. David Byrd (R), “who went from unmasked gatherings with fellow legislators to being placed on ventilator days later,” has “emerged with a message for constituents after a harrowing eight-month experience with long-haul covid-19: Take the coronavirus seriously,” the Washington Post reports."

  79. Anonymous11:51 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!
