Sunday, August 01, 2021




Caption this picture. 


  1. Wouldn't it be cool if this was safe to do again? I remember wondering after my stroke if I would ever see another rock concert. It took years of work on my recovery, but I have indeed seen three shows since 2008.
    Now? All of my favorite musicians are tentatively scheduling tours for late this year and early next year, but it's starting to look iffy whether they'll be able to get back on the road and make a living again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Anonymous3:12 PM


  3. These are farmers praising Joe Biden. Biden signed an executive order allowing farmers to repair their own farm equipment or choose who to do it for them. They were stuck with having only factory trained mechanics work on them and could not get computer software to show the what needs to be fixed.

  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    "These are farmers praising Joe Biden. Biden signed an executive order allowing farmers to repair their own farm equipment or choose who to do it for them. They were stuck with having only factory trained mechanics work on them and could not get computer software to show the what needs to be fixed."

    I assume you are not talking about legal restrictions here. These are manufacturer-imposed restrictions. For example, John Deere refusing to give regular joes the information they need to do repairs themselves, or voiding their equipment warranties if there is evidence unauthorized personnel did a repair.

    Similar situations exist with electronics manufacturers. In particular, Apple with its iPhones. There are "right to repair" campaigns to induce manufacturers not to punish people for attempting to fix the more basic problems themselves, as well as to pressure the manufacturers to design their products so that the high-failure-rate parts can easily be swapped out. Again, an example of bad practice is that you have to take apart an iPhone just to change the battery.

  5. Ilhan Omar DID marry her own brother!4:22 PM

    BIG @IlhanMN update:

    The largest-ever release of new, verifiable evidence against her.

    It’s over.

    You’ve seen so much evidence her father was “Nur Said.” We just needed an example of him as “Nur Said Elmi.”

    I found … THREE DOZEN.

    Further …

    — David Steinberg (@realDSteinberg) August 10, 2020

  6. So it's August. When is Fergus going to be reinstated?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Hey, look!  BLACKS are beginning to see integration as a failure:

    Now watch it backfire as White people say the same thing.

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    “So it's August. When is Fergus going to be reinstated?”

    I’m sure that an announcement is imminent, which will say the date of his reinstatement has been moved back, but don’t worry, it’s still happening. The evil pedo Demon-crats will be frog-marched out of the Capitol and Trump’s glorious restoration will be at hand. Just be patient. It’s coming. Any day now. You’ll see. But also, please send money to help the cause.

    And the Trump chumps will swallow this garbage like they do all of the other pro-Trump lies. They will swallow postponement after postponement, because it they are too deeply invested now, and don’t want to admit they got conned. This is how cults work.

  9. Kinda Harold Camping-y. Perhaps we can hope for a similar outcome.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  10. PilotX, I thought this was a scam. You decide.....


    There is 3 ways for ANYONE to get tickets.
    1. From the White Sox website; link below with info and details. Bid is already at $30,600 for 4 tickets with 3 days to go on auction!
    2. StubHub has only 2 tickets left at $8,200 per ticket plus fee:
    3. also have 2 separate pairs: Bids are now at $6700 per ticket.
    4. If you entered the MLB lottery you should have been notified by now if you won.
    5. Hotels: some hotels are available with 1, 2 and 3 nights miniumum starting from $299 per night on . ALL Hotel reservations are Fully-Prepaid and NON-Cancelable.

    Simply reply to this email with your bidding price per ticket for your bidding price on the pairs OR follow below and READ CARFULLY. GOOD LUCK!

  11. Anonymous11:48 AM

    biden administration allows 200k illegal aliens a month to pour across the border spreading delta and other diseases unchecked.


  12. Anonymous11:54 AM

    August 2, 2021
    "Obama defies CDC guidance by inviting 500 people to his celebrity-studded 60th birthday party at his $12m mansion on Martha's Vineyard/Pearl Jam will perform and guests including Steven Spielberg will be served by 200 staff."
    The Daily Mail reports.

    1. You can't "defy" "guidance." Guidance is guidance. You can follow it or make your own choice.

    2. Thanks, Obama, for showing us how to handle guidance and to make our own choice.

    3. And good for you for having so many wonderful friends. You are sublimely lovable, inspiring some of us,

  13. How good was drumpfuck for the economy? Pretty fucking bad!

    Across Trump's four years in office, the nation recorded its lowest overall rate of GDP growth — at 1.6 percent — since President Herbert Hoover's administration during the Great Depression, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Only vaxxed could attend, pretty discriminatory practice, I guess the USA is going back to white and coloured sections......

  15. Anonymous2:58 PM

    “Only vaxxed could attend, pretty discriminatory practice, I guess the USA is going back to white and coloured sections......”

    Except that discrimination isn’t categorically unfair. Only discrimination based on irrelevant, superficial characteristics that have no effect on anyone else, like skin color, is unfair.

    Being an asshole who refuses to get vaccinated, and thereby harms others, isn’t a superficial characteristic. It is a consequential characteristic. And it is entirely within your control. You can choose NOT to be an asshole, and thereby escape that discrimination.

    Sorry, not seeing any injustice here.

  16. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Only vaxxed could attend, pretty discriminatory practice, I guess the USA is going back to white and coloured sections......

    2:35 PM

    Yup, the marxist left is creating class and social distinctions..

  17. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Only vaxxed could attend, pretty discriminatory practice, I guess the USA is going back to white and coloured sections......"

    2:35 PM

    "Yup, the marxist left is creating class and social distinctions.."

    4:02 PM
    Hey Anonymous Trolls.

    Dredging up the use of communism to slander everyone who disagrees with won't fly on this website. You need to get some new insults and talking points - something beyond what a second grader would use. LOL!

  18. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Vaccine = Slavery

  19. Anti-vax = Pro-covid

  20. Anonymous7:51 PM

    A third Capitol Police officer who responded to the Jan. 6th rioters, Gunther Hashida, has committed suicide.

  21. GUTTR?

    Pro-Trump Social Network Becomes Safe Haven for ISIS

    August 2, 2021 at 6:41 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 64 Comments

    “Just weeks after its launch, the pro-Trump social network GETTR is inundated with terrorist propaganda spread by supporters of Islamic State,” Politico reports.

    “The rapid proliferation of such material is placing GETTR in the awkward position of providing a safe haven for jihadi extremists online as it attempts to establish itself as a free speech MAGA-alternative to sites like Facebook and Twitter.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  22. Anonymous9:15 PM

    “Pro-Trump Social Network Becomes Safe Haven for ISIS”

    “After what happened on January 6, we understand that you Trump fans are okay with terrorism.

    Allahu Akbar!”


  23. A great article in the New Yorker by Jane Mayer about how the assault on our democracy is being funded by dark money and supported by a radical idea in the Bush v Gore case called the Legislative Independence Doctrine.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Place: Super Spreader Concert
    Band Name: "Death Wish"
    Concert Admission Pass: Proof Showing You Are "Un-Vaccinated" Pass
    Price of A Ticket: Your Life

    "Hey Everybody Look At Us!
    "We Don't Want To Wear Masks...And We're Not Getting Vaccinated Either!"
    "This is Better Than Playing In Traffic Blindfolded! And Much More Exciting Than Russian Roulette!"

    "Hey...Pump Up The Volume of That Base And Pass Me The Liquor Bottle It's My Turn For the Community Spread oops I Meant the "Community Swig."

  25. 4th officer from Capitol police killed himself.

  26. Another wasicu womanizer from Fake Noize is out of a job for grabbing pussies or something. Buh-bye Andrew Napolitano.

  27. 4th cop suicided just hours after third cop did.

  28. Anonymous10:17 AM

    “4th cop suicided just hours after third cop did.”

    Huh. Sounds like those events of January 6th at the Capitol must gave been pretty traumatic.

    But I was told (by wingnuts) that it was just tourists getting selfies. They swore up and down that it wasn’t violent rioters trying to overthrow the government because Trump told them to.

  29. These cops remind me of soldiers coming home after Vietnam debacle ended. being totally disrespected by the people who sent them into harm's way.

  30. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Dredging up the use of communism to slander everyone who disagrees with won't fly on this website. You need to get some new insults and talking points - something beyond what a second grader would use. LOL!

    5:03 PM

    The left is terrified of truth. That is why they suppress it!!!!

  31. Four exclamations points is a twit signal. It signals that the writer is a twit.

  32. magats are terrified of the truth, which is why they never utter the truth, just bs talking points and outright lies.!!!

  33. Andrew Cuomo asked Tish James to look into the allegations of sexual harassment against him. It didn't go well.

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, including employees in his office, and violated state and federal laws, according to the findings of an investigation by the state's attorney general's office. The investigation found that Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women current and former state employees -- one of whom is a New York State Trooper. It also found the governor and his team retaliated against a former employee for coming forward.

    Guys like him don't respect or acknowledge the humanity of the women around them. They believe them to there for their amusement, and that they should share in said amusement.
    Since he's a Democrat, he might actually not get reelected.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous4:28 PM

    “Since he's a Democrat, he might actually not get reelected.”

    One political analyst argued that he might still have a good chance of getting reelected.

    NY City has ranked-choice-style primaries, but if I understood the analyst correctly, NY state does not. There is a high likelihood that Cuomo will face a large number of primary challengers, who could then split the anti-Cuomo vote, leaving Cuomo with the largest vote total.

    Having gotten renominated, it is then probable that Cuomo would win the general election, because New York is such a liberal state, and the GOP has gone so batshit insane in the post-Trump era, that NY voters would rather have a perv for their governor than a Republi-Nazi.

    These are strange times.

  35. “So it's August. When is Fergus going to be reinstated?“

    Any day now.

  36. “PilotX, I thought this was a scam. You decide.....“

    Better safe than sorry. It was a long shot anyway. Thanks for trying.

  37. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Vaccine = Death

  38. Anonymous8:18 PM

    POLICE OFFICER IDENTIFIED AS THE OFFICER WHO SHOT AND KILLED UNARMED NAVY VET ASHLI BABBITT - U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd, a black Capitol police officer who is on videotape literally shooting an unarmed WHITE woman named Ashli Babbitt, left his loaded weapon unattended in Capitol bathroom, again after experiencing explosive diarrhea - Latest incident recalls rash of similar ones in 2015

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Didn't shoot her ass in the back and she was well warned before becoming a dead dumb fuck. No sorrow for such stoopid fucking morons. Including those who refuse life saving vaccines and die horrible deaths.

  41. The CDC has issued a new limited moratorium on evictions in the wake of the old one expiring Saturday and the rat bastards on the supreme court ruling that it could not be extended.
    The new one lasts until October, and the hope is that by then the $46 billion in rental assistance authorized by congress but still unspent can be allocated to actually fix the damn problem instead of merely extending the pain for landlords caught in the teeth of the pandemic.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  42. Anonymous9:32 PM

    “The new one lasts until October …”

    Or until the Supreme Court decides the new executive branch moratorium is unconstitutional.

    Congressional Democrats need to sit down and pass their own legislative moratorium, if they want one SCOTUS won’t shoot down.

  43. "POLICE OFFICER IDENTIFIED AS THE OFFICER WHO SHOT AND KILLED UNARMED NAVY VET ASHLI BABBITT - U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd, a black Capitol police officer who is on videotape literally shooting an unarmed WHITE woman named Ashli Babbitt, left his loaded weapon unattended in Capitol bathroom, again after experiencing explosive diarrhea - Latest incident recalls rash of similar ones in 2015"

    She was warned several times not to enter AND she clearly was warned the officer had a gun pointed at her. No reasonable person would have continued their actions under such circumstances. Had she just complied with the officers........In reality so many more rioters were more worthy of being shot, let's start with confederate flag guy.

  44. Black cop could have and should have emptied his service weapon in dumb bitch's head, reloaded and shot her some more to make sure she couldn't testify against him in court.

    Notice how magats hate when their white privilege doesn't prevent them from getting holes in their brainlesss craniums?

    Shooting unarmed Blacks is great fun. not so much when the tables are turned.

  45. Anonymous10:30 AM

    So Missouri’s governor pardoned the McCloskeys. I’m sure they will get their guns back forthwith.

    And now we’ll see whether Mark McCloskey can win a US Senate seat, running on a platform of: “I pointed a gun at some nigg— I mean, radical anti-American cultural Marxists!”

  46. Anonymous10:50 AM

    In other wild news, legislators in Nassau County on Long Island have passed an unconstitutional law banning people from saying mean things about cops.

    Nassau County Passes Proposal That Would Let Police Sue Protesters

    Nassau County is where many NYC cops live, in case you’re wondering how such a ridiculous law would be introduced.

  47. Anonymous12:29 PM

    A hilarious — and awful — Twitter thread from AR Moxon on our dystopian future, courtesy of Democrat and/or media spinelessness in the face of the Republican assault on democracy.

  48. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Vaccine = Control

  49. Anonymous12:49 PM

    CDC Covered-Up Study Proving Guns Are Used More for Protection, Not Crime
    Unpublished reports was buried when results were revealed

  50. unpublished study from 3 years ago. R U serious?

  51. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Dear BLM: BYE.

  52. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Too many people believe the covid crap. Just like a cult, just tell them “science says”, and they’ll do anything.

  53. "And now we’ll see whether Mark McCloskey can win a US Senate seat, running on a platform of: “I pointed a gun at some nigg— I mean, radical anti-American cultural Marxists!”"

    I don't know, he's got a lot of batshit competition. Erics Schmitt and Greitens, perennially awful congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, and now Billy Long has gone on the Tucker Carlson White Power Hour and sucked Fergus' tiny little dick so hard that several young women scheduled for molestation were able to scamper to safety for the time being.
    Methinks he has delusions of grandeur.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  54. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Black Gunman shot 3 workers at SmileDirectClub in Antioch, Tennessee, before officers killed him, police say

  55. Meanwhile Parson refuses to pardon Kevin Strickland who has been wrongfully imprisoned for forty years.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Anonymous said...

    Vaccine = Control

    12:36 PM

    "Texas GOP official mocked vaccines for months -- now he's dead from COVID-19"

  57. Anonymous said...

    Too many people believe the covid crap. Just like a cult, just tell them “science says”, and they’ll do anything.

    3:46 PM
    Texas GOP official mocked vaccines for months -- now he's dead from COVID-19

  58. "Notice how magats hate when their white privilege doesn't prevent them from getting holes in their brainlesss craniums?"

    Well, they had to try to find some counter narrative to Breonna Taylor. Tough work in the double standards business nowadays. Slim pickins for the whataboutism crowd when your example wasn't in bed minding their own damned business but actively infiltrating a government building illegally.


    Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

  60. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Texas GOP official mocked vaccines for months -- now he's dead from COVID-19

    Propaganda piece. Fake news. he died of pneumonia and other co-morbidities. H1N1 flu and pneumonia death are reclassified as covid 19 to fuel the scamdemic.

  61. The magat talking about Apley's deserved demise lied about drumpf still being potus, too.
    The dumbfucking corpse died of a disease a vaccination or two likely would have saved him from. Hope he cries in front of Satan who is in control of his miserable deluded soul.

  62. "Propaganda piece. Fake news. he died of pneumonia and other co-morbidities. H1N1 flu and pneumonia death are reclassified as covid 19 to fuel the scamdemic."

    Not only is that pure bullshit, the opposite is true. A county coroner in Missouri has been leaving covid off of death certificates at the behest of wingnut families. How many other Pig People have gotten their lies into the official record? Hard to say, but estimates put the actual US death count from covid at closer to 900K than the official 615K.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. RIP Richard Trumka, you will be missed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  64. A pair of MAGA moron lawyers have been ordered to pay all of their defendants' legal fees for bringing bogus lawsuits over the not stolen election.

    From Steve Benen:

    The lawyers in question -- Gary D. Fielder and Ernest John Walker -- alleged a bizarre plot in their lawsuit, involving election officials, Facebook, and Dominion Voting Systems, among others.

    "In short, this was no slip-and-fall at the local grocery store," judge Neureiter wrote. "Albeit disorganized and fantastical, the Complaint's allegations are extraordinarily serious and, if accepted as true by large numbers of people, are the stuff of which violent insurrections are made."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Anonymous5:03 PM

    “A pair of MAGA moron lawyers have been ordered to pay all of their defendants' legal fees for bringing bogus lawsuits over the not stolen election.”

    Not good enough. Bar association should get involved.

    If you use your law degree to attack the rule of law, by bringing lawsuits you know have absolutely no merit, you should lose your license to practice. You have no business being in a courtroom, except as a defendant.

  66. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "Hard to say, but estimates put the actual US death count from covid at closer to 900K than the official 615K."

    Pure Pravda!!!! Where are they at???

  67. Anonymous7:54 PM

    BREAKING: Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer All Call for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to Resign

  68. A good time to remind folks that WinRed is a for-profit enterprise:

    Cuomo Kicked Off Fundraising Platform

    August 5, 2021 at 6:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 48 Comments

    “ActBlue, the company that processes online campaign donations for Democrats, on Thursday booted New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo from its platform as he faced intensifying pressure to resign over findings by his state’s attorney general that he sexually harassed 11 women in violation of state and federal law,” the Washington Post reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. You know, the FOP sure is taking a low profile on the 1/6 insurrection considering how many police officers were brutally assaulted that day.
    Could their support for Fergus and the fact that many off duty pigs were there trying to overthrow the government have something to do with their reticence?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Cuomo is a pedo.......

  71. "So Missouri’s governor pardoned the McCloskeys. I’m sure they will get their guns back forthwith."

    No need, he's already on social media with pictures of him with his new AR.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine
