Monday, September 06, 2021

? of the day

 On this Labor Day, when we put an emphasis on work, my question of the day is this: What do we have to work on the most to build a more perfect union? 

I have some thoughts, but I need yours.  


  1. LeonT2:44 PM


    If the past while has shown us anything, it's that there are a LOT of stupid people around and they're dragging us all down, if not outright killing us.

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Telling the truth. Half the country believes in stuff that isn’t real, and get angry when told they aren’t entitled to their own set of “alternative facts.”

    We can’t begin to debate solutions to problems facing the country when we don’t even agree on what the problems are, because half the citizenry are living in a manufactured delusion soldier to them by professional liars.

  3. Get rid of all magats.

    Get rid of all evangelical phony kristians.

    Get rid of neocons and Israel firsters.

  4. 1. Media reform. News services that have to turn a profit will always be corrupted and end up misinforming the folks who need accurate information in order to be good citizens.

    2. Election reform. As long as big money can purchase elected office, we will have elected officials whose main skill is raising a lot of money and pleasing those who have a lot of money.
    Then there's all the straight up cheating and attempts to destroy democracy being run by the goddamn Republicans now. That has to go.

    3. Labor equity, and incentives toward better citizenship by employers and employees as well. Which leads to:

    4. Tax reform. When I was a kid, the top marginal tax rate for filers earning $200K or more was 91%. This was the governments way of saying to employers that if they wanted to keep the money they earned past a luxurious (in 1960 dollars) living, they had to plough that money back into their businesses, so their employees and customers, who made them the money in the first place, got a chunk of it.

    5. Accepting reality. I know this is a heavy lift for the perpetually propagandized, but it's become a life or death question, and y'all are failing miserably at containing the death to the set of those who try to avoid accepting reality.
    Back in the aughts, I came across the Guns and Dope party, whose tag line was "We'll tolerate your hobbies if you tolerate ours." and to a certain extent I still go with that idea, but there is a certain limit inherent in that idea: your hobbies can't include actually killing me if you want me to tolerate them. That's the "guns" part of the Guns and Dope Party, the way I understand it. Or it was, they seem to have morphed into garden variety libertarians these days.

    6. Be kind. You would be amazed at how many problems are addressed by this corny old saw.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. I have to echo the first poster. Education. An educated populace is better for all involved.

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    What do we have to work on the most to build a more perfect union?

    Eliminate affirmative action, "diversity" mandates and immigration.

    your hobbies can't include actually killing me if you want me to tolerate them.

    White people seldom kill anyone with their guns.  Blacks do.

  7. Anonymous11:39 PM

    An educated populace is better for all involved.

    An educated populace is going to be fully informed about racial differences in intelligence, impulse control and propensity to violence.

    A free populace will be free to discriminate on those differences.

  8. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "An educated populace is going to be fully informed about racial differences in intelligence, impulse control and propensity to violence."

    Learning long-discredited, 19th-century scientific theories is not "education."

  9. "White people seldom kill anyone with their guns. Blacks do."

    White people kill more people with their guns than anyone. The goddamn Iraq war, for example. Just because they have institutionalized it doesn't make it not murder.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  10. I like some of the ideas here. Seems like pie in the sky considering what we are up against. As far as what I can do, I'm learning to not hate.

  11. Make drumpf and all his followers try to crawl through a door window and give each one chunk of lead in the head. Problem solved, except for taking out the trash, so to speak.

  12. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Chicago negro shootings: At least 63 negroes shot, 6 fatally, in Labor Day weekend violence across city
    6 black children shot in 12-hour span: Chicago police:

  13. Anonymous12:11 PM

    What is the solution to the nigger question??

  14. Anonymous12:27 PM

    “What is the solution to the nigger question??”

    Deporting people who routinely use the word “nigger”?

    I think that would help a lot, honestly.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hey, maybe we could build a more perfect union by denying all First Amendment religious liberty rights to people who are fake Christians anyway.

  16. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Deporting people who routinely use the word “nigger”?

    I think that would help a lot, honestly.

    12:27 PM

    So all negroes would be deported correct??

  17. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey, maybe we could build a more perfect union by denying all First Amendment religious liberty rights to people who are fake Christians anyway.

    12:37 PM

    isn't that the goal of the Marxist democrats?

  18. “isn't that the goal of the Marxist democrats?“

    Why yes it is. I mean he did ask how to make it a more perfect union right?

  19. Anonymous1:01 PM

    “So all negroes would be deported correct??”

    No, but some of the worst ones would be, along with racists like you. So, you know, win-win.

  20. “White people seldom kill anyone with their guns. Blacks do.“

    I guess you haven’t seen the latest CDC gun violence stats huh? I can provide them again. Whiter areas have a higher rate of gun violence. Facts!

  21. Anonymous1:05 PM

    “‘Hey, maybe we could build a more perfect union by denying all First Amendment religious liberty rights to people who are fake Christians anyway.’

    12:37 PM

    isn't that the goal of the Marxist democrats?”

    No, but maybe it should be, since Republicans seem to view the Establishment Clause as nothing but a means of disobeying any law they don’t like. Mainly so they can legally get away with engaging in various forms of bigotry.


  22. “Learning long-discredited, 19th-century scientific theories is not "education."

    I mean it is if you’re uneducated and opining about education.πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  23. Radically rein in greed. If everyone, from the individual to the corporation, agreed to be content to earn enough to be comfortable in daily life and put aside the need to out-do the next person, life would look very different for everyone.

    Yeah, I know, like that'll every happen. But you asked.

  24. Religious liberty is a 2 way street. My sincerely held FSM beliefs are I don't have to share Earth with magats and phony kristians and any other terrorist groups I can think of. Therefore, they should be whisked away to a parallel uni where they can kill each other all they want and let the rest of us advance civilization for all good people.

    All hail Flying Spaghetti Monster! Fuck magats and other terrorists!

  25. Remington is trying to obtain the school records of the children killed at Sandy Hook. So is their defense going to be that society is better off without scholastically underperforming kindergartners and that their product is just the tool needed for removing them?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. The misuse of ivermectin would appear to be a self-correcting problem, as extended use of it results in male infertility:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. Anonymous4:26 PM

    “Remington is trying to obtain the school records of the children killed at Sandy Hook. So is their defense going to be that society is better off without scholastically underperforming kindergartners and that their product is just the tool needed for removing them?”

    Maybe they’re trying to prove the kids didn’t really die and their families are merely “crisis actors,” like Alex Jones said? I’m kidding, mostly. I really hope that’s not their goal.

    That said … the whole lawsuit is bonkers. If a manufacturer can be held legally liable for their customers’ wanton misuse of a completely legal product that works as intended, the whole justice system will crumble. The logic in this case is as insane as that which underpins the Texas “abortion bounty hunter” law.

    There are way too many senseless killings, and America’s gun regulations are in serious need of reform. But lawsuits like this one are not the way forward. The right fix is for Democrats to undo Republicans’ packing of the courts with reactionary maniacs who have interpreted the 2nd Amendment in such an absurdly expansive way.

  28. Anonymous5:46 PM


  29. "The misuse of ivermectin would appear to be a self-correcting problem, as extended use of it results in male infertility"


  30. To make a less imperfect Union:

    Institute "Discorporation": the 'death penalty' for criminal corporations. Perhaps enforced by the Texas Method of state-subsidized private bounty-hunter lawfare.

    The "Honeybee Rule": any policeman who kills a civilian loses his job. No delay, no exceptions, no appeals.

    The "Second Amendment Repair Act":
    1. The right of the people to keep and bear arms in a well-regulated State militia shall not be infringed.
    2. Well-regulated militias shall not arm those under adult age, nor arm those found guilty of treason as defined by the Constitution.
    3. States have the right to enforce other militia regulations.

    Note that clause 1 is a single sentence, not broken into four parts, giving equal weight to rights ('bear arms') and responsibilities ('well-regulated militia').

  31. My daughter suggests term limits for Supreme Court Justices.

  32. So Mexico decriminalized abortion today, and the mayor of Mexico City announced that they will be removing a statue of Christopher Columbus and replacing it with a statue of an Olmeca woman.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Another idea is to cycle circuit court judges through the supreme court to combat entrenched partisan bent.
    Except that now most of the goddamn circuit court judges are Fergus appointed wingnuts, so it might not work.
    The issue is coming up with justices who are competent enough to serve on SCOTUS without letting them color the court indefinitely with one ideology.
    Term limits might work, but I would be concerned about losing institutional memory.
    Still worth a try, in my opinion.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    "The use of covid 19 vaccine would appear to be a self-correcting problem, as extended use of it results in male infertility"


    8:41 PM

  35. The issue is coming up with justices who are competent enough to serve on SCOTUS without letting them color the court indefinitely with one ideology.

    Easy cure, Doug, don't ever let a magat potus pick another unqualified judge. Secondly, force magats in the Senate to confirm, liberal, well qualified nominees without delays.

  36. Anonymoid 8:41 misquotes, for it is reflexively dishonest.

    For instance, there's no such thing as "extended" use of a vaccine. You get two shots, then a booster, and that's it. Horse dewormer is another story.

    Of course, were the anonymoid's antivax snark valid, then we'd all have been infertile since George Washington mandated smallpox vax for his troops. But why bother arguing facts with an anonymoid troll? They do not argue to learn the truth; they argue to argue; and that's the truth.

  37. Anonymous2:44 PM

    “For instance, there's no such thing as ‘extended’ use of a vaccine. You get two shots, then a booster, and that's it. Horse dewormer is another story.”

    To be fair, most of the fools prescribing themselves ivermectin are not using it on an “extended” basis, either. The major health risk is the possibility that they may overdose on it, because they bought it at a farm supply store and the doses they stock are way too big for a human, as the intended recipient is, you know, a fucking horse.

    And, of course, the other danger is that ivermectin does nothing to protect you from COVID, and they’re taking instead of the main thing that will protect you: vaccines.

  38. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Of course, she's black.  It takes blackness to make someone THAT stupid and arrogant.

  39. If Molly Ivins were still around, she would likely suggest standing Abbott up in the corner and watering him twice a week.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. All great answers, except for the usual trolls.πŸ™‚

  41. And I get it, these have to be tough times for the Aryan crowd.

  42. “Of course, she's black. It takes blackness to make someone THAT stupid and arrogant.“

    Wait, you mean someone was dumber and more arrogant than that one dumbass that climbed over furniture knowing a gun was pointed at her yet still ran full speed to her death? Nah, there’s not THAT much stupid on the planet.🀷🏾‍♂️


    Of course he’s white.

  44. Wasicu wastey hunts down and kills with a spearfishing gun his 2 year old son and 10 month old daughter.

    Never heard of a POC doing that.

    “Of course, he's wasicu. It takes pastey white hide to make someone THAT stupid and arrogant.“

  45. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Ponder this… Israel also has just about the highest vaccination rate in the world. So we’ve obviously been duped, folks. The mRNA gene modification “vaccine” does not work. And with both false positives and false negatives, PCR testing doesn’t work. Masks do not work. Socialist distancing doesn’t work. Nothing works. The Plandemic Wu Flu has a 99.75% recovery rate for those under age 70, yet the peoples of the once-Free World have surrendered their freedom, their right to travel, their right to visit their dying loved ones, their economic vitality, and their once-robust supply chain. For what? I think that the people of France have the right idea. Ditto for The Netherlands. Mass protests! And if need be, change governments. Vote the bastiches out.

  46. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and came into medical use in 1981.[12][13] In 2015, William Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for its discovery and applications.[14] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[15] Ivermectin is FDA-approved as an antiparasitic agent.[16] In 2018, it was the 420th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one hundred thousand prescriptions.[17] The medication is also being researched as a way to treat or prevent tropical diseases including yellow fever and malaria.

  47. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[5] In 2018, it was the 129th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 5 million prescriptions.[6][7]

  48. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Sorry folks, the public school system is awash in faggotry, negrolatry, Marxist memes, idiocy and Zionist propaganda.

  49. Ivermectin was approved for human use for very specific internal parasites, not Covid 19, at far lower rates than magats are abusing their bodies with. Like I said, magats be stoopid.

  50. Public school system is overrun by koch bro funded magat propaganda and lies about drumpf criminal enterprise.

  51. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Blaming the Koch brothers now?  You hit some WEIRD websites.

  52. Mothers

  53. Add a Texas and an Sucks to make magats

  54. Blaming koch bro. Only one left. Do pay attention.

  55. Anonymous2:58 PM

    “Sorry folks, the public school system is awash in faggotry, negrolatry, Marxist memes, idiocy and Zionist propaganda.”

    Obviously, that’s what is wrong with our school curriculums: not enough hate.

    Also, the school uniforms need to be updated so they come with a little white hood and swastika armband.

  56. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Racist attack by ANTIFA Operative on Larry Elders:

  57. “Racist attack by ANTIFA Operative on Larry Elders”

    That’s impossible!!!! How can Elders or Candace Owens be victims of racist attacks when they tell us there is no racism in the US??????? Somebody is lying!

  58. “Racist attack by ANTIFA Operative on Larry Elders”

    But if trueπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  59. Larry the fuck Elder is already yawping about election fraud before the damn thing has actually happened.
    As laughable as that is, it's also an illustration of the goddamn Republican strategy going forward: they know that they can't win fair elections, so they restrict voting for anyone not known to be full MAGA, and if they can't do that, they lie that the election was fraudulent.
    They are trying to destroy democracy because otherwise they will lose and lose and eventually turn into the 21st century version of the Whigs, which they will anyway, but they intend to slow down the process long enough to grift off of it a while longer.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Today’s headline:
    “Racist Attack by ANTIFA Operative on Larry Elder”

    Tomorrow’s headline:
    “Revealed: Woman in Gorilla Suit Was Hired by Larry Elder”

  61. Anonymous5:23 PM

    “That’s impossible!!!! How can Elders or Candace Owens be victims of racist attacks when they tell us there is no racism in the US??????? Somebody is lying!”

    Apparently, there is only racism of the “antifa” kind.


  62. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Integration is the Cancer
    Segregation is the Answer.

    Open your eyes already. Old School ways were the best ways. If you dont believe it, just look around, and get a grasp on the new reality. Tell me how it's better....

  63. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Here comes the BOOM, anti-vaxxers!

    Biden is issuing an OSHA order forcing all businesses with 100 or more employees to force them to get vaccinated.

    No jab, no job.

  64. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Climate change is a hoax.

  65. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Here comes the BOOM, anti-vaxxers!

    Biden is issuing an OSHA order forcing all businesses with 100 or more employees to force them to get vaccinated.

    No jab, no job.

    5:32 PM

    Illegal and Unconstitutional. The left is drunk with power. The left shows its totalitarianism more each day.

  66. Anonymous5:53 PM


  67. Anonymous5:54 PM

    There are only TWO genders.

  68. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Oh, hogwash.  It depends what language you're talking about.  French has two genders.  English has THREE genders:  masculine, feminine and neuter.

    There are only two SEXES.

  69. robert e. lee finally going to the boneyard.

  70. Wow, somebody is having a troll Tourette’s insanity meltdown. Kinda sad to see.πŸ˜“

  71. Anonymous7:03 PM

    “Wow, somebody is having a troll Tourette’s insanity meltdown. Kinda sad to see.”

    Just wait until all the unvaxxed Trump fans show up at work, only to receive a memo from the boss: Vaccine or you’re fired.

    There’s gonna be DRAMA. There will be rending of garments and gnashing of teeth and floods of salty tears and red-faced, angry rants invoking the ghost of George Orwell (even though Orwell would have hated the Trumpster’s guts, because he was a socialist who volunteered to fight the fascists in the Spanish Civil War).

  72. One species of fungi, Schizophyllum commune, really shines when it comes to gender diversity. The white, fan-shaped mushroom has more than 23,000 different sexual identities, a result of widespread differentiation in the genetic locations that govern its sexual behavior.

    Its quadrasexual. It will do anything with any magat for a quarter.

  73. Integration is the Cancer
    Segregation is the Answer

    When in reality for magats suicide is not the answer. Suicide is the question. Yes is the answer. By all means.

  74. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The "tolerance" of the Left, on full display.

    If anyone said what you said about blacks, you'd call it hate speech.

  75. She’s Not Wrong

    September 9, 2021 at 10:08 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 315 Comments

    Wendy Molyneux: “The fucking vaccine will not make you magnetic. Are you fucking kidding me? It just fucking won’t. That’s not even a fucking thing, and that lady who tried to pretend the vaccine made her fucking magnetic looked like a real fucking fuckwad and a fucking idiot, so get fucking vaccinated.”

    “The vaccine also doesn’t have a fucking 5G chip in it. What the fuck do you think a fucking 5G chip is, fucknuts? You think it’s like some invisible nanotechnology they can suspend in a liquid and then just put in your fucking blood and then it what, exactly? Fucking floats around in your body going on Instagram and telling the government you went to the grocery store? No one fucking cares where you go, you absolute fucking fuck-barf.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Already happened. We kicked your asses. Make us do it again and we'll finish the job this time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Lisa Simpson's REAL Magic Bear-Repelling Rock
    · Sep 7
    Y'all are missing the point on this: When he says TX will "eliminate rape", what he's saying is they're going to redefine the concept so they can claim it's not happening.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. The tolerant right threatening election officials simply trying to do their jobs. Is it a requirement to be an anonymous coward to be conservative?

  79. Anonymous10:13 PM

    “Y'all are missing the point on this: When he says TX will "eliminate rape", what he's saying is they're going to redefine the concept so they can claim it's not happening.”

    Maybe they’ll just bring back Todd “legitimate rape” Akin and his interesting medical theories.

    You see, there’s no need to worry about rape victims being forced to deliver unwanted babies because, if you “legitimately” get raped, you can’t get pregnant. Your body will “shut that whole thing down,” according to Akin, renowned experts in Republican Gynecology™

    Conversely, if you are pregnant, you must not have gotten raped.

  80. “When he says TX will "eliminate rape"

    Well since Merrick Garland sued Texas my guess is Abbott is going to throw a hissy and let rape happen again.

  81. Anonymous Anonymous said...


    5:53 PM
    And we'll whip you asses again; only this time we will execute all the leaders of the rebellion. We won't make the same mistake that we made last time.

  82. If Abbott has the wherewithal to eliminate rape in Texas, why hasn't he already? What's he waiting for?
    And don't forget who worked on Todd Akin's campaign then when Claire McCaskill cleaned his clock... that would be Kellyanne Conway.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Anon never tells us who will be fighting this “war”. Will the classic sides be matched up? The southern states activate their national guard to fight against the northern states? Or is this the goofy “militia” types playing in the woods? So many questions.

  84. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Anon never tells us who will be fighting this ‘war’. Will the classic sides be matched up?

    In his fantasies, it’s ALL white people (except for “traitorous” Jews) against everyone else.

  85. “In his fantasies, it’s ALL white people (except for “traitorous” Jews) against everyone else.“

    Even the latte sipping commie libs?

  86. Anonymous1:35 AM

    “Even the latte sipping commie libs?”

    They must all come around to the “right way of thinking.” Except for the Jews, of course.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Speaking of Governor Abbott and his satanic cohorts, who is that sonuvvabitch with the shit-eating grin sitting next to him as Abbott signed the Texas Voter Restriction Bill into law? I wanna put on some brass knuckles and punch that silly face until all his front teeth fall out. I'm still having problems with hatred it's plain to see.

  89. Serious lightning and thunderstorm action up here in the hills tonight. Hope the little bit of rain is enough to keep the fire down.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. “Except for the Jews, of course.“

    Of course. Have to be good little nazis.🀷🏾‍♂️

  91. “I'm still having problems with hatred it's plain to see.“

    You intolerant lefties!

  92. PilotX said

    “I'm still having problems with hatred it's plain to see.“

    You intolerant lefties!

    10:18 AM
    Yes, Pilot, and as an intolerant leftie, I really abhor the right wing radicals that seek to turn our country into a third world theocracy with a fat, fucking-idiot, ignoramus in charge. I'm quite sure you share my feelings.

  93. Anonymous said...

    There are only TWO genders.

    5:54 PM
    Said the acclaimed scientist with two PhDs in genetics. LOL!

  94. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I stopped believing in “the science” when “the science” said that being a tranny is perfectly normal.

  95. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Blogger Gambler2 said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    5:53 PM
    And we'll whip you asses again; only this time we will execute all the leaders of the rebellion. We won't make the same mistake that we made last time.

    11:20 PM

    Ah, the tolerant left chomping at the bit to execute Americans and impose tyranny.

    The left craves but one thing.....POWER.

  96. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Taliban in Kabul have started painting over American paid for propaganda murals that adorn the capital’s streets, including one of George Floyd, and several extolling faggotry with “victory slogans” applauding the establishment of their Islamic Caliphate.

    Funny how the Taliban aren’t vaxxed.

  97. A conservative Twitter pal notes that back in 2015, before the conservative movement lost its mind, conservative writer Ben Domenech, writing for the really conservative Federalist, called it “insane” that vaccine mandates would stir any controversy:

    Fundamentally, the protection against life-threatening plague is one of the original reasons government exists. We’ve had mandatory vaccines for schoolchildren in America since before the Emancipation Proclamation. The Supreme Court has upheld that practice as constitutional for over a century, and only the political fringes believe there ought to be a debate about such matters. This is one of the few areas where government necessarily exercises power [Ben Domenech, “The Insane Vaccine Debate,” Reason, 2015.02.03].

    From Dakota Free Press, CAH

  98. Anonymous12:50 PM

    “Funny how the Taliban aren’t vaxxed.”

    Well, this is the weirdest possible take. You hate vaccines, so the jihadi head-choppers are actually good now?

    The Taliban are a movement that want to return to the values of the medieval era, or at least what they believe the medieval era must have been like. So no, they’re probably not vaccinated. I imagine they’re not big on any technology, except for weapons. The Taliban objected to vaccinations against polio, too, back when they were in charge the first time, which is why Afghanistan is one of the only countries in the world where polio isn’t eradicated.

    But what’s your point? That this is why they won? I’m thinking the reason they won is because the alternative Afghan government the Bush administration set up to oppose them were a bunch of crooks who didn’t even bother to pay their army most of the time, so the official Afghan army were a complete joke that folded like a house of cards when asked to fight. Future congressional inquiries will also likely find that the American military contractors (Blackwater types) Bush hired to train them were also a bunch of crooks who pocketed taxpayer money but didn’t bother training the Afghan army worth a damn.

  99. “I really abhor the right wing radicals that seek to turn our country into a third world theocracy with a fat, fucking-idiot, ignoramus in charge.“

    But that’s what America really is. We got lucky after WWII because all the other world powers were blown to hell. We also got scared when the Ruskies launched Sputnik and spent a bunch of money and invested in science, technology and engineering and became a singular world power but that generation that built a bunch of cool stuff and actually trusted science is dying and not being replaced. Ignorance, racism and superstition isn’t a flaw in America, it’s a feature. We have bridges collapsing here, that’s third world country type stuff. Half the country thinking an ignorant New York conman reality tv star is the best we can do is no surprise to me, in fact I was counting on it maybe not so soon. I always thought Kim Kardashian was going to be our first reality tv star president but I still think she and Kanye will be living at 1600 Pennsylvania soon.🀷🏾‍♂️ Can’t hate something for being what it is.

  100. If A-Butt of texas is so sure he can eliminate all rapists, why hasn't the lying son of a bitch done so already? Is he waiting to score political points?

    Then he can eliminate all gang activity and black violence in Chicago in his spare time.

    Wait. I forgot, drumpf already ended Chicago's violence when he sent the Feds in. Silly me.

  101. Doug, went a few months with virtually no rain in NW iowa, after being declared a major drought zone last year and this year. Then a week ago, we got nearly 9 inches of life giving rain over 2 weeks and still there is no run off through field tiles.

    Crops will be okay. just not bumper crops predicted in Spring. Hope you get needed rain. Not enough to cause mudslides. But enuf to drown fucking magats.

  102. Anonymous2:36 PM

    “If A-Butt of texas is so sure he can eliminate all rapists, why hasn't the lying son of a bitch done so already? Is he waiting to score political points?”

    Hey, give Abbott a break. He’s only been in office for six years! And he’s been really busy with super-important things like “backing the blue,” fighting critical race theory in elementary schools, arming school teachers, denying climate change, stopping Democrats from voting, and, of course, banning abortion. Oh, and also, he’s been extremely busy NOT doing anything about Texas’ broken power utilities, so Texans can continue to enjoy the privilege of freezing to death if ever there’s a cold snap.

    Anyway, this hot air he’s blowing about “eradicating rape” will inevitably turn out to be something terrible, such as: “I will eliminate rape by keeping transexual perverts out of public bathrooms,” through the public bathroom law Texas Republicans already passed.

  103. "Funny how the Taliban aren’t vaxxed."

    So maybe it was dumb of Fergus to have Pompeo surrender to them without even negotiating anything?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Ignorance, racism and superstition isn’t a flaw in America, it’s a feature.

    Funny, all the great infrastructure and technology feats came before Affirmative Action, "disparate impact" and Hart-Celler became the law of the land.

    We have bridges collapsing here, that’s third world country type stuff.

    When old bridges are collapsing, it's because maintenance and replacement was subordinated to subsidizing blacks and browns.

    When brand-new bridges are collapsing here, it's because diversity was assumed competent to design and build them (FIU).

  105. Anonymous5:42 PM

    This is what a black Mensa member looks like:

    PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD — A 29-year-old Mt. Rainier man who poured lighter fluid on a woman he forced into a dog crate and threw another woman over a guardrail will serve 30 years in prison for assault and false imprisonment.

    In May, Tiroune Oates pleaded guilty to two counts of second degree assault and one count of false imprisonment in two separate cases – all misdemeanor charges that would have carried up to 4.5 years in prison.

    However, after a three-hour sentence hearing, Oates instead received 40 years, with all but 30 years suspended, the Office of the Prince George's County State's Attorney said in a news release.


  106. When brand-new bridges are collapsing here, it's because diversity was assumed competent to design and build them (FIU). Total fucking bullshit.

  107. Mike, good on you for educating these rubes. πŸ‘πŸΎ

  108. So they have trained dogs to detect the presence of covid on face masks, with accuracy in the high nineties, in the same ballpark as lab testing. When the dogs sniff a mask that has covid on it, they sit down and then are rewarded with a toy to play with.
    I wonder whether they could be trained to sniff out those who spread covid lies and just piss on their feet?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  109. “When brand-new bridges are collapsing here, it's because diversity was assumed competent to design and build them (FIU)“

    I was referring to the I-35 bridge collapse.

  110. Anonymous12:42 AM

    I was referring to the I-35 bridge collapse.

    The gusset plates weren't designed right, and nobody put any money into re-analyzing old work for flaws.  The engineering resources weren't there.  At least it took 40 years, instead of going down before it opened.

    Those gusset plates could have been reinforced, but were not because nobody knew they needed to be.  When old bridges are collapsing, it's because maintenance and replacement was subordinated to subsidizing blacks and browns.

  111. Anonymous1:32 AM

    “When old bridges are collapsing, it's because maintenance and replacement was subordinated to subsidizing blacks and browns.”

    You have very fanciful ideas about how much money gets paid out on welfare, or any government benefits, really.

    We are living through a new gilded age of billionaires, and if there is not enough money to fix bridges, it’s because the government is not taking enough money out of pockets of the rich, not because is putting too much into the pockets of the poor.

    This happens because redneck morons keep voting for the tax-cutters’ party, because the tax-cutters always double-pinky swear promise to be extremely abusive to brown people, and redneck morons would prefer a racist country to a functional one where the government doesn’t let the bridges fall down.

  112. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Prosecute trump and the January 6th conspirators.

  113. "When old bridges are collapsing, it's because maintenance and replacement was subordinated to subsidizing blacks and browns."

    Really? That's why bridges are falling in America? Sure kid, everything is Black folks' fault. Got it. LOL! Nothing to do with America no longer emphasizing science, math and engineering but teh blahs. If I had such ideas as yours I'd post as anonymous too.


  115. "redneck morons would prefer a racist country to a functional one where the government doesn’t let the bridges fall down."

    America is gonna America.

  116. Anonymous3:42 AM

    You have very fanciful ideas about how much money gets paid out on welfare, or any government benefits, really.

    The average annual fiscal cost of each black is -$10,016, the average Hispanic is -$7,298.

    There are roughly 46.9 million blacks in the US, for a total fiscal impact of -$469 billion per year.

    There are roughly 60.6 million Hispanics in the US, for a total fiscal impact of −$442 billion per year.

    The total fiscal impact of blacks and browns is -911 billion per year.

    The US infrastructure deficit is 2.59 trillion.  The US could pay this with less than 3 years of the net fiscal cost of non-Whites.

    We are living through a new gilded age of billionaires, and if there is not enough money to fix bridges, it’s because the government is not taking enough money out of pockets of the rich, not because is putting too much into the pockets of the poor.

    I just proved the exact opposite.  The infrastructure deficit is a 40-year thing; we could have fixed it 13 times by now if the money hadn't been spent on parasites.

  117. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Nothing to do with America no longer emphasizing science, math and engineering but teh blahs.

    It's because our "educational" establishment wants to incorporate "social justice" into everything, including mathematics instruction.

    That means making pretty much everything a "story problem".  Know what the less-intelligent are particularly bad at?  Reading text and extracting relevant facts from it, then processing those facts to get correct answers.  They're far better at handling "13 + 19 = ____".

  118. Anonymous4:03 AM

    But group members have said one of their goals — addressing inequities in math education — is to deal with the way historical, cultural and societal biases influence which children are viewed as being good at math.

    One of the main ways researchers suggest schools do that? Keep students who are at different skill levels in the same classrooms — a concept sometimes called “heterogeneous learning” — for longer. That’s why the pathways plan doesn’t fork in different directions until grades 11 and 12.

    Position papers by a national association for math educators that were shared by the education department argue “tracking” students — sorting advanced ones into separate classes — results in the over-representation of white and wealthy students.

    “Those that have been privileged by the current system must be willing to give up that privilege for more equitable schooling,” one of the papers reads.

    In other words, those "privileged" by being fast learners must be dumbed-down so they're not so unequal.  Those fast learners tend to be wealthy, because fast learners tend to become wealthy.  And fast learners trend strongly White and Asian.

    It's just anti-White hatred, cloaked in the language of "equity".  Stuart can build LaQuan a house, but he can't learn for LaQuan, so Stuart must be penalized.

  119. "I just proved the exact opposite. The infrastructure deficit is a 40-year thing; we could have fixed it 13 times by now if the money hadn't been spent on parasites."

    How much is spent on whites. I mean since they are the largest group being subsidized that has to be the biggest chunk of money.

  120. "It's just anti-White hatred, cloaked in the language of "equity". Stuart can build LaQuan a house, but he can't learn for LaQuan, so Stuart must be penalized."

    Ha! Sure kid, America is soooo anti-white. This anti-intellectualism has been going on for decades. Check the population of engineering and math majors or the population of math and engineering professors, it is overly represented by foreigners. Why? America has been in a long decline in education and it's not Blah folks fault. I mean I know that's the stance you've taken but it just ain't true. America is just a big dumb racist nation. Always has been and always will. If it's skin color or ethnicity we're talking about Nigerian immigrants are the most educated group in America greatly outpacing native born Yankees.


  122. Looks like all we needed was to get rid of trump to make infrastructure an emphasis.



  125. Anonymous6:41 AM

    That "education" consists mostly of utterly useless degrees in "studies" qualifying them for make-work quota-filling "jobs", and they get "scholarships" to take them.  They're still dumb as rocks.

  126. Anonymous6:43 AM

    America has been in a long decline in education and it's not Blah folks fault.

    I remember when Cass Tech in Detroit was a premier school.  Now its graduates function at remedial level.  What changed?  The student body went from White to black.

  127. Anonymous6:44 AM

    America is soooo anti-white. This anti-intellectualism has been going on for decades. Check the population of engineering and math majors or the population of math and engineering professors, it is overly represented by foreigners. Why?

    Because admissions departments prefer foreigners paying out-of-state tuition over in-state White males, and it's hard for Americans to make a living and have a family on graduate student stipends and un-tenured teaching pay.

  128. Anonymous6:45 AM

    How much is spent on whites. I mean since they are the largest group being subsidized that has to be the biggest chunk of money.

    Whites are net tax PAYERS to the tune of $2,795 per capita.

  129. Koch bro education plan is for schools of higher learning to drop liberal arts degrees and focus on training workforce for minimum wage jobs. Nearly every magat run state has adopted these standards.

  130. Another magat pedo, this one a judge, kills itself before it could be arrested for explicit child porn pics.

  131. My best Trigonometry student ever was a Latina, a mother, a veteran, and her arms were covered with tattoos. He handwriting was firm and clear. Every single one of her answers in homework, quizzes, and final was correct. She has intelligence, diligence, and drive. Easiest A I ever gave. She exemplifies humankind's natural political system: the circulation of aristocracies.

  132. "Whites are net tax PAYERS to the tune of $2,795 per capita."

    So the question still remains since whites are the largest number of welfare recipients do you consider them parasites? I mean they cost the country the most in raw numbers. 40% of all welfare costs are due to whites, they are the biggest drain on society.

  133. "Because admissions departments prefer foreigners paying out-of-state tuition over in-state White males"

    Nah, it's because Americans shun higher mathmatics and engineering degrees. Whoa, typical racist you really try hard to play the victim don't you. LOL!

  134. "That "education" consists mostly of utterly useless degrees in "studies" qualifying them for make-work quota-filling "jobs", and they get "scholarships" to take them. They're still dumb as rocks."

    The point is YOU probably don't have a degree nor have a job and blame others for "quotas". Pretty sad state of affairs. The Black women I know with advanced degrees are so much smarter than some of the white male "geniuses" who blame others for their lots in life. If my arguments were are racist and shallow as yours I wouldn't identify myself either. Sad you really believe this shit but hey, it is what it is.

  135. 20 years ago civilian aircraft were used as weapons against America. Let’s give a thought to those who put on their uniforms for the last time that day and all others affected by those horrific events.πŸ˜“

  136. PilotX said...

    "40% of all welfare costs are due to whites, they are the biggest drain on society."

    10:52 AM
    True. And most of the whites on welfare are women with children whose white, former husbands do not pay child support. The remaining whites on welfare are mostly people with disabilities.

    Anyone who doesn't believe this can Google the topic.

  137. As of 2020, non hispanic wasicu waasteys make up 58% of the US population so they should, indeed, pay more of the taxes.

  138. "Anyone who doesn't believe this can Google the topic."

    We're talking about people not even smart enough to be able to choose a screen name. Probably not the best and brightest. LOL!

  139. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Nah, it's because Americans shun higher mathmatics and engineering degrees.

    And why wouldn't they, when universities have cut graduate stipends so that their purchasing power can barely achieve a subsistence standard of living?  Grad school is for those willing to work for slave wages and THEN try to land a tenured teaching position, except for those lucky enough to work for a company which provides tuition reimbursement.

    Universities can do this because they have an endless supply of foreigners willing to come in and slave away for the promise of US citizenship.  US citizens go to work after their BSc because it's still a ticket upward.

    Whoa, typical racist you really try hard to play the victim don't you.

    Did you think that US engineering school undergrad classes full of Chinese and Indians is a natural phenomenon?  No, it's policy.

  140. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The point is YOU probably don't have a degree

    Certainly do.  A BSc, as a matter of fact.  I took AP calculus and AP physics my junior year of HS, took university classes my senior year and was out in 7 semesters as a full-time student.

    nor have a job and blame others for "quotas".

    Why would I need a job?  I've been retired for 9 years.  I won't tell you what the assessor thinks my house is worth, but even if I didn't have another cent I could sell it and live in moderate luxury for the rest of my life.

    What I blame for "quotas" is the situation of the young, White male who is stuck in the "gig economy" and is denied any security, ability to accumulate wealth or support a family.  You're one to talk, BusDriverX; your skin color gives you all the security you could want, and it's totally invisible to you.  YOU are sacrosanct.

  141. Anonymous11:59 AM

    As of 2020, non hispanic wasicu waasteys make up 58% of the US population so they should, indeed, pay more of the taxes.

    The point, microcephalic from iowa, is that the average White is a tax payer, while the average non-White is a big tax TAKER.

    We're talking about people not even smart enough to be able to choose a screen name.

    I use screen names all the time.  Several, AAMOF.  But only to tweak you.

  142. “I use screen names all the time. Several, AAMOF. But only to tweak you“

    I mean duh. I know the type, an immature poster here to just “own the libs” or whatever the latest fad is among the perpetually aggrieved. If that’s the case I’ll have to end this conversation because it won’t do anything to help either of us. If you do decide to choose a screen name and stick with it then maybe we can communicate further.

  143. Anonymous said....

    What I blame for "quotas" is the situation of the young, White male who is stuck in the "gig economy" and is denied any security, ability to accumulate wealth or support a family. You're one to talk, BusDriverX; your skin color gives you all the security you could want, and it's totally invisible to you. YOU are sacrosanct."
    11:53 AM
    OMG, I can't believe you wrote such an ignorant post.
    I have four white grandsons aged 22 to 30. All are working at good jobs: One is in cyber security, one is tending bar as he finishes earning his BA in Computer Science at a popular, public university and one is a pilot with a major airline.

    Your insult to PilotX (and all pilots) indicates that you have no idea whatsoever of the qualifications and rigorous training practices of the airlines. Trainees are dismissed for the smallest slip during training. The pressure on the would-be commercial pilots is unimaginable.

    You owe PilotX an apology for calling him a bus driver and for implying that Affirmative Action gave him the job. And for whining that white people are victims of anti-white racism.

  144. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Chicago Clown Mayor Lori Lightfoot Destroying Chicago - More children have been SHOT in Chicago this year than the total number of those who have died from COVID-19 nationwide

  145. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Remember Sept. 11th and Benghazi!!

  146. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Members of Congress, Federal Judges, Staffers Exempt From Vaccine Mandate
    BY JOSEPH LORD September 10, 2021 Updated: September 10, 2021

  147. Fuck epoch times in their butt! They have less credibility than drumpf.

  148. Whoopee, anymoose, I can do anything better than you and anyone else, as long as I don't really have to do it.

    Your move.

  149. Anonymous4:25 PM

    “Fuck epoch times in their butt! They have less credibility than drumpf.”

    Epoch Times is a propaganda outlet for the Falun Gong, devoted to supporting their fight with the Chinese government.

    Those guys made the poor choice of publishing Trump’s lies in order to curry favor with him, because they appear to have believed he was some kind of ally to them, since he constantly said mean things about the Chinese government. They didn’t understand that Trump wasn’t a principled human rights crusader expressing his solidarity with oppressed groups in China; he was trying to win the votes of racist assholes who enjoy hearing obnoxious insults against foreigners.

  150. “You owe PilotX an apology for calling him a bus driver and for implying that Affirmative Action gave him the job. And for whining that white people are victims of anti-white racism.“

    Nah, he doesn’t owe me anything. If that’s the world he lives in then so be it. If he can’t find a good job or have the skills to upgrade his livelihood that’s on him not me. This is a common notion among the not so successful. One day he’ll stop the victim mentality and spend as much time educating himself as he does blaming others and he’ll be fine.🀷🏾‍♂️

  151. Anonymous6:37 PM


    Wingnut jackass state legislator pitched a tantrum when asked to wear a mask to board an airplane. Now she can’t go to work because the airline has banned her from flying.

    1. Play stupid games…..πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

  152. The morning of 9-11 I was living in San Francisco, the only time I ever lived there and only for about six months at that, and I was a little late for work so I walked down 24th st. to the BART station in a hurry. I hadn't heard anything from any media yet, and the newspaper vendor had a strange look on her face when I bought a San Francisco Chronicle from her for the ride across the bay.
    Once on the train, things started to get weird. As the train pulled out of 24th st. station it sort of stalled and sat there for a while. That's when I heard someone in the seat ahead of me say "...into the World Trade Center." and I knew something bad was happening.
    The train did the same stopping in the dark thing before coming into and again upon leaving the 16th st. station, and as we started again the announcer said on the intercom "We will not be stopping at Civic Center, if your stop is Civic Center, get off at Powell st. and a shuttle will take you back to your destination."
    Then the train accelerated so hard that it pushed me back into my seat, and we went through Civic Center station at around 70 MPH.
    There were delays at almost every station as the BART folks tried to get trains on the proper tracks given the stops they were avoiding, and at one point we sat motionless for a few minutes at the bottom of the bay in the transbay tube.
    Needless to say, I was late to work, and my boss, who also lived in SF said "So I take it you've had an interesting train ride." because the Civic Center closure had been on the news; they were afraid that city hall was in danger.
    Two days later, one of our drivers went off on a customer after doing his delivery, the customer was a Lebanese family who ran a grocery store in the lower Haight, and the driver yelled at them, called them terrorists, and told them to go back where they came from.
    The owner of our business fired him on the spot when he returned and told him he had a lot of nerve to say such things to a family who were at this point fifth generation San Franciscans who have run a successful business for decades employing other San Franciscans and by the looks of it, he (the driver) hadn't done jack shit.
    It was a tense moment, but it made me very loyal to Bill Viebrock, the owner and founder of our business.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  153. Anonymous11:43 PM

    “Two days later, one of our drivers went off on a customer after doing his delivery, the customer was a Lebanese family who ran a grocery store in the lower Haight, and the driver yelled at them, called them terrorists, and told them to go back where they came from.”

    In the weeks after 9/11, at work, people were trading emails suggesting we should colonize the entire Middle East and steal all their oil.

    I’d go to the gym, and people were casually chatting with complete strangers about how we needed to get rid of all the “towelheads.”

    It was a pretty ugly atmosphere.

  154. PilotX said...

    "One day he’ll stop the victim mentality and spend as much time educating himself as he does blaming others and he’ll be fine."🀷🏾‍♂️

    I wish I had you optimism and faith, Pilot. As I'm sure you know, I've seen a lot of bigotry in my 84 years, and I'm afraid I've become somewhat cynical.

  155. “I wish I had you optimism and faith, Pilot. As I'm sure you know, I've seen a lot of bigotry in my 84 years, and I'm afraid I've become somewhat cynical.“

    Agreed, he’s a waste of oxygen. I stand corrected.πŸ˜†

  156. Quaker in a Basement4:33 AM

    We need shared goals.

    It won't hurt us to disagree about how to get there if we agree on where we want to go.

  157. Anonymous9:54 AM

    “It won't hurt us to disagree about how to get there if we agree on where we want to go.”

    It’s too bad we don’t, then.

  158. If memory serves, on 9-11 Hitler Weasel Bush and bin-ladin's dad were in a meeting in DC together. 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, whose royal family and the Bush klan have been in business bed for ever.

    Now we find out the truth about 9-11.....the Saudi government, which is a well known sponsor of Muslim terrorists, was intimately involved with at least 2 of the hijackers, the ones in California learning to fly, but not land, jets. The very same an FBI agent from Minnesota was observing and reported to superiors who did nothing.


  160. Anonymous11:06 AM

    How are things going in unvaccinated Trump country? Let’s check in.

    After 43 hospitals turn away Alabama man who needed ICU bed, obituary urges COVID vaccines

  161. Another rally at the Capitol. Justice for J6. No better way to show support for those arrested on Jan 6th than getting arrested yourself.🀷🏾‍♂️

  162. Anonymous1:47 PM

    “Justice for J6” would be if they all went to jail.

  163. What passes for Republican thinking: Never forget 9-11, never mind J6.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  164. So it can be done if you do it right (h/t: Crooks and Liars):

    San Francisco schools haven't had any COVID outbreaks.

    Health officials said vaccines "are our best defense to protect children" — adding that most of the city's pediatric COVID cases came from unvaccinated adults in a household getting sick and passing it to unvaccinated kids.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  165. “Justice for J6” would be if they all went to jail.“

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ Oh the irony!

  166. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed, "It's just get a better job until...":

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    The Queen is down with ✊🏿 BLM. πŸ˜†

  168. Anonymous4:00 AM

    “From Carl Newman's Twitter feed, "It's just get a better job until..."

    It almost certainly isn’t the case that vast numbers of “better jobs” were suddenly created, and that’s why it’s now hard to fill lower-paying retail/service jobs. I wish this were true, but I don’t believe it is, any more than I believe the typically mean-spirited conservative explanation that unemployment benefits are just too darn generous and are encouraging the “lazy” poor folks to stay home and play Xbox.

    More likely, the overall supply of labor decreased because a number of married women quit their jobs, or scaled their workloads way back, so that they could stay home with their kids who were sent home to do remote learning, and many of them haven’t yet made their way back into the workforce. So there’s a hole in the labor pool.

  169. You have to pay people more than starvation wages to deal with the ignorant anti-vax trumpies out there.

  170. There's a page on Elder's website that blames fraud for his election loss. The election isn't over until tomorrow.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  171. you have many dreams in mind about the future of your married life. You get so excited about the future life of your marriage. You start to imagine the time you are going to spend with your partner. You have already made an image of your partner's character in your mind
