Monday, September 13, 2021

Caption Monday.



This took place on 9/11, when the president and other former presidents were doing more dignified things to acknowledge that solemn day.  

Give me a caption for this picture.  


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    No class!

  2. Not even a kindergartener.

  3. Me, Me, Me. It's all about ME.

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Monday, September 13, 2021
    As Chicago Crumbles.... 12-Year-Old Boy Among 7 Killed, 60 Shot Over the Weekend in Chicago's Negro Tribal Warfare

  5. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "Miss me yet???"

  6. “I’m really the heavyweight champ but the judges stole the title from me.”

  7. "Let's wrap this up, I've got a date with the Moonies..."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Suckers listening to a grifter lie

  9. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Trump doing the job he is actually appropriately qualified for: announcer at a boxing match that doesn't matter.

  10. ideologue Coney-Bar Rat claims the activist, right wing magat scotus isn't political while the Supreme court teeters so far right it is about to stand on its ugly fucking magat head.

  11. Now on the center stage. Chastity!

  12. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Larry Elder is losing, so now he's throwing a Trump tantrum and claiming the election is rigged against him.

    Sorry, Larry, but there is a simpler explanation: You are a wingnut running for office in a very blue state. Your only shot at winning was to sneak in, via enough liberals being unaware that there was an election happening in California that they needed to vote in to keep you out.

    The polling says it didn't work.

  13. "Larry Elder is losing, so now he's throwing a Trump tantrum and claiming the election is rigged against him."

    Can Republicans at least wait til the election is over til they declare it rigged? It would be hilarious if he won then what? "Oh, nevermind."


  14. The hilarious thing about Elder is that, if you believe the polling, the race was actually kinda close before he emerged as the front runner on the replacement ticket. You could almost hear "Oh, hell no" echo through the trees...
    Polling is hard to trust in this day and age, but by comparison, in 2003 Gray Davis was polling 16 points down and Gavin Reptile's polling average is now +14.
    Hope they're right, Arnie was bad enough and he's miles above these clowns.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Once again in the Bud Billiken Parade. Check out the good looking guy in part 5 at about the 1:40 mark.

  16. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Japan: Moderna Vax Is Out, Ivermectin Treatment Is In

  17. Anonymous8:56 AM

    As a POC I fully support Larry Elder for Gov of California. I know more than a few who will be voting for Larry and dismiss the white liberals who prey on us.

  18. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Trumpworld's new regime signaled by the singing of their new anthem, "The scarred mangled banner."

  19. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Dr. Pierre Kory US Senate hearing - Ivermectin is 100% cure for COVID-19. (dated, but worth a watch if you haven't seen it)

    The Only Problem Is That It Is So Inexpensive There Is No Path For A Politician To Get Rich From It, And It Would Create Problems For The Implementation Of The
    Great Reset..

  20. Anonymous9:11 AM

    India Serves Legal Notice To WHO Chief Scientist For Suppressing Data On Ivermectin To Treat COVID-19

  21. Anonymous9:12 AM


  22. Sheer IGNORANCE!!

  23. Greatgameinindia is a conspiracy website and has been used by zerohedge to cook up covid bullshit. Pay no attention to it.

  24. Anonymous10:26 AM

    “LARRY ELDER!!!”

    IS LOSING!!!

  25. According to alleged Dr Korry, he was not promoting ivermectin, just the data around it. It has not had a peer reviewed test on human subjects and is not approved for use on covid.

    Unless and until the proper studies are done, it is likely you stoopid fucking desperate magats will do more harm than covid will. And covid is a pandemic, you dumb fuckers!

  26. Here's an interesting article on Alternet this morning...

    "The real reason the right-wing elites are so threatened by Biden's vaccine mandates"

    Seems their plan is promote as many Covid deaths as possible to discredit President Biden.

  27. Anonymous said...

    Dr. Pierre Kory US Senate hearing - Ivermectin is 100% cure for COVID-19. (dated, but worth a watch if you haven't seen it)

    The Only Problem Is That It Is So Inexpensive There Is No Path For A Politician To Get Rich From It, And It Would Create Problems For The Implementation Of The Great Reset..
    9:06 AM
    Oh sure, Anon, I get all my medical info from blogs, Facebook, and You Tube. NOT! You should peddle you nonsense on a website frequented my low-information voters. We who frequent this blog are much too well informed for your message to affect us.

  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Larry Elder for Governor!!

  29. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Joe's COVID Experience, CNN's Ivermectin Claims

  30. Anonymous1:04 PM

    LAWS FOR THE PEASANTS!! Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden's Vaccine Mandate:

    Joe Biden's new vaccine mandates for federal employees don't apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.

    Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the

    Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.

    However, Biden's order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.

  31. Anonymous1:05 PM

    TRUMP won and you all know it!!

  32. Anonymous1:11 PM

    A black boy (orc) hitting an Asian teacher in the face with a chair while another one holds her in place:

    Gonna blame this on "white supremacy"?

  33. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Or is it "racism" that makes black boys violent?

  34. Anonymous1:12 PM

    CHICAGO September 2021 1st-13th
    Shot & Killed: 35
    Shot & Wounded: 176
    Total Shot: 211
    Total Homicides: 37

    82.5% Black
    3.9% White

  35. Anonymous1:13 PM

    “However, Biden's order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.”

    Yes, that is indeed the way our system of government functions. Congress and the Supreme Court don’t work for Biden.

    Do you expect Biden to somehow override the Constitution to make them get vaccinated or …?

  36. More troll Tourette's. LOL! We're only missing "climate change is a hoax" and "trump 2020".

  37. I guess when Black boys start shooting up an entire classroom of little babies like white guys maybe we can have an adult discussion about gun violence in this country. I guess Black and Brown people are somehow responsible for white guys shooting up churches.

  38. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Climate change is bullshit!!

  39. Anonymous1:45 PM


  40. Elder claims fraud in California recall returns that haven't been released yet. Magats can't win without cheating. Stone cold fact.

  41. Anonymous said...

    TRUMP won and you all know it!!

    1:05 PM
    Yeah, we all know that Trump won the red ribbon AKA the booby prize, and he got to go home to Florida. We all say, "good riddance of bad rubbish".

  42. “Climate change is bullshit!!“

    Yeah, I guess after all those years studying climatology and conducting peer reviewed research you should know. 😆

  43. “Yeah, we all know that Trump won the red ribbon AKA the booby prize, and he got to go home to Florida.“

    And if he keeps it up he and his kids are gonna win a one way trip to the pokie.😆

  44. Kid is an aerospace engineering major at 13!😃

  45. Anonymous7:11 PM

    “Elder claims fraud in California recall returns that haven't been released yet. Magats can't win without cheating. Stone cold fact.”

    Same crap Trump pulled. Well before Election Day, he was already spouting nonsense to the effect of: “If I don’t win, then somebody cheated.”

  46. Manifest Density8:11 PM

    Without Black people, Thomas Jefferson wouldn't have had time to write the Declaration of Independence. It's hard to write while plowing a field and harvesting your crop.

    Without Black people George Washington wouldn't have grown up to be a famous general. It was common practice for Black women to suckle the children of the wives of plantation owners, passing on to these children vital growth hormones.

    Without Black people, those descendants of the now defunct Neanderthal and Denisovan strain would not exist. Don't believe me, look it up.

    Without Black people the acceleration in the shift from an agrarian economy to an industrialized one would have delayed the influx of millions of Europeon immigrants and their desire to come.

    Which means a lot of you parasites wouldn't be here.

  47. Manifest Density8:20 PM


    Had his night and the gyps. Sing their hit, " Midnight Train to Georgia Federal Penitentiary. "

    h/t to Gladys Knight's rendition of the National anthem last night.

  48. The prime characterisic of black people is delusions10:20 PM

    Without Black people, Thomas Jefferson wouldn't have had time to write the Declaration of Independence. It's hard to write while plowing a field and harvesting your crop.

    Apparently you've never heard of the "hired hand".  Yankee farmers used them all the time.

    Without Black people George Washington wouldn't have grown up to be a famous general.

    William Tecumseh Sherman was born and grew up in Ohio.  Robert E. Lee's father failed financially, went to debtor's prison and moved permanently to the West Indies by the time he was 5; R. E. Lee never owned slaves.  Both were famous generals.

    Without Black people, those descendants of the now defunct Neanderthal and Denisovan strain would not exist.

    Denisovan ancestry is associated with failure.

    Without Black people the acceleration in the shift from an agrarian economy to an industrialized one would have delayed the influx of millions of Europeon immigrants and their desire to come.

    As if.  It was industrialization which obviated the need for blacks.  Between the cotton gin and Rust's cotton spindle, blacks became irrelevant to major sectors of the economy.  Blacks were always irrelevant to the production of corn, wheat and rice.  John McCormick did that, and he sure wasn't black.

    Without blacks, there probably never would have been a big tobacco industry on American soil.  The world might have been spared that particular plague.

    Which means a lot of you parasites wouldn't be here.

    Without White people, you wouldn't be here at all.

  49. Manifest Density11:29 PM

    "...hired hand."

    Versus free labor. Economics 101. One for me

    "Both were famous generals."

    I referenced founders Jefferson and Washington. Are you deflecting? One for me.

    Denisovan ancestry is associated with failure.

    So you agree with me! One for me.

    "It was industrialization which obviated the need for blacks."

    That cotton didn't jump on the wagon by itself. Thank Native Americans for teaching Europeons about corn. Wheat had been cultivated long before North American colonization. And Africans were brought here specifically to grow rice. One for me.

    "...a big tobacco industry on American soil.". Cui Bono? One for me.

    "Without White people, you wouldn't be here at all" Hey, you got one!

  50. CBS News projects that the "no" vote will win the recall election, meaning Governor Gavin Newsom will remain in office.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  51. Manifest Density12:08 AM

    "Denisovan ancestry is associated with failure."

    BTW, lest we forget. The Neanderthal was once characterized as a clumsy, oafish brute. However, in an effort to distance themselves from their African origins and to bolster their fragile egos, Europeons we are now saying that the Neanderthal was smarter than we thought. It's funny to what lengths some folks will go to just to make themselves feel good.

  52. Anonymous12:38 AM

    "CBS News projects that the 'no' vote will win the recall election, meaning Governor Gavin Newsom will remain in office."

    "It's rigged! It's rigged, I tell you!"

    -Larry Elder

  53. That's what I was thinking, Gambler. All of this rot about refusing the vaccine is 100% ginned up only to be used as a tool for political sabotage. This fools just do everything they are told.

  54. Kind of wanted to see Governor Elder, that would have been hilarious but we still have Mississippi and Alabama to make fun of I guess. (sigh)

  55. This makes the removal of robert e. lee traitor statue even better. A Black owned construction company threw his ass in the ground. LOL!


  57. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The left FEARS debate........

  58. Anonymous2:02 PM

    “The left FEARS debate........”

    The right doesn’t debate. It lies. Lying is not debate.

  59. The left really wishes there were someone to debate with. We sort of need another functional party to properly run the country.
    What we have now is one functional party, with all of the strengths and weaknesses that a real governing party will always have, and a "party" that has given up on governance and policy altogether, and exists mostly as a grift for otherwise unemployable extremists.
    Nancy Pelosi was entirely correct when she said we need the goddamn Republican party to become functional again. It's their fucking job.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous3:49 PM

    “What we have now is one functional party, with all of the strengths and weaknesses that a real governing party will always have, and a ‘party’ that has given up on governance and policy altogether, and exists mostly as a grift for otherwise unemployable extremists.”

    There is no room to debate:

    *Whether global warming is real
    *Whether COVID is just the flu and vaccines are really poison
    *Whether Democrats should be allowed to vote
    *Whether it is okay to do away with the legal concept of “standing” and allow anyone, anywhere to file civil lawsuits against any defendant they choose, even though they have not personally experienced any sort of injury that would be the basis for their claim

    These are all either violations of observable reality, or violations of basic civil liberties and rule of law.

    As such, any “debate” about these issues is an insult to one’s intelligence and dignity. No reasonable person would “debate” these things, any more than they would be willing to “debate” a pedophile over whether it is acceptable for the pedophile to rape their kid.

    The appropriate response to all of these things is: “No, scumbag, go fuck yourself.”

  61. A three judge panel of the 8th circuit court of appeals has decided to reinstate a Devin Numbnuts lawsuit because Ryan Lizza tweeted about the case long after the case was adjudicated.

    The judges are all magats, 2 appointed by dumbass dubya and one by drumpfuck the dumbfuck. Apparently the judges are okay letting Numbnuts sue, not for money but for the nuisance affect on reporters.

  62. Wasicu scumacyst repeatedly stabbed 17 year old black girl in the face because he did not like the color of her skin.

  63. Anonymous5:12 PM

    “A three judge panel of the 8th circuit court of appeals has decided to reinstate a Devin Numbnuts lawsuit because Ryan Lizza tweeted about the case long after the case was adjudicated.”

    The justice system has wasted way too much time indulging this thin-skinned weenie and his frivolous lawsuits. The dude sues anyone who criticizes him, or even makes fun of him! He should be declared a vexatious litigant and kept out of courtrooms for good.

  64. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Whoa, have you guys been following this case? A wealthy lawyer hired a hitman and took out a hit on himself. This is AFTER his one son died in a boat crash, and his wife and another son were murdered. This is a plot that would be rejected by the producers of a soap opera as being too implausible.

    Alex Murdaugh arranged for a man to kill him in a conspiracy to collect $10 million in life insurance for his son, authorities say

  65. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Correction: I think the one son involved in the boat crash didn’t die. Someone else aboard died.

  66. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Why would someone take a third does of something that didn't work the first two times???

  67. Anonymous6:06 PM

    The left is terrified of TRUTH.


    Officer Noor has his sentence reduced.

  69. Anon fears us here.

  70. “As such, any “debate” about these issues is an insult to one’s intelligence and dignity.“👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  71. Unlike trump the Brotha accepted defeat gracefully. trump could learn a lot from an educated Blah man.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. An Oklahoma Pastor/real estate investor/US senate candidate is selling "religious exemptions" to covid vaccines for the price of donating to his "church".
    The kicker? You don't need an exemption from a religious leader in Oklahoma to claim one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. Anonymous8:17 PM

    “Officer Noor has his sentence reduced.”

    Welp, that’s one of Derek Chauvin’s murder charges thrown out as well. The same legal logic applies to his case as Noor’s.

    From the article:

    “a third-degree murder charge can only be applied when a defendant kills someone ‘by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind.’

    The state’s highest court said such a state cannot exist when a defendant’s conduct is aimed at a particular person.”

    Notably, George Floyd was also a particular person.

  75. “Welp, that’s one of Derek Chauvin’s murder charges thrown out as well“

    That happened?

  76. Anonymous9:41 PM

    “That happened?”

    Not yet, but it’s inevitable given the ruling in Noor’s case.

  77. "Not yet, but it’s inevitable given the ruling in Noor’s case."

    I guess the other charge carries more time anyway so it probably won't affect much.

  78. "Ultimately, given the gravity of Derek Chauvin's second-degree murder conviction, the Minnesota Supreme Court's decision will not have much of an impact on his sentence."

  79. Anonymous11:13 PM

    “I guess the other charge carries more time anyway so it probably won't affect much.”

    It won’t affect his sentence at all, unless Chauvin manages to overturn the 2nd-degree murder charge as well (which Noor’s case wouldn’t affect).

    Keith Ellison and the prosecutors engaged in what I consider to be some ugly legal gymnastics to achieve that 2nd-degree murder conviction, but I have no idea whether Chauvin will be able to successfully appeal it.

  80. Keith Ellison and the prosecutors engaged in what I consider to be some ugly legal gymnastics to achieve that 2nd-degree murder conviction, but I have no idea whether Chauvin will be able to successfully appeal it.

    11:13 PM
    The charge should have been first-degree murder for Derek Chauvin. What other conclusion can you come to after viewing the video? He delibretely killed George Floyd.

  81. Anonymous11:50 PM

    “The charge should have been first-degree murder for Derek Chauvin. What other conclusion can you come to after viewing the video? He delibretely killed George Floyd.”

    There was never any hope of getting a conviction on first-degree murder. That would have required them to prove that Chauvin set out to kill Floyd. Like he rolled out of bed that morning and said “I’m going to find that George Floyd guy and end him.” Not a chance of proving that.

    You really couldn’t even prove a spontaneous intent to kill, given that this happened during a lawful arrest, which Floyd resisted. Applying excessive force in the course of that doesn’t prove he wanted Floyd to die. Even proving malice against Floyd wouldn’t prove he expected or wanted the end result to be death. You can’t just infer that because death was the actual outcome. Maybe he was stupid and didn’t realize he was endangering Floyd. Maybe he wanted Floyd to suffer, but not die. Et cetera.

    The 2nd-degree murder conviction was achieved by dodging the whole issue of intent to kill. Prosecutors argued that excessive force during an arrest can constitute a felony assault, and in Minnesota, felony assault can be a predicate to 2nd-degree felony murder.

  82. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Wasicu scumacyst repeatedly stabbed 17 year old black girl in the face because he did not like the color of her skin.

    That's not proper payback for hundreds of black-on-White attacks including a White boy whose throat was slit by a black hater at McDonald's, but it's a start.

    If White people were as violent toward blacks as the reverse, blacks would fear to TOUCH a White.

  83. You people are insane5:42 AM

    Grabbler2 wrote:

    The charge should have been first-degree murder for Derek Chauvin. What other conclusion can you come to after viewing the video? He delibretely killed George Floyd.

    George Floyd was complaining about being unable to breathe long before being placed on the ground.  His symptoms were entirely consistent with opioid overdose, and his blood levels confirmed that.  George Floyd killed HIMSELF.  Chauvin was railroaded to keep the left from rioting... again.

  84. If White people were as violent toward blacks as the reverse, blacks would fear to TOUCH a White.

    George Floyd killed HIMSELF. Chauvin was railroaded to keep the left from rioting... again.


  85. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The Constitutional, as well as Statutory definition for Treason, involves:

    Levying war against the United States; OR
    Giving the Nation’s enemies aid or comfort.

    Both Milley (Chinese calls) and biden (giving Taliban weapons and equipment) meet this criteria

  86. Anonymous said...

    The Constitutional, as well as Statutory definition for Treason, involves:

    Levying war against the United States; OR
    Giving the Nation’s enemies aid or comfort.

    Both Milley (Chinese calls) and biden (giving Taliban weapons and equipment) meet this criteria

    10:39 AM
    So now our anonymous trolls are experts in constitional law?

  87. Anonymous said...
    George Floyd was complaining about being unable to breathe long before being placed on the ground. His symptoms were entirely consistent with opioid overdose, and his blood levels confirmed that. George Floyd killed HIMSELF. Chauvin was railroaded to keep the left from rioting... again.

    5:42 AM
    You just proved my case, Anonymous, because if Floyd was complaining about being unable to breathe, the proper procedure would have
    been to have him sit upright. As a police officer, Chauvin knew this. He killed Floyd because he saw an opportunity and thought he thought could get away with it.

  88. Anonymous said...

    The left FEARS debate........

    1:15 PM
    Bullshit. I offered to debate you, and you ran away. Why is that?

  89. 33 y/o black man in Canton was charged with attempted 2nd degree murder for punching an elderly white guy who made a black baby smile.

    The elderly man injured his head when he hit the concrete after being knocked out.

    I see no intent to cause a death, but the victim was

  90. “So now our anonymous trolls are experts in constitional law?“

    Yes, and atmospheric science, sociology, genetics, immunology, epidemiology, virology, orbital engineering, history and government.

  91. “If White people were as violent toward blacks as the reverse, blacks would fear to TOUCH a White.“

    Somebody has never touched an American history book.😆😂

  92. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Why would you take a third dose of something that did not work the first two times??

  93. Anonymous12:17 PM

    George Floyd was a career violent felon. he committed crimes against innocent people and was a serious drug user.

    He once committed an armed home invasion on a pregnant women's home, and put a pistol to her womb.

    He is/was a piece of shit that can no longer harm the public. He died of an overdose.

    Officer Chauvin did not use a choke hold and the autopsy reports showed no asphyxiation.

    Its was a marxist show trial.

  94. Anonymous12:48 PM

    “33 y/o black man in Canton was charged with attempted 2nd degree murder for punching an elderly white guy who made a black baby smile.”

    That does seem like an excessive charge. You can’t infer intent to kill from someone throwing a single punch.

    The prosecutor maybe thinks he can make a jury overlook the facts and convict anyway because the circumstances of the crime are so repulsive (punching out an old man for the “crime” of being friendly). And/or because the defendant is black and victim is white.

  95. anymoose is wrong again, as per usual and too still yet...

    These reports — and the public confusion around them — also highlight how complex forensic pathology can really be. Take the confusion over asphyxiation. As he was dying, Floyd told the police officers that he couldn’t breathe, eventually stopped speaking and then went limp. So it surprised a lot of people when the autopsy reports came across as saying that they’d found no evidence of asphyxiation.

    That is both a misunderstanding of the report and an example of the difficulty in identifying cause of death, experts said. It’s a misunderstanding because an earlier legal document, put out to explain the charges against the officer who kneeled on Floyd, said the county had found no injuries consistent with asphyxia caused by physical trauma. But the actual autopsy report doesn’t mention the word “asphyxia” at all. It does, however, describe “neck compression” as a direct cause of Floyd’s death — meaning the blood flow (and, thus, oxygen) to Floyd’s brain and heart were cut off. It doesn’t take physical trauma to asphyxiate someone.

  96. “Its was a marxist show trial.“

    Because kneeling on someone’s neck makes people young and healthy.🙄

  97. Maybe if George Floyd had stormed the Capitol, beat an officer and threatened to kill him with his own gun he would still be alive today.🙄

  98. In the interest of science, we need Black Police officers to kneel on whitey's necks to see at what point wasicus succumb to the same treatments white pigs visit upon handcuffed Blacks.

    Then see if it can be duplicated again and again, around 150 million times.

  99. According to CNN, 78% of stoopid fucking magats say Biden was not fairly elected. You can't fix stoopid. You can only hope the stoopid gets covid and dies an agonizing magat death as punishment for gross stoopidity.

  100. “According to CNN, 78% of stoopid fucking magats say Biden was not fairly elected.“

    That’s actually pretty good for Republicans. I would have put that number closer to 99.9% I guess that’s progress.🤷🏾‍♂️

  101. “If White people were as violent toward blacks as the reverse, blacks would fear to TOUCH a White.“

    Somebody has never touched an American history book.😆😂

    12:06 PM
    Good one, Pilot!

  102. Anonymous said...

    Why would you take a third dose of something that did not work the first two times??

    12:13 PM
    Why not? I'm 84; I got my shots in February. I'm still alive, and I haven't had Covid. Seems they do work, but if you are too stubborn or stupid to get one the that's too bad.

  103. Alleged bitch leader of Arizona Sinate tried to defend OAN as a legitimate news source to a reporter from CNN.Fucking Hillary-ous!

    CNN has more credibility in their name than OAN has anywhere.

  104. Former pretend AG Barr's special investigator's 5 year search for any criminal activities in the Russia investigation is falling apart just as we imagined.

    Durham has one charge and it is a bogus claim against a lawyer who represented Democrats at one time. Magats know a witch hunt when they conduct one.

  105. Durham is up against the statute of limitations and this is all he has, so that's why we're seeing it now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous1:05 AM


  107. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Why not? I'm 84; I got my shots in February. I'm still alive, and I haven't had Covid. Seems they do work, but if you are too stubborn or stupid to get one the that's too bad.

    1:00 AM

    For now, if you really took the poison. Give it time your immune system is compromised if you really took it.

  108. Anonymous2:51 AM

    "For now, if you really took the poison. Give it time your immune system is compromised if you really took it."

    It's pretty weird, then, how nobody is dying from taking the vaccine but lots of people are dying from not taking it.

  109. Northern Mississippi's heaping, steaming pile of shit guv won't mandate masks in school, but she will make students pray to her god in school.

    Kristi Noem won't mandate masks in South Dakota schools — but she wants to make students pray

  110. Anonymous said....

    "For now, if you really took the poison. Give it time your immune system is compromised if you really took it."

    1:10 AM
    Please explain how my immune system can be compromised. I'm betting that you can't.

  111. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Antibody Treatments For Covid Work. Why Aren’t They Being Promoted?

  112. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Please explain how my immune system can be compromised. I'm betting that you can't.

    11:30 AM

    Because you took the "vaccine"..........the vaxxxed will soon be a self correcting problem, unless they obey the new masters and take their "boosters" to keep their auto-immune system up since it is changed at the DNA level by the "vaccine".

  113. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Northern Mississippi's heaping, steaming pile of shit guv won't mandate masks in school, but she will make students pray to her god in school.

    Kristi Noem won't mandate masks in South Dakota schools — but she wants to make students pray

    10:26 AM

    because you are Godless communist.

  114. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Video shows Houston nigger women assault New York City restaurant hostess over COVID-19 vaccine requirement:

  115. Anonymous12:35 PM

    “Antibody Treatments For Covid Work. Why Aren’t They Being Promoted?”

    Because while they work, they don’t work all that well. Antibody treatments (at least the ones we have so far) will improve your chances of survival, a bit, but they are some kind of surefire, instant cure. And they’re quite expensive, to boot.

    Not to mention, it is almost always better to not become severely ill than to treat severe illness after you’ve got it.

    And anyway, nothing precludes you from taking a vaccine and later ALSO antibody treatment, in the very unlikely event that you develop a severe case of COVID after being vaccinated.

    There is no reason for not getting vaccinated, other than your being a dumbass who believes Bill Gates or the UN or the Illuminati or some other imaginary cartoon villain is out to get you and vaccines are part of their nefarious plot.

  116. Anonymous12:36 PM

    *AREN’T some kind of surefire, instant cure.

  117. There are entire states without functioning ICUs, because they are all filled up with covid sufferers, over 99% unvaxxed. But there are _no_ ICUs _anywhere_ filled up with vaccine sufferers. Zero, zilch, zip.

  118. The mixture of the propaganda you consume with issues vital to your health will not end well for you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Coronaviruses have this thing known as "antibody-dependent enhancement", in which certain types of antibodies make infections WORSE.  In one animal test of a corona vaccine, all of the vaccinated ferrets died when challenged with the actual virus.

    Natural immunity works much better.

  120. Anonymous said...

    Please explain how my immune system can be compromised. I'm betting that you can't.

    11:30 AM

    Because you took the "vaccine"..........the vaxxxed will soon be a self correcting problem, unless they obey the new masters and take their "boosters" to keep their auto-immune system up since it is changed at the DNA level by the "vaccine".

    12:21 PM
    Is this your idea of answering my request? You haven't explained anything. What makes you think my auto-immune system has been changed at the DNA level? The vaccine contains RNA which is a messenger that tells immune system to be on the look out for the Covid virus. It doesn't permanently alter my DNA. Please post a source for you faulty information.

  121. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "Coronaviruses have this thing known as 'antibody-dependent enhancement', in which certain types of antibodies make infections WORSE. In one animal test of a corona vaccine, all of the vaccinated ferrets died when challenged with the actual virus."

    This study is from a year ago, from before any vaccines had been approved. It was just a prediction of possible problems that could maybe, potentially have occurred with vaccines.

    Today, with millions of shots given, there is no evidence of "antibody-dependent enhancement" of COVID after receiving vaccines. It didn't happen.

    In other words, the study is worthless.

  122. Anonymous7:23 PM

    “The vaccine contains RNA which is a messenger that tells immune system to be on the look out for the Covid virus.”

    With the vaccines used in the US, RNA takes control of some human cells and turns them into factories for manufacturing viral spike proteins (which are not viruses and are harmless). Exposure to the spike proteins trains the immune system to recognize the actual COVID virus if it ever encounters it.

    That process can be made to sound scary, to people who don’t understand it, but the RNA control of cells is a temporary effect and has no mechanism by which it could change DNA.

    All of these self-proclaimed “experts” with medical degrees from the University of YouTube are lying their asses off when they say otherwise.

  123. PubMed ain't what it used to be......

    Starting with E-Biomed and stretching to PubMed Central, the credentialing system pegged in many users’ minds morphed into a publisher (a primary publisher in the case of at least two journals, and, for a time, three), a competitor (here, here, and here, as well as here and here), and a technology provider. Its management also has advanced the cause of OA publishing, in both legitimate and controversial ways. Part of the extension of PubMed’s original purpose has come through brand extension via PubMed Central, which has been used to muddy the waters about what is PubMed and what is not. PubMed inclusion has been used, for example, as an incentive for journals to include themselves in PubMed Central, eroding the idea that PubMed is a neutral arbiter of quality.

    Now, a new twist is emerging, and that seems to be that PubMed may be consciously or unwittingly acting as a facilitator of predatory or unscrupulous publishing.

    In a paper published in Neuroscience, the authors analyzing the neurology and neuroscience journals included in PubMed found that:

    Twenty-five predatory neurology journals were indexed in PubMed, accounting for 24.7% of all predatory neurology journals.
    Fourteen predatory neuroscience journals were indexed in PubMed, accounting for 16.1% of all predatory neuroscience journals.
    Only one of the 188 predatory neuroscience or neurology journals appeared in the DOAJ index.
    Only 54.6% of the journals deemed predatory in neuroscience actually contained articles.
    The authors note how PubMed Central provides a backdoor into PubMed and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for these predatory publishers:

  124. Male Karen shoots and kills woman who simply asked him to wear a mask.😖

  125. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “Male Karen shoots and kills woman who simply asked him to wear a mask.”


    WTF is wrong with these people? Wearing a mask is, at worst, a minor inconvenience. Even if you are (wrongly) convinced that their use is not medically necessary, how can that possibly justify this sort of insane freakout?

    This is the absolute dumbest possible hill to die on. And I mean “die” in the literal, not figurative, sense.


    The fight has begun to preserve women's constitutional reproductive rights. Fuck A-Butt and all magats where the sun don't shine and their brains don't receive oxygen.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. you have many dreams in mind about the future of your married life. You get so excited about the future life of your marriage. You start to imagine the time you are going to spend with your partner. You have already made an image of your partner's character in your mind

  129. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Yeah no I
    would need proof what I mean
    by that is I would need to see how
    they did it. I'm just not going to take you're word for it
    considering first of all if black people were able to do that all this
    time than why do they keep making spears an not other diverse, variety
    of weapons besides the spear and used a cows hide an turned it into a shield
    not to mention a lot or most of them are and or were naked dancing around a fire
    in grass skirts or the other way around a lot of them or most were naked. if they were
    able to make busts, statues which they clearly didn't they wouldn't be living in huts
    eating mud cookies, mosquito burgers an having famine also they would have been
    able to built houses that are one, two, three or more stories high and a mansion to go
    along with it. lets not forget if they are an or were able to do these things they will have
    been able to build sky scrapers like you see every where in the world same goes for bridges
    like the Manhattan bridge, Golden gate bridge but you don't. has anyone ever seen and all
    black carpenters crew building a house or a mansion let alone both an all black construction
    crew building sky scraper's, bridge's, infrastructure's, water pipe line system's, power plants
    yeah I don't think so because if they were able to do all those things that I mentioned they wouldn't
    be complaining, grunting, groaning, moaning, cherry picking, nit picking and blaming their actions,
    failures, issues on white people an pulling the race card or any other card that is known, unknown
    to man for that matter and committing black on black crimes, black on white crimes, black on yellow
    crimes, black on brown crimes nationally, internationally.


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