Sunday, September 26, 2021

No one left to fight for democracy.

 Make no mistake field hands, democracy is dying. And if it is in fact dying, why is the democratic party " so complicit in its demise? 

This is the exact question writer Luke Savage asked in a recent piece in The Atlantic. 

"If you’ve followed recent Democratic messaging, you’ll have heard that American democracy is under serious attack by the Republican Party, representing an existential threat to the country. If you’ve followed Democratic lawmaking, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the threat is actually a rather piddling one. The disconnect, in this case, isn’t attributable to Democratic embellishment, but to inexcusable complacency.

In his first address to Congress, last month, President Joe Biden established three basic themes—each one invoked in a language of crisis and political urgency: “The worst pandemic in a century. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” When it came to the third, Biden was both pointed and emphatic, tying the events of January 6 and the broader effort to delegitimize November’s election to a wider crisis of democracy. “Congress,” he declared, “should pass H.R. 1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and send them to my desk right away.”

Biden is far from the only Democratic leader to have made the connection. In urging the Senate to pass H.R. 1, which would improve voter access and election security, Senator Chuck Schumer (hardly anyone’s idea of a firebrand) said in March that state voter-restriction laws “smack of Jim Crow rearing its ugly head once again.” He went as far as warning that “if we don’t stop these vicious and often racist actions, Third World autocracy will be on its way.” Schumer hasn’t been shy about naming an antagonist, either, citing a “concerted, nationwide effort to limit the rights of citizens to vote” and even declaring that “we won’t let [Republican-controlled legislatures] create a dictatorship in America.”

Granting some room for hyperbole, these dire pronouncements aren’t entirely misplaced. As of March 24, researchers at the Brennan Center for Justice had logged some 361 bills containing provisions that seek to restrict voting—a 43 percent increase from about the same time in February. Many involve the usual suite of suppression methods introduced under the auspices of fairness and transparency (expanded ID requirements, banning same-day voter registration, limiting the use of mail-in ballots, etc.), and one in Arizona even aspires to give the state legislature the authority to override the certification of future presidential-election results by simple majority vote. A recording recently released by The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, meanwhile, makes more or less explicit that Republican operatives plan to use every tool at their disposal to defeat the renewed push for expanded voting rights, despite its widespread popularity.

Suffice it to say, a concerted right-wing effort really is under way to limit popular democracy and suppress votes. So what are Democrats doing about it? In a legislative sense at least, a cogent and comprehensive response is already in the works, in the form of the two bills cited by Biden in his congressional address. If realized, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and H.R. 1 (also known as the For the People Act) would constitute the most sweeping acts of democratic reform undertaken in decades. The latter alone would establish automatic national voter registration, independent redistricting commissions for House seats to prevent gerrymandering, expanded mail-in voting, and a number of new measures to reduce the overbearing influence of organized money.

Neither currently seems likely to become law, however. Rhetoric about autocracy notwithstanding, some liberal lawmakers are quietly threatened by aspects of the legislation. A few Black representatives in the South, for example, worry that independent redistricting commissions may cost them their seat. And some establishment figures reportedly fear that more democratically structured contribution rules will embolden left-wing primary challengers propelled by small donations. Senator Joe Manchin, meanwhile, has reiterated his opposition to H.R 1 on the deeply spurious grounds that any prospective voting-rights legislation ought to pass with bipartisan support—a DOA line of reasoning even when it comes to the watered-down version of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act that Manchin himself is proposing.

The single greatest obstacle, though, has to do with the rules governing the Senate, and whether Democrats are ultimately willing to match their language of urgency with a strategy even remotely proportional to it. Due to the chamber’s filibuster rules, most legislation requires 60 votes to pass—an impediment that effectively empowers lawmakers representing only a tiny sliver of the electorate to block policies they dislike at will, including those designed to make American democracy fairer and more inclusive. (Especially frustrating, as the voting-rights expert Ari Berman has pointed out, is that Republican-controlled legislatures face no such supermajority requirement when passing legislation designed to restrict the vote—a kind of “asymmetric warfare” in which those working to preserve minority rule have a majoritarian advantage.)

Although Biden has mused about the idea of reforming the filibuster, he has ruled out its elimination. Manchin, predictably enough, is resoundingly allergic to the idea of change, while his fellow conservative Democrat Kyrsten Sinema ironically stated her emphatic support for H.R. 1 within days of dismissing filibuster reform in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. Schumer, for his part, says that “everything is on the table” when it comes to passing voting-rights legislation, and he has, like Biden, made some noise about at least modifying the filibuster." [More of article here] 

But "noise" is not action. Schumer and other democrats always seem to make a lot of "noise" (they love the cable news cameras) but there is never any action. Just talk. 

One of the reasons that Joe Biden's poll numbers has been tanking is because a lot of progressive and young democratic voters are getting tired of all the talk.  That, and the so-called spirit of bipartisanship that Biden et al are always talking about. Biden's numbers were way up when he became president because a lot of Americans thought that he was going to correct some of the wrongs of the past four years, and put a leash on Mitch McConnell and his extreme right-wing agenda. 

I'm sad to have to announce that it has not happened. And what has transpired over the past year is more of the same: A radical power move by the minority to control the majority. 

Sadly, with the help of a weakened and delusional democratic party, it seems to be working.   


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    In a paper published at Loyola University Chicago, describing the make-up of people convicted for firearms possession, few surprises are found. These are the major findings listed in the executive summary of the paper, published in July of 2021. From

    1) The majority of felony firearm possession convictions in Illinois occur in Cook County, primarily involve Black men, and are disproportionately concentrated in specific Chicago neighborhoods;

    2) The majority—52%–of felony firearm possession convictions in Illinois involved Class X, 2, or 3 felony offenses of a person with a prior felony conviction possessing a firearm; 34% involved a Class 4 felony offense

  2. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach has 62 cargo ships waiting to dock
    The port normally moves 40 percent of containers in the U.S.
    Backup brought on by a combination of it being peak shipping period and a pandemic-induced buying boom and labor shortage
    The ports serve as the entry point for a third of imports to the US, and are the main import point for goods coming from China
    FedEx announced that about 25 per cent of packages going into it shipping hubs, like the one in Portland, Oregon, are being diverted
    The hubs are operating with 65 per cent of their usual staff as the shipping company struggles against the national labor shortage
    Costco announced Thursday it was bringing back limits on purchases of items like toilet paper, paper towels and bottled water
    Transportation issues are causing delays in deliveries to stores despite suppliers having enough stock
    Pandemic-driven port congestion and labor shortages have forced retail chains including Costco to spend more on transportation

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Patriots do!!! Marxist demorats do not (communist).

  4. Good Gawd, Man. He hasn't even been in a year. With no decent Transition, and tRUmp sabotage all around. The leaves are still green on the tree ffs

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Voting rights reform needs to happen. But in order for it to happen, the Dems have to find a way to twist Sinema’s and Manchin’s arms to eliminate, or at least reduce the scope of, the filibuster.

    I am not sure how they do that. It is infuriating.

  6. Kind of a catch-22 at work here: elected Republicans represent (if I remember correctly) less than 40% of the population at large, but have the means to control any and all legislation at the national level, like what would be required to place a floor beneath the voting regulations in the states.
    We have to be able to take back the ability to pass national legislation because literally nothing else matters if we don't, but their voting restrictions keep them in minority rule.
    Manchin and Sinema (who are both likely to lose their next election) are just the two most visible conservatives in the senate Democratic caucus; being an actual governing party, we have the full spectrum of political leanings in our tent, whereas the goddamn Republicans have MAGA wingnuts only.
    ...Which didn't seem to help them pass national legislation when they had the trifecta, and mostly seems to be a fundraising oriented purity mechanism.
    Un-gerrymandering the districts would indeed help put the house closer to actually representing the voters with the party they voted for, but the senate is geographically buggered toward the Republicans in a far less easily fixable way. Wyoming, with around 580,000 people has the same two senators as California, with 39,500,000 people.
    DC statehood, which the Democrats support, would even it out a little, and since DC has more than 690,000 people, they should have at least the same representation as fucking Wyoming, but that's another legislative issue at the mercy of the goddamn filibuster.
    This is sort of why I supported Warren in the primary: twentieth century tactics are what got us here and do not hold the necessary punch to get us past the roadblock. I think Biden is doing a better job than I was afraid he would do, but it's not really his call to do something about the goddamn filibuster.
    This is what we have learned from the tactics of the goddamn Republicans over the past decade or so: it doesn't matter what is best for the country or what needs to be done, what matters is who can best exploit the rules of our governing institutions to get their immediate way.
    How we overcome that, I haven't a clue.
    It remains possible to have a transformative election in spite of the goddamn Republicans' anti-democracy crusade, but the farther they get with it, the less likely that becomes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Anonymous4:05 PM

    The "Nazi" who wrote the N-word and painted swastikas at Emory University... is a black hoaxter.

    There's more demand for "hate crimes" than can be satisfied by white people, so blacks have to do them.  Hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax hoax!!!

  8. is a magat hangout with little credibility.

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM is a magat hangout with little credibility.

    More credible than delusional leftard sites (like THIS one), because they're directly citing the Atlanta Journal-Constitution which published the mugshot:

    But you're so invested in the lies, you wouldn't know the truth if it chewed your ass off.

  10. Anonymous6:12 PM

    “the goddamn Republicans have MAGA wingnuts only.
    ...Which didn't seem to help them pass national legislation when they had the trifecta, and mostly seems to be a fundraising oriented purity mechanism.”

    Because the GOP are a fundamentally unserious party at this point. Their members are a bunch of self-interested charlatans who are focused on inciting rage and “owning the libs,” so they struggle to get anything done whenever power is actually in their grasp. Sometimes they manage to pass laws, and those are invariably terrible. But a lot of the time, their attempts to pass legislation go nowhere and just amount to trolling.

  11. “Because the GOP are a fundamentally unserious party at this point. Their members are a bunch of self-interested charlatans who are focused on inciting rage and “owning the libs,”

    And they represent a large voting block in this country. Go to any political website that is bipartisan or conservative and you’ll see commenters eating the childishness of their elected representatives up. We are a largely unserious nation.🤷🏾‍♂️

  12. But you're so invested in the lies, you wouldn't know the truth if it chewed your ass off.

    Yer making shit up again. There were no lies. The perp's race was only reported recently and depend on magat scum to shrilly trill any crime committed by Blacks.

  13. “Because the GOP are a fundamentally unserious party at this point."

    They're serious as fuck about removing democracy from the workings of the US government, and we need to take them seriously on that point if we want any democracy in the US government, because as silly and dumb as they seem, they are still accumulating power.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Anonymous2:28 AM

    "They're serious as fuck about removing democracy from the workings of the US government, and we need to take them seriously on that point if we want any democracy in the US government, because as silly and dumb as they seem, they are still accumulating power."

    Indeed. Even if Republicans never passed any laws at all, they would still need to be forced out, because the country needs to be actively governed, and Republicans have made it very clear that they have no intention of doing that. If nothing else, we should have learned this from 2020. Surprisingly, it ultimately turned out that the worst part about the Trump administration was not what he did, but what he did not do. His near-total inaction when COVID hit the country led to hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.

    And of course, as I said of Republicans, "Sometimes they manage to pass laws, and those are invariably terrible."

  15. On a different note, KARMA'S a BITCH, magats.

    Tracking mostly magats who laughed at covid and later died of covid. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  16. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Chicago shootings: At least 54 wounded, 8 killed, in weekend gun violence
    Chicago police officer, CFD paramedic among those wounded

  17. Anonymous10:20 AM


  18. Anonymous10:21 AM is not credible. its a leftist propaganda outlet full of delusion.

  19. Anonymous10:25 AM

    An atheist was walking through the woods.

    "What majestic trees!"

    "What powerful rivers!"

    "What beautiful animals!"

    He said to himself.

    Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look .
    .. . and saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.

    He ran as fast as he could along the path.

    He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing on him ....He
    looked over his shoulder again,

    and the bear was even closer ....and then ..... he tripped and fell.

    Rolling over to pick himself up, he found the bear was right on top of him
    .....reaching towards him with its left paw ...and raising the right paw to
    strike ...

    At that instant the Atheist cried out,

    *"Oh my God!"*

    Time Stopped ...

    The bear froze .....

    The forest was silent ....

    A bright light shone upon the man, and a voice came out of the sky ...

    "You deny my existence for all these years, you teach others I don't exist
    and even credit creation to cosmic accident ....Do you expect me to help
    you out of this predicament?"

    "Am I to count you as a believer?"

    The atheist looked directly into the light ...."It would be hypocritical of
    me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now ..but perhaps you
    could make the BEAR a Christian?"
    * ... a pause ...*

    "Very well," said the voice ...

    The light went out.

    The sounds of the forest resumed ...

    And the bear dropped his right arm ....

    brought both paws together ....

    bowed his head & spoke ...

    *"Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive "*

  20. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Imagine if there was a 99.8% chance of not getting Cancer but you were forced to go on Chemo just in case.

  21. Why track shootings when 99+% of Chicago's population survives?

    The sky is falling! Wah!

  22. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "Imagine if there was a 99.8% chance of not getting Cancer but you were forced to go on Chemo just in case."

    Imagine if you went around telling everyone that vaccines are like chemo, even though they're nothing like chemo.

  23. Anonymous1:10 PM

    University of Utah football player, 21, is killed at house party shooting ‘after uninvited guests were asked to leave’: Victim was on scholarship set up to honor his friend who shot himself dead on Christmas Day 2020

  24. Wesley R2:11 PM

    Republicans are always on offense. I wouldn't be surprised if some conservative groups are behind the border surge. They did it in the 80's under Reagan to break the unions, so it's been done by them before. Democrats act like they are so scared of Republicans. They have the majority in congress but they act like their the minority.

  25. Anonymous3:45 PM

    R. Kelly convicted in sex trafficking trial

  26. can r drumpf be far behind?

  27. In a similar vein, The Rude Pundit this week is running the headline, "Democrats Should Be Having a Five-Alarm Freak Out Over Voting Rights." To which, amen. Beware expletives.

  28. Anymoose won't fight for democracy. He is still enthralled with drumpf's latest lie the fake Arizona audit showed drumpf won Maricopa county.

    Anymoose and all magats are immersed in lie after lie. They have no concept of reality or truth.

  29. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Haha. A bunch of idiot hospital workers in New York decided to “patriotically” stand up against the vaccine mandate. Now these EX hospital workers get to enjoy their vaccine-free, paycheck-free lives at home.


    BREAKING: New York Governor Kathy Hochul says she will deploy medically trained National Guard troops to replace unvaccinated healthcare workers in hospitals, who will be fired tonight.

  30. Anonymous said...

    "Imagine if there was a 99.8% chance of not getting Cancer but you were forced to go on Chemo just in case."

    Imagine if you went around telling everyone that vaccines are like chemo, even though they're nothing like chemo.

    12:37 PM

    I've seen and heard some wildly strange analogies in my life, but this one takes the Dunce-Cap prize as the dumbest. Being vaccinated and receiving chemo therapy are nothing alike. This is so obvious, I'm not even going to point out the differences to you. LOL!

  31. If the Rude Pundit was too juvenile in his profanity for you, try the scholarly Jamelle Bouie. VOTING RIGHTS are the whole ballgame, folks. Child care and bridges should NOT be the focus! Democrats are sleeping through the biggest "steal" in our history.

  32. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The Racist Terrorist Organization #BLM - Black Lives Matter of Greater New York leader blasts vaccine mandates as racist and disrespectful - We all know that Negroes don't follow any rules, laws or morals!

  33. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "He is still enthralled with drumpf's latest lie the fake Arizona audit showed drumpf won Maricopa county."

    Trump did win, and you all know it. The audit showed how many mail in ballots were illegal and did not follow AZ State law, hence invalid.

    The left lies and said there were more biden ballots, there were.....ILLEGAL ones. How can you have 10 people registered to the same address and they never lived there???

    How can you have more ballots than registered voters???

  34. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Clarence Thomas and the Declaration of Independence

  35. Patriotpost is a magat website. Don't waste time going there.

  36. The goddamn Republicans are trying to deliberately crash the economy to make a Democratic president look bad.
    This is an attack on the country and should be answered to as such.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Black Lives Matter of Greater New York leader blasts vaccine mandates as racist and disrespectful:

  38. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Patriotpost is a magat website. Don't waste time going there.

    2:01 PM

    The left is terrified of the truth.

  39. Anonymous3:28 PM

  40. Anonymous3:46 PM

    “Liberty . . . is unobstructed action according to our will: but rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’; because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.”Thomas Jefferson

  41. Anymoose is a fucking liar, imho.

  42. Fergus refusing anesthesia for a colonoscopy is the cheeriest news of the day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "Fergus refusing anesthesia for a colonoscopy is the cheeriest news of the day."

    Must have been painful. Especially when the doctor extracted Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan from his rectum.

  44. Anonymous9:00 AM

    oliticians use dumb ASS pastors, two goals no stress put a hole in the devil's chest

  45. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Politicians use dumb ASS (blinded by the light) preachers, two goals no stress put a hole in the devils chest

  46. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hey Dumb ASSES next time tell them to SHOW YOU THE MONEY!

  47. Calling All Anti-vaxers...

    California continues to have the lowest levels of coronavirus transmission in the country, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    This shows how well the great state of California, not tethered to the crazy anti-vaxers like Florida and Texas, is handling COVID and its Delta variant.
    There's a reason the California governor recall failed magnificently. A Trump clone like Larry Elder would have crippled this state.

  48. "Must have been painful. Especially when the doctor extracted Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan from his rectum."

    And they had to get his head out of the way first.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant assaulted by unruly negro.

  50. People who live in glass houses …10:20 PM

    “Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant assaulted by unruly negro.”

    Seriously? This is what you decided to post in order to score your usual racist points?

    Bad timing, bro. The media are currently flooded with stories of deranged, probable Trump-trash white people losing their minds on airplanes and catching federal charges because they couldn’t handle being asked to wear a mask in flight.

    That’s some nice selective outrage you’ve got there.

  51. NC wasicu wastey drove his family in a car through a crowd of BLM protesters and bragged about it and grand jury refused to indict him.

  52. Crazy white woman punches SWA flight attendant’s tooth out.

  53. Anonymous1:54 PM

    NC wasicu wastey drove his family in a car through a crowd of BLM protesters and bragged about it and grand jury refused to indict him."

    I'm not at all surprised.

    Blocking major roadways is a deeply unpopular protest tactic, even among people who aren't racist. Regardless of the social cause, I'm willing to bet that if you polled the public, you'd find that the majority don't believe you should resort to this level of civil disobedience as long as there are other democratic means available to you to advocate for your cause.

    On top of that, there are plenty of people who are indeed racist, hate BLM's cause, and would pay cash money to see BLM protesters get run over for entertainment value.

    Hence the several state legislatures that have passed laws attempting to legalize the act of running over road-blocking protesters.


  54. “Hence the several state legislatures that have passed laws attempting to legalize the act of running over road-blocking protesters.“

    Just waiting for laws to shoot trespassers at the Capitol that assault cops.

  55. “A Trump clone like Larry Elder would have crippled this state.”

    I think that was the plan.

  56. Anonymous3:33 PM

    “Just waiting for laws to shoot trespassers at the Capitol that assault cops.”

    That probably wouldn’t have required new laws, only an adequate number of police personnel at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and the political will to use their weapons.

  57. "That probably wouldn’t have required new laws, only an adequate number of police personnel at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and the political will to use their weapons."

    Nope but a little nudge in the right direction wouldn't hurt. LOL

  58. Anonymous7:32 PM

    It has been announced that the next Super Bowl halftime show is going to be all rap and R&B.

    Cue Tucker Carlson tirade in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...

  59. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Dr. Steven W. Thrasher
    Sep 29
    A catastrophic failure of US journalism and politics is that something like Biden's 10-year, $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill is not called a $350 billion annual bill...but the Pentagon's budget, which will exceed $7.5 trillion over a decade, is called a $750 billion annual bill

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "A catastrophic failure of US journalism and politics is that something like Biden's 10-year, $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill is not called a $350 billion annual bill...but the Pentagon's budget, which will exceed $7.5 trillion over a decade, is called a $750 billion annual bill"

    Just in general, people are ultra-stupid when it comes to reacting to government spending figures. The reaction to everything is: OMG IT'S SO BIG!!

    But the average person has no idea what "big" is, in the context of the scale of the federal budget. Millions sound big, let alone billions and trillions. They just know it looks like a big number.

    This makes it really easy for Republicans to scaremonger about government spending. They can just quote any number to make their case that "Program X is back-breaking! Unaffordable! They're squandering our children's future!™" Almost nobody is breaking down the actual math to show that these things aren't that hard to pay for -- and especially if wealthier people were paying their fair share of taxes.

  61. $3.5 Trillion over a decade is about 1.2% of GDP and almost certainly too small by half to achieve the goals of the bill as written.
    That said, I'll take what I can get because we need it really bad.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous11:11 PM

    “$3.5 Trillion over a decade is about 1.2% of GDP and almost certainly too small by half to achieve the goals of the bill as written”

    Exactly. $3.5 trillion sounds like a really big number. When you’re talking about the whole country’s economy, though, it ain’t.

    Or, to put it another way …

    Marco Rubio on Twitter: “The $3.5 trillion Biden plan isn’t socialism, it’s marxism.”

    Paul Krugman on Twitter: “Ah yes, remember that stirring line in The Communist Manifesto: ‘Workers of the world, unite to spend 1.2% of GDP on popular programs over the next decade!’"

  63. "Marco Rubio on Twitter: “The $3.5 trillion Biden plan isn’t socialism, it’s marxism.”

    The sad part is that he's one of the smarter ones.

  64. Alex "crisis actors" Jones loses 2 Sandyhook defamation cases by default for not providing court ordered documents.

    Fucking liar loser!

  65. Anonymous

    "all know that Negroes don't follow any rules, laws or morals!"

    11:16 AM
    We all know that racist-bigots often make inflammatory comments designed to insult Blacks, Jews, and every Other group of individuals that that aren't white males.

  66. “We all know that racist-bigots often make inflammatory comments designed to insult Blacks, Jews, and every Other group of individuals that that aren't white males.“

    Pretty much but we’re used to it. I also notice they always make excuses when they exhibit the exact same behavior they criticize others for exhibiting. The Capitol riot was a prime example. Hypocrites much?

  67. Anonymous11:44 AM

    We all know that racist-bigots often make inflammatory comments designed to insult Blacks, Jews, and every Other group of individuals that that aren't white males.

    We all know that black motorists treat handicapped parking spots as their own private spaces.  We've seen it time and time again.  Nobody else does that.

    We all know that the "Karen" slur was created to shame White women who call blacks on their bad behavior.

  68. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Black student is revealed to have written N-word graffiti that called for death of black people and led to walk-out at Missouri high school

  69. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all.

  70. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Black woman in Douglasville accused of pretending to be white man, threatening neighbors

  71. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Daily Nigger Lifestyle:

  72. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "If you don't support abortion, don't get one."
    ....why not...
    "If you don't support the vaccine, don't get one."

  73. Bruce's Beach has been given back to the heirs of the Black family it was stolen from.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. Perhaps his little political existential challenge lit a fire under Gavin Reptile, because he's on a bit of a tear.
    Not only did he sign the Bruce's Beach bill (by the way, that property is now valued at $70 million), but he signed a stack of police reform bills, doing for California the things that the goddamn Republicans wouldn't let congress do for the country at large.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. “We all know that black motorists treat handicapped parking spots as their own private spaces. We've seen it time and time again. Nobody else does that.“

    😆😂😆😂😆😂😆😂 sure kid, NOBODY else does that. Never seen any white person do it.

  76. Civilian deaths by pigs has been under reported by half since 1980.

    17k not reported.

  77. Anonymous4:48 PM

    California has mandated COVID vaccination for all kids, grades K-18, as soon as the vaccine receives full FDA approval for their age groups. (Which means 16-and-ups start immediately.)

  78. Anonymous4:49 PM

    *grades K-12

  79. Here's a goody, newly licensed, inexperienced Texass teen decided to "roll coal' and ran over 6 bicyclists. Cops never ticketed him or charged him with any crimes.

    Must be another brat too rich to worry about laws.

  80. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "Here's a goody, newly licensed, inexperienced Texass teen decided to 'roll coal' and ran over 6 bicyclists. Cops never ticketed him or charged him with any crimes."

    Unless the dude was flagrantly violating some traffic law when he hit the cyclists, or he intentionally tried to hit them, of course he wasn't arrested for a driving offense. It would just be an ordinary traffic accident, not a crime.

    As for the "rolling coal" part, that would be an offense in any normal jurisdiction, but in Texas? Who knows, probably legal? Horrible air pollution is a way of life down there. It is the "fuck the environment, hooray for fossil fuels" state.

  81. A politically savvy friend claims Democrats in Congress don't really GET that the Voting Rights bill is critical to our continued existence as a democracy. I didn't think even Dems could be quite THAT dense. Yet everyone's concentrating on Infrastructure, tax reform, etc. Any opinions here?

  82. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "A politically savvy friend claims Democrats in Congress don't really GET that the Voting Rights bill is critical to our continued existence as a democracy. I didn't think even Dems could be quite THAT dense. Yet everyone's concentrating on Infrastructure, tax reform, etc. Any opinions here?"

    No, the vast majority of them "get it." Only a handful do not, but that handful are effectively in control because of the Dems' razor-thin majority.

    Manchin and Sinema appear to care mostly about getting re-elected, and think their re-election chances hinge on appearing "bipartisan." So they won't torpedo the filibuster because the Republicans want to keep the filibuster so they can keep blocking big chunks of the Democrats' agenda. The fact that Manchin and Sinema are screwing their entire party's future election chances by allowing democracy itself to die, doesn't seem to register with either of these dopes.

    Anyway, because no voting reform measures can happen with the filibuster in place, the rest of the Dems have moved on to spending measures because they can pass those through the reconciliation process. Might as well do something, rather than stand around and do nothing.

    Maybe. Because even passing the spending measures is dicey. There may not be the votes within the Democratic caucus due to ... you guessed it, Manchin and Sinema, who are both whining about the price tag of the spending measures.

    Fundamentally, the problem is that the Dems simply didn't win enough seats in the Senate in the last election and so they are hanging on to control of that chamber with their fingernails. They should have won more seats, in places like Iowa or Maine or North Carolina, but they failed. So now they find themselves in this shitty position of depending on the votes of senators who are barely Democrats.

  83. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Blacks in Durham NC form a group to stop blacks from shooting each other:

    Blacks are the only people who form such groups... or need to.

    And like the "nobody shoot nobody" weekend in Balti... er, Bodymore, Murderland, they fail every time.

  84. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    California has mandated COVID vaccination for all kids, grades K-18, as soon as the vaccine receives full FDA approval for their age groups. (Which means 16-and-ups start immediately.)

    4:48 PM

    Child abuse. Violation of 8th amendment

  85. Anonymous9:33 PM

    “Child abuse. Violation of 8th amendment”

    Giving your kid a vaccine isn’t a punishment,
    “cruel and unusual” or otherwise.

    Denying them one is.

  86. There is no such thing as a right to get infected with a deadly disease, nor is there a right to infect others with a deadly disease. That's not freedom, it's a grievous imposition by a predatory microbe. Free people have the right and the duty to unite against such viral tyranny.

  87. It's Jimmy Carter's 97th birthday:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Merck Pharmaceuticals say they have developed a moderately effective antiviral treatment (not a cure!) to reduce the risk of death from COVID. It's called molnupiravir.

    I predict the antivaxxers will react thusly:

    Anti-vaxxer: So now that there's molnupiravir, we don't need to take the vaccine anymore, right!

    Sane person: No, sorry, it's not a cure, vaccines will still be needed. Just treating people with molnupiravir AFTER they get infected will do nothing to reduce infection rates and lots of people will still die, which is unacceptable.

    But at least I'm glad to hear that you'll take molnupiravir if you do get sick.

    Anti-vaxxer: Fuck no! I didn't say all that! That's what the globalist conspiracy want you to do! I'll stick with my good old reliable horse dewormer.

  89. They are literally publishing lies that molnupiravir "bears a suspicious resemblance to ivermectin."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Anonymous2:32 AM

    “They are literally publishing lies that molnupiravir ‘bears a suspicious resemblance to ivermectin.’”

    JFC, these sad, sorry motherfuckers …

    Can’t we just say that the vaccine IS ivermectin, inject them all, and be done with it?

    I’m so damn tired.

  91. "A politically savvy friend claims Democrats in Congress don't really GET that the Voting Rights bill is critical to our continued existence as a democracy. I didn't think even Dems could be quite THAT dense. Yet everyone's concentrating on Infrastructure, tax reform, etc. Any opinions here?"

    I would guess the progressive wing of the Dem party understand the risks while the rest of them are scared to death to be associated with the left wing of the party. There is also a long history of ignoring the issues of people of color.

  92. Anonymous5:02 AM

    “There is also a long history of ignoring the issues of people of color.”

    Yeah, but an erosion of voting rights won’t only affect people of color. It will affect low-income white voters, some elderly white voters, young white voters, segments of which demographics do vote for Democrats.

    Not to mention — it will affect the legislators themselves, who will find it harder to get re-elected! Most politicians are acutely aware of what it will take to keep their jobs, and if they have any sense at all, they will not be okay with having their voters driven away from the polls. That’s not a matter of how left wing one is, or how much one cares about racial equality. It’s fundamental self-interest.

    Kyrsten Sinema seems an exception to that. I think she really is utterly clueless about how her bread gets buttered. She’s a fool who’s miscalculated where her support is coming from, and she’s basically bumbling herself out of a job.

    Manchin, on the other hand, may actually be correct that keeping some Republicans happy is essential to keeping his job, because he’s in this very weird situation as a Democrat where a big chunk of the voters who sent him to Congress were actually Republicans. His actions may be rational, but if so, it sucks that his self-interest doesn’t align at all with the needs of the rest of his party.

  93. Anon @ 5:57 PM.....whether the dumbfuck rolling coal intended to hit anyone or not, he still acted with reckless disregard to other's safety. Pigs aren't noted for knowing the laws they are alleged to uphold. You can see evidence in nearly every video posted on Youtube.

    Victims will have to seek justice through civil courts, ust like SandyHook parents did against asshole Alex "I can't be bothered with court orders" Jones.

  94. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all.
    There is no cure for the paranoia the grips you. Try to settle down.

  95. Anonymous said...

    Black Lives Matter of Greater New York leader blasts vaccine mandates as racist and disrespectful:
    And your point is?
    Some people think Trump is a great leader, but he
    is nothing but a sore loser.

  96. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "Black Lives Matter of Greater New York leader blasts vaccine mandates as racist and disrespectful:
    And your point is?"

    His point seems to be that if this BLM activist is against vaccine mandates, for whatever reason, that must then be a reasonable viewpoint. To which the answer is: No, that dude is a dumbass of color. He is wrong, just like the Caucasian clowns in Trump hats throwing tantrums at school board meetings because their kids have to wear masks to school.

    I guess where this particular activist was coming from is that owners of businesses might enforce COVID restrictions in a racist way (by, say, demanding proof of vaccination from black patrons but not from white ones), and that is reason enough not to have them. But that's ridiculous. The majority of business owners aren't going to do that; the ones who do so are breaking the law and can be prosecuted, so there's already a legal remedy for that; and vaccine mandates exist to reduce COVID deaths, a disproportionate number of which have occurred in the black community.

    I mean, that's what this dude is, in effect, saying. That a handful of black people maybe, possibly getting shut out of a nightclub by a racist bouncer (who might find ways to try to exclude black people anyhow, even without COVID restrictions), is more of a problem than lots of DEAD black people. With all due respect (okay, not all that much respect), his priorities are out of whack.

  97. "Look! There's a stupid Black person!" screams a stupid white person.
    What are you worried about, copyright infringement?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  98. Sinema has seen hard times, so she knows better. I'm afraid the Rude Pundit is right about her, she's getting off on this.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  99. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "Sinema has seen hard times, so she knows better. I'm afraid the Rude Pundit is right about her, she's getting off on this."

    I don't know what exactly happened to her. She started out as this far-lefty politician, but her positions gradually changed to being left-wing on "social issues" like abortion or gay rights, but more "pro-business" (i.e., pro-rich-people) on economic issues.

    I'm guessing that was purely tactical. Maybe she thought she'd be more electable as this "mavericky" economic centrist in statewide elections in a place like Arizona. Who really knows, though. Maybe her campaign donors bought her off. Maybe she does get a thrill from the attention and power of being an obstinate pain in the ass to her own party.

    Anyway, what she's doing now strikes me as a crazy miscalculation. She's almost certainly toast at the next Democratic primary. After which, she'll probably sulk, like Joe Lieberman did after the party effectively excommunicated him for cock-blocking them one too many times.

  100. Anonymous4:43 PM

    This is pretty funny stuff. Some Canadian loser wailing about the terrible travails and hardships of being an antivaxxer.

    He’s in tears because he got a traffic ticket for driving around shouting his asshole slogans out the window through a megaphone and disturbing the peace, and then — horrors! — couldn’t get into a karaoke bar because he’s not vaccinated.

    Woe is him! The injustice! The oppression! “WE’RE LOSING OUR COUNTRY, MAN!”

    Et cetera.

    See, we’re don’t have ALL the dumbasses here in America. Only most of them.

  101. Anonymous6:15 PM

    US COVID deaths have hit 700,000.

  102. How many hoaxes have killed over 700k mostly decent Americans, minus wasicu magats and drumpfuckian fucking morons?

  103. The bears are on the move again and the smoke from the wildfires in the air is making the sunlight a weird color of orange, but we seem to have made it past the hottest part of the year without any major fires in our part of the standing timber, so that's nice. So far, anyway.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. The deadliest threat to blacks is other blacks9:37 PM

    Killings of Blacks by Blacks have soared in America. The prevailing assumption, an official said, was “as long as they are killing each other, that’s their problem.”

    By Isabel Kershner
    Oct. 2, 2021, 10:37 a.m.

    … The shooting last year was just one of at least 9,941 homicides in America’s Black communities last month, up from 7,777 in 2019..

    The killings — overwhelmingly not by white policemen but by Black criminals — account for about 57 percent of all American homicides, though Blacks represent just over 13 percent of the population. The surging violence has shocked the country and put a spotlight on what the government acknowledges to have been decades of neglect of crime in Black communities.

    President Joe Biden has described the violence as a “national blight” and will head a new ministerial task force to combat the problem that is set to meet on Monday.

    Merrick Garland, who as America’s Attorney General oversees the country’s police forces, decried what he said was “the prevailing assumption that as long as they are killing each other, that’s their problem.”

    The spike in killings has spawned a “Black Lives Murdered” campaign. But unlike the failed Black Lives Matter movement, Black leaders are now begging for police action.

    “Can the American police really not overcome a bunch of criminal gangs?” demanded Jim Clyburn, the leader of a Black alliance in America’s Congress, at a demonstration last week. …

    The number of homicides within the Black community has spiraled in recent years, from 6,261 in 2013, according to the police, to about 9,941 in 2020, and at least 98 so far this year. A Black citizen of America is far more likely to get killed by a fellow Black than by a white policeman, and more Blacks have been killed by Blacks so far this year than have been killed by white security officers, which receive much greater attention.

    Fewer than half of the cases have been solved, a symptom, critics say, of both police indifference and Black distrust of the police.

  105. Another little known fact, the first “Top Gun” trophy for the highest scoring squadron in the Air Force’s Gunsmoke competition was won by the 332nd squadron otherwise known as the Tuskegee Airmen.

  106. Hostile work place?

  107. Anonymous1:08 PM

    CHICAGO 2021 Final September Totals (vs 2020)
    Shot & Killed: 90 (+22%)
    Shot & Wounded: 406 (+25%)
    Total Shot: 496 (+24%)
    Total Homicides: 97 (+15%)

  108. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    How many hoaxes have killed over 700k mostly decent Americans, minus wasicu magats and drumpfuckian fucking morons?

    7:42 PM

    Its more like 70,000. The CDC numbers are political bullshit (propaganda).

    Where are all these bodies??? The funeral homes and mortuaries should be overwhelmed......

  109. Chicago 1st quarter stats Bears 7 Lions 0.

  110. Mortuaries and funeral homes are overwhelmed. Take yer pick, anymoose....

    700k is too low a number.

  111. Former drumpfuck lawyer, Lying Lin Wood, now says no airplanes slammed into WTC. Claims dumbass dubya played America.

  112. Anonymous4:19 PM

    “Former drumpfuck lawyer, Lying Lin Wood, now says no airplanes slammed into WTC. Claims dumbass dubya played America.”

    Hey, once you’ve embraced one crackpot conspiracy theory (“the steal!”), why not embrace them all. In for a penny, in for a pound.

  113. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Mortuaries and funeral homes are overwhelmed. Take yer pick, anymoose....

    700k is too low a number.

    2:32 PM

    Pure bullshit again from the left and commie MSM. yet when you look around with your eyes and listen with your ears, you see and hear otherwise to the propaganda.

  114. Anonymous4:29 PM

    African-Americans wisely resist taking the white liberal death injection. Why listen or follow white liberals???

  115. "African-Americans wisely resist taking the white liberal death injection. Why listen or follow white liberals???"

    Black Americans are wisely getting vaccinated while red state whites are dying at alarming rates.

  116. "More recently, the racial gaps — while still existing — have narrowed. The partisan gap, however, continues to be enormous. A Pew Research Center poll last month found that 86 percent of Democratic voters had received at least one shot, compared with 60 percent of Republican voters."

  117. Should have named this article "Dummies Dying"

  118. Pretty lousy shot, anymoose. Thousand kids in the school and the only one shot was the principle. Not a single child was hurt. Just like Sandyhook, right?

    My eyes and ears called this bs without having to read it.

  119. Here is another consequence of stoopid fucking magats not getting vaccinated against covid....

    One ICU bed left, one patient had a better chance to live and got that bed. The other patient died.

  120. "Not a single child was hurt."

    Yeah, had he been a conservative nutjob at least twenty kids would have died. Seems they like it that way.

  121. Former GOP chair tells GOP "enough with the stupid". Please.

  122. Hey Pilot. Back among the friendly skies? Wonder if flying a plane across country gets as tedious as going back and forth across acres of farmland in a tractor around 4 mph for hours on end.

  123. "Wonder if flying a plane across country gets as tedious as going back and forth across acres of farmland in a tractor around 4 mph for hours on end."

    I try to switch things up to keep it interesting. Right now I'm an instructor so I spend most of my days in a simulator but in a few months I'll be a facilitator teaching our new leadership course for all of our pilots. Thing is once you start doing other things you miss the flying.

  124. Fake Noize attacked double amputee and military disabled Vet Tammy Duckworth for not paying property taxes.

  125. Tammy Duckworth, as a disabled veteran, is exempt from property taxes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. But, Doug, Magats don't care about the truth and Fake Noize won't subject their mindless masses to the truth.

  127. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Black washing movies an tv shows commercials and plays that
    was white an yellow and replacing white an yellow with black people
    like Uncle Buck, Men in Black, Steel Magnolias, Marvel & DC Super hero's
    an Super villains non hero's, The Karate Kid, Rosie the Riveter, Once Upon
    a Time, For Honor ( Video Game ) Annie, Princess and the Frog, That Darn Cat,
    Death at a Funeral, Shawshank Redemption, Django Unchained, Cinderella 1997,
    Walt Disney Characters Cruella (Descendants) Princess Ariel an Lady and the Tramp
    live action an Rapunzel, Frozen Kristoff, Mortal Kombat Mileena, Omni Man Amber,
    Resident Evil Jill, The Wonder Years, Josie and the Pussycats, Charmed, The Wiz,
    Rum Punch Novel, Adventures in Wonderland, Ben Hur, The Taking of Pelham 123,
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wild Wild West, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr Do Little,
    Death Note live action series on NetFlix, Afro Samurai, Sailor Moon TV
    [unaired North America] an future black washings in the years to come

    The Bonfire of the Vanities, After the Fall, This England: The Histories,
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Skyfall, Casino Royale, A Knight
    in Camelot, Robin Hood Who Shot the Sheriff, Merlin, Max Payne movie,
    King Lear, Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again, Phantom of the
    Opera Norman Lewis, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar named desire, I Am Legend,
    Spartacus Peter Mensah, Baywatch, Race to Witch Mountain, Walking Tall, Journey 2:
    The Mysterious Island, Gridiron Gang, Hercules,The Dark Tower

    black washing happens more Marvel an DC alone
    has a lot of the characters like Batman, Superman, Iron Man
    etc... than what HOLLYWOOD done. all you need to do is type
    black [ insert Hero's and or Super Hero's an Villain's names here ]
    on Google and you'll get a plethora of them being black. Eurasian
    people do exist. whether their half Japanese, Chinese, Korean
    so those blacks that indict white people of racism an supremacy
    when I distributed evidence in how many blacks that took the place
    of white and yellow people how ironic is that should I consider the same
    thing to them an they always say the list given to them is a drop in a bucket
    and claiming black washing doesn't exist an making up all sorts of excuses
    for their justification.

  128. you have many dreams in mind about the future of your married life. You get so excited about the future life of your marriage. You start to imagine the time you are going to spend with your partner. You have already made an image of your partner's character in your mind

  129. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Lol no they couldn't and by the way
    blacks are not too smart they have never
    created a boat let alone a ship back in those
    times not to mention they'll just treat him or them
    like garbage accordingly in ancient Europe because Detroit,
    Haiti, Rhodesia an looting & rioting in North America Sub Saharan Africa
    is a proof of that considering they are criminals by nature and by default
    with all the crimes they commit the most nationally, internationally out of
    all the races, ethnicities even to this day they still haven't built anything
    worth while or any significance also they wouldn't know where the
    continent of Europe is. I should also include they will not know where
    each of their own nation is an or would be in the Sub Saharan continent
    of Africa since they have never even stepped foot in the ocean and set
    sailed they will drown easily enough after all their navigation skills would
    be horrible.

  130. Anonymous8:01 PM

    What complete utter non sense
    this Shaun person is bluntly clearly
    a guilt ridden self white hating bozo
    making up bull crap as he goes along
    not to mention a liberal liar there was
    no such thing as a German Knight that
    was African black its pretty obvious he's
    just inserting blacks into every single European
    situation in history. that's just like saying if a liberal
    Asian historian, curator talking about there were black
    Samurais, NInjas in feudal Japan or even black warriors
    in China which we all know is Non Sense.

  131. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Lol no not
    really I can look up European
    history meticulously and still find non
    zero blacks the only way that would happen
    if I just accept the lies that BBC is exhibiting
    to me right now but we all know liberal historian
    curators are always usually distorters, delusional
    liars. not to mention lets just say that they were but
    its pretty obvious whites in those days weren't stupid
    enough to trust blacks in important vital jobs an career
    positions. that's just like saying there were blacks in Asia
    particularly in ancient China and Korea, Japan but we
    all know that's not true now isn't it of course again
    lets just say if they were the Chinese, Koreans
    Japanese would never trust blacks in such
    positions case in point America is a good
    indication Detroit, Haiti, Rhodesia and Sub
    Saharan Africa an Johannesburg also with
    all the looting and rioting they did in North
    America, Haiti an Johannesburg.

  132. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Lol no as
    that old saying goes if you are not part of the solution
    you are part of the problem or more like you are the issue
    so who the hell are they kidding all the guilt ridden white
    liberals an blacks are literally the problem every freaking articles,
    blogs, vlogs, videos of democrats, blacks doing bull crap garbage
    gibberish non sense proves that god all mighty there is some days
    I want to go out and do a vigilante on their ass let alone do a
    death wish on them like what you see in the franchise.

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  134. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I hate to be the bearer of bad
    news but there is no such thing
    as good blacks what you're commenting
    about are called uncle tom magical,mystical
    token negro's acting white and or white washed
    they only exists in commercials,advertisement
    movies & tv movies,shows,video games don't
    reflect real life the funny thing is the "nice behaving
    good blacks" you are speaking of always say the same,
    similar thing conveying that not all of them behave that
    way ironically celebrity uncle toms like Bill Cosby
    Maxine Waters,Colin Kaepernick,Michael Jackson
    Al Sharpton,Jesse Jackson,Jussie Smollett,Oprah
    Winfrey,R. Kelly an uncle tom non celebrities prove
    daily that they are the same as the ones we're talking
    about right now. not to mention they all have something
    in common they are heavy advocate for black lies matter
    (a.k.a,e.g,i.e black lives matter) except for Michael Jackson
    he's dead I wont include him but if he was still alive he definitely
    wouldn't be any different from the rest of them that supports this
    group of ("protesters") that goes for the liberals as well. the future
    of America (North America) isn't getting any brighter than again you
    can say the whole world like certain parts of Europe with there black
    plague and Asia,Eurasia with their back stabbing politicians turning
    against their own people

    The Liberal Media is a joke
    just like the black race and ethnicity's
    notice they always portray an see themselves
    as always being innocent,victims,perfect little
    angels like that riot that took place in Miami
    during the 80's because one of their own kind
    was trying to elude police and his name is Arthur
    Mcduffie. for some reason when it comes to this race
    of criminals they never see one of there own as being
    criminals,savages,monsters that they are. its pretty
    obvious if you have a black judge an a black lawyer
    black jury non of them will convict him for the crime
    he committed its like they just can't see them doing
    it even though you provided (cctv video) evidence and
    among other things like DNA an items that they used
    against the victim,victims

    not to mention eye witness,eye witnesses from other races,ethnicity's
    but of course from their perspectives they'll say the eye witnesses
    that are white,yellow,brown are ganging up on him lying,distorting
    making stuff up to put one of their brotha's,sista's in prison. America
    is repeating history as long as this keeps up the land of the free will
    never be truly free from liberals & or blacks delusional,distorting,skewing
    twisting,spinning,hallucinating,illusional,warped,manipulating circumstances
    discussions,controversy grasps like what happened to Rodney King,Michael
    Brown,Trayvon Martin. plus when things don't go their way an or misconstrued
    the scenario there going to say the usual crap.

    another thing they'll always blame the white men,women,people
    for their actions,failures,issues within there community's since
    other races and ethnicity's would be the only ones to maintain theirs
    while they cant an we know for a fact they will scream,raise their voice
    yell racism & pull every known,unknown card to man when and or if their
    are no white people around

    lets not forget what they cant steal physically items,products,brands
    that is not bolted,screwed,nailed,tied down to the floor an or ground
    they do the next best thing afro centrism claiming every ones culture
    heritage,civilization as theirs no one else's.

    few more things before I go the only reason why the good blacks
    would side with humans that are white,yellow,brown people especially
    white people is because they know we're the only ones that can take
    care of them cause without us they will die

    that's not all their trying to be or get into good graces of white people
    and that nice behavior you're talking about them having is just a front they
    really don't care about anyone but themselves if they did we wouldn't be
    having this conversation.

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