Sunday, October 03, 2021

Caption Sunday.



I need a caption for this picture.  


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I'm a communist.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I hate America.

  3. If looks could kill there'd be a new senator from W.V.

  4. I mean we already knew you trolls hate America and are commies. No shit Ivan. LOL!

  5. Jeez, do all white dudes clap on the 1's and 3's?

  6. PilotX 4:47
    That was too easy.

  7. Anonymous5:54 PM

    “Okay, which smartass thought it was funny to seat me right behind Captain Cockblock? I’m not gonna make it to the end of this speech without opening up a can of proletarian revolution on his ass!”

  8. "That was too easy."

    Yeah, threw it right across the plate. LOL!

  9. Manifest Density8:08 PM

    Joe Manchin to run for re-election as the"The Manchinian Candidate "

  10. The future casting a baleful eye on the past.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Narrative Collapse8:41 AM

    A black woman didn't find enough actual racism to justify her feelings of persecution, so she pretended to be a Klan member and terrorized her neighbors with threatening hoax notes.

    This, of course, is a blood libel against White people.

  12. Here is a pleasant thought for a mouldy Monday... Former disgraced Missouri magat Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin died and went to hell at age 74.

    No heartbreak here. RIH Bitch!

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Police in Texas say 'armed citizen' shot black robbers at fast-food restaurant, killing 1 negro suspect
    Danielle Wallace | Fox News 19 hrs ago

  14. Anonymous11:33 AM

    "I am an oath breaker"

  15. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "I work for Team Shit the Bed"

  16. “A black woman didn't find enough actual racism to justify her feelings of persecution, so she pretended to be a Klan member and terrorized her neighbors with threatening hoax notes.“

    And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids.😆😂

  17. White dude trying to create mayhem during George Floyd protests admits to shooting at police station.

  18. Mike: You beat me to it. I guess it was a legitimate cancer.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous4:17 PM


  20. Should we eat him fried or braised?

  21. Bubba Wallace wins Taladega. Manchin, unfortunately doesn't.

  22. Follow the money9:46 PM

    Here is yet more evidence that the wingnut establishment are shameless scammers and grifters who view rank-and-file Republicans as suckers to be fleeced.

    Those lying hacks, America’s Frontline Doctors, sold out their integrity, telling lies about COVID vaccines so they could separate the Trump chumps from their money. (And probably killed a lot of the Trump chumps in the process by causing them to get COVID.)


  23. Anonymous9:57 PM

    As the article notes, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Simone Gold, got arrested for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol rioting. So that gives you some idea of the classy sort of people you are dealing with in that group.

  24. So Mr. Flag Jacket is looking at up to twenty years and the judge presiding over many of the January 6 cases has handed down a sentence exceeding what the government asked for, saying that there needs to be more consequences to trying to overthrow democracy than home confinement. So that was encouraging.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Remember the good old days when magats had conniptions whenever they see a hippie use an American flag as a curtain or a shawl, or when someone burned a flag in protest?

    My, how liberalized magats have become, Doug.

  26. The devil incarnate

  27. Anonymous11:35 AM

    "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -- Benjamin Franklin

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM

    "I'm batshit"

  29. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "we really know how to fuck up by the numbers"

  30. Brains. Brains? No brains? No brains:

    Trump Falls Off List of Wealthiest Americans

    October 5, 2021 at 9:17 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 60 Comments

    Donald Trump is no longer on the annual list of America’s 400 wealthiest people — mainly due to the languishing commercial real estate industry, Forbes reports.

    “If Trump is looking for someone to blame, he can start with himself. Five years ago, he had a golden opportunity to diversify his fortune. Fresh off the 2016 election, federal ethics officials were pushing Trump to divest his real estate assets. That would have allowed him to reinvest the proceeds into broad-based index funds and assume office free of conflicts of interest.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous8:03 PM

    “Donald Trump is no longer on the annual list of America’s 400 wealthiest people — mainly due to the languishing commercial real estate industry, Forbes reports”

    Well, first off, Trump lies constantly, especially about his accomplishments. So who knows if he ever belonged on that list.

    And then, as a result of his bad decision to become the worst US president of our lifetimes (maybe of all time), instead of remaining simply a developer of glitzy, trashy real estate, he’s damaged the marketability of his name. Now, people aren’t willing to pay to use the “Trump” name on their buildings. In fact, tenants want the “Trump” sign removed from their buildings.

  32. The English word trump, meaning to get the best of or to beat, is derived from the French or Old English tromper, meaning to trick or deceive. There is no equivalent in the Germanic languages.

    What an appropriate etymology for the name of a man who used his wealth and position to pull a fast one on the American people. His delusional followers have indeed been deceived into believing that this man had their best interests at heart. He is the Trickster Coyote. In this case that is not a good thing.

  33. Multiple states still have bounties on coyotes, but one would be ill advised to take a chunk of Fergus' ear to fish and game for $75.
    But is that any crazier than Republican orthodoxy these days?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous12:46 AM

    But is that any crazier than Republican orthodoxy these days?

    Let's list some of the craziness of Dimocrap orthodoxy these days:

    - Claiming that people can change sex at will.

    - Claiming that race is a social construct, and that measured racial differences in traits and capabilities are the product of "racism", aka "whiteness".

    - Ignoring those things when blacks are better at running and jumping.

    - Claiming that American blacks, who are on average the wealthiest blacks in the world, are "victims of oppression".

    - Claiming, against every shred of evidence, that the main threats to American blacks are cops and White "racists", when they're shooting each other by the hundred and more every week.

    The people who believe this are brainwashed or insane.  The people who push these lies are simply evil.

  35. “The people who believe this are brainwashed or insane. The people who push these lies are simply evil.“

    Strawman argument anyone?😆

  36. “But is that any crazier than Republican orthodoxy these days?“

    Short answer? No.

  37. Black Americans have 1/10 the wealth of whites in America. We can trace this back to the very unequal history in America. Is the gap smaller in other countries? I don’t know but inequality still exists in America and that is simply a provable fact. To deny this you have to be either unaware or a liar or both.

  38. “Claiming that American blacks, who are on average the wealthiest blacks in the world, are "victims of oppression".

    Context is everything, see above post. And I would love to see the evidence American Blacks are the wealthiest in the world.

  39. “Claiming, against every shred of evidence, that the main threats to American blacks are cops and White "racists", when they're shooting each other by the hundred and more every week.“

    Once again, context. Maybe not main threat but still a threat. All threats need to be examined and mitigated wouldn’t you say? I mean we have racist trolls here everyday crapping on Black people when the biggest threats to them are their fellow whites.🤷🏾‍♂️

  40. “Claiming that people can change sex at will.“

    Um, well ya kind of can. We’ve had reassignment surgery for years now.🤷🏾‍♂️

  41. Korporate el Gigante AT&T is basically responsible for creating and funding magat shithole OAN.

  42. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Black Americans have 1/10 the wealth of whites in America. We can trace this back to the very unequal history in America.

    Wrong.  We can trace this to the very unequal racial and cultural habits in today's America.  White people don't waste huge amounts of their income on weaves, nails and rims.

    There are many once-millionaire sportsball players who've gone bankrupt mere years after retirement.  Almost all of them are black, and they go bankrupt because they are spendthrifts.  The richest NBA player was nowhere near the highest-paid, but he saved and invested wisely.  Of course, he's white.

    inequality still exists in America and that is simply a provable fact.

    You will never make two different species equal.  It's not fixable and not to be a subject of guilt or even lament; it's simply a fact.


    Interesting story of interracial solidarity in the fight for economic equality.

  44. "White people don't waste huge amounts of their income on weaves, nails and rims."

    Sure, they waste it on other things.

    "There are many once-millionaire sportsball players who've gone bankrupt mere years after retirement. Almost all of them are black"

    Nope, many are white. Bad example because your example examines 0.01% of a population. Not a great sample size.

    "The richest NBA player was nowhere near the highest-paid, but he saved and invested wisely. Of course, he's white."

    I would say Magic Johnson, co-owner of the L.A. Dodgers, is doing quite well wouldn't you say? And he's Black. Michael Jordan is a billionaire and co-owner of the Charlotte Hornets and has a NASCAR team. Pretty successful no? Steph Curry is a multi-millionaire doing quite well wouldn't you say?

  45. "You will never make two different species equal."

    Um, no one is trying to make dogs and humans equal. You seem to be totally confused about our discussion but that's not surprising. Here's a suggestion, create a screen name so we can have a discussion and I can connect a certain poster to these comments. Are you afraid to stand by your assertions? Let's see if your superior intellect can withstand scrutiny.


    Black billionaires worldwide. Mr. Anon, are you even close to anyone on this list? LOL! My bet is no. And you don't even buy rims and weaves and aren't rich. What gives?

  47. Here's a profile of the Dem Brotha running to unseat whackjob Marjorie Taylor Greene. Would be nice to have a sane individual representing those people. Maybe they can elect someone who can actually be placed on a committee.

  48. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Black billionaires worldwide. Mr. Anon, are you even close to anyone on this list? LOL! My bet is no.

    Definitely not.  I probably wouldn't even want to know any of those people.

    And you don't even buy rims and weaves and aren't rich.

    I am rich.  My net worth puts me squarely in the top 5% of the USA, and there are a lot more people like me than there are black billionaires.

  49. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Here's a profile of the Dem Brotha running to unseat whackjob Marjorie Taylor Greene. Would be nice to have a sane individual representing those people. Maybe they can elect someone who can actually be placed on a committee."

    I don't know anything about this guy, but even without knowing anything, the odds that he'd better than MTG are extremely high. Grab any random person off the street and that person would probably be better than that raving lunatic.

    However, I looked up her district, and its demographics/characteristics are 77.5% white, 40% rural, and with a voting record 28 percentage points more Republican than the national average.



    Which is the kind of district you'd expect it to be in order for them to have elected MTG. Anyway, while I'd like like to see her get fired, I don't think there is any way in hell that this district will ever vote for a black Democrat, no matter how much campaign money he raises.

  50. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Koo Koo for Coco Coco puffs

  51. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Millions of un-vaxxed diseased illegal aliens streaming across the southern border un checked. Super spreader event in the making or is it???

    If no mass diseases pop up does this mean the Scamdemic was all bullshit??

  52. anymoose lied again.....

    Nearly 65% of immigrants are turned back.

  53. Anonymous said...
    "You will never make two different species equal. It's not fixable and not to be a subject of guilt or even lament; it's simply a fact."

    10:56 AM
    What two species are speaking of?

    Are you a geneticist? (In case you don't know the meaning of the word, a geneticist is someone with extensive education in genetics.)

  54. Anonymous said...

    "Millions of un-vaxxed diseased illegal aliens streaming across the southern border un checked. Super spreader event in the making or is it???"

    "If no mass diseases pop up does this mean the Scamdemic was all bullshit??"

    1:52 PM
    Your attempt to spread bull shit is deplorable.
    Are you even sane?
    Does you head hurt when you try to think?
    Are you a paid troll?

    In answer to your question: No, your nonsense does not mean anything. But it does show the ramblings of a defective brain.

  55. Anonymous2:35 PM

    “Millions of un-vaxxed diseased illegal aliens streaming across the southern border un checked. Super spreader event in the making or is it???

    If no mass diseases pop up does this mean the Scamdemic was all bullshit??”

    No, because everything you’ve said is bullshit. There aren’t “millions” streaming across the border. That’s a fantastical exaggeration. There are maybe 11 million total currently living in the US, and they arrived over decades. It follows that the number that have arrived over the last 18 months of the pandemic is far less.

    And they aren’t “unchecked.” It’s not like border patrol have all collectively decided not to show up for work. Most of the people they catch will be deported. A few will be granted asylum — after going through quarantine.

    The COVID risk from the vast number of legal international travelers dwarfs any risk from irregular migrants at the border. But we’ve decided to accept legal travel, I guess, for the sake of the economy.

  56. "I am rich. My net worth puts me squarely in the top 5% of the USA, and there are a lot more people like me than there are black billionaires."

    Um, I can tell I'm dealing with a genius of the highest order. Sure slick, I believe you're rich and probably a genius too with PhD's in several highly technical areas too huh? With so many rich and smart anonymous racist trolls seems funny how you guys have so much time to troll obscure websites to try to demean Black people all day. LOL!

  57. "Are you a geneticist?"

    Well, since it's an anonymous troll they can make up any lie they want. I bet this one is the dean of the biology department at an elite university. LOL! But since it's rich they only do it as a hobby.

  58. So now that amending the filibuster to allow raising, suspending, or, since we already decided to fight in world war one, scrapping the debt ceiling altogether is on the table, Mitch the fuck McConnell has deigned to let the Democrats save the economy just this once, and then only until December, when he hopes to force us to raise the damn thing through reconciliation, which requires it to be raised to a specific number which he hopes to make midterm attack ads out of.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. "Ed Mullins, the controversial head of one of the largest cop unions in New York City and a bitter foe of police reform, resigned from his position as Sergeants Benevolent Association president following early-morning FBI raids on his office and home on Tuesday."

    It's a start. I'm generally pro-union, but the police unions have to be broken if we are ever to change the awful, awful behavior of police in this country.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  60. "I hate America."

    We know you do, dear, but we still want you to have healthcare and good schools for your children, and clean air and water, and uncontaminated food and drugs, and an open internet on which to spew your vicious drivel.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  61. The New Jersey-based pharmaceutical giant Merck is facing accusations of price gouging after it charged the U.S. over $700 per patient for a taxpayer-funded coronavirus treatment that, according to research, costs just $17.74 to produce.

  62. Anonymous6:33 PM

    What two species are speaking of?

    Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans.  The genetic distance between them is the same as that between the N. American gray wolf and the coyote:

    The two can produce fertile offspring, but they fit with neither coyotes nor wolves.  It's believed that the red wolf is exactly this hybrid.

    Sound familiar, like certain intractable social problems that simply won't go away no matter how much people try to enforce "equality"?

  63. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Um, I can tell I'm dealing with a genius of the highest order.

    I've had a boss (Chinese, no less) call me a genius; I walked into the office and within my first day I had found the cause of a problem that had been plaguing a development project for months.  I'm no Marilyn Vos Savant, though.

    Sure slick, I believe you're rich and probably a genius too with PhD's in several highly technical areas too huh?

    No advanced degrees, I was too bored with school to continue past my BSc and too interested in different things to specialize that much.  But I can tell stories about ways I've set bosses and co-workers back on their heels with insights into problems they hadn't seen.  I diagnosed one from a quick description and from the opposite side of the Atlantic, to boot.  Took me about 2 seconds.  It took days and several go-rounds with the customer before they understood that their test setup was causing the problem, though; the customer liason didn't want to just tell the customer outright and offend their touchy German egos.

    Talent hits a target that no one else can hit.
    Genius hits a target that no one else can see.

    The proof is in the pudding.

  64. Federal judge blocks enforcement of SB8 in Texas.

    "The proof is in the pudding." You mean that stuff between your ears?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  65. Anonymous10:03 PM

    ”Federal judge blocks enforcement of SB8 in Texas.”

    The appeals court will probably shoot this down, so the next question is whether SCOTUS will step in after that, or whether they’ll dodge any responsibility for enforcing Roe v. Wade, which is still, at least for now, a binding ruling.

  66. Anonymous said...
    "Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans. The genetic distance between them is the same as that between the N. American gray wolf and the coyote:"

    "The two can produce fertile offspring, but they fit with neither coyotes nor wolves. It's believed that the red wolf is exactly this hybrid.

    Sound familiar, like certain intractable social problems that simply won't go away no matter how much people try to enforce "equality"?"

    6:33 PM
    I went to the Westhunt web site and found the article and tables very interesting. However I didn't find anything there that supported your conclusions.
    Want to try some other reference? If so, please use one that compares human populations. Comparing humans and wolves is like comparing apples and oranges.
    And BTW, no one is trying to enforce equality; equality of opportunity is the goal.

  67. Too bad that there's an anonymoid so rich that it can't afford an online handle, and so bright that it doesn't know how to feel good without libeling, and so secure that it has to brag without evidence.

  68. "Talent hits a target that no one else can hit.
    Genius hits a target that no one else can see.

    The proof is in the pudding."

    Blah blah blah blah. Sure sport, you're a certified genius I'm sure. You're probably married to a super model and drive a Ferrari and live on your own island. Yeah, most geniuses are proud racists who troll websites all day long. Got it. LOL! One day I'll read the truth from a troll, that they live in grandma's basement and haven't touched a girl since, well, never. LOL!

  69. "Sound familiar, like certain intractable social problems that simply won't go away no matter how much people try to enforce "equality"?"

    Not at all. Social problems in this country won't go away because of racist asshats who would rather be racist. Shocker that in 2021 brilliant geniuses are still trying to dehumanize others. No different than your dumb ass father or grandfather. And yet you don't believe racism exists. LOL!For a genius you are kinda dim.

  70. "No advanced degrees, I was too bored with school to continue past my BSc and too interested in different things to specialize that much."

    In short, too dumb to get an advanced degree. Duly noted. Bored huh? LOL!


    This is why I truly hate people like Nikki Haley, Condi Rice, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Smart people saying dumb shit we all know they don't truly believe is just amazing. Why do they feel they have to lower themselves to appeal to the morons that are just using them anyway? There have to be some self esteem issues going on. I don't mind Lauren Bobo, MTG, Gohmert or the orange moron because you expect stupid people to say stupid shit but it's really disheartening when these people who went to elite institutions just sell out completely. Their parents better get their money back for all that schooling they paid for. Like Bobo, they could have just gotten a GED and called it good.

  72. The "smart" ones have to compete for the votes of the same morons as the actual morons. Kind of gives away the actual mentality of the Republican base when the candidates who obviously know better act like idiots to win their votes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. PilotX:
    Edison said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. So a genius troll who is too bored to work hard to get a degree only thinks it is a genius.

    Tesla would retort that Edison's genius was 2% inspiration, 49% perspiration, and 49% imitation. Creativity is the art of hiding your sources.

  74. Anonymous2:02 AM

    "This is why I truly hate people like Nikki Haley, Condi Rice, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Smart people saying dumb shit we all know they don't truly believe is just amazing. Why do they feel they have to lower themselves to appeal to the morons that are just using them anyway?"

    Because it's profitable?

    The Republican Party (the politicians) does include some real dummies, like Louie Gohmert, who can barely figure out which shoe goes on which foot. But it also includes plenty of reasonably smart people who are conning the chumps who vote for them.

    They like the money. They like the status. They pretend to believe whatever is the lie du jour. And they don't care if the country gets ruined in the process.

    There's nothing else to it. They're bad people. I've come around to the understanding that they mostly don't have any deeply held ideological beliefs. They just want to get paid. The end. The Republican Party is a gigantic confidence game. That's why Trump fit right in.

  75. "So a genius troll who is too bored to work hard to get a degree only thinks it is a genius."

    Dunning-Kruger in full effect.

  76. Anonymous9:27 AM

    And BTW, no one is trying to enforce equality; equality of opportunity is the goal.

    ORLY?  So why is PilotX whining "Black Americans have 1/10 the wealth of whites in America."?  We know that people who start out ahead can fall way behind due to their own habits and weaknesses.  Affirmative Action and "disparate impact" mean that American blacks wind up with jobs and salaries their native abilities don't merit.  So, with so many advantages, why are they still behind?

    Habits and weaknesses, high time preference being a big one.  And that is why we have the demand for "equity", forced levelling, which has nothing to do with equality of opportunity and everything to do with equality of outcome.

  77. Anonymous9:29 AM

    you're a certified genius I'm sure.

    I don't feel the need for credentials.  I found MENSA boring.

    You're probably married to a super model

    I came close, but I screwed up and lost her.  I found some old pics of her recently.  Talk about a knockout.

    Top 5% isn't rich enough to buy an island, you have to be well inside the top 1% for that.

    Social problems in this country won't go away because of racist asshats who would rather be racist.

    You mean, like the racist BLACK asshats who drove Steve Sailer's wife's family out of Chicago using violent crime?  You mean like the racist BLACK asshat who murdered 91-yr-old retired TV repairman Paul Monchnik and set his house on fire?  You mean like the racist BLACK asshats who murdered Antonio Angel Santiago in his stroller because his White mother wasn't carrying any money?

    Until blacks address BLACK behavior, "racism" is the only rational response.

  78. Anonymous said....

    "ORLY? So why is PilotX whining "Black Americans have 1/10 the wealth of whites in America."? We know that people who start out ahead can fall way behind due to their own habits and weaknesses. Affirmative Action and "disparate impact" mean that American blacks wind up with jobs and salaries their native abilities don't merit. So, with so many advantages, why are they still behind?"

    Habits and weaknesses, high time preference being a big one. And that is why we have the demand for "equity", forced levelling, which has nothing to do with equality of opportunity and everything to do with equality of outcome.

    9:27 AM
    First, PilotX is not whining when he says Black Americans have 1/10th the wealth of white Americans,he is simply stating a fact. Your attitude toward hearing this fact simply shows your biased thinking.
    When did Blacks ever "start out ahead" and then "fall behind"? Blacks have been behind the eight ball ever since they were brought here as slaves. You should review the real history of the United States and put aside all the crap you were taught in school. It is your responsibility to educate yourself not mine.
    Third, please research the actual provisions of the Affirmative Action legislation. You obviously do not know what is in it, or you would not make the claim that it includes "forced leveling".
    Try to think outside of the box you are in. Pick up a book that deals with reconstruction and the rise of the KKK. Then read about the 1930s. Open your mind to reality.

  79. Thanks Gambler. Every fact stated by a Blah person is either whining or playing the victim. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  80. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "Korporate el Gigante AT&T is basically responsible for creating and funding magat shithole OAN."

    As far as I can tell, no, AT&T has not literally "funded" OANN (i.e., invested in the company).

    DirecTV does broadcast OANN from their satellites, however, and apparently that is how the network is able to reach most of its viewership and receive most of its revenue. AT&T owns a controlling share of DirecTV.

    The latest buzz about OANN came out in a Reuters article based on information derived from court filings in lawsuits in which OANN was either a plaintiff or defendant. Apparently, OANN sued AT&T/DirectTV to FORCE them to carry their lie-filled propaganda network. They claimed that AT&T had previously agreed to have DirecTV do so, once OANN helped win government approval for the merger between AT&T and DirecTV (perhaps by lobbying Republican members of Congress?), and had later reneged on the agreement.

    I would certainly like to hear more about the latter deal, if there was one. That sounds pretty sleazy.

  81. "Most people, myself included, do not have a comprehensive understanding or even any understanding of how elections work,"

    - Michael Gableman, the former state supreme court justice the goddamn Republicans in Wisconsin have hired to oversee their "audit" of the 2020 election, which will cost the Wisconsin taxpayers at least $680,000.

    He started his "audit" with a big splash by subpoenaing mayors and election officials for "all documents relating to the 2020 election" when most of that is public information already:

    Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell said Gableman could have easily gotten the information he's seeking without issuing subpoenas. He suggested Gableman is trying to appear as dramatic as possible even though numerous records have already been released to news outlets and others under the state's open records law. "They should have just asked for it," said McDonell, a Democrat who has been critical of Gableman's efforts.

    So here we go again with the attempts at undermining the credibility of American democracy.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Surgeon explains why he likes to operate on magat pols. Hillary-ous.



  84. Wasicu wastey got dropped like a bad habit, PilotX. Good for him.


    One was Hispanic. Beverly Hills has a 2% Black population, so the task force racially profiled POC only.

  86. As of right now, Mitch doesn't have the votes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  87. You are very welcome, Pilot. My pleasure. I'm so sick of the bigot/racists that come here to spew their poison.

  88. He found them, but no goddamn Republicans voted for the actual bill.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. Trae Crowder tackles name-calling:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. I love Trae. I swoon for his hazel gaze, his musical twang, his epic rants, and his paint-peeling name-calling.

  91. Anonymous12:27 AM

    “He found them, but no goddamn Republicans voted for the actual bill”

    Good enough for now.

    But Democrats need to add “get rid of debt ceiling” to their urgent issues list. Right after voting reform.

    I’m sick of Republicans threatening over and over again to pull the pin out of the grenade. One of these days they’re going to cut it too close to the deadline and accidentally cause the government to default. The debt ceiling is a provision that serves no useful purpose whatsoever. It seems to exist solely to allow Republicans to recklessly threaten economic Armageddon every time they are in opposition, like the attention-seeking stunt queens they are.

  92. It was a political stunt by people who didn't want us to fight in world war one. It didn't work. We fought in world war one. That makes it a dangerous stunt that has been irrelevant for more than a century.
    Kill it. Kill it dead.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. Can’t wait for this😃

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Here it comes:

    In a letter to the National Archives obtained by NBC News, White House Counsel Dana Remus rejected Trump's attorneys' attempt to withhold documents requested by the House Select Committee regarding the then-president's activities on Jan. 6, writing that "President Biden has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the documents."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. Anonymous4:02 PM

    “President Biden has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the documents.”

    Trump would be having a Twitter meltdown right about now, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s still banned for life from Twitter.


  97. Anonymous4:32 PM

    This neatly sums up the idiotic congressional debt-ceiling shenanigans.

    The Dumbest Congressional Standoff Ever Is Getting Somehow Dumber

    Everyone agreed it was a good idea to repeat this whole disgraceful circus act in two months’ time, putting the economy under threat as it struggles to recover from the COVID-battering it has taken over the last year-and-half or so. And all just so McTurtle can look like he is still important, now that he’s not in control of the Senate anymore.

  98. Pillow guy claims people up to 850 years old voted in 2020 potus election. Gents in white coats need to visit this guy with a one way ticket to the nut hut.


    POC fueled 95% of Texass pop growth over the past 10 years and yet magats did not draw a single black dominated district. While this new map may not give magats more seats, it stymies any chance Dems have to gain seats.

    Likely apt to be this way in all red run, blue state financed shitholes.

  100. The content of your character8:19 PM

    Ex-NBA star Sebastian Telfair leaves Manhattan court with his pregnant partner after he and 17 fellow former players are arraigned on fraud charges for $4million healthcare scam

    Ex-NBA star Sebastian Telfair was seen leaving Manhattan Federal Court on Thursday, after he and 17 others were arraigned on a $4 million health care scam done by defrauding the league's health insurance plan
    According to an indictment unsealed in the Southern District of New York, ex-Net Terrence Williams was the ringleader of the scheme to submit false invoices
    Williams allegedly had fake template invoices emailed to the other defendants
    The bogus invoices were noticed because they were allegedly 'not on letterhead.' Also, they contained 'unusual formatting' and 'grammatical errors'
    Other defendants include Glen 'Big Baby' Davis, Sebastian Telfair, Darius Miles, Tony Wroten, Chris Douglas-Roberts, Jamario Moon and Shannon Brown
    Six-time All-Defensive team selection Tony Allen was named with wife, Desiree
    Melvin Ely, CJ Watson, Milt Palacio, Antoine Wright, Ruben Patterson, Alan Anderson, Eddie Robinson, Will Bynum, and Greg Smith were also indicted
    The defendants are charged with health care fraud and aggravated identify theft
    As of midday on Thursday, 16 of the 19 defendants had been arrested

    And the complexions are exactly as the based would suspect.

  101. The content of your character8:20 PM

    FBI: Wells Fargo worker stole tens of thousands, posted stacks of cash on social media
    Arlando Henderson, 29, was arrested in San Diego, CA.

    Surprise!  He's black too.

  102. Police killings mislabled by coroners. Police killed twice as many people as reported and Blah people 3.5X more likely to be killed by cops.

  103. Man who thinks it's his right to have sex with children as young as 4 sentenced to 70 years. Guess what, he ain't Black. LOL! Probably anon @ 2019's cousin. Ha!

  104. This "genius" kills sister and brother-in-law because the B.I.L. was a pharmacist distributing covid vaccinations. I'm Black and even I know better than that. Maybe Mr. Content of Character can explain why this guy did that?

  105. Another non-Blah person travels across state lines to have sex with a minor. Hey Content, what's up with this? Another of your cousins trying to play hide the twinkie with a kid. Clean out your own closet before you come here talking shit ok kid?

  106. Mitch the fuck McConnell is in a snit over the speech Chuck Schumer gave explaining how the goddamn Republicans nearly crashed the economy on purpose out of spite.

    Some in the media are buying it.

    OK, three things: First, we already decided to fight in world war one, so the debt ceiling has been a relic of a dangerous, failed, political stunt for over a century. Kill it. Kill it dead.

    Second and third, about the goddamn tone police:

    2) "Fuck your feelings". gee, where did that come from?

    3) Newton Leroy Gingrich.

    Mitch? Take your crocodile tears and stick them in your eye, which of course is in your butt with your head.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. I thought Repubs were supposed to be the tough guys.🤷🏾‍♂️

  107. Anti-vax Allen west has covid and is treating it with ivermectin and Hydroxydrumpfpiss.

  108. Sorry Field.

  109. . “treating it with ivermectin and Hydroxydrumpfpiss“

    Is there a rule Republicans HAVE to be stupid?

  110. Anonymous11:06 PM

    “Is there a rule Republicans HAVE to be stupid?”

    Or liars. They can be liars, too. So Republicans have got options.

    I’ve no idea which applies in this case. Is he ivermectin-ing, because he is a dolt, or is he only pretending to be doing that, in order to please his audience, which is full of dolts?

  111. It was a thing for a minute for wingnut media people to pretend they had covid and say they cured it with snake oil. Could this be that, or is that over alredy?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  112. Anonymous1:41 AM

    “It was a thing for a minute for wingnut media people to pretend they had covid and say they cured it with snake oil. Could this be that, or is that over alredy?”

    Allen West is running for governor of Texas as a Republican, so he certainly can’t be seen doing anything smart, like acknowledging medical facts about COVID and treatments for COVID. That would make him unelectable!

  113. New Hampshire magat bitch calls 9 y/o Black child the "N" word and threatens to kneel on his neck after her son pushed the Black kid down.

    Wasicu wastey in Looseranna jailed for making threats against church.

  114. Wasicu South Carolina sheriff charged with embezzlement, beating wife/gf, taking her phone so she couldn't call 911, damaged her car as she tried to escape, and at least one other felony got a 5 year sentence suspended after he served one day in jail and was given five years probation.

    White privilege? You bet.

  115. Pretty scary stuff from Crooks and Liars:

  116. Anonymous2:03 PM

    “Pretty scary stuff from Crooks and Liars:”

    I don’t know why these bozos feel so certain that if they provoke the wrath of the federal government, then the general public will take their side.

    My guess is that if bombings of data centers by Nazis caused a major disruption to Internet services, most people would stand up and cheer when the Nazis subsequently got their asses kicked.

  117. Allen West is claiming to have received monoclonal antibodies in the hospital. Funny, I thought hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were all you needed to beat a covid infection. Guess their minds change sometimes when facing their own mortality.
    Not always, though, as many nurses have reported, some patients are denying covid is real with their dying breath.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. I don’t know why these bozos feel so certain that if they provoke the wrath of the federal government“

    Because they’re stupid🤷🏾‍♂️

  119. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Trump is Great!!

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  121. “Trump is Great!!“

    Biden is even better!

  122. Easy one. She's from the NYC. "Mother****er!!
