Monday, October 18, 2021

A culture of "casual bigotry" comes back to bite "Chucky".


I guess you all heard about John Gruden by now. Or Chucky as he has been affectionately known as throughout the years. He was exposed as a fraud when some of the e-mails  that he sent to another "good ole boy" disparaging blacks, women, and just about everyone else who doesn't look like they do surfaced recently. 

Folks on the right say that he was canceled. I say, on the other hand, that he was held accountable for his actions. That's how this works. The guy coaches in a league where almost 60% of the players are black, and like so many others in the billion dollar cash cow called the National Football League, he holds a reprehensible and Neanderthal world view of others.

The NFL now wants us to believe that they have looked into the some 650,000 e-mails and given them the the Captain Renault business: There is nothing to see here. Give me a break!

This article from Shalise Young is all of use right now.

"The NFL got what it needed: Sunday.

After a week in which the public started to really see what the league is, to get a glimpse of just how slimy its underbelly truly is, it needed Sunday.

Because once Sunday arrived, enough fans who may have been mildly appalled at the racism, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, exploitation, and the NFL's lead counsel doing favors for the president of at least one team, turned their attention to the games.

They may have even gotten an early start consuming the league's product, those who were masochistic enough to endure Jaguars-Dolphins from London. There were fantasy teams to follow and wagers to make, and just the seemingly insatiable desire so many have to tune in. 

Some of those people might not have been appalled at all, so they wanted Sunday to arrive so they could have their games, have their respite. There were fans last year hollering that NFL players and other athletes had to play games to entertain them during COVID lockdowns; it's highly unlikely the contents of the emails we've seen even moved them.

Reality tells us the NFL's power brokers are among them.

Individuals in the highest reaches of the country's most profitable sports league being racist isn't really news, not to anyone paying attention. This country is so accepting of anti-Black sentiment that Jon Gruden was still allowed to coach last Sunday after the report of his racist email to then-Washington executive Bruce Allen disparaging NFLPA head DeMaurice Smith's intelligence and appearance in truly 1920s fashion

It wasn't until more of Gruden's emails were made public — the ones where he circulated semi-nude photos of Washington cheerleaders, expressed disgust with the NFL hiring the first female official in its history as well as the drafting of an openly gay player, and went after commissioner Roger Goodell using an anti-gay slur for the crime of trying to protect players from traumatic brain injury — that he got to resign, once again showing the privilege of being a white man in the NFL, getting to dictate his own departure.

Then things got worse, or at least should have, for the league and its vaunted shield. On Thursday night, the New York Times published emails between Allen, the Washington Football Team president, and Jeff Pash, NFL lead counsel, in which Pash made a nominal fine handed down to Allen's team for lying on the injury report disappear, waved off the growing allegations of workplace toxicity in Washington, expressed anger over the NFL hiring a Black woman to be a league lobbyist on Capitol Hill, and yukked it up over Allen trying to cut a player's salary.

Pash, one of the most powerful people in league offices, still has a job as of this writing. The NFL has even defended Pash's interactions with Allen.

On Friday, the Associated Press published a story citing a source "familiar with the investigation" who claimed none of the other 650,000 emails under review as an extension of that deep dive into Washington's workplace culture contain the kind of bigotry expressed by Gruden and Allen.

To which we say: Bull. Crap.

Writ large, given the emails we have seen and the other things we know, there is no doubt that there are more emails showing how the league's decision makers really feel.

It is their — meaning white men of means — league, and they are loathe to let anyone who isn't into their league. Bringing even one person into the fold that isn't one of them is unacceptable. Allen groused about having to even interview non-white candidates for head coaching positions.

But Sunday came, which is all the NFL needed. Too many media outlets, some of them in bed with the league and profiting off the games, will do just what it hopes and by Sunday night won't mention the week where the league was revealed for what it truly is, will spend Monday happily rehashing highlights from Week 6 games.

Some of us are still appalled. Some of us hope whoever is slowly leaking these emails keeps going. Some of us are still angered by what's happened, the league's cowardice in continuing to protect men of ill will, disgusted that it is 2021 and in too many corners, including a league that would not be the multi-billion juggernaut that it is without the talents of Black athletes, the buffet of bigotry we saw still exists and in some ways is celebrated. 

Some of us skipped this Sunday's games." [Source]

No lies detected. 



  1. And in other news water is wet. trump has made racism the new fashion accessory of the tens. As the old folk used to say, the more things change........

  2. I pretty much stopped watching football when Biletnikoff retired.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Knowing things like this happen all the time, and not just in sports, but everywhere, makes it hard to do anything but sigh, but unfortunately, just sighing doesn't change anything. During the Mississippi flag controversy in 2000 (only took 20 years from that fight to get anything done), confederate flag lovers kept telling us that it was "just a piece of cloth" (which they clung to) and that we needed to change hearts instead of the flag. Some of them, rather naively, seemed to believe the words they spoke, and I could not discern what they thought that phrase actually meant to them. Others were being sarcastic, but I had to agree with them (because if hearts changed, the symbols would change). Some hearts may have changed since then, but mostly, they just died off to be replaced by their children who either became like their parents or didn't. The old timers and their loyal children are still trying to overthrow the constitution, the bill of rights, even the government. So far as I can tell, they have gone somewhat underground, but have not stopped trying since the coup attempt in January. They are a cancer on our country and our way of life. Never stop fighting the cancer, or America will die.

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    A Tennessee restaurant is terminating its late-night service after reports of unruly behavior by the non-tipping Negro customers

    Mid City Grill's owners cited an incident involving a gun being drawn, local reports said.

    There has also reportedly been a spike in Negro customers walking out without paying.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Vaxx Pass = Papers Please!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous commenters are such cowards.

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The following titles are misleading: Republican, Democrat, left wing, right wing, conservative, and liberal. These titles distract from the issue that matters most, which is Nationalist vs Globalist. Our collective enemy is the New World Order(global communism with no national sovereignty). Many Republicans and Democrats, “conservatives” and “liberals” are loyal to the NWO. Both Bush’s, Clinton, and Obama were loyal to the NWO and steered our country toward international socialism. Wake up. This country is rapidly losing national sovereignty and hard earned freedoms. We have become an immoral nation that murders our own babies and practices every kind of sexual immorality. We can repent and pray for revival or we will face God’s judgement and the likely destruction of the United States of America. Pray for our nation.

  9. Anonymous2:15 PM

    How does Colin Powell allegedly die of covid and he was fully vaccinated???

  10. So, Anonymous makes multiple posts or anonymous posters make one post apiece? Or anonymous posters make one or two or three or ??? posts. That's another one of the things about anonymous posters, other than their cowardice. One hardly knows if they are talking to themselves or to each other, especially when the posts have nothing to do with the subject discussed by Field.

  11. "How does Colin Powell allegedly die of covid and he was fully vaccinated???"

    His immune system was compromised from the cancer and the cancer treatments. I know a teacher who had to retire this year after successfully beating back breast cancer because her immune system wasn't up to being around all of those unvaccinated children after the chemo that saved her life.

    Whatever good attributes Colin Powell possessed were not enough to keep him from exploiting them in the service of the Republican party's push to invade Iraq based on lies and revenge fantasies.
    He lent his considerable credibility to the obvious lie of WMDs, and in doing so, caused a lot of Americans to buy the obvious bullshit, believing that he must have sound reasons for the things he said.
    Those sound reasons turned out to be the simple fact that he was a Republican.

    There are no more Colin Powells in the Republican party now, but if there were, they would be selling their credibility for pennies on the dollar in the service of the big lie du jour, that the election was stolen from Fergus.

    The Republican party is a monster manufacturing machine that takes any resources it can get from those who subscribe to it and converts them into evil, then tries to sell that evil as righteousness.

    Don't buy it. It kills you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. Anonymous4:12 PM

    “How does Colin Powell allegedly die of covid and he was fully vaccinated???"

    By having a broken immune system. Powell had a blood cancer which meant immunization didn’t work on him.

    This is one of the main reasons for forcing the unwilling to get vaccinated. Because there are people out there who effectively cannot get vaccinated. It is your moral obligation to get vaccinated to protect THEM, not just yourself, by reducing the spread of COVID.

    This is why invoking abortion rights slogans — “my body, my choice” — is bullshit. It isn’t just your body. Your actions affect others. Therefore, it is not your choice.

  13. Anonymous7:03 PM

    “Folks on the right say that he was canceled. I say, on the other hand, that he was held accountable for his actions.”

    Yeah, but it’s not his actions, is it? He’s been fired for his views, and his privately expressed speech.

    This is the crux of the cancel culture dispute. When, if ever, is it appropriate to fire people solely because they have opinions that a lot of people find repugnant. One motive for doing so is the assumption that such views may eventually translate into discriminatory and therefore illegal actions, but this is problematic because you are firing someone for something they may also never do. An even more dubious motive that people won’t admit to is that they just want revenge against people with hateful views, or are deluded enough to believe it is possible to punish someone into having better views.

    Then there’s the also problematic aspect of giving employers the right to discipline or fire people for either speech or conduct that didn’t take place in the employer’s workplace at all. Employers don’t OWN their employees and really should not have the power to control the private lives of the people who work for them. And Gruden apparently sent these emails while he was not even an NFL employee, although he was by the time they got leaked in the media.

    So, actually, there are a lot of important questions about labor rights and free speech that are easy to gloss over, because a bigot like Gruden is not a very sympathetic character.

  14. Chucky Gruden was a creepy shit even without the bigotry, etc.

  15. Anonymous 1:07:

    Sexual deviance can damage a tribe or a small town, but big cities teched out that problem 10,000 years ago. What destroys civilizations isn't nonbreeder sex; it's financial and political corruption.

    You use the words "communism" and "socialism". I do not think that those words mean what you think they mean.

  16. "Yeah, but it’s not his actions, is it? He’s been fired for his views, and his privately expressed speech."

    Nope, those are actions, and having a certified douchebag in a high profile position can harm revenue, so it was a business decision. If you want to have repugnant views, it's on you to make sure they don't interfere with your employer's ability to get filthy rich.

    From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Brian Wetjen
    Oct 18
    Today, in Target's parking lot:

    GUY: Sign this petition for Voter ID?

    ME: Do I have to show ID to sign it?

    GUY: No.

    ME: So how do you know I'm a voter?

    GUY: We verify name, address, and sig via the voter registry.

    ME: You just explained why Voter ID is not necessary.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  17. And again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. I wouldn't have taken seriously anyone who called himself Charlamagne da God until Colbert's show last night. He's got a podcast with Jon Stewart apparently. Try to catch the Colbert episode from 10/19 in which he machine-guns all his concerns but they're spot-on, from the Cowardly Donkey (the Democrats) to the need to pack SCOTUS. Good word: de-crackerfication. Lots of uses.

  19. Anonymous9:23 AM

    You should check this out

    Let’s Go Brandon: The Second Shot Heard Around the World

  20. Anonymous10:38 AM

    “Nope, those are actions, and having a certified douchebag in a high profile position can harm revenue, so it was a business decision. If you want to have repugnant views, it's on you to make sure they don't interfere with your employer's ability to get filthy rich.”

    Equally, being ostentatiously anti-racist on the football field is deeply unpopular with a lot of fans, stands to cost NFL owners money, and means Colin Kaepernick can kiss his athletic career goodbye. “Business decision.” Weirdly, the same people thrilled by Gruden’s firing aren’t usually seen taking this position.

    Greed is an explanation for why businesses may want to make particular choices, from Amazon overworking their warehouse and delivery employees to a battery manufacturer dumping toxic waste in a local river. It’s not an automatic justification for why they should be allowed to make those choices.

    Point being that left-wingers should give more thought as to whether it is truly a good idea to establish a norm that employers have a right, even a duty, to police the speech of their employees outside the workplace. This will have unintended consequences they may not like.

  21. Here's da clip about Charlamagne da god's bullet points.

  22. Howard "Don't wind me up and I still talk" Cosell got fired for basically calling a Rams kick returner a little monkey.
    Thank the flying spaghetti monster.

  23. anonymous said....
    This is why invoking abortion rights slogans — “my body, my choice” — is bullshit. It isn’t just your body. Your actions affect others. Therefore, it is not your choice.

    4:12 PM
    Not a valid analogy, anonymous. Pregnancy is not contagious; Covid 19 is.

  24. Anonymous said...
    We can repent and pray for revival or we will face God’s judgement and the likely destruction of the United States of America. Pray for our nation.

    1:07 PM
    You are either totally nuts or a Russian operative. Please go away.

  25. CW said,,,
    So, Anonymous makes multiple posts or anonymous posters make one post apiece? Or anonymous posters make one or two or three or ??? posts. That's another one of the things about anonymous posters, other than their cowardice. One hardly knows if they are talking to themselves or to each other, especially when the posts have nothing to do with the subject discussed by Field.

    3:30 PM
    Good analysis. It is my on-going hope that one day, Field will change the rules and require screen names for everyone that posts here.
    I post regularly on Political Wire and Raw Story where the individual, propaganda commenters can be identified by their chosen names; anonymous posts are not allowed. It provides for more spirited, meaningful discussion.

  26. Anonymous12:40 PM

    “Not a valid analogy, anonymous. Pregnancy is not contagious; Covid 19 is”

    I’m well aware it’s a bad analogy. That was my point. Anti-vaxxers have been chanting “my body, my choice” at their rallies, presumably to “own the libs,” and falsely suggesting that not getting vaccinated is only a personal lifestyle choice that only affects them so why can’t the government just butt out?

  27. Sorry, I missed your point. My bad!

  28. “You use the words "communism" and "socialism". I do not think that those words mean what you think they mean“


  29. Anonymous1:41 PM

    How come its always people of european descent that make bigoted remarks about darker peoples?

  30. Anon @ 10:38:
    I guess you didn't catch the "filthy rich" part...

    Pig People alert!
    A surgeon has transplanted a kidney from a genetically modified pig into the body of a brain dead human.
    This would seem to have implications for both swine and Republicans, although exactly who is getting the better end of the deal remains unclear.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Found on Susie Madrak's blog:

    Barbara Malmet
    So in Brazil, a congressional panel is about to recommend mass homicide charges against President Bolsonaro. The charge is that he intentionally let the coronavirus tear through the country. 300,000 Brazilians died from #Covid. Now do Trump.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  32. So does Roger Stone need to be worried about the strange turns in the Greenberg/Gaetz investigation?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  33. Anonymous3:38 PM

    It looks like FDA approval of COVID vaccinations for young children is imminent. Expect anti-vaxxer shitfits/tantrums to get even louder and more obnoxious.

    White House details plans to vaccinate 28 million children ages 5-11

  34. Joe Biden and senate Democrats are getting judges confirmed at an average rate of two per month so far, with a stated goal of filling all 79 vacancies by the end of this congress.
    Notable among those already confirmed are the number of them with experience as public defenders.
    I feel like this is a good strategy. If we lose control of the senate next year, we literally won't get another judge confirmed, McConnell has already said as much, and if we can't beat them on quantity, going for quality seems to make sense.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  35. Sgt. Fergus Schultz:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. Brain dead magats is a natural state. Feel sorry for the pigs that lose organs to magats.

  37. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Good analysis. It is my on-going hope that one day, Field will change the rules and require screen names for everyone that posts here.
    I post regularly on Political Wire and Raw Story where the individual, propaganda commenters can be identified by their chosen names; anonymous posts are not allowed. It provides for more spirited, meaningful discussion.

    12:39 PM

    you are only attempting to stifle free thought and speech because you fear it.

  38. One bit of encouraging news for America, Scalia and Rust Limpaw are still dead along with hundreds of thousands of misguided magats due to covid hoax.

  39. Hey PX, have you ever heard of a guitar player named Yasmin Williams?
    She has a Tiny Desk video out and she has a unique approach to the guitar that I really quite enjoy.
    It's a 23 minute video, but even if you don't have time for the whole thing, you'll be glad you watched at least some of it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good analysis. It is my on-going hope that one day, Field will change the rules and require screen names for everyone that posts here.
    I post regularly on Political Wire and Raw Story where the individual, propaganda commenters can be identified by their chosen names; anonymous posts are not allowed. It provides for more spirited, meaningful discussion.

    12:39 PM

    you are only attempting to stifle free thought and speech because you fear it.

    6:28 PM
    I think not. You logic is faulty. First, I didn't mention thought. Everyone has their own thoughts - that's a given at least for now.

    Second, the concept of free speech in a political setting involves freedom from punishment from any government entity. It does not protect one from the speech of others who disagree. Furthermore, the concept of free speech includes the concept of responsibility. It doesn't guarantee that one can go anywhere and say whatever they please without any consequences.

    Perhaps you should read the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    Third, there is no way that I would try to stifle free thought (an impossible task) or free discussion. Asking you or anyone else to chose a screen name is in no way stifling anything. If you find the people who frequent this blog too frightening, then why not choose some other blog for your comments?

  41. Anonymous11:44 PM

    It is their — meaning white men of means — league, and they are loathe to let anyone who isn't into their league. Bringing even one person into the fold that isn't one of them is unacceptable. Allen groused about having to even interview non-white candidates for head coaching positions.

    (((Allen))) isn't White.  He's Jewish.  So is (((Pash))).

  42. “Asking you or anyone else to chose a screen name is in no way stifling anything.“

    If that’s the case then Fox News is all about stifling free speech. You have to provide an email address and log in to comment. Why do conservatives hate free speech?

  43. “Hey PX, have you ever heard of a guitar player named Yasmin Williams?“

    Don’t think so. I’ll have to check her out.😃

  44. Covid-19 is the leading cause of death for U.S. law enforcement officers.

  45. Welp, he wanted to find him some voter fraud and he finally did:

    "Almost a year after Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced that he would pay for evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, someone has received their payout. Patrick sent a $25,000 check to Eric Frank, a Democratic poll worker from Chester County, Pennsylvania, who reported a 72-year-old Republican for voting twice."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  46. In a few hours we’ll see if the house votes to hold Steve Bannon in contempt. I guess there’s at least a chance he’ll be lifting weights and converting to Islam soon.

  47. So which is it, Fergus? Is your Trump National Golf Club Westchester worth $50 million like you said on your 2016 financial disclosure, $1.4 million like you told the local tax assessor, or $15 million like the tax assessor actually assessed it as being worth?
    And if you say the low number in an illegal attempt to underpay your property taxes, then you won't mind if the county just goes ahead and pays you $1.4 million to take it off of your hands, right? I mean, you have some big loans coming due and can use all of the cash you can get your tiny little hands on right about now, right?
    Or perhaps you'd rather go to jail for a while for tax fraud?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. Because Fergus' new "media platform" Truth Social isn't filtering for real email addresses, people have registered accounts under names such as Harry P'Ness at and Drew P. Wiener, and @donaldtrump.
    I guess doing anything right is out of his wheelhouse, especially if he has to pay for it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Bannon charged with contempt of Congress. I’m going to enjoy seeing him marched off to jail. And as an added bonus, the jail officials will make him take a shower for what is probably the first time ever.


  50. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Police officer Mohammed Noor has had his sentence for killing Justine Damond reduced from 12 1/2 years to 5 years on appeal, after judges ruled that Minnesota’s 3rd degree murder charge cannot be applied to intentional, targeted killing of an individual, only to extremely reckless behavior exhibiting “generalized indifference to human life” that unintentionally results in the death of another.

    This virtually guarantees that Derek Chauvin’s 3rd degree murder charge will go away, although he’d need to also successfully appeal his 2nd degree murder charge in order to see a reduction in sentence.

  51. Nine magats that voted with Dems to hold Bannon in contempt....

    Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming (January 6 committee member)
    Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
    Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
    Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
    Rep. John Katko of New York
    Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois (January 6 committee member)
    Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina
    Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
    Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

    Not a single magat sinator voted for Dems election protection bill.

  52. I guess they really hate that Steve Bannon cocksucker for poisoning the well.

  53. Liz Cheney is not a magat. Other faults but not that.

  54. Floriduh Bar pulls Gaetz' law license.

    Colombian Hippos granted personhood in US magistrate court. Next thing you know, magats will receive personhood status.

  55. Anonymous10:59 AM

    When gas is 40¢ cheaper in the hood

  56. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Gas in this Big Sur town just hit $7.59 a gallon. democratic polices causing large fuel price increases:

  57. “Gas in this Big Sur town just hit $7.59 a gallon.“

    Time to get an EV.

  58. democratic polices causing large fuel price increases:

    Fucking big lie, again. McCTurtlefuckface isn't allowing Dem policies to pass in the Sinate, as per usual.

  59. 11 members of congress ask Merrick Garland to investigate Rutherford Co, Tennessee shithole over jailing Black kids.

  60. Anonymous2:50 PM

    “Gas in this Big Sur town just hit $7.59 a gallon. democratic polices causing large fuel price increases:”

    If you spent even 30 seconds reading the article, you’d realize it’s not “democratic policies” causing this station to have crazy prices. Their prices are way, way higher than the average for the state of California.

    The article makes clear that this station is in a remote area and there isn’t another one for miles around. So the owner is being a dick and exploiting his monopoly status to charge outrageous prices.

    In short, the problem the exact opposite of out-of-control left-wingers. This is a “capitalism fail.”

  61. Anonymous3:05 PM

    “democratic polices causing large fuel price increases:

    Fucking big lie, again. McCTurtlefuckface isn't allowing Dem policies to pass in the Sinate, as per usual.”

    Gas prices have gone up for the same reason prices of everything else have gone up: bounce back from the COVID lockdowns.

    When governments initiated lockdowns, that reduced both supply of and demand for most goods. Now that the lockdowns have (mostly) ended, demand has bounced back quickly, but supply has not, resulting in shortages of goods and price hikes. Manufacturers can't quickly step up production; it takes time to turn a production line back on after you’ve shut it down.

    Also, many of the workers who left the workforce have not returned, so there’s an overall labor shortage, affecting both production and delivery of goods to market. A shortage of long-haul truckers has particularly screwed things up. Imported goods are trapped on container ships offshore because an inadequate number of truckers cannot move stuff out of the ports fast enough.

    All of these problems will undoubtedly sort themselves out eventually, but it takes time.

  62. Former Screwdy Rudy associate found guilty of campaign crimes....

  63. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Countries with a higher percentage of fully vaccinated people have higher rates of Covid-19 cases, a study by Harvard researchers claims.

    The study, titled, “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2,947 counties in the United States,” was published late last month at the National Institutes of Health website and the peer-reviewed European Journal of Epidemiology.

  64. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Time to get an EV.

    11:24 AM

    The electricity comes from fossil fuels.....

  65. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Why do conservatives hate free speech?

    12:20 AM

    You mean democrat marxists. Tell FB and Twitter to give Trump his accounts stifle him and others because you FEAR free thought and speech.

  66. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Larry Elders is Great!!!

  67. Anonymous5:58 PM

    “‘Time to get an EV.’

    11:24 AM

    The electricity comes from fossil fuels.....”

    Not for long.


  68. “The electricity comes from fossil fuels.....“

    Ok, your point is?

  69. Hydro power is a fossil fuel? Must be new magat speak.

  70. “Tell FB and Twitter to give Trump his accounts stifle him and others because you FEAR free thought and speech.“

    I can’t tell those corporations to do a damn thing. If free speech is so precious to conservatives and trump why is his own platform silencing contrary voices? Hypocrisy is thine name.😆😂


    Deplatforming trump is not about free speech.


    Free speech for me not thee. Hypocrisy much?😆

  73. Anonymous7:42 PM

    “The electricity comes from fossil fuels.....“

    Ok, your point is?”

    His point is that electric cars aren’t really green. But that won’t be true once all the coal and natural gas generators have been shut down. He is deluding himself into believing that’s not going to happen.

    Put it this way: I wouldn’t recommend investing in coal right about now.

  74. “His point is that electric cars aren’t really green.“

    I get it, one conservative friend of mine used the same argument but for one most of our energy in Illinois is nuclear and I just bring it up because people are bitching about gas prices. I get a full charge for around $5.

  75. "The electricity comes from fossil fuels....."

    Not after 2045 in California. You have to think ahead if you still want to have a livable planet in your future, and any steps we take now are steps that don't need taking down the line.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "The electricity comes from fossil fuels....."

    Not after 2045 in California.

    Commiefornicatia has declared a destination, but has no way to reach that destination.  Worse, you Commiefornicators are closing the last of your always-on emissions-free generators decades before it is necessary and have no plans to replace them with more of the same.

    You are not going to live to see the full impact of this idiocy play out, but you WILL live to see a lot more of your state burn because you kept voting the Brown crime family into office so they could make money off Indonesian oil being burned instead of uranium.

  77. “Commiefornicatia has declared a destination, but has no way to reach that destination.“

    Sure there are ways to reach that destination. There have always been energy innovations and there always will. I’ll bet Cali meets these goals before 2045. America will go full steam ahead in renewables when we start getting left behind and need a kick in the behind.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. We sure won't get there if we don't try. At least we are trying. The price of solar has cratered, and Biden just authorized offshore wind for large areas off our coast, so we do have options. We just have to do them, and if we keep the state in Democratic control, we will.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  80. Also, Diablo Canyon sits on three fault lines. Nuclear, if modern and done right, is a viable option, but I think those folks over in Fukushima probably wish there were better regulations in the construction of their plant. I grew up a mile and a half from the Humboldt Bay nuclear power plant, and while it wasn't that big of a deal, the safety protocols were not followed by the folks who worked there. Caught a lot of ocean Perch near the cooling system outlet, though.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Anonymous8:51 AM

    We sure won't get there if we don't try. At least we are trying.

    No you aren't.  You're doing a rain dance while locking in emission of the very GHGs which are producing your chronic drought.  You are practicing superstition, as if "renewable" is the magic word that will save you.  It won't.

    The price of solar has cratered

    The value of that solar is negative precisely when it is most abundant, and the production is zero when it is most needed.

    Biden just authorized offshore wind for large areas off our coast

    Just what you need:  even more unreliable electric power to pay Arizona and the BPA to take when you're in surplus, while you pay them a premium when you're in deficit.  More dependence on natural gas for "balancing".

    You probably think "batteries" are the answer.  Have you calculated how much you'd need, how much it would cost, and how much the annual replacements will cost figuring a 10-year lifespan?  I doubt that you're able to do the math.  The average Californicatia voter can't do the math either, which is why pols are able to sell you this "renewable" lie while taking natural gas lobbyist money and laughing all the way to the bank.

  82. Anonymous said...

    Gas in this Big Sur town just hit $7.59 a gallon. democratic polices causing large fuel price increases:
    11:06 AM
    OPEC is controlling gas prices, not Biden's policies. Try to keep up.

  83. Magats would feed their own kids to the wolves if they thought they might own libs doing it. Magats don't want anyone except the wealthy to suck seed. And the wealthy didn't get round mouths from eating square meals. And those happy meals came with knee pads for sucking convenience. And the world turns.

  84. Yeah, as the owner of two EV’s and concerned about the environment I’m not too broken up about higher gas prices. I think these prices should be high. Use public transportation, walk, ride a bike and think about EV/hybrids.

  85. N umber of magat run states out there deliberately not building ev charging stations to own libs, PilotX. iowa and suck duhkota to mention 2 of them.

  86. Anonymous3:07 PM

    “You probably think ‘batteries’ are the answer. Have you calculated how much you'd need, how much it would cost, and how much the annual replacements will cost figuring a 10-year lifespan?”

    While there are new battery chemistries in current development that might well fill this role, it’s not like you actually need to invent new technologies to achieve energy storage. Other options exist.

    Such as:

    Pumped-storage hydroelectricity

    It’s not like California is short of sea water, or mountains, which would both enable this solution.

    Sure, it would be expensive to build this infrastructure. But so what? Doing nothing about climate change would be spectacularly more expensive.

  87. You're living in the past and your thoughts are a wholly owned subsidiary of the fossil fuel industry.
    Renewable energy technology has advanced at such a pace that coal is more expensive to make energy with, so the market is killing coal, not the environmentalists.
    And yes we fucking are. We will accommodate the energy regulations we have passed for the future precisely because we have passed them now.
    Had we passed them forty years ago instead of electing Ronald the fuck Reagan, we would already be there.
    When we get to a fossil fuel free energy economy is a function of when we start and how politically serious we are while it's happening.
    Pretending that we can just keep burning fossil fuels forever is not a viable approach to having a country to live in, and the people who keep advocating doing that are mostly the same dumb fuckers who are trying to tear down democracy.
    Thankfully, they are mostly old and unhealthy and won't remain a problem for too much longer, which I guess is why they are advocating the degradation of the environment in the first place.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. Anonymous3:28 PM

    “Gas in this Big Sur town just hit $7.59 a gallon. democratic polices causing large fuel price increases:
    11:06 AM
    OPEC is controlling gas prices, not Biden's policies. Try to keep up.”

    As I posted further up thread, the $7.59 gas price is not the fault of OPEC, nor the fault of lefty California environmental regulations.

    That price, which is at one gas station only, is an anomaly. It’s not representative of the market price of gas in California or anywhere else. And it is the fault of the gas station owners being a greedy dickhead, and the lack of any local competition to drive his prices down and stop him from being a greedy dickhead. It’s how monopolies work.

  89. Hey Anon, my comment was aimed at gas prices across the country, not just in California. Gas prices are being affected by OPEC. President Biden admitted that on live TV this week. He said he is negotiating with Saudi Arabia to lower gas prices.

  90. “He said he is negotiating with Saudi Arabia to lower gas prices.“

    Maybe it’s time to start thinking about weaning ourselves off fossil fuels.🤷🏾‍♂️

  91. “N umber of magat run states out there deliberately not building ev charging stations to own libs”

    Yeah, but I know the free market will rectify that situation.😆

  92. “You're living in the past and your thoughts are a wholly owned subsidiary of the fossil fuel industry.”

    Or conservatives are just a childish bunch who live to own the libs no matter the situation or ramifications.

  93. Anonymous9:14 PM

    “Hey Anon, my comment was aimed at gas prices across the country, not just in California. Gas prices are being affected by OPEC. President Biden admitted that on live TV this week. He said he is negotiating with Saudi Arabia to lower gas prices.”

    Biden can also release some of the strategic oil reserve. That would have some impact on gas prices.

    But the gasoline price spike is, in any event, a short-term problem anyway. Like most of the current shortages, it’ll sort itself out eventually.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. "Or conservatives are just a childish bunch who live to own the libs no matter the situation or ramifications."

    You know, I was trained as a machinist back when I was a kid and raced motorcycles. The technology is leaving the goddamn coal rolling meatheads in the dust. Soon, the only reason to behave in ways that heavily pollute will be to own the libs.
    Like the Ford F-150, the best selling vehicle in America for the last 40 years. The newest one is electric, and by the specs it kicks the gas powered ones asses.
    That is where the future is, and you can get with it and enjoy the benefits, or you can crawl up your own ass and be miserable as the world passes you by and leaves you in the dust.
    I like things that work better. Always have. Couldn't win races on underperforming equipment, so I learned not to be too brand or format loyal. I really dug two strokes, but they are outdated, and the winners today ride four strokes. They have different strong points than the two strokes did, but if you ride them right, you can go faster. You have to adapt to keep up. The fact that the four strokes are cleaner and pollute less is beside the point to the racers, but not to the folks who breathe the air near the tracks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. Except for the ones who can't read it:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. “Soon, the only reason to behave in ways that heavily pollute will be to own the libs.“

    But that’s acceptable because nowadays we live in the trump post truth era where you can be wrong as long as you’re loud about it.

  98. Anonymous7:27 AM

    While there are new battery chemistries in current development that might well fill this role, it’s not like you actually need to invent new technologies to achieve energy storage. Other options exist.

    Such as:

    Pumped-storage hydroelectricity

    It’s not like California is short of sea water, or mountains, which would both enable this solution.

    Do you seriously want to pump seawater up into mountains and kill off all plant life downhill from the salt pollution?

    You would be better off desalinating seawater and recovering energy from the osmotic pressure difference.  The Form Energy sulfur-based flow battery is immensely better... but still isn't adequate to cover the seasonal deficits of "renewables", of which Commiefornia still doesn't have enough.

    Last, if you think you can make all your transport EV when your electricity supply is unreliable, I'll let you suffer the consequences of your stupidity and laugh myself to sleep every night.  I'll do that after passing laws to make it prohibitively expensive for you to move to where I live and bring your stupidity with you.

  99. Moar thuggish magat behavior in embarrassingly red Northern Mississippi....

    Tom Lawrence documents more crassness and Hitler Youth thuggery committed by Republican bullies at the South Dakota State Fair:

    This year, pro-Trump idiots repeatedly invaded the South Dakota Democratic Party Building. They harassed and swore at volunteers, destroyed campaign material and tried to record and harass Democrats who were simply seeking to communicate with fellow South Dakotans.

    Three men urinated on a Biden-Harris sign at the fair. This isn’t a vague report — one of the men posted a photo of it on social media!

    Were there consequences for this behavior? Not in Trump-friendly South Dakota.

    The State Fair ignored it, Democrats claim. State Fair Manager Peggy Besch told me it was merely “free speech.”

    Local law enforcement declined to make a report. And the South Dakota Republican Party did nothing, and may well have spurred the Trump deplorables on as they attacked the SDDP [Tom Lawrence, “Trump Supporters Repeatedly Harassed South Dakota Democrats at State Fair—and Nothing Was Done About It,” South Dakota Standard, 2021.10.23].

  100. Anonymous said...

    I'll do that after passing laws to make it prohibitively expensive for you to move to where I live and bring your stupidity with you.

    7:27 AM
    LOL! Who would want to live near you? If you can't or won't spell California correctly, you are obviously a fascist. Have a nice day.

  101. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wingnuts have really gotten carried away with the “freedom of speech” arguments.

    “Three men urinated on a Biden-Harris sign at the fair. This isn’t a vague report — one of the men posted a photo of it on social media!

    Were there consequences for this behavior? Not in Trump-friendly South Dakota.

    The State Fair ignored it, Democrats claim. State Fair Manager Peggy Besch told me it was merely ‘free speech.’”

    Previously, SCOTUS wingnuts decided, in Citizens United, that money=speech. Now, apparently, urine=speech.

    Hooray for civil liberties!

  102. Anonymous12:45 PM

    “Do you seriously want to pump seawater up into mountains and kill off all plant life downhill from the salt pollution?”

    Lol, this is a fantasyland objection you’ve pulled out of your ass. Salt is not radioactive waste. You’re talking about environmental effects only in the immediate surroundings of the reservoir. In the mountains, where few people live.

    Any energy solution will have some adverse environmental impacts. Pumped-storage hydro sure beats petrochemical refineries or the filth coming out of coal-burning generator smokestacks.

  103. "Do you seriously want to pump seawater up into mountains and kill off all plant life downhill from the salt pollution?"

    You don't have to pump it up into the mountains, dear, the facilities can be right next to the beach, so long as one holding reservoir is higher than the other one. Gravity works just as well at sea level, and the generated electricity can be moved from the facility through things called "wires"...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  104. “I'll do that after passing laws to make it prohibitively expensive for you to move to where I live and bring your stupidity with you.“

    You pass laws? All by yourself? Um, ok.😆😂

  105. Ectopic pregnancies can't result in live births. When the Fallopian tube bursts, you bleed to death in an hour. This is retarded. This is torture, full stop:

    Caroline Kitchener
    · Oct 23
    Last month, I heard about a TX woman with an ectopic pregnancy who was turned away by her doctor, then her ER. Ectopics must be terminated immediately or the patient can die.

    She drove 12+ hours to New Mexico.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Lol, this is a fantasyland objection you’ve pulled out of your ass. Salt is not radioactive waste.

    No it's not.  It's worse.  Know how the ancient Babylonians destroyed their farmland?  They irrigated it without draining it, and the salt buildup eventually allowed nothing to grow there.  Know the classic method of utterly destroying the works of an enemy?  You sow salt where they stood.  Know a major hazard facing coastal areas?  Seawater intrusion into the water table.

    Radioactive waste is a bogeyman.  Know how little high-level waste a US citizen would generate in a lifetime if all energy came from nuclear?  About a 12-oz soft drink can's worth, and more than half of it would have decayed away by the time s/he hit retirement age.

    You’re talking about environmental effects only in the immediate surroundings of the reservoir. In the mountains, where few people live.

    You're talking about sensitive environmental areas and everything downhill from them.

    Further, you are talking vast amounts of water, and it's in inverse proportion to the height difference.  Gravity is the weakest force in the universe.  I've seen calculations that the entire volume of Lake Erie wouldn't suffice to store enough energy to carry the USA over for very long, and where would you put another Lake Erie for an upper reservoir?  Well, we could start by drowning Cleveland, Toledo and Detroit (to the vast benefit of the USA as a whole), but then where?

    To use pumped storage, you have to have something to store.  Know why Europe is facing a natural-gas crisis this winter?  It's in no small part because the wind farms underperformed this year, so gas that should have gone into storage was burned for electricity instead.

    All of this was foreseen, and warnings were given.  Idiots chose to ignore them.  Now they're paying, literally; natural gas that was €19/MWh has gone up to €95.

  107. Anonymous6:06 PM

    “You don't have to pump it up into the mountains, dear, the facilities can be right next to the beach, so long as one holding reservoir is higher than the other one. Gravity works just as well at sea level, and the generated electricity can be moved from the facility through things called ‘wires’”

    Technically possible, but way more expensive to build that much water storage capacity on freestanding towers. We’re talking about a LOT of water here. Plus, nobody would want all those towers there. The beachfront is where people live.

    Mountains would work fine, though, and that is the way this form of energy storage is usually implemented. The idea that the mere presence of sea water in a reservoir in close proximity to wildlife is some enormous, unacceptable environmental threat — NOTHING CAN GROW! DEVASTATION FOR HUNDREDS OF MILES AROUND! — is patently silly. (On the level of silliness that the sound of windmills causes cancer, which some idiotic wingnuts also believe, by the way. I’m dead serious.)

    If the dire threat of proximity to salt water were true, nothing could live on islands. So where does Hawaiian coffee and pineapple come from? How does Dominican sugar cane exist? Where do Jamaican rastafarians grow their ganja? LOL

    To add to the absurdity, the “saltwater too risky!” argument is coming from the same clown arguing that nuke plants are just fine and Californians are foolish for closing them. So that’s the level of honesty you’re dealing with.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Anonymous6:14 PM

    “No it's not. It's worse. Know how the ancient Babylonians destroyed their farmland? They irrigated it without draining it, and the salt buildup eventually allowed nothing to grow there. Know the classic method of utterly destroying the works of an enemy? You sow salt where they stood. Know a major hazard facing coastal areas? Seawater intrusion into the water table.”

    You’re assuming what? Salt water will leak out of a reservoir and leach all the way down the mountains to where people are? Again, fantasyland. Comparing this concern to people irrigating their farms with brackish water, for generations, is also absurd.

    Thanks for playing. You’re insane.


  110. Anon@ 5:58 PM, you're deranged. Pumped storage doesn't have to do anything besides fill in for the non producing hours of solar and wind. You can put two reservoirs literally anywhere.
    It isn't the most promising energy storage solution, but there is no reason it couldn't be made to work.
    Fuck, nuclear fission can be made to work, so take your coal-rolling bullshit and stick it in your eye.

    And in fucking Texas:
    Qasim Rashid, Esq.
    Oct 23
    Here's the media story.

    Adil did everything right. He was an immigrant. A US citizen. He got his education. He worked multiple jobs to support his family.

    But because he committed the "crime" of stopping to check his GPS, an extremist murdered him. smh

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. Actually, you don't even need two reservoirs, just one, close to and at a higher elevation from the shoreline of a bay.
    Kind of like the cooling water for a nuclear plant.
    Like the one I grew up a mile and a half from.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  112. "Gravity is the weakest force in the universe."

    LOL! My guess is you're not a physics professor.

  113. Anonymous6:50 PM

    “Actually, you don't even need two reservoirs, just one, close to and at a higher elevation from the shoreline of a bay.”

    Yes, although the higher you pump it, the more energy you store, which is why mountains are good.

    It could theoretically work in areas with no mountains by using two reservoirs, with the bottom one being underground, like in an abandoned mine, and the upper one being on the surface. You pump the water up to the surface reservoir to store energy, and dump it back down to the lower reservoir, through a turbine generator, to create electricity.

    The minimum requirement is just that, wherever you are, there has to be an abundant source of water to start with.

  114. Anonymous10:46 AM

    "Gravity is the weakest force in the universe."

    LOL! My guess is you're not a physics professor.

    Much more of one than you are.

    tl;dr it isn't.  The mutual electrostatic attraction of molecules of water can overpower the gravity of an entire planet.  The strong nuclear force is many times stronger yet.

  115. The usual magat suspects named as being involved with planning Jan 6th invasion of capitol building.

    Meadows, Cawthorn, MTG, Boobalert from Colorado, Gohmerto from Texas and Alafuckingbama's Mo Brooks. All named co-conspirators.


    No new charges or settlements will result from this inquiry which is still shroud in secrecy all these years after the fact.

  117. The power is back on again after the "big storm" knocked it out last night. That storm amounted to a couple inches of rain here, so far.
    Yeah, we need some new infrastructure.
    At least the wildfire bullet is dodged again this year.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. So when a few morons in police uniforms decided they'd rather quit than get vaccinated, I thought it was a cheap and effective way of purging Q/MAGA morons from the police forces.
    Now the damn fool of a governor in Florida says he wants to hire them all.
    We should start calling Florida "The Dying People's Authoritarian State of Covidistan."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Josh Mandel wants to end public education, presumably because educated voters are too smart to vote for Republicans:

    Ahead of the debate, Mandel tweeted that the country should "shut down government schools and put schools in churches and synagogues."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. If you find any real voter fraud, it's always a goddamn Republican that did it:

    Man Who Alleged Voter Fraud Voted His Dead Wife’s Ballot

    October 25, 2021 at 12:07 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 61 Comments

    “A man who once described a ballot being cast in his dead wife’s name as ‘sickening’ and was cited by the Nevada Republican Party last November as evidence that massive voter fraud swayed the results of the 2020 presidential election has been charged by prosecutors with voter fraud,” the Nevada Independent reports.

    “According to a lawsuit filed in the Las Vegas Justice Court this month, the man, Donald Kirk Hartle, voted his deceased wife Rosemarie Hartle’s ballot.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  121. “The strong nuclear force is many times stronger yet.“

    Um ok but what is yer point? Kind of a non sequitur. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  122. “Josh Mandel wants to end public education“

    typical Republican who says he will ignore the constitution so he can curry favor with the invisible sky daddy.


  124. Civil suits about to begin in trials of Charlottesville racists.

  125. The original cowboys were Black by definition:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  126. From Nicole Belle's Twitter feed:

    Qasim Rashid, Esq.
    Black teen kills white woman as she sat in her car
    •He’s arrested, held on $1.5M bond, & rightly indicted for murder

    White man kills Moroccan man as he sat in his car
    •He’s let go, arrested 11 days later, out on bond 2 hours later

    Both murders in Texas. There are 2 Americas.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  127. And again. The wingnuts got Facebook as their tool because it grossed us all out too much to use it:

    Jamison Foser
    Oct 24
    Facebook classifies Politico as liberal, CNBC as moderate, Breitbart as conservative. If that’s your assessment of the political spectrum, you are conservative whether you admit it to yourself or not.

    And that’s Facebook in a nutshell: Conservative, whether it admits it or not.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. The Stop the Stealers who yawp about "the numbers not looking right" aren't looking at the goddamn numbers:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  129. Anonymous10:19 PM

    “‘The strong nuclear force is many times stronger yet.’

    Um ok but what is yer point? Kind of a non sequitur.”

    I’m pretty sure this is just his weird backdoor way of promoting nuclear power over renewables, and, again, taunting the “dumb California libs” for closing nuke plants.

  130. That was page one. Here's the whole thread:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. Anonymous10:43 AM

    If fully vaccinated people can get covid and spread it, why are only unvaccinated people losing their jobs????

  132. Anonymous12:37 PM

    “If fully vaccinated people can get covid and spread it, why are only unvaccinated people losing their jobs????”

    Because vaccinated people are less likely to catch and spread COVID, and if you’re refusing to participate in reducing the spread of COVID, you’re an asshole. It is now time to punish you until you stop being an asshole.

  133. Five inches of rain in the past 48 hours. A little water came up through the flooring, but other than that we seem to have done OK.
    PG&E, on the other hand, not so much. The power went out three hours in to the storm, which again, was just heavy rain.
    The Oroville reservoir gained twenty feet of depth, which was just barely enough to turn the power plant back on.
    This may have quenched this year's fire season (maybe), but we'd need this to be happening once a month or so to get out of the drought.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Dave Chapelle is a really talented and funny!!!

  135. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Everything is all right when everything is all white!!

  136. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Yeah no I
    would need proof what I mean
    by that is I would need to see how
    they did it. I'm just not going to take you're word for it
    considering first of all if black people were able to do that all this
    time than why do they keep making spears an not other diverse, variety
    of weapons besides the spear and used a cows hide an turned it into a shield
    not to mention a lot or most of them are and or were naked dancing around a fire
    in grass skirts or the other way around a lot of them or most were naked. if they were
    able to make busts, statues which they clearly didn't they wouldn't be living in huts
    eating mud cookies, mosquito burgers an having famine also they would have been
    able to built houses that are one, two, three or more stories high and a mansion to go
    along with it. lets not forget if they are an or were able to do these things they will have
    been able to build sky scrapers like you see every where in the world same goes for bridges
    like the Manhattan bridge, Golden gate bridge but you don't. has anyone ever seen and all black
    carpenters crew building a house or a mansion let alone both an all black construction crew building
    sky scraper's, bridge's, infrastructure's, water pipe line system's, power plants yeah I don't think so
    because if they were able to do all those things that I mentioned they wouldn't be complaining, grunting,
    groaning, moaning, cherry picking, nit picking and blaming their actions, failures, issues on white people
    an pulling the race card or any other card that is known, unknown to man for that matter and committing
    black on black crimes, black on white crimes, black on yellow crimes, black on brown crimes
    nationally, internationally.
