Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Movie night.


What is the name of this movie? 

Hey, it's almost Halloween.  


  1. Swamp Creature From Magat Lagoon in black and white.

  2. The funk of 40,000 years.

  3. Dumber and dumbest.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous11:02 PM


  5. Anonymous11:03 PM

    The Toxic Avenger.

  6. Pale Males and Pall Malls6:50 AM

    The Lyin'King

  7. Anti-Black Termite!

  8. So Herschel Walker has multiple personality disorder and has several "others" living in his head. Nice. He has no remembrance when one would like, put a gun to his ex wife's head and threatened to kill her. But he is such a grand magat, sinate No 2 ( a real life POS) Marlboro Barbie from South Dakota, just jumped on Walker's sinate candidacy in Georgia.

  9. Anonymous10:55 AM

    No matter what you do to your genitalia, call your self or what clothes you wear. Your CHROMOSOMES determine what sex you are. MALE or FEMALE thats it!!!!

  10. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Great American!!!

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The left = hate

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Doctor on FDA panel says only way to learn about COVID vaccine effects in children is to 'start giving it'

    Dr. Eric Rubin, who sits on the Food and Drug Administration independent advisory panel, justified recommending the Pfizer COVID vaccine for young children Tuesday by deferring to potential upsides despite unknown side effects.

  13. Anonymous12:28 PM

    District Attorney: Criminal Charges ‘On the Table’ in Alec Baldwin Shooting

    Funny how a rabid anti-gun hollyweird elite shoots and kills someone and wounds another using a firearm to make money but doesn't want others to have them.

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    “Doctor on FDA panel says only way to learn about COVID vaccine effects in children is to 'start giving it’”

    This is clearly not a valid interpretation of his words. The vaccine was tested extensively in a clinical study before the FDA approved it for general consumption. So you are lying again.

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    “Funny how a rabid anti-gun hollyweird elite shoots and kills someone and wounds another using a firearm to make money but doesn't want others to have them.”

    Funny how you are pretending not to know what a prop gun is. Or maybe you don’t know what a movie is?

    In any event, gun safety was the responsibility of the armorer on that movie set, not Baldwin. As an actor (have you heard of those, or also no?) just points the prop gun where the director tells him to.

  16. mike from iowa said:
    So Herschel Walker has multiple personality disorder and has several "others" living in his head. Nice. He has no remembrance when one would like, put a gun to his ex wife's head and threatened to kill her. But he is such a grand magat, sinate No 2 ( a real life POS) Marlboro Barbie from South Dakota, just jumped on Walker's sinate candidacy in Georgia.

    *smh* Mike, did you really go here? I don't dig the dude's politics, but don't use his mental health issues as a baseball bat. And it's called dissociative identity disorder, not m.p.d now. Yes, it's a real thing, and no, I don't know everything about it but I'm pretty sure I know more about it than you do, as I've been studying it on an amateur basis for over 30 years. Btw, I am not a DID patient, either.

    People, kindly refrain from word-slapping folks who have mental-health issues, regardless of their politics. It just makes you all look like dicks.

  17. Knight of the living dead,


  18. People, kindly refrain from word-slapping folks who have mental-health issues, regardless of their politics. It just makes you all look like dicks.

    Like the job magats have done on Joe Biden, ferinstance? MPD people should not be anywhere close to power, even though all Walker's "other selves" are likely smarter than drumpf.

    I'd clean up my own house, if I were you, before I'd start worrying about some others. Being nice has never gotten libs a damn thing from godless commie magats.

  19. "Funny how a rabid anti-gun hollyweird elite shoots and kills someone and wounds another using a firearm to make money but doesn't want others to have them."

    That's a fairly good argument for banning all firearms. Not my position on the issue, but OK, sure.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  20. Anonymous said...

    "No matter what you do to your genitalia, call your self or what clothes you wear. Your CHROMOSOMES determine what sex you are. MALE or FEMALE thats it!!!!"

    10:55 AM
    Since you are so smart, please explain why some men have an extra Y chromosme and some women have an X and a Y instead of two Xes?
    Please proceed; I know you must be an expert in genetics.

  21. Anonymous3:42 PM

    "'Funny how a rabid anti-gun hollyweird elite shoots and kills someone and wounds another using a firearm to make money but doesn't want others to have them.'

    That's a fairly good argument for banning all firearms. Not my position on the issue, but OK, sure."

    I'm reasonably certain that isn't Baldwin's position on guns, either, and anyway, I'm not sure how his position on regulations for civilians owning guns for recreation or self-defense would be relevant to movies using guns as props. Those would appear to be entirely unrelated issues, with completely different risks involved in each situation.

    Honestly, the wingnuts' argument seems much dumber than that, though. Their point seems to be: "Smug Alec Baldwin has criticized us dumb rednecks for mishandling guns and shooting ourselves in the dick, but then he mishandled a gun and shot someone else. Hahaha! Irony!"

    All of which dishonestly ignores the fact that Baldwin didn't mishandle a gun. The armorer did. She was in charge of the prop firearms on set. It was her job to load the gun with blanks and verify that it was safe, not Baldwin's. He is a victim here, albeit nowhere near as great a victim as the dead cinematographer.

    This is not a great look for the people making these statements. If you're taunting Alec Baldwin over this, you're basically announcing to the world that you are the vilest sort of scumbag.

  22. "People, kindly refrain from word-slapping folks who have mental-health issues, regardless of their politics"

    OK, how about this: Herschel Walker is a troubled, incompetent douchebag who has no more business being a United States Senator than he has being a fucking brain surgeon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  23. So it turns out that the judge in the Rittenhouse case, when he ruled that the prosecution couldn't refer to the folks Kyle shot to death as "victims" was actually preventing a possible conviction from being overturned on appeal.
    Sometimes you have to know what you are doing to get anything done.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. stephen leger5:33 PM

    Bannon staring in "Knight of the living dead."

  25. Bannon Starring in "Creature from the Koch lagoon."

  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyOp4-WcrLY

    Unarmed Black Atlanta man snot 76 times by law enforcement in 2016, now his murderers have finally been charged with murder.

  27. For some good laughs, this link provides the clearest
    insight to the Senate's Number 2 ranking magat, Marlboro Barbie of South Dakota. 6 years in congress and on his second term as sinator and has no legislation to show for his photo ops.


    He got pranked into signing onto bill to tax cow farts, written as a joke by lobbyists and he took it seriously. That is his major moment in swilling at the government trough.

  28. Why climate action has taken so long. You know the usual magat suspects.


  29. “Herschel Walker is a troubled, incompetent douchebag who has no more business being a United States Senator than he has being a fucking brain surgeon.“

    Which makes him perfect for the US Senate. He can caucus with the senator from the great state of Alabama which decided they would rather have an ex-flooseball coach than a law school educated former prosecutor who jailed the a-holes who killed the 4 little girls in Birmingham. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  30. The real slogan of the R party is MAAM:
    Make America Absolutely Mediocre!
    That's why we can't have nice things.

  31. Caption
    The Return of the Lord of the Flies

  32. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Since you are so smart, please explain why some men have an extra Y chromosme and some women have an X and a Y instead of two Xes?

    I'm not that anon, but genes sometimes mess up.  Androgen insensitivity syndrome IS a thing, and it doesn't produce a real woman; it produces a female-presenting eunuch with half a vagina and neither uterus nor ovaries.  It's a defect and must be recognized as such.

  33. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Larry Elders is GREAT!!

  34. Anonymous10:01 AM

    The left is batshit.......

  35. Anonymous12:07 PM

    With 99.7% of adults in the Irish county of Waterford having received the COVID shots, they have the highest per-capita case rate of COVID anywhere in the country. Are they now going to suggest it's the fault of the 0.3%?

  36. https://www.theroot.com/letitia-james-will-announce-run-for-ny-governor-source-1847956525

  37. “With 99.7% of adults in the Irish county of Waterford having received the COVID shots, they have the highest per-capita case rate of COVID anywhere in the country.“

    So you post a spectacular claim without any link? C’mon son!

  38. Link of which you speak, PilotX, comes from the Blaze and I wouldn't waste my time or yours bothering to read it.

  39. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Alec Baldwin Shooting Happened Because He Is Anti-Gun


  40. “Link of which you speak, PilotX, comes from the Blaze and I wouldn't waste my time or yours bothering to read it.“

    So now not only are they too cowardly to come up with a name their bitchassedness extends to them not posting source material? Just wow.

  41. PS if you ever come across a Forbes Breaking News video on youtube, run away like your life depends on it. Forbes is a mixture of dead Breitbart, O' Keefe and Fake Noize all rolled into one shit storm of falsehoods. imho

  42. Dr. Frankenstein envisions "Son of Frankenstein."

  43. The judge had to cut Richard Spencer off three times in his opening statement at the civil trial of the Unite the Right assholes.
    Not a good sign for him.
    He's representing himself at the trial, always a bone-headed move, in the hopes that if he claims not to be able to afford counsel, he can claim not to be able to afford the monetary judgement he's likely to get.
    It doesn't work that way.
    The whole idea of the civil suit is to bankrupt the goddamn morons and stop them from being able to organize under the same logo that they started all of the shit in Charlottesville under.
    Sounds a bit far fetched, but it worked with Aryan Nations.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  44. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Speaking of Nazis having a bad day in court …

    Neo-Nazi duo handed nine-year US prison terms over apparent attack plot

    Among their other brilliant ideas, they wanted to break their hero, Dylann Roof, out of prison.

  45. Anonymous10:22 PM

    “With 99.7% of adults in the Irish county of Waterford having received the COVID shots, they have the highest per-capita case rate of COVID anywhere in the country. Are they now going to suggest it's the fault of the 0.3%?”

    Hmmm. This might be a clue: “With 99.7% OF ADULTS in the Irish county of Waterford having received the COVID shots …”

    Zero percent of young children are vaccinated, so naturally, COVID is now rampant among schoolkids in Ireland.

    Reading is fundamental.

  46. “PS if you ever come across a Forbes Breaking News video on youtube, run away like your life depends on it.”

    They have been sending me a bunch of videos. The comment section is hilarious.

  47. “He's representing himself at the trial, always a bone-headed move“

    I mean he IS a member of the master race so he should be smart enough to defend himself.🤷🏾‍♂️

    1. They should appoint a Blah lawyer to represent him. I know he’d love that.

  48. Assault a police officer, get home arrest and face “up to” 15 years. Maaaaaaan and folks say there’s no privilege. 🙄

  49. "Among their other brilliant ideas, they wanted to break their hero, Dylann Roof, out of prison."

    Speaking of... You know how the white supremacists all love the number 88, because h is the eighth letter of the alphabet and hh stands for heil Hitler? And how Dylann was wearing a shirt with 88 on it when he massacred those parishioners?
    Well, the DoJ has just settled with the families of the murder victims for, wait for it, eighty eight million dollars.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. https://bipartisanreport.com/2021/10/28/trump-rioter-caught-facing-15-years-in-jail-for-assaulting-cops/?fbclid=IwAR3XMIEAF_WgbR-hT2Geog1hf208i0phpXrGRWVMgPmoa3PjSnOGuKMgGEs

  51. How does the left=hate? Has this troll been paying attention to what is happening in America?
    The far-right is now openly advocating killing their ops.

  52. Chokelahoma executed another black man last night using unapproved drugs again, which led to the prisoner puking and convulsing long before death, which is wat got death penalty halted for 6 years.


    Next up is another black man who might likely be innocent, as per usual.

  53. Leonard Pitts by way of Sheila Kennedy's blog. Out of the park bigly...


  54. Anonymous said...

    "I'm not that anon, but genes sometimes mess up. Androgen insensitivity syndrome IS a thing, and it doesn't produce a real woman; it produces a female-presenting eunuch with half a vagina and neither uterus nor ovaries. It's a defect and must be recognized as such.:

    6:07 AM
    Thanks for you info. I was already aware of these facts that you have posted. I was asking the other Anonymous the question to see if he/he had any idea of what he/she was speaking of.

    Trying to exchange ideas with multiple people who post a Anonymous makes it difficult to get the message to the right person. This is why PilotX and I keep complaining about it.

  55. Anonymous12:22 PM

    “Chokelahoma executed another black man last night using unapproved drugs again, which led to the prisoner puking and convulsing long before death, which is wat got death penalty halted for 6 years.”

    Death penalty opponents pursued a strategy of pressuring pharma companies to deny red-state governments access to traditional execution drugs. They figured this would stop the executions.

    It didn’t. Wingnuts will carry out executions with whatever chemicals are at hand. Drano? Battery acid? If it gets the job done, they’ll go for it. That whole “cruel and unusual punishments” bit of the Constitution went right over their heads.

  56. "Trying to exchange ideas with multiple people who post a Anonymous makes it difficult to get the message to the right person."

    Done intentionally to "own the libs". Pretty immature but what else do we expect.

  57. Attention, Antivaxxers:

    Two more well known antivaxxers have died from Covid. They are PaulKendall, a Republican who ran in several different elections in Alaska. The other is Dianna Rathburner.

    Good luck to all you Antivaxxers.

  58. Two more anti maskers/antivaxxers made the news this morning. One is dead, the other extremely critical.


  59. https://www.rawstory.com/joe-arpaio/

    Ar Pie Hole has left Arizona taxpayers on the hook for over a hunnert million bucks in judgements and legal fees, so far.

  60. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Today, the FDA officially approved Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for ages 5-11.

  61. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Nightmare on skid row.

  62. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Bannon in "The coup cucks clan."

  63. PilotX 1:11 PM

    I time-stamp when I refer to the Nameless Ones. Thus:

    Anonymous 12:07 PM fails to account for unvaccinated children.

    To manifest upon our plane, the Nameless Ones need neither identity nor integrity, but they do need spacetime coordinates.

  64. Anon @ 1:20 PM Good one!

  65. Hey Lincoln Project: Could you please not do us any more favors?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  66. Anonymous3:04 PM

    “Hey Lincoln Project: Could you please not do us any more favors?”

    I assume you are talking about this:

    The Lincoln Project sent a group posing as white supremacists with tiki torches to a GOP campaign event in Virginia ahead of the state's gubernatorial election

    No doubt the Youngkin campaign and wingnut media will blame this boneheaded stunt on the Democrats, even though they had nothing to do with it.

  67. I posted a similar story, twice, about a Biden lawsuit and both posts have magically disappeared. Hmmmnnnn!

  68. Texass guv A-Butt is selling campaign donors "Let's Go, Brandon! christmas wrapping paper for contributions to keep him swilling at the gubmint teat and looking like a bigger moron than drumpf.


  69. No infraction is too small when the towns can extort exhorbitant fines for minor traffic violations.


  70. Anonymous10:33 PM

    “Texass guv A-Butt is selling campaign donors ‘Let's Go, Brandon!’ christmas wrapping paper for contributions to keep him swilling at the gubmint teat and looking like a bigger moron than drumpf.”

    That “Let’s Go Brandon!” is what passes for funny in wingnut circles is conclusive proof that they are terminally humor-impaired.

    First-graders manage to make more sophisticated fart jokes.

  71. Let’s get branded; and brands are for cattle.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Democratic state congressman in Kansas arrested and charged with domestic violence.

    See, we told you both sides do it. Shut up, magats.

  75. Anonymous11:19 AM

    ‘Oh Hell No’: Ice Cube Reportedly Walks Away from $9 Million Movie Project Due to Its Vaccine Mandate:


  76. Anonymous11:20 AM

    CHICAGO Final October 2021 Totals (vs 2020)
    Shot & Killed: 58 (-6%)
    Shot & Wounded: 302 (+2%)
    Total Shot: 360 (0%)
    Total Homicides: 63 (-10%)

  77. Anonymous1:49 PM


  78. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Classic with tremendous foreshadowing:


  79. Anonymous said...


    1:49 PM
    Who or what the f--k is Brandon?

  80. Anonymous3:23 PM

    “Who or what the f--k is Brandon?”

    'Let's go Brandon,' explained

  81. "Let’s get branded; and brands are for cattle."

    Brands are barbaric. I had a neighbor when I was a kid who used cold brands instead of hot ones. Get the iron cold enough, and the hair grows in white beneath the place the iron contacted.
    We didn't bother with branding, but we didn't have that many cattle.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. “Oh Hell No’: Ice Cube Reportedly Walks Away from $9 Million Movie Project Due to Its Vaccine Mandate“

    When you’re rich you can do that. I’ll take over.😆

  83. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Vaccine mandate whiners are “all bark, no bite.” It pisses me off that wingnut politicians keep catering to the irrational beliefs of a minority of morons. The pandemic could effectively be over tomorrow (in the US, at least) if we just forced everyone to get vaccinated and ignored their pointless shrieking about “tyranny.”

    From Tristan Snell on Twitter:

    “BREAKING - After threats that 10,000 NYPD officers could quit the force over the NYC vaccine mandate, the actual number going on unpaid leave today was 34.”

  84. Gotta watch yer mouth.🤷🏾‍♂️


  85. “The pandemic could effectively be over tomorrow (in the US, at least) if we just forced everyone to get vaccinated and ignored their pointless shrieking about “tyranny.”

    Yeah but then they couldn’t blame it on Biden.

  86. Anonymous8:22 PM

    The "vaccine" neither prevents anyone from getting COVID nor prevents them from getting sick from it.  The "vaccine" is associated with deadly side-effects like myocarditis:


    There's a huge variation in adverse reactions between different vaccine lots:


    "Among the most prominent examples include the Ivermectin areas of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa where cases dropped 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%, respectively. By contrast, Tamil Nadu opted out of Ivermectin. As a result, their cases skyrocketed and rose to the highest in India. Tamil Nadu deaths increased ten-fold."


    The biggest epidemiological study in the world has proven that ivermectin works against coronaviruses and has almost no risk of adverse reactions.

  87. “The biggest epidemiological study in the world“

    Really? Is this true?

  88. Anonymous10:14 PM

    “Really? Is this true?”

    No, it’s the usual crap. The ivermectin studies have been comprehensively debunked.

    Conspiracy theory morons don’t care.

  89. PilotX said...

    "Really? Is this true?"
    Hey Pilot,
    So I took a look at the article quoted by anon,at 8:22 PM. Perhaps my eye sight is really failing, but I could not find any reference as to the details of the "biggest epidemiological study in the world." Couldn't discover who conducted the study nor any details on the methodology.

    So my conclusion is, the article doesn't provide enough information to determine the answer to your question. Therefore I'm inclined to suspect it may be false.

  90. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19

  91. “Couldn't discover who conducted the study nor any details on the methodology.”

    Yeah, for the “largest” study there isn’t much info on it. I fear for the future when grown ass people believe such nonsense. This may not end well.

  92. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Really? Is this true?

    Yes, it's true.  When you can knock down the infection rate by up to 97% (with a drug that has no harmful side effects at the effective dose, no less!) in populations of hundreds of millions, you've proved the claim beyond reasonable doubt.

    When the government of the country affected charges its own-citizen authority with an offense meriting capital punishment for misleading citizens and governments about the effectiveness of such therapy, you know it's doubly true.

  93. "Yes, it's true"

    Didn't ask about the efficacy or whether or not someone was accused of misdeeds, I asked about this being "the biggest epidemiological study in the world" and so far you have shown no evidence of this. Thanks for giving the evidence.

  94. I guess it must just be a profound dissatisfaction with their own real lives that make Republicans such soft targets for any offer to withdraw into a fantasy existence.
    Or something.
    But boy howdy, they sure seem to have wholesale rejected objective reality wherever they happened to focus their attention.
    It's almost tempting to just make up some bullshit grift and fleece them for everything they've got, but who would want to live like that?
    Republicans, that's who.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Anonymous said...

    Really? Is this true?

    "Yes, it's true. When you can knock down the infection rate by up to 97% (with a drug that has no harmful side effects at the effective dose, no less!) in populations of hundreds of millions, you've proved the claim beyond reasonable doubt."

    11:28 PM
    Hey Anonymous, post a reliable source please.

  96. Quack-anons are gathering outside Dallas because they believe JFK will reveal himself to be alive. The dumbfuck runs deep in magat land.

  97. New report finds cops killed 400+ ....

    https://www.alternet.org/2021/11/cop-traffic-stop/New report finds cops killed 400+

  98. The dumbfuck runs deep in magat land.

    10:53 AM
    Hey Mike,
    Magas are mentally ill. Remember P.T Barnum's famous words, "There's a sucker born every minute". Magas are doing their best to prove they are suckers.

  99. Anonymous1:07 PM

    This one is a little updated...

    Two Different Versions ...
    Two Different Morals


    The ant works
    hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies
    for the winter.

    The grasshopper
    thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

    Come winter, the ant is warm
    and well fed.

    The grasshopper has
    no food or shelter, so he
    dies out in the cold.


    Be responsible for yourself!


    The ant works hard
    in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house
    and laying up supplies for the winter.

    The grasshopper thinks the ant
    is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

    Come winter, the shivering grasshopper
    calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be
    allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.

    and ABC show up to
    provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper
    next to a video of the ant
    in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
    America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

    How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper
    is allowed to suffer so?

    Kermit the Frog appears
    on Oprah
    with the grasshopper
    and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green'

    Occupy the Anthill stages
    a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the
    Black Lives Matter group singing, We shall overcome.

    Then Reverend Al Sharpton
    has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper
    while he damns the ants. He later appears on MSNBC to complain that rich people
    do not care.

    Former President Obama condemns the ant
    and blames
    Donald Trump, President Bush 43, President Bush 41, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the
    for the grasshopper's

    Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer
    exclaim in an interview on The View
    that the ant has
    gotten rich off the back of the
    grasshopper ,
    and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

    Finally, the EEOC drafts
    the Economic Equity &
    Anti-Grasshopper Act
    retroactive to the beginning of
    the summer.

    The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number
    of green bugs and,
    having; nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the
    Government Green Czar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and given to the grasshopper.

    The story ends as we see the grasshopper
    and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in,
    which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house,
    crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.

    The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

    The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken
    over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood.

    The entire Nation collapses
    bringing the rest
    of the free world with it.

  100. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Flight attendant who was punched had accidentally bumped negro passenger:


  101. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Black Wildebeest Mayor Tishaura Jones (D) speaking about the street violence in St Louis is interrupted with multiple gunshots:


  102. Anonymous1:57 PM

    James Clyburn is heading up a congressional investigation into America’s Frontline Con Artists and their efforts to profit off of worthless ivermectin treatments for COVID.

  103. Ants and Grasshoppers do not eat the same foods.

    Ants partake of wounded or dead grasshoppers.

    Any ant with a surplus is preemptively invaded by jackbooted magats and has its property taken and given to jackbooted koch bro ants. Both ants and grasshoppers are told to leave America if they don't like the transfer of all things koch bro to koch bro.

    magats declare drumpf all ants and grasshopper votes went to drumpf, including everyone else's vote. drumpf declared winner by the greatest election steal of all times and promptly blames it on Obama.

    The once great USA disappears with a breathless whisper drumpf sucks donkey dicks alongside his favorite grope toy.

  104. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Ice Cube Exits ‘Oh Hell No’ Comedy After Turning Down Covid-19 Vaccine
    Rapper-actor was cast to star alongside Jack Black (and make $9 million) for role in Hawaii-set film


  105. Anonymous4:33 PM

    It's strange how some people can say "No human is illegal" in one breath, and then repeatedly use dehumanizing language like "MAGAT".

    They don't even have the moral decency to be embarrassed.

  106. Anonymous6:49 PM

    "It's strange how some people can say 'No human is illegal' in one breath, and then repeatedly use dehumanizing language like 'MAGAT'."

    Yeah, weird how liberals think it's a good idea to decrease prejudice against people who simply want to move to America to find good jobs, and yet are mean to racists who don't care about having a properly functioning government and don't believe in science.

    I wonder what the difference between those two groups might be? It's a total mystery.

  107. It's almost like we actually use our judgement before we say shit...

    ...And the tooth fairy left them ivermectin:

    QAnon Backers Gather for Announcement From JFK Jr.

    November 2, 2021 at 3:24 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 232 Comments

    QAnon supporters are gathering for an event in Texas at which they falsely believe John F. Kennedy, Jr. will reveal he is not dead and announce a 2024 presidential run with Donald Trump, the Independent reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. Anonymous9:00 PM

    “QAnon supporters are gathering for an event in Texas at which they falsely believe John F. Kennedy, Jr. will reveal he is not dead and announce a 2024 presidential run with Donald Trump, the Independent reports.”

    WTF? Why would they even want this? Wouldn’t JFK Junior be one of the “globalist metropolitan lefties” they hate? And why would zombie JFK Junior ever consent to run for office alongside Trump?

    Somehow, the QAnon cult have managed to make even less sense than they already did.

  109. Still no link to the “largest study” proving the effectiveness of Invermectin? No?

  110. Oh my gods!!!!! Ice Cube is not starring in a comedy with Jack Black?????? What will we ever do? I hope too many people don’t end it all over this but I bet everyone will remember where they were when they heard this news.😳

  111. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Minneapolis voters gave the middle finger to the “Defund the Police” referendum.

    Maybe it’s time to retire that approach to police reform.

  112. “Minneapolis voters gave the middle finger to the “Defund the Police” referendum.“

    Not exactly “defund” but reform. Oh well, if they want to continue to dole out tax money to pay victims of police misconduct that’s on them.🤷🏾‍♂️

  113. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "Not exactly 'defund' but reform. Oh well, if they want to continue to dole out tax money to pay victims of police misconduct that’s on them."

    Well, no, it was a "defund" proposal, going by the definitions of its promoters. People who promote "defunding" the police are saying that they want to reduce the budget of actual policing and put the budgetary savings into other governmental services that they believe will reduce crime in other, less confrontational ways. Such as mental health services or those "violence defuser" groups like CeaseFire in Chicago.

    The first problem with this is that voters are unwilling to gamble on taking money away from the police, with the mere hope that the alternatives will work better, because what if they don't and crime rates explode instead? The only way you're going to sell this is to fund those alternative programs IN ADDITION TO the police, and if they really do succeed in reducing crime, then maybe you can politically justify cutting police budgets.

    The second problem is that "Defund the Police" sounds like it means the same thing as "Abolish the Police," which is an idiotic idea. So the slogan itself just gives ammunition to Republicans to destroy the Democrats with.

  114. “The second problem is that "Defund the Police" sounds like it means the same thing as "Abolish the Police," which is an idiotic idea. So the slogan itself just gives ammunition to Republicans to destroy the Democrats with.“

    Doesn’t matter what you call it and whether or not it’s successful Republicans will oppose any and everything Democrats support. Democrats allow Republicans to frame every debate and spray their stink on everything so why should that even be a concern? All one has to do is imagine what an 11 year old boy would do and say to get his way and that is exactly what the GOP will say and do. You would think Democrats would know this by now but yet here we are.

  115. “Well, no, it was a "defund" proposal, going by the definitions of its promoters.“

    Reform would invariably mean reallocation of funds so that is a no-brainer. I don’t mind that because many of these cops stand by and let things occur whenever their feelings get hurt so I’m left to defend myself. Why should I pay these crybabies to do nothing? I say defund the fuck out of them until they reliably and effectively do their jobs. The rest of us don’t get to throw temper tantrums and refuse to do our jobs whenever somebody says mean things but somehow these folks are different? Nope!

  116. Newark PD reformed itself and the results seem pretty positive. This may be the wave of the future as they didn’t have to pay out any money to harassment victims.


  117. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "Reform would invariably mean reallocation of funds so that is a no-brainer."

    Not necessarily reallocation of funds out of the police department.

    It's certainly possible to spend more on recruiting and training police officers, and on ways of holding them accountable, or to change up the types of crimes they are prioritizing, without reducing total number of officers. You might even need to increase the police budget to accomplish that.

  118. Anonymous1:19 AM

    "Newark PD reformed itself and the results seem pretty positive. This may be the wave of the future as they didn’t have to pay out any money to harassment victims."

    I think Newark has reformed under a standard federal consent decree (i.e., a federal judge appoints some overseer to take over the joint and clean out the dirty cops and force them to adopt responsible operating procedures).

    As far as I am aware, this wasn't any kind of "defunding" effort.

  119. "I think Newark has reformed under a standard federal consent decree (i.e., a federal judge appoints some overseer to take over the joint and clean out the dirty cops and force them to adopt responsible operating procedures)."

    They did that in Oakland after the "Riders" case, and OPD outlasted it.
    Judge Thelton Henderson oversaw the mandated reforms, and repeatedly threatened to throw the department into receivership if they didn't get with the goddamn program.
    They would promise in court to do better, and end up back in there after more corrupt bullshit, wash, rinse, repeat, until judge Henderson fucking retired, and they are now seemingly worse than ever.
    Something fundamental has to change if we are ever going to get functional, honest policing in this country, and the fact that getting it seems to hinge on the name people call it is not encouraging.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Anonymous3:01 AM

    "Something fundamental has to change if we are ever going to get functional, honest policing in this country, and the fact that getting it seems to hinge on the name people call it is not encouraging."

    Sadly, that is the level that lots of "low-information" voters operate on. They're not paying real close attention to politics, so if your policy is badly named, the chances of passing it are slim.

    Maybe activists could have gone with "Shrink The Police" to make it less easy for Republicans to demonize?

    Even then, some especially nervy GOP politicians would probably have tried to convince voters the Democrat plan was to hire dwarf police officers. :-D

  121. Anonymous3:41 AM

    weird how liberals think it's a good idea to decrease prejudice against people who simply want to move to America to find good jobs

    Weird how "liberals" can't understand the difference between people who want good jobs, and people who create good jobs.

    Weird.  Why don't "good jobs" exist where these "people" (using the term loosely) come from?  Why can't liberals understand what is wrong with them?  Because it is wrong with them, not anyone else.

    and yet are mean to racists who don't care about having a properly functioning government and don't believe in science.

    It's because idiots who cannot understand what it takes to produce "a properly functioning government", and that those who do not have it do not deserve one, do not have any business giving away such a government to the undeserving in favor of those who have made one.

    You have no such right at all.  The deserving have every right to remove you from their society, By Any Means Necessary.

  122. Anonymous4:00 AM

    “ Weird. Why don't ‘good jobs’ exist where these ‘people’ (using the term loosely) come from? Why can't liberals understand what is wrong with them? Because it is wrong with them, not anyone else.”

    Ah yes, the only reason poor countries are poor must be that the people living in them are inferior beings. No other possible explanation could exist.

    Strange, then, that generations of poor, jobless Irish flooded into the US for decades. But then they violently expelled their British conquerers, and miraculously, Ireland then stopped being poor! In an amazing coincidence, they must have evolved into non-inferior humans over exactly the same period they were no longer occupied by the British. Obviously, that has to be it.

  123. “Defund” sounds like too much, “reform” like too little. How about “reboot” the police? That sounds like both power-cycling, and kicking them in the ass.

  124. Anymagatmoose.... Its weird why you are still in this country when Putin's Russia fits your idea of functional gubmint to a T.

    Libs know the difference between actual rain and drumpfuck pissing non our heads and calling it rain. You, in your delightsome ignorance cannot tell the difference.

    Go home. Putey's got a spot in Siberia with yer name on it. You'll be happy there and we will be happier here without yer sorry drumpf whinings.

  125. Anonymous10:59 AM

    “‘Defund’ sounds like too much, ‘reform’ like too little. How about ‘reboot’ the police? That sounds like both power-cycling, and kicking them in the ass”

    “Reboot” sounds more like one of those proposals — almost as radical as cutting police budgets — to fire an entire police department and replace it from the ground up with brand-new personnel.

  126. The Hyde County sheriff who helped South Dakota AG not locate the pedestrian Ravnsborg killed, died himself recently.

    The sheriff and Ravnsborg both ignored a shining flashlight by the side of the road next to the deceased in their initial investigation. Body was found next morning at the end of a long blood trail where the body had been drug by the vehicle.

    A pair of eyeglasses were found on the seat next to Ravnsborg which quietly debunked the lie the driver hit a deer.

  127. Horse worms:

    Brian Hughes
    Study claiming that #ivermectin can treat #covid retracted after authors say they analysed the wrong data.

    "We realised that a file that was used to train a research assistant was [analysed] by mistake."

    Original paper was reported by 90 news outlets.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Trump is Great!!

  129. Yup, Trump is great at being a lying, ignorant, selfish fool.

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