Sunday, October 10, 2021

"Catastrophic failure" in Rutherford County, Tennessee.

For those of you wondering why it's important to teach critical race theory in higher institutions of learning (notice I wrote in higher institutions of learning), please read this article about what has been taking place in the state of Tennessee with mostly poor juveniles  of color.

It's mind-boggling and scary that this could be happening in our country. And yet, given what has been taking place over the past few years, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. For instance, if someone had told me 20 years ago that America is ripe for a coup, and that one was almost carried out, I would have told them that they're crazy. 

But sadly, here we are. And things that seemed crazy in the past, have us all afraid for our future.  

*Image from MSNBC


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Black people showing just how wonderful they are:


    What word starts with N, ends with R and is the worst thing you can call a black person?


  2. worldstar is an extreme left site which shows much Black violence and is not a good info provider, FWIW.

  3. Man, nazis training for civil war, Republicans preparing to steal elections, outright racist language from a former and possible future president. If you’re not ready you’d better get ready because things are about to get ugly.

  4. “worldstar is an extreme left site which shows much Black violence and is not a good info provider, FWIW.“

    Save it Mike, those types aren’t too bright.😆

  5. PilotX said...
    "Man, nazis training for civil war, Republicans preparing to steal elections, outright racist language from a former and possible future president. If you’re not ready you’d better get ready because things are about to get ugly."

    10:46 PM
    Time to make sure we have weapons and ammo. And make sure to keep our powder dry. These Nazi bastards will not quit until we whip them again.

  6. From The Independent:
    "Trump asked director of national intelligence to probe whether Chinese thermostats changed votes, book claims"

    One-term president ‘intrigued’ by conspiracy theory

    Graeme Massie
    Los Angeles
    9 hours ago
    For once, I'm speechless.

  7. Thermostats and microwaves and Italian military satellites. This is why the degradation of the acceptance of objective reality isn't silly, it is dangerous, and why the bilge spewing into the brains of the Pig People through messaging apps is a bigger deal than it seems.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Our corporate masters got what they wanted, a compliant, naive and easily manipulated consumer. They also got a badly educated and plug-ignorant one that could topple what little democracy we had so far scraped together.

    Is this Tennessee scenario the kind of insanity we get when rampant racism meets judges elected by popular vote?


    WOW!, just WOW!

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    A few hundred black kids get abused by a system in a backwater somewhere, and you're all "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!"

    Millions of White children are systematically abused with guilt-tripping over "colonialism", "systemic racism", "implicit bias" and a whole host of other things THAT DO NOT EXIST....


  11. Anonymous said.....
    "Millions of White children are systematically abused with guilt-tripping over "colonialism", "systemic racism", "implicit bias" and a whole host of other things THAT DO NOT EXIST...."

    10:44 AM
    This is the funniest example of "What about ism" I have ever heard or seen. My, what mental gymnastics did you have to put you mind through to come up with this nonsense?

  12. Bookend the Tennessee story with this one:

    Have a nice day, America!

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Fuck Joe Biden!!

  14. Millions of White children are systematically abused with guilt-tripping over "colonialism", "systemic racism", "implicit bias" and a whole host of other things THAT DO NOT EXIST.

    Magats know all this they just can't prove any of it. Typical magat bullshit.

  15. anotherbozo, Sincinatti paid 151k to a black realtor and client for false arrest after retired cop claimed they were burglars.

  16. If you were fabulously wealthy what gifts would you give the fake potus of the United States?


  17. After reading that Tennessee story, the following thoughts occurred to me:

    1) How did that sorry excuse for a judge stay in office so long?

    2) Oh, she's doing what the white folks wish they could do but don't have the legal cover to do.

    3) But what gall!

    4) Remember who got elected POTUS in 2016.

    5) Sigh. That rat bastard's poison and that of the sick gang that put him there has infected far too much of this country.

    6) The battle has just begun for the soul of our democracy.

    This is why I don't socialize much. If I met a magat spouting nonsense, I'd be more likely to punch them in the gut than argue with them. I'm an old lady who doesn't have time for bulllshit.

  18. Anonymous1:58 PM

    When 15 were shot and one (mixed-looking) girl, Marquisha Riley, was killed in a mostly-White crowd in a club in Minneapolis, who are the shooters?

    Terry Lorenzo Brown (a black guy)
    Jeffrey Orlando (another black guy)

    Oh, and the black school shooter who shot his teacher in the back with a .45 got released on just $75,000 bail.  Kyle Rittenhouse's bail was a cool $2 million.  Some equality under the law!

  19. Chester White/ Landrace pig in Kenosha shot unarmed Jacob Blame 7 times in the back and was not charged.

  20. Anonymous3:23 PM

    “Chester White/ Landrace pig in Kenosha shot unarmed Jacob Blame 7 times in the back and was not charged.”

    Blake was not unarmed; he had a knife.

    Cop alleges he shot Blake because Blake was a domestic abuser who was about to steal a car containing his kids (presumably, he had no custodial rights), and the children’s mother had implied he might have hostile intentions toward the kids.

    It seems like shooting out the tires, or blocking the vehicle in, would have been better options to prevent him from leaving, but the DA decided shooting Blake was good enough and the cop’s actions were appropriate.

  21. The knife was on the floor of Blake's vehicle and the DA said he likely couldn't get a conviction if the officer plead self defense which is why he wasn't charged.

    The pigs claimed Blake brandished a knife (he didn't while Blake was on the passenger side of vehicle. Blake walked clear around the car, opened the door and then, and only then, was he hosed down.

    There is zero proof Blake even had a weapon on him, let alone brandished it at anyone. Pig had ample opportunity to shoot Blake in a leg or let him go. No need to paralyze him except pig wanting to bag a Black man.

  22. Oh wow, the adults in that story really let those kids down. That principal should have refused to get the kids and just gotten arrested herself. How many times did Dr. King and others standing up for human rights get arrested? No matter how many times fools like the white cop and the trolls here try to tell us we’re not human if you don’t do anything to stop injustice that means you’re with them.

  23. Anonymous4:36 PM

    “Oh wow, the adults in that story really let those kids down. That principal should have refused to get the kids and just gotten arrested herself.”

    That might be nice, but most people are not looking to be heroes by sacrificing their own freedoms and livelihoods for someone else’s kids. That’s why we refer to people who DO make those sacrifices as heroes in the first place.

  24. Anonymous4:51 PM

    News of behind-the-scenes Trump administration corruption and dumbassery continues to slowly leak out.


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. "That might be nice, but most people are not looking to be heroes by sacrificing their own freedoms and livelihoods for someone else’s kids. That’s why we refer to people who DO make those sacrifices as heroes in the first place."

    To think about the bravery of a generation or so ago. In that town with those f'd up laws and police you're gonna get arrested for something anyway so might as well make it count. It would have been the perfect setting too, lots of cameras, cell phones and plenty of witnesses so charges would have been dropped. No better time or place to make a stand.

  27. drumpfuck openly talked of appointing the frujt of his loins to the world bank so he could get free loans and grope her anytime he was there.

  28. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “To think about the bravery of a generation or so ago. In that town with those f'd up laws and police you're gonna get arrested for something anyway so might as well make it count.”

    Maybe. It’s not clear that the whole town has generally oppressive law enforcement. It seems like this was driven by one rogue judge that has a weird personal philosophy of punishing the hell out of misbehaving kids.

  29. "Maybe. It’s not clear that the whole town has generally oppressive law enforcement. It seems like this was driven by one rogue judge that has a weird personal philosophy of punishing the hell out of misbehaving kids."

    Sure, but as a leader of a school you need to protect your children and EVERYONE but officer Carroll knew this was wrong. If my kids are going to the police station I'm going with them. Who the hell sends scared kids off to jail without at minimum alerting their parents? Not on my watch.

  30. We need many more of these fools to serve some serious time.

  31. Robert Palmer? Didn't he sing that awful song about being addicted to love? Maybe this guy can have a singing career after he gets out of prison. I'm sure there would be millions of fans for a song called "Addicted to Trump" who would gladly pay him for it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  33. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Mother and Daughter Shot Multiple Times As Police Hunt For black Ex-Boyfriend

  34. Anonymous9:12 AM

    ‘I ain’t killed nobody.’ Second gaboon suspect in Twiggs double murder makes court appearance

    Read more at:

  35. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Georgia police officer shot dead first day with force, armed negro suspect on the loose

  36. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Springfield negro man arrested in FL in connection to murder of Chicopee woman

  37. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Police arrest down-lo negro suspect in connection with Phinney Ridge neighborhood homicide

  38. Anonymous9:23 AM

  39. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.

  40. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Wendy's nigger shift manager doused complaining customer in hot oil: Out of control nigger violence continues nationwide.

  41. Anonymous said...

    "Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement;"

    9:30 AM
    What makes you think that anyone who reads this blog and comments here will believe you? (we won't). From what reliable source did you get information that you posted? Source please.


    Clear debunk of of misinformation and documented sources for the debunking.

  43. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Harris took part in a YouTube video for World Space day, released on Thursday

    The video was filmed in August and tweeted out to celebrate World Space Week

    She sat down with kids in the video and gushed: ''You're gonna literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes!'

    Teens who took part were revealed to be child actors and Harris has faced criticism for not recruiting kids who are passionate about the space industry

    One of the children said he had to send in a monologue to get the part

    Video was produced by Toronto-based company 'Sinking Ship Entertainment'

    Harris chairs the National Space Council but has been criticized for appearing to lack in-depth knowledge on space exploration

    During filming, the Taliban was rapidly advancing through Afghanistan and closing in on Kabul

  44. Nobody fucking cares whether Harris had child actors, anymoose, only that drumpf sold out Afghanistan to the enemy.

  45. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Texas high school shooting: Negro Suspect who injured 4 in Arlington in police custody after negro hunt:

  46. Anonymous2:14 PM

    only that drumpf sold out Afghanistan to the enemy.

    2:03 PM

    WRONG, it was joe biden dipshit. It was his call and operation. Team Shit the Bed is now in charge.

  47. Cruz and Hawley are doing their best to uphold Fergus' greatest gift to Russia and kneecap the State Department.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  48. only that drumpf sold out Afghanistan to the enemy. End of story, stoopid magat.

  49. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    only that drumpf sold out Afghanistan to the enemy. End of story, stoopid magat.

    4:05 PM

    But he did not, he wasn't even there. biden and Team Disaster caused the Afghan collapse, he was in charge not Trump.

  50. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Nobody fucking cares whether Harris had child actors, anymoose,

    2:03 PM

    So why bring it up?? You and the other lefty commie pinkos always get worried about truthful debate.

  51. Only when we hear it and frankly, you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked your ass up between your shoulders.

    And, I had a MIL once so I ain't afraid of anything on earth.

  52. Business Insider
    Vaccines cut the risk of severe COVID-19 by at least 90% in a huge real-world study of 23 million people.

    Fuck you, lying magats.


    Interesting article.

  54. Another Magat arrested for diddling little kids. You might want to clean out your own closet anon before dumping your shit here.

  55. Wow anon, seems like your type REALLY love the kids. Prosecutor says this is the worst case of child porn they’ve seen. Start sweeping your porch kid.


    Apparently laws don't apply to magats.

  57. "But he did not, he wasn't even there. biden and Team Disaster caused the Afghan collapse, he was in charge not Trump."

    Mike the fuck Pompeo surrendered to the Taliban on Fergus' orders in February of 2020.

    George the fuck W Bush "invaded" Afghanistan in a fit of revenge and ass covering after failing to prevent 9-11. That was almost more retarded than the invasion of Iraq, as nobody in recorded history has ever had a successful military intervention in Afghanistan.

    And Barack Obama escalated the war there in the mistaken belief that our military was capable of doing what Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great could not.
    The notable dissent to that decision from his team came from Joe Biden.

    Biden is pretty much the only one who hasn't fucked up in Afghanistan. We should have left in 2002, and he would have done so if it was his decision to make at the time.

    Really, we should never have "invaded" to begin with. We could have taken Bin Laden out in Afghanistan the same way we took him out in Pakistan, ten years and two trillion dollars sooner, and there would have been no evacuation needed.

    My congresswoman at the time, Barbara Lee, was the only one in congress who had the goddamn brains to see what a clusterfuck we were getting ourselves into, and twenty years on she is still trying to repeal the sixty word AUMF that began our two decade destabilization of the middle east that will be wrecking people's lives for generations to come.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  58. Anonymous9:50 AM

    CHICAGO Year 2021 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 634
    Shot & Wounded: 3098
    Total Shot: 3732
    Total Homicides: 673

    81.8% black

    4.0% White/other

  59. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Business Insider
    Vaccines cut the risk of severe COVID-19 by at least 90% in a huge real-world study of 23 million people.

    Fuck you, lying magats.

    5:30 PM

    Total Busllhit from a left wing propaganda source(marxist). Japan and Israel are dropping their preferred Moderna "vaccine in favour of therapeutics (correct approach).

    Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates 80-84% yet one of the highest reinfection rates of the vaccinated.
    The Jews found that those with natural antibodies had 27 times more resistance to the virus than vaccinated people.

  60. Cawthorn’s friends across the aisle are really nice because no one is making jokes when he says we need to “stand up” for our freedoms. If I were there and he was talking that much shit I’d have to threaten to push his ass down a flight of stairs.

  61. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Briahna Joy Gray: Biden's SINKING Approval With Black Voters Could BREAK Dem Majority In Midterms

    Many African-Americans are catching on that they have been conned by the white liberal marxist......


    Oh boy, this winner sexually abused dogs and had child porn. Our anons are pretty raunchy.😳


  63. “Many African-Americans are catching on that they have been conned by the white liberal marxist...“

    Too bad not enough white people have realized they’ve been duped by a New York reality tv conman.😓

  64. Not a single magat congressvarmint voted to prevent USA default. Dems saved America from magats again.

  65. you have many dreams in mind about the future of your married life. You get so excited about the future life of your marriage. You start to imagine the time you are going to spend with your partner. You have already made an image of your partner's character in your mind

  66. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Dumped ex-boyfriend who shot ex-GF and her daughter is, predictably, a N-word.

    Wendy's manager who dumped hot oil on customer who complained that his food was cold is also a N-word:

    Mother who stabbed her own 1-yr-old child in the back in front of police... same thing:

    1. And dude who raped dogs and he ta off on child porn is the same as you anon. Was it you?


    This brotha will get a hefty settlement from the city. Maybe these fool ass cops will learn to keep their hands to themselves.

  68. Noted student homosexual molestation enthusiast Jim Jordan is now advocating for polio, measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunizations to no longer be required in Ohio schools.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous4:04 PM

    ”Noted student homosexual molestation enthusiast Jim Jordan is now advocating for polio, measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunizations to no longer be required in Ohio schools.”

    Also Jim Jordan: Abortion is bad. Think of the children!

  70. Anonymous4:15 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Not a single magat congressvarmint voted to prevent USA default. Dems saved America from magats again.

    11:24 AM

    The dummycrats will only push the USA into a depression and you biden supports will starve and not do well during the social unrest to follow......

  71. “The dummycrats will only push the USA into a depression and you biden supports will starve and not do well during the social unrest to follow......“

    Well, that wouldn’t happen if the GOP was actually a governing party but they’d rather obsess about BS like CRT and the war on Christmas or some other ignorant shit.

  72. Briar patch? What briar patch? I don't see any briar patch:

    Trump Threatens to Have Republican Voters Stay Home

    October 13, 2021 at 5:21 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 232 Comments

    Donald Trump put out a statement saying that if “we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020” — which he falsely claims to have “thoroughly and conclusively documented” — then “Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24.”

    He added: “It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”

    With this threat, Trump puts the entire Republican party into a tough spot: Either join him in questioning election legitimacy or suffer his wrath.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. Poor little Matt Gaetz, nobody will text him any more because the feds might read them...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. “With this threat, Trump puts the entire Republican party into a tough spot: Either join him in questioning election legitimacy or suffer his wrath.”

    Haven’t they already made their choice?

  75. Anonymous8:40 PM

    “Donald Trump put out a statement saying that if ‘we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020’ — which he falsely claims to have ‘thoroughly and conclusively documented’ — then ‘Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24.’”

    Please, God, let this happen.

    It would be poetic justice if establishment Republican politicians’ foolish and cowardly embrace of Trump causes them to get destroyed after the con man tells all their voters to sit out the elections. It’s no less than those spineless bastards deserve.

  76. We did try to warn them...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. "It would be poetic justice if establishment Republican politicians’ foolish and cowardly embrace of Trump causes them to get destroyed after the con man tells all their voters to sit out the elections."

    He won't, that would be a lose lose. He would lose the backing of the party and the party would lose biggly. He'll endorse his favorite candidates and those with a spine will leave the party outright.

  78. anonymous said...

    "The dummycrats will only push the USA into a depression and you biden supports will starve and not do well during the social unrest to follow......"

    4:15 PM
    As someone who thinks he/she can predict the future, you sure don't spell very well. The political party that practices real leadership is the Democratic Party and Biden's name starts with a capital B.

    We already have social unrest fomented by Trump and his fascist followers.

  79. Bwahahahahaha Cyber Ninjas won't perform any more ballot audits because trump supporters have threatened the CEO's life. trump has ruined this country in so many ways.

  80. Anonymous3:52 AM

    “He won't, that would be a lose lose. He would lose the backing of the party and the party would lose biggly.”

    It is probably just empty bluster.

    However, if at some point Trump comes to the conclusion that he has already lost the backing of the party — that he’s not going to be nominated again as a Republican presidential candidate because someone more favorable has come along — I would not put it past him to attempt to peel away the voters who are still loyal to him and wreck the party out of spite. He is not exactly a rational actor. He is a malignant narcissist and if his ego is wounded, getting revenge will take priority over everything else.

  81. "It is probably just empty bluster."

    trump would use empty bluster?????? No way!!!!!!

  82. PilotX said...
    Bwahahahahaha Cyber Ninjas won't perform any more ballot audits because trump supporters have threatened the CEO's life. trump has ruined this country in so many ways.

    1:15 AM
    All across the country, Trump supporters are threatening public servants. What is being done about it? Is there little or no assistance from police?

  83. Dinthebeast:
    You wrote:
    "Jim Jordan is now advocating for polio, measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunizations to no longer be required in Ohio schools."

    The last nine words are superfluous.

    "Jim Jordan is now advocating for polio, measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis."

    He also advocates for covid.

  84. Gambler2:
    Re prediction, riddle me this:

    How do you make God guffaw?

  85. Anonymous1:16 PM

    All across the country, Trump supporters are threatening public servants. What is being done about it? Is there little or no assistance from police?

    12:34 PM

    You have it wrong yet again. Its the Marxist left pushing totalitarianism.


  86. Anonymous1:17 PM

    CRT = Marxist

  87. Anonymous1:18 PM

    1619 project = Communist

  88. The anonymoids here keep using the words "Marxist" and "Communist". I do not think those words mean what they think they mean.

    Oh, and about Marx? Here's the Marxian Paradox:

    When the ruling class takes Marx's predictions of mass immiseration and unrest seriously, then they make minor reforms to prevent those predictions from coming true; but when the ruling class does not take Marx's predictions seriously, then they roll back those reforms, and his predictions come true. Therefore, from the ruling class's point of view, Marx is as true a prophet as he is not.

  89. Criminal contempt for Bannon, and no Fergus pardon this time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  90. Anonymous3:45 PM

    “Criminal contempt for Bannon, and no Fergus pardon this time.”

    Drag his dirty, greasy, unwashed ass into Congress and make him answer for his crimes.

  91. Pig People Alert:
    African swine fever has been detected in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and efforts are being undertaken to keep it from reaching the mainland.
    It killed or required the slaughter of 43 million pigs in China in 2018, and unless one of the four candidates for a vaccine is rolled out soon, could devastate the US pork industry, after which a jump from pigs to Pig People is only a matter of time.
    Vaccine resistance has so far not been a problem among pork producers, but Pig People are an entirely different scenario.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Oops.

    Indianapolis Sgt. Has Been Charged After Bodycam Footage Shows Him Kicking a Handcuffed Black Man In the Face, Claims It Was An Accident

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  93. Bannon gets criminal contempt? Remember back during Whitewater/WJC's impeachment, Ken Starr held Clinton partner Susan McDougal in a California jail for over a year on contempt charges because she refused to lie about Clinton's to Starr's partisan vendetta.

    Hope Bannon gets life in contempt case.

  94. Didn't kick him, Doug, he stomped on handcuffed Black guys face and then lied about it to his boss.

  95. Propaganda is deadly, but many were most likely just too stupid to live:

    Choosing Death Over Vaccination

    October 14, 2021 at 2:17 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 107 Comments

    The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that about 90,000 deaths from Covid-19 over the past four months were entirely preventable.

    Philip Bump: How many thousands of people are choosing death over vaccination?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. So he accidentally stomped on the guy's face?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. Maybe some just-us?


  98. “You have it wrong yet again. Its the Marxist left pushing totalitarianism.”

    Because nothing says patriotic American more than threatening peoples’ lives because an idiotic orange wanna be dictator lost an election huh?


  100. Anonymous8:35 PM

    “Criminal contempt for Bannon, and no Fergus pardon this time.”

    Jeffrey Clark, the lawyer who unsuccessfully attempted to take over the Justice Department and use it to rig the election for Trump, has also been subpoenaed. So that should be pretty interesting.

  101. Anonymous8:58 PM


    And Trump loses again.

    There will be a lot of sweary language being used in the wingnut-o-sphere in coming days. Andy McCabe is a hate object on the right because they have convinced themselves that McCabe was some sort of secret lefty operative with a mission to take down Trump from within the FBI. They cheered when Trump took (what he saw as) revenge on McCabe by illegally taking away his pension. Now a judge has undone his revenge.

  102. Paradoctor said...

    Re prediction, riddle me this:

    How do you make God guffaw?

    1:05 PM
    Thanks, my friend; I love a great pun, and this one is a great one! ROTF.

    How are you these days?

  103. I'm well enough. I may have to go on anti-diabetes meds, and cut out sweet foods. So long, cinnamon raisin bagels, and other candy bread! On the other hand, I take steep hikes almost every day, which feels great afterwards, and is good for lungs, heart, and muscles.

    As for a pun.... what was it?! Honest, I didn't intend one! I must have punned by accident!

    I derived that joke from this classic from the Yiddish joke-lore:
    "How do you make God laugh?" / "Tell God your plans."

    My version is intended as an intensification. When you tell God your plans, you're telling God what you are going to do. But when you prophesize, you're telling God what God is going to do.

  104. Bill Clinton is in the hospital recovering from some kind of infection, which they're being careful about because of his heart conditions that required surgery and stents...
    He's 75 years old.
    I can't help contrasting him with Keith Richards, who is two years older and currently on tour with the Rolling Stones.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  105. Under the files of no shit Sherlock.

  106. Anonymous12:23 AM

    “Under the files of no shit Sherlock.”

    It’s so weird how the more racist parts of the country are … more racist.

    I mean, you’d never predict that.

  107. The statues are territory markers.

  108. Anonymous2:53 AM

    I see MTG opened her mouth again and, as usual, extremely dumb things came out.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene called the NBA 'fascist' for allowing Magic Johnson to 'play with HIV' while Kyrie Irving stays benched

    Apparently, it’s still the 1980s inside her warped little brain and she hasn’t been made aware that you can’t infect others with HIV through casual contact. Or maybe she thinks professional basketball games involve players having anal sex with each other on the court with all the spectators watching?

    Not sure.

  109. "It’s so weird how the more racist parts of the country are … more racist."


  110. Keith Richards died while getting his blood changed back in the early 70s and never bothered to tell anyone. The only reason he still moves is because of the drugs he ingested over the years. They have a definitive shelf life and sometime in the future his drugs wear out.

    Muscle memory is the only reason he appears to play the guitar.

  111. Amazes me Black kids get jailed for crimes that don't exist and yet crooked magat pols can't be incarcerated for committing actual crimes.

  112. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Because nothing says patriotic American more than threatening peoples’ lives because an idiotic orange wanna be dictator lost an election huh?

    8:22 PM

    Trump is a Patriot, not a marxist like biden. Trump did not loose the election and you all know it, but do not care. Godless commies.

    Remember, Trump will be the first person to be elected President three times!!!

  113. Anonymous said...
    Remember, Trump will be the first person to be elected President three times!!!

    9:55 AM
    LOL! LOL! You don't know even recent history. FDR was elected four times: 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. Check it out if you don't believe me.

    Trump will be remembered as the only president who was impeached twice. He will be considered a worse president than James Buchanan who now occupies that spot. And BTW, Joe Biden won the 2020 election fair and square.

  114. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Worthless slack-jawed boot-lip N-word sentenced for murder of (blonde White) Tessa Majors:

    Show me ONE case where a White guy robbed and murdered a black girl.  ONE.

    You are all disgusting moral degenerates.

  115. Jury selection for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery trial start next Monday in Brunswick, Georgia.

    You mean when nigger kids commit armed robbery's, car jacking, theft, burglaries , dope dealing and murdering their fellow negroes its not an actual crime???

    Notice how anyfuckingmoose purposely skips the entire contents of Field's post to ejaculate total bullshit into the discussion of Black kids charged with crimes that don't exist? I think he has a black kid fetish which is unhealthy for anyone, let alone a deranged magat drumpf-humper.

  116. “Trump did not loose the election and you all know it“

    True, he did not loose the election. Can’t argue that but he did LOSE.🤷🏾‍♂️

  117. “I think he has a black kid fetish which is unhealthy for anyone, let alone a deranged magat drumpf-humper.“

    Yeah, seems like his type does have an unhealthy obsession with kids. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  118. Anonymous11:42 AM

    “Remember, Trump will be the first person to be elected President three times!!!”

    Remember, Trump will be the first person to be elected president, and then jailed!

    Woo-hoo! That will be one for the record books!

  119. Trump 10 to life. Make it so!

  120. "Trump 10 to life. Make it so!"

    That degenerate punk won't last ten more years, inside or out.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  121. Texas is showing its true colors by going full nazi. Shocking. Republicans want to have “opposing views” to the holocaust.😖 But racism is dead.

  122. Maybe if blonde Gabby Petito had dated a brotha she’d be alive.🤷🏾‍♂️

  123. Anonymous3:43 PM

    “Texas is showing its true colors by going full nazi. Shocking. Republicans want to have “opposing views” to the holocaust.😖 But racism is dead.”

    How long before schools in red states have to include the “counterpoint: slavery was actually good” view in their history lessons? You know, for “balance.”

    It’s perfectly fair to disagree with or criticize critical race theory. But that’s not what conservatives are doing. They’re using alleged objections to CRT as an excuse attack any mention of racism in primary/secondary schools. That’s particularly sinister in the South, which has had a longstanding habit of teaching false, revisionist history about slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow.

  124. "How long before schools in red states have to include the “counterpoint: slavery was actually good” view in their history lessons? You know, for “balance.”"

    That subject did come up in the discussions.

    So Fergus has to give a video deposition under oath. What flavors of criming will he accidentally admit to? When that fool starts running his mouth, he can't really stop.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  125. Anonymous4:28 PM

    PilotX said...
    Maybe if blonde Gabby Petito had dated a brotha she’d be alive.🤷🏾‍♂️

    3:33 PM

    Doubtful, white girls with negroes don't last long.......

  126. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Negro Teen sentenced to maximum for killing of Barnard student Tessa Majors, parents speak on their grief

  127. Hilarious and true:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. Another one bites the dust:

    Rob Skiba, an influential figure in flat earth and Christian circles, has died of COVID-19, colleagues announced on Thursday. He had been fighting the virus since at least late August, when he began exhibiting symptoms after “Take On The World,” a biblical flat earth conference.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  129. Anonymous5:55 PM

    “Rob Skiba, an influential figure in flat earth and Christian circles, has died of COVID-19, colleagues announced on Thursday.”

    After a memorial service, his ashes will be scattered by family members traveling to the edge of the “Earth disk” and flinging them off into space.


  130. Boeing executive indicted for lying about 737 Max systems that killed hundreds. Sorry anon, not a Blah person.🤷🏾‍♂️

  131. Anonymous6:35 PM

    “Boeing executive indicted for lying about 737 Max systems that killed hundreds.”

    I sincerely hope this isn’t the end of the indictments. There is no way that the top test pilot is the prime culprit in the 737 Max debacle. If he was lying to the FAA, it’s because his bosses told him to.

  132. Got my new Fur, Fish and Game magazine today and it contained a first for me. In the section where they show trappers and their fur catches, for the first time ever I saw a Black trapper. I thought there would be more down in southern states. This young man was from Wisconsin. I have subscribed for over 10 years and read this magazine since I was in my teens.

    Consider me puzzled.

  133. Saying that Mike Parson is a moron is a disservice to all of the poor morons out there just doing the best they can.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  134. Open House Chicago self guided architectural tour app is back! One of the sites is down the street from my house.😃

  135. trump wants a do-over😆😂

  136. Anonymous12:03 AM

    “trump wants a do-over”

    The families of the hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by COVID as a result of Trump’s catastrophic presidency want a do-over of the 2016 election.

  137. “The families of the hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by COVID as a result of Trump’s catastrophic presidency want a do-over of the 2016 election.“

    Unfortunately many of them want the same result.

  138. "Jason Greathouse, who used to minister in Enterprise but now lives in Tennessee, reached a deal with the Coffee County District Attorney's Office on Thursday that downgrades his charge from second-degree rape, a felony, to contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor, according to court records," reported Howard Koplowitz. "Greathouse, a resident of Henderson, Tennessee, agreed to serve two years of unsupervised probation for the 2018 incident, which occurred when he was 20 and the victim was 14, records showed. The pastor also does not have to register as a sex offender under the agreement's terms."

    Greathouse had married his victim at her parents' demand, the report said.

    According to Coffee County District Attorney Tom Anderson, the deal was so generous because "there were extenuating circumstances that would have been allowed to be presented by the defense that very likely could have resulted in a mistrial or even a not guilty by jury nullification."

    Guess what white color wasicu preacher was.

  139. This comes after earlier this year, another Alabama pastor, Mack Charles Andrews, who was convicted of torturing and raping children, was released after serving just one third of his 15-year prison sentence.

    wasicu privilege rears its ugly head.

  140. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Black Woman is seen pouring gasoline over Brooklyn Yeshiva and lighting it on fire: NYPD hate crime unit launches investigation:

  141. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Black affirmative action hire New York corrections captain appears in court on homicide charges after she 'ordered staff to ignore prisoner, 29, she KNEW was hanging himself and then claimed he was just "playing" as he died'

  142. Anonymous10:55 AM

    NYC woman is found guilty of robbing homes of victims while they were at the funerals of their spouses after finding targets through obituaries

  143. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Fatal stabbing of British lawmaker David Amess called terrorist incident by UK police: Suspect is black a Somali oxygen absorber.

  144. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Climate - change is a hoax, but this winter you will pay for your stupidity

  145. Anonymous11:41 AM

    VIDEO: Biden Appears To Touch Child’s Nipple While Touring Daycare Center
    Disturbing behavior coming from the President

  146. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Election fraud is a hoax. You will pay in 22, 24 for your stupidity.

  147. Anonymous said...

    "VIDEO: Biden Appears To Touch Child’s Nipple While Touring Daycare Center"
    Disturbing behavior coming from the President

    Just more bull shit.

  148. Anonymous1:00 PM

    VIDEO: trump feels up his daughter repeatedly.

  149. Anonymous said...

    Climate - change is a hoax, but this winter you will pay for your stupidity

    11:38 AM
    Just what stupidity would that be? And how are we going to pay, or do you know?

  150. Looks like Tex-ass is going full nazi. Never go full nazi.

  151. "What word starts with N, ends with R and is the worst thing you can call a black person?


    LOL! Agreed, I would hate to have to live next door to ignorant racists.

  152. Anonymous4:12 PM

    So-called "racists" are anything BUT ignorant.  They've seen what blacks have done to formerly-thriving cities.  They see the brawls in the schools.  They understand the crime and the unremitting hatred of everything White.

    They had no part in making it, and they want none of it.


  153. “So-called "racists" are anything BUT ignorant. “

    No, you’re ignorant. Full stop. If you don’t have anything to do with white crime and pathology I have nothing to do with so called “Black crime”.

  154. Anonymous6:40 PM

    No, you’re ignorant. Full stop.

    I know who is committing heinous crimes grossly out of proportion to their share of the population.  I know what demographic is associated with civilizational destruction.  I know what demographic makes schools unable to do actual teaching.  I know what minority demographic accounts for an outright majority of the serial killers in this century, and the most prolific one known to date (Samuel Little, who was black).

    If you don’t have anything to do with white crime and pathology

    I do.  I see to it that it is punished and thereby deterred or directly prevented.

    I have nothing to do with so called “Black crime”.

    You refuse to live in Austin or Englewood.  You make excuses.  You promote "integration".  You are the problem.

  155. "You refuse to live in Austin or Englewood. You make excuses. You promote "integration". You are the problem."

    You refuse to live in a trailer park or rural Missouri. You move there and I'll move to Englewood deal? I make zero excuses for myself because I don't have anything I need to make excuses for. If you and your type were so adamant about punishing crimes by white people why is there still white crime? Silly assertion. You eliminate crimes by whites and I'll eliminate crime by Black people ok? Until then everything you're saying is abstract. I don't know ant criminals so how the hell is it somehow MY problem? Like I saidf, I don't want to live around ignorant racists which are usually anti-vaxxers who have no problem trespassing and assaulting law enforcement among other ignorant actions. Little pickups with huge tires and rolling coal? Oh yeah, the stuff of genius. I'd much rather live around people like me, Blah professionals who respect and love their community and look out for each other. Yeah I know, we're all just savages. LOL! Trust me, the worst thing I could call YOU is a name that starts with N and ends in R. LOL!

  156. What in the sweet hell? Stupid! This country is too stupid to survive much longer. We might just have to let trump and his idiots win and just relocate.

  157. Interesting special.


    Doug, ICYMI, ere is video of pig accidently stomping on Black guys face. In the first few seconds of video.

  159. Anonymous10:48 AM

    You refuse to live in a trailer park or rural Missouri. You move there and I'll move to Englewood deal?

    I've driven through rural Missouri.  I rather liked it, but I like my own rural area better.  The village nearby fills up with annoying tourists in the summer but the rest of the time it's not so bad.

    I make zero excuses for myself because I don't have anything I need to make excuses for.

    You have regular shootings in your neighborhood.  There are all KINDS of videos about "Blackistan":

    The opposite of a Blackistan is a Whitopia.  The one shooting in my entire county this year involved two people who both live over 100 miles away—in one case, several hundreds.  Further, given the city of residence and the circumstances, including the refusal of the media to publish a name or picture, I'll bet that the aggressor (who was shot in self-defense) is black.

    If you and your type were so adamant about punishing crimes by white people why is there still white crime?

    Because we can't deter them all before they actually do something.  But you?  You hold up Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and George Floyd as heroic figures.  We jail our criminals; you exalt them.  It's no wonder that black men outnumber Whites in prison.

  160. Study from Michigan Law edu. explains why numbers for Black crimes and criminals are skewed against Blacks.

    And remember the recent Beverly Hills pig task force that arrested 106 people, 105 were African Americans (who make up 4% of BH pop) and one Hispanic. Not a single wasicu got charged with a crime. Why? Racism.

    Executive Summary
    African Americans are only 13% of the American population but a majority of innocent
    defendants wrongfully convicted of crimes and later exonerated. They constitute 47% of the
    1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations (as of October 2016), and
    the great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and
    convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in “group
    We see this racial disparity for all major crime categories, but we examine it in this report in
    the context of the three types of crime that produce the largest numbers of exonerations in
    the Registry: murder, sexual assault, and drug crimes.
    I. Murder
    • Judging from exonerations, innocent black people are about seven times more likely
    to be convicted of murder than innocent white people. A major cause of the high number of
    black murder exonerations is the high homicide rate in the black community—a tragedy that
    kills many African Americans and sends many others to prison. Innocent defendants who
    are falsely convicted and exonerated do not contribute to this high homicide rate. They—
    like the families of victims who are killed—are deeply harmed by murders committed by
    • African-American prisoners who are convicted of murder are about 50% more likely
    to be innocent than other convicted murderers. Part of that disparity is tied to the race of the
    victim. African Americans imprisoned for murder are more likely to be innocent if they were
    convicted of killing white victims. Only about 15% of murders by African Americans have
    white victims, but 31% of innocent African-American murder exonerees were convicted of
    killing white people.
    • The convictions that led to murder exonerations with black defendants were 22% more
    likely to include misconduct by police officers than those with white defendants. In addition,
    on average black murder exonerees spent three years longer in prison before release than
    white murder exonerees, and those sentenced to death spent four years longer.
    • Many of the convictions of African-American murder exonerees were affected by a
    wide range of types of racial discrimination, from unconscious bias and institutional
    discrimination to explicit racism.
    • Most wrongful convictions are never discovered. We have no direct measure of the
    number of all convictions of innocent murder defendants, but our best estimate suggests that
    they outnumber those we know about many times over. Judging from exonerations, half of
    those innocent murder defendants are African Americans.


    Read it and weep, anyfuckingmoose. Truth, for once in yer life, will set you free from delusions of grand juries.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. “You have regular shootings in your neighborhood.“

    I do? That’s news to me. I mean the neighbor’s dog was barking last night for about half an hour and that was annoying.🤷🏾‍♂️

    “You hold up Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and George Floyd as heroic figures. We jail our criminals; you exalt them.“

    Not so much heroic figures maybe tragic. I don’t exalt criminals. I exalt brilliance. I prefer people like Dr. Angela Davis, Dr. Neil Degrass Tyson, Gen. Lee Archer, Col. Guion Bluford…..then again I dislike criminals like those that stormed the Capitol and people that exalt criminals like Ashli Babbitt. Even the former president recognizes her. I also dislike criminals like the cop that killed George Floyd. I really dislike criminals. Maybe ask me who I exalt instead of using strawmen to make me look bad. Spewing cheap stereotypes does not show a high degree of intellect.

  164. "Read it and weep, anyfuckingmoose. Truth, for once in yer life, will set you free from delusions of grand juries."

    Wait, you want someone not smart enough to choose a screen name to be able to read a study? I mean we already know racists are kind of dimwitted. LOL!

  165. So now the evangelicals are trying to replace Halloween with JesusWeen.
    I'd like to buy them an apostrophe...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  166. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Truth about vaccines and therapeutics:

  167. “So now the evangelicals are trying to replace Halloween with JesusWeen.“

    I heard about this some time ago. I mean if they want to advertise their lameness I’m all for it.


  169. Chicago is a championship city again!

  170. "I've driven through rural Missouri. I rather liked it, but I like my own rural area better."

    Yeah, you would like toothless hillbillies. LOL!

  171. William Shatner wasn't the first Star Trek actor to go into space, that distinction belongs to Dr. Mae Jemison.

  172. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I. Murder
    • Judging from exonerations, innocent black people are about seven times more likely to be convicted of murder than innocent white people.

    This is due to the treasonous efforts of groups like the so-called "Innocence Project", which concerns itself exclusively with minority convicts and uses questionable evidentiary methods to clog up the courts.  It was conspicuously absent in the case proceedings of White man Cameron Todd Willingham, wrongfully convicted of the murder of his 3 daughters based on faulty forensic analysis, though it was more than happy to exploit him after he was dead.

    The so-called Innocence Project had been around since 1992.  Willingham was executed in 2004.

    "• African-American prisoners who are convicted of murder are about 50% more likely to be innocent than other convicted murderers."

    No, they're far more likely to get free legal assistance to get more bites at the apple.  There's a difference.

    For examples of post-trial reversal of legitimate convictions, look at the Central Park 5 (damned out of their own mouths before police even knew a crime had been committed.)  For an example of pre-trial interference in legitimate prosecution, see the Jena 6.  White defendants NEVER get such effort expended on their behalves.

    "• The convictions that led to murder exonerations with black defendants were 22% more likely to include misconduct by police officers than those with white defendants."

    Also the very crimes most likely to attract the efforts of treasonous legal groups.

    "• Most wrongful convictions are never discovered."

    This is by definition an unknown.  Even as far back as 2008, blacks were far more likely to be murder perps than Whites, and blacks murdered more than 2x as many Whites as the reverse.

    Can you show me a single White-on-black murder spree like the Knoxville horror or the Wichita massacre?  You cannot.

  173. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Yeah, you would like toothless hillbillies.

    I liked the winery I found when I was driving Missouri route 50 from Kansas back to greater St. Louis.  They sold me a bottle of raspberry wine that was excellent.  BTW, the state capitol building in Jefferson City is beautiful.

    I've actually seen toothless White people.  Probably meth users.  It happens, but they seldom shoot each other over it.


    LOL, indeed.  You're far more of a racist stereotyper than anyone else here, though you'll never get the irony.  You probably think the KKK is still lynching blacks.

  174. 70 percent
    Nearly 70 percent of the 242 people exonerated by DNA testing to date are people of color. These exonerations have spotlighted racial bias in the criminal justice system and the need for reforms that address these inequalities.Sep 17, 2009

    Whites are exonerated, too.

  175. Coerced confessions and zero DNA evidence at the scene of the crime means the Central Park 5 arrested were innocent all along.

  176. "Can you show me a single White-on-black murder spree like the Knoxville horror or the Wichita massacre?"


  177. "LOL, indeed. You're far more of a racist stereotyper than anyone else here, though you'll never get the irony. You probably think the KKK is still lynching blacks."

    Um, yeah. At least you didn't just assign your ideas on me. I'll call that progress.

  178. And dude, I went to school in Missouri, toothless whites ain't a stereotype, it's a way of life. LOL!

    "This is by definition an unknown. Even as far back as 2008, blacks were far more likely to be murder perps than Whites, and blacks murdered more than 2x as many Whites as the reverse."

    As faaaaaaaar back as 2008 as if we're talking stone ages. Why not look at total numbers when whites were bombing churches and killing little girls. And for the record you must be a helluva a racist to only care when Blah folks kill your fellow whites. It's ok to kill little white babies and folks in church as long as the shooter isn't a negro. Sad and pathetic but racists usually are.

  179. "Can you show me a single White-on-black murder spree like the Knoxville horror or the Wichita massacre?"

    I know your type is pretty dimwitted but you can't even do basic math? I mean if we combine the Knoxville AND Wichita killings the number is less than the number of people shot by avowed white supremacist Dylan Roof so um your ability to research is pretty damned poor. Also I bet when the suspects in Knoxville and Wichita were caught wanna bet the cops didn't take them to Burger King because they were hungry? Your credibility is lessening by the post, no wonder you post as anonymous, you would get roasted regularly. I mean if you want you can always grow some balls and choose a name and stand by your posts unlike a coward.

  180. "It happens, but they seldom shoot each other over it."

    Ever met a biker?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  181. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Dave Chappelle Completely Destroys Cancel Culture

  182. Anonymous11:23 PM

    'Let's go Brandon'

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. Jon Stewart destroys idiots who say they're cancelled but won’t STFU about it proving they’re not cancelled.😆

  185. Colin Powell died from covid complications. Glad he found truth after leaving dumbass dubya administration.


  187. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Cardinal Burke - The Great Reset

  188. Anonymous10:15 AM

    What have the climate alarmists been screaming about for the past 40 years or so? Their agenda is well-known. They want to close nuclear plants; shut down coal electric generators; eliminate natural gas and oil-fired electrical plants; and substitute wind, solar and hydropower in their place.

    According to the fanatics, this substitution of renewable energy sources for so-called “fossil fuels” and uranium-powered plants would reduce CO2 emissions and save the planet from the existential threat of global warming.

    Everything about this climate alarmist agenda is a fraud.

    The evidence that the planet is warming is slight and the effect is likely temporary

  189. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Colin Powell died from covid complications. Glad he found truth after leaving dumbass dubya administration.

    8:59 AM


  190. The evidence that the planet is warming is slight and the effect is likely temporary

    And Covid 19 was a hoax and would just disappear on its own. Riiiiiight!

  191. Hope Powell's family ask you to prove he died of Aids, Bucko. Good luck with that.

  192. “The evidence that the planet is warming is slight and the effect is likely temporary“

    And I’m sure you have several degrees in atmospheric science and have done peer reviewed research.😆😂 Gotta love the trolls here.


  194. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I know your type is pretty dimwitted but you can't even do basic math? I mean if we combine the Knoxville AND Wichita killings the number is less than the number of people shot by avowed white supremacist Dylan Roof so um your ability to research is pretty damned poor.

    I said "spree", not "mass".  Dylann Roof committed a mass shooting.  He did not kill people over multiple incidents.  He did not kidnap and torture any victims.  The Carr brothers and the Knoxville perps did, and they were far from the only ones.

    In 2008 alone, blacks killed 274 more Whites in the USA than the reverse... and that includes "hispanics" mis-counted as White.  Dylann Roof killed all of 9.  It would have taken 30 Dylann Roofs to achieve "equity" in inter-racial murder just for 2008.

    If you truly want "equity", you're going to have to accept White people killing a random (or not-so-random) black for every black-on-White killing.  Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

  195. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Why not look at total numbers when whites were bombing churches and killing little girls.

    One incident, 4 dead, 58 years ago.  How can you compare to 504 dead in 2008 alone?

    And for the record you must be a helluva a racist to only care when Blah folks kill your fellow whites.

    You don't care when blacks kill your fellow blacks.  None of you namefags have said squat about the murder of Dajore Wilson in your own city.  George Floyd and Trayvon Martin are saints, Dajore Wilson is a cipher because her killer was black.
