Saturday, January 15, 2022

The clock is ticking....

 The following article is from The Atlantic, and it was written by Adrienne LaFrance. 

At the end of this article there is a link to a series of articles on this very subject. I suggest you follow it. 

"History finds us two ways, to borrow from Hemingway: gradually, then suddenly. One year after Donald Trump led his supporters in an attempted coup against the United States, the nation is still very much in the throes of that attack.

Despite blaring sirens and flashing lights, despite ever more visible signs of the fragility of American democracy, envisioning what America will become if we fail to prevent the next coup attempt is strangely, terrifyingly difficult. As my colleague George Packer argued recently, only by correcting this failure of imagination will we have a shot at crawling our way out of catastrophe. Those who seek to trample democracy in America have a coherent plan and are resolute in carrying it out. “They will certainly try again,” Barton Gellman wrote in his essential cover story about the coup attempt. “An unpunished plot is practice for the next.”

It’s not just that the stakes are high; we’re also running out of time. The things we stand to lose aren’t just abstract ideals, but actual freedoms. I find myself thinking often of a recent conversation I had with my colleague Anne Applebaum, trying to imagine what it would be like to live in the United States after the dissolution of democracy. She described the frightening likelihood of bloodshed—a kind of violence not seen since the Civil War—and a profound level of corruption. “I’m afraid it could happen very fast,” Anne told me. “I mean, it could happen within weeks or months of a disputed and probably violent inauguration. Preventing that from happening really should be every citizen’s first priority.”

For generations, dating back to our magazine’s founding amid fracture in 1857, The Atlantic has been preoccupied with keeping the American idea—and America itself—alive. In recent years, our concern with growing threats to democracy has perforce been at the core of our journalistic mission. As our editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, wrote in our most recent issue, “The Atlantic, across its long history, has held true to the belief that the American experiment is a worthy one, which is why we’re devoting so much of our journalism in the coming years to its possible demise.”

It is in that spirit that we offer this reading list, a guide to our recent work about this nation in this moment, and to the peril our democracy is in. We hope you will find it enlightening, useful, and even hopeful." [List here]


Anonymous said...

The list includes only 2 items before 2020, and only 1 item before 2000.

How profoundly ignorant can you be to ignore so much essential history?

dinthebeast said...

Maybe because the assault on democracy is current and recent? I know Republicans hate it when you remember stuff from the "before time", but what they hate is immaterial in this case, what is really crucial to understand so as to arrest its progress really is current and recent.
I've been saying all along that Fergus wasn't as important as what will follow in his wake and exploit all of the damage to institutional norms he perpetrated.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

Right now we should be all-in to do everything we can to pass the Voting Rights Act. I wonder if Sinema would listen if she got enough letters.

The threat of a filibuster-free republican-controlled senate is nowhere near as horrific as a permanent republican triumvirate in the White House and both houses of congress. Coupled with fifty republican governors and on down the line.

Anonymous said...

DirecTV has dropped OAN. Maybe it's because they're liars, and not an actual news source?

anotherbozo said...

The Trump fascists have their knee on democracy and the minutes are ticking by. It's being done in the open and another Capitol riot may not be necessary.

As Chauncey DeVega says, Wake up, sheeple!

Anonymous said...

I think I have gotten whiplash listening to Trump’s latest insane, rabble-rousing speeches.

On the one hand, apparently, after many, many months of him downplaying the necessity of vaccination, suddenly vaccines are essential. On the other hand, Trump is now lying and saying that white people can’t get the vaccines, because there is anti-white discrimination preventing them.


I have to say, if anything will finally get Trump’s halfwit followers to accept vaccination, it’s this. They’ll descend on hospitals and pharmacies demanding to be given the vaccines that are allegedly being kept from them to benefit the undeserving darkies.

But Jesus, what a way to make it happen.

dinthebeast said...

Perhaps Fergus is going out on a limb and supporting vaccination because he is not comfortable hearing his people discussing pee in public?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“DirecTV has dropped OAN.“

But there’ll be an outcry and it’ll be back.

dinthebeast said...

You can always tell that the right is freaking out and out of ammo when Fox News starts whining about Satanism again.
The Republican primaries are gonna be LIT.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“You can always tell that the right is freaking out and out of ammo when Fox News starts whining about Satanism again.“

What did I miss?😳

dinthebeast said...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Blacks have the lowest vaccination rate of all US ethnic groups.

You want to blame the un-vaccinated for promoting the pandemic, blame blacks.

Anonymous said...


I was thinking more Donnie Favors.

Anonymous said...

“Blacks have the lowest vaccination rate of all US ethnic groups”

Actually, at this point, the vaccination rate is lower in Latinos. (And yes, I know there is some crossover between groups. Some of the Latino population is also black. But not much.)

Of course the fact the vaccination rate is higher in whites is entirely due to white liberals. The vaccination rate in white wingnuts is fucking terrible. So, no, I don’t put all the blame on black people for undermining our country’s struggle against the pandemic. Particularly not when the worst culprits, the people fighting hardest to prevent the government mandates that would force everyone to get vaccinated, are white wingnut weirdos with an idiotic ideological axe to grind against vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Remember the dirtbag Freddy Gray?

Remember how Marilyn Mosby's prosecutions of the cops who took him in flopped?

Mosby is now under Federal indictment for mortgage fraud and mis-use of COVID relief funds.  Turns out she's a dirtbag too.

Anonymous said...

“Remember how Marilyn Mosby's prosecutions of the cops who took him in flopped?”

Only because she failed to flip any of them.

At least one of them was guilty of killing Gray, but the rest of the cops, out of either loyalty or fear, refused to break Omertà and rat out the guilty one(s),

None of that is admirable. Those cops are all pretty disgusting, in fact.

Anonymous said...

“Mosby is now under Federal indictment for mortgage fraud and mis-use of COVID relief funds. Turns out she's a dirtbag too.”

Not COVID relief funds. She withdrew her own money from a retirement account, under provisions that let you do this without incurring tax, if you are experiencing COVID-related financial hardship. The feds allege that she experienced no such financial hardship, so this was a form of tax evasion.

She then used the money to buy a couple condos in Florida, which also required her borrowing some additional money from a bank. And here the feds again claim she broke the law by lying about her finances on the mortgage application, either to get it approved or to get a better interest rate.

We’ll see if any of the prosecutors can make any of that stick.

Anonymous said...

America was the most powerful nation the world had ever seen in 1945, after we kicked the shit out of the Japs and the Germans.

Funny thing was we were about 85% White in those days.

Now we are a multicultural bag of shit that has tranny day for schoolkids and jigs doing flash raids on stores in cities along the West coast. As a serious nation and a great place to live we are just about done.

Funny how as the White percentage of the population declined America turned to shit. It must just all be a big Cohen-cidence.

Look at the videos on youtube of L.A. in the 40’s. Notice how clean the streets are with no graffiti anywhere. No trash, no homeless camps, no street shitters. Notice how well dressed the people are. That’s because you are looking at a White society. Commenters here on this badly run blog frequently mention how much we have lost and ask what went wrong.

Non Whites is what went wrong.

PilotX said...

“Non Whites is what went wrong.“

Stupid people is what went wrong. You know, people like you.

joy316 said...

Do we really need to rehash the past when we are at extreme risk for violence including murder, right now???

joy316 said...

They aren’t planning to allow voting so do you have a plan B??

joy316 said...

What is your plan?

PilotX said...

“Look at the videos on youtube of L.A. in the 40’s.“

And then contrast it with videos of Kentucky, West Virginia and Mississippi. Complete shitholes full of poor, uneducated and dumb trash America was ok when stupid people realized they were stupid and let smart people run things but Limbaugh et all make these morons think they actually knew things and needed to be in charge. Like our anons who think that “blame the niggers” is all the education they need. Why do you think that these asshats thought Palin would make a good VP or the star of the Celebrity Apprentice would make a good potus? Oh how the mighty have fallen. We always had stupid but we never let them hold the reigns of power.🤷🏾‍♂️

Mystere said...

America was the most powerful nation the world had ever seen in 1945, after we kicked the shit out of the Japs and the Germans.

Funny thing was we were about 85% White in those days.

Care to cite a source for that stat? Or was that just another wild-ass guess that Anonyfolk are so fond of tossing off in their comments?

This country was built on the backs of non-whites, and it took a long time before Caucasians were the majority. Pick up a copy of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States and find out what you were never taught in high school.

Anonymous said...

"Look at the videos on youtube of L.A. in the 40’s. Notice how clean the streets are with no graffiti anywhere. No trash, no homeless camps, no street shitters. Notice how well dressed the people are. That’s because you are looking at a White society. Commenters here on this badly run blog frequently mention how much we have lost and ask what went wrong.

Non Whites is what went wrong."

No, people like you are what went wrong. As the country got less white, people like you decided to vote against the idea of shared, general prosperity, if that sharing had to include non-whites, whom you consider "undeserving."

So now, we are a country run for the benefit of the top few percent of earners, with everyone else left to fight over the scraps.

Good job, Jethro.

joy316 said...

Why not blame the whites that funded and created the Wuhan Lab? The whites who decided as long ago as 1980 and created the Georgia Guidstones to announce their diabolical plan to reduce the world’s human population to 500K? How about blaming Fauci who not only funded the creation of the C, he used his AIDS playbook to ensure its unchecked spread? Do you have any even remotely valid explanation for the deliberate withholding of know treatments and cures? Can you at least harassment and firing of health Care professionals who saved lives? Can you explain what the “unvaccinated” have to do with the VACCINE FAILURES worldwide? Some countries are on jab 4 with no end in sight?? 🤷🏾‍♀️

joy316 said...

Israel has the highest vaccination rate in the world yet they are on shot 4 with no end in sight or discussion of side effects??

joy316 said...

There’s was no such person! However, a young man named Freddy Gray was attacked and murdered by police officers for walking down the street!

joy316 said...

You forgot the part where America was losing the war because the white fighter pilots sucked!! The all Black Tuskegee Airmen pilots took over and saved the day!! Just think about how prosperous everyone in America would be if the lie of white supremacy wasn’t allowed to crush us??

dinthebeast said...

The Rude Pundit's annual MLK would fuck your shit up post:

"Martin Luther King was a radical motherfucker and we have not yet fully grappled with his insights into the nature of race in this backsliding nation."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Virginia education bill wants schools to teach Lincoln/Douglass debate only they inserted Frederick Douglass as the opponent to Lincoln.

dinthebeast said...

At least they weren't insinuating that he was still alive... Which makes me wonder: Is Frederick Douglass the reason the RNC wants to skip the debates next time?
Also, no debates, no party platform, kinda signals that they aren't planning to take power by winning more votes.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"As the country got less white, people like you decided to vote against the idea of shared, general prosperity,"

There is the nigger "gibs me dat" mentality. Why don't you try working and EARNING IT!!

Anonymous said...

"Also, no debates, no party platform, kinda signals that they aren't planning to take power by winning more votes."

Well, with regards to the debates, it's another attempt to rig things in their favor. They're threatening not to participate in debates unless the debate administrators agree to include crazy wingnut moderators.

If they get their way, you'll have Biden being asked batshit conspiracy theory-based questions about whether COVID restrictions or efforts to combat climate change aren't really part of a secret plan to install a one-world government. Or why Bigen doesn't oppose the teaching of anti-white Marxism in elementary schools.

Basically, all the questions will be of the form: "Why don't you do some thing about [insert made-up, imaginary problem here]."

Unless we want the debates to turn into a ridiculous circus focused not on real policy issues, but on flag-humping patriotism, BLM rioters, and Jewish space lasers, this can't be allowed to happen.

PilotX said...

A great American hero has flown west one last time.😓

dinthebeast said...

"Why don't you try working and EARNING IT!!"

Really? Working and earning the public swimming pools they bulldozed rather than let Black people use them?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Why don't you try working and EARNING IT!!"

Good idea. Most of us had to unlike trump whose daddy gave him millions of dollars when he graduated from school.

Anonymous said...

contrast it with videos of Kentucky, West Virginia and Mississippi. Complete shitholes full of poor, uneducated and dumb trash America was ok when stupid people realized they were stupid and let smart people run things but Limbaugh et all make these morons think they actually knew things and needed to be in charge.

They produce objectively better results than blacks do.  Less murder, less violence, less theft, better perrforming children all.

If blacks were subject to the same standards as Whites, maybe 5% of them would be allowed to reproduce.

Maybe.  Zero would be safest.

Anonymous said...

As the country got less white, people like you decided to vote against the idea of shared, general prosperity, if that sharing had to include non-whites, whom you consider "undeserving."

As the country got less White, prosperity was destroyed and trash proliferated.  It was NOT Whitey's doing; it was YOURS.

Instant Keto Burn said...

Incorporate High-Intensity Interval Training into your daily schedule. Limit eating tuna and swordfish, which are known to contain higher amounts of mercury, a heavy metal that must be eliminated from the body. This controversial herb binds and locks to heavy metals in your blood, organs and tissues, helping to eliminate them from your body.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said....

No, people like you are what went wrong. As the country got less white, people like you decided to vote against the idea of shared, general prosperity, if that sharing had to include non-whites, whom you consider "undeserving."

So now, we are a country run for the benefit of the top few percent of earners, with everyone else left to fight over the scraps.

Good job, Jethro.

2:29 PM
True, I have watched it happen. It started with John Kennedy's election when a group of wealthy conservatives freaked out that Democrats would regain more power, formed a pact and made long term plans to take over the government. One of their methods has been to gradually reduce the power of lower income people to vote. In addition, they have used many other tricks leading to what we have today - propaganda, outright lying, violence, and other means.

You may think I'm paranoid, or just a crazy, old woman, but I have watched it happen. Try doing some research into the politics and history of the last 62 years. Just for shits and giggles, start by Googling James O'Keefe.

dinthebeast said...

Matt Gaetz isn't having a good week:

Duty To Warn 🔉
Prosecutors granted immunity to an ex-girlfriend of Matt Gaetz BEFORE she testified last week in front of a federal grand jury hearing evidence in the investigation of the congressman. Repeat - she had immunity BEFORE she testified.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Sidney Poitier's cause of death has been determined more than a week after his passing.

The legendary actor died on Jan. 6 from a combination of heart failure, Alzheimer's dementia and prostate cancer, according to a death certificate obtained by E! News. He was 94.

mike from iowa said...

If blacks were subject to the same standards as Whites, maybe 5% of them would be allowed to reproduce.

Blacks get harassed for walking on sidewalks, wasicus don't.
Blacks get harassed for taking out the trash. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get harassed for driving. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get harassed for shopping. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get harassed for riding bikes. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get accused of shoplifting. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get harassed trying to cash paychecks. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get harassed for barbequing in parks. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get murdered for jogginbg. Wasicus don't.
Blacks in small groups get harassed. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get stiiffer sentences for similar crimes. Wasicus don't.
Blacks get stopped for weapons and drugs routinely. Wasicus don't.

In fact, any activity you can name as being done while Black will get you stopped and harassed, wasicus don't.

Gambler2 said...

You said it very well. Maybe the ass hat at 6:15 AM will just shut the fuck up and go away? If I had a magic wand, I'd make him black for a couple of days, and then he would understand what white privilege is.

PilotX said...

“If I had a magic wand, I'd make him black for a couple of days, and then he would understand what white privilege is.“

No need for that, you’re always going to have ignorant trash. Always have always will. They spew the same filth they did in the 50’s. This fool has no impact on any of our lives, they will be miserable so leave them to their fate.🤷🏾‍♂️

mike from iowa said...

White bread Kentucky fucker was pardoned because his wealthy family did a fund raiser for Kentucky's guv, sentenced to 43 years in prison for his original criminal act by federal prosecutors.

mike from iowa said...

Eric drumpf pleaded the 5th 500 times in 6 hours of testimony. Nothing to hide?

mike from iowa said...

Bet she wasn't a wasicu player.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder what caused the Omicron surge in the US??? Could it be the 100,000+ illegal aliens that stream unopposed across our borders EVERY month due to bidens disastrous polies............

Anonymous said...

In fact, any activity you can name as being done while Black will get you stopped and harassed, wasicus don't.

7:40 PM

Stop committing crimes..........

dinthebeast said...

"Stop committing crimes.........."

Being Black isn't a crime. How about you stop being a racist idiot instead? Oh, that's right, you can't stop being an idiot, you you just have to pay the idiot tax.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

”Gee, I wonder what caused the Omicron surge in the US??? Could it be the 100,000+ illegal aliens that stream unopposed across our borders EVERY month due to bidens disastrous polies............”

Double nope.

Nope to illegal immigrants being a primary driver of COVID infection, and nope to there being 100,000+ of them crossing the border each month.

dinthebeast said...

So Kansas GOP moron Roger Marshall tried to insinuate that Dr. Fauci has some unethical financial incentives for his official behavior, but failed because he's too much of a goddamn moron to look up Dr. Fauci's financial records, which are a matter of public record and are readily available on the internet, after which Dr. Fauci called the moron a moron. Now, the moron is fundraising off of being called a moron by Dr. Fauci... that is, the moron has filed bogus legislation to require Dr. Fauci to disclose the financial records that are already publicly available and is raising campaign cash off of it, for, what was it again? Accusing Dr. Fauci of unethical financial incentives.
This moron seems a bit brighter than the morons who believe it was JFK, not Fergus, who spoke at the rally in Arizona, but not much.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Anymoose,here is a gubmint report on zero tolerance policing methods around the nation, but focused mainly on Baltimore. This zero tolerance for any crime in black areas ruined people/pig relations and soured blacks on the police.

Read it, if you can. You may learn some actual facts.

Anonymous said...

Vaccine = Buyers remorse......

dinthebeast said...

So the supreme court has ruled that the select committee can have access to Fergus' papers. The lone holdout on the court was Clarence Thomas, whose wife Ginni is up to her eyeballs in the insurrection.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

No vaccine=dirt nap.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

and dumbass Thomas refused to recuse himself even though his wife is actively involved with insurrectionists. Rule changes for Justices are definitely in order.

dinthebeast said...

Neil Gorsuch, even before he refused to wear a mask when literally everyone else in the building is required to do so, has been described by court watchers as "a prickly justice" which one can only assume to be SCOTUS speak for insufferable prick.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

" Neil Gorsuch, even before he refused to wear a mask when literally everyone else in the building is required to do so, has been described by court watchers as 'a prickly justice' which one can only assume to be SCOTUS speak for insufferable prick."

Yeah, "insufferable prick" is about right. Trump's stolen SCOTUS pick is a major a-hole.

He also appears to be the chief ally of the COVID virus on our top court. During the oral arguments in the case in which the wingnut justices shot down Biden's general vaccine mandate, based on the hallowed, ancient legal principle of "we don't like it," Gorsuch spouted idiotic conspiracy talking points about COVID. Specifically, that COVID kills similar numbers of people as the flu.

No it fucking doesn't.

It is time to pack the court. I don't care how much Republicans scream about totalitarian Marxist takeovers. They've employed underhanded methods to fill the court with such crazy people, who aren't even pretending to make decisions based on the Constitution anymore, so when it comes to fixing the Supreme Court, the ends justify the means at this point.

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

Vaccine = Buyers remorse......

4:40 PM
That's funny; I know lots of vaccinated people, and not one of them is at all remorseful. However, I do know several people who didn't get vaccinated and were awfully remorseful when they got Covid.

PilotX said...

“Stop committing crimes........“

I agree. If those “patriots” had taken this advice they wouldn’t need idiots like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz to cry about their horrible jail stays. Anon has some wisdom.😂

PilotX said...

“Stop committing crimes……”

Once again, agree. Republican presidents should heed this excellent advice. If not for a fellow GOP prez Nixon and Reagan would have been in prison stripes. trump is the latest criminal.

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, and Tish James has the receipts. Eric the Dumb invoked his fifth amendment rights to weasel out of answering five hundred questions about whether there were really any outside experts valuing Fergus' properties, or whether the numbers were just pulled out of their asses for fun and profit.
Now she wants Fergus, Ivanka, and Don Jr. to come incriminate each other. They'll no doubt demur.
Then there's Fani Willis in Georgia, who seems to believe that demanding that a top state elections official "find" the exact number of votes Fergus lost by might run afoul of state election laws...
Stop criming indeed.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Don't even fuck with Nikole Hannah-Jones:

Ida Bae Wells
Jan 17, 2022
I was invited to give an MLK speech today and a small number of members of the group hosting me wrote and then leaked emails opposing my giving this speech, as it dishonored Dr. King for me to do so. They called me a "discredited activist" "unworthy of such association with King"
Ida Bae Wells
So, I scrapped my original speech and spent the entire first half of it reading excerpts from a bunch of Dr. King's speeches, but without telling anyone that I was doing so, leading the audience to think King's words were mine. And, whew, chile, it was AMAZING.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Mitch McCTurtlefuckface after senate vote on voting rights..... "Well, the concern is misplaced," McConnell said. "Because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

Racist much?

PilotX said...

"Because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

Check out Cory Booker’s eloquent take on how people of color have to wait several times longer to vote which is a defacto poll tax.

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

Fani Willis has asked for a special grand jury to be empaneled in Georgia to consider evidence of Fergus' misdeeds there.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

McConnell was likely referring to "Americans" as a category in polling, but that slimy son of a bitch knew exactly what he was saying.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Blacks get murdered for jogginbg. Wasicus don't.

Liar.  A black serial killer in KCMO murdered at least 6 White people just out for walks.

Or do you call that "reparations", you sick fuck?

mike from iowa said...

The many ways drumpof attempted to influence census from Mother Jones....

PilotX said...

“Liar. A black serial killer in KCMO murdered at least 6 White people just out for walks.”

Hmmmm, I wonder if it took over 2 months to bring charges because the DA was a buddy of his🤔

PilotX said...

Looks like Ahmaud Arbrey’s killers almost got off scot-free but we all know historically whites killing Blah folk get off pretty easily. I guess we should ask Medger Evers, Emmitt Till or Mr. Cheney.🤷🏾‍♂️

mike from iowa said...

Clay Pigeon, Ashli Babbit, was a bad girl who cheated on her first hubby with a guy she eventually married before she got clay pigeoned.

Anonymous said...

You'll do anything to justify the killing of someone whose politics you hate, won't you, psycho from Iowa?

You sick fuck.

PilotX said...

“You'll do anything to justify the killing of someone whose politics you hate, won't you, psycho from Iowa?“

Nah, he follows the same philosophy as people like Ashlee follow. “Play stupid games win stupid prizes”. 🤷🏾‍♂️

mike from iowa said...

anymoose, wait until I get my superpowers and then you will see far less magats on terra firma earth. This planet will come up short 10s of millions of magats and Dems will win elections by 80% or better and actually win the seats proportional to their % of the vote, unlike gerrymandered America now.

You can whine and cry all you want, but not a single hair on a magat will be bustled out of place. They will all be positioned in a parallel uni with all the terrorists and gangs to fight it out without weapons.

They are far enough out there where they can't register to vote or vote by mail. And good riddance to total rubbish, you sick fuck.

mike from iowa said...

This could get real serious real quick...

Staff at juvenile facility handcuffed a Black teen and struggled with him while he was face down on the floor. Approximately 30 (non stop) minutes later the kid's heart stopped.

DA says employees are covered by stand your ground laws.

mike from iowa said...

Cawthorn casually cleaned a gun during a congressional hearing on chemical wastes.

PilotX said...

GA DA looking into trump’s pressuring her state’s officials to “find him some votes”. People need to go to jail over this starting with trump. You can’t try to steal an election and get away with it!

dinthebeast said...

Fani Willis has requested a special grand jury be empaneled to give her subpoena power for recalcitrant witnesses, one of whom is Brad Raffensperger, who has stated that he won't testify without being subpoenaed.
She noted in her letter to the chief judge that her office is the only office in the state with jurisdiction to investigate this that isn't a witness or a target of the alleged scheme, so the whole thing has sort of landed in her lap.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Looks like Ahmaud Arbrey’s killers almost got off scot-free but we all know historically whites killing Blah folk get off pretty easily. I guess we should ask Medger Evers, Emmitt Till or Mr. Cheney."

Hard to say for sure. But it sure helped the prosecution that the killers filmed the entire episode of their pursuit and shooting of Arbery, and then they voluntarily sent it in to a radio station because they (insanely!) believed it exonerated them, when the opposite was true.

Anonymous said...

"Because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

I don't know where you're getting that B.S. Census figures say the opposite.

In the 2020 election, 70.9 percent of white voters cast ballots while only 58.4 percent of nonwhite voters did.

62.6 percent of Black American voters, 53.7 percent of Latino American voters, and 59.7 percent of Asian American voters cast ballots

White people are consistently more reliable voters than any other group. Not all of that is due to voter suppression, but some of it sure as hell is. If non-whites voted at the same rates as whites (and if there weren't numerous other "thumbs on the scale," like the Electoral College), Republican politicians would get creamed the majority of the time.

Anonymous said...

"I don't know where you're getting that B.S."

Meant to say, I don't know where McConnell got that B.S. Aside from his racist-sounding phrasing suggesting that African-Americans aren't really Americans, it's just factually wrong on the voting statistics.

Or, well, not wrong. A lie.

Anonymous said...

Man shot during MLK Day celebration on East Side dies from his injuries
Authorities ID’d the victim as Johnnie Mobley Jr., 61

SAN ANTONIO – A man who was among five people shot during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration on the East Side has died from his injuries.

San Antonio police said Johnnie Mobley Jr., 61, was fatally shot when someone opened fire at about 7 p.m. Monday in the 700 block of Spriggsdale Boulevard near Interstate 10 and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.

Two other men, ages 37 and 57, and two women, ages 43 and 34, were also injured.

(article continues)

Strange that this sort of thing NEVER happens at Columbus Day rallies, or rallies for George Washington's or Thomas Jefferson's birthdays.  But Michael Scott King's birthday... somehow it gets all shooty.

It ONLY happens when lots of blacks get together.  Now why is that?  Just WTF IS WRONG WITH BLACKS?

PilotX said...

"It ONLY happens when lots of blacks get together. Now why is that? Just WTF IS WRONG WITH BLACKS?"

Well, seems like only white boys shoot up classrooms full of students. Hell, their parents even buy them the guns to do it. WTF is wrong with white boys????????

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

seems like only white boys shoot up classrooms full of students.

Seung-Hui Cho wasn't White, he was east Asian.  Marc Lepine (birth name:  Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi) was half Algerian and a huge misogynist.  The rest were all known to be head cases, ideal CIA assets for false-flag operations.

Hell, their parents even buy them the guns to do it.

Probably not too hard to find a crazy kid with a crazy parent and turn them both.  Crazy is heritable.

A handful per year, probably prompted by our own hostile government, is a small price to pay for freedom.  Every time people have let themselves be disarmed "for safety", mass murder follows.  Look at Cambodia.  Look at Nazi Germany.

WTF is wrong with white boys????????

Murder in the black "community" is known to be up over 50% above 2018 levels, and you're concerned about White boys who don't threaten you in the least?  A little honesty on your part would go a long way.  Pity you don't have any.

PilotX said...

"Murder in the black "community" is known to be up over 50% above 2018 levels, and you're concerned about White boys who don't threaten you in the least?"

And you're here blabbing about the ONE mass school shooting that didn't involve a crazy white boy and YOU want to talk about honesty? Your kids have to participate in active shooter drills because you are obsessed with guns and killing kids but want to talk about Blah people who don't threaten you in the least. Look in the mirror if you need to see someone who should invest in a little honesty.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

And you're here blabbing about the ONE mass school shooting that didn't involve a crazy white boy

It wasn't White suburban schools which had to put metal detectors at the entrances because shootings were a weekly or even daily event.  Those are just "dog bites man" stories and don't get hyped.

I'm old and smart enough not to buy the hype, and to see the evil behind it.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"It wasn't White suburban schools which had to put metal detectors at the entrances because shootings were a weekly or even daily event."

But they're the ones that need it because white boys love shooting babies for some sick weird reason.

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

Let's not forget this fruitcake that likes to shoot Asian women. What kind of coward likes to shoot women? Hmmmmmmm, wanna bet a crazy white dude for $100?

Anonymous said...

It says something that you have to go back TWENTY-THREE YEARS.  Your city of Chimpcongo had over 850 fatal shootings last year, and Filthydelpha, Bodymore and St. Screwus MO added plenty more.

He was a crazy guy who, if not for the SCOTUS endangering the entire USA back in the 1970's, would have been in a mental hospital.  If the courts say you CAN'T do anything about these people before they do something really bad, the public is screwed.  But let's see you find excuses for this:

The shooter probably wasn't even crazy (or crazier than the average negroid).  He was just a degenerate and dangerous individual who does not belong anywhere near civilization.

mike from iowa said...

Mathew Wilson was a doctor. Why didn't he heal himself?

Anonymous said...

It's always good when the comments section turns into a "who can post the most crime reports" contest. Very productive.

mike from iowa said...

Texas wasicu wastey arrested for threatening Georgia election workers.

PilotX said...

“But let's see you find excuses for this”

Thing is I don’t find excuses for bad behavior, that’sYOUR thing. Maybe it’s just a false flag op by the CIA or whatever it was you said about the Vegas/Sandy Hook/any school everyday shootings.

“He was a crazy guy who, if not for the SCOTUS endangering the entire USA back in the 1970's, would have been in a mental hospital.“

Great! Let’a give him a gun and not allow doctors to ask about whether or not he has a gun so they can make helpful suggestions. You know, First Amendment or something. It’s the Republican way to ignore the gun crisis and fight any effort to treat it as an epidemic. Oh that’s right a Dem might win an election and we have to fight tyranny like our shero Ashlie Babbatt. 🙄

PilotX said...

“It's always good when the comments section turns into a "who can post the most crime reports" contest.“

Even more fun when people post as anonymous. Always a blast around here. Don’t sweat it, you anons will find some other stupid idea to post about. Global warming maybe? Anti-vax BS? trump 2024? Let’s go Brandon? Just hang out and see what comes up.

PilotX said...

Asshole should spend a nice long time in the pokie. trump needs to do some time too for making a private citizen’s name public endangering she and her family. Put enough of these fools in jail and maybe just maybe the next Republican moron won’t try to steal an election.

PilotX said...

She should have been thrown under the jail. Rightwing/nutjob/gun nuts need to be taught a lesson and anytime they threaten anyone they go to jail.

Manifest Density said...

@ 12:51

"Strange that this sort of thing NEVER happens at Columbus Day rallies, or rallies for George Washington's or Thomas Jefferson's birthdays!"

When was the last time anybody celebrated these slaveholderz?

"Now why is that? Just WTF IS WRONG WITH BLACKS?"

Quit begging! Europeons always coming here wanting somebody to explain something to them. Lessons cost money. If you really want to know read "The 1619 Project" or better yet read about Critical Race theory.

PilotX said...

"If you really want to know read "The 1619 Project" or better yet read about Critical Race theory."

You presume ignorant klansmen know how to read. Only thing they know how to do is bitch about how hard they have it cause of dem nigras.

mike from iowa said...

Want to bet the arresting pigs claimed he matched the description?

mike from iowa said...

Before she wuz born, she seemed nice.

Trump Spray Tan said...

Thank you, Black Alex Jones.

Who said that crazy conspiracy theorists are limited to White people?

You are proof that there are hell lotta crazy Black crazy conspiracy theorists as well.

PilotX said...

"You are proof that there are hell lotta crazy Black crazy conspiracy theorists as well."

LOL! Really? You're just NOW figuring this out? That is proof positive you know NOTHING about Blah people and have no business having ANY opinion about us. LOL!

PilotX said...

Blah folks did with conspiracy theories what we did with everything else, make it better and made it cool. LOL!

dinthebeast said...

Part of Fergus' plan to steal the election was to have the secretary of defense order the national guard to seize the voting machines and declare them compromised. They found that in a draft executive order.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Part of Fergus' plan to steal the election was to have the secretary of defense order the national guard to seize the voting machines and declare them compromised. They found that in a draft executive order."

Well we did start the countdown clock as to when he was going to end up in stripes. Are we getting close?

PilotX said...

Shocker😳Republican state senator arrested for election fraud. I guess if yur ain’t cheating ya ain’t trying.

PilotX said...

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
--from "Nineteen Eighty Four" by George Orwell

Anonymous said...

"Part of Fergus' plan to steal the election was to have the secretary of defense order the national guard to seize the voting machines and declare them compromised. They found that in a draft executive order."

I believe the correct term for that activity is a "coup."

"Shocker😳Republican state senator arrested for election fraud. I guess if yur ain’t cheating ya ain’t trying."

If you ain't cheating, you ain't a Republican. See above.

Anonymous said...

A recent poll indicated that Kyrsten Sinema's approval rating among Democrats, BEFORE she flipped the middle finger in the general direction of voting rights, was eight percent.

Eight. Percent.

And it's not like she'd have any easy time switching parties and winning votes from Republicans instead. I mean, they're cheering right now as she sabotages the Democrats' agenda, along with Manchin, but that still doesn't mean wingnut Arizonans want her as their senator. Next election, they'll tearfully pour out a forty for their fallen homie Kyrsten ... and then go vote for a Trump clone. So unless she plans on recanting her bisexuality, finding Jesus, painting herself orange, and ranting about Mexican rapists for the next three years, her political career is finished.

I'm starting to think the cynics are right. Maybe she's been outright bought off. Maybe someone promised her an ultra-cushy future job in the private sector in return for fucking over the Democrats for the rest of her term of office, because she's certainly not going to be returning to the Senate in 2025.

dinthebeast said...

She's wallowing in her relevance and knows it's soon over, so look for even more performative sabotage from her. It's all she's got. What's fucked up is that she's seen hard times and thus should know better.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"She's wallowing in her relevance and knows it's soon over, so look for even more performative sabotage from her. It's all she's got. What's fucked up is that she's seen hard times and thus should know better."

How did she ever get into this doomed position, though?

It's hard to believe that she is acting on deeply, deeply held conviction in standing up for the principle of bipartisanship. That would require her to be impossibly naive, given that the entire reason the majority of Democrats want to amend the filibuster in order to pass voting rights legislation is that the GOP have trashed bipartisanship completely and are now trying to rig elections. It strains credulity to suggest that the real solution is that Democrats just need to be nicer to Republicans and they'll immediately stop with this whole "destroying democracy" business.

It's equally hard to believe that she was motivated by political calculation. How could she not have realized that her recent moves would radically harm, rather than help, her election chances? Surely, she has pollsters working for her who would have advised against this.

And if it's neither deeply held conviction nor political calculation, what's left? You can see why a lot of her critics are landing on corruption as the explanation.

Anonymous said...

Thing is I don’t find excuses for bad behavior, that’sYOUR thing.

I've never excused the behavior.  I've tried to explain to you why all the demands to "stop" it in advance are either frustrated by law/precedent/policy or are just bad ideas altogether.  You're dense enough that you still don't get it, or fixated enough that you can't get it.

Maybe it’s just a false flag op by the CIA or whatever it was you said about the Vegas/Sandy Hook/any school everyday shootings.

A handful in the last 20-odd years is "everyday"?  Recall again just WHERE the metal detectors had to be put in to stop the REAL everyday shootings:  inner-city schools populated mainly by blacks.

Great! Let’a give him a gun

Nobody gave him a gun.  He bought it himself.

and not allow doctors to ask about whether or not he has a gun

Because most doctors have a pattern of anti-gun prejudice due to their indoctrination.  They're prohibited from asking questions so that they cannot make negative inferences from refusals to answer.  The 2nd Amendment rights of citizens are not subject to policing by MDs.

so they can make helpful suggestions.

When he was showing clear signs of delusion/disturbance, why didn't the cops have him hauled off for a mental health evaluation?  Why didn't his girlfriend report him?  That would have stopped things right there.  Was it a failure of judgement on the part of the cops/girlfriend, a failure of policy, or a prohibition in law or precedent?  Clearly, this is a guy who could have been stopped by authorities, but they weren't on the ball enough.

Anonymous said...

Europeons always coming here wanting somebody to explain something to them.

It figures that the concept of "rhetorical question" would escape you.

If you really want to know read "The 1619 Project" or better yet read about Critical Race theory.

I learned to recognize bullshit a long, long time ago, but the genocidal agenda behind CRT is breathtaking.

The 1619 project is based on lies.  Chattel slavery came to Virginia colony when one African named Anthony Johnson sued to be declared owner-for-life of another African named John Casor, according to Johnson's culture.  This was the first and arguably worst disaster of multiculturalism.  The decision in "Johnson vs. Robinson" wasn't handed down until something like 1656, not 1619.

Anonymous said...

the GOP have trashed bipartisanship completely and are now trying to rig elections.

Dimocraps did that a decade ago when they forced Obamacare through on a party-line vote.  They did it again in 2020 with the fake impeachment efforts.  "Bipartanship" for Dimocraps only works one way; when Manchin and Sinema side with Republicans to frustrate unprincipled power grabs, they call it treason.

Anonymous said...

"COLORADO SPRINGS — On Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022, 53-year-old Kevin Troy Daniels, Sr., former pastor of New Jerusalem Church, pled guilty to the charge of Sex Assault on a Child."

Of course, he's black.

dinthebeast said...

"Because most doctors have a pattern of anti-gun prejudice due to their indoctrination."

Most doctors have seen the holes that bullets tear into the flesh of their patients.

"Dimocraps did that a decade ago when they forced Obamacare through on a party-line vote."

Newton Leroy Gingrich did that in the early nineties with a thing called GOPAC and a memo entitled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" which came with a list of invective Republicans were supposed to call Democrats any time they were near a reporter or a microphone.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

5 month old dies of meth intoxication and mother hides corpse in attic.

Of course, well you know.

PilotX said...

1 year old dies with fentanyl in his system. Seems like a trend.

Anonymous said...

Most doctors have seen the holes that bullets tear into the flesh of their patients.

No they haven't.  Internists and OB-GYNs and dermatologists would never see one.

Those who WOULD would be trauma surgeons and those training for the military.  They get sent to (surprise!) urban hospitals to train because the hell that blacks create is the closest thing to war-zone casualties to be found outside actual war zones.  They do not get sent to rural hospitals in Whitopias.

Seeing so many blacks coming in after shooting each other should be enough to awaken them to the true nature of blacks, but they know they'd get drummed out of the profession if they dared to share the truth with their colleagues so they mostly keep their mouths shut and talk about "guns" as if "guns" do anything without someone holding them.

Manifest Density said...

@ 11:30

You said:

"It figures that the concept of "rhetorical question" would escape you. "

Because I said:

If you really want to know read "The 1619 Project" or better yet read about Critical Race theory.

Do you understand how my saying "If you really want to know, addresses the possibility that the Europeon might have been posing a rhetorical question?

Why do Neuropeons always manifest density?

Manifest Density said...

@ 6:29

You said,"...should be enough to awaken them to the true nature of blacks... "

You are missing the fact that the majority if not all guns used in these crimes are manufactured by Europeons. shouldn't they be given some of the credit, too? Don't these guns have serial numbers? And don't most of these guns even have the name of the manufacturer already on them? So how are these guns so readily available to criminals? Maybe you haven't given this enough thought. Maybe we should invest more time into the true nature of the Europeon.

mike from iowa said...

Because most doctors have a pattern of anti-gun prejudice due to their indoctrination.

Because ALL MagATS have a pattern of pro gun violence and death so they can further their misplaced beliefs that everyone, except POC, should have guns at birth.

And they believe POC should not vote because they don't vote heavily for magats that profess their hate daily for POC.

PilotX said...

Interesting article.

PilotX said...

And another.

Gambler2 said...

To Anonymous st 12:51 AM
"Strange that this sort of thing NEVER happens at Columbus Day rallies, or rallies for George Washington's or Thomas Jefferson's birthdays. But Michael Scott King's birthday... somehow it gets all shooty."

"It ONLY happens when lots of blacks get together. Now why is that? Just WTF IS WRONG WITH BLACKS?"

So have the shooters been caught, and are they white Nazis or some other flavor?

Gambler2 said...

PiolotX said...


1:02 PM
This one is personal for me. My daughter was at the concert and luckily escaped without physical injury. But she still suffers from the after effects of having been a target and seeing people dying around her. I wish I had been the one to pull the trigger on that shooter.

PilotX said...

“My daughter was at the concert and luckily escaped without physical injury“

Glad she was ok. That had to be terrible. There has to be something done about gun violence.

Anonymous said...

Graph showing US homicides by race and by month 1999-2020.

Funny how "Black Lives Matter" coincided with a surge in homicides of blacks, and the furor over St. Floyd of Fentanyl apparently caused another jump of ~500 per month.  It's almost like... black lives simply don't matter to blacks.  And if blacks don't care, why should anyone else?

Anonymous said...

“Those who WOULD would be trauma surgeons and those training for the military. They get sent to (surprise!) urban hospitals”

Gunshot victims aren’t some ultra-rare occurrence in rural ERs.

Plenty of shooting crimes happen there, too.

And what happens very often, given the high rates of gun ownership there, are accidental gunshots. You know the types:

*Toddler shot mom with unsecured pistol
*Cletus shot himself with his carry gun taking it out of the holster
*”Oops, I thought that was a deer.”

Loads and loads and loads of these in red state America.

Anonymous said...

Not too mention, plenty of suicides, though it’s coroners, not ER docs, seeing those.

PilotX said...

"And if blacks don't care, why should anyone else?"

You never have so what's your point?

PilotX said...

"Not too mention, plenty of suicides, though it’s coroners, not ER docs, seeing those."

But anon wants to ignore that. It's almost as if white lives don't even matter to whites. If whites don't care why should anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Why do Neuropeons always manifest density?

This is a sterling example of black language incompetence.  You're using "manifest" as a verb, when the classic usage "manifest destiny" uses it as an adjective meaning "readily perceived by the eye or the understanding".

Heaven forfend you try to understand it as a noun, like a freight manifest.  Your head would explode.

You are missing the fact that the majority if not all guns used in these crimes are manufactured by Europe[a]ns. shouldn't they be given some of the credit, too?

European manufactures a gun.  African't (resist doing senseless violence) gets hands on it.  Senseless violence ensues.  How is the manufacturer responsible for how the African't mis-used the inanimate object?

Don't these guns have serial numbers?

How does that absolve the African't of responsibility?

And don't most of these guns even have the name of the manufacturer already on them?

How does that absolve the African't of responsibility?

So how are these guns so readily available to criminals?

Because we have a couple of grossly mistaken Constitutional amendments which proclaim that the African'ts in America are citizens with all the rights and privileges thereof, so we can't just keep guns out of their hands and make them perform their mayhem with knives, clubs, fists and feet instead.

This lets Dashaun the gang-banger walk into a gun store with his record-free girlfriend of the month and have her buy a gun that he'll use to shoot up some party or night club the next weekend, and if the store clerk refuses the sale he gets destroyed for "rayciss".

Meanwhile, the White gun mfgr and extended family out to sixth cousins are probably armed to the teeth but shoot nobody.  You think this makes it Whitey's responsibility for black violence?  You're insane, but that runs in black genes too.

Anonymous said...

You never have so what's your point?

Don't say "never".  I once thought African'ts were human.  It took a couple of decades of examples to convince me that wasn't true.

But anon wants to ignore that. It's almost as if white lives don't even matter to whites.

What can you do about a relation with occupational lung cancer who has reached the end?  Nothing.  My great uncle had come to the point where he could endure no more.  His life mattered, but it was at an end regardless.  What could I do, make him suffer longer in a "nursing home"... when he didn't want to?

As Adam Smith said, "In the long run, we are all dead."

Anonymous said...

So have the shooters been caught

<directs a flat stare at Gambler2>  The "community" knows that "snitches get stitches".

are they white Nazis or some other flavor?

If they weren't black, the "community" would be telling the world.

They were black.

Manifest Density said...

@ 8:11

"You're using "manifest" as a verb, when the classic usage..."

I coined the term Manifest Density. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

PilotX said...

No fraud found in Arizona. Does this mean trump is a liar????😳

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

“I once thought African'ts were human.“

Bullshit. You've never had an actual thought in your whole miserable life. I mean there's obviously some biological activity happening between your ears, but nothing anyone could say rises to the level of thought.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. You've never had an actual thought in your whole miserable life. I mean there's obviously some biological activity happening between your ears, but nothing anyone could say rises to the level of thought.

This, my peeps, is known as "projection".

mike from iowa said...

Destiny and density are two different things. If he claims to have coined manifest density, who's to say otherwise?

mike from iowa said...

Meanwhile, the White gun mfgr and extended family out to sixth cousins are probably armed to the teeth but shoot nobody.

and you know this how?

mike from iowa said...

Unhinged Caribou Barbie's libel suit against NYT was scheduled to start today, but the unvaxxed potted plant was diagnosed with covid for the second time Saturday night so the judge didn't know if the trial would be postponed or not. Maybe she will be nice and die and that ends another frivolous law suit.

mike from iowa said...

Newt gingrich claims if magats retake congress, January 6th committee members will end up in jail for law breAKING.

PilotX said...

“Newt gingrich claims if magats retake congress, January 6th committee members will end up in jail for law breAKING“

Still the great uniter huh?😆

PilotX said...

Be careful Mike, Doug really likes Newt.😑

Anonymous said...

“Unhinged Caribou Barbie's libel suit against NYT was scheduled to start today, but the unvaxxed potted plant was diagnosed with covid for the second time Saturday night so the judge didn't know if the trial would be postponed or not. Maybe she will be nice and die and that ends another frivolous law suit.”

Yeah, but then we’d all miss out on hearing the judge laugh at Palin as her suit gets thrown out.

Paradoctor said...

Remember, folks, that over 60% of all gun deaths in America are suicides. I think that statistic gives the whole game away. Guns in America are not about self-defense; in practice, they are mostly about self-slaughter.

mike from iowa said...

Hadn't checked her judge's background, but I do know the Biden initiatives being blocked are being done by drumpf appointed no minds on the federal bench doing what they were appointed to do.... obstruct Biden's agenda.

PilotX said...

“Remember, folks, that over 60% of all gun deaths in America are suicides“

Shhhhhhhh, you’ll start the pro-death crowd yapping about the 2nd Amendment and how guns are out birthright something or other. Why bring up grim realities when we can fantasize about being John McClain saving the Nakatoma building?🤷🏾‍♂️

dinthebeast said...

The judges have approved the special grand jury to hear evidence in the investigation of Fergus' attempts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia. Subpoenas will fly, but not until May.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Magats in Wisconsin dropopoed the concealed carry age to 18 so kids in high school can go armed with intent. They say if you are old enough to serve, old enough to vote you're old enough to look like a fucking dork while intimidating classmates.

Magats did not say 18 year olds are old enough to get shit faced on white lightning.

dinthebeast said...

From Ted Leo's Twitter feed:

Chad Loder
· Jan 23
"Big Merv" Shields, member of infamous neo-Nazi skinhead band Skrewdriver dies of complications of COVID. Shields reportedly dismissed the disease and its vaccines as a "Marxist Jew plot".

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

Samuel Sinyangwe
Harvard University admits more white legacy students than the total Black student population but look which “race-based affirmative action policies” are being challenged.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

“Magats in Wisconsin dropopoed the concealed carry age to 18“

Ah, what could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

“Biden finally pinned the tail on the jackass....“

Some media outlets are calling Biden’s hot mike moment a “gaffe.” I’d simply call it “accurate.”

I have no idea how Jen Psaki manages to be civil towards him during her press conferences. None of his snide, trollish questions deserve any response, other than: “Fuck you, Peter Douchey.”

Gambler2 said...

Anonymous said...

" Why do Neuropeons always manifest density?"

This is a sterling example of black language incompetence. You're using "manifest" as a verb, when the classic usage "manifest destiny" uses it as an adjective meaning "readily perceived by the eye or the understanding".

8:11 PM
According to my Merriam Webster Dictionary, the word 'Manifest' functions as a verb, a noun or an adjective, depending on the sentence in which it appears. So your attack on a fellow commenter is built upon your ignorance of the many usages of the word.

dinthebeast said...

Alex the fuck Jones has invoked his fifth amendment right against self incrimination nearly a hundred times when speaking with the select committee investigating the January 6 coup attempt.
Which is sort of amusing when you consider what a waddling, farting self incrimination Alex the fuck Jones really is.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Vaccine conspiracism, ultra-ultra-stupid edition:

Man refuses vaccine, even though it means he can’t get the heart transplant he needs to survive.

Oh well. Donated organs are in short supply. Why waste one on a antivaxxer dude who’s probably gonna die of COVID anyway?

dinthebeast said...

After the transplant he won't have any "natural immunity" and will then die of covid. So this just saves the medical team the trouble of trying to save the fatally delusional son of a bitch.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Paradoctor said...

Forgive me, for I am about to sin...

Sarah Palin has gotten covid, again. The virus has had its way with her body, twice, with her passive cooperation. Therefore I dub her...

... a covid slut.

How mean of me, to stoop to so low, vile, sexist, and un-PC an insult! But how well it fits her! And how good it feels, to diss her thus!

Democrats, that's how it's done.

dinthebeast said...

Breyer is retiring. Now to confirm justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

-Doug in Sugar Pine.

mike from iowa said...


dinthebeast said...

Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and deadly idiocy:

Josh Wingrove
DeSantis says his state may sue to keep using two Covid treatments after the FDA halted their use and said they simply don't work on omicron.

The drug manufacturers haven't objected; one even agreed. The AMA agrees. DeSantis objects.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“After the shit he pulled if he tries anything if every Dem doesn’t line up to kick him in the nuts they get kicked in em.”

If Manchin and Sinema refuse to confirm Biden’s nominee in the name of “bipartisanship,” I’m going to need a psych eval and an a DOJ anti-corruption investigation of the both of them. This shit ain’t funny anymore.

dinthebeast said...

Goddamn Republicans are literally too stupid to live, part 77403:
Republicans in state legislatures in several states are introducing bills that would ban all vaccination mandates. Not just covid, all.
From Steve Benen:
I soon after checked the Ohio Department of Health's website, which offered an "immunization summary for school attendance." It's not an especially short list: Before children can attend schools in Ohio, they must be fully immunized against, among other things, polio, measles, hepatitis B, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

But who cares if children start dying from preventable diseases again, we're gonna own the damn libs!

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Thank dog your kids in preschools will soon have their own slimmed down versions of AR-15s to keep other kids in line. They work just like Mom and Pop's.

magats are all bat shit crazy mofos.

dinthebeast said...

Beginning in August, gun owners in San Jose will be required to carry liability insurance:

The new ordinance, which is set to take effect in August, requires that all San Jose residents who own a gun obtain a homeowner’s, renter’s or gun liability insurance policy that specifically covers losses or damages resulting from negligent or accidental use of their firearm.

Additionally, gun owners will be asked to pay an annual fee of between $25-$35 to a nonprofit organization that will be established to manage the funds and distribute them to groups who will offer various services to residents who own a firearm or live with someone who does. Those services will include suicide prevention programs, gender-based violence services, mental health and addiction services, and firearm safety training, according to the city’s ordinance.
None of that is a substitute for the home training that safe gun ownership really requires, but in its obvious widespread absence, it's a start.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

South Duhkota has had one trangender in womens sportsmin 10 years, but they want to prevent its spread like they did with terrorism, except the terrorists are all right wing magats.

Suck it, bitchez! You were wrong all along! said...

Large, peer-reviewed research study proves ivermectin works

Regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.

The results are in from the world’s largest study of ivermectin for COVID-19.

Researchers in Brazil found that regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.

The study was conducted in Itajaí, a port city in the state of Santa Catarina, between July and December 2020. Study authors include FLCCC physicians Dr. Flavio Cadegiani and Dr. Pierre Kory. Lead author Dr. Lucy Kerr was approached by the mayor of Itajaí, after the city began to experience a severe outbreak of COVID.

The entire population of Itajaí was invited to participate in the program, which involved a medical visit to compile baseline, personal, demographic, and medical information. In the absence of contraindications, ivermectin was offered as a preventative treatment, to be taken for two consecutive days every 15 days at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day.

Of the 223,128 citizens of Itajaí considered for the study, a total of 159,561 subjects elected to participate: over 70% opted to take ivermectin, and 23% chose not to.

Reduced infection and hospitalization rates

The study found a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate in favor of the group that took ivermectin (3.5% versus 8.2%).

In cases where a participating citizen of Itajaí became ill with COVID-19, they were recommended not to use ivermectin or any other medication in early outpatient treatment. Of those who did become infected, two equal-sized, highly matched groups (one that used ivermectin as a prophylaxis and one that did not) were compared. The regular use of preventative ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality (0.8% versus 2.6%), and a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate (1.6% versus 3.3%).

(article continues)

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