Sunday, May 01, 2022

You never know when those corn flakes might attack.


I'm going to need some of you to help me understand this trend with some of my gun loving friends. I mean  has it really become this dangerous to visit your local Target? 

What motivates a mother to bring her kids shopping with a long-gun strapped to her back? Spats over parking spaces can get rough sometimes. I get it, those minivans are big. But is Karen really going to go Rambo on someone for beating her to a spot? 

This trend, I must say, is troubling. I am not sure I feel comfortable in a public space with someone who just wants to show off that fact that they can exercise their Second Amendment right in the most open of ways. Especially when I see guys like this.  Of course we all know what his problem is. (Hey buddy, I guess you gotta find a way to make up for what you're lacking in other areas. Just saying..)

Some of you in Red States might have a totally different view about this. But personally, I don't think this good guy with a gun thing is a good idea. 

We pay law enforcement officers for that. Let them do their jobs. 


  1. Anonymous11:41 PM

    I'm going to need some of you to help me understand this trend with some of my gun loving friends.

    It's a political statement.  It's the firearms equivalent of a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter.

    I mean has it really become this dangerous to visit your local Target?

    The likelihood of a chimpout probably goes way, way down in the vicinity of a 12-gauge.

  2. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Homicides account for far more deaths than auto crashes in the USA's 50 biggest cities:

    That's what happens where #blackness reigns unfettered.

    If black lives mattered to blacks, you'd be all FOR the police and putting violent blacks in prison.  You aren't, and they don't.

  3. Anonymous12:48 AM

    They’re trying to establish the right to threaten with murder people they don’t like.

    There is no good reason for open carry. The people promoting it all have a bad motive behind it.

    Inevitably, it will result in lots of Kyle Rittenhouse situations. And not every one will end like that of the original Rittenhouse, by the way. Some will end with the Rittenhouses dead, and the acquittal of persons who shot them, who will have, justifiably argued in court that “I felt threatened.”

  4. As a gun owner of more than fifty years, I say that performative open carry is fully retarded. If you are serious about "gun rights" very few things you may do will do more harm than scaring the piss out of folks just out to do their shopping. They will see your long gun and rightly assess your judgement as being lacking in the safety decision making department.
    Very few people have less business with a firearm than those who want to use one as a social prop to feel powerful.
    And to remove it from the hyper-charged subject of guns, just ask yourself how many other behaviors "because I can" is a good reason to engage in.
    Because you're an asshole is probably underneath most of them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. We have gone insane about "gun rights." We are having increasing homicides, and it is not limited to race, sexuality or national origin. People who fled Birmingham to the suburbs during the years of "white flight" are having increased rates of homicides. I live in Alabama, so I here all the foolish talk about fighting the federal government, the same federal government that gives more money to Alabama than Alabama sends to the Federal Government. There are too many people carrying guns that have no business having guns. We have too many deaths from "accidental shootings." A child find's Dad's gun and shoots a sibling while playing with it. Their should be no accidental shootings. With guns come responsibility, an "accidental shooting" is actually a crime in my eyes. That gun owner was not responsible with his gun. More guns do not make us more safe.
    Paul F Sams

  6. She was trying to win the mother of the year award. Chances are she isn't too bright and will raise some dumb asses who will inevitably shoot someone in their home. Stupid people aren't happy until they show the entire planet they're stupid i.e. electing trump and walking around like extras from Zero Dark Thirty. Sad part is it may get worse, they're banning any book that doesn't give the happy slave and hero Ronald Reagan narrative. Stupid people are easier to control. Good luck guys, let's hope we make it through this if not I'll see you in Australia.

  7. "There is no good reason for open carry."

    Sure there is, such as making yourself an obvious target in Target. Oh! I'll be here all week. Tip those waitresses!

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    n1qq3rs, their fare-evasions and crime threaten NYC's MTA:

  9. Ed Loski1:54 PM

    Lemme guess: Arizona?

    There's tons of gun-toting idiots in Arizona.

  10. Former NYPD cop and MAGA idiot convicted. His defense of "self defense" was rejected rightfully. Big dummy thought it would work. LOL!

  11. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Woman shot, killed in TARGET parking lot at Brickyard Mall:

  12. Anonymous2:36 PM

    What makes you think some of them aren't in law enforcement? Yep, we pay some of those who terrorize us.

  13. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Trump's defense secretary says Trump wanted to shoot BLM protesters in D.C. and was disappointed to learn he wasn't allowed to.


    She warned every one of us what would happen by installing Putin's puppet in the WH.

  15. 'nuther child abuser of the wasicu magat persuasion.

    As magats are wont to say....spare the rod and catch more fish with dynomite or some such shit.


    MURDER for shooting fleeing 12 year old in the back.

  17. Anonymous4:34 PM

    “She warned every one of us what would happen by installing Putin's puppet in the WH.“

    But her email!!!!😳 So we have to elect an ignorant, uncouth, fat, uneducated imbecile.

  18. Grand jury commences looking into trump's efforts to commit election fraud.


    Go get em Fani!

  20. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Whites hate everyone and anyone and carry weapons out of fear.Ask the so called Indians!

  21. Armed snowflakes in fear of benign corn flakes in the cereal killer aisle.

  22. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Chicago Final April 2022 Totals (vs 2021)
    Shot & Killed: 50 (-4%)
    Shot & Wounded: 205(-21%)
    Total Shot: 255 (-18%)
    Total Homicides: 54 (-5%)

  23. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Chicago 2022 Race of Victim/Assailant
    Race Victim Assailant
    Black 137 14
    Hispanic 32 7
    White/Other 11 2
    As of 4/29/22

  24. Their hero Ronald Reagan ended gun rights in California. The NRA said nothing.

  25. Weirdo Republican judges will overturn Roe. They won't stop there, their weird asses are gonna get rid of contraception too. These are some goofy need to mind their own business assclowns.

  26. This has got to be a joke. We are officially screwed. This is an actual candidate.

  27. PilotX said....

    Weirdo Republican judges will overturn Roe. They won't stop there, their weird asses are gonna get rid of contraception too. These are some goofy need to mind their own business assclowns.

    10:28 PM
    Yes, you are right, Pilot. And after they get rid of contraception, they will try to take away women's right to vote. I know this sounds extreme, but the warning signs are there.

  28. Manifest Density11:09 PM

    It's shame that a mother has to arm herself to go shopping for food and clothing for her baby. Where is the father? Are female headed households increasing in the Neuropeon community?

    White on white crime is turning this country into a ghetto.


  30. Legal experts: Alito's leaked decision also calls into question laws on birth control, privacy and same-sex marriage

  31. "they will try to take away women's right to vote. I know this sounds extreme, but the warning signs are there."

    Oh they tipped their hands. They want to make abortion, voting rights, interracial marriage laws and all gains by anyone not white male the whims of Christian white males. I have to give them their props for playing the long game. Well, anyone who sat out the 2016 election and is a supporter of these rights have to take the blame.

  32. "Alito's leaked decision also calls into question laws on birth control, privacy and same-sex marriage"

    These laws are as good as gone. I mean how did we not se this coming when the majority of justices are members of a minority religious cult?

  33. A draft opinion has never been leaked from the supreme court before, so even the existence of the leak breaks what has long been understood as policy there, meaning all bets are off and the goddamn supermajority Fergus and McConnell stole will in fact do the bidding of their goddamn paymasters.
    All I can say as a 61 year old man is that if this doesn't turn out our voters like never before, nothing will. We lose the midterms and all that will be standing between us and a full-on nationwide abortion ban with, as the Mississippi case has, no exceptions for rape or incest, is Joe Biden.
    This opinion nukes Roe and Casey, and you know full well that Griswald will be next, as it was decided on the same right to privacy as Roe.
    Basically, one giant leap toward the Handmaid's Tale, and the only path back is a massive electoral victory large enough to overcome the goddamn legislative filibuster and allow the codification of reproductive healthcare in law, and then the expansion of the supreme court to match the number of circuit courts like it did when we arrived at nine.
    If we don't rise to this occasion, women in the US are basically broodmares for the state.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. "If we don't rise to this occasion, women in the US are basically broodmares for the state."

    Isn't that the ultimate point? Even if we do turn out and vote there will be some nullification BS co-signed by the Supremes to allow it. Heads we win tails you lose. Tyranny of the minority. Blame all the people who just couldn't trust Hillary.

  35. Skipping debates is the new Republican tactic. Don't inform the public, institute extreme far right agendas, normalize violence and undermine confidence in elections. This movie won't end well.

  36. This man is doing god's work. He shouldn't be threatened for doing it.

  37. Anonymous2:38 AM

    9 killed, 26 others wounded in Chicago weekend shootings

  38. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Chicago sees most violent weekend so far in 2022, with 8 murders and 42 people shot
    Chicago Sun-Times called it the city’s 'most violent weekend this year'

  39. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Downtown shootings continue spike with 64% jump in 2022
    Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Monday said she’s “not happy about this weekend” after a spate of shootings in the area, noting that city officials need to “step up our efforts downtown.”

  40. Anonymous2:43 AM

  41. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Source: Northwest Indiana serial killer refused to talk with CPD detectives

  42. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Chicago crime: 6 shot in 3 separate shootings in 10-hour span, community leaders want federal help

  43. Anonymous10:21 AM

    “Weirdo Republican judges will overturn Roe. They won't stop there, their weird asses are gonna get rid of contraception too. These are some goofy need to mind their own business assclowns.”

    I’m pretty skeptical they’ll attempt to ban contraception. At least not while the right to vote still exists (crossing my fingers on that one). Banning contraception would be too unpopular even among Republican voters.

    They have probably already overplayed their hand with abortion, though. Assuming that Roe does fall, then the Democrats should hammer Republicans with that on the campaign trail in the fall. As bad as inflation is (and inflation will now last longer, thanks to Putin invading Ukraine and driving up oil prices) and as much as Republicans will try to blame Biden, Democrats are now free to credibly run endless “Republicans Hate Women” ads.

    Women will get their revenge at the polls. Maybe the midterm elections won’t be so great for the Republicans, as SCOTUS have probably fucked them by siding with the theocrats.

  44. Anonymous10:24 AM

    “This has got to be a joke. We are officially screwed. This is an actual candidate.”

    Yeah, Republicans seem to be running one self-parody candidate after another these days, but the joke just isn’t funny anymore.

  45. Anonymous10:30 AM

    “A draft opinion has never been leaked from the supreme court before, so even the existence of the leak breaks what has long been understood as policy there …”

    This is not actually true, Doug. The original Roe v. Wade decision was also momentous enough that someone leaked it before it was officially released.

    It’s certainly not common for justices or clerks, etc., to leak rulings to the press, though.

  46. Anonymous said...

    Chicago sees most violent weekend so far in 2022, with 8 murders and 42 people shot
    Chicago Sun-Times called it the city’s 'most violent weekend this year'

  47. The only one around here that believes overturning Roe wasn't pre-ordained would be anymoose.

  48. "Banning contraception would be too unpopular even among Republican voters."

    When your invisible daddy tells you to do something you do it! We're not dealing with normal people here.

  49. Magats are making it impossible for pregnant women to get
    "morning after pills" through the mail to end pregnancy before pregnancy happens.

    They also have given pharmacists an out of selling contraceptives if it violates their alleged, bogus religious beliefs.

  50. Anonymous4:11 PM

    “When your invisible daddy tells you to do something you do it! We're not dealing with normal people here.”

    Yeah, see, that’s the thing. All Republicans aren’t blindly obedient to what clergymen have told them “invisible daddy” wants. Probably less than half of Republicans are Christian fundies. So all of the attacks on reproductive rights or LGBTs or whatever are being done to just make a minority of their voting coalition happy. Republican politicians (both the elected variety and the ones sitting on the Supreme Court) are counting on the fact that the rest of their coalition may not be particularly in favor of this junk, but hopefully won’t object too strongly, either.

    Similar logic is at play with “open carry” gun laws. Even most Republicans voters think these are basically insane. But the rabid gun nuts love them, and everyone else in the GOP is content to look the other way, as long as they get whatever it is THEY want from their GOP politicians, be it racist policing, or brutal immigration policy, or deregulation and tax cuts, etc.

    The bottom line is that right-wingers don’t all have exactly the same views, and you can only push things so far to satisfy one group before the other groups say, “Hey, wait a minute …”

    And that’s doubly true when it comes to sacrificing basic personal freedoms like contraception.

  51. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Roe v Wade-related quote of the day comes from Tom Neenan on Twitter:

    “Human life is sacred from the moment of conception to the moment Kyle Rittenhouse feels threatened by it.”

  52. Anonymous4:23 PM

    “Magats are making it impossible for pregnant women to get
    ‘morning after pills’ through the mail to end pregnancy before pregnancy happens.”

    By destroying the mail? Yet another reason to hate Louis DeJoy.

  53. "Yeah, see, that’s the thing. All Republicans aren’t blindly obedient to what clergymen have told them “invisible daddy” wants."

    Not all of them need to be, only 5 of the 9 Supremes.

  54. "This is not actually true, Doug. The original Roe v. Wade decision was also momentous enough that someone leaked it before it was officially released."

    That wasn't a draft opinion, the case had been decided and a deal struck between a clerk and his journalist friend blew up when the announcement was delayed a few hours after the magazine publication time. The chief justice was furious, as Roberts is now, but this leak is of an entirely different character.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. "The bottom line is that right-wingers don’t all have exactly the same views, and you can only push things so far to satisfy one group before the other groups say, “Hey, wait a minute …”

    Right-wingers are pretty much low information childlike goofs who only live to own the libs. There are no more moderate sensible Republicans. Them days are gone. Your only political choices in America is a mediocre, milquetoast party or a racist, fratboy party that had zero shame. The decades long process of dumbing down America has finally borne fruit.

  56. Anonymous5:56 PM

    “Right-wingers are pretty much low information childlike goofs who only live to own the libs. There are no more moderate sensible Republicans.”

    I don’t really agree with this. There definitely are still moderate right-wing voters. What don’t exist, anymore, at least at the national level, are moderate right-wing politicians.

    The moderate voters hold their noses and help vote the crazy clowns into office because they’ve been told a bunch of lies by right-wing media that make them think the Democrats are somehow even worse.

    Aside from that, even the extremist voters don’t all have the SAME extremist views. They’re not all Christian fundamentalists. Some are even atheists. For example, one could be an intensely racist Nazi, and yet feel no particular animosity toward abortion or, certainly, birth control. Hell, some of those dudes are big fans of birth control — they favor mandatory sterilization of minorities.

  57. Anonymous6:55 PM

    5 killed and 40 injured, including kids, when SUV plows into Wisconsin Christmas parade — terror not ruled out

  58. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Human Remains Identified as Missing Woman, Who Was Girlfriend of Ex-NFL Player Investigated in Her Disappearance

  59. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Philadelphia: 13-year-old boy shot in the head is in critical condition, 2 arrested, police say

  60. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The wakeup call is here for Hitlery.

    The FEC has proof that the money paid to Fusion GPS to forge the Trump dossier came from the DNC and was laundered through a law firm.

  61. Anonymous said...

    "The FEC has proof that the money paid to Fusion GPS to ..."

    7:23 PM

    Zero Hedge (or ZeroHedge) is a far-right libertarian financial blog and news aggregator.
    Got any other sources for this astounding news?

  62. "There definitely are still moderate right-wing voters."

    You would have to prove this to me. No way ANY rational person can look at the direction of the GOP and say "yup, those are the right guys to lead this country".

  63. The dog has caught the car.

    Now what? Will red states post border guards? Fund vigilantes? Pass a federal Fugitive Woman Act? Execute women who miscarry?

    Now consider RU-486. How about another drug war? Look at how well the last one worked.

  64. Anonymous11:56 PM

    “You would have to prove this to me. No way ANY rational person can look at the direction of the GOP and say ‘yup, those are the right guys to lead this country.’”

    They don’t actually think they’re the right guys to run the country. However, they do think the Democrats are even worse because the Democrats are going to impose communism, or abolish the police, or make their kids turn gay, or whatever other crazy lies they’ve been told.

    They’ve got right-wing propaganda on the brain, which makes them see repulsive individuals like Trump as the lesser of two evils.

  65. Anonymous12:21 AM

    “Now what? Will red states post border guards?”

    No, but they’ll probably try to mess with the mail, because it’s going to be chock-full of abortion pills sent from blue states or outside the country.

    “Fund vigilantes?”

    Texas has already done that. Google “S.B. 8.”

    “Pass a federal Fugitive Woman Act?”

    Probably. They’ll at least attempt to outlaw traveling to another state to get an abortion. Not sure they’ll succeed, but they’ll definitely try.

    “Execute women who miscarry?”

    Execute? No. Just jail. If there’s even a possibility a woman caused her own miscarriage, they’ll publicly denounce her as a sinful harlot and toss her in the clink.

  66. Missouri was already working on a law to ban women who live there from obtaining abortions elsewhere. These backward ass fucks won't stop until women are barefoot and in the goddamn kitchen, because that's what Tucker Carlson tells their voters every damn night.
    Abortion pills scare the fuck out of them because women can self-manage abortions with them and if something goes wrong, it's very difficult for the ER doctor to tell they weren't just miscarrying, so you can look for them to be regulated as close to out of existence as the goddamn ghouls can get them.
    The first mention of abortion in the literature was from 1550BC, and pretty much nobody gave a rat's ass about it until the goddamn right decided to make a "wedge issue" out of it to scare people into voting for them. "They're killing babies!" they whine over and over and over.
    No. They are not killing babies. Do you know who is killing babies? The goddamn Republicans in red states who refused the Medicaid expansion and now have third world levels of maternal mortality, that's who.
    I don't see them all het up over maternal mortality, though. I almost seems like they don't care about women at all except as property.
    If this doesn't get white women to start voting their gender instead of their race I don't know what will.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Dewd tries to pass off Zero Hedge as legitimate news. I think it's mostly amateur bloggers who think they know how to write if I am not mistaken. lolz

    Any-hoo! This is a great day for freedom. The republican cocksuckers had quite a field day with the DNC emails, Debbie Wasserman-Schulz and Hillary Clinton. You had your fun. You elected the shittiest president of all time. Fuck you, BTW. Now something good has happened leakwise. Along the lines of Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Something that needed to be said.

    The Trump-appointed Supreme Court and the rotten legacy of previous republican presidents has shown its true colors. And it's shit-brown because the bastards were caught with their pants down.

    Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States? That's a fucking laugh. These guys are hyper-partisan activists bound and determined to use their high office to screw the American people by forcing a fascist agenda.

    Brett Kavanaugh --- Lying sack of shit.

    Amy Comey Barret --- Super-prissy dirty rotten liar.

    Gorsuch --- Cannot be trusted with forty dollars for beer.

    These people are fucking liars. "Chief" Justice Roberts??? Rolling on the floor in his case as he clings desperately to his last shreds of dignity. "But it was only a draft resolution. We were going to shape it and clean it up before we presented it to the American people. Whoever is responsible for the egregious (not my satire-actual word used) sin against sacred justice must be called to account."

    Mitch McConnell??? Go back to sleep you dead turtle.

    Now the American people see the republicans for the dishonest fiends that they truly are. You can bet that independents and moderates have taken notice. Whoever did this is an American hero.

  68. Flying junior, please don't hold back and tell us how you really feel.

  69. Zero Hedge - Conspiracy - Fake News - Right Bias - Conservative - Libertarian - Not CredibleZero Hedge - Pseudoscience - Right Bias - Conservative - Not credible or ReliableFactual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias
    Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

    Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.

  70. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Zero Hedge pretends to be a real financial website but actually pushes weird, Ron Paul-style libertarian fantasies. Basically every story is: “The economy is on the verge of collapse and we are approaching armageddon because the Federal Reserve is evil and the Left is too woke.”

    I think it it exists to drive credulous right-wingers into a panic, so they’ll put all their savings into gold and crypto.

  71. Anonymous said...

    That's the problem with you libtards: you're woefully susceptible to propaganda campaigns because you won't look at anything that doesn't come from "approved" sources, so if those sources are bent on keeping information from you or lying to you, you fall right into it.

    and have answered your own questions. But if you want to look like an idiot, I sure can't stop you.

    2:08 AM
    Sorry dude, but you don't know anything about me. You don't know what I read and you sure as hell don't know what I have seen with my own eyes or what I have experienced working in politics. Just the fact that you chose to call me a libtard show you close minded arrogance.

    BTW, I've been following politics closely since 1944, so don't try to tell me that I don't know what is going on.

  72. To Anonymous at 2:08 AM

    Furthermore, all I said in my comment was, "Got any other sources for this astounding news?" If you felt secure in you position, why did you find it necessary to insult me and respond... "you're woefully susceptible to propaganda campaigns because you won't look at anything that doesn't come from "approved" sources ..."
    This rant came after all I did was ask for other sources. LOL! Kinda overly defensive aren't you?

  73. Flying Junior said...
    "Now the American people see the republicans for the dishonest fiends that they truly are. You can bet that independents and moderates have taken notice. Whoever did this is an American hero."

    3:26 AM
    Great post! I agree with you 110%! I have a hunch the sane, American voters are not going to go for this.


  75. "Now the American people see the republicans for the dishonest fiends that they truly are. You can bet that independents and moderates have taken notice. Whoever did this is an American hero."

    What, you thought they were lying when trump said he was going to appoint justices who would get rid of Roe? That's on them not Republicans. When he came down that escalator and immediately went full racist and folks STILL stuck with him are beyond saving.

  76. "This rant came after all I did was ask for other sources. LOL! Kinda overly defensive aren't you?"

    Yeah, he did kind of freak out. LOL!

  77. Anonymous2:49 PM

    “Exactly! Which makes them imbeciles.”

    I don’t disagree with the fact that it is foolish to embrace right-wing media sources when there is so much evidence that most of them are peddling disinformation.

    But having relatively moderate politics and fearing the Left (because you have been deceived into believing they are all radicals) is still different from having hard right-wing politics of your own.

    The fascists win, in part, by frightening the non-fascists into joining them and voting for their candidates, using made-up scare stories about Nancy Pelosi or AOC or BLM or CRT-pushing transexual teachers, etc.

  78. From Susie Madrak's blog:

    Karen A. Virus
    Justice #Alito says the basic premise behind the Roe v. Wade decision isn't in the Constitution.

    Know what else isn't in the Constitution? A specified number of SCOTUS justices.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  79. Roberts confirms leaked opinion is real.

  80. Anonymous5:36 PM

    “But having relatively moderate politics and fearing the Left (because you have been deceived into believing they are all radicals) is still different from having hard right-wing politics of your own.“

    If you’re not smart enough to discern fact from fiction does it matter if you don’t have far tight wing ideology but throw in with them? I’m not a nazi but I just vote nazi.🙄

  81. May have found some Texass relatives of anymoose. Posted racist video on social media account called KKK.

    They seemed nice, but, so did Kublai Khan.

  82. Anonymous6:41 PM

    “If you’re not smart enough to discern fact from fiction does it matter if you don’t have far tight wing ideology but throw in with them? I’m not a nazi but I just vote nazi.”

    Kind of, yeah. If they’re not actual Nazis, maybe there is some hope of getting through to them and getting them to vote differently, whereas not so much with the Nazis.

    Outside the voting booth, the difference is even more significant. You obviously do not want to live next door to the Nazis.

  83. "Kind of, yeah. If they’re not actual Nazis, maybe there is some hope of getting through to them and getting them to vote differently, whereas not so much with the Nazis."

    I wish I could share your optimism but if you believe a major political party eats babies my faith in your ability to reason is non-existent. Good luck though.


  85. Anonymous12:00 AM

    With regard to white men passing laws to abolish's what nobody is talking about:

    There's a white baby shortage in America for the past 50 years. The only population of baby makers that is steadily growing at a very fast rate is among the BLACK AND BROWN COMMUNITIES. This presents a clear and present danger to White Supremacy.

    So, if the trend continues, white folks will become "ENDANGERED SPECIES" in America. And that is what white men are really afraid of.

    It's like the reverse of the 1 child rule in China.

    White women in America have been among the most infertile of all and they have had to resort to going to black and brown countries to adopt babies. It's kind of hard to get those folks to agree to a racist agenda when the kid sleeping in their nursery is black or brown.

    ...Follow the color trail.... That's the elephant in the room that nobody's talking about publicly.

  86. Anonymous12:35 AM

    “With regard to white men passing laws to abolish's what nobody is talking about:”

    Yeah, that theory doesn’t really work. People keep bringing it up, but it makes zero sense.

    Republicans haven’t passed laws banning abortions for white women. They’re banning them for ALL women. And since white women are, collectively, wealthier than women of color, they will find it easier to circumvent anti-abortion laws.

    The effect will be to INCREASE the non-white birth rate faster than it increases the white birth rate. It will hasten the day when the white population becomes a minority. Not exactly good news if you’re a racist.

    This ruling was made to keep the misogynist, Christian fundamentalist faction of the GOP happy, not the racist faction.

  87. Anonymous1:05 AM



  88. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Minority Births Now Out Number White Births.

  89. Anonymous2:51 AM


    Yeah. No kidding. But taking away abortion rights would cause that process to happen even faster.

    With access to abortion reduced, the number of children born to white women would go up somewhat, but the number of children born to women of color would go up even more, because women of color already have more abortions and would have a harder time than white women in evading abortion restrictions.

    Why would any racist conceivably want that? Racists are dumb, but they’re not that dumb.

  90. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The abortion issue in the United States is less about saving babies born to "colored folks." Most (not all) colored people are very fertile Many choose to carry their babies to term.

    In addition, many of the law makers in favor of ending abortion in the United States may have already had one themselves or already have paid for their wives, lovers, mistresses, girlfriends or daughters to have one.

    Lack of easy access to abortion would force white teenagers, and poor white women to carry pregnancies to term and give them up for adoption. The end result will be more white births in America and more white babies for rich childless white couples in America to adopt.

  91. More Negroes Bouncing Around misbehavior11:43 AM

    Ex-NBA Players Association VP and Jazz assistant arrested

    The Associated Press

    NEW YORK (AP) — A former vice president of the National Basketball Players Association was arrested Wednesday and added to a criminal case in which 18 former NBA players were charged with illegally pocketing millions of dollars by defrauding the league’s health and welfare benefit plan.

    The rewritten indictment added Keyon Dooling to the case first brought in October, when federal officials said a number of former NBA players combined to collect about $2.5 million from the benefit plan.

    Dooling, who was a union officer for eight years and eventually became its first vice president, was among three individuals added to the indictment Wednesday. Dooling, now an assistant coach in the Utah Jazz organization, spent parts of 13 seasons in the NBA as a member of seven different teams.

    (article continues)

  92. Corn flakes are categorized as thin skinned, light bone structures, similar to lions and leopards. If corn flakes are as tenacious as leopards, then use the biggest rifle or shotgun with slugs or (double aught buckshot) at close range.

    A corn flake hide is easier to sew up than your own.

  93. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Speaking of the racists, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott thinks SCOTUS is now so right-wing, he can sue and successfully overthrow the precedent set in the court case Plyler v. Doe.

    Why would he want to do that? Oh, just so he can take away the right of illegal immigrant children to attend school.


  95. Anonymous9:01 PM

    They're already at it. Anticipating Roe v. Wade will be overturned, Louisiana Republicans have introduced a bill in their legislature to prosecute abortion as murder.

    Red states are about to become bigger hellholes than they already were. There will probably be economic consequences as well, as a bunch of businesses pull out of Southern and Great Plains states that have decided they want to revert to caveman status.

  96. When you realize that the "conspiracy nuts" were right all along1:11 AM

    WASHINGTON (FDA) – Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has limited the authorized use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to individuals 18 years of age and older for whom other authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccines are not accessible or clinically appropriate, and to individuals 18 years of age and older who elect to receive the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine because they would otherwise not receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

    After conducting an updated analysis, evaluation and investigation of reported cases, the FDA has determined that the risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), a syndrome of rare and potentially life-threatening blood clots in combination with low levels of blood platelets with onset of symptoms approximately one to two weeks following administration of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, warrants limiting the authorized use of the vaccine.

  97. Anonymous9:16 AM

    “Blacks and non-Africans are literally different species.“

    Shhhhhh, no one is supposed to know the Superman mythos is about us.

  98. Cawthorn had a video tape of himself, naked, in bed with another alleged man.

    That is one I am not anxious to see. AOC, in bed with anyone naked, would be watchable.

  99. Anonymous11:09 AM

    “Cawthorn had a video tape of himself, naked, in bed with another alleged man.”

    So far, these video clips have just shown dumb frat-boy antics, rather than conclusive proof that Cawthorn is gay. And that’s probably all we’re going to see: stuff like Cawthorn farting in other dudes’ faces and pretending to be gay, because that’s standard dumb-jock behavior and Cawthorn is nothing if not a walking stereotype of the stupidest meathead bully you knew in high school.

    Cawthorn is an embarrassment to the Congress and the nation, but I’m pretty skeptical this “scandal” will bring him down.

  100. Incel wasicu who films himself harassing and pepper spraying women now wanted on hate crimes charges.

  101. I want to sneak up behind one of them and pull the trigger. Bet it would scare the shit out of them!

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      You can be shot for that

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      More dangerous advice from the libtard left.

  102. I brought up the new Cawthorn video because a week or so ago Fake Noize's Jesse Waters had a video of AOC with her dress or sweater off the shoulders and I would bet he was trying to make it sound disgusting by taking it out of context. Of course, I didn't waste time watching fake noize.

  103. Kristian Academy school in Plano Texas has students sending out a racist video while wearing white Klan hoods.

    Certainly expect more from Wasicu Kristian Klan members if magats win back congress ever again.

  104. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "I brought up the new Cawthorn video because a week or so ago Fake Noize's Jesse Waters had a video of AOC with her dress or sweater off the shoulders and I would bet he was trying to make it sound disgusting by taking it out of context."

    None of them find it disgusting. Fox viewers all want to bone AOC. And they simultaneously hate her, which must be very confusing for them.

  105. Hating and wanting to bone women simultaneously is the stock setting for Republican men.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Fox viewers all want to bone AOC.

    Strange, I don't want to bone AOC.  Her dancing video was cute, but she's obviously not my blood and I wouldn't want to mix with her.  Then again, I don't watch Fox TV.  I don't watch ANY TV except that which is on at the bar, which I would rather they turn off.  God, do I ever HATE the crap on ESPN.  None of those morons should have a paid position anywhere except bagging groceries.

  107. On protecting free public education, iowa's bitch guv Reynolds hosted a kristian school fundraising dinner in the guv's mansion and now doesn't want to turn over relevant docs for the public to scrutinize.

    She is already trying nto use taxpayer funds to pay for up to 10k schollies to religious schools, I believe that is specifically banned in iowa's constitution.

  108. Grateful for the insights and wisdom in your post. Also check the state with the strictest gun laws
