Tuesday, May 24, 2022




How do we stop this madness?  



  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Gotta be bold. Ban assault style rifles, require insurance and training for any and all guns.

  2. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "How do we stop this madness?


    If you're the Democrats:

    1) Win elections. Given Republican propensity for undermining democratic elections to give themselves an advantage, that either entails fighting harder or fighting dirtier.

    2) Expand the Supreme Court and pack it with justices who will interpret the Second Amendment in a sensible, non-absolutist way.

    3) Pass federal legislation that will properly regulate guns. You know, like a normal country. Like pretty much every other country that is not an actual failed state or war zone.

    Along with all of this, you should probably work on beefing up both mental health care in this country and federal monitoring of domestic political extremists. Since insanity and terrorism are the main reasons people carry out these attacks.

    If you can't do any of the above, then I guess we all get to kick back and enjoy the mass shootings, because they will keep happening forever.

  3. Hard issue. Even if we magically had a Democratic supermajority and favorable supreme court, there are still more guns than people, and they won't magically disappear. It would still take years before the attitudes that cause the worship of guns in the US slowly turned around, a little like the attitudes toward smoking did.
    But please do note that they did turn. When I was born, they still allowed smoking in the waiting room of the maternity ward at St. Joseph's hospital.
    There was a turning point, though, and that was when the surgeon general determined that smoking was definitely linked to lung cancer. Once that happened, it was all downhill for the tobacco industry, and they surely put up a nasty fight over it.
    Thing is though, back in the sixties when the surgeon general announced that, most folks believed him. I have no faith that a similar outcome would happen today, so perhaps we might want to get a leg up on the lies and insanity thing while we make our latest futile stand against weapons of war on our streets.
    And do put me firmly into the "something is better than nothing" camp, fully aware that whatever gets done won't solve the whole problem immediately. We have to come up with that inflection point, and it's become more than obvious that there is no degree of horrific brutality that will serve as that function, so if we want it, we have to actually do something, and the bolder the better.
    Back during the assault weapons ban, I could have bought an AR or AK with cash money any day of the week, so perhaps coming up with a better model for regulation than prohibition, which never seems to work no matter how many times we try it, might also be a good idea.
    Mostly, though, vote for Democrats, they are the only ones who even feign giving a shit about gun violence.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous3:19 AM

    “Even if we magically had a Democratic supermajority and favorable supreme court, there are still more guns than people, and they won't magically disappear.”

    No, and that’s one area where the tobacco/guns analogy falls apart. We haven’t banned cigarettes; we just taxed the hell out of them and ran heavy education campaigns to convince people to quit.

    Expanded gun regulation wouldn’t work like that. This would involve forcibly taking people’s guns (or threatening them with prison if they fail to turn them in.)

    Not that the 2nd Amendment extremists most febrile fears about “gun grabbers” are likely to come true. Most liberals aren’t aiming at a total gun ban. But for certain types of guns and certain untrustworthy gun owners … hell yeah, there would definitely be some gun grabbing involved.

    “It would still take years before the attitudes that cause the worship of guns in the US slowly turned around, a little like the attitudes toward smoking did”

    And this is another area where the tobacco analogy isn’t really apt. Because back in the day, damn near everybody smoked. So you did have to change the minds of tons of people to make an impact on lung cancer and other tobacco-related illnesses.

    The same is not true with guns. While America has roughly as many guns as people, that does not translate to each American owning one gun. In reality most of the guns are owned by only a minority of gun nuts, each of whom owns a small arsenal. There’s only a small sliver of the population who insist on owning military-grade gear and open-carrying them and all the rest of the bullshit, and literally everyone else is opposed to this.

    Republicans pander to these kooks, against the will of the rest of the populace, in much the same way as they pass anti-abortion laws to satisfy the small sliver of the population that are religious zealots, even though everyone else hates these laws. This is how you maintain power: give little group A what they want, little group B what they want, etc, until you cobble together enough little groups to form an electoral coalition big enough to win an election.

    Anyway, Democrats don’t need to convince voters that our gun laws are insane. The voters already agree. They just need to convince voters to elect enough Democrats to make enact gun control, based on building trust on other issues.

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Raphael Warnock might have a shot at keeping his seat in the Senate. Herschel Walker got nominated as his opponent, and that dude is dumb as a post. He can barely string sentences together. His helmet must have collided with too many others on the football field.

    Then again, we somehow ended up with the idiot Trump as president, so who even knows?

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    “If you can't do any of the above, then I guess we all get to kick back and enjoy the mass shootings, because they will keep happening forever.“

    Or move to Australia, which at this point doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth12:18 PM



    Marjorie Taylor Greene's god is John 8:44. All I know is that it's not the God I know and she definitely isn't a follower of Jesus' teachings. Her spirit is not right,too full of hate and lies. Nope. If she knew God, she wouldn't be pushing lies and conspiracy theories, calling evil good and good evil. Nor would she stalk and bully children. She'd stand up for what's right and just, but that's not what she does. What those people did on Jan 6, 2021, was wrong and caused by a lie. Deaths and serious injuries resulted from their actions.

  8. Uvalde killer bought 2 assault rifles on his 18th birthday. Child 19 passed away. South Duhkota's bitch guv, who is speaking at NRA soire on Friday in Houston, says all South Duhkotans stand with Uvalde. What does that even mean other than she couldn't remember to send thoughts and prayers.

  9. Granny, no offense intended, but, in the interest of full disclosure, I don't believe god exists for a simple reason that if god did exist you could never explain why magats have yet to be smited with their own jawbones.

    magats only have an acquaintance with god to forgive their excessive and constant sinning.

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth12:54 PM

    mike from Iowa said...

    "Granny, no offense intended, but, in the interest of full disclosure, I don't believe god exists for a simple reason that if god did exist you could never explain why magats have yet to be smited with their own jawbones."

    No offense taken. It's your choice to believe or not believe. The magat's payback is coming. They're gonna reap what they've sowed. I truly believe that.

  11. I appreciate your wisdom, Granny.

    A second teacher has now died raising body count to 23.

  12. Students killed are reported to be all 10-11 y/o 4th graders.

  13. "Paul Gosar says the Uvalde, Texas, shooter was a “transsexual leftist illegal alien.”"

    Give the right wing nut jobs another day or two and we'll be hearing that Biden personally gave the shooter the guns for his birthday.

    Chris Rock had a good idea a few years ago: make ammunition expensive. Not an ideal solution, but it might slow down a few potential Charles Whitman wannabes.

  14. Wellllll let's start with the mental health system, which is almost none existent in the US as well as here. Then on to parents, focused on the job, the house, the tvs, the cars, acquiring all these things and working long hours for not much, no time for the needs of the kids. Then the public schools, huge, impersonal, and if a child can't compete either socially or academically he/she drops out and pursues other less savory activities. Ley de vida. Religion? Def out of the schools and out of many households. How many here think that I or any of you wouldn't be aware of guns in my child or grandchilds room? As well as being aware of their mood, demeanor and attitudes. I think he was severely neglected in a dysfunctional family in all these areas and there you have the explosion of his anger. A tragedy for so many! God help them.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth5:45 AM
    From last thread:
    "Currently, we're living in a country that calls evil good and good evil. People have exchanged the truth for lies. They're labeling good people bad and bad people good. Moral integrity is hanging on by a slender thread. That's not the sign of a vibrant, healthy nation."
    Amen! Hit the nail right on the head!

  16. The real "black girl magic"4:10 PM

    Black ex-treasurer of the Detroit firefighters union convicted on embezzlement charges:


  17. Good show, Anon @ 2:59 PM.

    Appeals court overturns amnesty ruling for Cawthorn and says he can be ruled out of running for government office. Might be bad news for Gosar and MTG and several other insurrectionist magats.

    Manchin says he would do anything to stop gun violence except overturn filibuster. Big help that is.

  18. "This would involve forcibly taking people’s guns (or threatening them with prison if they fail to turn them in.)"

    OK, two things: First, that will never, ever happen in this country, and second, like I said, during the assault weapons ban I could have bought an AR or an AK or an SKS any day of the week for cash money. Prohibitions have never worked, and trying to make them work one more time will only result in the same creation of a public approved criminal class again, which will make the attitudes toward gun worship even more entrenched and less liable to the change that must occur if these mass killings are ever to be reduced at all, much less curtailed.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  19. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The Uvalde shooter's name is (was) Salvador Ramos.  He was mestizo, not White.


    Salvador Ramos is an argument against immigration, not guns.

  20. Anonymous4:45 PM

    “Appeals court overturns amnesty ruling for Cawthorn and says he can be ruled out of running for government office. Might be bad news for Gosar and MTG and several other insurrectionist magats.”

    Yeah, well, that lower court ruling was obviously ridiculous and the appeals court had to overrule it. Congress granted an exception to some of the original Confederate Civil War insurrectionists, allowing them to serve in Congress, but that clearly wasn’t meant to cover any/all future insurrectionists. The clause of the Constitution banning insurrectionists from serving in elected offices is still in force.

    The only legitimate legal question here is whether the slimy actions of the congressional MAGA caucus (such as Gosar and MTG) actually amount to insurrection.

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth5:32 PM

    Salvador Ramos was born in North Dakota not Mexico or South America. So, the immigrants flooding the border, which they're not, the argument is dead.


    This time the shooter was really a nut case. Thanks to Abbott's policy allowing people with mental disorders to buy guns, he was able to buy more than one. Those children's blood is also on Abbott's hands.


  22. On a lighter note, Josh Duggar gets more than 12 years in prison for child molestinbg.

  23. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "Prohibitions have never worked, and trying to make them work one more time will only result in the same creation of a public approved criminal class again"

    I wouldn't say that. Try illegally buying a handgun in the UK. You can do it, but ... it ain't easy. Maybe your organized crime figure can get one, but not so much an angry teenager who wants to shoot up a classroom. Guns are so uncommon that the majority of uniformed police don't carry firearms. I'm not suggesting we need to take things to this extreme, but strictly speaking, it can certainly be done, if there's a will.

    Whether prohibition of an item or an activity "works" as a policy is dependent on a range of factors, such as the ease of supply, the size of the demand, and the effectiveness of the alternatives to prohibition. Prohibition of "vice," such as gambling, alcohol/drugs, and sex work hasn't been very successful, particularly given that there are alternative harm-reduction policies that can work better.

    I'm not seeing a viable alternative to prohibition where certain categories of weapons are concerned. They're just too dangerous for public consumption, and there is no way of reducing harm without simply taking them away.

    As for the previous assault weapons bans, they were jokes. They were rightly mocked by the gun fanatics for banning guns based on appearance. "Ooh, it's black and scary and has a pistol grip. Ban it." A real ban would look more like: All rifles must come with only fixed magazines, no semi-auto, and that's it. Bye-bye military-grade weapons. If you want to hunt deer, a bolt-action will get the job done. If you want to fight the zombie apocalypse with an AR-15, go fuck yourself.

  24. Anon @ 4:46 PM Gosar and MTG's actions were clearly aiding and abetting the insurrectionists if not worse. But you know how politicians rely on weasel words. Take bribery, for instance. John Q Public sees pols taking money for certain legislative favors as bribery. Pols change the rules to make bribery campaign contributions and skate under the penalties for bribery.

    Kicking eligible voters off voter rolls in campaign integrity instead of denying citizens their right to vote.

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth5:48 PM

    "Photos referenced by conservative commentator Candace Owens in a recent Tweet are of a transgender individual falsely identified as the mass shooter in Uvalde, Texas."


  26. Who knew pigs had feelings? https://www.rawstory.com/magnus-juliano-art/

    Cincinnatti pig union demands museum remove painting showing officer Piglet shooting a handcuffed Winnie the Pooh in the back.

    They claim it promotes violence against officers.

  27. Hours after Uvalde massacre, A-Butt attended a political fundraiser 300 miles away from school murder scene.

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth5:53 PM


  29. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "Anon @ 4:46 PM Gosar and MTG's actions were clearly aiding and abetting the insurrectionists if not worse. But you know how politicians rely on weasel words. Take bribery, for instance. John Q Public sees pols taking money for certain legislative favors as bribery. Pols change the rules to make bribery campaign contributions and skate under the penalties for bribery."

    Sure. There is the layman's sense of what insurrection is, but that's not necessarily how things will play out in a courtroom.

    Short of evidence showing Gosar and Greene were armed to the teeth with weapons and actively participated in the Capitol riot, this isn't a slam-dunk.

  30. So Fergus is gonna speak at the goddamn NRA convention in Texas and they are not allowing any guns in the room while he speaks. You'd think that at a goddamn NRA convention there would be quite enough good guys with guns to "neutralize" any attacker, no? Or is it that the whole concept is a goddamn lie designed by the gun lobby to sell more guns, and when their own safety is involved, they abandon it.


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth6:37 PM

    "Police located the suspect's vehicle in the parking lot of 1551 East Spring Valley Road and inside, officers found what appeared to be an "AK-47 style pistol" and a "replica AR-15 style Orbeez rifle."


    This is getting to be an everyday occurrence. Glad the police were able to arrest him before any more mass murders happened.

  32. "Salvador Ramos is an argument against immigration, not guns."

    I mean if you're an idiot sure.

  33. WaPo story about kids getting hold of their parents' guns with disastrous results.


  34. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2022/05/25/senate-republicans-block-votes-gun-bills-after-texas-shooting/9925303002/

    This gives you an idea what magats think of kids being slaughtered.

  35. I have a modest proposal, which I direct to the next mass shooter, on the off chance that he'll read it from this blog, or be linked to it.

    Dear Sir:

    I get where you’re coming from. They don’t, but I do. Life sucks, doesn’t it? You’ve got no friends, and you get no respect. Girls won’t date you, the asshole boss pays an insultingly low slave-wage, so your revenge arsenal cost you all of your money. You’re trapped, you’re dying inside, you hate everything and everybody, especially yourself, so you want to go out with a bang. I get it.

    I write to offer a suggestion. You see, all of your predecessors did their massacres all wrong, and we’ve grown bored with them. We’re jaded. Somebody shoots up a movie theater? Ho-hum. A school? Yawn. A church? Whatever! Then we do nothing, and a day later we forget all about it.

    So what’s the point? Nobody’s impressed anymore!

    The problem is the choice of target. Killing masses of unarmed civilians is for wusses. It’s unsporting; and what’s worse, it’s no fun. Sure, it’s practical to slaughter the defenseless, but what do you care about practicality? You’re mad as hell, and they’ll never take you alive! You want action, not survival; you want to prove something. So leave the women and children alone, and target heavily-armed men!

    Now, where can you find a big crowd of well-armed men? A crowd that you can walk right up to, while just as well-armed, and they’ll do nothing before you open fire? Not the police station, nor the Army barracks; those guys are paranoid about other guys carrying. Really the police and the armed forces are gun-control organizations. They’re all about control: of the guns, by the guns, and for the guns.

    If you want a rabble of well-armed posers mentally unprepared for battle, then the best target for you, Sir, is the gun show.

    Never mind the odds. If you kill two of them right away, then no matter what happens next, the score will be at least 2 to 1, so you win. And your spree might last longer than you’d expect. Plenty of your predecessors were never stopped by gun-carriers; sometimes because those carriers couldn’t make a safe shot, sometimes because they didn’t want to look like mass shooters themselves. Really it’s because they’re posers. They want to seem as dangerous as you really are.

    If you don’t mind dying, then the gun show is a soft target. You’ll shoot down plenty of them before they shoot back, and then they might miss you and hit each other. You might even spark a random fire-fight! You wouldn’t survive it, but so what? Think of the headlines!

    You won’t see them, of course, but we will, and finally we will be shocked. Shocked, I tell you! Finally a convincing rampage! Shooters shooting shooters: proof of the practical necessity of a well-regulated militia! Proof that even posers will believe!

    We might even name the resulting law after you.

    Think about it.


  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Blogger Lilacpr said...

    Paradoctor said...

    ...Sure, it’s practical to slaughter the defenseless, but what do you care about practicality? You’re mad as hell, and they’ll never take you alive! You want action, not survival; you want to prove something. So leave the women and children alone, and target heavily-armed men!...

    ...If you want a rabble of well-armed posers mentally unprepared for battle, then the best target for you, Sir, is the gun show.

    10:02 PM

    LOL! Perfect!

  38. The URL says it all3:00 AM


    Only third-worlders (like blacks) do this.

  39. Short answer: fire the senators and congressmen who've been bought by the NRA and refuse to do anything. Install people who aren't bought.
    90% of citizens are for better background checks. We need representation that reflects that.

    Nicholas Kristof has written the most compehensive article on the weapons problem, and very recently. (He retired from the Times, ran unsuccessfully for governor, and is back with the best he's written) https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/11/06/opinion/how-to-reduce-shootings.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article

    Treating guns the way we treat car ownership makes a lot of sense. Prying assault weapons from the hands of all the current owners is something else. But read Kristof.

  40. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The UK is enacting a temporary windfall tax on fossil fuel companies and transferring the money raised to low-income people so they can afford to pay their spiraling energy bills.

    The U.S. could do the same — except that Senate Republicans and the epic jackass Joe Manchin would block it, because they hate poor people.

  41. publish the crime photos

  42. along side home videos of the victims laughing and playing.

  43. force the NRA folks to claim their right to own guns unrestrictedly is worth this result.

  44. Ollie north blamed LBJ and great society programs for Uvalde shootings, claiming his senior class was the last one allowed to pry in school. Fucking moron!

  45. Wasicu Karen confronted for pooping in man's driveway.

    Must be a white man thing.


  46. https://people.com/crime/texas-school-shooting-husband-of-teacher-killed-dies-thursday/

    4 children orphaned.

  47. Anonymous8:54 PM

    “So your dumb ass completely missed what happen Jan. 6 huh?”

    Yeah, them hillbillies came from the third world parts of America aka Kentucky, Misery, W. Virginia and such.

  48. Anonymous The URL says it all said...


    Only third-worlders (like blacks) do this.

    3:00 AM
    That's not true. None of the people who defecated on the capitol-building floor were black. The failed coup was pretty much a white people thing. Some of these white people even spread feces on the walls inside the capital building.

  49. Paradoctor said....

    I have a modest proposal, which I direct to the next mass shooter, on the off chance that he'll read it from this blog, or be linked to it.

    10:02 PM
    I think you suggestions have merit. But I'm not sure any future shooter will follow them because shooters are looking for easy prey. Otherwise they wouldn't be shooting up schools, churches, concerts and grocery stores. Anyone who mows down unarmed people is a coward.

  50. Anonymous11:37 PM

    “None of the people who defecated on the capitol-building floor were black.“

    Sure they were. They were all BLM and Antifa.🙄😆

  51. So the pigs at the school in Uvalde stood around with their thumbs up their butts and cuffed and tased parents who wanted to storm the school and try to save their kids, meanwhile two teachers died trying to save their students...
    So who do you think should be getting 40% of the local budget?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Anonymous1:29 AM

    “So who do you think should be getting 40% of the local budget?“

    If those fucks aren’t going to do anything defund the shit out of em.

  53. Too damn late. The time for gun control was 2 generations ago before the NRA went from gun safety to gun worship and Charlton Heston appropriated "cold dead fingers" from a Westchester NY misanthrope named Freddie Cowan, who would soon be eclipsed by another Westchester misanthrope named Son Of Sam. This is a sick gun crazed gun worshipping country and the "2A" is no longer a right (if it ever was such) but a responsibility.

  54. Nick Kristof never got on the ballot for Oregon governor due to residency requirement. Much as I admire Kristof for his courage in reporting on Darfur and elsewhere his proposals for gun control don't break any new ground and euphemisms like gun safety won't do a damn thing to win over the Guns and God crowd who see themselves as Real America and Kristof as just another coastal elite.

  55. Backwards iowa magats passed a new deer season for ARs, to allow for the protection of corn from deer depredations. Corn is already heavily subsidized and the reason iowa resisted rifle deer seasons was because of the vast rural population. Now magats have opened season on deer with semi auto assault rifles and handguns as well.

    People and buildings will be the innocent victims of stoopid fucking magat killers.

  56. Blogger mike from iowa said...

    " Wasicu Karen confronted for pooping in man's driveway.

    Must be a white man thing."
    True, and it was a white-people thing on January 6 when hundreds of white people broke into the Capital building, pooped on the floor, and smeared it on the walls. The cost estimate of the white-people's insurrection is around 30 million dollars according to NPR.


  57. Anonymous1:25 PM


    Yet you say nothing about the $billions of damages from the George Floyd riots.

    You swallow a camel, but strain at a (greatly exaggerated) gnat.

  58. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Chicago does this every two weeks

  59. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Man Points Gun At Chicago TV News Crew During Live Report On Gun Violence


  60. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Stop letting illegal aliens into the country.....

  61. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Criminals do not obey gun laws. More gun laws equate to higher violent crime rates.

  62. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Dozens of shots fired in broad daylight blocks away from new Chicago casino site, video shows


  63. Anonymous1:58 PM

    CHICAGO May 1st-27th 2022
    Shot & Killed: 43
    Shot & Wounded: 244
    Total Shot: 287
    Total Homicides: 46

  64. Anonymous1:59 PM

    From @brettturner57 on Twitter:

    “If you’re a teacher in Texas and there’s an active shooter in your school you call the police and report an abortion. Response time is faster”

  65. Over 7k protests of George Floyd's murder resulted in maybe 2 billion dollars worth of damages and 10k arrests, although the vast majority were for minor offenses.

    Insurrection happened on one day. Multiply 30 million by 7000 and see how comparable the damages were.

  66. Aliens aren't illegal, dumbfuck. How can a human be illegal?
    Guest workers are less likely to commit crimes than wasicu residents.

  67. https://www.latimes.com/politics/newsletter/2022-05-27/on-guns-fear-of-futility-deters-action-essential-politics

    Gun deaths inn California dropped while they climbed in Texass. Gun control seems to work.

  68. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Gun control seems to work.

    2:07 PM

    It doesnt.

  69. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Andrew Cuomo killed 15k nursing home patients in 2020. Ban democrat politicians.

  70. Anonymous4:03 PM

    “It doesnt.“

    If done properly it can. Australia proved this.

  71. Anonymous4:05 PM

    “Chicago does this every two weeks“

    Chicago murders children in front of their parents in a school room? Really?

  72. Anonymous4:06 PM

    “Chicago does this every two weeks“

    America is a violent country.

  73. Anonymous5:06 PM

    It’s going to get confusing in the coming days.


    Teachers are untrustworthy! They corrupt our children with Critical Race Theory and Transgender Ideology!

    Also Republicans:

    Arm the teachers! The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun …

  74. Anonymous5:07 PM

    “Andrew Cuomo killed 15k nursing home patients in 2020. Ban democrat politicians.”

    Nah. I think banning Andrew Cuomo will suffice.

  75. Anonymous (0f course) said...

    "Yet you say nothing about the $billions of damages from the George Floyd riots."

    "You swallow a camel, but strain at a (greatly exaggerated) gnat."

    1:25 PM
    So you want to play "what aboutism"? Not appropriate for several reasons: First, two wrongs don't make a right, so forget that over-used ploy.

    Second, you made a false statement regarding Black people, so I responded to it. So what's your beef? Your statement, "You swallow a camel, but strain at a (greatly exaggerated) gnat." is definitely a non sequitur.

    Third, The cost of BLM activities do not belong in this conversation because at least a third or more of BLM protesters were white. So your comment is just a red herring.

    Fourth, why does a racist such as you come to a Black blog and spew your poison? There are plenty of racist web sites for you to enjoy. Why not go find one?

  76. Anonymous said...

    It’s going to get confusing in the coming days.

    5:06 PM
    Not for me, I know who will be coming after me, and he ain't black.

  77. Mike from Iowa said....

    calling them illegal aliens is a pejorative, but that is all magats can do.

    4:51 PM

    Magats must be the most ignorant people on the planet.

  78. Gambler2:
    Re 4: Maybe it's a cry for help. Or maybe it's looking for validation in all the wrong places.

    About my modest proposal: Thank you for your approval. You have seconded my motion. The proposal is now on the table. May whatever powers that be rule wisely!

    I grant that gunboys are cowards; but they are also fools.

  79. Black behavior is indefensible12:10 AM

    Blackness, epitomized:  A vehicle involved in a car crash in Los Angeles gets looted on the street. When the driver attempts to drive away, he hits another car and is then dragged into the street by the looters.


  80. Anonymous1:09 AM

    “Blackness, epitomized“


  81. Anonymous1:11 AM

    “You have seconded my motion. The proposal is now on the table.“

    All in favor say aye, all those opposed nay.

  82. Andy Ngo sucks green wienies.

  83. Anonymous9:35 AM

    calling them illegal aliens is a pejorative

    In the Supreme Court decision in the case of UNITED STATES v. MARTINEZ-FUERTE ET AL. (1976), the phrase "illegal alien" occurs 24 times and the phrase "illegal Mexican alien" occurs another 3 times.

    For those of you who can't math, 1976 was 46 years ago.  Anyone who believes that "illegal alien" is some made-up pejorative used only by the right is both ignorant and a mind-slave to ahistorical dogma.

  84. Anonymous10:19 AM

    “Anyone with your obsession about black weenies must suck them.“

    It actually shows YOUR obsession, he clearly wrote green. Just told on yourself huh?

  85. Children and other victims like those of Uvalde and other massacres will continue to be sacrificed on the altar to the gun gods as those in control of U.S. government continue to follow the (il)logic of NRA czar Wayne LaPierre who asserted at this weekend's NRA convention that “MASS SHOOTINGS ARE THE PRICE WE HAVE TO PAY AS A HEDGE AGAINST TYRANNY.” You know, like Scotland, Australia, Norway and New Zealand became such oppressive tyrannies when they took effective measures to protect their people in the wake of horrendous mass shootings in those countries.

  86. The Roe v Wade meme leak, followed soon by the Uvalde massacre, illustrates yet again that America is not pro-life, it is pro-choice, particularly pro the choice of destroying human life. The only question remaining in the culture war is a detail of timing. Namely: are we to destroy human life before or after birth? Therefore I call it the "guns versus abortion debate".

  87. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The Uvalde and Buffalo shooters were on the same Discord server and both communicated with someone called "Armand".

    Uvalde police stood outside the school and tackled parents who attempted to get in to save their own children!!!

    This screams "false flag".  Not only that, but the refusal of the Uvalde police to go after the gunman is the last nail in the coffin of gun control;  when the police refuse to (or are told not to) do their jobs, the citizen with a gun is the only thing left.  Governments only disarm those who they intend to kill; Cambodia's killing fields were preceded by gun confiscation.

  88. Anonymous1:47 PM

    “those in control of U.S. government continue to follow the (il)logic of NRA czar Wayne LaPierre who asserted at this weekend's NRA convention that ‘MASS SHOOTINGS ARE THE PRICE WE HAVE TO PAY AS A HEDGE AGAINST TYRANNY.’”

    This is a euphemism. Right-wingers don’t fear tyranny. They fear democracy. They know they are a shrinking minority in this country. And they think they can use their guns to overthrow the government if the majority of the public vote in a way they consider “wrong.” January 6th is the obvious example of their intent.

    This is not a legitimate reason for wanting a gun.

  89. I remember when pols actively used the "N" word to describe POC and some still do, but it is a white pejorative thing racists love to use.

  90. Anonymous2:31 PM

    “This is not a legitimate reason for wanting a gun.“

    That depends on which side of the argument you fall.

  91. Anonymous2:45 PM

    “That depends on which side of the argument you fall.”

    I fall on the pro-democracy side.

    Because the anti-democracy side is not a legitimate side.

  92. Maggie4:00 PM

    Declare it a federal healthcare crisis. Create a special commission to develop legislative options at the federal and state levels to fight against the crisis. Look at gun ownership in its entirety. What it costs the country in lost production due to injury, death and loss of business/revenues due to incidents w/ guns; the burden on mental health for victims; cost of law enforcement; the cost of schools to prepare for school shootings; presentation of demographics where this violence occurs and who is most affected by it.

    Look at ALL of it and what it does to the health of the country and the cost.

  93. Anonymous5:16 PM

    “Declare it a federal healthcare crisis. Create a special commission to develop legislative options at the federal and state levels to fight against the crisis.”

    I’m not sure treating gun violence as a public health crisis will make it any more likely to be solved. We just had a conventional health crisis of massive proportions, and most of the Republican Party decided it was best to simply let a million people die.

    The problem is that the GOP really embody the joke version of one of their slogans: “Government is the problem. Vote for us and we’ll prove it.”

    The key to solving almost any social problem is to keep the Republicans out of power.

  94. Sheila Kennedy has a great column about Federalism and which ideas need to be up to the Federal government and which should the states control.


    Good read.

  95. Anonymous7:26 PM

    “Because the anti-democracy side is not a legitimate side.“

    They say the same thing.🤷🏾‍♂️

  96. I guess if schools get locked down I guess hospitals are next.

  97. https://www.rawstory.com/uvalde-police-2657406283/

    Where were the good guys with guns? Standing around doing nothing like usual.

    Imagine your kid's bedroom on fire and firemen won't come for fear of being burned.

  98. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Armed woman kills man who fired rifle into crowd at West Virginia birthday party
    The Associated Press


  99. Anonymous12:36 PM

    CHICAGO May 1st-29th 2022 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 49
    Shot & Wounded: 264
    Total Shot: 313
    Total Homicides: 52

  100. There anymoose goes again with his BBC fixation.

  101. 8 people shot at outdoor festival in Chokelahoma. One deceased and 7 wounded including 2 juvies.

  102. Anonymous6:12 PM

    One deceased and 7 wounded including 2 juvies.

    By the Leaded Law, a much higher number of wounded than killed indicates a black shooter or shooters.  From the news:

    "Multiple people were shot and injured at an outdoor event in Taft, Oklahoma, early Sunday morning, authorities say."

    Per https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/taft-ok-population, the population of Taft is:

    "Black or African American: 72.41%"

    We don't need to control guns.  We need to control blacks.

  103. Notice I didn't mention skin color, but, right on cue, Pavlov's admirer of BBC, did. He can't help his/her/its self.

  104. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Yet another exhibit of TNB.


  105. The Marine Corps are more restrictive in their gun regulations than Texas:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    John Legend
    And Chicago is 28th in murder rates among American cities. If you always bring up Chicago, you’re probably deflecting from a conversation you’re afraid to have, you watch too much Tucker Carlson, and/or you just MIGHT also be a racist.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Blackness + power line = Darwin award.


  108. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Chicago is 28th in murder rates among American cities.

    So name the first 27 (which will all but certainly include E. St. Louis and New Orleans), and tell us just how black they are.

  109. A photo with a guy holding a sign: "Want more dead children? Keep electing Republicans"

    That's the first priority. After that, we can discuss licensing guns, liability insurance for guns, banning sales of AR-15s and other weapons of war, universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods, making 21 the minimum age to purchase, banning online sales, banning "ghost" guns, investing more in mental health, many more...

  110. 5 Republicans thrown off ballot.


  111. CDC gun mortality by state. Pretty interesting.


  112. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/12/1098564547/louisiana-troopers-charged-beating-black-man

    3 state troopers charged in beating driver.

  113. Anonymous3:49 PM

    MTG thinks that scientists grow cultures of microbes in a “peach tree dish.”

    Unsurprising for the woman who thought the Nazi secret police were called the “Gazpacho.”

    How long before the Republicans decide that the solution for our nation’s school-shootings problem is just to ban schools? They seem to be pro-ignorance anyway, so this would be right on brand for them.

  114. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Kaepernick got a chance.


  115. https://www.rawstory.com/kansas-city-pregnant-woman-shot/

    Black pregnant woman shot 5 times while she allegedly had her hands in the air. She wuz pulled over for what the pigs imagined was a stolen car.

  116. 11 mass shootings this Memorial Day already.


  117. Anonymous8:50 PM

    40 people shot in Chicago thus far during this Memorial Day weekend


  118. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Mtula Payton, black fugitive in downtown Sacramento mass shooting, arrested in Las Vegas


  119. Anonymous8:56 PM


  120. Stop using gun control and start using "gun safety" and "gun responsibility". Pass the mild changes first...close the Charleston loophole; change the legal age to purchase AR-15 platform rifles and similar to 21 years...add on-line and gun show sales requiring background checks (include all private sales)...federally fund public service messaging across all media platforms emphasizing gun safety and storage...encourage lawsuits for inappropriate marketing by arms manufacturers (the picture of a toddler holding an AR-15 platform rifle is just one example of presenting these deadly weapons as if they are toys). Get nasty if needed...GOP equals Guns Over People.

  121. "How long before the Republicans decide that the solution for our nation’s school-shootings problem is just to ban schools?"

    They've been full-on for the abolition of public school ever since Brown v Board, so that's nothing new. Like Heather McGhee said, they would rather destroy it than let brown people have some of it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. Anonymous2:22 AM

    “They've been full-on for the abolition of public school ever since Brown v Board, so that's nothing new. Like Heather McGhee said, they would rather destroy it than let brown people have some of it”

    Well, in the South, after the Brown decision, it was more like all the white parents moved their kids to whites-only Christian schools, leaving the public schools to the blacks. And they were happy to let the public schools continue to exist; however, they defunded them and let them go to shit, since only black people were now attending them.

    When liberals then yanked the tax-exemption status of the religious schools and their respective churches to pubish them for having explicitly racist admissions policies, the Christian Right was born.

    But what I’m talking about isn’t an attack on public schools, per se. Part of me thinks wingnuts in fact want to ban ALL schools.

    The conservative movement seems to value stupidity. Every day, it seems like their goal is to be as dumb as possible, to proudly demonstrate that they know absolutely no facts at all, to perhaps have a lobe of their brains surgically removed. In short, it seems we are living in a real version of the movie “Idiocracy.”

    If ignorance isn’t an actual national goal of theirs, it’s hard to explain all the endless sneering at “intellectual elites” or the election of gibberish-spewing halfwits like Donald Trump or Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  123. PilotX said....

    CDC gun mortality by state. Pretty interesting.


    1:33 PM
    Thanks, Pilot. Seems the highest gun-rate deaths are all in red states with the exception of New Mexico, which is classified as purple. The 13 states with the lowest levels of gun-rate deaths are eleven blue, two red, and one purple.

    By the way, for the jackass that keeps ranting about Chicago, Illinois has a lower gun-rate score than Texas.

  124. Anonymous12:42 PM

    CHICAGO May 1st-31st 2022
    Shot & Killed: 55
    Shot & Wounded: 288
    Total Shot: 343
    Total Homicides: 58

    77.5% Black

    16.9% Hispanic

    5.6% White/Other

  125. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Bidet has let over two million illegal aliens into the country. crime is spiking due to the illegal alien INVASION!!

    12:15 PM
    Who pays you to post this garbage?

  126. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    CHICAGO May 1st-31st 2022
    Shot & Killed: 55
    Shot & Wounded: 288
    Total Shot: 343
    Total Homicides: 58

    77.5% Black

    16.9% Hispanic

    5.6% White/Other

    12:42 PM
    There were a lot of people shot allover the country in many states. Fourteen of them were classified as mass shootings (four or more victims) So what's your point? The shooting with people dying will continue until we have sensible gun control including massive insurance premiums for gun owners (of which I am one).

  127. Anonymous2:45 PM

    “Bidet has let over two million illegal aliens into the country. crime is spiking due to the illegal alien INVASION!!

    12:15 PM
    ‘Who pays you to post this garbage?’”

    I’m sure he’s happy to do it for free. Because racism.

    2 million people might be the total number that cross the southern border in a given year, not the ones who are able to stay.

    And crime has zilch to do with immigration. With our shitty, unfair economic system, we regularly manage to make our own citizens poor, and drive them to lives of desperation and crime. No need to point the finger at immigrants.

  128. Former Marine held in Russia Trevor Reed and his father blame MTG for delaying his release. Interesting interview. Well, this is what happens when you elect Republicans, a pro-Russia party.


  129. H/t: Steve Benen:

    A federal jury in Washington on Tuesday found Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann not guilty on a charge of lying to the FBI. Prosecutors from special counsel John Durham’s office had contended that Sussmann misrepresented himself during a meeting with the FBI’s general counsel in 2016 in hopes of orchestrating an “October surprise” against rival Donald Trump.

    The jury forewoman, who did not give her name, told reporters outside the courthouse that “I think we could have spent our time more wisely.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. Fake Noize has spent weeks celebrating HRC's impending lynching because her lawyer was sure to be convicted of lying to FBI.

    Uh, not so fast fools.


    Not guilty!! Fuck fake noize.

  131. Sorry, Doug. Your post wasn't up when posted my redundant story.

  132. Anonymous4:55 PM

    “Fake Noize has spent weeks celebrating HRC's impending lynching because her lawyer was sure to be convicted of lying to FBI.”

    This was a stupid case anyway, which was likely only undertaken at Trump’s behest, to bolster his paranoid conspiracy theories.

    Regardless of whether Sussman did or didn’t lie to the FBI about working for Hillary Clinton, there is zero evidence that Sussman went to the FBI in the first place on Clinton’s orders. He seems to have given them this bogus tip about Russian banks and the Trump campaign, all of his own accord.

    Meaning that, far from reaching the finish line, Trump’s conspiracy theory collapses before it even leaves the starting gate.

  133. Anonymous5:28 PM

    “Why are there no calls to ban cars???“

    Because you have to take a test and have insurance to drive. Are you suggesting we treat guns like cars? Good idea. Write your congressman and senator.

  134. CDC declares racism a public health threat.


  135. Anonymous11:57 PM

    "CDC declares racism a public health threat."

    Bye-bye, CDC, I guess. Republicans will declare war on it.

    I mean, honestly, they were already halfway there with their COVID denial; their extreme hatred of lockdowns, masks, vaccinations; and their general hostility to science as a concept.

    But the CDC going woke will officially elevate it to Public Enemy Number One status.

  136. Trump-Desantis attack on the First Amendment struck down. Sorry governor but you can't pass laws that limit free speech because someone says something you don't agree with.


  137. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Black fragility is a real thing:


    Why does our society expect black women SOLDIERS to be hyper-fragile and fly off the handle at anything?

    Why are they even allowed to wear the uniform?

  138. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Kroger shooting suspect, out on bond, found with AR-15, drugs: court docs


  139. “Why are there no calls to ban cars???“

    Maybe because the goddamn Republicans keep passing laws that make it OK to use them to kill protesters?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Sarah Palin’s Bid for New Libel Trial Denied

    May 31, 2022 at 10:57 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 129 Comments

    Sarah Palin lost her bid for a new trial in her libel case against The New York Times on Tuesday, with a judge ruling that she had failed to introduce “even a speck” of evidence necessary to prove the newspaper had defamed her in a 2017 editorial, the New York Times reports.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  141. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Police were at a funeral at which they had a tip someone intended to shoot it up.  An officer was nearly hit by the car as the driver fled:


    No description of the perp is given, so we know he's probably black.  If he was White, we'd have been told in the first 2 paragraphs if not the headline.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM


  142. Anonymous12:02 PM

    “If he was White, we'd have been told in the first 2 paragraphs if not the headline.“

    Sure kid.🙄

  143. Anonymous12:08 PM

    “If he was White”

    He would have shot all the elderly women and kids and the cops would have taken him to Ruth Chris for lunch because he was hungry.

  144. https://www.thv11.com/article/news/local/operation-skyhook-future-arkansas-black-pilots/91-19343b9f-0381-4ba0-8431-6d6dde6daa05

    Flew over 100 kids. Awesome job guys.

  145. Anonymous2:53 PM

    10-million-dollar lottery winner is convicted of shooting a 23-yr-old in the head in 2020, sentenced to life.


    He's a shitskin, of course.  You can take the African out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the African.

  146. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Funniest video I've seen this year:


    No thought process going on What. So. Ever.  And the applause!

  147. Anonymous said...

    You can take the African out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the African.

    2:53 PM
    He's not an African; he's an American, you idiot. You know the land where lots of men shoot others, especially groups of unarmed children and adults. We do love our guns, don't we.

  148. Anonymous6:13 PM

    You can take the hillbilly out of the hills but you can’t take the hills out of the hillbilly.

  149. Anonymous11:23 PM

    He's not an African; he's an American, you idiot.

    USA net murder rate (all races combined):  6.9 per 100k.


    Liberia net murder rate (estimated due to lack of reliable official data):  11.2 per 100k.


    In 2020, more black males (9,913) were murdered than White males (7,029)... and the murderers for the blacks were overwhelmingly black.


    Africans follow African patterns of violence wherever they are.  They carry Africa wherever they go.  Africans are a different species, and no one else should ever have to deal with them unless they are foolish enough to want to.

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