Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Where are our "allies"?


And now I bring you the following article from Candice McDuffie, writing for The Root. 

It's still relevant, although you would never know it, because it seems that Buffalo happened so long ago.

"It’s been nine days since 13 people were gunned down—10 of them fatally—at the Buffalo supermarket Tops in the heart of a Black community. The white male terrorist behind it, Payton Gendron, published a manifesto online outlining his hatred of Black people and every step of his plan to kill them just days before the massacre.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    The buried assumption here is that if you are white and outraged about the Nazi who shot up the Buffalo supermarket, there is something you can easily do about it, but are not doing.

    But it doesn’t actually work like that. Whites who are not racist don’t have a magic wand to magically “fix” those who are. I’m not saying that as a society, we shouldn’t work to change the attitudes of people who harbor racist beliefs, but this is a challenging problem and, even in the best case, only a long-term goal.

    Equally, there hasn’t been much momentum in favor of new domestic terrorism laws this author calls for because … well, just look at how we’ve previously handled foreign terrorists! Under Bush, this mostly involved shredding their civil liberties, and subjecting them to indefinite detention and torture. Good luck convincing any American citizens to voluntarily expose themselves to potential Guantanamo treatment.

    I am not seeing what so-called “allies” could readily do here that they are not doing already. This reads as a rant, more than any kind of realistic prescription for social change.

  2. "I am not seeing what so-called “allies” could readily do here that they are not doing already."

    The lack of attention to elderly ladies being murdered is apparent. The same people who attended BLM rallies and couldn't breathe should have the same energy but I knew all along it was just a show. A bunch of people posing for pictures with t-shirts. I get it.

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    “The same people who attended BLM rallies and couldn't breathe should have the same energy but I knew all along it was just a show.”

    There is something more concrete that can be done with regards to police brutality, though. Police have been given a lot of power in the tough-on-crime era, along with very little accountability. There are many individual levers that government can pull to rein in unnecessary police violence. You won’t be able to eliminate all of it, but it’s easy to see a bunch of ways to significantly reduce it.

    Meanwhile, racist mass murders are already extremely illegal. It’s hard to see how you could fix this with governmental policy, short of shredding civil liberties. Or, of course, gun control, but we’re stymied there too, with a Supreme Court chock-full of wingnuts. Any law you might pass to rein in guns will be instantly vaporized by SCOTUS.

    Which leaves unhelpful fantasies about magic wands that can eliminate racist thoughts.


    And yet ANOTHER mass shooting.

  5. "Which leaves unhelpful fantasies about magic wands that can eliminate racist thoughts."

    Man please, there are very concrete steps that can be taken but they're uncomfortable. You know the racists in your family and circle of friends. You know who is teaching their kids to hate. You know who's writing manifestos.

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    He drove over 100 miles to shoot up the grocery store Black residents fought to have for decades

    A grocery store that blacks were incapable of building for themselves, because their own children would have robbed it blind.

    those same people were executed in it for simply existing.

    What's that phrase?  "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time."  That is what is said about White victims of black murderers.  "Wrong place at the wrong time."  Anyplace you have a black is the wrong place, period.

    Yet there have been no public cries of outrage from white America, no condemnation for a truly inhumane and monstrous act.

    There have been no public cries of outrage from blacks-in-America for the truly inhumane and monstrous acts which caused the deaths of Autumn Pasquale, Antonio Angel Santiago, Jessica Chambers, Brittney Watts, Savannah Walker, Christian Newsome and his girlfriend Channon Christian, and so many more.

    Until blacks-in-America care about Whites, none of you have any business demanding anyone care about you.

    You deserve to be treated as you treat others, God damn you.  And I do mean "DAMN".  No forgiveness or mercy whatsoever.

  7. Well, the slaughter of the little kids sort of used up all of the media oxygen before the victims in Buffalo were even in the ground, and there have been what, a dozen more mass shootings since?
    The more commonplace the mass murders get, the less attention each individual one will get, and we're knocking them out on a more than one per day basis now.
    I haven't forgotten.
    Vote Democrat like your life depends upon it, because it does. That's not to say that doing so will fix every problem overnight, because it certainly won't, but nothing at all will change about the situation that brought all of the mass murder until we do, in a bigger way than we did last time, which may be a tough sell, but it is what it is.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Anonymous1:45 AM

    "Man please, there are very concrete steps that can be taken but they're uncomfortable. You know the racists in your family and circle of friends. You know who is teaching their kids to hate. You know who's writing manifestos."

    I haven't got any racist friends. That's not really a quality I seek out in friends.

    Family is a different matter. You don't get to pick them, and I'll admit I've heard prejudiced statements from a couple of them. Sometimes, challenging those views is useful and you do stand a chance of changing someone's mind. Often, though, it's just not. Deeply held views are really hard to shift. If you have a relative who thinks Obama was born in Kenya and hates America, or that black people like to riot for "no reason" and you'd be crazy to consider living in the same neighborhood as them, the chances are that an "uncomfortable conversation" is going to finish with them angrier but still believing the exact same junk they did before it started.

    You cannot make people believe what you want them to believe. You can only attempt to persuade, and the other person has to at least be open-minded enough to be susceptible to persuasion in the first place.

    As for people so racist and dangerous that they are writing manifestos and plotting mass murder? They are probably either socially alienated outcasts with no close friends or family, or else are surrounded by like-minded, wildly racist friends or family members. So there are going to be few "allies" who could even begin to help in such a situation. Nazis don't usually have liberal associates who can report them.

  9. Insane Clown (aka Butt Trumpet) set race relations back 200 years. White people never identified with their whiteness to the point they do today. What can we as white people do to make it easier for black folks? At the very least not make it harder. It isn't much. It won't prevent atrocities like Buffalo or Mother Emanuel. But it's something.

  10. Anonymous6:10 AM

    White people never identified with their whiteness to the point they do today.

    White people are under attack for their skin like never before.  WTF do you expect?

    What can we as white people do to make it easier for black folks? At the very least not make it harder.

    African countries and cultures do not expect behavior to conform to civilized (White) norms.  Conditions are as they produce, but it's easy on blacks.  Transport back to "da muddaland" is the best way to make things easy on them.  They won't have indoor plumbing, but they won't be uncomfortable either.

  11. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "Until blacks-in-America care about Whites, none of you have any business demanding anyone care about you."

    LOL! Says the racist asshole! GTFOH! Black folk have been dehumanized and demeaned for centuries now this clown wants us to give a fuck about him while he spews racist bullshit. Fuck you and anyone who thinks like you. You've got to be the dumbest motherfucker on the internet, racists usually are pretty dumb.

  12. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "A grocery store that blacks were incapable of building for themselves"

    You do know there are many Black architectural firms and construction companies right? WTF have YOU ever built? Nothing! You just get a free ride from claiming things built by others. You are one weak ass excuse for a human. Get out of your mother's basement and read a damned book and maybe just maybe a female will look your way for once you pathetic incel.

  13. Mandingo7:17 AM

    Actually I know why anon can't get a woman. All the women around him are looking for the BBC. Go to to see why. Sorry you can't uh, measure up anon. Once you go black.........

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    “What can we as white people do to make it easier for black folks? At the very least not make it harder. It isn't much. It won't prevent atrocities like Buffalo or Mother Emanuel. But it's something.”

    Hmmm. Not good enough for Ms. Candice McDuffie. If you haven’t solved racism by next Tuesday, she’s not your friend anymore.

    You’d better hurry up. Chop chop.

  15. Anonymous said...

    "Which leaves unhelpful fantasies about magic wands that can eliminate racist thoughts."

    10:12 PM
    I'm not concerned with eliminating racists thoughts. There is no practical way to do that even if we wanted to. But there are some ways that racist behavior can be regulated, and it is up to all of us to try.

    Here are a few ways: Support organizations that fight racist behavior, such as the NAACP, The Southern Poverty Law Center, The American Civil Liberties Union, and other groups that may be local or national. We can support them with donations of money or our time.

    We can stand up and speak up when racists remarks are spoken in our presence. We can comment on blogs and other sites such as Political Wire and Raw Story.

    As long as the current situation continues, we must vote. Blue is the only way to go. The Republicans have made racism a badge of honor.

    Any additional ideas or suggestions from all of you out there would be welcome.

  16. Anonymous said...

    "Transport back to "da muddaland" is the best way to make things easy on them. They won't have indoor plumbing, but they won't be uncomfortable either."

    6:10 AM
    What country is your "Muddaland", Asshole? I need to know so I can arrange to send you back. Obviously you are uncivilized and are unfit to live among other Americans.

  17. Anonymous2:07 PM

    “Hmmm. Not good enough for Ms. Candice McDuffie. If you haven’t solved racism by next Tuesday, she’s not your friend anymore.“

    People tend to get a bit impatient after 400 years or so.🤷🏾‍♂️

  18. A bit OT but then again some of us have already ventured off the road. Check out UAL's new ad campaign that features a few of my friends. Capt. Theresa who was the first Black woman Air Force pilot is in it. Some folks ask me if I was in the commercial but if they don't pay me I ain't doing anything. LOL!

  19. J.D. Vance just may have lost the OHIO senate race. He wants to ban porn. Where do they find these insane Republicans????? Do they really want to be the stupid party?

  20. Anonymous5:47 PM

    As predicted above, the shooter in the fatal mass shooting in Taft, OK... is a n1qq3r.

  21. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "Until blacks-in-America care about Whites, none of you have any business demanding anyone care about you."

    As Malcom X once said: “Here was one of the white man’s most characteristic behavior patterns-where Black men are concerned. He loves himself so much that he is startled if he discovers that his victims don’t share his vainglorious self-opinion.”

  22. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Ain’t not brothas in Why-oming.

  23. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "Daycare worker charged with violently assaulting 1-year-old found incompetent for trial"

    Take one look at the search results:

    It's a subhuman.  No surprise there.

  24. Anonymous7:13 PM

    "Ain’t not brothas in Why-oming."

    As a consequence, there are very few murders in Wyoming either.  Suicides are not properly classified as "violence".

    Illinois murder rate, 2017:  7.8 per 100k.

    Wyoming murder rate, 2017;  2.6 per 100k (source).

  25. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Firearm mortality rate of Wyoming almost twice that of Illinois. I guess we can attribute some of that to accidents (stupidity) and suicide (undiagnosed mental illness). Here's to weak white guys offing themselves. At least these punks didn't take the normal crazy white guy with a gun route and kill a bunch of babies and elderly women. Thank god for small favors.

  26. Wesley Pipes10:53 PM

    Hey bro, have you gone to yet to see what your mom and sister are watching?

  27. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Uh oh, looks like racist anon is wrong again. Shocking huh? 90% increase in murders in Why-oming and over 40% increase in states that voted for trump.

    BTW anon, have you gone to to learn a few tips on how to please your woman? I know your woman has seen it. Ah, who the hell am I kidding, you never had a woman. LOL!

  28. Anonymous12:22 AM

    From the above link.

    *In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden.
    *8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.

  29. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Just another day in Blackistan:

    One more black life that doesn't matter.

  30. Hey, field, can you tweak the comment section so that "anonymous" has to pick a name, any name? I understand why you want to keep the racists here (exhibits A, B, C....Z) for observation, but it'd be easier to tell their demented, ugly voices apart, and make the threads easier to spot.
    This was an unusually good discussion (minus them) to read. I'd just add that "racism is wrong" is not a headline, or a quote any celebrity wants to be known for, though there was discussion in the media of this new wrinkle, black or brown "replacement theory." That's my only comment to Ms McDuffie. Racism (sadly) is not news. Calling it out in new, novel ways is a challenge, and even quoting Baldwin or some other trenchant wordsmith is just... inadequate to our moment.

  31. Time to control religion....

  32. I second @another bozo's request to eliminate the anonymous commenter option.

  33. Manifest Density11:29 AM


    How ironic is it to be part of a group that craves attention but can't be recognized because of their cowardice.

  34. Anonymous12:50 PM

    *In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden.
    *8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.

    Let's take one of those states, namely Alabama.  In 2019 (the last year with complete records), Alabama recorded 125 homicides.  Of those 125, 115 of them were in Birmingham, a city which was 68.3% black in the 2020 census.

    You can't blame this on White people or Republican voters.  Alabama votes Republican to keep the leash on its violent, criminal population of blacks.

  35. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Former Trump economic advisor (his so-called “expertise” consisted of blaming any negative economic events on China) Peter Navarro was arrested by the FBI on Friday for refusing to testify before Congress about Jan. 6 attempted coup.

    DOJ is playing hardball and I am loving it.

  36. Anonymous2:20 PM

    “You can't blame this on White people or Republican voters.“

    I notice you cherry-pick ONE state and city. Care to give a go at my example Why-oming which saw the largest increase in homicides? We both agreed ain’t no brothas there so what gives?

    BTW, ever seen That site is awesome with brothas giving the hot hard one to white chicks. You’ll love it!!!

  37. Ames shooter killed 2 women and self with 9mm pistol although he had an AR and ammo at home.

  38. "Hey, field, can you tweak the comment section so that "anonymous" has to pick a name, any name? I understand why you want to keep the racists here (exhibits A, B, C....Z) for observation, but it'd be easier to tell their demented, ugly voices apart, and make the threads easier to spot."

    No disagreement here but I would love to see it harder for them to post simply because I like pissing off racists.

  39. PilotX said...

    "No disagreement here but I would love to see it harder for them to post simply because I like pissing off racists."

    11:33 PM
    I agree with you and Anotherbozo. I would like to see all people commenting using a screen name. It helps to know which racist ass I a replying to when he/she says something offensive that is way over the top.

  40. Anonymous2:38 AM

    I think I just found the black Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    This Republican lady is running for secretary of state in Massachusetts and she apparently thinks woke elementary school teachers instruct 5-year-olds to suck each others’ dicks.

    Yes, that is how she said it. Classy.

  41. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I notice you cherry-pick ONE state and city.

    I didn't "cherry-pick" anything.  I chose one of the most stereotypically "red" states and dug up the 411 on it, proving that its problems with murders come from blacks.  I didn't look at any other states, so if there was a "cherry" it's because I was lucky.

    Care to give a go at my example Why-oming which saw the largest increase in homicides? We both agreed ain’t no brothas there so what gives?

    Okay, fine.  Cowboy State Daily reported 17 murders for the entire state in 2020, up from a whole 14 in 2019.  Out of a population of 582,233, that is a murder rate of 2.9 per 100k.

    Wyoming's murder problem appears to be, per the NYT, concentrated on Indian reservations.  Nothing to do with wipeepo at all.

    Meanwhile, Shitcago passed 1000 homicides for 2021 before December 1, and the year wasn't even over yet.

    BTW, ever seen

    Never have, never will.  Ever seen someone dumb enough to commit suicide by power line?  He "wowed it", and became a crispy critter.  How about an every-day shooting death in the 'hood?  If you clicked through, you know that that's two black lives that didn't matter even to the people recording them.

    Black lives don't matter to blacks, and shouldn't matter to anyone else either.

  42. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Corrupt vote-counting machinery in Georgia is proven by a hand count.

    What is corrupt in 2022 was corrupt in 2020.  The truth will set the truthful free, and will kill the people of the lie (that's you).

  43. Anonymous said....

    "What is corrupt in 2022 was corrupt in 2020. The truth will set the truthful free, and will kill the people of the lie (that's you)."

    7:51 AM
    So this one time the hand-count differed from the computer account? That didn't happen in the 2020 recounts.
    But you bring this garbage here and post a veiled threat that those of us who don't share you political opinions will be killed? You need to get yourself committed to a mental health facility right away before you hurt someone.

  44. Georgia acknowledged election problems pretty early on election day. No big mystery at all.

  45. Mike from Iowa said...

    Georgia acknowledged election problems pretty early on election day. No big mystery at all.

    11:00 AM
    The anonymous maga that posted the comment is so dumb, he probably is unable to realize that his logic is faulty. To claim that this one case in Georgia proves fraud in the 2020 election reflects the thinking of a three year old.
    And to threaten anyone who doesn't agree with him is way, way out there in the weeds.

  46. Anonymous said...

    Care to give a go at my example Why-oming which saw the largest increase in homicides? We both agreed ain’t no brothas there so what gives?

    "Okay, fine. Cowboy State Daily reported 17 murders for the entire state in 2020, up from a whole 14 in 2019. Out of a population of 582,233, that is a murder rate of 2.9 per 100k.

    Wyoming's murder problem appears to be, per the NYT, concentrated on Indian reservations. Nothing to do with wipeepo at all."

    5:48 AM.
    Regardless of what you say, of the top ten states with the largest number of gun deaths, nine are red and one is purple. Don't bother to say I'm comparing apples and oranges. The people who died from gun shots are still dead whether from accident, suicide or homicide.

    I will wait with baited breath for your response that justifies your participation in the NRA's death cult.

  47. Anonymous12:52 PM

    “Never have, never will.“

    Well you should bro. Don’t you like seeing how much white women enjoy Black men? It’s a beautiful thing! Maybe is more your speed if you’re into blondes. I mean who isn’t?

  48. Some guy with a grudge entered a judges residence in Wisconsin and shot the judge to death. The guy had a kill list on his person.

    drumpf s appointed unqualified justices have exceeded their authorities and made stoopid rulings that shut down federal programs.

  49. Anonymous4:51 PM

    “Some guy with a grudge entered a judges residence in Wisconsin and shot the judge to death.“

    Just wow, there are no more rules.

  50. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Peter Navarro indicted.


    McCTurtlefuckface and Michigan guv Whitmer were on killer's hit list.

    McCTurtlefuckface has been the worst obstructionist to progress in American history. He is eminently expendable.

  52. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Regardless of what you say, of the top ten states with the largest number of gun deaths, nine are red and one is purple.

    Again with the false equivalency.  "Gun deaths" do not equate to murders.  You just can't stop lying, can you?

    Don't bother to say I'm comparing apples and oranges. The people who died from gun shots are still dead whether from accident, suicide or homicide.

    There are twice as many overdose deaths as gunshot deaths from both murders and suicides, but I don't see you agitating for better access to prescription painkillers so that desperate people don't either kill themselves or turn to black-market drugs of unknown potency.

    I will wait with baited breath

    You call yourself educated, but you can't even grasp that the word is "bated", as in "abated" (holding one's breath in anticipation).

  53. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "Man" throws a baby at his girlfriend when he finds her talking on the phone.

    "Man" is in quotes because his mugshot proves he's a n1qq3r.  Just search for "Vincent Samuel Reid" on

  54. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Oh wow, lookie here. A baby OD's and mom and grandmother charged in death. Looks like they're white trash just like you anon 10:31. Master race huh? Is that what you superior people do, give your baby drugs? No thanks, I'd rather be a n1qq3r than a h1llb1lly like you and these worthless bottom dwellers.

  55. Anonymous11:04 PM

    10;43 PM has to go back more than half a year to find a subject for fake outrage, and a recycled one at that.

    Two days ago versus almost 7 months ago.  But hey, we're still getting "news" about Emmett Till (whose father was convicted and hanged for raping 3 Italian women and murdering two of them back in WWII).

  56. Anonymous11:25 PM

    OK, I guess we have time limits. How about June 1? Is that recent enough? Well, here we go. Superior race gets nabbed for child molestation. Sorry, I'd rather be anything but a bottom-dwelling fat ass hillbilly that has to screw kids, kinda like anon at 11:04 who condones this shit.

  57. Anonymous11:29 PM

    The master race likes to molest 6-year-old girls. Kinda sick huh? I think so but anon 11:04 is cool with it. Is this something you think we should all do? Are you molesting 6-year-olds? Sweep your pwn porch before criticizing others kid.

  58. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Hey, 11:25, that's one guy.  Meanwhile....

    "Study Reports More Than Half of Black Females Are Sexually Abused Before They Turn 18 - A preliminary study from Black Women’s Blueprint revealed that 60 percent of respondents said they had been sexually abused by a Black man before they turned 18 years old. The troubling numbers are on the rise, says Farah Tanis, co-Founder of the New York-based organization and co-author of the study."

    That was 2011, and "numbers are on the rise".  It's almost certainly worse today.  And it's not White guys doing it.

  59. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Another W. Virginia hillbilly arrested for molesting multiple kids. Is this a trend or what? Remember when anon was bragging about how great W. Virginia is, well this is probably what he meant. Easy access to kids is that what is so great about W.V.? Pretty sick but what else would we expect. I bet this is one of your running buddies. Stay the fucj away from me and mine you sick SOB's.

  60. Anonymous11:33 PM

    More to the point, 11:29, some very large fraction of black men molest girls.  Are you okay with putting all the black child molesters in prison?  Because I'm fine with all the White ones going there.

  61. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "And it's not White guys doing it."

    Ya know, that should be the tag line for Check it out some time, you'll love it. I mean not as much as white women love BBC but close.

  62. Anonymous11:39 PM

    11:34 obviously has no problem with black girls being molested.  Wouldn't surprise me if he's done it himself.

  63. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Here's some fun stats! Meth crimes. You'll love these anon. Guess it's so great being white that you make it more fun by huffing meth and shooting yourself right?

  64. Anonymous11:41 PM

    "11:34 obviously has no problem with black girls being molested. Wouldn't surprise me if he's done it himself."

    And you have no problem with incest with 6-year-olds. No wonder your women run to black men for BBC. Makes sense to me.

  65. Anonymous11:49 PM

    But it's Black people who are the problem huh? You'd rather hang out with this asshole than a good guy like Field? That shows me how truly sick you are.

  66. Anonymous said....

    "Again with the false equivalency. "Gun deaths" do not equate to murders. You just can't stop lying, can you?"
    Apparently you don't understand written words. I already told you that I'm not dealing with equivalences: I'm just stating facts. People are just as dead from guns regardless of whether they die from homicide, suicide, or accident. BTW, suicide is considered self-murder.

    As for my being a liar, well, honey. you can go straight to hell, and please realize that I don't give a crap what you call me.

  67. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "There's a reason that he abandoned Jamaica for the USA, and that reason is Jamaicans. It's the same with Haitians, Hondurans and Guatemalans: they can't make a society that works for shit."

    Kinda like W. Virginia with all of the child molestors. Sure kid, I always think would I rather sit on a beach in Jamaica or in a shitty trailer park in W. Virginia with a bunch of meth-addicted, suicidal child molesters like you. Tough choice. I bet travel agents are working overtime booking trips to BF, Kentucky. LOL!

  68. Anonymous12:12 AM

    "People are just as dead from guns regardless of whether they die from homicide, suicide, or accident."

    But for some reason, meth-addled hillbillies offing themselves is something to be proud of.

  69. Anonymous said....

    There are twice as many overdose deaths as gunshot deaths from both murders and suicides, but I don't see you agitating for better access to prescription painkillers so that desperate people don't either kill themselves or turn to black-market drugs of unknown potency.

    8:42 PM

    How did over-dose deaths get into the conversation? As I recall the topic under discussion was gun violence and deaths cause by guns.

    As for my using the incorrect spelling for bated, I apologize for this egregious error. I hope you were not harmed by it.

  70. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Kinda like W. Virginia with all of the child molestors.

    I wouldn't know.  The only times I was there, I was driving through on I-77 and that was 15 years ago.

    I always think would I rather sit on a beach in Jamaica or in a shitty trailer park in W. Virginia with a bunch of meth-addicted, suicidal child molesters like you.

    Never touched meth, never touched a child and if I was suicidal I'd have taken care of things already instead of typing this.  I have the means literally at my elbow.

    I bet travel agents are working overtime booking trips to BF, Kentucky.

    Haven't been in Kentucky in 10 years, and I was in Louisville to work.

    Louisville is another fine city going the way of Detoilet, and the reason's the same:  blacks.  But do have fun with your fantasies of "there's only one race, the human race".  While your illusions last, that is.

  71. Anonymous12:26 AM

    "There are twice as many overdose deaths"

    Oooooh, hillbillies offing themselves. Isn't that a good thing?

  72. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "Louisville is another fine city going the way of Detoilet, and the reason's the same: blacks."

    And rural W. Virginia and Kentucky are just garden spots.

    "Never touched meth, never touched a child and if I was suicidal I'd have taken care of things already instead of typing this. I have the means literally at my elbow."

    Wow, shocking! A racist troll is sooooooo scared of every damned thing he has a gun on table as he posts. You peeople are kinda sick. What are you so scared of? The words I'm typing might attack you? LOL! White male paranoia is a thing.

  73. Anonymous12:30 AM

    "Haven't been in Kentucky in 10 years, and I was in Louisville to work."

    Ever been to Jamaica?

  74. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "There's a reason that he abandoned Jamaica for the USA, and that reason is Jamaicans."

    You know who loves Jamaica and Jamaicans? White women. They flock there to find Jamaican men and get it so good they leave with their hair braided to try to attract brothas when they get back to the states. I see why you would hate the islands, most incels do.

  75. No more military bases named after confederates.

  76. Has trump finally jumped the shark? He wants to sue the Pulitzer organization if they don't rescind their prize give to a news organization that he doesn't like. You can't make this up.

  77. Anonymous7:07 AM

    A racist troll is sooooooo scared of every damned thing he has a gun on table as he posts.

    It's not on the table, it's leaning against the file cabinet.

    You peeople are kinda sick. What are you so scared of? The words I'm typing might attack you?

    Being kidnapped will change your attitude real quick.  I'm not letting it happen again.

  78. Anonymous9:07 AM

    HIV-positive ex-teacher's aide sentenced for raping second-grader

    by Associated Press

    CLAYTON, Mo. (AP) — A former teaching assistant in suburban St. Louis has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for raping a second-grader at the school and exposing the child to the virus that causes AIDS.

    The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Deonte Taylor, 39, was sentenced Thursday after being found guilty in April of three counts of sodomy and one count of knowingly exposing someone to HIV.

    Taylor also pleaded guilty Thursday to two counts of conspiracy to commit murder for trying to arrange the killing of the boy and his mother. Authorities say the attack happened in 2015 at Lusher Elementary School in Florissant. The boy later tested negative for HIV.

    (yes, of COURSE he's black.)

  79. "Being kidnapped will change your attitude real quick."

    LOL! Field, what kind of weirdos do you have here?

  80. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Former cop and firefighter rapes teen. Abuse of authority and SHOCKER he's white.

  81. Dude, you've got to tell us about this kidnapping. LOL!

  82. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Was it Black people that kidnapped you? I would guess not because we wouldn't want you. Definitely not women. LOL! It's called KIDnapping. WTF wants to take a grown-ass man? LOL!

  83. 12 year old wasicu boy took legal guardian/ grandfather's gun a nd walked to a gas station and fire his gun while rob bing the place. He left and did not get far before p;igs grabbed him. Rumour has it charges are pending because pigs want to take him to wholesome, LGBTQ free Disney World in magat Never Never land before jail.

  84. Devin Numbnutts whined about Pecker Navarro being arrested, handcuffed and shackled at an airport instead of being allowed to turn himself in. Navarro has already ignored 2 subpoenas. What makes anyone believe he would have turned himself in?

    Total humiliation is one thing a magat can comprehend, especially when the object is a magat.

  85. GOP=pedophiles:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. Interesting article.

  87. Fantastic Negrito did some genealogy research and discovered that his seventh removed grandfather was a slave who had a relationship with a white, Scottish indentured servant, and this is the album and film he wrote about it:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Kyle Rittenhouse: I’m going to attend Texas A&M University. It’s going to be awesome.

    Texas A&M: Ha-ha, no.

  89. PilotX said....
    No more military bases named after confederates.

    3:07 AM
    That should have been done a long time ago. I still can't understand why U.S.military bases were named after men who committed treason.

  90. Recovering TrumpTard3:59 AM

    Another White Right terrorist goes postal.

    This time, one of them shot and killed a retired Wisconsin judge in his own home--execution style.

    And surprise, surprise, he was a Conservative Trump follower.

    Douglas K. Uhde: Social Media Shows Pro Trump, Gun Posts

    Behind all their "Law and Order" propaganda, these Conservatives are Fascists at heart.

    And the MAGA minions are not only guilty of attempting the January 6th coup d'etat. They are now engaged in outright terrorism.

    The White Right is a straight up terrorist movement.

    And they should be dealt with as such.

  91. Tempe pigs stand around with their fingers up their asses while they watched a Black man drown.

  92. PilotX said....

    "Interesting article."

    9:51 PM
    Yes it a very interesting article. I agree with pretty much all the author says. I have watched political events quite closely for the last 60 years, and I think the author of this article is spot on. How else can one explain the behavior of low-income voters who vote against their own self interest when Republicans consistently cut support to them?

    BTW, the majority of people who receive assistance are white women with white children.

  93. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Axon, the company that makes Tasers, has dropped plans to build Taser-armed drones to patrol schools and prevent school shootings, after an internal rebellion.

    Somehow, I suspect it is not the end for this idea. Republicans will love it and resurrect it.

    Taserbot 2000, coming to an elementary school near you.

  94. I think I have unearthed anymoose....

    wasicu says mass shootings are all about Black peoples.

  95. Anonymous3:18 PM


    wasicu says mass shootings are all about Black peoples.”

    It figures. This Blake Masters fellow is associated with rich sociopath Peter Thiel.

    People like to gripe about “tech bros,” but if you delve into the details of their complaints, like, 90% of them are about Thiel. Or the other main tech douchebag extraordinaire, Elon Musk.

  96. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Chicago shootings: 28 shot, 4 fatally in weekend violence, police say

  97. Anonymous6:51 PM

    “The only reason your ‘news’ can report otherwise is that it refuses to report the vast majority of mass shootings BECAUSE they are black-on-black and thus ‘unworthy’ of more than local coverage.”

    Yeah, its so unfair, all those secret black mass shooters that we don’t hear about because of the “woke conspiracy.” And why aren’t the “lamestream news media” properly covering Bigfoot and the aliens at Area 51?

    I am outraged!

  98. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Anon, who kidnapped you? Was it teh Blacks?

  99. "Anon, who kidnapped you? Was it teh Blacks?"

    Agreed! Nobody else wants to hear this story? LOL!

  100. Proud Boy leaders indicted for sedition.

  101. Anonymous11:37 AM

    “Anon, who kidnapped you? Was it teh Blacks?”

    It was the fearsome pirate Black Bart.

  102. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Predictably, Republicans are already souring on opposition to Russia. Why wouldn’t they? Under Putin, Russia has already become what they want America to be: a corrupt, right-wing dictatorship.

    Anyway, according to them, why waste money helping Ukraine when we could instead be spending it on racist nonsense?

  103. "It was the fearsome pirate Black Bart."

    Aw man, I was betting on Mexican cartel.

  104. Must watch tv coming up!!!!! Thursday!!!! Who's bringing popcorn?

  105. Fake Noize already announced no live hearing broadcasts. They don't want their sheeple to learn the truth of what really happened.

  106. I voted a straight Democratic ticket at today's primary in iowa. Fuck magats!

  107. I mailed my ballots in a couple of weeks ago, voted Democratic, and left all of the goddamn Republicans running unopposed blank. Mail in voting means that I can look up the candidates online and find out a little about them before I decide. There was a county supervisor running who I Googled for twenty minutes and was unable to discern his party. Luckily enough, the local Democratic party had endorsed one of his rivals.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  108. "I mailed my ballots in a couple of weeks ago"

    So you're out there casting fraudulent ballots! trump was right. LOL!

  109. There were two of them, one for the local stuff and one for statewide races.
    Perhaps if the January 6 committee promised to include new Benghazi evidence at their hearing tomorrow, Fox would cover it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  110. Anonymous1:35 AM

    wasicu says mass shootings are all about Black peoples.

    The "wasicu" is right... and you hate that he is right.

    You're losing control of the narrative, and it scares the shit out of you.

  111. Anonymous7:36 AM

    "The "wasicu" is right... and you hate that he is right."

    But you got kidnapped by white men and have to carry around a gun 24/7 because you're scared of white people. You can't make this shit up.

  112. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Field, your words are true.
    Don't forget that 400 years of indoctrinating their "offspring" into believing that blacks are "less than human" is what has worked to keep the melanin deprived individuals at the top of the ladder and oppressed people on the bottom of the ladder, and still trying to reach the first rung.

    Also, when a particular species lives in constant fear of fast becoming an "endangered species," the age old tactic of "divide and conquer" will grow roots once again. This time it's for the Hispanic vote.

    What's going on in America is the fear of losing or relinquishing political power...because that is where "they" make the laws that keep "them" on top. When a species begins to feel threatened they react in a frenzied fashion.

    Their Recent Thinking Tends To Go Like This: "Hispanics usually vote Democrat ...especially the women. So let's try to pull their males over to the Republican side by "pretending" that we want to accept them. Once we get their vote, we'll kick them to the curb too."

    ---------- Hmmmm "divide and conquer." Let's see...Hey, wasn't that how Texas was taken from the Mexicans?

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