Sunday, May 15, 2022

There will be more replacement theory killers. And no one will be held accountable.

One common theme throughout my blogging career has been well meaning people who read my blog admonishing me because I allow the most hateful and vile white supremacists to post comments after my posts. 

Frankly, it's something that I have struggled with as well: Should I even allow comments? Should I block all comments, or just the offensive ones? At the end of the day, I always follow my strong First Amendment instincts and allow everyone to comment. I also allow it, because it's important that folks who read this blog realize what's lurking out there. They need to know how the landscape has changed, and how white supremacists--- and the hatred that they have for folks who look like me---- have become emboldened.

We all know by now what happened in Buffalo, New York, yesterday. A lone eighteen year old gunman took it upon himself to drive hours to find a black neighborhood and kill as many black folks as he could (eight is the latest count) before surrendering to law enforcement and being taken alive (Of course he was.) I am not sure if they took him to get a happy meal or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

His name is Payton Gendron, and his manifesto on white replacement , as someone stated on twitter, reads like a job application to be a producer on one of those FOX nightly news shows. 

There will be more Payton Gendrons in the days to come, because the right-wing hate machine that profits off white fear and resentment of others will not stop cranking out their hatred for profit. And gullible poor and undereducated white people will continue to think that folks who look like I do are the root of all of their problems. 

In the coming days the main stream media will tell us what a "troubled" and "unstable" teen Gendron is, and how he was simply suffering from mental issues. We won't hear that he is a vehicle for hate that was used and weaponized by the right-wing hate machine to take out his hatred on the people they tell us are trying to replace them. We won't hear that he is the product of a climate of fear and hatred that has emboldened racists and xenophobes thanks to the actions of the former president and his sycophants on the right. These are the people who praise Kyle Rittenhouse, but vilify Colin Kaepernick. 

 The blood of those thirteen people who were shot in Buffalo yesterday are on their hands.  

*Image from WTVD television. 




  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "In the coming days the main stream media will tell us what a 'troubled' and 'unstable' teen Gendron is, and how he was simply suffering from mental issues."

    I don't know that this will happen. I mean, it quite likely is true that he had some mental problems -- mass shooters often do -- and reporters feel obliged to acknowledge this and are reluctant to attribute terrorism unless there's a clear link. (Unless the shooter is Muslim, in which case they're probably gonna be presumed to be a terrorist from the get-go.)

    However, there is a pretty clear link to a political ideology in this shooting, as with the one committed by Dylann Roof. I don't think most media outlets will deny that racism and facist ideology was at least part of his motive.

    And yet ...

    "We won't hear that he is a vehicle for hate that was used and weaponized by the right-wing hate machine to take out his hatred on the people they tell us are trying to replace them."

    Yeah, you're probably right about that part. Mainstream media outlets will blame far-right hate groups. They'll point the finger at the overt Nazis. But most of them won't have the guts to call out the regular right-wing media outlets who are also pushing this garbage. They won't point out that Great Replacement Theory is now effectively a normal feature of Fox News and other big "news" sources that lots of normal people in this country consume. They won't criticize the Republican politicians who do this, either.

    They will know it, but most of them will not be brave enough to SAY it.

  2. From RawStory.... As Young put it, "Those who follow the news know that this is far from the first time “replacement theory” has figured in the ravings of a mass shooter," before adding, "We know these ideas are floating out there. We also know that, disturbingly, “replacement theory” is being mainstreamed on the right," the columnist specifying Fox News host Tucker Carlson who has repeatedly claimed that Democrats are trying to "replace" Americans with immigrants.

    As Young notes, two prominent Republican lawmakers have also taken up the "replacement theory" banner, with Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) tweeting, "The Left/Media think of replacement solely on race/ethnicity terms. I don't at all. Democrats failed voters who relied on them to run their states/cities. Now they are importing new voters. That is my argument. Those reading more into it are projecting their own bias."

    Add to that, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who Young explained, ".. jumped on the bandwagon as well with a Facebook ad claiming that the Democrats were going to use amnesty for illegal immigrants to 'overthrow our current electorate and create a permanent liberal majority in Washington.'"

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James indicted

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    1 dead, 2 injured in shootings, dozens arrested, during another hours-long ‘large group’ incident in Millennium Park and the Loop (video)

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Boy, 16, shot and killed near ‘The Bean’ during ‘large group’ incident downtown

  6. See Exhibit A above.
    On the other hand, Anon @12:59, I always appreciate your thoughtful comments.

  7. A court just struck down California's prohibition of sales of certain firearms to those under the age of 21.
    I got my first firearm for Christmas when I was nine, but the Montgomery Ward Western Field .410 single shot shotgun I received would not have been covered by the ban.
    Somehow it has become damn near impossible to make sane firearm policy.
    For years it has been easy and profitable to spread hateful lies about people online and in the media.
    Add those two together and the inevitable result will be twisted nutjobs like this dumb little fuck slaughtering groups of people in public.
    I am glad this comment section is still open to all, it is one of the very last out there.
    I'd rather find out about the latest twisted right wing thought pattern here than, say, down in Oakhurst where there are certainly plenty of out-and-proud right wingers.
    They have been calling this dumb little fuck a lone wolf, but that is not right. He is a mainstream Republican at this point.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Mike from Iowa, you always bring the energy and passion as well.

  9. It kinda looks like Anonymous from 2:07 PM through 2:11 is the same commenter. If so, how come you didn't just put it all in one post?

    1. Gambler, It's an old right-wingnut trick.

  10. One has to wonder whether these mass-shooters (or any other of the modern-day aggressive/violent criminal types, like the "smash-and-grab" varieties) aren't part of some well-organized collective conspiracy.
    The questions are: Just WHO'S behind this trend, and why are all these demented individuals so intent on becoming "martyrs", and just WHAT are the agendas of these covert organizations---WHAT are they trying to accomplish? What is the purpose of all this bizarre insanity and turbulence they're creating on such a exponentially grand scale?
    WHY are they doing all this?

  11. Dude shot a LEO and STILL was taken into custody without a scratch. Cops probably took him to Dinosaur BBQ for lunch because he was hungry. WTF????? A brotha selling cigarettes or allegedly passing a fake bill end up dead but this murderer......

  12. I really appreciate the compliment, Mr Field. There is way too much magat craziness out there. I appreciate you allowing me to express my opinions here.

  13. 6 people shot in Laguna Woods church. 1 dead, 5 injured, 4 critical. A suspect and a gun are in custody.

  14. This is insane....

    Racist 6 year old wasicu gets a whip and marches across street and whips the door of a black neighbor. When the woman opens door and makes kid leave, her husband goes across the street to speak with the boys father. He gets met by a racist with a handgun, which goes off. Short video included.

    Wasicu dad gets arrested.

  15. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Gendron and his ilk are groomed from birth to, at the least, think about committing such atrocities, if not actually commit them.

  16. The Coatesville ExPat7:56 PM

    Don't overthink this Judge.This a benighted racist A$$h0le who will pay dearly for this. And, if the Feds run with this, his life will end ou a gurney.

  17. Recovering TrumpTard9:16 PM

    The Great White Replacement theory is a favored political hobby horse among not only fringe White nationalist groups but also mainstream White Conservatives.

    And one of the poster children for the Great White Replacement theory is none other than Fox News's Tucker Carlson, who has the most popular "news" program on TeeVee.

    In other words, White nationalist ideologies are increasingly part of Mainstream White America, who are increasing paranoid about losing their socio-political dominance in US society.

  18. Even Fox now has to admit certain truths: there needs to be at least some form of gun control and/or red flag laws, there are domestic terrorists among us and right-wing rhetoric can be dangerous.

  19. I don't see any hope for this country's future. Things have been allowed to go too far to turn things around. I think most American citizens are sick of BOTH of the do-nothing political parties. Malcolm X was right when he said we've been hoodwinked and bamboozled by both political parties. Recent events are leading up to one outcome...A 2nd Civil War. Banning abortion, suppression of voting rights, stupid ass replacement theories, undereducated, ignorant voters, will all come together in one huge stew of evil and hatred, and I fear the nation as we know it, will not survive. High gas prices, shortages of baby forumula, high grocery prices, high rents and mortgages...all headed to massive civil unrest. Batten down the hatches people, we're in for a bumpy ride.

  20. Anonymous10:23 PM

    “Even Fox now has to admit certain truths …”

    Fox admits nothing!!!!

    Honestly, that should probably be their official slogan. It’d certainly be closer to reality than “Most Watched, Most Trusted” or especially the laughable “Fair and Balanced.”

  21. "I am not sure if they took him to get a happy meal or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did."

    A little teenage girl in a bathing suit gets treated rougher than a mass shooter and folks trying to overthrow the government. This is America.

  22. Not to switch topics but I hope everyone gets a good look at the lunar eclipse tonight because we won't get this again until 2025.

  23. Anonymous12:58 AM

    There will be more Payton Gendrons in the days to come, because the right-wing hate machine that profits off white fear and resentment of others will not stop cranking out their hatred for profit.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, Chimpcongo has had more than 3x as many shot and killed and nearly 30 times as many shot and wounded JUST THIS MONTH TO DATE.  Those black lives obviously DO NOT MATTER.

    We won't hear that he is a vehicle for hate that was used and weaponized by the right-wing hate machine to take out his hatred on the people they tell us are trying to replace them.

    Meanwhile, the Biden Maladministration has put out the welcome mat for Haitians who already had asylum in S. American countries such as Chile.  Why bring them here?  To replace Americans with pliant left-voting people, of course.  The only proper thing to do with Haitians is to return them to Haiti; if they can't live with other Haitians, nobody else should be expected to either.

    And gullible poor and undereducated white people will continue to think that folks who look like I do are the root of all of their problems.

    If you didn't so reliably advocate and act in anti-American, anti-White ways, you might blame them.  But you do, so you can't.

  24. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Payton Gendron was a CIA asset.  We know this because his acts check all the boxes of the leftist stereotype:

    1.)  Rabid "racist".
    2.)  Concerned about fellow white people (see 1. above).
    3.)  Used a "black rifle".
    4.)  Used it very ineffectively, not even claiming 1 victim per bullet in a standard 30-round magazine.

    Despite using said dreaded "black rifle", he only had 8 fatalities and 13 total victims.  That was NOTHING compared to the 87 fatalities from the Happy Land Social Club arson, or the fire at The Station club which claimed 100 lives.  If he was actually trying to kill blacks, he would have torched a rap show.  That would have been much deadlier and FAR harder for the left to weaponize against Americans.

    You'll know the partisans are getting serious when they start using snipers and firebombs, the death tolls number hundreds per attack and hip-hop events vanish.  Payton Gendron was just a wind-up toy in a long list of such toys.

  25. The CIA1:16 AM

    "Payton Gendron was a CIA asset."

    Stupid and racist go hand in hand.

    "Meanwhile, in the real world, Chimpcongo has had more than 3x as many shot and killed and nearly 30 times as many shot and wounded JUST THIS MONTH TO DATE."

    Nah, these shootings are CIA red flag operations and the victims are crisis actors but you're too stupid to recognize that. Dumb ass.

  26. The CIA1:18 AM

    "If he was actually trying to kill blacks, he would have torched a rap show."

    No, he was a typical white male coward that shoots elderly women, pregnant women and children. Rap shows have grown men who would have beaten his punk ass silly. He was just a bitch ass coward just like all of you.

  27. The CIA2:13 AM

    No wonder these fools vote for the Jewish space laser lady and believe the Dems drink baby blood and that trump won the election. It's easy to convince stupid people of anything.

  28. Field your restraint in allowing Nazis and other assorted lunatic fringe the freedom to vent their vitriol is nothing short of admirable. Having been shitlisted myself on at least a half dozen right wing "forums" no such benevolence from that side is forthcoming.

    Wishing John Fetterman a full and speedy recovery. He is one of the very few on our side who will throw punches and get dirty while the rest come with the obligatory smiley faces shaking their pom-poms and minding their manners.

  29. Anonymous8:32 AM

    “Field your restraint in allowing Nazis and other assorted lunatic fringe the freedom to vent their vitriol is nothing short of admirable.“

    At least make em register or something that’ll piss em off. Sure they can post but pissing off nazis is fun.🤷🏾‍♂️

  30. Recovering TrumpTard9:46 AM

    You know that the White Right are desperate when they play the False Flag/Crisis Actor card to deny responsibility when yet another White male mass murderer slaughters some (non-White) people.

    Dylann Roof (Charleston)
    Patrick Wood Crusius (El Paso)
    Robert Aaron Long (Atlanta)
    And now Payton Gendron (Buffalo)

    They are all innocent as choir boys.

    All the crimes that have ever been committed by White males are not really their fault, because they were just CIA-controlled assets perpetrating a false flag op! Or so the White Right believes.

    The White Right are the ultimate Victimologists.

  31. “Replacement Theory”? Is that the worst the Republican Party can do? You call that lame-o whinge paranoia? Field, thank you for letting the incel haters post, so I can address them directly. So listen up, younglings, and let the Paradoctor tell you how existential dread is really done.

    For you see, O Naifs, in a mere 2 centuries - a measly 200 years, a blink of history’s eye - every man, woman, child, infant, fetus, and freshly conceived zygote, every one without exception will have completed their life cycles, and be dead and gone. All without exception! And not only everyone now alive, but their children too. There will still be people, but they will all be someone else’s kids.

    And not only will everyone alive be replaced, their culture will not be ours either. They will speak different words, with different meanings, pronunciations, spelling, and grammar. Their technology will be radically different, and their economics, and politics, and culture. They will have heard of our culture, but they will misunderstand it. To them we’ll be quaint.

    100% demographic turnover, plus major cultural turnover: how’s that for a great replacement? And here’s the cream of the jest: that’s normal! 100% replacement is how the biosphere works! O Incels, if you have a problem with that, then you have bigger problems than immigration policy. Your problem is with something called the human condition.

    Wait, wait, haters: you’re worried about skin tint? How superficial! Listen up, younglings: no-one has white skin; everyone has white bones.

    “Great Replacement”? SMH. What a bunch of losers! Here's a song for them:

  32. Nazi Incels by definition can't reproduce won't be replaced and won't be missed. That is the good news. For the rest of us the bad news is that thanks to our disrespect of the environment the biosphere is already becoming uninhabitable.

  33. Paradoctor: *bows low with double devil-horn hand flourish*
    Damn, that was good.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. The show most vociferously arguing the "white replacement" theory is Tucker Carlson's. Which is the most highly rated program on cable TV. It's those two sentences together which are reasons to want to find another country, planet, or universe.

    It's not that great analysts can't tell us how we got here. There are many reasons, some extremely persuasive. Dozens of conditions likely contributed. Models of society, models of the mind provide insight. But we're so deep at the bottom of this ditch I despair that we'll ever get out.

    When is Tucker on? I'd like to hear what he says after this. What snack is appropriate?

  35. Anonymous9:18 PM

    “When is Tucker on? I'd like to hear what he says after this. What snack is appropriate?”

    Pepto-Bismol. It’s good for suppressing nausea.

  36. Anonymous9:22 PM

    The show most vociferously arguing the "white replacement" theory is Tucker Carlson's.

    No, you stupid fuck.  It's the avowed goal of the left in the USA, tracked closely by Mark Potok of the SPLC.  The SPLC is open about its genocidal goals.

    It's those two sentences together which are reasons to want to find another country, planet, or universe.

    Please do find yourself another country, planet, or universe without White people.  We don't need you, and will be only too enthused to help you pack for wherever you will go to relieve us of your presence.  Bon voyage!  Don't forget to write!  (except literacy will go by the way once you are without us.)

  37. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Liz Cheney says that Republican leadership has “enabled white supremacy.”

    So I guess that’s the end of the line for her in the GOP. Expulsion is inevitable.

    Maybe she’s gonna be a Democrat now. What a crazy world, where Liz fucking Cheney could end up being a Democrat.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. "When is Tucker on? I'd like to hear what he says after this."

    He'll blame "the left" somehow. Maybe not enough guns?

  40. Anonymous said...

    The show most vociferously arguing the "white replacement" theory is Tucker Carlson's.

    "No, you stupid fuck. It's the avowed goal of the left in the USA, tracked closely by Mark Potok of the SPLC. The SPLC is open about its genocidal goals."

    It's those two sentences together which are reasons to want to find another country, planet, or universe.

    Please do find yourself another country, planet, or universe without White people. We don't need you, and will be only too enthused to help you pack for wherever you will go to relieve us of your presence. Bon voyage! Don't forget to write! (except literacy will go by the way once you are without us.)

    9:22 PM

    I think you are a bit confused, Anon. Mark Potok at the SPLC tracks the radical right organizations that promote hate and replacement theory. See this website:

    Furthermore, you should know that there are millions of us white people (I am one of them)in this country that will be fighting along side of our black, brown, and Asian brothers and sisters if it comes to that.
    Don't make the mistake of thinking that we are unarmed, or the we don't know how to fire our weapons. Crazy, right-wing, extreme terrorists represent only a small number of the American people.

    You need to change your thinking about what kind of future you want for yourself, or you many end up in prison for the rest of you life. That's where the man who shot up a grocery store in Buffalo is going.

    Since you and others who believe as you do are such a small minority, you cannot succeed. You will never, ever take over the United States. So you and others who believe in murder and other forms of violence to get what you want should leave the country. You will not be missed.

  41. "So you and others who believe in murder and other forms of violence to get what you want should leave the country."

    No other country would take these imbeciles.

  42. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Update: The Biden administration has made arrangements for Abbott’s baby formula plant to restart production in the U.S., and relaxed requirements to import formula from foreign manufacturers.

  43. Anonymous11:31 PM

    “‘When is Tucker on? I'd like to hear what he says after this.’

    ‘He'll blame "the left" somehow. Maybe not enough guns?’”

    Hey, maybe he’ll go Tops Market Truther, like the trolls on this blog.

    False flag! Antifa did it! The Deep State were involved! It’s all a devious scheme by the dirty libs to take our gunzzzzzz!

  44. dinthebeast:
    I live to serve.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.


  47. Anonymous11:51 AM

    America crosses the million COVID deaths threshold this week.

    This is a shameful outcome for such a wealthy country with loads of public health resources. It is one of the worst pandemic performances in the world — our government did an abysmal job protecting the populace from COVID, for which Trump bears the lion’s share of the blame.

    To add insult to injury, all of Trump’s foot-dragging on imposing lockdowns and other anti-COVID measures probably made the ultimate social costs of those measures even greater: more failed businesses, higher inflation, bigger crime spikes.

  48. Remember the 60s when Dem pols were targets for right wing nutjobs. MLK, Bobby and JFK? Lee Atwater and his character assassination party in the 70s and 80s?

    If Dems were the actual ones trying to destroy America there would be at lot less Dem pols and replacements for them. Libs do not fall for conspiracy theories like stoopid fucking magat fake noise guzzlers.

  49. Liz Cheney says that Republican leadership has “enabled white supremacy.”

    Rather largish understatement on the order of...

    " Okay, Challenger, go with throttle up."


    "Obviously a major malfunction,"


    This is telling, but only for a day or two and then Tuck the Fuck will be pedaling his lies again.

  51. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "Remember the 60s when Dem pols were targets for right wing nutjobs. MLK, Bobby and JFK?"

    It's fair to say that MLK was killed by a right-wing nutjob. But Bobby and John Kennedy?

    Bobby Kennedy was killed by a Palestinian who was angry about Bobby's support for Israel during the Six-Day War, which resulted in Israel occupying all the remaining Palestinian territories.

    The motives of Oswald, who killed John Kennedy, are less clear, because he was murdered himself soon after his capture, but his previous affiliations included defecting to the Soviet Union.

    Unless you believe the the conspiracy theories, in which case Bobby and John were actually killed by the Mafia, the Cubans, CIA, LBJ, space aliens, etc.

  52. This year. We’re 19 weeks in, and according to NPR, America has already had 198 mass shootings.


    magats block bill to stop energy companies price gouging while crying about high prices. They call it socialism and blame Biden.

  54. Anonymous1:50 PM

    “magats block bill to stop energy companies price gouging while crying about high prices. They call it socialism and blame Biden.”

    Democrats should really be able to take better advantage of this situation. The GOP are the faithful servant of the oil companies. They just are.

    And you can’t plausibly pretend to be mad at high gasoline prices, which Biden didn’t cause in the first place, when your masters, the people who OWN you, are obviously ecstatic about the high gasoline prices.

    The Dems should hammer them on that. Most Americans do not have fossil fuel jobs, but almost every American is a fossil fuel consumer.

    (Although price caps are probably not the right solution. Biden should propose a windfall tax on petroleum companies, and use the revenues to subsidize gas purchases for lower-income people.)

  55. Magats are claiming Buffalo shooter was guided by liberal philosophy. Deplorable denying douche bags.

  56. Anonymous2:46 PM

    “Bobby Kennedy was killed by a Palestinian who was angry about Bobby's support for Israel during the Six-Day War“

    I don’t know. I always think about how different this country and world would be if Kennedy had won vice Nixon.🤔

  57. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Looks like police have possibly nabbed another racist shooter in Texas, this time someone with a grudge against Asians.

    Hate crime investigation opened after shooting at Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas

  58. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "I don’t know. I always think about how different this country and world would be if Kennedy had won vice Nixon."

    Yeah, a big missed opportunity, and right-wingers were no doubt happy his death enabled Nixon to take office.

    However, that doesn't mean the guy who killed him was a right-winger. The evidence doesn't support that.

  59. Heather Digby Parton of Salon writes there is a Scotus decision that is coming that may give ammosexuals all the freedumb to carry weapons everywhere....

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. Gun violence will likely explode.

  60. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Mark Potok at the SPLC tracks the radical right organizations that promote hate and replacement theory.

    As usual, the evidence proves you a liar.

    Furthermore, you should know that there are millions of us white people (I am one of them)in this country that will be fighting along side of our black, brown, and Asian brothers and sisters if it comes to that.

    You are not bright enough to realize that they will kill you, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at their first opportunity.  You would sell out your own flesh and blood for aliens.  They may hide their hostility for the moment, but they fully realize that you are NOT "them and theirs" and never will be, and they vote and act against you at every opportunity.

    You epitomize everything that's wrong with White countries today.

  61. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Heather Digby Parton of Salon writes there is a Scotus decision that is coming that may give ammosexuals all the freedumb to carry weapons everywhere....

    You mean, like Florida did with its pioneering "shall-issue" law?

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. Gun violence will likely explode.

    You assclowns predicted the same thing in Florida.  It never happened.  What WILL happen is that n1queers will start getting ventilated more often when they attempt carjackings and rapes, and there will be less black-on-other crime (which you'll predictably shed tears about).

  62. Anonymous5:44 PM

    you can’t plausibly pretend to be mad at high gasoline prices, which Biden didn’t cause in the first place

    Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline.  Constrict supply, price goes up.

  63. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline. Constrict supply, price goes up."

    Shutting down Keystone XL had zero effect on supply today. That pipeline was only 8% complete when Biden shut it down. It wouldn't yet be operational today even if he hadn't shut it down.

    Oil prices are high today because the economy shrank during the COVID lockdowns, and fuel consumption went way down, and so the oil producers shut down their production as well. Now that the economy and demand have rebounded, oil production has not. Which give you rising gasoline prices.

    Add Russia's invasion of Ukraine on top of that, and the corresponding embargoes on Russian oil, and gasoline prices rise even faster.

    All of which has little to do with Joe Biden.

  64. Anonymous6:24 PM

    “All of which has little to do with Joe Biden.“

    Wait, that goes against the standard Fox/GOP talking point!

  65. Anonymous6:26 PM

    “However, that doesn't mean the guy who killed him was a right-winger. The evidence doesn't support that.“

    That is true but let’s just say it was pretty convenient.🤷🏾‍♂️

  66. Anonymous6:28 PM

    “there will be less black-on-other crime (which you'll predictably shed tears about).“

    There will also be fewer white-on-other shootings as more people will also be armed so when your type pulls the “I feared for my life BS” and decide to try to shoot me I’ll be shooting back. This is not necessarily a bad thing.🤷🏾‍♂️

  67. Schools in MTG's Georgia district allow confederate flags but no BLM stuff. They ain't racist. Oh no, huh uh.

  68. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Well, the wingnut trolls will be happy. The shooter in the hate crime shooting at the Dallas hair salon is black.

    According to police, he said that one time he got into a car accident with an Asian dude, and since then has forevermore hated all Asians.


  69. Fetterman won his primary. Now if he can recover in time, perhaps he can kick the ass of whichever Fergus fellation device wins the Republican primary.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. I guess you can play up to hitler, incite insurrection, promote the big lie at will but you CANNOT expose geriatric cocaine orgies.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. "Fetterman won his primary. Now if he can recover in time, perhaps he can kick the ass of whichever Fergus fellation device wins the Republican primary."

    If not Conor Lamb is a solid backup QB.

  73. Anonymous12:07 AM

    "I guess you can play up to hitler, incite insurrection, promote the big lie at will but you CANNOT expose geriatric cocaine orgies."


    Yes, that is a reasonable summation of the current values of the GOP.

    Madison Cawthorn was a preposterous joke candidate who should never have been elected to the local school board, much less to Congress. Sadly, he will not be the last, because his party has gone insane.


    Christopher Titus breaks down white supremacy.

  75. Anon: According to police, he said that one time he got into a car accident with an Asian dude, and since then has forevermore hated all Asians.

    The state of Tex-ass: Let's give him a gun!!!!

  76. Recovering TrumpTard9:43 AM

    Cucker Carlson is in full damage control mode, as he tries to cover his pasty ass and distance himself from the Buffalo mass murderer--but not the Great Replacement Theory that inspired this murderer.

    Tucker Carlson Tries, and Fails, to Distance Himself From Buffalo Shooter’s Manifesto

    And in other news, White male terrorism isn't terrorism.

    No, it's just a poor, misunderstood, unfairly maligned White male who suffers from "mental health issues"--probably from seeing all the White women who are outmarrying with men of color and thus "breeding out" the White master race as part of the Great Replacement Conspiracy.


    Officer associated with the George Floyd case pleads guilty to manslaughter.

  78. In Texass a white school rassler put a minority student in a chokehold where the victim may have briefly passed out. School suspended wasicu animal one day and the victim for three days.

    See video...

  79. Anonymous12:48 PM

    “Cucker Carlson is in full damage control mode, as he tries to cover his pasty ass and distance himself from the Buffalo mass murderer--but not the Great Replacement Theory that inspired this murderer.”

    He’ll tone it down for a few days, and then normal racist service will be restored.

    Either that or, like I said earlier, he’ll go full truther and say that the New York shooting didn’t happen or was a false flag operation actually carried out by sinister lefty agents to make conservatives like him look bad.

  80. Anonymous said…
    Words from Gambler2: ”Furthermore, you should know that there are millions of us white people (I am one of them)in this country that will be fighting along side of our black, brown, and Asian brothers and sisters if it comes to that.”

    Your response: “You are not bright enough to realize that they will kill you, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at their first opportunity. You would sell out your own flesh and blood for aliens. They may hide their hostility for the moment, but they fully realize that you are NOT "them and theirs" and never will be, and they vote and act against you at every opportunity.”

    “You epitomize everything that's wrong with White countries today.”

    5:37 PM
    As a typical, uninformed, illogical person, you started your response to me with an ad hominem attack, and a poor one at that.

    You obviously haven't been coming to this blog for very long and therefore know nothing about me. My entire adult life has been devoted to working against stereotyping, hatred of other groups and all of the other bullshit thrown out by people who think like you do.

    About 40 years ago I married into a Black family and have not yet been murdered by any one Black, nor have any of my children or grand children. So take your bull shit advice and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    As for my not being smart enough, I earned a Master's Degree long ago, so unless you have a Doctorate Degree from a real university, I'm sure I am at least as smart as you are.

    I don't hate you;I pity you because hatred breeds nothing but pain.

  81. Anonymous7:28 PM

    "You are not bright enough to realize that they will kill you, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at their first opportunity."

    LOL! This person should get out a bit more. I have no intentions of killing anyone, no less someone's children and grandchildren. Whoosa, somebody needs therapy and a spa day. LOL! I love the ubiquitous "they" who are always out to get you. I'm not a mental health expert but I'm sensing a bit of paranoia blended with a touch of general stupid.

  82. "About 40 years ago I married into a Black family and have not yet been murdered by any one Black, nor have any of my children or grand children. So take your bull shit advice and shove it where the sun don't shine."

    Are you sure Gambler? Maybe you're a ghost and only think you're still alive. OMG! I've been communicating with a spirit!!!! Field may want to check his server because it may be a bit too powerful.

  83. GrannyStandingforTruth8:00 PM

    Welp, here's some good news and some sad and bad news.

    "Critical race theory," which isn't harmful, is meant to educate people about the effects of institutionalized racism. Yet, they promote the Replacement theory, which encourages people to murder innocent nonwhite people. The first one might lead to a solution to solve the hate problem, but the second one escalates the hate problem and grooms murderers.

    The replacement theory is a trick of the devil and a lie straight from the pit of hell. Tucker Carlson and those spitting out that poisonous venom is the devil's children. I'm not taking it back. Need proof? Read Joh 8:44.

    When whites found out that in the future they’ll be the minority, they panicked. They're scared and their biggest fear is that black people want to do to them what their ancestors did to us. But that's their half-witted mindset, not ours.

    When slavery was over, Black people separated themselves and started their own black settlements and were progressing and thriving. None of them were thinking about eliminating white people. Black people don't think like that, if they did, they wouldn't be so forgiving. It's definitely not a discussion at black people's kitchen tables and never has been.

    We aren't the ones stocking up and buying guns for our preschool, school-age, and adolescents children and posing with them in pictures, and grooming them for a Civil War. Instead of buying them a book and teaching them to value human life, crazy-ass white people like Anonymous are teaching their children to hate at an early age. It’s demonic.

    What’s on black people’s minds is being able to live and enjoy the so-called American dream in peace. Black people want to be able to earn a decent income to provide for their families. They want the same things other human beings want like a good education for their children, decent health care, a nice home; being able to spend time with their family, and travel. The only thing they desire from white people is that they mind their ow

  84. GrannyStandingforTruth8:08 PM

    Sorry, this is a correction for the last sentence in my comment above.

    The only thing they desire from white people is that they mind their own business and leave us alone.

  85. GrannyStandingforTruth8:43 PM

  86. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Man, oh, man. MTG is just on the wrong side of absolutely every issue.

    She got on Twitter and celebrated the release from prison of Martin Shkreli. Why would anyone get excited about that? Who think this pathetic douchebag is some kind of hero or even a victim? What's to like about a weaselly hedge fund fraudster who raises drug prices to stratospheric highs out of pure greed?

    Honestly, I don't even think most wingnuts admire Shkreli. He's just a parasite. A cartoon villain character straight out of Hollywood central casting.


  87. W done fucked up again.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  88. According to WSJ, Buffalo shooter was released from mental care and deemed not a threat to society last year. Oopsie Daisy.

  89. Take this off your bucket list of things left to do....

    Pigs tackled a guy pumping gas and while he was covered with gas, tased him. Apparently he lit up like a Roman candle, all for an alleged traffic infraction. Burns over 75% of his body for a traffic violation.

  90. Anonymous11:12 AM

    When slavery was over, Black people separated themselves and started their own black settlements and were progressing and thriving.

    You mean, like E. St. Louis/  You mean, like Liberia?  You mean, like Haiti?

    Black people KNOW they are horrible; the first thing they do if they're able is to GET AWAY FROM OTHER BLACKS.

    None of them were thinking about eliminating white people. Black people don't think like that

    That is EXACTLY how black people think, and it is EXACTLY what they did in Haiti:  first the blacks killed all the Whites, then they killed all the mulattoes too!

    Give White Men an island-they’ll give you England.
    Give yellow men an island-they’ll give you Japan.
    Give negroes an island-they’ll give you Haiti.

    We aren't the ones stocking up and buying guns for our preschool, school-age, and adolescents children and posing with them in pictures

    No, you're the ones stealing guns and shooting up your own neighborhoods any time you've got a "beef".

    What’s on black people’s minds is being able to live and enjoy the so-called American dream in peace.

    Is THAT why you've always got "stop the violence" rallies?  You could not be more ridiculous if you tried, Granny.

  91. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You obviously haven't been coming to this blog for very long and therefore know nothing about me.

    I've been reading every post and every comment here for years.

    My entire adult life has been devoted to working against stereotyping, hatred of other groups and all of the other bullshit thrown out by people who think like you do.

    Yet you do NOTHING against these things within the racial group most likely to exhibit them:  blacks.  Know who's committing all of the attacks on Asians and Jews?  Blacks, that's who.  What creates the stereotype?  The statistical truth of black behavior.  This truth is on display in millions of videos like this one:

    About 40 years ago I married into a Black family and have not yet been murdered by any one Black, nor have any of my children or grand children.

    You can buy a house on a half-destroyed block in Detroit for a few thousand dollars, if that.  Go live there.  You'll wind up like Paul Monchnik soon enough.

  92. Anonymous11:14 AM

    In Texass a white school rassler put a minority student in a chokehold where the victim may have briefly passed out. School suspended wasicu animal one day and the victim for three days.

    You're assuming that the minority "student" did nothing to deserve what he got.

    Given the normality of atrocious behavior among minorities, that assumption is unwarranted.

  93. Anonymous11:32 AM

    “Take this off your bucket list of things left to do....”

    Getting flame-broiled by America’s dumbest cop is not on my bucket list.

  94. Matters not what the minority did, short of pulling a weapon he didn't), he did not deserved to be choked out even for an instant.

  95. ps I did not see the minority fight back.

  96. Fake Noize Business is saying all criminality in Russia investigation lead to HRC.

    Durham's investigation was a political hit job from the beginning. magats can't investigate anything. Just like they can't govern or win an election without cheating.

    drumpf claims mail in votes in Pa primary are fraudulent, especially any that cost Oz the nomination.

  97. School in Michigan handed out biology lesson on Primates featuring pics of America's one and only Black Potus.

    Teacher admits he/she didn't vet material.


    We know magats are on the terrorist's side. Time to try them all for treason and lynch their cracker asses.

  99. Here is a video of pigs jumping biker at gas station and cooking victim alive.

  100. Pigs excuse for jumping this guy was a report of a group og bikers pointing guns 9 miles away.

    Then the cops said they weren't sure the taser set off the gas that spilled from gas tank after they ran up and tackled the biker over his bike.

  101. Driftglass featured this post in Mike's Blog Roundup at Crooks and Liars.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  102. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "What creates the stereotype?"

    Racist assclowns who don't even know anyone that isn't white and leans on cheap stereotypes that's who.

  103. Black people should be denied guns5:17 PM


    Using individual-level data from the ATF I found that the percentage of guns used in a crime in Pennsylvania traced to a black buyer increased markedly in 2020. Also Pennsylvania recorded its worst homicide rate for at least 50 years in 2020.

  104. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Man, I sure hope the Democrat wins in Pennsylvania's governor's race in the fall.

    Because the Republican candidate, Doug Mastriano, is a democracy-hating, theocracy-loving, fundamentalist freakshow. If he wins, he's going to turn Pennsylvania into the Christian Republic of Jesusland.

  105. "You can buy a house on a half-destroyed block in Detroit for a few thousand dollars, if that. Go live there."

    Why would she do that? She lives on the west coast. That would be as silly as buying a trailer in West Virginia or Kentucky. Question anon, do you even know any Blah people?

  106. GrannyStandingforTruth6:46 PM

    “You mean, like E. St. Louis/ You mean, like Liberia? You mean, like Haiti?”

    East Saint Louis Race Riot of 1917, stemmed specifically from the employment of black workers in a factory holding government contracts. White people started that riot as they always do when they think Black people might obtain equality economically. Btw, East St. Louis wasn’t a black settlement.

    When the French forced Haiti to pay, referred to at the time as an "indemnity," it severely damaged the country's ability to prosper. France thought they should be compensated for the loss of free labor and extorted Haiti. Once again, the colonizers’ deceit played a big part in blocking black people from prospering economically.

    Btw, when Black people were migrating to Liberia, one black man asked this question, “Are there any white people there? Because I do not want to go if it is.”

    “That is EXACTLY how black people think, and it is EXACTLY what they did in Haiti: first the blacks killed all the Whites, then they killed all the mulattoes too!”

    When did Black people nominate you as their spokesperson? You’re wrong!

    You compared slaves fighting for their freedom 231 years ago to white domestic terrorists killing black people, currently, behind a replacement theory B.S. myth. The slaves had a righteous cause—freedom, but domestic terrorists’ cause is pure evil, cold-blooded murder, and unrighteous.

    The slaves fought against white slaveowners. It was a war to gain freedom from the oppressor. War is not won holding hands. It’s either them or the enemy. Nah, they didn’t kill all the mulattoes. That’s not true. Mulattoes fight alongside them for their freedom as well. Most of the mulattoes migrated to Louisiana.

    Black people are too busy trying to achieve success and make it home safe without becoming a victim of white domestic terrorists. Plotting to kill white people definitely isn’t part of their agenda. Like I said the only thing Black people want regarding white people is for them to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS and LEAVE US ALONE! Period!

    “Give White Men an island-they’ll give you England.
    Give yellow men an island-they’ll give you Japan.
    Give negroes an island-they’ll give you Haiti.”

    ROFL, in most history books I read no one gave white men land. White men STOLE land and took it by force. Nor did they build a country all by themselves without forced free labor or other minorities. Black people paid for their land and built Black settlements on without the help of whites. Black wall street was highly successful, well-known, and proof of what Black people were capable of doing if white people left them alone. Japanese were treated poorly by America, but they also built their own and didn’t steal the land.

    Black settlements such as Wilmington, Greenwood District/Black Wall Street were looted and burned down by jealous whites. However, these are some Black settlements that still exist today and are thriving Boley, Langston, and Oyotunji. They’re good. Btw, Africa is booming. Thank you, Jesus!

    “Is THAT why you've always got "stop the violence" rallies? “

    Stop the violence rallies are created to protest against unnecessary police brutality. Killing unarmed Blacks behind unjustified stupid stuff such as selling cigarettes or traffic stops, buying toy guns, etc. You need to stop comparing apples to oranges.

  107. Anonymous6:49 PM

    "Why would she do that? She lives on the west coast. That would be as silly as buying a trailer in West Virginia or Kentucky."

    Well, that is the crux of it. He is arguing that unless you live in an impoverished, broken, crime-riddled black neighborhood, you don't know the "real" black people.

    Curiously, he isn't saying you don't know the "real" white people unless you live in some bombed-out, economically deprived white neighborhood in Appalachia, with rusty cars on blocks in the front yard, and the dysfunctional wife-beaters and sister-humpers, and the folks who spend their days snorting crushed-up OxyContin and crashing their ATVs and accidentally shooting themselves with their pistols.

    When black people are poor, or uneducated, or criminal, it's their nature.

    When white people are poor, or uneducated, or criminal, they're victims of circumstance. Or, more likely, victims of "commie Jews" who have conspired behind the scenes in the "Zionist Occupied Government" to give lavish benefits to "undeserving" people of color.

    It's all bullshit.

  108. Anonymous6:54 PM

    “When did Black people nominate you as their spokesperson? You’re wrong!“

    Exactly, it’s always funny to me when a white person who doesn’t even know any Blah folk confidently tell me why I vote the way I do and how I think.😆😂 Talk about arrogance.

  109. Anonymous6:56 PM

    “It's all bullshit.“


  110. Anonymous6:58 PM

    “Well, that is the crux of it. He is arguing that unless you live in an impoverished, broken, crime-riddled black neighborhood, you don't know the "real" black people.“

    Yup, the ones that want to tell you that you’re not really Blah because you don’t walk or talk a certain way. Truly ignorant.

  111. GrannyStandingforTruth8:06 PM

    Talk about stupid. This tops the cake.

  112. The wasicu whine that Blacks won't assimilate with whitey because whitey moves away as fast as they can and leaves desolation behind. Then they blame the late comers. SOP.

  113. Anonymous9:35 PM

    “Talk about stupid. This tops the cake.”

    Dumb as hell. No idea why the first officer had to tackle the dude, causing him to get soaked in gas. But then the second officer tasing him after he was soaked in gas?

    To describe them as Keystone Cops would be giving them way too much credit. The people who hired and trained these clowns should be embarrassed.

  114. GrannyStandingforTruth11:05 PM

    Dear Fieldnegro,

    I owe you an apology. You were right. I was one of those people who stayed on your case about allowing white supremacists to post their hateful, vile comments. The reason you let them flood your award-winning blog with racist, malicious vitriol attacks and run-off well-intentioned people who were the cream of the crop in terms of critical thinking, did not make any sense to me. I thought at the time you were being obstinate and foolish, but I understand it now.

    In fact, I got so upset with you for allowing it, that I stopped posting and reading your blog for a long time. The majority of regulars that posted on here left. None of us wanted to hear that mess. Your failure to stop the racist attacks had a domino effect in the Afrosphere. Whether you know it or not. You and your blog inspired others to blog. Yes, Field, you inspired them.

    There were democrats, republicans, Independents, and green party that posted comments. We had many great conversations.

  115. GrannyStandingforTruth11:24 PM

    Greed needs to be reined in some way somehow.

  116. Anonymous1:20 AM

    “You mean, like E. St. Louis/ You mean, like Liberia? You mean, like Haiti?”

    Wilmington where?  Delaware, North Carolina or somewhere else?  Wilmington NC rates an overall "D-" for violent crime, with most of its area rating an E or F.

    East Saint Louis Race Riot of 1917....

    Nigga, please!  Nothing that happened 105 years ago could possibly be relevant compared to the people living and acting today.  The Japanese and Germans took two devastated countries and bounced back; by 1965 they were exporting goods that the world either envied or soon would.  E. St. Louis has a murder rate of 101 per 100k residents per year.

    When the French forced Haiti to pay

    That ended by 1947.  It is now 75 years later.  Why can't Haiti recover in 4 generations, when it only took Germany and Japan one?  Why were there STILL heaps of concrete rubble from the 2010 earthquake in Port Au Prince in 2015, when Japan fully cleaned up from the 2011 Tohoku quake within 2 years?

    When did Black people nominate you as their spokesperson?

    I don't pretend to be their spokesperson.  I'm a critic.

    You compared slaves fighting for their freedom 231 years ago to white domestic terrorists killing black people

    There are MORE THAN NINE TIMES AS MANY BLACK-ON-WHITE VIOLENT CRIMES AS THE REVERSE, numbering almost half a million more B-on-W crimes per year.

    A Payton Gandon or Dylann Roof once in a while barely affects that ratio.  Payton Gandon can properly be seen as payback for Darrell Brooks' murder of 6 at the Waukesha Christmas parade last year.  Another 3700 Payton Gandons every year and we'll be about even.

    That's roughly 10 Payton Gandons every day of the year.  How would you like them apples?

    Stop the violence rallies are created to protest against unnecessary police brutality.

    Idiot.  Baltimore MD (or should that be Bodymore, Murderland?) held a "Nobody kill anybody" weekend in 2017.

    It was a notorious flop, counting at least 2 dead and a third shot.

  117. Some brain-wizard at the abortion hearing claimed that DC gets its electricity from incinerating fetuses.
    I can't even start with how many ways that's fucked up and wrong.
    It's kinda difficult to imagine even communicating with people that far gone, and I've spent considerable time around long term meth users.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  118. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Well, that is the crux of it. He is arguing that unless you live in an impoverished, broken, crime-riddled black neighborhood, you don't know the "real" black people.

    All you have to do is look at what black advocates say about the sorry state of blacks in America.

    Median black family income, $54,938.  Median American family income, $80,944.

    Curiously, he isn't saying you don't know the "real" white people unless you live in some bombed-out, economically deprived white neighborhood in Appalachia

    The population of Appalachia isn't all that large.  West Virginia has less than 1.8 million people.  And Appalachia has an excuse; when underground coal mines were replaced by mountain-top removal or ended entirely as natural gas replaced coal, the jobs left too.  Not everyone had the money or flexibility to move to other jobs, so they got stuck where they were.

    I've driven through WV.  It seems to be a friendly place.

    When black people are poor, or uneducated, or criminal, it's their nature.

    Yup.  When you move somewhere and ignorance, poverty and crime come with you, it's you.

    When white people are poor, or uneducated, or criminal, they're victims of circumstance.

    Maybe not poverty, but ignorance and crime?  Yes, there are ignorant and criminal White people.  There's just a much smaller fraction of them, and other White people can keep them in line without the risk of being called "racist".  Whatever good black people there are can't stand the risk of being called Uncle Tom, so they pull a PilotX and declare that it's not their problem.

    But it IS their problem.  It remains a problem because they won't work to fix it, and they hurl the R-word at anyone else who even talks about doing it for them.

  119. Anonymous1:49 AM

    The wasicu whine that Blacks won't assimilate with whitey because whitey moves away as fast as they can and leaves desolation behind.

    Tell us, O psycho from Iowa, why would desolation set in when Whitey leaves a perfectly fine city behind when he goes?

    Did Whitey burn down all those blocks in Detroit?  Did Whitey steal all the bricks from those houses in St. Louis?  Did Whitey turn the once world-class schools of KCMO and Shaker Heights OH into failure factories?

    You know the answers:  no, no, and HELL NO respectively.  It was blacks.

  120. Anonymous6:52 AM

    “Did Whitey turn the once world-class schools of KCMO and Shaker Heights OH into failure factories?“

    Well, yes. It’s been a conservative dream to destroy public schools and turn them into Jesus classes.

  121. Anonymous6:58 AM

    “I've driven through WV. It seems to be a friendly place.“

    I’ve driven through Detroit, actually had a tennis tourney there last summer. Cool city, cool people (Detroit and Chicago folks get along really well as long as we don’t have to eat their crappy pizza).

  122. Tell us, oh psycho anymoose why Sherman scorched the earth on his march to the sea.

  123. Anonymous11:36 AM

    “All you have to do is look at what black advocates say about the sorry state of blacks in America.“

    Well, seeing that the entire country including the government was designed to oppress and even eliminate us can we be surprised by the results? I’d be more concerned about underachieving whites who still struggle after so many centuries of affirmative action.

  124. Anonymous11:37 AM

    “It's difficult to imagine how racists can be so ignorant.“

    No it’s not.😆

  125. Anonymous12:21 PM

    It’s been a conservative dream to destroy public schools and turn them into Jesus classes.

    You think they had such power... in Ohio?  You're insane.

    The situation in KCMO was the exact opposite:  dogmatic equalitarianism running smack into racial reality.  Starting from 1977 until he removed himself from the case in 1997, federal judge Russell Clark demanded more desegregation, improved facilities, magnet schools to attract suburban White children, and other measures totalling $2 billion.  Here's what all this accomplished:

    "Year after year the test scores would come out, the achievement levels would be no higher than before, and the black-white gap (one-half a standard deviation on a standard bell curve) would be no smaller.

    "Although the initial gap was small, by the 12th grade, blacks' scores on standardized tests were about three years behind those of whites (10.1 vs. 13.1). At Central High School, which tended to attract suburban white computer hackers, white males were five years ahead of black males on standardized tests.

    "The average black student's reading skills increased by only 1.1 grade equivalents in four years of high school. At Central High, complained Clark, black males were actually scoring no higher on standardized tests when they graduated as seniors than they had when they enrolled as freshmen four years before." (source)

    The failed experiment was finally terminated in 2003.  The problem is not "racism" of any human-created variety.  The problem is that blacks average much dumber than Whites.  Reality turns out to be "racist", and there's nothing to be done about it.

  126. Anonymous said...

    "I've been reading every post and every comment here for years."

    11:13 AM
    Pardon me, but I find it hard to believe that you have been coming here for years. If you had, you would know that it is useless to argue with me based on my past comments. You would know that I am dedicated to the principle of the brotherhood of all peoples of the world.

    Furthermore, you would know that I believe there is only one race - the human race. All attempts to suggest otherwise are simply false flags promoted by people who think they have something to gain from their lies.

    And if you really have been "coming here for years..." Why haven't you chosen a screen name, Fraidy Cat?

  127. Anonymous said....

    The situation in KCMO was the exact opposite: dogmatic equalitarianism running smack into racial reality. Starting from 1977 until he removed himself from the case in 1997, federal judge Russell Clark demanded more desegregation, improved facilities, magnet schools to attract suburban White children, and other measures totalling $2 billion. Here's what all this accomplished:

    12:21 PM
    Here's the problem, Anon; how was the money spent?
    Did the bill provide money for preschool and meals for the children?; parental involvement? transportation? And what about the teachers; were
    some of them African American?

    Please send a link, so we can look at the specific details of the project. We all know that simply spending a lot of money doesn't necessarily guarantee success. And the failure of one project does not merit the conclusion that is drawn in this case.

  128. Anonymous12:46 PM

    “Why haven't you chosen a screen name, Fraidy Cat?“

    Racists are always cowards.🤷🏾‍♂️

  129. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Nelson Mandela.

    That's right. The late South African president championed voter ID at a rally in 1998 as the African National Congress conducted its re-election. Fists clenched and enthusiastic, Mr. Mandela is shown wearing a T-shirt that proclaims “Get an ID. Register. Vote.” in a picture posted by The Daily Caller.

  130. Anonymous2:53 PM

  131. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Tennessee (black) woman shoots 12-yr-old boy a day after her release from jail:

    TNB:  typical negro behavior.

    The most dangerous thing to black people is other black people.

    Truer words....

  132. GrannyStandingforTruth7:27 PM

    Anonymous 1:20 said…

    “Nigga, please!”

    Boyo Boy. You couldn’t wait to display your Neanderthal trashy behavior and disrespect me and call me a “nigga.” Let me make myself clear. “Nigga” is nowhere on my birth certificate. Also, my screen handle is GrannyStandingforTruth. If you cannot address me as that, there is no use in you communicating back and forth with me. I don’t do ignorant.

    “The Japanese and Germans took two devastated countries and bounced back; by 1965 they were exporting goods that the world either envied or soon would.”

    In answer to your comment. The infrastructure for the majority of Haiti is non-existent. Bridges have been demolished and transportation is possible only by boat or helicopter. Haiti is mountainous and lacks the land for agricultural crops. The agricultural market has been completely eliminated. Continuous Storms have also washed away the crops and covered them with mud and the planting season was over. Btw, those storms come every single year.

    There is also a bureaucratic paralysis characteristic of the World Bank agencies in dealing with Haiti, Africa, and other Third World countries. For decades, the U.S. and Europe have meddled in Haitian political and economic affairs. None of that meddling has resulted in prosperity for any sector of the society and has only put basic necessities out of the reach of the world's poorest people. Eighty percent of Haiti's people are forced to live on $2 a day, and 50 percent survive on $1 a day or less. Haiti is still forced to pay the World Bank, an institution that was supposedly founded for poverty alleviation, one million dollars per week in debt payments.

    These debts were incurred because Haiti was forced to adopt many neo-liberal programs, programs designed to liberalize trade and put basic services (e.g., water, utilities) into the hands of big business. The financial crisis is caused by greedy profiteers from the U.S. and Europe. The crisis was caused by no black man or woman or by no indigenous person or no poor person...this crisis was fostered and boosted by the irrational behavior of some people that are white, and blue-eyed.

    “Wilmington where? Delaware, North Carolina or somewhere else? Wilmington NC rates an overall "D-" for violent crime, with most of its area rating an E or F.”

    Appalachia’s overall crime rate is an “F” grade and violent crime grade is “D-” so stop trying to make it seem like white people do less crime because they DON’T! White just don’t broadcast their crime because they’re too busy pointing the finger at nonwhite crimes to distract people from looking at theirs. I lived in a predominately white neighborhood before. I felt safer when I lived in the hood than I did living in a predominately white neighborhood. At least I knew what areas were safe to go in and which ones weren’t and who was feuding with who. With white murderers, you can’t even go to the theater, grocery store, school, or mall in peace and they have no specific target.

    I wished they’d take guns from whites, blacks, police, and every human being on this earth that kill other human beings.

  133. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The most dangerous thing for white people are white people.

  134. Anonymous8:31 PM

    “Boyo Boy. You couldn’t wait to display your Neanderthal trashy behavior and disrespect me and call me a “nigga.”

    Oh yeah, an anonymous racist who is too cowardly to choose a screen name disrespects women. Master race huh?😆😂 These guys are all the same, spew racism and hide. This one says it’s been here for a while but if that’s the truth why is it vomiting the same BS as all the other anons? I guess this “genius” can’t come up with anything new?

  135. GrannyStandingforTruth9:30 PM

  136. Mandingo9:36 PM

    I don’t understand why anon doesn’t like Black people. So many blondes seem to love us. He should check out to see how much blondes love us. He might even pick up a technique or two.

  137. GrannyStandingforTruth9:37 PM

  138. GrannyStandingforTruth9:41 PM

  139. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I wonder if our genius anon graduated from law school at 19. 😆😂

  140. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Cook county implements guaranteed income pilot program. Dr. King would be pleased.

  141. GrannyStandingforTruth10:07 PM

  142. Interesting article.

  143. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Btw, those storms come every single year.

    Which fails to explain why the French extracted such value from it.

    The French did what Afreakans could not.  The difference:  French could, Afreakans could not.

    If you stood for truth, you'd dig into the truth of that.  You do not, because you cannot.  The truth belies your very existence.  You have no business existing in the USA.  You have no business existing outside of sub-Saharan Afreaka.

    You have no business existing, period.  Neither do any of your offspring.

    There is also a bureaucratic paralysis characteristic of the World Bank agencies in dealing with Haiti, Africa, and other Third World countries.

    All of the things your racial kin never built, nor failed to repair, were constructed with any involvement of the World Bank.  YOUR failures have nothing to do with IT; they are entirely to do with YOU.  Even with examples in front of you, YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF REPRODUCING THEM.  The failure is yours, and yours alone.

    You stand proven inferior.  You should be ashamed, but you are incapable of shame.  This is just one of your incapabilities.

    Appalachia’s overall crime rate is an “F” grade and violent crime grade is “D-”

    Citation needed.  Your assertion is unsupported.

    stop trying to make it seem like white people do less crime because they DON’T!

    White people do less crime than blacks by any definition of "crime".  Only by holding blacks to a far lesser standard can you assert the opposite.

    If people are equal, they must be held to equal standards.  You claim blacks cannot and must not be held to such standards.  By so doing, you acknowledge that blacks are not equal to Whites.

    Fuck.  You.  (with Bill Clinton's dick.)


    Privileged wasicu rapist from South Carolina violated home detention 50 times before his trial. Even arrested in a bar for underage drinking and threatening to bite off a finger if forced to mask up.

    Little bitch was accused of raping three young girls over 2 years and got a light sentence.

  145. Anonymous said to GrannyStandingforTruth:

    "If you stood for truth, you'd dig into the truth of that. You do not, because you cannot. The truth belies your very existence. You have no business existing in the USA. You have no business existing outside of sub-Saharan Afreaka."

    "You have no business existing, period. Neither do any of your offspring."

    There is also a bureaucratic paralysis characteristic of the World Bank agencies in dealing with Haiti, Africa, and other Third World countries.

    "All of the things your racial kin never built, nor failed to repair, were constructed with any involvement of the World Bank. YOUR failures have nothing to do with IT; they are entirely to do with YOU. Even with examples in front of you, YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF REPRODUCING THEM. The failure is yours, and yours alone."

    "You stand proven inferior. You should be ashamed, but you are incapable of shame. This is just one of your incapabilities."

    Appalachia’s overall crime rate is an “F” grade and violent crime grade is “D-”

    "Citation needed. Your assertion is unsupported.

    stop trying to make it seem like white people do less crime because they DON’T!

    White people do less crime than blacks by any definition of "crime". Only by holding blacks to a far lesser standard can you assert the opposite.

    If people are equal, they must be held to equal standards. You claim blacks cannot and must not be held to such standards. By so doing, you acknowledge that blacks are not equal to Whites.

    Fuck. You. (with Bill Clinton's dick.)"

    4:46 AM
    Dear Anonymous Fraidy Cat,
    After reading your diatribe above, I have come to two conclusions: First, you suffer from a god complex, as most other Magas do. You think you have the right to say who should and should not live. You think you should have naked power to dispense as you see fit.

    Second, you suffer from feelings of victimization and blame others for your lack of power. Blacks and white women are top targets for Your rage because they tend to be easier to identify than most other groups of people.

    In conclusion, it is sad that you have lost your
    way in life. It's even sadder that in order to make you feel better about your self, you are compelled to come to this blog and insult all of us who post here regularly. You have nothing constructive to say, so why not go comment at a website where you will be welcome?

  146. New New York study shows that blacks are targeted by pigs far more often than wasicus. Just like anywhere else there are Blacks. They also get ticketed for minor offenses whitey doesn't get stopped for, like bike riding and jaywalking.

  147. "You stand proven inferior. You should be ashamed, but you are incapable of shame. This is just one of your incapabilities."

    LOL! You don't know any of us and won't identify yourself with a name. I mean if you say YOU are superior to ME we can prove this shit right now. Choose a screen name and let's match wits and see who comes out on top. I make more money than 95% of white people, I am more educated than 67% of white people, my home is worth $100,000 more than the average white person. I say this not to brag but what are your educational attainments? But the beggest question is EXACTLY how the fuck are you superior to me? Wanna play or are you as full of shit as the rest of the dumbasses that post racist shit here? Let's play son.

  148. "You have no business existing, period. Neither do any of your offspring."

    LOL! Welp, we're here and there's NOTHING you can do about it son. We're gonna date you daughters, creep with your wives and just plain old exist in this space and all you can do is come on FN blog and post stupid shit while we continue to exist. LOL!

  149. GrannyStandingforTruth6:09 PM

    Gambler2 said...

    "First, you suffer from a god complex... Second, you suffer from feeling of victimization and blame others for your lack of power. Blacks and white women are top target for your rage because they tend to be easier to identify than most other groups of people."

    I agree, especially with the god complex.
    Before I address your adolescent insults Anonymous 4:46 AM. that you think faze me, but don't. Instead, it confirms my psychological assessment of you, here’s the source you requested for crimes which is the same source you used. LOL! Evidently, you need to dig. You project too much. I’m good. LOL!

    I definitely don’t need any of Bill Clinton’s penis. My Mandinka warrior wears boxer shorts because he needs the room. You know what they say about those Mandinka warriors. Therefore, why do you assume that I’d be willing to trade a filet mignon steak for a neckbone? Sounds like you’re the one fantasizing about Clinton’s worm. * Note to me. Add Anonymous’s fantasy to the spreadsheet.* LOL!

    I hate to be the one to disappoint you. Nah, scratch that. I enjoy it. You don’t define me and you’ll never be able to. I know who I am! You can have all the fantasies you want, but that won’t change I am who I am!!!!

    My blood kinfolks have contributed more to America than you ever will. You contribute NOTHING, but hate, jealousy, fear, paranoia, and your white supremacist’ myths. All you have to cling to is your hateful vitriol and insecurities. Sad.

    As for my blood kinfolks, many of them are in history books and still making history today. Health centers, schools, and even streets are named after them. Those are just the nanoscopic accomplishments of my people…my kinfolks. What they’re not doing is focusing on someone as insignificant as you. They’re not wasting time worrying about you or your violent threats. I am definitely not!

    A word of advice, you need to seek mental help. Homicidal thoughts can be triggered by a number of circumstances, events, and feelings—sexual jealousy, betrayal, rejection by a loved one, a work dispute, public humiliation, or revenge (I think the latter two might be the root of your problem). On rare occasions, a mentally ill person develops delusions or command hallucinations that lead the individual to believe that murder is the only way to solve his or her problems.

  150. Great post, GrannyStandingforTruth! In my eyes, it is A plus, plus.

  151. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Well said Granny!👍🏾✊🏿👏🏾

  152. The ladies holding it down on this blog!!!!!!

  153. "They’re not wasting time worrying about you or your violent threats. I am definitely not!"

    But yet we're the violent ones. Irony is lost on fools.

  154. GrannyStandingforTruth9:13 PM

    Another fire.

  155. GrannyStandingforTruth9:20 PM


  156. GrannyStandingforTruth9:33 PM

    Pilot 8:35 said...

    "But yet we're the violent ones. Irony is lost on fools."

    Not only that he lied when he said, "You claim blacks cannot and must not be held to such standards. By so doing, you acknowledge that blacks are not equal to Whites."

    I said no such thing. Nope. It must be another one of his twisted fantasies. I haven't had any problems expressing my beliefs or where I stand on issues. Nor did I solicit him to speak on my behalf.

  157. Anonymous3:43 AM

    here’s the source you requested for crimes which is the same source you used. LOL! Evidently, you need to dig. You project too much. I’m good. LOL!

    You could not be more ridiculous if you tried!  You make a claim about all of Appalachia, yet your "cite" is for the town of Appalachia, Virginia... which had a whole 1754 people recorded in the 2010 census.  Zoom that crime map out and move up and to the right for the state of West Virginia, an Appalachian place if there ever was one; it's mostly yellow and green, with the capitol Charleston being in a big green zone.  Contrast Chicago, with huge swaths of red bleeding into Gary, and Detroit, which is almost all red.

    My blood kinfolks have contributed more to America than you ever will. You contribute NOTHING, but hate, jealousy, fear, paranoia, and your white supremacist’ myths.

    Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people have benefitted from my work.  Many of them used it unknowingly for years, just one more thing contributing to their safety, security and ease of life.  I've improved the state of the art in at least one technology.  One thing my ancestors and relations are NOT famous for is making millions of people miserable.  You and yours are.

    Health centers, schools, and even streets are named after them.

    There are plenty of places and streets named for MLK, too.  He was a scumbag (just how MUCH of a scumbag we get to find out when his FBI files are un-sealed in 2027), and the name MLK always denotes a place to be avoided.  I'm sure the same is true of your family's names.

  158. Anonymous11:00 AM

    “Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people have benefitted from my work.“

    LOL! Yeah right!😆😂 Oh no, not another anon with delusions if grandeur!!!!😆😂 Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

  159. Granny Standing for Truth said...

    "I said no such thing. Nope. It must be another one of his twisted fantasies."

    Everyone who is a white supremacist possesses twisted fantasies. Their creed is based on lies, fear, and half-brained theories. Obviously our anonymous troll, "Fraidy Cat" is one of them.

  160. “Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people have benefitted from my work.“

    Hang on, is this our old buddy James Bold?????? LOL! Maybe, but more than likely just another anonymous racist troll who has to remain anonymous because when people lie they have to keep track of their lies thus when inevitably called out on their BS they just pretend to be another anon thus keeping the BS train rolling. Notice how all of our trolls claim to be super intelligent, James Bold bragged about his 150 IQ, are super-wealthy and live in million-dollar mansions? Either Field attracts the top 1% to his blog or these clowns are full of it. Which one do you guys think it is? LOL!

  161. "Everyone who is a white supremacist possesses twisted fantasies."

    Exactly, they want us to believe they have hundreds of patents, build things that millions of people use every day and are super-duper rich. LOL! What are the odds? Why don't we ever get plumbers and bus drivers? Why are they all elites? LOL! The comedy from these clowns will never end.

  162. "He was a scumbag (just how MUCH of a scumbag we get to find out when his FBI files are un-sealed in 2027)"

    LOL! You mean the gentleman who has a national holiday and a statue of himself in D.C.? What will be your legacy other than a pee-stained couch and a trailer in BFE with a pickup on bricks in the front yard? LOL! Jealousy isn't cute. BTW, Dr. King is my frat brother and we don't allow scumbags (who uses that word anyway? Geez, what are you 104 years old?) in my frat. Now if you really want to talk about clownish characters what about the head of the FBI who secretly recorded him. The crossdresser and pervert in-chief. Maybe J. Edgar Hoover should have spent more time on himself instead of trying to discredit Blah leaders.

  163. GrannyStandingforTruth3:03 PM

    "Homicidal thoughts can be triggered by a number of circumstances, events, and feelings—sexual jealousy, betrayal, rejection by a loved one, a work dispute, public humiliation, or revenge (I think the latter two might be the root of your problem)."

    I hit the nail on the head...a bullseye! It didn't take Anonymous long to come up with another one of his fantasies and seek revenge because he felt humiliated. LOL!

    In his mind, he can't comprehend that he's dealing with scholars that are intelligent enough to know that people who have contributed something that millions are benefiting from wouldn't spend their time posted on blogs spewing racist insults 24/7. People of that status who have contributed to our society benefiting millions are too busy trying to improve or develop their inventions. Those people are too busy adding paper to their bank accounts. In intelligent discussions, they contribute something of substance that Anonymous is unable to offer. He lives in a fantasy world to cover up his inadequacies and insecurities.

    Nor do they live in million-dollar houses near a trailer park encampment. LOL!

    The more Anonymous post, the more he reveals that he is just a kid consumed with hate pushing hate-filled, false narratives. Sad. Also, he’s a glutton for being mocked for his ignorant, childish diatribe. His arguments have devolved into complete nonsensical lunacy and he has run out of white supremacist talking points.

    He's boring me

  164. OK, this seems like an opportune time to post a link to the Rude Pundit's new post about fucking lies and insanity. I'm not a big fan of either:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  165. "He lives in a fantasy world to cover up his inadequacies and insecurities."


  166. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Oh no, not another anon with delusions if grandeur!!!!

    Simple fact.  I can look up the production runs for the things I worked on.  Build 50,000 a year of something and the numbers add up.  And when the existing fleet of other things can serve nearly a quarter million people at a time, several times a day, "millions" is conservative.

    You mean the gentleman who has a national holiday and a statue of himself in D.C.?

    Thomas Jefferson used to have a national holiday.  He has an entire building devoted to him on the D.C. mall.  He further established the University of Virginia and an entire architectural style unique to the USA.  Last but not least, streets with HIS name are not associated with crime-ridden shitholes.

    You call him a scumbag because he owned (inherited) slaves.  Regardless of your feelz, Jefferson left a vastly better legacy.

  167. Anonymous6:00 PM

    It's the 21st century, but Haitians seem stuck in the 19th... or even earlier.

    If Haitians can't stand to live with Haitians, nobody else should have to either.  The Dominican Republic was right to get rid of them.

  168. GrannyStandingforTruth6:07 PM

    “And when the existing fleet “

    Oh Lawd, now, Anonymous has morphed into Lu Weiding or Elon Musk. BOY BYE! Seek some mental help ASAP.

    Jefferson left a better legacy? ROFL! Jefferson was a pedophile. He raped his wife's half-sister who was a child at the time. Held her as his sex slave in a secret room. Wow, what a legacy!
    Welp, that makes sense, since being a pedophile is a qualification nowadays to be a republican.
    It has become their trademark.

    None of my kinfolks in history books or that buildings and streets were named after were raping little girls or sleeping with their wives' sisters. They were upright respectful citizens. Respected by black and WHITE people. No scandals!

    Jealousy is cruel as the grave. You’re a living example of that…a sick demented person!!!!

  169. "Jefferson left a vastly better legacy."

    Always bragging about others, the question was what legacy will YOU leave? Dr. King's legacy will dwarf yours. You'll only ever be known as just another lying-ass troll. LOL!

  170. "Simple fact. I can look up the production runs for the things I worked on. Build 50,000 a year of something and the numbers add up. And when the existing fleet of other things can serve nearly a quarter million people at a time, several times a day, "millions" is conservative."

    Sure, and I'm the fucking King of England. My mother was the Queen of Australia and my dad was the goddamn god of tsunamis. LOL! See how easy lying on the internet is? I mean you already know this. I've been on FN blog for 12 years and you lying-ass trolls come and go. It's always a mediocre white male who has to make up shit. I've seen anons claim to be United Airline pilots, climate scientists with PhD's from Colorado St., orbital engineers and designers. Really? The FN blog really attracts top tier white males who are always rich, brilliant and successful????? Really?????? GTFOH. I mean it's still entertaining so keep on lying. Now compare that to myself. I've been Pilot X all 12 years. I am a pilot for a major airline and make more money than 95% of all American white males. Facts bro and you'll never see me say otherwise. Funny thing is you know it's true because even you jealous-ass trolls don't challenge me. Wanna man up and pick a screen name and watch me expose you like I have all the other lying-ass trolls? Of course not, you'll remain anonymous and continue to lie because you know damn well you are less educated and less successful than myself and Field. I know it's a hard pill to swallow but facts is facts.

  171. "He lives in a fantasy world to cover up his inadequacies and insecurities."

    Shit! I thought that was why he conceal-carried a howitzer in his britches pocket.

  172. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Anon loves to talk about how violent Chicago and Detroit are but if he’s been here for a while as it suggests it should know the whitest states have the highest rates of gun violence.

  173. GrannyStandingforTruth8:35 PM

    Mike from Iowa said...

    "Shit! I thought that was why he conceal-carried a howitzer in his britches pocket."

    I couldn't help it, I had LOL! It made me think that the real replacement theory is to replace their penis.

    Okay, I'ma quit before I have to repent and beg for forgiveness. Let me get back to eating the homemade stew I made with short ribs and different vegetables that I put my foot in. It is so good!

  174. Anonymous9:20 PM

    They gone learn.

  175. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Jefferson was a pedophile. He raped his wife's half-sister who was a child at the time.

    Sally Hemings bore a child in 1795; the relationship with Jefferson apparently did not begin until 1797 or '98.  In other words, she was both physically and legally an adult at the time.

    Held her as his sex slave in a secret room.

    She had 24-hour access to his bedroom, you mean.

  176. Anonymous12:06 PM

    See how easy lying on the internet is?

    I guess you'd know.  I never got into that.

  177. Just got an email from BallotTrax saying my primary ballots have been received and counted. Kind of a weird election, though, way too many goddamn Republicans running unopposed in local races.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  178. GrannyStandingforTruth6:57 PM

    You know what Anonymous, your right. Jefferson wasn't a pedophile, that was Jefferson Davis who fathered a child by his slave. She had a daughter with him and he fathered a child by that same child who was his own daughter. That’s nasty, disgusting, and perverted! He fathered quite a few children with his slaves. His deep dark secrets of fathering children with his slaves were well-known in the slave community, his wife, and in newspapers. Even some of my ancestors spilled that tea.

    “My great-aunt, a starched Episcopalian genealogist, and school teacher from south Louisiana told me several stories regarding two mulatto daughters of Jefferson Davis. The two women-owned a ran a grocery store. Neither ever married. My aunt (born around 1890) knew both women and said that neither ever married.”

    “The next time I met the man I asked him if he had ever known Maria, who had belonged to Jeff. Davis, and was the mother of some of his children? He replied that he had not known Maria, but that he knew his Massa Joe Davis’ Eliza, who was the mother of some of Massa Jeff’s children.”

    “This reminds me says the writer, that Jeff. Davis’ son, by his slave girl Catherine, was in the Federal service onboard one of our gunboats, in the Mississippi, for several months—a likely mulatto. Among the letters of Jeff, taken at his house by our Illinois troops, there was a batch of quarrelsome epistles between Jeff and Mrs. Davis, touching his flame Catherine.”

    "My marriage took place in Montgomery, Alabama. I was married to Stephen Davis, one of Jefferson Davis 'illegal children. I am a daughter-in-law of Jeff Davis. I met him during the war. Jeff Davis used to bring his one legal child, Minnie Mae, to visit us. He had nine boys in my husband's mother and one by his legal wife. Course you know in dem days de white man didn't think nothing about having a wife and a colored woman, and dey would both stay right dere wid him. White woman made the colored men go with them. Jeff was a mean man, I'll say dat but he was good to me, I'll say dat for him too."
    “This reminds me says the writer, that Jeff. Davis’ son, by his slave girl Catherine, was in the Federal service onboard one of our gunboats, in the Mississippi, for several months—a likely mulatto. Among the letters of Jeff, taken at his house by our Illinois troops, there was a batch of quarrelsome epistles between Jeff. and Mrs. Davis, touching his flame Catherine.”

    Nevertheless, Thomas Jefferson raped Sally Hemings who was HIS WIFE'S sister. I doubt very seriously considering the time that it was consensual sex.

    No one in my family’s history raped their wife’s sister or had children with them or children with their children. All of their children were by their legally married wives. We don’t play that in our family. It’s called moral values.

    Also, Jefferson possible may have been sleeping with his other slaves while his wife was still living. William Wells Brown wrote his book “Clotel, Or the President’s Daughter.” and published it in 1853. It was a pretty bold move for an escaped slave to include Jefferson's real name in it during that era. Thomas Jefferson's infidelity wasn't just discussed by him, but also by white people. So more than likely the story was true. The works of fiction may be wholly true, and, in that sense, refer exclusively to the real world outside the text.

    “Thus died Clotel, the daughter of Thomas Jefferson, a president of the United States.”

    — —Narrator of Clotel, Page 182[13]

    Btw, slaves were not considered legal adults by law, they had no legal rights and were referred to as property and listed as boy or girl. Therefore, I doubt very seriously if Sally Hemings had a choice in the matter of sex with Thomas Jefferson. It was more like he had access to her room. Stop with your desperate attempts to paint white males as saints.

  179. GrannyStandingforTruth7:02 PM

    dinthebeast said...

    "Just got an email from BallotTrax saying my primary ballots have been received and counted.

    Thanks for reminding me that I need to check on mine. I mailed mine last week. Yes, it is a bunch of Republicans running. Crazy. Btw, I liked that article by the Rude Pundit. It's the truth.

  180. pregnant8:02 PM

    let's not forget that sarah palin led to trump, led to ukraine, and will lead to all that is unforgivable. palin where is your list of newspapers? huh barbie?

  181. Rape? What rape? From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Laura B - Meramec Township Committeewoman
    Fun fact: In Missouri, by law, 13 year olds CANNOT consent to sex with anyone. But if Roe is overturned, they will be forced to carry a pregnancy to term if they become pregnant.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  182. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Nevertheless, Thomas Jefferson raped Sally Hemings who was HIS WIFE'S sister. I doubt very seriously considering the time that it was consensual sex.

    You obviously have no idea how attractive it has always been to be the mistress of a wealthy man.  This is likely because you never had anything to offer one, and certainly don't any more.

    No one in my family’s history raped their wife’s sister or had children with them or children with their children. All of their children were by their legally married wives. We don’t play that in our family. It’s called moral values.

    This, from a member of the race which invented the distinction between "inside children" and "outside children", as immortalized in the song "Papa was a rolling stone":

    "And Momma, some bad talk goin' round town sayin' that
    Papa had three outside children
    And another wife, and that ain't right."

    I can't accuse you of anything because I don't know you, but if true your family is in the top tenth for your race... but only average by White standards.  Meanwhile, in the ghetto tens of thousands of half-siblings are having children with each other because they have no idea who their fathers are.

    Then again, that might not stop them anyway.

  183. Black behavior is indefensible11:47 PM

    Report: Dwayne Haskins was ‘drinking heavily’ hours before fatal accident

    Former Ohio State star and NFL first-round draft pick Dwayne Haskins died Saturday. He was 24.

    Former Ohio State and Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Dwayne Haskins had been out at a club and drinking “heavily” just hours before he was struck and killed on a Florida highway earlier this year, according to a toxicology report, The Miami Herald reported on Monday.

    The toxicology report stated that Haskins' blood alcohol content was between .20 and .24 when he died, which is up to three times the legal limit in Florida.

    (article continues)

  184. white behavior is indefensible12:44 AM

    21 month old baby OD’s because of parent’s negligence.

  185. Anonymous12:52 AM

    “if true your family is in the top tenth for your race... but only average by White standards.“

    So it must burn you up that Field is in the top 3% of your white standards while you are somewhere near the bottom with your sorry ass.

  186. Wesley Pipes12:56 AM

    Hey anon, go to to see why you’re an incel and no women will touch you with a ten foot pole. The women you desire are too busy fantasizing about the BBC like your mom used to.

  187. GrannyStandingforTruth5:45 AM

    Anonymous, you just don't get it, do you? Black people are not seeking whites' approval on anything and are going on about their business, minding their own business, rising up, and obtaining their goals in life. That's what you can't handle.

    You're not needed on our behalf. We don't need your supervision, assistance, or guidance. We are good.

    I know that it is hard for you to mind your own business but you should do just that. Stop meddling in affairs that really don't concern you. You're not family, you are an outsider. Every time nosey white men meddle in other people's affairs they make a big mess and cause unnecessary chaos. Take a look at all the chaos you've created around the world and in our country today for proof.

    America is on the verge of being destroyed from within. Black people didn't do that. Native Americans didn't do that. Hispanics didn't do that. Iranians didn't do that. Asians didn't do that. In fact, no other ethnic group did that. It's always been your male ethnic group that caused it here and in other countries.

    Currently, we're living in a country that calls evil good and good evil. People have exchanged the truth for lies. They're labeling good people bad and bad people good. Moral integrity is hanging on by a slender thread. That's not the sign of a vibrant, healthy nation.

    Because of your arrogance, you seem to think that you need to be in control of all other ethnic groups. When in essence, the biggest problem is that you need to LEARN to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and leave people ALONE. Focus on your neighborhoods. Clean up the mess there. You have lots of work to do right there in your own neighborhoods. Start with the greed, your mass shooters, sex trafficking, child porn, drugs,
    and crazy extremists, etc.

    Btw, this is my last conversation with you. You're not worth my time.

  188. "Btw, this is my last conversation with you. You're not worth my time."

    You shouldn't give this individual any more time. They claim to be some kind of genius inventor but in reality all it is is a jealous liar. They all are, it's the same thing. They come here and spread lies and racism. I mean what are the chances ALL of these trolls are top 1%ers. LOL! Bottom-dwelling incels who need something to occupy their lost lives. I usually don't give advice but it would do them well to get some education and do something with their lives or they'll be the same losers years from now and wonder where the time went.

  189. Check out this excellent article. Actually my great uncle was one of the interviewees. From a few years ago but a buddy of mine is writing a book and she made me look for material.

  190. In an analysis of federal sentencing and crime data, The Kansas City Star found Black people were disproportionately convicted for illegally carrying firearms compared to white people. They were also sentenced more harshly.

    In the Eastern District, a federal court jurisdiction that includes St. Louis, 81% of those convicted of illegal firearm possession in the past seven years were Black. In the Western District, which includes Kansas City, 54% were Black. Together the two districts cover the entire state of Missouri.

    The state’s population is 12% Black.

    In the Western District in 2020, Black people were also more than twice as likely to receive sentences above the recommended guidelines for firearm possession compared to white people, according to data from the United States Sentencing Commission.

  191. Older wasicu pig thug attacks a younger Black woman in a gas station for no apparent reason. All caught on tape. Watch the first minute of video and see the arrest record of vicious assaults this pig has and ask yourself why he isn't serving life in prison.

  192. GrannyStandingforTruth said....

    You have lots of work to do right there in your own neighborhoods. Start with the greed, your mass shooters, sex trafficking, child porn, drugs,
    and crazy extremists, etc.

    Btw, this is my last conversation with you. You're not worth my time.

    5:45 AM
    Per your advice, here are a couple of examples of what our anonymous troll should involve himself in addressing,,,,

    BTW Granny, I have much enjoyed the history lessons in your comments.

  193. Gambler and Granny, don't forget wasicu protestant child abuse is rising quickly in a hurry, too.

  194. White bread magat pastor admits to adultery 20 years ago and didn't bother to tell parishioners his victim was 16 at the time. After he resigned and left the stage, his victim took the stage and spilled the beans.

    Wasicus like 'em young.

  195. Anonymous2:44 PM

    In an analysis of federal sentencing and crime data, The Kansas City Star found Black people were disproportionately convicted for illegally carrying firearms compared to white people.

    The unasked (and unthinkable by libtards) question:  "do black people offend disproportionately?"

    They were also sentenced more harshly.

    Federal guidelines are strict, and they account for the number of priors on the offender's record.  If blacks are sentenced more harshly, it's because they're worse people.

    <watches the psycho's head explode>

  196. 5 of the top10 magats on Michigan's ballot were declared ineligible dur to fraud in collecting signatures. More magat voter fraud on display. From WAPO with a pay wall, of course.

  197. GrannyStandingforTruth3:31 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Active shooter at Uvalde elementary school in custody, serveral students being treated in hospitals, officials say

  198. Scotus Justice? Uncle Tom Thomas ruled that persons convicted with ineffective counsel are fucked and you need to peruse his opinion....
