Friday, May 06, 2022

Samuel Alito's tale.

 I feel very comfortable saying as a man, that if men could get pregnant there would be more drive-through abortion clinics than Chick-fil-A restaurants in every town in America. 

So here we are. Fifty years of stare decisis  is about to be shot down by five conservative Judges on the Supreme Court. Why? Because only women get pregnant, and men don't have to give up control of their bodies for nine months to bring us our little bundles of joy. 

Forgot social stability and order in society, forget legal precedent, and forget respect for long settled law. These are different times we are living in. Justice Alito cites Sir Matthew Hale for crying out loud! The same Matthew Hale who said that husbands can't be prosecuted for raping their wives, and who sentenced women to death for being "witches".  Yikes!

Sadly, we should all have seen this coming when we elected the former guy to the highest office in the land. Now, anything is possible. We thought hat the highest court in the land was beyond reproach and could not be compromised. Boy were we wrong. 

Liberals and folks on the left are going crazy with rage. They can't believe that America has morphed into something out of The Handmaid's Tale.  And, quite frankly, some of them should be upset. I say some, because some of these same liberals and left-wing purists refused to vote for Her. ----You know, the e-mails lady--- Now, looking back, they are having regrets. 

But how could they have not seen this coming? It takes incredible political naivety the likes of which is reserved for the Susan Collins of the world to believe that these Justices were not going to get on the Supreme Court and do exactly what they are apparently going to do. When they all sat there lying to those Senators during their confirmation hearings about respecting precedent and Roe being settled law, we all knew they were lying. But the political game is so rigged in America, and the feckless and inept democrats in congress are so powerless, that we all knew that there was nothing that was going to be done to stop the inevitable. 

Now we will see how committed folks in this country are to making sure that we don't go backwards when it comes to our individual rights. If a woman can be prosecuted and jailed for a choice she makes when it comes to her own body, just imagine what could come next. 

I recently saw the following quote from an article written for back in November. 

"Here's the best-kept secret about the so-called abortion "debate" in the United States: It's actually not that much of a debate at all. A majority of Americans believe that the decision to end or continue a pregnancy should be left to a woman and her doctor, not the state. Most Americans oppose laws that make it more difficult for reproductive health clinics to operate. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments next month challenging Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide, but fewer than a third of Americans want Roe to be overturned. "

When you have autocratic and fascist leanings, the will of the people does not matter. Only those who are in power get the final word. 

Happy Mother's Day everybody.    



  1. Anonymous1:27 AM

    "I feel very comfortable saying as a man, that if men could get pregnant there would be more drive-through abortion clinics than Chick-fil-A restaurants in every town in America."

    I mean, there is a problem with framing things this way, though. I know that feminists feel it helps their case to frame the sides on this issue in simplistic sexist-boys-versus-helpless-girls terms. But the real breakdown of opinions is not so neatly gender-divided. In actuality, a lot of those supporting abortion rights are men, not just women. And a lot of those opposing abortion rights are women, not just men. If Sam Alito's opinion does end up being the final word, it will be because Amy Coney Barrett helped sign off on it.

    This is really a fight between those with a hatred for science and medieval attitudes on sex and gender, versus everyone else.

    The most disturbing part is that the "everyone else" side constitutes a majority of the population, by a wide margin. That would seem like a politically suicidal move. If you force such unpopular policy on the country by judicial fiat, it follows that you're going to get destroyed in subsequent elections, are you not? In a democracy, there are practical limits on how far jurists' interpretation of the law can ever oppose the popular will.

    Unless, of course, a democratic backlash is simply unavailable.

    Disturbingly, what Republicans' decision to stop stealthily whittling away at abortion rights, and instead to now openly, loudly, and proudly revoke them, suggests is that they are now confident that their ultra-unpopular decisions will not be reversed by future presidents and legislators put into office in future elections because ... well, perhaps there will simply be no future elections. Or at least no free and fair, un-rigged elections. This decision adds to the mounting sense that Republicans are abandoning democracy and bent on imposing their views on the country by any means necessary.

    1. Anonymous12:41 AM

      Not a woman and her doctor, a woman. A doctor can advise and assist but the decision is the woman’s.

  2. "That would seem like a politically suicidal move."

    Now it's up to us sane people to make it a suicidal move, and fuck them for making us do this, we all have lives to live.
    I don't know who, exactly, is surprised by this, they've been telling us that they would do it since like forever.
    Some of us have been kinda yelling about them saying that for a very long time now, but somehow our warnings never seemed to get any "traction" or some such horse shit.
    It would be a nice side effect if the rest of the things we have been saying they will do could get taken a bit more seriously for a couple of election cycles, but I won't hold my breath on that one either.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Man, imagine how close the country came to a 6-3 liberal majority. You may have hated Hillary but if you gave a damn about privacy you missed a huge opportunity. Goodbye to personal rights for the next 30 years.

    1. Anonymous12:44 AM

      But she cackled when she laughed. Wasn’t that reason enough not to vote for her?

  4. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Sadly (but unsurprisingly) MTG has defeated the effort to ban her from Congress via the 14th Amendment.

    Ah, well. This was never likely to work, but I’m sure it was fun to try.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

  6. "Forgot social stability and order in society, forget legal precedent, and forget respect for long settled law. These are different times we are living in. Justice Alito cites Sir Matthew Hale for crying out loud! The same Matthew Hale who said that husbands can't be prosecuted for raping their wives, and who sentenced women to death for being "witches". Yikes!"
    It seem Alito and others on the court have decided that unless a common right is delineated in the Constitution, they are empowered to ignore it. Here's a few of the rights we now take for granted that will be endangered if Alito et-al.'s interpretation stands:

    Birth control choices
    In vitro fertilization
    Stem cell research
    Right to an education
    Right to health care
    Right to vote
    Right to drive a car, buy a house or move to another state
    Right to refuse medical procedures

    Need I go on? There are hundreds of rights, not delineated in our Constitution that we exercise every day. These will be gone if this court strikes down the concept of privacy even though the 4th, 9th and 14th amendments clearly support the right to privacy.

    In other words if this decision stands, you and I
    regardless of gender, have no rights.

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    “Birth control choices
    In vitro fertilization
    Stem cell research
    Right to an education
    Right to health care
    Right to vote
    Right to drive a car, buy a house or move to another state
    Right to refuse medical procedures”

    Well, the right to vote actually is explicitly delineated, both in the Constitution and federal statute. That hasn’t stopped the Court’s wingnuts from going after it anyway.

    Which is why all the focus on judicial philosophies seems wildly misplaced to me. If this was really about abstract questions of whether it is appropriate to “infer” new rights (such as a right to medical privacy) from clauses in the Constitution that don’t spell them out, I’d be more on board with it.

    But I don’t believe the conflict is really about judicial philosophies at all. The Supreme Court is heavily politicized, and everybody knows it. These are not mere referees calling “balls and strikes,” to use Chief Justice Roberts analogy. They’re politicians in black robes. This isn’t about legalistic doctrines of “originalism” or “textualism.” These justices made this decision on the basis of a-clump-of-cells-is-a-person-ism. Or on the basis of slutty-women-need-to-be-punished-ism. Or on the basis of America-is-a-Christian-nation-ism.

    Democracy-hating fundamentalists in the conservative movement connived to put a bunch of theocrats on the bench, and they succeeded. And now those theocrats are making theocratic policy through court rulings. That’s the reality.

  8. Anonymous said....

    "Well, the right to vote actually is explicitly delineated, both in the Constitution and federal statute. That hasn’t stopped the Court’s wingnuts from going after it anyway."

    Would you please tell me where in the Constitution it state the U.S. citizens have the right to vote. And if you can find it, what do you think might stop this court from overturning it?

  9. The Coatesville ExPat5:13 PM

    Oh Judge Field, you're embarrassing yourself and me with this post. First with that tired, hackneyed "Handmaid's Tale" image. Second, for your fundamental misunderstanding of this Republic's legal process. Roe will go to the state/commonwealth legislatures where the majority will continue to legalize the genocide of black/brown babies in-utero. But you know, Margaret Sanger leveraged useful idiots in her quest to eliminate us who she counted as "Human Weeds".

  10. If HRC had been inaugurated and a Justice or three died while she was potus, McCTurtlefuckface would have conjured up away to keep the corpses on the court until a magat could steal the election.

  11. Amy Comey Barrett and Alito both have referenced the need for a more robust "domestic supply of infants" so that they will be available for people wanting to adopt. It's just beyond belief. Despite being of the Medicare generation I did vote for Hillary Clinton and did not give a flying fig about her emails.

  12. The Coatesville ExPat said...

    "Oh Judge Field, you're embarrassing yourself and me with this post. First with that tired, hackneyed "Handmaid's Tale" image. Second, for your fundamental misunderstanding of this Republic's legal process. Roe will go to the state/commonwealth legislatures where the majority will continue to legalize the genocide of black/brown babies in-utero. But you know, Margaret Sanger leveraged useful idiots in her quest to eliminate us who she counted as "Human Weeds"."

    5:13 PM
    I disagree. I think you have embarrassed yourself with this ridiculous post. Obviously you are a man or a woman who has never been pregnant.

    Your remarks are shallow and dismissive. You mention Margaret Sanger and the story that she advocated birth control to control the Black population. If she did, that was a hundred years ago. Think 21first century, Ex Pat, and try to come up with something that is relevant to the 2022 political climate. Think of all those salivating fascists who are dying to take away our rights. There at least five of them on the Supreme Court.

  13. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Big Easy mass shooter matches the stereotype.

    Black people, if you don't want that stereotype, STOP ACTING LIKE THE STEREOTYPE DAMMIT!

  14. "Black people, if you don't want that stereotype, STOP ACTING LIKE THE STEREOTYPE DAMMIT!"

    Um, ok.

  15. "Your remarks are shallow and dismissive. You mention Margaret Sanger and the story that she advocated birth control to control the Black population. If she did, that was a hundred years ago."

    Yeah, that is some strained logic. You have to have a rapist's baby because 100 years ago a white person was racist. LOL! That's like when conservatives say they can't trust climate scientists because once upon a time scientists thought the sun revolved around the earth (actual argument from a conservative).

  16. From Time Mag.

    Historians and scholars who’ve examined Sanger’s correspondence, as Salon reported in 2011, challenge those who call the activist racist.

    Much of the controversy stems from a 1939 letter in which Sanger outlined her plan to reach out to black leaders — specifically ministers — to help dispel community suspicions about the family planning clinics she was opening in the South.

    “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,” she wrote. It was, as the Washington Post called it, an “inartfully written” sentence, but one that, in context, describes the sort of preposterous allegations she feared — not her actual mission. The irony is that it has been used to propagate those very allegations. Cruz’s letter to the director of the National Portrait Gallery, for example, quotes only the first half of the sentence.

  17. Sheila Kennedy points us to a major lie told by Alito...

    Interesting read. This former Repub lawyer is good.

  18. Field said...
    "Happy Mother's Day everybody."
    You are sooo bad! : )

  19. I've recently finished reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. It has both confirmed much of what I learned outside of high school in the 1970s, and taught me a great deal more about how the US was founded.

    As long as rich white men run this country, the rest of us will suffer, one way or another. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, if it comes (I'm not sure it will, given the furor of recent events), is another move in the endless cycle of squeeze and feed that those in power have used to fend off a revolution by those not in power.

    It's my belief that the current system of government in this country cannot be improved without massive changes in domestic policy, and that those changes cannot happen without a complete overhaul in campaign finance laws so that a broader range of citizens have a chance at election at all levels.

    I have hope that this will happen, but it is very tiny now.

  20. Anonymous3:08 PM

    “Yeah, that is some strained logic. You have to have a rapist's baby because 100 years ago a white person was racist.”

    And she wasn’t even racist. Margaret Sanger was pro-eugenics, but she wasn’t pro-racist-eugenics.

    Eugenics started as a belief that society could be improved by preventing people with bad genes from breeding. Basically, they were trying to keep disabled or stupid people from procreating. While today that is viewed as a simplistic and dangerous idea, and a violation of basic human rights, it’s not actually racist.

    Eugenics was later embraced by far-right racist groups like the Nazis, who wanted to sterilize minorities because they considered all non-whites to be genetically defective. So a lot of people now incorrectly associate eugenics exclusively with racism.

    Anyway, this is a nasty propaganda tactic by the anti-abortion crowd today: Link abortion with Margaret Sanger, and Margaret Sanger with racism. Ipso facto, abortion=racism.

    Hooray, the Christian fundies are saving minorities! What great guys.

  21. If nothing else comes from Jan 6 committee hearings, we will certainly know the extent of collective amnesia on magat's part.

    Miss lindsey is attacking senators for not knowing drumpf's judicial candidates were going to lie under oath. Perjury was a dang big thing when WJC was charged with lying under oath.

  22. Anon@1:27 am, I get your point, and it's a fair one. There is more nuance to this debate. Certainly it's not as simplistic as Men vs. Women.

  23. drumpf's intel organization mishandled intel about Russia's plans to denigrate Biden in 2020 election, apparently on purpose.

  24. Mike from Iowa saisd....
    From Time Mag.

    "Historians and scholars who’ve examined Sanger’s correspondence, as Salon reported in 2011, challenge those who call the activist racist."
    Thanks for this info, Mike. I have never believed that she was. I need to see some real evidence before labeling anyone a racist.

  25. Alito bases his opinion on a lie. Abortion was quite common around the time of our nation's founding. In fact Franklin included a recipe for abortion in a math textbook.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. Anonymous9:44 PM

  27. Anonymous10:35 PM

    “Alito bases his opinion on a lie. Abortion was quite common around the time of our nation's founding. In fact Franklin included a recipe for abortion in a math textbook.”

    From what I understand, he didn’t base the argument on whether people did it, but on whether it was universally legal.

    Roe was decided, in part, on extrapolating a right to privacy, and therefore control of one’s own body, including having abortions, out of the 14th Amendment. Alito argues that at the time the 14th Amendment was passed, a bunch of states in fact banned abortion.

    Some states didn’t, lots of people ignored the law and induced abortions by various methods, but because it was illegal in some places, to Alito, that means it couldn’t have been understood to be a universal right. Thus, abortion rights couldn’t be implied by the 14th Amendment, and Roe v. Wade was dumb, bogus, and wrongly decided and it must be overturned. Sorry, ladies, say goodbye to control of your reproduction.

    Needless to say, lots of liberals are unhappy both with this method of interpreting the law, and with the outcome.

  28. Anonymous1:19 AM

    “Would you please tell me where in the Constitution it state the U.S. citizens have the right to vote. And if you can find it, what do you think might stop this court from overturning it?”

    Well, at least for male U.S. citizens, the 14th Amendment. Section 2 reads:

    “But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.”

    So, I guess technically they can take away men’s right to vote, but the states that do that then are supposed to all representation in the House of Representatives, so that won’t really work.

    You could technically take away women’s right to vote — but you’d have to find some extremely sneaky way to do it, because the 19th Amendment says you can’t do it on the basis of sex.

    And, again, beyond the Constitution, voting rights are explicitly protected in a number of federal statutes.

    These are not “unenumerated rights” that have been inferred by a leap of logic from some other right written in the law books. They are spelled out quite clearly.

    “And if you can find it, what do you think might stop this court from overturning it?”

    Pack the Supreme Court with eight more members so there is an 11-to-6 liberal majority. After that, the conservatives won’t be fucking overturning anything.


  29. Anonymous1:21 AM

    *“ the states that do that then are supposed to LOSE all representation in the House of Representatives”

  30. Unenumerated? Horse shit:

    Ninth Amendment

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  31. Anonymous2:23 AM

    "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

    Alito and his chums will die laughing if anyone suggests you can find abortion rights somewhere in the Ninth Amendment.

  32. "Needless to say, lots of liberals are unhappy both with this method of interpreting the law, and with the outcome."

    Now, maybe some folks will take voting seriously.

  33. Magats will counter that amendments weren't part and parcel of constitution as originally written.

    The amendments are clear proof the constitution is a living document subject to change.

    Remember, you can find neither the words god or guns in the constitution as written.

    The 4th article to the constitution confers a right to privacy in your home against illegal searches and seizures.

  34. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the Heller majority opinion. “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home,” Scalia said.

    Open carry in public is not defense inside homes.

  35. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'm starting the rumor that the Chief Justice Roberts is fed up with the squids now on the court and will retire at the end of this term.

    President Biden gets to nominate anew.

  36. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Chicago shootings: 24 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend violence:

  37. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Funny how the left claims "my body my right" when it comes to abortion but not covid "vaccines" and wearing useless masks................

  38. Anonymous2:04 PM

    “The 4th article to the constitution confers a right to privacy in your home against illegal searches and seizures.”

    And conservatives assert that that 4th Amendment right to privacy is more or less limited to protecting your freedom and your possessions and don’t concede that it extends to a more general right of privacy that would include reproductive autonomy.

  39. Anonymous2:10 PM

    “Funny how the left claims ‘my body my right’ when it comes to abortion but not covid ‘vaccines’ and wearing useless masks................”

    Not funny. Sensible. No rights are absolute and there are always exceptions.

    Your right to privacy and control of your body should not extend to endangering other people. If your insistence on refusing medical treatment, like vaccines, will kill other people, then that is where your privacy rights disappear.

    And before you ask, no, the same logic about protecting other people does not create an exception for abortion. There are no other people involved besides the woman who wants to get an abortion. Fetuses aren’t people.

  40. Magats claim their autonomy from government interference trumps everyone's right not be be infected by or murdered by stoopid fucking mindless magats that can neither read nor understand the law.

  41. NPR claims Alito's disregard for precedence opinion was leaked by a magat.

  42. Wasn't leaked by a liberal. Liberals don't leak to Politico.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous5:38 PM

    And before you ask, no, the same logic about protecting other people does not create an exception for abortion. There are no other people involved besides the woman who wants to get an abortion. Fetuses aren’t people.

    2:10 PM

    The "tolerant" left and their illogic. The left has no problem taking out anyone. Marxists.

  44. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Weekend surgery postponed for Lincoln Park shooting victim, family says in update. ‘Dakotah is fighting as hard as he can right now.’

    Notice the victim was outside the home.

  45. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Tipster identified Red Line robber from police bulletin, prosecutors say. Charges filed.

  46. Scotus has ruled a number of times you have no expectation of privacy in public, therefore open carry is illegal.

  47. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Scotus has ruled a number of times you have no expectation of privacy in public, therefore open carry is illegal.

    6:24 PM

    It's not a privacy issue marxist. The right of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms SHALL not be infringed>

  48. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Why is it called gun violence, since when does and inanimate object act?? Shouldn't it be called young black male violence??

  49. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Five Gunmen Fire Over 40 Rounds at Man Standing at Food Truck: More violence outside the home.

  50. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Police: Man exits store, shoots 3 people he knows in parking lot

  51. The 2 wasicu wasicu fugitives from prison captured in Indiana. ALIVE!

    You have the right to protect the privacy of your home, no where else, marxist swine.

  52. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Black Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James indicted
    James faces life in prison if convicted

  53. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why is it called gun violence, since when does and inanimate object act?

    Remington has been hiding secrets of malfunctioning guns since the 2nd World War.

  54. Anonymous8:26 PM

    NOPD: Man fires shots at person, strikes coworker instead in French Quarter shooting. Endless black faces crime series.

  55. Illogical coming from the prowd drumpf voter and reality denier. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  56. Anonymous9:19 PM

    "Shouldn't it be called young black male violence??"

    You don't seem to like black men very much. Go to or to see what you're missing. These other young white women seem to enjoy the company of Black men. After watching a few videos you might also.

  57. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Your right to privacy and control of your body should not extend to endangering other people.

    "Vaccinated" people can still contract and spread COVID, and masks are ineffective against viruses.  They are not protecting anyone else by taking the jab or wearing a mask, and people who refuse to are not endangering anyone else.  What protects people is staying home when you're sick, same as the flu.

    Masks are theater, imposed for the sake of demanding obedience.  (Remember when the government said that masks are worthless, in the early days?)  The "vaccine" is something much, much more sinister.

  58. Anonymous10:28 AM

    EVs will not replace the ICE. In fact, ICE is the future!!!

  59. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Remington has been hiding secrets of malfunctioning guns since the 2nd World War.

    8:21 PM

    Total bullshit. Nothing wrong with the Remington 700. 10s of millions made with no issues. Only people tampering with them.

    It was cheaper to make a payout then continue litigation, its cheaper.

  60. anymoose the deplorable truth denier @ 10:31 AM....

    Read the truth willow eater and you will learn the man that invented the defective trigger, made a new design which Remington liars thought too costly so they rode all these years and hundreds of lawsuits knowing the M0del 700 nad a defective trigger system that killed and injured numerous innocent peoples.

  61. I've always found Remington products to be of inferior quality when compared to other makes of firearms.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Where does the electricity come from to charge an EV??


  63. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Where does the elements needed to make EV batteries come from?

    Child labour from Africa.

  64. Water (hydro electricity), wind and solar power are fossil fuels? Only in drumpfuck drumpf land.

  65. "Where does the electricity come from to charge an EV??"

    Really depends on where you're charging. Possibly nuclear, wind, solar, coal, ect. There are package deals in which you can outfit your house with solar and even power the house from the car if the house power goes down. Not as simple of a question as you envisioned. Common snarky question from conservatives stuck in the past.

  66. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Water (hydro electricity), wind and solar power are fossil fuels?

    Of those, only conventional hydropower is dispatchable.

    According to the EIA, conventional hydropower generated only 260.225 TWh out of a total of 4115.54 TWh total US electric generation in 2021.  That is 6.32%.  You're not going to go very far trying to run the US vehicle fleet on hydropower... literally.

    Then again, maybe "mike from iowa"'s hot air can power the country by itself.  We won't know until we do some measurements.

  67. Once again willow eater chooses to dash down another rabbit hole instead of admit he is wrong. Notice he didn't say any non-fossil fuel supplies have to power the whole fleet.

    What a ginormoose waste of time.

  68. Here's a story sure t0o bring out the white scumacyst happy happy joy joys in anymoose....

    Mostly black womens team from Delaware bussing home from a game in Florida, get stopped by Georgia wasicu pigs for alleged lane violation. Turns out their luggage was searched for drugs and a drug sniffing dog was brought in. The only questionable contraband was an unopened gift to one of the players from her aunt.

    She wasn't supposed to opening before she got home so pig opened her gift and told her it was a bracelet for her graduation. Nothing was found and apparently the lane violation was made up to stop the bus.

  69. Anonymous9:09 PM

    "Of those, only conventional hydropower is dispatchable.

    According to the EIA, conventional hydropower generated only 260.225 TWh out of a total of 4115.54 TWh total US electric generation in 2021. That is 6.32%."

    More bullshit. You can't just hand wave all solar and wind power out of existence by saying they're not "dispatchable." Even without any storage technologies to store excess power to even out the supply, the energy from those sources doesn't fluctuate THAT much. There is never a situation where there is zero wind blowing AND zero sun shining EVERYWHERE IN THE U.S. Never gonna happen.

    Renewables at this point make up 20% of U.S. electrical power. Not six. TWENTY. And growing by the day.

    Those facts won't go away, no matter how much the hacks at the Heartland Institute fossil-fuel industry think tank stick their fingers in their ears and say "La La La I can't hear you."

  70. Anonymous9:41 PM

    You can't just hand wave all solar and wind power out of existence by saying they're not "dispatchable."

    I can say that you're not going to stand for a grid which makes you wait for the wind to blow or sun to shine so you can get to work or even run your refrigerator, and you know damn well I'm right.

    There is never a situation where there is zero wind blowing AND zero sun shining EVERYWHERE IN THE U.S.

    You posit a straw-man situation where the cost of massive long-distance power transmission is nil and we can build more anywhere we want.  Look at the lawsuits stopping power lines from e.g. Quebec to NYC to see just how much BS underlies THAT claim.  If you don't have enough power OR can't get it to where it's needed, this country is screwed.  But you don't care if people die (like Texas in 2021) so long as your sacred ideology rules.

    Renewables at this point make up 20% of U.S. electrical power. Not six. TWENTY.

    I have the 2021 figures right in front of me.  Total US generation:  4115.54 TWh.  Hydro pumped storage:  -5.112 TWh (a net loss).  Conventional hydro:  260.225 TWh.  Wood:  37.17 TWh.  Waste:  18.309 TWh.  Geothermal:  16.238 TWh.  Solar:  114.678 TWh.  Wind:  379.767 TWh.

    Total "renewable":  821.275 TWh, and you really can't expand hydro and shouldn't expand wood or waste burning either.

  71. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Once again willow eater chooses to dash down another rabbit hole instead of admit he is wrong.

    Once again, arrogant ignoramus is defeated by facts and reduced to bluster.

    Notice he didn't say any non-fossil fuel supplies have to power the whole fleet.

    Know what generated more than twice as much US electricity in 2021 than wind, and nearly 7 times as much as solar... without emitting a bit of CO2 in operation?

    Nuclear energy, that's what.  That's in spite of you idiots closing Duane Arnold in 2020.  It had an operating license running to 2034.  With natural gas going through the roof, you're really going to regret that.

  72. Well, not only is it possible to charge your EV with a solar home set-up there is also a portable solar set-up. I have two EV's and know for certain it is possible to recharge with solar. There are even programs that use off-site solar panels so there is no need to install them on your home.

  73. Here's a video of someone charging their Tesla using solar power.


  75. OAN forced to admit no widespread voter fraud. LOL! Could have saved millions in attorney fees by simply telling the truth from the gettyup.

  76. California has twice briefly hit 100% renewables on the grid in the past couple of weeks. And that's with the water levels too low at many reservoirs to generate hydropower. It's coming. Bet on it. Or not and just get left in the dust with the other backwards-ass idiots.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  77. "Or not and just get left in the dust with the other backwards-ass idiots."

    Just like the dinosaurs that we're burning. LOL!

  78. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Rolling Stone magazine reports that Trump expressed deep concerns to his aides that the Chinese somehow knew how to control the weather, and might send hurricanes to devastate the United States.

    Historians may still be debating whether Trump was our absolute worst president, but the verdict is already in on another question: Trump was definitely our all-time dumbest president.

  79. Anonymous5:41 AM

    California has twice briefly hit 100% renewables on the grid in the past couple of weeks.

    In other words, with a shit-ton of imported electric power from places like the BPA.  (The BPA has had multi-week "wind droughts" which can be expected to get worse.)

    If you are going to make "renewables" work, you have to make them work ALL the time for ALL power demand, INCLUDING what it takes to build the replacements for those "renewables" as they wear out.

    If you're buying coal-fired polysilicon panels from China, you ain't shit.  That goes double for their environment-killing rare-earth-magnet wind turbines.

  80. "Trump was definitely our all-time dumbest president."

    And may be once again in 2024.

  81. Know what generated more than twice as much US electricity in 2021 than wind, and nearly 7 times as much as solar... without emitting a bit of CO2 in operation?

    'Nuther willow eater side step down ye olde rabbit hole. Ewe lews agin!

  82. Anonymous11:49 AM

  83. Anonymous12:22 PM

    You cannot replace fossil fuels with current solar wind techology.

  84. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Making batteries for EVs produces more pollution than ICE vehicals they have a higher carbon foot print.

  85. "You cannot replace fossil fuels with current solar wind techology."

    Yeah, solar winds are very unreliable.

  86. Anonymous1:22 PM

    “Violent left attacking judges homes like communists do.....”


    I don’t approve of protesters picketing at people’s private homes, but so far, that is all I have heard of anyone doing here: picketing, not “attacking.”

    If you have heard otherwise, please provide a reliable source. As in, not Breitbart or some other joke media outlet that we will all laugh at.

  87. "If you have heard otherwise, please provide a reliable source."

    She/he/it/they can't. They're just here to act like a 12-year-old troll.

  88. "Will there be any "Black Lives Matter" protests over this?"

    If you feel so strongly will YOU lead the protest? Of course not, you don't give shit and just here to concern troll.

  89. con·cern troll
    noun: concern troll; plural noun: concern trolls

    a person who disingenuously expresses concern about an issue with the intention of undermining or derailing genuine discussion.

  90. I propose the following amendments:

    The Right to Privacy Amendment
    Congress shall make no law violating a citizen's right to privacy.

    The Freedom to Love Amendment
    Congress shall make no law restricting the right of consenting adults in private to love as they will, if it harm none.

    The Second Amendment Repair Act
    1. The right of the people to keep and bear arms in a well-regulated State militia shall not be infringed.
    2. Well-regulated militias shall not arm those under adult age, nor arm those found guilty of treason as defined by the Constitution.
    3. States have the right to enforce additional regulation of their militias.


    The Privacy Rights amendment is evidently necessary now, given that many long-established rights depend upon the right to privacy, yet destructive pseudo-conservatives lust to expand State power. This baffles me: pseudo-conservatives are allegedly propertarians, but how can there be private property unless there is privacy?

    The Free Love Amendment can also be called the MYOB Amendment (for Mind Your Own Business), and the Wiccan Rede Amendment. ("If it harm none, love as you will.") The first nine words sound 18th-century, the next four words sound square-American 60s, and the last nine words sound counter-cultural America 60s. Right on! This one explicitly cites the right to privacy.

    The Second Amendment Repair Act can be enacted as an act of Congress. It will be challenged, but it cannot be overturned without overturning the Second Amendment itself. SARA restates the Second Amendment with proper grammar, in a single clause, with weapons rights explicitly balanced by weapons responsibilities. This repairs the damage caused by Scalia's judicial activism in "DC vs Heller". For decades we have labored under a 2nd Amendment half repealed, to malign effect now self-evident to all but idiots, ideologues, insurrectionists, and organized crime. Clause 2 emphasizes that a well-regulated militia does not arm ill-regulated persons such as teenagers and traitors. Clause 3 emphasizes gun control as part of state's rights.

  91. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Surprise, surprise. Republocrat Joe Manchin says he will block any Senate bill to create nationwide abortion rights. I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, because even if there were enough votes to pass such a bill, the Republicans would filibuster it, and Manchin won’t agree to eliminate the filibuster, either.

  92. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "The Right to Privacy Amendment
    Congress shall make no law violating a citizen's right to privacy.

    The Freedom to Love Amendment
    Congress shall make no law restricting the right of consenting adults in private to love as they will, if it harm none.

    The Second Amendment Repair Act
    1. The right of the people to keep and bear arms in a well-regulated State militia shall not be infringed.
    2. Well-regulated militias shall not arm those under adult age, nor arm those found guilty of treason as defined by the Constitution.
    3. States have the right to enforce additional regulation of their militias."

    While you're at it, we probably need to add a First Amendment Repair Amendment. Or maybe call it the Theocracy Prevention Amendment.

    The Establishment Clause needs to be re-written and made so explicit that wingnuts can no longer plausibly misinterpret it.

    Instead of enforcing a separation between church and state, the Republican-appointed justices are determined to understand it in a completely upside-down way, as guaranteeing the right of evangelical Christians to impose their wackadoodle beliefs on everyone else. This is how redneck legislators get away with writing insane laws that assume a zygote is a person, with legally defined human rights.

  93. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The far-right loon that goes by the nickname "Baked Alaska" got a sweet plea deal that meant he only got charged with a misdemeanor for his January 6th insurrection-ing.

    But he screwed that up, because he's too dumb to understand how pleading guilty works. So I guess he wants major jail time?

    Judge nixes Jan. 6 plea deal after right-wing streamer 'Baked Alaska' declares himself 'innocent'



    Even Republican senators knew Biden was the better candidate. Of course, now they'll lie about it (as usual).

  96. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Virginia: Democrat County Supervisor Indicted on 82 Felonies in Election Fraud Scheme

    A Democrat County Supervisor in Buchanan County, Virginia has been indicted on 82 felony counts stemming from an alleged election fraud and corruption scheme following a 2-year state police investigation. Included in the charges filed against Trey Adkins, of the county’s Knox District, are 34 counts of false statements related to election fraud and 11 counts of absentee voting violations.

    A grand jury handed down the indictments and the case will be prosecuted by the Commonwealth’s Attorney from nearby Russell County, Zack Stoots. According to the grand jury’s report, Adkins has relied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election. All told, Trey Adkins will face 34 counts of False Statement – Election Fraud, 11 counts of Absentee Voting Procedure Violation, 8 counts of Public Embezzlement, 11 counts of Forgery of Public Record, 15 counts of Uttering Public Record, and 3 counts of Conspiracy to Make a False Statement – Election Fraud.

    (article continues)

  97. Anonymous12:20 AM

    “Virginia: Democrat County Supervisor Indicted on 82 Felonies in Election Fraud Scheme“

    Uh oh, may be trump’s cellmate.😳

  98. When "blacked" meets reality4:19 AM

    Black live-streams himself as he murders his mudshark girlfriend:

    Good riddance to both of them.

  99. US covid death toll passes the million victim mark thanks to drumpfuck and magats.

  100. Naomi Judd killed herself with a handgun shortly after being inducted into Country Music HOF.

    Drug overdose deaths surpassed a 100k in 2021.

    Kristian evangelical (read magat) child abuse is on the upswing.

    And drumpf still did not win the 2020 election.

  101. "And drumpf still did not win the 2020 election."

    Even OAN had to admit this. At this rate even Bbo and MTG will have to admit it.

  102. Hannah Payne may finally face justice for killing Kenneth Herring. Let's put this chick behind bars forever.

  103. Anonymous1:26 PM

    How blacks celebrated Mother's Day in Jacksonville:

  104. Sign the petition for justice for Kenneth Herring.

  105. Republican official and pastor arrested AGAIN for child cruelty.

  106. Talk about karma. LOL!

  107. Mandingo5:22 PM

    Go to to see how white MILFs celebrated mother's day.

  108. Wesley Pipes5:23 PM

    Go to to see how anon at 1:26 mom celebrated mother's day. She enjoyed it.

  109. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Police: Woman demanded o--l s-x at gunpoint, shot at man as he fled apartment

    BATON ROUGE - A man leapt from a second-floor apartment Monday after a gun-slinging woman tried to shoot him because he refused to give her o--l s-x.

    Police say Anneisha Speed, 19, was at the victim's Labelle Avenue apartment Monday when things went south. According to arrest records, the man invited Speed to his apartment after the two spent much of the day together.

    Once inside the apartment, the victim says Speed asked him to perform o--l s-x for her. He declined, and Speed responded by whipping out a .40 handgun, the affidavit says. Speed allegedly aimed the gun at the man and threatened to shoot him if he didn't give in to her demands.

    (article continues)

    Get a load of that mugshot.

  110. Long Dong Silver9:25 PM

    "Only a black would try to fuck a corpse that's been dead for 18 years."

    Nah, just go to the archives. Your mom was doing porn back in the day. On another note have you watched to see how much white women enjoy the company of Black men?

  111. Anonymous said...

    "Only a black would try to fuck a corpse that's been dead for 18 years."

    5:39 PM
    What about Jeffrey Dahmer, definitely a white guy, who killed 17 young men and engaged in sexual activities with their dead bodies. In addition, he cooked and ate various parts of some of his victims.

    Try to top that one, Anon.

  112. Anonymous5:18 AM

    What about Jeffrey Dahmer

    His corpses were fresh, not cremated to crumbs almost two decades before.

    His creativity was beyond anything a black could manage.

  113. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What about Jeffrey Dahmer

    His corpses were fresh, not cremated to crumbs almost two decades before.

    His creativity was beyond anything a black could manage.

    5:18 AM
    Nonsense! Read up one Dahmer. He boiled off many of his victims' severed heads and decorated his room with them. He also kept some bodies for sexual use when he got around to it.

  114. Anonymous6:39 PM

    "His creativity was beyond anything a black could manage."

    We're giving "creativity points" to serial killers now?

    Yeah, okay, he was a cannibal, but his culinary skills were top-notch. Three Michelin stars for his liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti!

  115. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Russia says Brittney Griner's trial has been pushed back by a month. Stay tuned. There may be more "delays."

  116. Anonymous7:09 PM

    “His corpses were fresh, not cremated to crumbs almost two decades before.“

    Ew, you like to screw the freshly dead. Now that’s some sick shit. Well, I guess that’s one way a smelly unattractive person like yourself can have sex.

  117. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Davenport couple arrested after toddler dies weighing just 9.5 pounds, deputies say

    By Amanda Rabines Orlando Sentinel May 12, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    A couple from Davenport was arrested after their 2-year-old daughter died suffering from long-term starvation, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.

    On Wednesday, homicide detectives with the Sheriff’s Office arrested 57-year-old Regis Johnson and 35-year-old Arhonda Tillman for negligent child abuse.

    An autopsy on the victim performed by the District 10 Medical Examiner’s Office determined she had no food in her stomach and weighed 9.5 pounds when she died, PCSO said.

    (article continues)

    The mugshots prove the couple is black as sin, and twice as ugly!

  118. Anonymous7:32 PM

    you like to screw the freshly dead.

    Only a sicko could take a refutation of a claim about someone's mother and interpret it that way.  Must have incestuous necrophilia on the brain.

  119. Filled out my primary ballot last night, gonna mail it in when I go to town for groceries in a bit.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  120. Anon is a sicko9:22 PM

    "Only a sicko could take a refutation of a claim about someone's mother and interpret it that way. Must have incestuous necrophilia on the brain."

    Says the guy who likes his dead meat fresh. Sicko.

  121. Anon is a sicko9:35 PM

    Atlanta teacher sentenced for rape and child molestation. I don't know what's worse, a sicko that screws dead people or a child molester. Guess the race of both of these sickos, yup white dudes. Check the mug shot. These sickos can't have normal relationships so they screw the vulnerable and the dead but yet point the finger elsewhere.


    And STILL stuck on stupid. On the bright side, it will kill off their own constituents.

  123. Anonymous10:58 AM


    The anti-science party strikes again.

    Something has gone very wrong with this country when politicians are trying to give medical personnel permission to not do their jobs properly (see: “conscience clauses”) or even preventing medical personnel from doing their jobs properly.

  124. "The anti-science party strikes again."

    This should be on the front page of every news publication. How can ANYONE defend this B.S.? This is just dangerous and indefensible but MAGAs will find a way to defend it. We are fracturing into two separate countries and that may not be the worst outcome. I mean I certainly don't want to interact with anyone like our racist trolls.

  125. Anonymous11:33 AM

    There are currently sone major difficulties with the production of infant formula. The governor of Texas thinks the best solution to this problem is not to devote government resources to manufacturing more formula, or to temporarily reduce restrictions on importing formula from overseas, but instead we should just ration the formula for true red-white-and-blue American babies, and let illegal immigrant babies starve.

    Here’s the official statement from Abbott’s office. It’s hard to believe that anyone thought it was a good idea to put these repulsive thoughts in writing, but here we are.

  126. Anonymous11:49 AM

    “ration the formula for true red-white-and-blue American babies, and let illegal immigrant babies starve.“

    Holy shit, they’re saying the quiet part outloud.😳

  127. Anonymous at 11:49,

    Here is the "pro-life" party openly calling for starving real babies to death. I guess, to them fetuses are the only true, living, human beings.

  128. "Here is the "pro-life" party openly calling for starving real babies to death. I guess, to them fetuses are the only true, living, human beings."

    At least we don't have to pretend to be a Christian nation anymore.

  129. Anonymous1:33 PM

    The 2024 Republican presidential primary is going to be a true horror show, with Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and God knows who else, all in a race to the bottom, announcing ever-crueler and more bigoted, nonsensical policies in an attempt to position themselves as even more right-wing than Trump.

    And I don't really see how the latter is possible, unless one plans on goosestepping down Main Street in full Nazi regalia.

  130. Calling all sane commenters here:
    Please check out this website. John Fetterman is currently running in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary with a good chance to win.

    Most of his campaign contributions come from small donors. Since I think he's a good guy, I just sent him $25.00 and will send more if he wins the nomination next Tuesday, May 17.
    Please send him a buck of two if you feel like it and can afford it.

  131. P.S. ooops, I forgot to mention, John is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Pat Toomy who is retiring at the end of the year.

  132. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hundreds of rowdy Colored youths stormed the streets of downtown Chicago on Wednesday night in an un-permitted party organized on social media
    Officials say that about 400 Negroes - between 14 and 21 years old - mobbed the city in an event where a 'significant amount' of alcohol was confiscated
    Footage from the evening shows mobs of juveniles in the city streets, dancing and even climbing on top of cars and public transit buses
    Nobody was hurt during the night, according to Chicago PD, though a few alcohol related arrests were made

    The streets of downtown Chicago descended into chaos on Wednesday evening as hordes of teens and juveniles flooded the streets in a flash-party organized on social media.

    Alderman Michele Smith, of Chicago's 43rd ward, said in a statement that about 400 individuals - mostly consisting of juveniles and young adults - took over the streets in the vicinity of North Avenue Beach.

    'This promoted event was un-permitted by the City and the Park District,' Smith said in a statement on Thursday, 'Police received advance warning of the event and placed extensive resources at every entrance to the beach, including the pedestrian bridge.

  133. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Bidet send all the baby formula to illegals on the border to buy votes.

  134. Anonymous3:08 PM

    South Carolina mom who won Season 20 of Worst Cooks in America is found guilty of beating her three-year-old foster daughter to death and is sentenced to life in prison

  135. Anonymous4:17 PM

    “Bidet send all the baby formula to illegals on the border to buy votes”

    Why that dirty bastard! “Buying” the votes of people who can’t vote, by not killing their kids. What new level of depravity will those dastardly Dems sink to next?

  136. Everything Fergus does is destructive and incompetent. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:
    Kurt Eichenwald
    That media talks about baby formula shortage w/o knowing whats going on is amazing. Trump's USMCA restricted imports of formula from Canada, so we imported no formula from Canada in 2021, leaving us vulnerable to domestic shock. The shock hit when Abbott plant was contaminated.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. Wasicu almost met an early demise yelling at wrong Black guy. Hillary-ous.

  138. Anonymous6:19 PM

    “Trump's USMCA restricted imports of formula from Canada, so we imported no formula from Canada in 2021, leaving us vulnerable to domestic shock.”

    I knew that there were trade restrictions contributing to the baby formula shortage. I did not know that the trade restrictions were tied to Trump’s phony baloney trade posturing against “evil foreigners.”

    It figures, though. Pretty much everything he touched turned to shit.

  139. I kinda figured they had to be related somehow. From Pamela Merritt's Twitter feed:

    Dr. Victoria Dooley
    May 13
    At least once a week I have someone whose liver enzymes are elevated after COVID. But, here we are pretending that the #Hepatitis in children has nothing to do with the pandemic.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  140. Here we go again. This is America.

  141. Buffalo mass murderer is a wasicu scumacyst worried about being replaced by POC or some such shit.

  142. "Buffalo mass murderer is a wasicu scumacyst worried about being replaced by POC or some such shit."

    A bunch of lives ruined including his own because he believed racist BS. Fox should be proud of itself.

  143. Anonymous11:44 AM

    What about racist BS like "all white people are oppressors" and "a black person invented X" where X is everything from the light bulb to the traffic signal?

    All this stuff does is inflame racial tensions and put innocent people at risk.

  144. Anonymous said....

    "All this stuff does is inflame racial tensions and put innocent people at risk."

    11:44 AM
    Holy shit! Now I see why some folks are calling us white people snow flakes! If the stuff you posted would "inflame racial tensions and put innocent people at risk" then how come Democrats are not out shooting Republicans? They constantly slander us with lies. Trump, the MAGA god,and his minions insist that Democrats are pedophiles, blood drinkers, communists, etc.

    It's Trump and his followers with their calls for violence that is motivating these killers.


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  146. Anonymous12:23 AM

    If the stuff you posted would "inflame racial tensions and put innocent people at risk" then how come Democrats are not out shooting Republicans?

    You ARE shooting Republicans.  When James Hodgekinson shot House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and three others, that was a Democrat-on-Republican shooting inspired by hate.  When Floyd Lee Corkins shot security guard Leo Johnson at the Family Research Council, that was a Democrat-on-Republican shooting inspired by hate (spread by the SPLC).  When Michael Reinoehl shot Aaron Danielson dead in Oregon, that was a Democrat-on-Republican murder inspired by hate.

    German Antifa even has an international hit list including a number of Americans.

    They constantly slander us with lies.

    Like what?  "Soft on crime"?  Soaring crime rates in Dem-run polities prove it.  "Anti-American"?  The utter HORROR that anyone might want scarce American baby formula reserved for Americans, and illegal immigrants simply sent home, proves that you are indeed anti-American.

    It's Trump and his followers with their calls for violence that is motivating these killers.

    If you think Trump or any of his supporters have a thing to do with the murders in Chicago, in St. Louis, in Philadelphia, in Baltimore... you are nuttier than a fruitcake.  But we all knew that anyway.

  147. Your post inspired me, thank you! Also check the alabama open carry law
