Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Add climate change to our list of problems.

Still don't believe that climate change is real? 

Well, if you have been living in the FOX NEWS bubble over the past few years, you might still believe that it's all just a hoax. 

I hate to break it to you, but  if you do, you're in for a big surprise. 

The following is portions of an article from the Zinn Education Project: 

"If you have been reading the news or watching Democracy Now!, you have seen how climate chaos is crashing through the world:

Over 100 million people are under heat advisories in the United States as an early-season heat wave continues to break records from the Southwest to the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, firefighters are battling more than three dozen uncontained fires.

In Iraq, a massive dust storm hospitalized more than 5,000 people with respiratory ailments, in the latest of seven terrible dust storms to hit that country in just the last month. Temperatures in the Middle East and Central Asia have already soared to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.

In Montana, record flooding has forced the closing of all five entrances to Yellowstone National Park. Roads and bridges in the area have been washed away. Flood levels on the Yellowstone River are now beyond record levels.

Pakistan and India just suffered through their hottest April in a century of record-keeping, with temperatures reaching more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit in parts of South Asia, resulting in misery for millions in that region.[Source]   

As if we don't have enough to worry about. 


Image from the University of Exeter. 


  1. Sane people have been concerned about this for years.

  2. For more climate information.

  3. My nephew wrote an article for NOAA on analyzing winter and spring climate conditions precipitation, temperatures, drought, to predict the extent of wildfires during the upcoming summer season across western U.S. The model predicts another severe wildfire season but not to the extent of last year. He's receiving threats from assorted lunatic fringe types who think it's all horseshit and they point to another study done by noted climate scientist Mean Marjo Green that wildfires are caused by space lasers installed by George Soros on another galaxy.

  4. My dad worked for the US Forest Service for thirty years starting in 1961 and it just didn't used to be this way. Full stop. Between the drought and the beetles in has enabled, right around half of the standing timber in the forests around here (just south of Yosemite) is dead, just waiting for a heat wave and a spark to burn.
    We have the heat wave this week, and we're hoping to avoid the spark.
    They did extensive prescribed burns earlier this year, but it's too hot and dry to do any more, and we live in what they call "the gap" between two massive burn scars, 2017's Railroad fire, which was close enough to drop burning embers the size of your foot right next to the house, and 2020's Creek fire four ridges to the east of here that was at the time California's largest single wildfire (not a complex of fires).
    This year was the driest winter on record, and followed a couple of early snows that were just enough to build up the fuel load that has been drying since January.
    So yeah, some of us have been paying attention to climate change for a while now.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. “But with Elon Musk, what I would say is, I welcome support from African Americans, what can I say?” - Ron DeSatan

  6. I think maybe 50% of the back county oak trees in San Diego and Riverside counties are very sick or dying from lack of water which makes them more susceptible to bark beetles. We used to be home to some of the healthiest oak trees in California with trees as old as three hundred years or so.

    I remember thirty years ago in happier times there was a study to be made of the unique oak genomes to be found in Julian and Ramona. It was a beautiful tribute to these timeless witnesses to history.

    There are still many lovely forests. Everything brightens up in the rainy season. Manzanitas and smaller native shrubs thrive and provide habitat. Glorious springtimes, rainy winters and pretty autumns abound. But the overall markers of the health of the forests are telling. Dry seasons are very nearly year-round in many places. Timberlines climb higher as species struggle to keep up. Fire season starts in May or June or earlier in a dry year. Even the El Niño phenomenon in 2015-2016 did not produce a long rainy season in Southern California. At least we did have rain from November to March, our normal rainy season.

    2014 it seemed as if California was on fire. Temperatures along the I-5 corridor hovered around 108 degrees from Bakersfield to nary close to Mt. Shasta. 2018 was worse. The Thomas Fire burned an entire forest surrounding Ojai. Ojai itself was so hot it was impossible to walk around outside of the car or the resort. I'm talking about 110 degrees. Normally cool areas in my city had no relief from 106 degree temperatures. My own little canyon-cooled palisade roost had several days of 106 degree temperatures. This was unheard of twenty years ago. Temps have been mild for two or three years now, but rain is way down. I fear the next deadly heat wave. I can barely keep one room in the house down in the 80s when it is over 100 degrees outside. Thank the Goddess we still have cool nights. I remember seeking the library just to sit in the AC for hours on end reading and chilling.

  7. So I visited Mt. Shasta the summer of 2014. The entire snowcap on the peak had very nearly melted away to a tiny pencil tip.

  8. S'posed to be 105 debris here on Sunday. We have had some thunderstorms but only minute amount of rains with them. Crops look okay so far, but my spuds don't appreciate hot temps. I, personally, can handle some heat while I work in my garden.

  9. Teens charged in South Street mass shooting extradited back to Philadelphia

    Qaadir Dukes-Hill and Nahjee Whittington were both taken into custody in Richmond, Virginia.

    PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- The two teenagers charged in connection with a mass shooting on South Street are back in Philadelphia, police said Wednesday.

    Qaadir Dukes-Hill, 18, of Drexel Hill, and Nahjee Whittington, 17, of Philadelphia, are both facing murder charges, authorities said. Hill is charged in the death of Alexis Quinn, while Whittington is accused in the death Kristopher Minners, 22.

    Both teens were arrested at an apartment in Richmond, Virginia, on June 9 by federal marshals. They were both extradited to face charges in Philadelphia.

    Three people died in the shooting on South Street, and several other people were injured.

    Joanne Pescatore, homicide unit chief at the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, said that according to surveillance video, the two teens, who are friends and had fled to Virginia together, fired randomly into the crowd in response to hearing gunshots down the block. It did not appear that the teens and the victims knew one another.

    "It appears that they had guns, took them out and just started randomly firing," Pescatore said.

  10. "they point to another study done by noted climate scientist Mean Marjo Green that wildfires are caused by space lasers installed by George Soros on another galaxy."


  11. Elections have consequences. Vote accordingly.

  12. "Qaadir Dukes-Hill, 18, of Drexel Hill, and Nahjee Whittington, 17, of Philadelphia"

    So the last few mass shooters were all teenagers. Seems like common sense to raise the age to at least 21 to purchase a gun or hell 25. Can buy an assault rifle but can't rent a car. Weird country. This makes sense because the human brain isn't fully developed until around 25.

  13. magat brains remain in juvenile detention until they hit puberty around age 90.

  14. Abbot baby formula factory shut down again, this time due to flooding. Likely on Biden's orders. You know Biden controls the weather.

  15. Anonymous3:15 PM

    “You know Biden controls the weather.“

    Of course, HAARP.

  16. Anonymous4:10 PM

    “So the last few mass shooters were all teenagers. Seems like common sense to raise the age to at least 21 to purchase a gun or hell 25. Can buy an assault rifle but can't rent a car. Weird country. This makes sense because the human brain isn't fully developed until around 25.”

    Age restrictions are a pretty difficult call, though. The same “undeveloped brains” logic says you should raise the age of sexual consent to 25, as well as yank youngsters’ right to join the military or vote. I don’t think those plans would go over too well.

    As for driving, it’s a myth that you can’t legally rent a car until age 25. It’s either 18 or 21 in all states. Young drivers do end up paying more to rent a car, though, because insurance companies get away with charging more for young drivers and car rental agencies can legally pass those costs on.

  17. The New Mexico state supreme court has ordered Otero county commissioners to do their damn jobs and certify the primary election held on June 7, that one of the commissioners said she couldn't certify because she knew in her heart that the Dominion vote tabulators were somehow illegitimate.
    They have given them until tomorrow to do so, a deadline complicated by the fact that a different commissioner is due in court in DC tomorrow for his involvement in the January 6 riot.
    These are only county commissioners. The goddamn Republicans have election denying idiots running for state SOS in multiple states, and already winning their primaries, setting them up to run the elections in those states if they win their general elections.
    This is the manifestation of the goddamn Republicans' all out assault on American democracy, which they can no longer reliably win elections in despite heavy institutional bias in their favor.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  18. Who needs guns in elementary schools when kids get served a milky white floor sealant, instead of milk, for school breakfast?

    Does floor sealant come from the dairy in milk cartons?

    Climate change is driving people crazy.

  19. Anonymous5:14 PM

    “The same “undeveloped brains” logic says you should raise the age of sexual consent to 25, as well as yank youngsters’ right to join the military or vote.“

    Nope, just buying a gun. The other shit I don’t GAF about because that doesn’t affect the society at large.

  20. Anonymous5:16 PM

    “Young drivers do end up paying more to rent a car, though, because insurance companies get away with charging more for young drivers”

    And there ya go nitpcking ninny, price them out of the market without changing a single law. You’re on to something.

  21. Anonymous5:21 PM

  22. 15 y/o wasicu son of a school board member posted a video saying to shoot N****** for fun.

    Sheriff is looking to see if they can charge the little racist fucker. Claimed they rattled his cage to see if he had any remorse.

    Why not just shoot the bitch and say you were afvraid for your life? Or does that only work when the shootee is innocent Black child?

  23. Hershel Walker has 2 more chillens than he cares to admit. Now he has 4 and is a congenital liar just like all magats.

  24. What was Hershel thinking running for office?

  25. You must have assumed Walker is capable of thoughts. I had heard drumpf asked him to run.

  26. Anonymous7:33 PM

    “What was Hershel thinking running for office?“

    He was thinking he will win the senate seat from Georgia.

  27. Walker win? Not legally or ethically.

  28. "Walker win? Not legally or ethically."

    It's Georgia. He will probably win.

  29. Mike,

    105 degrees is getting pretty hot for working. I know that people in places like Desert Hot Springs, CA or Phoenix can work or walk for hours in 100 degree plus weather, but they are acclimated to a high heat index.

    Isn't the high 80s more typical for this time of year in a place like Des Moines or Burlington?

  30. The dirt and smog pollution from China and other countries factories is coating the glaciers grey causing them to absorb more sun heat and melt, that's a huge contributing factor. But of course mankind cannot do without it's modern conveniences so it will continue and increase until life can no longer exist on the polluted earth, at which point the globe will slowly engulf and destroy all traces of this 'civilization'. The only remnants will be things made with earths natural materials, stone etc.. Then the earth will start all over creating 'life'. Remember they say earth is 'millions' of years old. These future people will find any natural stone artifacts that we may have made and exclaim "look stuff from this ancient civilization' oooh they were so intelligent but of course not highly developed!"... The nerve talking about us like that! xD

  31. Flying Junior, average July temps for iowa....

    Daily high temperatures are around 85°F, rarely falling below 76°F or exceeding 94°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 85°F on July 20. Daily low temperatures are around 66°F, rarely falling below 56°F or exceeding 74°F.

    We are usually fairly mild.

  32. Normal high for Des Moines for this time of year is a high of 82 degrees and low of 63 degrees.


  34. This is off topic, but I couldn't resist.

    Wow, the two white men who did this were arrested.


  35. The suspect is a seventy-one-year old, white man.

  36. Teens attack trans-gender student at their high school and were arrested.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. 3rd Alabama church shooting had died.

  39. Anonymous3:43 PM

    COVID vaccines are finally FDA-approved for all ages.

    You can count on it. The vaccination of infants will cause the usual science-denying suspects to lose their minds.

  40. Mike at 3:33 PM

    Thanks for the heads up, The article said they were arrested.

  41. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Elon Musk: I want to buy Twitter and eliminate all the rules because I believe in unlimited free speech rights.

    Also Elon Musk: I’m firing employees for complaining about the shitty corporate culture I created.

  42. Fergus is demanding equal time. I, for one, hope he gets hella time.
    Elon Musk is supporting DeSantis. I'm done with him forever.
    An aftermarket company is selling an adapter that allows a Ford F-150 Lightning to charge a Tesla, along with bumper stickers that read "Tesla rescue squad".

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  43. Anonymous1:34 AM

    “An aftermarket company is selling an adapter that allows a Ford F-150 Lightning to charge a Tesla, along with bumper stickers that read ‘Tesla rescue squad.’”

    In a Tesla, I’d be more worried about the dangerous, faulty “driver assist” computer spontaneously deciding to crash the car than about the batteries running out of juice.

    There have been a lot of wrecks, and I expect a very expensive class action lawsuit will soon be headed in Tesla’s general direction.

  44. Gambler, I removed that post after a review. The spelling was so bad The post was correct about the pigs not arresting anyone at that time. They did return later and made arrests. I am not sure who made them do their jobs.

    Good news for iowans. Weather Channel said only 99 degrees for tomorrow instead of triple digits.

    On the hypocrisy front, yesterday South duhkota senior sinator, Marlboro Barbie Thune spoke at American Legion bragging to them about new healthcare benefits for burn pit military victims a day after Thune voted against that bill.

  45. Montana guv Ted Cruzed the state, he vacationed in Italy while the state had flooding emergency.

    Same guy body slammed a news reporter right before election and still won.

  46. Seems a 71 year old, white man shot three people at a church pot-luck dinner in Alabama Thursday evening. One died at the scene and the other two died later at local hospitals.


    Why are white men so violent?

  47. How is it that every time Insane Clown commits a crime it requires an additional burden of proof not only that he committed the crime but intended to commit such. First Manhattan AG Bragg has apparently dropped the bank fraud case (although the parallel investigation by NY State AG James is ongoing it is civil not criminal) and now we are hearing the same shit with "J6". This committee damn well better explicitly recommend indictments of Insane Clown and others. They better do the needful to follow up sharing transcripts and whatever else DOJ requires. After one hearing after another being all about Insane Clown they damn well come up with better than some changes to the Electoral Count Act. Again and again Democrats demonstrate a will to lose.

  48. Anonymous4:58 PM

    “In a Tesla, I’d be more worried about the dangerous, faulty ‘driver assist’ computer spontaneously deciding to crash the car than about the batteries running out of juice.

    There have been a lot of wrecks, and I expect a very expensive class action lawsuit will soon be headed in Tesla’s general direction.”

    Tesla has also taken an additional beating because Musk unwisely flushed a bunch of the company’s money down the toilet by investing it in shitcoin.

    Tesla (TSLA) has lost over $500 million from its Bitcoin investment amid crypto winter

    It’s unfortunate that the founder of the first major, successful electric car company is an arrogant, childish, libertarian loon. You’d have expected it to be some left-wing, green, save-the-earth kind of guy, but that’s just not how things worked out.

  49. Mark Shields, longtime liberal news commentator and a persaonal favorite of mine, left the bldg @ age 85.

    Was a regular on PBS Washington Week In Review, on Friday nights.

  50. Alab ama church shooter is a former federally licensed gun dealer whom the FBI says did not keep track of sales and couldn't locate items in his inventory.

    Sounds like drumpf. Couldn't find his ass with either/both hands.

  51. When I lived in the East Bay, I did hear rumors about what a shit show Tesla was, from folks who had also opined about what a shit show NUMMI was back when it was a joint GM/Toyota venture before Elon bought the place and put "TESLA" on the building where it had previously said "NUMMI".
    But I was reluctant to believe them because electric cars need to happen and I had heard good things about Teslas.
    Now Musk is talking up DeSantis and it all makes more sense.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Field, you asked for our thoughts on the current extent of climate change.

    I am more worried now than I was five years ago for my adult son's future. I'm also more worried for my own future, as I'm now in my mid-60s and the next two decades are not looking very promising for old folks. The time to start stockpiling non-perishables is now. I'm not a survivalist, just a realist.

    There are too many red flags popping up all over the world to allow me much hope for human survival unless things change radically and very soon. I really didn't want to be around for the end, but no one ever does; it's not a choice one gets to make, unless one chooses to check out, and I've decided against that. For now.

    Climate affects everything. The worse climate change gets, the more imperiled life everywhere will be. In the face of this fact, it's hard to not be terrified every single day, but one has to wall that terror off in order to continue living.

    That's my truth.

  53. A heat wave in southwest Kansas killed thousands of cattle recently. The reported numbers vary, but 2,000 seems to be the lowest confirmed number.
    "The figure from the state health and environment agency reflects only the losses at farms that asked for help in disposing of carcasses, suggesting the actual tally could be higher."
    Having raised cattle when I was growing up, I have little sympathy for the greedy bastards who didn't even provide shade for their animals, but that is how animals are raised these days.
    It would appear that climate change might make that obsolete.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  54. Cattle tend to bunch up in extremely hot weather to help fight flies, or so I have been told. I noticed in the winter time while feeding them by hand in feed bunks the trememdous amount of body heat they lose in the cold.

    With adequate feed and water and shelter from stong winds cattle survive nicely at 20 below zero. Extreme summer heat is a different animal.

  55. "I really didn't want to be around for the end, but no one ever does"

    So Jehova's Witnesses were right all along. Who knew?

  56. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Chicago shootings: 38 shot, 4 fatally in weekend violence, police say: Happy Juneteenth!!

  57. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Climate Change = HOAX

  58. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Climate changes: some days are cooler.......some days are warmer....................

  59. Anonymous said...

    Climate changes: some days are cooler.......some days are warmer....................

    12:03 PM
    True, but the average temperature of the earth continues to rise, year after year.

    But don't listen to them or to me. I'm sure you know better than we do. LOL!

  60. Anonymous said...

    Climate Change = HOAX

    12:02 PM
    The average temperature of the earth continues to rise, year after year.


  61. "Climate Change = HOAX"

    This must be from the anon who claimed to have a PhD in climatology from Colorado St. So hard to keep up with em. Hopefully it's the one that got kidnapped so we can hear the story. LOL!

  62. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Climate change is scam to fleece tax payers even more. Its junk science.

  63. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Climate change "scientists" get paid annually for a "favourable" outcome....

  64. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Why would field negros give a shit about fake climate change???? Its a white libtard thing.......

  65. Climate change is scam to fleece tax payers even more. Its junk science.

    1:07 PM

    And covid was hoax. And drumpf didn't collude with Russia and China paid us billions in tariffs on Chinese imports into the US. And drumpf is a stable genius and drumpf won the election in a landslide. And so on.

    You are a fucking moron magat, yes you arew.

  66. Anonymous2:04 PM

    “Climate change ‘scientists’ get paid annually for a ‘favourable’ outcome....”

    Fossil fuel execs get paid annually for selling a product that is destroying the planet. Analysts at fake think tanks, who work for the fossil fuel execs, get paid annually to lie and say climate change isn’t happening.

    All of them earn way more than any climate scientist.

  67. Anonymous3:15 PM

    If you believe in climate change, you believe that there are more than two sexes.............

  68. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Green New Deal is a SCAM

  69. "Climate change is scam to fleece tax payers even more. Its junk science."

    LOL! Sure, let's ignore atmospheric scientists who have spent their entire adult lives studying complex scientific phenomena and believe an anonymous troll.

    "Why would field negros give a shit about fake climate change???? Its a white libtard thing......."

    Because we actually study science and don't believe everything Fox "news" tells us?

  70. Anonymous6:42 PM

    “LOL! Sure, let's ignore atmospheric scientists who have spent their entire adult lives studying complex scientific phenomena and believe an anonymous troll.”

    That’s what I do. Tell us more about your in-depth research anon. Spare us no details.



  73. Remember this, folks, about the anonymoids hurling random insults:

    A fool's insult is praise, and a scoundrel's curse is a blessing.

  74. Uh oh, trouble in paradise?

  75. Hey anymoose and other magatly magats, look ehsat sctual science can do....

    Cleans water and composts human waste. About the only thing it won't do is kiss drumpf's stinky ass.

  76. Anonymous11:16 AM

    “‘Uh oh, trouble in paradise?’”

    Bwahaha, Trump says Mo Brooks has “gone woke.”

    That whopper should make even Republican voters burst out laughing. It’s self-evidently revenge for Brooks not groveling enthusiastically enough to Trump.

  77. Anonymous said...

    Climate change "scientists" get paid annually for a "favourable" outcome....

    1:09 PM
    Bull shit. You know nothing of history. Climate scientists have been warning us since the 1950s that this was coming. And here it is.
    Don't you just love the increase in category five storms, drought in dozens of countries including our own, and cold and heat waves that are killing thousands of people?
    You really should stop posting your stupid, hoax shit. It reveals to all that you are an idiot.

  78. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Another preview of our dystopian theocratic future:

    Fundie nutjobs think women who get abortions should be committed to mental institutions.

    Once the Law Protects Unborn Kids, Should We Seek Legal Penalties for Women Who Abort Them?

  79. Gambler2:
    Climate-change deniers see corruption everywhere for the same reason that a man with jaundice sees yellow everywhere.

  80. "You really should stop posting your stupid, hoax shit. It reveals to all that you are an idiot."

    Ergo they post as anon to troll. Ah, such a fruitful life.

  81. Someone should start a madrassa in Maine, as SCOTUS has just ruled that the taxpayers there would have to pay for it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  82. Anonymous10:16 PM

    “Someone should start a madrassa in Maine, as SCOTUS has just ruled that the taxpayers there would have to pay for it.”

    The Establishment Clause: “Am I a joke to you?”

  83. Anonymous10:24 PM

    It’s kind of hard to take SCOTUS’ wingnut justices seriously when they talk all that nonsense about textualism and originalism and respecting the original intent of laws. And then they look at the First Amendment and come away with the understanding that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” really means that the Founders intended to create the Republic of Jesusland.

    This kind of gives the game away that they are completely full of shit.

    Dystopian theocratic future, here we come.


    So it begins. It was fun while it lasted.


  86. "Dystopian theocratic future, here we come."

    Well, they want tax dollars and we need tax money. Seems like an easy fix. A motherload of money awaits for social programs and infrastructure.

  87. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The democratic party needs to change its slogan to "everything we touch turns to shit"

  88. Anonymous12:20 PM

    EV vehicles get 95% of their power from coal fired power plants.

  89. Anonymous12:21 PM

    bidet and democrats sold America out to the CCP.

  90. Anonymous1:02 PM

    “Well, they want tax dollars and we need tax money. Seems like an easy fix. A motherload of money awaits for social programs and infrastructure.”

    The wingnuts will find some way to make that illegal, too.

    Maybe SCOTUS will decide that the Third Amendment’s prohibition on quartering soldiers in private homes REALLY means that the government can’t tax Christians.

    They’re just making it up as they go along. Total shamelessness.

  91. Anonymous1:05 PM

    “EV vehicles get 95% of their power from coal fired power plants.”

    Eventually, there won’t be any coal-fired powered plants.

  92. magats in south duhkota impeached, removed from office and banned former AG Jason Ravnsborg from ever holding office again.

    First time in history of the state has anyone been impeached.

    Ravnsborg drove off the shouklder of Hiway 14 in state and struck and killed a flashlight carrying pedestrian late at night and lied about since this occured.

  93. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    “EV vehicles get 95% of their power from coal fired power plants.”

    Says who?

  94. I will say this, anymoose gets 150% of his bullshit from right wing magat disinformation, propaganda sites.

  95. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anyone can look up where our electricity comes from here:

    Coal generates less than natural gas.  Nuclear is about 19% and hydro is about 10%.

    Solar barely rates.

  96. Steve Scalise, *who was shot with an SKS* will refuse to vote for the weak-tea gun safety law moving through the senate right now.
    Republicans are literally too stupid to live.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  97. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "Rusty Bowers, who was harassed and pressured to overturn the damn 2020 election personally and at his house while his daughter was dying, says he would still vote for Fergus if he runs.
    Republicans are too stupid to be entrusted with democracy."

    Probably not so much stupid as a bad person.

    We can give him credit for being ethical enough not to rig the vote count because Trump told him to. At least he did that. But he's not ethical enough to admit that the Democrats aren't evil Stalinists bent on destroying America, and therefore the corrupt, fascist thug Trump not only did lose to Biden, but deserved to.

    Because admitting that the Democrats aren't abominable monsters might cause old Rusty to lose his job, and he's not willing to go that far just to be a decent human being.

  98. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    “EV vehicles get 95% of their power from coal fired power plants.”

    Eventually, there won’t be any coal-fired powered plants.

    1:05 PM
    Pure Bul sh*t. Look it up, ignorant one, and go play some where else.

  99. I was appalled when I heard that Rusty said he would vote for Trump if he runs again. I'm surprised that Rusty's head doesn't explode from all of the cognitive dissonance he is coping with.

  100. Philadelphia: Fatal Self-Defense Shootings Soar as Concealed Carry Applications Rise

    The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that justifiable homicides are rising in Philadelphia as concealed carries surge in the city.

    The Inquirer lists three recent incidents in which individuals legally carrying concealed firearms shot and killed their assailants.

    The paper then noted, “These sorts of deadly clashes in which the intended victims survive and assailants die are rare in Philadelphia, but are becoming more common as a growing number of people have legally armed themselves amid rising numbers of carjackings, shootings and homicides.”

    The Inquirer observes that “justified homicides jumped 67 percent from 2020 to 2021.” And 2022 is on pace to surpass the number of justifiable homicides witnessed last year.

    Philadelphia’s deputy police commissioner Benjamin Naish said, “We have seen an increase in the number of people that have been applying for and receiving a permit to carry. I think that they are concerned about their safety, and they’re carrying it legally, which is the big difference.”

    On June 18, 2022, [we] highlighted a CBS Philly report showing the highest annual number of concealed carry permit applications the city received between 2017 and 2020 was 11,814.

    In 2021, the number of concealed carry permits skyrocketed to 70,790.

  101. Anonymous10:04 PM

    “EV vehicles get 95% of their power from coal fired power plants.”

    Wouldn’t it depend on what state the person resides? That’s not true of my power source.🤷🏾‍♂️

  102. Fucked up society we live in thanks to you gun worshippers don't you think?

  103. Very courageous and heartbreaking testimony from Shaye and Mama Ruby. Hopefully the committee will be equally courageous and issue criminal referrals of Insane Clown, Rude Boy Giuliani, Eastman and all the rest of the Insane Clown crime family. Hopefully they will not beclown themselves by proposing feeble shit amendments to the Electoral Count Act and calling it a day. But Democrats have shown themselves to be sheepish and submissive at every turn so I'm not optimistic.

  104. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "'EV vehicles get 95% of their power from coal fired power plants.'

    Wouldn’t it depend on what state the person resides? That’s not true of my power source."


    But even according to the national numbers posted earlier, only about 60% of US electricity comes from fossil fuels. Not coal. ALL fossil fuels.

    The rest, about 40%, is nuclear and renewables.

    And, again, eventually, there will be no coal-fired power plants. More and more of our electricity is going green every day. The idiot troll sticking his fingers in his ears and going "la la la" won't stop that from happening.

  105. Anonymous12:30 AM

  106. Good lord there are tapes. Films, actually. Pass the popcorn.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  107. Anonymous4:25 AM

    “Good lord there are tapes. Films, actually. Pass the popcorn.”

    Too bad the films are horror movies, in which a deranged orange-skinned psychopath commits an attempted murder of democracy.

  108. Anonymous at 4:25 AM,

    Very clever post! It says it all in just a few words. My complements to you.


  110. Anonymous1:19 PM

    EV are not the immediate future. ICE is....

  111. Anonymous2:27 PM

    “EV are not the immediate future. ICE is....”

    EV are available now, and result in lower carbon emissions in those states that already have a lot of non-fossil fuel electricity generation.

    Also, have you noticed how expensive it is to pump gasoline into your ICE vehicle lately? That’s going to continue to suck, for the “immediate future.” EV owners are feeling pretty smug at the moment.

  112. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Fucked up society we live in thanks to you gun worshippers don't you think?

    I've taken the liberty of copying the link just to drive home the point:  the "gun worshippers" you are condemmning are all black.

    I am entirely down with stripping blacks of any right to own or even temporarily possess guns.

    Save for a small minority, blacks are stupid, violent and worthless.

    This seems to be auto-censored now.

  113. Reality is likely to bite magat's asses hard when their gas tank and check book show empty at the same time. Their imaginary saviour is not likely to save them and you know damn well drumpf won't.


  114. Our anonymoids auto-censor their own identity, perhaps from shame.

  115. Anonymous5:33 PM

    “Reality is likely to bite magat's asses hard when their gas tank and check book show empty at the same time. Their imaginary saviour is not likely to save them and you know damn well drumpf won't.”

    I’d like to think so, but probably not. They’ll just go with:
    “eViL bIdEn MaDe GaS pRiCeS gO uP.”

    That’s what Fox “News” told them, so …

  116. If the gun worshippers were all black we would have had gun control a long time ago.

    Like I asked you before or maybe it was some other Anonymouse. Of course you are all in limiting the "2A" to White Christians. That is because you are a Nazi. Uncle Clarence is in for a rude awakening when he finds out there are no honorary Nazis and you don't want his black ass around either.

  117. Be prepared for gun toting (concealed) magats to go where ever the hell they want with theit little shooty gun penis extensions now that Uncle Tom says the constitution is jake with guns everywhere.

    We have met the enemas and they be magats.

  118. Fergus is glued to his TV for the hearings and flying into repeated rages as he sits impotently and watches his criming splashed all across the screen.
    If the hearings accomplished nothing else, at least they ruined Fergus' day a few times.
    I have higher hopes for them, but we'll just have to wait and see.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  119. "Fergus is glued to his TV for the hearings and flying into repeated rages as he sits impotently and watches his criming splashed all across the screen."

    Unless he watches Fox. They didn't show anything about the hearings. Pretty sad a large segment of America will know nothing about a major news story.

  120. "EV owners are feeling pretty smug at the moment."

    Yes we are. LOL!

  121. Trump Close to Screaming at TV During Hearings

    June 23, 2022 at 6:22 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 111 Comments

    Former President Donald Trump “has tuned into every hearing and has grown increasingly irate — to “‘the point of about to scream at the TV,’ according to a close adviser — with what he views as the lack of defense by his Capitol Hill allies,” the Washington Post reports.

    “Trump has said privately for months that McCarthy’s decision to pull pro-Trump Republicans from sitting on the Jan. 6 select committee was a mistake, one that has become clearer as Trump watches the hearings that are working to build the case that he should be criminally charged for conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  122. Anonymous12:31 AM

    If the gun worshippers were all black we would have had gun control a long time ago.

    We used to have those.  They were called "black codes", and went along with things like racial covenants and "sundown towns".  The latter two prevented ghettoization quite effectively, until the SCOTUS outlawed them in 1948.

    Of course you are all in limiting the "2A" to White Christians. That is because you are a Nazi.

    I was wondering when you'd bring the other N-word out.

    The real irony is that I was an avowed atheist for most of my life.

  123. Anonymous11:05 AM

    “The real irony is that I was an avowed atheist for most of my life.“

    Did you start believing when you got kidnapped by white men? You gonna tell us the story of how and who kidnapped you? I know for damn sure it wasn’t negroes.

  124. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Climate change = Bullshit

  125. Anonymous11:47 AM

    EVs have a higher carbon footprint than traditional ICE vehicles..............

  126. Anonymous11:49 AM

    The nations electrical grid cannot supply the necessary electricity for a nation of EVs.

  127. Anonymous4:18 PM

    “Climate change = Bullshit“

    Says the world renowned climate scientist known as Anon.😆

  128. Anonymous6:51 PM

    “EVs have a higher carbon footprint than traditional ICE vehicles..............“

    But they’re so much faster. I am single handedly improving the EV market by destroying gas powered cars in races.

  129. Anonymous12:18 PM

    But they’re so much faster. I am single handedly improving the EV market by destroying gas powered cars in races.

    6:51 PM

    Long distance??

  130. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "Long distance??"

    Charging stations all over so yes.

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