Thursday, June 23, 2022

More guns.

As the Supremes continue to take America closer to being a Christofascist state, it is important to read articles like the following from Tom Nichols ----writing for The Atlantic, to get a grasp of where we are heading as a country. I am afraid this trend will continue for awhile, because these Justices are still relatively young, and they have lifetime appointments. 

Just remember to vote next time. Elections have consequences. 

"I used to think of myself as a gun-control conservative—I supported both the right to own firearms and the interest of the state to limit that right—but America’s gun culture isn’t about rights. It’s about performative insecurity.

Back in 1959, the country singer Marty Robbins wrote a ballad about a murderous outlaw who met his well-deserved end at the hands of a handsome young Arizona Ranger who was carrying the “Big Iron on his hip.” (The song was supposedly inspired by a weapon Robbins saw in a shop, but there is some question about whether the Big Iron was a real gun.)

It’s a great song. But it wasn’t supposed to be a guide to life in modern America.

I don’t have the energy or expertise to debate whether the Supreme Court should have taken on the case of a New York State law that limited the ability to carry weapons around in public. Honestly, I just assume that many declines in the quality of American life for the foreseeable future will be announced with “In a 6–3 decision …” Elections have consequences, and with the current composition of the Court, this decision was inevitable.

The problem is not the Court’s decision. The problem is an adolescent, drama-laden gun culture, a romance with weapons that became extreme only in the past quarter century.

It didn’t used to be this way. I grew up around guns; my father had been a police officer, and we had two of them. My older half-brother, who lived a few streets away, was a police officer. Our next-door neighbor was a police officer. My hometown was a military town, and almost all of the men I knew were veterans who owned weapons and knew how to handle them. (There were some female veterans too. My mother, for one.)

What I remember about guns is that I remember almost nothing about guns. People owned them; they didn’t talk about them. They didn’t cover their cars in bumper stickers about them, they didn’t fly flags about them, they didn’t pose for dumb pictures with them. (I’ll plead one personal exemption: When I was a little boy, relatives in Greece once posed me in a Greek Evzone-soldier costume with my uncle’s hunting shotgun. I could barely lift it.)

Today, there is a neediness in the gun culture that speaks to deep insecurities among a certain kind of American citizen. The gun owners I knew—cops, veterans, hunters, sportsmen—owned guns as part of their life, sometimes as tools, sometimes for recreation. Gun ownership was not the central and defining feature of their life.

Don’t take my word for it that things have changed. Here’s Ryan Busse, a former gun-company executive who has now taken on his former industry, talking about the day someone showed up to a hunting party with an AR-15:

The unwritten rules of decency were enforced by firearm-industry leaders … I witnessed how this worked many times, including one occasion when a young writer brought his own AR-15 to a hunting event I was hosting in 2004. The senior figures there responded immediately. “That’s not the kind of thing we want to be promoting,” they said. The newcomer was shamed into locking the gun up for the rest of the event.

This kind of affirmation of cultural norms can be a lot more powerful than any law, and I suspect that the gun-culture extremists know it. They head off expressions of this kind of social disapproval by being aggressive and performative, daring anyone to criticize them for feeling the need to be armed while getting milk and eggs at the supermarket.

I have always trusted my fellow citizens with weapons. Now the most vocal advocates for unfettered gun ownership are men sitting in their cars in sunglasses and baseball caps, recording themselves as they dump unhinged rants into their phones about their rights and conspiracies and socialism.

The Supreme Court has now affirmed that all these guys can be the handsome ranger with the Big Iron on their hip. You can be angry with the Court for furthering and enabling this weirdness, but it’s not the Court’s fault. It is, as usual, our fault, as voters and citizens, for tolerating a culture that is endangering our fellow Americans instead of insisting that all of us exercise our constitutional rights like responsible adults." [Source] 

I have a slightly different take than Mr. Nichols, as I do put a little  more blame on the folks making the laws.  But I agree with his overall sentiment: This pseudo macho culture (mostly angry white men who want to make up for deficiencies in other areas, and young urban terrorist who measure their worth by the weapons they use) that has enveloped our society, will only cause things to get worse from here.  




  1. You can say (I don't agree) that it's not the court's fault that we got where we are, but it is still their damn job to issue rulings that deal with how we are now.
    They are utterly failing to do so multiple times daily at this point.
    And yes, elections do have consequences, and everyone with two working neurons to rub together knew this was a done deal the night they called the election for Fergus.
    It will continue to get worse every time a goddamn Republican is elected to any office of public trust or responsibility.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    One more blow against Demonrat election-rigging.

  3. More Blacks Behaving Badly7:16 AM

    DC Rapper Noah Settles Turns Himself In After Tysons Mall Shooting

    A D.C. rapper wanted in connection with a shooting at Tysons Corner Center​ last Saturday turned himself into police on Wednesday.

    TYSONS, VA — A D.C. rapper wanted in connection with a shooting at Tysons Corner Center Saturday turned himself into police on Wednesday, according to the Fairfax County Police Department.

    Noah Settles, 22, was sought on charges of attempted malicious wounding, discharging a weapon into an occupied building and use of a firearm in commission of a felony, police said.

    "Noah Settles, at the age of 22 very sadly, is no stranger to law enforcement in Washington, D.C. He's no stranger to law enforcement in Prince George's County, Maryland, and now he is no stranger to the Fairfax County Police Department," Fairfax County police Chief Kevin Davis said at a news conference Thursday morning.

    "He recklessly discharged a firearm on the second floor of Tysons," Davis told reporters. "It was a crowded, beautiful Saturday afternoon. A lot of folks were there shopping in anticipation of Father's Day."

    (article continues)

    Blacks with handguns account for the vast majority of black homicide victims.  So why on earth would you care about rural White people with rifles?  What difference do they make to you?  You'll never even see one unless YOU go to THEM.

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    “Blacks with handguns account for the vast majority of black homicide victims“

    But it wasn’t Blacks that kidnapped you at gunpoint and force you to take a shit holding a gun now. Irony is lost on stupid racist trolls.

  5. Anonymous said...

    One more blow against Demonrat election-rigging.

    1:23 AM
    If you think that Democrats are the ones rigging elections, then you are much dumber than you look.

  6. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Thursday, June 23, 2022
    IT WAS ANOTHER NEGRO HOAX - FERAL NEGRO JUVENILE Student charged with MISDEMEANOR disorderly conduct for nooses found near Evanston HAVEN middle school - Once again it was a fucking HOAX
    Student Won't Face Hate Crime Charges After Nooses Found at Evanston Middle School BECAUSE HE IS BLACK!

    Police in suburban Evanston say that they have completed an investigation into three nooses that were found on the grounds of a middle school, alleging that a student at the school was responsible for the display.

    According to authorities, police were called to Haven Middle School on May 13 after reports of a disturbance. While at the scene, police spoke to a witness who led them to three ropes that had been fashioned into nooses and hung from a tree in the school’s recess area.

    Police in Evanston, with cooperation from the Evanston/Skokie School District, conducted an exhaustive investigation, using surveillance footage, cellphone videos and eyewitness testimony.
    Ultimately, police say that the nooses were put up by a BLACK student at the middle school.

    That student will face misdemeanor disorderly charges in juvenile court, but will not be charged with a hate crime, according to authorities.

    Police said that the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office reviewed the case and determined that “the actions and motive of the involved juvenile did not meet the legal, statutory elements of a hate crime” in the case.

  7. "Just remember to vote next time. Elections have consequences."

    Yup, but her email. Roe v. Wade overturned and some people need to look in the mirror. This will at least teach a generation that voting is actually important. I'm over 50 so this won't affect me but this may invigorate them.

  8. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Bill of RIGHTS: 2nd Amendment

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

  9. It is the court's fault that we got where we are, but the Republicans are the enablers, packing the courts with out of touch Chisto-facists.

    In 2008 the Supreme Court (D.C. vs Heller) ruled that the Second Amendment guaranteed the right of individuals to keep and bear arms. Justices agreeing were Roberts, Thomas, Alito Kennedy, and Scallia; all were appointed by Republican presidents.

    So now we have the wild west or if you prefer,the 1930's gang style shit show again. I don't want to hear one conservatuve or right-wing, Christo-fascist say one word about the murder rate in our country.

  10. Anonymous1:57 PM

    University of Michigan Law Professor Leah Litman called the current SCOTUS members the “YOLO court.” Because the wingnut justices are shamelessly enacting by judicial fiat all the wackadoodle right-wing policy that Republican politicians could never successfully pass as legislation because the majority of the public hates them.

    So they don’t really care if the court has any democratic legitimacy anymore; they’ll just erect higher and higher riot fences to keep angry mobs from slaying them. They don’t care much about the law, either, since they were completely willing to disregard both the plain language and history of the Establishment Clause to destroy the separation of church and state, and funnel tax money to religious schools.

    They’re gonna do what they want, consequences for the country be damned. They DGAF.

    Flush the Establishment Clause down the toilet?


    Expand gun ownership rights in the immediate wake of two huge mass shootings?


    End Roe v Wade, creating abortion law havoc between the states?


  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    NYC to offer monkeypox vaccine to gay and bisexual men in New York, Canada and the UK:

    The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on Thursday became the latest agency to begin offering monkeypox vaccines to sexually active gay and bisexual men.

    All men over age 18 who have sex with men and have had multiple or anonymous partners in the last 14 days are eligible to get the shots, the department announced. The two-dose vaccine offered, called Jynneos, is FDA-approved for both monkeypox and smallpox.

    The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on Thursday became the latest agency to begin offering monkeypox vaccines to sexually active gay and bisexual men.

    All men over age 18 who have sex with men and have had multiple or anonymous partners in the last 14 days are eligible to get the shots, the department announced. The two-dose vaccine offered, called Jynneos, is FDA-approved for both monkeypox and smallpox.

    So many black men are on the "down low"... maybe they should all have it?

  12. Anonymous3:47 PM

    CHICAGO June 1st-24 2022 to Date

    Shot & Killed: 51
    Shot & Wounded: 231
    Total Shot: 282
    Total Homicides: 54

    77%+ black

  13. Anonymous4:22 PM

    “So many black men are on the "down low"... maybe they should all have it?“

    You white conservative males should know…..wide stance type mufus.๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚

  14. The Confederates just fired on Ft. Sumter (Roe) and have no idea they have started a war they cannot win.
    Meanwhile, poor women in red states will suffer the consequences of a goddamn Republican election wedge issue run amok.
    And all the while, should the daughter of a SCOTUS justice get pregnant from a rape, she will obtain an abortion paid for by our tax dollars that fund their salaries.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  15. Mandingo5:52 PM

    "You white conservative males should know…..wide stance type mufus."

    Yup, while their wives and daughters love Black men. Check out to see how much they love the BBC.

  16. Anonymous7:04 PM

    “The Confederates just fired on Ft. Sumter (Roe) and have no idea they have started a war they cannot win.”

    I sure hope so.

    If the voting public have any damn sense, they will cast their votes on the basis of: “Republicans want to take basic civil liberties away.” And not garbage like: “Fox News says Joe Biden raised our gasoline prices to fight global warming, which isn’t real anyway.”

    We shall see.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Maaaaaaan, Fox will find a way to spin it to where it’s Biden’s fault Roe was overturned. Conservatives are way too stupid for rational thought.

  17. Anonymous7:44 PM

    And then there’s this. Texas wants to secede because we all know how well that went the first time.

  18. Are you for 86? Post Roe v Wade will not be like pre Roe v. Wade, because birth control technology has advanced. There will be smuggling of mifiprestone. It's harder to control the movement of pills than it is to control the movement of women.

    The radical right has gotten the judicial activism that they spent decades preparing for. That will have consequences. Overturning Roe v. Wade signals the start of the War on Abortion Drugs. How's that for a culture-war red flag? Abortion and drugs! Throw in the inevitable police-state power abuse and high-level hypocrisy and corruption, and you've got one for the history books. You read it here first.

    We know how previous drug wars have gone. Prohibition fails because the Invisible Hand of the Market is quicker than the All-Seeing Eye of the State.

  19. Anonymous8:23 PM

    “Are you for 86? Post Roe v Wade will not be like pre Roe v. Wade, because birth control technology has advanced. There will be smuggling of mifiprestone. It's harder to control the movement of pills than it is to control the movement of women.”

    Not only that, but you can probably expect “abortion ships” parked off shores of red states in international waters, so they will have to devote resources to patrolling their coastlines trying to stop women motoring out to get abortions there, too.

    It is going to be a complete shitshow. The “uterus cops” are going to be very busy indeed.

  20. Anonymous8:31 PM

    “patrolling their coastlines trying to stop women motoring out to get abortions there, too.”

    That won’t happen because you know conservatives are all about keeping government out of our lives right? Right?

  21. “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.” - Uncle Tom Thomas

    And Loving v. Virginia Uncle Thomas? No more Vaginni for you?!! Nooooooo!!! not that!!!

  22. ♪♫be ... traaaaaaay ... aaaaaay ... aaaaaaay ... aaaaaay ... aaaaaayed♪♫ - Soooooooooooooozie Coooooooooooooooollins

  23. Anonymous11:44 PM

    And in REAL news...

    Disturbing dashcam video shows moments leading up to murder of Uber driver...

    PITTSBURGH. Pa. (WPXI/KAKE) — Chilling dashcam video shows the moments leading up to an Uber driver's murder.

    Prosecutors in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, played in court what could be their most compelling evidence against Calvin Crew: 20 minutes of footage from 38-year-old Christina Spicuzza's Uber, showing the last moments her family will see her alive.

    Police said Crew got into the backseat. His hood was up and he wore a black face mask that covered all but his eyes. He sat still, only muttering a word or two.

    Ten minutes into the rise, Spicuzza cheerfully asks, "Did you have a good day today?"

    He mumbles and Spicuzza said "that's good."

    Eighteen minutes into the ride, police said Crew, 22, inched to the middle of the backseat and pulled a gun. He grabbed Spicuzza's ponytail and pressed the pistol to the back of her head.

    Detectives on the case said the video was heart-wrenching to watch but acknowledge it could be key to getting justice for Spicuzza and her family.

    "She tried to reason with him, and tried to plead to his humanity," said Det. Laurie McKeel with the Allegheny County Sheriff's Office.

    Det. Greg Renko said, "Knowing what's coming, watching what Crew is doing without Christina even know what's coming."

    When the dash camera was ripped off the windshield, the ride didn't end. What we don't see is that police said Spicuzza was forced to drive for another hour while Crew accessed her financial apps like Venmo, PayPal, Dollar Bank and Square.

    When these things happen, we need to execute the perps... and sterilize all of the perp's offspring.  As in, the gene pool just got a huge shot of CHLORINE from you!

  24. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Clarence now wants to do away with birth control and interracial marriages. Ginny would like a word.๐Ÿ™‚

  25. To all my friends and like thinkers,

    This morning Raw Story has posted several really good articles that deal with various reactions to the Roe decision that was announced yesterday.

    I got into one comment section and nearly couldn't tear myself away.

  26. Anonymous said...

    Clarence now wants to do away with birth control and interracial marriages. Ginny would like a word.๐Ÿ™‚

    7:22 AM
    And after that it will be in vitro fertilization, stem cell research, Tubal ligations, etc., etc, There is no end to end if we have lost the right to control our own bodies. Eventually men will be effected in ways we can't now perdict.

  27. Anonymous11:35 AM

    “Clarence now wants to do away with birth control and interracial marriages. Ginny would like a word.”

    He obviously doesn’t want to do away with the right to marry interracially, and doesn’t think that is likely to happen. And, honestly, it isn’t very likely.

    However, once you start arguing for ripping up rights previously acquired in court opinions based on a contemporary interpretation of the 14th Amendment, and instead going back to the legal and moral standards of 1868, who knows where that might lead?

  28. Anonymous said...

    He obviously doesn’t want to do away with the right to marry interracially, and doesn’t think that is likely to happen. And, honestly, it isn’t very likely.

    11:35 AM
    Even if Thomas voted no on a decision that would ban interracial marriage, he could and would be out voted by the other five radical justices. Think about what the court did with their 2010 decision, Citizens United, when they ruled that corporations are people and that money is speech.
    This opened the door to unlimited dark money.

  29. Thomas would lie about being married to a wasicu wastey thug of a woman and claim all his years rubbing elbows with other wasicus on the court turned him white.

    I don't get it. States can't regulate guns to protect kids but they can regulate women's reproductive rights to protect minute clumps of cell that can barely be detected until 8 weeks of gestation.

    Things that come in sixes.... activist magats on spotus, six guns, beer, 3-2bbl carbs.

    Remember McCTurtlefuckface and magats whining about lib justices legislating from the bench? Libs haven't controlled the spotus in nearly 50 years.

  30. Anonymous3:28 PM

    “Remember McCTurtlefuckface and magats whining about lib justices legislating from the bench?“

    Yup, I also remember him ignoring the constitution and holding a seat open until after an election 11 months out and then shoving a justice on the court 1 month before an election. These people are dangerous because they believe their invisible sky daddy talks to them.

  31. In murderous theocracy news, Patriarch Kirill, who supports Russia's obscene war on Ukraine and all of the rape and murder in it, slipped on some holy water and fell on his fat ass.

    -Doug in Sugar Pines

  32. Anonymous4:12 PM

    “I don't get it. States can't regulate guns to protect kids but they can regulate women's reproductive rights to protect minute clumps of cell that can barely be detected until 8 weeks of gestation.”

    Here’s an easy explanation:

    Republicans like rednecks who are in loving, committed relationships with their gun collections.

    Republicans hate “slutty” women who accidentally got themselves pregnant and don’t want to give birth.

    The interests of kids — either the fully developed, real kind who are getting shot at with AR-15s while attending school, or the fake kind that are actually clumps of cells in a woman’s uterus — weren’t actually a factor in the minds of the justices who made these Supreme Court decisions.


    Maine figured out a way to stop private and religious schools from getting tax payer monies and it doesn't discriminate.

    Should work. Fuck magats.

  34. Anonymous3:07 PM

    When will SCOTUS overturn Plessy v. Ferguson??

  35. Wingnut job Peggy Noonan told "Meet the Press" magats should use victory over Roe and become a party that helps women.

    Guess who just about got laughed out of the studio?

    With magats for friends, weomen don't need cancer or dead beat hubbies.

  36. Peggers was possibly drunker than usual? Down cold turkey and experiencing brutal DTs? Or just the same mediocre hack she's always been?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous3:50 PM

    “When will SCOTUS overturn Plessy v. Ferguson??“

    When white blonde women like Gini Thomas stop craving BBC. In other words never. LOL

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    “When will SCOTUS overturn Plessy v. Ferguson??”

    Um, sixty-eight years ago?

  39. Anonymous4:27 PM

    “Maine figured out a way to stop private and religious schools from getting tax payer monies and it doesn't discriminate.

    Should work. Fuck magats.”

    That’ll work for a year or two — until SCOTUS overturns Employment Division v. Smith, arguing that it violates the 1st Amendment religious rights of Christians if you refuse to give them tax money to discriminate against gays.

    Which almost certainly will happen.

  40. Olivia Rodrigo and Lily Allen had a message for the SCOTUS justices from the stage at Glastonbury:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. From Talking Points Memo....

    A new CBS News poll shows Americans see the Court decision overturning Roe as a “step backward” rather than a “step forward” by a 21 point margin. 59% of Americans disapprove of the decision. 67% of women disapprove of the decision. Almost exactly the proportion of Americans who disapprove of the decision, support overruling it with a new federal law. That’s 58%. This is a YouGov poll and these results are if anything more favorable for the anti-Roe side than most. But it still shows a decision that is overwhelmingly unpopular. 50% of Democrats say they are more likely to vote because of the decision, 28% for indies and 20% for GOPs.

  42. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Hmmmm. So now it's about abortion.

    After 400 years, the systems put in place to keep black folks who are already born, on the "bottom rung of the ladder" are still in effect. Still blocking them from receiving quality education, meaningful employment, advancement and salary equity. Controlling how many they let in, how many they keep, how little they will pay them, and when they will be fire them.

    However, there's a particular minority population that is steadily growing, gaining ground, and causing concern to those in power. They did not arrive in America as the result of the slave trade and have not lived under "Jim Crow." They marry each other, raise their families, buy homes, and start businesses. Also, they register to vote, run for office, vote for each other, and vote in their best interest.

    Everyone knows that "POWER" lies with those that run the government and make the laws.

    There's a baby shortage due to abortion, fertility problems etc. But it's not among the blacks, browns and beige communities.

    "Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures." Especially for those seeking to remain in power. This ban on abortion appears to be about creating more babies that look like those in power.

    This ban on abortion (which is basically the opposite of China's " One Baby Rule" that went on for 20 years) appears to be a very strategic move.

    The questions are: 1) Will It Work? 2) What Will Be The Consequences?

    The answer is: Only Time Will Tell.

  43. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Brittney Griner's phony-baloney trial starts on Friday in Russia.

  44. Anonymous12:53 PM

    The Supreme Court continues their crusade to turn the U.S. into the Republic of Jesusland.

    Public school teachers pressuring their students to participate in group prayer sessions is now apparently totally fine. (Although, my guess is that it will suddenly become extremely NOT fine if they are asked to pray to Allah or Vishnu.)

    Supreme Court further erodes separation between church and state in case of praying football coach

  45. Pence tells Kudlow no president in Pence's lifetime has ever lied more than Biden.

    Say what? And with a straight face.

  46. Anonymous said...

    “When will SCOTUS overturn Plessy v. Ferguson??”
    As soon as they think they can.

  47. Anonymous2:40 PM

    “When will SCOTUS overturn Plessy v. Ferguson??”

    Plessy v. Ferguson was the 19th-century “separate but equal” ruling that underpinned much of Jim Crow. It was overturned by Brown v Board of Education in 1954.

    I don’t foresee Brown ever being overturned.

    As long as we still have a democratic system, the backlash would be too great.

    On the other hand, if democracy fell, there would be no need to overturn a previous court judgment. It could just be ignored at that point. The new fascist Supreme Leader would issue a decree to round up the “Untermenschen” and his word would be law.

  48. Anonymous said...

    Hmmmm. So now it's about abortion.

    After 400 years, the systems put in place to keep black folks who are already born, on the "bottom rung of the ladder" are still in effect. Still blocking them from receiving quality education, meaningful employment, advancement and salary equity. Controlling how many they let in, how many they keep, how little they will pay them, and when they will be fire them.

    However, there's a particular minority population that is steadily growing, gaining ground, and causing concern to those in power. They did not arrive in America as the result of the slave trade and have not lived under "Jim Crow." They marry each other, raise their families, buy homes, and start businesses. Also, they register to vote, run for office, vote for each other, and vote in their best interest.

    Everyone knows that "POWER" lies with those that run the government and make the laws.

    There's a baby shortage due to abortion, fertility problems etc. But it's not among the blacks, browns and beige communities.

    "Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures." Especially for those seeking to remain in power. This ban on abortion appears to be about creating more babies that look like those in power.

    This ban on abortion (which is basically the opposite of China's " One Baby Rule" that went on for 20 years) appears to be a very strategic move.

    The questions are: 1) Will It Work? 2) What Will Be The Consequences?

    The answer is: Only Time Will Tell.

    11:40 AM
    All true. Old timers, such as I have watched it unfold as population trends indicated whites would be outnumbered in the not too distant future.

    So now we have industry leaders, state governments, and individuals in blue states scrambling to provide support for women from antiabortion states. I am one of them. I plan to offer housing for women who come here to maintain control of their own bodies.

    The abortion ban is a death sentence for some American women and a burden to millions of others. I will do my best to help as many as I can.

    It is sad that six justices can deem one-hundred-million women slaves of the state with just the stroke of a pen.

    BTW,I am an eight-five year old white woman. I have many family members and friends of all "races" who think the same as I do.

  49. "I don’t foresee Brown ever being overturned."

    Neither does Susan Collins.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. I once heard a presentation on Brown by a senior lawyer for the NAACP. He explained that they picked apart Plessy by going to the courts, time after time, with concrete examples of how separate but equal didn't work. Finally, it got to the point where it became clear to the Court that they had to just end it.

    The Christian Taliban didn't do that. They put their allies on the bench until they got to the point where they could overturn Roe in one stroke.

    We are losing our democracy to Christianist autocracy.

  51. ishikavarma said...

    "Thank you very much for writing a great post. If there is anything in my life that I think is very important and I should understand it, I always try to understand it and I have seen your post. Saw this and liked this post a lot, so I am complimenting your post thoughtfully."
    Thank you so much for your kind words. Your support is very much appreciated. I am sad because the Court ruled as it did. In the past I have held the Court in high regard and respect, but that is no longer the case. Seems they have become the tool of christo-fascist forces.

  52. Anonymous8:31 PM

    He explained that they picked apart Plessy by going to the courts, time after time, with concrete examples of how separate but equal didn't work.

    Integration doesn't work either, as was proven across the nation but most vividly in KCMO.  That's because nothing is going to change Africans into Europeans.  The African is simply a different animal.

    It's time to stop trying.  Separation is the answer.

  53. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Trust Grabbler2 to post an answer to a spam.


  54. Anonymous said...

    "Trust Grabbler2 to post an answer to a spam."


    8:32 PM
    If follow this blog, you know I tend to respond to spammers and trolls such as you no matter how sincere or idiotic their comments are.

    I may be guilty of being senile, but then if I were how would I know? However, it's irrelevant because if I am senile, I'm still twice as smart and coherent as you are or ever will be.
    And if you think you can upset me with your post, well you are dumber than a post, 'cause I don't give a shit what you and your ilk think of me. LOL.

    Have a nice night.

  55. Mandingo10:52 PM

    "It's time to stop trying. Separation is the answer."

    Sure, keep your white ass away from us. But your women love us. For evidence of this go to to see how much your women love the BBC.

  56. Mandingo said...

    "Sure, keep your white ass away from us. But your women love us. For evidence of this go to to see how much your women love the BBC.

    10:52 PM
    LOL!Good one, Mandingo! I'm still laughing.

  57. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I'm still laughing at this:

    Fried mandingo.  One hood rat good-ified.

    Seriously, how dumb do you have to be not to see that coming a mile away, let alone be dumb enough to DO it?

  58. Separation does work. Anyfuckingmoose and his teroll buddies have been separated from reality and are lost in a world of alternate facts.


    GoSuck continues his lying streak and got busted for it.

  60. Mike,
    Republican politicians and their trolls who follow behind them lapping up their dung have no honor, no integrity, and no humanity. They are evil spirits.

  61. Know why sharks won't eat magats? They're always bitter!

  62. Anonymous4:32 PM

    “Know why sharks won't eat magats? They're always bitter!”

    Not because they’re full of shit?


    Some encouraging Dem news aways out from the election.

  64. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Bold move. While Supreme Court justices are quietly dismantling the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, while refusing to admit that's what they're doing, Lauren Bobo is openly taking a hot, steaming dump on it.

    GOP Rep. Boebert: ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk’

    Man, I hope this dumb bitch loses her primary.

  65. OMG, this video!

    A man (specifics invisible) has climbed a high-voltage transmission tower and has walked out on the second of the 3 cross-arms on one side.  Spectators on the ground urge him to "wow it", the last of which appears to be the cameraman.  He reaches both arms out toward the top wire.  There is a flash of white-hot gas and a loud hum which lasts for a fraction of a second.  As a woman screams, the man, presumably now dead, falls through the lattice of the middle arm, down onto the lower arm, and then down to the ground.  The body bounces once.

    At least one onlooker claps in applause.

    A few seconds later, a fat black woman in a black-striped yellow top passes the camera left to right, holding her hand over her mouth.  She is accompanied by a taller black man in a red shirt and a black baseball cap.  The video cuts off at 26 seconds.

    Instead of urging the victim to climb back down, at least two and maybe three onlookers urged the victim to "wow it".  The woman who was obviously upset at the man's fate is NOT heard until the fatal contact, suggesting that she was simply too stupid to see the disaster before it came to fruition.  Then there's the onlooker who applauded, as if a fatal electrocution and fall was merely entertainment to him.

    Black lives don't matter to blacks.  The proof is right there.

  66. Shorter Flynn "Can't she just shoot me in the face already?":

    Exchange of the Day

    June 28, 2022 at 2:52 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 150 Comments

    Video testimony of Michael Flynn testifying before the January 6 Committee, with Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) doing to the questioning:

    CHENEY: Gen. Flynn, do you believe the violence on Jan. 6 was justified morally?

    FLYNN: Take the Fifth.

    CHENEY: Do you believe the violence on Jan. 6 was justified legally?

    FLYNN: Fifth.

    CHENEY: Gen. Flynn, do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power in the United States of America?

    FLYNN: The Fifth.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Wesley Pipes9:06 PM

    “Black lives don't matter to blacks. The proof is right there.“

    So ONE event is proof of your beliefs. That’s stupid. But we have thousands of videos of white women loving Black men so that must really be true. Go to to see for yourself.

  68. Anonymous9:08 PM

    “Man, I hope this dumb bitch loses her primary“

    She better be careful because when the satanists get hold of this it won’t go the way she thinks.LOL!

  69. Anonymous9:21 PM

    White lives don’t matter to whites because they kidnap each other forcefully and make them paranoid so they have to walk around their own houses armed. That’s pretty sick!

  70. Boobalert has lost the lease for her guns allowed restaurant and of course she is lying about the circumstances.

  71. Anonymous10:08 PM

    “GOP Rep. Boebert: ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk’

    Man, I hope this dumb bitch loses her primary.”

    Dammit, she won.

    What the hell, Colorado? Why do you hate America?

  72. Anonymous said...

    "White lives don’t matter to whites because they kidnap each other forcefully and make them paranoid so they have to walk around their own houses armed. That’s pretty sick!"

    9:21 PM
    Of course white lives don't matter to whites. We killed at least forty-million of each other during just the 20th century alone. And that doesn't even cover the number of individual homicides.

  73. Anonymous11:50 PM

    “What the hell, Colorado? Why do you hate America?“

    Republicans hate America, she might not win in November.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍♂️

  74. Anonymous2:28 AM

    "Republicans hate America, she might not win in November."

    From what I hear, that's not very likely. It's a fairly Republican district and the Democrat challengers are weak.

    A sane(r) Republican beating her in the primary was the best shot of removing this festering pustule of a politician from Congress.

  75. Anonymous3:03 AM

    From @QasimRashid on Twitter:

    “SCOTUS just ruled 6-3 that public school teachers and other staff can now lead students in prayer.

    If any public school teacher wants to learn the Islamic call to prayer, i.e. the Adhaan, let me know.”

  76. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Of course white lives don't matter to whites. We killed at least forty-million of each other during just the 20th century alone.

    That was all at the behest of the money-master sweJ.

    Guess who Winston Churchill owed piles to?  Exactly what did the Balfour declaration do for anyone but sweJ?  Nothing.


  78. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Shouldn't the conversation be about controlling negroes rather than infringing on gun rights???

  79. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Ronald Reagan telling good joke about libturds.

  80. Anonymous11:29 AM

    CHICAGO June 1st-29th 2022

    Shot & Killed: 58
    Shot & Wounded: 278
    Total Shot: 336
    Total Homicides: 63

    77%+ Black

    Thats like THREE Uvalde shootings in one month.

  81. Mandingo11:46 AM

    “Shouldn't the conversation be about controlling negroes rather than infringing on gun rights???“

    Well, since you were kidnapped and sexually violated by white men that’s a strange question coming from you. But we do know white women want to control BBC’s. Go to to see how white women control Black men. I think you’ll love it.

  82. Anonymous11:48 AM

    “Thats like THREE Uvalde shootings in one month.“

    Yeah, we know you like to do all your killing of kids and the elderly at one time. How many times have you been kdnapped and by whom?

  83. Anonymous said...

    Shouldn't the conversation be about controlling negroes rather than infringing on gun rights???

    11:25 AM
    No, the conversation should be about controlling the Christo-fascist, white nationals such as you.

  84. Real men don’t get taken by other men1:12 PM

    “No, the conversation should be about controlling the Christo-fascist, white nationals such as you.“

    Nah, this one is too much of a punk to control anything. He can’t even be safe in his own home without being taken against his will and violated. Pretty unmanly type. He likes other men to “take him” against his will.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜† That’s why he hates Black men, that shit doesn’t happen to us. LOL!

  85. Mary "Hitler was right" Miller beat Rodney "I want to be on the committee" Davis in the primary. The district has been redone, so it's possible she will lose, but at least Rodney's old district is likely to get a Democrat instead of the likes of him.
    On the lighter side, R. Kelly got thirty years...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  86. From what I hear, that's not very likely. It's a fairly Republican district and the Democrat challengers are weak.

    Numerous right wing constituents of Boobalert are sick and tired of her irrelevance to national politics and her lies and fabrications. They voiced their opinions on You Tube.

  87. Screwdy Rudy pal Lev Parnas sentenced to nearly 2 years in prison. One can only hope he and Rudy share a cwell and Lev is hornier than a 2 peckered billy goat.

  88. So Fergus wanted the secret service to let people past the magnetometers who had weapons on them so as to increase the crowd size at his "stop the steal" rally, telling them "They're not here to hurt me."
    Kinda kills off the whole "it was antifa" lie, doesn't it?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  89. Anonymous5:13 PM

    “Numerous right wing constituents of Boobalert are sick and tired of her irrelevance to national politics and her lies and fabrications. They voiced their opinions on You Tube.”

    Not enough of them voted against her, though, so halfwit Lauren and her high school “mean girl” antics will return to Congress to embarrass Colorado for another two years.

  90. White lives don't matter as wasicu wastey pig shoots white man, after a short foot chase and guy hopped in pig's SUV, he shoots him 5 times, then apparently called for backup and shot the corpse again.

  91. "Not enough of them voted against her, though, so halfwit Lauren and her high school “mean girl” antics will return to Congress to embarrass Colorado for another two years."

    Comedians and late-night tv hosts all over are celebrating.

  92. Anonymous10:29 PM

    “You mean THIS lady who said this with trump standing behind her?”

    Yeah, the “white life ” lady.

    I assume most voters accepted that she just misspoke, rather than accidentally revealed her secret Nazi beliefs.

    But regardless, she’ll keep her seat.


    Predetermined algorithms caused widespread election fraud in Maricopa County, Arizona. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer told a packed room on June 27 that he conducted a forensic kinematic investigation of the ballots that “shows sufficient and irrefutable evidence of pervasive voter fraud and widespread election fraud in Maricopa County, Arizona.” Pulitzer explained that “specific ballots” were repeatedly and fraudulently inserted to predetermine the election’s winner. In short, the Maricopa election was an absolute mess that robbed many voters of their 14th amendment rights. Pulitzer said he is still knee-deep in the investigation.

    To be clear, a kinematic investigation means Pulitzer actually followed the physical and cyber “trail” of the Maricopa County ballots from the time they were manufactured to the “printing, the folding, sorting, and mailing” of those ballots. Pulitzer then “followed the mailing process, the return process, the election handling process, and eventual scanning, tallying, and election recording of the votes—and reporting of the final outcome.” In addition, Pulitzer drilled his investigation down to the precinct level. He and his team processed over 20,895,610 digital and forensic images in multiple formats.
    Predetermined Algorithms and Strategically Inserted Ballots

    Pulitzer says he can prove that predetermined algorithms caused the election to be skewed toward a win for Biden.

    “91.62 percent of the predetermined ballots were cast in favor of Joe Biden.”

    Approximately 406,972 of the over 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County were “of a predetermined origin” because of the use of algorithms. 38 percent of the mail-in ballots for Biden were found to be of a predetermined nature. 33 percent of the Trump ballots on election day were predetermined. After removing the fraudulently cast ballots, Trump got 59% of the votes. To find that “true vote,” Pulitzer removed the ballots contributing to the predetermined outcome. Biden only got 41 percent with the removal of the predetermined ballots.

  94. "But regardless, she’ll keep her seat."

    And she took out a moderate. Well, America was fun while it lasted.

  95. Uncoverdc - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible - QanonFactual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias
    A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    Overall, we UncoverDC extreme right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of debunked conspiracy theories and pseudoscience, the use of poor sources who routinely fail fact checks, and a lack of transparency with ownership.
    Detailed Report
    Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracies, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Poor Sourcing, Lack of Transparency, False Claims
    Bias Rating: EXTREME RIGHT
    Factual Reporting: LOW
    Country: USA
    Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
    Media Type: Website
    Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
    MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

    Founded in 2019 by Qanon promoter Tracy Diaz, who goes by the professional name Tracy Beanz, UncoverDC is a far-right conspiracy website. According to their about page, “At UncoverDC, we pledge to work hard to bring you the unvarnished truth, a concept the legacy media abandoned long ago.” Tracy Beanz is listed as the Editor-in-Chief


  97. Anonymous12:15 PM

    R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in sex trafficking case
    R&B star R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison Wednesday for using his superstardom to subject young fans -- some just children -- to systematic sexual abuse.

  98. Anonymous12:17 PM

    How many times have you been kdnapped and by whom?

    11:48 AM

    Never, I'm trained and armed.

  99. Anonymous12:17 PM

    this one is too much of a punk to control anything.

    Can't control the cops.

    He can’t even be safe in his own home without being taken against his will and violated.

    Four cops invaded my motel room.  Four with guns and Tasers on one is bad odds, and I was both (a) way undergunned and (b) on sedatives.  I relied on the lock.  I should not have trusted the motel clerk to KEEP it locked.  I now have multiple door-jamming gadgets.

    Aren't you blacks always complaining about how cops are violent?  You'd think you'd have a bit of sympathy for a victim.

    Pretty unmanly type.

    When the idiot EMTs got there and decided that my nightmares needed a "mental health evaluation", it was six on one.  I have bodycam footage of me pleading to go back to my room.

    All that, because I wanted some fucking sleep so I'd be safe to drive.

    If they tried this at my home... well, they better not.  My well of sympathy for uniformed bullies is bone-dry.

  100. Trump Won Arizona said...

    " Predetermined algorithms caused widespread election fraud in Maricopa County, Arizona. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer told a packed room on June 27 that he conducted a forensic kinematic investigation of the ballots that “shows sufficient and irrefutable evidence of pervasive voter..."
    Oh, please take your debunked bull shit somewhere else. It isn't appreciated here.

  101. The Police1:08 PM

    "When the idiot EMTs got there and decided that my nightmares needed a "mental health evaluation", it was six on one. I have bodycam footage of me pleading to go back to my room."

    So you're a criminal. You weren't kidnapped, you were arrested. What were you charged with, an attempt to shoot up a school or church? I mean look at you, you post incredibly racist and stupid shit on a blog as an anonymous troll and brag about being armed. Of fucking course you needed a mental heath evaluation! LOL! I bet you were real pretty to them boys when you went to the pokie huh? I think you should call yourself Shit Stain, LOL!

  102. Back the blue asshole!1:10 PM

    "Four cops invaded my motel room. Four with guns and Tasers on one is bad odds, and I was both (a) way undergunned and (b) on sedatives. I relied on the lock. I should not have trusted the motel clerk to KEEP it locked. I now have multiple door-jamming gadgets."

    Had you just complied and opened the door none of this would have happened right? Where's your respect for law enforcement? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. LOL! Who the fuck takes sedatives and stays at motels? We got a real winner here guys!

  103. Anonymous1:46 PM

    LOL! What do you guys think anon was arrested for? Meth? Prostitution?

  104. Anonymous2:04 PM

    “Aren't you blacks always complaining about how cops are violent?”

    Aren’t you assholes always talking about compliance?

  105. Anonymous2:05 PM

    “If they tried this at my home... well, they better not.“

    Why would they need to kick in your door? Are you selling your ass at home too and not just at hourly motels?

  106. Anonymous3:14 PM

    “LOL! What do you guys think anon was arrested for? Meth? Prostitution?”

    Probably playing his Nazi black metal music too loud.

    His fellow hotel guests didn’t appreciate having to listen to grinding guitars and the lead singer screaming racial slurs in Norwegian at 3 am.

  107. Scotus just decided they have the power to change the "Clean Air Act" and neuter the EPA.

  108. A document from the Emmet Till murder has been found. It is an unserved warrant for the white woman who caused Till to be murdered. Interesting video.

  109. Anonymous6:45 PM

    So you're a criminal.

    Never even been charged with a crime.

    You weren't kidnapped, you were arrested.

    There was no probable cause to suspect a crime.  I had (LOUD) nightmares, per the reports.  I was asleep.  Obviously.

    What were you charged with, an attempt to shoot up a school or church?

    Since I have bodycam video of me telling the cops to go away (from my private, locked, paid-for room which they had no warrant to enter), it was "contempt of cop".  Then again, they were pounding the door without even giving me time to get dressed.

  110. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Who the fuck takes sedatives and stays at motels?

    Someone who absolutely MUST get X amount of sleep and then get showered, shaved and dressed before checkout time.

    This is what I got for trying to be the safest driver on the roads that I could be.  Absolutely shit upon.  Oh, they robbed me of personal items too.

  111. The Police7:19 PM

    Yeah anon, I wouldn't even shoot you. This is more my style. LOL!

  112. Anonymous8:50 PM

    “A document from the Emmet Till murder has been found. It is an unserved warrant for the white woman who caused Till to be murdered. Interesting video.”

    It’s not likely to matter, unless the arrest warrant somehow points to some other piece of admissible evidence proving Carolyn Bryant was actively involved in Till’s murder.

    The people who confessed to the murder are, unfortunately, dead.

  113. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "unless the arrest warrant somehow points to some other piece of admissible evidence proving Carolyn Bryant was actively involved in Till’s murder."

    It does.

  114. Video of pigs seriously injuring a black man (broken neck) in a paddy wagon and then not taken to a hospital, but the station where he was unceremoniously dragged out and slapped in a wheelchair.

    Right up anymooseie's alley. M aybe he directed this fiasco.

    Pigs treated this guy like trash and accused him of being drunk and faking his broken neck.

  115. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Can't wait to see the mass numbers of mixed kids since Roe v. Wade is gone. Mississippi is gonna get a lot more beige. LOL! Gonna be hilarious when the grand wizard is babysitting his mulato grandkids. LOL!

  116. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "Right up anymooseie's alley. M aybe he directed this fiasco."

    Nah, he's the one getting his ass beat by the cops. Woulda paid to see that.

  117. Anonymous10:09 PM

    So a "man" leaves a Philadelphia bar because he wasn't allowed to play pool (apparently there was a tournament going on), retrieves a gun from his vehicle, fires ~15 shots into the bar killing a woman who was completely uninvolved in the pool-table issue, then drives off.

    How are you going to blame this on rednecks with AR-15s?  We all know the truth, and I mean all, including every one of you reflexive apologists for black dysfunction.

  118. The last time the cops woke me up raiding my house it was because my goddamn landlord had 44 grams of meth in the fucking garage. They didn't have a warrant for the house, but came in anyway, and busted my roommate for some leafers and a bong. I testified at his trial in Berkeley and told them about the fat pig who came out of his room with the bong and the tray of leafers saying "This shows us that you're a smoker not a seller and you probably won't have a case number behind this". The DA asked me to tell the court the officer's name and I told her that I don't think we were introduced.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Anonymous10:48 PM

    What is it with you crazy-ass white dudes and killing babies? Watch old Shit Stain defend this because for delusional psychos this is normal I guess. My guess is we'll be hearing about a school shooting soon because S.S. is armed and had to get a mental evaluation he blamed on "downers". Weird ass.

  120. Wasicu he man finds black kid he can whip up on....


    Wasicu prison guard throws an LGBTQ woman into a fire pit, throttles her as she fights back and prosecutors drop hatecrime designation for fear jury won't convict.

  122. PilotX, Doug and other Gretsch lovers out there... a near 50 year old kidnapping sure to warm the cockles of your hearts.


    I'm going to go hug mine right now. LOL!

  124. This is "blackness"4:03 PM

    MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police say a man tried to kill his brother-in-law during an argument at a couple’s anniversary party in South Memphis.

    Police say Deandre Dandridge and Tiara Munn were celebrating their fifth anniversary April 8, and had invited several family members to a party at their home on Woodland Avenue.

    That’s when police say Munn’s mother got into a heated argument over “guests getting too many pieces of chicken” with another family member, according to court documents.

    Nobody but blacks should have to live anywhere near blacks.  NOBODY.

  125. Anonymous6:00 PM

    “Clarence Dumbass on the scotus lies when he claimed covid vaccines are made from cells of aborted fetuses.”

    Gorsuch ignorantly compared COVID to the Spanish flu, despite the fact that COVID killed vastly more people in both 2020 and 2021 than in any normal year. (Unless you want to go back an entire century to the Spanish flu epidemic.) And he defiantly refused to wear a mask in court, after being asked to by his colleagues.

    This just goes to show that even people with law degrees from Harvard and Yale can get brainwashed, too, if they get all their news from garbage media outlets like Fox. Or, alternatively, it means that Republicans managed to stuff the court full of the dumbest smart people in America.

    I guess both are probably true.

  126. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I meant to write: "Gorsuch ignorantly compared COVID to the flu."

    Not to the Spanish flu.


    10 year old Ohio girl is shoppoed to Indiana where she can get an abortion because she is three days past the 6 week cutoff in Ohio.

  128. Anonymous8:41 PM

    “10 year old Ohio girl is shoppoed to Indiana where she can get an abortion because she is three days past the 6 week cutoff in Ohio.”

    Of course.

    Because, to fundies, a child that a ten-year-old is forced to give birth to is a “blessing from God.”

    Probably not to the ten-year-old herself, but oh well.

  129. From Blue Girl's Twitter feed:

    · 8h
    Mississippi legislators openly discuss using dogs at airports to sniff women leaving the state.

    The dogs can tell if a woman is pregnant.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  130. "Mississippi legislators openly discuss using dogs at airports to sniff women leaving the state."

    You have got to be shitting me.

  131. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "Mississippi legislators openly discuss using dogs at airports to sniff women leaving the state.

    The dogs can tell if a woman is pregnant."

    Repealing Roe is going to make America go insane. Things were already bad, but this will kick the madness into overdrive.

  132. Anonymous1:09 AM

    "Mississippi legislators openly discuss using dogs at airports to sniff women leaving the state.

    The dogs can tell if a woman is pregnant."

    Mississippi has airports?

  133. Uncle Clarence told his law clerks he was going to serve on the Scotus simpl to make Libs miserable. He claims Libs made his first 43 years of life miserable.

    I can see how allowing blacks to have equal rights and vote, attend public schools, public unis, marry the persaon of his choice, not have to sit in the back of the bus, etc, would make life miserable for a dumbfuck Black man with a huge chip on his shoulder.


    Akron Black man running from pigs after a car chase and wreck, is shot nearly sixty times, including in the face and cnest.

    Pigs claimed he posed an imminent threat to officers. He was photographed on pavement dead and handcuffed.

  135. Anonymous6:59 PM

    “Uncle Clarence told his law clerks he was going to serve on the Scotus simpl to make Libs miserable.“

    Isn’t that the whole reason conservatives serve in government? To “own” the libs? That was the entire trump presidency.

  136. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Lindsay The Bitch is shopping for a poodle costume right now.

  137. Anonymous10:39 PM

    “Isn’t that the whole reason conservatives serve in government? To ‘own’ the libs? That was the entire trump presidency.”

    It’s pretty horrifying if the lib-owning circus sideshow has arrived at the Supreme Court, which was previously the most serious, sober branch of government.

    Theoretically, that was the whole point of giving these folks lifetime appointments: so they weren’t tempted to act like crowd-pleasing, grandstanding, dancing-bear performers, as the elected politicians are.

    If being un-fire-able by the voters is STILL not enough to make you concentrate on doing your job right, instead of making a big show of spitefully flipping the bird at people you don’t like, then you are one sorry motherfucker.

  138. "It’s pretty horrifying if the lib-owning circus sideshow has arrived at the Supreme Court, which was previously the most serious, sober branch of government."

    More like the religious extremists are showing their true colors. If you believe your god is the most important thing in your life everything else secondary of course we will get results like these. So many people though we were being hyperbolic when we warned folks about what happens when you elect Republicans. Thing is it could be worse because trump almost won again. Maybe appointing a few atheists can straighten this out. LOL!

  139. Anonymous2:09 PM

    “Cassidy Hutchinson was a coffee boy!”

    — Donald Trump


    Short video (of poor quality) shows one cop shooting until his clip is empty (apparently)

    Officials say Walker had 60 wounds and claims officers offered first aid, but, alas, the pin cushion lay handcuffed, on his back DEAD!

    Shooting is being treated as a homicide.

  141. The only open atheist to serve in congress that I'm aware of was Pete Stark, who lost his seat to Swalwell after redistricting, and died in January of 2020.
    I could certainly do with a lot less deference to candidates' invisible friends in our government. Objective reality is under attack, and the elevation of fairy tales is one of the main weapons being used against it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  142. Doesn't the Bill of Rights say there are no religious tests for gubmint offices?

    I fully understand magats are hard pressed to read English and can't understand the separation clause, but then they should not be eligible for office of n y type anywhere in a Democracy.

  143. Nichols says that voters are mostly to blame for the Court's really bad rulings, but I disagree. The last three justices were put on the court by Republican politicians to install a theocratic dictatorship.

    Most voters do not know much about how candidates for the SCOTUS are chosen and confirmed. They depend on their party do reflect their interest and to choose candidates that are qualified. At the very minimum we should be able the trust our political parties with this. But the Republican Party has been hijacked by a bunch of neofascists, pretending-to-be Christian factions that are hell bent on creating a country that looks like the Handmaiden's Tale.

    If you think I am an alarmist, take a long, hard look at what is happening around you.

  144. Anonymous7:36 PM

    We need common sense negro control not gun control.

  145. Yeah anon, I wouldn't even shoot you. This is more my style. LOL!

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