Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Just in case.

 I practiced criminal law in Philly for a long time, and during that time I represented some... let's just say... people who who most of us would consider less than upstanding citizens. 

Lately I have been thinking a lot about some of my experiences. 

One particular memory has been standing out more than most. The time I went into a "rough" neighborhood--- even by Philly's standards--- to see a client and collect some cash from him. I never worried about how dangerous the neighborhoods I visited  were, because somehow I always thought that the people I represented, and the cred of being a criminal lawyer, would protect me. This time, though, I felt uneasy. It probably had something to do with how much cash I had on me at the time. A youngster (who couldn't have been more than sixteen) and his pal approached me before I got into my car. They didn't look particularly threatening, and, as it turned out, they knew who I was and just wanted to make small talk. "You a "lawyer, right?" He looked even younger up close. I told him I was. " You got your  fire with you?" I knew he was referring to a gun, and I told him no. I told him something to the effect that I didn't think that I needed one among my own people. He laughed and flashed what looked like a 9mm Glock so I could see it. "I always keep mine Mr Lawyer, just in case". He laughed again and walked off with his friend. I didn't even want to think about where his life was heading. I am pretty sure that he is either dead or in jail now.

The more I read and hear about the carnage on the streets of Philadelphia and other major American cities, the more I think about that encounter with that youngster in North Philadelphia some fifteen years ago. Guns are still everywhere, and every sixteen year old in North Philadelphia who wants a gun can get one. And not just any gun, a really powerful one; like a 9mm Glock.

There are a lot of reasons for these urban terrorists terrorizing each other and law abiding citizens. I could could go on and on about their broken homes, poor school systems, toxic masculinity, and societal failures that have done nothing to address the root causes of poverty. But the quickest way to reduce gun violence in the streets is to make guns less available. It's really not rocket science. And  I know that it's easier said than done, but we have to say it so that we can at least start somewhere. 

Philly made national news again for all the wrong reasons this past weekend.  Knuckleheads on South Street started brawling, and rather than fight with their fists, they chose to settle their differences with their guns. And of course, they all had their guns, because every young punk in Philly either has one, or knows how to get one. They are not in the NRA, and they were not trained in proper gun safety or how to shoot. So when they start beefing amongst  each other and reach for their "fire",  people die, and chaos ensues. 

"I always keep mine Mr. Lawyer, just in case".

*Image from www inquirer.com 


  1. Man, it's sad to see a country with so much potential squander it. So many potential lawyers, engineers, doctors, architects, ect. lost for another generation. Can we all agree that we need to move forward as a nation and one way to do that is to start caring about one another? Eh, who am I kidding?

  2. I grew up with guns, but in a rural area where they weren't a pathology like they are where I moved when I was 23.
    In Oakland in the eighties, a gun was a power symbol, a way to instantly win any argument, and a free pass for failing to learn the very social skills needed to live in those kind of population densities.
    In a rare instance of good decision making, I had left all of my guns at my dad's house in Eureka when I moved to Oakland, and I never once missed them in the 35 years I lived there.
    Never mind that they would have been gone in the first break in we had there, when they left all of my guitars and Jack's touring band equipment only to steal Briana's two shot derringer pistol from between the mattress and the wall in the back bedroom.
    I remember thinking about the fact that a criminal now had a two shot .22 mag Hi-Standard that fit in the palm of your hand when a wave of relief came over me that they didn't have my .32 special model 94, because they could have really done some damage with that.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. I voted a straight Democratic ticket too. But then, I always do since I first voted in 1964. There was one exception for Thomas Kuchel because he pushed for the Civil Rights Bill.

    It's difficult to understand why so many people in our country vote against their own self interest.

  4. "I voted a straight Democratic ticket too."

    The beauty of living in a reliably blue state is you can vote your conscience. I can wander off and vote Green occasionally and not have to worry about some trump wannabe sneaking into office. If I were in a purple state you better believe I'd go with the Dems. Not my favorites but a shit ton (not sure the exact measurement of that but it must be a lot) better than the insane party that thinks MTG, Palin and Hershel Walker are viable candidates.

  5. suggestions for ridicule:
    Teach boxing with weighted gloves?
    we did that in the neighborhood due to retired middleweight living there. Any fight would be
    with those weighted gloves on. Pound the crap out of each other with him refereeing.

    Have a location(no investigations occur, only dead removal) where folks who wanted to shoot each other went? That would deal with the bystander issue.

    Teach anger management and conflict resolution?

  6. Some dude with a gun in a suitcase says he wants to hurt himself and/or Brett Kavernmouth and he gets attempted murder charge.

    Deplorable magats assault the capitol by the hundreds with every tool imaginable to cause injuries and death to pols and they get ticker tape parades on Fake Noize and called tourists. Guess magats can't spell terrorists.

    Used to be a perp needed to injure a victim with a weapon to get an attempted murder charge. The times they are a changing (and I can't stand Bobby Zimmerman)

  7. Anonymous6:55 PM

    And not just any gun, a really powerful one; like a 9mm Glock.

    Thank you for proving that you know nothing about guns, Fool Negro.  9mm isn't a particularly powerful cartridge.  You want power in a pistol round, try .357 Magnum, .40 or .45 caliber.

    But the quickest way to reduce gun violence in the streets is to make guns less available.

    Yeah, right.  You keep claiming this but the violence keeps getting worse.

    NYC proved what works decades ago:  stop-and-frisk sketchy characters, arrest the ones carrying illegal guns and send them away for long prison terms.  The sketchy characters stopped carrying guns after that.

    If Black Lives Matter, you should be all for locking the violent away from the rest of society.  It saved more black people than all the gun control laws in the country.

  8. A 2016 study found no evidence that stop-and-frisk was effective. One of the authors of that study, Jeffrey Fagan of Columbia University, said that "you can achieve really very positive crime control, reductions in crime, if you do stops using those probable-cause standards.

    Anymoose must work for Fake Noize because he spews easily refutable fake noize bullshit.

  9. I hope to hell POC cops stop anymoose every time he shows up in public and demands id and frisk him and plant drugs etc.

  10. Studies have shown wasicus are less likely to be stopped for the hell of it and more likely than POC to have guns and drugs on them.

  11. They're a lot like toddlers in that respect:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  12. "If Black Lives Matter, you should be all for locking the violent away from the rest of society."

    Black lives do matter and I don't know anyone who is against locking up violent offenders.
    BTW, who kidnapped you? Kinda betting they weren't Blah were they? LOL! You gotta expound on this story.

  13. Anonymous11:16 PM

    “They're a lot like toddlers in that respect:”

    This is precisely how much of the GOP operates.

    Outrage if someone tells them what to do. Double outrage if they are being told what to do in order to promote the welfare of someone else. Triple outrage if the “someone else” turns out to be a member of a group they consider inferior.

    All of this was on display during COVID restrictions. When informed their kid can’t go to school — not mainly for their kid’s benefit, because COVID rarely severely impacts kids, but so as not to act as a vector spreading disease to strangers they’ll never even meet —you’d see a look of non-comprehension pass over their faces. You’d finish explaining it, but none of it penetrated their thick skulls. They’d have a “does not compute” reaction to being told they have a moral obligation to others, and they’d ask again, more angrily, “Why can’t my kid go to school?!”

    Like they hadn’t even heard any of your explanation.

    Today’s GOP is the “freedom to be an asshole” party.

  14. Anonymous12:25 AM

    This is just how stupid black people are:  an armed robber shoots 6 vixtims dead, then takes a self-incriminating selfie.

    Given that he stole drugs from the victims, they probably earned what they got.  The country's a better place without all 7 of them.

  15. Anonymous1:10 AM


    So, this "man" just "happens" to be from the ethnic group which molests 60% of its girls before they turn 18.

    The surname "Ramsaroop" is most common in Trindad & Tobago, followed by S. Africa.  The USA must have a rapist shortage if we have to import them.

  16. "This is just how stupid black people are"

    No, it doesn't.

  17. Bro, who kidnapped you? LOL! You need a hug.

  18. That was quite a conversation, Field and an amazing but sad story.

    The first time I ever saw a gun in the possession of a criminal it was a big old Colt .45 that a biker guy was showing off to the little La Jolla High school boys. "This is my cop-killer, he said gruffly.

    The second time I saw some maniac playing with a six-shooter it was a skinhead white supremacist. I guess our buddy in electronics school knew him from his younger days. "I use this to kill niggers," he proclaimed loudly. Noticeably perturbed I must have been quite taken aback. He looked me straight in the eye and asked me, "You ain't no nigger-lover are you?"

    One asshole brought a gun on a drug deal I set up. I was fuckin' pissed. The little rat. Other than that we never saw them in my circle. We were just fun-loving thieves and druggies. No one ever had a gun. I guess that came with the territory. Life was easy. No trouble with cops.

    Then several years later I finally met a couple of guys that owned guns and wondered why I didn't.

    But I get that it is a big part of the criminal underworld. It's a tragedy. We don't have nearly the party shootings and drive-bys in California like we did in the 1980s. Black churches having funerals and memorial services almost every week between Los Angeles and San Diego.

  19. Field, please explain that photo. That sure does look like a rough neighborhood. Do you normally collect debts that way?

  20. We will find out today if Grand Rapids pig gets away with murdering Black guy with a shot to the back of the head at point blank range.

  21. "Do you normally collect debts that way?" Not always. But they didn't teach collections in law school. You get it how and when u can. And yes, I reported all of my earnings to the IRS. That pic is from South Street. The area of the most recent mass shootings in Philly.

  22. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Field, make it a requirement that anon has to tell us about his kidnapping to keep posting. LOL!

  23. US covid death rates have inverted along racial lines now with higher rates for whites than Blacks or Latinos owing to the outreach in minority communities and reluctance of Republicans, who skew older and whiter, to get vaccinated or take precautions.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. "US covid death rates have inverted along racial lines now with higher rates for whites than Blacks or Latinos owing to the outreach in minority communities and reluctance of Republicans, who skew older and whiter, to get vaccinated or take precautions."

    I do see a lot of people still wearing masks but conservatives didn't even wear them at the height of the pandemic.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-patrick-lyoya-grand-rapids-police-shooting-20220609-qycs5knvwzfozckujvdqshwm3u-story.html

  27. I removed it because of wrong link. My bad. M y humblest apologies, although Ms Kennedy posted a speech from Rep Margaret Chase Smith railing at McCarthyhites in the 50s whose behavior then forshadowed magats of today.

  28. Its a sad world when a possible breakthrough cancer cure barely gets news airtime while magats are showing more concern for an unqualified supreme court justice who was allegedly a target for assassination than dozens of bodies of innocent school kids slaughtered by wasicu scumacysts with assault weapons.

  29. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Well, it’s official.

    The wingnut rebuttal to the Jan. 6th hearings is:




  30. "I removed it because of wrong link. My bad."

    I got you. It was an interesting article nonetheless.

  31. Who's making the popcorn? Almost Jan. 6 hearing time!

  32. Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate arrested for capitol riot.


  33. Anonymous12:18 AM

    How could you, Ivanka?!

    The former guy’s daughter says he lost the 2020 election.

    It’s going to be frosty around the Trump family dinner table, lol. “Pass the gravy, you backstabbing bitch.”


  35. As long as Twuntka gives her Insane Clown daddy pussy all will be forgiven.

  36. Anonymous2:53 AM

    US covid death rates have inverted along racial lines now with higher rates for whites than Blacks or Latinos owing to the outreach in minority communities and reluctance of Republicans, who skew older and whiter, to get vaccinated or take precautions.

    Masks have minimal to zero effectiveness against RNA viruses.  They are too small to be filtered.

    OTOH, masks DO make people more vulnerable to bacterial infections such as pneumonia.  And we already know that the "vaccine" does not prevent catching or spreading COVID.

    Conclusion:  Anyone who pushes masks or not-vaccines is pro-COVID and pro-death.

  37. Anonymous3:58 AM

    “Masks have minimal to zero effectiveness against RNA viruses. They are too small to be filtered.”

    Lol, no.

    Viruses never travel through the air on their own. They travel inside water droplets emitted from your respiratory passages as you breathe. Those water droplets are plenty large enough to be filtered by masks, although some are obviously better than others.

    I am amazed by the creativity of the COVID deniers in coming up with ridiculous sciency-sounding dumbass excuses for risking their own health and others’.

    Honestly, “viruses are too small to defend against” is some primo, top-shelf dumbassery.

    The only reason “masks don’t work” is because so many people flat-out refuse to wear them, and thereby MAKE them not work.

  38. "The only reason “masks don’t work” is because so many people flat-out refuse to wear them, and thereby MAKE them not work."

    Yeah, I'm gonna go with most doctors and the CDC and not random anons for medical advice. Nothing personal.

  39. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/easy-to-read/mask-guidance.html

  40. DOJ to investigate Louisiana state police after 2019 killing.


  41. Then there docs and experts at CDC can't possibly know more facts than what fake noize can make up, can they, PilotX?

  42. Dyslex Jones loses another court case. Federal judge tosses his bankruptcy petition he filed to save having to pay dearly for his sins.

    Well, drumpf does it.


  43. magat heads explode as Biden cancels drumpf's scheme to have AF-1 painted red white and blue. Boeing says the dark blue for the belly and engines will cause certain components to fail. Just like everything else drumpf plans.

  44. "Then there docs and experts at CDC can't possibly know more facts than what fake noize can make up, can they, PilotX?"

    I just watch youtube to know more than the doctors. I'm an expert now. I also learned the earth is flat and HAARP can control earthquakes and hurricanes. Sooooooooo much smarter now.

  45. I think the first televised hearing pretty much nailed Trump's ass to the wall. I am looking forward to the next installment.

    By the way, the Wall Street Journal has an article up regarding the alarming increase in the homicides in rural areas, small towns, etc. It's behind a pay wall, but my phone showed it anyway.

    All you trolls who claim current violence is committed by Blacks should read it.

  46. My apologies Field. It certainly was not my intent to make light of the tragic events on South St. I have been many times to South St. and did not recognize the photo as such.

  47. "I think the first televised hearing pretty much nailed Trump's ass to the wall."

    And there will be no repercussions and on top of that, there's a chance he could be president again. Welcome to America. LOL! I'm taking interviews for a new country.

  48. Chicago tore down a bunch of stuff in near west Chicago with the promise to build a bunch of affordable housing for low income and higher income buyers. After partially fullfilling that promise, Mayor Lightfoot wants to turn 26 acres over to a pro soccer team owned by a Chicago billionaire and had already allowed other entities to build other stuff unrtelated to low income housing.

  49. Anonymous11:46 PM

    “Chicago tore down a bunch of stuff in near west Chicago with the promise to build a bunch of affordable housing for low income and higher income buyers. After partially fullfilling that promise, Mayor Lightfoot wants to turn 26 acres over to a pro soccer team owned by a Chicago billionaire and had already allowed other entities to build other stuff unrtelated to low income housing.”

    This is a saga that’s been going on for a couple decades now, Mike.

    Chicago demolished tons of public housing units back in the days of Mayor Daley (Junior). Admittedly, this public housing was in terrible shape, and was laid out as high-rise ghettoes that isolated its tenants from any economic opportunity that could help them to escape poverty.

    But the plan to replace the housing was half-assed and heavily dependant on free-market investment, which never materialized. So the city has never completely fulfilled its promise to replace all the public housing that had been demolished.

    Renting CHA land to a soccer team is just the latest chapter.

  50. Thanks, Anon. I just read about it yesterday and yesterday was a slow news day for the blog.

  51. "https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-supremacists-from-patriot-front-detained-en-masse-near-idaho-pride-event?ref=home"
    From today's Daily Beast.

    Idaho cops must be more on the the ball than Texas cops.

  52. Pigs are flying and hell is freezing over.


  53. "Idaho cops must be more on the the ball than Texas cops."

    Low hanging fruit. Idaho is full of white supremacist groups. This would be a 24/7 job. LOL!

  54. Apparently the Idaho cops had infiltrated the Patriot Front chats and now 31 of them are charged with conspiracy to riot. Plus, they're being publicly ID'd:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. "Idaho is full of white supremacist groups."

    That's what made this a little surprising to me. Apparently, these brain-wizards came from 11 states to muster in the back of a U-Haul truck and get busted by the cops who had infiltrated their chats. It didn't say what they were saying in those chats, but they were busted fairly close to a pride event, so that may be the conspiracy to riot part.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Without controls on assaault weapons a gun bill is essen tially worthless except as a feel good measure for magats to say they did something along the lines of gun control.

  57. "Plus, they're being publicly ID'd"

    In Idaho that's a source of pride. Their gubernatorial candidate was at a white supremacist event.

  58. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/17/politics/janice-mcgeachin-idaho-white-nationalist-event/index.html

  59. @Mike 6:39PM Yeah it is worthless if Democrats fall into the trap and pat themselves on the back and Biden comes with that "Nothing we can't do when we do it together" horseshit. What Dems should say is this is the best we can do right now and we can and will do better when voters want it badly enough to vote the NRA buttplugs out. Same with BBB they should have let Munchkin Manchin write the damn bill and then put his own words "elect more liberals" full blast.

  60. "Yeah it is worthless if Democrats fall into the trap and pat themselves on the back and Biden comes with that "Nothing we can't do when we do it together" horseshit."

    It's on the way, probably right around the time when CNN becomes Fox's little sister station.


  61. I may be only one voice, but I think a quarter of a loaf is better than no loaf at all. If we get out the votes and add two more Dems to the senate, we may be able to get some real gun control legislation through the senate next year.

  62. "I may be only one voice, but I think a quarter of a loaf is better than no loaf at all."

    Gotta start somewhere.

  63. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Perp in attempted murder of a disc-golf player in a KCMO tournament is... a spook.  Not a bantu, though; looks E. African.


  64. Anonymous2:40 PM

    “If we get out the votes and add two more Dems to the senate, we may be able to get some real gun control legislation through the senate next year.”

    Conventional wisdom says the Dems are probably going to get killed in November, though, not gain seats.

    Unfortunately, many voters are too clueless to understand that Biden doesn’t have much ability to stop skyrocketing gas prices. (Unless he were to use the Defense Production Act to compel American oil companies to pump more oil, and also constrain them from exporting any of that oil, but it’s doubtful that SCOTUS would let him get away with doing that.) And voters are also too clueless to understand that the Democrats don’t actually have full control of Congress with only 50 seats plus Kamala in the Senate, and that’s why they’ve not gotten hardly any of their agenda passed.

    Their best hope of avoiding a wipeout is to run against Republicans’ overturning of Roe v. Wade, which is likely to be extremely unpopular. But it remains to be seen how successful a strategy even that will be.

  65. Here are the names and photos of 31 arrested for conspiracy to riot in Coeur d'Alene:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  66. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Girl dies of severe lice infestation. We know what color her mother was. Sweep your own porch anon. BTW, were the people who kidnapped you white? The ones you're so scared of? Can't answer can you pussy?


  67. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Here are the names and photos of 31 arrested for conspiracy to riot in Coeur d'Alene"

    Not a job between em. Still paying taxes to house and feed these leeches. Nothings changes.

  68. Cornyn brags about Biden being the loser on gun bill because nothing Biden asked for was included. You had to know the bill woujld skew heavily tgoward NRA and not sensible gun control measures needed to stop the violence.

  69. Anonymous7:54 PM

    “Cornyn brags about Biden being the loser on gun bill because nothing Biden asked for was included.”

    This is what is known as “damage control.” He knows that Texas gun nut voters will be mad that Republicans signed on to ANY gun control measure at all, no matter how limited it might be.

    Responding with “Biden hates it” is the best Cornyn can do to cover his ass.

  70. GrannyStandingforTruth10:08 AM

    From Reagan on, every Republican presidential administration has overseen massive deficit increases, whereas every Democratic presidential administration has overseen deficit reductions.

    Republican presidents since Ronald Reagan have pledged to help working-class Americans while raising taxes and lowering tax rates for corporations and the wealthy - ignoring the mountains of evidence that supply-side economics is bad for workers and is only beneficial to the already wealthy.

    Unless you're already wealthy and politically connected you have to be experiencing a tremendous amount of cognitive dissonance to vote Republican.

  71. https://sheilakennedy.net/2022/06/pink-slime/

    Watch out for magats fake nooze outlets taking the place of outlets that have gone out of business.

  72. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Apparently, there is a nationwide tampon shortage. And according to MTG, it’s caused by tampons being put in men’s bathrooms for the benefit of trans people.

    Wait, what? Somehow MTG manages to come up with the dumbest conceivable take on any social issue. It’s an impressive ability, really.

  73. MTG also claims you can't get ny footage of insurrection from the capitol police and she also claims she was only in office for three days and therefore had nothing to do with insurrection.

    One of the Patriot Front morons who got busted in Idabho for plotting to start a riot at a peaceful protest got kicked out of Mom's home becuse she claims she didn't raise any wasicu scumacysts.

    31 or 32 scum were packed into a U-Haul truck.

  74. “Cornyn brags about Biden being the loser on gun bill because nothing Biden asked for was included.”

    And this is where we are in this country. Instead of trying to help the American people, we have to make the let's go Brandon crowd happy. Just sad.

  75. Here are the names and photos of 31 arrested for conspiracy to riot in Coeur d'Alene:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    3:51 PM
    Wow! Only two were from Idaho! I'm surprised. White supremacists infested North Idaho about40 years ago. I had assumed most of these criminals would be local.

  76. Ohio's magat guv signs bill allowing teachers to carry guns in schools after only one day training.

    Magats must want their future voters to die young and make great looking corpses. Stoopid fuckers, all.

  77. Family members of SPOTUS get security protections except uncle Tom's wasicu missus. She is being handcuffed to ethicsa advisor on one hand and a taser set on full blast on the other hand.

  78. "Ohio's magat guv signs bill allowing teachers to carry guns in schools after only one day training."

    Ah, what could possibly go wrong?

  79. "Wow! Only two were from Idaho! I'm surprised."

    When you're unemployed, dateless and have nothing else better to do why not roadtrip? No one better to hang out with than fellow losers.

  80. Idaho used to be a great place to live. I grew up there long before the rotten, Nazi, white supremacists moved into the Coeur d' Alene area. They have made trouble all over North Idaho since their arrival in the 1980s. The normal natives there hate them.

  81. Paragon of virtue and drumpf bud, Hershel Walker rails against fatherlessness in Black community, has a son he fathered about 10 years ago and has virtually nothing to do with.

    court docs prove he is the dad, although not the virtuous one he espouses to be. And he lies like drumpf.

  82. https://nordot.app/909823660172181504?c=592622757532812385

    91 years after 16 year old Black kid fom Pennsylvania was covicted and executed for a murder he didn't commit, he was exonerated by a judge.

  83. North Duhkota sinator Kramer is more interested in winning the midterms than gun measures intended to save children's lives.


  84. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The Khmer Rouge confiscated all guns in civilian hands.

    Then they murdered a million Cambodians.

    Ten in Buffalo and 19 in Uvalde is nothing compared to a million, and let's not talk about the 20 million in the Soviet Union or the 50 million in China.

  85. Now on the other hand if they wanted a law that the "2A" only applies to White Christians. That would be all well and good now wouldn't it.

  86. The only magats talking about total confiscation is magats, themselves, trying to rouse their rabble base with the usual lies and NRA propaganda/bullshit!

    Mabats wouldn't even bend enough to make 21 the age you have to be to buy an assault rifle.

    iowa has a 2nd amendment bill on the ballot for November and I am voting hell no!

  87. Magats can't see that assaulting your girlfriend is a crime on par with assulting your spouse, when it comes to purchasing guns. They want to allow non-spousal abusers to buy all the guns they want.


    Iowa had passed a spousal abuse law that prohibited abusers to own handguns, then the police unions and RA whined that poor convicted cops would lose their jo bs wikthout handguns, so that serious attempt to control violence went by the NRA/pig union wayside.

  88. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Litchfield black man charged with beheading pregnant woman in Alton home
    Kim Bell Jun 14, 2022 53


  89. Wasicu man brutally stabbed both parents to death and carved an X in hnis Dad's back.


    Whiteys can and do do it, as well.

  90. Anonymous3:18 PM

    “The Khmer Rouge confiscated all guns in civilian hands.“

    Because the US government is exactly the same. I guess we can expect the British and Japanese governments to start slaughtering their people any time now.

  91. BillPasadena1:46 PM

    quickest way to reduce gun violence in the streets is to make guns less available.

    The easy availability of drugs in public schools indicate keeping things out of the hands of criminals is harder than it sound.

  92. Anonymous11:07 PM

    But these are YOUR PEOPLE. How dare you? LOL

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  94. Anonymous11:45 PM

    These are your people. Proud 'n black? LOL

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