Sunday, July 03, 2022

Hold the fireworks.


I regret to announce that the 4th of July will be canceled this year as the American experiment has been hijacked by Christofascist forces. 

Maybe next year.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Americans are celebrating all around me; I can hear the gunpowder going off, and I saw some of the flashes.

    Anyone who isn't celebrating isn't an American.  US citizen, maybe, but American?  No.

  2. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Ben Shapiro’s sister will tell you how to celebrate the 4th like a real white American.

  3. We can't have fireworks around here anyway because climate change has made wildfires too easy to start. So I ordered a pizza and played the shit out of my Les Paul. A different kind of fireworks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous2:03 AM

    You're pathetic if you can't even rig up a propane or carbide cannon in lieu of firecrackers and rockets.


    Interesting conversation with Michael S. Regan.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Maybe a little Christofascism isn't such a bad idea in lieu of all of the mass shootings and general lack of morality and values in the country eh?

  7. Latest magat conspiracy theory is Biden is feminizing the military by forcing them to eat soy and vegan foods.

  8. Doug, we had natural fire works today around 4 AM and it was followed by a decent rain which we needed badly. Now it is supposed to get to 95 today.


  10. Anonymous12:04 PM


  11. Yeah, that's appropriate, Field, but what makes you think next year will be any better? Even if the next Senate and Congress are overwhelmingly Democratic, it'll take more than one round of legislation to bring the country back, even halfway. Those Justices are all healthy—below the cerebral cortex, anyway.

    Still, glad to see this page. This 4th is NOT like any others.

  12. Anonymous1:48 PM

    5 killed, 19 hurt in Highland Park shooting along parade route; 4th of July events canceled

  13. PilotX @ 11:55 AM, right on, Bro. So true.

  14. Anonymous3:23 PM

    5 killed, 19 hurt in Highland Park shooting along parade route; 4th of July events canceled"

    Really? Um, you really just jumped on this one a bit too soon. Just wondering where you got your information? Shooter is about as Black as the cops that whooped your dumb ass. LOL!

  15. Anonymous3:41 PM

    5 killed, 19 hurt in Highland Park shooting along parade route; 4th of July events canceled”

    Reading is fundamental. No one has yet been apprehended, so it’s too soon to know the shooter’s ethnicity, but the story you yourself posted says the cops are currently looking for a white male with a rifle.

  16. Anonymous3:45 PM

    If we’re making bets on the identity of the shooter, some strong contenders include:

    1) Angry insane person (true for all mass shootings)

    2) Jew-hating Nazi (Highland Park is a heavily Jewish suburb of Chicago)

  17. Anonymous said...

    Maybe a little Christofascism isn't such a bad idea in lieu of all of the mass shootings and general lack of morality and values in the country eh?

    8:53 AM
    Either you are joking, or your head is filled with sawdust, and I'm betting that you're not a woman. There is nothing good or even acceptable about Christo-fascism. It's just another version of Sharia Law.

  18. Anonymous said,
    Anyone who isn't celebrating isn't an American. US citizen, maybe, but American? No.

    10:52 PM
    Pardon me. Please tell us who died and left you as the arbitrator of patriotism?


    In the very first minute of police update, shooting suspect is identified as a male, white, 18-20 years of age .

  20. Anonymous said...

    Not so fast, dumb racist. According to the article on Huff Post, the shooter is a young white male. Surprise! Surprise!

    "5 killed, 19 hurt in Highland Park shooting along parade route; 4th of July events canceled"
    Police recovered a rifle but still consider the suspect to be armed and dangerous, according to Chris Covelli, a spokesperson for Lake County Major Crime Task Force. Covelli described the shooter as a white male, about 18 to 20 years old, who appeared to fire shots from a rooftop. He said the shooting appeared to be “completely random.”

  21. Anonymous6:29 PM

    “There is nothing good or even acceptable about Christo-fascism“

    Unless you’re a Chrito-fascist.🤷🏾‍♂️

  22. Anonymous6:32 PM

    “Not so fast, dumb racist. According to the article on Huff Post, the shooter is a young white male. Surprise! Surprise!“

    We’re not dealing with the best and brightest. We’re talking about a troll so dumb that going to sleep at a motel without being awakened by four cop beating his ass isn’t possible. And now the ignoramous walks around his house with a gun in case more cops “kidnap” him again. Not the most stable or intelligent of individuals. I’m getting Mike Pillow type vibes.


    white rapper considered person of interest in Highland Park murders.

  24. Looks like Field might be a fortune teller because the White Sox have canceled their fireworks because of the shooting earlier today.

  25. Anonymous8:12 PM

    In lieu of the latest mass shooting incident at a parade, maybe a little Christianity would be a great idea eh?


    The suspected perp's pic shows up around the 30 second mark of this video.

    Seriously, this guy looks seriously disturbed and I don't think his elevator reaches the top floor.

  27. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "In lieu of the latest mass shooting incident at a parade, maybe a little Christianity would be a great idea eh?"

    So far, there's nothing to suggest this clown wasn't, in fact, a Christian, and definitely nothing to suggest that spending loads of time in a church pew would've fixed him.

    Yet somehow, that doesn't appear to have stopped you chiming in with this dumb shit.

  28. "Seriously, this guy looks seriously disturbed and I don't think his elevator reaches the top floor."

    You mean Awoke the Rapper who made a video depicting a mass shooting and getting killed by the cops in a last shootout? I mean who could have seen this coming?

  29. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “You mean Awoke the Rapper who made a video depicting a mass shooting and getting killed by the cops in a last shootout? I mean who could have seen this coming?”

    I think it’s safe to predict lots of Republican politicians will offer idiotic takes, along the lines of: “Let’s ban rap, not guns.”

    The dude will probably turn out to have played video games, so obviously those will be to blame, too.

  30. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So far, there's nothing to suggest this clown wasn't, in fact, a Christian, and definitely nothing to suggest that spending loads of time in a church pew would've fixed him.

    Yet somehow, that doesn't appear to have stopped you chiming in with this dumb shit.

    8:29 PM

    I will pray for you, sitting in a pew is not Christianity. Having felt the power of the Lord and the Holy Spirit is. You don't necessarily have to be in a church. I will pray for you

  31. Anonymous said...

    In lieu of the latest mass shooting incident at a parade, maybe a little Christianity would be a great idea eh?

    8:12 PM
    No, I don't think so. Christians have killed each other at an alarming rate for centuries. Religion is not the answer.

  32. Just a gentle reminder.... US covid deaths stand @ approximately 1.2 million. Some hoax.

  33. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Bullshit.  The directive from on high was to register any death with COVID as FROM COVID, even if the decedent was already dying of congestive heart failure, cancer or some other terminal condition.

    Our government cannot be trusted, period.

  34. Recovering TrumpTard4:12 PM

    The Highland Park shooter, Robert Crimo, apparently attended a Trump Rally.

    Furthermore Crimo "was also the administrator of a Discord channel named 'SS,' the shortened moniker used by the infamous Nazi paramilitary group, the Schutzstaffel, who were mainly responsible for carrying out the numerous atrocities during the Holocaust, reported The Daily Beast."

    File this under #MAGATerrorist

    Robert E. Crimo Seen Attending Trump Rally Dressed as Where's Waldo

  35. For anyone parched for loopy, erudite satire, please check out Dennard Dayle's "Everything Abridged," which is much less categorizable than the "stories" designation given on the publisher's dust jacket. Or read a few of his articles in the New Yorker first, especially the last one about his being "detained" for the high crime of putting a flyer on a city lamppost. ("chicken winged?" really, NYPD? cuffs on a Columbia professor?) As another Jamaican-American, Field should have got a complimentary copy already.

  36. "Bullshit. The directive from on high was to register any death with COVID as FROM COVID, even if the decedent was already dying of congestive heart failure, cancer or some other terminal condition."

    You know the rules anon, you make an outlandish claim you have to back it up with a credible link. Thanks.

  37. Bullshit. The directive from on high was to register any death with COVID as FROM COVID, even if the decedent was already dying of congestive heart failure, cancer or some other terminal condition.

    Prove it, tool. The only directives from on high you receive come from fake noize.

  38. Highland park murderer was surrounded by pigs and taken alive. Meanwhile, in Akron where unarmed and non murderer Jayland Walker had 8 pigs bust at least 90 caps and hit him 60 times. The difference is day and night. Whitey murderer is still alive and Black minor traffic ticket/equipment problem guy just assayed 75% lead at the recycler's dump.

  39. Anonymous5:37 PM

    10 killed by gunfire over Fourth of July weekend, at least 68 others are wounded, 3 stabbed and 1 tossed out of a window in Beetlejuice's Chicago
    Among the fatal attacks, a woman was killed and a gunman was among two others wounded in a shootout Friday night in Chinatown, Chicago police said.
    By Sun-Times Wire Updated Jul 4, 2022, 8:08pm CDT

  40. Anonymous5:39 PM

    CHICAGO July 1st-05th 2022
    Shot & Killed: 16
    Shot & Wounded: 77
    Total Shot: 93
    Total Homicides: 16

    77+% BLACK

  41. Manifest Density6:30 PM

    Donald Trump aka Donito Trumpolini aka Donnie Favors aka Donnie Two Times and the Republicans are turning America into a ghetto.

    Highland park
    Shot and killed 6
    Shot and wounded 30
    Total shot: 36
    Total homicides: 6

    60% Europeon
    20% Eurapeon
    10% Neuropeon

  42. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Not much is known yet about the politics of the Highland Park shooter, but his dad appears to be a Trump-loving gun nutter.

    So it's no surprise that the son had access to heavy weaponry, even after the police had previously been called to his home to take his knife collection away. Because it was no secret he was a messed-up little dude.

    I truly hate these people. They love to lecture everybody else about "personal responsibility" but never manage to exhibit any of their own. If you know your son is a complete freakshow, why would you let him anywhere near your personal arsenal of military-grade firearms (which you almost certainly don't need anyway)?

  43. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Dragged out of his motel room and beaten: 1
    Dragged and beaten: 1
    Total forced to take mental health evaluation: 1
    Total beaten: 1

    100% white

  44. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Negroes commit Highland Park level atrocities EVERY WEEK in democratic cities across America.


    In shithole Mississippi, a 38 y/o Black man with 2 previous felonies was given a life sewntgence w/o parole for possessikon of 1.54 ounces of pot.

    Miss law says 3 felo ies, with at least one violent felony, gets you a life sentence, even though this guys previous felonies were non-violent burglary and a felon in possession of a firearm, also non violent.

    Fucking courts and judges are bat shit crazy.

  46. Decidedly dead Jayland Walker's body arrfived at the m edical examiners office still handcuffed. Guess the pigs were afraid he might escape the meat wagon and they would have to expend another 90 caps to put an end to any future life he might have had.

    Highland Park killer was shiown on the grolund handcuffed with a pig holding his legs and another near his waist. N o kn ees on the neck. No ton of p;ork trying to smother the life out of him. here were about a dozen pigs around his vehicle when they caught him and not a shot was fired. Pigs didn't want to lose immunity by violating whitey killer's 4th amendment rights.

  47. Crazy-ass white boy9:28 PM

    "Negroes commit Highland Park level atrocities EVERY WEEK in democratic cities across America."

    And your dumb ass even blamed that one on Black folk and was wrong. Gonna admit your mistake? And since you wanna blame black folk how come you're the only asshole who had to be dragged from a motel room and given a mental evaluation and none of the Black folk here? And stop deflecting when crazy ass white men shoot up a BUNCH of people. It takes a whole week of multiple shooters to equate to one crazy ass white boy like you. And gee, he shot a bunch of elderly people. What is up with you crazy mother fuckers killing babies and old people? You all need a fucking mental health evaluation just like you.

  48. So Laura Ingraham is blaming weed. Good god!

  49. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "So Laura Ingraham is blaming weed. Good god!"

    She'll soon get around to blaming rap and video games, too, like I was saying earlier.

    Maaaayyyybe she'll come closer to the truth and blame mental illness. But then if you ask how much the government should spend to increase spending on treating mental illness, suddenly she won't give a shit about the mentally ill anymore.

    But you can be damn sure guns will appear nowhere on her list of factors that caused this tragedy.

  50. "She'll soon get around to blaming rap and video games, too, like I was saying earlier."

    Aren't those your parents' bogeymen? It's gotta be Brandon's fault right? I mean if we wanna go old school it's Obama's fault. LOL!

  51. Anonymous1:07 AM

  52. Anonymous3:39 AM

    “Aren't those your parents' bogeymen? It's gotta be Brandon's fault right? I mean if we wanna go old school it's Obama's fault. LOL!”

    Bad ideas never die on the right. They’re still ranting about the dire threat of socialism ruining America, same as in the McCarthy era. And the current QAnon pedo panic feels very much recycled from the ‘80s, although they seem to have retooled it so that the transexuals, not the gays, are the ones trying to rape your kids this time around, so I guess that’s a new wrinkle.


    Highland Park shooter before shooting. Looks like bat shit crazy Bobalert from Colorado.

  54. Hey, anon at 1:07 AM.

    The gateway pundit is a right-wing, lying rag. Do you really expect anyone to fall for this?

    Give it up. You are out of your league at this website.

  55. Anonymous12:18 PM

    “Bad ideas never die on the right. They’re still ranting about the dire threat of socialism ruining America“

    That is true, just recycle old bad ideas. Why not rehash John Bircher nonsense instead of coming up with something new? Like Friday the13th movies, aa long as the cash is coming in why change?

  56. Anonymous5:16 PM

    CHICAGO July 1st-6th 2022
    Shot & Killed: 17
    Shot & Wounded: 83
    Total Shot: 100
    Total Homicides: 17

    77.8% BLACK

    16.6% Hispanic

    5.6% White/Other

  57. Anonymous said...

    Bullshit. The directive from on high was to register any death with COVID as FROM COVID, even if the decedent was already dying of congestive heart failure, cancer or some other terminal condition.

    Our government cannot be trusted, period.

    3:41 PM
    Got a link or other reference to support your claims? Or are we supposed to believe anything you say when you post as anonymous? You must think we are pretty dumb.

  58. Anonymous12:29 AM

    “Florida Gov signs law requiring students, faculty be asked their political beliefs“

    Won’t DeSatan be surprised when he gets trolled mercilessly just like with the hotline he set up.😆😂 Man, that man is just a walking talking disaster.

  59. Anonymous12:51 AM

    “Won’t DeSatan be surprised when he gets trolled mercilessly just like with the hotline he set up. Man, that man is just a walking talking disaster.”

    I feel like the students and faculty are the ones getting trolled by DeSantis.

    In order to attend/work at their universities, they will probably have to answer multiple-choice questionnaires asking about their political views, with the available options being:

    A) I am a Republican.

    B) I am a godless, communist, woke, pedophile Democrat who hates America.

  60. Anonymous7:22 AM

    “A) I am a Republican.“

    So let’s all choose A. LOL!

  61. What is going on with B.J. over in Britain?


  63. Former FBI leaders who drew Trump’s ire were both audited by IRS
    Former director James B. Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, were selected for tax reviews the IRS says are random

    Remember how mgats accused Obama of weaponizing IRS to go ater cheating non profits? One rogue branch in Philly was the suspect, not the entire IRS.

  64. O! M! F! G! anymoose! The scientisdt who saved the James Webb telescope project (10 billion bucks) is one of them there Black fellers that ain't mever did nothing, according to you.

  65. Anonymous10:40 AM

    “What is going on with B.J. over in Britain?”

    What’s happening is that, much like Trump, his party realized that Johnson’s chaotic, corrupt, incompetent management style was a political liability — polling indicated he was causing them to lose tons of voter support. After multiple, multiple scandals, the final straw was Johnson’s backing of a sex offender (one of several, actually) within his government.

    Unlike with Trump, the negative polling has made them simply replace Johnson with someone who is (hopefully) less scandal-prone, rather than try to overthrow democracy, January 6th-style, and keep their leader in place against the will of the majority of people.

  66. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Shorter version:

    UK Tories: "Our leader is unpopular and will get voted out. Let's get rid of him."

    US Republicans: "Our leader is unpopular and will get voted out. Let's get rid of voting."

  67. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Brittney Griner pled guilty to drug charges today. Not that it mattered -- she would've been found guilty no matter which way she pled, and no matter what the evidence was. Everybody knows this is a sham trial and she is a hostage of the Russian government.

  68. The American Taliban is here.

  69. Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 21 years in prison for violating George Floyd's civil rights. It is to be served concurrently with his 22 1/2 year sentence for murder, so it won't add any time to his prison stay, but it will hopefully push his parole date further into the future.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The Highland Park shooter was an Antifa operative....

  71. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "The Highland Park shooter was an Antifa operative...."

    The Highland Park shooter was an insane dude with a MAGA gun-nut dad who gave him guns he had no business owning.

  72. "The Highland Park shooter was an Antifa operative...."

    I thought he was a negro.....

  73. Anonymous said...

    "The Highland Park shooter was an Antifa operative...."

    5:30 PM
    Your wild rumor is rather premature, Anon. There are conflicting accounts. Also, it is highly unlikely that an "Antifa operative" would kill children. It's Trump supporters who do that. See rel1able sources below.

    Highland Park shooting person of interest Robert Crimo went ..highland-park-person...
    2 days ago — The 22-year-old, who posted disturbing videos online ahead of Monday's massacre, was pictured in the Waldo outfit at a Trump rally in Northbrook .... › news ›

    Conspiracy theorist subreddits also saw a flurry of posts speculating wildly about his purported 'antifa' leanings, including posts with outright manipulation that involves bundling together several unrelated, out-of-context, or debunked images to imply a connection.

  74. Donald Trump is an Insane Clown. DeSatan is just insane.

  75. True. Both are using Hitler's play book; he was bonkers too.

  76. Man Killed Lyft Driver, Drove Stolen Vehicle to a Family Event: Authorities

    A man is accused of murdering a Lyft driver, then driving the victim’s stolen vehicle to a family event. Devin Powell, 24, is charged with murder, robbery, and theft, online records show. Police say he fatally shot Anthony Garland, 34, leaving the man face down in the grass in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Officers said they were called out to the 3000 block of Rolling Dunes Drive early Thursday morning. A coroner found six “defects” on the body of the then-unidentified man.

    “All were consistent with gunshot wounds,” officers said.

    Police said they found no shell casings. The victim had no personal property except for some change.

    “The male had a visible defect to the top of his head and there was a pool of blood under his face,” police said. “There was also some blood staining his shirt on his back and on his leg. There was a plastic glove similar to those used in food service with blood on it lying next to the body.”

    Officers managed to identify him as Garland by matching his description to his missing person case.

    His wife told cops her husband worked for Lyft as a driver. He was out working the night before, she said, telling them he drove a 2013 GMC Acadia.

    Cops got a warrant for Lyft records, showing them that Powell’s account was Garland’s last ride.

    Using GPS, officers traced the vehicle to Merrillville, Indiana, stopped it, and found Powell with a passenger.

    “Officers could see what appeared to be blood stains around the center console,” police said.

    The passenger, who identified himself as Powell’s cousin, said that the vehicle belonged to Powell, according to authorities.

    “He said Mr. Powell had driven up from Indianapolis that day for a family function,” officers wrote.

    Powell also told officers he drove to Merrillville for a family function. He claimed to have discovered the vehicle running but driverless, officers said.

    “When asked about the car he was in, the white Acadia, Mr. Powell said that he had found the vehicle on Waterfront Parkway as he was walking to the gas station,” police wrote. “He said the car was running and the door was open. He said that he watched the car for a few minutes and when no one came around, he got in the car and drove it away. Mr. Powell said that he later saw the news about the guy found dead where he found the car. He admitted that he also had a gun in the car but said there was no way his gun killed that man.”

    He at first denied called for a Lyft that day, but eventually admitted using his account to call for a ride, officers said. Then, he confessed to shooting Garland, police said.

    “Mr. Powell eventually admitted using his Lyft account to call for a ride and then admitted to shooting Mr. Garland with the gun that he saw was still in the white Acadia,” cops said. “He said that Mr. Garland was trying to screw him over and take his money and that he shot Mr. Garland in self-defense. He said that he was in the back seat on the passenger side and that Mr. Garland turned around in the driver’s seat and tried to pull the money from Mr. Powell’s hand. He said that he pulled his gun and shot Mr. Garland four times.”

    Powell allegedly said he pulled Garland’s body out of the vehicle.

    “After the shooting, Mr. Powell said that he went to his apartment located at 3002 Bayside Drive, Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. Mr. Powell’s address is located within 100 yards of where the victim’s body was found,” police wrote. “At the apartment, he said that he cleaned up and changed clothing. He also admitted to buying seat covers for the front two seats to cover up the blood stains. He also said he vacuumed up the four shell casings.”

  77. Anonymous3:51 PM

    EU Declares Fossil Fuel To Be “Green” Energy As ‘Climate Change’ Narrative Self-Destructs

  78. Overall, we rate the Geller Report Questionable based on extreme right bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as extreme anti-Islamic views and numerous false claims.
    Detailed Report
    Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Anti-Islam, Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
    Bias Rating: EXTREME RIGHT
    Factual Reporting: LOW
    Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
    Media Type: Website
    Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
    MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

    Founded in 2016, the Geller Report is the personal blog/website of Pamela Geller, who is best known for her Anti-Islamic writings. According to her about page: “Pamela Geller is the founder, editor, and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is a foremost defender of the freedom of speech against attempts to force the West to accept Sharia blasphemy laws and against Sharia self-censorship by Western media outlets.”

    The American Freedom Defense Initiative is an anti-Muslim, pro-Israel American organization known primarily for its controversial, Islamophobic advertising campaigns. The group has been described as extremist and far-right. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists SIOA as an anti-Muslim hate group.

    In 2010, Pamela Geller began a controversial campaign to stop the construction of a mosque at the 9-11 ground zero site. In 2015, Ms. Geller proposed a drawing contest of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, which is forbidding in Islam. This subsequently led to calls for Ms. Geller’s beheading. In 2017, David Wright, a Massachusetts man, was sentenced to 28 years in prison for plotting to behead Geller, whom the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) had urged its global support base to kill.

  79. Anonymous4:33 PM

    “EU Declares Fossil Fuel To Be ‘Green’ Energy As ‘Climate Change’ Narrative Self-Destructs”

    The “climate change narrative” — aka reality — hasn’t self-destructed. Europe’s energy trade with Russia has self-destructed, in the wake of their invasion of Ukraine.

    As a result, EU countries are going to have to speed up their transition away from petroleum-burning vehicles and over to electric vehicles, which will entail rapidly increasing electricity generation.

    They aren’t going to be able to do that fast enough using only renewables, so they will also have to make the painful compromise of keeping (American-imported) natural gas-powered generators running and also turn their nuclear generators back on.

    Those energy sources haven’t become any greener than they were yesterday. But Europe is just going to have to suck it up and live with them for a little longer in order to keep their lights on. Apparently, pretending those energy sources are green, legally speaking, is the way they are handling that.

  80. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Elon Musk is trying to pull out of buying Twitter.

    If he succeeds, that’s good news for everyone who doesn’t want Twitter to be filled with even more bigotry and bullshit than it is already.

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

  81. Anonymous9:10 PM

    “EU Declares Fossil Fuel To Be ‘Green’ Energy As ‘Climate Change’ Narrative Self-Destructs”

    Note that Germany is also turning their coal-burning power plants back on. This is not because Germans suddenly decided that coal is fine and climate change isn’t real. They don’t want to do it, but have no choice because Russia has screwed them.

    Frankly, they should never have trusted Russia in the first place. That was a big mistake.

    Germany to reactivate coal power plants as Russia curbs gas flow

  82. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Also, note that this is a temporary measure. As soon as the Germans have built enough generating plants using other forms of energy, they’ll undoubtedly shut down the coal plants again.

  83. From Jason Isbell's Twitter feed:

    Charles L. Hughes
    Come crawling faster
    Obey your Pastor
    Your life burns faster
    Obey your Pastor

    Pastor of Muppets, I'm pulling your strings
    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
    "Pastor! Pastor!"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Germany is also turning their coal-burning power plants back on. This is not because Germans suddenly decided that coal is fine and climate change isn’t real.

    This is because Germans are idiots and won't turn their nuclear plants back on.

    All the good ones left.

  85. Anonymous1:26 AM

    “This is because Germans are idiots and won't turn their nuclear plants back on.”

    They will very likely be doing that. You’d know that if you’d read your own dumb article. The point of which was that the EU are legally classifying natural gas and nuclear as “green” and going back to using them (although it falsely claims they are doing it because of some kind of admission that global warming isn’t real, rather than because of desperation in the face of an energy shortage caused by Europe-Russia hostilities.)

    “All the good ones left.”

    The good ones? You mean the ones with the red armbands and the funny salutes? Yeah, they didn’t leave. We killed them. Because they deserved it.

  86. Another day another magat child molester.

    Must have decided to celebrate with child rape/sodomy.

  87. Anonymous12:56 PM

    “Come crawling faster
    Obey your Pastor
    Your life burns faster
    Obey your Pastor“

    Thanks Doug, now I’ll have this stuck in my head all day.😖

  88. Anonymous3:18 PM

    7 wounded in weekend shooting across Chicago

  89. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Center City rape suspect who was arrested in South Jersey has lengthy criminal history
    The suspect has been identified by police as 49-year-old Willie L Harris.

  90. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Wanted: Suspects for Homicide in the 22nd District [VIDEO]
    July 8, 2022

  91. New Haven Connecticut cops pull a Freddie Gray on a suspect and break his neck and paralyze him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  92. Poll released today has Kamala Harris beating DeSatanist in 2024.

  93. Stoopid Nazi Boebert clone wants to teach the Holocaust from a Nazi viewpoint. That oughta be a hit at maga/klan drunken brawls.

  94. Anonymous9:06 PM

    “7 wounded in weekend shooting across Chicago“

    Seven wounded in one shooting all across Chicago? English isn’t your first language is it? I bet you speak fluent hillbilly. How did the mental evaluation the police made you take turn out?


  95. Anonymous said...

    7 wounded in weekend shooting across Chicago

    3:18 PM
    Hey anon. Here's the real info, so why don't you get off your Chicago bull shit? Your comments are boring and totally one-sided.

    According to Gun Violence Statistics - Team ENOUGH › gun-violence-statistics
    Every day, on average, 316 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention."

  96. It is now a crime in Arizona to record a thug in police uniform committing murder. Only surprise is it took them this long to think of this.

  97. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Your user name is too apt.  It's only illegal to approach within 8 feet.  Do you think cell phone cameras only have an 8-foot range?  "Ignoramus" is definitely what you are.

  98. Actually, in Arizona it is illegal to film within 8 feet of pigs doing their daily criminal acts.

  99. Civil rights and media groups opposed the measure that Republican Gov. Doug Ducey signed Thursday. The law makes it illegal in Arizona to knowingly video police officers 8 feet or closer without an officer's permission.

  100. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Trump is throwing a temper tantrum over the possibility he might not get his Twitter account back, because Elon no longer wants to buy the social media site.

    Trump Tears Into ‘Bullshit Artist’ Elon Musk at Anchorage Rally

  101. Anonymous12:51 PM

    “Your user name is too apt. It's only illegal to approach within 8 feet. Do you think cell phone cameras only have an 8-foot range?”

    Do you think cops aren’t smart enough to stay within eight feet while beating the shit out of you?

    Actually, it will be quite hard for them NOT to be within the eight-feet limit while beating the shit out of you, unless they have really long arms.

  102. Anonymous1:13 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Poll released today has Kamala Harris beating DeSatanist in 2024.

    5:11 PM

    Pure Fantasy!!

  103. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Also, note that this is a temporary measure. As soon as the Germans have built enough generating plants using other forms of energy, they’ll undoubtedly shut down the coal plants again.

    9:14 PM

    More pablum. Solar and wind cannot replace fossil fuels or nukes with current technology. delusion.

  104. The exception to the 8 foot rule is if you are being engaged by the pig and choose to video tape your encounter, then you can clearly get closer.

    Harris beating DeSata nist in 2024 is a fantasy only in alternative fact universe. In reality it is very likely.

  105. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "The exception to the 8 foot rule is if you are being engaged by the pig and choose to video tape your encounter, then you can clearly get closer."

    Ah, I see. Well then, at least it's not a completely insane law, then.

    Not sure why it's a necessary law, however. It seems like it does nothing useful, since police are generally already able to push bystanders back in order to execute their duties, and to charge them with some sort of obstruction-related offense if they refuse.

    So, basically, this is a pointless stunt meant to suck up to law-and-order voters.

  106. What Amendment gives you the right to record police?
    First Amendment right
    The First, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits, covering a diverse array of states, including California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas, have all held that filming police is a “clearly established” First Amendment right.Nov 2, 2021

    Every ciruit court of appEALS THAT HAVE HEARD THIS CASE ALL agree you have that right. Plus there is no expectation of privacy in public so if you are out and about anyone can take your photo, in a public setting, without your permission.

  107. Once again, Putin has targetted civilians by bombing another apartment building in Ukraine. Killing at least 15 civilians today.

  108. Maybe you call for a timeout for a measurement and a referee will come running out with an 8 foot chain you think? Inyeranus is definitely what you are.

  109. Anonymous9:33 PM

    “What Amendment gives you the right to record police?”

    Well, clearly this law isn’t really meant to block the recording of police anyway. If bystanders are only required to be 8 feet back, and there is an exception for the people the police are detaining, then that’s more than adequate for anyone to do whatever recording is needed.

    This is intended as a “stay out of my way, bystanders” law. Meaning they don’t want bystanders to have any excuse to get too close, for fear they may interfere with the police trying to make an arrest.

    However, the police don’t actually need a new law to do this. Their existing powers undoubtedly already give them the right to push bystanders back to a safe distance.

  110. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Do you think cops aren’t smart enough to stay within eight feet while beating the shit out of you?

    Fool, the law excepts the objects of police intervention.

  111. 'Every day, on average, 316 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention"

    We should treat this like the healthcare crisis it is and bring in all of our resources to stop this. Have a roundtable with all stakeholders: the CDC, the NRA, the ATF, concerned citizens, the AMA.......

  112. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "shall not infringe"

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