Sunday, July 10, 2022

Caption Sunday.


What's the name of this movie?  


  1. Fuck the caption.

    They should both be in jail for the rest of their lives.

  2. Nightmare on First Street.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Two Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest.

  4. Hey Joe Biden put me on the Supreme Court I'm black by injection (don't tell him).

  5. Pale Males and Pall Malls7:11 AM

    "Pile Driving Miss Daisy," starring Organ Freeman

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Driving Miss Ginni

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Black or white... trash is trash.

  8. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I’ve got no funny caption, just news.

    The abortion ships are coming! The American legal system is about to turn into a complete circus.

    The Future of Abortion: Floating Clinics?

  9. Mandingo2:56 PM

    She wants the BBC

    Watch it on

  10. Judge tells Bannon he can't weasel out of the criming he did last fall by pretending to cave now:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "white pussy is the best pussy"

  12. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Why don't you see joe bidet in the evening???"

  13. Judge tells Miss Lindsey he has to testify.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Recovering TrumpTard1:23 AM

    "Jungle Fever" or "She's Gotta Have It."

  15. Cop who killed Tamir Rice forced to withdraw his application for employment.

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Bidet crime family at work!!

  17. All pig depots should be on a national database showing every officer's misconduct records for their entire career and it should be available to all. There should be no exceptions for any pig and fuck the pig unions protecting these miscreants from justice.

    Futhermore, Uncle Clarence should be removed from the court and his pig spouse should be behind bars in federal custody.

  18. Anonymous2:33 PM

    “Cop who killed Tamir Rice forced to withdraw his application for employment.”

    He’ll probably end up finding a police job he can’t be fired from, in some rural precinct in the Deep South where they don’t like “Tamirs” and don’t want any living near them.


    Interesting TED Talk.

  20. 10th circuit rules that videoing cops is protected by the first amendment.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  21. Doug, that will be the first even numbered appeals court to make that ruling. Joins the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th,
    9th and 11th courts.

  22. Anonymous4:16 PM

    “10th circuit rules that videoing cops is protected by the first amendment.”

    Interesting case, though, because it didn’t involve the police arresting people trying to record them or seizing their cameras/phones. The police obstructed their ability to get a good shot.

    Cops can’t stop you from filming, but does the First Amendment guarantee that the cops have to make it easy to see what they’re doing? It remains to be seen what the SCOTUS wingnuts will do if the case comes before them.

  23. Q-bert's gun themed restaurant has apparently been put down like the rabid animal it was.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. When pigs start shining bright lights at photographers and playing loud copyrighted music at night to ensure no video can be used due to copyright violations, then they are not paying attention to their traffic stops. They need to worry less about video and more about justice.

  25. ps pigs need to brush up on the constitution and laws they are expected to enforce and worry less about civilians doing lawful activities near them.

  26. Liz Cheney announced at the end of the hearing today that drumpf was trying to tamper with a witness who has yet been called to testify. The witness declined to talk with drumpf and alerted his lawyers who contacted the committee,

  27. Whorin' Loren boo balert, ding bat magat freak congress POS from Colorado is now claiming her hubby was the real victim of his exposing himself in a bowling alley. Riiiiiight!

  28. Anonymous9:48 PM

    “When pigs start shining bright lights at photographers and playing loud copyrighted music at night to ensure no video can be used due to copyright violations, then they are not paying attention to their traffic stops.”

    The copyrighted music thing is a sure sign of a dumb cop who doesn’t know the law. Some cops have tried playing Taylor Swift, etc, during arrests because of their mistaken belief that this would stop video footage of the arrest going viral on social media, as it would get taken down for violating copyright.

    This is not how copyright law works. There is a fair use exception that says that copyright isn’t infringed if the music is incidentally recorded in the course of journalistic reporting (which would cover civilians filming public activities in public). Social media sites aren’t under any obligation to take such videos down.

  29. Anonymous9:49 PM

    *police activities in public

  30. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Black lives DO NOT MATTER... TO BLACKS.

    Black lives should not matter to ANYONE.


    25 y/o B;ack man accused of being a wanted 49 y/o wasicu wastey. Their photos prove they are not identical twins. Black guy spent 6 days in jail because pigs are color blind and stoopid.

  32. From today's Daily Beast...

    "MAGA Fan Accused of Setting Fire to His Own Van After Blaming Biden Supporters and Black Lives Matter"

  33. Ohio magats, from the guv on down including Gym Jordan, have been declaring 10 year old rape victim is a fake news operation intended t0o damage magats, except the police arrested a 27 y/o Guatemalan indocumented alien and charged him with rape. The victim, who was 9 when he impregnated her also identified tha man as the man.

    In Anchorage Alaska, a woman traveling to see drumpf was stopped by pigs and flashed a White Privilege card from drump and cops let her go.


    This link goes with previous post.

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    “Ohio magats, from the guv on down including Gym Jordan, have been declaring 10 year old rape victim is a fake news operation intended t0o damage magats, except the police arrested a 27 y/o Guatemalan indocumented alien and charged him with rape.”

    Oh, the social dissonance!

    Wingnuts will be in absolute agony, torn between their instincts to preserve their cruel abortion laws by pretending liberals are making up a (completely true) story about a child rape victim being forced to carry a rape baby, and their other urge to go full Trump and weaponize the story to attack illegal immigration by highlighting a Latino rapist.

    It must be killing them them not to be able to have it both ways: “liberals are liars but also their lies are true and prove we should BUILD A WALL!”

  36. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Death Becomes Them

  37. Anonymous8:05 PM

  38. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Maga blames BLM and Antifa for destroying his property but......

  39. Woke the Rapper12:45 AM

    White lives don't matter to whites because they shoot and paralyze babies and kill elderly people. Maybe sweep your own porch before criticizing others?

  40. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Catholic — News Report — The Ad Heard Round the World

  41. Anonymous1:33 PM

    CHICAGO July 1st-13th 2022
    Shot & Killed: 27
    Shot & Wounded: 157
    Total Shot: 184
    Total Homicides: 29

    Thats like 4 Uvalde, TX or 4 Highland Park, IL every week.

  42. Indiana magat attorney general is investigating Indians doctor who provided 10 year old her medical abortion. Magats aspire to let no good, legal deeds go umpunished.

  43. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Uncle Ruckus' Revenge

  44. "Incelocracy": Rule by those who want to let rapists choose which women or children bear their offspring:

    Model Law Would Force 10-Year Old to Have Baby

    July 14, 2022 at 1:08 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 329 Comments

    Indiana lawyer Jim Bopp, who has authored model legislation for anti-abortion state lawmakers to adopt, said “the 10-year-old Ohio girl who crossed state lines to receive an abortion in his state should have carried her pregnancy to term and would have been required to do so under his law,” Politico reports.

    Said Bopp: “She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

  45. Anonymous10:24 PM

    joe bidets open border policies allowing illegal aliens into the country and rape a 10-year-old. This is a clear case of violations of the 25th Amendment.

  46. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Starbucks is closing 16 stores in Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC.
    Starbucks says that "challenging incidents" are making the stores unsafe for workers and customers.

    The stores will close by the end of July.

  47. Guess who's coming to treason.

  48. Anonymous11:28 PM

    “Said Bopp: ‘She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child.’”

    Nope, sorry, Mr. Bopp. There is no chance she will see the “benefit” to her, because there is none.

  49. Anonymous11:32 PM

    “Starbucks is closing 16 stores in Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC.
    Starbucks says that ‘challenging incidents’ are making the stores unsafe for workers and customers.”

    “Challenging incidents” probably means “the workers tried to unionize.”

    Starbucks likes to promote how caring and compassionate they are, but the reality is that greed conquers all. They want to keep most of the proceeds of those $4 coffees.

  50. Anonymous11:36 PM

    “I felt unsafe when the baristas demanded fair pay for a day’s work”

    — A Starbucks executive

  51. Anonymous2:50 AM

    “This is a clear case of violations of the 25th Amendment.“

    LOL! Hold your breath until it happens. I dare you.

  52. Anonymous2:52 AM

    “joe bidets open border policies allowing illegal aliens into the country and rape a 10-year-old.“

    Wait, I thought it was a lie according to Gym Jordan and other Republicans. I guess he gets his news from Fox like you.

  53. South Duh kota's lone magat congress POS filed a bill to make a constitutional limit on SCOTUS justices at 9 so libs can't pack the court with ideologue justices to get the results they want. Congress told him to fuck off.

    For revenge magats blocked a Dem bill to track white scumacysts in the military. We fought and killed Nazis to save the world and now magats are snuggling up in bed with them.

    ps magats have no idea when Guatemalan immigrant arrived in the US. Likely was when Texass guv A-Butt's failed drug interdiction at the border was failing so miserably.

  54. Always classy drumpfuck the dumbfuck is fund raising off exwife's death. Wants donations to his pac where he uses the money for himself, I guess.


    Wasicu wastey loses it when a black SUV pulls out of a driveway in front of him. He tells the SOB to get out of his car and then slaps it. Whitey was none too happy when Evander Holyfield exited his vehicle and approached . Funny as hell.

    You changed your tune, Reverend.


    AOC sexually harrassed on capitol steps and pigs won't help.

  57. Anonymous3:27 PM

    “AOC sexually harrassed on capitol steps and pigs won't help.”

    The pigs CAN’T help.

    Calling AOC a “hot tamale” and his “favorite big booty Latina” is obnoxious, but not illegal.

  58. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Liar DeSantis says schoolchildren in Florida are being taught “woke math.”

    These wingnut jackasses live in an upside-down parallel universe where real things, like that 10-year-old rape victim, or climate change, don’t exist, but made-up fantasyland crap like radicalized elementary school lessons is an urgent problem that must be immediately addressed.

  59. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Funny response from the comments section:
    “Wait until DeSantis finds out the children are learning Arabic numerals.”

  60. Pigs could have at least pretended to keep the jerk away from her so she wouldn't be harrassed. After all she is a sitting member of congress.

    Her harrasser works for the Blaze, right wing conspiracy theorists.

  61. Haven't had one of these for awhile....

    5 y/o shoots 8 y/o brother.

  62. The wrong Trump dropped dead yesterday.

  63. Anonymous5:33 PM

    “Her harrasser works for the Blaze, right wing conspiracy theorists.”

    A member of the ever-classy wingnut media.


  64. "The pigs CAN’T help.

    Calling AOC a “hot tamale” and his “favorite big booty Latina” is obnoxious, but not illegal."

    I think she's dating somebody. This is her boyfriend's problem. If someone was harassing Mrs. X me and Mr. Harasser would have a nice little "talk".

  65. Biden was going to nominate an anti-abortion judge hand picked by Mitch The Talking Corpse? As a "personal favor" to Talking Corpse who has done nothing but shit all over Biden? And then the judge gets shitcanned by Rando Paul of all people. I'm beginning to wonder about Biden.

  66. Anonymous2:52 AM

    The sexual entitlement mentality of blacks, captured on video:

  67. ginni sez

  68. Any other man or woman being harrassed like that would be entitled to police protection and other legal remedies, unless the victims are Black and the pigs are white.

  69. Anonymous said...

    The sexual entitlement mentality of blacks, captured on video:

    2:52 AM
    White man Trump and all the other Republican pedophiles files are are wonderful examples of white morality. All you have to do is read the news every day to see this.


    Why isn't fake news up in arms about 41 y/o wasicu wastey busted for drunk driving with 6 under age girls in his truck? He was charged with rape and impregnating a 12 y/o, then another girl, 13 y/o says he got her pregnant and she miscarried and may be pregnant again, by him.

  71. Anonymous3:03 PM


  72. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    CHICAGO July 1st-13th 2022
    Shot & Killed: 27
    Shot & Wounded: 157
    Total Shot: 184
    Total Homicides: 29

    Thats like 4 Uvalde, TX or 4 Highland Park, IL every week.

    1:33 PM

    EVERY WEEK, week after week. CONSTANT. Not unfortunate and terrible isolated incidents.

  73. Anonymous3:23 PM


  74. Really, Anon, do you believe everything you see on Youtube?

  75. Anonymous said....

    That's like 4 Uvalde, TX or 4 Highland Park, IL every week.

    1:33 PM
    What about all of the other states and or cities, or do you only ever report on Chicago? Chicago is pretty far down the list from being the city with the most per capita homicides in the country. It's lower in overall gun violence too. You must really, really hate Chicago.

    BTW, where did you learn to punctuate your writing?

  76. Anonymous5:27 PM

    “I think she's dating somebody. This is her boyfriend's problem. If someone was harassing Mrs. X me and Mr. Harasser would have a nice little ‘talk.’”

    The blowback from this would likely not be worth it. I can already imagine all the headlines: “Why is the Left so violent? Thug boyfriend of socialist congresswoman arrested after threatening journalist over exercising his freedom of speech!”

    Then AOC would give a speech defending her boyfriend’s actions, and Pelosi would end up sanctioning her.

    There is no winning at this game.

  77. Manifest Density6:38 AM

    "Thats like 4 Uvalde, TX or 4 Highland Park, IL every week."

    Are you equating impoverished urban blacks with rural Hispanic and affluent Europeon youth? If so, you are mistaken. It's nothing like that at all.

  78. Manifest Density11:13 AM

    "Thats like 4 Uvalde, TX or 4 Highland Park, IL every week."

    But if you meant they're alike because the perpetrators are still alive and the police response is/was inadequate or that the crimes were perpetrated by pathological psychopaths, then in that case,I agree.

  79. The awful price women will be and already are paying from the abortion ban are showing up already. I wonder why so many people hate women so much. Imagine being a women with a tubal pregnancy and being told you have to wait until you fallopian tube ruptures before treatment can legally be provided. What if this were the rule of appendicitis? Would we as a society stand for this?

    Doctors In Texas Told To Not Treat Some Women With Severe Pregnancy Complications

  80. Whoise behind the atrocious bills being made into law by magats?

    Sheila Kennedy names names and some on the list are no surprise, like the Koch Bro.

  81. Anonymous4:52 PM

    “The awful price women will be and already are paying from the abortion ban are showing up already. I wonder why so many people hate women so much.”

    I don’t think they do “hate” most women. Not in the same sense that, say, white supremacists hate non-whites and want to deport or exterminate them.

    The fundies don’t hate most women, per se; they just devalue them. They think they are of lesser value than men. They think all women’s proper role is childbearing and domestic duties ONLY, and taking away abortion and making women birth more babies will somehow help enforce that role.

    They do, however, hate the women who don’t accept this role. They do hate the “sluts” who want to enjoy their sexuality and not have it given over solely to reproduction. Those women are spoiling their plans, and going against God’s will, and must be punished.

    As for the innocent women who will, unfortunately, die of miscarriages as a side effect of these policies — well, they don’t actually want that to happen. But they will tolerate it. These women are collateral damage incurred for their warped, archaic idea of the greater good, like civilians whose house gets bombed during a war.

    Sad, but necessary price to pay for a wholesome, Biblical society.

    Praise Jesus!

  82. Magats gave to cheat tio win....

    In Colorado a magat congressman orders a county magat official to add a guys name to this year's ballot and swear an affadavit he won 30% of the vote. Guy says he wants tgo che k his lkawyerto see wnat kind of legal trouble he could have. He is ordered to do it anyway and funally a judge stops the madness. The congressman wants to stop the injunction by admitting they have done this so often it isn't eyebrow raising anymore.

    Gotta cheat to win.

  83. I borrowed this from a fellow commenter at Dakota Free Press. His intials are P H.

    A Denver city councilmember who supports defunding police weighs new success of replacing cops with mental health teams. Six months in, the team has responded to almost 750 calls, without one arrest.
    That six-month experiment has now been dubbed a success, and city leaders are poised to expand it in a big way with an infusion of tax money. Some advocates say spending on police alternatives needs to include a reduction in police funding overall.

  84. Anonymous10:29 PM

    “Some advocates say spending on police alternatives needs to include a reduction in police funding overall.”

    Good luck with that.

    Voters are going to be thinking: “Let’s redeploy the police who used to have to deal with mental health calls, and have them now work on fighting muggers, rapists, and murderers.”

    They’re not likely to be thinking: “Hey, let’s just live with muggings, rapes, and murders, because those things are fine.”

  85. The Uncle Tom pair are blissfully happy when they cause others perpetual misery.

  86. Wasicu wastey wastes three people in Indiana Mall. Finally, an alleged good guy with a gun killed the killer.

  87. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The hero who took down the mass shooter in the Greenwood, Indiana mall last night

    He was legally carrying under under Indiana's Constitutional Carry law.

    Chief Ison said that the gunman entered the mall through the food court entrance at 4:54 p.m. He walked directly to the food court restroom. He exited the restroom 1 hour and 2 minutes later.

    He shot and killed victim Gomez outside the restroom. He pointed his rifle into the food court, where the married victims were eating dinner, and shot them to death. He then shot more rounds into the food court, striking a 22 year old female, who is recovering from a leg wound at the hospital, the chief said. A bullet fragment ricocheted off the wall, striking a 12-year-old female running away. A minor wound was treated at the hospital, where a small piece of metal jacket was removed.

    The shooter was then stopped by the Good Samaritan at 5:57 p.m. He was armed with a pistol and engaged the shooter as Sapirman stood outside the restroom area firing into the food court, Ison said.

    Dicken fired several times, hitting Sapirman, who tried to retreat back into the restroom but fell to the ground after being shot, said Ison. Police recovered 24 rifle rounds fired by the suspect and 10 handgun rounds fired by Dicken.

    As I sit here, I'm sure the media can't wait to interview such a hero. Pffft.....

    Who am I kidding, they are digging through his social media and trash bin to find out he's a racist

    bigot, homophobe and Trump supporter. Fuck the media.

  88. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Chicago is pretty far down the list from being the city with the most per capita homicides in the country. It's lower in overall gun violence too"

    Total bullshit.

  89. Anonymous1:30 PM

    CHICAGO July 1st-18th 2022
    Shot & Killed: 39
    Shot & Wounded: 199
    Total Shot: 238
    Total Homicides: 41

    79% BLACK

    15.5% Hispanic

  90. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The left FEARS truth and debate.

  91. Anonymous1:34 PM

    In Indianapolis on Sunday, a law-abiding citizen carrying a concealed handgun stopped another mass public shooting. But these heroic acts happen much more frequently than most imagine, because they rarely get national news coverage.

  92. Anonymous1:36 PM


  93. What happens more frequently than magats imagine is under age girls getting pregnant.

    Now magats, eho just forced underage girls to carry to term, art3 denying what they just passed, because they knew it happens frequently and they don't want to be reminded.

  94. Chicago has no gang violence or homicides. drumpf took care of that when he was appointed potus by Putin.

  95. So the Flynn/Stone world tour is off to a rocky start after a venue in Rochester, NY cancelled the event over a local backlash to hosting a white nationalist free for all.
    Yabba dabba don't?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. Indian AG who went on Fake Noize and slandered Doctor who performed medical procedure on 10 y/o Ohio girl, was hit with a professional mis conduct complaint. Hopefully he gets his mAGAT ASS DISBARRED.

  97. Anonymous4:02 PM

    “So the Flynn/Stone world tour is off to a rocky start …”

    Can you even imagine the kind of absolutely bananas discussion that will take place at one of their events? It would be like listening in on a conversation among space aliens.

  98. Indiana Doc is hinting around about a defamation lawsuit against Indiana magat AG. Hope she sues the state for millions and wins.

  99. Manifest Density6:33 PM

    That's better Anon, just report the facts, don't try to inject any silly analogies or draw any more impotent conclusions.

  100. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What nobody seems to want to discuss is that Sapirman is a Jewish surname, and Jews are always claliming that they're NOT White.

  101. Anonymous said...

    "Chicago is pretty far down the list from being the city with the most per capita homicides in the country. It's lower in overall gun violence too"

    Total bullshit.

    1:28 PM
    Dear Anonymous Troll,
    All you have to do is Google the topic and do some research for yourself, and you will know that I am right.

  102. Anonymous said...


    1:36 PM
    Where are you getting these dumb sayings? Are you a fourth grader at your mom's computer?

  103. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Climate Change/GND is Bullshit

  104. Roe’s demise triggers Missouri law forbidding pregnant women from finalizing a divorce.

    Now where's the commenter who tried to tell me that Republicans do not hate women?

  105. Anonymous6:25 PM

    "Im driving Miss Daisy...Yes Sir, Master..I iz a good Negro."

  106. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "I'm such a good negro boy...she tells me to jump and I jump. She tells me to step and fetch, and I step and fetch."

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