Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Feeling the heat.

With all due respect to Nelly, it's already "HOT in herr". WTF is happening to our planet? It was 114 degrees in some parts of the West. One hundred and fourteen degrees! Let that sink in for a minute. Even Denver, the Mile High City, hit 100 degrees. That is not normal, people. 

I wonder if all those right- wingnuts and climate deniers who have been screaming hoax from the mountain- top still believe that this is the hill they want to die on.  And of course they will reappear in the comments after this post to give us all the usual talking points: This is just history taking its natural course. There is no consensus among scientists that climate change is real, Plants and animals can and will adapt. And of course the kicker: Climate change is good for us.   

All I can say is thank the good lord above for air conditioning. If I had known then what I know now, I would have gone to HVAC school and gotten my HVAC certs instead of law school. The guy with one of the largest homes in my neighborhood owns his own HVAC company. God bless him. But I digress. 

Over in the UK, those poor Brits are having a time of it. They weren't built for this kind of heat, and it shows. There were fires breaking out all over London today, and the poor folks were losing their minds. Today was the hottest day recorded in their history.   The ancestors are getting their revenge for all those tropical countries they colonized. Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. 

Look, I'm no scientist, but this feels different. I wish it wasn't so, but I am afraid that it might be too late to save the planet. We should have collectively focused our energy on saving the planet years ago, but instead, we listened to the right-wingnuts and played politics with our survival. 

To my friends in Texas, I hope the power grid holds up. If it doesn't, your senator will just run away to a cooler place, and your governor will blame something [or someone else], while he continues to take  money from the big power companies down there. 

Stay cool field hands, and enjoy the planet while you can.  


  1. The planet doesn't need saving. It has dealt with much worse in the four and a half billion years it's been around. We are the idiots who need saving, from our own dumb as fuck behavior. The planet won't give a rat's ass after we kill ourselves off, and by definition, we won't be around to either.
    There is a fire four miles north of here that is +/- 5,000 acres but more than half contained, and another one about ten miles west of here that is much smaller, but between the two of them, the air is hazy and the sun has that weird orange tint to it.
    The "Creek Fire" of 2020 was about 380,000 acres four ridges east of here, and the 2017 "Railroad Fire" was 12,000 acres just north of here, leaving us in the gap between burn scars, sitting on the vegetation that grew up from an early snow last fall and dried to a crisp in the driest winter and spring on record.
    A lot of brush has been cleared and there were some prescribed burns a bit up the road before it became too hot and dry for them to be safe.
    My dad worked for the US Forest Service for thirty years and it just didn't used to be like this. The drought weakened the trees enough to let the beetles get to them and now roughly half of the standing timber between here and Oakhurst is dead, and most likely the rest of Sierra National Forest looks the same. That's what climate change has done to my neighborhood.
    We had an opportunity twenty years ago to do something about this, but instead we let the country get run by a pair of dumbfuck oilmen and doomed ourselves to what is here and what's coming.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. Doug, please take care of yourself and your family!

    "The ancestors are getting their revenge for all those tropical countries they colonized."

    Yeah they are, Field -- but damn! Is there any way their descendants don't have to feel this shit too???!! Hell, I live in TX and it's been triple digits for weeks!!

  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    “I wonder if all those right- wingnuts and climate deniers who have been screaming hoax from the mountain- top still believe that this is the hill they want to die on.”

    Literally die on.

    Even worse, they are determined to take the rest of us with them into the disaster they’re helping create.

    I wouldn’t care so much about the wingnuts’ chronic science-denial problem, if the consequences only applied to them. But somehow they never do.

  4. It's willful ignorance. I flew home the other day and the captain of the flight said the UN did a study over the last 10 years and couldn't find any global warming. This is what happens when these people get their news from only one source because one simple search on his phone would have easily disproven this nonsense. I think the worst thing that happened was Al Gore making his movie, not that the movie was bad but it politicized the issue. Rightwingers will cut off their noses to spite their face. Anything to own the libs, and to think these people elect other idiots.

  5. To save Earth and America, first we must rid the planet of magats....all of them!

    There is a spiffy parallel uni just waiting to be stocked with worthless, dangerous magats and every militia member, gang member and terrorist known to mankind. Buh bye!

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    “I think the worst thing that happened was Al Gore making his movie, not that the movie was bad but it politicized the issue.”

    That probably had an effect, but I think the American Right were destined to be climate deniers.

    First, because the Republican Party is heavily funded by fossil fuel money.

    And second, because addressing climate change is not possible without Big Government getting involved, which wingnuts instinctively hate. It is all too easy for them to construct conspiracy theories around anti-climate change policies being some sort of secret, back-door way to impose socialism on the U.S.

  7. The mask is off.


  8. "That probably had an effect, but I think the American Right were destined to be climate deniers.

    First, because the Republican Party is heavily funded by fossil fuel money."

    I don't know, there would be a basic ambivalence but since it was made political they had a foil. It would have been much harder 15 years ago before Republicans went full anti-science anti-fact when trump was elected.

  9. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Climate changes, it's called seasons and weather patterns..............

  10. Anonymous5:43 PM

    “The mask is off.”

    It’s no been no secret for a long time, though, that wingnuts hate the government. Or at least any aspect of government outside of the police and military, who are “heroes.”

    It’s been the case since Reagan that Republicans are essentially running for office to get into government and then ruin it from the inside.

    “Government is the problem. Vote for us and we’ll prove it.”

  11. Once again anymoose pulls another extreme right, low credibility site ou of his ass and wants us to check out his garbaga. Don't waste yer time.

    Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most).
    Detailed Report
    Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Transparency, Fake News, Hate Speech
    Bias Rating: EXTREME RIGHT
    Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
    Country: United Kingdom
    Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
    Media Type: Website
    Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
    MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW

  12. Anonymous9:32 PM

    “Once again anymoose pulls another extreme right, low credibility site ou of his ass and wants us to check out his garbaga. Don't waste yer time.

    Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency.”

    BitChute isn’t a bad news source, per se; it doesn’t qualify as a news source at all. It’s a social media site.

    Basically, it’s YouTube for racists.

  13. "The mask is off."
    That was Fergus' whole shtick: appoint people to run government agencies who actively despise those agencies. They called it "dismantling the administrative state" and his whole damn cabinet was lousy with the damn fools.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  14. Anonymous10:26 PM

    “That was Fergus' whole shtick: appoint people to run government agencies who actively despise those agencies.“

    Like the previous poster stated this has been going on since Reagan.

  15. Anonymous10:36 PM

    “Climate changes, it's called seasons and weather patterns..............“

    You know what doesn’t change? Republican stupidity.

  16. Fiddling while Rome burns. We have the only major political party that denies reality. Gotta love American stupidity.


  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    first we must rid the planet of magats....all of them!

    You condemn people who only want to preserve themselves, while privileging sub-humans who live upon the products of those they despise.

    You are beneath contempt.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Climate changes, it's called seasons and weather patterns..............

    5:41 PM
    Actually the average temperature of the earth has risen yearly since the advent of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. This is common knowledge among climate scientists and informed citizens.
    Check it out by Googling the topic.

  19. You condemn people who only want to preserve themselves, while privileging sub-humans who live upon the products of those they despise.

    None too bright are you, sport? Red states balance their state budgets on taxes from Blue states. They gladly take others monies and despise the Dems who fiscally support magats.

    As for heat, now is a critical period for corn farmers. They need rain to help pollinate their corn and we aren't receiving much. In fact, parts of three neighboring counties in NW iowa are still in critical drought stage. Think Soo City/ Lemars and Cherokee metro areas. Spent a couple hours watering gardwen last night. Onions are ready to eat, but potatoes need more moisture than I can provide with a garden hose and free water.

  20. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Green New Deal is a SCAM

  21. Anonymous12:24 PM

    If the sun becomes a little more "active" and the earth becomes a little warmer. There is NOTHING anyone can do about it...............Climate Change is BULLSHIT.

  22. "If the sun becomes a little more "active" and the earth becomes a little warmer. There is NOTHING anyone can do about it...............Climate Change is BULLSHIT."

    Because a scientist who spends their entire adult life studying climate will forget to take solar activity into account. Conservatrolls are some of the dumbest creatures to have ever been created. We all get to die because stupid people want to flex. Great.

  23. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I'd like to offer a little food for thought. The earth has survived a dust storm that turned beautiful land into the Sahara Desert. The earth has survived an ice age. The earth has survived a flood. Man knew the prediction, "No more water but a fire next time." had to be coming next. Our world routinely "Cleanses itself." We watched Nova and David Attenborough last night, and were not alarmed by anything either show shared. New plants are growing in the ashes/wake of fires across the globe. I saw a beautiful fire lily lighting up the soot and blackened earth. Seeds blew up to sixty miles in either direction, replenishing the flora that had died. Please keep in mind, no matter how many humans die from their own folly, there are always remnants to repopulate the planet. This is life. I believe so many deny the earth is simply doing what it has always done for billions of years because Republicans insist that it is true. Well, all Republicans are now always wrong, just as all Democrats are not always right. Why not work together to help heal our home. I get angry when I see the very people who exploited and damaged the earth rallying the rest of us to repair the damage they inflicted in their quest for wealth and fame.

    There. Thanks for allowing me to have my say.

    Be well.

  24. This was the pig who held George Floyd's legs while Chauvin killed him. The other two pigs have been convicted but not sentenced yet.

    "ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A federal judge sentenced former Minneapolis police Officer Thomas Lane to 2 1/2 years in prison Thursday for violating George Floyd’s civil rights, calling Lane’s role in the restraint that killed Floyd “a very serious offense in which a life was lost” but handing down a sentence well below what prosecutors and Floyd’s family sought."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Anon @2:35:
    Like I said above, the planet will be fine, it gives less than a shit whether we suffer from our destructive behavior or not. What I don't like is that there are a large number of species that didn't do anything wrong but are being displaced or driven to extinction by our wretched behavior. All those dead trees with beetle infestations, for example. The giant Sequoias in Mariposa Grove that are being saved from a fire larger than they evolved to survive by a goddamn sprinkler system. The ancient Bristlecones now being threatened by drought and bark beetles.
    Some of this is just our misfortune for having lived to see it, but a lot of it is our own doing, and we should fucking stop.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  26. Anonymous3:09 PM

    “This is life. I believe so many deny the earth is simply doing what it has always done for billions of years because Republicans insist that it is true”

    No, people deny that the earth is “simply doing what it has always done” because the scientific experts say that is not, in fact, what is happening. This is not a natural geologic climate cycle, but rather a deviation from what is normal, and which has resulted solely from human consumption of fossil fuels.

    Scientific experts say this because that is what the evidence definitively shows them.

    And also … the earth does not “heal itself.” It doesn’t have some ideal state it wants to get back to. If you change the climate, then the climate is changed, permanently. The earth doesn’t care. And in that new, hotter version of the earth, some currently existing plants and animals will survive, while others will go extinct.

    One of the animal species that may go extinct is humans. That seems like an outcome I’d like to prevent, but that’s just me.

  27. Anonymous3:37 PM

    “One of the animal species that may go extinct is humans.“

    Yeah but we gotta own them libs! Now get out there and buy a coal burning kit for your monster truck . MAGA!

  28. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Covid stuff that works.


  29. Anonymous4:03 PM

    George Floyd was a career criminal and crack head. Committed many forcible felonies, including a home invasion and pointing a pistol at a pregnant women's abdomen.

  30. "George Floyd was a career criminal and crack head. Committed many forcible felonies, including a home invasion and pointing a pistol at a pregnant women's abdomen."

    So therefore we needed to kneel on his neck until he died.

  31. "George Floyd was a career criminal and crack head. Committed many forcible felonies, including a home invasion and pointing a pistol at a pregnant women's abdomen."

    So therefore we can kill him but stand around checking our text messages while children are being slaughtered. And for god's sake use hand sanitizer! Covid man!

  32. Good video.


  33. Supremacy clause, bitches:

    Merrick Garland:
    That act requires hospitals to provide stabilizing care for a patient who comes in with a medical emergency that seriously jeopardizes their life or their health, and where that stabilizing treatment is abortion, they must provide abortion, and they must do so notwithstanding a state law that is so narrow that it doesn’t even protect a woman’s life or health.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous5:08 PM

    “Supremacy clause, bitches”

    Just wait. Next, SCOTUS will declare the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act of 1986 is unconstitutional
    on the grounds that “keeping people from dying from lack of medical care is not deeply rooted in our nation’s history.”

    Or whatever other ridiculous justification they feel like pulling out of their asses that day.

    I’m only half-joking. These people are terrible.

  35. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/george-floyd-america/policing/

    George Floyd and sundry other Blacks had police present nearly every day of their lives and were trweated as disposable unwanted people.

    These people got arrested for the pettiest of crimes and were arrested on a regular basis. No wonder they don't/didn't trust pigs.

  36. What Pilot said @1:56 PM. Are we just ignoring science now? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

  37. Texass guv A-Butt has not attended a single Uvalde funeral. I am sure he'd be as welcome as a rabid skunk at a picnic.

  38. Surprise surprise, Fox "news" isn't covering the 1/6 hearings. Like someone said, if Fox had been around during the Watergate hearings Nixon's presidency probably would have survived. A whole lot of people are ignorant of events and facts. You don't have to agree with the hearings or even dislike them but you have to be aware of what is happening. This is history being made in real time and pretending like there is nothing to see is childish and foolish but then again we're talking about modern Republicans. Carry on.

  39. African-American people have long known, and the people of Uvalde now also know, that the police will not protect them. So for everyone but the rich, the police aren't defunded, but they are already abolished.

    I want "to protect and serve" back, if it ever was. Taxation without protection is larceny.

  40. Field: the R's reject science because they reject facts in general. Reagan said, "Facts are stupid things," for which I refuse to forgive him. They condemn the facts because the facts condemn them.

  41. Roe’s demise triggers Missouri law forbidding pregnant women from finalizing a divorce. https://www.alternet.org/2022/07/missouri-law-pregnant-women-divorce/

    Now where's the commenter who tried to tell me that Republicans do not hate women?

    11:01 PM 7/21/22

  42. Anonymous said...

    If the sun becomes a little more "active" and the earth becomes a little warmer. There is NOTHING anyone can do about it...............Climate Change is BULLSHIT."

    12:24 PM
    Pilot X is right, Republicans are the most ignorant people on earth. And you just proved it with this post.
    Please do yourself a favor and Google the research.

  43. Anonymoid 12:24 PM: "There is NOTHING anyone can do about it..............."

    So the anonymoid's position on climate change is helpless passivity. Same with the rest of the right wing. They are also passive and helpless about covid and guns.

    Their toughness and pride hides weakness and shame. They hate weakness, therefore themselves: that's typical for fanatics.

  44. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Even if the sun were to emit more radiation it would be re-emitted as longwave radiation at night but greenhouse gases trap them in the atmosphere. We can effect the amount of greenhouse gases.


  45. Anonymous8:53 AM



  46. Anonymous8:58 AM



  47. Anonymous9:03 AM

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband purchased between $1 million and $5 million of stock in a semiconductor company ahead of an upcoming vote on legislation containing $52 billion for chipmakers.

  48. More info on Republican hatred of women and everyone else that doesn't look like they do. From Huff Post -

    "Clarence Thomas Isn't The Only One Ready To Reduce Women To Baby Incubators"

    "The vast majority of House Republicans just voted to take away women's right to travel, to access contraception and to marry who they love."


  49. "abolition, n. An early invasion of property rights by left-wing extremists."

    Thus begins "Everything Abridged," a combination Devil's Dictionary, short-story collection by Dennard Dayle.
    Compares favorably to "Flight to Canada" and "The Sellout."

    If you need comic relief with a wicked satiric bite, go for it.

    P.S. He's Jamaican-American, same tribe as Field.

    This is my last commercial. I have no stake in this other than to spread joy.

  50. Mr Fueld, curious as to your take on whether the activist magat SCOTUS has screwed up thwe Bar exam.,


  51. Nebraska man goes all the way across iowa and kills three in a state park. He is later found dead.

    No idea what weapon he used.

  52. Bannon guilty on 2 counts of contempt of Congress. Sentencing later.

  53. Another fine upstanding, gawd fearing phony kristian magat pastor charged with child rape.


  54. It seems that OANAN network may have pounded its pork for the last time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous4:27 PM

    “It seems that OANAN network may have pounded its pork for the last time.”

    They probably won’t disappear. They’ll still be watched over the Internet.

    But if their lie-filled channel is no longer being broadcast onto people’s TVs, I can only count that as a victory.

  56. Stick a finger in a pail of water, remove finger and the hole in the water is how much OAN will be missed. Buh bye.

  57. As an aside, this heat has done wonders for my onions, not so much for spuds. I have the biggest Walla Walla onions I have ever attempted to grow and the Red Candy and Redwing onions are rather nice sized, too.

    I will be checking spuds soon. It is time to partake in the bounty of my spring/summer labors.

  58. Third fire within ten miles from here is blowing up to more than 5,000 acres now. The air is smoky and there is fine ash falling like snowflakes.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  59. Mike said...
    As an aside, this heat has done wonders for my onions, not so much for spuds. I have the biggest Walla Walla onions I have ever attempted to grow and the Red Candy and Redwing onions are rather nice sized, too.

    I will be checking spuds soon. It is time to partake in the bounty of my spring/summer labors.

    10:02 AM
    I grew up on a form, so I hear you loud and clear, Mike. I used to grow several vegetables in my back yard, but I'm too old to do it anymore.

  60. Thanks, Gambler 2. I give much of the produce to friends and neighbors every yer.

    According to officials there were 376 law enforcement personnel on the ground at Robb Elementary while the gunman was still inside killing. That is more than defended the AlAMO. Guess macho men with guns lost their nerve after Crockett was killed.

    I'm guessing Black males would disagree with me. There was a Black female driver trying to get on interstate and she was cut off by another driver. After some time the other driver shot thwe lady 6 times in the back through her rear car window and pigs released him because he claimed self defwense.

  61. They can change their name to Off Air Network

  62. Good one, Bloviating Ignoramus.

  63. Keep safe, Doug. I would send water, but, we are short here in iowa. Waiting on the rains that seem to bypass us.

  64. Anonymous8:52 PM

    “Nebraska man goes all the way across iowa and kills three in a state park. He is later found dead.“

    Time for a racist anon to blame a Black man.

  65. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Joke Congressman Madison Cawthorn is in yet more trouble of his own making.

    Madison Cawthorn Owes A Ton Of Money To His Donors, But He's Broke

  66. From Ted Leo's Twitter feed:

    death angel
    pay attention to deliberate language choices in media. she’s a “young woman” when state legislators want to force her to carry her rapist’s baby to term, but she’s a “confused child” if she happens to be trans

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. This is getting interesting.... a man was charged with allegedly trying to stab NY magat running for guv, Lee Zeldin. The assailant was arrested and released from jail after around 6 hours behind bars. Zeldin rushed straight to fake news and blamed Dems for letting him out of jail without having to post bail.

    Truth is, the DA that chrged the attacker with crimes that had no bail limits, is a magat and co-chair of Zeldin's own campaign. She fucked up the process and made magats and fake noize look like the whiny, sappy, lying losers they are.


  68. So two Murdoch owned papers have abandoned Fergus. It's a bit late, Rupe, he's your boy, fascism, insurrection and all. We tried to tell you, but you didn't listen.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  69. Anonymous10:12 PM

    “So two Murdoch owned papers have abandoned Fergus. It's a bit late, Rupe, he's your boy, fascism, insurrection and all. We tried to tell you, but you didn't listen.”

    I wouldn’t count on Murdoch to have learned anything, even belatedly.

    He’s probably just transferred his loyalties to a smarter, more competent grade of fascist, like DeSantis. With him, you get all the lies, hate, and authoritarianism, minus the Trumpian pratfalls.

  70. Saw a fabulous definition of "woke."Person/persons who did not sleep through science and history classes.

    Includes everyone except magats of the drumpfian persuasion.

  71. mike from iowa said...

    Saw a fabulous definition of "woke."Person/persons who did not sleep through science and history classes.

    Includes everyone except magats of the drumpfian persuasion.

    10:45 AM
    I agree, Mike, And I would add, people whose Mothers taught them to have good manners and to respect the rights of other people.

  72. Anonymous11:55 AM

    (Bloomberg) -- China issued strong private warnings to the US government about a planned trip to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which included a possible military response, the Financial Times reported.

    China’s foreign ministry earlier this week officially vowed to take a “resolute and strong” response to any Taiwan visit by Pelosi, which was reported to be next month. Her trip would be the first by a House speaker to Taipei since 1997.

  73. Anonymous11:57 AM

    CHICAGO July 1st-26th 2022

    Shot & Killed: 54
    Shot & Wounded: 309
    Total Shot: 363
    Total Homicides: 57

    79% BLACK

  74. Icon from childhood teevee, Tony Dow (aka Wallace Cleaver) of "Leave it to Beaver" fame has left the building.

  75. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Rural white America July 1-26

    Number of meth OD’s: 500,000
    Number of inbred kids:1,000,000
    Number of teeth:25
    Number of showers: 11

    100% white

  76. Little town of Kenly, NC hired a blkack female city manager and entire pig sty and a couple other all white officials quit. Claimed it was a hostile workplace. I figure they were the hostiles.
    Pig in chief said he would consider returning if they fired the Black City Manager. No racism here.


  77. Stoopid wasicu bitch sinator from Indiana filed a bill that coulkd charge rape victims with a crime but no the rapists themselves. In magat land this probably makes sense.


  78. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Illegal Nigeran Alien 37-year-old Portia Odufuwa shot by police after opening fire at Love Field, law enforcement says.............

  79. Wally Cleaver is no longer dead, just in hospice care says his management team. I reported a false story. I am sorrier than drumpf, but not by much.

  80. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Chicago man found guilty in deadly Minnesota road rage shooting of baseball coach - Feral Chicago Negro Jamal Smith found guilty of three counts in the July 2021 death of a WHITE 56-year-old baseball coach, Jay Boughton

  81. Anonymous9:48 PM

    “In magat land this probably makes sense.“

    Republicans are stupid. They have to appease their invisible sky daddy

  82. Anonymous11:57 PM

    “Chicago man found guilty in deadly Minnesota road rage shooting of baseball coach”

    Maybe you’d like him better if he went to a roof during a parade and killed and paralyzed elderly white people and white kids?

  83. I haven't heard how HRC sold all of our Uranium to Putin and did it personally. Kinda miss the energy magats pour into these conspiracy falsehoods. Getting old and nostalgic, I guess.

  84. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Little town of Kenly, NC hired a blkack female city manager and entire pig sty and a couple other all white officials quit. Claimed it was a hostile workplace. I figure they were the hostiles.
    Pig in chief said he would consider returning if they fired the Black City Manager. No racism here.


    2:52 PM

    She is a racist and incapable of administrating.

    Another example of affirmative action in action!!

  85. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Colossians 3:5
    5 So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.
    6 Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming.

  86. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Whoopi Goldberg said on the View: "Jill Biden should become Surgeon General. She’s an amazing doctor."


    jill bidet is a PhD not a MD.........libtards are so delusional.

  87. Nothing requires the Surgeon General to be an MD.

  88. She is a racist and incapable of administrating.

    Let's saee yer proof, ace.

  89. Anonymous2:44 PM

    “jill bidet is a PhD not a MD.........libtards are so delusional.”

    And Whoopi Goldberg is a comedian. So this comment was likely an example of that mysterious, esoteric phenomena known as a “joke.”

  90. Wallace Cleaver has once again left the building at age 77. No fooling this time, or not.

  91. California man who wanted to waste Kavernmouth, the waste, also wanted to kill 2 other skunks in flowing robes. Took a page out of magats 2nd smendment solution. He planned to water the tree of Liberty with magat skunk blood.


  92. Anonymous9:41 PM

    “Betcha they'd NEVER order all the bathhouses closed and arrest people who gather at sex parties, because fags are only two levels below the top (blacks, followed by trannies) in the leftist hierarchy of holiness.”

    Do bathhouses still exist? It’s not 1980 anymore.

    I’m pretty sure most of the disease transmission isn’t occurring at sex parties, either. Gay men today tend to pick up their sexual partners the same way straight ones do.

    So are gay people not allowed to drink in bars anymore? Do they need to have their Internet taken away to prevent them arranging monkeypox-spreading dates on Tinder?

    Or perhaps this is less a sensible public heath policy and more you just being an asshole?

  93. Anonymous9:54 PM

    “She is a racist and incapable of administrating.“

    Says a racist incapable of administrating. You can’t make this shit up.

  94. On Blue Girl's Twitter feed:


    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  95. Anonymous4:23 AM

    So you evil f***s censor?  Here it is again:


    World Health Organization suggests that f**gots restrict their proclivities to stop spreading monkeypox so vigorously.

    It was long past time to shut down their bathhouses and clubs in the Aidies, and arrest and jail anyone organizing or coming to sex parties.

    It is long, LONG past time to do that today.  Much worse should be the order of the day.  The solution to disease vectors is extermination.

  96. Gee, the only sex parties I know about are heterosexual. I guess we just need to exterminate everybody, and then there will be no more human diseases.

  97. Anonymous9:34 AM

    "It is long, LONG past time to do that today."

    And it'll happen because an anon troll professes it on a blog. And all will thank you. LOL! These trolls are some of the dumbest humans that have ever lived.

  98. Anonymous1:53 PM

    “So Alito proves he is an arrogant asshole with no plans to be impartial as a justice.”

    Alito whined that people “don't think that religion is a good thing that deserves protection,” but the court ruling he authored, forcing his religious practices on others who don’t share his faith, will create more hostility to religion than anything else I can think of.

  99. Anon @ 1:53 PM Count me as first in line of religion haters. Burn/ban the bible.

  100. As the dearly departed Frank Zappa put it:

    "Tax the churches. Tax the businesses owned by the churches."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  101. Alito is acting like drumpf, doesn't respect his office and attacks his enemies with no hope of being punished for his words/actions.

  102. Here's a good take on the right's scare mongering of monkey pox.


  103. "Black girls behaving like the primitive savages they are"

    LOL! Internet search "1/6" to see white men behaving like something beyond primitive savages. Remember guys, back the blue unless of course they're preventing the rightful president from taking office then it's cool to assault them.

  104. Anonymous1:54 AM

    "Here's a good take on the right's scare mongering of monkey pox."

    Decent video, except for:

    1) The dude in the video exaggerates Reagan's culpability in the '80s AIDS crisis. I'm absolutely no Reagan fan, and it's true that he didn't particularly care about gays (and that the evangelicals who supported him and worked for him completely hated gays), and he didn't do much to inform the public on how they could protect themselves. Can't have accurate sex education -- that's sinful! But it's not true that he prevented the federal government from doing any AIDS research. He did cut the funding of health agencies somewhat, although that was largely because he cut funding on EVERYTHING that wasn't guns or bombs he'd decided we needed to fight the Soviet "Evil Empire."

    Also, AIDS was a slow-infecting, slow-killing disease, and it was very poorly understood at the start of the Reagan administration. This was not the case with COVID, an airborne respiratory disease which all the experts knew was capable, if not contained, of killing millions of Americans in a matter of months, and yet Trump still did jack shit to contain it, leaving state governors to scramble to make up for his inaction.

    So no, sorry, Reagan's public health failures were not worse than Trump's.

    2) The dude in the video is being alarmist about the contagiousness of monkeypox. It's not THAT easy to get, outside of sex or other very close contact. You're not gonna get it from trying on clothes in a store, and it's not gonna spread through the water supply, as he wrongly suggested.

    He's right that it is possible to get it without having sex, though. It's not an actual STD, much less some kind of special "gays-only" STD. And he's probably right that wingnuts will assume that it is a "gays-only" STD, so when kids started getting it, Fox News will go into ARE YOU SORRY YET, LIBS, GAYS ARE RAPING OUR CHILDREN NOW mode.

  105. "The dude in the video exaggerates Reagan's culpability in the '80s AIDS crisis."

    In his defense he is young and wasn't around during the Reagan years.

  106. Another interesting vid. It doesn't hurt that the young lady is attractive.


  107. Anonymous4:11 AM

    “In his defense he is young and wasn't around during the Reagan years.”

    Yeah, and there’s also a lot of misinformation around that dates all the way back to the ‘80s, probably originating in the gay community.

    Gay men were scared out of their wits by this deadly disease that had no treatment and was mostly killing them. At the same time, there was a president who they (rightly) assumed didn’t care all that much about their welfare. And so, trust in the Reagan administration was ultra-low, rage was high, and I think that resulted in conspiratorial thinking that perhaps Reagan was not only not trying hard to find solutions for the AIDS crisis, but was actively trying to prevent them.

  108. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I see the video of the savages was censored, but not before BusDriverX responded to it.  Here it is again:


    The truth hurts, doesn't it?

  109. Anonymous12:21 AM

    What is privilege?

    Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job.

    Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.

    Privilege is having a smart phone with a data plan which you receive no bill for.

    Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don't have a water bill, where rising rents and property taxes and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on the table.

    Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such behavior.

    Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or school you don't pay for.

  110. The heat is coming back in the next few days.

    Ptivilege, in a nutshell, is having been born white.

    Privilege is getting massive tax refunds while paying no income taxes.

    Privilege is the ability to go about life without wondering when, not if, pigs will harrass you.

  111. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Privilege is getting massive tax refunds while paying no income taxes.

    White people pay most of the income taxes in the USA.  THAT particular privilege belongs to people who can afford their own lobbyists.  That excludes anyone worth less than about a billion dollars.

    Privilege is the ability to go about life without wondering when, not if, pigs will harrass you.

    Because they're not committing crimes all the time and do things like keeping their cars repaired, registered and insured, and police usually have better things to do.  Usually.  Merrick Garland's FBI seems to be gearing up to classify parents who protest anti-White propaganda in schools as "domestic terrorists".

    Ptivilege, in a nutshell, is having been born white.

    Ah, yes, the "privilege" of being excluded from many educational and job opportunities because of "affirmative action" and "diversity".  The "privilege" of being told your race is responsible for everything bad in the world.  The "privilege" of being replaced in the country your ancestors built and handed to you as your birthright.  The "privilege" of walking on eggshells around anyone deemed "more oppressed" than you.  The "privilege" of being deemed racist for BWW (Breathing While White).

    Some "privilege".

  112. Anonymous said...

    "What is privilege?"
    Yeah, anonymous asked that and went on to repeat nearly every talking point Republicans have used over the last forty-seven years to demean poor people in mostly Black communities.
    It's sickening. It's tiresome. It's racist.

  113. Anonymous said....
    The "privilege" of being deemed racist for BWW (Breathing While White).

    10:11 AM
    I would say that one aspect of white privilege is to never have your application for employment thrown away because of the color of your skin.

  114. RIP Bill Russell.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  115. RIP Nichelle Nichols.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  116. In what can only be described as "maximum Fergus", TFG has buried his ex-wife on one of his golf courses for a large tax break.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  117. Anonymous6:04 PM

    “The truth hurts, doesn't it?“

    What truth? That some Black people do dumb shit? Why would that hurt me?

  118. Kaintuck is flooding bigly. Wonder if dumbfuck Rand Paul will vote to deny federal funding for the victims?

    In another vein, it is a small, precipitous step for magats to force all white women from age 8 to get pregnant once per year to ensure wasicu's remain in control of America.

    If thedy can force women to carry every fetus to birth, they can demand organ donations for their wealthy backers, too.

  119. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-obvious-reasons-boy-15-killed-3-siblings-authorities-say-rcna40577

    And the beat goes on.

  120. Anonymous7:45 PM

    “Kaintuck is flooding bigly. Wonder if dumbfuck Rand Paul will vote to deny federal funding for the victims?”

    Of course not. Suddenly, Big Gummint coming to the rescue will be A-OK.

    His so-called libertarian principles will go out the window until the next time people who don’t vote for him need help, and then he’ll go right back to “Oh dearie, how are we gonna pay for it? Think of the children, buried in debt!”

  121. Anonymous3:31 AM

    I would say that one aspect of white privilege is to never have your application for employment thrown away because of the color of your skin.

    No, they just file it in the "not diverse enough" folder so they can prove to the EEOC that they weren't turning "diversity" away.

    The result is the same:  White males aren't hired even when they're the most qualified applicant.

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