Sunday, July 31, 2022

Say what?!


When I check out I want to be have my ashes spread over the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Falmouth, Jamaica.  I want a very small gathering, and very short goodbyes. 

Something about being buried in the ground just doesn't sit right with me. What if, for instance, there is some kind of life after death experience, and I wake up in a coffin six feet under? I have serious claustrophobia issues, and the thought of...lord I can't even think about it. 

So why I am I talking about how one chooses to be sent off after they say farewell to this life? Well, as you all might have heard by now, tfg's ex recently met an unfortunate end when she fell down a flight of stairs and said goodbye to this life. It was a weird way for her to go out, and needless to say some folks still have some questions. But the place her ex husband chose to bury her... Lord have mercy!    

Read what Matt Prigge had to say about the whole thing: 

"Donald Trump has a lot going on right now, but he’s somehow found the time to draw attention to one part of his empire in particular: his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president has drawn fire from families of 9/11 victims for hosting a (sparsely attended) Saudi golf tournament at his NYC-adjacent course. But there’s more: When he buried his late ex-wife Ivana near the course’s first hole, he may have done so for tax break purposes.2022

As caught by The Daily Mail, Dartmouth sociology professor Brooke Harrington suspected something was up when Trump buried his first wife on one of his golf courses. So she did some snooping, and she discovered that in Jersey, there is no minimum number of bodies required for a plot of land to be designated a cemetery…and therefore be exempt from all taxes, rates, and assessments.

What’s more, tax documents reveal that the Trump Family Trust recently sought to designate a property only 20 miles from the golf club, in Hackettstown, to become a non-profit cemetery company.

So, did self-professed rich guy really use his late ex-wife’s death to save some money? He of course hasn’t addressed the matter. But as per Insider, he’s tried to turn his golf club into a makeshift cemetery before:"

No words. I mean this is beyond tacky even for the tfg. I have no feelings about Ivana one way or the other, but I know she deserved more than this. I mean, who wants to be buried on the first tee of a golf course? Hell Tiger Woods won't want to be buried on a damn golf course, and he made a billion dollars off the sport. 

I will never play Bedminster, but for those of you who do, please say a little prayer for tfg's ex buried below your tee box before you launch one down the fairway. 

Pic from news. 


  1. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I wonder if Marla and Melania have chosen which holes they’ll be buried under.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    After months of internal debate, the Biden administration has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker serving a 25-year US prison sentence, as part of a potential deal to secure the release of two Americans held by Russia, BLACK LESBIAN DRUG TRAFFICKER Brittney Griner and CANDIAN MAN ASS MUNCHING SPY Paul Whelan, according to people briefed on the matter - The "other American" Biden isn't trying to get released imprisoned in Russia has a name, too. - He was always just Mr. Fogel to the students he entranced with lectures about the Cold War. But he is Marc Hilliard Fogel - But since Fogel is a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE...... DEMOCRATS DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT HIM...

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The World's Worst Negro Grandma Said Unthinkable Things To Subway Workers In Front Of Her Grandkids:

  4. Yes, it's always simple with He Who Does Not Laugh, it's about money which feeds his always-unfulfilled ego. He didn't want to declare the 2020 election over because he was still getting donations. He'll try to run again because money. He'll stiff his lawyers because money. And we need to keep in mind that if he'd just invested his inheritance he'd be richer than he is now, so stupid, too. Can we get rid of this guy without having to elect President De Santis? God help us.

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    If I were a golfer I think it would be awesome to be buried on a golf course.

  6. It's like the movie "The Loved One" in reverse.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Colour me surprised drumpf didn't off Ivana Jr and bury her ass on the first tee. She'll always be his favorite grope toy and has since she was one.

    Then he'd beg people to help defray the millions in costs to bury her properly. And then he would just pocket the coin. It could've happened.

  8. Everwomnder what anymoose does in his spare time? How does he know for certain what Gays and Lesbians do in the priv acy of their own bedrooms?

    Time for someone to come out of the closet, finally?

  9. 7year sentence for man behaving badly. More please . LOL!

  10. Anonymous8:38 PM


    Just total hallucinatory garbage from the wingnut fever swamp. There's no evidence Paul Whelan is gay. And there's no reason to believe that the government won't negotiate for Fogel, just because he's not included in the present round of hostage exchange negotiations, much less that they don't want him back because he's NOT gay.

    Wingnuts have gay on the brain, at the moment.

  11. Anonymous10:47 PM

    “The World's Worst Negro Grandma Said Unthinkable Things To Subway Workers In Front Of Her Grandkids“

    Awwwwww, can’t handle a few bad words sweetie?

  12. Anonymous10:50 PM


    Such a victim complex. Jesus, want some cheese to go with that whine sweetie?

  13. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Here it is with pictures because we know hillbillies don’t like reading.

  14. magat anymoose, where is your proof Fogel is not considered in prisoner swap? Is this something fake noize tells you? Are you that fucking biased and blinded by hate?

  15. Anonymous12:20 PM

    “magat anymoose, where is your proof Fogel is not considered in prisoner swap? Is this something fake noize tells you? Are you that fucking biased and blinded by hate?”

    He’s not been officially designated as wrongfully detained by the U.S. and a trade for Fogel has not been mentioned so far, so he’s probably not included in the initial deal being negotiated. But who knows? The general public aren’t party to the discussions going on behind the scenes. And even if he isn’t in the initial deal, that wouldn’t preclude him being part of a subsequent deal.

    Fogel was caught with a lot more drugs than Griner was even accused of carrying, and there’s really no doubt that he did it, although his sentence seems big compared to the offense. This could be part of why negotiation for his release has not been mentioned along with Griner and Whelan.

  16. Fogel has a doctor's prescription for medicinal marry jane and no criminal record that I am aware of.

  17. Anonymous2:06 PM

    “Fogel has a doctor's prescription for medicinal marry jane and no criminal record that I am aware of.”

    He may well have been taking weed for pain relief, but unfortunately, that doesn’t matter. Medical marijuana is not a thing in Russia. To them, he’s just a criminal. They’ve basically charged him as a drug dealer, not a user, as well.

  18. Anonymous3:29 PM

    It looks like the Dems finally got Manchin's vote by buying him off with a natural gas pipeline. For at least a year, he's been dragging his feet on literally everything, but I figured he could be bribed. He is not what you'd call a "conviction politician"; he's not particularly principled. God only knows why the Dems farted around this long before finally breaking down and giving him what he wanted.

    It was probably some dumb purity thing. Yeah, it's not good for the environment to build more fossil fuel infrastructure, but that doesn't justify allowing the blockage of all the rest of Biden's climate agenda just to stop one fucking gas pipeline. You've got to think of the greater good, and compromise sometimes.

    It's just frustrating as hell.

  19. Anonymous4:06 PM

    “The system doesn't just tolerate black criminality, it encourages it.“

    I mean if you prefer giving crazy white teens assault rifles so they can kill babies and old people I get it.

  20. Anonymous4:09 PM

    “It's just frustrating as hell“

    You gotta be tough to be a Dem. To be a Republican all you have to do is be white and be a bigot.🤷🏾‍♂️


    A fetus with a detectable heartbeat is now a tax deduction for parents in Georgia.

  22. Manifest Density5:18 PM

    “The system doesn't just tolerate black criminality, it encourages it.“

    That's because they've spent trillions of dollars creating it. And made trillions more maintaining it.

  23. Anonymous8:46 PM

    “You gotta be tough to be a Dem. To be a Republican all you have to do is be white and be a bigot.”

    Yeah, but Republicans are not completely immune from the same problem of refusing to compromise at all, and therefore ending up with nothing. Attempting to please their most extreme voters does sometimes result in Republicans failing to pass laws or losing what would otherwise have been winnable elections.

    Remember just five years ago? A Democrat won a Senate seat in Alabama, amazingly enough, because Republican primary voters insisted on nominating as their candidate the fundamentalist whackjob (and ex-judge!) Roy Moore. Ol’ Roy didn’t have much of a chance after the news broke that he’d banned from the local mall for trying to pick up junior high school chicks there.

    That was good for the Democrats, but bad for the reputation of Alabama, which everyone already thinks of as the pervy redneck sister-humper state.

    It looks like the same dynamic is going to play out in some of the political races this fall, as the Democrats’ losses will be partially blunted by the Republicans having nominated insane fruitcake candidates, like Doug “Stop the Steal” Mastriano for governor in Pennsylvania or Talibangelical hillbilly Darren Bailey in Illinois.

    Maybe they could have had a shot at winning those races, but nit now. They’ve clearly decided to shoot themselves in the dick instead.

  24. PilotX, guess who just received notice pertaining to tickets for Field of Dreams ripoff, again.

  25. Anonymous11:15 PM

    “PilotX, guess who just received notice pertaining to tickets for Field of Dreams ripoff, again“

    Who’s playing this year?

  26. Anonymous11:20 PM

    “Yeah, but Republicans are not completely immune from the same problem of refusing to compromise at all, and therefore ending up with nothing.“

    I don’t know, with Fox, Newsmax and all the other lesser known outlets that constantly give the message they have moved so far to the right these insane people are winning primaries and have a chance to win. I fly with really smart people who believe the dumbest shit because they only watch certain networks for information. They repeat easily disprovable BS and they are the majority. At our training center almost all of the tv’s in the break rooms are glued to Fox. This does not bode well. I’m not as optimistic as you.🤷🏾‍♂️

  27. Dems finally doing something. Nice to see them try to help people before the GOP burns the country down.

  28. Lord When I die, I want a church service with beautiful organ music and a choir. Maybe a beautiful, big Hammond C-3 with a man who knows how to make it sing like the brother who played for George Floyd. I want all of the women in my family crying and drying their eyes. I want my beautiful grandsons with their eyes wet with tears speaking my eulogy telling everybody about all of the great things that we did together and the good times that we had. I want a lady preacher telling tall tales of how I was a really great man and praying for my soul. I want tissues laid out on every pew.

    I want a great big, tremendous old man singing a big gospel solo while a trusted blueser testifies to the Lord on a wonderful piano. Maybe something about how God is Spirit or maybe God is God, He don't Never Change.

    Darrell Lusater and Rev. F.C. Barnes

    A singing group and a soloist singing Will the Circle be Unbroken? Nice and slow.

    Rev. John Wilkins with His Three Daughters

    Maybe Alison Krause or someone who sings like Mavis Staples will sing Amazing Grace.

    And then everyone in the building will join in with a New Orleans Brass Dixieland Band in a rousing chorus of Swing Low Sweet Chariot and When the Saints Go Marching In.

    Though I wish I could cruise around the graveyard and see my own tombstone. That would be far out.

  29. Looks like the abortion amendment referendum failed in Kansas by twenty points.
    Supposed to be a low turnout primary heavily favoring Republicans, but the turnout was about twice what they were expecting.
    Don't know whether anything can be extrapolated from this, but hopefully there can.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous2:22 AM

    "I don’t know, with Fox, Newsmax and all the other lesser known outlets that constantly give the message they have moved so far to the right these insane people are winning primaries and have a chance to win. I fly with really smart people who believe the dumbest shit because they only watch certain networks for information. They repeat easily disprovable BS and they are the majority. At our training center almost all of the tv’s in the break rooms are glued to Fox. This does not bode well. I’m not as optimistic as you."

    I'm not that optimistic.

    My point was that, in a fair democratic fight, Republicans actually screw up a lot. When Republicans put some ridiculous far-right bozo into a statewide election, they usually lose.

    You say "insane people are winning primaries and have a chance to win." But usually, the insane people who won a primary only have a chance to win if Republicans have already put a thumb on the scale. Such as by gerrymandering districts so only a Republican CAN win. That is a big part of the story of how our national politics got so nuts. So many congressional districts are rigged for a single party, now, and the primary effectively is the whole election, as the general election is a foregone conclusion as to which party will win.

    Republicans have been ruthlessly efficient about abusing their power, whenever they have been democratically elected, to undermine democracy to keep themselves in power. (Gerrymandering after the 2010 election is just one of numerous examples). The game is more and more rigged with each passing year, and the more rigged it is in Republicans favor, the more they whine and pretend the Democrats are the ones doing it! A la Trump and his "Stop the Steal" bullshit.

    I am not optimistic because Democrats did not cotton on to this organized strategy fast enough and have never ruthless enough in fighting back.

    The problem is not that there is some growing majority of wingnuts. The opposite is true -- wingnuts are a shrinking minority. But that won't matter if they've dismantled democracy so you can't vote them out anymore, and that does appear to be their plan.

  31. Anonymous2:26 AM

    "Dems finally doing something. Nice to see them try to help people before the GOP burns the country down."

    After the Republicans previously threw a temper tantrum and threatened to block it (way to "support the troops," guys!), out of spite over the possibility that the Dems will soon pass a law that attempts to address climate change.

  32. Magats in ansas wanted to chanmge the constitution's guarantee of abortion, so they placed the amendment on the primary ballot because history tells them Dems don't come out in Primaries.

    To cut it short, the smug magats and their amendment lost by nearly 20 points in embarrassingly red Kansass.

  33. Which Allison Krause wouild that be, Flying Junior.... the country singer with kissable lips or the 19 year old Kent State shooting victim with the same name?

    Tin soldiers and Nixon calling
    We're finally on our own
    This summer I heard the drumming
    4 dead in O-HI-O

  34. Doug, I missed ytour report on Kansas primary before posted mine. Humblest apologies.

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    “The problem is not that there is some growing majority of wingnuts. The opposite is true -- wingnuts are a shrinking minority.“

    I see more and more mainstream Republicans growing more comfortable with wingnuts because white people vote Republican regardless. For example, in Illinois there is no way even 10 years ago Bailey would have won a statewide primary. Once again, not as optimistic as you.

  36. Anonymous11:21 AM

    “I see more and more mainstream Republicans growing more comfortable with wingnuts because white people vote Republican regardless”

    That’s a fairly inaccurate statement: “White people vote Republican.” While it’s true that a majority of whites vote Republican, their majority is not by that big a margin.

    It’s not like 90% vote Republican / 10% vote Democrat. It’s more like 60% Republican / 40 % Democrat.

    And whites collectively are a shrinking share of the population.

    All of which adds up to … Republicans are already a shrinking minority of the population. They cannot hope to win in the long term unless they either a) moderate their ideological positions (which you have correctly noted they have given no indication of doing; with every election, they grow more insane), or b) they cheat.

    So that is what is happening. They have settled on a course of cheating their way into power, and cheating to stay there. The Jan. 6th violence was a disturbing indication of that intent.

  37. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Some small morsels of good news:

    Mark McCloskey, the attorney who ran for U.S. Senate in Missouri on a platform of “I need muh gun to point at scary BLM protesters,” has lost his primary. He got only 3% of the vote.

    Rapey wife-beater Eric Greitens lost as well, although he got 19% (stay classy, Republicans).

    Unfortunately, the bad news is that Missouri’s state attorney general Eric Schmitt won, and he is still a hard-right anti-gay, COVID-denying, Trump-fellating dirtbag.

  38. Anonymous6:23 PM

    “It’s more like 60% Republican / 40 % Democrat.”

    I may have to challenge those numbers. White males vote Republican by a wide margin with white women not far behind. And as we know with the Electoral College and the makeup of the senate the scale is tipped towards minority rule even if whites become the minority sometime in the future. We also have to look at the fact that Republicans are doing better with POC so any loss can possibly be made up. Short story, the GOP will control smaller population states and will filibuster any attempts at governing beyond judges.

  39. Anonymous6:28 PM

    And the thing is, if a majority of whites can vote for trump that means trouble.

  40. Alex Jones is not having a nice day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  41. Anonymous7:15 PM

    "I may have to challenge those numbers. White males vote Republican by a wide margin with white women not far behind."

    You may think that ... but you're wrong.

    Take the last presidential race, for example. The numbers are here: Behind Biden’s 2020 Victory

    In 2020, Trump got 57% of white males to Biden's 40% of white males. That's a majority for Trump, but it's not like he blew the doors off Biden. Lots of white males voted against him.

    In 2020, Trump got 53% of white females to Biden's 46%. That's barely a majority at all!

    Meanwhile, Trump either lost or got completely destroyed among all non-white groups.

    This trend pretty much holds for voting on Democrats and Republicans across the board. Could Republicans change this, to actually win future elections? Sure. They could moderate their positions to pick up more non-white votes, for example. But it's very clear from their recent behavior that they currently have absolutely no intention of doing this. They're gonna be as racist as they wanna be. They're gonna fly their Confederate flags proudly and demand grade school kids learn "both sides" of the history of slavery and the Holocaust. They're gonna double down on deporting brown kids who've been here since the age of two. Et cetera.

    So, it's clear that they aren't banking on changing so they can attract more voters to their current coalition, which is inexorably shrinking.

    This means they are guaranteed to lose most future elections -- unless they cheat. They obviously plan on cheating BIGLY.

  42. Anonymous7:30 PM

    "In 2020, Trump got 57% of white males to Biden's 40% of white males. That's a majority for Trump, but it's not like he blew the doors off Biden. Lots of white males voted against him."

    That is a HUGE difference! Do the math. And in red states that percentage was over 80%. I mean if we go to simple majority voting and winner takes all that might mean something but it doesn't. Throw in gerrymandering and voter suppression and there is NOTHING to be optimistic about. There is NO reason any sane individual would vote for trump but a majority of white males and white females did. If you vote for TFG you'll vote for anyone. That means any voters trump lost will be regained by Ron De Satan because he is viewed as more moderate. This country is going to hell in a hand basket. There is no reason MTG or Bobo should be in congress but there they are and they will probably be re-elected. Sorry but we're kind fucked.

  43. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "Meanwhile, Trump either lost or got completely destroyed among all non-white groups."

    All the GOP needs is a few percentage points around the margins by either gaining voters of color, which they are, or suppressing the votes of people of color, which they are. These trends do not bode well. You must have just read James Carville's book about permanent Democratic majorities. LOL!

  44. Anonymous9:04 PM

    "That is a HUGE difference! Do the math. And in red states that percentage was over 80%. I mean if we go to simple majority voting and winner takes all that might mean something but it doesn't. Throw in gerrymandering and voter suppression and there is NOTHING to be optimistic about."

    That's kind of my point. If we had a proper democratic system, there wouldn't be that much to worry about. But we don't. There are already baked-in, undemocratic advantages in the Constitution for wingnuts: a federal Senate that does not feature proportional voting, an Electoral College. Both of those boost the votes of citizens of small states, which are overwhelmingly where wingnuts live.

    And then, on top of that, wingnuts have worked hard in the last few decades to undermine democracy further, through unleashing endless flows of campaign donations, creating lie-filled wingnut media outlets, drawing gerrymandered districts, engaging in vote suppression. The dirty tricks go on and on.

    I am not at all optimistic about the future of this country. But not because there are growing majorities of crazed wingnuts. There aren't. That's not the problem. The problem is that, even though the crazed wingnuts are shrinking in number, they are cheating harder and harder, and they are succeeding at it.

    If that trend isn't arrested, at some point, voting won't matter anymore. We'll be a fascist dictatorship that still holds sham elections to pretend we're a democracy. "Hey, Dear Leader got 98% of the vote! Again! The people must surely love him."

  45. Anonymous9:13 PM

    We'll be a fascist dictatorship that still holds sham elections to pretend we're a democracy.

    That's exactly what we had in 2020.  The last-minute Biden "surge" did not come from legitimate votes.

  46. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Sheboon security guard makes a terrorist threat about Lollapalooza so she can go home early.

    1. Wesley Pipes1:52 PM

      If you wanna see some hot sheboon action go to to see white sheboons getting their fill of the BBC just like they all fantasize about.

  47. Michigan school where mass murder took place had an armed security guard on duty who did not do his/her job. So much for good guy with a gun theory.

  48. Ms Griner sentenced to 9 years in penal colony.

  49. Anonymous1:46 PM

    “But not because there are growing majorities of crazed wingnuts. There aren't“

    That’s where we disagree my friend. In years past the present GOP could not exist. That doesn’t matter though. While most in Germany may not have been nazis they flourished because the majority allowed it. Why are mainstream Republicans allowing rightwingery? Seem like the majority approve of it.

  50. Anonymous1:48 PM

    4 police officers charged in death.

  51. Mandingo1:50 PM

    White sheboon (your mom anon 10:25) on tape loving the BBC.

    Go to to see ALL the action.

  52. From Insider via Yahoo News:
    "Just months after the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor, two Louisville police detectives met in a garage and agreed to mislead investigators examining the botched raid that resulted in her death, the Justice Department alleged Thursday.

    At a press conference, Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department charged four current and former Louisville police officers in connection with Taylor's death. Garland said the charges include allegations that Louisville police falsified an affidavit used to obtain a search warrant for Taylor's home, in violation of civil rights laws.
    Garland said "those violations resulted in Ms. Taylor's death."

    "Breonna Taylor should be alive today," he said.

    In court filings, prosecutors alleged that two officers — former detective Joshua Jaynes and Detective Kelly Goodlett — later took steps to cover up their falsification of the affidavit as investigators scrutinized the shooting.

    In May 2020, the two met in the garage and agreed to tell a "false story," Garland said.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. A while back, cops were called to a mental case haviung an episode. He was in his house, doiused himself with gas and threatened to light hnimself on fire.

    3 little pigs answered the call. One pig grabbed his taser and the third officer told him in not uncertain terms that tazing would immediately ignite the gas. So he tased him anyway. The guy suffered burns over 85% of his body and died in agony 4 days later.

    Hudge rejected qualified immunity for the pigs for violating thne victim's 4th a,mendment rights, but, the 5th circus court of appeals, with numerous drumpf appointed unqualified judges, gave the pigs their immunity from prosecution back.

  54. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Alex Jones ordered to pay $4 million to Sandy Hook families.

    Wingnuts will be waking up tomorrow to the bitter realization that sometimes, lying your ass off has legal consequences.

  56. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Ghetto grandma RECORDS HERSELF verbally abusing (black) workers at a Subway.

    Somehow, she didn't get a cap busted in her ass.

    If any White person did this, it would be national news.  Instead... <crickets>


    Officials better check her to make ure she is not pregnant and decided to abort a fetus, or there sermons about protecting women are all bullshit.

  58. Anonymous6:48 PM

    “Ghetto grandma RECORDS HERSELF verbally abusing (black) workers at a Subway.”

    Wow, a person was rude. Stop the presses.

  59. anon at 6:42 is kind of a little bitch11:30 PM

    "If any White person did this, it would be national news. Instead... "

    Because nobody gives a fuck but you. Do you want some cheese to go with that whine sweety? You seem pretty thin skinned if your life revolves around wanting to swear at a Subway. Kinda a bitchy gripe no? Whaaaa whaaaa whaaaaa! Is that you Josh? I remember him being kind of a bitch too.

  60. Mike,

    I always tend to think of Ms. Kraus as a gospel singer, because I always sing or accompany something that she did in church. Everything that she does always seems to have a little something extra. The first one was Down to the River to Pray from the celebrated film Brother, Where Art Thou? People loved to sing that song. We sang it during communion. She also had a version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah with better lyrics for church services. She was into publishing. I loved her stuff. She really is a bluegrass player. She was a little girl playing the fiddle. She even joined the Grand Ole Opry.

    You're right. She is a cutie. I kinda guessed when I saw her middle name was Maria that she had some German descent.

    Did anybody else trip out on the organ music at George Floyd's Memorial Service? To me it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear the real deal gospel Hammond organ. I guess I could listen to the service again in its entirety to try to learn something. A lot of big churches have virtual services and libraries of past services on video. Maybe the Landmark Church might be a good place to start.

  61. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Did anybody else trip out on the organ music at George Floyd's Memorial Service?

    If you paid any attention whatsoever to St. Floyd of Fentanyl beyond the fact that he OD'd all by hisself, you ain't White.

  62. Anonymous said...

    We'll be a fascist dictatorship that still holds sham elections to pretend we're a democracy.

    " That's exactly what we had in 2020. The last-minute Biden "surge" did not come from legitimate votes.

    9:13 PM
    Your conclusion is incorrect. We were in the midst of a pandemic so most people who could voted by mail.(I am one of them. I never voted by mail until November 2020.) It's really very simple: mail-in ballots take much longer to count than direct computer voting. Of course there was a late surge for Biden because most Democrats voted by mail.
    Biden won the election fair and square. After over 50 claims of fraud were thrown out of court due to lack of evidence and numerous recounts - no fraud was found.
    Ask yourself,if the election had serious, widespread fraud, why didn't Trump and his supporters contest any of the elections in states where Trump won?

  63. Anonymous11:51 AM

    “Of course there was a late surge for Biden because most Democrats voted by mail.”

    More to the point, lots of Republicans didn’t vote by mail, because Trump told them not to.

    In advance of the election, Trump was already sowing the seeds of “election fraud” excuses for him losing, because he knew he was probably going to lose.

    Also, Trump had told his followers that they were big sissy unpatriotic traitors if they didn’t physically show up in person to the polls, because this COVID thing was really no big deal, just the flu anyway.

    Naturally, after the election, the mail-in vote count skewed heavily Democratic, and Trump pretended this meant something sinister, rather than that he’d told his followers specifically not to vote by mail and they’d moronically complied.

  64. Anonymous12:01 PM

    “Jones got off lucky. Today he is probably on line climing Sandy Hook was fake all over again.”

    I doubt it. $4 million ain’t chump change, and I believe that was just the outcome of one lawsuit. There are other Sandy Hook families suing him, so there will be lots more pain to come.

    The entire wingnut media ecosystem deserve to experience the courtroom pummeling that Jones is taking. They’re all disgusting professional liars.

  65. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The solution for TNB:

  66. Anonymous12:04 PM

  67. Anonymous12:06 PM

    A 20-year-old feral Negro was charged with attempted murder on Wednesday for allegedly shooting a worker at a Brooklyn McDonald’s after the suspect’s mother complained about cold french fries, police said.

  68. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Chinese warships take up positions around Taiwan after U.S. House Drunkard Nancy Pelosi's visit

  69. Anonymous12:32 PM

    “Chinese warships take up positions around Taiwan after U.S. House Drunkard Nancy Pelosi's visit”

    Ah, I see we’ve moved straight from “China is the source of all evil” to “hey, be nice to poor China, don’t provoke them,” now that Trump is no longer in office.

    Could it be that Republicans don’t actually give a shit about the Chinese government violating people’s human rights, like potentially those of the citizens of Taiwan? And perhaps instead that China was just a convenient scapegoat to falsely blame for U.S. workers’ wage stagnation, which was actually caused by years of right-wing Republican policies?

    Nah, couldn’t possibly be.

  70. Anonymous4:16 PM

    George Floyd did not OD.

    You're an idiot who can't even make sense of evidence that's been put in front of you MULTIPLE times.  From

    Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/ml
    Delta-9 THC 2.5 ng/ml
    Methamphetamine 19 ng/ml
    Fentanyl 11 ng/ml
    Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/ml

    The fentanyl in George Floyd's system was more than sufficient to kill him, and the cops certainly didn't give it to him.

    He was murdered by pigs.

    George Floyd had no injuries which would have stopped his breathing, and he was complaining that he couldn't breathe well BEFORE he was restrained on the ground.  Derek Chauvin is innocent; he was railroaded in a kangaroo court.

  71. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Free Mumia!!!!!

  72. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Free Leonard Peltier!!

  73. Jones jury orders him to pay additional 42.5 million to Sandy Hook parents.

  74. For the lasdt time, I trust.....

    Experts agree Floyd did not die of overdose
    While findings from Floyd's autopsy revealed 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl in his blood, medical experts called as prosecution witnesses agreed the amount of fentanyl was not enough to be considered fatal.

    Dr. Daniel Isenschmid, a forensic toxicologist at NMS Labs in Pennsylvania, testified and presented data showing the levels of methamphetamine found in Floyd's system were lower than the average amount found in 94% of DUI cases in 2020.

    Cardiologist Jonathan Rich told the court: "I can state with a high degree of medical certainty that George Floyd did not die from a primary cardiac event, and he did not die from a drug overdose."

    Rich added had it not been for Chauvin's restraint, he believes Floyd would have lived.

    Dr. Lindsey Thomas, an expert witness who has reviewed documents and videos in the case, echoed Tobin's testimony and noted the slow nature of Floyd's death supports the conclusion that he did not die of a fentanyl overdose.

  75. Anonymous6:27 PM

    “Jones jury orders him to pay additional 42.5 million to Sandy Hook parents.”

    $45 million in punitive damages, actually.

  76. Anonymous7:43 PM

    “For the lasdt time, I trust.....“

    Mike, you’re dealing with idiots who believed trump was leading a secret cabal of Marines to arrest all congressional Dems for child pedophilia. You’re not dealing with the best and brightest so yes you will have to explain this again and again. Welcome to America.

  77. Anonymous7:44 PM

    “$45 million in punitive damages, actually.“


  78. Anonymous7:45 PM

  79. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “$45 million in punitive damages, actually.”

    Jones probably won’t end up paying all of that. The punitive damages will probably get knocked down. But whatever he does end up paying, it’s definitely gonna hurt.

    And, again, this is only the result of one defamation lawsuit. There are more to follow.

  80. I stand corrected on Jones punitive danages and the fact anymoose will likely keep repeating debunked lies about Bla cks.

    On a happier note, despite drought conditions. I dug Viking red spuds and Yukon Gold spuds and had one of each nuked in microwave for supper. Yum yum. Tomnorrow I will have a hamburger with garden fresh Candy Hybrid red onion on it.

  81. Anonymous10:02 PM

    “And, again, this is only the result of one defamation lawsuit. There are more to follow.“

    I seriously hope so.

  82. The court affirmed before the punitive damages that Jones' company is worth an estimated $270 million. This isn't the last judgement against him. They will find it all and they will take it all.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  83. OK, Texas has a law that caps punitive damage awards at twice the compensatory award, so he may get by with only being on the hook for $12.3 million on this one, but there are at least two more to go.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. Anonymous2:31 AM

    medical experts called as prosecution witnesses agreed the amount of fentanyl was not enough to be considered fatal.

    The doctor was misinformed (or lying to obtain a conviction).  See:

    "Key co-intoxicant and potentially synergistic drugs present include heroin/morphine (20.6%), non-fentanyl opioids (34.5%), benzodiazepines (27.5%), cocaine (31.1%), and alcohol (32.9%).

    "Postmortem levels of fentanyl confirmed in our sample range widely from 0.75 to 113.00 ng/mL, with a mean of 9.96."

    George Floyd had well over the mean fatal dose of fentanyl in his system.  Ascribing his death to anything else was perjury.

  85. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Also, if Floyd was OD’ing calling for medical assistance instead of kneeling on his neck would have worked in his favor.

    The cops had already called for medical assistance.  But facts like that are of no interest to you.

  86. Anonymous9:04 AM

    “The cops had already called for medical assistance. But facts like that are of no interest to you.“

    Ah, so can you show me the procedure Chauvin was following by kneeling on his neck? I mean didn’t superior officers testify that that wasn’t an accepted procedure?

  87. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Police chief testifies Chauvin “absolutely” violated policy. And let’s remember he pleaded guilty.

  88. Anonymous9:11 AM

    LOL!!! I bet Derek won’t be kneeling on anybody’s neck in the penitentiary. Hopefully somebody is kneeling on his neck while the booty bandits steal what’s left of his manhood.

  89. Yes the organ music was beautiful. I'm not saying that George Floyd was a saint like Michael Jackson. But he did have a lovely service. He was a decent human being who led a life full of love. I thought he had a very pretty smile. He did nothing to deserve to die. It's too bad some idiot racist cop had to murder him. I wonder what made Chauvin think that he could get away with it. Oh yeah. He must have done it before. Chauvin got justice. But that is still as rare as shark hair.

    Only a true believer could watch a man suffocate another man with his body weight full on the man's throat via his knee and then desperately attempt to attribute his death to drug toxicology. His lawyers tried that in a Hail Mary to get him off. The court scoffed. You guys are beyond idiots. Your minds are corrupted like a bad floppy disc. Hey assholes! How about that Alex Jones ruling?? Hell yeah. That expression on his face? Priceless.

    So you didn't read the toxicology report very carefully did you? You read what some other right-wing scary pundit had to say to lead the sheeple like you. Let me help.

    Here is the full autopsy and toxicology report. It is slightly above your reading level. But I can guide you to the fentanyl blood levels as well as a definition of the amount of fentanyl concentration in blood that makes a person lose consciousness. I mean, think about it. If George Floyd was dying from an overdose of opiates, how could he have been resisting arrest?


    Here is the pertinent information about the fentanyl concentration in Floyd's blood. ng/ml refers to nanograms/milliliter. But then, you knew that.

    Floyd definitely like to get high. They always say that guys in the big cities where you can't get any good weed are super into chemicals. Floyd's case bears this out. Dewd was trippin' or coming down off of several varieties of designer amphetamines, likely ecstasy would be my guess and even MDMA. Plenty of Delta-9 and not surprisingly, not a single drop of alcohol.

    Here are the two tests of markers for Fentanyl. It's hard to tally, but it looks like his general level was at or slightly below 30ng/ml.

    Acode52484B - Fentanyland Acetyl FentanylConfirmation, Blood - HospitalBlood
    5.0 ng/
    5.0 ng/mL
    5.0 ng/mL
    20 ng/
    5.0 ng/
    . Limit
    -Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography / Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC -MS/MS ) for :
    Compound . Limit Compound
    Acetyl Fentanyl 0.10 ng/ Norfentanyl
    Fentanyl 0.10 ng/
    Acode52488B - Designer Opioids Confirmation (2019 Scope), Blood - Hospital Blood
    0.20 ng/
    Rpt. Limit
    -Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/ Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC -MS /MS) for :
    Compound Rpt. Limit Compound
    2 - Furanylfentanyl 0.050 ng/ Butyrylfentanyl
    4 - ANPP 0.10 ng/mL Carfentanil
    Acryl Fentanyl 0.050 ng/ Cyclopropylfentanyl
    0.050 ng/mL
    0.050 ng/
    0.050 ng/mL

    If you read the toxicology report, it states that the typical dose of fentanyl that causes a human being to lose consciousness is 50 ng/ml. So George was definitely into fentanyl. So was Prince. What's the big deal? The epidemic is out here on the West Coast where the cartels are putting fentanyl into other drugs and causing a raft of fatal overdoses.

    Goerge Floyd was only mildly high when he was arrested.

  90. Magats at CPAC have jumped the shark as they had a phone call from Hungarian hound dog humper, Victor Orban. Tghis is where magats azre trying to force democracy into an authoritarian state with drumpf as Herr Commandante.

  91. Anonymous7:39 PM

    “Goerge Floyd was only mildly high when he was arrested.“

    But but but he was a bad guy with a rap sheet! But he was a kneegrow (in my Don Amechi voice).

  92. Orban? Putin wasn't available?

  93. Anonymous3:58 PM

    The Senate finally passed “Build Back Better Junior.”

    That’s good news for the climate. It remains to be seen if it helps the Democrats in the midterm elections.

    In an ideal world, it would, but here in the real world, people may still respond to dopey Fox News lies about “Joe Biden” made gas prices high, even though Biden has minimal ability to affect gas prices and they are falling anyway. Lots of voters may be too dumb to see through this, unfortunately.

  94. Moar evidence of magat cheating. Utah company that supports drumpf and 2nd amendment ( thephony one with no mention of well trained militias) caught removing Made In China labels and rweplacin g them with Made In America labelks. Got a hefty fine among other penalties.

    Fuckers can't help but cheat.

  95. Marjorie Taylor aka the blonde bimbo eruption of liars, says clay pigeon Ashli Babbit was actually trying to stop insurection when potted like a ground hog.

  96. Anonymous5:41 PM

    “Marjorie Taylor aka the blonde bimbo eruption of liars, says clay pigeon Ashli Babbit was actually trying to stop insurection“

    Seriously? As if we don’t have video evidence. Sad that these people can just spew bald faced lies without breaking a sweat.

  97. Anonymous5:45 PM

  98. Anonymous6:13 PM

    “Seriously? As if we don’t have video evidence. Sad that these people can just spew bald faced lies without breaking a sweat.”

    Video evidence exists. MTG voters’ brains don’t.

  99. Anonymous10:02 AM

    “Video evidence exists. MTG voters’ brains don’t.“


  100. There's a very interesting article on Raw Story regarding Indiana's new abortion restrictions that displays the ideas of some Republican politicians. Seems we women should not be allowed to control our bodies. Apparently we require permission from the men who control state legislators to make those decisions for us. Thus begins a slippery slope. What's next? Birth control? same-sex marriage? 19th Amendment?

    IN GOPer Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: 'Not Her Body, Not Her Choice'

  101. Anonymous1:07 PM

    “What's next? Birth control? same-sex marriage? 19th Amendment?”

    Yeah, and whatever else their invisible friend in the sky recommends.

  102. Anonymous5:48 PM

    "IN GOPer Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: 'Not Her Body, Not Her Choice'"

    This legislator hasn't said the quiet part out loud, though. He's saying the fetus' body is not her (the mother's) body, so aborting it is not her choice.

    And that's not the "quiet part." That's always been the Republicans' overt, explicit position: a fetus is a legal person right from conception (or maybe even from fertilization), so its right to not be murdered supersedes the woman's right to not be forced to gestate and deliver it.

    And that's what you have to counter if you want to win this battle. You can't just keep yelling "her body!" louder and louder. The other side will just counter with "... but baby murder" -- and they will win.

    You have to make the argument that wingnuts' expansive idea of fetal personhood is a purely religious one with no grounding in biological evidence and, as such, cannot be written into our law, because we are not a theocracy. The First Amendment's Establishment Clause was intended to prevent religious zealots from inflicting their beliefs on everyone else by imposing religious laws.

  103. Anonymous7:51 PM

    “The other side will just counter with "... but baby murder" -- and they will win.“

    I don’t know if they will win. When women start senselessly dying reality will sink in. It’ll really sink in when their little girl comes home pregnant with a Black dude’s baby. Living in fantasy land is fine until Mother Nature and the laws of physics/biology rear their heads and they always do.

  104. Both McMichaels got a second life sentence for hate crime.
    Could not have happened to a nicer pair of racists.

  105. Anonymous8:18 PM

    “Both McMichaels got a second life sentence for hate crime.“

    One or both tried to do their time in the federal pen instead of the state pen. Somebody is getting tired of being somebody’s wife. LOL!


  107. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “Don’t know if they will win. When women start senselessly dying reality will sink in. It’ll really sink in when their little girl comes home pregnant with a Black dude’s baby”

    Nah, most of them will just fly to a blue state, or Canada, to get the abortion done. That’s why so many of these Republicans are so comfortable passing these restrictions — they know they themselves can afford to buy their way out of them.

    Assuming they, can’t afford to, of course, then that mixed-race kid will just get dumped into foster care the moment he is born.

    You’re not going to win over the hardcore wingnuts who support this nonsense. It’s the people in the middle that you’ve got to appeal to.

  108. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "Nah, most of them will just fly to a blue state, or Canada, to get the abortion done."

    Not the poor hillbillies in red states. Eventually when enough women will get hurt and reality will sink in.

  109. Anonymous11:21 PM

    “Not the poor hillbillies in red states. Eventually when enough women will get hurt and reality will sink in”

    You gotta be not just kinda poor, but actually destitute if you can’t beg, borrow, or steak enough cash to travel to another state, even to get an emergency abortion.

    The number of white folks that are that poor is not large enough for the GOP to give a crap about.

  110. Republicans detest the poor almost as much as they detest the brown.
    Fergus had a real bad day. Here's to it being the first of many.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  111. Anonymous1:42 AM

    “Fergus had a real bad day. Here's to it being the first of many.”

    The noose is tightening. Trump will have thrown a lot of food at the wall today. I heard he does that.

    Ron DeSantis will be happy, though.

  112. So this morning I have been reading about (and listening to) how Africa is reinventing heavy metal music. Not really my scene musically, but it's interesting to see the circular nature of culture and its changes.

    Some of it is quite good though.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Anonymous11:58 AM

    “You gotta be not just kinda poor, but actually destitute if you can’t beg, borrow, or steak enough cash to travel to another state, even to get an emergency abortion.“

    Really? We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

  115. Sup TPC. Long time no see. Hope all is well.

  116. Florida batshit crazy guv De Satanis removed an elected attorney because he would not prosecute women getting abortions.

    Then, he turns around and refuses to can sheriff's who swear they won't prosecute illegal gun owners un=der new Biden laws.

  117. Actually it was Ahmad Arberry who had the pretty smile. I apologize for the confusion. I mean he had a really pretty smile. He must have been a beautiful cat.

  118. drumpf vicious goons are threatening to shoot FBI for taking drumpf's illegally taken papers away fro3em him. One of them is awaiting sentencing or his part in Jan 6th insurrection.

  119. Anonymous7:33 PM

    “One of them is awaiting sentencing or his part in Jan 6th insurrection.”

    Well, I’m sure that will only make the judge more lenient. When you’ve already been convicted of threatening the government, nothing says “remorse” like going right out and threatening the government again.

  120. HRC is capitalizing off of drumpf's FBI visit...

  121. Houston Mercedes driving mass killer has had 13 prvious accidents before and none since she barreled thru stop sign and killed 6 people.

    Her life is essentially over with for why?

  122. Truck driver, with several different drugs in his system was found not guilty of killing 7 bikers. His lawyers blamed the first victim claiming he was drunk and lost control of his bike and caused the wreck.


  123. Anonymous1:09 AM

    A grand jury refused to indict Carolyn Donham for Emmett Till’s murder. No surprise there. Unless a true smoking gun surfaces that conclusively proves her direct involvement, you’re not going to convict her of anything.

  124. Lamont dozier of Motown music fame passed away. Man, Motown cranked out some delicious music while I wa growing up.

  125. Anonymos said....

    You gotta be not just kinda poor, but actually destitute if you can’t beg, borrow, or steak enough cash to travel to another state, even to get an emergency abortion.

    The number of white folks that are that poor is not large enough for the GOP to give a crap about.

    11:21 PM
    I agree with you last paragraph. but disagree with your first one above. There are millions of Americans who couldn't pay their rent if they had to spend spend several hundred dollars to travel for an abortion.
    I've been dirt poor earlier in my life. I remember that during the great depression we couldn't even afford toilet paper.

  126. Anonymous12:27 PM

    “There are millions of Americans who couldn't pay their rent if they had to spend spend several hundred dollars to travel for an abortion.”

    I didn’t say they didn’t exist. I said the Republicans don’t care about their votes.

    Republicans mostly draw their votes from the rich, down through the “working poor.” They don’t draw much from the “government cheese” poor.

    If you are so poor that you can’t afford to travel to get an abortion, you:

    1) probably aren’t white
    2) probably don’t vote Republican
    3) probably don’t vote at all, sadly

    These abortion laws will land hardest on the most vulnerable.

  127. In 2018, Fergus signed a law making it a felony-level offense to mishandle classified documents under 18 U.S.C. 1924.
    Now the damn fool is looking down the barrel of a felony, instead of the misdemeanor that Petraeus pled to.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  128. Anonymous3:53 PM

    “In 2018, Fergus signed a law making it a felony-level offense to mishandle classified documents under 18 U.S.C. 1924.”

    Yeah, the “Get Hillary” law.

    The demand back in 2016 that the FBI go after Hillary Clinton for her emails was pure election manipulation, because it was known at the very outset of the investigation that this was a petty offense that could never result in her going to prison. “Lock her up” was always a lie.

    After Hillary (no surprise) faced no legal consequences, to appear morally consistent, Republicans then had to appear outraged, and they changed the law so that somebody who mishandled government documents would now go to prison.

    Well, guess who that “somebody” might turn out to be. Lock him up!

    Lol. I believe the expression is “hoisted on their own petard.”

  129. Anonymous8:59 PM

    “If you are so poor that you can’t afford to travel to get an abortion, you:

    1) probably aren’t white
    2) probably don’t vote Republican
    3) probably don’t vote at all, sadly“

    The old only Black people are poor myth. LOL! Sorry to break the news………..

  130. Anonymous9:19 PM

    “The old only Black people are poor myth. LOL! Sorry to break the news………..”

    Again, didn’t say that.

    What I said was that the voters who are poor enough to be unable to evade these abortion laws are mostly poc’s, whom Republicans don’t care about.

    But the white folks who are ALSO that poor — they aren’t part of the Republican voting coalition. They either vote Democrat or, mostly, don’t vote. So Republicans don’t care about them, either.

    There will be backlash to these abortion laws. Hopefully, there will be a lot of backlash, and it will cost the GOP dearly in the next election. But it won’t come from reliable Republican voters suddenly not being able to get abortions. There won’t be enough people in that category to matter. The people who vote Republican will mostly still be able to get an abortion when they need one.

  131. GrannyStandingforTruth11:44 PM

    Waving hello to everyone.

    As I sit here reading all the pessimistic comments, it seems that some people feeling negative about how the election is gonna turn out. Faith seems to have been abandoned by them. No one knows what might happen between now and November. A bunch of crooked politicians and TFG might be in jail by then or deceased or the world come to an end. Tomorrow is promised to no one on this earth.

    God works in mysterious ways. Nah 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger and powerful, and he will never let the guilty go unpunished. The LORD's path is in the windstorm and hurricane; thunderclouds are dust beneath his feet.

    Nevertheless, because of wickedness in high places, the next couple of months will be popcorn time. What’s in the dark comes to light.

    In the wake of Ivana's cremation, many people wonder what's inside her coffin. Why don't they subpoena or go have a conversation with the funeral home director and ask him? If it’s money involved, offer him more and maybe he’ll spill the tea.

    I still think that Margorie Taylor Green is the bomber. She is nuttier than a fruitcake.

    I had an accident inside a department store and sprung my neck. Therefore, my main focus is on me, myself, and my healing. Thank God, I'm still alive. These old bones ain't what they used to be, but I'm recovering quickly, either that or these muscle relaxers making me feel that way. I believe it’s the latter. ��

  132. GrannyStandingforTruth11:54 PM

    MTG looks a little pale in that picture. She's scared.

  133. Anonymous2:28 AM

    'But the white folks who are ALSO that poor — they aren’t part of the Republican voting coalition. They either vote Democrat or, mostly, don’t vote."

    I call bullshit. Dumb poor whites are the GOP's biggest supporters. You can stop posting stupid shit any time.

  134. anonymous said....

    "I call bullshit. Dumb poor whites are the GOP's biggest supporters."

    2:28 AM

    I'm inclined to agree. If this were not true, then many states in the south would have better social services and medical care. Many of these states refused the Medicaid expansion even though the federal government provides 90 percent of the funds to pay for it. It seems that a lot of Southern whites vote against their own self-interest.

  135. Thanks for the link, Granny. Anything done that pisses magats off is jake with moi.

  136. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hmmm. This guy couldn’t possibly be hiding a tiny brain under a MAGA hat, could he?

    Armed gunman tries to breach FBI's Cincinnati office; authorities pursuing suspect on interstate

  137. GrannyStandingforTruth2:42 PM

  138. Fergus got a search warrant executed on his resort because he blew off a subpoena issued last spring for the documents he stole.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  139. Anonymous4:25 PM

    “It seems that a lot of Southern whites vote against their own self-interest.“

    I mean just drive through poor rural areas. Those ain’t BLM flags and Biden signs.

  140. GrannyStandingforTruth5:10 PM

  141. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Conservatives are a day late and a dollar short all the time. I have to agree with the study that showed Fox “news” viewers are less informed than people who don’t watch any news at all. According to Jesse Waters and Sean Hannity (prime time hosts with millions of viewers) the FBI should have just subpoenaed trump and he would have justs turned over any documents but the fact is they DID! So either two personalities and a major “news” network don’t know how to research or they are deliberately misleading their viewers. Either is bad.

  142. GrannyStandingforTruth8:03 PM

  143. Fake Noize plain makes shit up and their viewers swallow it like candy. The majority of prime timers on Fake Noize are liars of the fifth essence.

  144. GrannyStandingforTruth8:55 PM

  145. New song "Gunsmoke Blues" by Buddy Guy has Jason Isbell on guitar:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

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