Friday, August 12, 2022

Donald Capone.


Woo chile!  tfg is a whole mess. Lord have mercy! Imagine what it would take to have the feds search the home of a former president.  Believe me when I tell you field hands, that warrant to search tfg's gaudy (and very tacky) compound was rock solid, and there was absolutely probable cause for the feds to go looking. Now we are hearing that some of those docs that tfg sticky fingered out of the White House might have had nuclear implications. Pray church! 

But let me say this to the folks in MAGA land. Imagine, for a minute, that this was a guy named Barrack Obama and not your dear leader acting like Al Capone while playing president of the United States. All of your heads would be exploding, and you would be chanting "lock him up" like you were when you had your sights set on Hillary Clinton.  Honestly folks,  you might want to start reading all the material you can find about cults. 

Of course this story is full of ironies. tfg himself signed a law increasing the penalty for mishandling classified documents when he was president. I am quite sure that he never in a million years thought that he would be in this position, because in his delusional mind he really believes that laws do not apply to him.  

Yesterday he listened to his lawyers for once and pled the Fifth numerous times while sitting for a deposition before the New York AG. (He pled the Fifth over four hundred times for crying out loud!)  It's his right to do that, but man it sure doesn't look good. This is one of at least two other probes looking into the shady practices and criminal acts of tfg. I honestly don't know how he sleeps at night with all that legal jeopardy hanging over his head. Truly mob like.

I just find it hard to believe that folks are still supporting this guy. He is raising money off of his latest legal troubles and the poor folks in MAGA land are sending him their hard earned dollars to pay his legal fees. I suppose being a white supremacist president has its privileges. 

Speaking of lawyers, I am quite sure that tfg's lawyers are in deep conversation now trying to figure out how to respond to the DOJ's request to unseal the search warrant to tfg's home. Merrick Garland is calling tfg''s bluff, and he is daring him to let the American people see the warrant. This should be fun to watch. Let's see how his minions in the political class respond to this.

Anyway, now the right- wing lunatics are calling for a civil war, and one of them decided to have his Morris Island moment today. Needless to say it didn't end well.  By all accounts he was a devoted fan of tfg, and he was outraged that the government would have the nerve to search his dear leader's home. Imagine being willing to die for tfg. A man who cares about only one thing: Himself.  

“The mob takes the Fifth Amendment,...f you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

I know, right? 



  1. The guy was running his mouth on Truth Social when someone else on there told him that his info had been forwarded to the FBI, and he responded "Bring it on!"
    Then after his violent fit, they shot him in a cornfield.
    Guess he got what he asked for.
    Maybe think it through before you ask?
    I don't know much about Al Capone, but I get the feeling that he would have kicked Fergus' ass had they been around at the same time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. GrannyStandingforTruth4:51 AM

    Trump runs his mouth like water. Al Capone would have gifted Trump with cement shoes and a bath at the bottom of the ocean.

    Yep, Merrick Garland called Trump's bluff. But...

    Trump is now rage posting “Release the documents now!” on ‘Truth Social.’ Reminder: Trump has the documents. He can release them anytime he wants.

    It was one of his crazy followers who declared war against the FBI that died in a cornfield shooting it out with the police today.

    Trump's allies and followers act like they're under a spell dying and lying for the devil. Smh!

    At this moment, all I can say is pray.

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Today’s Twitter Quote of the Day, from a gent called Thor Benson:

    “Sure stealing nuclear secrets is bad but have you considered the threat of a gender-neutral Mr. Potato Head.”

  4. Wesley R12:39 PM

    Hopefully he ends up having the same fate as Big Al, but I still have my doubts.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    “Hopefully he ends up having the same fate as Big Al …”

    Death from syphilis?

    Sadly, antibiotics exist now, so syphilis can’t come to the rescue.

  6. He would look great in orange.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth2:56 PM

  8. That's one:

    (Reuters) -A former Louisville, Kentucky, police officer will plead guilty to helping falsify a search warrant in the botched 2020 raid that killed Breonna Taylor, in a case that sparked nationwide protests, the Washington Post reported on Friday, citing the officer's lawyer.

    The officer, Kelly Goodlett, was one of four former and current Louisville Metropolitan Police Department detectives charged by the U.S. Justice Department on Aug. 4 for their involvement in the March 13, 2020, raid that killed Taylor in her home.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth3:46 PM

    Trump can hang it up. He's toast.

    NBC News: The search warrant related to possible violations of:

    18 USC 2071 — Concealment, removal or mutilation
    18 USC 793 — Gathering, transmitting or losing defence information
    18 USC 1519 — Destruction, alteration or falsification of records in Federal investigations

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth4:23 PM

    Here you can read the search warrants:

  11. GrannyStandingforTruth4:27 PM

    PT 2 the warrant receipts:

  12. Anonymous4:31 PM

    As usual, Fox are lying to their viewers. They’ve broadcast photoshopped pictures from Twitter or some dumb wingnut Internet forum as if they were real. In these pics, Jeffrey Epstein has been replaced by Bruce Reinhart, the judge that issued the warrant to search Trump’s house, making it look like Reinhart is best buddies with convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell.

    I sincerely hope Reinhart sues Fox. Just fucking laughable. How are they an actual news network, again?

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth4:46 PM

    Lindsey got some splaining to do in Fulton County.

    I hope everyone has stocked up on popcorn. This is going to be an interesting month. I kid you not. In fact, expect next month to be the same as this one.

  14. Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Trump's allies and followers act like they're under a spell dying and lying for the devil. Smh!

    At this moment, all I can say is pray.

    4:51 AM

    I agree, Granny, though I would add, "Keep your powder dry" You never know when we may have to show the Magas just how armed we are.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth5:30 PM

    Gambler2 said...

    I agree, Granny, though I would add, "Keep your powder dry" You never know when we may have to show the Magas just how armed we are.


  16. Good news fellow Social Security recipients....

    A 9.6% adjustment would compare with an increase of 5.9% last year, which equated to a monthly average earnings bump of $92.30.

    Thank inflation for this.

  17. Anonymous6:22 PM


  18. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Denmark Outlaws Covid Innoculations for Those Under 18

    Found on the WIND morning email:

    “Denmark is going even further, essentially banning Covid shots for kids. Dennis Prager:

    “So, here’s a headline, a statement from the Danish government…

    “‘Children and young people only very rarely become seriously ill from Covid-19 with the Omicron variant. Therefore, from 1 July, 2022, it will no longer be possible for children and young people under the age of 18 to get the first jab. And from 1 September, 2022, it will no longer be possible to get the second jab.’…

    “Did you hear the words? ‘Will no longer be possible.’ The Danish government is outlawing this so-called vaccine to children under the age of 18 in all of Denmark (Daybreak Daily).”

  19. Anonymous7:03 PM

    “Denmark Outlaws Covid Innoculations for Those Under 18”

    Probably not accurate — no real English-language news sources are reporting this, only the usual garbage-media suspects.

    But since you do seem to believe those junky news sources, you should probably go ahead and pack up and move to Denmark. Bon voyage! You won’t be missed!

  20. Lock the Insane Clown up and throw away the key

  21. Sorry Charlie. Denmark is gay-friendly. That's not going to be a good fit.

  22. Thank you Field for a humorous yet accurate take on this nonsense.

  23. Anonymous3:51 AM

    You clowns here always pooh-pooh news reports from "marginal" web sites.

    Then, when the lying lamestream media finally admit that the reports were right all along, you act surprised, or like it was never news at all.

    You'll never learn.  You're too stupid.

  24. Anonymous said...

    You clowns here always pooh-pooh news reports from "marginal" web sites.

    Then, when the lying lamestream media finally admit that the reports were right all along, you act surprised, or like it was never news at all.

    You'll never learn. You're too stupid.

    3:51 AM
    I would like to see one example from you in which, the pooh-pooh reports were eventually found to be true. One example would be good, but two would be even better.

  25. Anonymous11:04 AM

    A new example just popped up.  The "fringe" media have been saying that vaccines and masks are ineffective against COVID.  So 2 days ago we have this:

    "Among the biggest differences in the new recommendations:

    The CDC's COVID-19 prevention guidance will no longer differentiate by whether people are up-to-date on their vaccinations. Testing to screen for COVID-19 will no longer be recommended in most places for people who do not have COVID symptoms. The CDC says people who have tested positive for COVID-19 can stop wearing masks if their symptoms have improved and they test negative twice in a row — initially on the sixth day after their infection began, and then again on the eighth day.And the CDC says that "to limit social and economic impacts, quarantine of exposed persons is no longer recommended, regardless of vaccination status."

    The lamestream was pushing vaccine mandates.  The fringe was right... again.

  26. I'm interested in Neal Katyal's opinion that he doesn't see "how the DoJ can look away from all of this," i.e., fail to indict. They may have been investigating his other crimes, but this is as good as any. Katyal listed 3 different charges that could lead to 25 years in a government golf course, easy. Let the games begin, I say.

  27. Anonymous12:35 PM

    “The lamestream was pushing vaccine mandates. The fringe was right... again.”

    No, the CDC is relaxing most restrictions because, at this point, the majority of people are now reasonably safe from COVID. (Barring the emergence of some new, more infectious and lethal strain that could send us all back into lockdown. Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen.)

    They are either safe from COVID because they now have substantial immunity after being repeatedly vaccinated. Or they are safe from COVID because they now have substantial COVID immunity after they got infected and recovered.

    Or they are safe from COVID because they got infected and died. You don’t have to worry about COVID anymore if it already killed you.

    A lot of the million or so American COVID dead will have died needlessly, because they listened to dummies like you.

  28. Anonymous12:51 PM

    The left is TERRIFIED of President Trump!!

    1. Anon @12:51, i think we all are.

  29. Anonymous12:53 PM

  30. Anonymous2:27 PM


    Ah. Of course the wingnuts are twisting facts again.

    This article was from six months back. The EU’s regulatory agency had not yet reviewed the safety of COVID vaccines for under-18s yet, so it was not available to under-18s (the EMA didn’t find vaccines unsafe for kids; they just hadn’t done any assessment yet).

    And in advance of the vaccines receiving approval for use in children, Denmark’s government decided they didn’t plan to offer the vaccines to kids, under the logic that the kids have all already caught COVID anyway, so it wasn’t necessary to bother vaccinating them.

    Was this a good call? Who knows? Maybe it was a dumb call! The government of Denmark aren’t right about everything.

    But in any case, this isn’t a ban on vaccinating kids because anyone has proven vaccines to be unsafe.

  31. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Published 2005. Please read the conclusion. Then at the end look at the first entry in the acknowledgment section. Funded by NIH.

    Fauci was director of NIH in 2005.

    Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”).
    So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine.

    In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005: “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add: “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

  32. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Trump raid shows Viganò was right about Donald Trump

  33. Anymoose @ 3:25 PM, I call bullshit!

    You been found out again and again. It does get tiresome.

  34. Lyft Driver Lives Matter9:53 PM

    Man Killed Lyft Driver, Drove Stolen Vehicle to a Family Event: Authorities

    A man is accused of murdering a Lyft driver, then driving the victim’s stolen vehicle to a family event. Devin Powell, 24, is charged with murder, robbery, and theft, online records show. Police say he fatally shot Anthony Garland, 34, leaving the man face down in the grass in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Officers said they were called out to the 3000 block of Rolling Dunes Drive early Thursday morning. A coroner found six “defects” on the body of the then-unidentified man.

    “All were consistent with gunshot wounds,” officers said.

    Police said they found no shell casings. The victim had no personal property except for some change.

    “The male had a visible defect to the top of his head and there was a pool of blood under his face,” police said. “There was also some blood staining his shirt on his back and on his leg. There was a plastic glove similar to those used in food service with blood on it lying next to the body.”

    Officers managed to identify him as Garland by matching his description to his missing person case.

    His wife told cops her husband worked for Lyft as a driver. He was out working the night before, she said, telling them he drove a 2013 GMC Acadia.

    Cops got a warrant for Lyft records, showing them that Powell’s account was Garland’s last ride.

    Using GPS, officers traced the vehicle to Merrillville, Indiana, stopped it, and found Powell with a passenger.

    “Officers could see what appeared to be blood stains around the center console,” police said.

    The passenger, who identified himself as Powell’s cousin, said that the vehicle belonged to Powell, according to authorities.

    “He said Mr. Powell had driven up from Indianapolis that day for a family function,” officers wrote.

    Powell also told officers he drove to Merrillville for a family function. He claimed to have discovered the vehicle running but driverless, officers said.

    “When asked about the car he was in, the white Acadia, Mr. Powell said that he had found the vehicle on Waterfront Parkway as he was walking to the gas station,” police wrote. “He said the car was running and the door was open. He said that he watched the car for a few minutes and when no one came around, he got in the car and drove it away. Mr. Powell said that he later saw the news about the guy found dead where he found the car. He admitted that he also had a gun in the car but said there was no way his gun killed that man.”

    He at first denied called for a Lyft that day, but eventually admitted using his account to call for a ride, officers said. Then, he confessed to shooting Garland, police said.

    “Mr. Powell eventually admitted using his Lyft account to call for a ride and then admitted to shooting Mr. Garland with the gun that he saw was still in the white Acadia,” cops said. “He said that Mr. Garland was trying to screw him over and take his money and that he shot Mr. Garland in self-defense. He said that he was in the back seat on the passenger side and that Mr. Garland turned around in the driver’s seat and tried to pull the money from Mr. Powell’s hand. He said that he pulled his gun and shot Mr. Garland four times.”

    Powell allegedly said he pulled Garland’s body out of the vehicle.

    “After the shooting, Mr. Powell said that he went to his apartment located at 3002 Bayside Drive, Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. Mr. Powell’s address is located within 100 yards of where the victim’s body was found,” police wrote. “At the apartment, he said that he cleaned up and changed clothing. He also admitted to buying seat covers for the front two seats to cover up the blood stains. He also said he vacuumed up the four shell casings.”

  35. Anonymous10:03 PM

    They are either safe from COVID because they now have substantial immunity after being repeatedly vaccinated.

    The data says otherwise, but you didn't listen.  Typical.

    "A growing proportion of COVID-19 deaths are occurring among the vaccinated, a new ABC News analysis of federal data shows.

    In August of 2021, about 18.9% of COVID-19 deaths occurred among the vaccinated. Six months later, in February 2022, that proportional percent of deaths had increased to more than 40%.

    Comparatively, in September 2021, just 1.1% of COVID-19 deaths occurred among Americans who had been fully vaccinated and boosted with their first dose. By February 2022, that percentage had increased to about 25%."

    Natural immunity offers greater COVID protection than vaccines, study finds

    "(Gray News) - It’s something that has been up for discussion since the start of the pandemic: What provides greater protection from COVID?

    A study published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine shared findings that supported natural immunity providing greater protection from COVID infection than multiple vaccinations."

    The question should be, why would anyone promote these dangerous and ineffective "vaccines" to populations at near-zero risk of harm from the virus itself?  Especially when natural immunity is so much more protective?

    The "vaccinated" get infected and shed more virus than the unvaccinated.  Who would promote that, if the virus is the enemy?  There's a hole in that narrative you can drive a semi-truck through, but you are too blind to see it.

  36. Anonymous 10:03 PM said...

    "A growing proportion of COVID-19 deaths are occurring among the vaccinated, a new ABC News analysis of federal data shows."
    I reviewed the article, and noticed that you forgot one very important item from the report. ".... in recent months, during the omicron surge, 73% of deaths have been among those 65 and older.Throughout the omicron surge, the average age of those in the hospital with COVID-19 has steadily gotten older again."

    So as usual, you are trying to baffle us with bull shit. It's time for you to realize that most of the comments on this blog come from people with critical thinking skills. So your lies tend to fall on deaf ears.

    Understanding how to process and evaluate data correctly is as important as the data its self.

  37. Anonymous3:34 AM

    “The question should be, why would anyone promote these dangerous and ineffective ‘vaccines’ to populations at near-zero risk of harm from the virus itself? Especially when natural immunity is so much more protective?”

    Oh, I dunno. Maybe because you don’t want COVID rampaging through schools, causing big waves of disruption from kids constantly calling in sick and missing class until finally enough of them acquire immunity? Or maybe because you have adults who work in those schools, or parents of some of the kids who attend them, who are immunocompromised, and letting COVID rip through the school unimpeded puts them at greater risk?

    And there’s not any good reason NOT to vaccinate them, because your point about vaccines being ineffective and dangerous is, like all your trollish points, utter bullshit.

  38. There is an entire cottage industry of pseudo-science that either denies the efficacy of vaccination or even out and out declares that the vaccinations to produce greater risk to people. It's hard to understand. I often wonder if it isn't tongue-in-cheek. But try talking to one of them, they will set you straight.

    Fauci is hated. They call it the plan-demic. It varies from there is no virus to vaccinated people get infected twice as often and have more breakthrough infections or recurrences.

    The virus may have been a Chinese plot, or possibly hatched by Joe Biden.

    They love to spout on and on in their social media posts. They swear up and down they will never get vaccinated.

    Why on Earth these morons villainize Fauci and lie about the vaccinations is anybody's guess. Push comes to shove, the more literate among them are vaccinated and boosted just like anyone else.

    One thing that they will never admit in a million years. When the pandemic hit in 2019 and on into 2020 before the first vaccinations were developed, the weak, immune-depressed or otherwise vulnerable populations were at serious risk of a slow, hideous death gasping for each breath until they finally died. Quickly we learned that even cnildren and young people were vulnerable to special symptoms such as inflammation of the heart. Others still suffer from long Covid with lingering respiratory problems and other maladies which render them disabled and unfit for work.

    Fuck you, dumb toadies.

  39. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The left is shitting its pants!!

  40. Anonymous4:17 PM

    “The left is shitting its pants!!”

    They are? It doesn’t look that way to me. It wasn’t a left-winger who died in a blaze of stupidity fighting the FBI trying to save Dear Leader from facing consequences of his actions, after the Mar-a-Lago raid.

    It looks like that Trump cultist pants-shitted himself into an early grave. Maybe Ashli Babbitt will high-five him when he joins her in the Valhalla for morons in the afterlife.

  41. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hold on tight for the unhinged and distracting comments from the anons as their stupid hero is brought down. LOL!!!!!! trump10-20!

  42. Anonymous8:53 PM

    “The left is shitting its pants!!“

    LOL! trump is gonna get his shit pushed in!!!!!

  43. GrannyStandingforTruth10:03 PM

    Welp, this reminds me of that old idiom young and stupid. Garrett Zeigler has doxed FBI agents working on the Trump Maralago search warrant. Including connections to the childrens social media accounts.

    Zeigler has some splaining to do when the law comes for him. I'm hearing that song, "What you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you."

    Garrett Zeigler is in violation of 18 US Code 119 w extension into 1114.
    It's 5 yrs in prison.

    “The left is shitting its pants!!“

    Not me. It's time for Trump to reap what he sowed. That time is surely coming.

    "The left is TERRIFIED of President Trump!!"

    Not me. I don't fear him or his legion of demons. My only concern and prayer are for the safety of the FBI, CIA, AGs, and Congresspersons who Trump has placed a target on their backs.

  44. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Trump fanatics are freaking out about the law finally catching up to him. They are sacrificing their own lives in a fruitless attempt to save their very undeserving idol.

    Meanwhile, couldn’t give the tiniest fraction of a crap about any of them.

    What the hell is wrong with these folks?

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth12:48 AM

    Trump reminds me of Haman in the Bible who plotted to have Mordecai hung. Haman had a gallow with a hangman noose set up. When the truth came out, Haman was hung in Mordecai's place.

  46. The Rude Pundit wants the media to pay attention to the non-crazy people also:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  47. Anonymous8:09 AM

    “Not me. It's time for Trump to reap what he sowed. That time is surely coming.“

    From your mouth to the gods ears.

  48. Anonymous said...

    "The left is shitting its pants!!"

    3:04 PM
    Now this is down right funny. The left is sitting back, eating popcorn, and watching the fall of Donald Trump. His wicked ways, his criminal activities, and his betrayal of American's security have caught up with him and are out in the open for all to see.

    The childish six words you posted indicate that the you and others on the extreme right can't cope with the situation. If you are all they have left to defend the ex president, then he's in big trouble.

    Watch as the biggest rats try to jump off the ship. Lindsey Graham is one who is trying very hard, but the judge says he has to testify. LOL!

  49. Boo hoo, poor miss Lindsey, the mean old judge said he has to testify about why he called Brad and asked him if there were any of "those people's" votes he could throw out.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  50. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Well, another MAGA-hatted dimwit has pointlessly messed up his life, while attempting to protect a sleazy, amoral conman who wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire. What a massive chump.

    Pennsylvania man arrested for threatening to "slaughter" FBI

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth10:18 PM

    "Trump-allied lawyers pursued voting machine data in multiple states, records reveal"

  52. Anonymous12:15 PM

    “Well, another MAGA-hatted dimwit has pointlessly messed up his life, while attempting to protect a sleazy, amoral conman who wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire.“

    Darwin awards back in prime time. LOL

  53. Here are two horror stories regarding the new forced birth regulations from the front page of

    Seems there a lot of really awful problems in the paradises created by the anti abortionists in the red states.

    Girl Denied Abortion Because She’s Not ‘Mature’ Enough

    Louisiana Woman Forced Carry Headless Fetus to Term

  54. Anonymous6:22 PM

    “Louisiana Woman Forced Carry Headless Fetus to Term“

    She couldn’t just borrow some money and fly to New York?

  55. Anonymous7:03 PM

    “She couldn’t just borrow some money and fly to New York?”

    Yes. She can legally fly to a blue state and get it done, assuming she either has the money in the bank or can borrow it.

    Keep in mind, though, that while that’s true in this case, some pregnancy complications will be serious enough that the patient cannot safely be moved, even if they have money to travel. If they are denied a timely abortion in their red state, they’re screwed no matter what, and may die.

    Also keep in mind that states like Texas are trying to criminalize leaving. Lend a woman the money to fly to New York and you’ve committed a felony.

    My guess is that provisions like these will be the first to fall. Voter outrage will eventually force red-state legislators to broaden health exceptions and allow women to at least access emergency abortions so they don’t die, and courts will probably also rule that it is unconstitutional to try to nail a woman’s feet to the floor so she can’t travel out of state.

    We shall see, but I believe that will be how the beginning of the fightback against anti-abortion laws will play out.

  56. Who informed on Trump? Someone knew that he had those documents, and where they were. So who's the snitch, the mole, the rat?

    Jared? Ivanka? Meadows? Melania? The Secret Service?

    And what kind of person, other than a mobster, has to worry about snitches, moles, rats?

  57. Why did the orange asset keep nuclear and signal-intelligence documents? Snafu? Avarice? As souvenirs? As leverage against prosecution? To sell?

    If to sell, then he's a traitor. If from snafu, then he's a moron. My cynical Dad said that a crook is better than a fool: for you must police a crook, but a fool is a force of nature. So when I call him an 'orange asset', that's my way of being an optimist.

  58. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "Yes. She can legally fly to a blue state and get it done, assuming she either has the money in the bank or can borrow it."

    Snark from your earlier comment. Try to keep up.

  59. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Election Result Update:




  61. Anonymous10:55 PM

    "DEMOCRACY ~VS~ RACISM"... and democracy is "down for the count!"

  62. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Uhhhh. Based on the election results, It appears more like "White Supremacy" Trumps "Democracy"

  63. Anonymous11:12 PM

    If your parent became a "billionaire" Texas oil tycoon you wouldn't need to "go along to get along" either.

    In other words you don't have to "go with the flow." You can afford to do anything you "telling the truth."

    ...Just sayin.

  64. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Lizzy Cheney is gone, Lisa Murkowsky is next.

    Cue "Ding dong, the witch is dead".

  65. "Lisa Murkowsky is next."



    19 year old woman nearly lost her uterus due to magat abortion ban bill.

  67. Anonymous12:23 PM

    5 people shot, and almost 100 rounds fired - all in the area of a rec center. 3 in custody, and multiple weapons recovered by police. The proliferation of weapons in our communities is a major concern, but that doesn't absolve those who choose to pull the trigger. Excellent...

  68. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Shootings at West Philadelphia rec center leave 5 wounded, 2 critically

  69. Anonymous6:58 PM

    “Lisa Murkowsky is next."


    She very possibly won’t lose her job, because if I understand correctly, Alaska has moved to some sort of jungle primary election system, in which Murkowski and some Trump-backed Republican loon will both be on the November ballot, along with some Democrat(s).

    And what that means is that Murkowski no longer needs to appeal to MAGA moron voters to win. If most Dems throw their votes to her, on the assumption that their own candidate(s) can’t win anyway, then their votes, combined with those of moderate Republicans, could put Murkowski over the top.

    Again, if Alaska had had normal Republican primaries this year, she’d probably be toast. But it seems Alaska isn’t doing normal primaries anymore.

  70. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I guess I should clarify that Alaska’s election in November isn’t technically a jungle primary. They do have an actual primary that winnows down the list to 4 candidates (Murkowski is one of those 4, having won her primary). And then those 4 go on to the general election.

    But the general election will work as I previously described, which gives Murkowski a decent chance of beating the other Republican — Trump clown Kelly Tshibaka — with the help of Democratic voters.

  71. Fergus is in a heap of trouble and no decent attorney will touch him with a ten foot pole.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Anonymous2:08 AM

    “Fergus is in a heap of trouble and no decent attorney will touch him with a ten foot pole.”

    Which is which he’s got sleazy attorneys.

    Trump follows the advice of Jesse Pinkman from “Breaking Bad”:

    "When the going gets tough, you don't want a criminal lawyer — you want a criminal lawyer."

  73. Screwy louie gohmert is out of congress next January. He decided to run for Texass AG and finished last in the primary.

    CIA knew magats were targeting Pelosi Jan 6th, but failed to pass that info along until days after insurrection.

  74. I meant "decent" as in competent. Fergus repels decency of any kind on every level.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. Mike: The mean IQ level of the chamber will lurch upwards so far and so fast that it will feel like an earthquake.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. CNN)Allen Weisselberg, the former chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, pleaded guilty Thursday to his role in a 15-year-long tax fraud scheme, and as part of the deal he has agreed to testify against former President Donald Trump's real estate company at trial.

    In court Thursday, Weisselberg said, "Yes, your honor" when asked if he was pleading guilty of his own choice.
    Weisselberg pleaded guilty to 15 felonies and admitted he failed to pay taxes on $1.7 million in income, including luxury perks, such as rent and utilities for a Manhattan apartment, leases for a pair of Mercedes-Benz cars and private school tuition for his grandchildren.

  77. Weaselberg owes about two million dollars, will spend five months in prison, and will "testify truthfully in the upcoming trial of the Trump Organization" which is slated to begin in October.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  78. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "Weaselberg owes about two million dollars, will spend five months in prison, and will 'testify truthfully in the upcoming trial of the Trump Organization' which is slated to begin in October."

    I guess we can expect some "Weisselberg, you dirty rat!" ranting from Trump in the coming months. Maybe he'll even call Weisselberg a Deep State operative or a woke lefty.

    "Is Weisselberg antifa? Coming up next ... on Tucker Carlson."

  79. Anonymous5:17 PM

    BREAKING: Two Years Later – CDC Finally Recognizes Natural Immunity

  80. Alex Jones abandons Fergus in favor of DeSantis. Funny how these fucks always have to have someone to worship.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  81. Weasel Berg is the very class of citizen new IRS agents are slated to examine for tax fraud and stuff.

  82. Anonymous12:42 AM

    It appears Team Trump are starting to get worried, because they’re saying bonkers stuff like this:

    Former Trump Lawyer Says Don’t Worry: Trump Can Run For President From Prison

  83. Randy Rainbow strikes again:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  84. If he does go to prison, what's up with his secret service detail? Do they go in and try to keep him from getting buggered in the yard? How do they decide which agents get that assignment? I say give it to those agents who wiped evidence off of their phones, they seem to like him a lot.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  85. Anonymous2:08 AM

    The mean IQ level of the chamber will lurch upwards so far and so fast that it will feel like an earthquake.

    Not nearly so fast or far as if you got rid of Maxine Waters and Hank "Guam tip over" Johnson.

  86. What our two nations have in common is that we are both on the slippery slope to banana republic-hood.

  87. Anonymous1:20 PM

    “Not nearly so fast or far as if you got rid of Maxine Waters and Hank "Guam tip over" Johnson.“

    Or “it took me three times to get my GED” Lauren Bobert. LOL!

  88. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Hank Johnson has a law degree while the celebrated Republican white woman took until her 30’s to finish high school. The stupid is strong on the right.

  89. Anonymous1:27 PM

    “If he does go to prison, what's up with his secret service detail? Do they go in and try to keep him from getting buggered in the yard?“

    LOL! Comment of the year!

  90. Why am I not surprised?

    20 year old magat opened his campaign with a bible verse and gets busted for soliciting an underage girl for nude pics. Even when he learned she was 15, not 17, he sent her a pic of his genitals.

  91. In a comment by me, yesterday, reported the CIA knew about danger to Pelosi but didn't warn anyone until days after.

    My comment should have been the Secret Service knew of the threats, not CIA. My humblest apologies to any and all offended. mfi

  92. Anonymous5:29 PM

    “20 year old magat opened his campaign with a bible verse and gets busted for soliciting an underage girl for nude pics.”

    Hey, girls got married off at 15 in Biblical days. So that probably means it’s okay to send dick pics to 15-year-olds, according to fundie logic.

  93. Anonymous10:35 PM

    What the hell is a 20 year old doing running for school board anyway?

  94. Anonymous10:47 PM

    And here’s yet more theocratic nonsense that SCOTUS has unleashed.

    Donated "In God We Trust" signs are compulsory in Texas public schools

  95. The, or one, problem with cultivating an ignorant, gullible voting base is that they fairly reliably vote for morons, charlatans, and hucksters.
    This year's gop senate nominees make Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell and Todd Akin look positively sane and scholarly.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  96. Yes, Doug, I keep apologizing to them in my mind. The new crop of ignorant, crazy grifters are many times worse.

  97. Anonymous10:01 PM

    TRUMP 2024!!

  98. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Trump 20 to life, no pardon, no parole

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