Saturday, August 20, 2022

Movie caption Saturday.


What is the title of this movie? 

Bonus points if it features Jim Carrey. 


  1. The first title coming to mind is "Dumb and Dumber".

  2. I don't know, Field, maybe Return of the Zombies, or The Rise of the new American/Russian Nazis?

  3. Anonymous2:07 PM

    As expected, that Louisiana woman says she plans on traveling to another state to have an abortion, rather than stay there and be forced give birth to a no-skull baby.

    She’s also retained Ben Crump as her attorney, which, I mean … can he really represent every black person involved in a high-profile case? That is one very busy dude.

  4. I can't stomach Carrey. Not funny at all. If the birds in the pic want to become Putin;'s puppets, we can make it happen real quick. And should!

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I heard things are not going so well for Putin in Ukraine. He is accepting volunteers to go fight — even old, fat ones.

    These doofuses should enlist, since apparently they’re such big fans of the Russian Federation.

  6. "Traitors in the Mist"

  7. "From Russia With Potato"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    The Bad and the Ugly?

  9. Doug wins. with a nod to Stephen Colbert.

  10. Little tidbit I was unaware of.... every director of FBI has been a wasicu male magat... all of them rascals.

  11. akbright with the lead.

  12. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Hey Field, Leon Edwards for the win!

  13. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Porky Park.

  14. Notice how anymoose and his drumpf worshiping magats in red states are pushing America into shit hole country status because they thrive in wallowing in shit?

  15. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Chicago records two mass shootings in a span of six hours

    2 killed, 25 wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday night
    By Sun Times Wire

    Five people were wounded in a shooting early Saturday in Washington Park on the South Side.

    CHICAGO - Two people were killed and a 6-year-old girl was among 25 others have been wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday night.One person was killed and four others wounded in a shooting Friday evening in Homan Square on the West Side. About 6 p.m., the group was standing outside a home in the 3300 block of West Flournoy Street when a vehicle drove by and someone inside opened fire, Chicago police said. A 33-year-old man was struck multiple times and transported to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. He has not yet been identified. Four other men, ranging in age from 31 to 56, were shot and transported to Stroger Hospital in good condition, police said.

    A man was fatally shot early Sunday in Canaryville on the South Side. The man, 21, was outside about 12:40 a.m. in the 4700 block of South Union Avenue when he was shot multiple times throughout the body, police said. He was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead, police said. His name hasn’t been released yet.

    Early Saturday, five people were wounded in a shooting in Washington Park on the South Side. Just after midnight, police responded to a call of shots fired and found several people were shot in the 6200 block of South Michigan Avenue, police said. A 40-year-old woman suffered multiple gunshot wounds on the body and was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center in critical condition. A man, 32, was also shot multiple times and was transported in critical condition to the University of Chicago Medical Center. A 38-year-old man was shot several times in the neck and was taken to the same hospital in critical condition. A third man, 31, was struck in the leg and was taken to St. Bernard Hospital in good condition. A fourth man, 32, was shot in the mouth and was also taken to St. Bernard Hospital, where he was in good condition.

    Late Saturday, a 6-year-old girl was shot in West Englewood. About 6:30 p.m., the girl was standing near the street in the 7200 block of South Racine Avenue when she was hit in the arm by gunfire, police said. She was taken to St. Bernard Hospital, where she was listed in good condition. She’s the twelfth child who has been shot in the last week, according to Sun-Times data.

  16. Manifest Density5:36 AM

    Dumb Fuck and Dumber Fuck

  17. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Grave Diggers in Killadelphia report 90% of new burials are victims of violent crime

    Do not deny the source. Refute the data... IF you can, you lying bastards.

    It is long past time to sterilize the felon factories.

  18. Anonymous3:10 PM

    “Do not deny the source. Refute the data... IF you can, you lying bastards.”

    Thanks, but no.

    With respect to a “news” outlet that lies all the time, like Breitbart, one tends to stop wasting one’s time to determine if they’ve have lied YET AGAIN. Sane folks will find it more productive to just ignore them. That’s how it works when a media outlet loses all credibility.

    But even without delving into the details of the story itself, its headline should set off all kinds of blaring alarms for you. Such as:

    1) There is no way that homicide is going to dwarf death by all other causes, anywhere, ever. Can’t happen. This is just preposterous on its face. At the national level, deaths from homicides are less than 1% of total deaths. Homicide rates are higher in big cities … but not THAT much higher. Ask yourself, if this were true, how would Philadelphia even continue to exist? Murder would depopulate the city down to zero residents in a matter of a decade.

    2) The article’s source for causes of death is described as “gravediggers.” WTF? How would gravediggers know causes of death in the first place? Those guys are not party to cause of death information. A gravedigger’s job description is: “People give me a dead body and I stick it in a hole.”

    You should be ashamed that you are credulous enough to believe this kind of garbage. Apparently, you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

  19. Breitbart sucks as a source of reliablke and accurate info and your link only encapsulates a single cemetery, so your message sucks like Breitbart does.

    Many more Philadelphians will die of overdoses than gun violence in a given year.

  20. Anonymous4:03 PM

    What are the causes of death in rural America?

  21. Anonymous5:10 PM

    “What are the causes of death in rural America?”

    Same major causes as in the big city (heart disease, cancer, diabetes), but with fewer murders and more opioid overdoses, firearm accidents, and “runt over by own tractor.”

  22. People who live in rural areas of the United States are more likely than urban residents to die prematurely from five of the leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke.

  23. Anonymous6:10 PM

    CHICAGO August 1st-21st 2022
    Shot & Killed: 40
    Shot & Wounded: 246
    Total Shot: 286
    Total Homicides: 47

  24. We need to tax political donations over $10K at 99%:

    The Largest Political Donation In History

    August 22, 2022 at 5:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 42 Comments

    This story was mentioned earlier, but ProPublica has more:

    “An elderly, ultra-secretive Chicago businessman has given the largest known donation to a political advocacy group in U.S. history — worth $1.6 billion — and the recipient is one of the prime architects of conservatives’ efforts to reshape the American judicial system, including the Supreme Court.”

    “Through a series of opaque transactions over the past two years, Barre Seid, a 90-year-old manufacturing magnate, gave the massive sum to a nonprofit run by Leonard Leo, who co-chairs the conservative legal group the Federalist Society.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  25. Anonymous10:36 PM

    In today’s news of religious nutjobs, we have the GOP candidate for governor of Michigan, Tudor Dixon, who says that forcing women to give birth to rape babies is a “healing” experience

    Please note that Tudor Dixon is female, for anyone laboring under the misapprehension that the insane theocratic zealots are just a bunch of sexist dudes.

  26. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I still can’t quite believe that mini-Trump DeSantis got a Florida law passed that’s literally called the “Stop WOKE Act.”

    This seems like something out of a Hollywood satire featuring an over-the-top, cartoonish right-wing poltician. How can this be reality?


  27. Manifest Density6:53 AM

    "Malice in Wonderland"

    Starring Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer

    Directed by Tweedle Dee

  28. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Manifest Density: very good! But how about an upgrade:
    “Malice in Blunderland”.

  29. Anon @ 11:34 PM, not all of Rev Jim Jones cultists voluntarily drank poisoned Kool-Aid. Wouldn't doubt DeSatinist's followers were nudged along with guns pointed at them.

  30. drumpf ass-licker John Solomon turns out to be a useful idjet afterall...

    With friends like Solomon, drumpf doesn't really need enemies.

  31. Manifest Density12:02 PM


    That's good. I like it. But blunder leans more towards a mistake. Look at the picture. You see they're smiling. That's why I kept wonderland. It's the smiles that puts them in a fantasy world. Wonder, blunder, fantasy or reality.

  32. Anonymous said...

    In today’s news of religious nutjobs, we have the GOP candidate for governor of Michigan, Tudor Dixon, who says that forcing women to give birth to rape babies is a “healing” experience

    And you can damn well bet that if Dixon needs an abortion, she will run right out and get one.

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Chicago police arrest black man suspected of pushing CTA rider onto tracks
    James Stamps was arrested Monday in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood

  34. There were at least three other Canadian doctors who magats swore died after covid boosters who actually died of cancers and another longterm illness.

  35. From Susie Madrak's blog:

    Tristan Snell
    BREAKING: Trump is representing HIMSELF, with no lawyer at all, in his case against the United States regarding the search of Mar-a-Lago and recovery of government records.

    The legal term is “pro se” - for himself.

    He could not find anyone to represent him.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  36. From Steve Benen:
    * A major development in the case surrounding Breonna Taylor’s shooting: “A former police detective admitted on Tuesday that she had helped mislead a judge into authorizing a raid of Breonna Taylor’s apartment in Louisville, Ky., setting in motion the faulty nighttime operation in which the police fatally shot Ms. Taylor.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  37. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Boy oh boy, the wingnuts just keep getting wingnuttier.

    North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson has a solution to the “Critical Race Theory problem” that Republicans think is so urgent to solve: Don’t have any science or history classes for elementary school kids. None at all.

    Ha, take that, libs! You can’t contaminate our kids’ education with wokeness if we just refuse to educate them!

    What a brilliant plan.

    This guy has also said that Michelle Obama is secretly a dude, Muslims are invaders, and gay people are Satanic. He’s militantly against abortion, but previously gave his girlfriend (now his wife) money to have one.

    This guy officially goes to the top of my list of the worst wingnut black people. He’s tied with Candace Owens.

  38. HRC allegedly had 52 classified docs in her emails. drumpfuck the dumbfuck had over 300 with high security ratings in his basement. Lock it up, indeed.

  39. The Rolling Stone has an article up entitled Trump Tells His Lawyers: "Get My Top Secret Documents Back."

    I guess he really does think he's an emperor. LOL! The FBI had better post some security around the National Archives in case Trump sends his domestic terrorists there to storm the place.

  40. Anonymous1:22 AM

    “I guess he really does think he's an emperor.”

    Well, we certainly know he wants to be an emperor.

    But I think this is part of his demented legal defense. He’s decided to pretend that the documents were always rightfully his — he didn’t steal them, scout’s honor! — and so the government had no right to get a warrant to come take them away.

    Most sane people would claim they’d taken the documents by accident, together with other documents that he actually legitimately owned. But not Trump. He always goes with the Maximum Bullshit approach.

    This will get laughed out of court, and then Trump will go into oppressed martyr mode. Everything is so unfair! The Deep State and Sleepy Joe are after him! What is the country coming to when an ex-president can’t enjoy some private alone-time with his purloined nuclear secrets? America has fallen.

  41. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Lol, this is some masterful trolling.

    Texas fundies have passed their dumb law, saying all schools must display any donated signs reading “In God We Trust.”

    So one gentleman has helpfully donated a whole bunch of signs printed with “In God We Trust” — in Arabic. So, according to the dumb fundie law, they must now be displayed.

    Hey, that law never mentioned the signs being in English!

    We’ll see how this goes over in good ol’ rednecky Texas. My guess is, not well.

  42. Anonymous10:30 AM

    In God we trust, all others pay cash.

  43. Manifest Density10:34 AM

    Liar, Liar

    It's obvious that when the ancestors of these eastern Eurapeons, pictured above, emigrated to America in the late 19th century, they preferred democracy over poverty, starvation and persecution in their homeland.

  44. "In God we trust, all others pay cash."
    Because god never seems to have any and is always asking for yours...

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  45. Another magat charged with soliciting underage girl for sex. This guy was head of Texass Right to Life.

    drumpf's Truth social charged with stiffing a vendor for 1.6 million bucks. The entire world should know better than to work for drumpf. They won't get paid.

  46. Anonymous6:19 PM

    “Another magat charged with soliciting underage girl for sex. This guy was head of Texass Right to Life.”


    These self-righteous religious sex-police types are anything but virtuous themselves. They usually turn out to be pervs.

  47. Released, unredacted Mueller report states what all of us knew, except magats, that drumpf had obstructed justice at least 10 times and drumpf's AG lied about it.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth8:12 PM

    Trump and his attorneys seem to be plotting to establish a dementia defense for him. Even if he has dementia, he can still be locked up or institutionalized. Dementia patients are sometimes housed in convalescent homes in prison facilities.

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth8:37 PM

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth8:39 PM

  51. From Carl Newman's Twitter feed:

    Dave Kamper 🌹
    Aug 24
    I’ll remind folks of what I’ve posted before: in 1960 you could pay for a full year at the University of Minnesota with SIX WEEKS at a minimum wage job.

    Student debt is a consequence of the systematic defunding of higher education, not bad borrower decisions. #CancelStudentDebt

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  52. Doug 3:32
    Like George Carlin pointed out: God created the universe but somehow just can't deal with money. But on the other hand: God only created real things, like sunsets and snowstorms and strawberries and earthquakes and puppies and hornets, but money is not one of those real things.

  53. Met Ted Cruz today. Flew him to California. He's shorter than I expected. Had two Capitol police officers as guards.

  54. You don't see this everyday....

    Jones's lawyer pled the 5th, 25 times in a disciplinary hearing.


    Can't wait to hear Fake Noize claims the poll was rigged by Dominion.

  56. One more wasicu convicted child molester caught offering woman 100 grand for her 8 year old daughter.

  57. 5th circuit court of wasicu racists appeals upholds Mississippi law that rwemoved Black voters from voting permanently based on alleged crimes blacks were likely to commit.(from 1890)

  58. Anonymous5:15 PM

    “5th circuit court of wasicu racists appeals upholds Mississippi law that rwemoved Black voters from voting permanently based on alleged crimes blacks were likely to commit.(from 1890)”

    Stripping voting rights from felons is pretty much universally motivated by racism, so if courts admitted this about the Mississippi law and found it unconstitutional, then all such laws across the country would have to go.

    Wingnuts support these laws mainly because they know that blacks are collectively poorer (because of racism), and are more likely to have felony records (because they commit more crime, due to the poverty, and because they are overpoliced, due to racism.)

    Therefore, keeping felons off the voting rolls will disenfranchise blacks more than whites. It’s one of the multiple forms of Republican vote-suppression.

  59. Anonymous5:43 PM

    So, apparently, the release of the affidavit for the Mar-a-Lago search warrant indicates the feds may have been gathering evidence to prosecute Trump for obstruction of justice, as well as trying to recover defense-related files that Trump had no conceivable right to hold onto after his presidency ended.

  60. "So, apparently, the release of the affidavit for the Mar-a-Lago search warrant indicates the feds may have been gathering evidence to prosecute Trump for obstruction of justice, as well as trying to recover defense-related files that Trump had no conceivable right to hold onto after his presidency ended."

    Wait, that's not what Fox "news" said.

  61. I just read the redacted affidavit, and I don't think it said anything I didn't already know. It was heavily redacted, though, and thoroughly explained the reasons for withholding disclosure. Read that "Fergus' fans will murder anyone whose names we disclose" and "We're not done investigating yet and any clues as to where we're looking next will be utilized in the effort to obstruct our investigation/influence witnesses/destroy evidence."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  62. Anonymous12:42 AM

    1) There is no way that homicide is going to dwarf death by all other causes, anywhere, ever. Can’t happen. This is just preposterous on its face.

    Why not?  Why can't it happen?  Prove it.

    At the national level, deaths from homicides are less than 1% of total deaths.

    That's because the majority of America is White (and most of the rest is non-black).

    Ask yourself, if this were true, how would Philadelphia even continue to exist?

    Because Whites subsidise black birthrates, and have for more than 6 decades.  Without EBT and housing subsidies, there wouldn't be a black crime problem in the USA.

    Worthless blacks should be sterilized, without hesitation or apology.  There should be no more Angel Adamses.

    Murder would depopulate the city down to zero residents in a matter of a decade.

    That obviously has not happened.

    You should be ashamed that you are credulous enough to believe this kind of garbage.

    You should be ashamed that you cannot believe what the facts show.

    1) There is no way that homicide is going to dwarf death by all other causes, anywhere, ever. Can’t happen. This is just preposterous on its face.

    Fuck, you stupid shits, when you have DOZENS of deaths from shootings in single weekends, how can you NOT admit the problem and its source?

  63. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Malice in Wonderland:

  64. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Student debt is a consequence of the systematic defunding of higher education, not bad borrower decisions.

    Student debt is a consequence of two things:  the decision in Griggs which established the bullshit "disparate impact" standard and left college degrees as the only means employers have to weed out incompetent minorities, and tuition hikes running at many times the rate of inflation for decades, used to feed exploding bureaucratic empires and huge endowments.

    It is long past time to get rid of all of the educational mandates which these bureaucracies exist to serve, then the bureaucracies themselves.  This starts by getting rid of Griggs and the 1964 CRA.

  65. Anonymous11:17 AM

    “left college degrees as the only means employers have to weed out incompetent minorities“

    And how pray tell do we weed out incompetent white men?

  66. Anonymous11:19 AM

    “That's because the majority of America is White (and most of the rest is non-black)“

    That has GOT to be the dumbest logical leap I’ve seen in a while. Ignorant racists and stupidity seem to go hand in hand.

  67. Anonymous11:20 AM

    “Why not? Why can't it happen? Prove it.“

    Prove it huh? Your brain is definitely damaged. LOL!

  68. So was Ted Cruz really icky like when he was on Jimmy Kimmel, or was he friendly?

  69. "And how pray tell do we weed out incompetent white men?"
    I sold boatloads of weed to white men, most of whom almost immediately became incompetent...
    Nah, not really, all you have to do is check whether or not they are Republicans.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  70. From Susie Madrak's blog:

    Jon 🦀 Schwarz 🦀
    As Biden cancels (some) student debt, remember why the debt exists. A key Reagan advisor warned in 1970 that free college was producing the dangerously explosive "dynamite" of an "educated proletariat," and "we have to be selective on who we allow to go through higher education"

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. A special American Airlines flight operated by an all-Black and all-female crew honored aviation pioneer Bessie Coleman on the 100th anniversary of Coleman becoming the first Black woman to pilot a public flight.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. Manifest Density9:08 PM

    @2:54 PM

    "Is that some type of racial slur?"

    No. It's richer and more nuanced than's much, much more.

  73. Anonymous9:51 AM

    A soul-less boot-lip kills another boot-lip in Indiana.

    Why do we bother keeping you around anymore?  Remind me.

  74. Anonymous said....
    "the decision in Griggs which established the bullshit "disparate impact" standard and left college degrees as the only means employers have to weed out incompetent minorities......"
    3:20 AM
    As one who hired and supervised staff in a large public university, I must say that possessing a college degree does not guarantee competence. I once hired a coordinator with a degree from Harvard (she was not black) who turned out to be a total dud. Hiring decisions should be based on many variables, with college degree being only one of them unless the degree is required by the position description.

  75. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Why do we bother keeping you around anymore? Remind me.

  76. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Towheaded hillbilly shoots up a homeless shelter after church services. What is up with crazy white dudes shooting up helpless churchgoers or kids in a classroom? I mean ya act so tough online acting like you can actually make me go away, LOL! Sweep your own porch Jethro before commenting on mine.

  77. Anonymous3:26 PM

    “As one who hired and supervised staff in a large public university“

    See right there you lost the argument to our esteemed racist asshole. You actually know what you’re talking about while our incel basement dweller would rather blame society for his inability to function as an adult. This MF is blaming the CRA for his sorry ass life. Some people ya just can’t help but I guess we can blame Republicans for destroying education.

  78. Anonymous3:27 PM

    “Nah, not really, all you have to do is check whether or not they are Republicans.“


  79. "A special American Airlines flight operated by an all-Black and all-female crew honored aviation pioneer Bessie Coleman on the 100th anniversary of Coleman becoming the first Black woman to pilot a public flight."

    Saw that. Good day!

  80. "So was Ted Cruz really icky like when he was on Jimmy Kimmel, or was he friendly?"

    He was surrounded by mostly supporters so he had the politician glad-handing thing going on. Seemed friendly enough but I just remember what Al Franken said. LOL!

  81. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Towheaded hillbilly shoots up a homeless shelter after church services. What is up with crazy white dudes shooting up helpless churchgoers or kids in a classroom? I mean ya act so tough online acting like you can actually make me go away, LOL! Sweep your own porch Jethro before commenting on mine.

    3:22 PM
    In answer to your question, my analysis is:They are cowardly bullies who are mad at the world. They pick children and unarmed adults because they can get away with it and no one will be shooting back.

  82. Anonymous said...

    “As one who hired and supervised staff in a large public university“

    See right there you lost the argument to our esteemed racist asshole. You actually know what you’re talking about while our incel basement dweller would rather blame society for his inability to function as an adult. This MF is blaming the CRA for his sorry ass life. Some people ya just can’t help but I guess we can blame Republicans for destroying education.

    3:26 PM
    Thank you, Anon. for your support. And just for the record, I hired a black secretary who turned out to be the best secretary I ever had.
    And you are right about the Republicans trying too destroy public education. It's one of their main obsessions. Speaking as a really old woman, I have watched it unfold since the 1960s.


    drumpf appointed federal, unqualified (naturally,judge in Texas strikes down law stating people 18 and under can't buy or own handguns or assault weapons.

    His reasoning is a doozy and if the author of above video content hopes the 5th circuit court of appeals will over rule drumpf judge, remember the 5th court is led by drumpf and dumbass dubya's appointees.

  84. Miss lindsey ordered to testify in Georgia by a judge.


    DeSatanist's own administration cleared the way for these 20 people to vote and now thweyare facing charges for illegal voting.

    Mark Joeseph Stern is a highly respected reporter of legal issues, in case you hadn't heard of him.

  86. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I’m going to buy a nuclear missile. According to trump appointed judge it’s legal because it’s not specifically prohibited by the Constitution🙄

  87. Anon, take two. They're small.

  88. Anonymous10:36 PM

    “Anon, take two. They're small.“”


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