Monday, August 29, 2022

Lindsey's bold prediction.


Lindsey Graham did a very bad thing when he went on FOX VIEWS, and then announced to the world that if criminal charges are filed against tfg there will be riots in the streets. This might be tfg's best strategy to prevent being charged: Threaten violence from the MAGA crowd if the DOJ does their job.  And seriously,  how does one get away with saying things such as this when one is a United States Senator? Am I missing something? 

What's scary is that the main stream media will let this pass. And they won't make a thing of it because the right- wing political class in this country has gotten so over the top that this type of rhetoric just seems to be par for the course with them. 

A United States Senator threatening "riots in the street" if the Justice Department does their job is kind of  a big deal, but you would never know it by the way this story has been covered. This is a signal from Lindsey to all the "deplorable MAGA fascists out there to take to the streets in defense of their dear leader. This is happening while said leader is demanding to be be reinstated as president. And you wonder why Joe Biden is throwing the F word around when making a reference to this guy's people is such a big deal. It really shouldn't be, because he is speaking facts. 

As Americans, we don't want to hear the ugly truth about our fellow citizens. It says something about us and this experiment that we chose to buy into, and it's not good. 

‘What happens if you have state changes the law saying that the children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children? Is that is that legit under the way this decision is written?’ said Biden, before referring to Trump’s Make America Great Again group.

‘What are the next things that are going to be attack? Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history. Recent "

Stay tuned. A certain Senator from South Carolina is predicting bad things.   

*Pic from yahoonews



  1. In the end, violence is all that fascists have.

    Oh, and stupidity. TONS of stupidity.

  2. I was checking Google to see if something I read about Miss Lindsey earlier was true, namely that a judge had ruled that he did indeed have to testify before the grand jury, and I was not able to confirm that, but at the bottom of the page under "related searches" it said "Graham cracker" and I said yup.

    This sort of cues up something that needs to happen. Remember during the month before January 6 when they were all crowing about the fit they were gonna throw?
    Supposedly the reason they got away with throwing their fit was that Fergus' administration was "blindsided" by the violence that had been openly threatened all over the damn internet. Well, it ain't the Fergus administration this time, and they are telegraphing their intentions, and we happen to have a massively over-resourced system in place to deal with folks who openly defy the criminal justice system. Anyone remember Kent State? Because I remember Kent State.
    These fuckers have to have it demonstrated to them that they have to follow the law like everyone else, especially when it comes to violence. Treat those fuckers like any random riot in Oakland, with tear gas and rubber bullets, and I have a feeling that they won't become the problem they're trying to make us all afraid of them becoming.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Lindsey Graham did a very bad thing when he went on FOX VIEWS, and then announced to the world that if criminal charges are filed against tfg there will be riots in the streets.

    You evil fucks COMMITTED street riots over felon Fentanyl Floyd's death-by-refusal-to-get-into-the-car-and-go-to-the-hospital demise; you have no moral or logical objection to anyone doing the same against your objections.

    This might be tfg's best strategy to prevent being charged: Threaten violence from the MAGA crowd if the DOJ does their job.

    The DOJ has to have GROUNDS for doing something first.  Without grounds?  Illegal AND un-Constitutional (same thing).

    And seriously, how does one get away with saying things such as this when one is a United States Senator? Am I missing something?

    You're missing that YOU are over the top.

    What's scary is that the lame stream media will let this pass. And they won't make a thing of it because the right-wing political class in this country has gotten so over the top that this type of rhetoric just seems to be par for the course with them.

    He is WARNING YOU of the consequences of certain actions.  YOU have the choice to commit or avoid said actions.

    If Felon Fentanyl Floyd is worth several deaths and $billions in damages, Pres. Donald Trump is worth millions of deaths and eradication of Dimocrap strongholds.  Remember, it only took one Kyle Rittenhouse to end the Waukesha riots.  Imagine what ten thousand could do.

    A United States Senator threatening "riots in the street" if the Justice Department does their job is kind of a big deal, but you would never know it by the way this story has been covered.

    You have no idea how fucked your narrative is compared to the truth.  If you value anything you hold dear, do NOT make the forces of truth in the USA pound your fucked narrative into the ground before you.  Value your narrative quietly, in peace, and die with it.

  4. "You evil fucks COMMITTED street riots over felon Fentanyl Floyd's death-by-refusal-to-get-into-the-car-and-go-to-the-hospital demise; you have no moral or logical objection to anyone doing the same against your objections."

    I didn't do anything nor did 99% of the populace so your little rant about allowing you assholes commit violence because someone else did just shows the level of maturity you're working with. Well, Johnny got to do something so it's only fair I get to do it too or I'm gonna scream. Yup, just as we suspectd, the right has the maturity of toddlers just like dear leader.

  5. Does anyone even care anymore that dear leader just lies without impunity? How can so many people trust a baldfaced liar? He tweeted that Barack kept millions of top secret documents when the National Archives confirmed he, like all other past presidents, actually followed the law and all of his documents are safe and secure. The stupid is very strong in this country.

  6. Stupidity, lies and the quest for power is a toxic brew.

  7. "He is WARNING YOU of the consequences of certain actions. YOU have the choice to commit or avoid said actions."

    Yawn, no one is scared of that limp-wristed southern belle. If you want to spend the rest of your worthless life in jail for a New York conman who wouldn't spit on you in you were on fire then be my guest. In fact, go deliver your message directly to the DOJ Billy Badass. I dare ya ya keyboard warrior but we all know you're all talk just like dear leader.

  8. Don the scammer got Miss Lyndsey spun. Graham to Trump is like Trump to Putin: Compromised.

  9. Magat Nick Sandmann's defamation case against several national news organizations has been terminated by a judge. Too bad two outfits chose to settle nuisance suits or they would have been cleared as well.

  10. Anon, I know you think none of us know anything and are wrong about everything but do me two favors. 1. Don't send any substantial amount of money to trump and 2. don't break any laws for trump because there will be no overthrow of the current government and he will not bail you out. Just trust me on this and spread this advice amongst your cohorts.

  11. If there are riots, I hope they handle the crowds the same way they do and did BLM, not with the same kid gloves as displayed on January 6.

  12. Former leader of Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev passed away at 91. Might have been the nast of the best Russian leaders as far as cooperating with the West is concerned.

  13. LeonT8:59 PM

    Hey, you annonamous fucking pustty: Bring it.

    Fuck around and find out what happens when you knuckle dragging idiots start a riot.

  14. "If there are riots, I hope they handle the crowds the same way they do and did BLM, not with the same kid gloves as displayed on January 6."

    It'd be interesting to see what areas they riot in. They won't riot in the hood because they're afraid of POC so that leaves places that the police are wont to protect. Who's popping the popcorn? LOL!

  15. Will someone please have trump committed? He is clearly insane! He wants to be reinstated or have another presidential election this year. And people are really giving money and going to jail for this guy? I knew the right was gullible and kind of dumb but if they still support this clown show......

  16. If things get any worse with Lindsey, I'm writing to my buddy, Rand Paul to ask him to reach out and help this poor man.

    This is all surrealistic. No shit. Time for the Sheriffs to come to Mar-a-Lago and take Mr. Trump away for a nice long vacation in the place where people get better. You know, where he can get the help he needs.

    I remember when all of this kerfluffle about Hunter's laptop broke. I was even privileged to see the incriminating photographs of Hunter and Malia snorting cocaine, cutting it up with a credit card, snorting it off her belly, Hunter falling asleep in a bathtub. Only problem being it was so grainy you couldn't really make out the faces of the actors in the fake video. So my right wing buddies would not entertain any notion but that this video was real home video shot by Hunter Biden of his cocaine-fueled tryst with Malia Obama. Complete insanity.

    Trump is still there three years later. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

    Anon... Fuck off. You're a clown without a smile

  17. Anonymous1:55 AM

    “It'd be interesting to see what areas they riot in.”

    Probably burn down some libraries. Them folks don’t see no use for that uppity book larnin’.

  18. There are no LGBTQ children.
    De Becker: "The detectable signal of forced teaming is the projection of a shared purpose or experience where none exists."

    Replacing biological sex with gender identity beliefs is like replacing modern medicine with incantations. Believing it yourself is foolish but demanding that others share your beliefs is inexcusable.

  19. LeonT said...

    Hey, you annonamous fucking pustty: Bring it.

    Fuck around and find out what happens when you knuckle dragging idiots start a riot.

    8:59 PM
    I'm with you, Leon. I say to these crazy fascists who pretend to be so brave: Bring it, and see what you get. You will either be in prison or six feet under.
    We fought one Civil War and beat your asses, and we can do it again. I'm a grand daughter of a Civil War soldier that fought for the union.

  20. PilotX said...It'd be interesting to see what areas they riot in. They won't riot in the hood because they're afraid of POC so that leaves places that the police are wont to protect. Who's popping the popcorn? LOL!

    9:12 PM
    Yes, it will be interesting. These people think that people who favor gun control do not have guns. We need to keep our powder dry, so we can surprise them if it comes to that.

  21. "And seriously, how does one get away with saying things such as this when one is a United States Senator? Am I missing something?"

    Yes, Mitch McConnell is AWOL as usual when it comes to leadership. Senate GOP is more like an evil frat house

  22. bewilderness said:

    There are no LGBTQ children.
    De Becker: "The detectable signal of forced teaming is the projection of a shared purpose or experience where none exists."

    Replacing biological sex with gender identity beliefs is like replacing modern medicine with incantations. Believing it yourself is foolish but demanding that others share your beliefs is inexcusable.

    12:37 PM
    I find this post to be a bit confusing. It seems you are saying that gender identification is all biological and the the correct sex of a baby is easy to discern at birth. If this is your belief, then I urge you to do some research on the topic.
    You will find that what you believe to be true is not always true.

  23. Illegal AND un-Constitutional (same thing).

    You should go offer your lawyerly services to your dear leader, what with the understanding of constitutional law and all.

  24. Anonymous9:14 PM

    “The DOJ has to have GROUNDS for doing something first. Without grounds? Illegal AND un-Constitutional (same thing).”

    Let’s say you steal my
    possessions, I demand my possessions back and you refuse, and then I present the police with evidence you stole my possessions. That’s grounds for the police to get a warrant and bust into you house and take them. And possibly charge you with theft.

    That’s how the law works.

    And no, Trump can’t declassify defense/intelligence documents in his head, with no paperwork. That is not a thing.

    And no, even if he had declassified them, he still wouldn’t be allowed to just take them. That is not a thing, either. When presidents want to take federal documents for their presidential libraries, they have to have them vetted by the National Archives first, which Trump didn’t do.

    All of Trump’s defenses on this are laughable bullshit. He stole stuff that belonged to the federal government, not him — intentionally, not by accident, as with the documents that ended up on Hillary Clinton’s homebrew email server; refused to give it back when asked; and then got mad when the government came and took it back by force. Because he has the maturity level of a particularly obnoxious toddler.

  25. Anonymous9:35 PM


    Caribou Barbie lost. Again. She didn’t get to be McCain’s veep, and she won’t get to be a congresswoman, either, thank God.

    Democrat Mary Peltola will be the first Alaska native elected to Congress.

  26. Anonymous12:02 AM

    In other, hilarious news, Stacey Dash is very upset to learn that rapper DMX died.

    A year ago.

    Also, she has legit turned into a white woman. If I didn't know who she was, I would never guess she had any black ancestry at all. Apparently, when you join the Fox News team, you have to add some EXTRA chlorine to your swimming pool water, if you know what I mean.

  27. From Susie Madrak's blog:

    Tristan Snell
    BREAKING: Republican National Committee refuses to pay for Trump’s legal fees for Mar-a-Lago search and federal investigation into stolen government records.

    RNC rejection means Trump just hired a bunch of new expensive lawyers whom he will almost certainly refuse to pay.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  28. Alaska's new congreeperson will be the first Democrat to represent Alaska as a congressperson. Until this year Alaska's only congress varmint has been Don Young, the most admonished congress varmint ever.

  29. Anonymous11:28 AM

  30. Anonymous11:30 AM

    “You should go offer your lawyerly services to your dear leader, what with the understanding of constitutional law and all.“

    Conservatives don’t need no degrees or diplomas to practice law and/or medicine. Sean Hannity will teach you all you need to know about everything. I mean trump U went out of business but there’s always Preger U. LOL!

  31. Anonymous said....

    Democrat Mary Peltola will be the first Alaska native elected to Congress.

    9:35 PM
    Great news. How ironic this happening in the middle of a time when most pundits who predict election results are wrong.

  32. Anonymous1:10 PM

    “Great news. How ironic this happening in the middle of a time when most pundits who predict election results are wrong.”

    This is going to be a weird election year, one that confuses a lot of pundits.

    Typically, the incumbent party (the Democrats, at least at the federal level) get hammered in midterms. Also, inflation has been high, due to the COVID rebound and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Republicans have worked hard to dishonestly blame this on Biden.

    But then a bunch of big things happened. Inflation (particularly gas prices) started falling. Democrats started passing useful and popular policies (such as fighting global warming and forgiving student loan debt). All of Trump’s criming finally started catching up to him as the FBI raided his home. And SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, thereby enraging lots of voters, particularly female voters, and they are now bent on taking revenge on Republicans at the polls.

    So the election predictions have now gone from “inevitable Democrat bloodbath” to “tossup.”

  33. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Sarah Palin is furious and dumbfounded at having lost in Alaska. But she better get used to it, because the jungle primary/ranked-choice voting system that Alaska introduced this year favors Democrats and moderate Republicans.

    Trumpian crypto-fascists like Sarah Palin can suck it. They’re not gonna be elected again anytime soon.

  34. Wasicu pig in Columbus,Ohio shoots 20 y/o Black man who was in bed and had hands raised. Officer said he saw what might have been a gun in deceased's hand before shooting. That "gun" turned out to be a vape pen, noted by magats as the number 1 killer of wasicu pigs in magat fever dreams.(snark)

  35. How bad can tghe economy be when iowa farmland continues to set record prices per acre? Someone sure as shooting has money to spend...

  36. Anonymous2:56 PM

    “How bad can tghe economy be when iowa farmland continues to set record prices per acre?”

    The economy most definitely isn’t bad. At least not if you’re defining “the economy” as GDP growth. In fact, the opposite is true — it is booming. That’s part of where the recent inflation has come from: the economy roaring back after the COVID lockdowns ended.

    Of course, Republicans described the recent inflation as all Biden’s fault, but somehow high GDP growth doesn’t constitute a “Biden boom.” This narrative exists because Republicans are lying dicks, and because journalists are too cowardly to call them out on it and make clear that presidents don’t actually have much ability to influence the economy in the short term, in good or bad ways.

    Also, some of the negative talk about the economy isn’t even about how things are right now, but reflects fears about the future. Some business analysts are afraid the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates too hard and too fast in an effort to get inflation under control, and that will tip the economy into recession. But this is not guaranteed to happen. They’re just assuming the Federal Reserve will fuck up.

  37. There hasn't been a Democratic representative in Alaska since the year Roe v Wade was decided. Now, at least for the rest of the year, there is.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  38. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Russian oil executive dies in fall from Moscow hospital window

    Gosh, those Russians sure are accident-prone. Always falling out of windows. Or accidentally drinking tea laced with radioactive polonium.

    This cannot possibly have anything to do with this gentleman’s opposition to invading Ukraine. Nope. He must just have been really clumsy.

  39. A former marine and NYPD pig who once served on Bloomberg's security detail was sentenced to ten years in prison for assaulting an officer at the January 6 insurrection riot.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  40. Anonymous7:48 PM

    “A former marine and NYPD pig who once served on Bloomberg's security detail was sentenced to ten years in prison for assaulting an officer at the January 6 insurrection riot.“

    Good. how dare he attack a fellow cop.

  41. This cannot possibly have anything to do with this gentleman’s opposition to invading Ukraine. Nope. He must just have been really clumsy.

    In America there are gubmint agencies that inspect buildings for dangerous construction and threats to citizenry.

    In America there are gubmint agencies that go around removing protections from hazardous sites to prop up corporate profits.

  42. Anonymous1:28 PM

    “In America there are gubmint agencies that inspect buildings for dangerous construction and threats to citizenry.”

    In Russia, government inspects you!!!

    … okay, fine, that was not so much a joke as just the literal truth.

  43. drumpf is publicly floating pardons for J6 criminals. Does he not know he has no power? How fucked up are half of Americans?

  44. Anonymous12:02 PM

    “drumpf is publicly floating pardons for J6 criminals. Does he not know he has no power? How fucked up are half of Americans?”

    Maybe he’s suggesting that if he wins a second term as president, then he will pardon them?

    This seems like a dangerous campaign strategy, though. Most Americans loathe the Jan. 6th rioters, so they’re likely to vote to keep Trump out, just so he won’t be able to pardon them.

    Trump is giving voters yet another reason not to vote for him.

  45. I believe he is deliberately witness tampering for those left to testify in J6 hearings.


    Pigs (sow and a boar) show America how to assault Hispanic workers for an open container of beer. The victim tried to comply and provide ID but he needed to stand up to get it out of his pockets so the pigs attacked him, broke his nose and gave him a concussion and then lied about it .

  47. Guitar afficianodos, have any of you heard of Musicraft Messenger guitars? Mark Farner of Grand Funk RR played one and I have never heard of that brand. Sounds different than other brands I have heard.

  48. From what I can gather, the main feature of the Messenger guitar was the aluminum/magnesium neck. Travis Bean and Kramer would later build guitars with metal necks, and later still Steinberger would take the rigid neck/body idea further with a solid carbon fiber instrument.
    The pickups on the Messenger were apparently noisy and there were other drawbacks, but Mark Farner liked his well enough after he plugged the soundholes to prevent runaway feedback. He said that he couldn't get the thing refretted after he wore the frets out because at the time nobody knew how to refret a metal neck. As a Les Paul player, I think a metal neck is a good idea, as Les Pauls have notoriously flimsy headstocks that are likely to break if you drop them.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Thanks immensely, Doug. I must admit I have never heard of the other three you named, eithrt, except for Les Paul.

  50. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Greg Abbott says that women who get raped in Texas, where abortions are not allowed, even for rape victims, can just take Plan B contraceptives after they are raped. (At least until the fundies start pushing the line that Plan B itself is somehow a form of abortion.)

    Apparently, Abbott has decided to pretend that Plan B is 100% effective. He and DeSantis are locked in a real race to the bottom with their horrible public statements and stunty public policies, each striving mightily to out-stupid the other.

  51. A-Butt promised he would end rape in Texass. The only way he can is to redefine rape as something pretty.

    If only raped women get Plan B, isn't that clear discrimination against all other pregnant women?

  52. "If only raped women get Plan B, isn't that clear discrimination against all other pregnant women?"

    Not really, as plan B doesn't do anything to pregnant women, it stops the pregnancy from happening in the first place.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  53. Anonymous5:33 PM

    “If only raped women get Plan B, isn't that clear discrimination against all other pregnant women?”

    Plan B isn’t only available to raped women in Texas. It’s still available to everyone. For now.

    But let’s just say that I wouldn’t count on that forever. Texas is a political cesspool, and crazy fundies abound down there.

    Here is some loon at Texas Right To Life making pseudoscientific arguments that Plan B is actually abortion. So you could eventually have Plan B banned for all women, raped or not, and then Abbott will pretend he never said anything about it in the first place. He’ll just move on to “rape babies are a blessing from God.”

  54. So what's up with my comments disappearing? Can't I say that Fergus claimed to have had dinner with Zuckerberg in the White House last week? It happened. There's video of it:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. If Crooks and Liars isn't to your news consuming tastes, here's the article in Yahoo news

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Dropkick Murphys rant via Juliana Hatfield's Twitter feed:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  57. Anonymous9:12 PM

    “Can't I say that Fergus claimed to have had dinner with Zuckerberg in the White House last week?”

    And Biden is supposed to be the senile one, according to the wingnut-o-sphere.

    Nice imaginary conversation you had there, Trump. Back in your fantasy parallel universe where you still live in the White House.

  58. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Doctor Oz might not be destined to take Pennsylvania’s Senate seat. He’s not exactly a political genius, it seems. He announced that employers should be allowed (and encouraged) to not hire smokers.

    This should go over great with all the white working-class mooks that foolishly voted for Trump. Like, half of them smoke.


  59. The 2022 election is looking up for Democrats in the senate. I think there are a few other senate races in addition to Pennsylvania where GOP candidates may be having some serious opposition. Ron Johnson in Michigan has a formidable opponent in Mandela Barnes, as does J.D. Vance who is facing Time Ryan in Ohio. Then there's North Carolina where the two candidates are statistically tied.

    I would like to hear your opinions on this.

  60. Johnson is a Badger from Wisconsin, Gambler, but I agree he cpould be ousted. Don't forget Georgia and the magats absolute worst candidate Herschel "Liar" Walker.

    Okay, Miss lindsey was recently reordered by a judge to face GBrand Jury questioning. He was supposed to eralier, then a judge said no and now another judge says yes.


    drumpf appointed judge allows drumpf's request for Special Master. The judge has to appoint the SM and as we know magats almost always appoint rabid magats and call them impartial and independent.

  62. The FBI already did what the special master is supposed to do when they sent in their filter team to examine the evidence before it was confiscated.
    This is just a delaying tactic and a pr stunt.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  63. Anonymous1:38 PM


  64. And so it begins: (from Steve Benen)

    A New Mexico judge on Tuesday ordered the co-founder of Cowboys for Trump removed from public office over his presence at the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. State District Court Judge Francis Mathew removed Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin from his elected position “effective immediately” and banned him from seeking further public office, citing the 14th Amendment’s clause barring those who have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution from holding federal or state office if they have engaged “in insurrection or rebellion.”


    Part of today’s ruling stood out for its wry humor: “The irony of Mr. Griffin’s argument that this Court should refrain from applying the law and consider the will of the people in District Two of Otero County who retained him as a county commissioner against a recall effort as he attempts to defend his participation in an insurrection by a mob whose goal, by his own admission, was to set aside the results of a free, fair and lawful election by a majority of the people of the entire country (the will of the people) has not escaped this Court.”

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Like other drumpf appointed judges, Cannon is especially bad at reasoning and understanding federal law.

  66. Armed magats invade Idaho library demanding the removal of 400 books the library does not have.

  67. Anonymous6:26 PM

    “Armed magats invade Idaho library demanding the removal of 400 books the library does not have.”

    Like I said, earlier in this comments section:

    Them folks don’t see no use for that uppity book larnin’.

    The modern Republican Party celebrates ignorance. Its members get mad when they are asked to think too hard.

  68. Anonymous1:11 AM


  69. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Bannon is apparently about to be indicted on NY state fraud charges for his fake border wall GoFundMe scam.

    Scumbag Trump pardoned him on the federal charges for the same crime, but there ain't no way Bannon can make the state ones go away. He's screwed.

  70. The judge who issued order for drumpf's special master was not the judge assigned to the case. drumpf shopped around and until he got a judge to do his bidding. By all accounts, this judge, who is on the list for a Scotus seat, is worthless as tits on a boar from a legal perspective.

  71. "there ain't no way Bannon can make the state ones go away. He's screwed."

    Awwwww, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

  72. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Ok, now it makes perfect sense that Tucker had a whole show on violence in Memphis, the white lady was allegedly killed by a Blah man. Fox is pretty consistent at least.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍♂️

  73. White billionaire heiress for the record.

    In Nebrasks a magat comedian told a joke about George Floyd celebrating 2 1/2 years of sobriety. This magat represents a new b reed of magats, worse than the ones they claim they are replacing because thy think Nebraska has been to nice to POC and LGBTQ peoples.

  74. Anonymous4:58 PM

    “it was predictable that wingnut media would launch straight into BLACKS ARE ALL DEGENERATE SAVAGES mode“

    I guess the “look at the crime” take is all they have to distract from abortion now that the dog has caught the car. The GOP candidate here in Illinois went full Willie Horton on the crime in Chicago meme. As if the majority of voters don’t live here and resent him treating us like outsiders in our own state. It will certainly be interesting to see if the zombie George Wallace campaign will work in 2022.

  75. Severe conflict of interest or not?

    Amy Coney-Barrett to rule on LGBTQ case whose anti-LGBTQ attorneys paid her 5 times for speaking engagements

  76. Nobody's favorite white scumacyst, sovereign citizen and all around scofflaw, Ammon Bundy, skipped a second court hearing.

    Bout time to lay down the law to this asshole, with FMJ persuasion, if necessary.

  77. Dr Oddz has good news for magat kiddie diddlers....

    Not as catchy as Tippecanoe and Tyler, too, but gives you a better idea where the candidate stands.

  78. One Texas school district banned the bible from its llibrary and Fake Noize heads exploded.

  79. Anonymous6:32 PM

    “Dr Oddz has good news for magat kiddie diddlers....”

    Alright, I dislike Oz as much as the next liberal, and hope he doesn’t get elected. But the clip of him that’s going around with this narrative attached to it, is a cheap shot.

    All he addressed in the video was the genetics of inbreeding and birth defects — i.e., if you have kids with a relation no closer than a second cousin, it’s probably safe to assume the kids will not be born with two heads. It might still be unwise to have such a romantic relationship, as it could cause strife within your family, but that’s a separate issue.

    And in any event, the context of the discussion was about consensual sex between adult relations. He was definitely not suggesting he approved of sex with children or rape of any kind.

  80. Anonymous6:42 PM

    So, an N-word stands accused of kidnapping a baby:

    A bunch of N-words of BLM have stolen tens of $millions to aggrandize themselves:

    An N-word gets barely more than 8 years for shooting 2, killing 1 in Witchita:

    An N-word in NYC who defrauded the education system and was removed as principal gets a $1.8 million job plus pension:

    Do you wonder why black-run cities and countries are shitholes?

    You shouldn't.  It's obvious.

  81. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Eliza Fisher kidnapped and murdered by an N-word:

    When has a White man targeted and murdered a black woman in this century?

    When has it EVER happened?

    Tell us, you evil sons of Satan.

    TELL US!

  82. Breitbart and the Gatewy Pundit 2 exemplary samples of magat propaganda, for sure. Don't waste time looking at them.

  83. Pigs murdered Breonna Taylor. Dylan Roof murdered 7-8 Black church ladies.


    magat officials encourage poll worker trainees to break the rules and do so in secret so they don't get thrown out.

    magats can't win without cheating.


  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. "When has a White man targeted and murdered a black woman in this century?"

    "Dylan Roof murdered 7-8 Black church ladies."

    Say it for the people in the back Mike!!!!!! I guess the magat brain is a little slow.

  88. "When has a White man targeted and murdered a black woman in this century?"

    On May 14, 2022, a mass shooting occurred in Buffalo, New York, United States, at a Tops Friendly Markets supermarket in the East Side neighborhood. Ten Black people were killed and three people were injured.[9][10][11] The shooter livestreamed part of the attack on Twitch, but the livestream was shut down by the service in under two minutes.[12] The accused, identified as 18-year-old Payton S. Gendron,[3] was taken into custody and charged with first-degree murder. He formally entered a plea of "not guilty" on May 19, 2022.[13]

    Gendron is reported to have written a manifesto, describing himself as an ethno-nationalist and a supporter of white supremacy who is motivated to commit acts of political violence. He voiced support for the far-right "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory in the context of a "white genocide". The attack has been described as an act of domestic terrorism, and it is also being investigated as a hate crime which was motivated by racism.[14][15][16][17] Governor Kathy Hochul promised policy changes in the state as a result of the attack, while condemning the shooter.[16]

    This is how trump got elected, his followers are stupid AND racist.


  90. Anonymous11:07 PM

    “When has a White man targeted and murdered a black woman in this century?"

    How about this charming gent? This was two years ago. Does two years ago count as this century?

  91. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Chicago Negro Tribal Wars did NOT take a HOLIDAY over the Labor Day Weekend = AT LEAST 55 shot, AT LEAST 11 fatally, over Labor Day weekend in Chicago: police

  92. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Pigs murdered Breonna Taylor.

    She was standing next to her boyfriend who was shooting at those same police.  Legit target.

    Dylan Roof murdered 7-8 Black church ladies.

    They were in a center of anti-White activity.  Enemy combatants.  Legit targets.

    If they were where they belonged (in Africa) none of that would, or could, have happened.

    On May 14, 2022, a mass shooting occurred in Buffalo, New York, United States, at a Tops Friendly Markets supermarket in the East Side neighborhood.

    Invaders.  In 1950, Buffalo had a population of 580,000.  The population is now less than half that.

    Rochester is depopulating for the same reason.  So are Detroit, St. Louis, and just about every other African-infested city in the USA.

    Africans are a plague and a curse.  Africans can't even stand to be among themselves, which is why they are flocking to places like Portland ME.  Africans should not be allowed to be in the Western hemisphere.  All b(l)ack to da muddaland, all of you!

  93. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "They were in a center of anti-White activity. Enemy combatants. Legit targets.

    If they were where they belonged (in Africa) none of that would, or could, have happened."

    Well, by your logic if that white woman had been where she belonged (Ireland or wherever she was from) she would still be alive and kicking huh? You demonstrate the utter stupidity and lack of common sense that marks all idiotic racists. You asked a legit question and when the answer came I was wondering how you were going to weasel your way out. We all knew it was going to be stupid and you didn't disappoint.

  94. Shaka Zulu9:08 AM

    "Africans should not be allowed to be in the Western hemisphere. All b(l)ack to da muddaland, all of you!"

    But guess what, we are and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it asshole. Maybe you should take your ass back to whatever country your ancestors decided to leave. Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out.

  95. White racists are bitches9:15 AM

    "Enemy combatants. Legit targets."

    Just as we figured, these racist assholes are cowardly bitches. To him unarmed senior citizens in church are "targets". How much of a bitchmade mark thinks elderly women are targets? If that ain't the most cowardly thing I've ever heard. I know I know, not man enough to step toe to toe with another man so you have to shoot a child or elderly women. And this assboil thinks other people are savages and should leave. He probably goes to playgrounds to bully 5-year-olds.

  96. HRC was right about vast right wing conspiracy and hackers have proof....

  97. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Everything we know about the Memphis shooting negro rampage shared on Facebook Live: 4 dead, 3 injured

  98. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Police say Memphis shooting suspect killed 4 during systemic negro rampage:

  99. Anonymous12:20 PM

    55 shot, 11 fatally over Labor Day weekend in Chicago

  100. Anonymous12:23 PM

    California black deputy in custody after reportedly murdering couple:

  101. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Project Veritas: Racist Democrat South Carolina US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews: You Gotta Treat White People Like Sh*t (AUDIO)

  102. Anonymous12:33 PM

    UPDATE: HER BODY HAS BEEN FOUND - The pavement ape murdered her - Feral Career Criminal Negro Felon Cleotha Abston, 38, who was arrested for 'violently snatching' WHITE billionaire heiress Eliza Fletcher, 38, off Memphis street as she jogged 'cleaned inside of his car and washed his clothes in sink before arrest': He was released from 20-year sentence in 2020 for abducting lawyer

  103. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The democrat economic strategy for America is to cause massive inflation and hold it there for as long as possible, possibly even risking a Depression.

    Why vote democrat if you don't like the material goods shortages, power outages(kali), insane fuel prices.

  104. "The democrat economic strategy for America is to cause massive inflation and hold it there for as long as possible, possibly even risking a Depression."

    What is the GOP plan?

  105. "Project Veritas"

    You mean the fools that went to jail for trying to create fake propaganda videos? I'll pass. Please tell me they didn't wear the pimp outfit this time.

  106. "Police say Memphis shooting suspect killed 4 during systemic negro rampage"

    Less than the typical hillbilly rampage. Did the cops take him to Burger King because he was hungry?

  107. Anonymous1:59 PM

    “The democrat economic strategy for America is to cause massive inflation and hold it there for as long as possible, possibly even risking a Depression."

    ‘What is the GOP plan’

    The GOP plan is to lie and say that inflation is the result of Democrats being in power, or even Democrats just existing, rather than that inflation is the result of the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    And the GOP plan is to lie some more and scare people into thinking that, rather than inflation being a temporary inconvenience, it is going to cause the economy to melt down.

    So, yeah, the GOP plan is the same as ever: lie incessantly in order to scare people into voting for them.

  108. Anonymous said ....

    If they were where they belonged (in Africa) none of that would, or could, have happened."
    9:06 AM
    I wish I could figure out where you belong and send you there - Maybe the moon or Mars?

  109. Anonymous2:33 PM

    “So, yeah, the GOP plan is the same as ever: lie incessantly in order to scare people into voting for them.“

    Yeah we see it now. Scary negroes are taking over!!!! Tucker is taking charge of the GOP messaging.

  110. Anonymous said...

    The democrat economic strategy for America is to cause massive inflation and hold it there for as long as possible, possibly even risking a Depression.

    12:38 PM
    Wrong, Anon,
    First Georgie Bush created the great recession, then Obama pulled us out of it. Then, Trump by his bugling of foreign policy, ignorant domestic policy, and his totally screwed up pandemic policy took us right back again. Now Uncle Joe is doing what Democratic presidents do - he's bringing us back again.

    Do you not understand economics? You probably think the famous tariffs Trump enacted against Chinese goods was a great idea. All it did was to raise prices for American consumers.

  111. PilotX said....

    "Project Veritas"

    You mean the fools that went to jail for trying to create fake propaganda videos? I'll pass. Please tell me they didn't wear the pimp outfit this time.

    12:56 PM
    I'm Pretty sure those are the shit bags Anon was talking about. Roger Stone must be very proud of O'Keefe and his lying scumbag associates.

  112. Anonymous3:33 PM

    “I'm Pretty sure those are the shit bags Anon was talking about.“

    Yeah, they have to be kind of dumb to use them as evidence of anything.๐Ÿ˜†

  113. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Click here to enjoy today’s Steve Bannon perp walk.

    Get ‘em, Merrick Garland! Next, do Trump, please.

  114. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Voting democrat is like cutting your own throat....................

  115. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Sorry, my error. Bannon’s perp walk today comes courtesy of NY Atty General Letitia James, not Merrick Garland.

    Bannon previously got hit with federal charges, but scumbag Trump pardoned him.

  116. Anonymous7:19 PM

    “Voting democrat is like cutting your own throat....................“

    I mean if that means a good economy, low unemployment, respectability and a government that actually helps people sure. Not to mention college debt relief.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍♂️


    Whitey wanted to become proficient at killing Blacks.

  118. Pale Males and Pall Malls8:41 PM

    Voting Rekukluxklan is like cutting your own throat and expecting someone else to die.

  119. "Voting Rekukluxklan is like cutting your own throat and expecting someone else to die."


  120. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I mean if that means a good economy, low unemployment, respectability and a government that actually helps people sure. Not to mention college debt relief.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍♂️

    7:19 PM

    Pure propaganda!!!!

    Brown outs in Kali

    Sky high gasoline and diesel prices (highest ever)

    Increased electricity cost natural gas LP

    Food cost skyrocketed

    Food shortages

    Democrat = Totalitarian nightmare

  121. Climate Change is a giant fraud.

    12:30 PM

    Not half as much of a fraud as you, tool!

  122. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Duke women’s volleyball team publicly complained that one of their players faced racist taunting during a game at BYU.

    BYU is now calling bullshit on that claim. Following an investigation, they have come to the conclusion that it didn’t happen.

  123. Anonymous1:17 PM

    For about the billionth time, yet another of Trump’s frivolous, time-wasting lawsuits has been chucked into the nearest trash bin by a judge.

  124. Anonymous2:19 PM

    But guess what, we are and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it asshole.

    Just wait until we go all Ezekiel Kelly on your asses.  That's easy, because you're color-coded for our convenience.

    Maybe you should take your ass back to whatever country your ancestors decided to leave.

    If we did that, you'd die because your kind isn't smart enough to turn the water pumps back on like the Army Corps of Engineers did in Memphis last week.

    You are too dumb to survive in any technological society.

  125. Scientists had to compare magat brains with Neanderthal brains and decided Neanderthal brains were pea sized, about a gazillion times larger in size than magat brains.

    Sorry magats, but we warned you you are pretty fucking dumb. Now maybe you will believe scientists.

  126. Anonymous3:17 PM

    “You are too dumb to survive in any technological society.“

    Yet here I am thriving and more educated and wealthier than your entire family including your auntiemomma and uncledaddy. LOL

  127. Anonymous3:21 PM

    “Sky high gasoline and diesel prices (highest ever)“

    Got an EV so don’t care. Wasn’t it a red state that had electrical grid problems due to their own incompetence? Yeah, that. Um, I’m going to the grocery store in a few minutes and I’m betting I see food there. Nightmare? If this is your story you may need to leave Russia and come to America to see firsthand your propaganda is bullshit Comrade.

  128. Anonymous3:27 PM

  129. Rumour making the rounds drumpf is judge shopping so he can lay claim to the British throne, being as his mother allegedly comes from Scotland and drumpf might still own a golf ourse or two in the British Isles.

    He doesn't give a fuck about the throne (it ain't gold like the one in his apartment) but, he sure as shit wants the Queens fortune.

  130. Saw a short video of a young Ginnie Thomas excpriating a young Anita Hill for what Thomas claims she did to her hubby, Uncle Tom Clarence, and then demanded a written apology via email.

    Hope I can find it again.

  131. Slight correction, it was a voicemail, not an email and shows just how long Uncle Tom and the shrew he married are willing to carry grudges.

    Neither thomas was a victim. Anita Hill was the slandered party.

  132. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "Slight correction, it was a voicemail, not an email and shows just how long Uncle Tom and the shrew he married are willing to carry grudges."

    A lot of people assume that Ginnie had just had too many glasses of wine that night and drunk dialed Anita Hill.

    I mean, what are the odds that Anita Hill would respond with: "Yes, I am a horrible bitch and I slandered your husband. Please forgive me"? Even if, hypothetically, this were true, she probably wouldn't admit it, so ....

    Ginnie is a raving lunatic, in general. She's a hardcore Trumper and is associated with all sorts of deranged, unsavory groups and causes.

  133. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Voting democrat is like cutting your own throat....................

    3:57 PM
    Aren't you being a bit overly dramatic? In response to your nonsense, I say if you aren't a multi millionaire voting Republican is like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer.

  134. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Hilarity! Ginni Thomas’ relatives explain Clarence Thomas’ good qualities make up for his Blah skin. You really can’t make this shit up.

  135. It's raining, and if the lightning doesn't start any fires before the ground gets too wet to burn, we may have dodged another wildfire bullet this season.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

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