Sunday, January 08, 2023

The chaos Congress is here.


The 15th time was a charm for Kevin Mc-Qanon-rthy. If you are a republican and you are not embarrassed by the actions of the folks who represent your party over the past week, you have not been paying attention. How are they going conduct the people's business if they can't even get their own s*** together? 

While the GOP reps were auditioning to join the MMA, Hakeem Jefferies and the democrats were just enjoying the moment and savoring in the obvious difference between the two parties. No one is surprised. This is tfg's party, and we all know that chaos follows everything that he is associated with like a paparazzi follows the Kardashians. 

You have to wonder what's in store for this Congress over the next two years. My prediction is that it will be one big mess, and the group in power will get nothing done. They have a feckless and weak leader who seemed to have wanted the speaker's gavel at all cost.  A leader without a spine is not a leader, as we have seen from Kevin McQanon-arthy, he is simply a person who will go with the wind to suit his own purpose. This is who the new GOP Speaker is, and as we live out the next two years Americans will get to watch the train wreck that's coming play itself out before our eyes. 

Congresswoman, Katherine Clark, said it best: 

“Years of blindly pursuing power, currying the favor of special interests and bowing to election deniers has left the GOP in shambles,”....Kevin McCarthy is now being held hostage to his own ambitions by the dangerous members that he’s enabled.”

Popcorn anyone? 



Anonymous said...

I can’t really break out the popcorn and enjoy it. The country needs a functioning Congress. It’s not okay to have one party use one of the houses as an extended election campaign vehicle. But that’s what we’re going to experience for the rest of this congressional term.

Anonymous said...

Bolsonaro supporters are pitching a January 6th-style temper tantrum in Brazil, because they can’t cope with the fact their guy lost.

Bolsonaro supporters breach security barriers, break into Brazilian Congress and presidential palace

dinthebeast said...

We just somehow have to get them to raise the debt ceiling, pass the farm bill, and fund the government for fiscal 24.
And that's the rub isn't it? We have to make the government work even when they have the majority, then we have to fix all of the damage they did while they were there, while they fight us for doing so.
Indivisible has a plan to get the trifecta back and pass a democracy bill in 24, because as long as we have all of these gerrymandered districts, the carefully selected electorates will keep electing these feral children to congress.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Did someone grant Bolsonaro asylum or is he just another illegal? Why is DeSatan not putting his ass on a plane back to where he came from?

Anonymous said...

“Did someone grant Bolsonaro asylum or is he just another illegal? Why is DeSatan not putting his ass on a plane back to where he came from?”

Probably here interviewing for a job on Fox News, OANN, etc.

Our right-wing “news” media will take a-holes from all over the planet. Do you have a terrible views and absolutely no shame? Come to America! We’ll put you on the air!

dinthebeast said...

The snowflake grievance gravy train. Whatever happened to "fuck your feelings"?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

The problem will, of course be, the endless, disingenuous and superfluous investigations. Speaker for the MAGAts, McCarthy has already threatened the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Mayorkis, with impeachment if he does not step down immediately. They intend to investigate any and all actions by the Biden administration. The laughable, but dangerous investigations of the J6 investigation alone will waste millions of dollars and create legal jeopardy. With a complicit Supreme Court, we are so fucked.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Even Off Air Network you have to speak English.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bloviating Ignoramus said...

They got behind Gym Rat Jordan who didn't even vote for himself. Mean Marjo Green is now the level headed one of this sick bunch. Hope Kevin enjoys banging that gavel like a 3 year old because that is all they will let him do.

mike from iowa said...

Imagine National Security with MTG having easy access to top secrets

As an aside, a week ago yesterday mfi tripped over a small hummock of frozen snow and face planted into the frozen tundra. Never did anything like that b efore. Since I have extreme trouble getting back on my feet without a sturdy chair close by, I spent over an hour trying to drag myself up less than thirty feet of sidewalk to get back into adobe hacienda. I even left cell phone in house. Just be careful, especially as we get older.

Lilacpr said...

Ay bendito! Be careful. They don't make parts for us anymore! xD

mike from iowa said...

10 long, murderous years after Sandy Hook, what have we learned about school shootings? We learned that magats don't give a fuck about kid's deaths. They are paid to protect the NRA and their flawed iteration of the 2nd amendment.

mike from iowa said...

Puts T-Rex light years ahead of drumpfuck's dumbfucks in government. All magats can do is create problems.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Glad you're OK Mike. At 70 and having assorted knee and back problems myself I know how you feel. I tell my daughter all the time don't get old stay young and beautiful.

mike from iowa said...

I'd like to be young and good looking, but that never happened. My knees are probably the one part of me I haven't had trouble with, yet. Not looking forward to it, either.

dinthebeast said...

T. Rex were pretty good at problem solving: write catchy songs and call yourself glam. Worked for them, anyway.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So diamonds aren't actually forever after all.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"So diamonds aren't actually forever after all."

I take it you're referring to this:

‘Totally Unexpected’: Diamond of MAGA Duo ‘Diamond & Silk’ Dies

PX said...

Wonder if Diamond got the covids. Another completely unavoidable death but they’d rather get 30 pieces of silver from Republicans.

dinthebeast said...

The Brazilian police arrested over 1,000 of the insurrectionists on the spot, you know, like they would have done on J6 if the rioters had been Black.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

If you are on the ice, you should be carrying a nice alpine walking stick. Eddie Bauer copy at REI will do.

mike from iowa said...

Magats first of the new year Biden scandal was biorn and died almost immediately. They found out when Biden was veep he had left some top secret docs in a locked storage room so magats decided to try the whataboutism Biden v drumpf, except the docs were duly reported to National Archives who didn't know they were missing or existed.

mike from iowa said...

Flying Junior, thanks for the tip, but in my fragile condition I tend to avoid
ice and other slick surfaces. If the weather is bad I can and do stay at home for days at a time.

mike from iowa said...

Documents found were not top secret, but classified instead. My bad. Biden wasn't trying to hide them or keep them for himself.

mike from iowa said...

Dem Katie Porter announces bid to run for Feinstein's senate seat.

PX said...

“Hope Kevin enjoys banging that gavel like a 3 year old because that is all they will let him do.“

I give him 6 mos. before he quits. Mrs. X says less. What are you betting?

dinthebeast said...

Mike: Last year for Christmas I got some spikes for my shoes that pull over the bottoms of them with rubber straps, and I find that wearing them I can make it down the frozen stairs and driveway to the car to go to the grocery store. I can even walk up the road when it's iced over if I need to, although my cane sometimes slips out from under me when I do that.
The thunder is getting louder each time, the rain hasn't stopped for a couple of days. We're up on the side of a hill, so we won't get flooded (although some water is getting in) but late last night I saw the neighbor across the road turn his outside lights on, and that made me wonder what the creek was doing since his house is right next to it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

So Weaselberg was sentenced to five months, but will apparently only do three if he behaves himself.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

‘Baked Alaska’ Gets 60 Days In Prison

January 10, 2023 at 2:16 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 48 Comments

“A federal judge sentenced pro-Trump livestreamer Anthime ‘Baked Alaska’ Gionet on Tuesday to 60 days in prison for his actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6, calling his raucous conduct ‘shocking’ amid the chaos of the mob,” Politico reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Paradoctor said...

Our gracious host offers popcorn, and it's delicious, but it's awfully expensive.

Hey, have you noticed how passive conservatism is? What to do about covid? Or school shootings? Or climate chaos? Their response: deny that those problems exist. Their solution to those problems is for everyone to sit and take it. Conservatism is weak.

Anonymous said...

“Their solution to those problems is for everyone to sit and take it. Conservatism is weak.”

Not weak. Evil or stupid.

Solving the problems would require making sacrifices that some conservatives don’t want to make. For example, significantly reducing crime would require reducing economic inequality and paying for mental health treatment. To do these things, rich people would have to become less rich. Rich people don’t want to be less rich; they love money. It would also require restricting gun ownership. But rednecks don’t want to give up their guns; they love guns. Rather than making these sacrifices, conservatives would prefer to not solve any of these problems.

So there you go — major problems cannot be solved because of garden-variety selfishness. I’d call that evil.

The second group of conservatives listen to the first group, who are lying and telling them social problems can’t be solved, and even trying to solve them will cause civilization to collapse faster. So it’s better to do nothing and let the country go to hell in a handbasket.

They believe this because they are stupid.

dinthebeast said...

Exactly. Also:
"Rather than making these sacrifices, conservatives would prefer to not solve any of these problems."
A pillar of the southern strategy was enacting things that might hurt poor white people, but were seen as hurting Black people more, so racism figures in there too.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

"A pillar of the southern strategy was enacting things that might hurt poor white people, but were seen as hurting Black people more, so racism figures in there too."

I'd actually say that falls under what I said about the second group, regarding the attitude that "social problems can’t be solved, and even trying to solve them will cause civilization to collapse faster."

This is basically the pro-racism argument that has been made throughout history, predicated on the idea that black people (and other POCs) have low intelligence and low character, and therefore can't be accorded basic human rights because they can't be trusted and must be controlled.

From "we need to maintain slavery or else black people will run amok" to "cops need the right to shoot black people with impunity or else crime rates will skyrocket," these are just different iterations of the same argument.

Unscrupulous politicians scaremonger in lots of ways, including by implying that racism is necessary to prevent the collapse of civilization.

Really, anything that left-leaning people want to do is presented as doomed.

Cut global warming?
Civilization will collapse.

Make the economy fairer?
Civilization will collapse.

Make the justice system fairer?
Civilization will collapse.

Reduce various types of discrimination?
Civilization will collapse.

Better to just do nothing and live with injustices, rather than try to fix them and risk armageddon.

mike from iowa said...

Illinois is the latest state to ban assault weapons.

mike from iowa said...

South Duhkota's lying slut magat guv claims her state has the nation's strongest economy when, in fact, it is one of three magat led states with negative growth.

Duhkota's alleged independent ethics board has been able to find the definition of state business for all activities except the guv's personal use of state aircraft. How convenient for an embarrassingly red state with absolutely no token opposition party.

mike from iowa said...

Aide who alleged Schlapp tried to get jiggy with him, sent allegations to other people.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus is lying about Ruby Freeman again. The case against him in Georgia must be heating up. That boy needs some nice chunk-ription for what he did to those women.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Recoving TrumpTard said...

Forget about Kevin McCarthy. He's a MAGA appeasing cuck.

The House of Representatives needs to select somebody more appropriate as its new leader, somebody who personifies the values and ethos of this dignified institution ... somebody like former WWE professional wrassling honcho, Stephanie McMahon.

Her resume is below:

Stephanie McMahon

dinthebeast said...

R.I.P. Jeff Beck, maybe the best damn guitar player on the planet.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

NYT has a real good long article on Jeff Beck and his career.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

6 months sounds about right. Only question whether Kevin jumps or gets pushed.

Anonymous said...

These GOP clowns behaving just like the Reichstag thugs back in 1930s Germany before they burned it down.

mike from iowa said...

Quackaholic MTG wants to be considered mainstream magat after all her conspiracy theories came to nothing.

Alex Jones has a conspiracy about the death of Diamond and covid vaccines. Must want to be sued some more.

mike from iowa said...

Pigs held him down a repeatedly tased him. He said they were going to George Floyd him and by gawd they sure as fuck tried.

Anonymous said...

“Alex Jones has a conspiracy about the death of Diamond and covid vaccines. Must want to be sued some more.”

Jones is claiming Diamond was killed by the (made-up) lethal side effects of the COVID vaccines she never took?

Diamond and her sister Silk told everyone that COVID was a hoax. So why would she have taken a vaccine to protect herself from a hoax?

Speaking of Jones, I still laugh at this dance remix of his famous rant about evil liberals making all the frogs turn gay. If it wasn’t played by DJs at gay clubs, then that’s a tragic missed opportunity.

Alex Jones - Gay Bomb - Remix - Animated

dinthebeast said...

The goddamn Republicans found some voter fraud, Republican county elections commissioner Jason Schofield in upstate New York, who pleaded guilty Wednesday to 12 counts of voter fraud charges after applying for absentee ballots in the names of other registered voters.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Women in the Missouri state legislature no longer have the right to bare their arms.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Violation of the 2nd amendment, innit? No abridgement of the right to have bare arms.

Garland appointed a drumpf appointee as special counsel to look into Biden's
pilfering of state secrets.

Who did drumpf appoint to investigate Mueller? A rabid partisan magat hack, that's who.

dinthebeast said...

The goddamn Republicans found some more voter fraud:

Wife of Iowa Republican Candidate Voted 23 Times

January 12, 2023 at 7:49 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 4 Comments

“The wife of an Iowa Republican who ran for Congress in 2020 was arrested Thursday and accused of casting 23 fraudulent votes on behalf of her husband,” Insider reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Women in the Missouri state legislature no longer have the right to bare their arms.”

But can they reveal their ankles? If so, the menfolk might still be overcome by uncontrollable, sinful lust!

It would probably safest to mandate burkas for all the ladies.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

The difference of course is Insane Clown actually believes the documents actually belong to him and as such his prerogative to hand over to any hostile actor to cover his mountain of debt that no honest man can pay.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

They can change their name to the Don't Show Me State

mike from iowa said...

But can they reveal their ankles? If so, the menfolk might still be overcome by uncontrollable, sinful lust!

That, of course, would lead to legitimate rape so sayeth Todd Akins, former congresspig from state of Misery.

mike from iowa said...

Doug, your 8:03 PM comment was about my district magat congressfraudsters and your post was the first I had heard of it. Thanks

dinthebeast said...

Mike: Condolences. My rep is the execrable Tom the fuck McClintock and he will be in this district long after I hightail it back to Humboldt county.

Loser loses again:

NEW YORK, Jan 13 (Reuters) - A New York judge on Friday sentenced Donald Trump's namesake real estate company to pay a $1.61 million criminal penalty after it was convicted of scheming to defraud tax authorities for 15 years.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“NEW YORK, Jan 13 (Reuters) - A New York judge on Friday sentenced Donald Trump's namesake real estate company to pay a $1.61 million criminal penalty after it was convicted of scheming to defraud tax authorities for 15 years.”

The conviction is good, but the penalty is a joke.

17 felonies, 15 years of tax dodging, and the max fine that can be levied against the business is $1.6 million?

Think of what that amounts to as a share of Trump Org’s profits over that period. Now imagine how badly an individual would get hammered for engaging in equivalent chicanery on their tax returns.

Apparently, NY needs to reform its tax laws.

mike from iowa said...

McCarthy iS entertaining the idea of expunging drumpf's impeachment from official records as if they don't hAVE MORE IMPORTANT WORK TO DO.

mike from iowa said...

Scary Kari Flake claims America will turn into a Venezuela if a judge doesn't wake up and install her as guv of Arizona. If that bitch eats any more con- spiracy theories she will turn into Valenzuela, the Fernando one from the Dodgers.

She was telling Charlie kirk she has a massive amount of new evidence proving she won, but just won't show it/. Been there and done that ad infinitum with the dumb magat bitch

mike from iowa said...

Gym Jordan heads house judiciary committee and is investigating Biden's DOJ which has been investigating Gym Jordan for his actions on J6th. There is a serious disconnect here if Jordan doesn't step away from DOJ investigation.

mike from iowa said...

Moar magat6 family values on display. Former Arkansass guv's son busted for DWI again, possession of drugs and guns, etc., while nephew was recently busted for failure to pay child support and other divorce related issues.

In Texass, a brewery cancelled a Killer Kyle Rittenhouse appearance and is getting death threats.

mike from iowa said...

goes with above comment.

Flying Junior said...

That little pussy isn't even old enough to drink.

dinthebeast said...

But Twitter is being mean to him... suppressing his first amendment right to use someone else's private platform to spread the propaganda he's addicted to. Or not. Hard to tell from what he says.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

magats in control of congress have allowed smoking in the Capitol again. They almost immediately removed metal detectors so they slip guns in to the building to shoot Dems.

America would be much safer if Kenosha Killer Kyle removed his skanky ass from the gene pool while cleaning his gun. More civil, too.

Anonymous said...

“But Twitter is being mean to him... suppressing his first amendment right to use someone else's private platform to spread the propaganda he's addicted to.”

Actually, no. Rittenhouse has a Twitter account, on which he spews whatever nonsense he likes, courtesy of Elon.

What he’s mad at is the brewery owner, who has withdrawn the right to hold an event featuring Rittenhouse on his premises.

I’m not sure if that’s because the owner woke up one morning and suddenly realized that it’s wrong to help an ignorant doofus make money off of the infamy he acquired by killing two people and maiming another. Or because it became clear that should the event go forward, there was the potential for an angry mob to burn the brewery down.

dinthebeast said...

...And another to burn it for cancelling. He was also whining about Twitter not promoting his vicious drivel as widely as he believes it should be promoted.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“He was also whining about Twitter not promoting his vicious drivel as widely as he believes it should be promoted.”

Ah, the usual wingnut complaints about “shadow banning.”

“Why has my super-clever commentary about pedo Democrats’ nefarious plans to imprison everyone in their homes to lower carbon emissions (‘climate change lockdowns’!) been tossed in the bargain bin again, instead of being promoted as the intellectual cream of your social media platform, as it deserves?”

mike from iowa said...

Better than Sesame Street for toddlers..,.,.

Wouldn't surprise me if the NRA approves this message.

mike from iowa said...

Pot lying about kettle. Boobalert needs someone to water her weekly. She is a fucking mow ron.

Anonymous said...

“Better than Sesame Street for toddlers..,.,.”

Yet more gun dumbassery:

Blaze editor who tweeted ‘shoot guns and watch college football’ in 2023 shoots self in foot during college football championship

dinthebeast said...

I grew up in a house with accessible guns, and my siblings and I never had any problems with that. I'd like to be able to point out my parents' methods for keeping us safe around the guns, but as the youngest child, I never witnessed it in use after it was used on me.
Got my first gun for Christmas when I was 9, if you don't count the BB gun I got when I was 6.
That's pretty young, but we lived on enough acreage that shooting was a safe and normal activity. In fact, we had a 100 yard shooting range right off of the deck.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is a reasonable time and place for most things, even guns, and that a goddamn toddler ain't it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Anon, your link @ 4:09 PM got a 404 error.

Anonymous said...

I simply must tell you that you have written an excellent and unique article that I really enjoyed reading. I’m fascinated by how well you laid out your material and presented your views. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"Anon, your link @ 4:09 PM got a 404 error."

Works for me. Maybe your Internet connection was flaky.

dinthebeast said...

GOP election denying election loser in New Mexico arrested for shooting up the houses of elected Democrats there, and hiring four other people to also shoot up the houses of elected Democrats there.
My mom worked for criminal defense attorneys and she said that the surest way to get convicted of murder is to try to hire somebody to murder someone.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“GOP election denying election loser in New Mexico arrested for shooting up the houses of elected Democrats there, and hiring four other people to also shoot up the houses of elected Democrats there.”

That dude’s giving Trump and Kari Lake a real run for their money in the field of sore loserdom.

mike from iowa said...

Anon, it works now and it is the same link I posted earlier. I did not compare them until now.

Cops say the gun had 15 bullets in it. I am assuming enough firepower to wipe out typical pre-school class or stoopid parents who let toddlers have access to loaded handguns.

PX said...

“Wouldn't surprise me if the NRA approves this message.“

Gotta start em young.

mike from iowa said...

Someone apparently decided to smuggle an 84mm anti-0tank weapon onto an airplane without declaring it in checked baggage.

Take down an airliner as well as tanks.

mike from iowa said...

Kenosha Killer Kyle has certainly porked up since his trial.

mike from iowa said...

Kenosha Killer Kyle gets shot out of the saddle for the se3cond time in a week, this time a Las Vegas casino was flooded with angry patron emails demanding KKK be cancelled.

I'm sure Bill Orally will give him an audience where ever Orally is now.

PX said...

“there is a reasonable time and place for most things, even guns, and that a goddamn toddler ain't it.”

Ya commie!😆

dinthebeast said...

"Ya commie!😆"

But where does it go next?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"But where does it go next?"

Mass shooting by disgruntled hamster?

Anonymous said...

Black Army lieutenant was pulled over in Virginia for having no license plate, even though he had a legal temporary plate displayed, and then got pepper-sprayed after refusing to get out of the car.

He sued for a million dollars. He was awarded $3,685. And a Wal-Mart gift card. (Okay, I made up the part about the gift card.)

I wonder if there is news footage of the police officers high-fiving outside the courthouse.

mike from iowa said...

I watched the original video of Black Army Loot getting pulled over and thought he was going to receive a huge award for having his rights violated. I was wrong!!!

mike from iowa said...

State of Montana has confirmed three cases of super contagious avian bird flu in grizzly bears. Can you imagine the cost of a dozen grizzly bear eggs in your locaL dairy case? Chicken eggs are easily over 6 bucks a dozen locally.

dinthebeast said...

George Santos, while calling himself Anthony Devolder, stole $3,000 from a go fund me set up to get a disabled veteran's service dog surgery. The dog died.
Santos is on the small business committee.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"George Santos, while calling himself Anthony Devolder, stole $3,000 from a go fund me set up to get a disabled veteran's service dog surgery. The dog died.
Santos is on the small business committee."

House Republicans and Democrats could simply work together and expel him, triggering a special election to fill his seat.

Republicans' majority isn't big, but it wouldn't be in jeopardy even if Santos happened to be replaced by a Democrat. It's hard to see why McCarthy isn't willing to do this, and has even decided to put this clown on committees! He is a walking embarrassment for the GOP; as long as that two-bit conman is in office, the bad PR he generates will never end.

All I can figure is that McCarthy doesn't want to reinforce the precedent that congressmen can be expelled for having bad character because ... well, have you seen the state of his fucking party? It's absolutely teeming with scumbags.

dinthebeast said...

He's also a good distraction from the absolute chaos they are trying to perpetrate.

So you know how Republicans are always whining about being "shadow banned" and discriminated against on social media? From WaPo:

"Congressional investigators found evidence that tech platforms — especially Twitter — failed to heed their own employees’ warnings about violent rhetoric on their platforms and bent their rules to avoid penalizing conservatives, particularly then-president Trump, out of fear of reprisals. The draft report details how most platforms did not take “dramatic” steps to rein in extremist content until after the attack on the Capitol, despite clear red flags across the internet."

Which would go a long way toward explaining how it is possible that DHS had no idea that an insurrection was being planned despite those plans being all over the damn internet for weeks. (Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they actually didn't know and weren't just letting it happen)

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Which would go a long way toward explaining how it is possible that DHS had no idea that an insurrection was being planned despite those plans being all over the damn internet for weeks. (Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they actually didn't know and weren't just letting it happen)"

I don't know how NOT banning crazy talk on social media would make it harder to know what was being planned. It should have made it easier.

So much of the January 6th planning was right out in the open. We'll probably never find out why there wasn't adequate security to protect the Capitol, but something definitely went very wrong there. It's hard not to be suspicious that they either knew and were ordered to do nothing by someone close to Trump. Or that they knew and were simply too cowardly to risk being held responsible in the unlikely even that the riot went ahead even in the presence of lots of armed military personnel, and the soldiers were then forced to gun down a large number of white conservatives on live TV.

Anonymous said...

*unlikely event

dinthebeast said...

"It's hard not to be suspicious that they either knew and were ordered to do nothing by someone close to Trump."
It was all over the internet for weeks. The way I look at it, if I knew, they had to know. It's their damn jobs.
The other thing that may have played into it is the fact that we didn't show up, on purpose. They should have known that also, but it was a little iffy until the actual riot. That live TV footage would have been a whole different animal had it been a massive clash between MAGA and what they would have called antifa.
Not showing up was a goddamn brilliant tactical move on our part, and if we ever get any of the real planners, it will be because we were able to pull it off.
Like the shirt says: "Both Sides Don't."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Foxy New Zealand leader, Jacinda Ardern, has resigned effective February 7th.

Anonymous said...

Bad Lip Reading does George Santos.

mike from iowa said...

Know what I really like about Santos? Not a GODDAMNED THING!!!

Anonymous said...

Santos has been forced to deny rumors that in a previous life he was a drag queen in Brazil. (The GOP will forgive just about anything, but not being trans, because “those are pedos.”)

These rumors are probably not true, but I will probably injure myself laughing if they do turn out to be.

mike from iowa said...

Glamour Boy
Song by The Guess Who
Glamour boy
Get your costume on, you got 'em lined up, waitin' for you
Glamour boy
You got 'em standin' in the aisles so don't hang 'em up
For twenty-five thousand dollars you can look like a woman tonight
For twenty-five thousand dollars I think it'll work out right
I think it'll work out, uh-huh
I think it'll work out
Oh, you never know how to write it
Think it'll work out
Glamour boy
You been tops for a while with a million-dollar smile
Glamour boy
You got rave reviews and you're front-page news
For thirty-seven thousand dollars you can look like your sister tonight
For thirty-seven thousand dollars I think it'll work out right
I think it'll work out, uh-huh
I think it'll work out
Oh, you never know how you'll write it
Think it'll work out
So spin with the archer now, and
Laugh in his face as he cocks his bow
Steal from his mistress
As she's makin' love to your family
And be aware, that there's not many there
Who want to take time to sing and play an honest song for the people no more
C'mon, take time to sing and play an honest song for the people tonight
Don't you want to take time to sing and play an honest song for the people tonight?
Ladies and gentlemen, a warm space-age welcome, if you will
For the most phenomenal group of the century
Ricky and The Balloons
Glamour boy
You really had your fill and it's all downhill
Glamour boy
You got tales to tell when you see your old friends
For forty-nine thousand dollars you can look like a woman tonight
For forty-nine thousand dollars I think it'll work out right
I think it'll work out, uh-hah
I think it'll work out
Oh, you never know how you'll write it
Think it'll work out
So spin with the archer now, and
Laugh in his face as he cocks his bow
Steal from his mistress
As she's makin' love to your family
And be aware, that there's not many there
Who want to take time to sing and play an honest song for the people no more
C'mon, c'mon, take time to sing and play an honest song for the people no more
Don't you want to take time to sing and play an honest song for the people tonight?
You can't fool 'em
Take time to sing and play an honest song for the people tonight
They're gettin' smarter
Take time to sing an honest song for the people tonight
Don't you want to try
And take time to sing and play an honest song for the people tonight?
C'mon and take time to sing and play an honest song for the people tonight
Source: LyricFind

mike from iowa said...

Rep. George Santos also known as drag queen named ‘Kitara’ in Brazil over a decade ago: report from NY Post

Anonymous said...

"Foxy New Zealand leader, Jacinda Ardern, has resigned effective February 7th."

That's a bummer. If you're a left-leaning person, Ardern is the person you only wish you had running your country. Competent, effective, charismatic, and a profoundly decent person.

Still, it's easy to see why she wants to quit. She's a young mom, the job of prime minister involves extreme time demands and stress, and her party is facing difficult re-election prospects in the fall (largely because voters everywhere often have a stupid tendency to blame politicians for things they have minimal control over, like inflation).

dinthebeast said...

A SCOTUS investigation examined all clerks and low level employees and failed to uncover the source of the Dobbs leak.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

RIP David Crosby.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

Mrs. Junior and I have been listening to songs like Southern Cross and a few of the classic male 3-part harmonies from Crosby, Stills and Nash. It really was a brand new style of singing. They rolled it out and it sounded so natural, yet never before heard.

She was telling me how he joined up with those Londoners to join the Byrds. I had to picture to myself a young David Crosby travelling to London to seek his fortune and fame. From what I know it was a really crazy music scene for most of the late 60s and into the early 70s. Hendrix, the Who, Beatles, Tull...

I saw John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers in the Spring of 1972 at the Royal Festival Hall. That was a good concert. I was tearing up Room to Move before the show from my seat, echoing throughout the hall. For the last few songs, I got up from my seat and grabbed a seat in the choir loft which was an open pit in front of the stage. About one hundred and twenty English hippies followed me in and the whole place filled up. Good times.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus goes full fascist, again. Perhaps they might not like the answer they are after. Perhaps they already know said answer:

Trump Calls for Journalists to Be Jailed

January 19, 2023 at 5:05 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 164 Comments

Donald Trump called for authorities to arrest the journalists who leaked the draft of the almost-finalized Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision.

Said Trump: “So, go to the reporter and ask him or her who it was. If not given the answer, put whoever in jail until the answer is given. You might add the publisher and editor to the list. Stop playing games, this leaking cannot be allowed to happen. It won’t take long before the name of this slime is revealed!”

A few minutes later he added: “Arrest the reporter, publisher, editor – you’ll get your answer fast. Stop playing games and wasting time!”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“A SCOTUS investigation examined all clerks and low level employees and failed to uncover the source of the Dobbs leak.”

Possibly because maybe it was not a clerk or low-level employee but rather a justice, and they didn’t investigate any of them? Could it be that the one who leaked Alito’s opinion was … Alito?

Anonymous said...

As DeSantis' War On Woke marches on, Florida has banned the teaching of AP African-American History classes on the grounds of "lacking educational value."

Dude is morphing into Trump 2.0, as fast as he possibly can. Watch out for DeSantis sporting an orange spray tan, weird combover, and ties long enough to reach his knees. I fully expect it to happen in the near future.

Anonymous said...

A federal judge has fined Trump a million dollars for wasting the court’s time with his baseless, frivolous Stop the Steal lawsuits after the 2020 election.

Flying Junior said...


mike from iowa said...

Crosby had a bit part in the early 90's movie "Thunderheart" starring Val Kilmer and Sam Sheperd. The movie was about Indian uprisings on reservations in the 70's and Crosby was a bartender in the "Badlands". Someone threw a molotov cocktail through a window. Crosby and another bar patron ran outside shooting at the getaway car. Crosby then uttered his main line, "God damn prairie Ni##ers."

dinthebeast said...

Judge Middlebrooks: Your lawsuit against Clinton was bogus and an abuse of the legal system. You and your lead counsel owe $937,989.

Fergus: So about that suit against Tish James? Just never mind.

Now for the other judges in the other bogus actions to come together and label Fergus a vexatious litigant.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Watch out for DeSantis sporting an orange spray tan, weird combover, and ties long enough to reach his knees."

I think he's trying to be the "smart" trump. He doesn't have the personality or theatrics to be able to do trump. Maybe trump lite?

PilotX said...

Another Republican arrested for voter fraud. I guess requiring ID didn't prevent this.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's lousy 4 years as Putin's US puppet accounted for nearly 25% of total national debt.

mike from iowa said...

Magats stay classy as always.....

Holding a benefit or something for a cop from Taylor's death.

mike from iowa said...

iowa magats pass bill blocking SNAP users from buying edible food with SNAP cards.

Anonymous said...

“drumpf's lousy 4 years as Putin's US puppet accounted for nearly 25% of total national debt.”

Just Trump’s tax cuts for rich people will add a couple trillion to over a decade, assuming Congress doesn’t cancel them.

Anonymous said...

“iowa magats pass bill blocking SNAP users from buying edible food with SNAP cards.”

And this is what Republicans’ fake obsession with the debt is about (obviously fake, since they apparently didn’t care if they increased the debt when they cut rich people’s taxes). The shrieking about the debt is just a pretext to starve the poor, whom they hate.

I used to believe that Republicans only wanted to cut social programs for the poor in order to fund tax cuts for the rich. That it was only a means to an end.

Now I think they actively hate the poor as much as they love and worship the rich. To borrow from Adam Serwer, “the cruelty is the point.”

The GOP is filled with vile people.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Best way for Boy George to get anyone to believe he is not a drag queen is to claim he is a drag queen.

mike from iowa said...

Another new year and pigs are still killing POC for minor traffic offenses and lying about it.

mike from iowa said...

This could be very interesting and informative...

dinthebeast said...

Murderous pig grifting off of the murder exposes diners to video of the murder:

Diners at a Greek restaurant in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on Tuesday night were subjected to police body camera footage from the night Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her Louisville apartment in 2020, according to the local NAACP and restaurant patrons.

The Republican Women’s Club of South Central Kentucky scrambled to find a new venue for an event featuring former-Louisville-police-officer-turned-conservative-author-and-pundit John Mattingly after the initial location for its dinner, the Bowling Green Country Club, said it would no longer host the group. Additionally, gubernatorial candidate and Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles backed out of the event because of the mounting controversy around Mattingly’s attendance, according to Spectrum News in Louisville.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Subpoena defying congressturd Jim Jordan is SO PISSED that the DOJ is refusing him access to ongoing investigations in accordance with longstanding DOJ policy.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

From Politics Girl's Twitter feed:

Chris Murphy
Jan 21
What Democrats did when we had power:

rebuilt roads/bridges
cut drug costs
expanded clean energy
tightened gun laws
helped veterans
ended corporate tax avoidance

What GOP wants to do with power:

cut Social Security/Medicare
stop paying America's bills
30% national sales tax

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Adults slowly taking back the country

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

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