Friday, June 30, 2023

The Supremes strike again.

I see that the Supremes are at it again. It's not enough they can just flaunt their disregard for ethics and decency in our faces. They are now making laws that hurt disadvantaged and marginalized people. They are ignoring precedent, and they are forgetting their place as one of the three branches of government by overreaching to the executive branch. 

I am not surprised that they gutted race based considerations for admissions to institutions of higher learning. This was their goal all along. It's stunning, though, that they said that this ruling does not apply to military institutions. It's as if they are cool with letting our children go in the bunkers but not in the boardrooms. The military institutions can let in all the black students that they want to, but not the prestigious state schools and Ivy League schools such as Harvaaad. That is reserved for the children of privilege (see white), and the well connected.  The children of those who can afford to fly Supreme Court Justices on private jets and treat them to million dollar vacation packages. 

I saw an Asian American mother on twitter telling her daughter that they finally made it. They finally struck down Affirmative Action and now it will be an even playing field for everyone. She actually wrote that everyone will now be judged on "merit". Poor thing.  Maybe she is still too new to America to see that she is being used, and that she is totally misguided.  But she will learn.  She will see that the "pick me" immigrant and minority will never have a seat at the table, and they will never achieve the merit based result that they rightfully want. The game is rigged, and whether it's in college admissions or in the workplace,  they will soon learn that Mr. Charlie always wins.

The small portion of seats that African American children take in these schools (5%) is not what is preventing the vast majority of Asian American children who are qualified to get rejected. They better turn their attention to the legacy admissions, and the money that the well connected pay to get their children a seat in the freshman class to see where the real problem lies. 

It wasn't only race based admissions. The Supremes saw fit to tell a bigo..I mean a "Christian" who has a business that is open to the public, that it's cool to discriminate against LGBTQ people because of free speech. Think about that for a minute: What's to stop Bubba in Alabama from preventing black folks from stopping at his gas station to get gas? If we are not careful, history will repeat itself. I can see us going down that road (pun intended) again. Ask an old black person about the Green Book. 

The right-wingnuts have a six to three majority on the court, and the tfg's appointees are all young. This out of control unchecked court will be doing damage for some time. Clarence (Clayton Bigsby) Thomas, the world's second back white supremacist, will be in Coon heaven for years to come.   

Let this is be a reminder to all you folks out there who sit on the sidelines every election day instead of voting: Elections  have consequences. You are seeing that play itself out in real time.



Comrade Misfit said...

And today, they ignored the basic procedural rule on ripeness so they could issue another Christian Nationalist ruling.

Just shameful.

Anonymous said...

Mea culpa. On the previous blog post, I had commented on the 303 Creative case, in which the Supremes decided it was fine for a website designer to turn down business from gay people. I had misunderstood that the court had decided she could be homophobic so as not to violate her freedom of religion, but actually, it was supposedly about her freedom of speech.

Either way, it’s still a bonkers decision. Is it really the web designer’s speech when a gay couple hire her to write “We’re Getting Married!” on their website? It seems to me, the “speech” here should be considered to belong to the gay couple, and the website designer is doing something close to just transcribing their speech. The SCOTUS wingnuts have decided to pretend that being forced to design a website for a gay couple is equivalent to her being forced to endorse gay marriage, which is just bullshit.

This case was only marginally less dumb than that earlier case with the bakery that didn’t want to make a wedding cake for gay people, and back then, wingnut lunatics were making idiotic “cakes are speech!” arguments.

dinthebeast said...

"Oh don't worry about it, we'll give them two voting rights rulings that don't change anything and they'll let us advance our agenda."

The only thing I've heard that is halfway sane to address the issue of this bollixed court is what Politics Girl said, and it's remarkably sane:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Thank you Field. You get it and stated it very well. All of those Asians who have been brainwashrd to believe that "those blackies" are taking their spots in universities will soon see that they have been bamboozled. Its a fact that academically capable Black students started being priced out of college admissions when a certain president signed legislation that reduced financial aid and relaxed affirmative action laws 20 years ago. However, the folks in power never imagined that while they were putting their energy into keeping black folks down that the asians started creeping up and outperforming white boys and girls academically. Its kind of hard to keep asians out of universities in favor of white kids when Asians r getting perfect scores on admission tests. And that bullshit personality test that some of the universities tried to unleash on asians to keep them out backfired when the asians launched a class action suit against the universities. The fact is, that "the dominant ones" r getting very angry and worried about Asians outperforming white kids and they hate and fear that their higher education systems are becoming less white and more asian....its about the opressor maintaining power and dominance over their racist institutions.

Paradoctor said...

Will it work to switch to class-based affirmative action? Legacy admissions are a perverse form of that.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad how the institutions that oppress blacks in Amerika think that blacks are
ignorant. Think about it, now the powers that run Amerika are talking about allowing prisoners to get a free college education through financial aid. Now thats all well and good but as any black will tell you is that even after paying their debt to society by not only doing prison time but also earning a degree...very few companies will hire them once they discover they have been previously incarcerated. Unlike their white counterparts that have an easier time getting hired for a job and are easily forgiven after serving their prison time.
Where the hell is all of the assistance aid, and mentorship for black youth BEFORE black youth get into trouble with the law? Where were the responsible, caring people in their lives to guide educate and mentor them before incarceration,?
Racism abd the pipeline to prison for black youth is a carefully constructed system...designed to keep minorities down. It is a carefully constructed system that continues to flourish since its inception 400 years ago.

Anonymous said...

“Will it work to switch to class-based affirmative action? Legacy admissions are a perverse form of that.”

If your goal is just to make colleges more ethnically diverse, then no, it won’t work the same.

Class-based affirmative action will mean significantly more poor WHITE kids will get to go to college, with some, but not as many, black/Latino kids as under race-based affirmative action.

If you really want to make admissions fair, then don’t discriminate against anyone. Instead:

1) Fix the crappy primary and secondary schools that too many poor kids, white or non-white, have to attend. This is the primary disadvantage they face in getting admitted to college. The education they get before applying to college is inferior to what middle-class and rich kids receive, and this puts them at a disadvantage when applying to college.

2) Take away rich people’s admission privileges. No more legacies. No more buying your kids into school with a hefty donation.

Affirmative action was always a sort of band-aid solution slapped on instead of fixing the fundamental unfairness of the US educational system.

Anonymous said...

To anyone naive enough to ask:
Why do we need affirmative action? Scenario- Two college graduates, same age, same educational background same work experience, same grades and same personality apply for a job and come in for an interview.
One is black, and the other is white.
9 times out of 10. You know exactly who's going to get the job...the white applicant. Every white person knows that but not willing to admit it.

field negro said...

We still need to level the educational playing field at an early stage for children in this country. I would be cool with getting more children of color in ANY college (not just the Ivy League and more prominent ones), but we know about all the factors (including poor family dynamics) which is making that a hard goal to achieve.

Don't even get me started on the politicians gutting early education schools of the funding that they need.

mike from iowa said...

Guilty as charged. Hang his natty ass!

Manifest Density said...

“When we take away from a man his traditional way of life, his customs, his religion, we had better make certain to replace it with
― Robert Ruark, Something of Value

Affirmative Action in its different iterations was never intended to level the playing field. As I have said before and until proven otherwise I still contend that the Eurapeon is an invasive species and as such acts to agitate, instigate, infiltrate, manipulate and annihilate those it deems "other."

You cannot legislate morality. And that in my opinion is what affirmative action tried to do.

Anonymous said...

“Oh don't worry about it, we'll give them two voting rights rulings that don't change anything and they'll let us advance our agenda."

I guess we can thank our lucky stars that they didn’t vote to further undermine democracy this term with those voting rights cases.

However, the ruling on discrimination against gays is particularly worrying. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of this nonsensical “freedom of speech” argument being employed to allow businesses to discriminate. Now that SCOTUS has validated it, it will be used again by various bigots, to remove rights from gays and other groups they don’t like.

Anonymous said...

Twitter deathwatch, latest edition:

In their infinite wisdom, Twitter has limited the number of tweets that can be viewed per day by registered users. Naturally, the viewing limit is much reduced if you haven’t paid for a blue check mark. And if you don’t have a Twitter account, you now can’t see Twitter AT ALL.

Elon has given some lame technical excuse for why he has been forced to do this, but it is obviously just another doomed attempt to wring more money out of the platform without actually providing any new services worth paying for.

The tech genius galaxy brain is going to save Twitter by preventing people from viewing Twitter?

Tech genius galaxy brain, my ass.

dinthebeast said...

If you don't have an account you can't view anything. That ought to boost the ad revenue...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

field negro said...

I saw that. How do u generate revenue which is based on interaction if u are limiting interaction?

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

Kinda reminds me of magats cutting taxes to increase revenues. Might work that way in La La land.

PX said...

This is for all the people who say all candidates are the same. Gotcha! But on a better note I’m in Jamaica!

Anonymous said...

Replying so “ yooo unnustann”:

If blakks beez bettuh den dez witepeepoe: go to skoo, lurn yo maff ann sheeit, pass yo tests, ann kompeet foe dat kollidge edumacation!!!

stop whining about lack of preferential treatment!!! enough is enough!!!

Anonymous said...

‘Dey mades dey own’ (Deserved) reputation! Who would you hire given the same qualifications??? Stop fooling yourselves…end this failed social experiment.

Whiney ass white man said...

“stop whining about lack of preferential treatment!!! enough is enough!!!“

Exactly! White males should stop crying about being discriminated against! White male AA needs to stop once and for all since they’re supposed to be soooo superior.

Anonymous said...

yooo beez uhh delusional fuggin black fool…..admit it, we have to dumb everything down, make special exceptions, waive requirements, ruin the reputation of top schools, etc just so yoooz can go to college! keek keek keek keek….you come out of high school with maybe a 5th-grade apptitude and you expect to get into any college??? splain dat, phoooo

Anonymous said...

Racist trolls are going to have a sad time, now that they can’t complain about affirmative action anymore.

Oh well, I guess they can always fall back on mindlessly reposting Chicago crime stats.

dinthebeast said...

Elmo has lost his damn mind:

Elon Musk Wants to Limit Voting to Parents

July 2, 2023 at 5:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 763 Comments

Elon Musk suggested limiting voting rights to parents since they have a stake in the future, unlike those who are childless.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"admit it, we have to dumb everything down, make special exceptions, waive requirements, ruin the reputation of top schools, etc just so yoooz can go to college!"

I guarantee that I had better test scores and am more educated than you will ever be. LOL! I make more money than you entire family. Yeah, you're a genius I bet. The sad part is you think just because you're white you're somehow intellectually superior. Sorry to burst that bubble Jethro.

Wesley R said...

The ruling didn't surprise me at all.

Anonymous said...

“Elmo has lost his damn mind:

Elon Musk Wants to Limit Voting to Parents”

It’s unclear whether he is just trolling here. Elon is an attention-seeking stunt queen who often says stuff he doesn’t mean. He is not your typical corporate CEO; most guys don’t reach the higher echelons of the business world while having the juvenile maturity level of a junior high-schooler.

On the other hand, Elon does genuinely have some of the worst political views, so maybe he really does beliebe this. He and his former buddy, the (in my view) even viler Peter Thiel have given Silicon Valley a bad name, promoting all sorts of unworkable libertarian garbage policies. Thiel is not as loud and public as Musk, but is heavily responsible for his protege JD Vance becoming a senator, and is also a big Trump fan.

Anonymous said...

Civil rights groups are filing a lawsuit against legacy admissions to universities, arguing they are unfair.

They're not wrong, but I doubt this effort will be successful. Legacy admissions amount to class discrimination, not race discrimination. Giving admission points for being a legacy has the effect of raising the percentage of students at a university that are white, simply because a large percentage of rich people are white, due to the history of racism in this country. But ultimately, the discrimination itself is against people who are not rich, rather than people who are not white. Poor white applicants face the same harm as poor people of color. (And rich people of color can benefit from being legacies.)

Will the current conservative Supreme Court find that the 14th Amendment (or any other law) categorically forbids class discrimination? I kinda doubt it. To do so would undermine our entire capitalist economic system.

If we want this to ever happen, I suspect Democrats would have to win control of the federal government and pass legislation regulating universities.

dinthebeast said...

Independence day. 7/4 seems an apt title for it this year as we are indeed living through an odd time. Yesterday was the hottest day on record, ever, and there are still ski resorts operating here in California. Avian flu is crossing over to wild birds and some mammals, and Lindsey Graham was roundly booed by Republicans in South Carolina. But perhaps oddest of all (and wonderful, to boot) is a version of "White Rabbit" that kicks holy ass in which the musical high point is the banjo solo:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"But perhaps oddest of all (and wonderful, to boot) is a version of "White Rabbit" that kicks holy ass in which the musical high point is the banjo solo"

Banjo solo? I've seen Deliverance, those never end well......

mike from iowa said...

Try Bela Fleck (electric banjo) and the Flecktones for some interesting noise.

Anonymous said...

Mark Zuckerberg’s new Twitter knockoff launches tomorrow, just as the wheels are coming off at Elon Twitter.

It’s weird to be in the position of rooting for Zuckerberg, but that’s where we are now, I guess. An expansion of the privacy-violating Facebook Empire is the lesser of two evils, when compared to Elon’s janky, disinformation-and-hate-speech-filled toilet of a social media site.

Anonymous said...

So how 'bout that Kinbrady Carricker? One of your cousins, Field Negro? Yep, theMass shootings are committed by white men. Unless they're committed by black trannies. LOL

Anonymous said...

Let's face it: Black lives don't matter to black people. You shoot each other at 15 to 20 times the rate that whites shoot each other. You hate yourselves and each other. We simply avoid you and your violence and your disorder.

mike from iowa said...

Gateway Pundit says Carriker is a BLM tranny so it must be true. Not!

mike from iowa said...

What is true is Carriker has had trouble before with guns and the NRA works to make tracing thses weapons almost impossible.

mike from iowa said...

Firmer drumpf Lin Wood gives up law license before he could be disbarred and he can no longer practice law anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Baltimore MASS SHOOTING Leaves 28 Shot, 2 Dead! Where's The Media?

Anonymous said...

Teen killed, 6 injured in mass shooting at Salisbury block party

Anonymous said...

Three people found guilty of murder in death of 'Mr. Indianapolis' during 2020 riots

Anonymous said...

Substance found in White House confirmed to be cocaine (Hunter Bidens???)

Anonymous said...

Liberal Media Worries Trump Prosecutions Will Backfire With Latinos

Anonymous said...

“Substance found in White House confirmed to be cocaine (Hunter Bidens???)”

No, most likely some tourist’s.

From the article:

“It was found in a zip-close bag near an entrance where visitors taking tours are directed to leave their phones, the official said.”

Before this White House tour begins, you will have to check your phone and cocaine …


mike from iowa said...

Baltimore MASS SHOOTING Leaves 28 Shot, 2 Dead! Where's The Media?

Was all over the news last week.

Anonymous said...

What is true is Carriker has had trouble before with guns and the NRA works to make tracing thses weapons almost impossible.

That's not true, but you're liberal so why not lie? In reality, gun traces are easy. You know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Baltimore MASS SHOOTING Leaves 28 Shot, 2 Dead! Where's The Media?

You know it wasn't a white shooter because black shooters hold their Glocks sideways, gangsta style.

dinthebeast said...

After reading multiple reports saying that Twitter was relaxing its ban on readers who aren't signed into an account, I still can't read anything on Twitter with either of the browsers on this machine. Perhaps the skeleton crew Elmo has running the joint are just taking a long time to implement the change?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“After reading multiple reports saying that Twitter was relaxing its ban on readers who aren't signed into an account, I still can't read anything on Twitter with either of the browsers on this machine.”

I can view individual tweets without being logged in. I still cannot view an entire account.

For example, try viewing this tweet:

Now try viewing ALL that user’s tweets (her account):

My experience is that I can view the first, but not the second. So the ban is only partially relaxed, at best.

mike from iowa said...

Anymoose@ 7:40 P M is full of more shit than an X-Mas turkey.

Anonymous said...

How things need to be handled:

mike from iowa said...

Magat "Freedumb Carcass" expels MTG. Too fucking bat shit crazy to suit them.

Anonymous said...

Magat ‘Freedumb Carcass’ expels MTG. Too fucking bat shit crazy to suit them.”

Actually, no. They’re saying she’s not batshit crazy enough to suit them.

She compromised with Kevin McCarthy and helped to raise the debt ceiling, thereby avoiding a catastrophic collapse of the economy. This is was hardly a heroic act — the debt ceiling shouldn’t even exist, much less ever be used as a bargaining chip in policy negotiations — but at least they called off their hostage-taking before their irresponsible stunt ended in disaster.

Anyway, because Kevin bought her off with a House committee seat and she therefore didn’t vote to destroy the economy, that makes her a traitor in the eyes of the Freedom Caucus wackadoodles.

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Chicago crime is up!!

Anonymous said...

"You know it wasn't a white shooter because black shooters hold their Glocks sideways, gangsta style."

Or because he didn't shoot up babies in a school or pregnant women and old people in a church. Crazy eyed white boys love to do that.

PilotX said...

"Chicago crime is up!!"

I trust the CPD, it'll be down soon.

PilotX said...

Chicago tourism is up!

Anonymous said...

Chicago: Lawless Hellhole?

Anonymous said...

Elon is, predictably, now suing Meta for creating the possible successor to Twitter.

It won't work. Like the proverbial high school bully, Meta and the other Twitter clones are going to grab Twitter by its ankles, flip it upside down, and shake it until all its lunch money falls out.

Elon has ruined Twitter, and lawsuits won't prevent its users from fleeing. After that, Twitter will become another Truth Social, a lonely alt-right echo chamber, and that will be followed by an eventual bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

Chicago tourism is up!

4:17 PM

Total BS made up nonsense by the Mayor's office. It's called Propaganda!!

Anonymous said...

The ghetto is like a self-cleaning oven.

Anonymous said...

"Chicago crime is up!!"

Look at the actual data. Homicides are down. Minor rise in robberies.

Almost all of the increase is due to an explosion in car thefts. And my guess is that most of that explosion in car thefts is due to the wave of teenager weenies taking joy rides in certain Hyundai and Kia models that have been revealed on social media to be easily steal-able because they lack engine immobilizers. This is a nationwide phenomenon that has nothing to do with government policy or "bad black culture," and everything to do with a design fuck-up by a couple car companies.

Kia, Hyundai settle class-action lawsuit for $200M. Car-theft trend started in Milwaukee

Anonymous said...

“Elon is, predictably, now suing Meta for creating the possible successor to Twitter.”

Update: Elon has not yet filed a lawsuit; his lawyers have only sent threatening letters at this point. But I expect the lawsuit is coming, because what else can Elon do? He doesn’t know how to run Twitter, so suing to try to prevent his user base leaving is a last desperation move.

Anonymous said...

CHICAGO 2023 To Date
Shot & Killed: 301
Shot & Wounded: 1226
Total Shot: 1527
Total Homicides: 328

Anonymous said...

NEW: The White House is now claiming the cocaine was found "in a much more secure place ... near the Situation Room" and next to "where, for example, the vice president's vehicle is parked."

Anonymous said...

“Total BS made up nonsense by the Mayor's office. It's called Propaganda!!“

It’s called math, we knew you’d be immune to numbers.

Anonymous said...

“It’s called math, we knew you’d be immune to numbers.“

Yeah, her type doesn’t know math but really knows meth.

mike from iowa said...

Said he didn't want to use race as the reason for Black Wall Street massacre. You'd never guess the guy was a hardcore magat, would you?

Anonymous said...

“Said he didn't want to use race as the reason for Black Wall Street massacre. You'd never guess the guy was a hardcore magat, would you?”

This guy is slacking off. He needs to try harder if he wants to be a proper wingnut.

Don’t say that race riots weren’t about race. Say they didn’t happen. Jim Crow wasn’t real anyway, just something made up by the libtards. And blacks were happy being slaves — until the Union ruined everything by invading for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON in the War of Northern Aggression.

C’mon, man, you’ve got to be more ambitious with your lying if you’re going to defeat the dire scourge of Critical Race Theory.

mike from iowa said...

English tourist who carved his name in wall at Rome's Coliseum claimed he did not know it was ancient. Must be a drumpf supporter.

mike from iowa said...

Rhonda Santis brafs about sending aid to iowa for recovery after building collapsed. Problem was the brag came at least 10 hours after he was told the aid wasn't needed.

magats can't tell the truth even if their kid's lives depended on it.

Anonymous said...

The biggest threat to a black person is another black person.

mike from iowa said...

Clarence Sumbass has received much largesse from multiple billionaires, according to new report.

mike from iowa said...

Judge in Tulsa dismisses reparations lawsuit against the city by the three remaining relatives of the Black Wall Sreet race riot victims.

Anonymous said...

“Judge in Tulsa dismisses reparations lawsuit against the city by the three remaining relatives of the Black Wall Sreet race riot victims.”

No surprise there. A century is a long, long way past the statute of limitations for basically any lawsuit.

If there’s going to be any compensation, it’ll have to come through legislation. Even then, there’s the question of who would be responsible for not stopping the riots. The city of Tulsa? The state of Oklahoma?

dinthebeast said...

Tucker Carlson's show on Twitter is tanking, and having to be signed into a Twitter account to view it probably isn't helping.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Andrew Tate lost his appeal against his house arrest. Guess he won't be training Elmo for the cage match after all.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Tucker Carlson's show on Twitter is tanking, and having to be signed into a Twitter account to view it probably isn't helping.”

Fox News is also threatening to sue Carlson. He is still under contract with them, and according to the terms of that contract, he isn’t allowed to have a show until it expires.

Anonymous said...

Lol, a literal Man Bites Dog story.

I hope this guy is planning on pleading guilty to drunk driving, because after you bite the dog, it becomes challenging to argue that you were sober.

“Suspected drink driver 'BITES police dog multiple times' in violent car park fracas”

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot the link:

Suspected drink driver 'BITES police dog multiple times' in violent car park fracas

dinthebeast said...

I know these fucks have gotten used to drinking piss and calling it beer, but this displays a fundamental lack of understanding of beer:

Kudlow Warns Biden Will Only Allow ‘Plant-Based Beer’

July 9, 2023 at 7:42 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 162 Comments

Larry Kudlow, Donald Trump’s former top economic adviser, railed on Fox News that President Biden is plotting to force Americans to drink “plant-based beer.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Kudlow Warns Biden Will Only Allow ‘Plant-Based Beer’”

I seriously want to watch Kudlow be forced to drink meat-based beer. I would pay good money to see this.

mike from iowa said...

No surprise there. A century is a long, long way past the statute of limitations for basically any lawsuit.

Especially when you are denied equal access to justice system based on your skin color.

Anonymous said...

Weyllll soooproz soooproz soooprozzz! IT BEEZ UH kneeckgrowe PERP! Lollololol

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

Uh, looking at the data the biggest threat to a white person is another white person. And so it goes.

mike from iowa said...

Clarence and Ginny Dumbass' weddin g reception paid dfor by another billionaire.

PilotX said...

"Clarence and Ginny Dumbass' weddin g reception paid dfor by another billionaire."

Just put on patches like race car drivers so we can see who really controls America. Thanks Citizens United.

dinthebeast said...

"I seriously want to watch Kudlow be forced to drink meat-based beer. I would pay good money to see this."

Having made beer, I think you could make meat-based beer. Beer is basically barley soup with yeast in it for the alcohol, so you could use another kind of soup if you wanted. You would have to charge it with sugar to get any alcohol and that would taste vile. I tried mead once, and it was awful, so I can only imagine how bad meat stock beer would be.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Just put on patches like race car drivers so we can see who really controls America. Thanks Citizens United.”

I don’t think you can blame Citizens United for this one. That case blew up campaign contribution limits. Because money equals 1st Amendment speech, according to Republicans. (There seems to be a pattern there. Refusing to serve gay customers at your business is now also apparently speech, because they say so. Any kind of bad behavior that they want to engage in equals speech, and therefore must not be restricted.)

However, campaign contributions limits are not relevant to Supreme Court justices. They don’t solicit campaign contributions, as they don’t campaign. The cash Thomas and Alito have been revealed to have received from billionaires is more aptly known as plain old “bribes.”

And the only thing that has really ever constrained Supreme Court justices from taking bribes is respect for democratic norms. There are no federal regulations that would stop them. However, the current crop of Republicans are shameless, so their general attitude is: “Ha! Norms, LOL!”

PilotX said...

"However, campaign contributions limits are not relevant to Supreme Court justices."

Really? So who was pushing for C.U. to be deemed legal? Betting it wasn't an average Joe.

dinthebeast said...

It was a bunch of right wing dumbfucks who made a movie about Hillary Clinton.
Wait, I bet we could ask Brett Kavanaugh about meat-beer, he'll know for sure!

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

PilotX said...

"Wait, I bet we could ask Brett Kavanaugh about meat-beer, he'll know for sure!"


mike from iowa said...

One of the biggest jokes to come out of Citizen's United...,

The Court further held that "the rule that political speech cannot be limited based on a speaker’s wealth is a necessary consequence of the premise that the First Amendment generally prohibits the suppression of political speech based on the speaker’s identity."

From F E C.

mike from iowa said...

Floyd Brown, one of the leaders of Citizen's United PAC has been a Clinton hter since Earth was first formed. A media manipulator of the worst stripe.

He was resposible for NBC's adding Vince Foster's suicide to Whitewater non-scandal, among a host of other lies.

mike from iowa said...

DC Bar looking to disbar Screwdy Rudy for his pathetic contributions to drumpf's attempts to overturn 2020 election.

NY Bar already has forced Giuliani to stop practicing law in NY state.

Anonymous said...

Really? So who was pushing for C.U. to be deemed legal? Betting it wasn't an average Joe.”

What I was getting at was that Citizens United didn’t enable SC justices to take bribes. They were already legally allowed to do that.

The only thing that constrains them is a totally voluntary code of conduct. Or the threat of being impeached, but does anyone believe Republicans in Congress will impeach a justice for taking money from Republican donors? C’mon.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Tubby Tubberville's foootball is severely deflated.

Anonymous said...

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops." —Noah Webster October 10, 1787

Anonymous said...

Only democrats could bring cocaine into the White House.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well ...

A so-called "witness" who was supposed to testify before Republicans in their half-assed, phony-baloney congressional investigation and say that Hunter Biden has been secretly working for China, has himself been criminally charged for ... wait for it .. working for China.


Who is Gal Luft? Hunter Biden Informant Charged With Acting as China Agent

Anonymous said...

Another day, another toddler gunslinger incident.

This time, in Las Vegas, a 2-year-old fatally shot himself after getting hold of a family member's unsecured gun.

mike from iowa said...

One of the "alleged" Biden whistleblowers was charged with illegally selling arms and doing business with either Iran or Iraq.

Anonymous said...

ooooh loook att dat witepeepoe tint photoshop job on dat 2 year old kbeeeckgrowe gangsta…..keek keek keek meek keekch!

mike from iowa said...

srumpf says crazy judge should have sentenced H Biden to death.

mike from iowa said...

Apparently every molecule of Thomas is for sale.

Anonymous said...

“srumpf says crazy judge should have sentenced H Biden to death”

For tax evasion? Tax evader Trump better be careful what he wishes for.

PX said...

“What I was getting at was that Citizens United didn’t enable SC justices to take bribes.“

Understood but my point was it greased the rails.

Anonymous said...

“ooooh loook att dat witepeepoe tint photoshop job on dat 2 year old kbeeeckgrowe gangsta…..keek keek keek meek keekch!“

A goddamned kid died, show some fucking human respect asshole.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf also wanted the Central Park 5 executed for a rpe they did not commit.
E Jean Carroll on the line, drumpf.

mike from iowa said...

magats in congress cut welfare to the poor and education, now want an 8k dollar raise for themselvesm which would put them in the top 1% id wge earners plus they want a 28 billion dollar tax cut for the 1%.

Anonymous said...

Prosecutor says DNA evidence on bottle, shirt & cigarette led to charges in Indian Creek Trail murder case

Anonymous said...

Why 'Sound of Freedom,' Jim Caviezel's controversial child sex trafficking film, is a hit

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

mike from iowa said...

US Secret Service could not identify who left cocaine in WH and magats are screaming because they nknow and have proof (some kind some wqhere) it was Hunter Biden.

Recovering TrumpTard said...

Here's a hilarious example of the Red State retards devouring themselves.

Flaming Trumptard supporter Ray Epps--who twice voted for Trump--is suing Fox News for Tucker Carlson's repeated allegations that Epps was secretly an undercover FBI agent who helped to incite the January 6th insurrection in order to make Trump "protestors" look bad.

As a result of Carlson's allegations, MAGAites have been bombarding Epps and his family with death threats and harassment--so much so that Epps had to hire private security and eventually move from his home with his wife giving up her dog breeding business.

If the Red Staters will devour one of their own like this, what will they do their political opponents?!

Trump Voter Sues Fox News After Tucker Carlson Lies Ruined His Life*1t2qcrn*_ga*YW1wLXRCZ1VCVy1kc0JrYzhCdmZ2SFdPTV8wdzlWV1U0M1Z5WEh4U3Z2ZjNicmxGOEtIR3V3VWFoSTlEZTdWWjNjaTQ.

Anonymous said...

“US Secret Service could not identify who left cocaine in WH and magats are screaming because they nknow and have proof (some kind some wqhere) it was Hunter Biden.”

Hunter Biden is everywhere! Everything bad comes from Hunter Biden!

Why oh why did Hunter Biden cause the wildfires in Canada? How mean of him to do that!

Anonymous said...

trump 20-24😆

Anonymous said...

“Why oh why did Hunter Biden cause the wildfires in Canada?“

Did he use Jewish space lasers?

dinthebeast said...

DOJ is appealing the Oaf Creepers' sentences because they aren't long enough.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

The DNC wants to pack the SCOTUS with Marxist judges so they can lower the age of consent as low as possible. The democrat party promotes pedophilia.

Anonymous said...

Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023)

mike from iowa said...

Justice Kavernmouth says Scotus isn't partisan. Nope, the majority are all partisan ideologues overturning precedence decisions on partisn grounds which have nothing to do with the constitution.

mike from iowa said...

10 worst states to live and work in all have one yooge magat thing in common...magat guvs.

Anonymous said...

Biden announces a new student loan debt forgiveness plan, using a different legal justification than last time.

Incoming SCOTUS injunction blocking the proposal in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...

Anonymous said...

The Cat Is Out of the Bag: Kamala Harris Admits Climate Scam's Goal Is DEPOPULATION

dinthebeast said...

Twitter paid Andrew Tate $20K.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Media bias/ fact check says....Extreme right bias..

Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, False Information, Lack of Transparency
Bias Rating: FAR-RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: Canada
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT
Media Type: Website/Video
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

mike from iowa said...

Analysis / Bias
In review, The Liberty Daily does not produce original content. Like the Drudge Report, they link to curated/aggregated news stories from other sources. The story selection always favors the right and most times denigrates the left. In order to review the bias and credibility of The Liberty Daily, we followed the links to see what sources they led to. We randomly chose 50 news stories and calculated the sources used. Out of 50 stories, all sources used were either rated Right Biased, Questionable, or Conspiracy-Pseudoscience. More than 50% of the sources used were either Questionable or Conspiracy sites. Some notable sources used are Breitbart (Questionable), DcDirtyLaundry (Questionable), Neon Nettle (Conspiracy), Big League Politics (Questionable), and Red State (Questionable).

So you can see what they pass on as news is garbage fom stART to finish.

Anonymous said...

“Media bias/ fact check says....Extreme right bias..”

Rumble is YouTube for Nazis.

mike from iowa said...

Saudis are pumping untold millions/billions of gallons of drought stricken Arizon's precious water to water tons of aldlfa in Arizona's desert to ship back to Arabia to feed the nation's dairy cattle. Saudis don't have3 enough water at homer to grow feed so thwey come here, make a deal with guv Douchey and then they don't report how much wter they take while Arizona's residents are restricted.

We should trade a barrel of water for barrels of oil.

Anonymous said...

Georgia murder suspect killed by police

mike from iowa said...

Tax evasion Harlan "Al Capone" Hill?

Flying Junior said...

The monster is openly campaigning on a platform of massively increasing presidential powers. Effectively the entire fleet of government and civil employees would be under his direct, dictatorial control.

Donald Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Joe Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

“The president’s plan should be to fundamentally reorient the federal government in a way that hasn’t been done since FDR’s New Deal,” said John McEntee, a former White House personnel chief who began Trump’s systematic attempt to sweep out officials deemed to be disloyal in 2020 and who is now involved in mapping out the new approach.

“Our current executive branch,” McEntee added, “was conceived of by liberals for the purpose of promulgating liberal policies. There is no way to make the existing structure function in a conservative manner. It’s not enough to get the personnel right. What’s necessary is a complete system overhaul.”

Let's hope he doesn't win.

mike from iowa said...

Hope all you commenters wwho live down South and West can survive the hneat. It sounds brutal compared to my mid 70s today and tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Potentially major news. This could be the big one. Trump is suggesting that he’s about to be indicted for inciting the Jan 6th insurrection. These are the criminal charges that really could put Trump in prison, no probation.

mike from iowa said...

Something interesting fron US sordid past, a young Colin Powell was sent to onvestigate the massacre at My Lai and told superiors rumors of the severity were exgerrated.

dinthebeast said...

Some have speculated that Jack Smith wants to get first shot at the J6 indictment, which only gives him a couple of weeks before Fani Willis has signaled that her charging decisions will be revealed. I don't think he will change his timeline to go first. I think he is doing the investigation the way it needs to be done in order to win a conviction and survive an appeal, and all speculation about it is just that.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

In other defending-democracy news, Michigan's attorney general has announced criminal charges for election fraud-ing against 16 of Trump's fake electors, who were part of an attempt to snatch away Michigan's 2020 electoral votes from the rightful winner, Joe Biden.

And it is looking likely that New York state courts are going to overturn the Republican-ized electoral district map that led to several new NY state Republican representatives, who in turn accounted for most of the Republicans' new House majority in the 2022 election. So, as of 2025, Kevin McCarthy may lose his gavel and the Dems may be back in control of the House.

Did a New York Court Just Hand Democrats Control of Congress in 2024?

dinthebeast said...

And so it begins (from NBC news):

"Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Tuesday that she has filed charges against 16 people who signed paperwork falsely claiming that President Donald Trump had won the 2020 election as part of a scheme to overturn the results.
These are not misdemeanors. Each of the GOP defendants has been charged with several felonies, including conspiracy to commit forgery, forgery, conspiracy to commit election law forgery, and election law forgery."

This was always going to happen. These brain-wizards signed their names to forged election documents and sent them to the senate and the national archives. I guess they believed that they would be successful in their quest to destroy the parts of the US government that deal out consequences to those of their partisan persuasion. They weren't, and now the bill is due.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“This was always going to happen. These brain-wizards signed their names to forged election documents and sent them to the senate and the national archives. I guess they believed that they would be successful in their quest to destroy the parts of the US government that deal out consequences to those of their partisan persuasion. They weren't, and now the bill is due.”

It is also the case that wingnuts have a fantasyland understanding of the Constitution. This boils down to: “I have a right to lie! FIRST AMENDMENT! FREEDOM OF SPEECH!”

This is not correct in a whole slew of contexts. Lying is often not protected, and sometimes illegal. The First Amendment is not an limitless license to cheat your way into power.

Wingnuts have been lying their asses off for decades, with the lies accelerating in frequency and brazenness, and things have finally reached the level where the lying is now criminal and they are shocked to find they are heading to jail.

mike from iowa said...

First it was kids with guns killing kids. Now its golf carts. 3 year old driver kills 7 year old child with golf cart.

Anonymous said...

“First it was kids with guns killing kids. Now its golf carts. 3 year old driver kills 7 year old child with golf cart.”

Well, because this is America, it’s still kids with guns killing kids. (And adults. And themselves.) Here’s the latest tale of a toddler gunslinger.

3-year-old accidentally shoots, kills 1-year-old sister with unsecured gun, police in California say

PX said...

“These brain-wizards signed their names to forged election documents and sent them to the senate and the national archives.“

The scary part is this included party officials and elected officials. They should have known better. Sad when people throw their lives away for a New York grifter. I don’t mind people supporting him but for god’s sake don’t give him money or give up your freedom because he really doesn’t give a fuck about you or this country!

mike from iowa said...

Can the dead kids moms get arrested for post birth abortions in red states?
Not sure but wouoldn't surprise moi.

Anonymous said...

Might as well get this out of the way. There is going to be a bunch of racist nonsense coming about Private Travis King, a black US soldier who was stationed in South Korea, where he committed an assault and was sent to jail for a couple months. After release, he was ordered to return to the US, where he would inevitably face a court martial and probable dishonorable discharge from the military.

Inexplicably, bizarrely, instead of returning home, he ran across the border into North Korea and was taken prisoner, where he now faces long-term detention by the America-hating North Korean authorities, and possible torture and death. (If you do not believe this can happen, Google what happened to white college student Otto Warmbier in North Korea.) Witnesses said King was laughing as he ran across the border.

My guess is that there was some mental illness involved here, because this was such a WTF moment and King’s actions make absolutely no sense.

mike from iowa said...

Texass group that backs embattled Texass AG Paxton has handed three million bucks to Texass Lt guv Dan Patrick who will oreside iver Texass senate impeachment trial of Patrick's friend Paxton. Sugar coated bribery, what?

mike from iowa said...

Rumour has it Smith has 45 count indictment ready for drumpf and may file it in New Jersey so Illegitimutt judge Aileen Cannon can't protect drumpf.

Anonymous said...

Vanishing act: DHS admits that 40% of catch-and-release migrants disappeared

Anonymous said...

CHGICAGO July 2023 to Date
Shot & Killed: 30
Shot & Wounded: 192
Total Shot: 222
Total Homicides: 33

mike from iowa said...

Washington Times a rag started by Rev Sun Myong Moon with an extreme right editorial bias and a judge appointed by drumpf. What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

“Vanishing act: DHS admits that 40% of catch-and-release migrants disappeared”

No they didn’t. Reading past the headline, its own text says that 40% of migrants who were supposed to “check in” with ICE, didn’t. That’s not the same thing as failing to attend immigration court hearings, and a long way from “disappearing” if their deportation has been ordered.

Even if this statistic were true — and who knows if it is, since it comes from zero-credibility wingnut media — who gives a shit?

mike from iowa said...

Floriduh's new black history approved by whitey tells us slaves got personal benefits from being slaves because they were taught skills.

Anonymous said...

“Floriduh's new black history approved by whitey tells us slaves got personal benefits from being slaves because they were taught skills.”

Next, maybe DeSantis will announce that Florida schools may not use the leftist term “slavery,” and should replace it with the new, approved, unwoke term “unpaid internship.”

mike from iowa said...

iowa's mummified senioe senator, Grassley, needs a crisis intervention by men in white coats. He released unverified FBI memo and Fake Noise is all over it claiming B iden';s got 5 million bucks from head of Burisma to get a prosecutor fired.

On June 1, Senator Grassley, who has teamed up with House Oversight Committee Chairman Jim Comer, came under fire for admitting he does not care whether or not the accusations against President Biden are true or not, he wants to pursue them regardless. Eight weeks later to the day, on Thursday, Grassley published what is believed to be the debunked document.

Politico describes the form as “an uncorroborated FBI record that documents a conversation the bureau had with a confidential source who is at the center of a Biden bribery allegation.”

PX said...

“Next, maybe DeSantis will announce that Florida schools may not use the leftist term “slavery,” and should replace it with the new, approved, unwoke term “unpaid internship.”

And the negroes got these skills for free and they weren’t provided to white people therefore they were affirmative action hires.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

My guess is that there was some mental illness involved here, because this was such a WTF moment and King’s actions make absolutely no sense.

1:45 PM

Well, he is a negro.

Anonymous said...

“Well, he is a negro“

Because we all know white folks are always completely rational😆 You know, like voting for a stupid tv game show host who screws porn stars raw or shooting up classrooms. People in glass houses………

mike from iowa said...

Apparently magats on the Scvotus agree with court watchers that Kavernmouth is an intellectual lightweight who pens sophomoric opinions with faulty reasoning.

Anonymous said...

Trump is Great!!

anotherbozo said...

It must be doubly sweet for Field that the judge in the big trial, the Jan. 6 trial, is not only a woman, not only a black woman, but a Jamaican immigrant. How long will it take for the Trump team to call her a "racist," prohibitively bigoted against him? To no avail, doubtless. What a delicious moment. Tanya S. Chutkan. I'm stockpiling popcorn for this one.

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