Saturday, May 25, 2024


It's been a minute. I hope that all of you field hands are doing well and thriving while doing your best to survive in this moment that we are living in.  These are crazy times.  America, as we have come to know her, is no more.  And that my friends, is not hyperbole. 

Personally, I have never believed that this is such a perfect union, and I have always suspected that the American experiment is flawed. But I always hoped that the American people were so proud of their country and the idea of its ideals, that they would not allow dark and sinister forces to hijack the perception of the world's greatest democracy. My hope is fading. Amend that. It has faded.  I didn't see America becoming the Republic of Gilead from the Handmaid's Tale.

What really brought it home to me was the knowledge that a Justice on the Supreme Court of America was willing to openly declare that he is a Christofascist who endorsed the actions of the January 6th insurrectionists. Now I am not naive enough to believe that judges aren't political, they all are. They are appointed by presidents who check their political loyalties before selecting them. But in the past they would at least pretend to be impartial and do their best to follow the law, even if they would twist it to suit their own political ideology.  No more. The actions of Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas should scare us all. We should have seen this coming when Alito gave his bitter, resentful, and grievance filled speech to the Federalist Society in November of 2020.  As one writer put it: " Alito's speech is marked by the sense of bitter resentment and grievance of white Christian men that runs through the whole Trumpist fascist movement."  Now, emboldened by the actions of Trump and his allies, the push for a Christofascist takeover is in full effect. Roe v. Wade was just a start. The legislature in Louisiana, for instance, just passed a bill to make abortion pills a controlled substance. Let that sink in for a minute. Soon, there will be laws banning the teachings of certain things in schools and  pushing a far-right version of Christianity down the throats of school children. Wait.. they are already doing that. I see you Texas and Florida. 

There will be more to come.  America will keep going deeper down this right-wing rabbit hole, and when we realize what we have become it will be too late. We will be living out a dystopian Handmaid's Tale, and only mega church preachers and white nationalists will be happy. It's almost here. Google Project 2025 when you get a chance, and make yourself a stiff drink before you read it, you will need one. America will need a  dictatorship style form of government and leader in order to make the new Christian white nationalist nation a reality.  And here is the shocker: almost fifty percent of the voters seem to be cool with that.   

It's scary to think that the only thing standing in the way of all this happening is a shaky 81 year old man with a woman of color on his ticket. (Nothing against Kamala, but no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room: the thought that Uncle Joe could  check out at any minute and  his successor would be a...gasp! Black woman.) Throw in the fact that I have zero confidence in the DNC and their so called campaign experts, and you see where this is going.  Project 2025 could well become a reality. 

The perfect storm is brewing.  Pack your rain gear and batten down the hatches. We are in for a rough ride. 


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are hanging in there, Mr. Field.

Before Hamas embarked on a terrorist attack and hostage mission in Israel, America was already on shaky ground with some confidence of turning the ship around domestically, while assisting NATO allies with Ukraine. That was October 2023.

Now here we are within six months of the general election, and it's beyond disheartening that outside of the 50% who will welcome a dictatorship, another segment of the electorate (if they vote at all) are okay with burning the house down, so to speak.

I greatly sympathize with folks, especially the young voters, who believe the DNC mostly interacts with urban and rural communities during major elections. Not to mention, the lingering question as to why cities run by democrats for decades seem to endure more economic and environmental hardship.

And the other reality is democracy does not pay for the ever increasing grocery, insurance, and utility bills. The artist Cardi B told her millions of followers she does not agree with the United States sending funds to assist Ukraine in fighting Russian agression. She's not alone in the belief the aid to Ukraine should have been allocated to struggling communities.

So any outreach to disengaged or disenchanted voters must avoid tone deafness, including the agony so many of us feel about the humanity crisis impacting the Palestinian people.

With a congress and senate aligned with the Biden-Harris Administration, there's already a framework to allocate economic resources to U.S. communities first, protect the border, and advocate for allies abroad.

Though a registered democrat, I don't want a U.S. without conservative perspectives or the chance to embrace other policy insights in the form of a third party option. This is why the American experiment still has so much promise. Our nation excels at talking and chewing at the same time despite multiple diverse dishes at the table.

Wishing all a safe, healthy, and joyous Memorial Day ~ Faith & Fairness

Anonymous said...

By the way, don't understand why I am unable to post under my blogger profile - Faith & Fairness. Help!

dinthebeast said...

Who could have guessed that fucking Harriet Miers would look so good in hindsight. Be careful that your realism isn't based too heavily on optimism: it not only can get worse, but probably already is worse.
Whatever America is left after the right wing war on it will be the America we not only fought for, but won the fight. That sounds scary, but it was true of the original United States of America as well, so just look at this as our turn at the defense finally coming around in earnest.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

drumpf and magats incessant taxcuts for billionaires would have been better spent aiding the least among us.

bethhawes said...

My hope is that women will turn out in force on election day and put a stop to this madness. It won't be easy to undo what has been done, but we could draw a line in the sand. Of course, like global warming, women's rights will crash under a Trump administration.

Anonymous said...

“America will need a dictatorship style form of government and leader in order to make the new Christian white nationalist nation a reality. And here is the shocker: almost fifty percent of the voters seem to be cool with that.”

This is where I don’t agree with you. It’s not almost 50% who are fascist MAGA trash that are dreaming of dictatorship. They’re a much smaller piece of the pie. But the 2016 and 2020 elections revealed a horrifying truth: There is a depressingly large number of people who have not been paying attention, so they just don’t understand the stakes. They don’t get that Trump is a threat, or that he tried to illegally undo the last election. They don’t get that Biden didn’t cause the post-COVID inflation spike, or that it is basically over.

They don’t have and real basis upon which to know how to vote because they don’t read/watch news — ANY news. It’s wrong to describe them as low-information voters — they’re ZERO information voters, and they vote based on vibes rather than facts. They’re like football spectators who don’t understand the rules of the game that is in progress in front of them, and are blindly rooting for for whichever team has the cooler logo on their helmets and looking to rest of the crowd to determine if a play might have happened so they know when to stand up and cheer.

I find myself turning into HL Mencken, the arch-cynic who once said, “No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Democracy cannot work when so much of the public is so uninformed, disengaged, and frankly politically dumb. The extremely consequential matter of selecting our nation’s leadership is reduced to nothing but a crapshoot. The fall election is going to be a nail-biter.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus was booed and heckled at the Libertarian Convention, showing that he doesn't even have the batshit crazy vote locked down.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

No Field, they will not understand it until the literally and personally feel the "wrath" from it. That is the way some human brains work. They have to experience it before they "GET IT."


1) It has been said that many of the self hating "Stepin-Fetchits" will sell
themselves out in a minute if they think it will get the slave master to love
them and give them a seat at the table.
... YES, "Divide and Conquer" still works very well.

2) Supremacy and privilege will always "trump" democracy simply because when the
constitution was written they never expected to be forced to have to share it
with non Europeans.

3) Why is anyone surprised by any of this. "You Know Who" has given them the green
light to "show their true colors."

4) One side wants slave labor and to keep millionaires and billionaires tax free.
And the other side wants votes.
At the end of the day the people will have to choose the
"lesser of the two evils."

Anonymous said...

If there was any interest in helping struggling communities then there wouldn't still be struggling communities.

It's a careful and deliberate construct that's been going on for 400 years with NO signs of changing. If anything, things are headed BACKWARDS.

"As long as "THEY" remain poor, uneducated, uninformed, inarticulate, and illiterate...they won't be able to compete and we won't lose too many of our women to them."

Anonymous said...

"If there was any interest in helping struggling communities then there wouldn't still be struggling communities."

There is loads of interest in helping struggling communities. But there is also loads of interest in NOT helping struggling communities, and the people with this mindset, who refer to themselves as "Republicans," manage to win enough elections to prevent much help from being delivered.

Anonymous said...

It is now being reported that the Alito household have flown not one, but two different insurrectionist flags. This would appear to blow to pieces the feeble excuse that Mrs. Alito didn't know the crazy MAGA symbolism of the first flag and only flew it because she was mad at a neighbor, who had allegedly called her a See You Next Tuesday. LOL.

So I'm thinking the real explanation is, I dunno, maybe, possibly that the Alitos did, in fact, believe that there was a Steal that needed to be Stopped, and that Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election? Alito actually being a Trump-worshipping, raving wackadoodle should really surprise no one. Look at the insane things he actually says in public! Look at the awful legal opinions he authors! The dude should just get it over with and start wearing his MAGA hat in court.

Flying Junior said...

Nice to hear from you Faith and Fairness. Well-considered thoughts.

Flying Junior said...

Anon at 10:13 PM

Focus brother

Biden is not evil

The people that voted for him are not afraid of an African-American VP

What is "it" that the American people will never understand?

Step'n'Fetchit. Is that how you truly choose to express yourself?

mike from iowa said...

Oops, he did it again.... Netanscrewloose bombed another refugee camp and killed at least 40 civilians. Delibertely bombing men, omen and children is something Jews in Israelo whine about all the time, especially when it is the Jews dying.

Netanscrewloose, like drumpf, is not a decent human being.

dinthebeast said...

I refuse to believe that Alito is stupid enough to believe that there was a steal that needed to be stopped. He just didn't like the resistance to the goddamn Reagan revolution that is his life's work and the impediments to its enaction, and drunk on his own power, sought to avoid such inconveniences.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

For anyone who is mad at Biden over his support for Israel as it pummels Gaza, and is somehow foolish enough to believe things couldn’t possibly be worse on this issue under a Trump presidency, I regret to inform you: Yes, absolutely they can.

Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators

dinthebeast said...

The Biden campaign needs to be shouting that from the rooftops 24/7 until his numbers with Muslims and Arab Americans stabilize. I don't care what it is, Fergus will make it worse if we let him.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"The Biden campaign needs to be shouting that from the rooftops 24/7 until his numbers with Muslims and Arab Americans stabilize. I don't care what it is, Fergus will make it worse if we let him."

I'm not sure Biden can sell this himself. "I'm not going to fix this problem, but the other guy will make it even worse" is not a great look. But this is a factual statement, so somebody should damn well be making that case.

In the short term, there isn't really any electable presidential candidate that will help Gazans, upsetting though that may be to some voters. There very much is an option to wreck the United States, however, by refusing to vote for Biden and letting Trump back in, so anyone with a conscience should avoid doing that.

Anonymous said...

Greatly appreciate you, Flying Junior👍👍 ~FAITH

Flying Junior said...


Flying Junior said...


I can't understand the cognitive dissonance of this asinine trope about the election being stolen either. Of course, nobody is that stupid. Yet it persists as a universally held belief in a certain group of people. It's mostly like a religion. People don't usually go to church to explore their agnostic tendencies. People in church expect everybody there to be open to the possibility of a higher power that they choose to call their God. But in this instance, instead of having faith in a deity that hears our prayers they place that same measure of faith in the false idol of their orange god-emperor. He was apparently sent by God, who also really, really likes Tump, to save his people from the dystopian world that has been created by the children of the 1960s cultural revolution and restore their country to its former glory before there were so many people that they can't understand. To them Tump's words are infallible. He an do no wrong. At least that's what I think is happenning. That's more or less it.

Flying Junior said...

That and the same old s*it about communism.

mike from iowa said...

Extensive investigation into dumbass dubya's failed Afghanistan war. Wonder if the end will be both sides(magats and Dems) are equally to blame?

mike from iowa said...

Former head of Mossad apparently threatened ICJ investigator over planned investigation into war crimes by Netanscrewwloose and other Israelis.

mike from iowa said...

Back to normal in drumpf fantasy land.....

Will drumpf get sued a third time for defamation of E Jean Carroll?

Anonymous said...

dodahman said...

I recall Ms Ginsburg uttering nasty things about a president, but that president was one you don't like, so you said nothing.......
Worshiping one party is as awful as worshiping one god.

Anonymous said...

Ha-ha. Trump is starting to feel the financial pain.

Trump sells off $10m jet to major megadonor as he owes millions in legal fees and judgements

Anonymous said...

So about that clever plan for the US military to circumvent Israel's spiteful blockade in order to deliver food to Gaza ...

US aid to Gaza stalls after temporary pier breaks apart in heavy seas

dinthebeast said...

Fergus hijacked their faith by appealing to their baser nature. That was his master stroke, to understand the rot at the root of evangelical Christianity.
He told them that their ignorance was noble and their bigotry was patriotic, and now they are more loyal to him than any random junkie is to their main source, because, really, where else are they going to get that kind of validation of their lives and worldviews?
Minor details like the outcomes of elections and the future of democracy are nothing compared to that for them.
And by the way, they are our real problem, not Fergus. I called it a master stroke, but it is really not beyond any run of the mill huckster with no respect for society or governing institutions.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

RFK Junior has come out in opposition to removing Confederate statues, which looks to me like he's going after the racist redneck Trump voters. The MAGA crowd are actually a good fit for RFK Junior, since a lot of them hate science, and so does he. If he does manage to pull away more of Trump's voters than Biden's, I guess I will have to thank him.

Won't change the fact that he is an idiot, though.

dinthebeast said...

Texas cheat 'em:

Texas GOP Would Lock Democrats Out of Statewide Office

May 28, 2024 at 9:55 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 224 Comments

“Republican Party of Texas delegates voted Saturday on a platform that called for new laws to require the Bible to be taught in public schools and a constitutional amendment that would require statewide elected leaders to win the popular vote in a majority of Texas counties,” the Texas Tribune reports.

“Under current voting patterns, in which Republicans routinely win in the state’s rural counties, such a requirement would effectively end Democrats’ chances of winning statewide office.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Texas GOP Would Lock Democrats Out of Statewide Office”

There is a mountain of evidence, at this point. Republicans are the anti-democracy party.

Anonymous said...

Blogger dodahman @1:06pm said,
"I recall Ms Ginsburg uttering nasty things about a president, but that president was one you don't like, so you said nothing.......
Worshiping one party is as awful as worshiping one god."


Though taking a political stance, quite a stretch characterizing the concerns espoused by the late associate justice as nasty. And nothing may not have been said in this forum because Ruth Bader Ginsburg apologized for bashing then GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

From Politifact... "Update: On July 14, 2016, Justice Ginsburg apologized for her remarks, saying they were 'ill-advised.'


mike from iowa said...

After a smidgen of investigation, it has been proven both Alitos lied about upsde down flag, when it occurred and who said naughty things to the Alitos. Typical magat behavior.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley went to Israel to do a photo-op, which involved her writing “finish them” on an Israeli bomb. Classy.

Her stand against authoritarianism, which lasted five minutes, is now over, and she is back to groveling to Trump and generally being trash.

dinthebeast said...

She was probably jealous of all the attention Kristi Noem was getting, and figured she had to out-monster her somehow. Well, mission accomplished.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...


PX said...

Anonymous said...

Damn. Trump convicted on all counts of fudging his business records.

I still feel like better attorneys could have gotten him off. But Trump doesn’t prioritize legal aptitude when choosing his attorneys, but rather willingness to sign on to his wacky conspiracy theories. (As well as hotness, in the case of Alina Habba.)

Bloviating Ignoramus said...


Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Donald J. Trump
The J stands for JAIL

Anonymous said...


How America’s news media are reporting on today’s events.

dinthebeast said...

GUILTY, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Randy Rainbow strikes again:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

It's a great day to be a socialist. All of you should go get a covid booster.

Anonymous said...

“It's a great day to be a socialist. All of you should go get a covid booster.”

Thanks, but I’ll just celebrate by burning a Trump effigy.

dinthebeast said...

RIP Marian Robinson.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Sooooo much food will be hitting the wall in the Trump household.

field negro said...

"No Field, they will not understand it until the literally and personally feel the "wrath" from it. That is the way some human brains work. They have to experience it before they "GET IT."

Sadly, you may be right. I have been listening to, and watching these right-wingnuts lose their minds since their boy was found guilty by a jury of his peers, and it's frightening. FN

field negro said...

"Thanks, but I’ll just celebrate by burning a Trump effigy."

I have lighter right here if you need one.

field negro said...

Hi F & F, checking on that blogger glitch for you.

Nice to see your post.

That goes for all of you field hands who have been hanging with me for all these years.

Nothing but love for all of you.

dinthebeast said...

Same to you, Field. This is worth a giggle:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

field negro said...

Thanks Doug. :)

mike from iowa said...

Eastern iowa, aka West Virginia, sinator and coal magnate Manchin has officially left Dem party and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of magats are us. Like rizona traitor, Cinema, he is now an extreme right wing independuhnt.

dinthebeast said...

As part of an apparent defamation settlement, the publisher of "2000 Mules" has apologized and removed the film from all of its platforms. There was money involved, also.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PX said...

So many questions, if he wins can he pass a background check for a secret clearance, will he have to stay at the WH wearing an ankle bracelet, will he get swole and wear cornrows, will Melania touch the glass as they talk, who will his parole officer be???

Anonymous said...

“As part of an apparent defamation settlement, the publisher of ‘2000 Mules’ has apologized and removed the film from all of its platforms. There was money involved, also”

Ugh, Dinesh D’Souza. Another professional slanderer. In the same league with James O’Keefe.

I’m a pretty strong advocate of free speech rights, but our country’s high tolerance for defamatory speech goes way beyond what should be allowed. It shouldn’t be legally possible to make a career out of slimy behavior like D’Souza’s. (Not to mention, there shouldn’t be “news” media that promote such flagrant lying as D’Souza engages in, even when it’s not defamatory.)

Anonymous said...

PX, he’ll probably get nothing close to what you joke about. That’s what feels dangerous about this prosecution: It will energize his followers, but probably not send him to prison. It’s a tragedy that Trump’s minions on the Supreme Court have helped him delay the federal cases that are more likely to put him in a cell.

dinthebeast said...

One of the jurors in Fergus' recent trial told the court that his only news sources were X and Truth Social, and he still voted to convict.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

For all the handwringing about "political divisiveness," the Democrats and Republicans are actually wonderful promoters of bipartisanship.

The Democrats and Republicans are united in bipartisan support for America's arming, bankrolling, and sponsorship of the Israeli Gaza Genocide as well as its political repression of anti-genocide protestors in the USA.

It is not a coincidence that both Democrats and Republicans alike demanded that Columbia University terminate the protests of students on its campus.

And both Joe Biden and Donald Trump praised New York City (and the NYPD) for ultimately ending the student encampment at Columbia.

Or Democrat Richie Torres (D-NY) is working hand-in-hand with Republican Mike Lawler (R-NY) to push through the imposition of Orwellian "anti-Semitism monitors" on American colleges.

Meanwhile, in "blue state" California, the deployment of police against anti-genocide protestors throughout the University of California system has been executed under Democratic Party dominated cities, UC Board of Regents, state legislature, and governorship.

So Donald Trump will not be instituting fascism to the USA.

He will only continue America's fascist "democracy" that already exists--albeit in more naked form.

The Democrats are not opposed to this fascist democracy per se. They only want to disguise it in a more palatable form--as opposed to the Republicans, who are more open about their authoritarianism.

Biden’s campus crackdown: The Democratic Party bares its fangs, again

Anonymous said...

"He will only continue America's fascist 'democracy' that already exists--albeit in more naked form.

The Democrats are not opposed to this fascist democracy per se. They only want to disguise it in a more palatable form--as opposed to the Republicans, who are more open about their authoritarianism."

Nice try, but the imperfect form of democracy we have right now isn't some subtle difference from what Republicans want and are working towards, which is ZERO democracy.

If you don't like the Democrats' stance on Israel, you can work through activism and the party system to change it. There is already a sizeable number of left-wing Democrats in Congress who oppose unconditional support for Israel; more can be added, if you can build public support for this.

Under a future Republican dictatorship, you won't be able to organize or vote to change anything. Violent revolution will be the only future option to alter government policy.

dinthebeast said...

Conflicting reports today as to whether Israel will accept Biden's three point plan to end the war in Gaza. One says that the plan was a pressure move to exploit Benny Gantz's deadline for an exit plan, and another says that Netanyahu will never back down, despite assurances from his top aides that he will accept what they term as a "bad deal."
Not ready to believe any of it quite yet, but it does seem promising.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

It’s hard for me to believe that anything will motivate Netanyahu to stop, other than the US taking away his weapons supply. If he voluntarily stops pursuing Hamas, his farthest-right coalition partners will pull out of his coalition, and then he is cooked. An election will be held, Netanyahu will lose, and then he will go to prison for prior corruption offenses.

I don’t have a crystal ball, though, so we shall see what happens.

Flying Junior said...

It's a nice plan. But it still doesn't include statehood for Palestine.

Anonymous said...

“It's a nice plan. But it still doesn't include statehood for Palestine.”

A plan for Palestinian statehood is a fantasy anyway, in the near term. Both because getting to a Palestinian state will require extensive negotiations, and because it will require a change of Israeli leadership. This will never, ever happen with Netanyahu in charge.

A ceasefire, or at least a change of Israeli military strategy (i.e., make an effort not to bomb civilians or starve them to death) would be a realistic starting point.

Anonymous said...

"Under a future Republican dictatorship, you won't be able to organize or vote to change anything. Violent revolution will be the only future option to alter government policy."

In case anyone thinks I was kidding, here's are the latest antics of the insane, fascistic Republican Party:

Kansas Constitution does not include a right to vote, state Supreme Court majority says

mike from iowa said...

Noar crimnal sctivity by the most hated, crooked,compromised POS ever to disgrace the White House is comng to light through ProPublica investigations.

Former aides have been given he,mty raises and other perks for testiying in drumpf's favor.

bethhawes said...

Get your hands on the May 27th issue Of Time Magazine and read the extensive interview with Trump. Gilead is only one of the horrors he and his minions plan for this country. Border walls, immigration detention camps, pulling out of NATO, and extension of his ruinous tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, are facing us. We must stop him! We must stop all Republicans!

Anonymous said...

This is depressing news. After becoming a punching bag for right-wingers over failing to stop abuse of the asylum system (even as congressional Republicans block legal reform bills intended to do just that), Biden has thrown in the towel and is trying, by executive order, to “temporarily” end the right for anyone to apply for asylum at the border.

I understand Biden wants to get re-elected, and that voters are mad that asylum abuse is happening, and that many of those voters are too dumb to understand WHY that abuse is happening and don’t even care about HOW it gets stopped. But boy, this executive order is a disaster.

For starters, it is illegal. The US has treaty obligations to grant asylum to people fleeing political persecution and war in other countries. When Trump tried the exact same thing, SCOTUS shut him down. But that was a few years ago, and since then, Trump has packed the court with lunatics who might just sign off on illegal policies, as long as they are ones that harm oppressed people and/or foreigners.

If Biden succeeds in shutting down the entire asylum process, in the name of stopping economic migration, there is a strong likelihood this will not be a temporarily change. And that will be a win for the racists.

dinthebeast said...

So now we know what the X was all about.

MTG wants to "defund" New York, doesn't realize that it's the other way around with New York funding all of her states in "real America"...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Do you folks ever think about anything outside your echo chamber?

The US is already in a "soft" world war. Sooner or later it will become "hot" and that will be bad for all of us.

Could you and your neocon friends please stop with the escalation. I see you Victoria Nuland. I think there's been enough death and war crimes.

Anonymous said...

“Could you and your neocon friends please stop with the escalation. I see you Victoria Nuland. I think there's been enough death and war crimes.”


Anonymous said...

“MTG wants to ‘defund’ New York, doesn't realize that it's the other way around with New York funding all of her states in ‘real America’...”

Defund Marjorie’s mouth.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher Election Prediction Shocks Everyone

Anonymous said...

It looks like Biden’s executive order is not as bad as originally described, but still quite bad. It wouldn’t shut down asylum applications indefinitely, only shut them down during periods when the number of applications is too high.

The massive problem with this is that if you establish this as a power that the president can use, what do you think Republican presidents will do with it? To a President Trump, the threshold for “too many” asylum seekers will be one asylum seeker.

Anonymous said...

Biden says Netanyahu is prolonging the war in Gaza for personal political gain.

Sounds about right.

dinthebeast said...

"Could you and your neocon friends please stop with the escalation."

Fergus plans to replace military leaders who won't publicly kiss his ass with MAGA loyalists if he is elected.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Where is the Epoch Times getting all of that money, anyway? (from CNBC via Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog):

The chief financial officer of conservative global news outlet The Epoch Times has been arrested and charged with leading a yearslong scheme to launder at least $67 million in illicit funds, federal prosecutors said Monday. The scheme — which involved cryptocurrency, tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and stolen personal information — fueled a massive increase in The Epoch Times’ reported annual revenue, prosecutors alleged.

-Doug i9n Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

"Where is the Epoch Times getting all of that money, anyway? (from CNBC via Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog):"

Conspiracy-theory peddler the Epoch Times is targeted at readers from the MAGA hat crowd. I wonder how many of these racist hillbillies would be upset to learn that the Epoch Times is a Chinese publication. I mean, they're a bunch of wacky Falun Gong dissidents who hate the Chinese government ... but they're still Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Didn't write anything about Trump.

Anonymous said...

Chicago couple brutally assaulted by black teens while on date, pregnant wife loses baby after attack
Chris Pandolfo
Tue, June 4, 2024 at 1:34 PM CDT·2 min read

dinthebeast said...

Today is eighty years since a major milestone in a previous attempt to kick fascist ass. Guess it's our turn now.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

Republican voters sound off on trump's conviction.

PilotX said...

Anonymous said...

Sure Doug, be sure to change your diaper first.

Anonymous said...

Totally normal party. No fascism here, guys …

Colorado GOP calls for burning of Pride flags

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


He’ll get out of prison just in time to go on trial for fraud. :-)

You know, for pocketing all the money that the clueless Trump Chumps sent him, which was supposed to be used to build a border wall that Bannon never had any power to actually build.

dinthebeast said...

He'll go to prison 11 days before Fergus' sentencing, so he won't be able to cry like a baby on his podcast over it. Let the buggery begin.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Israel went full Putin, and created social media accounts of fake American citizens to promote the war on Gaza. Why are we still allied with this country, again?

Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign on Gaza War

dinthebeast said...

"Why are we still allied with this country, again?"

Republicans. The same ones who really love them some Putin. And Jesus freaks who believe they need Israel to bring on the end of the world.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"Sure Doug, be sure to change your diaper first."

Doug isn't a trumper.

Anonymous said...

Jared has a new project:

Jared Kushner Is Building a Monument to ‘Victims’ of U.S. Military Action Against, Uh, Slobodan Milosevic

dinthebeast said...

So Alex Jones is being forced to liquidate his assets to pay the Sandy Hook families to whom he owes a billion dollars. His company is already being overseen by a trustee, so he hasn't been running it for a while.
I almost don't want to know who would buy such a company, but I'll probably find out and it will probably be just as awful as it seems like it would.
There is no shortage of filthy rich monsters in these here United States of America.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

" I almost don't want to know who would buy such a company, but I'll probably find out and it will probably be just as awful as it seems like it would."

I'm not sure it will be worth anything. The company has no product, other than Jones and his lies. And nothing would force Jones to stay on, once he no longer owns the company, so this would seem to me to be an extremely bad investment.

Maybe they will sell off the computers and office chairs, and then the court will move on to seizing Jones' personal assets.

dinthebeast said...

Excuse me, make that more than one and a half billion dollars he owes them.
Yeah, it would make no sense as a business investment, but as propaganda support, money might be found for it. Maybe Elon will want it on X...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Yeah, it would make no sense as a business investment, but as propaganda support, money might be found for it. Maybe Elon will want it on X...”

Yeah. If you just want a piece of the profits Jones makes from spewing nonsense, it would probably be cheaper to just let him go broke and then hire him as an employee once he’s financially desperate.

The only reason for blowing money on saving Jones’ company is out of principle. You know, the deeply held moral principle that people should be rewarded for defaming parents who are in mourning after their children have been murdered. That moral principle.

Flying Junior said...

We were so lucky that Trump didn't create the fascist state the first time around. Much to our benefit and relief, lo and behold! He didn't have any idea how to govern! I have often marvelled at what might have happened if he wasn't such a complete idiot.

Biden polling higher after verdict.

But Uncle Sam is stilled pissed off at the fascists. "I thought we got rid of you guys in 1945!"

Jones judgment restores my faith in the system. The rest of his miserable life. Every dollar he ever makes with his crooked, lying schemes, gone faster than he earns it. As it should be, the devil.

Flying Junior said...

I heard about Trump having to give up his guns from some right-wing kooks that were indignant.

Kick in the pants, huh?

Anonymous said...

FBI Witness Confirms in Court: No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Anonymous said...

Trumps poll numbers continue to climb, and joe bidet continues to sink!!

Anonymous said...

“FBI Witness Confirms in Court: No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop”

No tampering, but plenty of privacy-invading, on the part of the Trump cultist IT guy who trolled through files of Hunter Biden’s he wasn’t entitled to, which is what got these prosecutions going.

Also, plenty of lying about the computer’s contents, on the part of basically every Republican politician and media figure in America.

Anonymous said...

"Nice try, but the imperfect form of democracy we have right now isn't some subtle difference from what Republicans want and are working towards, which is ZERO democracy.

If you don't like the Democrats' stance on Israel, you can work through activism and the party system to change it. There is already a sizeable number of left-wing Democrats in Congress who oppose unconditional support for Israel; more can be added, if you can build public support for this.

Under a future Republican dictatorship, you won't be able to organize or vote to change anything. Violent revolution will be the only future option to alter government policy."

2:38 PM

This is the scam that the Democrats always push: We are the Lesser Evil compared to the Republicans. We are NOT Trump and NOT Republican.


The Democrats play the role of Good Cop to the Republican Bad Cop.

The Democrat game is act as political sheepdogs to shepherd grassroots progressives into supporting "left wing Democrats" or working within the Democratic Party--but only in order to politically neuter and coopt these groups.

These so-called "Left Wing" Democrats (like Bernie Sanders, the Fraud Squad, or the Progressive Caucus) are about as sincere as Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer donning kente cloth and taking a knee in the US Capitol during the 2020 protests triggered by the murder of George Floyd.

These Democrats may spout a lot of virtue signal rhetoric or gestures "opposing" American sponsorship of the Gaza Genocide, but when push comes to shove they will support Genocide Joe Biden.

This is how America operates by design: Democratic Party Gaza Genociders vs. Republican Gaza Genociders vs. “independent party” Gaza Genociders (like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)

Whomever you vote for, you get a White House war criminal.

'Biden, We Are Your Red Line,' say pro-Palestinian protesters surrounding White House

Anonymous said...

“Whomever you vote for, you get a White House war criminal.”

But only if you vote Republican do you get an actual convicted felon!

And also a potential dictator. But that’s just a minor detail, I guess.

dinthebeast said...

The Democrats still know how to govern, the goddamn Republicans gave that up years ago. If you want there to ever be a chance that things can get better, you have to vote for Democrats, policy faults and all, because to do anything else is to enable the fascist takeover of the government. This is not speculation. Read their policy platform, such as it is, "Project 2025" where they spell it all out.
Just as Fergus has enabled the maga morons to be even more out and proud bigots and imbeciles, he has enabled the very worst of the very worst in his party to try and bugger the government past anything you would want to live around, by being an easily manipulated narcissist who only cares about adulation and revenge.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

Over 30 people shot, 5 fatally, across Chicago in weekend violence
by: Courtney Spinelli

Posted: Jun 9, 2024 / 06:18 PM CDT

Updated: Jun 9, 2024 / 06:18 PM CDT

mike from iowa said...

dead Breibart and magat fbi witnessess are extremely reliable (wink wink) witnessess, by golly.

Anonymous said...

I was going to vote for Trump anyway, you don't have to convince me.

mike from iowa said...

Notice how 'Cool Joe" Biden did not interfere in any way with Hunter's trial on gun charges and even after his convicxion, Biden took the high road and never questioned the intgrity of the procssess, never impugned Judge, jurors, or any court personnel?

Anonymous said...

Yep. It's called a show trial. Both of ignorant fascist.

Flying Junior said...

He said he wouldn't pardon him

Anonymous said...

“He said he wouldn't pardon him”

It remains to be seen whether he really keeps that promise in the unlikely event Hunter receives a big prison sentence for either his gun or tax charges. It would be easy enough to pardon him (or commute his sentences) after Joe’s no longer facing re-election and would face no personal repercussions for doing so.

Particularly keeping in mind there is zero chance Hunter would have faced any of these charges if his dad weren’t president. Prosecutors wouldn’t have heard a single piece of evidence against Hunter in the first place if a Trump-fan IT guy and conservative activists hadn’t (unethically and possibly illegally) violated his privacy. If you’re his dad, you’ve got to feel at least a tiny bit guilty for your career contributing to putting him in this situation, though not for the fact he broke the law.

Also, while Hunter’s tax evasion does constitute an act most people would find objectionable, the gun laws Hunter broke are fucking dumb, and probably shouldn’t be on the books in the first place.

mike from iowa said...

Only magats can dom show trials since they can't investigate and see a crime any magat ever committed.

anymoose, isn't it tick breediong season in moosie brains?

dinthebeast said...

From their peak in the final year of the Fergus administration:

Violent Crime Rate Falls Sharply

June 12, 2024 at 9:50 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 71 Comments

“Violent crime fell in the first quarter of 2024 by more than 15%, continuing its postpandemic decline nationwide,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Homicides and reported rapes both declined about 26% in the first three months of 2024 compared with a year earlier, data from the FBI’s quarterly uniform crime report showed. Robberies were down about 18% and aggravated assault fell by about 13%, the FBI said. Reported property crime declined about 15%.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“From their peak in the final year of the Fergus administration:

Violent Crime Rate Falls Sharply”

In reality:

The pandemic caused an inflation and crime spike, but things are nearly back to normal now.

In Republican fantasy world:


What is horrifying is the number of people who do not consume any real news, and therefore believe the idiotic propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Hey, everybody, it seems Twitter/X will now make all “likes” anonymous. No more getting cancelled when your coworkers see that you have “liked” tweets saying that George Soros is secretly importing brown people to ruin America to fulfill some inscrutable “globalist” agenda.

Gosh, I wonder why Elon would make this change …

Anonymous said...

Consumers of wingnut media will literally never hear about this:

Grocery prices fall for fourth straight month

Anonymous said...

MSNBC and Slate are not news, real or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Nor teagan slothgard.

dinthebeast said...

So no kids were around them to get slaughtered this time (via the Palm Beach Post):

A school district employee participating in armed "guardian" certification accidentally shot themselves at the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office gun range on Monday, June 10, according to the Palm Beach County School District and sheriff's office.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

A senate committee investigating Uncle Clarence's reporte/non reported luxury trips paid for by Harlan Crow has discovered three more not reported as taxable income.

twenty strikes AND IT IS About time to call UC out!

Anonymous said...

Clarence Thomas responding to questions about his numerous “gifts” from suspiciously generous donors.

dinthebeast said...

Hey Martha Ann, break out the BBQ, it's flag day!

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Slate is a good source dfor accurate news reporting and has two of the most knowlegeable Supreme Court reporters to be found anywhere.

dinthebeast said...

As a gauge of just how far down in the shitter the goddamn Republican party is at this moment in history, just try to imagine the blank looks on the faces of Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan or MTG if someone pulled a Joseph Welch on them and asked them "At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

-Doug in Sugar Pine