Wednesday, September 11, 2024

it's not so sunny in Philadelphia for the felon.

"They're eating the dogs, the cats!"
  That was the former president of the United States parroting wacko right-wing talking points in his debate with Kamala Harris last night.  As Americans, we should all be embarrassed that we allowed this man to become the leader of the free world. The fact that his cult still do not realize that the emperor has no clothes is baffling to me. I mean I get it, they are not the best and brightest that America has to offer, but surely they have eyes and ears. Surely they see what the rest of us saw last night: A lunatic ranting and screaming lie after lie, while his opponent on the debate stage  beat him like a runaway slave.  (Figuratively speaking.)

The felon was complaining about the moderators to his base, and he tried to blame his cluelessness on the moderators who fact- checked him when he went off the rails. (Killing new born babies? WTF?)  He is now threatening to pull ABC's broadcast license if he ever becomes president again. Honestly, if that debate was on Newsmax the results would have been the same. Harris was on her game, and he did not see it coming.  Blaming the refs because your jump shot stinks is not the way to go. Donald, maybe next time you should prepare for the debate instead of running around in the right-wing echo chamber and surrounding yourself with sycophants and cult members. 

Neilson is reporting that sixty seven million people watched the felon make a fool of himself last night. And even though he is crying a river about how unfair ABC was to him, he had five more minutes to talk than Vice President Harris. Sadly for him, objectively speaking, he still got his ass kicked. 

The debate was in my hometown of Philly, so I am going to use a Rocky quote to end this post: " You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life".  But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving".

The felon can't be moving that well today.  




Anonymous said...


dinthebeast said...

Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth.
She hit him in a much more sensitive spot: his ego.
He couldn't deal with it, and can't deal with it, which is and has always been disqualifying for the office of the presidency.
As Hillary said, he can be baited with a tweet.

Elena Moore
NEW: A General Services Administration spox tells NPR that as of 11 a.m. ET today there have been 306,422 visitors to referred from Taylor Swifts’s URL she shared on Instagram last night

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Aw, poor Trump. This was not like that fun debate back in June, facing off against a dude whose verbal abilities were degraded to the point he was a helpless punching bag, and with moderators who let Trump spew endless lies, completely unchecked.

In a real debate featuring a competent opponent and moderators who actually enforced the rules … surprise! He got his ass handed to him.

Flying Junior said...

Every time Trump spoke out of turn, the moderators brought his mic up.

One time he was shouting audibly with his mic turned off. They turned it on again out of a sense of fair play. I'm not sure how much more they could have done to accommodate him.

I wonder what part pissed him off the most about David Muir? Was it when he asked him twice if he wished for Ukraine to win the war and he refused to answer the question directly both times?

Trump wants the conflict to end by giving Putin Ukraine. Kamala called it.

Kamala defeated Trump hands down. Not even close. You can't blame the news outlet. Trump was out of ideas. He has "concepts" to repeal and replace the ACA. Pathetic. He kept trying to distance himself from the Project 2025. He still couldn't admit that he lost the election but doubled down to the point of being out-of-touch with reality. He claimed that the 60 election cases that were decided against him were politically motivated. He even claimed that he actually won Georgia in 2020 even though we have his voice on tape begging the Governor of Georgia to "Find 17,000 votes!" He's a demented old man who has been sinking deeper and deeper into mental illness.

Anonymous said...

“Trump wants the conflict to end by giving Putin Ukraine.”

Obviously, that is what he thinks should happen. Trump swears he will end that war, instantly, if he becomes president again. But there’s only one way he can do that: cut off all arms to Ukraine and let Russia win.

Anonymous said...

Wingnuts are now trading a conspiracy theory that Kamala Harris’ (slightly weird-looking, IMO) earrings were actually audio earpieces, and someone else was feeding her answers via the earpieces throughout the debate.

Because, see, it could not possibly be that she, a woman of color, is smart and Trump is dumb, and that’s why the debate turned out to be an epic embarrassment for Trump. They can’t accept that. She must have cheated somehow.

This seems like a whole rehash of the taunts by Sarah Palin and others about Obama “being good at reading off a teleprompter,” with the implication being that he was secretly a dolt and his party handlers were only making him appear smart by always handing him speeches crafted by other people. Obama couldn’t actually be an intelligent person because … well, you know.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Kamala Harris claimed that she and her husband owned guns. Of course they do. They’re the elites. It’s the proles like us they want disarm. They don’t want to give up their own protection! The little people should give up their guns because they don’t need guns to be the left’s definition of manly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Delivers Crushing Blow to Kamala Harris in His Closing Statements

“So she just started by saying, she's going to do this, she's going to do that, she's going to do all these wonderful things. Why hasn't she done it?”

“I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban. She gave it to Afghanistan.”

“The worst president, the worst vice president in the history of our country.”

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher's Crowd Roars for Russell Brand's Relentless Truth Bombs

Anonymous said...

I asked Orthodox Jews Who They're Voting For...

Anonymous said...

Ricky Gervais DESTROYING Woke Culture..

Anonymous said...

How Did She Screw This Up? with Co-Host Megyn Kelly

Anonymous said...

“Yes, Kamala Harris claimed that she and her husband owned guns. Of course they do. They’re the elites. It’s the proles like us they want disarm.”

Really? I’ve yet to see a piece of gun control legislation that bans guns for everyone but the rich. That doesn’t exist.

Sounds like some Alex Jones conspiracy theory nonsense — right up there with “liberals turning the frogs gay.”

Anonymous said...

Matt Taibbii claims Dems have a worldwide grip on media and they all claim Harris won the debate.

Anonymous said...

Trump says he won’t do any more debates because Harris spanked him so badly at the last one, and he has to go off and have a cry now.

Flying Junior said...

Is this satire?

Flying Junior said...

I can't stand that English wussy

Anonymous said...

While I have to give at least some credit to the small number of traditional Republicans who have openly opposed Trump, particularly those like Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger who have trashed their careers by doing so, I am having a little trouble with the most recent one.

Alberto Gonzalez has endorsed Kamala Harris because, apparently, Trump is a “serious threat to the rule of law.” Which, I mean, wow, the irony meter just broke.

NOW you care about the rule of law, dude?

field negro said...

67 million eyes on you making an absolute fool of yourself has to hurt. Even for a sociopath like trump.

bethhawes said...

His refusal to participate in another debate says it all. He's scared of her.

dinthebeast said...

The thing is, Fergus didn't have a bad debate, that's just what he sounds like all the damn time. Harris brilliant move was to make damn sure he exposed himself to the country while she stood there sounding sane and presidential. And she did. She prepared, and doesn't half ass anything. She fucking takes it seriously.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Matt Taibbi is a rapist who bummed around in Russia

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Loony Loomer has gone too far for Mean Margie Green. The things Insane Clown has to put up with.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Turns out that Insane Clown is not such a ferocious puncher when his opponent punches back. Kamala has to keep on bashing Insane Clown. Especially on the economy. Polls show she won the debate by a large margin also show by a large margin that Insane Clown is still more trusted on the economy and border security. Insane Clown inherited a thriving economy from Obama and proceeded to wreck it with his billionaire tax cuts, trade wars requiring a $12B bailout for farmers, government shutdown to try to force funding for his stupid border wall, and the coup de grace his clownish pandemic response. Insane Clown inherited $400M from Papa Trump and proceeded to go bankrupt 6 times. This would have been a devastating attack line but inexplicably Kamala delivered it in the context of Insane Clown's Central Park 5 ad. Aspirational goals are all well and good but they just get blown off that she isn't providing enough detail. Insane Clown has a concept of health care and no one demands more detail. Funny how that works. Don't be one dimensional Kamala. Keep on busting Insane Clown's fat ass.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Here’s Why Trump Was Forced to Say That He Only Has ‘Concepts of a Plan’ - Krugman

Anonymous said...

Paragraphs are your friend.

Anonymous said...

What color is she?

Anonymous said...

Blacks and Latinos leaving democrat party in droves and support Trump.

Anonymous said...


dinthebeast said...

BI: Thanks for the link. Every time Fergus runs his idiot mouth about healthcare, you know he's lying. Krugman has been out in front of this the whole time. There are two ways to give everyone healthcare: the cheaper and more efficient way (that so far has proven to be politically out of reach), which is raising some taxes and having the government pay for all of it for everyone, and the other way we seem to be stuck with because the private insurance companies are very rich and powerful, mandating that the private insurers cover almost everyone and subsidizing the premiums for those who can't afford them, which is the ACA, and previously, Romneycare.
There isn't even a "concept" of another plan for Fergus to have.
It's just another lie to try and cover for his failure on the issue.
The ACA is majorly problematic, as it continues to support the profits of massive corporations, which could be used instead to provide better healthcare, but it does restrict how much they can milk the system for and it has in practice gotten millions of Americans covered. One of those Americans is me. In 2014 I had cataracts so bad that I couldn't read the top line on the eye chart from six feet. Medicare, which I have because I am disabled, pays for 80% of the costs for such surgeries, leaving me with about $2,000 to pay out of pocket. Living in California supporting two adult humans and a cat on SSDI, there was no way I was gonna come up with two grand, and if not for the ACA's expansion of Medicaid to 130% of the poverty level, it's possible (though admittedly not likely) that I could still be fucking blind right now. But definitely blind for a couple more years until my finances took a turn for the better in 2016.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

din, thank you for the posting. I've heard tons about the ACA but yours is the first first-hand account I've seen.

Anonymous said...

“There isn't even a ‘concept’ of another plan for Fergus to have.
It's just another lie to try and cover for his failure on the issue.”

The obvious point to make here is that Republicans don’t have a plan to give everyone healthcare because they don’t actually WANT everyone to have healthcare.

Their real view (that of the Republican donor class who fund and own the party, at any rate) is that if you’re poor, you deserve to be poor. Capitalism is perfect and moral, so you must have earned your lack of health insurance by being lazy or otherwise of bad character, and it is only right and proper that you should just get sick and drop dead, and not bother the “productive” citizens of this country with supporting you in any way.

But that isn’t exactly a position that polls well with voters, so they’ve instead resorted to claiming they are working on a universal healthcare that will be better than the Democrats’. Always “working on it.” When will they be done “working on it”? On the Fifth of Never.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the insane rantings of Trump and Vance, describing Springfield, Ohio, as a hellhole utterly ruined by immigrants (including Haitians that eat pets, lol) have inspired some other disturbed person or people to call in a series of bomb threats to government buildings and schools in Springfield.

Remember when presidential elections weren’t dangerous or destructive, back in ye olden days when Trump wasn’t running for president?

Anonymous said...

Republicans are running social media ads targeting users in heavily Muslim areas of Michigan, suggesting that Kamala Harris will unconditionally support Israel because she has a Jewish husband.

Stay classy, guys!

dinthebeast said...

"Their real view (that of the Republican donor class who fund and own the party, at any rate) is that if you’re poor, you deserve to be poor. Capitalism is perfect and moral, so you must have earned your lack of health insurance by being lazy or otherwise of bad character, and it is only right and proper that you should just get sick and drop dead, and not bother the “productive” citizens of this country with supporting you in any way."

But that doesn't work either. More sicker people are more expensive than keeping them healthy to begin with, even without government support. The ROI on healthcare, especially for children is bigger than any stock you could luck into buying.
For instance, had I had health insurance in 2008, I likely would have had my high blood pressure diagnosed, and avoided the stroke and resulting disability entirely with one cheap generic pill daily. Even setting aside the sixteen years of SSDI, had I remained in the workforce, the payroll taxes and economic activity from my employment would add up.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“But that doesn't work either. More sicker people are more expensive than keeping them healthy to begin with, even without government support.”

Definitely. One thing that characterizes conservatives is that they think they are rational and practical, not emotional like those silly lefties.

But it’s the opposite. Their worldview is fantastical. It doesn’t work. An economic system that is oriented around serving the needs of the wealthiest, first and foremost, is a system that is economically inefficient and ultimately politically unstable.

Guaranteeing everyone is as healthy as possible is an investment in society that pays lots of economic and political dividends. Being so selfish that you deny others healthcare is incredibly dumb and counterproductive.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Loony Loomer gives Racist Dog Whistle a whole new meaning.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s new racist buddy Loomer says that if Kamala Harris is elected, “the White House will smell like curry.”

So that’s some … interesting criteria to use in choosing our next president.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

She is Indian.....

Anonymous said...

No shit, Sherlock. Still an offensive, juvenile thing to say.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

If Insane Clown is elected the White House will smell like Loony Loomer's rotten pussy.

Anonymous said...

2016 you say...hmm

Anonymous said...

It's strange that in California people like Doug can't use one of those blood pressure check machines. There in every grocery store right by the pharmacy. There's even a chart to let you know if your bp is high.

Anonymous said...

Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda.

Anonymous said...

LEAKED: U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver

Anonymous said...

Trump today on his lame, vanity social media network, Truth Social:



bethhawes said...

I consider anything said/written by James O'Keefe with great suspicion! He's been caught making things up out of thin air. Even his old organization got fed up with him. Not a trustworthy source.

Anonymous said...

It looks like somebody else decided to take a pop at Trump, this time at his Florida golf club. Shots were fired. An assailant with an AK-47 was apprehended.

Anonymous said...

The Israel Defense Forces admit that they probably killed three of their own hostages while attempting to bomb Hamas.

Netanyahu continues to say that the best way to get the Israeli hostages back is to defeat Hamas. It continues to not be true.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

Thats kumala....

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's alleged shooter today is identified as a deranged magat drumpf supporter.

58 y/o wasicu wastey with mental problems, previously arrested for having a fully automatic machine gun in 2002.

Anonymous said...


This fact-check was an epic failure of fact-checking. It resulted from media figures not being able to cope with such a sociopathic liar as Trump, who is really in a class of his own, as liars go.

The fact-checkers gave Trump credit for saying he didn’t mean the Nazis when he was talking about “very fine people.”

Except he did, because he said there were very fine people on both sides. And one of the two sides was comprised entirely of Nazis, so there is literally nothing else he could have meant.

Ridiculously, the fact checkers gave Trump the benefit of the doubt, as if, oh gosh, perhaps the poor guy didn’t know there were only two sides — Nazis and non-Nazis — in Charlottesville. Oh please, seriously! He knew! He deserves no such benefit of the doubt. The events in Charlottesville were well covered in the press. And Trump regularly tells outrageous lies and then “takes them back,” often within the same sentence, so he can turn around and claim his critics have misunderstood him. He has a long history of this.

So, yes, Trump said what he said. Yes, he likes Nazis. And yes, he wants their votes and support.

Anonymous said...

"drumpf's alleged shooter today is identified as a deranged magat drumpf supporter."

The son of the would-be assassin says the main motivation was Ukraine. I don't know if his father is actually ethnically Ukrainian, but he is apparently passionately in favor of Ukraine remaining independent and regaining its lost territory. And he knew that if Trump becomes president again, he'll just let Russia have Ukraine. He decided to try to prevent this by killing Trump.

Anonymous said...

You need to take your meds and lay down.

Anonymous said...

Woke is delusion

Anonymous said...

Pure delusion

Anonymous said...

Assassin is a democrat

Anonymous said...

Haitian women eating a cat in Canton Ohio

Anonymous said...

anymoose got one right...drumpf is a deranged sinner...TDS

Anonymous said...

drumpf's latest alleged assassin voted for drumpf in 2016. Democrat my ass.

Anonymous said...

“Haitian women eating a cat in Canton Ohio”

No, non-Haitian woman eating a cat in Canton, Ohio.

Nazis seized on a story about a (probably mentally ill) American citizen who is not even of Haitian descent, and somehow altered it to suggest that Haitian refugees are doing this, and on a large scale. Like “cat cuisine” is some normal part of Haitian culture.

Then Trump, Vance, and a bunch of other wingnut politicos repeated the lie, because they’re shameless racist a-holes.

dinthebeast said...

The would-be assassin's politics are actually kinda murky, having supported Republican, Democratic and independent candidates, but the fact that he is a homicidal moron with very poor taste in firearms is not in dispute.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Many who want to see the democrats win say that Kamala needs to stop all that laughing like a hyena and start looking and sounding more presidential. They say every time you see her, she has her mouth wide open a toothy grin, her tongue and all the way down her throat hanging out of her mouth and her mouth so wide ope you can see all the way down her throat.. Also she needs to stop sounding " not quite there." Which makes one a laughing stock among critics. Part of what made Condoleeza and Hilary so dynamic is not only their strong knowledge of domestic issues and foreign affairs but also their excellent verbal articulation and their ability to think on their feet and be ready to answer any questions with excellent knowledge and articulation all the time!! Questions Never caught Hillary or Condoleeza off guard.

Anonymous said...

KH should watch the interviews that Hillary and Condoleeza used to give....Super awesome.

Flying Junior said...

The way I remember it was that Trump must have been warned that he made a huge mistake. So he issued 2 or 3 similar statements in the next couple of days. That way when people tried to defend him, they could accurately quote one of the similar comments which was not quite as blatant. Not sure. Basing it on some proof offered a few years ago by one of his faithful.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is a large money laundering operation for the democrats.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

More and more African-Americans supporting Trump. Get off the democrat plantation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Hellerstein said...

Trump is disturbed by Harris's laugh. What disturbs me about Trump's laugh is that he doesn't have one.

Anonymous said...

Israel apparently found a way to somehow hack the mobile pagers used by Hezbollah members, and remotely cause their batteries to overheat and explode. Either that, or Israel somehow took possession of these devices and modified them to be remote-controllable before they were sold to Hezbollah.

I guess this is clever, as far as it goes, on the part of the Israelis. But it’s also seriously disturbing that this could happen at all. Are Americans’ electronic devices vulnerable to this sort of attack by some hostile organization or foreign government? Do we now need to worry about exploding cell phones?

A wave of exploding pagers in Lebanon and Syria kills at least 8, including members of Hezbollah

mike from iowa said...

anymoosie's alleged fact check proved nothing. This does....

Anonymous said...

Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit brought by survivors of Tulsa Race Massacre

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

woke kook

Anonymous said...

“anymoosie's alleged fact check proved nothing. This does....”

She clearly meant that the U.S. was not involved in any major wars, and are not invading or occupying any country, since we are now out of Afghanistan and Iraq. She should have chosen her words more precisely.

The U.S. is pretty much always “in combat,” since our troops are spread out across the planet, including in regions where they may be attacked.

mike from iowa said...

anymoosie's proof Harris was fact checked was some soldiers laughing at her words.

I watched it so you won't have to.

Anonymous said...

Israel’s “exploding pagers” attack is looking like yet another potential trigger for a major regional Middle East war. At least 9 dead, 400 in critical condition, 3,000 injured.

No doubt Hezbollah will take some kind of revenge on Israel.

Anonymous said...

Good news! Trump is getting into the cryptocurrency business!

Hey, our country’s most prominent scammer can’t be left out of our country’s most prominent scam. That would be wrong.

How long before Trump is indicted for dirty crypto dealings? I’m thinking it won’t be long.

Anonymous said...

Kamala is Indian not Black.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Trumpism, Stalinism and the Tariff Debate - Krugman

mike from iowa said...

You be a liar, imho!

Anonymous said...

“Are Americans’ electronic devices vulnerable to this sort of attack by some hostile organization or foreign government? Do we now need to worry about exploding cell phones?”

It looks like we don’t need to worry about this being a vulnerability in the everyday electronic devices of American civilians that could be used against us. The explosions were not just a result of, say, malware that could be transmitted over a communications network.

It appears that the pagers were physically modified by Israel in some massively complex intelligence operation. Actual explosives and remote detonation circuitry were added to them before they were sold through an intermediary to Hezbollah.

Anonymous said...

Haitian cat eaters:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Every black person in America knows she isnt black, but 100% Indian from India.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Komrade kamala want your guns:

Anonymous said...

"Fact-checked" from the marxist left means propaganda.

mike from iowa said...

Rufo is a dangerous magat nut job, culture warrior responsible for CRT lies, among other oddities.
Christopher Rufo might be the future of the Republican Party.

A journalist and activist, Rufo is largely responsible for the rise of “critical race theory” as a major concern for the GOP. He has played a crucial role in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s attempt to transform Florida’s universities, spearheading the takeover and transformation of the New College of Florida, a small liberal arts school, as proof of concept for a new right-wing model for higher education.

Rufo has managed all of this before his 40th birthday. And he wants to go bigger: In recent essays, Rufo has argued for conservatives to treat authoritarian Hungary and Richard Nixon as models for a “counterrevolution” against the left.(from Vox)

mike from iowa said...

Maga's page doesn't exist.

mike from iowa said...

just like her mentor, Uncle Clarence Tom, Aileen "Loose" Cannon doesn't abide by reporting income laws.

Anonymous said...

“A journalist and activist, Rufo is largely responsible for the rise of ‘critical race theory’ as a major concern for the GOP.”

More specifically, he is responsible for the lie that the controversial doctrine of critical race theory is being taught in public primary and secondary schools, when in fact it is overwhelmingly not. What is actually being taught in primary and secondary schools is simply that slavery and Jim Crow happened, and that racism is bad — stuff that really nobody but full-on Nazis should have any reason to object to.

He is open about the fact he has lied about this. In conservative settings, he freely admits that he pumps out false talking points to rile up the ignorant and get them to serve his agenda.

He is an extremely scummy dude.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

CNN host gets schooled:

dinthebeast said...

BI: Thanks for the link. Lies are what they sell, so of course Fergus will want his cut.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

The Federal Reserve has started cutting interest rates, because the post-pandemic inflation spike is over.

Cue a temper tantrum from Team Trump: The Federal Reserve is in the tank for Harris! Deep State! Rigged! Unfair! The economy is terrible, I swear it! Continue blaming the Democrats!

Et cetera and so on.

Anonymous said...

African Americans are rapidly being replaced by illegal aliens. The democrats have thrown black people under the bus again.

mike from iowa said...

They're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs music video.

Anonymous said...

First of all, what is all this crazy a** talk about illegal aliens from Spanish-speaking countries taking jobs from Americans. First of all, they're not taking black jobs or white jobs. America has always looked for slave labor.But slavery is no longer legal . And millions and millions of pounds of crops need to be picked , nails and feet need to be polished. Landscaping needs to be done.Hotels need to be cleaned.Houses need to be painted. Restaurants need short order cooks that will work for little to no money. For the freedom of living in wonderful u s a having fled dictator governments. They do all jobs that americans don't want and won't do!!!!
So if they stop bringing illegal aliens into the country this whole damn economy will disintegrate. REMEMBER They're taking jobs that whites never wanted and blacks don't have to do anymore because they have made strides in America, every d*** body with a brain knows that if they did not let in illegals to pick millions and millions of tons of fruits and vegetables etc...Who the hell is going to DO THE WORK? And don't say legal people with papers are going to do the work because people who come in here the legal way have papers to get regular better jobs. They're not looking to do slave because they don't have to

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

What should be making Sara Cluckabee humble is that other than being Insane Clown's mouthpiece and Papa Cluckabee was governor she is utterly unqualified.