I know I retired the "Coonie Awards", but just for the sake of this latest Obama controversy, and the "O"man's campaign, I have decided to revive the "Coonies" just one more time. Some of these noteworthy coons are folks who have relished in the Reverend Wright fiasco, and have benefited in one way or another from it. But all of these Coons have distinguished themselves by contributing to the downfall of A-mery-can politics and discourse.
1. Bill Clinton: You may have been the "first black President", but Bubba, black folks don't love you anymore. And after all the dumb shit you have been saying lately, can you blame them?
2. Geraldine Ferraro: (Yes Geri, white women can be Coons too) A Black man is lucky to be born black in A-merry-ca? You must have lost your fucking mind. And you are upset because you were lumped with Jeremiah Wright? My question to you would be why? You are more dangerous than the good Reverend. You ran for the second highest office in the land, he did not.
3. Robert Johnson: Mr. Johnson, having money doesn't shield you from being a Coon, it only makes you a rich Coon. Owning that coon acting, rump shaking, coonfest network was bad, but your comments about Barack Obama during this election cycle was over the top. Try taking some of that money of yours and buying a fucking clue.
4. Juan Williams (And all other people of color who accept invitations to appear on FAKE NEWS) Juan, I am really torn about you; but I think I am going to send you a Coonie. If only because you are on that racist propaganda network, and because I am sure that you are cashing that Rupert Murdoch check. You also represent a very troubling trend: Whenever FAKE NEWS offends black folks by doing what they do, they trot out folks like you to make A-merry-cans think that we (Black folks) co-sign with their bull shit.
5. Andrew Young: See John Lewis for how an icon from the civil rights era should behave. First Wal-Mart, and then your behavior during this election primary. My god man, get off the stage.
6. Ken Blackwell: Some folks have made the argument that this coon actually cost the dumbocrats the White House in 2004. As the Secretary of State of Ohio, he was partially responsible for some of the voting irregularities that took place there. Irregularities which benefited the rethuglicans and George Bush. That alone gets him on this list. And when I see him on television night in and night out bashing the "O" man, I have to wonder about his true motivation behind that shit.
7. Glen Beck/Sean Hannity/Bill Orielly: I support the First Amendment as much as the next person... but these clowns really make me wonder sometimes.
8. Tavis Smiley: Tavis, I tried watching your TV show the other night, but I couldn't get that green tint from my television screen. I just can't figure out if it was caused by your envy of the "O" man, or if it was due to all that corporate money you have been raking in lately.
9. DMX: Sorry, I have to give this dumb ass Negro an award. You never heard of Barack Obama, and you are proud of that shit?
10. Pat Buchanan: Every now and then you make sense, but thanks to the Obama run for President, your true colors have been showing.
Okay, now the "Coonies" are officially retired for real.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Field. Thanks!
I don't think you should retire the "coonies" because that list of award recipients is going to grow, and you'll have to keep bringing them out of retirement. Save yourself the time and energy, and if necessary, I'll help you because at CBCMonitor, we've developed a similar version known as the "Lawn Jockey Awards".
We had our first award party last September during CBC Legislative Weekend, and this year, we're throwing a get together for bloggers coming to town for this year's week-long party.
BTW, Happy Easter to you and Mrs. Field. And keep resisting O-Aid; I'm going to need help if or when Obama starts screwing up (and you KNOW what I mean)...
May I add a number 11th to the Coonies?
Racist, Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa told a radio station if Barack is elected, "al Qaeda will be dancing in the middle of the streets."
Rep. Steve King is a dangerous racist and xenophobe. He's arguably worse than Bill Cunningham because he's an elected member of the U.S. Congress.
Rep. Steve King is definitely a Coonie.
Happy Easter, everyone.
Christopher -- good call. I've hated Steve King ever since he suggested they build that electric fence along the Mexican border.
Field -- don't retire the Coonies. Between now and November 4th your arms are going to get tired from handing them out. Trust me on this.
So long as you live, the Coonies won't be retired. If you think it's ugly now, imagine if dude becomes president. Whoa! We're going to see worldwide coonery. We can put a g-ddamn exponent on the shucknjivery ...
Can I add Stephanie Tubbs Jones?
Tavis pissed me off with Henry Louis Gates. He just couldn't stop with the CRAB MENTALITY, could he?
What a waste.
Tubbs-Jones totally should have a Coon Award. She has proven herself to be a true HHH.
John Ridley needs one, for shinning and grinning on Morning Joe.
Sambo was portrayed as a loyal and contented servant. Indeed, Sambo was offered as a defense for slavery and segregation. How bad could these institutions have been, asked the racialists, if Blacks were contented, even happy, being servants? The coon, although he often worked as a servant, was not happy with his status. He was, simply, too lazy or too cynical to attempt to change his lowly position. Also, by the 1900s, Sambo was identified with older, docile Blacks who accepted Jim Crow laws and etiquette; whereas coons were increasingly identified with young, urban Blacks who disrespected Whites. Stated differently, the coon was a Sambo gone bad.
I know it's not my color
I'm feelin' mighty blue
I've had a lotta trouble
I'll tell 'em all to you
Now I'm just plain disgusted
Thru life an' that's a fact
Because my hair is wooly
An' because my color's black
Coon, coon, coon
I wish my color would fade
Coon, coon, coon
I'd like a different shade
Coon, coon, coon
Both morning, night or noon
I'd rather be a white man
Instead of bein' a coon
Yes-- please-- to Stephanie Tubbs Jones. . . .
Field, now you know we all wait with baited breath
(Hell--with popcorn and cold drinks even) for the Coonies.
Please keep 'em going . . . .
Great post, field. Every one of them deserve to be on the coonies list, especially Hit man Clinton.
On another note, props to the folks at COLOR OF CHANGE for their political statement about the brutal rape of black women and calling out the sorry NAACP for valuing the so-called "equality of justice" of rapists over black women.
Woooo---I agree John Ridley needs one! A total brown noser! He let those suckers on Morning Joe pretend he's not even there!
Okay, by popular demand, Mr. Ridley
and Ms. Jones are hereby added on to the list.
jose, sadly, I think you might be right :)
Chris, how could I have forgotten about Mr. King.
Damn, there might be a need for a coon top 100 soon.
MacDaddy, I saw that statement from COC. I think it was right on time. I think they got it right. I don't know what those clowns at the NAACP were thinking down there. Rev. Al et al were wrong on this one.
Field, in appreciation of you and everyone here who makes this place a "must visit", I created a very special web graphic for your sidebar and John McCain-related posts. It's the first thing you'll see on the page and I know you're going to love it.
I had a good laugh when I read DMX has no clue who OBAMA is.. Dude need to stop sniffin the bad weed.
Damn shame, when folks out of America have more clues who running for president.
Excellent list. I sick and tired of Bill Clinton, Pat Buchanan, and the rest of the folks at FAKE NEWS.
This blog is like what Huey from the Boondocks would write
hi there big man..
hoping you and yours had a great long weekend..
this post made me p.i.m.p..
(as i am a newbie i didn't know you had it before..)
you have to keep this roll of dis-honour coming.. it is needed more than ever now...
the coon-tastic behaviours that will be displayed over the coming months will be too hard to resist...
aawww..c'mon... pretty please..
just hearing this morning 4k troops killed has been reached.. not a holiday to remember for some eh..
I would like to nominate the CBC and most of the members that have been silent while Obama and his church have taken near border line racist incoming and they have been silent and unseen.
Can you look up that great civil rights Cong. Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel, Kedrick Meeks, so...on and on. Nothing while this propaganda has been thrown.
They have shown us that they are sellouts to the highest order and have not taken Fox, the Clintons or anyone to task about this slime being served up.
Can we please add Larry Elder to the list?
Hey All,
Glad to see somebody else talking about Dunbar Village. Those animals deserve to be in jail not set back loose in the neighborhood to terrorize other women and children. Rev Al should be on that list permanently.
I'm also wondering if you think Obama is or is not standing up for himself better. I loved the speech but his campaign seems to be a bit out of touch. He's always been the popular one, the pretty one and doesn't seem to know how to handle being outright hated on by other people. He intellectualizes - a lot - but everyone doesn't think that way. They knew the Rev Wright situation was bound to come out and they did nothing to prepare for it. He wants to run a race-blind campaign and I think his top advisors are all white and perhaps a bit too idealistic. He needs to be firm. He needs to really get it that people think he speaks well but have too many questions about who he is. And I also think white people on a whole are just clueless about Black people and why many of us are angry and/or agree with what Rev White said. And yes I really really REALLY can't stand Hillary and Bill, but they are like a dog with a bone; they are not gonna give up NO MATTER WHAT!!! Obama needs to be as tenacious as they are - without all the nastiness of course. And I am still extremely pissed that he did defend Michelle and let Bill O'Reilly get away with the lynching comment. When the MSNBC reporter talked about them pimping out Chelsea the Clintons immediately smacked them down. I want Obama to be our next President but he can't go into the General Election battered and bloodied from the nomination process.
I meant to say did NOT defend but I'm sure you got that.
I agree with each award. Oh, the black church is not taking this lightly. My church in Seattle, Mt Zion Baptist Church is lead by the legendary civil rights leader in the Seattle area Rev. Berry McKinney, this man was MLK's man in Seattle and he went to school with King.
On Easter Sunday he was pissed and threw down the gauntlet on the fools that have been "crucifying" his friend and brother Rev. Wright.
He said the people attacking Wright are the same people who are flying American Flags now, but were just flying their confederate flags just a while ago. He also said this is attack against the black church by people who don't know the black church and don't care about it.
He went off and I love him for it. He has always preached for black liberation and he said he would never stop. He said a prophet is never politically correct.
Keep your heads up people a change is coming.
OBAMA 08!!
Don't forget about Rush Limbaugh for his claim that "Obama has disowned his white half..." comment.
Cali Tejano,
OMG! Larry Elder! Friend of antigay "Dr." Laura Schlessinger!
The worst kind of GOP hack.
Can we add Al "Big Perm" Sharpton to the list for ignoring the Dunbar Village rape victims for months then coming from obscurity to champion the cause of the rapists. Also Maggie "Mammie" Williams, Billary Clinton's token black campaign manager. When will the Cooning ever end? Oh, and have you seen the news stories about Bill Richardson being called a "judas" for his endorsement of Barack? Priceless Lol, I think it was an excellent move. OBAMA/RICHARDSON ticket? Maybe...
OBAMA '08!
Chris Matthews. For that comment about Obama's speaking making his leg tingle, and most of whatever else he says.
Well, Field, based on these comments, it looks like you can't possibly even think of closing the Coonies.
There are just too many turncoats out there itching for recognition!
Yeah, I vote to keep the Coonies alive! Cause we all know, Coons aint goin nowhere.
I'm at a loss to understand why Ward Connerly doesn't have a permanent place on the Coonies list. Biggest Coon west of the Mississippi, I tell you.
As for Reverend Al, I told y'all some of these organizations have him on speed dial and a check with his name already imprinted on the face of it.
But some brothas are inherently sexist - look at the Congressional Black Caucus; when Cynthia McKinney literally was assaulted by the Capitol Hill Po-Po, not one of those brothas came to her defense.
Instead, Alcee Hastings and Mel Watt fought to be first in line to sling her under the bus. And their reception to Donna Edwards coming along to replace Al Wynn is giving me indigestion.
Some brothas don't value Black women because if they did, the outrage of what happened to those sistas would have forced the NAACP to take their tired act elsewhere.
You also need to remember that ever since the NAACP started feeding on the corporate teat, their credibility went South and stayed; never to return. They have become part of the traveling minstrel show along with Tavis Smiley.
Yeah, Yeah, I know - some chapters of the NAACP are strong and are to be commended for operation in spite of their cowardly corporate Headquarters leadership.
Yo, Christopher:
Someone needs to ask Dr. Laura about those porn pics of her that got downloaded on YouTube a couple of years back. She maintains she was in college and foolish at the time.
Can you say "Girls Gone Wild; Dr. Laura Edition?" LOL
I know you like him Field, but Shelby Steele, like Ward Connerly, should have a permanent spot on the Coonies. Like a Coonies Hall of Fame list. Steele, Connerly, and Elder.
I missed Gates on Smiley's show (because I can' stand Smiley and don't watch him). Could someone give me the short version? Did Gates join in on the Obama bashing? That would be very disappointing to hear.
I agree with Cali tejano, Please add Larry Elder to the list.
Field, you shouldnt have added the whitefolk--Blackwell & crew were enough.
I'll be in Filthydelphia tomorrow over at U Penn with author LA Banks in the late a.m. Be staying at the Loews tomorrow night. I'm watching the returns. Hillary will win Pa. but the mass fo the popular vote in general will be for Barack. And then Hillary will have to decide how much further she wishes to destroy the Democratic Party in order to seize the stinking carcass that will be left...
Now wait just a gosh darn min. Field.
I happen to like Pat Buchanan.
He is an old curmudgeon who just wants people to listen to his geriatric old ass opinions.
But he don't mean no harm...
Alls I'm saying is give PB a chance!
hey field :)
ummm i cosign with all your coonie award recipients, but i have to add my stupid mayor Kwame Kilpatrick for making the block hot with all his shenanigans.
detroit has enough problems without him causing more drama. this is going to have such a spill out. watch.
i think our mayor is going to jail.
what a sad day it is for the D.
Sorry, Grown, but your boy Pat has been hiding behind the "I'm an old man; forgive my off the wall comments about Black People" canard a lil' too long.
There's curmudgeon and there's bigotry. With Pat Buchanan, I gotta go with bigotry on this one.
The crazy old uncle in the back room at Big Mama's House only goes so far before you have to think about committing him to the Senior Citizen's home for his own good.
That doesn't excuse Pat Buchanan because he's way past being committed; he's a bigot and there's no caregivers to help him with that.
Christian Progressive Liberal,
You know what else?
The preaching, judgmental, vehemently antigay "Dr." Laura also let her dead mother dissolve into the carpet of her Beverly Hills apartment, leaving her 4 month old remains to be found by the building manager.
She's a real piece of work.
How about James Carville, who must believe that Bill Clinton is Jesus.
I've met Ken Blackwell. He and I are both sons of Cincinnati. He was a Democrat at one point and for himself first all all points. Cincinnati has three political parties at the local level and he was in fact in all three parties at various times. Mr. Blackwell is deeply misguided. Also, He is a bad person.
Mr. Blackwell does not hate himself or hate black people in a Clarence Thomas way. Beyond being for himself, he comes to right-wing views out of an anger at whites that can be found at the core of someone who sees government help as white paternalism. But he is no Marcus Garvey nationalist either--though I think he has strain of that in him.
The anger at whites can be understood from a black man who is a son of Cincinnati. Selling himself to the forces of white reaction is not impossible to grasp given where he is coming from as a self-seeker who sees all whites as bad (so who cares which ones you deal with), but none of that makes Mr. Blackwell any less of a bad person.
Sharpton is defending the attackers in the Dunbar Village case?
I am going to check the story on Electronic Village.
I second Carville getting one for his Richardson comments. These MF have lost their damn minds.
"Mr. Blackwell is deeply misguided. Also, He is a bad person." Gee Texas Liberal, somehow I am not surprised.
Buy did I leave some worthy folks off the list. I mean Ward Connerly, Larry Elder, James Carvile, I could go on and on.
We are going to need a Coon Hall of Fame for all these clowns. Ten is not enough :) BTW, I like Shelby Steele, so I excluded him. Still, I can understand how someone else would want to have him on their list.
Christ prog. You make some good points. As a man it's probably harder for me to see the sexism, but the examples you give are kind of scary.
Chris, shoot me an e-mail at fnblg@yahoo.com and leave me your number. Maybe we can hook up for some drinks at Sole after work. I work right across the street from Loews. I forgot you were a big time author :)
Chris Matthews? Hmmm bendra, I must admit that he never crossed my mind. I guess he does tend to act coonish at times.
And new black woman, I am feeling you on Rush. Damn how could I have forgotten him? He is the quintessential coon.
Oh my good god damn, that was good.
Here, have a field day with this:
New NY Governor admits cocaine, marijuana use
Somewhere a republican pundit is giddy. $5 says Paterson is O'Reilly's Pinhead on Monday.
Woozie, save your $5. I'm wondering if we should have a betting pool on what day this year Paterson has to resign. My gut feeling is he's not going to make it through the year at this rate.
Muze -- sorry about Kwame. I don't know who is giving him legal advise, but it isn't looking too good right now. If he had admitted to the affair, it would have been a dead issue. Now it may cost him his career. (sigh)
Field, you *must* find room on your sidebar and revive the Coonies. Just think: The Coonies and House Negro of the Day side by side.
Field I think Ms. Amy Holmes is up and coming.
Don't forget Star Parker and LaShawn Barber - Coonies and Handkerchief Heads.
Christopher, I remember that about Dr. Laura's mom being found in her apartment dead, and no one noticed until her body started decomposing and it smelled up that condo where she lived. Beverly Hills, to be exact.
At the time of her mom's death, Dr. Laura hadn't spoken with her in over ten years.
You can't advise people on their issues when you're carrying undealt with issues like estrangment from your mother - which made her a bogus therapist, and I also understand she doesn't even have any related degrees in psychology - but I could be wrong.
She's a hypocrite - bottom line.
And...isn't it rumored that her precious son is gay? To quote Seinfeld, "Not that there's anything wrong with that..." except her harping and gay bashing of others.
Co-signing on Amy Holmes. And, Michelle Malkin.
Oh, please do add Earl Ofari Hutchenson for his grandstand performance on MSNBC shortly after the Rev. Wright story was beginning to break as one of the first to say he would have left the church if he had heard anything like that. Oh Puleeze, if he has never heard that, then he has never been to a black church. Not a real one, with black people and a black preacher, or at least Fr. Flagger.
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