Tonight I will be writing about the number 405 in the state of Texas, and it is not one of the Ranger's batting average, or a freeway that loops around Houston. Nope, the number 405 represents the 405th human being to be put to death by the Texas state killing machine working out of Huntsville and various back woods towns.
This number 405, Michael Wayne Richard, was a little special, because he could have lived another year (and possibly more) here on planet earth. Unfortunately for Mr. Richard, the republican judge (gee, there is a surprise)overseeing things that day, had to rush home to get her plumbing fixed. The good judge insisted that the court room doors be closed at FIVE even though a man's like could have been saved if she kept the courthouse open a little longer so that the man's appeal could be heard.
"SAN ANTONIO - As lawyers frantically tried to file the last-minute appeal that could have halted the execution of a death row inmate, the Texas judge who oversaw the only court who could hear it was preparing to shut the doors for the day.
'We close at 5,' Judge Sharon Keller told a court staffer Sept. 25, 2007.
The appeal was never heard, and four hours later, convicted killer Michael Wayne Richard was executed."
See there Negro, that CP time stuff might have just cost you your life. Five means five in Texas!
Oh field, stop it. The basis of his lawyers appeal was later shot down when the supremes ruled that a lethal injection will do just fine to rid society of these animals. So what's the big deal?
I guess it's really not that big of a big deal if you think about it. I mean the needle seemed to work just fine for 404 killers, what's one more?Now it's the good judge who will be on trial. Fortunately for her, if she loses, she will get to stay alive. If she wins....well, it will be business as usual down in Texas.
I don't support the death penalty, period, but this--this is something else.
Regarding Troy Davis--did CT side with Scalia? I didn't catch all the info on the decision.
You know its different to some people.
You know black folks don't deserve.....
First Chances
Second Chances
The Benefit of the Doubt
The Washington Post answers your question regarding Troy Davis.
Follow this link:
Aloha from Makaii
The only news here is that the judge is actually being taken to task for this behavior. Having seen the Texas "Just-Us" system up close and personal, I can tell you things are very different there.
In other courts you might have the motto "In God We Trust" or some such. In Texas it is "Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter Here!" Even white folks get brutalized there.
The biggest problem with the justice system is impunity. Judges, cops and wealthy criminals know that they can do things because they feel like it and nothing will ever, ever, happen.
Drunk lawyer?, too bad. Sleeping lawyer?, too bad. No money, tough luck. Didn't actually commit the crime? Who cares? DNA says you are factually innocent? Livin' ain't easy when you black an greazy?
I hope this so-called judge gets taken out and is never allowed to practice law again. I also buy lottery tickets so........hope springs eternal
What the Judge did does not surprise me. What surprises me, even in Texas, is that there was/ is no redundancy.
It seems to me that there should be some sort of review prior to execution to make sure that any last minute appeals were handled properly.
The fact that she is up on ethics violations and is possibly going to be ousted as a judge is startling... and in Texas for pete's sake. Judges, like most professions are loathe to critique their own. And in Texas! I imagine that there is more that she has done that is not being talked about that has brought her to this point. She must be beyond horrible. Remember, this is the state that judges upheld another judge's decision to execute when the judge fell asleep during the trial. This is the state that judges upheld executing mentally retarded people. It is these same judges who brought charges against her. She is THAT bad!
Not sure what "405" did, but the Texas judge wasn't playin'! Remind me never to do something stupid in Texas...
thanks for the link
Ha! Malik... you and I are on the same page!
should have known. . .smh
"She must be beyond horrible. Remember, this is the state that judges upheld another judge's decision to execute when the judge fell asleep during the trial. This is the state that judges upheld executing mentally retarded people. It is these same judges who brought charges against her. She is THAT bad!"
Well Jody, they did call her Judge "Killer".
Hi Makaii, thanks for being so quick on the link draw for me.
This negro should burn in hell.[If there is such a place]
What is with negro males? They just love raping the hell out of old white women and murdering them.
Is this payback for slavery?
The judge should be given a medal.She made sure this negro will never rape and murder anymore white women .
Me along with white grandmothers across Amerkkka thank you.
Oh come of Field, Judge Killer.. I mean Keller had a legitimate reason to run home. Not only did she need her plumbing fix, but I'm sure her dogs were waiting on their dinner.
Um, what was Mr. Richard convicted for.. btw? On a side note, that too is of relevance to me personally.
It's time to declare war on Al-Craquer.
They are a clear and present danger to American security.
Googling is fundamental. Wow, when I was in grade school (just about the same year this crime happened - 1986) a similar thing happened to a classmate of mine and his older sister coming home from school.
Ya know what, the only thing in this situation that annoys me is the fact that this further proves how the justice scale is racially imbalanced.
if he or a white male had did this to a black female, they probably wasn't going to get life much less the death penalty in the first place. Moving along now.
Look at this from Wikipedia... this bitch has done this before!
"She first created controversy in 1998 when she refused a retrial for a mentally disabled man, Roy Criner, despite DNA evidence which appeared to prove his innocence."
Here in NOLA, before the flooding, we had a young AA man who cut our grass. He showed up at the door one day with a string cutter. Within a few months, he'd saved enough to buy a lawnmower. Within a year, he was renting out his equipment and overseeing the work of two other kids. His senior year in high school, his best friend died in his arms of an undiagnosed heart problem, his mom had severe financial problems, they moved, and occasionally he'd show up here, sometimes spending the night. He did not graduate from high school because he did not pass the Leap Test. He drifted for a while, though his mom and we tried to give him direction. Then, the levies broke. He ended up in Texas. He found an acquaintance from NOLA who needed a roommate and he moved in. She lent his car out without his knowledge while he was out. The car was used in a hold-up. The perp was initially described as a black man with tattoos. The description later changed to no tattoos and matched him. He was in jail from June 08, charged after a few months, and tried in June 09. There is no public defender system in Texas. The attorneys are appointed, and do little as they are paid little. My friend got 14 years to serve, and I know he is innocent. He will be 38 if he does all 14 years. I don't know what to do. I'm writing him, I have people lined up for character letters if a reduction of sentence is filed. There are groups to help those on death row, with good reason, but who helps the indigents like him? I'm sick; I'll feel this until I know he's free again. Any ideas? The paper running the article about his sentencing described him as "another Katrina refugee". Everyone who has ever met my friend says there is something special about him, he pulls people in, he is a good man. Texas is an abomination. Forgive me for ranting on your blog, but I am heartsick, every day.
Anon 10:24.... contact the Texas Civil Rights Project. They may be able to help. Where in Texas was his trial?
Ref sidebar
If Eugene Robinson had publish the info that Novak did, he would be under the jail.
One more little thing. Because I like to read every word and reference on your blog could you please fix the broken link identified by the words "you your life"
Thanks, Jody. I'll contact them. He got moved around. His mom told me during the recess she was in the hallway when the court reporter came out and she asked him, "Do you think my child is guilty?" The court reporter replied, "No. He has innocence written all over him." Years ago I worked as a secretary/gofer at a Federal public defenders' office and dealt with various court personnel. A court reporter would profess neutrality.
Anon. that's a sad story. I hope things work out for your friend. He needs someone to do a good job on the appeal. Call the people Jody told you about, I trust her J when it comes to criminal matters. She works with a good firm here in town.
Please keep us updated.
Makaii, I think I corrected that link. Check it again.
C'mon ya'll this negro deserved what he got...he MURDERED someone who was innocent...somebody's mom for chrissakes!
I'mma keep it real on this folks...there are alot of brothas that bring this shit on themselves. My daddy whipped me and my brothers azzes and we are no worst for it. None of us turned to criminality and shit like that and I grew up in a real tough hood---Compton, California during the 60s and 70s where wearing the wrong colors could get capp peeled back like a grapefruit.
Now, I do agree that the death penalty is unfairly applied in higher percentages of cases where brothas are involved but the shedding of innocent blood is unjustifiable in war and in the hood. I'm tired of negroes jumpin behind the "cause celebre" like a Tookie Williams (I remember seeing Snoop on a podium talkin' some incoherent shit about that nigga being a hero and shit...)and putting their particular immoral or criminal act in the perspective of the "oppressed" brotha by the system. I often wonder if Malcolm were alive, how would he respond in his aged-years about brothas who perpetuate the "black man as beast myth." Tookie did not only kill those innocents in that store that evening, he was the originator of color-coded murder and mayhem in LA for 40 years...and the black-on-black crime that continues to plague our communities.
I'm down for my people, my hood, my family and all that other shit but we have to realize that murder is murder is murder..PERIOD.
Only God can see what is truly in the heart of a man and he will ultimately have the FINAL say with regards to your mortal and moral acceptance.
"On 18 August 1986, in Hockley, Texas, while on parole for motor vehicle theft, Richard entered the home of Marguerite Dixon, stole two television sets, raped Dixon, fatally shot her, and then stole her van."
He doesn't disputing commiting the crimes but "question of the constitutionality of lethal injections". Oh, ok. Gee, I'm going to cry myself to sleep that this rapist/murderer didn't live another year. Funny, I don't see black folks gettin all wet eyes about everyone who didn't live another year because some dumb ass black male couldn't resist killing an innocent person who actually did positive things in this world.
Far more importantly is the fact that Texas law would have allowed the stay application to be filed with any judge of the court BUT HIS lawyers did not attempt to contact any of them.
Yup, his lawyers were dumb asses who didn't even attempt to contact another judge. But of course blaming da white woman is always the best route. Yeah, poor Michael. If only he had lived another year. He would have accomplished.... nothin. But let's not morn all those killed because Jamal needed his Couvisier because those lives don't count as much. They are lives lost to black crime. As those we are not allowed to be angry at.
hoodtruth said...
"C'mon ya'll this negro deserved what he got...he MURDERED someone who was innocent...somebody's mom for chrissakes! "
Thank you, and don't forget rape.
Shit FN, you drip of pity for this mother f-er. Unlike Troy it's not even a question of guilt. He claims he shouldn't be executed cause it hurts too much.
He's not just a murderer and a rapist but a whiner. Fuck him. And fuck black people like you who will morn a black murderer/rapist more than his victim. Esp if his victim is white. No not, just white- but NOT black. Asian and hispanic victims don't get any value from black people either.
I'd be all for the death penalty if it weren't so disproportionately applied. That's not bullshit, just the facts. Be non-White and you're statistically more likely to be sentenced to death than someone who is not White. Also, and equa-fuckingly-imporant, rich people are even less likely to be sentenced to death regardless of their color, than non-Rich people.
And my last point as to why I am seriously against the death penalty, is the deference Americans, Black or White, Rich or Poor, give to the "justice" system. I'm willing to be 99% of all of us, Black, White, Rich & Poor, believe that if the police charge someone with doing something, he must have done something. That attitude just makes a sleazy, mediocre, district attorney a successful one.
I have no answers. We have the society we deserve.
I can't say I have a single ounce of sympathy for Michael Wayne Richard, but the judge is a disaster and ought to lose her job for not staying open to accept the appeal.
Some transcript from Keller's trial which sheads some light on who really dropped the ball:
"Keller's defense is that she closed access to her court because Texas appellate rules allowed Richard’s lawyers to file late appeals with the court’s general counsel or any of its nine judges.
(Cross examination of Richard's defense lawyer Mr. Dow):
“It never occurred to you … that you ought to go try to talk to the general counsel?” Babcock asked.
Dow: “No, I wish I had.” Did you call any of the nine judges to see if they would accept Richard’s pleadings, Babcock asked. No, Dow said.
Babcock: “So as the senior lawyer on the Richard team, it’s really your responsibility, ultimately, to know how to get things filed?
Dow: “I would say yes.”
Later, Babcock got to the heart of his argument with this question: “That’s not Judge Keller’s fault that you didn’t consider the option, is it?”
No, Dow replied.
Yup, it's Dow's fault that a rapist/murderer is now dead. And we should all be heartbroken. Um yeah.
I have sympathy for all those who are on death row and have not committed the crime they have been convicted of. It is saddening to know that in Texas you are guilty until proven innocent. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I wish that your blog had more action steps because you are a leader and not just a commentator. Thanks for all that you stand for!
Houston, not only do we get the society we deserve, but, of course, the gov't. Yet, how can we get what we deerve that would be better? More equable, more fair? Richard - or ANYONE/EVERYONE on Death Row deserves the most scrutiny we can give to their case before we kill them. Otherwise, we are no better than the least ethical/moral among us. We must extend ourselves to the very end - and let's have conscensus on what that "end", that endpoint, that limit might be. If we do not, what are we, really, but sanctioned murderers? I don't know if it's true, but if this judge refused to hear this appeal because of a goddamned clock, then massive shame on her.
Sarah Deere
Anon 11:53,
Lets hope that you would get your due process, which this post was about.
LaTonya Bynum said...
I have sympathy for all those who are on death row and have not committed the crime they have been convicted of.
I guess you didn't read too far. He is not disputing his guilt. He just claims it hurts too bad to be executed. So he was not on death row for a crime he didn't commit. Your empathy is unnecessary. If black folks had as much empathy for crime victims as you do for the criminals who commit them perhaps you wouldn't be on death row so often
Hathor- he DID get due process. He was just whinning that lethal injection was too painful for him too bare. Due process my ass.
It's all about his being black.
I've never heard of any black person upset that a white person didn't get due process for a crime he admitted to committing.
Let's post some details of his crime and about his victim? Why has that been excluded from this blog?
I just looked up this case.
A mother executed cause a black male wanted to steal 2 TV sets from her.
Yup, he is a cause celebre.
A black male deserves to have multiple tv's and if it costs a good woman her life, so what? Esp is that woman is white.
If only society provided all black males with multiple tv's and a lifetime supply of cavasier she would be alive today. It is societies fault for not providing the black male with his basic needs.
I'm sorry but I'm with Hoodtruth on this. He killed someone's mother and raped her all for some material stuff that didn't belong to him in the first place.
BTW, Hoodtruth:
I used to spend the summers in Compton = W. Poplar Street. Matter of fact, when they had the Watts Riot, I was sort of stranded there longer than I intended to stay.
No, not fuck Michael Wayne Richard, mother-fuck Michael Wayne Richard.
field, would you be cryin-nin deh blues fuh Michael Wayne Richard, if he had killed-ded an elderly Negroe female? field, would you be cryin-nin deh blues fuh Michael Wayne Richard, if he had killed-ded Mamadou Makadji? field, are you willing to pay the expense of keeping a guilty Negroe such as Michael Wayne Richard, alive for another year?
Associated Press, PATERSON, N.J., is considering an Adult Negroe midnight to 7 A.M. curfew, because of Negroe gun violence; there may be a Negroe curfew in certain areas of Washington, DC already, because of Negroe gun violence.
Every week, damn near, I witness more, and even more F.O.B. (fresh off the boat) Indians, Pakistanis, West Africans, and Caribbean Negroes (like your people, field) arrived here in the US to fill high-paying IT positions. I'm talking $35 to $50 per hour on the low-end to +$85 per hour and higher.
My lamentation of course is, where are my American Negroes at? Where dhey at? Where yall be at?
field, fuck, no mother-fuck concern for punk-assed-Niggers such as Michael Wayne Richard; for soon, this society will rid itself of our gaggle of non-productive Negroes. Unfortunately, the good will be exterminated with the bad.
Mayhap, they will let you slide field, a-cause of yo' accent.
Brother Field....My people continue to work in the extremes. We continue to bring on earth children that we don;t nuture in one extreme...Then we want to offer solutions when the results of our inability/"let others take care of my babies" create situations like we have/had here. Just todsy in Norfolk, VA there was a flood. On the news we saw a whole community of my people needing help because of "me and my kids" have nowhere to go. Maintaining family structures would help as well as "self placing" a moratorium on us continuing to bring children in this world that are not adequately nutured/raised. So now we are working from the other extreme in regards to putting someone to death for his inability to make good choices. Just like you when you did not make good choices in bringing him to life. (White people- close your eyes) My people we have been in America too long to not know what going to happen when we don't take care of our boys/men. WHAT IS IT--that we are missing? (White people--open your eyes)
speak not ill of the dead
jackie moms mabley
Robert Novak is dead, good!
Michael Wayne Richard is dead, good.
OK, let's try this again: What part of me being AGAINST the death penalty do folks not understand? I don't care if Richard had killed an entire family, raped the women and children, cooked their dead bodies and ate them, I am AGAINST STATE SANCTIONED KILLINGS. PERIOD!
Having said that; if this was my mother, I would have probably tried to kill the guy myself, but it wasn't.
As someone above stated, this is also about DUE PROCESS. (Yes hmmmm, it was about due process) And it was about the death penalty possibly being ruled "cruel and unusual" punishment by the supremes. (Which, by the way, they NARROWLY ruled that it was not.) So yes, this could have gone the other way, and if it did, the idiot of a judge's actions would have been even more reprehensible.
So let's forget, for a minute, about Richard's actions, let's focus on the person whose job it is to administer justice. Sometimes folks tend to focus on the wrong things and miss the big picture.
"Yet, how can we get what we deerve that would be better? More equable, more fair? Richard - or ANYONE/EVERYONE on Death Row deserves the most scrutiny we can give to their case before we kill them. Otherwise, we are no better than the least ethical/moral among us. We must extend ourselves to the very end - and let's have conscensus on what that "end", that endpoint, that limit might be. If we do not, what are we, really, but sanctioned murderers?"
I don't "drip of pity for this m-fer". I pity the folks of texas.
"A black male deserves to have multiple tv's and if it costs a good woman her life, so what? Esp is that woman is white.
If only society provided all black males with multiple tv's and a lifetime supply of cavasier she would be alive today. It is societies fault for not providing the black male with his basic needs."
Well, at least two TV's. Need one in the living room and one in the bedroom. And she wouldn't be a "good woman" if she wasn't white, right? And you forgot the coke, we gotta have that coke to go with our Cognac.
I'm trying but I just can't get pass what he did. I think I better sit this one out and think about it for a minute or two.
How ironic that some of the folks here who are (rightfully) outraged by what this man did.... are the same that are perfectly fine with STATE SANCTIONED MURDER. And even more head spinning... is a lot of these same folk profess to be people of faith!
Which part of THOU SHALL NOT KILL do you not get?
This judge illustrates the imperfect nature of humans to engage in such a final solution and then call it "justice." We made up all these rules, and excuses and procedures to justify engaging in the very act on those who we deem their actions deserve death. And then we ( we=state sanctioned and approved)proceed to carry out murder in the most premeditated way that murder can be done. Not in the heat of the moment, not while high on drugs, not young and stupid... but sober, fully aware of the consequences of our actions, we kill.
Now, what do you think our children learn about the value for life from this exercise? And we wonder why our children don't value life...... smh!
See, sometimes livin on "Colored People's Time" has consequences...
Look, nobody likes havin to be on time, so do like we White Peoples do, set your clock 15 minutes fast...Umm whats a "Clock"??? OK, so use a friggin Sundial, or Tie Knots in a Yak's beard, or whatever they did in Africa to know when it was time to shrink some heads.....
P.S. I'm gonna keep mentioning that "Salvatore" shooting in Harlem till you mention it, you Haitian Poof...
Brother Field... I too am against the death penalty as well as all killings. History will show that in recent years too much killings have been done on people of color. Having personnally participated in the governmental sanctioned killings, I wonder why this society still encourage killing. Our children now emulate our actions and they too kill for reasons that are soo bogus. One more thing...I understand that our judicial system still has a long ways to go for equality, buttt- when you know what you are going against-- you do "all means necessary" to stay out that system. Used to demand that my children don't sell drugs, don't take what is not yours and most of all don't harm another person. I know once you get into that criminal justice system...these people don't let you go. Your misfortune is their fortune. Brother Field, the commenters are reacting to a lotm of pain and frustration of this example of another person that has brought soo senseless taking of lives and we the survivors are left with what to do to feel whole again, There will be no winners in this tragedy. Vic/prep/surv all
I've always believed that people who support the death penalty have a heck of lot more in common with the murderers than with the victims. Life is life, and no one has the right to take it from another person -- not a criminal, and not the state.
Trapped in SC said...
It's time to declare war on Al-Craquer.
They are a clear and present danger to American security.
9:48 PM
You will loose.One,you will be in the wrong.You are not trained or properly armed.Since most of you have criminal backgrounds,you cannot purchase firearms or ammunition.
Its ironic that so many people posting are against the death penalty yet are pro-abortion .
Mr.R.... so glad to know you are against the death penalty!
The Bible has never been a great moral compass. There are several passages that could be used to justify murder.
"Let the avenging of the outpoured blood of your servants be known among the nations."
Psalm 79
Here's a passage from numbers 35
"If someone pushes another from hatred, or hurls something at another, lying in wait, and death ensuesthen the one who struck the blow shall be put to death."
That big pussy should just be thankful I wasn't his executioner.
I'll bet he would have thought being knee-capped and set on fire was a WHOLE lot more painful than a lethal injection.
Judge Sharon Keller should be stripped in public, and horsewhipped, then thrown into a cell of convicted rapists.
This guy was in prison for 21 YEARS before his execution, during which time, he:
October 29, 1986 -- A Harris County Grand Jury indicted Richard for the capital murder of Marguerite Dixon.
September 4, 1987 -- A jury found Richard guilty of capital murder, and he was sentenced to death.
September 16, 1992 -- The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals reversed conviction due to faulty jury instructions.
May 15, 1995 -- Richard’s second trial began.
June 15, 1995 -- A second jury found Richard guilty of capital murder, he was sentenced to death.
June 18, 1997 -- The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed Richard’s conviction and sentence on direct appeal.
April 3, 1998 -- Richard filed his first application for writ of habeas corpus with the state trial court.
June 26, 1998 -- The U.S. Supreme Court denied Richard’s petition for writ of certiorari.
February 7, 2001 -- The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Richard’s state application for writ of habeas corpus.
February 7, 2002 -- Richard filed a federal petition for writ of habeas corpus in a Houston federal district court.
December 31, 2002 -- The Federal District Court denied Richard’s petition.
June 20, 2003 -- Richard filed a successive state application for the writ of habeas corpus.
June 27, 2003 -- The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied Richard permission to appeal his first federal petition.
March 21, 2007 -- The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Richard’s second state habeas corpus application.
March 28, 2007 -- Richard filed a motion for authorization to file a successive federal habeas corpus petition.
May 15, 2007 -- The 5th Circuit Court denied Richard’s motion for authorization to file a successive habeas petition.
June 12, 2007 -- The trial court set Richard’s execution date for Tuesday, September 25, 2007.
It was time for him to GO. PAST TIME.
History Dude..... I am not of the religious ilk and one of the reasons is because I find that book they use to be so very contradictory and confusing.... that and according to some of them I am evil and going to their hell (gay)-;
Anon 11:27.... that's silly. She should just be removed from being a judge.
APOI.... yes, you sound lovely... and what exactly differs between you and that "big pussy"?
Hey Jody....I don't rape & kill little old ladies, for one thing.
You don't believe in the death penalty? Fine. I'm OK with that.
Just so happens, I do, and I would lose a minute of sleep for putting a bullet through this piece of scum's head.
I'm not necessarily a proponent of the death penalty either; however, I believe in victim's rights first and criminal's rights dead last. In the last blog someone brought up a story about the shopkeeper who shot some people robbing his story. Look, if you point a gun in someone's face and you don't kill them- don't be surprised when they kill you. You kill someone's grandmother- don't be surprised when the state kills you. No more marches and protests for criminals; No more "no snitching" campaigns. If we want to take back the streets the messages has to be sent to criminals: We will not treat you kindly. if you victimize members of the community you will pay a very high price.
Be warned: Thread hijack coming.
RE the health care town hall madness: I saw a black man in Arizona defending the right to bear arms and casually wondered what would happen if a bunch of brothers starting showing up with semis at these meetings. Then last night on The Daily Show, it seems the brother I saw was in fact packing a semi automatic weapon and doing his best 2d Amendment song and dance. It is apparently legal in Arizona to carry a weapon as long as it is not concealed.
So was he a Tom or making a larger statement? If white people are afraid of a black man with a brain, Obama, just think what a bunch of black men toting guns would do their tender psyche. Can't you just see a group of armed black males showing up at a town halls (where it is legal to do so)? We'd get a chance to see just equitably enforced the 2d Amendment is in this country.
Karmas a bitch.
10:18 AM
Thats new testament,old school is thou shalt not murder,big difference.
West Coast Story, this is what I am hoping for. An unarmed population is a population with no rights. Our President doesn't seem to believe this because his consciousness stems from another place. But more Black men at these town hall meetings will be symbolic on many, many levels. One wonders if the self same Second Amendment supporters will support the Blacks...
Regarding the topic of this post, FN I do believe that the judge acted unprofessionally and out of turn. However, attorneys are SUPPOSED to know deadlines and local rules of court. The attorneys for this rapist and murderer dropped the ball somewhere.
And to be honest, although the death penalty is disproportionately applied to Black folks, in this case that guy is an admitted criminal, and guilty of some heinous crimes.
I won't shed a tear that he is dead and I thank my lucky stars that it wasn't my Mother he raped and killed. I cannot imagine what that ladies family is going through right now.
Lawyering can bring out serious issues with ethics. Let's face it; if the guy was guilty as sin and if he admitted it what more is there to discuss? The Constitutionality of lethal injection is a peripheral issue brought out to simply stall further.
It isn't like the appeal showed NEW compelling evidence that exonerated this dude. C'mon now.
Its funny to watch how the left has become unhinged and desperate .
Another Democrat townhall,another fake doctor stands in support of Obamacare.
Now the left is lyin' about companies pulling their ads off of Glenn Becks show.
Democrats grab your nutsacks and pass Obamacare.
Okay, I take it you were referring to me. First of all, I never said I believe in the death penalty. No man or woman should have the right to decide when any human being should live or die or have the right to take another human beings life. Let me make myself clear, I'm against murder period and I'd rather sit this one out because I'm speechless. In other words, I don't know what to say.
Mr R:
Glen Beck ads needed to pulled the air and he needs to be taken of the air period!
He better be glad it ain't a sista he would get a street whopping in front his mama.
ditto fn
no sympathy for the killer/rapist
from me either
i understand the endless contagion of the judge's blatant apathy and how that might extend to ALL of us at any moment...
as amerikkka becomes more fascist each day, equally apathetic police
are wilding increasingly on ALL citizens of ALL races/genders/classes etc...
municipal/state sanctioned executions happen most often FAR beyond formal death rows...
"It isn't like the appeal showed NEW compelling evidence that exonerated this dude."
I agree. This self admitted rapist-murderer, was simply wasting time and the tax payers money. He is no poster boy for the imbalanced justice system.
(La thinking out loud): Yes, the death penalty and the justice scales are grossly imbalanced. However, in the many cases like this, I always wonder why more black males don’t focus their outrage and disgusts towards the raping/murdering black male criminals who fuel the very racist system that would continue to affect all innocent black males. Field, I am not talking about you. I’ve been reading your blog long enough to know what you stand for.
Anony 11:27 am, you are no different from the animal that Richard was. You are a coward, and clearly upset with hypocrisy. I'll bet if it was your mother/wife/daughter you would have gladly showed the Klan what tree to hang him with.
Anony 2:34 pm, Please. I don't know who you are, but I'm sure animals like Richard were practicing on black females first and been getting away with it in the Black comm for years. Stop your damn lying.
Having said that; if this was my mother, I would have probably tried to kill the guy myself, but it wasn't."
It is that impulse "to kill the guy myself" that we need to lose.
...and no I cannot reconcile my pro abortion stance with my "no state sanctioned killing." I feel that if there was more of the one there would be less other types of killing. Major conflict though.
What's the problem? The killer was guilty. He raped and shot the woman.
Texas has the death penalty. Perhaps he should have been a good sport and only raped her. then he would still be alive.
Seems he made a very bad mistake and paid for it. Does anyone miss this clown?
"Having said that; if this was my mother, I would have probably tried to kill the guy myself, but it wasn't."
It is that impulse "to kill the guy myself" that we need to lose."
So you're the only one aloud to have an impulse. And now you want to dictate how others should control their impulse because you say you know how to control yours. But you're right, she wasn't your mother after all.
la incognita,
An impulse is NOT an action.
You're free to think and feel whatever you want. But the law puts limits on certain actions.
Pretty simple.
No_slappz, you're preaching to the wrong person.
Btw, in your comment above, to rape or to kill someone in cold-blood isn't just a mere "mistake".
la incognita,
There seems to be sympathy for the killer among some people on this site. I simply pointed out that he did a bad thing and seems to have received his just deserts.
la incognita,
There seems to be sympathy for the killer among some people on this site. I simply pointed out that he did a bad thing and seems to have received his just deserts.
wow this is a good post, it is sad really that people don't care about the lives of other she could have at least heard his case it is her job I am agaist the death penalty, but to just disregard his case for her personal reasons is beyond wrong even if she knew he was guilty she owed him that appeal
"Now it's the good judge who will be on trial. Fortunately for her, if she loses, she will get to stay alive"
For good reason. She didn't do the same thing Richard did. DUH.
Your blogs are filled with comparing things that have nothing in common in an attempt to invoke irony or claim hypocrasy. Instead what it shows is that you make up your mind very quickly and with very few facts that something is racist or that someone is being unfairly treated. Then you go on tangents to prove your point by conviently ignoring the vasts amount that facts that work against you. Don't you have something better to do then cry over this guy, such as nurture those little black kids that you complain PETA doens't do enough for?
Here's a case that deserves some sympathy and some justice and has received zero coverage from the msm.
An absolute and completely senseless case of violence against women and children.
Bad link-try here-
Michael Wayne Richard was a rapist and murderer. The procedural issues do not undo his crime.
The lesson is simple. Don't rape and kill.
I like the new avatar alicia.
How old were you in that pic?
The end justifies the means. My only quip is that it took this long to execute him.
Thanks for the comment, FN. I found out today my friend has been moved, and his mom is gathering character letters for the Pardons and Parole Board. I, too, am anti-death penalty, and believe additionally that the rule of law must be followed properly, else innocent will be unfairly convicted, evidenced by my young friend's situation. If you want, I'll keep you updated periodically on Justin's progress.
Thanks again.
Good Post Field. I too am opposed to the death penalty. The US govt or any of its subsidiaries are in no position to decide life and death it has too much blood on its hands. The death penalty is straight hypocrisy. And if I wanted to be for it they don't administer the punishment fairly. Statistically speaking, it seems reserved for the poor the alien and people of color.
Jody keep up the good fight and I am a person of faith who thinks that people of faith who support the death penalty are simply out to lunch.
[quote]The good judge insisted that the court room doors be closed at FIVE even though a man's like could have been saved if she kept the courthouse open a little longer so that the man's appeal could be heard.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
How about 25 September 2007 rather than TONIGHT as you had claimed!!!!!!
I haven't scanned the comments yet - but, Filled Negro - how many other people who TRUST YOU have failed to do the basic research to evaluate your claims?
This KILLER has his own Wikipedia page. Maybe this is what is motivating the killers in Philly?
Filled Negro - let's drop the Glen Beck protest in association with "The Color Of Change" and instead advocate against Wikipedia that NO MORE KILLERS be allowed their own page.
You game?
Next thing you know some thugs from Overbrook might start trying to put music and animation on their Wikipedia page as if it were a MySpace page.
Person Of Interest:
You win the prize. You were the only one to note that FILLED NEGRO set the others up. This KILLER was sent to "his Jesus" in 2007 instead of "tonight".
Ironically the liberal Atlanta Journal Constitution 2 years ago did a 5 part series on how the death penalty is administered in the great red state of Georgia.
They documented that, INDEED, the killer of a White person is far more likely to get fried than a killer of a Black. THEY SLIPPED UP, however, when they did a county by county breakdown of where the murders occurred.
Here is the REAL DEAL. A Black person was more likely to get killed in the progressive big cities that have renounced the death penalty. The White murder victim was more likely to get killed in rural places that "Kid" would not dare go after sundown.
Thus ironically the reason for the "discrepancy" in Georgia has more to do with LEFTIST JURIES than "bigoted prosecutors" seeking to kill Black people who have killed.
Earlier this year the "Courthouse Killer", Bryan Nichol's who GUILT WAS AS CERTAIN as "Filled Negro is a Commie" was given LIFE IN PRISON by a Fulton County jury. He killed 4 people including a Judge and a Federal Customs agent.
At some point some of you must look at the unintended consequences of your own perverted ideology as one reason for things being so disagreeable to you.
There seems to be sympathy for the killer among some people on this site.
Why would that be an assumption. The post was not about the guilt or innocence of Richard, it was about the Judge's behavior.
It seems there is little understanding of the law when people had to go to look up how bad the guy was. Was this to see if he deserved justice?
Love that Firby!!! Can we get one for CF?
Filled Negro:
"How about 25 September 2007 rather than TONIGHT as you had claimed!!!!!!
I haven't scanned the comments yet - but, Filled Negro - how many other people who TRUST YOU have failed to do the basic research to evaluate your claims?"
Ahh come again? Hey genius,I hate to let the facts get in the way of your rant, but please read the post again. Who the hell said it was tonight as in August 18, 2009? That was a direct quote taken from a newspaper report. Do you see those two little things above the words at the start and at the end of the paragrahps? They look like this: ["] That means it was a direct quote or it was taken from somewhere else. Sheesh!
Where exactly do you work again? Please let me know so that I can check my stock portfolio. If I have stock in that company it's time to sell.
POI, you might want to give that lack of reading comprehension prize the unconstructive one gave you right back to him. :)
Where is AB tonight, I feel bored. I need some laughs.
hathor, you wrote:
"Why would that be an assumption. The post was not about the guilt or innocence of Richard, it was about the Judge's behavior."
As I said, the minor matter of procedure was irrelevant in the face of the killers guilt and enormity of his crime.
It seems you believe an event occurring years after the commission of the crime somehow erases the killer's guilt.
Gender test for track star. A world-champion South African runner is tested amid concerns she may not qualify as female. (Gezzus take the wheel)
Yeah La~Incognita,great minds must think alike, I just blogged that story.
"As I said, the minor matter of procedure was irrelevant in the face of the killers guilt and enormity of his crime."
Did I read that correctly? Wow!A-merry-ca, I am afraid I wont know you in about 20 years. You will be a country without laws.
I just read that the FBI had 600 pages on Michael Jackson.
I have no problem with the death penalty. Its application is unfair. I don't think it acts as a deterrent because usually it's carried out years after the crime was committed but at its basis it's about retribution, a life for a life , which is fair.
I do think that the judge owed it to the system and to the criminal to allow all possible appeals but in this case since there was not a claim of innocence, it is difficult for me to feel any empathy.
I really have to disagree with the idea that the state executing someone is on the same moral plane as the actual murderer. Taken to that extreme, defending yourself with deadly force against someone trying to take your life makes you the same as the would be murderer.
One thing I would like to to know is it that Sharon Keller herself would have heard the appeal and decided on it?
Or would she have presided over a panel which heard the appeal?
assnons, cowards, fake abs et al:
i know u all love me
that love is NOT mutual
been busy doing what i love most:
my own blogging on bo and his "fun" vacation plans & a vogue cover model who slew cowardly cyberscum like all of you...
obama is lying about his age
u wondering about that too?
Having said that; if this was my mother, I would have probably tried to kill the guy myself, but it wasn't.
That's why they wouldn't let you be on the jury, field. Justice is one thing; vengeance is another entirely.
I agree with you in your opposition to the death penalty.
Also, I support abortion rights. From my perspective, there is no contradiction.
It seems you believe an event occurring years after the commission of the crime somehow erases the killer's guilt.
You are not even paraphrasing what I said.
1 - just behavior or treatment.
the quality of being just.
2 - the administration of the law or authority in maintaining this.
3 - a judge or magistrate."
Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th Edition
Isn't it strange that the same crowd that will defend the right for the patient on a ventilator to live forever as a vegetable is always ready to execute a convicted felon?
The State should not be in the business of killing it's citizens no matter how heinous the crime.
Judge Keller definitely should have heard the defense's argument. Hell, I'm betting 405 could have gone home with her after the hearing and fixed her plumbing. Win-win, right?
Do you believe the convicted defendant committed the crimes for which he was convicted and sentenced?
Yes? No?
Do you believe a guilty murderer earns his freedom if an error of judicial procedure occurs years after the conviction?
If the issue involved exculpatory evidence, there might be a little room for debate. But that is NOT the case.
There is a somewhat similar issue here in Brooklyn. A mother is trying to get the murder conviction of her son overturned because a juror had a slight, distant connection to the defendant.
Even though the killer was tied to the crime by a number of witnesses -- shooting at a party -- his mother wants him sprung due to this inconsequential procedural issue.
[quote]I just read that the FBI had 600 pages on Michael Jackson.[/quote]
The report on this Pirate who assaulted a 1 year old kid and shot his mother was far less than 600 pages.
I am not trying to predict outcome, the Judge would have done that if she had heard the appeal.
You think of one person, but justice is suppose to be blind. As I said in the my first response to you, that it could be you and it may not have anything to do with saving your life, but a more appropriate outcome serving justice.
Justice does not mean that the guilty go free, which seems to be what you imply.
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