Every time I start staring real hard at one of the cans of O-Aid in chez field, I stumble across a story like the following, which brings me right back to reality and makes me realize why I can't totally embrace the culture of O. Say it ain't so O man.
"A memo obtained by the Huffington Post confirms that the White House and the pharmaceutical lobby secretly agreed to precisely the sort of wide-ranging deal that both parties have been denying over the past week.
The memo, which according to a knowledgeable health care lobbyist was prepared by a person directly involved in the negotiations, lists exactly what the White House gave up, and what it got in return.
It says the White House agreed to oppose any congressional efforts to use the government's leverage to bargain for lower drug prices or import drugs from Canada -- and also agreed not to pursue Medicare rebates or shift some drugs from Medicare Part B to Medicare Part D, which would cost Big Pharma billions in reduced reimbursements." [Story here]
O man that is change only big Pharma can believe in, not me. And the shit pisses me off every time I realize that you are a politician just like the rest of those clowns in Washington. You are the lessor of many evils, to be sure, but one of them, nevertheless.
Now don't ever get it twisted, I will always defend you against shit like this. And I hate and despise your enemies more than I could ever hate or despise some of your policies. Because I know why they hate you, and by extension that is the reason they hate me as well. It has nothing to do with your policies, and it ain't the fact that I am a lawyer from Philly who likes to talk shit on the Internet.
Still, I am disappointed, but I have your back. Although, just for once, it would be nice to know that you have mine as well.
Field, consider the source. Obama is insisting he didn't make the deal. Big Pharma lobbyist is saying he did. Hmmmmm, who benefits from this "leak" without proof. I am skeptical. However, if evidence, REAL evidence comes out that he did this.... I will be right there screamin WTF. Given some of the other things he has done that is disappointing, not saying this isn't possible. Just saying, I believe a pharma lobbyist about as much as I believe Glen Beck.
Brotha Field, i hope thise isn't adding insult to injury, but Vick is coming to a hood near you! (praying for the man)
I wonder how many pigs gave their little lives, and some poor farm boy remained a virgin for a few extra months, for this great AmeriKKKan past time!?
The lesser of two evils indeed. There is no way that big business wasn't going to play both sides. So I'm not surprised or even disappointed as I know that despite the hype Obama is just a politician.
It's too bad that the 'Town HOLLERS' are just parrots otherwise we all could actually be having a very interesting debate about health-care.
Now everyone is just locked into supporting their side. So who loses, we all do. Oh well.
"The lesser of two evils indeed. There is no way that big business wasn't going to play both sides. "
I'll take a pragmatist that gets something done over an idealist that can't or won't.
But I am a little pissed that he seems to be so WILLING to give concessions to people that will only benefit from his defeat on this issue.
Michael Vick bringin' his rape boards and battery cables to Philly.This may be a smart move.Ya'll how McNabb be gettin' tired going into the 4th quarter{they just ain't makin' super negros like they use to} so Andy just put Vick in.
Is their any room in the back field for OJ??
On Obama--
Obama's not the messiah ya'll thought he was.I tried to tell ya'll.
Now we got black Obama supporters pretending to be white supremist.
Dyron Hart,a field negro,posed has a white supremist on the internet and made threats against black students.
He entered a guilty plea and faces up to 5 years in prison.
Ya'll aint gonna be happen til ya'll start a race war.
Trapped in SC said...
But I am a little pissed that he seems to be so WILLING to give concessions to people that will only benefit from his defeat on this issue.
Thats what uncle toms do.
Ya'llgot a Democrat president.
A fillibuster proof senate.
Ya'll got the numbers in Congress.
So why hasn't Obamacare been passed yet?
There is indeed a cult of Obama; it's a cult ruled by emotion and not by logic. Obama is a middle of the road Democrat, cut from the same cloth as Clinton. Though that is far from good, it could be much worse.
Worse than this story is Obama's failure to end our outrageously expensive and destructively pointless wars overseas. Coupled with a complete lack of will in confronting the massive military spending that has impoverished our social welfare. Combine all that with a disregard for American labor and it's shades of Clinton again.
Lest we forget, Barack Obama is a politician; and if we Americans haven't learned to be wary of politicians by now then shame on us all.
There are few winners in politics. Everyone seems to play both sides. No problem from me on this one. I fear this is just the beginning.
Whenever someone has a definite character trait, that trait has its negative sides as well as its positive sides.
Obama's inherent steadiness attracted me last spring. He's the coolest customer I have ever seen in a president or presidential candidate. I thought last year, and still think, that this is an enormously important and desirable thing. I'm thankful that this trait comes from the Democratic side of the fence.
That said, there are times when the man's equillibrium bugs me. His tendency to steer toward the middle frustrates me, because it allows the wingnuts to exert way, way too much influence.
If I could talk to Obama, I'd try to tell him that "balance" and "steadiness" do not mean splitting the cake down the middle. He was elected to change things, not to flip a coin.
You know I resented when folk whould refer to Clinton as the first black president even though I understood and agreed with Ms. Morrison. However, given that most blacks I know, if thay work hard to get a job, get it, they will damn well try to do what they sad they would do. Obama's need to seek concensus among all is showing that he is the product of a white American mother and a black African father and not a black American or even traditional white American - leaving Bill, in my opinion, as the first Black president. We would not have all this drama if he have just come into to office doing what he said he would do and not taken crap from any member of his own party.
I just hope Hillary still want to be president.
Lol@the knock-off ad! I bet that's Kenneth Gladney trying to make some money to pay his medical bills.
"Worse than this story is Obama's failure to end our outrageously expensive and destructively pointless wars overseas. Coupled with a complete lack of will in confronting the massive military spending that has impoverished our social welfare. Combine all that with a disregard for American labor and it's shades of Clinton again."
HD, that was profound.
mr r, I see you have jokes tonight.
"If I could talk to Obama, I'd try to tell him that "balance" and "steadiness" do not mean splitting the cake down the middle. He was elected to change things, not to flip a coin."
Grinder, that was on point as well.
"Town HOLLERS". LOL! Monie may I steal that?
Don't worrie Monie, as soon as they come up I delete them. I must have a word with google. I think they are pissed at me for not using their adsense.:)
mr. r (You still haven't earned your upper case letters yet.)
There are always a few assholes like you, the same 20,000,000 that listen to Rush Limbaugh, watch Sean Hannity, read everything Ann Coulter writes, NEVER watch any channel but FOX and thought Georgie Bush was still doing a great job when the rest of the country realized what a lame ignorant asshole he was. That same 20,000,000--who include Ku Klux Klan members, right wing militias and birdbrained grammar school dropouts who think God actually sat down and wrote the bible and then delivered it to Earth.
Truly...Actually...Really....no one gives a fuck what you think.
You are a troll, Like that fake Jill Scott pogue that posts here when no one reads her blog. Or that fucking poser intellectual who really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, needs the drop squad to pick his ass up.
I'm willing to bet you are black. Not James Evans black, Not Virgil Tibbs black, not even Ice-T black.
But Carlton Banks black.
The KKK wouldn't even hang you; you're too self loathing.
If I could have Obama's ear for a few seconds, I'd love to tell him there's nothing wrong with a little knee cappin' once in awhile to keep the other side honest. Maybe he'll learn that in the next couple of years.
Congrats on getting Vick, Field. I'm not a fan of what he did but he paid his dues and deserves another chance in Week 7... the week after the Iggles play my Raiders.
Thank you RJ, let's hope "5" holds up and we won't have to use him come crunch time.
Trapped in SC, did you have to drop such a serious smackdown on mr.r? He is our favorite wingnut mascot, be kind to him.:)
New Eagles fan here! (Already was a McNabb fan)...just saw the presser...McNabb is the perfect field mentor and Dungy is the perfect off field mentor....and Billy Martin IS THE JEDI MASTER! DAYUM! Dude said he would have Vick back in the NFL quickly and he MEANT it.
Vick's an eagle! Damn. Those philly fans are going to eat his ass alive.....until he scores a TD or pulls off a big run.
Obama's need to seek concensus among all is showing that he is the product of a white American mother and a black African father and not a black American or even traditional white American - leaving Bill, in my opinion, as the first Black president.
I might bitch about Obama being too much of a compromiser, but Clinton was much worse. If not seeking consensus is somehow a "black" trait, then Clinton was awfully light skinned.
If I could have Obama's ear for a few seconds, I'd love to tell him there's nothing wrong with a little knee cappin' once in awhile to keep the other side honest. Maybe he'll learn that in the next couple of years.
I'm hoping that maybe he's got it saved up in reserve, and some day he'll really let loose at someone or something who just about everyone wants to see cut off at the knees.
Probably too much of a fantasy ever to happen, though. It would be like, oh I don't know, expecting George W. Bush to come out of retirement and admit to America that he really was a stupid asshole all these years.
""Town HOLLERS". LOL! Monie may I steal that?"
I would be honored. :-)
Lol@google being mad at you. Yeah I hear google is vicious like that.
The average annual cost of Healthcare in the US is $6,000.
The average annual cost of Medicare is $8,000.
The average annual cost of VA healthcare is about the same.
The average annual cost of Medicaid in NY State is $12,500.
In other words, the government programs cost more than private plans.
Does anyone praise the quality of care from Medicaid? No.
I have been being nice to Mr R. I even offered him an invitation to one of those town hall meetings in South Central if they have one. If he accepts my invitation, I'm even throwing in a nice blue shirt for him to wear for the occasion. So see there, I'm being extra nice. Nice granny-->me.
I told y'all that No Child Left Behind program failed. No Slapz claims that thousands is more than billions. I guess they didn't know that less zeroes behind a number means cost less, huh? Either that or that person is joking.
Private Insurance brings cost up in the billions, because like all Corporations they have to pay their CEO's bonuses and 300 times the average worker. In the mean time, people who are ill or have no insurance are the ones that suffer.
President Obama has disappointed me more times than I care to count. However, what is the President to do when he cant get enough support from his own Party? Everyone keep acting like President Obama is really running the show. Hell no, It is Congress that rocks the cradle.
• Ronald A. Williams, Chair/ CEO, Aetna Inc., $23,045,834; $24.3 million in 2008
• H. Edward Hanway, Chair/ CEO, Cigna Corp, $30.16 million
• David B. Snow, Jr, Chair/ CEO, Medco Health, $21.76 million
• Michael B. MCallister, CEO, Humana Inc, $20.06 million
• Stephen J. Hemsley, CEO, UnitedHealth Group, $13,164,529
• Angela F. Braly, President/ CEO, Wellpoint, $9,094,771; $9.8 million in 2008
• Dale B. Wolf, CEO, Coventry Health Care, $20.86 million
• Jay M. Gellert, President/ CEO, Health Net, $16.65 million
• William C. Van Faasen, Chairman, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, $3 million plus $16.4 million in retirement benefits
• Charlie Baker, President/ CEO, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, $1.5 million
• James Roosevelt, Jr., CEO, Tufts Associated Health Plans, $1.3 million
• Raymond McCaskey, CEO, Health Care Service Corp (Blue Cross Blue Shield), $10.3 million
• Daniel P. McCartney, CEO, Healthcare Services Group, Inc, $ 1,061,513
• Daniel Loepp, CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, $1,657,555
• Todd S. Farha, CEO, WellCare Health Plans, $5,270,825
• Michael F. Neidorff, CEO, Centene Corp, $8,750,751
• Daniel Loepp, CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, $1,657,555
• Todd S. Farha, CEO, WellCare Health Plans, $5,270,825
• Michael F. Neidorff, CEO, Centene Corp, $8,750,751; $8.8 million in 2008
• James Carlson, AMERIGROUP, $5.3 million in 2008
• Richard Barasch, Universal American, $3.5 million in 2008
Here ya go Granny.
Thank you Trapped In SC
Just think how many people could have been covered with good health care with all that money.
Anonymous 12:25:
Thank you, you get it. The Congress are the ones that write the bills and vote on them. The President just signs or vetoes them. If Congress does not do their job, he cannot do his. The government works just like a business. In all businesses, if the employees under the head man don't do their job, it can cause a business to fail.
The war in Afghan, was not started by President Obama, nor was the one in Iraq. Bush let it get out of control with his no strategy thinking. Okay, so now President Obama is left with mess to clean up. The man is trying, but it's rather hard when you have people who are suppose to be on your team stabbing you in the back and helping the other team out. MSM spinning every single little detail of what goes on at the White House and whatever he attempts to do. It is even harder when "WE the People" who he told during the election he needed OUR help are not helping as much as we should, instead we're complaining. He told us he couldn't do it by himself, and he was being very open and honest.
He is up against some powerful Corporation, MSM,some of the people on his own team, and those crazier than road lizard people who want to kill him. So what do you expect to happen without the help he needs? He is not Superman or Jesus in the flesh.
The healthcare figures I provided are per-person, per-year.
Here in NY City we also spend $16,000 per-student, per-year for public school.
The Dept of Ed budget in NY City is over $16 Billion per year.
Our national healthcare costs are over $2 TRILLION per year.
If the US adopted a government-run healthcare program, the cost would immediately go over $4 TRILLION.
Meanwhile, doubling the cost would do nothing to improve the results.
You all don't believe fat meat is greasy! Obama is not doing one thing differently from what he SAID he was gonna do! None of you all have any faith or patience. Obama SAID this shit was gonna take some time. Somebody needs to have his back. I have his back.
If he said the pharmacuetical folks are lyin'---they are LYIN'. Please, somebody tell me---how has Obama disappointed you? Because he doesn't act like a typical knee-grow, talkin' smack and sayin' NOTHING?
Seriously, now---I honestly want to know how he's disappointed you. He has not done ONE THING he said he wouldn't.
It took us YEARS---YEARS---to get into this mess. Did you really think he would come in, wave his magic wand---and all the BUSHIT would go away? We are all grownups here. Let's behave like grownups, and come up with intelligent, cogent suggestions that we can email to some one of his people to get some shit done. And---let's not forget---Obama is not some fuckin' KING. We have a congress that must answer to us.
That's all.
sometime lurker from Pasadena, CA
Hey Field:
If you caught Rachel Maddow's show today you would have seen the real deal about health care.Now I'm not the President's cheerleader,but Rachel showed how Palin,Limbaugh,Gingrich and others on the right were for living wills.The Hitler posters and talking points came from Dick Armey's people They wrote Palin speech. Like Rev. Wright the only honest person in this whole deal said about the President,"he's a politician".
@MRR for More Republican Ranting: "Thats what uncle toms do."
Hey, even if President Obama turns out to be the worst president in history, I'm still not voting republican.
So stop the Tokyo Rose crap!
What's the big deal Field?
You are talking about a campaign slogan and a politician. Sure, a black politician who's the big man now, but cut him slack. He's better than the lot of them, but, again, a politician.
Think like that and your heart won't break.
WHEREAS, Healthcare Decisions Day is designed to raise public awareness of the need to plan ahead for healthcare decisions, related to end of life care and medical decision-making whenever patients are unable to speak for themselves and to encourage the specific use of advance directives to communicate these important healthcare decisions. WHEREAS, in Alaska, Alaska Statute 13.52 provides the specifics of the advance directives law and offers a model form for patient use.
A wise person wrote that . Who was it? was it Sarah Palin?Of course not, probably one of her ghost writers, but she signed it.Sarah Palin was for Death Panels before she was against it.
Shinola Black:
"Hey, even if President Obama turns out to be the worst president in history, I'm still not voting republican."
I feel ya, and even if the next and the next and the next until I leave this earth, I will never vote Republican. I don't care if they if they're offering as a packaged deal a free trip to the Carribean Islands, all expenses paid, a Convertible Mercedes with a Mustang in the trunk, Chinchilla wrapped in mink, and Denzel Washington included in the package, and y'all know how granny feels about Denzel...Anyway, saying all of that to say NO WAY NO HOW would I vote for a Republican!!!! *Sighing, inhaling, and exhaling. And giving Mr R some major and I do mean major eye rollage! Oh yeah, and craning my neck like sistahs do when they mean serious business. NOW!
I am disappointed too, but I'm with Grinder. I also want to get a little more proof because one can never be too cautious. I just hope that this isn't true or that it is severely exaggerated.
To the extent that politicians are evil, the O-man is definitely the lesser, perhaps the least of many evils. But yes, we must not forget that he IS a politician, and a Chicago one at that. There is no way he could have been elected without being one. And has there ever been a politician who did not disappoint, or piss us off at one time or another.
We are inpatient because we live vicariously through him. His campaign was our campaign. His nomination was our nomination. His election and inauguration were ours. So when he missteps, we are not happy. We were ready for a change, but he didn't promise it would be overnight. Did he not say election night that there would be times we would not agree, that there would be decisions he would make that we didn't like?
Someone said something to the effect that a minority has not arrived until it can afford to produce some idiots and knuckleheads and embarrassments without the rest of the group being blamed for it--because the one or the few represent the whole. Everyone here knows that we do not live in a post-racial society(even the O-man knows that). And the fact that his missteps carry so much weight with us confirms it. We will have arrived when those disagreements are no longer looked upon as disappointments--when the actions of the one are not the burden of the many.
Having said that, we must remember that everything he has done has been calculated. And somehow I think this is as well. The drug companies are the part of the axis of evil for healthcare costs--along with the insurance companies and inadequate quality manangement and tort reform. So they need to be dealt with and not bargained with. Quid pro quo is the sine que non of politics. Perhaps he has something up his sleeve. Perhaps when a bill comes out of committee, he will then go to work to make it something closer to what he has promised. Even if not, he will accomplish more that anyone before him has in this reform.
What president has gotten this kind of grief just six months into his first term?
Somehow I hear a word of caution..Hold on, change IS coming...Hold on, don't you worry about a thing.
My thoughts exactly Doc L, maybe he dosen't want to tangle with the drugs companies at this point. I appreciate many of the things he has done so far. But if something is not done about the cost of medicine before all is said and done, he's going to have some serious explaining to do.
The reality is that Big Health accounts for one of every six dollars in this country. Ain't no way anyone can be pure when there's that much at stake.
From Daily Kos:
by I said GOOD DAY sir
Obama: I'm willing to be a one-term president over health care and energy
Thu Aug 13, 2009 at 08:47:51 PM PDT
This is what a real leader sounds like:
Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) claims that President Obama told him "he's willing to be a one-term president if that's what it takes to get health care and energy reform," reports Radio Iowa.
Said Boswell: "The president (said), 'I'm not going to kick the can down the road.' And he said that and I said, 'Well, that's something I'm kind of used to from southern Iowa, you know. I know about kicking the can down the road.' And he said, 'No, if it makes me a one-term president, I'm going to, we're going to take it on because the country is in need of us taking this on.' I respected that very much."
That, to me, is what separates him from the Clintons: He is about what the country needs right now, not about how to triangulate the country to death just to get re-elected.
Change, and fuck the haters.
Quite frankly, I'm almost certain that this is why he has "kicked the can down the road" on prisoner abuse, Bush investigations, etc. He sure as hell doesn't need another distraction.
This is the fight of not only one presidency, but of our country's future, our country's fate.
And he's ready to go down in order to save this country and this planet in our time of need.
So forget the day-to-day chatter. He believes, and g-d damn if he doesn't have the will to succeed.
I'm so proud of him. If he really said this, then I can barely speak and hardly elaborate I'm so moved.
Some of you people are something else! Barack did not become the President by being completely Honest! he has learned how to play the White Man's game, and some of you Black Men can't wait, to get on the White man's bandwagon and begin to Persecute him, and Field is the Ring Leader as usual!
Barack has revived the Democratic Party! this was a weak, pitiful excuse for a Political Party! no Gut's, they allowed the Rep/Con win two Election's! and now people want to complain about Obama for being Smart!
How in the world can a Black Man, come on the scene and Win a Presidential election from a well known White Man? well, he was Smart that's how he won!
President Obama is trying to revive a COUNTRY! he has enemy's all over the Place! and some Black Folk's are willing to allow him to stand alone in his struggle! well NOT ME!! I will be on my Post!
I will not give up on him, he came into office day one, signing Bill's that Bush set aside! Bush should have been a disgrace to White Folk's!
I would like to know, what has he did in Six month's that is too much for White Folk's to endure? and to think he is Half White!!!
ATMYPOST, are you watching your post with your back turned to the fort? If you are, you might want to look around every now and then. ;)
Question for all Obamaholics: I agree with you about being patient after 8 miserable years under the frat boy. So exactly how much time should I give his O ness? Two years? Three? Four?
Field Negro is ANTI-GOVERNMENT the new term for white racist? Everything is so coded these days, UN-PATRIOTIC is probably coded for Black people HUH? Just trying to keep up with the times, see already tried that integration thing, they just told me to be quiet, true Field Negro Sistahs like myself have a hard time just humming and jigging
I give him 4, but it will take only 1 to really see where things are going to go.
Unfortunately the nation wasn't ready for a black president. It can barely handle white presidents so this cynicism is no surprise. However, there comes a time when we must decide whether to be free men or drones/lemmings. And if you don't want to be a drone, what are you willing to do to not be one?
Well, I sure would give President Obama more than the six months he only has been in office. Even white presidents got more time than that. President was given a whole eight years to messed up and wasn't nobody complaining, until the day he announced the economy was bad. Is it because he is black that he has perform a miracle before the year is out? Why is more expected of him than has been of any of the ex-presidents before him? Is it because he is black? Smh!
President Obama has only been in office six months and all of a sudden every one wants to write him off. Yet and still, GWB was in office messing up for a whole eight years right before everyone's eyes. No one said a word. Didn't hear a peep out of them. The day people find out about the economy (their money) that's when everyone got all huff and puff, but he shouldn't have been voted in office in the first place. His whole family wasn't nothing but thugs and that includes Barbara Bush as well on back to the grandpappy. Everybody was scared to open their mouth and complain.
President Obama gets elected and hasn't even been in office for six months, and folks want to write him off already. American is a sick society! It took eight whole years for Bush to screw America up, and y'all want to give President Obama only six months and he was suppose to have everything back like the good days.
I'm too through! That did it for me!
I guess your suggesting or trying to imply that folks join the upcoming revolution.
No thanks, if that's where you're going with that. I'm not a Benedict Arnold and I do love my country. I just despise those who are trying to destroy it with their hatred. I'm standing with the President.
I wish some of those teabaggers would come my way, because I guarantee you my name ain't Skippy!
Way to go Andy Reid, Tony Dungee(whom I'm sure had some pull) and the Eagles! Kinda' thought Rooney and my Steelers would have manned up and done the right thing...Oh well.
All of this braying and bleating from our rightwingnuts and intellectual/cognitively challenged village idiots makes me want to puke! Lighten up everyone; His O-ness has been in office less than a year. We finally have a president who has forgotten mo' sh..t than MOST a-mur-i-kkkans will ever learn; damn Field, I still believe you are better than that - give 'im a break!
Georgia Flash
Did you do a LaKeisha alert for these women? If not, spread the word because the mainstream media hasn't really given it much attention.
Exactly why I can't fully embrace him either.
To me, politicians are inherently corrupt on some level.
But this doesn't surprise me. There had to be some reason why big pharma was standing behind this Healthcare "Reform" initiative. These folks are snakes, and they don't support any initiative unless there is some sort of payoff for them.
It's going to be a winfall for all the big companies involved... especially for the insurance companies if there is no public option (and the public option has been eliminated in the Senate negotiations...and the Senate usually gets its way). The House of Representatives still has a public option in at least one of its Healthcare Bills.
Good Pick Up by the Eagles, Field...Despite our differences I think we can agree Michael Vick got a raw deal. 2 yrs for puttin a few over the hill mutts outta their misery?? Good thing I wasn't on that jury, I'd have jury nullified that like a Mo-Fo...You ever in the A-T-L drop by and we'll take in a Fal-Coons game...even let you wear my "Ron Mexico" jersey...
Granny Standing for Truth, you wrote:
"President Obama has only been in office six months and all of a sudden every one wants to write him off. Yet and still, GWB was in office messing up for a whole eight years right before everyone's eyes. No one said a word. Didn't hear a peep out of them."
Apparently you only started reading in the last six months. George Bush was abusively criticized from Day One. Part of the criticism was based on the contested outcome of the 2000 election. Part was his politics.
Critics attacked every aspect of his positions and personal life -- loudly and relentlessly.
That's life at the top -- for all presidents.
President Obama as always been a pragmatic politican. He is a moderate and not a liberal person. I believe that he will get healthcare reform done, unfortunately that does not necessarily mean an overhaul of the pharmaceutical companies. We just assumed that pharmaceutical is a part of healthcare reform and it is not. I what to learn more about the so-called deal in order to have a more informed opinion one way or another.
It is up to us to come down on politicans when are satisify with what we see, and participate in the political process. Someone made an observation of how during the presidental campaign people participated in getting candidate Obama elected, but are not mobilized concerning healthcare reform.
I'd been telling people all along it was a charade. I recall commenting on a post, shortly after the election, when you and the majority of your commentors were drinking the kool-aid. Buelahman and I were railed here that particular day. It is said that there are none so blind as those that will not see.
It shows promise that you and others are seeing more clearly.
M. Rigmaiden said...
Did you do a LaKeisha alert for these women? If not, spread the word because the mainstream media hasn't really given it much attention.
8:30 AM
Doing this does not inoculate yourself from being a self hating black person. You just realized that nobody cares if black people are missing or dead?I remember you comments about poor minorities standing on the street. If you couldn't figure the "Drop Squad" out , you can't figure anything out. BTW, you know who have it the worst minority gays. No one do anything about them when they are missing or murdered.I live in Ohio and when a pregnant white woman was missing they called the National Guard, search dogs, Helicopters and FOX.At the same time a pregnant black woman was missing.I thought you were a genius.You still think the President is a socialist, the President that just got a death threat to his kids and wife at a townhall meeting by a tea baggers.
nicki nicki tembo said...
I'd been telling people all along it was a charade. I recall commenting on a post, shortly after the election, when you and the majority of your commentors were drinking the kool-aid. Buelahman and I were railed here that particular day. It is said that there are none so blind as those that will not see.
It shows promise that you and others are seeing more clearly.
9:15 AM
Hey nikki you punk ass mother fucking bitch tell that to the Presidents wife and kids that got a death threat at a townhall by some racist punk ass tea baggeers.
Hennasplace - exactly.
Obama is no radical or even liberal really. Anyone paying attention knew he was going to go for middle of the road consensus as much as possible. That's who he is. And as much as I disagree and get pissed, it is a hell of a lot better than the far right crap we had been getting.
It is our job to push and not to abdicate our responsibilities to some elected representatives who only represent when they are forced.
At the end of the day, we are dealing with human beings. In this you play with the cards that you are dealt. I think President is an excellent politican and one of the best I have seen in years. Politics as a poly sci professor best described to me is who gets what. The reality is Pres. Obama will have to compromise to get the overall healthcare reform done or you wiil kiss it goodbye. It is complicated and yet simple at the same time. You will have to make concessions, and may not get everything you when negotiating deals. You create a win-win scenario during the process, all or nothing is not possible in something as serious as healthcare as you can walk away with nothing in the process. Ask yourself this question do you want the President to do something in the way in which Reagan did with the air traffic controllers strike where he did not negotiate fired them all, and we have a problem with safety in the air when the goal should have been about air traffic safety and probably not a good idea to take it's my way or the highway strategy. Welcome to the world of compromise.
President was given a whole eight years to messed up and wasn't nobody complaining, until the day he announced the economy was bad. Is it because he is black that he has perform a miracle before the year is out? Why is more expected of him than has been of any of the ex-presidents before him? Is it because he is black? Smh!
No offense Granny, but that is bs. Presidents before him were also expected to work miracles. It's the way people think. However, some things are unacceptable compromises: His failure on the Employee Free choice act, the ramping up of the failed Afghan war, He also vowed to reopen open negotiations on NAFTA (and now says he has no plans to do it) Perhaps the worse is his appointments of people like TIm Geithner and Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson, people who got us into this mess in the first place.
This is not a time for moderation. This country is in dire trouble and we need the political courage of an FDR, not a Bill Clinton. It's up to us to put Obama under enough pressure to carry out the will of the people; he won't do it on his own.
Some of you people are something else! Barack did not become the President by being completely Honest! he has learned how to play the White Man's game
This is such a dodge. It's not a "white man's game." To be president, you have to ride a tiger. You are president of all the people, not just some of them. The idea that there is a "white man's game" that is completely different from, what, a "black man's game?" is a comfortable fantasy that does no one any favors.
RE: Vick
hey field!
Now that he's your quarterback, you'll have to extend an invitation to him to guest blog on your ongoing series about white people and their pets!
We (and I don't mean just us folks who are darker than blue) have to stop sitting around waiting for a Messiah to lead us to the promised land. Obama can sign a bill or he can veto it, that's in his job description. We have to make sure the bill he gets is the one we want!
These clowns aren't going to these "town hall" meetings just for laughs. They are trying to terrorize our representatives into believing that we don't want health care reform or that "things are moving too fast".
I am going to be working a phone bank to try and get real people to call their representatives and tell them that we have their back if they support real health care reform or that we will be their knocking doors to help their opponent at the next election!
We need single payor basic medical insurance for all! Basically medicare for every U.S. citizen that includes dental and optical care. It will cost less than the war in Iraq did. If we can pay or borrow or whatever to get into that mess, we can afford to pay for something we actually need!
Obama is not going to save us, we have to save ourselves As the Last Poets said back in the day: Negroes[sic] crying "help me, help me"..... make your own help, you the one that need it!
If you haven't (Brother Field excluded) called, emailed or faxed your representative, then you are going to get what you deserve......Jack Shit!
field, I want to believe you're too smart for this. Don't you know Obama is just your average politician? He could care less about people, black or white. He'll be pandering to the Hispanics, who are now the largest minority in the US, to get their votes.
Pandering to a Hispanic is like offering them an extra chicken in the pot. Cheap, but it works.
This guy would have never been elected, unless he had white, rich liberals in his back & front pockets.
To potray him as some kind of "savior", just shows the gullitibity of the American "electorate", and the fact that blacks love him without any criticism just goes to show their blind allegience to hair style.
He's the House Negro extreme.....living in the White House.
BTW....prediction: Vicck gets one of his happy-ass legs boken before the 8th game.
Remember who told you so.
How the hell is the man supposed to clean up 8 year so of the U.S. crapping in it's own house in 6 months?
And like the first poster said, look at where this memo emanated.
A mix breed hispanic in Texas.
Now gimme my damn chicken someone promised!
Woo Hoo! We got the VICK! Go Eagles! Oh, this post is about Obama!(tee hee)
Vick is an Eagle, huh? Philly are some tough fans. If Vick does well, then those rabid fans in Philly will run off any and all protestors (PETA, et al).
If he does not do well, then Andy and Donovan have some explaining to do.
I am no Eagle fan, but I wish Vick well, in spite of those who wish to persecute him after he has paid his debt to society.
"paid his debt to society"
When does he pay his debt back to those dogs he let torture each other?
Supposedly those dogs will come back and eat the flesh from his bones. I guess that's when, huh?
Field, I have my post covered in all direction's, trust me I do! I see stuff going on in America that would make your head spin! what is Trying to take place in America has many many Layer's! you cannot see it with the Common eye!!!!
You only write what you are told by MSM! but I tend to search a little bit deeper!
You SEARCH to find FAULT in this President, I don't know, maybe that has to do with Slavery! it's hard to break the CYCLE of not seeing the White Man in complete POWER! this is what Black men are used too. this come's down to trust!
It has to be hard for a degree of Black men to truly put their trust in a Black President! this is out of the Norm, Black men were told they were limited! but, the President chose to challenge that concept!
It is impossible for the President to run this country in a upright manner! I wish he could, but, the NO, NO, NO, people will not allow him too! he is having a hard time because, a segment of White American's are Fearful of him!! they don't Trust him! that name alone provoke Fear! poor people!
Grinder, your comment has no merit! White's started the game of selling Human Being's for Monetary gain! so please! you do not and will never ever, have a leg to stand on, the nerve of you! your people have never ever played a fair game! and you never will!
The big money sink in health care is in private insurance, their profits and what they spend on administration to dump all of the “high cost” rate payers onto someone else or onto the uninsured. Private health insurance cannot compete with public health insurance that doesn’t have to spend so much dumping high cost patients.
The excess money in big pharma is small potatoes compared to the waste in private health insurance.
I think Obama is right to make a deal with the devil of big pharma to get single payer through, even in a small way. Big insurance is costing 10x more than big pharma. Big pharma can profit by actually making new products. Big insurance can only profit by squeezing the rate payers.
FO don't get me started Today! do I need to hear from Crazy Folk's today? No, what Vick did was Wrong, but, trust me, we have people out their doing the same thing! they just have not been caught yet!
I wonder who schooled Vick in this way of making Extra money? so you should be trying to flush out those people!
Vick has paid his debt to Society! he did his time! he is out of jail, so leave him alone! we have Human Being's Hungry in this country and you want to put Dog's first!!!
It is an affront to the American people that our policitians have been bought out by big Pharma and other big corporate lobbies.
Kid you are a stupid ass of a person and can go to hell as far as I am concerned.
Teabagger? You are one foul person and the statement just illustrates that. Get your mind out of the gutter, take your meds and get a life.
You are a fool!
1st let me start w/ the Big Clean-Up because starting with Nixon this country started adopting "get-rich-now schemes to further corporate interests for a long time. We were governed with the worst philosophy of all: "Small Government." Which means lobotomizing almost every sector of the government's abilities to assist and govern every citizen.
It also means that w/ fewer resources means that whomever we elect gets to decide what IS important. SO that meant the military industrial complex got whatever it wants at the expense of almost everything else. As a result we have:
An FDA that was continuously 'gutted' in power so we now face more and more re-calls because of some kind of violation in safety. SEC practically “married” to the people it was supposed to watch. Having problems with your mail service: they’ve put almost no money in our UPS, sold pieces of it to the private sector and now over 10,000 offices will be closing. An Educational system that’s made our students less smarter (& less safer) and our higher ed unaffordable. and NASA can’t even afford to go to the moon! This List goes on and now all the “chickens are coming home to roost.”
As for Bill Clinton he has become my LEAST Fav 5 because he talked a good game. Billy couldn't keep 'it' in his pants which ultimately compromised his presidency. Someone like Tom DeLay, I’m sure had NO problem holding an 'indiscretion' over his head in lieu of enacting various policies. Added to that were policies he implemented that most DEMS (Zell Miller notwithstanding) would've never considered: Health Care Reform gave us HMOs Don't Ask, Don't Tell (seems to me the Military needs all the qualified help it can get) Deregulation of Wall Street - he's made almost EVERY People-Most-Responsible-for-Financial-Melt-Downlist: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1877351_1877350,00.html
And he gave us the rise of "Moderate Democrats" aka Blue Dogs; albeit they’ve always had but were significantly strengthened during his tenure. Which we ALL should have expected from a white man from AK. And whole host of other "delightful" things that we're still paying for, recovering from, today.
And the old argument around States' Rights? If left up to the States we'd still have desegragation, slavery, worse nepotism than we have now, no Civil Rights Act, & since States have no $ these days that means no services for the needy in "service-rich" places like the Miss. Delta, just to name the "wonderful things" they'd happen. Of course if left up to States in the beginning to govern people we wouldn't even have a United States of America.
As for the 0-Man? I’m disappointed – NOT surprised. Politics is dirtier than a ring of prostitutes. You have to ‘pay $10 for that blow-job & I’m thinking that he’s already fighting the health care industry he probably can’t fight the Pharma industry at the same time. In fact, I KNOW this because Pharma is supposed to drop several million dollars in an ad campaign to show its “support” of Obama’s health reform.
We invested so little in our government infrastructure (military not included) and transferred by large piece-mail to the private sector that now he’s attempting to clean it up while re-building it before it blows up. Since he is just a politician I’ve never viewed him w/ rose-tinted glasses but I imagine that if folks would think about what he’s already accomplished in the short time he’s been prez, his being just another “politician” might feel less… painful.
nikki nikki tembo: i mean are you REALLY suggesting that McCain & Palin are who you want in the "driver's seat" right now? i mean...really?
n_slapz: i had an economics professor once say, "statistics don't lie - but statisticians do."
And Field is there someway to FLAG Frank's ass? It'll give him more time to prep his crystal meth lab
As for the memo, even a comment at HufPo says it looks fake, like an old typewriter, or can u choose "old typewriter" as a font? Plus, the content doesn't look like a memo, it looks more like someone reporting on what the memo said(*if real* ). Maybe there is a memo, I wouldn't be surprised, deals seem to be part of government life. Aren't a lot of pharma's based in Puerto Rico for the tax breaks they get? I thought a bunch of companies there change names on purpose so they can get the tax break.
Also, I really think that there is too much unnecessary medicine being dispensed by doctors who either invest in pharma stocks, *conflict?* or get some other perks.
My 82 year old mother takes nothing, she always careful about her weight, what she ate, and kept moving, my 87 year old uncle had diabetes, he couldn't take the insulin, believe it or not, my aunt cooked all his food from diabetic cook books and they controlled his diabetes with diet and exercise. Just saying, maybe we should start trying to take care of our own bodies, that would make a big difference too.
Kathy go to hell and take it up your ass with you.
FO said...
"paid his debt to society"
When does he pay his debt back to those dogs he let torture each other?
Supposedly those dogs will come back and eat the flesh from his bones. I guess that's when, huh?
I do not understand the psychosis of those who wish to elevate certain animals (i.e., dogs) to the same stratum as human beings.
They are dogs for crying out loud. I feel 18 months was too much time to serve in prison over some damn dogs.
To answer your stupid quasi-philosophical question, he has no debt to pay the dogs he "abused" per the law. He has paid his debt to a segment of society who find it distasteful to fight dogs, but find it in good taste to shoot a wolf, stuff and mount it on a wall-- the usual hypocrites.
I also think horse breeders have created horses whose bones break when they run in races, no one seems to care about that, or convict and throw those people in jail either.
I have seen deer shot and just left to die by hunters, no one cares, I have seen bird hunters shoot the wrong bird, no one cares, hunters kill kids and people by mistake, who seems to want to tackle those issues?
Calling the DEC police is more like calling the NRA people, its a matter of double standards again.
Anymos5:51, hey thanks, i love hot weather, and so does my ass.
M. Rigmaiden said...
It is an affront to the American people that our policitians have been bought out by big Pharma and other big corporate lobbies.
Kid you are a stupid ass of a person and can go to hell as far as I am concerned.
Teabagger? You are one foul person and the statement just illustrates that. Get your mind out of the gutter, take your meds and get a life.
You are a fool!
The deal with big Pharma , that was a lie , well we know who signs your checks don't we?Mahdisa fuck you. If there wasn't a death in the family my mother would have been at one of the republiklans staged white riots.Just because you look white , you think you are white and superior.The guy that made the threats against Michelle and the kids what do you want me to call him , a brother.They called themselves tea baggers. They only truck in their rioters to the democratic rallies, not the republicans.Their bringing guns to the President's rallies and being cheered by the right on the radio.Why did you use a K in the word Obamakare? Because you're a tom.Do you want to lynch him too?
Anonymous said... 5:51 PM
Only pussies post Anonymous.
Mahndisa as head of the Kenny Gladney fan club I know you would like this link.That's how our police roll in Ohio.
Kid, thank u, but really now, if you think that anymos 551 is a pussy, then why u not explain ,why? i said nothing to deserve that comment, but u not care either, u just part of the same old shit that make me tired.
Micheal Vick
He was schooled into the art of dog fighting? Only unless you mean he was brainwashed under duress does he deserve to get any sympathy for what he did. If he's supposedly a reasonable human being he would have known what he was being 'taught' was immoral at best.
I don't elevate animals to the level of human beings. But a true human being doesn't pit two animals against each other in a savage death match.
But now Vick gets to get back to his rock n roll lifestyle. Good for him. I feel sorry for the poor ignorant saps who idolize him.
Kid, u really are house, that make me feel sad, oh oh oh, poor me is all u spout, grow up and act like a man, you are house but u not see that, you just like to get angry and say nothing. but of course, u get support from u female friends, lol.
Yes Kid, your medication dosage ought to be checked and precisely calibrated for your specific brand of psychosis.
Like I said, you clearly sit around and watch FOX news and figure out ways to get pissed off. Why don't you channel your anger in a more positive fashion? Do you go to self help meetings? Political engagements? Write letters to local politicians as well as your Senators?
I actively write my Senators and advocate for the principles in which I believe. If you did the same, I'm sure our society would be better off.
It saddens me that you are so filled with hatred that you must concoct an alternate reality in which I look white (LOL!) and I am a self hating coon. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I'm sorry that you've been abused as a Black person in America and are salty. But you've allowed the oppressor to win by being so hateful to me. Divide and conquer is an effective strategy, unfortunately. Too bad you are so hatefilled to see this.
Differing political views are no reason to attack a person as a race traitor or anything else. You take this too far.
Given the scope of your psychiatric distortions, perhaps we ought not talk until you get it together. I'll be praying for you:)
I may not always agree with your views R. Rigmaiden, but you're right on in calling out Kid. You have not been disrespectful and we should be MUCH better at this than people like those tea-baggers or birthers!
Thanks Blackgrl#1. I went to your blog and thought it was interesting. You nasty;) heheheheh On a more serious note though, it would be nice if we could come together as humans and love despite differing views. That is where my head is at right now; reconcilliation. We won't get ahead as a society and as a race if we don't get over some of our differences.
There are some things that one simply should not dignify with a response.
I will say that past precedence has shown that the two parties rarely elevate the best candidates. I submit that the reason for that may be that most people don't do the necessary research of the candidate's policies, voting records, affiliations, financiers etc. The vast majority of folks rely on journalist or anchormen/women, some feel good emotion or blind allegiance when determining whom they'll support. And in doing so they abdicate self responsibility of seeking out from multiple sources, thereby gaining a more thorough understanding of what these politicians stand for. I'm not talking about news conferences, or television debates. I guess I was raised different, you see "frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me."
What the fuck is a rigmaiden?
You ugly white looking bitch!
Anon 8:36AM, I think that happens to be her name, and there is nothing "ugly" about her. I see a beautiful sister. And why are you calling her the "B" word? Let's
show some class, please.
If you disagree with her, argue your position, but don't call her those disrespectful names and make comments about her appearance. That's HN behavior. :(
AWW fuck her.
We as Black people have no time to entangle ourselves with cooning ass toms like her.
Fuck her and the hole she crawled out from. What a waste of air keeping this polyanna wench breathing.
Thanks for the defense. Its a damned shame that we cannot dialog and respectfully disagree. Oh well.
thank you!
i am a chicagoan who knows a lying dirty city slick stray dog like obama when i see one...
i have always known that you are a foul moron who cowardly posts using my name...
but to post as "Alicia Banks" and then dare to say "ditto" to YOURSELF???!!!!
that proves that your bona fide retardation is far more severe than i ever knew
i pity you
here is more evidence
for the birthers
The field negro post states:
"It says the White House agreed to oppose any congressional efforts to use the government's leverage to bargain for lower drug prices or import drugs from Canada..."
Import drugs from Canada?
Drugs in Canada are drugs made by US pharmaceutical companies that are sold to the Canadian healthcare system. Those drugs are then sold in Canada at low low prices after receiving huge subsidies from Canadian taxpayers.
Importing drugs from Canada means obtaining them at their low subsidized Canadian prices, then sending them over the border to the US to be sold at a higher prices.
In this scenario, the Canadian taxpayers are victimized.
There are 34 million Canadians, and there 305 million Americans. If the US legalized the importation of drugs from Canada, the demand from our huge market would overwhelm Canada's drug subsidy. The small nation of Canada would go broke giving a huge price break to Americans who would consume the entire drug inventory bought by Canada, leaving no drugs for the Canadians.
The importers would earn huge profits until the subsidies were discontinued or Canada outlawed the sales to US buyers.
In other words, people who believe the is something to be gained from importing drugs from Canada believe there is a free lunch.
obama used chicago slum lord/best pal rezko's dirty money to buy his own chicago home
and now obama has given stimulus funds to rezko's fellow slumlordss in nyc...
Where is the following information.
* Panahou Academy school records, 5th through 12th grades
* Occidental College records, including financial aid information.
* Columbia University records, including the missing senior thesis and financial aid information.
* Harvard University records, including information on how a student who never wrote anything (that can be found) was elected president of the prestigious law review, and including information on how Harvard Law School was afforded by humble community agitator, Barack Obama.
* Obama’s Illinois state senate records and papers, mysteriously lost.
ditto anon
bill c was the first to say obama was a "fantasy" when discussing obama's grossly embellished objection to the same war in iraq that obama now escalates...
even before rev wright alluded to the same sentiment
no truer words were ever spoken
the joker has joked us all
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